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Updated Apr 12
Updated Apr 12

Meet Your Posher

INC International Concepts



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Hi, my name is Martha, I am a wife, mother of four, and a grandmother of nine. God & Family comes first, I am so Bless for having them all in my life🙏🏻Thank you stopping by & May you have a Blessed Day 🙏🏻❤️
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marthaarellano Hi my name is Marta, I am a wife, mother of four and a grandmother of eight, I have a full schedule on my hands but finally I decide to be part of the posh family, please check out my closet and let me know if you like anything you see❤️ Thank you for stopping by!
Oct 30Reply
emalabama @marthaarellano Hey Martha! I wanted to stop by & say that you have a GORGEOUS closet!💖 So classy & sophisticated. You take beautifully styled photos as well!🌟 Posh is a great community where women really support each other. I'd be happy to help you with anything you need! I know things can be overwhelming, confusing or just time consuming, so I'd be glad to answer any questions you have & pass along tricks/tips I've learned along the way.😊 Best of luck!🎉💕
Nov 02Reply
marthaarellano @emalabama Hi Ema, I just recently send you a comment, I am new to this all and I think I send it to you directly, but again I just wanted to say thank you and that you are very sweet and beautiful and I also love all you listing, everything you have are gorgeous pieces, I look forward to owning one of your outfits soon 😘💕
Nov 02Reply
apsurf15 @marthaarellano wow, what beautiful listings!! Your closet deserved many shares! Time was put into making such beautiful pictures and I wish you so much success on PoshMark!! 💕😇💗🎉
Nov 04Reply
marthaarellano @apsurf15 Hi Anita, Thank you so much, You are too sweet, I love your closet too ❤️ and Thank you for sharing my closet, I have had my account for a while but never posted anything until now so I am new to it all and so far I am very impressed by what I have seem and how nice everyone is, I appreciate the love, I will share your closet too, Thank you again! 💕
Nov 04Reply
apsurf15 @marthaarellano aw, thank you so much. And yes the PoshMark community has been incredibly supportive and so much fun. Thank you for all the shares. I'll be sure to stop by yours often and get your listings out there! 💕💗🌴🌺☀️
Nov 04Reply
adornedbyamie @marthaarellano Beautiful closet! You have great taste!
Nov 12Reply
marthaarellano @adornedbyamie Hi Amie, Thank you so much you are so sweet, I love your closet too, love sharing your items, thank you again❤️ I will continue checking out your closet and sharing your lovely items 💕
Nov 12Reply
adornedbyamie @marthaarellano Thank you! I appreciate that.
Nov 12Reply
marthaarellano @khattie Hi Khattie, Thank you so much for sharing my closet, I love ❤️ all your items, very chic and classy, will definitely continue to share your outfits and accessories. Thanks again💕
Nov 13Reply
lindsey302016 @marthaarellano thank you for all the shares in my closet! So nice of you!! Btw you have such a beautiful family!
Nov 25Reply
marthaarellano @lindsey302016 aww, your welcome and Thank you Lindsey, your so sweet, love your closet and your doggie is adorable😍, hope you had a great Thanksgiving,!!
Nov 25Reply
lindsey302016 @marthaarellano thank you!!! You as well! 🦃🦃🦃
Nov 25Reply
marthaarellano @monetscloset Hi Suzanne, aww you are so sweet, it's funny because I do the same thing too, I like knowing a bit about the person I am following and sharing, it always very nice reading their about me's and sharing their pictures, I love your dog 🐶 gorgeous! Thank again and New Year🎉 May you and your family have many blessing throughout this New Year 🙏🏻
Jan 05Reply
sweetieheart Hi Martha, You have amazing style. I love your closet. All the wrong sizes for me, but still very beautiful.
Jan 07Reply
marthaarellano @tm_stuff Hi Tina, Thank you so much, you are very sweet, by the way I am not those size's anymore either that's why I am selling them, I love you closet too and if that is you wearing the black dress you look gorgeous, thank you for stoping by and sharing, I will also continue to visit yours and share your items💕💕
Jan 08Reply
stars4u99 @marthaarellano You have great style and taste. Your closet is gorgeous! I really feel you could be a top seller. My advice to you if you are intrrested in pursuing is to share, share, share and follow everyone you can. It will boost your sales and get you exposure to grow... Good luck! You have a great family!
Jan 12Reply
marthaarellano @stars4u99 Hi Susan, Thank you so much, I really appreciate your advice, I love checking out other people's closets and seeing the variety of styles, I love you sharing all the ones I like, you also have a very lovely closet, I will continue to share your beautiful items! Thank you again💕
Jan 12Reply
tigspirit Thank you for sharing my item. 😘. Great closet! You're truly inspiring. 💞💞
Jan 13Reply
marthaarellano @tigspirit Hi Vivian, Thank you, you are so sweet, thank you also for the shares, I am also learning because I new to Poshmark, all I can say is look at other closets and they will also inspire you and whatever you don't want anymore just sell it, good luck to you and much success 💕
Jan 13Reply
buywithgrace Super cute closet 💚
Jan 13Reply
marthaarellano @buywithgrace Hi Grace, Thank you for the shares and your comment, just saw your closet and I love it, you have super cute items too, I will continue to stop by and share your items! Thanks again💕
Jan 13Reply
fivetenandahalf Beautiful family and closet!
Jan 23Reply
marthaarellano @fivetenandahalf Hi Leah, Thank you so much your are so sweet and you have made my night❤️ I just saw your closet and it is amazing, so many beautiful items to choose from, loved sharing them and I will continue to stop by and share your items💕💕
Jan 23Reply
fivetenandahalf @marthaarellano thank you thank you thank you!
Jan 23Reply
turtledove56 Thanks for sharing 💞💐Beautiful family!
Jan 24Reply
arbitrarilychic What a beautiful, classy closet...AND family! We have 4 children as well, but under 6, so no grandkids yet lol. Enjoy Posh, and welcome! ✌💕
Jan 25Reply
marthaarellano @mamazthang, I am sorry I got so caught up in your story I forgot to tell you your closet is gorgeous, love ❤️ all of your items😍
Jan 25Reply
rposen @marthaarellano You have a lovely family & closet!😍 If you create a Following Game I will tag my PFF's with it! Just tag me with it!🙏🏻 💐 P
Jan 30Reply
marthaarellano @rposen Ronna, That's so sweet, Thank you so much and yes I would love to💕💕💕
Jan 30Reply
rposen @marthaarellano Ok. Tag me with it!💝
Jan 30Reply
momisnuttz @marthaarellano OMGoodness! You are nuttz! I just got in from job #2 and noticed you shared my entire closet...AGAIN!!!!! You dah bestest PFF EVER! I'm jumping up and down in my kitchen with giddiness! This morning I showed all the teachers at school your (and your daughter's) closet and showed them how to shop the Posh! Then at job #2 I did the same with a fellow Posher (Sabrina Neptune!). Now we need to meet over cawfee (that's how we say coffee in New Jersey). Love you more! 💟💕😘😁
Feb 01Reply
marthaarellano @momisnuttz you always seem to make me laugh so much 😂😂 get used to it, I will continue to share your closet, they had a boot and shoes party today so remember you had so many beautiful shoes so I shared them all lol and besides I am trying to help you sell your items, but as always it is a pleasure to share all of your lovely items❤️😘
Feb 01Reply
momisnuttz @marthaarellano Starbucks, here we come! Venti lattes (w/a splash from dee flask...!). Yes, most every preschool teacher owns one!😅🙌😇
Feb 02Reply
marthaarellano @momisnuttzI I don't know who is having more fun the kids or the teachers 😂 and definitely when I visit New Jersey I will take you up on that cafewee! 💕❤️😘
Feb 02Reply
angelbritton I just really looked at this post and you have a gorgeous daughter! I dont know if all these kids are yours but a beautiful family!
Feb 04Reply
marthaarellano @angelbritton Aww, Thank you Britt, Two of them are my daughters and all the kiddies are my grandkids, I have 8 grandchildren in total💕🤗
Feb 04Reply
angelbritton @marthaarellano oh wow I was referring to your grandaughter then..the one with the braid on her head..she is really pretty. You are a young grandma and so am i! I have two sons, 3 grandsons, 2 step children and 2 more grandchildren on the way! It's wonderful being a grandma!😘😄
Feb 04Reply
marthaarellano @deutzcat your welcome, any time, I really enjoy sharing and see all the wonderful and beautiful closets like yours💕 Thank you as well for all your shares 💕 Have a great evening!!
Feb 05Reply
marimach Beautiful family! God bless! 💓
Feb 05Reply
marthaarellano @marimach Hi Marilyn, Thank you so much, it gets a little crazy sometimes but I am enjoying every minute when they are with me and Thank you for all the shares as well. May God bless you and your family 💕💕
Feb 05Reply
marthaarellano @marimach love your closet 😍💕
Feb 05Reply
momisnuttz @marthaarellano Wait! What? Aren't you supposed to be sleeping? Go to bed! You've gotta get up in 5 hours! Fire up the café con leche en la mañana! ☕☕☕
Feb 07Reply
marthaarellano @momisnuttz 😂 so true but I haven't had time to share, but I am getting ready now😘 good night!!!
Feb 07Reply
momisnuttz @marthaarellano Nighty-night and thank you...To the moon and back! 🌛🌜😴😴😴💟
Feb 07Reply
momisnuttz @marthaarellano So grateful for your shares today! I've been stick at school moving around V-Day party plans because a snowstorm is coming Thursday! You know where I'll be at 10pm tonight - sharing closets w/a glass of wine and 3 pieces of chocolate 🍷🍫🍫🍫😄
Feb 08Reply
marthaarellano @momisnuttz Sounds like fun😂😂 I was stuck once in February also in New York for two days due two a huge snowstorm, everything was covered in snow, beautiful but boring nothing to go just stuck in the hotel. Good luck hope it's not that bad and yes they had a best tops earlier so I was sharing your items, going to start sharing now before I start seeing The Fixer Fixer upper. 💕💕
Feb 08Reply
marthaarellano @momisnuttz By the way you don't need to share all my items, I have too many not even I share all my items, I really appreciate it but you don't have to, Thank you for always sharing❤️😘
Feb 08Reply
momisnuttz @marthaarellano Of course I must share all your items! There's 8 oz. of wine in that glass and 3 pieces of chocolate to nom on! 10pm-11pm is my Posh time! Joe (my husband), Iggy and Kate are in bed ( separate, of course!) and the house is quiet! It's my Happy Hour🕙🕚🍷🍫🍫🍫😁
Feb 08Reply
viviglam @marthaarellano hi nice to meet you u have a beautiful closet gorgeous stuff good luck to u happy poshing 💝🎀💝
Feb 08Reply
fabloot Super fabulous closet! Welcome to Posh!
Feb 08Reply
marthaarellano @fabloot Thank you so much, yours is gorgeous, so many beautiful items to choose from💕💗💕
Feb 08Reply
marthaarellano Thank you again and nice to meet you too💕you are so sweet and beautiful too💗 Have a Wonderful Day!!!
Feb 08Reply
marthaarellano @viviglam Thank you again and nice to meet you too💕💕💕Have a lovely day!!!!
Feb 08Reply
angelbritton Martha you might want to send posh an email requesting to become a Suggested User! You have the time in, the sales and the closet. Becoming a Suggested User will boost your followers and sales. If you write them a letter to they will put you on a list. It takes about 3 or 4 months at this point because their list is long. But if you plan on being here a while it's a good idea! I dont tell everyone to do this.
Feb 08Reply
marthaarellano @angelbritton Thanks for the suggestion but I only started my account about four ago my daughter open it for in 2015 I just never used until now, I still learning and I work full time too😂 but definitely in the future 💕💕
Feb 08Reply
angelbritton @marthaarellano oh if you work full time it would be too much!
Feb 08Reply
momisnuttz @marthaarellano Thank you for sharing, sharing, sharing! Did you see? Another sale earlier today! Now you're up to ☕☕☕☕☕☕☕! I'm just about to leave the boutique but had to send you my gratitude!😘😘
Feb 11Reply
marthaarellano @momisnuttz Hello there, that's awesome 🎉 congrats I am sure you will be selling more, as for me I also worked until 4:30 so I did a little bit of sharing and now I have to do hardcore sharing to catch up with all my shares😂, but anyways enough about me how are you doing today💕💕💕
Feb 11Reply
momisnuttz @marthaarellano OH. MY. GOODNESS! Heaven on earth! Is that your backyard?? I am SOOOOO coming for a long weekend visit - with Joe, of course! Today's weather in NJ - gray skies, sleet and ice on top of the snow that never melts. I'll take a pic for you once he comes home with my new phone (yay! Upgrade!
Feb 12Reply
momisnuttz @marthaarellano Happy Valentine's Day to you! Hugs and kissies to you and your beautiful family! With love from your Jersey PFF! 😘💞💗
Feb 14Reply
hmsimon1 Nice good looking family and thanks for following my creations 🌹
Feb 14Reply
marthaarellano @hmsimon1 Thank you Hank, you Jewerly is beautiful, I will start sharing some of your pieces!!
Feb 15Reply
hmsimon1 Thanks for sharing 🌹
Feb 15Reply
boudoirprincezz Thank you for the love my dear! Welcome to Posh! Beautiful closet & family 🦋
Feb 15Reply
marthaarellano @boudoirprincezz Thank you Ruby for the love as well, you have a beautiful closet with so many items to choose from💕💕
Feb 15Reply
wyndchasrborzoi Thank you so much for all the shares! ❤️😘. You have a beautiful closet! Almost makes me want to wear dresses again! 😆😆💕💕
Feb 16Reply
marthaarellano @wyndchasrborzoi Hi Sue, you are welcome and thank you too for sharing my closet, you have Beautiful items in your closet too, I will continue to share your items , thanks again have a nice evening!
Feb 16Reply
cynthialb Hi. Gm. Thank you for your support. I really appreciate it 😎👍
Feb 17Reply
marthaarellano @cynthialb Hi GM, You are welcome and thank you also for the shares, love your closet, your items are adorable 💕
Feb 17Reply
chewsigirl Hey niña 🤗🤗 it was great to meet you at #poshmiami last night😊 your hubby was awesome too!!! Cuando quieras nos vamos a tomar un cafecito o un vinito por ahí😉 Bendiciones ✨✌🏼💚😊✨
Feb 17Reply
marthaarellano @chewsigirl aww, sounds great, I will definitely take you up on that❤️😘 cariños !!!
Feb 17Reply
chewsigirl @marthaarellano Martha, por que parte de la ciudad estas tú? I don't recall you and I sharing notes on that, only with Gina... yo estoy por Shenandoah... La Pequeña Habana😉
Feb 17Reply
marthaarellano @chewsigirl I live behind Belen on SW 127th
Feb 17Reply
chewsigirl @marthaarellano wahhhhh!!! I drove to and from there 2x a day for many years!!!!!!
Feb 17Reply
chewsigirl @marthaarellano estamos lejitos pero we will get together somehow soon, I hope😘😘
Feb 17Reply
jz8540 @marthaarellano so great to meet you guys as well! Wishing you all the best and will definitely share your amazing closet with others 😘
Feb 17Reply
momisnuttz Ooo ooo! Hot date night w/ hubby! You go, Girl! I am feeling SO MUCH better! And guess who surprised me by coming home for the weekend? My boys! They are taking good care of me while my hubby is at work! I feel your pain - working w/2-1/2 year olds for the last 15 years has taken it's toll physically! This is my last year of preschool. Need to be around for grandkids someday😀
Feb 18Reply
marthaarellano @momisnuttz That is awesome, what a wonderful surprise, enjoy your boys❤️😘
Feb 19Reply
momisnuttz @marthaarellano I love when they surprise me! I'm gonna miss them when they graduate and leave NJ next year ☹️ They want to go to Austin, Texas! I've gotta stay here and take care of my parents. Thank goodness for Skype!🤠
Feb 19Reply
jayru Lovely closet !! 😍
Feb 20Reply
marthaarellano @jayru Hi Jay, Thank you so much 💕so do you, love your closet 😍 Thanks again!!!
Feb 20Reply
jayru @marthaarellano You're welcome. 😊 And thank you 🤗
Feb 20Reply
marthaarellano @momisnuttz Hi how are you today, sorry I never saw this comment until today, wow that's crazy sounds like Michele wants to go and live in Waco Texas , what up with these kids😂 Sami told me you had two sales I think yesterday or today, I was working today, going to start my shares did sone early this morning 💕
Feb 20Reply
momisnuttz @marthaarellano Noooooo! You had to work today? No partying with the Presidents? YES! Two sales late last night! With all the café con leches I owe you, we're going to become insomniacs! Might have to open my own coffee shop in Miami - Lola's (that's the name I use whenever I go to Starbucks!). I'll be sharing tonight 🍷🍫🍫🍫. I spent most of this weekend stocking up my Posh closet!
Feb 20Reply
marthaarellano @momisnuttz I know I love all your new inventory😍everything is so cute, I have to put new stuff from my closet that is more Spring but I am being lazy😬😂 I know I need to do it, I even have some of my pictures on my phone, soon I guess, I also sold two dresses yay👏🏻😊 for you and for me, I will try to stay up tonight, I am little tired today woke up at 4:45😴😦well let's hope we have more sales today❤️😘
Feb 20Reply
momisnuttz @marthaarellano Samantha made those sales happen! Yes! Let's sell ourselves silly! 🤑
Feb 20Reply
mountsj03 Thank you for the follow! Make sure you checkout my website mounts for some great makeup that you will fall in love with!💕💕
Feb 22Reply
hmsimon1 Thank for sharing my creations with your followers 🌹
Feb 23Reply
teresaposhlove @marthaarellano What a Beautiful family. Looks like a lot of love and precious memories being made. Love your fur family pictures so sweet. Growing up I to had a Pom. Her name was Brandi. Your family and closet is gorgeous. Our God is an awesome God! Thank you so much. I hope to get to know you through Poshmark. Have a Great weekend as well!
Feb 25Reply
marthaarellano @teresakimbro Thank you so much, it's been a pleasure getting to know you and your furry family, God Bless you all, Have Fabulous a weekend and thanks again for all the shares💕😊
Feb 25Reply
myvintage413 Martha!!! It was great meeting you at the event on South Beach as well. Because of your testimony and everything I heard that night I am now an active posher. Hope to get together with you soon my friend Tere and I would love that.
Mar 01Reply
marthaarellano @marciadett aww 🤗 it's so nice hearing from you and that you are doing well and I am so happy you finally started your closet, your items are all gorgeous 😍 and yes absolutely would love to get together and have un cafécito ☕️with my beautiful Miami Posh girls❤️😘
Mar 02Reply
luv2026 Hi Martha! Hope you're doing well. I was looking at your beautiful closet and wanted to invite you to two share groups that's fun and the shares help with sales. @kimaj has the fabulous shoes 👠 share group and @happystar71 has the lovely dresses 👗 share group. You sign up once a day if you're interested and share 5 shoes or 10 dresses before midnight.
Mar 03Reply
luv2026 @marthaarellano Go into their closets to take a look if you are interested. They are fabulous ladies and your beautiful closet will get shared and vice versa. We are a community trying to help, support and share our closets! Hope to see you
Mar 03Reply
marthaarellano @luv2026 Hi, How are you, thank you so much for inviting me, I would love to the only thing is I would have to start when I come back, I am taking a Mini vacation for four days , but thank you again for thinking of me, I really appreciate it, hope you have a great weekend and many sells❤️
Mar 03Reply
luv2026 @marthaarellano completely understand! Enjoy your vacay!! ☀️😊💐. Have a fabulous time!!
Mar 03Reply
avalonemerald @marthaarellano Gosh! Thanks for all the shares! love your closet!
Mar 08Reply
marthaarellano @avalonemerald aww 🤗 you are very welcome and thank you likewise💕
Mar 08Reply
musiccitymama Hi! I have three boys and a girl myself! 💙💛
Mar 13Reply
marthaarellano @mstrini12 Hi Merisa, aww 🤗 your so sweet, thank you so much and thank you for all your shares your closet is pretty awesome too❤️😘
Mar 14Reply
gelib Hi Martha! Nice to meet you. You have a beautiful family and lovely closet! -Angelica
Mar 14Reply
marthaarellano @gelib Hi Angelica, Aww 🤗Thank you, you are so sweet, nice to meet you and thank you so much for all your shares, you also have a pretty amazing closet too💕💕 is that you in the picture 😊
Mar 14Reply
turtledove56 Gorgeous new items and beautiful pictures. Thanks for thinking about me. 🌷🦋🌺
Mar 14Reply
marthaarellano @turtledove56 Aww, Thank you Toye, I really appreciate it and thanks for your shares, hope your are going well 💕💕
Mar 14Reply
gelib yes that is me :) Thanks for sharing the posh love! ❤
Mar 14Reply
marthaarellano @gelib You are very welcome and you are so pretty, thank you also for the shares as well💕💕Happy Poshing😊🙃
Mar 14Reply
sublimesale You have great taste & class!
Mar 16Reply
marthaarellano @sublimesale Hi Lisa, Aww 🤗 That's so sweet of you, I really appreciate it and thank you for sharing my closet, love your make-up selection 💕 Thanks again, Have an awesome day!!
Mar 16Reply
sublimesale @marthaarellano -I just call it as I see it. 😊🌻😍❤️❤🌸🌺😎🌷You have a great night!
Mar 17Reply
stars4u99 It looks like some children enjoyed St Paddy's Day!!😊😊
Mar 21Reply
marthaarellano @stars4u99 Yes, They did, they actually go to a catholic School and it's call St. Patrick's and they have a parade every year🍀🍀.
Mar 22Reply
stars4u99 @marthaarellano thank you for sharing.
Mar 22Reply
stars4u99 @marthaarellano sounds fun for them. We went to the Vatican when we were in Rome.. it was amazing.
Mar 22Reply
marthaarellano @stars4u99 Everyone says it beyond Gorgeous😍 I am sure it's something you will never forget!
Mar 22Reply
marthaarellano @stars4u99 Thank you for all the shares 💕💕 hope you sell some items tonight!!
Mar 22Reply
stars4u99 @marthaarellano thank you, you too.
Mar 22Reply
sarascloset2016 Gorgeous closet... I love everything!!!
Mar 24Reply
marthaarellano @sarachiappara Aww 🤗 Thank you Sara, you are so sweet and thank you for all the shares, your closet is just incredibly beautiful 😍😍 love it!! love it!! Love sharing and seeing all your gorgeous items, Thanks again 💕💕
Mar 24Reply
open You have an absolute mind amazing closet! 😍 I wish I was a small because I love all your dresses. I'm a large 😔. They are Gorgeous so I could only share them. Lovely family!!
Mar 24Reply
marthaarellano @open Thank you so much💕🌸💕
Mar 24Reply
open 😍😘❤️
Mar 25Reply
marthaarellano @open Aww, Thank you ❤😘, that's me with my daughters, one of reasons I have so any dresses & more to come lol Thanks again your too sweet 💕💕 Have a Wonderful Day!!!
Mar 25Reply
anida12 Thank you for the shares.. beautiful family gbless😍
Mar 25Reply
marthaarellano @anida12 You are very welcome and thank you as well💕🌸💗💕
Mar 25Reply
urbanhaven2014 Martha, you have an amazing and very classy closet. My pleasure sharing your gorgeous items. 👍🏻😀💕
Mar 26Reply
marthaarellano @sonpaises Thank you so much, coming from someone with who spectacular taste and style it's quite a compliment, Thank you 💕💕
Mar 27Reply
myshoeshack Bookmarking the closet you have many beautiful dresses
Mar 31Reply
marthaarellano @midnightjewels Thank you so much💕you have a beautiful closet too💕😊
Apr 01Reply
heitzy You have the most beautiful dresses in your closet. Now I know where to shop if I have a special occasion. Beautiful family also. Thank you for sharing.
Apr 02Reply
marthaarellano @heitzy Aww 🤗, Jodi, You are so sweet, thank you so much, love your closet too and it's my pleasure sharing all your beautiful items 💕💕 Thanks again🌹
Apr 02Reply
katymcoleman Beautiful closet! And family
Apr 02Reply
agiftfromheaven God and family is first for me , Also. I love your all stuff. Its so pretty and pretty and pretty.
Apr 02Reply
marthaarellano @agiftfromheaven Thank you so much Maryna, you are very sweet and you have a beautiful closet as well, Thank you for the shares and your kind words💕💕 God Bless you too!!
Apr 02Reply
agiftfromheaven @marthaarellano Thank you so much!!!!! And God bless you too.
Apr 02Reply
angelbritton Martha I don't know if you are a suggested user but if you are not you should be one. Send a request to email address. You have such nice things. It takes months to become one as you get on a list but once you are your followers will increase and so will sales.
Apr 04Reply
marthaarellano @angelbritton Hi Britt, I wish I could but right now I have had to slow down on my sharing, I work full time and I am helping my daughter with my grandchildren's, I am at lunch now, but thank you so much, Have a nice day!
Apr 04Reply
angelbritton @marthaarellano totally understand!! You have a nice day too. This can get overwhelming at times!
Apr 04Reply
shesalesresales Thank you so much! Your closet is beautiful too.
Apr 08Reply
marthaarellano @sellitnow1962 Hi Debbie, Thank you so much, so nice to meet you, I hope you are having fun, I have been with Poshmark since October of last year, my daughter Michele got me into it and I love it 😍 I am still learning but if you have any questions please let me know, if I don't have answer I will ask her, Thank you again for following me, have a nice evening 💕💕🤗😊
Apr 09Reply
verona2016 Thank you so much for all your likes and sharing my closet!💞💞❤❤❤💞💞
Apr 09Reply
marthaarellano @sellitnow1962 Debbie, I don't know much about the boutiques, I have three daughters and sister between the four of them they kept me busy, but I will ask my daughter if not I think one of the suggested users might be able to help you, Thanks again💕😘
Apr 09Reply
mbt_2022 Gorgeous closet!
Apr 11Reply
marthaarellano @rebeccalpn Thank you Rebecca, Your closet is amazing💕love your items😊
Apr 11Reply
marthaarellano @jackdawnielle Aww 🤗 thank you for your kind words and they all always bring smiles to my face every time I see them or just look at a picture, Family is everything and you have a Beautiful one, one day your kids will be your best friends too, but for now enjoy every minute they just grow up to soon😂😂 Have a Wonderful Day 💕💕😊☀️
Apr 13Reply
tambones My goodness honey!!! What a stylish woman and beautiful family!!! Yes God first!! 😇😘AND THE CLOSET IS FIERCE!💋💄👠👜🙌👚💝!!!!! Continued succes and Blessings to you!! 💋❤💜
Apr 16Reply
marthaarellano @tambones H Tammy, Nice to meet you, You are way too sweet, thank you so much for your beautiful note, I truly appreciate it, you made me smile 💕💕 Happy Easter 💐🐰❤️ God Bless you and your family 💐💗💗💗
Apr 16Reply
tambones @marthaarellano 💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝
Apr 16Reply
gbullard @marthaarellano You have such a beautiful family and oh my goodness the fur babies😍You closet is lovely and I appreciate the shares 🤗
Apr 17Reply
marthaarellano @gbullard Hi Gina, Thank you so much, your are adorable and I love your closet too💕, God Bless you and your family, Thanks as well for all the shares, I will be back later to share, I am at work now, just wanted to thank you💗💗😊
Apr 17Reply
babydoll418 I love your closet! And thank you so much for the shares! 😚
Apr 26Reply
marthaarellano @babydoll418 Thank you so much and likewise🤗💕💕💕
Apr 27Reply
lucyandjack55 Thank you so much for all the shares! You have a beautiful family.
May 01Reply
marthaarellano @lucyandjack55 Aww Lucy 🤗 you are so sweet💕 it's my pleasure and thank you likewise😊😗
May 01Reply
enderockz Hello Martha! I'm Nancy and I am pleased to meet you! Thank you for following me. You have a beautiful family and I loved your closet! Please feel free to visit my closet and tell me what you think. I'm always happy to answer any questions and consider offers! Have a beautiful evening and Happy 😊 Poshing!
May 05Reply
marthaarellano @enderockz Hi Nancy a pleasure to meet you too and thank you so much for the shares of my closet and your sweet comment, you have a lovely closet full of gorgeous & unique jewelry and thank you again, hope you have a nice evening and many sales this week 💕💕😊
May 05Reply
hintedbymarina Beautiful family and closet! Thank you for the shares✨
May 05Reply
marthaarellano @marinarmoire Aww 🤗 Thank you so much Marina, So sweet of you, and thank you for all the shares, you have lovely closet as well💕😊
May 05Reply
shaynes_sale Simply gorgeous closet!!
May 10Reply
marthaarellano @shaynes_sale Aww 🤗 Thank you 😊 you are too sweet and you have a pretty amazing closet too, love all your shoes 👠 thanks for all the shares as well💗💕😊 Happy Poshing!!!
May 10Reply
marthaarellano @valentine5074 Hi Jan, It's my pleasure and thank you as well for all the shares and it's' very nice to meet you too💗💕😊
May 10Reply
travelgirl12 God bless you and your beautiful family! 💚
May 11Reply
marthaarellano @travelgirl12 Aww 🤗Thank you so much, so sweet of you and likewise you have a Beautiful Family 💗💕💓 God Bless you and Family and May you & your beautiful mom have A Wonderful Mother's Day week & weekend🤗❤️😘!!!
May 11Reply
marthaarellano @valentine5074 Jan, Thank you so much for the sweet comment, you have a lovely closet and my secret is having three girls and a sister, I love shopping for my girls❤️ and it's my pleasure and thank you as well for sharing my closet 💗💕😊 I hope you have a Beautiful Day🌈☀️☀️
May 11Reply
marthaarellano @lgwhitfield Hi Lillian & Joy, Its a pleasure to meet you both and you are very welcome you have an amazing clothes with items that are very hard to fine and welcome to Poshmark actually my daughter open the my account but so never used until Oct. of last year I got hook as it happens to all of us and one of my favorite thing is meeting so many amazing women & making friends it's great to sell but the friendships are even more rewarding, I wish you both lots of success & Ty you as well💕💗🤗😊
May 12Reply
bbunny420 Im in love w all ur dresses n your my size too 🖤🖤
May 17Reply
marthaarellano @bbunny420 Hi Brittney, Thank you so much, you are so sweet & very pretty, thank you again🤗💕💗😊
May 17Reply
stars4u99 Martha love the story about Luna, our hearts are always big enough to love another. ♥️♥️
May 22Reply
marthaarellano @stars4u99 Hi Susan, haha it was my daughter who recused her, she is quite a handful, she was only 3 weeks old, we had to feed her kitten milk in a tiny bottle now she is 6 weeks old getting stronger every day but she found her at the Post Office when she went to drop off some packages, so Poshmark did bring us together lol thank you, hope you had a nice weekend💗💕💗😊
May 22Reply
kimb2330 Thanks for all of the shares💕💕
May 26Reply
marthaarellano @kimb2330 Good morning Kim 😊 likewise💗💕💗 wishing you have a lot sales this Weekend!!!!
May 26Reply
marthaarellano @coolmum2 Hi Andrea, Thank you so much, likewise you have a gorgeous closet too also thank you for all the shares as well💗💕💗😊
May 26Reply
venus_in_ferns Hey! I was wondering if you could lower the price of your NWT Sexy Mesh Turtle Neck Black Bodycon Dress (size 4) to $34 so I can buy it with discounted shipping? I would have commented on the page of the actual dress but I'm trying to be sneaky and buy it for a friend's birthday!!! I don't want her to know!!! She showed it to me a week or so ago and I thought it would be a great bday present!!! Happy Memorial Day!
May 29Reply
chorner7 Hi there! Thank you for the shares today. You have a fabulous closet and a lovely family! Have a great rest of your day 💕
May 29Reply
marthaarellano @chorner7 Hi Corinne🤗, Thank you so much you are too sweet and you are very welcome 💗 you have a beautiful closet as well💕💗💕Have a Wonderful Day and may you sell a lot today 🌼😊🌼😊
May 29Reply
marthaarellano @venus_in_ferns Hi I can try but I think I already had lowered before and it might not work, I will lower and let me know if it give you the discount on shipping, if not we work something out😊
May 29Reply
venus_in_ferns @marthaarellano Perfect! Thank you! She is going to be so excited!
May 29Reply
marthaarellano @venus_in_ferns ok great I just did it but let me know if it lowered it, Thanks
May 29Reply
venus_in_ferns @marthaarellano It did! $4.99 shipping! Yay!
May 29Reply
marthaarellano @venus_in_ferns Thank you 😊 will ship it out tomorrow morning, Have a Great Day!!!
May 29Reply
marthaarellano @venus_in_ferns I am going to wrap really pretty for you so can give it to her already Wrap 💕💗💕 Hope she likes it 🎉🎉
May 29Reply
plusme Hi I've been a member for a while and this is the most lovely closet I've seen, the merchandise, presentation, prices it is truly a great mode to follow- I've shared it to Pinterest for when I'm in need or not to buy something gorgeous I have your closet at my fingertip. Thanks for sharing and your family is of the same liking. I love your "about me" page. Peacefully, Caroline
Jun 01Reply
marthaarellano @plusme Hi Coraline, nice to meet you and you are way too sweet💕💗 thank you for the beautiful comment you left me left me last night, woke up this morning read your comment and it made my morning, thank you so much it really means a lot to me, you are a lovely lady and it's a pleasure to meet you, I am at my grandsons Per k 3 granulation I will be back in the afternoon to share all my shares thank you again Have a Wonderful Day 💗💗🌹🌹🌹😊
Jun 01Reply
marthaarellano @deutzcat Hi Donna, You welcome and thank you as well for all the shares and support 💗💕💗😊😊
Jun 02Reply
klutz90 @marthaarellano Thank you so much for all the shares. 🌺
Jun 02Reply
marthaarellano @klutz90 Hi Kim, your very welcome and thank you as well for all the shares of my closet🤗💕💗💕😊
Jun 02Reply
venus_in_ferns Hey! I got the package and the gift wrap and lipgloss are great!!! I had a feeling that I should open the package before giving it to my friend... I'm glad I did because you accidentally sent a size 2 instead of 4! Do you still have a size 4? I don't think she can wear a 2...
Jun 02Reply
marthaarellano @venus_in_ferns I am so sorry about that I thought I check it well, so caught up in making it nice for you to give to her, can you please open a case for incorrect size they will credit you and you won't have to pay shipping, what I can do for you so your shipping be less is I will the Dress in $30.00 instead of the $34.00, I am really sorry about it. Let me know what you want to do but open the case due to incorrect size. 😕
Jun 02Reply
venus_in_ferns Hey! I just got my prepaid return shipping label from Posh. I'm sending the dress back to you today. Will you please hold the size 4 for me? Whenever you receive the 2 I'll purchase the 4. Thanks!
Jun 07Reply
marthaarellano @venus_in_ferns Hi, ok I wasn't sure if you were going to buy it again, I will put it on hold for you and when you are ready just put an offer for $30.00 like that it will reduce your shipping cost, do you want me to wrap it or do you want it unwrap so you can check it and I am sorry for all the inconvenience and thank you again 😊
Jun 07Reply
venus_in_ferns @marthaarellano Thank you! I kept the lip glosses because I tried them on (sorry) so don't worry about wrapping this time! Very sweet tho!
Jun 07Reply
marthaarellano @venus_in_ferns no worries that was meant for you💕💗
Jun 07Reply
chupchick hello, love your closet... I have a personal share group of girls I share daily... would you like to join my list?
Jun 09Reply
marthaarellano @chupchick Hi Leah, Thank you so much 💕💗 I just saw yours it's Gorgeous and I would love to but I am leaving on Vacation tomorrow morning at 6:00 but when I come back I will contact you, thank you again and Have a Wonderful Weekend!!!!
Jun 09Reply
chupchick @marthaarellano sounds good ... enjoy ur trip =)
Jun 09Reply
stylecollection Enjoy your vacation!
Jun 10Reply
venus_in_ferns @marthaarellano Hey! I got my refund and am ready to purchase the size 4! Thanks!
Jun 10Reply
marthaarellano @venus_in_ferns Hi I am out of town be back tonight so I can ship it out tomorrow just make the offer, thank you 😊
Jun 11Reply
dks121 I love your closet 😍
Jun 13Reply
marthaarellano @rainydaysweets Aww 🤗 Thank you Danielle and thank you for the shares, love ❤️ your closet as well, you have a lot of beautiful items💗💕💗😊
Jun 13Reply
jjeudevine @marthaarellano Hi there 👋👋. You're closet is great, I love it 😊😊😊. Have an amazing day!
Jun 15Reply
justjess_08 Thank you for all the shares. I absolutely love your closet. I think you just became my favorite closet to date!!!!!😮 I also love the pictures of your beautiful family. Blessings!!!🌺😉🌸
Jun 20Reply
mlb1006 Thanks for all the shares too! Beautiful closet. So easy to share.😊
Jun 22Reply
marthaarellano @mlb1006 Aww🤗 likewise to Maria, thank you and you have a Beautiful closet & Family 💗💕😊😍
Jun 22Reply
justjess_08 Hi Martha. Thank you again for all of the shares. Found and visited your daughter's closet😍Just as amazing!!! 🌸🌺Have a Blessed day!!!🌺🌸
Jun 22Reply
marthaarellano @justjess_08 Aww 🤗 thank you so much, she is a full time student and Poshmark as helped her earn a little money, now she has her own Boutique, she enjoys it, ❤️😘 Thank you again I am at work now will back later to share some more!!! Have a lovely Day☀️🌈❤️
Jun 22Reply
mlb1006 @marthaarellano Hi, I noticed you're from Miami! I was just there recently with my family in Miami Beach for six days. We loved it there. It was very hot, but I still had a great time. 💕
Jun 22Reply
marthaarellano @mlb1006 Oh wow, It's really hot here, but lately we have had a lot of rain, what hotel did you stay at
Jun 23Reply
mlb1006 @marthaarellano We stayed at The Edition in 29th Street. It was very nice!
Jun 23Reply
marthaarellano @mlb1006 yes that is a Beautiful Hotel, if you ever decide to come again I can suggest some places to go to and lately when I travel we have a big family I rent homes instead hotels, but definitely in Miami Beach it's better to stay in the hotels, I guess it's like going to New York want to be close to everything
Jun 23Reply
mlb1006 @marthaarellano Actually my parents have a condo next to The Edition so we wanted to be close to them. Also, I've been going to Miami since a little girl. My parents love it there. Now my own family loves visiting there too!
Jun 23Reply
marthaarellano @mlb1006 oh that's great, I notice you live in Jersey we were in New York in March love going there but I never been to Jersey my best friend daughter has been living there now for 3 years and the first time I think I got to see NY like a native not a Tourist it was a lot of fun even went on this crazy bus called La Chiva Loco I think it was loud and tacky but we had a blast lol
Jun 23Reply
mlb1006 @marthaarellano That's so funny! Yeah we love going to the city. There's always something new to see.
Jun 23Reply
marthaarellano @mlb1006 Well Maria it was so nice talking or texting lol now you know you have a friend in Miami whatever you need or any question or just to talk I am here by the way my daughter has two closets of her own just in case your daughter's might want to check them out one is under michele_are and is @freewander she opened a boutique she is doing very well, even my granddaughter has her own Poshmark acct. I guess it's all in the family 💕💗😊
Jun 23Reply
mlb1006 @marthaarellano That's great! I'll check out her closet. Happy Poshing! 😊
Jun 23Reply
globalboutique I am chiming in to say hello and thank you for following/sharing my Closet. The social aspect of Poshmark makes it a unique platform. Best wishes and Happy Poshing, Annie 💜
Jun 23Reply
marthaarellano @annieslebonheur Hi Annie so nice to meet and thank you as well for the shares, you have a Gorgeous closet 💕💗💕😊 Best wishes to you too, Happy Poshing!!!
Jun 23Reply
jzu Gorgeous closet! Shared to my followers : )
Jun 25Reply
marthaarellano @jzu Aww 🤗Thank you Jody💗 likewise and thanks for the shares😊
Jun 25Reply
jzu @marthaarellano Thanks and you're welcome!
Jun 25Reply
mckeatb2004 Thank you for all of the shares! I love your closet. I just started in May, still learning and building my closet. I appreciate the Posh 💗💗💗💗
Jun 28Reply
bargaingirl66 @marthaarellano, cute closet!! Thanks for the shares! 😊💕
Jun 29Reply
marthaarellano @bargaingirl66 Hi Chandra, Aww 🤗 thanks and likewise, love your closet and thanks for the shares as well, Happy Poshing 💕💗💕😊
Jun 29Reply
justjess_08 Hi Martha. Thank you for continuing to be so generous with your shares!😃 It is always so fun to share back your closet. I absolutely LOVE all the new pieces!!!!! 😍✨👗✨😍 Blessings!!
Jun 30Reply
marthaarellano @justjess_08 Aww 🤗❤️ Likewise Jeissie, its always a pleasure sharing your Beautiful closet as well, Thank you for all the posh love, many blessing to you too and hope you have many sales through this long weekend💕💗💕
Jun 30Reply
justjess_08 Same to you!!!🌸💛🌸
Jun 30Reply
marthaarellano @deutzcat Congratulations Donna, that is Wonderful, so happy for you and don't worry I wasn't feeling good last night I was not able to share myself catching up today, Donna I don't expect anyone to share everyday, I try to share as much as I can that I don't even have time to share my own so I totally understand, sometimes you need a break, don't even worry about sharing enjoy your moment ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Congratulations again😘😘
Jun 30Reply
mlb1006 Wow your closet is beautiful! I forgot your username and I couldn't find you, LOL! Will definitely share your listings as much as I can. Also, my daughter Gabby started her own closet! @gb_threads. 💕💕
Jul 01Reply
marthaarellano @mlb1006 Aww 🤗 thank you and that is awesome that she started her closet, when you have a chance send her closet name so so can follow her and share her items, Have a gear 4th of July Weekend💥💥💗💕💗💕
Jul 01Reply
mlb1006 @marthaarellano Thanks! Happy Fourth of July! Her username is @gb_threads. Send me your daughter's username too! I also forgot lol! 😊
Jul 01Reply
verona2016 Thank you so much for sharing my closet!🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺
Jul 05Reply
marthaarellano @verona2016 Aww Elena your are very welcomed, your Jewerly is so beautiful that I have you saved so when I see a Jewerly party I think of you💗 and thank you likewise for the shares, have a lovely evening!!!
Jul 05Reply
verona2016 @marthaarellano Thank you so much. I had fun in your beautiful closet too. Wish you BEST .
Jul 05Reply
lilacsandlattes Thank you so much for the shares!! You have a beautiful family and a lovely closet!! Good luck to you and many blessings. 💕
Jul 08Reply
marthaarellano @xoshersherxo Hi Sherry, So nice to meet you and thank you so much, I appreciate it so much and very sweet of you and likewise you have a lovely closet full of so many pretty items, thank you as well for sharing 💗💕💗😊 Good Luck to you too, hope you have a nice weekend with many sales!!!
Jul 08Reply
mischi302 Hi Martha! Thanks for all the shares! Beautiful family!
Jul 09Reply
marthaarellano @mischi302 Hi Lisa, your are very welcome,thank you so much, 💗💕 you are adorable and I love your closet😍, and thank you as well for the all shares😊
Jul 09Reply
mischi302 @marthaarellano aww thank u so much! 😊
Jul 09Reply
karint Hi Martha, you have such a lovely closet and your new kitten is absolutely adorable! Where in Miami are you (if you don't mind my asking) I grew up in Miami Lakes 😊
Jul 12Reply
marthaarellano @karint Hi Karina, So nice to meet so & Thank you, your closet is absolutely gorgeous, love all your items😍 I did not realize you live in Florida, I live close to Dolphin Mall area & Luna is quite a handful but we love her, your furry babies are adorable, I assume they get along, mine don't 😂
Jul 12Reply
karint I know of the Dolphin Mall but I've never been (it was built after I left for college). It sounds super tempting though! Mine sort of get along...our cat loves to bully Jack. He's terrified of her. One of her favorite things to do is wait for him to walk by and she jumps out and gives him a smack. Poor guy! 😉
Jul 13Reply
karint You have a beautiful family by the way!
Jul 13Reply
marthaarellano I am sorry I just realize my phone changed your name and thank you again, everything around here has changed so much the new up and coming is Doral, don't know if you are familiar with City Place in West Palm Beach now Doral has is own City Place & that's so funny about your dog, cats are the ones not getting along
Jul 13Reply
siciliana324 Beautiful family. 💕 Thanks for sharing with all of us. ❤️You are truly blessed. Xo
Jul 14Reply
marthaarellano @siciliana324 Hi Jenn, So nice to meet you and thank you so much, you have an adorable Family yourself, furry babies are so cute, I have 3 right now Coco & 2 rescue cats Luna & Domino, by the way your closet if Gorgeous and thank you for all the shares of my closet, Hope you have a Fabulous weekend filled with lots of sales & fun 💕💗💕😊
Jul 14Reply
angelbritton Martha i was just going to share your closet and i see you just shared mine! Sharing now!😘
Jul 18Reply
marthaarellano @angelbritton Hi Britt, Haha, thanks ❤️😘
Jul 18Reply
angelbritton You have way more in your closet than i have in mine so dont worry if you dont share as much as i do. I have alot of followers so i want to share as many of your things as possible. 😀🌼
Jul 18Reply
marthaarellano @angelbritton Aww don't worry I have them in my likes so every now and then I share them to try to help you sale those pretty dresses❤️
Jul 18Reply
marthaarellano @angelbritton And thank you so much I truly appreciate it💗💕💗
Jul 18Reply
angelbritton @marthaarellano thank you! The 3 fancy dresses im selling for the girl next door who gets the nicest dresses for prom every year. But if i sell them i will make a little bit too! So yes i really hope they sell!
Jul 18Reply
jovigraham Beautiful family !!!! Thank you for sharing 🌸🌸💕💕🌸🌸
Jul 18Reply
marthaarellano @jovigraham Aww, it's my pleasure 💕💗💕 love sharing your closet😍
Jul 18Reply
marthaarellano @jovigraham Thank you for the shares as well😘
Jul 18Reply
jovigraham @marthaarellano you're so welcome 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
Jul 18Reply
senorasassy You honestly have one of the most beautiful closets I've seen! Thank you so much for your many shares! ;)
Jul 24Reply
marthaarellano @senorasassy Hi Tracy, so nice to meet and thank you so much for all the shares and for your sweet comment, I have been sick with the Flu this weekend trying to catch up with all my shares and you have a lovely closet as well, thank you again 💗💕💗 Happy Poshing!!!!!
Jul 24Reply
senorasassy I'm so sorry you're not feeling well. I wish you a speedy recovery! Thank you again!
Jul 24Reply
baileylove1997 Thank you so much for all the shares! Your closet is so beautiful!
Jul 27Reply
marthaarellano @baileylove1997 Hi Carolina, aww so nice to meet you and likewise thank you so much, you have a lovely closet as well, thanks again and have a wonderful day💕😊💕
Jul 27Reply
sassyass76 Hi Martha! Just wanted to thank you so very much for sharing my Temp Closet Closing listing! I am grateful for your kindness & will be more than happy to return a similar favor for you in the future... So, please don't hesitate to ask! Hope you're enjoying a beautiful week! 💜💜💜
Jul 27Reply
marthaarellano @sassyass76 Hi, Thank you so much and truly appreciate it and would love to continuing sharing your closet, thank you again may you also have a wonderful & prosperous week with many sales💗💕😊
Jul 27Reply
poshonbudget3 Thank you so much Martha for sharing my closet 🌻🌻🌼🌼😘
Jul 29Reply
marthaarellano @poshonbudget3 Hi Posh, It's my pleasure and you have a beautiful closet and thank you as well for sharing mine, have a lovely evening 💕😊 Happy Poshing!!!
Jul 29Reply
justjess_08 Hi Martha. Thank you for continuing to share my closet. Sorry if I didn't share you back last week, I was on vacation with the family and we decided on " no phones allowed"😣 Back now and will continue to share your beautiful closet and support you. Love the new pieces you added!!!! Have a blessed week!!!!🌸😀🌸
Jul 30Reply
marthaarellano @justjess_08 Hi Jessie, So glad to hear that we all need that time away with family, I be honest I have been sharing in and off have been sick with the flu, feeling a little better, and thank you and may you too my friend have blessed night as well💕💗💕
Jul 31Reply
justjess_08 Hi Martha. Thank you for the shares. I hope you are feeling much better!!!!🌸🐵🌸
Aug 01Reply
sweetemmielou Such a beautiful closet!!!❤️
Aug 03Reply
poshonbudget3 my Angel Posh fellow.... love your closet and love ur family pics.. there is so much love.. thank you for sharing my items and posh love!!!
Aug 04Reply
marthaarellano @poshonbudget3 Aww🤗 you are so sweet 💗💕thank you so much and it's my pleasure, love sharing your beautiful items and thank you as well for sharing mine, hope you have wonderful weekend with many sales 😘😘
Aug 04Reply
marthaarellano @erhut Hi Erica, Thank you so much and thank you for all the shares of my closet, you have a Gorgeous closet, love your items very unique, Thank you again, have a lovely evening❤️
Aug 04Reply
wvdivascloset Sharing is Caring. Thank you! 😊
Aug 09Reply
marthaarellano @rcrosby19 Aww, It's my pleasure and thank you for sharing my closet as well💕💗💕
Aug 09Reply
motherof_2kings Thank you for your AWESOME POSH LOVE! I will return during tonight's Party! 😊🤗
Aug 10Reply
reddfoxx_ Hey, beautiful family! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 I love your closet....Thanks for the shares 💛
Aug 10Reply
marthaarellano @reddfoxx_ Aww 🤗 Thank you so much Ruby and it's my pleasure to share your Beautiful closet❤️❤️❤️
Aug 10Reply
sassyass76 Hiya Martha! I'm sorry to bother, but I want to extend to you an exclusive offer that I'm making to some very compassionate Poshers, like yourself, who have been remarkably encouraging of me, especially over the last few mos. While I'm actually not accepting offers on bundles because of my rather large 30% discount, for this weekend only, until Sunday at midnight, when you bundle any 2+ pieces in my closet, I will happily accept an offer of 40% off their total price!!!
Aug 12Reply
sassyass76 This is just a small gesture to express how truly grateful I am for new friendships & incredible support, both for my closet as well as myself & my Mother. Please do not feel pressure whatsoever to make a purchase. But if there are items of interest, this is my gift to you! Either way, I hope you enjoy a beautiful day! 💜
Aug 12Reply
kohnkids @marthaarellano Hi My Sweet PFF!!! I miss you and I hope you are having a FABULOUS vacation!!!! Enjoy your break, I look forward to your return! :) :)
Aug 19Reply
marthaarellano @kohnkids Aww🤗thank you, I am didn't realize how much I needed this, just got home for a couple of hours but leaving on a cruise today, hope you and your family are all ready for back to school and have a wonderful week💗💕💗💕💗 will be back next week😗😗😗
Aug 20Reply
karint Hope you are having a wonderful vacation! Lucky girl :)
Aug 23Reply
rsw_boutique Thank you so much for sharing my closet! I appreciate all of your support! I admire your style and love your wardrobe! 🛍💕
Sep 01Reply
verona2016 Thank you so much for sharing my closet. You have beautiful family and beautiful closet. Thank you.
Sep 01Reply
marthaarellano @verona2016 Thank you so much Elena, it's always a pleasure to share your beautiful Jewerly ❤️ Have a Wonderful Labor Day Weekeend🇺🇸❤️❤️
Sep 03Reply
marthaarellano @allsmiles93 Hi Ally, You are very welcome and likewise thank you for sharing my closet as well💗💕💗
Sep 03Reply
mattietee @marthaarellano @mattietee. Beautiful family and a large family with everyone being good looking! I wanted to tell you that your closet is fantastic. Your picture are so nice and clear- I can tell that you have taken a lot of time to do this! You have done a wonderful job-- just wish I wore your size- the smaller clothes in my closet are my daughters
Sep 03Reply
marthaarellano @mattietee Aww Mattie 🤗 Thank you so much you are just so sweet and thank you for all the shares, you have a Gorgeous closet too, God Bless you and your family 🙏🏻❤️❤️
Sep 03Reply
verona2016 @marthaarellano Thank you . Hope have nice Labor Day as well.
Sep 04Reply
texmex4 Thank you for sharing! ❤️🎗 God bless you!
Sep 07Reply
crdio_kbx Hi Martha - Hoping you and your family are safe and well during the hurricane. Our thoughts and prayers are with you my friend 🙏
Sep 08Reply
kohnkids @marthaarellano Martha, my sweet PFF! I am praying for you and your family! I hope all is well! Please keep me updated as you are able! :)
Sep 08Reply
regrrl @marthaarellano Martha, please be safe!
Sep 08Reply
motherof_2kings Oh wow! I'm praying for you and your Family my dear PFF! ☹
Sep 08Reply
marthaarellano @motherof_2kings Thank you😘 we decide to come to Orlando will keep you posted my Sweet friend❤️❤️
Sep 09Reply
marthaarellano @regrrl Thank you so much, so far we are all fine decide to leave Miami and come to Orlando, thank you again Sweet PFF❤️❤️
Sep 09Reply
marthaarellano @kohnkids Hi Lauren, thank you so much ❤️ we decide to come to Orlando however seems like this hurricane is so big it's going to go through all of Florida, will kept you posted, thank you again 😘😘
Sep 09Reply
marthaarellano @crdio_kbx Thank you so much, so far we are all fine decide to leave Miami and came to Orlando thank you again Sweet PFF❤️😘
Sep 09Reply
regrrl @marthaarellano we live in Fort Myers and current model said we are direct landfall for the eye. We hauled ourselves across alligator alley and are staying in Miami. Just an impossibly big storm. Be safe in Orlando!
Sep 09Reply
kmooncloset @marthaarellano Thinking of you and your family and friends! Stay safe! Sending lots of love to Florida ❤️❤️❤️
Sep 09Reply
arbitrarilychic Keep you and that family safe Martha, please post any updates you are able to✌💕
Sep 09Reply
marthaarellano @arbitrarilychic Hi dear PFF so far we are safe, in Orlando praying for all those in Irma path and thank you so much for your concern, will try to keep you posted ❤️😘😘
Sep 10Reply
marthaarellano @regrrl Hi my Sweet PFF we are all safe in Orlando, I hope you are safe in Miami, I still have power and watching the news it's getting awful there and Key West is already flooding, I am praying for everyone that is affected by Irma, stay safe 🙏🏻🙏🏻my friend❤️❤️😘😘😘
Sep 10Reply
marthaarellano @kmooncloset Thank You Sweet PFF so far we are all fine in Orlando but I am praying for all those that are directly in Irma's path🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️
Sep 10Reply
arbitrarilychic @marthaarellano glad to hear that, iooks incredibly dangerous. Be safe!!!!!
Sep 10Reply
crdio_kbx @marthaarellano Martha, sweet PFF - Hope you are all safe. Watching the storm since it started and praying all are well. Please keep us posted on your safety & health. Prayers and positive thoughts for all 💕 🙏
Sep 11Reply
britgirl2 Hi Martha my prayers go out to you and all your loved ones and pray you are safe and that your home is ok hugs 🤗🙏🏻🙏🏻
Sep 11Reply
mlb1006 Hope you and your family are safe! My parents also left Miami Beach last week and drove back to New Jersey. I'm happy they're back home now . I hope you can get back to your home soon! 💕💕💕
Sep 12Reply
regrrl @marthaarellano Hi Martha! Hope you guys are in recovery mode. We are back in our home with power; just trying to deal with getting my commercial properties back up now. How are you guys doing?
Sep 13Reply
stars4u99 Martha hope you all are safe keep checking back to see. Prayers for all of u..💓❤💓
Sep 14Reply
arbitrarilychic I'm so happy to see you and your family are safe!!!! 🙏🙏🙏 just know you are in everyone's thoughts ✌💕
Sep 15Reply
motherof_2kings @marthaarellano You're in my thoughts PFF! Glad to hear you and you're family are okay!
Sep 17Reply
savychicone Hello Martha. I just got back home myself- after being hit last fall by the hurricane my family and I left -things here were a little wind blown but otherwise everything is fine. Hope everything gets back to normal for you and your family.❤️
Sep 17Reply
justjess_08 Hi Martha. So glad to hear you and your family are well. I did not have service for days so I am just able to check on you now. As you know, Naples is a disaster, but my family and I survived it. I can't begin to tell you how scary it was, but God's mercy and grace was more fierce!!!🙏So glad you didn't come to Naples!😳 I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Let me know when you decide to reopen your closet so that I can support you!!! Be Blessed my friend!!!😍😘😍😘
Sep 18Reply
marthaarellano @justjess_08 Hi Jessie, I finally got internet, It's been rough we got our power back finally on Saturday but the internet has been horrible my phone does not work, my daughter's is the only working cellar phone we have, she has AT&T my husband and I have sprint which seems to have all kind of problems, had a lot of tree damage part of my roof damage from a tree, but I am very grateful it was not worst, how have you and your family been doing, I hope you are all well and have power!
Sep 20Reply
angelbritton Martha im so sorry to here you were in the line of hurricane Irma. We had been praying!! i thought id come and share your closet today and saw this post!! I was wondering why i had not seen you. Sorry it took me too long to get so glad you and your family are ok. Thank the Lord! God bless you all.😘💕💕😇😇😇😇🙏🙏🙏❤
Sep 22Reply
saxx_5th_avenue Hey Lady! Your back, I missed you and was worried about you. I'm so glad you and your family weathered the storm! 💞💞💞
Sep 24Reply
marthaarellano @saxx_5th_avenue Hi there, so happy to be back and thank you so much my sweet friend for continuing to share my closet, it's been slow to recover just got my internet back & cable lol but we are all fine ❤️❤️😘😘
Sep 24Reply
mlb1006 Hola Martha! Hope things are getting better for you in Florida! 💞💞💞
Sep 24Reply
marthaarellano @angelbritton Hi Britt, thank you so much my Sweet PFF I have miss you all, so nice to be back ❤️❤️😘😘
Sep 24Reply
marthaarellano @mlb1006 Hi Maria, Thank you for sharing so happy to be back, it was a slow recovery but we are all fine❤️
Sep 24Reply
karint I've been meaning to check in with you after Irma hit- are you still without power? We lost it for 9 miserable days :( It's seriously one of the best feelings ever when it finally comes back on! I hope you and your family are well ❤️
Sep 24Reply
marthaarellano @karint Hi there, Yes it has been horrible I just got my electric back last Saturday but my internet and cell phone just starting working on Thursday I am very grateful it could have been worst, happy to be back my Sweet friend😘 I hope you are all better now💕💕
Sep 24Reply
motherof_2kings HELLO MY DEAR PFF!! It's so nice to have you back!! Thank God you and your Family are okay!!! 🤗🎉
Sep 24Reply
tweetboo55 🥀Hi hon, how are you doing, hoping all is well. Miss ya
Sep 24Reply
angelbritton @marthaarellano im ok compared to what Texas and Florida residents have had to go through. I cant imagine. So good to have you back!
Sep 24Reply
mlb1006 @marthaarellano Aw glad to hear! 💕
Sep 24Reply
marthaarellano @tweetboo55 Aww, I have missed you all, thank you so much so all the support and love my Sweet PFF❤️😘😘
Sep 24Reply
marthaarellano @motherof_2kings Thank you so much for continuing to share my closet while I was unable to my Sweet PFF so glad to be back, I have missed you all❤️😘😘
Sep 25Reply
tweetboo55 🌹Very welcome, thank you as well.
Sep 25Reply
justjess_08 Hi friend. Thank you for all the shares.!! I hope that means that your closet is open and ready to rock!!!😁. But what I really hope is that your family is well and your home is safe. Been praying that you have been able to get past these horrific few weeks safe and sound with your loved ones around you. So happy to have you back!!!!🌸😍🌸😘🌸😍🌸
Sep 25Reply
marthaarellano @justjess_08 Aww, I am so happy to be back, we are all fine just trying to get back to normal, it took us a week to clean our back yard and pool, had so many trees come back, I think that's why our power took so long to come back, we had electric poles down and trees blocking road ways, our neighborhood look like a war zone, all is better now, how are you my sweet friend, how is your family❤️😘😘
Sep 25Reply
justjess_08 @marthaarellano All well here too! Same story with the trees in the yard and the mess everywhere😳 Everything is going back to normal.... slowly but surely. My son returns to school tomorrow after 2 weeks of no school😣 I think after that happens it'll be the final piece of getting back to some sense of normalcy. Happy to hear all is well with you and your beautiful family. Now let's get back to Poshing & sell out our closets!!!!!!!😂😂 Blessings!🌸😘🌸
Sep 25Reply
turtledove56 Hello Martha! I am so glad you and your family are ok. I haven't been as active as I use to be on Poshmark because of my hectic schedule. But, that's winding down a bit so I can now get back into my little Poshmark hobby🌺 Take care my friend🌼🌸🌺
Sep 26Reply
marthaarellano @turtledove56 HI Toye, thank you, It's been dufficult but we are slowly but surely getting back to what seems normal, I hope you are doing well my PFF :) thank you for the shares!! Have a lovely Day!
Sep 26Reply
mounteden @marthaarellano hey sweetie how are you doing just have to say what a beautiful blessing family you have that is the best thing in life also I just want to say thank you for all the love on sharing my items I and I would love to keep sharing ur beautiful closet u have u take care and ur beautiful family 😘😊😀
Sep 27Reply
marthaarellano @mounteden Hi Betsy, God Bless you, so nice to meet you, your are so sweet and thank you so much for sharing my closet, you have a gorgeous closet and family I would love to continuing sharing your closet too❤️❤️😘
Sep 27Reply
marthaarellano @britgirl2 Hi Diane, I so sorry for the response but Thank you so much for your prayers, it been a week now since I got my power & internet, it's staring to feel like normal now, Thank you again my Sweet PFF💗💕😘
Sep 27Reply
marthaarellano @regrrl Hi Deborah, How have you been, I am so sorry for not responding sooner, I had no internet and my phone is still not working well I have Sprint I think it's been the worst during & after the hurricane I hope you and your family are all going well and pretty much back to normal, take care my Sweet friend 💕💗😘
Sep 27Reply
britgirl2 @marthaarellano soo happy you are getting back to normal my friend was out of power for 2 weeks too must have been awful 😕 main thing is that God protected you and your dear family hugs and blessings my friend 🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️
Sep 28Reply
ellerose59 Thank you so much for the likes and shares and for following 😀😊 You have such a beautiful family and a beautiful closet!!
Sep 30Reply
marthaarellano @ellerose59 Aww, your do welcome Lana so nice to meet you and Thank you so much for your sweet comment and all the shares💗💕🙂
Sep 30Reply
katreenah808 Hi Martha! Thanks so much for sharing!!
Oct 04Reply
marthaarellano @katreenah808 Hi Katrina, so nice to meet you, you have a beautiful family and closet and you are very welcome sweetie💗💕🙂
Oct 04Reply
katreenah808 @marthaarellano You're too sweet! You have a beautiful family yourself!
Oct 04Reply
marthaarellano @katreenah808 Thank you so much❤️😘
Oct 04Reply
glinny TY for all the shares!
Oct 04Reply
marthaarellano @glinny My pleasure 💕 and thank you as well for the shares 🤗💗
Oct 04Reply
belle22mrd @marthaarellano Your family is so handsome!!! ❤️
Oct 06Reply
marthaarellano @belle22mrd Thank you, I love them all so much ❤️ and Thank God every day🙏🏻
Oct 06Reply
lisaschuring Hello Martha! Your family is so so lovely and large... no wonder we're friends! I have 5 kids and hope to have grandbabies someday. I didn't realize until I just read your post that you were affected by Hurricane Irma. Thank heavens you are all well and safe! Too many people suffering in this world from recent natural disasters!! We also have a fur baby kitty that we named Luna and that my daughter found in July at a local park! And she looks a lot like your Luna !! Fun!
Oct 11Reply
marthaarellano @lisaschuring Wow, What a coincidence, that is so funny, I have three of them and if it was up to my youngest daughter she would bring every cat, dog, bird that she finds, always trying to find homes for them lol and yes we were very luck, it's breaks my breaks my heart one disaster after another, if it's not mother natural it's man, it just seem's to get worst, all we can do is pray🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻for everyone suffering through these tragedies❤️
Oct 11Reply
marthaarellano @lisaschuring You and your family be safe my sweet friend🙏🏻❤️😘
Oct 11Reply
lisaschuring @marthaarellano Your youngest daughter sounds just like my oldest daughter! We have a sweet mini Aussie that she rescued from a friend who wasn't taking care of him and an adorable & feisty cat named Joey that she rescued from a river near our home and now Luna! We keep telling her no more pets but then we fall in love with them and we can't part with them! Lol
Oct 11Reply
lisaschuring @marthaarellano Yes too much heartache and hate in the world today... The world needs more prayer and more kindness! So many problems could be solved through more faith in God and more love for his children!! Take care my lovely PFF- so glad all is well for you! XOXOXO
Oct 11Reply
marthaarellano @lisaschuring Ha, ha I know exactly what you mean, the same thing happens to us, the worst part about it, she is allergic to all animals, she is taking shots every week because she loves them so much, she has a good heart❤️ Your words are so true, you too my sweet PFF❤️
Oct 11Reply
eclecticeyz Absolutely lovely God bless you and your family👑
Oct 12Reply
sherry1989 You have a lively closet! 😍
Oct 14Reply
sherry1989 I meant to type "lovely" ☺
Oct 14Reply
marthaarellano @sherry1989 Aww🤗 Thank you so much, I know my phone changes my words sometimes too, you have a very pretty closet, I will tell my daughter to check your closet out, she has one too if you like to see her's @freelywander, Thank you for all the shares😊💛
Oct 14Reply
sherry1989 @marthaarellano I will visit her ;) thank You! Have a great day
Oct 14Reply
belle22mrd @marthaarellano Martha, I'm still in love with your closet. I bet you look just stunning overtime you walk out of your house!!! Happy Friday sweet PFF!
Oct 20Reply
belle22mrd @marthaarellano Ah yes, *everytime
Oct 20Reply
marthaarellano @belle22mrd Aww, You are way to sweet my PFF, I actually wear more active clothes now a days it's more comfy for me, lol the clothes are not all mine some are my daughters & sister's, I hope you have a Wonderful Weekend ❤️😘
Oct 21Reply
josie818 What a beautiful family you have, (including your precious fur babies 🐾)! 💕 Wishing you a beautiful Saturday!! ☀️🌸🌻 God Bless ❤️
Oct 21Reply
marthaarellano @josie818 Thank you Sariah, ❤️ May God Bless you too my sweet friend😘
Oct 21Reply
binur1 Martha, thank you for the shares!
Oct 22Reply
marthaarellano @binur1 You welcome and likewise thank you as well!
Oct 22Reply
josie818 Martha thank you so much again my sweet friend! 🌺🌷 I hope you have a most blessed night. 💗😘
Oct 22Reply
marthaarellano @josie818 Aww🤗 the same to you❤️😘
Oct 22Reply
bec1287 @marthaarellano You have a lovely closet and such a beautiful family! You are so blessed! ❤😘
Oct 23Reply
marthaarellano @bec1287 Aww🤗 So nice to meet you Rebecca and Thank you so much and yes I love my family very much they are all I have ❤️ and thank you so much for the complement coming from you I am honored you have you have a Gorgeous Closet and so pretty & a Beautiful Family as well, God Bless you all 🙏🏻❤️😊
Oct 23Reply
mssales562 @marthaarellano Hi Martha, thank you so much for all the shares! I really appreciate it 😃 I just started with Posh and so far I love it. You have a beautiful closet and I love how you present each of your items. 😊 Thanks again @mssales562
Oct 25Reply
marthaarellano @mssales562 Hi Marina, Aww so sweet welcome to Poshmark I had no idea you just started because your closet is amazing so many beautiful items and thank you for all the shares if you have any questions I will be more than happy to answer or help, thanks again💕💗💕😊
Oct 25Reply
tenesarmoire Thank you for sharing! 💓😘😘💓😘💓😘💓😘💓😘💓😘💓😘💓💓😘💓😘
Oct 25Reply
marthaarellano @tenesarmoire Aww🤗Thank you as well, you have Gorgeous closet 😍💗💕💗💕💗💕
Oct 25Reply
apsurf15 @marthaarellano hi Martha! Goodness do I love sharing your closet! I get so stuck in there looking at soooooo many beautiful dresses!! Wishing you a weekend full of sales!!
Oct 27Reply
marthaarellano @apsurf15 Aww🤗 Anita, you are always such a sweetheart thank you so much for always sharing my closet I can tell you enough how gorgeous yours is too, so many beautiful items to chose from & you always bring a smile to face with your sweetness, you look stunning in your new picture😍😘 love it, thank you again my sweet PFF, have a Wonderful Weekend!!!
Oct 28Reply
barbiepie Hi!! I LOVE your closet! I used to live in Miami b4 moving to Chicago, I miss it so much!! Nice to meet you =)
Oct 28Reply
marthaarellano @barbiepie Hi Barbie, So to me you too and thank you for all the shares & sweet comment, I can imagine how different the weather is I herald it’s a beautiful city buts gets very cold in the winter, Miami it’s always hot lol Thank you again my new PFF💕💗💕😘
Oct 28Reply
apsurf15 @marthaarellano martha! Aw thank you for such an awesome message, you sure know how to make a girl's day! I appreciate that so much and thank you for always so many generous shares! You are the best! Wishing you a fun weekend and tons of sales 🎀🛍🎉
Oct 28Reply
josie818 Hi beautiful girl! I hope you are getting plenty of rest and starting to feel somewhat better! 😃 Kisses from Utah!! 😘
Oct 29Reply
marthaarellano @josie818 Aww🤗 just by your comment you made me feel better already 😘 I hope you & your family are all doing my sweet beautiful PFF, as for me I have been on antibiotics & sleeping odd hours but I think the worst is over starting to feel better❤️❤️ thank you for the love🌹😘 Have s Wonderful Day!!!
Oct 30Reply
tanyaroy Thanks for all the shares just became a posh ambassador so excited thanks again for your help!
Oct 30Reply
cmhunsucker Thanks for all my shares. Love your closet and your Posh kitten. Glad you are well
Oct 31Reply
share123 Beautiful closet with classy was hard to quit sharing!
Oct 31Reply
josie818 @marthaarellano Hi my beautiful PFF!! 🌺 I'm so glad to hear you are feeling better. 💖 I'm slowly but surely getting everything ready so I can start posting my stuff...maybe this weekend. Goodness, i don't know how you do this and work full time too. Obviously you're one of those superwoman!!!! Lol 😘 I hope you are selling lots of your beautiful closet! ✨ Have a pleasant night and God Bless. 💕💕
Nov 01Reply
marthaarellano @josie818 How are you beautiful, yes I am doing better just got back from trick a tricking with the grandkids had lots of fun with them and that’s great can’t wait to start sharing your closet, one piece of advice good pictures are very important look at other closets so you can get some ideas, you have a nice evening & Thank you for sharing ❤️❤️❤️😘
Nov 01Reply
marthaarellano @share123 Hi Sheryl, Nice to meet you and thank you so much💕💗💕😙
Nov 01Reply
marthaarellano @cmhunsucker Hi Cindy, So nice to meet you and thank you so much so for the shares and your sweet comment 💗💕💗💕🤗😙
Nov 01Reply
josie818 @marthaarellano Oh that sounds like fun! I miss our kids being little. They grow up too fast. 😥 I was a bad girl tonight. I was so pooped when I got home from work. I left all the lights off and went to bed and took a nap!! Hehehe 😃
Nov 01Reply
josie818 Brian, my hubby is still at work. And my youngest son is off with his friends at a Halloween party. 🎃
Nov 01Reply
marthaarellano @josie818 That sounds like my type of day sometimes being bad is good 😂❤️
Nov 01Reply
marthaarellano @josie818 My youngest is at a party too & my hubby is sleeping he wakes up at 4:45 am every morning & I wake up with him but once he leaves I go back to bed
Nov 01Reply
josie818 @marthaarellano Oh goodness, that's early! I'm gonna finish up some laundry and then get to bed myself..I'm up most mornings at 5:30. We'll ta ta for now. 😘😘😘
Nov 01Reply
620108 Thank you so much for sharing your lovely pictures! And thank you for you sharing !
Nov 01Reply
marthaarellano @620108 Aww My pleasure 💕💗 and thank you likewise for the shares & Posh love 💗 Have a Lovely Day 🤗☀️
Nov 01Reply
sberry4025 So happy that you loved the sweater! I know that it will look beautiful on you! Thank you for all the shares! 💕💕💕
Nov 03Reply
marthaarellano @sberry4025 Thank you again Sherry ❤️ I can’t wait to wear it, fit me perfect😘
Nov 03Reply
sberry4025 @marthaarellano So happy to hear that! You really do have a beautiful closet! Gorgeous dresses!
Nov 04Reply
josie818 Hi my sweet, beautiful PFF!! I hope you had a wonderful time with your daughter last night. ✨💗✨ I am feeling somewhat better, still sore, but better. 😊 I hope you have the most wonderful day ever!!! 😘😘🌺
Nov 05Reply
marthaarellano @josie818 Hello Beautiful, so glad to hear you are feeling better😘, I know it will take a while before you are %100 but like they same one day at a time❤️ I had a great time with my daughter went to see Bad Mom’s 2 & dinner, Thank you for asking, may you have a Wonderful & Blessed Week 💗💕💗😘
Nov 05Reply
josie818 @marthaarellano Oh that sounds like the perfect night! I never saw the first Bad Moms. I've wanted to see it, it looks sooo funny! 😃 Did the guys go too, or just the girls? I'm trying to decide if my husband would watch it. 💕🌺
Nov 06Reply
marthaarellano @josie818 it’s a really funny my husband & son-law came too, they had a great time, the first one is based on the mom’s but this one is based on their mom’s I think I can now related to this one more, I am one of those over the top grandma 😂😂😂, go see you will laugh a lot, but try to see the first one if you can first 💗💕💗😘
Nov 06Reply
josie818 @marthaarellano Ok will do. 😃 I love a good comedy. We are way behind on movies at the theatre. If you and your husband like a good action movie, you should rent Baby Driver. It was really good! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. Enjoy the rest of your night my sweet friend. 😘💕❤️💖
Nov 06Reply
josie818 By the way, if you're an over the top Grandma, that just means you must be an AMAZING Grandma!! I bet your Grandkids absolutely adore you! 😘😘😘
Nov 06Reply
marthaarellano @josie818 aww🤗 thank you & yes they are I am baby sitting four of them next weekend, my daughter & hubby are going to the Food & Wine Festival in Epcot can’t wait to be with them❤️ well you keep resting & getting better so you can be 100% for Thanksgiving 🍁🍂😘
Nov 06Reply
marthaarellano @josie818 Thanks, I will look it up, we love a good comedy too, we all need a good laugh too much going on right now, everyday is something new that break your heart, I don’t even want to watch the news anymore, I guess all we can do is pray 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️😘
Nov 06Reply
josie818 @marthaarellano I don't watch the news anymore, it's just too depressing. I listen to the radio to get my news and that's bad enough. I agree, lots and lots of prayers. 💕❤️💗
Nov 06Reply
bcall24 Absolutely LOVE your closet and your photos! I will definitely be purchasing soon 😍😍 what app do you use? Your photos are incredibly beautiful, just like you! ❤️
Nov 06Reply
marthaarellano @bcall24 Hi Becky, Thank you so much, I really don’t use any app, my daughter taught me she has her own closet too, it’s taking the pictures in the morning light find a place in your home were you have lots of windows and take your pictures there also your phone has edit so if it’s a little too dark still you can lighten more even had a little color too, try this I hope this helps you💕💗😊
Nov 06Reply
cmhunsucker Thank you again for all your generous shares. I am just starting out and it is a little overwhelming.
Nov 07Reply
marthaarellano @cmhunsucker Hi Cindy, Thank you as well for the shares & yes it can be but it’s also a lot of fun, if you have any questions I would be more than happy help you💕💗 Thanks again Have a lovely day😊
Nov 07Reply
cmhunsucker Thank you. I may take you up on your offer. I absolutely LOVE shopping and getting deals. Can't shop for myselfnow but still getting that high from buying and now making a little money.
Nov 07Reply
belle22mrd @marthaarellano Martha, You better get some rest tonight!!! You have to PLAY hard tomorrow with those grand babes. The 7 year old alone will have a lot of energy! Have a wonderful time with them and I hope they pass out a lot of hugs to you! Besos beautiful
Nov 11Reply
marthaarellano @belle22mrd aww🤗😘Thank you so much, yes I have to rest before they come over but I love it lol, I hope you are having a Wonderful Veteran’s 🇺🇸😘 Day Weekend, wishing you make a lot of sales this weekend 🌹❤️❤️
Nov 11Reply
josie818 Good morning my beautiful PFF!!! 💖 I hope you had a fabulous weekend with your sweet grand babies....hopefully they didn't wear you out too much...hehehe!! 😊✨ Did you have any sales over Verteran's Weekend? 🇺🇸 Have a most glorious day! 😘💕❤️
Nov 13Reply
josie818 *Veteran's 😊
Nov 13Reply
marthaarellano @josie818 Hello, How are you feeling, I have missed everyone, had a great time with them but I am sick now & I was sick two weeks ago 😂😂, and now again❤️😘😘
Nov 15Reply
josie818 @marthaarellano I'm glad you got to spend time with all of them.✨😊✨ Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Please try and get lots of rest so you can get feeling better! I drink lots of tea with honey. 🍯 It always works for me, it really helps with chest congestion. 💕 Sleep well and God Bless ❤️💕😘
Nov 15Reply
charlib3 Oh My Stars!! 💫💫 What a beautiful family & pictures!!💕💖💞 My Mother's name is Martha middle name is Michelle & I'm the second oldest of five!! What a coincidence! 😉🤗❤️ Happy to know you & your family are safe after that horrible storm. I will keep you in my prayers & shares... 💙💖💚 #StayBlessed #HappyPoshing
Nov 15Reply
marthaarellano @charlib3 Hi Charli, Your are Gorgeous & what Beautiful Family 😍❤️ God Bless you all🙏🏻 Thank you so much you are so sweet thanks for all the shares & likes your closet is Gorgeous as well just love all your items!!!!😘
Nov 15Reply
charlib3 @marthaarellano Oh My!! Just made me blush! 😀😀 I like to think I got it from my Momma ... just like your daughters got their beauty from you!😉😉 Thank you for the compliments and shares! 💓💓 You made my day! 😁😁
Nov 16Reply
marthaarellano @charlib3 Aww🤗❤️ you made mine too, this is what I love the most about Poshmark is meeting Wonderful Beautiful women inside & out 💗💕💗😘
Nov 16Reply
marthaarellano @josie818 Hi, How are you my sweet Beautiful PFF I am feeling a little better today, I hope you are feeling better too, I am not staying up late tonight I need to rest 😴 just wanted to send some love your way❤️❤️😘 goodnight!!
Nov 16Reply
josie818 @marthaarellano Hi Martha, I'm still pretty sore, but feeling better. 😊 I'm so glad you're also feeling somewhat better and getting plenty of rest. I'm sharing your beautiful closet hoping you get loads of sales!! 💵💰 Sweet dreams my gorgeous friend!! 😘💖 Saying prayers that you feel 100% better for Thanksgiving. God Bless. ❤️❤️
Nov 16Reply
charlib3 @marthaarellano Awwww!!💞💖💕 Me as well.. I see you're not feeling well. I pray you rest well and rise refreshed and renewed in the morning 😚😚 Goodnight 💙💖💚
Nov 16Reply
apsurf15 @marthaarellano happy thanksgiving Martha! Wishing you a beautiful time with family and good friends and a fun start to the holiday season! 🍗🦃🥗🌽🍇🍰☕️🦃💕🛍
Nov 24Reply
josie818 Belated Happy Thanksgiving my Dear PFF!! I hope you are enjoying time with your precious family. 💕 I had lots of family in town for the holidays and I had such a good time with them. Here's wishing you loads of sales for Black Friday. ✨💖✨😘
Nov 24Reply
vickyrich 😊Hello Martha, nice to meet you😊 You have a beautiful family and I am the same way, God & Family first🙏🏼 Oh
Dec 03Reply
mlb1006 Your my Mystery Posher of the Day! Go check it out my friend! 😘😘😘
Dec 03Reply
savychicone Hello Martha. Thank you my Posh friend for sharing my closet while I was away. ❤️❤️❤️😘😍
Dec 04Reply
marthaarellano @vickyrich Thank you so much Vicky so nice to meet you too💗💕💕💗
Dec 05Reply
marthaarellano @mlb1006 Thank you Maria, I️ sorry I️ Just found out now, spend all day yesterday buying all our skiing jackets & pants we have not skied since 2001 😂 it has not been easy finding skiing stuff in Miami, almost done thank you again for everything my sweet friend💕💗💕
Dec 05Reply
marthaarellano @savychicone You are very Welcome, it’s always a pleasure sharing your beautiful closet, I️ hope you had a Wonderful Thanksgiving❤️😘
Dec 05Reply
mlb1006 @marthaarellano You’re welcome! Your closet needs to be seen often! When are you going on vacation?
Dec 05Reply
marthaarellano @mlb1006 Thank you ❤️😘 on the 22nd, this is time for me to sell but with all the craziness of the trip my daughter & husband sick & my daughter’s graduation it’s just been crazy & on top of that all my grandkids have events in school going on don’t get me wrong I️ love everything that is going on but it can be a little overwhelming that I️ have not been able to lower my prices going to try to do it this week, thanks again my sweet PFF for everything you do!!!
Dec 05Reply
angelbritton Such a beautiful family Martha! Merry Christmas if i dont talk to you again before the Holidays, happy new year and God bless!!😘💕💕🎅🌲🎅🌲❤🎉🎉❄⛄❄⛄❄⛄❄⛄❄⛄❄⛄❄
Dec 08Reply
marthaarellano @angelbritton Hi Britt, Thank you so much my sweet friend, Merry Christmas 🎄⛄️❄️ and Happy New Year to you too with many Blessing to you and your Family 🎉❤️😘😘
Dec 08Reply
jesiika87 Hi Martha Thanks for dropping by and taking the time to share my listing, so sweet of you! I’ve returned your kindness by following your closet and sharing some of your things with my followers. I love to share! Hope you will do me the courtesy of following my closet in return. Thank you and have a wonderful and joyful Christmas and Holiday Season!
Dec 08Reply
marthaarellano @jesiika87 Hi Jessica, so nice to meet you ❤️ thank you so much for all the shares, love your closets, so many beautiful items definitely will share I️ hope you are enjoys the Holidays many Blessing to you and your Family 🙏🏻❄️⛄️🎄
Dec 08Reply
mlb1006 Love the pictures with your grandkids!!! Priceless! ❤️
Dec 08Reply
arbitrarilychic Awww Martha! I love the new photos, your granddaughter in the top photo really favors you 😄 you have such a beautiful family, blessed. 🙏🙏🙏✌💕
Dec 08Reply
marthaarellano @arbitrarilychic Aww Renee you are so sweet thank you so much❤️ Happy Holidays 🎄⛄️🎄many blessing 🙏🏻 to you and your Family my sweet PFF😘😘
Dec 08Reply
marthaarellano @mlb1006 aww Thank you Maria❤️😘 They will all be joining us in the Poconos, I️ am so excited to spend Christmas with them🎄
Dec 09Reply
arbitrarilychic Enjoy your posh break over the holidays- see you in 2018! ❄❄😘❄❄✌💕
Dec 12Reply
faithhopeamore @marthaarellano Hello Martha! Best wishes to you and yours for a wonderful holiday season! Thanking you for all your love and support! Happy New Year! Deb xoxo 🎄😘🕊👯‍♀️🥂☃️🎅🏻🎄
Dec 23Reply
apsurf15 @marthaarellano hi Martha! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and joy filled New Years holiday! I love that time of the year and hate to see it go.... hoping this will be an amazing year as well as on Poshmark!
Jan 07Reply
marthaarellano @apsurf15 Hello Anita, I hope you had A Wonderful Christmas & New Year, I had a Wonderful vacation with Family, I was supposed to be back on the 4th however our flights got canceled just arrive home yesterday, so glad to be home, I behind everything, at home & work need to watch up I will try to be on for a while tonight, 🎉❤️😘😘
Jan 08Reply
apsurf15 @marthaarellano hi!! So great to hear you had such a great holiday season with family and friends! Ugh so sorry to hear about flight delays! Never any worry here nor sharebacks expected.... always so happy to share your closet!! Relax and rest after so much travel!! 💕☕️😇✨🌙❄️
Jan 08Reply
turtledove56 Always such beautiful family photos. Happy New Year and may this year be filled with continuous joy and blessings 🌺
Jan 13Reply
marthaarellano @turtledove56 Thank you so much, you are the sweetest, I hope you had a Wonderful Christmas & Happy New Year you too with many Blessing for you & your family may it be filled with Iou & happiness, my sweet PFF🎉❤️😘
Jan 13Reply
chewsigirl what a beautiful holiday photo!!! Blessings to you all...happy 2018 XOXO
Jan 14Reply
marthaarellano @deutzcat Thank you Donna I had such a wonderful time with them❤️😘
Jan 16Reply
mlb1006 Omg I just saw the new photos you posted here! What a beautiful family photo! You look great in your skiing outfit! By the way it’s 57 degrees today and the sun is out! That’s a treat for us here in January. 😂 Enjoying a rice ride today! Thank you for all your shares! ❤️🌹❤️
Jan 20Reply
marthaarellano @mlb1006 haha, I just wrote you, Thank you I really loved it we are even thinking about purchasing a property in the Pocono’s but that is crazy it’s been in low 40’s here for the last 3 Days today it’s in the 60’ that’s great enjoy the beautiful weather ☀️☀️❤️😘
Jan 20Reply
mlb1006 @marthaarellano Really? 40s in Miami. Wow I know that’s considered freezing for the people there! Hopefully it’ll warm up soon! ☀️💞☀️
Jan 20Reply
ready4fashion Hi Martha! Beautiful closet and even more beautiful family.... God bless
Jan 25Reply
marthaarellano @ready4fashion Aww Lindsay so nice to meet you and thank you so much😚🌹so sweet, you have a Gorgeous Closet love all your items & thank you for all the shares, have a Wonderful Day❤️☀️ God Bless you🙏🏻
Jan 25Reply
catsaboutit Thank you for all the shares. By the way i also have a tortie cat that was rescued from a school and her name is also Luna!!! So cute! Beautiful closet and beautiful family pictures. Hope your day is filled with many sales!!
Jan 30Reply
marthaarellano @csette618 Hi Catherine, aww🤗 so happy to hear that, our little Luna passed away but we were blessed to have her in our life’s a week before she passed away we recused a another little kitty Oreo, thank you for all the shares as well your closet is amazing 💕💗💕😚😊🌹 Have a lovely day🌈☀️
Jan 30Reply
spgrn1281 And your family is gorgeous! My hubby and I live in the Gables, so I know we are close. :) Keep in touch! Best, Shannon
Jan 31Reply
justjess_08 Hi my sweet PFF. Hope all is well. I love seeing the new family photos when you add to this post😊 Absolutely beautiful family!!! Blessimgs!!!😍😘💕💕💕
Feb 07Reply
marthaarellano @justjess_08 Hello my sweet friend, how have you been hope all is well and thank you, it’s really two years old I wanted a picture with Valentine colors & I remembered I had this one, lol but yes I love this picture ❤️😘Thank you so much!!
Feb 07Reply
justjess_08 @marthaarellano Hahahha.....well, I love it anyway!!😘
Feb 07Reply
dressshopstop Such a pretty closet!!!
Feb 07Reply
marthaarellano @dressshopstop Aww🤗 Thank you so much and likewise your closet is Gorgeous we have similar taste lol💕💗💕😊
Feb 07Reply
faithhopeamore @marthaarellano Bellissimo!!!!😘
Feb 07Reply
marthaarellano @amore923 Thank you so much, It’s actually a photo shot we took 2 years ago but I wanted a picture with red I remembered I had this picture so I posted it, Deborah I usually ignore bundles with my PFF’s I think they might be sharing and add my mistake are you interested in these items or was it a mistake, let me I would be more than happy to offer you a good deal, if not no worries lol Have a lovely evening sweet friend, I hope it’s not too cold❤️
Feb 08Reply
faithhopeamore @marthaarellano Hi Martha! I didn’t see any bundles on my end....I think because I was catching up on shares, I might have accidentally bundled (sorry). My fingers are really cold from the storm.☃️LOL🤣I love the KS tote, so I simply liked it for now. It’s so wonderful to see your beautiful, happy family!! Thank you for checking with me & for always sharing!! Enjoy your evening! Deb xo😘
Feb 08Reply
marthaarellano @amore923 I figured it was a mistake, sometimes I feel bad because I don’t response to bundles I always think it’s a mistake well no worries you just rest & stay warm🙏🏻❤️
Feb 08Reply
faithhopeamore @marthaarellano I promise to tag you if I ever bundle in the future! TYSM for checking with me Martha! You’re a blessed VBPFF!!!😘👯‍♀️💞💐💞👯‍♀️😘
Feb 08Reply
marthaarellano @mchoma Aww🤗💗💕Thank you so much, it’s my pleasure😘
Feb 08Reply
angelbritton Hey Martha i recognized your dresses when i started sharing!! I didnt know it was you at first because you changed your pics! I thought wow this Martha has some of the same dresses as my other friend!!! I love your beautiful family and am yotally in love with your kitty Luna!! Ive been wanting a Calico just like that!
Feb 08Reply
marthaarellano @angelbritton Hi Britt, How have you been, I hope everything is well my sweet friend, the loss of our little Luna was difficult, we just recused another Kitty his name is Oreo but we miss Luna a lot she was a very special kitty & thank you your a great PFF, love your new items, how are your sales going it seems like they are starting to pick up, I told my daughter a lot of people are starting to get their income tax refunds, thank you again Britt❤️❤️❤️❤️😘
Feb 08Reply
angelbritton @marthaarellano sales have picked up!! Im basically poshing to pay off credit cards and it seems every month im making exactly what i need! Didnt know you lost Luna.. Aww im so sorry...glad you found Oreo😉 Hope someday i come across a special little kitty. Ive been lucky finding some new quality items but its the real cheap things that are selling for me. Nice talking to you Martha & congrats on being a Posh Ambassador precious friend!
Feb 08Reply
marthaarellano @angelbritton I am sure you will Luna was given to my daughter at the Post Office & Oreo just showed up at he was like a month old took him home I was supposed to give him away he showed up a week before Luna pass away, but I changed my mind and we kept him, I am glad your doing well & sales are up hope you get many wonderful sales this weekend, take care sweet friend💕💓😘
Feb 09Reply
mrsq0903 Hi Martha! Thank you for the follow & shares! You truly have a beautiful closet! ❤
Feb 15Reply
marthaarellano @mrsq0903 Aww🤗Thank you Darlene, so nice to meet and likewise 😍 love your closet💓💕
Feb 15Reply
savychicone Thank you Martha for sharing my closet while I was away❤️😘😍
Feb 17Reply
styledbysylvia @marthaarellano Hi Martha, you have such an Amazing Closet & Beautiful Family!! 😊🙏🏾 I wanted to personally invite you to our “Amazing 12” Share Group. If you decide to join you would be the 12th member. We share daily 12 items from each member’s closets and occasionally take 1-2 days off so we don’t get burned out. I will tag you under the Share group’s landing page. Please read the qualifications & let me know if you’re interested..XX,Sylvia
Feb 19Reply
marthaarellano @fashioncents203 Hi Sylvia, So nice to meet, You are so Beautiful & I love your closet, Thank you so much for the opportunity I am not really on a share group but I do share a lot of my PFF’s Closets I think it would be a little overwhelming for me to be on a share group I will add you on to my likes to share your Beautiful Closet, Thank you again ❤️😘😘
Feb 19Reply
styledbysylvia @marthaarellano great thanks I understand and will add you to my personal list as well. Much Success & Blessings to your family 🙏🏾
Feb 20Reply
marthaarellano @fashioncents203 Thank you again and likewise God Bless you & your family much success to you and your Beautiful Closet💗💕😘
Feb 20Reply
wrappedingray PFF! Love the new pictures .. Such a big and beautiful family ❤️ also yay for rescuing the kitty- she's a lucky lil gal and I love name you picked for her! ☺️
Feb 24Reply
marthaarellano @mydealyoursteal Aww❤️Thank you so much likewise your boys are getting so big they are adorable 😍and Congrats to you what a game must have been an awesome experience so glad they won🎉🎉🎉🎉 Thanks for all the shares I hope you have a Wonderful Weekend ❤️😘
Feb 24Reply
apsurf15 @marthaarellano ★ *˛ ˚♥* ✰。Thanks so much for your generous shares, Martha! Hope you have been enjoying Poshmark and having fun finding great fashion pieces to add to your closet. SO many pretty dresses and shoes--your closet is an absolute gem to share~Thanks again! Wishing you many weekend sales!★ *˛ ˚♥* ✰。
Feb 24Reply
aaharvey73 Thanks for sharing
Feb 27Reply
marthaarellano @aaharvey73 Thank you💕💗💕likewise 😊
Feb 27Reply
brighteyes5587 Beautiful family and stunning closet. Thank you for my dress and gift, I absolutely love it. I was trying to find your daughters closet as well and couldn’t find it. Could you tag me to it?
Mar 02Reply
marthaarellano @brighteyes5587 Hi Angel, I was just going to send you a little note thanking you for 5⭐️ rating & your sweet note I really appreciate & I am so glad to hear you are happy with your dress, thank you here is her closets @michele_are & she has a boutique under @freelywander thank you again 💕💗💕Have a Wonderful Day😘
Mar 02Reply
marthaarellano @satya1245 your very welcome sweetie💕💗💕😘
Mar 04Reply
luvcoco888 Thanks for the shares!
Mar 06Reply
rach141 Stunning closet and Posher! 💗
Mar 10Reply
sharonzemporium Hi Martha! U have a beautiful family! And likewise God and family first 🤗 thank u for sharing my listings. U have a beautiful closet. Will check out ur daughters as well.
Mar 13Reply
marthaarellano @sharonzemporium Hi Sharon, So nice to meet you and you are very welcome thank you for the shares as well & your sweet comment, I hope you have a nice evening 💕💗💕😗
Mar 14Reply
rachelmarie_b You have such a beautiful closet! I love all your items!
Mar 15Reply
spgrn1281 Hey doll! In NC for few weeks. Mom had successful back surgery today. I’ll be more active on here when she’s up and walking. In hospital now, and for two more days. Sending warm hugs and lots of appreciation for sharing closet! ❤️🤗
Apr 11Reply
marthaarellano @spgrn1281 Thats great news, I will send prayers 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 your way that she may continue to recover and be back on her feet soon, you just worry about taking care of her don’t worry about sharing 🌸💗🌸💗
Apr 11Reply
spgrn1281 @marthaarellano 😘🤗👍🏼🙏🏼
Apr 11Reply
janjan009 😍 beautiful family Martha.
Apr 11Reply
marthaarellano @janjan009 Hi Jan, Thank you so much💕💗😘 your a sweetheart love your closet & style!!!
Apr 12Reply
akmantia LOVE the family photos!! 💞
Apr 12Reply
marthaarellano @akmantia Aww🤗Thank you so much, so nice to meet you too, you & your Boys are Gorgeous ❤️ Beautiful Family God Bless you all🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😘
Apr 12Reply
akmantia @marthaarellano ♥♥♥Thank you! Likewise!
Apr 12Reply
stephs_metoyou Hi Marta! Thank you so much for the shares. You have a gorgeous family & a beautiful closet! I will definitely be back to I have 4 girls and seem to always be needing some sort of dress for something 😉. I hope you’re having a wonderful weekend! ❤️
Apr 23Reply
marthaarellano @splutchak Hello Stephanie, So nice to meet you and likewise thank you for all the shares you have a gorgeous closet love checking out all of your items, four girls that’s wonderful I have three girls & a son all married accept my youngest, but now it’s seems now I am always buying for the grandchildren, thank you again I hope you have enjoyed your weekend 😊💕
Apr 23Reply
marthaarellano @splutchak I just saw your daughters they are Beautiful just like their mother❤️
Apr 23Reply
ferniegirl You are so blessed! Beautiful family! 😍
Apr 23Reply
marthaarellano @ferniegirl Hi Rose, Thank you so much I truly am and I thank God every day🙏🏻 They are all everything to ne❤️ Thank you again😘
Apr 23Reply
margitscloset @marthaarellano Martha hello nice to meet you. I'm in love with your closet your pictures your clothes all of it and you personal pictures as well awesome story and I love your Poshmark Kitty. Wishing you all the best. Happy poshing. 🌺🌻🤗😚
Apr 26Reply
margitscloset Thanks so so much for all your shares.i very much appreciate that very much. 🌺❤🌺❤
Apr 30Reply
marthaarellano @margitscloset Aww, it’s my pleasure and thank you as well for all the shares of my closet 😊❤️
Apr 30Reply
ctbroussard Thank u so much for the shares! You have a BEAUTIFUL family btw! 🙏🏾❤️💕🙏🏾💕
May 09Reply
marthaarellano @ctbroussard Aww🤔Thank you so much Chris 💕it’s my pleasure your closet is amazing and you are gorgeous, Have a Fabulous Day🌻🌈☀️😙
May 09Reply
ctbroussard @marthaarellano awwww! Thank you! 😊🎀🎀 You have a blessed one as well, hun!!❤️❤️❤️
May 09Reply
lisaschuring @marthaarellano Good morning Martha! It was so nice to wake up to your lovely closet but more lovely- you! And how is it I've never "liked" your "meet the posher" listing when I adore you! Have a lovely May day Martha! ☀️🌈🌸💖
May 10Reply
marthaarellano @lisaschuring Aww, Lisa you are one of my sweetest PFF it’s always a pleasure to share your closet, it’s like therapy just relaxes me and don’t feel bad I just saw yours I think you add more pictures it’s adorable what a blessing I only have Michele living with me, wish I had them all living with me, hope you have a Beautiful Day🌈☀️🌷🌻😘
May 10Reply
lisaschuring @marthaarellano Wishing you a very blessed Mother's Day Martha! 💖💖💖 I hope your beautiful family has been able to make your day extra special and shown you the love you and pampering you deserve! I know how much you adore your sweet family! They're surely blessed to have your loving influence in their lives. 💖🌸🤗💖🤗💖🌸
May 14Reply
marthaarellano @lisaschuring Good morning Lisa, Thank you so much my sweet friend, I hope you had an Amazing Mother’s Day with you Beautiful Family, they are so very lucky to have such sweet caring Beautiful Mother and from the pictures you post fun, funny and quite the jokester 😂, Thank you again Lisa, May you have a Wonderful Week 🌷💗💕🌷💗💕🌷🌷🌷😘😘😘
May 14Reply
marthaarellano @deutzcat Hello Donna, I just saw your message, I am so sorry to hear that but I think I understand I have not been on as much as I used my husband has been up set at me for spending so much time on Poshmark, I am very sorry to see you go lately I just don’t share my items I might do the same in the near future
May 15Reply
marthaarellano @deutzcat I will help share you closet to see if you can at least sale some items, I will miss you my sweet friend I wish you the Best🌹🌹♥️♥️😘😘😘
May 15Reply
marthaarellano @deutzcat That sounds wonderful, what part of Florida will you be living in
May 15Reply
marthaarellano @deutzcat Sarasota is beautiful the beaches are gorgeous it’s very nice it’s will a different weather but it’s always beautiful in Florida but in December it’s hot that’s why will go north, this is my Email so we can keep in touch but it’s so exciting I am very happy for you I wish you. Ohh the best! Please keep in touch sweet friend❤️😘
May 15Reply
marthaarellano @deutzcat Thank you Donna Happy Mother’s Day I hope you had a Wonderful One🌷🌷🌷
May 15Reply
joyamarino Kitty is adorable and love your closet. 🌸💕
May 15Reply
allyrio Awesome closet, Beautiful items.😃! !!!!
May 15Reply
marthaarellano @joyamarino Thank you, I have two now saved another recuse kitty😺❤️😊
May 15Reply
marthaarellano @allyrio Aww🤗Thank you so much 💕 you also have an amazing closet with many beautiful items💗 Have a Wonderful Day & thanks for all the shares😊
May 15Reply
joyamarino @marthaarellano I have one kitty that I rescued and she is amazing. Every week we go to petco and I visit all the kitties...wish I could ave them all. 💕🌸 You have a beautiful family 💕🌸
May 15Reply
joyamarino Hi, sorry I accidentally hit the style me tab.
May 15Reply
savvynycshopper Share and share alike! Xoxoxox
May 16Reply
dolphinlight You have such a GORGEOUS family and darling fur babies, especially Luna who is clearly an angel in disguise 😻 Thank you so much for all the shares! You are so generous and kind and I’m deeply grateful 🤗🌷🐬💗
Jun 02Reply
goldenpolkadot @marthaarellano g morning Posh loveleeeeze, your closet is POPPIN and ur family pics are beautuful!!! Even ur Fur Babies are perfect! Its all SO very Perfect #happiness!!!! 😘 Olga
Jun 13Reply
goldenpolkadot @marthaarellano .... & #blessed 🌹🙏🏼🌹
Jun 13Reply
marthaarellano @goldenpolkadot Hello Olga, So nice to meet you and Thank you so much, you are way too sweet, I love your closet closet 😍it’s amazing but most of all you are an inspiring to all women, I can’t even imagine what you have gone through, you are Beautiful, Strong, Brave & a roll Model to all, you have a Beautiful Family 🙏🏻 God Bless you & them😘I will keep you in my players and Thank you again for stopping by & sharing my closet, May you have a Wonderful Day☀️🌸🦋🌼💕😘
Jun 13Reply
goldenpolkadot @marthaarellano aweee sweeetest words ive heard all week! Thank you so much and plz know i give all credit to God who loves me, my family & friends. He heard us and proved it by making the journey tolerable and one of unity & love. I never felt so loved in all my life, I was blessed with pillars of strength to get me thru, i didnt do it alone. I was in the best of company all the while & now im cancer free and ever so grateful! & blessed!
Jun 13Reply
goldenpolkadot @marthaarellano i thank u so much, God Bless u & ur gorgeous family & i have no doubt u & ur husband are the rocks that keep u all bonded. I love seeing ur pics & i cant wait till the day God blesses me with grandchildren. In the meantime im blessed to have both my sons living at home, where they watched me closely &cared for me all the while w/ my husband at my side. This happened for a reason, i promise im better for it. Everday is a gift & i know it.💕💕💕💕
Jun 13Reply
marthaarellano @goldenpolkadot You are blessed my sweet PFF so wonderful that you have your boys with you & your husband to take care of you I am sure they must spoil you & you deserve it! I just have my youngest living with me she’s the one in my profile, I am so glad I meet you through Poshmark 💕💗💕 I have been with a bad cold for two weeks it’s crazy it comes and goes today I am not feeling so good plan to go to sleep early, I hope you have a Wonderful night with many sales🌸🌼🌸💗💕💗😘
Jun 14Reply
marthaarellano @stylegirlz Hi Sue, Thank you so much and likewise love your closet & thank you for all the shares, Have a lovely day!💕
Jun 28Reply
lovemariac Hello, my name is Maria. If you have time, I would love if you would stop by my closet. I aim to make my buyers happy and leave with a smile. Have a great weekend.Beautiful family picture.
Jun 29Reply
marthaarellano @lovemariac Good morning Maria, so nice to meet you, you have a Gorgeous Closet Thank you so much for your comment & inviting me to lovely closet, I will continue to stop by hope you have a Wonderful Weekend🌈☀️🏖💕
Jun 29Reply
krygowra You have an amazing closet and a beautiful family
Jul 04Reply
marthaarellano @krygowra Aww, Thank you Rosemary, so do you, your closet is Gorgeous & thank you also for all the shares💕Have a Wonderful 4th of July🇺🇸🇺🇸❤️
Jul 04Reply
kynicole89 You have THR most beautiful closet I have seen! There isn’t one piece I don’t love!
Jul 18Reply
kynicole89 THE** 🙃
Jul 18Reply
marthaarellano @kynicole89 aww🤗Thank you so much, so sweet & thank you for all the shares I truly appreciate them all💕 you have a beautiful closet as well, may you enjoy the rest of your day🌹❤️😘
Jul 18Reply
mattietee @mattietee Hi. You have a beautiful family!
Jul 28Reply
marthaarellano @mattietee Hello Mattie, Thank you so much, love your closet, hope you have a Wonderful Weekend full of sales!! 💗🌸💕😊
Jul 28Reply
lisaschuring Hi Martha! It was so nice to hear from you tonight!! Your closet never dfsappoints! It's absolutely stunning as ever!! You have such an incredible knack at choosing the most drop dead gorgeous dresses!! What a blessing to have such a large loving &beautiful family! I CAN"T wait to have grandkids running under foot! Unfortunately it looks like I'm going to have to wait a Loooong time as my girls don't seem to be in any hurry ! I wish you blessings and joy martha! Muah! :)
Jul 30Reply
marthaarellano @lisaschuring Lisa, Thank you so much but your closet is just gorgeous love sharing all your items 😍 as for the grandchildren they will come soon for now enjoy your family I am sure when the time comes you will be an amazing Grandmother, I have been away because my grandkids are going to a summer camp close to my home I have been picking them up after work by the time they have left I am exhausted but so worth it so rest up for now lol 😂
Jul 30Reply
marthaarellano @lisaschuring And thank for you your kind words you are such a sweetheart 💗 May God always bless you and your Beautiful Family my sweet PFF🙏🏻❤️😘
Jul 30Reply
spgrn1281 Hi Martha! Long time no talk. I will be off for a while. Hubby was given a serious diagnosis. We leave for TX soon for second opinion. I will have my hands busy with prayer instead of online. Please keep him in your prayers. I will return the sharing favors when I get back. Thankful for all that you have done for me. Sending much love, peace, and blessings always. Shannon
Sep 06Reply
marthaarellano @spgrn1281 oh my dear friend, I am so sorry to hear about your husband I will definitely keep him in my prayers. please what is his first name so I can start praying for him & you, I have not been around much due to construction please do not worry about sharing just take care of him & yourself sweet friend🙏🏻🙏🏻May God Bless you both❤️😘😘
Sep 06Reply
spgrn1281 @marthaarellano thanks, my dear! 🙏🏼 His name is Alfonso. Thank you thank you! ❤️😘🤗
Sep 06Reply
marthaarellano @spgrn1281 If you have time please check out this book The Plant Paradox by Steven R. Gundry, MD it is life changing my whole family from my husband, kids & grandkids we have all changes our lives due to this book, it talks about all kinds of diseases. I hope it might help in some way🙏🏻😘
Sep 06Reply
marthaarellano @spgrn1281 I will keep him in my pray❤️🙏🏻
Sep 06Reply
spgrn1281 @marthaarellano girlfriend!! Got my family on it, too! My counters are stocked up on Gundry stuff!! Lol! I have to see more on Poshmark to pay for it 😂🤣. Seriously, thank you so much. Talk soon, precious! ❤️
Sep 06Reply
postmodernpoppy I adore your closet color palette it’s so optimistic and cheery. Not to mention sharing your daughters closet, which I will visit, and all the beautiful family pictures. Cheers, Christina
Sep 08Reply
marthaarellano @cg3hring Hello Christina, so nice to meet you and thank you so much, I just shared your closet it’s amazing so many beautiful items, thank you again for the Posh Love💕😊 will definitely be back to share😊
Sep 08Reply
theturbanqueen Thanks so much for all the love. Have a beautiful night! 💞💖
Sep 13Reply
marthaarellano @theturbanqueen Your Welcome and likewise thank you ❤️ You have a Gorgeous closet😍 Have a Wonderful night!!
Sep 13Reply
midoa God bless your beautiful family 🙏 and thank u for all the shares, I’ll reciprocate the posh love ❤️
Sep 13Reply
marthaarellano @midoa aww thank you so much, it’s my pleasure and thank you as well God Bless you and your family 💕😊 Have a lovely evening!
Sep 13Reply
hbaker702 Hi beautiful lady! Thank you very much for mentioning me in the HP! 🎉🎉🎉🎉 Email me sometime so we can chat! Hope you are your family are doing amazing! 😇😇💖💖🥂🥂
Sep 25Reply
marthaarellano @hbaker702 It’s always a blessing to hear from you and I would love to keep in touch my Beautiful sweet friend I will email you soon❤️😘
Sep 25Reply
boujeeandboho What a beautiful family you have!!! Thank you for all the posh love 😂😍
Sep 30Reply
marthaarellano @vegasvoyeur Aww🤗 thank you so much Ali❤️ they are my world, I will be going to Disney world this Friday with them can’t wait! Thank you for purchase of the bundle I just send it out this morning I hope you enjoy your new items and thank you for all the Posh ❤️ I hope you have a Wonderful Week filled with many sales😘
Oct 01Reply
boujeeandboho @marthaarellano oh Disney 😍 they will love that! I hope you all have such an amazing memory filled Disney adventure 🙏🏼 Luna is super Adorable bless u for the rescue as i have 4 dogs myself lol. Thanks for the great offer I’m excited for my package 📦 🤩
Oct 01Reply

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