Meet your Posher, Samantha
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Hi! I'm Samantha. Greyhound rescuer: They are the most amazing dogs you will ever meet. (pictured above is my love, Rembrandt) Affectionate, smart, sensitive, laid back and hilarious (they will make you laugh everyday guaranteed). I am a volunteer with Grateful Greyhounds. We also rescue Galgos and Podencos from Spain (equally as amazing dogs). Please visit for more info. As well as: foodie, Disney World dork, trivia nerd, crafty, traveler & lover of all things creepy

230 others
like this

Welcome to POSHMARK! 🤗 Feel free to ask me any questions. Check out my YouTube by clicking the link in my bio to learn how to make lots of sales on here and don't forget to subscribe! Happy poshing! 💕💕
Nov 19Reply

@thegirlingrey Welcome!!
Nov 22Reply

Thanks for the warm welcome guys :)
Nov 22Reply

@thegirlingrey Hi I'm Kia ! I would love for you to check out my closet when you have a chance 😊💞
Nov 22Reply

Thank you for the shares 💛
Nov 24Reply

@sweetd22 thank you for your shares and purchase. I will get that out to you on Friday. Have a great thanksgiving.
Nov 24Reply

Thank you, have a great holiday! 💛
Nov 24Reply

Thanks for having plus sizes. Got cancer and got big instead of losing! Love your closet . . .
Nov 27Reply

@sunbeamdeals thank you so much for the kind words. I'm so sorry to hear about your illness. I hope you are doing well.
Nov 28Reply

@purplepassion68 I am a volunteer with Grateful Greyhounds. We rescue ex-racers as well as Galgos and Podencos from Spain. We work with Greyhound Friends of NJ often. Your friends probably adopted through them.
Nov 28Reply

@purplepassion68 it must be so funny :D
Nov 28Reply

@thegirlingrey Hi Samantha, I'm Robynne. Welcome to Poshmark! Great closet! ☺️
My tips:
💕Read all the rules, and stay compliant no matter what you see in some closets.
💕Avoid following or sharing non-compliant closets.
💕Share your closet daily, especially to parties!
💕Share 5-10 items often from closets you follow (only Posh-compliant), but NOT to parties.
💕Follow @poshuniversity and @official_forum for great info.
💕Ask questions- Poshers love to help!
💕Good luck and Happy Poshing! ☺️❤️
Nov 28Reply

@thegirlingrey Thank you for what you do. I'm always happy to meet a fellow animal advocate! ❤️
Nov 28Reply

@chicknthesticks hi and thanks so much for all the info. It is very helpful.
Nov 28Reply

@thegirlingrey You're welcome! I also highly recommend following queenmumm (remember to add the @ sign). Her closet is packed with brilliant and helpful tips!
Nov 28Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!
Dec 01Reply

@peacehopelove thank you very much :)
Dec 01Reply

@thegirlingrey you're welcome! You're making good progress! Closet looks great!
Dec 01Reply

@peacehopelove thank you so much. I have been trying to read all the tips I come across. Just anxious for sales. Thanks for checking my closet out. :)
Dec 01Reply

You're welcome. Share to the night parties and share alot for awhile.
Dec 01Reply

@peacehopelove thanks for the advice. I need all the help I can get. Have a wonderful day!!
Dec 01Reply

You had a great start.. keep sharing alot for next few months and follow new people.
Dec 01Reply

@thegirlingrey Good Morning!! Thank you for all of your shares!!😊💞💋
Dec 02Reply

@stace1posh thank you as well. My closet is brand new and I appreciate all the help :)
Dec 02Reply

@thegirlingrey Welcome! It's a beautiful closet, & definitely loving sharing with you & others!!😊 I wish you the best!! Happy Selling!! Stacey😊💞💋
Dec 02Reply

@stace1posh thank you so much!!! Have a wonderful weekend.
Dec 02Reply

Hi ! Welcome to poshmark ! :)
Dec 03Reply

@jassieboo92 thank you so much for the likes :)
Dec 03Reply

Welcome Samantha
Dec 05Reply

@greenshoes0 thank you so much for all the likes!!! It is a huge help for my new closet. I'm sorry to read that you aren't feeling well at the moment. My positive and healing thoughts are with you while you get better. Be well and thank you again for your help. It is great appreciated. :)
Dec 05Reply

Thanks for sharing 💐🐢
Dec 09Reply

@turtledove56 you're welcome
Dec 09Reply

@thegirlingrey 💕WELCOME to Poshmark.💕. Ladies, we have a Newbie whose closet looks amazing😍!!! @archandbow @bellasb @chirocarly @dezchic @edmee01 @fabloot @janemacann @jbesch @jessecac @katzkoz @mandapanda83 @mamazthang @myredshoelace @rcristela25 @runwayposh @salesbug @savvyj @texasnexus @tburg21 @valorieann @wardrobeartisan
Dec 14Reply

Welcome and ENJOY! ✌💕
Dec 14Reply

Welcome!!! My uncle raised greyhounds 😊thanks @poshgranny 💛
Dec 14Reply

Dec 14Reply

@mamazthang thank you so much!!!
Dec 15Reply

@chirocarly thank you very much :)
Dec 15Reply

@poshgranny thank you so much for introducing me to all thee great people and closets. I appreciate it so much!!!!!
Dec 15Reply

Hello luv and welcome to Posh! Your closet looks fabulous! Love your pup! Great expression! Thank you @poshgranny for the introduction!
Dec 15Reply

@abstractdreams thank you so much for all the help :)
Dec 15Reply

@fabloot thank you so much for your kind words :)
Dec 15Reply

Awesome dogs!!!! My cousin had some on their acres in Conn. & they're rascals!! Funny.
Nice to meet U and WELCOME!
Dec 15Reply

@katzkoz thank you so much!!
Dec 15Reply

@thegirlingrey I rescue greyhounds, too! Thank you for being an ambassador for the hounds! 💕🐺💕
Dec 20Reply

@daseff that's awesome!!!! What group are you with? I would love to check them out.
Dec 20Reply

@thegirlingrey I've done work with a couple of local groups, but I have been a donator and advocate for Grey2K. They work to change laws to stop racetracks from being allowed to operate using greyhound lives as pawns. Greyhound lives matter! 😊💕🐺
Dec 20Reply

@daseff yes I am very familiar with them. I am A/R and against animals for entertainment in general. Thanks for being an advocate and being a part of change.
Dec 20Reply

@daseff and thank you so much for all the shares. I really appreciate the help!!
Dec 20Reply

@thegirlingrey thank YOU for helping raise awareness of greyhound welfare! 💕🐺💕
Dec 21Reply

@thegirlingrey and you're welcome! Anyone that rescues greyhounds is an angel to me! 🙌
Dec 21Reply

@daseff <3 I hope you have a great holiday
Dec 21Reply

@thegirlingrey thanks! You too! 😊
Dec 21Reply

Hello and welcome to Poshmark👋🙋
I'm Karen, so nice to meet you and your pretty doggie
Its great when animals are adopted to a forever home
With loving caring people 🙌🙌 yaaay!!
There needs to be more loving caring people to save
Loving animals and give them all the love and care they
Truly deserve 🐈🐶🐱🐕😘💋💗
Dec 29Reply

@texanlady hi Karen it's very nice to meet you too. So many homeless animals. They all deserve a safe, warm, loving place to call home.
Dec 29Reply

Enjoying your closet - you do such lovely work with dyes! My dog (purebred mutt) is a rescue, too.
Dec 30Reply

@rachelann65 thank you so much for the kind words. I really appreciate it. and thank you for rescuing your beautiful pup :)
Dec 30Reply

I love them!! My oldest, Chloe, is a rescue dog. Yours are beautiful and I love the name Rembrandt!
Jan 04Reply

@angiedawn13 thank you so much Angie :)
Jan 04Reply

thank you for all the posh love sweetie.....:)
Jan 05Reply

@holly4u thank you as well. I really appreciate it.
Jan 05Reply

@thegirlingrey my pleasure, your so cute love you pic😘😘😘😘
Jan 05Reply

@holly4u that is so sweet of you. Thank you very much :)
Jan 06Reply

Hi Samantha! Beautiful dog 😍🐶 hope you're enjoying Poshmark
Jan 08Reply

@oliviaandgigi thank you so much. And he is such a good.boy too.:) thank you so much for the shares. I really appreciate it.
Jan 08Reply

@thegirlingrey 😍
Jan 08Reply

Thank you so much for sharing from my closet, Samantha. I'm also really glad you liked what you saw. Love that you rescue grey hounds - my friend who lives in FL does the same (also a Disney fan)!
Jan 12Reply

@fivetenandahalf you're very welcome. Thank you as well. I really appreciate it. So happy to hear about your friend in FL. These pups need all the help they can get. Have a wonderful weekend!!
Jan 12Reply

Thank you for the like hun!! Love your furbaby. Happy Poshing! 💞💞
Jan 16Reply

@tigspirit thank u :)
Jan 16Reply

@thegirlingrey 💕Your hand dyed items are beautiful💕💖💕
Jan 22Reply

@899ridgeview thank you so much. That's so nice of you to say. I appreciate it :)
Jan 22Reply

❤🐶OH MY WHAT BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL FURBABIES U HAVE😍🐾 Absolutely Gorgeous ❤🐾 & Bless your heart for choosing to Rescue🐾❤ More ppl need to rescue! 😍🐶 Happy Poshing!😀!
❤🐾Opt to Adopt🐾❤
Jan 24Reply

@anmllvr my boy is in the 2nd and 3rd photos. His name is Rembrandt. He is awesome!! Your baby is adorable. Greyhound Rescue is a big part of my life. I couldn't imagine my life without them. Thanks so much for all the likes and shares. I really appreciate it. :)
Jan 24Reply

@thegirlingrey hi Samantha 💙 I love your rescue dogs 💕 I don't have greyhounds but have three rescue's- shepherd mix, American Eskimo (in diapers) & a mini dash-hound ( with a disability) they are a hand full! Lol
Jan 26Reply

@curliesshop my boy, Rembrandt, is in the 2nd and 3rd photos. He is so awesome!! Love him so. I completely understand the challenges of having a special needs baby. My boy before Remy had his issues but I wouldn't change a day with him. I.woild do it all again. I just wish for his sake he didn't have his challenges. Thank you so much for looking after your special.needs little ones :).
Jan 26Reply

@thegirlingrey 💙 I always have family and friends tell me "no way they could/would do what I do for them" honestly, I am only doing what I feel anyone should for such innocent fur-babies! You get that 😊 have a great night
Jan 26Reply

Hello Samantha, hope you & your beautiful Greyhounds are having a fabulous day. I want to tell you there adorable & your adorable as well because you rescue these beautiful companions. Love, love, love your closet it's beautiful too. So with all the beauty going on have a beautiful afternoon sweetheart 💞❤😁. GOD BLESS💜😁🇺🇸💕♿💙💚
Feb 08Reply

I just saw your name today. I'm a greyhound adopter of 20 years, have fostered many also. What you said about this breed - a perfect description. Gayle
Feb 08Reply

@gr8hnd hi Gayle. It's nice to meet you. Your babies are beautiful :)
Feb 08Reply

@ringo7 how very sweet of you!!! Thank you so much for the kind words. They are such great dogs. If you are ever looking to adopt an animal, I highly recommend Greyhounds. So calm and sweet. Really low key and funny. I hope you are having a great week. :)
Feb 08Reply

Ty for the share 💕❤😘
Feb 09Reply

As are yours. I am brand new here and it's an interesting place.
Feb 09Reply

@gr8hnd thank you. yeah I'm sort of new also (2 1/2 months) still trying to figure it all out.
Feb 09Reply

I've considering applying to foster a galgo since some groups use foster homes all over the USA. Just haven't take that plunge yet.
Feb 09Reply

Thank you for sharing!🌹👍🏼
Feb 09Reply

@gr8hnd Galgos and podencos are so great too!! Different and similar all at the same time. I hound sit for a few of them and I just love having them around. So sweet.
Feb 09Reply

@sagiposh you're very welcome. :)
Feb 09Reply

Check out my closet? All reasonable offers are accepted ☺️🌟💞
Feb 11Reply

Love your closet! Beautiful!!🎀🎀
Feb 17Reply

@wolfa67 thank you so much!!!! So sweet of you. :)
Feb 17Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! Happy Poshing!
Feb 25Reply

@cajunqueen1962 thank you very much :)
Feb 25Reply

Hey!! I rescue Greyhounds too! 🐶❤️🐶 I have two boys one looks just like yours!
Mar 01Reply

@thegirlingrey We work with flying eagles in Kansas. I volunteer with We Adopt Greyhounds out of CT
Mar 01Reply

@jaxnhuey HI!!!! It's so nice to meet you. I.just love hearing from other greyhound people. I am a volunteer with Grateful Greyhounds in NY. We work with Pups Without Partners in CT a lot. I fell in love with greys about 13 years ago with my first boy, Johnny. Couldn't imagine my life without one. My boy's name is Rembrandt and I adopted him at the end of August last year. He is so awesome.
Mar 02Reply

I re-did it. Changed cami to make up bag though.
Mar 06Reply

@mandyknudsen great! Glad to see it worked for you this time. I will get that out to you today. Thanks so much. :)
Mar 06Reply

So nice to meet you ! Rembrandt is gorgeous! My friend Paula has a greyhound and volunteers with a greyhound organization here in Florida and has her baby Dorene ... I have a question 😊 your Bio said LIU Post ... Are you referring to CW Post ? My sister was the Associate Director of Housing there for years and then the head of conference program ... Lots in common!! So nice to meet you !!! 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊❤️
Mar 07Reply

@magicalfinds hi. It's very nice to meet you too. Happy to hear about your friend and her Grey. They are amazing dogs. Yes I went to CW Post. I graduated what feels like a million years ago. I didn't live on campus so I probably didn't cross paths with your sister but I'm guessing she probably wasn't working there at that time. It's been a while. Thanks for stopping by and saying hello :D. It's nice to hear from other poshers.
Mar 07Reply

Hi, I am Nanamimsand are raising our 3 grands. WOW. I am disabled, so I decided to get into a new hobby.And I joined Poshkosh to sell some of their baby clothes! My closet is BUY 1 GET 1 FREE (of = or lesser $$) so enjoy looking,send me any ??,take care and Be Blessed. Nanamims
Mar 08Reply

Hi there 👋😃
Your dog reminds me of a card I got from one of the poshers I'm bit sure if it was you or not,
Do you design your own grey hound cards?
She had a very pretty grey hound on the front of the card that she gave me and it had Nancy's handmade
Creations on it but I just thought I'd mention it
When I saw your doggie🐕🐾🐾 lol
Mar 22Reply

@texanlady hi. Yes that card was from me. It's not my puppy though. A woman I volunteer with makes and sells the cards to raise money for the rescue.
Mar 22Reply

@thegirlingrey oh my gosh too funny😁💗💕
Thank you dear, she does beautiful work💗
And thank you very much for the gorgeous card too
Have a very good night dear! Thank you so much for all the shares too 💋😴💤
Mar 22Reply

Thank you very much ♡ enjoy your evening ♡
Mar 28Reply

omg too cute!!! He looks like my Hopper who I think is part min Italian greyhound ❤😁 Tyvm for the follow. Happy poshing 😁
Apr 05Reply

Your pup is beautiful. All the animals in our family are rescues...cats and a DOGO Argentina. Our fur babies are so precious. 😻
Apr 20Reply

Love your hand dyed pieces 😍 ❤️ Excellent color choices!
Apr 22Reply

@inhsirk thank you so much! I appreciate the kind words :)
Apr 22Reply

@victoria8185 thank you so much for rescuing your babies too!! So many homeless animals that need saving :( I had to look up dogo Argentina I never heard of the breed before. Beautiful pup. Have a great weekend!!
Apr 22Reply

Hi there!! Welcome to Poshmark. Check out my store to find great deals (everything under $20!!!). I feature brands such as Guess, Pink Victoria's Secret, Aeropostale, Old Navy, Forever 21, and many more. Stop by to see all the pretty things I have for you, purchase something and I'll throw in a freebie just as a thank you for buying from me. I greatly appreciate your time and business, as I sell to help pay off my college debt. Have a lovely day and happy Poshing!
Apr 26Reply

Thanks for the shares!!!
May 12Reply

@bluebird22 you're very welcome. Have a great weekend!
May 13Reply

Love what you are doing with these animals , I also foster and rescue ( cats and bunnies not dogs) I also wanted to Thankyou for following my shop and I wish you extended success. :)
May 14Reply

@kfadair it's so wonderful to hear from another rescue person. Thank you for all the work you do with kitties and bunnies. :)
May 15Reply

Hi Samantha! Love your closet as well as the work you do with animals like gorgeous Rembrandt!!!
Just wanted to stop by & thank you for "liking" my VINTAGE 70's JACKET! It's actually on consignment to my shop from my bff of 20+ yrs, so feel free to ask any questions about it or any other pieces in my closet, for that matter.
It & many other items will prob be going off sale soon, so pls don't hesitate to make an offer on this price soon, before it's gone for good! 💜💜💜
May 24Reply

@sassyass76 hi I do love the jacket. I'm keeping it on my like list for future shopping. :)
May 25Reply

@thegirlingrey Fantastic!!! I'll be more than happy to work with you on a price should you decide to purchase it...
I believe it was her favourite piece when we were in school, so I know she took especially precious care of it, having been carefully stored in the interim.
I'd be thrilled to sell it to someone who loved it 1/2 as much, to be honest!
Enjoy your night!!! 💜
May 25Reply

@sassyass76 I love your closet. I will be back when I'm in shopping mode.
May 25Reply

@thegirlingrey Wow... Thank you!!! I love yours, as well! I thought I had already followed you earlier, but glad I just checked to make sure.
The handmade items are wonderful!!! Did you create them yourself? 💜
May 25Reply

@sassyass76 thank you. yes I hand dye and crochet my pieces. Thanks for checking out my closet. I appreciate it. :)
May 25Reply

@thegirlingrey No problem! I'm so jealous... Wish I was so creative. Looking forward to purchasing some of your goodies once I move & get settled in another state this Fall! 💜
May 25Reply

@sassyass76 that would be wonderful. Thank you. Best of luck on your move!!
May 25Reply

Hi Posher Friend!!☺ Warm Greetings from San Antonio, Texas. Nice things in your closet, will come back and check again or message me for new postings. Sorry Ima busy bee at this time to post things. Lol HaHa. Have a Great Day. Mari 😀
May 30Reply

@nanamarie95 hi Mari thanks so much for checking out my closet. I post new items often so I will tag you when I do. Have a wonderful night.
May 30Reply

Dog rescuers are the best!!!! Keep up the great work!!!! May you and your rescued animals be blessed! 🐶🐶❤❤
Jun 02Reply

@azat thank you very much. Very kind of you.
Jun 02Reply

Thank you for not only rescuing but rescuing greyhounds! Go to my "about me" and you can meet Chance, my retired racer! I'm thoroughly obsessed with him and all greyhounds now. I always admired the breed, but once I got him 8 yrs ago (he's 11 now), I've been a fan since. They really are the best dogs. I'll def check out your dog rescue! 🐾🐾🐾🐾
Jun 04Reply

@briewineposh hi it's always so nice to meet other members of the greyhound cult LOL. Your baby is beautiful. They really are the most wonderful dogs. Couldn't imagine my life without them. Thank you so much for checking out my closet :)
Jun 06Reply

Absolutely love the hand dyed goods. You are a talented and creative artist, look forward to more!
Jun 14Reply

@brandiatkinson thank you so much for all the shares and your kind words. I really appreciate it :)
Jun 15Reply

@thegirlingrey 🌈
Jun 15Reply

I, too, rescue greys! We have a beautiful lazy black greyhound named Where's Ranger? !
Jun 16Reply

Love the pup!!! I appreciate what you do to help those sweet guys! 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶
Jun 16Reply

@njslp thanks so much for stopping by my closet and your kind words. Have a wonderful Sunday!!!
Jun 18Reply

@sweber49 thanks so much for stopping by my closet. I just love meeting other greyhound folks. They are such wonderful dogs. I love your guy's name!!! So cute.
Jun 18Reply

Thank you for purchasing the Converse. I'll be mailing them today! Thank you! :)
Jun 21Reply

@shelleyts thank you very much
Jun 21Reply

I love your Greyhound pictures 😍😍 I have a rescue that we think is mixed with Greyhound. He's a great dog. Beautiful babies :)
Jul 16Reply

I love making tie dyes!! And yours are so beutiful!! You are very talented!! 😊
Aug 20Reply

Great dog!!! It is very nice that you do give the Greyhounds to second chance as civilian life!!
Sep 25Reply

@thegirlingrey You are so wonderful to care for these amazing dogs! 💓
Nov 12Reply

Rembrandt is stunning. What a sweet face! Greyhounds are just the best - so desperately needing and deserving second chances and forever homes. My beloved late dog was a rescued stray sighthound mix. He looked and acted like a mini grey, with all the smiling, spinning, roo-ing exuberance. Wishing you and yours all the best ❤️❤️
Nov 12Reply

Hi! Love.... love your photos 💕💕
Dec 02Reply

@lesabennett hi thank you so much. And thank you for the likes. I appreciate it. Have a great weekend.
Dec 02Reply

@rockclimber23 hi I'm so sorry I'm just seeing this. Thank you so much for stopping by my closet. My boy is so awesome but then again all puppas are.
Dec 02Reply

@rockclimber23 and thank you so much for rescuing as well. I always love to hear from fellow rescuers.
Dec 02Reply

@rika91321 hi I'm so sorry for not responding sooner I am just seeing your comments. Thank you so much for stopping by my closet. The greys are my passion by all dogs are wonderful and deserve a second chance after being abandoned.
Dec 02Reply

💐🌸 Happy Poshing! 🌻🌷Today Enjoy $5 off $10 @thepinupshop . Mention code NEWCUSTOMER in the comment box when you are ready to purchase!
Dec 14Reply

Thank you for sharing 😊
Jan 04Reply

Beautiful closet, your handmade clutches are gorgeous. Thank you for all that you do for Greyhounds, I am with a Yorkie Rescue. People don't realize how many of these cuties get dumped at the shelter. :(
Jan 10Reply

Hi Samantha! Thanks for the shares! You liked to items from my closet-The skirt is really lovely-I just lowered the price this morning-If you bundle the Jcrew Sweatshirt & skirt there's 10% off! If you're interested, I can have them out to you by Friday!!
Jan 11Reply

Hi Samantha! A few days ago you liked a couple of things from my closet-If you bundle there's 10% off....If you're interested, I can have it out to you on Tuesday!
Jan 13Reply

@1lisalisa1 hi thanks for letting me know. In the process of losing weight and not quite at that size just yet. Liking pieces for hopefully not so future shopping.
Jan 13Reply

@thegirlingrey Ok!
Jan 13Reply

@thegirlingrey If you're interested in anything else in my closet....Thanks!
Jan 13Reply

Thank you for sharing 😊❤️
Jan 17Reply

Samantha thx for sharing from my closet. Can you tell me how you group your listings in categories. I really like your closet. It’s so organized👍🏼🙂
Jan 30Reply

@c21ramonag hi thanks so much for checking my closet out. I broke my closet into categories like women's, plus, men's, jewelry etc and then I break those categories up again into sub categories like tops, skirts, jackets etc then I group them into like shape and color order. I hope I explained it well and that is helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions. I'm happy to help the best I can. Have a wonderful day.
Jan 30Reply

@thegirlingrey not sure how you do it. When I share, add a listing or share listings into parties my closet order changes.
Jan 30Reply

@c21ramonag I always share in order. It will flip the closet upside down but everything stays in groupings. So if I'm sharing jewelry I will share it all and I will share in groups....rings, earrings, etc so everything stays together. When I add new items when I am finished adding I will then start sharing the category the new item is in and work it into my sharing so it falls in the place it belongs.
Jan 30Reply

@c21ramonag So I would say share a few of the existing shirts the go back to the new one and share that then go back to the existing ones and share the rest of them so the new shirt falls into place where it belongs. It becomes habit after doing it for a while.
Jan 30Reply

@thegirlingrey ahhhh💡Thx so much. I’ll give it a try. And it’s wonderful that you rescue. My best friend is a cat rescuer. I did one rescue even though I’m super allergic but he was the most adorable baby (still nursing). I took care of all his shots and had him neutered. 3 people answered my posters and I found the perfect home. She emails pictures, his first birthday she had bday party. Lol. He’s grown so much and still remembers me. 🙂
Jan 30Reply

It worked!!👏🏻👏🏻👍🏼🤗
Jan 30Reply

@c21ramonag wonderful. Looks great.
Jan 30Reply

@thegirlingrey thx will finish later.
Jan 30Reply

Luv ur closet !!!
Feb 08Reply

Thank you! Annie
Feb 14Reply

Love the pictures of your pups! Rescue dogs are the best 💖🐶
Mar 02Reply

@robok8 thank you so much. He is the best boy ever!!
Mar 02Reply

@herbiedog. Adorable greyhound 🐕 !!!💕💕
Mar 15Reply

Just reading your introduction made me want to go out and get a greyhound. I've been on the verge of adding a new family member for the last year but they keep saying they are moving us for my husbands work and we may have to live in some sort of temporary housing for a few months so we know the right thing to do is wait until we land somewhere.
Mar 17Reply

Now that I've poured my heart out, just wanted to let you know I have a closet you can visit if you have the time. We mainly carry, Coach, Kate Spade, Tory Burch and Michael Kors. Take a look, if there is something you cannot live without let e know so I can give you a discount! Best Wishes, and thank you for having a big enough heart to take care of those who need it.
Mar 17Reply

@yourgoodfortune hi!!! They really are the most amazing dogs. If you ever have any questions please do not hesitate to ask me. I cannot say enough wonderful things about the breed. I hope everything goes smoothly with your move. I know what a hassle it can be. Thank you for visiting my closet. 😁😁😁
Mar 17Reply

@yourgoodfortune you have some really really nice things. I shared some and i will come back when I actually have some shopping $$. I'm going to be moving soon myself and I'm hoarding my money at the moment lol. Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
Mar 17Reply

Thank you for the shares, that's very nice of you. Hope you have an easy move as well. When I get settled I probably will contact you about Greyhounds. I have always been very curious about them but never knew anyone who actually owned one. Thank you so much. Best Wishes,
Mar 17Reply

Wonderful wonderful wonderful! God bless them. Racing needs to be abolished.
Mar 17Reply

Your Greyhound is lovely! I have a sweet brindle girl named Lucy. She's a rescued retired racer as well. I just adore her. <3 <3
Mar 18Reply

@greybirdfashion hi I always love to hear from other greyhound folks. Thanks so much. He is an amazing boy. I love him so much. Thank you for rescuing your girl ☺
Mar 18Reply

Thank you for the share! 😁
Mar 20Reply

@thegirlingrey - Thanks for the visit and the Follow💙. Happy 🌞Poshing.
Nov 12Reply

Thank you for all the shares! I really appreciate it! 😎
Nov 28Reply

@verikorr thank you too. Have a wonderful day!!!!
Nov 28Reply

Thank you for sharing!!💕💕💐🌟😃I hope you have a beautiful day 👑💃
Dec 05Reply

@yodeleon thank you as well. Have a wonderful holiday season.
Dec 05Reply

I love your picture & your closet! 😍 I had a whippet for 15 wonderful years & I always told people she was my "apartment size Greyhound" 😁 Sighthounds are so wonderful! Happy Poshing 💕
Dec 12Reply

@noxfawn thank you so much and thank you for the shares. Yes all.sighthounds are such wonderful dogs. All dogs are great but there is something about the sighthounds. I will always have one in my life. Hope you have a great holiday.
Dec 12Reply

@thegirlingrey you too! 🎅🎄🦌⛄
Dec 13Reply

Hi samantha, hope you're having a great holiday season and thanks for sharing my closet. I really appreciate it!❤, Jennifer
Dec 26Reply

I have Greyhounds also!
Jan 07Reply

@floridaretrocat that's awesome!!! Arent they the most wonderful dogs 😃
Jan 07Reply

@thegirlingrey Yes! Adopted my first in 1993! I currently have 4 and have fostered many. Love them!
Jan 07Reply

@floridaretrocat that's wonderful. I've been involved since about 2000.
Jan 07Reply

Jan 07Reply

Hi! Love your dog! I just read on FB that owners of Galgos in Spain hang and kill their dogs each year! Is this true? So hard to believe! Heartbreaking
Jan 28Reply

@ceebee49 hi sadly it is very true. Galgos and podencos are used for hunting. When hunting season is over the hunters either abandon or kill their dogs because it is less expensive for them then feeding the dogs in the off season. Then they just have new litters. So the dogs are dying or left to fend for themselves and none of them are fixed so their are litters of puppies all over the place too
Jan 28Reply

@ceebee49 it is a huge problem. My group, Grateful Greyhounds, rescues these dogs as well. We bring over many dogs from Spain every year. If you were interested in adopting or if you would like some more info please visit our website thanks so much for reaching out. Have a great day
Jan 28Reply

@thegirlingrey This hurts my heart. I signed a petition but more must be done ❤️❤️❤️
Jan 28Reply

@thegirlingrey I already have 2 big dogs or I would get one. Thanks for shares!
Jan 28Reply

@ceebee49 both breeds are wonderful dogs and adapt to homes so well. Very loving and affectionate. They love to cuddle. Very very smart. I sit for quite a few of them and I cant wait for them to come back. They are some my favorites. I highly recommend adding one to your family if you are ever looking to adopt a dog.
Jan 28Reply

@ceebee49 thank you as well. If you ever have any other questions about them please dont hesitate to ask. Have a great day 😊
Jan 28Reply

@ceebee49 oh and they are on the more compact side. Some of the podencos are 20 or so pounds and the galgos usually in the 40-50 pound range.
Jan 28Reply

Thank you for sharing my listing! Your dog is gorgeous!
Jan 31Reply

Thank you for all the sharing 🤠🙌🏻
Feb 03Reply

Love that you rescue greyhounds!! I rescue Dalmatians with Willing Hearts Dalmatian Rescue!! Thanks for all the shares!!!😊🌹
Feb 27Reply

@classylady1111 that's wonderful!! Thank you for being a rescuer too.
Feb 27Reply

@thegirlingrey ❤️
Feb 27Reply

I love your dog! This breed is remarkable!💖
Feb 27Reply

@geminimkay thank you so much. He is awesome!! Honestly they all really are.
Feb 27Reply

@thegirlingrey you're an Earth angel with the work you do. 😊
Feb 27Reply

@geminimkay what a sweet thing for you to say but all the homeless animals deserve a chance at a safe and loving home. And my boy saved me. Its the very least I can do.
Feb 27Reply

@thegirlingrey I couldn't agree more. We have fostered a couple times over the years trying to help. If I ever get rich I'm buying a HUGE farm and will have too many to count!😊
Feb 27Reply

Beautiful pup and awesome thing that you do ☺💝! My daughter has a whippet mix who's so loving and playful, but man, those legs lol!! Take care! ~Rose
Mar 02Reply

Thanks for the share
Mar 02Reply

Thank you for sharing my listing.
Mar 04Reply

I love greyhounds! I have a sweet boy greyhound and love him dearly ❤️
Mar 07Reply

@lovemolokai that's wonderful! Arent they the best?
Mar 07Reply

Great closet! Thanks for the shares!
Mar 08Reply

@southernoutfitr thank you. You too. Have a great weekend.
Mar 08Reply

Hi Samantha! Love your profile picture! Rembrandt looks like a very happy dog! Beautiful closet!
Mar 08Reply

Awww, Rembrandt is such a handsome and happy little boy! 😃😍😘🐕
Mar 09Reply

@thegirlingrey 💕Thankyou soooo much for visiting my closet store and for all your wonderful shares....I truely appreciate it! You are Awesome!🙌🏼🌈☺️🤗🦋Wish you a Wonderful Week🌺
Mar 12Reply

@ladykrc you're welcome. Have a great day.
Mar 12Reply

@thegirlingrey 💕😊🙏🏻
Mar 13Reply

Hi. Thank you for sharing my listing. I really appreciate it. You have an awesome closet. Inspiring!
Mar 13Reply

@thegirlingrey Gorgeous fur babies !
Mar 18Reply

Thank you for sharing from my closet! Love 💕 your Greyhound, Huge fan of the breed!😁
Mar 20Reply

@computershoptx thank you as well I appreciate it. They are awesome dogs. I love all animals but there is something really special about greyhounds.
Mar 20Reply

@thegirlingrey I have had two rescues and they were fabulous dogs! I agree totally with your description too.❤️
Mar 20Reply

Thank you for all your shares I really appreciate it. Happy poshing😁💕
Jun 11Reply

Thanks for following me. Hope you will check out my closet. I have some great deals. I ship same day in most instances. Any likes and shares are much appreciated. Wishing you lots of success 😊
Jun 21Reply

Hey there 💕 thanks for the shares on my closet! I just wanted to let you know I offer great deals and I’m always willing to negotiate offers 💜 I’ll be happily sharing your posts as well! Let me know if I can do anything for you! xoxo happy poshing 😘❤️
Jun 22Reply

Thanks for visiting my closet! I am a dog lover and have always been drawn to the greyhounds! They are beautiful creatures! Thank you for being a voice for them.
Jun 26Reply

Good evening, Thank you so much for all of the shares. As a gift for your generous shares you have a 10% discount off of anything you like in my closet that you like. Just heart it and I'll send you the offer or bundle and save. Happy Poshing!!💕💕😗😗❤❤
Jul 07Reply

I like your closet. The handmade jewelry is great. Love what do with dogs. I’m an Animal lover also. I adopted rescued RUNT felines. It’s a little creepy; sense try weren’t meant to service. Cheating death!
Aug 05Reply

Hi again! Thanks so much!!! Rembrandt is very handsome; I love animals and it’s so wonderful how you are helping the dogs in need 🥰 Keep up the amazing work!!! And I’m sure, the benefits are very rewarding: puppy kisses and cuddles! xx
Aug 19Reply

@traceywise thank you as well. Have a great day.
Sep 26Reply

I love your greyhound!!! We had greyhounds and I miss them every day💙⭐️
Oct 08Reply

@connieavf thank you. They really are wonderful dogs.
Oct 08Reply

@thegirlingrey couch and bed cutest ones⭐️
Oct 08Reply

Welcome and your pup is adorable
Oct 20Reply

Thank you for sharing😀 it is awesome what you are doing for these amazing dogs👏👏👏🎉🎉🎉 I think it is great that you spread the word even here in Posh, that's so cool.
Oct 22Reply

Beautiful Greyhound! We have an ex racing grey as well, his name is Ross. He brings so much love and joy to our family. They really are greyt dogs. ❤
Oct 27Reply

Thanks for the support!🤗I hope you enjoy my closet and find something you like. 👠👗👚👢If you do please make an offer I am trying to make sales! 🎉Happy poshing! 💚
That is so great that you rescue dogs!
Oct 30Reply

Love Your Tie Dyes!! I may ask for a couple of your methods at some point 🙈 I do summer shirts mostly but my designs are limited even though I've been doing It for years, I need to learn some new tricks lol
Nov 12Reply

I enjoyed going through your closet. Your greyhound is charming and I bet all the things mentioned! 🌻 Lorri
Nov 14Reply

Happy poshing! I love your closet’s aesthetic! 🤗
Nov 28Reply

Love that you rescue and volunteer🤗 your pup is a cutie.
Jan 18Reply

@jeffscanda hi thanks so much. he is such a good boy. and thank you for your purchase. it will go in the mail first thing Monday. have a great weekend.
Jan 19Reply

Appreciate you sharing the evening bag🌸👍!
Jan 29Reply

Thank you for the share. Love your dog <3 Thank you for rescuing <3 Love my second hand dogs and cats <3
Feb 16Reply

💃💃Hello Samantha! And puppies! Thanks for finding me on Posh! Your closet 🎸ROCKS! 🎸 Stop by and see my closet on tour again soon.💃💃…FROCK ON!💃💃
Feb 18Reply

Beautiful dog's big 🤗 .I had a greyhound years ago Love to walk around with rocks..We would through that rock so far and she would find it every time. I help out a rescue an we get trailers in with dogs from all over the world to find them forever homes.. Just love them all..
Happy Poshing 💕💕
May 15Reply

I love your baby and I admire the rescue work you do!!!! I love animal rescuers - they are angels on earth!
May 15Reply

Thank you for sharing today! truly appreciate it! And I love the fact that you're a dog rescuer fur babies are the absolute best and Rembrandt looks like an absolute sweetie. They make the best Posh assistants don't they!? 🥰🐾🥰 oh my goodness mine make me laugh 24/7! Have a Spârklïñg Satur-Yay 🎉
May 16Reply

Hello Posh friend! 🙋♀️ Now through May 31st, I am offering 50% off of every pair of denim jeans in my closet! Take advantage of this sale and get some awesome buys!!! As always, ANY 3+ items gets $4.99 shipping and ANY 5+ plus items gets FREE SHIPPING! 👏👏👏
May 25Reply

Luve your dog❤❤❤❤thank you for being a part of rescue🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾
May 27Reply

@suesmith5000 thank you so much. he is an awesome boy 😊
May 27Reply

@thegirlingrey I have greyhounds too! Love them! Yours is so beautiful! 💖
Jun 23Reply

Thanks for sharing
Jun 29Reply

@daseff aren't they the best animals!!!??? I just had my foster go to her forever home and it killed me. But she has a great home with old friends of mine.
Jul 01Reply

@thegirlingrey yes they’re the best! Sounds like time for you to get another one! 🥰😁
Jul 01Reply

@daseff I actually have a greyhound/galgo specific sitting business so I have dogs in and out all the time but the fosters are hard to let go.
Jul 01Reply

@thegirlingrey 😱 that’s like a dream come true! 😍💖I sit for dogs also, but only one grey client, unfortunately.
Jul 01Reply

hello! thank you for following me ♥️
Please take a look around my closet for pre loved and NWT Tory Burch, Michael Kors, Calvin Klein, LOFT, Tommy Hilfiger and more 😁! Bundled items of 3 or more receive 15% off! Also feel free to make a reasonable offer! Happy Poshing 🎉🛍🎊
Aug 26Reply

Blessings Samantha on sharing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻❤️. Super week and poshing 🛍🙏🤟🏻💜❤️
Aug 28Reply

hi samantha! rembrandt is lovely, i have adopted 3 rescued greys in the past and you’re so right, they are amazing. mine have crossed the bridge and now i have Clark, my rescue kitty. Good for you for working with the wonderful animals! 💕
Aug 28Reply

Hi, wanted to say "hey" to a fellow greyhound "rescuer". My family is devoted to these wonderful guys., too. Our last greyhound, Cash, was a perfect dog. Every greyhound is close to perfect, anyway, but Cash was over the top. The greyhound we have now was only 1.5 years when we got her. "June" is still a puppy, and is practically perfect. She will to grow up to be perfect. Yes, these are the most gentle, kind, polite, intelligent, loving dogs. I love all my dogs, but the Greys are special!
Aug 31Reply

@19kathyru59 always great to meet a fellow member of "the cult" 🤣 Thank you for giving your hounds a loving home. I will always have a sighthoubd in mine. i couldnt imagine a life without them. Have a great day 😃
Aug 31Reply

Love your Greyhound! I volunteer with rescue greyhounds. They are the best!
Sep 04Reply

@chrishstevens thats great!!! love hearing from other greyhound folks. what group are you with?
Sep 04Reply

@thegirlingrey GPI in the Seattle area.
Sep 04Reply

Hello Samantha!!! Thank you VERY much for generously sharing my closet!!! It is very kind of you!
I am pleased to share your beautiful things as well!!! I wish you hot sales, my Poshfriend!!😃♥️
Sep 09Reply

@beclassybebold thank you as well 😊 hope you have a great day
Sep 09Reply

Omg your greyhound is beautiful! I rescue Italian greyhounds - I have rescued 5 over the past 15 years. They are so loving and sweet. I think it wonderful that you volunteer with these sweet babies!❤️
Sep 14Reply

Hi!! It’s nice to see all the fellow dog lovers on here! I loveit! Nice to meet you!
Sep 22Reply

Hi Samantha thanks for showing my closet some love, I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day/night happy poshing.
Sep 23Reply

Thank you for all the shares, much appreciated.
Sep 26Reply

@quintroyharrell you're very welcome. thank you as well. have a great weekend.
Sep 26Reply

I really like your closet and thought you should know that. But I especially like the fact that you have a dog that looks like he or she is very well cared for, and that warms my heart more than anything.
Sep 26Reply

@tracycoffaro thank you so mucb for your kind words. My boy is the love of my life and has done far more for me than I could ever do for him. he is an amazing dog (but aren't they all). so many animals have been subject to unspeakable horrors. I just try to do my small part. I hope you have a wonderful weekend 😊😊😊😊😊
Sep 26Reply

Beautiful pup!
Sep 28Reply

@thegirlingrey Great closet! I wish you much success! Thanks so much for advocating for greyhounds. I fervently wish the racing industry will die - I think it’s edging that way but in the mean time, the dogs are lucky to have you! ❤️❤️❤️
Oct 02Reply

@thegirlingrey Hi, I just ran across your closet. As a fellow dog lover, I would like to say thank you for what do! have a wonderful day!😊
Oct 11Reply

good morning Samantha! thank you for taking time to share my closet for me! Have a spectacular Sunday!
Nov 08Reply

@imashoeluver thank you as well and have a great day 😀
Nov 08Reply

Hi Samantha! I hope you're having a wonderful weekend!! Thank you so very much for all the shares! I super appreciate it!😌🙏❤
Nov 08Reply

I love finding other poshers who wear an 8.5! I have some great shoes listed, including D & G and Helmut Lang- would love to have you stop by!
Nov 12Reply

I love your greyhound! ❤️ I have 2 Italian Greyhounds. The male “Enzo” is a rescue. The female “ Chloe” was our first furbaby. ❤️🐾
Dec 09Reply

@iggyposh hi 👋 your babies are very sweet. Dogs are just the greatest, aren't they 😊
Dec 09Reply

@thegirlingrey Yes they are! I’ve fostered iggy’s (short for Italian greyhound). Enzo melted my heart I couldn’t let him go. Foster failure! 😆
Dec 09Reply

@iggyposh i foster failed as well. he was supposed to be with me a week...he never left 😁
Dec 09Reply

@thegirlingrey ❤️🐾❤️🐾❤️🐾❤️
As it should be! 🥰❤️
Dec 09Reply

@iggyposh absolutely. he was meant to be here.
Dec 09Reply

@thegirlingrey Bless your heart for rescuing him. ❤️😇
Dec 09Reply

@iggyposh you as well 😻. have a great night 🌙
Dec 09Reply

@thegirlingrey thank you! You too! 🙏🏼❤️
Dec 09Reply

Hello Samantha, thank you for all the shares! Happy Poshing and Merry Christmas ~❤️
Dec 15Reply

thank you .
Dec 17Reply

thank you . love the pup ..
Dec 19Reply

@michelleturn962 thank you. have a very happy Saturday 😊
Dec 19Reply

Hey everything in my closet is $2 off today and all items come with a free gift!! Just make me your offer and I will most likely accept! The more you bundle the cheaper it is! All orders go out same or next day. Stay safe xoxo
Dec 21Reply

Thank you for your generous shares. Happy Poshing! (beautiful dog!)
Jan 06Reply

@polka5dots you're welcome have a great night
Jan 06Reply

Thank you for all the shrares!!!
Jan 12Reply

@thrftd_hngr thank you as well. A happy and healthy new year to you and your family 😊
Jan 12Reply

your dog is adorable!!! 💖🙂🐶🐕
Jan 17Reply

@athlete5642 thank you so much. he is the best boy ever ❤
Jan 18Reply

Thanks so much for all the shares!❤Happy Poshing!❤
Jan 19Reply

@ladyc2016 thank you too. have a great night.
Jan 19Reply

‼️Thank you so much for the shares‼️
Happy, healthy, prosperous 2021 to you!🎉
Jan 19Reply

Just wanted to say hi! I saw your profile pic & was so excited. I’ve had 6 GH & hope to adopt a Galgo someday. 💚
Jan 21Reply

@fastdogsak aren't they the GREYT-EST 😉 . Our group rescues galgos, podencos and mastins from Spain. They are all so amazing in their own ways.
Jan 21Reply

Hi Samantha! Your furbaby is adorable!! What a sweet face! 🐾
Jan 26Reply

Thank you so very much for sharing so many of my items in my closet. I love your Precious furbabies. We have 8 rescue babies of our own. We have found wonderful homes for so many others. I wish you many blessings and hope for an amazing future. You have a heart if gold.💛💛🥰
Jan 30Reply

@rtharris2005 thank you for sharing as well. I hope your closet is busy and you are making lots of sales. its so wonderful to hear about your rescues. thank you for saving them 💖
Jan 30Reply

Thank you for viewing my closet it is greatly appreciated. Be safe......Dorothy 💜
Feb 03Reply

Hi Samantha! Thanks for following my closet!🌸
Feb 03Reply

Thanks for the shares!😉
Feb 03Reply

@janfast thank you too. have a great day 😀
Feb 03Reply

thank you the books are exactly as you described and what i was looking for . i will buy from you again.
Feb 05Reply

Hi! I'm Emily. Thanks for stopping by! If you like any of my items feel free to create a bundle so you can get a great deal! I’m a quick shipper I usually send them out a day or two after😊
Feb 11Reply

Thanks for checking out my closet
Feb 14Reply

hey Samantha. I live in TN and have had 4 rescued retired racing greyhounds. They are amazing aren't they.
Feb 14Reply

@rondapitts HI 👋 I love hearing from other greyhound folks. Yes they are such wonderful dogs. We also rescue galgos, podencos and mastins from Spain and salukis from Qatar. Sighthounds are a really special group of dogs. It's very nice to meet you and I hope you have a Happy Valentines Day 💝
Feb 14Reply

@thegirlingrey I added a picture of my two latest. Unfortunately I only have the black one left. Thanks for the shares.
Feb 14Reply

Hi Samantha. Beautiful Grey! Love this breed. I’m currently waiting patiently for my third. Live in NY and it’s been difficult to get dogs here and get them vetted during Covid. Good luck in your work finding forever homes for these beautiful dogs.
Feb 22Reply

@perfectday25 hi how are you? I'm in NY too, Long Island. Our group most recently brought over some Salukis from Qatar. We have opened up our group to all sighthounds. It's so nice to meet other members of the greyhound cult 😉
Feb 22Reply

Hi! I, too, am owned by Greyhounds. I have #5 currently. :-) I'm in Florida. Love your shop!
Feb 26Reply

@rhoni777 hi its so nice to meet you. there are a lot of greyhound folks here on poshmark. and you are correct...they own us 😉
Feb 26Reply

@thegirlingrey Do you work with Galgos del Sol with pods and galgos? They do great work in Spain!
Feb 26Reply

@rhoni777 we are currently working with Galgos en Familia and Protectora Argos in Spain and we recently brought over some Salukis from Qatar.
Feb 26Reply

@thegirlingrey that's great! Salukis are beautiful also :-)
Feb 26Reply

Hi there!
Just an FYI, the items in my closet with a RED frame are free with the purchase of a full priced item. Feel free to shop around and see if there’s something you can’t live without!
Mar 02Reply

Your dog is so cute
Mar 08Reply

Following you and on Instagram too. Love your makeup and the makeup bags. Those would be great for grab bags, for mine makeup company.
Mar 14Reply

Hi! Thanks for the follow! Let me know if you have any questions about my items. I’m a lightning fast shipper and love to bundle!!
Apr 15Reply

Hi, I see that you like the sifter, would you consider a buy mine and I'll buy yours, let me know. Thank you 😊**
Apr 16Reply

Thanks for sharing so much. I just went through your closet, all of it,...such a great variety. I understand re your love of greyhounds. I grew up with whippets, and they are similar. Please don't feel as though you need to share so much back, i overdid it but that was because I was interested to take time to look, sharing along the way. 🌷🌻🦋 Lorri
Apr 20Reply

@vintage2classic hi Lorri thanks so much for the shares I really appreciate it 😊 I hope you're having a good week.
Apr 21Reply

@omar330 thank you as well. I really appreciate it. 😊
Apr 26Reply

Good Morning. I appreciate all the shares. I have to go. I'm a traveling nurse and have to drive 4 hours to work do will share later tonite. Have a good day and Thanks
Apr 28Reply

greetings fellow animal rescuer.
May 02Reply

@xanadutn good morning to you 🐕🐈⬛ always nice to meet other animal lovers 😊 have a very happy Sunday
May 02Reply

@thegirlingrey 🐾
May 02Reply

I love greyhounds! yours is cute 💕 I used to have one but he passed away 1 year ago 😔. they definitely are such amazing dogs.
May 05Reply

@lovemolokai I'm so sorry to hear you lost your baby. I know how difficult that must have been for you.
May 05Reply

@thegirlingrey thank you 💕💜
May 05Reply

hello, I see you liked a taste of home cookbook in another closet. I have one available too if you'd like to check it out, Happy Poshing!! Beautiful dogs!
May 12Reply

@stacyrider1 hi thanks for checking out my closet. That book is also in my closet. I always like my own items 😁
May 12Reply

@thegirlingrey that's awesome!! Have a great day!!
May 12Reply

love your dog
Jun 04Reply

Hi Samantha, I hope that you will check out my closet
Jun 07Reply

Your doggers are very cute! :)
Jul 17Reply

@helpmydaughter thank you so much. He's such a good boy 😊
Jul 18Reply

Omg your Greyhound is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!
Thank you for the work you do!!! 🥰
Oct 08Reply

@cordog99 thank you so much 😊 he is such a wonderful boy and they are the greatest dogs. Thanks so much for the shares. I really appreciate it. Have a great weekend.
Oct 08Reply

Your Rembrandt is so cute 🐾our Lora Beth is a rescue , Best dog ever
Oct 10Reply

@lakesidetrades thank you so much 😊 Lora Beth what a great name for a dog. thank you so much for rescuing her 🤗
Oct 10Reply

⭐👏🏆Fabulous Closet‼️🐾🦴🐕
Nov 07Reply

🎄Hi Samantha and thanks for the shares! I appreciate your time & support. Love the pics of your "assistant" and we have a few rescues too (1 dog/1 cat). Please accept this personal invite to come and visit my closet. I am having my huge Semi Annual Closet Wide Sale (Nov 27- Dec18) and offer 50% off 3 or more bundled items. I look forward to seeing you and thank you for looking! Blessings, Debbie
Dec 14Reply

Greetings! Thank you for the follow. 🤗 When you have a moment, please check out my closet. I offer a 15% discount when you bundle 3 or more items. I’m constantly adding new items and I’m sure you will find something that you love! ❤️ Happy shopping!! 🛍
Jan 05Reply

@arboja65 thank you as well. have a wonderful weekend 😀
Jan 15Reply

Hi Samantha. Thank you for the follow and all of the shares. I really appreciate it. Thank you for your rescue work as well. Happy Poshing from a former LI, NY girl. 🙂 Cindy
Jan 21Reply

@sweetpeacin thank you as well. Have a wonderful weekend 😀
Jan 21Reply

🎉Congrats on your WIN!🎉🤗 There's A LOT of great sellers waiting to provide you with Awesome items of your choice!😜 Feel free to check out my closet!😉 I offer DEALS and Consider All Reasonable Offers!🎉Happy Poshing!🎉
Jan 27Reply

👋🏻 I just noticed your a Greyhound rescuer..that’s soo neat! My hubby wants a full size Greyhound, but we ended up 4 Italian Greyhound’s instead. We have Mama, Papa and 2 of their boys 😊
Just wanted to say HI to a fellow Greyhound lover
Feb 17Reply

@akcharms7321 hi 👋🏻 that's so great that you have the mommy, daddy and babies 😊 The iggys are so different from the Greyhounds from what I have seen. The big greys are like huge cats. I sit for greys as well and I currently have 4 here plus my boy and they have yet to move or make a peep.
Feb 18Reply

@akcharms7321 You wouldn't even know they are here. The iggys are so much more active. They are absolutely adorable. My friend had one iggy and 2 greys and the iggy was the boss 😆. Thanks for shares. I hope you have a great weekend.
Feb 18Reply

@thegirlingrey Your big Guy Rembrandt is beautiful!! My hubby really wants a Grey..but logistically isn’t no easy feat to get one up here 🤷🏻♀️
Our IG’s are lazy lil bugs! Our Papa dog is the most wound right..Mama and the lil boys are pretty mellow, surprisingly lol They all have their moments of spaz🤪 but if there is a lap they are in it!
Feb 18Reply

@thegirlingrey I laughed so hard when you said your friends IG runs the house..soo funny! I can totally imagine that too😂
Thanks for the Grey/IG made my morning. 😊
Have a Blessed weekend!
Feb 18Reply

@thegirlingrey L💗VE your little Rembrandt! So precious! You made me smile today. 😊😊😊💗 Thank you! 🥰
Feb 23Reply

Cute baby
Mar 09Reply

Love your greyhound, I have one too and am based out of CT ❤️ just had to say hello to a fellow greyhound owner!
Mar 20Reply

@ottersinlove4 good morning 🌞 my first boy was actually from shoreline in CT. Thanks for reaching out. I always love meeting other members of the "cult" 🤣🤣 Have a very happy Sunday 😊
Mar 20Reply

Hi Samantha. I'm Kay and I want to thank you for following me. Please check out my closet. After my husband passed away, I had to do something, so here I am trying to sell on Poshmark. My listings are mostly in perfect like new condition. Hopefully you might see something you want. Please feel free to ask questions. I'm flexible on offers. Thanks again for following me and have a wonderful day.
Mar 23Reply

Thanks for sharing!
Apr 12Reply

Awesome u rescue!! Beautiful dog !!!
Apr 19Reply

I love your fur baby Rembrandt, I had a rescue her name was Lily grey and your right there are the best babies ever.
Apr 19Reply

@ravenk32 hi 👋🏻 I love hearing from other greyhound cult members 🤣 thank you for rescuing they all deserve a safe and loving home. 😊
Apr 21Reply

@roonie73 hi thank you so much He really is such an awesome boy and he has done way more for me than I ever could re-pay him. He is the 🌞 of my life.
Apr 21Reply

Hi Samantha. I just had to stop back and thank you for all your generous sharing. You're too kind. God Bless you. I always try to share back, but due to time restraints, I usually can only do 5 or 6 at a time. But I will try and keep up. I just wish I knew how much this sharing really helps.
Apr 21Reply

Hello, Samantha! You have a beautiful closet. The pictures of Rembrandt make me smile 😊. I don’t have a dog, but I just love them. 🥰 Thanks for dropping by and sharing. 💐💐💐💗
Apr 29Reply

Samantha, Thank you for the follow.
May 04Reply

Happy Poshing, Beautiful pooch!!!
May 06Reply

@canvasbyl hi thanks so much. he is such a good boy. I shared a bunch of your paintings. I really love your animals in particular. the cows are awesome! hope you make lots of sales.
May 09Reply

love your puppy❤️
May 11Reply

Thanks for Sharing, have a fab wk-end!
May 12Reply

Hello, Samantha, thank you for sharing! The picture of your dog always makes me smile 😊. Have a great day. 💕💕💕💐😃
May 24Reply

It’s wonderful that you’re a dog rescuer! Your boy looks great!!! All my dogs have been rescues. They’re always the most loving babies! 🐾 🐾💕💕 Posh On!!! ☮️💟💜🦋
May 25Reply

@thegirlingrey Hi! Love your puppy! I had one as a kid and she was the best. She would run with me forever if I could do it. So sweet and loving. Thanks for the info!! 🐶😁👍
May 26Reply

Aw, adorable dog!
Jun 28Reply

@kgpcayenne06 hi 👋🏻 yes thats my boy Rembrandt 😊 I am a volunteer with Grateful Greyhounds in NY and do fundraisering in my closet also.
Jun 30Reply

Hello Samantha! We need more recue-owners like yourself! Greyhounds have such a tough change at getting to live a full life. I love you greyhounds yellow sweater! It's so cute!
Wishing you a lovely summer filled with many sales!😊🐳🏖❤️
Jul 12Reply

Thank you for all the shares - I always share back 😊
Jul 15Reply

Good morning! Thank you for the shares❤️💐 Beautiful dog!
Aug 02Reply

Sweet Pup!!!!!🐕🌻
Aug 04Reply

Hi, thanks for following! 🐆🌿🥂
Aug 04Reply

💥💥Thanks for sharing my closet. I am running a BOGO sale. Items in my closet marked 💥BOGO💥can be bundled together (buy one get one free of equal or lesser value). Thanks for checking out my closet!
Aug 10Reply

Thanks for the follow sweetie 😉 😊
Aug 10Reply

Hi there Samantha and thank you for the "follow"! As a Posh Ambassador I have a little wiggle room on a lot of things so feel free to make any offer. Take a look and see if there’s anything you like. Hopefully you’ll find something you love. Have a “Poshing” kind of day! L.
Aug 15Reply

Hi Samantha, thank you for being a Greyhound rescuer! I rescue, advocate for animsls and I'm also a TNVR volunteer. Thank you for the follow ❤️🐾
Sep 10Reply

Thank you for all the shares. Much appreciated 🙏
Sep 10Reply

@thegirlingrey Thank you for doing the hard work of Greyhound rescues.❤️
Sep 11Reply

Thank you very much for sharing my closet and items a lot ! Very kind of you and lovely support !
Sep 20Reply

🍬🍬sweet, sweet pup 🐶
Sep 30Reply

@thegirlingrey Samantha, I really appreciate your shares over the last few weeks as I build my following! It’s super thoughtful and kind of you to do for a new posher. I also ❤️ greyhounds and applaud your efforts to find them good forever homes! Thanks for being amazing! -Janie
Oct 06Reply

@krissyany thanks so much for the shares. Some good luck is always welcome 🤞🏻 have a great night and a very happy Halloween 🎃
Oct 26Reply

Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you have success and a lot of fun!
Oct 26Reply

Beautiful closet!🤗
Oct 31Reply

Nice meeting you Samantha! Let’s sell stuff!!! 👯
Nov 03Reply

Your so pretty and aww so adorable
Nov 09Reply

@kaylielamey that is so sweet of you. 😊 I hope you are having a wonderful day 🌞
Nov 10Reply

@xojfly nice meet you too. thank you for all your shares. I hope you are having a great day 😀
Nov 10Reply

@olgajoaqui678 thank you so much 😊 I hope you are having a great day 🌞
Nov 10Reply

@jamthe3rd you're very welcome. hope it is going well for you. have an awesome day 😎
Nov 10Reply

@goodmensclothes Thank you so much for checking out my closet. If you ever have any questions on the breed or adopting please do not hesitate to ask. I hope you're having a great day 😀
Nov 10Reply

@bestdressed995 thank you so much. he truly is awesome!! hope you are having a great day 😀
Nov 10Reply

@fortune_cat333 you're very welcome. hope you're having an awesome day 😎
Nov 10Reply

@mossblownlass Thanks so much for visiting my closet. if you ever have any questions on the breed or adopting please do not hesitate to ask. I hope you are having a great day 😀
Nov 10Reply

@samshad2 thank you as well. hope you are having a great day 😀
Nov 10Reply

@capschick21 hi thank you as well. we have a large feral cat population where I'm from and I know how much time, effort, money and tears you put into caring for them. Thank you ❤️ I hope you are having a great day 😀
Nov 10Reply

@tkpriss1999_ thank you very much. he is such an awesome boy!! I hope you are having a great day 😀
Nov 10Reply

@jewelryexprezz thank you very much. he is an awesome boy!! I hope you are having a great day 😀
Nov 10Reply

Hi Samantha, thank you for the shares!! I will share back. Today is a gloomy day and my day is going that way as well. Yeah, that’s life. Back to dusting off and back to work. Smiles.
Nov 10Reply

@jewelryexprezz if not up for it please don't concern yourself about it. know exactly where you're coming from. sometimes you just are having "a day". I hope you feel better soon. tomorrow is a new day. a reset day. 😊
Nov 10Reply

@thegirlingrey ur welcome. u have great stuff in ur closet
Nov 10Reply

@thegirlingrey Thank you for the shares❤️ Love the Grayhounds. Have a wonderful day too⭐️
Nov 10Reply

@thegirlingrey thxs you too
Nov 11Reply

Thanks for the shares 🥰 I also have fur babies (well felines), I had four originally but lost two and sadly, have two remaining. I love (all animals and) them with my whole heart. I admire your strive to protect greyhounds 🌟 I am strongly against animal cruelty.
Nov 11Reply

Hi 💜 I'm Cora and wanted to thank you for following me. I shared some of your awesome closet. Also wanted to Wish you and yours a Fantabulous Thanksgiving filled with all the blessings you deserve. Love your fur baby
Nov 13Reply

Love, love your closet ❤️
Nov 26Reply

Thank you for the shares. Hope you have a great rest of the day. Happy Poshing 😊
Dec 01Reply

🪩Disco Samantha !! Wanted to stop in and give a shout out for all you do with rescues. So honorable. Are any items available e for purchase in your closet sweets?
Dec 10Reply

Love it 🥰 my brother has 2 Italian Greyhounds a girl and a boy. He named them Ariel and Eric from the The Little Mermaid 🧜♀️
Dec 11Reply

@thegirlingrey Samantha, your pup is precious!!!!! Gorgeous ♥️
Dec 13Reply

Thanks for the share love, neighbor! 🐾
Dec 19Reply

Happy New Year Samantha 🎉🎊 Thank you for your continued support of my closet!
Dec 31Reply

Happy new year and thank u once again
Jan 01Reply

Hey Posh Sister,
I love your gorgeous fur babies! I hope you had a wonderful holiday.
Jan 05Reply

🙋♀️Hi ⭐️Thank you for stopping by my closet and following me⭐️ 🥳 Wishing you a happy new year 🥳
and… your dog is beautiful, Bless you for all you do in rescuing pups
Jan 05Reply

is amazing what you are doing. beautiful 😍
Jan 06Reply

aww love the Greyhound!
FYI I'm doing a weekend bundle of 3 deal! check out my closet when you get a chance!
Jan 08Reply

Hi! Thank you for following my closet! 💗Feel free to leave a comment or shop around my closet!
If you see anything you want but don’t love the price, make an offer!
All offers are considered! Most offers accepted if reasonable💫
Wishing you great sells!
Happy Poshing 💗
- Millzshop22 🥰
Jan 11Reply

@lzluckyfindz thanks so much I appreciate the kind words. have a great weekend 😀
Jan 13Reply

@bestdressed995 thanks so much for the kind words I appreciate it. I hope you have a great weekend 😀
Jan 13Reply

@coppergirl101 thank you so much. Happy New Year to you 😊
Jan 13Reply

@samshad2 Happy New Year to you!! I really appreciate all your shares. Have a wonderful weekend 😀
Jan 13Reply

@srq_millie Happy New Year to you. I hope it is Happy and healthy 😊
Jan 13Reply

@lfarrell88 Hello to you neighbor 😊 it's cool seeing other LIers on here. Happy New Year to you 😊
Jan 13Reply

@pamharris11 thank you so much ❤️ Happy New Year to you 😊
Jan 13Reply

@jojo3779 awwww that is adorable. love those little guys 😊
Jan 13Reply

@disco_bodega hi thank you so much for your kind words. Any item is my closet that has a 🐕 in its title 100% of the proceeds go to the rescue. I sold a bunch recently so it's a little light. I will be adding more soon. I hope you have a great weekend 😀
Jan 13Reply

@adoringstyles thank you so much. I appreciate the shares. I shared some of yours as well. very pretty 😊
Jan 13Reply

@curlygirlyx3 you're very welcome. I hope you have a great weekend 😀
Jan 13Reply

@ringthing313 thank you so very much. I really appreciate it. I hope you have a great weekend 😀
Jan 13Reply

@coracoller thank you so very much. I really appreciate it. I hope you have a great weekend 😀
Jan 13Reply

@cleopatra_vault hi im so sorry to heat about your babies. it never ever gets easier. it's the one and only bad thing about animals is they don't outlive us. I hope your grief is eventually replaced with all the happy memories that they have given you. ❤
Jan 13Reply

@thegirlingrey ♥️
Jan 13Reply

@thegirlingrey ur welcome and same to u
Jan 13Reply

Thanks for your thoughtful message and kindness to rekindle again 😊 Loss is one of the hardest battles in the world for most of us, I'm sure. What she endured, her final day and everyday I live without her hurts but she has given me many gifts to smile about and be grateful for. This is why it's important to always give love so that we don't regret it, the mourning part is even worse later on (with undealt trauma) when we wish we had said and done more of this and that; never wait ❤️❤️❤️
Jan 14Reply

@thegirlingrey Thanks for sharing my listings. I'm new to Poshmark and trying to get the hang of things. You're beautiful and your dog is so cute! I appreciate you. <3
Jan 14Reply

Thank you so much for sharing my closet 🌹, I just love your beautiful pet , Our Girl Lucy has brought us such joy, Best Wishes to you for a prosperous Posh year, SHIRL 🌴Fla Keys
Jan 21Reply

@shirl_too thank you so much. Have a wonderful weekend 😀
Jan 21Reply

@enchantements best of luck to you and please reach out if you have any questions. I've been on the app for a while. not an expert by any means but I do have some experience with it. Have a great weekend 😀
Jan 21Reply

@cleopatra_vault they definitely give of themselves so selflessly to us. Animals really are amazing. I hope your grief becomes manageable and your memories provide you with some comfort.
Jan 21Reply

Thank you! Have a good weekend. :)
Jan 21Reply

Samantha, thank you so much for all the shares, that was incredible!!! Your amazing !! You have a heart of Gold to do rescue work , Wishing a wonderful year for you and your family , SHIRL
Jan 22Reply

I wanted to thank you for sharing back my closet! Have a great weekend!... Tiffany 🙂
Jan 28Reply

Hi Samantha. Thank you for visiting my closet . Unfortunately at this time we cannot deal with the US. Just wanted to let you know that I also rescued two amazing greyhounds. Unfortunately my baby passed away a few months ago.There are an amazing breed. Have a nice evening.
Jan 29Reply

Hi Samantha, Nice to meet you. Thank you for following me ⚘️ 😊
Jan 29Reply

Thank you for sharing my closet!! Love animals♥️😍♥️
Jan 30Reply

Love the pictures of your sweet baby and love the love your spreading ♥️♥️♥️
Jan 30Reply

@thegirlingrey Thank you
Jan 31Reply

@thegirlingrey Thank for being consistent 🙏
Jan 31Reply

thank you for thoughtfully sharing my closet. Love your profile and closet. I rescued 2 dogs during Covid and learned I am a true Dog Mom too! Spoil my dogs over my family now! 🤦🏻♀️
Feb 03Reply

Thank you so much for sharing so many of my items. I really appreciate it since I'm a newbie on PM and just learning the ropes. Any tips are appreciated.
Love your fur baby! What a sweet face! :-)
Feb 05Reply

@flamingoboutik you're very welcome. I am no expert by any means but I can tell you what seems to get me the most sales....if I post every day I seem to have steady sales. when I miss a few days it is reflected in my sales.
Feb 13Reply

@amyjeanchao you're very welcome have a great day 😀
Feb 13Reply

@samshad2 thank you as well I really appreciate it 😊
Feb 13Reply

@deborahbrown777 thanks so much for the kind words. I hope you have an awesome day 😎
Feb 13Reply

@k99fashionsense I am so very sorry for your loss. I know it never gets easier. 😔 they really fill your life with such joy. I hope you are managing ok
Feb 13Reply

@5foxy you're very welcome. have a great day 😀
Feb 13Reply

@shirl_too thank you as well have an awesome week 😀
Feb 13Reply

@thegirlingrey Hi Samantha. Thank you for your kind words. It's getting a bit easier now. My girl had the same colouring as your dog in your photo.Have a nice day.
Feb 13Reply

Thank you so much for the shares ☺️, SHIRL 🌹🌴
Feb 13Reply

@thegirlingrey good to know. Thanks. :-)
Feb 14Reply

Hi Thanks again for following. Have a great day ❣️
Feb 19Reply

Thank you so much for sharing and allowing me to share. Just to let you know, I always know it's you when my phone dings 8 times. My husband says who's that? I say it's @thegirlingrey ! I'm a newbie and I appreciate your kindness. I also applaud your work for Greyhounds. Friends of ours had a rescue named Ozzy. He was the sweetest dog. 💜
Feb 21Reply

Hi, Samantha! You’re a wonderful soul, and gorgeous as well. Thank you for the follow :)
Feb 24Reply

Bless you for rescuing! I’ve never had a greyhound, but a relative adopted a whippet who was crippled from birth in both hind legs. He was amazing!
Feb 26Reply

Hello Samantha, Nice to meet you 😊 and thank you for following me ❤️. Have an amazing day ❣️
Feb 28Reply

Mar 02Reply

Love your eyes 😍. Very cute dog too. Dogs are definitely saviors for many people. I know mine is.❤️
Mar 03Reply

Beautiful woman 👏
Mar 10Reply

Oh Hai! Thanks for the follow and in advance of hopefully the sharesies! I hope you can peruse my closet and find a possible new favorite 🙂 cheers & have a great day! p.s. my pal Natalie in Australia also does Greyhound rescue (I believe they currently have two)
Mar 10Reply

Hi! I’m having a Live Show Saturday at 1:30 PM Central time and would like to have you join where we will be sharing items from Poshers everywhere! Like the listing at the top of my closet and put 2 items you want auctioned at the top of yours! Hope to see you there! Thanks!
Mar 21Reply

Great cause you have going. keep up the good work and thanks for all the shares. That baby is too cute!
Mar 30Reply

Thanks again gorgeous 😍
Apr 01Reply

Good morning! I had to do a double take at your picture! Your Rembrandt is the spitting image of my Casserole (Cassie) that passed last year. She was from a track in Ebro, FL. Such hilarious, quirky and amazing creatures…thank you for the memories!💕
Apr 04Reply

@botta515 I'm so sorry for your loss. What an AMAZING name, Casserole!!! 😍 My boy is from Alabama, my first boy was from CT and my girl was from NH. They are incredible animals and I could not picture my life without a grey in it. I am currently sitting for one other grey, two galgos and 1 mastin (all from Spain). They are all such great dogs. All similar temperaments and quirky ways 😁
Apr 04Reply

Hello and Thank You for Following my Closet! 🦋🙂🦋
Apr 15Reply

Looking through your closet is like visiting an old friend. Literally taking me back to places in my memory of being a little girl and looking through my grandmothers jewelry box we need to be friends plus also a rescuer over here.
Apr 25Reply

Mine are chocolates, not greyhounds. But I have had involvement with a greyhound organization for years. Grey 2K USA do you know them?
Apr 25Reply

Hello and welcome!
Apr 27Reply

Good afternoon nice to meet you! I see you have vintage Sarah Coventry, and I happen to have a brooch made of snow jade green glass, rhinestones, in the back it is a filigree, backing and gorgeous; it is marked made and east Germany or is it west? I forgot I’ll have to pull the piece out but are you interested privately it’s not any more than reasonable scale I will send a photograph if you’re interested
May 02Reply

May 08Reply

love your pup and what you are doing for other pups!
May 11Reply

Beautiful woman. Beautiful doggie.
May 21Reply

i freakin love this profile!
May 23Reply

BUNDLE 2 OR MORE ITEMS 👠👜🥻👗👒FROM MY CLOSET AND RECEIVE A SPECIAL DISCOUNT 💰. PLUS YOU GET TO CHOOSE 👀 A FREE GIFT 🎁👍 FROM LISTINGS IN MY CLOSET MARKED "FREE GIFT WITH PURCHASE" 💋💋😁 I will make you an EXCELLENT DEAL if you make a Bundle!! if you have any Special Requests LET ME KNOW.. Color, style, garment, accessories, sizes....I have a ton of things I haven't listed yet.
Jun 24Reply

@thegirlingrey hi there, hey 👋❗ sending posh shares and best wishes for sales 🍀💰
Jun 27Reply

Hello and Thank You for Following my Closet! 🦋🙂🦋
Jul 26Reply

Hi, I myself had 2 wonderful greyhounds. They are both passed now. I just put 2 winter greyhound coats on the website but I would happily donate for your wonderful cause🥰 Your posher friend @velitalone
Aug 14Reply

Beautiful dog🙂
Sep 05Reply

@marymax999518 thank you so much. he's such a good boy 😇
Sep 05Reply

@velitalone hi im so sorry im just seeing your message now. I'm very sorry for your losses. I know how hard it is.
Sep 05Reply

@thegirlingrey such a pretty greyhound ❤️
Sep 09Reply

Thanks for following my closet! I'll share some goodies from your closet! : )
Sep 24Reply

Hi! Just wanted to say thank you so much for your warm welcome! Look forward to poshing with another fur baby lover! 🌺 MelissaL
Nov 03Reply

hi there this is Dylan cuevas you are following me
Feb 21Reply
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