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Hi! I'm Amy. Some of my favorite brands are PINK Victoria's Secret, Nike, Adidas, True Religion, Frankie B.,and Puma. I am a top rated seller and suggested user! My items come from a cat friendly home. While I try to launder all items that are not NWT and keep them in storage bins, if you are sensitive to animals, you may need to shop another closet so that I can avoid any poor ratings and you can be a happy buyer! Thanks for stopping by and happy poshing!

28 others
like this

Hey there! Yay on starting up your closet 👍🏼 Hope you have fun buying & have plenty of success selling your items! Feel free to ask me any questions, I'd be happy to help. I'm Tanya by the way, stop by sometime! 💌
Nov 08Reply

@tanyaportillo Thank you! I've been doing a whole lot of buying! I need to start selling! Lol!
Nov 08Reply

Lol tell me about it!!! So addicting 🙈
Nov 08Reply

@tanyaportillo Very!!!
Nov 08Reply

Welcome to poshmark! I'm Raven, suggested user & party host. Check out my closet and the thousands Poshmark has to offer! Can't wait to see what you have in store! Happy Poshing!
Nov 08Reply

@simplyraymac Thank you!
Nov 08Reply

Hi! Welcome to the wonderful community of Poshmark!! If you ever have questions please feel free to tag me!! 💖
Happy Poshing!
Nov 08Reply

@bluedragonfly75 hey you! 😊Im gonna have to send your package of shoes in 2 separate packages due to weight issues! One package will have poshmark label and one package will have my own personal label! So be on the lookout and let me know when you get this please thank you!🤗
May 01Reply

@runningirl49 Okay! Sorry about that! I will definitely let you know. Thank you so much! 😘
May 01Reply

@bluedragonfly75 ok one box will be coming UPS and the tracking number is 1Z16 A4T00375332691 should arrive on Friday!
May 01Reply

@runningirl49 Sounds good! Thank you for the update!
May 01Reply

@bluedragonfly75 thank you for your purchase. I've already got them sent out today. Please let me know when you receive the items and hope you enjoy them.
May 03Reply

@mzkrish I saw that you already shipped! You're awesome! I will definitely let you know! Thank you so much! 😘
May 03Reply

@bluedragonfly75 you're very welcome. I figure with all the time I have I might as well get it done. Lol!
May 03Reply

@runningirl49 I got the white sandals and the purple DC's today! They look great! Should I accept the order or wait on the rest to be delivered? Not sure how to go about it when the order is split like that....
May 04Reply

@bluedragonfly75 yay thanks for the rating. Glad you like the products. Yay!
May 04Reply

@bluedragonfly75 wonderful! Why don't you wait til the blue denim heels come in? That way you have it all and can give a full rating! Sound good? 👍🏼😊
May 04Reply

@runningirl49 Yep! Sounds good!
May 04Reply

@bluedragonfly75 hey! Did you get your package today?
May 05Reply

@runningirl49 Hi! I was just about to message you! Unfortunately, I was at work when UPS tried to deliver. 😞 The notice I received said it will be available for pick-up on the next WEEKDAY by 1 pm. They don't leave the package here in my apartment complex. They bring it to my local UPS pick-up point....
May 06Reply

@bluedragonfly75 you cant pick it up tomorrow? I know they are open on Saturdays? Well let me know when you have them! I can't wait to see what you think!😊
May 06Reply

@runningirl49 I'm going to try for tomorrow. They bring it to the hardware store up the street from me. I called them today (hoping) and they didn't have it yet.
May 06Reply

@bluedragonfly75 im so glad you got everything and you like them! Enjoy !💕
May 09Reply

Hi Amy! I have been calculating & I have 25% off with sale + bundle, then 20% to Poshmark. At 45% off I don't make much, but I will accept your offer if you want to counter your initial offer. Regardless...Hope you have a great weekend!
May 27Reply

@bmjmatheson No, that's ok. I'll pay $'s always worth a shot! Lol...thanks, and I totally understand. Have a good weekend yourself!
May 27Reply

@bluedragonfly75 Good morning☀️I overcharged you & feel terrible! Spaced out or super tired last night 😬 Will throw some $$ cash in your package!
May 27Reply

@bmjmatheson I was tired did you overcharge me? I'm still
May 27Reply

@bluedragonfly75 I had the 10% off 🇺🇸ed items that wasn't calculated in. Only Posh & my bundle discount applied...sorry! Great deal...Couple bucks back in your pocket😍
May 27Reply

@bmjmatheson I was wondering about the flag thing...I thought maybe you already calculated that in or something and that I had just lowballed you! Thank You! They look really nice and well taken care of!
May 27Reply

Hey hun I noticed you bundled, I'm super new here, I believe all you have to do is bundle and buy, if not do I take the 25% off for you? I'm sorry I'm having to get this info from you I apologize if it's unprofessional it's just your my first bundle. I tried to seek assistance but I'm still waiting to hear back. Thank you.
May 27Reply

@jddesigns's takes the discount off automatically for you. I just haven't purchases it yet because I've been spending a lot and not selling a lot! The items I bundled are still available for others to buy though...just in case you didn't know that..
May 27Reply

@bluedragonfly75 I totally understand I've done the same thing lol. It's totally ok and I appreciate the understanding. Posh on hun and hopefully you can still purchase them. Have a great weekend, I'll try to help you out by sharing your closet. God bless.
May 27Reply

Hi dear! Will be happy to see you in my closet! Hope you will like it! 😊Just make an offer with the price you like! Have a great day ❤️❤️❤️
May 28Reply

Hi! I don't mean to bother you but I can lower the price on that neon blue and green bikini that you liked to $15 so you can have reduced shipping if you're interested :)
May 29Reply

@destinym162 You're not bothering me hun! I hit "like" on that to show my daughter when she comes over and see if she wants to buy it.
May 29Reply

@bluedragonfly75 Ah ok, thank you for the like!! Have a wonderful night :)
May 29Reply

@destinym162 You too hun!
May 29Reply

Take advantage of your bundle with my FLASH SALE today only, please let me know if you have any questions
May 31Reply

Hey check out my closet! Brand new Chokers, bras, etc!😁😊✨🌺❤️
May 31Reply

Hi, My name is Jan. How are you enjoying Poshmark? Are you able to get your head out of your phone. I know I can't! Lol. It's soo addictinmg. If you get a chance check out my closet . I have major designers for a fraction of the cost! Happy Poshing!
May 31Reply

Hi! I know there are so many fabulous closets on Posh but I would be grateful if you checked out mine! I always include a free extra surprise with any order. Either way, thanks so much for your time and have a wonderful day!
Jun 07Reply

@spreadlove hello Amy thank you for sharing some of my listings I have done the same with your listings. Nice meeting you and looking forward to buying and visiting your closet again soon. Happy Poshing 💕👗👠💕🌷
Jun 08Reply

Hey, thanks for all your shares 👍👏
Jun 09Reply

@belsano Right back atcha! 😉
Jun 09Reply

Jun 17Reply

Hello , saw you placed and then canceled the order. If you put two items in the cart and tell me what third and fourth one you want via a message I'll place them as sold and add them to your package. This way you get the BOGO deal. Let me know.
Jun 18Reply

Thank for all the shares!❤️😊🤗🐶🌺🌺
Jun 28Reply

@bluedragonfly75 Thank you so much, for sharing!!💐💐💐💖💖💖
Jul 19Reply

@stace1posh No problem! Thank you as well!
Jul 19Reply

Thanks for like.
Aug 05Reply

Hi you love dragonfles too!!
Aug 10Reply

@dragonflydivas Love them! 😊
Aug 10Reply

@bluedragonfly75 😊🤗 So nice to meet you Amy, I'm Pam ! ❤️
Aug 10Reply

@dragonflydivas Nice to meet you as well, Pam! 🦋🌹💟
Aug 10Reply

Hi @bluedragonfly75 I bought the juicy dress yesterday, can you tell me when it will ship?
Aug 23Reply

@jrlamorte122 Hi hun, I was just going to message you! I was waiting for someone to buy the bundle they wanted so I could just go the post office once, but regardless if she buys today I will ship yours out tomorrow. Sorry for any inconvenience and thank you so much for your purchase!
Aug 24Reply

@bluedragonfly75 ah ok, do you know how long by any chance? I probably should have ordered earlier but any chance it will be to NJ by sat?
Aug 24Reply

@jrlamorte122 Oh sweetie, I didn't know you needed it for something! I would have made two trips then...I guess I'm not sure how long it would take. It says 1-3 day shipping but not sure about how long for NJ. Did you need to cancel? I understand if you do...
Aug 24Reply

I noticed you liked two pairs of shoes from my closet - bundle and make an offer. I am ready to get my closet cleaned out 😃
Aug 28Reply

Thank you for all your shares 😊I love ❤️ your closet..😁🌹🌺🌷🐞
Aug 28Reply

@ladybug7065 Same to you! 😙👍💟❣
Aug 28Reply

@bluedragonfly75 hi welcome to Posh if you ever get bored come take a look at my closet I'm open to offers and trades
Sep 13Reply

I smoke as well and tho i gave a woman a beautiful pair of BeItsy Johnson shoes I was given 1 star & she ranted about how horrible they smelled she had to put them outside. I would have apologized but that kind of rating could cost me buyers and im sick to death of losing people over something i could do something about. I HAVE and NOW enclose air fresheners and so my very best to ensure the smell is gone before anything leaves. The comment was uncalled for tho - it was rude as hell.
Sep 15Reply

@theplansj2911 Yea, I haven't had any problems other than my last two sales. I bought generic fabric freshener this time around though. Maybe I should stick with brand!
Sep 15Reply

i know yer werkin. I had to delete one thing. Coming up on October I doubt Ill need it. BUT this is NOT over. Im gonna make another bundle soon because you have been too good to me and this time i want make it worth your while so lets get thru this one and ill make another one soon.
Sep 15Reply

I use febreeze, leave them outside in the shade when the weather is nice then include fragrance sachets. I can only hope it works well. I had only one complaint but it was so nasty. Talk to me about it not the whole world! Is it any wonder my stuff isnt selling now????
Sep 15Reply

oh and everything is always washed before sent and ironed if need be.
Sep 15Reply

I just need a price on this bundle and ill be good to go. im so sorry im such a hassle. ill make it up to you.
Sep 15Reply

I have a VERY important question about the J crew Espadrilles ASAP. Can you get back to me about them...well...uh...ASAP?
Sep 15Reply

@theplansj2911 What's up?
Sep 15Reply

@theplansj2911 Do you only want the shoes you made an offer on? I'm confused lol
Sep 15Reply

I cant add them to this bundle as sadly i had to remove one item to accomodate pricing for it. BUT I was curious to know if you could hold onto the JCrew wedges till Tues when i get paid - ill even throw in a couple things.
Sep 15Reply

If not i totally get it. and sorry to bother you
Sep 15Reply

@theplansj2911 I'm only on a smoke break. Can't have my phone on me at work. I'm off at 8
Sep 15Reply

@bluedragonfly75 I did that so no one would try and take them.
Sep 15Reply

Im so sorry we can talk then
Sep 15Reply

@theplansj2911 Someone can still buy even if you make an offer hun, but yes, I will decline your offer then and hold them til Tuesday for you. Did you still want to purchase anything today though?
Sep 15Reply

Oh yeah i just deleted one thing from the list cuz we are coming up on sweater weather.
Sep 15Reply

just need new offer sorry - if we ever meet i WILL let you hit me
Sep 15Reply

@theplansj2911 Oh, it was too much $?
Sep 16Reply

@theplansj2911 What did you remove? I don't remember the original
Sep 16Reply

@theplansj2911 You still trying to work out this bundle or no, hun?
Sep 16Reply

Oh the original bundle was there - i only removed a pink flowy shirt called Tobi. Everything else was there. Thats what i needed a price on.
Sep 16Reply

Everything else that was left after removing that shirt.
Sep 16Reply

I didnt take the whole bundle away
Sep 16Reply

I wish I could have your body w/o all of the hard work!!! Lol! Joints are suffering from my 20-30's ventures in these things😬 you are a beauty!
Sep 19Reply

@lisaabv Awww, you are so sweet to say that! I have hit the hurting joints point myself though! Lol. 😙
Sep 19Reply

@bluedragonfly75 my brother is a orthopaedic veterinarian surgeon, 2 years younger than I and he's in amazing shape! Crosfit x10 years! Owns his own box. He and his wife are freaking beasts!!! Go gettem!
Sep 19Reply

@lisaabv Wow! Yea, my mom and step dad are in their 60's and run marathons and do those Tough Mudder things, or whatever they're called! People think my mom is my sister! Lol!
Sep 19Reply

@bluedragonfly75 man!!! Way awesome!!! My daughters get upset when that happens to them! Lol!
Sep 19Reply

Hi! I love your style and I’ll give you a killer deal on Frankie B’s just make me an offer.
Nov 16Reply

@sfnyny515 Thanks! Believe me, I've pondered on your Frankie B's often, but I'd have to have them altered and I'm already having to start selling some of my jeans because I can't afford altering them All! Lol. I will def keep thinking about it though! Love Frankies! Thanks again!
Nov 16Reply

@bluedragonfly75 I adore Frankie’s as well and Guess what? I graduated from fashion Institute of technology with a BFA in fashion design so you give me your inseam and I can hem them for you! The right way with the cuff reattached correctly.
Nov 16Reply

@sfnyny515 Seriously!? Wow! That's so generous of you!
Nov 16Reply

@bluedragonfly75 keeps me out of trouble seeing as how I am unemployed at the moment. LOL
Nov 16Reply

@sfnyny515 Okay, well now I will have to decide which ones I really want! I'm going to sleep on it and I have tomorrow off work so I can play around a bit more on here. Thanks hun! 😙
Nov 16Reply

@sfnyny515 I also don't want to lowball you especially since you're unemployed and are also willing to hem them. My son just got me for 3 pair of True Religion jeans off here for his birthday, so money is tight though at the moment...
Nov 16Reply

@bluedragonfly75 no Pressure and no worries! I live a fellow Frankie B fan!!
Nov 16Reply

@sfnyny515 😊 I bought my first pair off Poshmark a few months ago and have been obsessed ever since! I love the low rise and overall look of them! Thank you hun! I will be in touch tomorrow at some point! Decisions,
Nov 16Reply

@bluedragonfly75 I have over 75 pairs of Frankie’s so if there is a particular pair you are looking for let me know chances are I have them I just haven’t listed yet
Nov 16Reply

@sfnyny515 Oh my goodness! Yes, there are a few I really like but the sellers want too much for them...maybe they're super rare or something. I will tag you in them or something and see if maybe you have them...
Nov 16Reply

Thanks for all the shares💕
Nov 20Reply

@kdminster Same to you! 😙
Nov 20Reply

How does this thing work?!?!?
Dec 17Reply

@spud1985 Welcome! What exactly do you want to know? Are you trying to buy or sell or both?
Dec 17Reply

Hi love!! Thank you so much for checking out my closet!! 💕
If you decide to look around for more items, just bundle, I can send you a discount!! Hugs!!
Jan 16Reply

Hi! Love your closet. Please review my offer and or counter offer. My daughter wants theses clothes for her birthday.
Jan 24Reply

@maryjanoff I will start getting your order together tonight, hun! Thank you so much for your purchases! I hope your daughter will love everything!
Jan 24Reply

@bluedragonfly75 thank you! I forgot to add two things, is it too late to add something on?
Jan 24Reply

@maryjanoff What did you forget?
Jan 24Reply

@bluedragonfly75 the one shoulder Express dress and forever 21 pink top. I swore on my life I added it to the bundle. Sorry for making things so difficult😕
Jan 24Reply

@maryjanoff You're fine hun, no worries! I will throw those in for free. I love return customers, and to be honest, I would have accepted your first offer on your bundle anyway! You're talking about the ruffled pink top, right?
Jan 24Reply

@bluedragonfly75 good morning!! and yes the pink ruffled top and pink dress. She is obsessed with pink after all these years. Thank you for including them In the bundles. 🤗💕!! I greatly appreciate your kindness and generosity!!!!
Jan 24Reply

@maryjanoff Good morning! Sounds good hun! Unfortunately I do not have a big enough box on hand, so I will grab one from work today and ship tomorrow. I hope that is okay with you and your daughter! 😊❣💗
Jan 24Reply

@bluedragonfly75 no worries, thank you again for everything! Maybe I’ll do some more shopping 😊💕
Jan 24Reply

@maryjanoff You are very welcome! 😊😙
Jan 24Reply

@maryjanoff My mail carrier picked up your package a little while ago. I couldn't find a suitable box at work, but found an Amazon Prime box in my closet that just barely worked! Lol. I apologize if things look jammed in there! Should be on its way to you soon, hun! Thanks again! 💌😙 😊❣💞💫💓
Jan 25Reply

@bluedragonfly75 no worries about the box and thank you for the update!! I appreciate your generosity we love shopping in your closet!! xoxos 🤗
Jan 26Reply

@maryjanoff And I love that you love shopping in my closet! Lol! 🤗😙
Jan 26Reply

I’m so glad you love the purse and the wallet...always makes me day to know that I’ve put a smile in someone’s face!!!♥️and thanks so much for the great rating, your the best😁feeling much better!
Feb 15Reply

@jtst2911 Definitely smiling! 😊 Already switched everything over to my new purse! Glad you're feeling better!
Feb 15Reply

@bluedragonfly75 yeah!!! It’s Friday tomorrow so time to take it out for a wine or two!! I know I need that!! Lol😁
Feb 15Reply

So glad you love the jeans ❤️ Feel free to shop my closet anytime!
Mar 08Reply

@bluedragonfly75 Thank you so much. I will ship these out on Monday. Have a great weekend.
Mar 10Reply

@nymommy42 Thank You! Have a great weekend yourself! 😊
Mar 10Reply

Hey there!😁
I just saw ur 3 likes in my closet... just so u know, I give $5 off a pair when 2 pairs are purchased, $7 off PER PAIR when 3 pairs are purchased (that would give U $21 off), $10 off per pair w/4 or more, This is IN ADDITION to the bundling bonus!
Thank you so much for ur likes!!!
Apr 22Reply

@nitrowin Thank you! I will definitely keep that in mind! 😊
Apr 22Reply

So glad u loved the Rocks😁😁😁😁 Enjoy this beautiful weekend!
May 27Reply

@rachellien27 You as well! Thanks again! 😊
May 27Reply

I like the shorts..I will take your offer Thank you😊🌻🌷please resubmit and I will accept
May 28Reply

@lipstick52 Thanks hun, I appreciate that. They're brand new so I tried to offer you my lowest...
May 28Reply

I completely understand ..I am vey happy with your offer and appreciate you dropping the price for me 👍👌😊
May 28Reply

@lipstick52 No problem, you're very welcome! I'll get them shipped tomorrow for you! 😊🌷🌻💕
May 29Reply

Hi, I’m interested in the Cabi jeans you sent me a message about. Apple Pay is really slow and not responding to my print. I will keep trying. Btw, I grew up in MN. It’s nice to “meet” another individual!
May 29Reply

@hdumez Well it's very nice to "meet" you too! The offer is good for 24 hrs. If you still can't get it to work, just throw them in a bundle and I'll send you the same offer when Apple Pay cooperates for you! 😊🌷💕
May 29Reply

It worked!
May 29Reply

@hdumez Yay! I'm working late today, but I'm aiming to get them shipped out tomorrow for you! Thank you so much for your purchase! 😙💕
May 29Reply

@hdumez Hi again! I just wanted to let you know that I must not have had my usual carrier today because I just came home from work only to find your package still on top of my mail box! I apologize for the delay. I have tomorrow off, so I will be making sure it goes out!
May 31Reply

Sorry sweetie didn’t mean to put the 29 rocks in your dressing room my apologies
May 31Reply

@cagney76 Lol. No worries, hun! 😊
May 31Reply

Hey Amy !!
Thanks IN ADVANCE for the FOLLOW BACK hun !!
Really appreciate the support.
This is such a fun community full of so many fabulous women (men) & I'm having a great time meeting EVERYONE !! Here's to HOPING I see you in my closet soon, till THEN
Have a fantastic day :):)
Always, xo, Lips & Lashes💋💋
Jun 14Reply

I absolutely ❤️ your description! LOL it gets no realer then that! 😂
Jun 18Reply

@ninas_closet11 Lol, thanks hun! ❤
Jun 18Reply

Wow! You have an amazing closet! I could and will share for days. And I have to say that your fitness level is very apparent you model your items so well. Seeing your cute clothes and how nicely they fit you makes me want to get my butt in gear and start lifting again! Anyway- lovely closet and I hope it’s nice to hear that you have been a fitness inspiration to someone clear up in Alaska today, lol! Have a great weekend!
Jul 07Reply

@m0ll3pprz Aww, thank you so much! I appreciate all the shares too! I'll try my best to match I hope you enjoy the bikini. It's so pretty! You have a great weekend as well sweetie! 😊💕
Jul 07Reply

@bluedragonfly75 nice to meet you love you’re cute closet thanks for all the posh love!!
Jul 26Reply

@lindylu19 Nice to meet you too! I appreciate all the posh love as well! 😊
Jul 26Reply

@bluedragonfly75 ❤️👋🏻
Jul 26Reply

Love your closet! I’m an animal lover as well I sent you a bundle of some jeans you might like I saw you had some really cute miss me jeans in my size I have some in yours as well that I thought you might like happy poshing! ❤️
Aug 25Reply

@fancygirl26 Thank you! Love your closet as well! Love your jeans too! I'm trying to calm my spending for the moment as I still do not have a vehicle and am trying to save! Lol. I still splurge from time to time and will definitely keep an eye on your closet! 😊🌷💕😙🌻😍
Aug 25Reply

@simon1975 Okay, I'll just do that so you get your funds back. I'm so sorry. We've had some new people move in to our building. Not sure if that's how it got stolen or not...I'll just have to start going directly to post office. I don't want to risk my mailbox anymore....
Sep 02Reply

Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Sep 19Reply

Hi! I’m really new to this whole thing so not quite sure if this is where to ask a question or not...?? I’ve been looking at a pair of your high top Converse. I really want them but I’m not sure they’ll fit. AND...I’m away from home and wouldn’t be able to try them on until I get home in a month or so!! Not sure what to do...but don’t want to let these slip by!!!
Oct 19Reply

@jluberts Hi there! Unfortunately if you were to buy them now, the sale would be final 3 full days after delivery. Poshmark gives you 3 days to inspect and accept your package. They also really don't do refunds/or returns if something doesn't fit unless I listed them as the wrong size. Do you know your size in Converse?
Oct 19Reply

@jluberts Converse tends to run a little big.
Oct 19Reply

@bluedragonfly75 I generally wear a 9 or 9.5, but sometimes I need to go up a size in the high tops.
Oct 19Reply

@jluberts If you are able to measure a pair of your high tops from heel to toe I can also measure these and you could see if they measure the same? I'm not sure what else we can do to see if they'll fit you sweetie...
Oct 19Reply

@jluberts These high tops measure 11" from heel to toe. Maybe a smidge over that...
Oct 19Reply

@bluedragonfly75 my foot measured a little over 10 inches so I’m gonna go accept the offer right now!!!
Oct 19Reply

@jluberts Sweet!
Oct 19Reply

@jluberts Thanks for your purchase hun! I might not be able to ship right away, but you said you're not going to be home for a while right?
Oct 19Reply

@bluedragonfly75 I won’t be back to Minnesota until mid November so I’m in no hurry!!
Oct 19Reply

@jluberts Okay, great. I've been shipping on my days off when I can be home since I had a couple packages stolen in my building. I don't have a vehicle to go to the actual post office so I have my carrier knock on my door so no one else is disappointed by their purchase being stolen...
Oct 19Reply

@bluedragonfly75 I could go on and on about idiots who steal stuff, but I’ll spare you the rant! No worries at all, I’m in no rush. Thanks for’ve been AMAZING to work with.
Oct 19Reply

@jluberts You're very welcome! I'm so glad someone will enjoy these super unique shoes! 😊
Oct 19Reply

😍 I'm so Happy you loved the purse hun!! Thank you again for being such a Great buyer and Awesome lady to work with!! A very Happy New Year to you too!!🤗
Jan 01Reply

@bluedragonfly75 hey lady!! I had a quick question? Do you know how to un-sell an item. A buyer didn’t buy it so I need to take it off sold and I can’t figure out how and Posh is NOT getting back to me on it. Any idea? Thank luv man I’ve missed your closet...❤️
Jan 28Reply

@theplansj2911 Hey girlie! If it has the red sold sign on it, you have to re-list it again. Take the pictures etc. I've had a couple cancellations on sales and unfortunately you have to do it all over again. I've missed you! Hope that info helps! 😊
Jan 28Reply

@bluedragonfly75 I’ve missed you!! You’re the sweetest thing doll! Thank you. Now will that take the other listing down cuz I can’t delete the one that says sold. It won’t let me do anything to it.
Jan 28Reply

@theplansj2911 No it doesn't go away. I'm not sure why it stays if they cancel. A couple of my items are like that. A pair of Ugg clogs and a Vineyard Vines shirt look like I sold them twice because the first buyers cancelled.
Jan 28Reply

@bluedragonfly75 ugh - how annoying! Oh well. Se la vi. Thank you my sweet! Can’t wait to visit your closet again. I’m dealing with a large issue of fraud. 🙄🙄real bad. I’ll be back up in running I hope in a couple weeks.
Jan 28Reply

@theplansj2911 Damn, that sucks girl! Hope it gets figured out for you!
Jan 28Reply

Hi! I wish there was a way to message you privately! I’m truly interested in your jeans! But sometimes they don’t fit juuussst right. Would it be to much to ask your height and weight the time you were wearing these jeans? That would help me get a better idea. According to my current weight. Happy to give you my cellphone number if you’ll delete it off right afterwards
Feb 01Reply

Or discuss more over Facebook messenger!
Feb 01Reply

@tayjobes Hey sweetie! These were my sisters. I'm not sure her stats, I can try to find out for you though. Or can you maybe measure a pair of your best fitting jeans to compare against these ones? Let me know what else i can do to help you. At work, but I will try to get back to you as soon as I can! 😊
Feb 01Reply

@bluedragonfly75 -17 1/4 !!
Feb 01Reply

@tayjobes Are you saying that's what you need for the waist, hun?
Feb 01Reply

@bluedragonfly75 yes! Sorry lol
Feb 01Reply

@tayjobes Aww, man! So I guess these won't work...😔
Feb 01Reply

@tayjobes The jeans have a total of 31"
Feb 01Reply

@bluedragonfly75 i think that’s the length of the pant leg. I want the measurement from hip to hip! Where you button them. If you can
Feb 01Reply

@tayjobes Okay, when I get off work I will do it for you...😊
Feb 01Reply

@tayjobes I should be home around 7:30 my time...not sure where you are. 😊
Feb 02Reply

@bluedragonfly75 Kansas! 6:45 here!! No worries. Take your time!
Feb 02Reply

@tayjobes Okay. Same time zone. Lol..
Feb 02Reply

@tayjobes I made a separate listing and tagged you sweetie.
Feb 02Reply

@bluedragonfly75 Hey hun! Thanks so much for the offer but my cards are being investigated Becca use of fraud. AGAIN! I can’t believe this is happening! If you can wait a week I can do it, if not I understand.
Feb 05Reply

I meant Investigating BECAUSE not BECCA.
Feb 05Reply

@theplansj2911 Lol, I knew what you were trying to say. No worries about the offer, it just automatically goes to everyone who "liked" the listing.
Feb 05Reply

Greetings I have a new MomandPopShop here on Poshmark that specializes in unique finds at a great price. As a results my inventory is moving at a steady pace and I would like to invite you to come and shop with us. Peace and blessings to you and your family.
Jul 14Reply

@imbarbie0814 Hey girly, I meant to say they also have capris too! I just didn't want someone to get mad at you or give you a poor rating because you called them crops..I bought some RR "Crops" off here awhile back & they were actually just rolled up 'Annie Boot'.I personally never complained though. They were still nice.
Jul 18Reply

@imbarbie0814 Checking out your closet..
Jul 18Reply

@imbarbie0814 Lol, I didn't mean to make you wonder about anything! Sleep good, sweetie! 😴
Jul 18Reply

You have so many nice items!!!
Aug 26Reply

@tkaya7706 Thank you! I'm always open to offers! 😊 I have too much! Lol
Aug 26Reply

Amy, I saw that you liked a NWT white Rock Revival Lyndon skinny jeans from another seller. I have listed mine YESTERDAY (also NWT in size 27) for a MUCH better price. Do check out my closet as I just added 12 other items yesterday & may have other items you might like…possibly bundle with the jeans for a great deal. Let me know if you have any questions. Hugs, Jules
Oct 13Reply

Yay!! I’m so glad you like them. I hope they fit perfect!
Oct 18Reply

Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Apr 12Reply

Hey girl I'm back😊. Looking for a faux leather jacket in black S/M if you have or can find one
Oct 11Reply

@vonnedutch Hey! Tried to message you on your phone. Says number unavailable. I have a hooded 100% genuine leather jacket. About waist length, size M...
Oct 11Reply

@bluedragonfly75 my number still the same. Send me a picture on fb please
Oct 11Reply

@vonnedutch I just sent pics on Messenger
Oct 11Reply

I have another mask that I will sell you for the same price if you want it
Nov 11Reply

@dtwaters73 Hi! Thanks for the offer...just wish I had bundled them. Shipping cost sucks on here! If you’re ever willing to go lower than that, let me know. Have a great night! 😊
Nov 13Reply

@bluedragonfly75 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 15Reply
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