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Updated 4 days ago
Updated 4 days ago

Meet your Posher, Lisa

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Lisa. Some of my favorite brands are Michael Kors, Nike, and PINK Victoria's Secret. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 30% off 3+ Bundle

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aredhousebuy Beautiful words of encouragement wishing you the very best of all sales on posh remember to follow follow follow share share share God bless you
Nov 15Reply
graykitten @redhousebuys thank you. So sorry for the delay in time . I’m new at this & just getting the hang of it all. ❤️
Dec 02Reply
aredhousebuy @graykitten I Understand nothing to be sorry for
Dec 02Reply
graykitten @redhousebuys thank you. 😁
Dec 02Reply
soriag 😊 Hi I am Gloria. I hope you are enjoying this community of great people and awesome deals. I am a Poshmark Ambassador, Top Seller, Top sharer and Poshmark Mentor. If you have any questions feel free to ask, I will be glad to help. I also invite you to check out my closet. Happy Poshing 😃
Dec 14Reply
graykitten @soriag yes I do enjoy the wonderful community. I have sold a few items. Thank you for offering advise. I plan to increase new items in my boutique. Can you tell me how to offer bundles? I know that I have a lot to learn, so any advise would be appreciated. Thank you so much! 😁
Dec 14Reply
soriag @graykitten sellers do not create bundles. Buyers are the ones that create bundles by selecting items in your closet. Then, after the bundle is created, you’re able to offer a discounted price for the bundle
Dec 14Reply
graykitten @soriag thank you for the info., should i let customers know that I will offer bundles? If yes , how would I do that? Thank you for your help.
Dec 15Reply
soriag @graykitten you indicated there is a discount on bundles on each one of the listings
Dec 15Reply
graykitten @soriag so the discounted price has the slash through it? Just trying to figure it all out.
Dec 15Reply
resourcing_rob Thank you for visiting and following my closet Lisa, please let me know if you have any questions. Have a Poshin Day 😁
Jan 13Reply
zardiva1 Hey, it looks like you shared *ALL 20* of my 👜👜👜, haha! 😀 Thanks so much! 👍😃😘
Jan 18Reply
graykitten @zardiva1 your very welcome❤️ Happy poshing !
Jan 18Reply
xxxx1950 Great closet Lisa. Is that cat a Russian Blue? She’s beautiful❤️ Wii stay in touch Rose 🌹
Feb 11Reply
graykitten @xxxx1950 thank you. Yes , he’s a blue Russian , I love my Thomas. Yes, keep in touch.
Feb 11Reply
merri895 Good morning thank you so much for the sharing from my closet I appreciate it. I will be sure to be back & chk out your closet Thanks again👍😃
Feb 14Reply
graykitten @merri895 your very welcome! Happy poshing! ❤️
Feb 14Reply
cougarphyllis I'm so sorry but I don't know how to use that style but I'm interested if you want to explain.
Feb 24Reply
cougarphyllis If you care to, we can share with each other weekly.
Feb 24Reply
graykitten @cougarphyllis yes we can thanks so much!
Feb 24Reply
graykitten @cougarphyllis I really don’t know much about styling either.
Feb 24Reply
cougarphyllis I can't do all that sharing at one time. It takes too much time and I have to take care of my own closet. Let's keep doing this but slow down okay? Meanwhile I like your closet!
Feb 25Reply
graykitten @cougarphyllis okay that’s fine. No problem. Thanks for sharing when u can. I understand. 😁
Feb 27Reply
graykitten Felt like sharing ur items , share mine when u can, no worries here. I love sharing for other poshers! ❤️
Feb 27Reply
samantham502 Thank you for all the shares! ❤ Feeling the Posh love, Happy Poshing!
Mar 30Reply
graykitten @connie_posh Hello there! Thank you so much! Good to see you on Poshmark as a seller. I don’t think I know you personally, but I do wish you the best I’m sales! Yes , you have to share share share & follow follow follow. Sometimes it’s slow going. Just keep on poshing! Good luck to you! 😁
Apr 03Reply
jamies_finds 💜Thank you for following me ! I really appreciate it :) Come check out my closet when you get a chance I might have something you’ll like 💜🙏💜
Apr 05Reply
graykitten @jamiefacelove I sure will soon. Your welcome.Happy poshing! 💕💕💕
Apr 08Reply
graykitten @rockyj57 thank you! I really like my kitty Thomas. ❤️
Apr 08Reply
kdcposhmark Thank you for all the shares!
Apr 10Reply
trosegold Hi Lisa, thanks for the follow. I'll be sure to check out your closet and share the items that I like 😃. Cheers-Tim
Apr 11Reply
graykitten @trosegold thank you! No problem.❤️
Apr 11Reply
chellier Thanks for following
Apr 17Reply
graykitten @kdc1234 ur welcome! 💕
Apr 18Reply
graykitten @chellier no problem! I like to share.💕
Apr 18Reply
graykitten @chellier you are welcome. 💕
Apr 18Reply
hmsimon1 Good afternoon Lisa. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Apr 18Reply
amypavs8 Ahhhh!! Love your grey kitten!! ❤️😻
Apr 25Reply
graykitten @amypavs8 thank you! He is pretty sweet. ❤️
Apr 25Reply
graykitten @hmsimon1 no problem! I like sharing other poshers listings. ❤️
Apr 26Reply
graykitten @amypavs8 Thank you! 😁
Apr 26Reply
sandiegosales Sweet puppy 🐶 😍🐾❤️️!
Apr 28Reply
graykitten @sandiegosales yes he is sweet, thank you. ❤️
Apr 28Reply
drayjohnson23 @graykitten Love your kitty! So pretty!
May 18Reply
graykitten @drayjohnson23 thank you, he’s such a big baby. He’s a spoiled kitty. ❤️
May 19Reply
drayjohnson23 @graykitten So is my Sassy Girl! But love her so much!
May 19Reply
graykitten @drayjohnson23 I absolutely understand. 💕🌸💕
May 19Reply
drayjohnson23 @graykitten Happy Poshing!
May 19Reply
lvdoxies Hi Lisa! I love your fur babies! Is your cat a Russian Blue or just a beautiful gray kitty? I’ve only been doing this for a few months but I am enjoying it Thanks for following me! Cynthia
May 23Reply
graykitten @lvdoxies yes he’s a Russian Blue , I ❤️ my Thomas. Wishing you many sales! Thanks! Happy poshing!
May 25Reply
lvdoxies @graykitten My most beloved cat was Shadow, my Russian Blue who was the most loving, tolerant ( my young daughter put all sorts of hair bows on her , pushed her on a swing,took her in a baby carriage.) and beautiful cat. I miss her ... one in a million!
May 25Reply
knowyourreitz I love gray kitties and Chihuahuas! 😍🥰
May 25Reply
graykitten @lvdoxies yes , my Thomas is a lovable cat, so I know what u mean. He’s very well mannered, just a big baby. 😁 thank you so much! 💕
May 25Reply
w3r3allbrok3n Great Connecting With You!!
Jun 01Reply
polotown @graykitten which breeder is he from? I have had several Russian Blues. Just lost my girl a few months ago and her breeder is no longer breeding.
Jun 04Reply
graykitten @polotown we bought him at a Pet store years ago, so I really don’t have any way of knowing. So sorry to hear u lost ur girl , ☺️ I know how that is. We lost our Little’Chico’ pictured on this listing. We still miss him. Thanks so much! 💕
Jun 04Reply
polotown @graykitten Thank you. I'm sorry for your loss too. ❤️
Jun 04Reply
polotown @graykitten Thank you for the shares!
Jun 04Reply
pdufault120 Hi, Lisa! Thank you so much for sharing so many of my closet items. I really appreciate it! Have a wonderful day! 🌺🌼💐
Jun 12Reply
graykitten @pdufault120 Your very welcome.💕🌸💕
Jun 12Reply
jkm2young Love the verse! ❤️
Jun 14Reply
graykitten @jkm2young thank you, so do I. 💕🌸💕 Happy Poshing! 💕🌸💕
Jun 14Reply
lavenderbuddha Just wanted to drop you a note and say how beautiful your grey kitty is. My own sweet greys have passed long ago but still miss their adorable expressions, like the one in your photo! Thanks for sharing!! Blessings and be well!! 😄
Jun 15Reply
graykitten @lavenderbuddha thank you & ur welcome. I really like my blue Thomas. ♥️
Jun 15Reply
jtposhplane Hi Lisa, Thank you for the follow! Please visit my closet anytime!😊🌸🌸🌸
Jun 15Reply
graykitten @jtplane ur welcome.😁 I will look around. 🌸
Jun 15Reply
graykitten @tricitytrends your welcome! Thank you, I do work at it. Happy poshing! ! 💕
Jul 02Reply
innaston Thank you for following. Please check out my closet ! Most of my items are new from my boutique in Malibu, CA ( where celebrities like to shop)
Jul 08Reply
graykitten @innaston I certainly will look! Thank you! 😁
Jul 11Reply
innaston @graykitten thank you 💕 you have cute stuff in your closet 👍
Jul 11Reply
graykitten @innaston thank you! Your closet is very nice! 🌹
Jul 11Reply
chucky75 Thx for following me
Jul 14Reply
graykitten @chucky75 your welcome! 💕
Jul 14Reply
greenbaypackers Hi Lisa:) Thanks for the follow!!! Am following you too!!! Glad to see you love fur babies as well!!! Excited to check out your closet. FYI if you're ever interested in anything in mine, I'm always open to offers & take 20% off bundles of 2 or more items. Hope you have a restful Sat. night, great Sunday & Happy Poshing!!!
Jul 21Reply
greenbaypackers Thanks for the shares!!!
Jul 21Reply
graykitten @greenbaypackers you are very welcome! Thanks for following me . I do like my fur babies 💕 I enjoy sharing others listings.I’ll look through ur closet & see if I can use anything there. Happy poshing! 💕🌸💕
Jul 21Reply
graykitten @greenbaypackers ur welcome! Hope you have a great evening & weekend as well. 😉 💕💕💕
Jul 21Reply
chante_allday Thank you for following me! I want to also invite you to follow my Instagram I want to grow that account so its just as successful as this one can’t do so without your support ! I’ll return the favor @chante_all day
Jul 23Reply
graykitten @gomomgo6 Your welcome !
Jul 23Reply
graykitten @chantew23 I am now following you on Instagram .Thanks !
Jul 23Reply
joebilly753 Hi, my name is Wanda. Thanks for following me. New at this. Excited!! Hope to have items listed by the weekend. Will also be checking out your closet. Have a blessed week.
Jul 30Reply
graykitten @joebilly753 Your welcome! Be sure to follow other posters & share their listings. Most will share back. So get your listing added ASAP .Welcome to this great community. Blessings & many sales to you. Happy poshing!
Jul 31Reply
imashoeluver Adorable 🐾🐾🐾🐾pic/wallpaper🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾
Aug 05Reply
graykitten @dgreene555 Good morning! You are very welcome for the follow!. Thank You for the Shares! I shared several of your listings. You have a great day! May God bless you w an abundance of sales! Happy poshing! 💕🙏💕🙏🌸🌸🌸
Aug 11Reply
lellowandpink Thanks for the follow! Have a great week! 🤙
Aug 20Reply
piggyann1960 Your furbaby is gorgeous! I love the blue gray color. 🥰 Thank you very much for sharing my closet. I'm always happy to share the Posh love! Have a great week! 😀❣
Aug 21Reply
piggyann1960 Thank you so very much Lisa for sharing my entire closet! 😍 You have a wonderful closet... I need to shop it now instead of just sharing! 😁 I sent a couple of the leopard bags to my PFF directly. She wears mostly all leopard print something daily right down to her watch! Check her out: @shoptilyadrop12 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Aug 22Reply
uniquetochic12 @piggyann1960 awe! Thanks for the shout out pff!
Aug 22Reply
graykitten @layadina thank you! He’s a Russian Blue. He’s my buddy.
Sep 18Reply
graykitten @layadina thank you ! He’s pretty big as well. ❤️
Sep 25Reply
aprilmarielove Hi, Your Kitten looks just like mine😊
Oct 07Reply
graykitten @aprilmarielove yes they do look alike! 💕
Oct 07Reply
lakedwellerhb Hi Lisa, thanks for following us!👍 We are Jimbo and G!🤠🙋 We're still getting our Posh' closet in shape. We currently don't have any listings in our closet. Hopefully soon!😉 I hope you find great bargains & have many sales!📈 Happy Posh'ing!🎉 Peace be with you!🙏n☮️n💗
Oct 25Reply
sisiharry Hello! Welcome to Poshmark! Let me know if you have any questions on how to make it all work.
Oct 27Reply
megan274 Thanks for following me! I am new to selling on Poshmark and excited to see where it takes me. It is great to learn about all the different people on here. If you would like,check out my closet to see if anything interests you. 👗👢👠👚 Have a great weekend! 💚
Oct 27Reply
princess6157_ Hello Lisa! I’m Sarah. Check out my closet. I consider reasonable offers. Bundle for 15% discount. Happy Poshing 🌹😊🌹✝️
Nov 16Reply
jruby1 @megan274 I am new to Poshmark also. Am just learning but really enjoying it so far.
Nov 16Reply
jruby1 Lisa, I am new to Poshmark. I have been enjoying it a lot. Please check out my closet. I will check yours out also!
Nov 16Reply
graykitten @princess6157_ will be happy to look around! Thank you! 💕
Nov 16Reply
graykitten @jruby1 welcome to Poshmark! Wishing you many sales! 💕🌸💕 Happy poshing!
Nov 16Reply
nicholepruitt73 please accept this $5 credit to go shopping in my closet pic any 2 items in my closet and I'll give u 15% off. If u bundle 2 or more items you will get a free canvas tote bag and jewelry grab bag valued at $10
Nov 17Reply
graykitten @nicholepruitt73 well thanks! But no thank you. I will look around. I just don’t buy much. Happy poshing! 💕🌸💕
Nov 17Reply
artisticflow05 @graykitten Wow! Thanks for all the shares 💕💕💕
Nov 18Reply
graykitten @artisticflow05 you are so welcome! 💕💕💕
Nov 18Reply
polka5dots Hello. Thank you for all the shares! Happy New Year!
Jan 04Reply
charolk Thank you for all the Shares!!! Pretty new on working to sell on Poshmark. Happy New Year!🎈
Jan 13Reply
graykitten @charolk Your Welcome! Good luck , best wishes for you in this new year!🌸🌺🌸
Jan 13Reply
graykitten @polka5dots your welcome! Good luck ! 🌸🌺🌸
Jan 13Reply
charolk @graykitten oh and.. love your Cat!!
Jan 13Reply
graykitten @charolk Thank you! He so lovable & such a big baby. He’s spoiled. 💕
Jan 13Reply
peacheelychee Thanks for the follow! You’re dog is adorable and that scripture is beautiful!
Jan 24Reply
graykitten @peacheelychee thank you! Many blessings to you. ❤️
Jan 25Reply
janfast Hi Lisa! Thanks for following my closet!😊
Feb 12Reply
graykitten @janfast your welcome!
Feb 12Reply
sweetscorpion11 We own 3 blue Russians 😻
Feb 12Reply
graykitten @sweetscorpion11 oh wow! They are beautiful cats! I love my Thomas. 🥰
Feb 13Reply
vallynn2020 oh wow I saw your comment on the raggedy ann and Andy dolls. it shows no listing now. hmm that's odd
Feb 17Reply
graykitten @vallynn2020 yes , I checked on them again, maybe the seller decided not to sell the Raggedy Ann & Andy dolls. I was seriously thinking of buying them. They are hard to find. Regret not buying them when available. 😕
Feb 17Reply
vallynn2020 @graykitten so sad. they were adorable
Feb 17Reply
wlswist Thank you so much for sharing my closet..I really appreciate it 🥰
Feb 19Reply
graykitten @wlswist Your very welcome!! Happy Poshing!
Feb 21Reply
shopaudrey_ ty for all the shares!
May 16Reply
graykitten @lovebargains12 You are welcome! Happy poshing! 💕💕💕💕💕
May 24Reply
crafteelinda490 Hi, Lisa! It is so nice to virtually meet you. I just want t thank you for following and sharing from my closet. I really appreciate it.
Jul 06Reply
jeandanette Hey... I love the cat because I have one that looks EXACTLY the same. 💗💓💓💚💜🤍💛
Jul 14Reply
izzyriley2008 Thank you for your shares!! I love your cat picture !!! Thank you !
Jul 26Reply
mresse hi! welcome. I have some super gorgeous items for sale at my closet and I'd love for you to take a look. Everything is completely price negotiable. HURRY AS I'M CLOSING IN 10 DAYS!!
Aug 02Reply
brandisstyle7 Good morning, thanks for following feel free to check out my closet. I have a sale going on, on long sleeve tops. Bundle and save! Have a wonderful day
Aug 02Reply
happyme518 Hello, just wanna thank you for all the shares. Your are very generous and i in do appreciate it. God bless, stay well and happy poshing!
Aug 03Reply
graykitten @happyme518 thank you! Glad to share ur items! God Bless you w many sales! 💕💕💕
Aug 03Reply
graykitten @brandisstyle7 thank you! I’ll look at ur closet! Have a windy day! 💕💕💕
Aug 03Reply
cooki232323 Love your 4 legged kids! Thank you so much for your kindness & generosity! Stay safe & well.👍🏻💙💕
Aug 25Reply
rivasue Your Thomas is gorgeous. Does he just love drinking cold water? I have a Russian Blue Persian Mix who just loves his water from the fridgey. Your Siberian is also very handsome.
Sep 10Reply
graykitten @rivasue yes, he likes his water cold! I’m always putting an ice cube in his water & he love’s licking on the ice. He’s a spoiled boy. ❤️ our Husky, Juno , is spoiled as well. ❤️ our pets.
Sep 10Reply
rivasue @graykitten I have read that the love of cold drinking water is a Russian Blue trait. Thanks for sharing the pictures of your loves.
Sep 10Reply
graykitten @rivasue your welcome! I didn’t know blue Russians had the cold water trait. Thank you for sharing, my Thomas loves his ice cold water. ❤️
Sep 10Reply
rrucker5 Hi Lisa. Thanks for all the shares! I really appreciate it.
Sep 14Reply
graykitten @rrucker5 Your welcome! Thank you for sharing as well!
Sep 14Reply
monolidi Happy poshing!!🥳 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like! Have a great day☺️
Oct 02Reply
ritzi02 Hey, you can lookout my store and lmk if you wanna buy any of my paintings, I can recreate any of my paintings and I do custom paintings also, so whatever you want I can paint for you within your price range ❤️😊💕
Oct 19Reply
renae987 Dear Lisa, Thank you so much for sharing my closet items! It's very encouraging to have your support. I wish you the best 💌💌 Renae
Nov 13Reply
graykitten @renae987 your welcome! Thank you.
Nov 13Reply
allgoodtday Hi Lisa!!! First things first your cat is gorgeous, he looks like mine!!! Ty for following I’ll be sharing from followers closets , I have an hour with coffee. Ty again, happy Poshing, Marly
Jan 27Reply
dogtownusa love your pets...
Feb 25Reply
viko1029 Love your Lifestyle 🥂Thanks for the share 😎🤙🏼
Feb 26Reply
graykitten @viko1029 Your welcome!
Feb 26Reply
graykitten @dogtownusa Thank you! 💗
Feb 26Reply
carmenwoollums Thank you for the follow 💛 God bless ✝️
Feb 26Reply
galeriadeamour Hi lisa, thanks for all the shares lovely 💋🥳🥰your awesome also Love your furry 🐾babies and your highlighted scripture. 💋✨Wish you many sales 💋💋
Mar 03Reply
graykitten @galeriadeamour Your welcome! Thank you for the compliments. Happy poshing to you as well & I wish you many sales! Hope I helped. 💗💕💗
Mar 04Reply
galeriadeamour Awhh sales are good but meeting great people like you PFF 💋💐👯‍♀️is the best, everything else falls in place. You do help ... thanks 💋
Mar 04Reply
galeriadeamour Hi my dear Lisa, thanks for the shares 💋
Mar 05Reply
sprinklesbaker Hi! I'm Emily. Thanks for stopping by! If you like any of my items feel free to create a bundle so you can get a great deal! I’m a quick shipper I usually send them out a day or two after😊 I’ll accept any offers on clothes, jewelry and books!
Mar 15Reply
josie1116 It stills says you are on vacation lol. Didn’t know if that’s an accident or not. Thanks for all the shares. I try to reciprocate. 🥰
May 22Reply
josie1116 Omgoodness I just saw you have a husky. My husband and I have a 4 month old red with blue eyes. He’s a handful but so stinkin’ cute!
May 22Reply
nancylfunk Thank you for all the shares, Lisa!
Jun 01Reply
graykitten @nancylfunk Your Welcome!
Jun 02Reply
sargebill hi Lisa, thank you for your follow, wishing you all the very best, Bill and Samantha.
Jun 07Reply
graykitten @sargebill Your welcome for the follow! I looked in your closet, very interesting items you have in ur collection. Thank you for your service. Good luck in all you do!
Jun 07Reply
sargebill @graykitten thank you,I've been collecting militaria since I was 5, dad would sub contract plumbing jobs and instead of taking full pay, he'd bargain for military items for me, one ww2 vet had his m1942 Springfield bayonet, dad got it, the man insisted he take his full pay too,gave it to me. I found stuff in junk piles,even menoirs,diaries battlefield maps just thrown away, people don't know what they have,
Jun 07Reply
luvmehonda Beautiful closet ❤️ Great job. And beautiful animals as well😀 Have a great evening.
Jun 25Reply
graykitten @luvmehonda thank you very much for all the kind comments, I hope you have a great evening as well! I’ll be sure to check out your closet too! 💕💗💕
Jun 25Reply
emilyvenable78 Hii! Thank you for the follow! NIKE, NBA Youngboy, PINK, AE, and other brands listed in my closet if you would like to take a look :)
Jul 19Reply
jenn123456 Thanks for following me. Hopefully really soon you will buy something from me! Also have a black and white cat mug! Cute Cat 🥰🐱🐾
Jul 20Reply
rlh17 Thanks so much for the follow, much appreciated ☺️ please let me know if anything in my closet catches your eye or if you have tips for a new Posher!
Jul 20Reply
tkr023504 I really appreciate all the shares. Thank you ❤️
Sep 05Reply
graykitten @tkr023504 your welcome! Happy poshing!
Sep 05Reply
jewelsbysara Hi I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. Happy Poshing 🎉
Sep 10Reply
graykitten @s27a Hi there! I’ll be glad to look around in your closet. Thanks so much! Happy poshing! 💕💕
Sep 10Reply
stambaugh554 Hello there, love gray kitten. Beautiful!! 😺😉
Sep 23Reply
spreadlove Hi!! Im Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I am always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet - so I wanted to say hello. If you're in the mood to shop , please check out my items! Have a great day!! ☀️🙏✌️🙏✌️☀️
Oct 17Reply
gospelgirl101 Hi there 👋! My closet is having a buy one get one FREE! Purchase a full price item , get any item marked with a 🦩 free with purchase! Open to reasonable offers as well. Shipping is always same or next day! 🥰 Happy shopping!
Nov 07Reply
timamy21 Thank you so much for the follow! I'm new to pashmark and every little bit helps. I have shared several of your listings and I hope you can share some of mine.
Nov 08Reply
smcuster Hello, Shawn Marie here. After getting notification you began following my Poshmark Closet, I want to welcome you, thank you for choosing Poshmark and send an invite to join me on Instagram. As a fellow Stylemate, I appreciate the opportunity to work with you. Consider connecting with me on Instagram @shawnmariescloset where we can get to know one another better. My closet is your closet. Shawn Marie
Nov 08Reply
claireleslie07 Love your babies!
Nov 30Reply
littlepeachxo hi ! ^^ i have a variety of listings & all earnings from my closet go to a child abuse survivor to help them heal. -peach ♡.
Dec 01Reply
steveirwin7777 thank you for the reminder
Dec 22Reply
jdlcloset @graykitten hi there! thank you for the follow i really appreciate it. please feel free to check my closet you might see something you like and also i currently have 20% discount if u purchase 4 items if thats ur interested in. please let me k i am open for good offer/counteroffer. thanks and happy poshing 😘
Jan 07Reply
snwluxury Greetings! Thank you for the follow. 🤗 When you have a moment, please check out my closet. I offer a 15% discount when you bundle 3 or more items. I’m constantly adding new items and I’m sure you will find something that you love! ❤️ Happy shopping!! 🛍
Jan 07Reply
deect WOW! Thank you!
Feb 10Reply
graykitten @deect No problem. You are very welcome! 💕
Feb 11Reply
missink3383 🖤I'm Serah*Lyn🖤Welcome🖤 You're cordially invited to 🎀Miss-Ink's Closet🎀 Stop by for fun, share games, Chances to win Free*/half off* 🎀🤗🎀🤗🎀 [*Items of equal or lesser value] Many brands, sizes, & styles 🌑🌒🌓🌔🌕🌖🌗🌘 🙏Reasonable offers considered 🤖Low-balling will be ignored 💕 💕 💕 😃🖤Shop with confidence🖤😃 🔺5🌟$eller~Posh Ambassador 🔺Quality items* 🔺Careful & Fast S/H 📫 🔺Ship updates 📅 📦 ('til arrival) 🌟 🌙 🌞 🌟 Will u find your next treasure...?
Mar 01Reply
123morningstar Thank you for following my closet. I provide 20% off when you bundle three or more items from my closet. Please feel free to make offers on all my listings. I ship fast, daily. All my listings are stored in excellent condition for fast, easy transactions and come from a smoke/pet free environment. Please feel free to message me with any questions you may have. Enjoy, wishing you have lots of fun. Again, thank you and welcome to my closet!
Mar 01Reply
christibritt Thank you for following my closet. I can’t wait to look at your closet!! Please feel free to make me an offer on anything you like, plus I offer discounts for bundling. Hope you’re loving Poshmark as much as I do. I can’t wait to look at your closet too!! Have a wonderful day!!! ❤️
Mar 10Reply
graykitten @christibritt Your welcome. I certainly will take a closer look in ur closet. Wishing u a wonderful day! 🌺🌸🌺
Mar 10Reply
christibritt Love your pups!
Mar 10Reply
graykitten @123morningstar Ur very welcome! I’ll take a closer look & share a few as I look. Wishing u many sales. 😊 Have a wonderful day! 🌺🌸🌺
Mar 10Reply
graykitten @christibritt Thank you! I really enjoy them, great companions , they are so spoiled,😉. Have a wonderful day. 🌺🌸🌺
Mar 10Reply
graykitten @christibritt thank you & they are very spoiled. ❤️
Mar 11Reply
todflock Ruff! 😀
Mar 12Reply
lenabonita Hi! I’m just starting my POSHMARK closet, so thanks so much for the following. I really appreciate it! And welcome to my closet♥️ For the BEST DEAL, create a bundle and I will add additional discounts.
Mar 13Reply
graykitten @lenabonita I’ll take a look, absolutely. Consider playing my share for share game. It help you get followers. If u share my items , I will return the shares, share for share. WELCOME to the Poshmark community ! Remember to share , share, share & share. Thanks & have fun & many sales. 🌺🌸🌺
Mar 13Reply
lenabonita Hi! I’m just starting my POSHMARK closet, so thanks so much for the following and sharing. I really appreciate it! And welcome to my closet♥️ For the BEST DEAL, create a bundle and I will add additional discounts.
Mar 13Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Mar 18Reply
paris_dash @graykitten Thanks for all the shares!!
Mar 18Reply
graykitten @paris_dash thank you for returning shares, you need to play my sharing game, to get more followers, that could mean more sales for you. Have a great day and thank you again!🌺🌸🌺
Mar 18Reply
paris_dash @graykitten thank you will do that. Have a great weekend :)
Mar 18Reply
graykitten @beautifynails well thank you! I do have a sharing game you can play along , just share as many of my items as you want, just please comment how many you share so I can return the shares of yours. Thanks so much have a great night!🌺🌸🌺
Mar 19Reply
graykitten @sandydallison welcome! Come back & play the sharing game anytime! Thanks! 🌺🌸🌺
Mar 19Reply
sumthinvintage Hello! I would love to work with you on Poshmark as I declutter! I have so much you would be interested in, believe it! I used to sell at retail! Now I am on a mission to get back to what I love! Bundle and Help ME!
Mar 22Reply
graykitten @sumthinvintage Hi there! Thank you for replying to me. And thanks for willing to work with me. I have one bundle up and several likes. Can you send me the bundle of 4 price??
Mar 22Reply
buffy1940 Hi Lisa thank you so much for your purchase from my closet. I will get this book mailed 1st thing in the morning. I have it packaged up ready to go. Love your beautiful babies !!
Mar 23Reply
graykitten @buffy1940 Your welcome & thank you for shipping promptly, I will accept it the day I receive it. These fur babies are my world 💕 . Have a great night! Welcome back any time to play my share game, helps get ur item out there . 🌺🌸🌺
Mar 23Reply
buffy1940 @graykitten Of course thank you !! Have 3 fur babies here, 2 tuxedo kitty sisters & our Mr Moose a Min Pin mix. 💖❤️💖
Mar 23Reply
graykitten @buffy1940 awe, that’s great. Thanks! Gotta luv the fur babies. Thank u for shipping my soap book. 🌺🌸🌺
Mar 23Reply
buffy1940 @graykitten Of course !! Hope the info in it works for you 🐈‍⬛🐶
Mar 23Reply
buffy1940 Thank you so much Lisa for the great rating !! Enjoy your fur babies 💖💕
Mar 29Reply
graykitten @buffy1940 Your welcome! I do like my Fur babies. ❤️ I just love the soap book, I am reading it & sharing a little posh Love. God bless you & thanks so much!
Mar 29Reply
lnr829 Hi Lisa, and thanks for following. When you have a chance, visit my closet and let me know if you have any questions. I price my items fairly and if there is room for discount, I’ll consider offers. Thanks and good day!
Apr 02Reply
curlygirlyx3 Thank you for the shares. Hope you have a great rest of the day. Happy Poshing 😊
May 04Reply
graykitten @curlygirlyx3 Your welcome. dear ,& thank you for returning shares. Stop back in & look at my sharing games. Have a great day! 🌺🌸🌺
May 04Reply
glassprism70 Cute fur babies. Thank you for your follow. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package 📦. And offers are always welcome, too.
May 07Reply
graykitten @glassprism70 Thank you, & you are welcome for the follow. I’ll take a look around in ur closet. Will share a few as well, stop by my closet & check out my share games, u share mine & I’ll return ur the same amount of your items. Have a wonderful day! 🌺🌸🌺
May 07Reply
glassprism70 @graykitten . Thank you and you are very welcome. Just a note… personally, I do not find this fun, but I need to sell items I do not use or have room to store. I must live a simpler life. I did give away most of the tchotchkes and things I cannot use like I thought at one time. One of the things I will be posting soon is the 4th throw that someone gave me as a holiday gift.
May 07Reply
gracie607 @graykitten Thanks for stopping by my closet ✨👗🙋🏼‍♀️✨
May 27Reply
shyenneworle183 hi, thanks for following me 😀 feel free to make an offer or a bundle on anything you like in my closet. all fall and winter items must go!! ( hoodies, coats, holiday items, ect) Get free shipping on orders of 35 or more, all others get 4.99 shipping! take 15% off electronics, shirts are 5 for 30, jeans and sweatpants are 4 for 35! send me your offers and make your bundles!! get same or next day shipping on everything!! check out my other listings for more deals! 😊 ✨️
Jun 10Reply
graykitten @tutuwig Thank you , I work at it & for sharing my items, I’ll share back some of ur. Wishes for sales to come ur way! 🌺🌸🌺 8-13
Aug 13Reply
happyday111960 Hi there Lisa and thank you for the "follow"! As a Posh Ambassador I have a little wiggle room on a lot of things so feel free to make any offer. Take a look and see if there’s anything you like. Hopefully you’ll find something you love. Have a “Poshing” kind of day! L.
Aug 15Reply
classtiques Thanks for all the shares Lisa! Are we in a share game together? I appreciate it either way!! Shared 20 back!
Sep 04Reply
graykitten @classtiques Your so welcome! Not sure if we are in the same share game,, but I randomly click on a poshers link & just share away, sometimes get carried away. Hope you have a great night, full of sales. 🌺🌸🌺
Sep 04Reply
classtiques @graykitten Well, I’m grateful you landed on my closet!! You are so sweet to share so many of my listings!! Thanks very much!! 😘🫣😘
Sep 05Reply
graykitten @classtiques You’re very welcome, it’s no problem. I do this randomly with different closets, thank you for sharing back. Have a safe Labor Day.💗🌺💗
Sep 05Reply
graykitten @bestnanaever3 Your very welcome dear, take your time, it’s no problem. I like sharing the posh love. ❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏 Take care.
Sep 08Reply
otiliauma24 Hello 🙋‍♀️Thank you so much for stopping by and following my closet 🌺🥰 Happy Poshing
Nov 02Reply
cinderella927 Hello Lisa‼️I see you liked The RUNWAY‼️Welcome‼️We are a great group of supportive Poshers who love to share closets‼️I am currently scheduling closets to be featured this week and have openings on Tues. 12/6, Wed. 12/7 and Thurs. 12/8‼️ Let me know if you are interested in being featured and what day works best for you‼️I always suggest to read over the slides in The RUNWAY listing to get an idea of how the group works‼️
Dec 03Reply
graykitten @cinderella927 Hi Cindy! Yes I’m interested in being featured on the runway! Whatever’s date you can schedule my closet is fine with me. I’ll be watching & will participate in sharing, will screenshot the participant slide & put in my closet, I love to share, share & share. Thank you so much! ✅💗✅ 12-03
Dec 04Reply
cinderella927 @graykitten Love your fur babies‼️Will feature your closet on Tuesday 12/6‼️ Daily featured closets are posted around 11:00 a.m.! Post the I am Featured slide (last slide in the listing) if you would like 25 extra shares‼️ Purely optional‼️ Enjoy and Happy Poshing‼️
Dec 04Reply
graykitten @cinderella927 thank you so much! I’ll put the participant sign up for sure on Tuesday, 12-06. 🥰
Dec 04Reply
cinderella927 @graykitten Great! This is a super group!
Dec 04Reply
graykitten @cinderella927 wonderful! I can’t wait to join in & meet new poshers! ❤️
Dec 04Reply
msplf1949 🎅🏾🎄🎅🏾Oops you forgot to comment shared 20🎅🏾🎄🎅🏾
Dec 10Reply
classtiques Awww, hi Lisa! It made me smile to see your name pop up in my feed! Thanks for all the shares, you sweet Posher!! Happy Poshing!! 😙 @classtiques 🦋
Dec 15Reply
graykitten @classtiques well thank you! Same here, I see ur closet here & there so l’ll share afew! Thanks for sharing back! 🎄☃️🎄12-14
Dec 15Reply
classtiques @graykitten 🎅🏻🎁🎅🏻
Dec 15Reply
classtiques 😘😘😘 🎄🎄🎄 🎁🎁🎁
Dec 21Reply
cinderella927 Happy New Year Lisa🥂‼️Time to walk The RUNWAY‼️I am scheduling closets to be featured and have openings on Tues. 1/10 Wed. 1/11 and Thurs. 1/11‼️Let me know if you are interested and what day works best for you‼️ Best Wishes for 2023‼️
Jan 09Reply
graykitten @cinderella927 Hi Cindy! 😁 Tuesday, 1/10 would be great for me, Thank you so much for this wonderful offer. I can hardly wait to walk the run way again! So much posh love. Hope we all have a prosperous new year! 12-08-23 💗😁💗
Jan 09Reply
cinderella927 @graykitten Tuesday it is! I just love looking at your fur babies!
Jan 09Reply
graykitten @cinderella927 Thank you Cindy for putting me down for Tuesday! I appreciate it. 💗 I love my fur babies, they are spoiled brats 😂 but they are good & well behaved, especially the big boy , Juno the husky. Will start sharing others featured on the run way tonight & your closet too. TIA!
Jan 09Reply
graykitten @adoringstyles Absolutely. I returned shares & several extra shares. You have a beautiful closet! Best of luck on sales this weekend. 💟1-14-23💟
Jan 14Reply
classtiques Holy smokes Lisa!! I’m blown away 🤯 by your generosity!!!! Thank you very much for sharing my closet!! I’m extremely grateful to you!! 🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛ Happy Poshing friend!! 😘😘
Jan 15Reply
graykitten @classtiques Your welcome dear! I love sharing beautiful closets, so no worries my PFF. Wishing you many sales . 🌸🌺🌸 Have a great night! 💗
Jan 15Reply
classtiques ❤️😘❤️
Feb 22Reply
classtiques Wow! I can’t believe I’ve never followed your followers before! I just tagged over 600 blues from your closet! Hopefully 70 to 80% of them will follow back! Thanks for all the blues, stop by and check out mine also! 😘😘😘
Feb 22Reply
graykitten @classtiques well congratulations dear! 😁 I have checked out your closet & have tagged all of ur blues as well. Lol, all is good, I just really work at it. So come back & check out my ‘blues’ anytime.💗🌸💗 2-22-23 💗🌸💗 Have a wonderful evening! 💗🌸💗
Feb 22Reply
kitsune_13 Oh Hai! Thanks for the follow and in advance of hopefully the sharesies! I hope you can peruse my closet and find a possible new favorite 🙂 cheers & have a great day!
Mar 02Reply
reagan_whealy Please check out my closet I just started a couple days ago there is more to come thanks 😊
Mar 09Reply
graykitten @reagan_whealy ✔️ shared ur closet,, 3-9. Good luck! 💗
Mar 09Reply
glassprism70 Thank you for your shares. Any questions, please just ask. Same as always with 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package and offers are always welcome.
Mar 11Reply
kerrydarien122 Thank you sooo no much for gifting me too!! Good luck with everything!! ❤️
Apr 11Reply
graykitten @kerrydarien122 Your welcome! Good luck to you too. Speedy sales. 4-11 💗💚💗
Apr 12Reply
classtiques Aww thanks for sharing my closet again (22 my favorite number!!) Happy Poshing!! Classtiques 🦋
Apr 17Reply
graykitten @classtiques your so welcome! I’ll see ya around & share again . Best of luck & speedy sales. Don’t know how I knew 22 was ur favorite # 😜
Apr 17Reply
classtiques @graykitten 😘❤️😘❤️😘❤️
Apr 29Reply
graykitten @classtiques Thanks for the shares. Returned 30,plus a few gifted shares. Been very busy. ❤️❤️❤️❤️😘❤️ TGIF! 4-28 😘
Apr 29Reply
cinderella927 Hello Lisa! I am scheduling closets to be featured on The RUNWAY👠this week! Have openings on Tues. 5/2 Wed. 5/3 and Thurs. 5/4! Let me know if you are interested and what day! Thank you for supporting The RUNWAY👠!
Apr 30Reply
graykitten @cinderella927 well thank you! Schedule me on Wednesday this week! Thanks for thinking of me ! 4-30.
May 01Reply
cinderella927 @graykitten Wednesday is perfect! Daily featured closets are posted around 11:00 EST! Post the I am Featured slide if you would like 25 extra shares from your host! Purely optional! Happy 💰💰💰💰!
May 01Reply
graykitten @cinderella927 sounds great! I’ll post that slide & I will just relax & watch all the shares . Thank you so much Cindy. 💗
May 01Reply
cutehosiery @graykitten Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 06Reply
jruby1 Yours words are so encouraging. May God bless you in this endeavor.
Aug 02Reply
classtiques Well, HELLO sweet Lisa! So nice to see your name in my feed again! It’s been awhile! I really appreciate you remembering me, and sharing my closet!!!! Happily reciprocated! Happy Poshing my friend. @classtiques 🦋
Jan 13Reply
graykitten @classtiques yes! Long time no see. I saw you post on another’s listing & wanted to do some sharing, you are so welcome my dear! Wishes for many sales.I will see you around! 1-12-24 🌺🌸🌺
Jan 13Reply
classtiques @graykitten Well, that’s cool! Haha! I’ve been a little inactive lately, but about to ramp it up big time. 🤞💜💙💜
Jan 13Reply
graykitten @classtiques Hey there,, I’ll help you ramp it up with some shares! Just shared 30 randomly for you. Wishes for many sales! 🌸🌺🌸 1-13-24 🌺🌸🌺
Jan 13Reply
classtiques @graykitten Aww…you’re a sweetheart!! I really do appreciate you!!!! Happy Poshing my friend!!
Jan 14Reply
graykitten @classtiques Well thank you, I think your pretty sweet yourself. Was my pleasure to share your beautiful closet. Will share again later for you. Have a wonderful rest of your weekend. 🌺🌸🌺
Jan 14Reply
classtiques @graykitten ❣️😊❣️
Jan 14Reply
graykitten @classtiques 🥰 thank you for for all the shares 🥰
Jan 14Reply
classtiques 🩵🦚💙🦚💙🦚💙
Feb 17Reply
classtiques Thanks for all the shares, you sweet Posher!! Happy Poshing!! 😙 @classtiques 💙🦚💙
Mar 13Reply
enchantedshores 👑🏰💖 Hello Poshmark Is A Great Place For Buying & Selling Fabulous Items💝 Stop By and Shop🤗🛍️ Our New Selections Of Beautiful & Unique Items Our Closet Has Something For Everyone! 💖Womens 💖 Mens 💖 Kids New Boutique Rare Vintage Retro Fashion Clothing Jewelry Purses Accessories Shoes Home Decor Holiday Toys Collectibles and more ! 🤗🛍️Happy Poshing🛍️🤗 @enchantedshores 👑🏰💖 Enchanted Shores 👑🏰💖👑🏰💖👑🏰💖👑
Mar 21Reply
classtiques I’m so grateful for your Posh friendship, and for you generously sharing my closet! Thank you! ❤️😘😘❤️
Jun 20Reply
graykitten @classtiques Your welcome. I’ll always share ur beautiful closet when I am looking around. Wishing you the best of luck always .❤️🇵🇷❤️
Jun 20Reply
eclectic_artist Good morning, Lisa nice to meet you. My name is Rocio I love all your vintage items in your closet. I am giving a second chance to live shows! I am doing my first Spanish live show this Friday, 8-23-24, at 10:00 AM. PST I hope you can stop by and say Hola! 👋 Can you please share this with all your followers. Thank you I hope to see you there. GRACIAS
Aug 22Reply
classtiques @graykitten Merry Christmas my sweet PFF! 🎁🎄🎁
Dec 24Reply
graykitten @classtiques Thank you! Back at you- Merry Christmas my sweet PFF! Sharing a few of your items! Be blessed! 🎄🎁🎄 12-24-2024
Dec 24Reply

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