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Updated Sep 19
Updated Sep 19

Hi!! My name is Sheryl! Welcome to my Closet!!

US$0 US$999,999,999,999,999


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I have three amazing daughters and we all love to shop!! I also love to design and create jewelry and crochet. Please check out my closet and feel free to ask any questions! Thank you for stopping by! I do not trade but I am open to offers. 😊
  • Seller Discount: 20% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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nat1281 Hi Sheryl, I was just in Rehoboth in October (my first visit). What a great town! GREAT FOOD and Shopping as I'm sure you know! Your closet is great - love your jewelry collection!
Dec 16Reply
sherylpt @nat1281 hi Natalie! Yes, RB is great and really a quint small town! Thank you so much for the compliment on my jewelry !! I love making it 😊 Sheryl
Dec 16Reply
texanlady Hi Sheryl🙋 Very nice to meet you, all the fur babies and your man Welcome and happy poshing 💓 oh by the way, I'm Karen 😁
Dec 19Reply
sherylpt @texanlady Hi Karen! 😊 It is a pleasure to meet you! Thank you for stopping by my closet!! Sheryl
Dec 19Reply
dbrgnz Hi and welcome Sheryl! U have a nice looking family including the cute little furry ones! Also the blue pr of boots in your closet are so beautiful! I don't ear cowboy boots and they're not my size but I think they are just awesome! Nice meeting you and happy poshing!😀🎄🎁🎁🎁
Dec 21Reply
melfstone @sherylpt thanks for checking out my closet. I post new things several times a week. I love your closet. Lots of variety. Have a great Holiday 🎄😎
Dec 21Reply
sherylpt @melfstone Hi Melody, thank you for checking out my closet! :) I love your closet, as well. I have so much more to post and I am loving my Posh experience! Sheryl
Dec 21Reply
sherylpt @vyntagevibes Hi Scott! :) Thank you for the like! Merry Christmas! Sheryl
Dec 23Reply
sherylpt @vyntagevibes Merry Christmas!! 😊
Dec 23Reply
snacker1 @sherylpt. Hi Sheryl, thank you as well!! Happy poshing!😊
Dec 26Reply
kikistore Hi! Trying to clean my closet out. Shares are appreciated thanks!
Dec 28Reply
kikistore Thanks for the shares !!
Dec 28Reply
sherylpt @kikistore my pleasure!! Ditto!!
Dec 28Reply
enocharden Thanks for following my closet and Luv your fur babies 💕😀🐶🐶💕
Jan 09Reply
sherylpt @enocharden you are welcome and thank you ! 😊
Jan 10Reply
sherylpt @enocharden Thank you!! 😊
Jan 10Reply
sherylpt @kikistore my pleasure!!
Jan 10Reply
serenaaluia LOVE YOUR pups 🐶 I have a tiny Maltese pup and I'm in love with her 💜💜
Jan 15Reply
sherylpt @serenaaluia thank you! Yes!! Maltese are the BEST!!! 😊
Jan 15Reply
npuglisi Thanks for the share! Hoping that beauty of a dress sells quickly!👑
Jan 18Reply
sherylpt @npuglisi You are welcome and thank you! 😊👌
Jan 18Reply
grtdeals You have a beautiful family.😊 Thanks for all the shares! Very much appreciate it!🌺❣💞😊
Jan 24Reply
sherylpt @grtdeals Hi 😊 Thank you so much!! And you are very welcome!
Jan 24Reply
jojobobolago Oh my gosh, your pups are adorable!💜
Jan 26Reply
sherylpt @jojobobolago Thank you! We love them so much!! 😊
Jan 26Reply
sherylpt @aasteen Hi Angelique! Thank you so much ! Yes!!! Three of my babies are Maltese and one is a poodle mix 😊 I have three human children and 4 beautiful fur babies!
Feb 01Reply
shopaholicsss hi there❣ thanks for the like! let me know if you're ever interested in purchasing anything so we can work out better pricing (:
Feb 03Reply
panieh Thanks hun🙏🏻😊🌸
Feb 04Reply
sewyouboutique Thank you!! for the shares
Feb 14Reply
sherylpt @sewyouboutique My pleasure 😊
Feb 14Reply
sitpretty Your puppies are adorable!!! I have a Havanese. They look similar! 🐶
Feb 25Reply
sherylpt @sitpretty Thank you! 😊 Yes! Both breeds are so beautiful and smart !!
Feb 25Reply
sherylpt @meekastar Hi! Just saw your post! Thank you so much for the kind words!! Yes, I am so blessed and fortunate!! 😊
Feb 25Reply
sherylpt @meekastar I just saw your sweet baby!! Adorable!! 😊
Feb 25Reply
ahron2633 Hi, regarding your last offer on the Converse Hight top. I will accept your offer . If you are still interested you can retype the offer😉
Mar 02Reply
sherylpt @purplej Hi Juli! Thank you for the shares!! That is awesome that you also ha e Maltese and a poodle! I had two Maltese when I met my boyfriend who had a poodle mix. Then together, we have another Maltese! We adore our fur babies!!😊
Mar 03Reply
reneepass37321 Hi Sheryl! Thanks for all the shares and following me. I paid them back! 👍🏻 you have an awesome closet! And what a nice family! I grew up with 2 sisters so I remember all the clothes and shoes we had! Not enough closet space! No internet to sell the outgrown or unwanted clothes then. But anyway. Looks like you will do well! Thanks again! Xoxo Renee
Mar 03Reply
sherylpt @reneepass37321 Thank you so much, Renee!! 😊 I also have two sisters!! I have always been surrounded by girls! 😊 Yes, it is an amazing gift to be able to buy and sell on the net!! Great meeting you! Sheryl
Mar 03Reply
rosieismypuppy 💝💝Thank you for visiting my closet. I am Wendy, I would love an opportunity to serve YOU. Reasonable offers are welcome, and I provide a bundle discount have a wonderful day and happy poshing.💝💝
Mar 20Reply
zeemaw Thank you for the like. You have a lovely family.
Mar 21Reply
sherylpt @zeemaw Hi Sissy! Thank you so much!!!😊
Mar 22Reply
sherylpt @lululuv27 My pleasure!! I enjoyed viewing your closet!!😊
Mar 29Reply
rozpreston Good Morning.....I am inquiring about an offer that you accepted from me on Saturday, March 25, for green organic earrings. I have been anxiously awaiting delivery and again this morning no delivery. Please advise!! Thank you.
Mar 30Reply
sherylpt @rozpreston Hi! I, too, am anxiously awaiting the arrival of the Earrings!! I shipped them the same day that you purchased them. They should have arrived yesterday! I will call the post office and track them! My apologies. Sheryl
Mar 30Reply
rozpreston @sherylpt Thank you for your quick response and I look forward to hearing back from you. Have a great day🌞
Mar 30Reply
sherylpt @rozpreston Hi 😊 ok, the package shipped from Delaware on the 25th and the last tracking takes place in Danville, VA on the 27th and there is no further information available! Do you live near Danville? The package should have arrived Wednesday !! I plan to call Danville post office tomorrow !
Mar 30Reply
rozpreston @sherylpt Good Morning.....My package arrived this morning. GEORGEOUS EARRINGS😀😀😀 Thank you for the research. Have an Awesome Day!🌞
Mar 31Reply
sherylpt @rozpreston Yeah!! I am so happy that they arrived and that you love them!! 😊
Mar 31Reply
pattyshops Thanks so much for sharing from my new closet! Yours is amazing-and I love your "team" pictures! 😃
Apr 07Reply
sherylpt @pattyshops You are welcome! Thank you so much !! 😊
Apr 07Reply
rjrkbythebay @sherylpt Hi Sheryl, you're not by chance a physical therapist are you? My Poshmark name also ends in "PT" because I am a physical therapist! Wondering if you are too?
Apr 10Reply
sherylpt @rjrkpt Hi Rachel! 😊 I am a licensed counselor turned personal trainer! My youngest was just accepted to PT graduate program in PA....and my sister is a Physical Therapist! Pleasure to meet you! Sheryl
Apr 10Reply
rjrkbythebay @sherylpt Too cool 😀 it is a fantastic career field. Are you enjoying the personal training? I think that would be a great career as well. Nice to "meet you" here on Poshmark.
Apr 10Reply
sherylpt @rjrkpt I love personal training! I truly feel that I am able to help others with PT as much as I did when counseling. My clients tell me everything! The sessions are always mind, body, and spirit!
Apr 10Reply
jad040492 Your jewelry is amazing 👌 and your entire closet is so nice ❗️
Apr 11Reply
sherylpt @jad040492 Thank you so much!! 😊 I really love making jewelry and I am so happy that you like it!!
Apr 11Reply
jad040492 @sherylpt I love so many of your items❗️I'm a retired, former State of Ga. emp., so get paid end of month....I will be back to shop then 😁
Apr 11Reply
sherylpt @jad040492 Hi Alleigha 😊 Thank you for the kind words!! I am so happy that you like my closet! Wow! Congrats on your retirement!! I am a licensed counselor in MD but I am currently living in DE, working as a personal trainer and Loving my work as a Poshmark Closet owner and Jewelry Designer ❤️
Apr 11Reply
lorac2015 Hi if you love vtg Coach and vtg dooney please feel free to visit my closet!
Apr 14Reply
sherylpt @lorac2015 Hi 😊you have an awesome closet!! Beautiful Bags!! Sheryl
Apr 14Reply
lorac2015 @sherylpt aww, thankyou! & your welcome to make an offer on any that interest you! ♡
Apr 14Reply
eydiemichelle Hi Sheryl! Thanks for all the shares. 😀 Quick question, how do you share so quickly? I've had quite a few people share at least a dozen items of mine in less than a minute. I really want to get my shares up. What's your secret?!
Apr 27Reply
sherylpt @eydiemichelle Hi! 😊 Ok, I share the quickest when I am on my IPad, much quicker than my phone. You simply go to the person's closet army then click the bottom corner of each item. You do not need to actually open the item to share it. Hope that makes sense 😊 Feel free to ask me anything! Sheryl
Apr 27Reply
eydiemichelle @sherylpt Awesome!!! Thank you so much. I've got 2 young kids that I'm always chasing after and shortcuts are my best friends!! I really appreciate your help. 😊❤️
Apr 27Reply
sherylpt @eydiemichelle My pleasure!! I understand! 😊
Apr 27Reply
monaeamoure 😘😘😍😍😍
May 07Reply
sherylpt @monaeamoure Right back to you!! 🌺😘😘😘thank you!!
May 07Reply
monaeamoure My pleasure! Thank you 😊
May 07Reply
sdfree 💕Thanks for all the shares, Sheryl!! 💕You have a beautiful closet!💕
May 08Reply
sassyhan Thanks for all the shares 🌸🌹🌺😊
May 10Reply
sherylpt @sassyhan My pleasure! 🌺thank you!!🌼💐🌺
May 10Reply
bridgetann1971 @sherylpt Thank you for all the shares 💐. I love all of your shoes. I wish I could still wear heels but had a back surgery and can no longer. So looking through your closet to see if there's something I can wear. Also sharing your items. POSH LOVE 💙💙
May 10Reply
sherylpt @bridgetann1971 Thank you so much!! 😊
May 10Reply
rachelaristia Welcome to Poshmark! 🎉
May 13Reply
sherylpt @rachelaristia Thank you!! 🌺
May 13Reply
style_shanty Thanks for the offer on the UD. I just dropped the price about 10 minutes ago. I countered back at my lowest. Thanks!
May 22Reply
sherylpt @style_shanty Ok, thank you😊
May 22Reply
cherryleedavis Hi, the black vintage leather lizard embossed bag you like is on the Last Call list so now is the time to purchase while the 20% summer bundle discount is in effect.
May 31Reply
kalicokate Hi Sheryl is there a way to private message?
May 31Reply
sherylpt @kalicokate Hi Katy😊 I don't think there is a way to private message on here.
May 31Reply
kalicokate @sherylpt I had my card information stolen over the memorial weekend and it's the same card I have tied to Posh, working on new cards being issued, but I wanted to keep you up to speed on the delay of payment :( they said it can be 7-10 days before my new card is issued. If you need to put it back on I totally understand! Again so sorry! Thieves are just horrible!!
May 31Reply
sherylpt @kalicokate Wow! I'm so sorry to hear it! Yes, it is terrible to have anything stolen! I think that the Vest automatically goes back on the market so just redo the offer when you are able😊thanks for letting me know.
May 31Reply
designerbeb Thank you so much for all the shares!!! 🌺
Jun 02Reply
sherylpt @designerbeb Hi 😊My pleasure! Thank you for the shares, as well! I love your closet! Sheryl
Jun 02Reply
timelinestyle thank you for visiting Timeline Boutique, Sheryl 👠 as seen on Fashiontv 👠 same day shipping + 25% off bundles + gift with purchase on now! 🌈
Jun 05Reply
mztizliz Great closet. I used to live in Seaford.
Jun 10Reply
sherylpt @mztizliz really? Wow, small world😊 thank you so much for the kind words and all of your shares!!
Jun 10Reply
mztizliz @sherylpt My pleasure. Thank you too!
Jun 10Reply
kikis3127 Hi @sherylpt sheryl thanks so much for all the shares. Am new to poshmark and really appreciate your kind gesture. You have beautiful daughters I also have a 2 year old son. Thank you.
Jun 15Reply
sherylpt @kikis3127 Hi Kirtika! 😊 Welcome!! I have been on Poshmark for awhile now and it is a wonderful place! I have met great people and I have bought and sold great items!! I love to explore closets and I love to share. Thank you for the sweet words! I am so blessed to have 3 amazing daughters and four amazing fur babies! 😊Feel free to ask me any questions that you may have about Poshmark. Sheryl
Jun 15Reply
boomchickaboom Wow 😳 Sheryl!! Thank you for all the shares!! I'm feeling the Poshmark love ❤️ I appreciate you and will return the Poshlove. So grateful to be a part of this community!!😁🌷❣️🌷❣️🌷
Jun 18Reply
snizzle2013 Thanks for checking out my closet.
Jul 07Reply
bmdierker Hey Sheryl! LOVE your closet! 😍 Thanks for sharing some of mine!!
Jul 07Reply
sherylpt @bmdierker Hi Bernadette!! 🌺My pleasure! I love your closet, as well! Enjoy your vacation!!😊 Sheryl
Jul 07Reply
kt_green You have such a wonderful closet!! ❤️
Jul 08Reply
sherylpt @kt_green Thank you so much!! 😊
Jul 08Reply
dazzlingdeals Thank you for sharing my beautiful closet 💋💋💋🐶
Jul 13Reply
sherylpt @dazzlingdeals My pleasure! I enjoyed viewing it😊 thank you for your shares!
Jul 13Reply
dazzlingdeals 💋💋💋😁
Jul 13Reply
hughestoyou Thanks for all the shares... I LOVE when the other posher shares back..and in bulk too. hahah thanks so much and happy selling!!! :)
Jul 21Reply
cherylmac01 @sherylpt Hi Sheryl. Just a heads up,I need to buy ink for my printer to print the shipping label. Will be done at lunch hour today, so I will have your item in the mail tomorrow morning.
Jul 24Reply
sherylpt @cherylmac01 Hi Cheryl😊No problem! Thank you!
Jul 24Reply
cherylmac01 @sherylpt I got them to the post office about 15 minutes before they closed!
Jul 25Reply
sherylpt @cherylmac01 Yeah!! Thank you!🌺
Jul 25Reply
cherylmac01 @sherylpt Thank you so much for all the shares!
Jul 25Reply
sherylpt @cherylmac01 my pleasure! Thank you for your shares!😊🌹👌
Jul 25Reply
cherylmac01 @sherylpt You are very welcome! I love your pics of your dogs. I am a dog lover too. We have 5!
Jul 25Reply
sherylpt @cherylmac01 Thank you! Wow, 5! That is awesome! We adore our fur babies so much!!! I would love to adopt more!
Jul 25Reply
designsbymela Beautiful jewelry !! Your so talented and I love all your pups 💜🐾💜
Aug 06Reply
sherylpt @pepedoodles Thank you so much! You are so kind! 🌺😘😘😘
Aug 06Reply
sherylpt @pepedoodles And I love your pretty baby, too!
Aug 06Reply
designsbymela @sherylpt awe thank you🌷 I have 3 lol
Aug 06Reply
christine1254 Thank you for the shares!!
Aug 18Reply
sherylpt @christine1254 My pleasure! Thank you! 💐
Aug 18Reply
picsandclicks @sherylpt great inventory! Very diverse closet, I countered your offer on the Paige Jeans. I'll take 60% of the shipping, if you are interested. These are a pair of my gf's so she's driving the "bargain". I just pulled them to inspect, they are in fantastic shape. Enjoy your weekend.
Aug 27Reply
sherylpt @picsandclicks Hi there 😊 thank you so much for the kind words and all of the shares. Ok, I accept your offer of discounted shipping. How do I receive it?
Aug 27Reply
picsandclicks @sherylpt on the web, go to your "News Feed", near the top - "Offers" - find your offer to on the Paige Pico Jeans in your list, and accept.
Aug 27Reply
sherylpt @picsandclicks Is there anything I need to do to accept discounted shipping?
Aug 27Reply
picsandclicks @sherylpt $22-$7= $15 (free shipping), $22-4=18, $4/7 = 60% off for shipping (original price)
Aug 27Reply
sitpretty Do you have 3 little white fluffy dogs! I am jealous!
Sep 10Reply
sitpretty OOOPSY I mean 4! I am really jealous!
Sep 10Reply
mode_mondiale Hi. Thanks so much for the love
Sep 16Reply
sherylpt @shopright2330 My pleasure! 🌺Thank you!😘😘😘
Sep 16Reply
clemsontigerfan Oh my goodness Sheryl, your family and dogs are just precious!! I am in love with all your amazing shoes too! I will be back to shop for sure! :)
Sep 19Reply
sherylpt @clemsontigerfan Thank you so much, Jennifer!! I am so blessed to have 3 human children and 4 fur babies! We are currently on vacation in South Carolina! Charleston! We love it so much and are thinking of moving here!! But, we cannot wait to get home to our sweet babies! 😊
Sep 19Reply
clemsontigerfan @sherylpt we go to Charleston all the time! Our sailboat is there. We love it too! :)
Sep 19Reply
sherylpt @clemsontigerfan we fell in love with Daniel Island😊
Sep 19Reply
clemsontigerfan @sherylpt oh yes! We love Daniel Island too! If you do decide to move here, my cousin is a realtor in Charleston. You would love her because she is not pushy. She just wants to help people find their dream homes! :)
Sep 19Reply
sherylpt @clemsontigerfan Excellent! We have been looking all over the south for a place to make our forever home and so far Charleston is the winner! 😊
Sep 19Reply
clemsontigerfan @sherylpt just let me know if you ever want her number. She is also a home appraiser too. So she knows all the areas around Charleston very well and could point you in the direction of the best homes and value for your money.
Sep 19Reply
sherylpt @clemsontigerfan I will, thank you! 🌺
Sep 19Reply
rubywooslipper Hi Sheryl thank you so so much for sharing my closet items!! I truly appreciate your help 🙏😘it's been a little slow but I'm continuing to add items and build my closet each day! Many thanks 💜❌⭕️
Sep 28Reply
sherylpt @wsft Hi Wendy 🌺It is my pleasure! I enjoyed viewing your closet!! 😊 keep going ! Some weeks are slow and some weeks will surprise you! 😎 Sheryl
Sep 28Reply
rubywooslipper @sherylpt 😁that means a lot thank you for sharing your words of wisdom!! I am loving the sense of community and kindness on PM💞
Sep 28Reply
sherylpt @wsft Yes! There are so many wonderful people on Poshmark! 😊
Sep 28Reply
rubywooslipper @sherylpt and I just realized where I'll be doing my Christmas 🎄 shopping!!! ☃️
Sep 28Reply
sherylpt @wsft Awe! Thank you so much! And thank you for the shares!! You are awesome! 😘😘😘
Sep 28Reply
kindlyyours Thank you for your 5* rating and comments, Sheryl! Thrilled you love the top! Enjoy and have a wonderful autumn. 😊 Sara
Sep 30Reply
vintagecall Thank you for your generosity! The shares are appreciated! Have a great day!
Oct 05Reply
sherylpt @scall Hi😊It was my pleasure! You have a great day, as well! Sheryl
Oct 05Reply
modestheart @sherylpt Thanks for all the shares! I absolutely love your closet❤
Oct 12Reply
sherylpt @modestheart Thank you so much!! And thank you for all of your shares! I enjoyed browsing your closet!🌺 Sheryl
Oct 12Reply
carlea1104 Hello! What a beautiful group of young ladies! And such sweet fur babies too!! I absolutely love your closet! So many nice things!!! I hope you have a blessed day! Francine
Oct 17Reply
sherylpt @f0305 Hi Francine!😊Wow! Thank you so much! You are so kind! I really appreciate your words and I am so happy that you like closet! It’s a pleasure to meet you! Sheryl
Oct 17Reply
carlea1104 @sherylpt Thank You too and it’s such a pleasure to make an acquaintance with you! Like minds agree! ❤️
Oct 17Reply
starkravenwild Having a FIRESALE- all items between $5-$50!!! Trying to get the word out, please purchase like or share and I will follow your closet too. Happy poshing.
Oct 21Reply
rachel_1995 Thanks for all the shares! You're closet is amazing! If you're ever interested in anything from mine I'll give you a discount:)
Oct 22Reply
sherylpt @rachel_1995 Thank you so much and Ditto!!😊
Oct 22Reply
sunriseview Thank you for sharing 💕💕
Nov 02Reply
sherylpt @sunriseview My pleasure!!🌺
Nov 02Reply
sherpy @sherylpt thanks for your posh love and your purchase! I'll put it out for shipping today. You have an amazing shoe collection! I'll return your posh ❤️ tonight to bring in different buyers.
Nov 11Reply
sherylpt @sherpy Hi!🌺Thank you for accepting my offer! I loved browsing your closet! We seem to have similar taste! My middle daughter loves Turquoise so I had to jump on this Christmas gift!\Thank you for all of your shares! Sheryl
Nov 11Reply
sherpy @sherylpt so glad to hear! I'm heading out soon but will absolutely look in your closet to share tonight.
Nov 11Reply
sherylpt @sherpy Thank you!😊
Nov 11Reply
tiamarnie Thank you so much for all the shares! 💕 You have an amazing collection of gorgeous skirts. ❤️
Nov 11Reply
sherylpt @tiamarnie Thank you so much! I enjoyed browsing your closet!!😊
Nov 11Reply
sherpy @sherylpt good morning! ☀️😃. Thanks for your shares! Happy poshing!
Nov 12Reply
sherylpt @sherpy Good morning!🌈🌻🌺My Pleasure! Thank you, as well!
Nov 12Reply
persiandoll311 Im sorry im having hard time understanding what this style card means. I didnt mean to do this. I didnt know what it was. I cant grasp the concept im sorry. Maybe explained better?
Nov 15Reply
sherylpt @persiandoll311 Hi😊My name is Sheryl and I have been on Poshmark for a considerable time and have had much success so they made me a stylist. They sent me your information and informed me that you would like to see Looks from my closet for the Fall. I apologize if you received my style selections without really knowing what it meant. Feel free to ask me any questions regarding Poshmark! I’m happy to help! Sheryl
Nov 15Reply
persiandoll311 @sherylpt thanks cheryl!!! No need to apologise i should bc i misunderstood! Well i have to learn somehow!! Congrats on making stylist that sounds fun!
Nov 15Reply
sherylpt @persiandoll311 I love Poshmark so much and I am really enjoying my new role as stylist. There is a lot to learn on here so please feel free to ask any questions.
Nov 15Reply
persiandoll311 @sherylpt i will thank you so much!!!
Nov 15Reply
sherylpt @persiandoll311 my pleasure😊
Nov 15Reply
crmurph Thanks for the Posh love! You have a super cute closet! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Nov 24Reply
sherylpt @crmurph Thank you so much!🌺And, My Pleasure! I enjoyed browsing your closet! Sheryl
Nov 24Reply
mj1107 Hey! Thanks so much for the offer. If you can do $40 I'll drop the price and it will also include discount shipping. Let me know! 🙂
Nov 26Reply
sherylpt @mj1107 Hi, thank you for the counter. I will think about it.
Nov 26Reply
mj1107 @sherylpt sounds great!
Nov 26Reply
nilu555 Good morning. Thanx alot for sharing my listings. Please feel free offering if you like any of my items. You have adorable cute dogs. Good luck to your closet and have a great day!
Nov 27Reply
jio25 Hello Sheryl! Thank you for visiting my closet and all the shares. 🌸💗. You have a FABULOUS closet and I am having so much fun strolling through all your listings. Love the teamwork! 🤗👯‍♀️💗😘💐
Nov 29Reply
sherylpt @jio25 Hi there! 🌺Thank you so much! I really enjoyed your closet!! I think that we have similar tastes in clothes and life!! I am also a competitive runner and cyclist, but not a swimmer😊And, I have 3 amazing children and 4 fur babies! Your two doggies are adorable!!
Nov 29Reply
mj1107 hey there just letting you know I dropped of your box. I apologise for the delay in shipment, we're moving and have a ton going on. Thank you so much for your patience. ☺️
Dec 04Reply
sherylpt @mj1107 Ok, thank you!
Dec 04Reply
vine_st_vintage Hi Sheryl! Thank you so much for the rating and nite. I hope all is well!!! Enjoy the dress 👗👠
Dec 17Reply
sherylpt @klynn2122 My pleasure! Dress is gorgeous!! I am recovering from pneumonia! It has been a crazy couple of weeks. Thank you for the well wishes! Merry Christmas!❤️ Sheryl
Dec 17Reply
vine_st_vintage @sherylpt Oh no! Hope you get feeling better soon. Thanks for the shares. I was enjoying shopping your closet😀. Merry Christmas!
Dec 17Reply
foxarazzi Hi Sheryl! Aww what cute fur babies!!! So I shared a few customer favorites to your closet. Let me know when you’re done with your bundle & I will send an offer for you to ponder. No pressure at all- just a little temptation 😉
Dec 24Reply
sherylpt @foxarazzi Hi there🌺 I enjoy browsing your closet! So many cute items! Yes, I adore my fur babies!!! They are incredible😊Merry Christmas! Sheryl
Dec 24Reply
foxarazzi @sherylpt you’ve got an entire family of fur babies! What breed is that? I keep trying to convince my mom to get one like that for company. (I’m a dog lover)
Dec 24Reply
foxarazzi The face on the last one just melts me! ❤️
Dec 24Reply
foxarazzi @sherylpt Merry Christmas to you too! 🎄🌟
Dec 24Reply
sherylpt @foxarazzi three Maltese: Bailey, Bella, and Baby Billie! Billie is the little 4 pounder in the last picture. She is the youngest but the most fierce! She runs the place. Our grand matriarch is a poodle named Lady.
Dec 24Reply
foxarazzi @sherylpt oh! My dad had a Maltese - they have hair so they are good for ppl with allergies, right?
Dec 24Reply
sherylpt @foxarazzi Absolutely! They are truly perfect dogs! Their fur is gorgeous and they do not shed, they are also the best smelling dogs and made for people with allergies. They are also so smart, loving, Fun, and loyal. I’m obsessed!😊
Dec 24Reply
foxarazzi @sherylpt his was named Buster- cutest little guy ever- really tiny
Dec 24Reply
foxarazzi @sherylpt I miss having a dog. I’ve always had them! Next permanent move and I’m getting one! I think a smaller one next time. I like the idea of a shed-free pup! Plus the Maltese are really sweet and cuddly
Dec 24Reply
foxarazzi @sherylpt okay! Have a great night! I’ve rambled on! If you need anything, let me know. Never any pressure with me and happy to answer questions about fit/etc
Dec 24Reply
sherylpt @foxarazzi I highly recommend 😊
Dec 24Reply
sherylpt Thank you so much!
Dec 24Reply
clozeho Hi Sheryl, I'm Patty. Thanks for sharing me! I'm from a family of 3 daughters myself, but I don't have any! Happy Poshing!🎎
Jan 05Reply
sherylpt @clozeho Hi Patty😊I enjoyed browsing your closet!! You have many cool items! I also come from a family of three daughters (and one son) and then had three myself. Thank you for your shares! Sheryl
Jan 05Reply
ukibana Hi Sheryl, thank you so much for your shares.
Jan 29Reply
sherylpt @ukibana Hi Ukibana🌺My Pleasure! Thank you for the shares, as well!😊 Sheryl
Jan 29Reply
ansodo @sherylpt Thank you so much for all the 💕❤️💖🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 Anh
Feb 18Reply
handpickedbyt Hi there!! Thanks for all the shares!! I really appreciate it!!🤗🤗🤗
Feb 19Reply
sherylpt @trinakitt Hi😊My pleasure! Thank you for your shares!🌺Sheryl
Feb 19Reply
fashionista_921 Hi Sheryl - Thank you so much for so generously sharing my closet today! I can't express how much I appreciate it! And - Your family is beautiful❤️
Mar 13Reply
sherylpt @fashionista_921 My pleasure! And, thank you so much!!🌺You have a great closet!😊 Sheryl
Mar 13Reply
a1fashions Get ready to lounge around the pool or stroll on the beach with this beautiful beach towel .
Mar 15Reply
mcmizzy Thank you for all the shares!!!
Mar 24Reply
sherylpt @mcmizzy My Pleasure! 🌺
Mar 24Reply
kaileia_kai i appreciate u sharing. beautiful closet.
Mar 25Reply
sherylpt @kaileia_kai My pleasure! 🌺hank you for your shares and kind words!!😊 Sheryl
Mar 25Reply
ggoodspeed1222 Thanks for the likes❤ Make an offer, or Bundle for a GREAT discount! Seriousley... I'm CLEANING HOUSE before Easter!.😁👍❤
Mar 26Reply
lifeofmorales 🌸💕Thanks for all the shares 💕🌸
Mar 27Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Mar 28Reply
sherylpt @spreadlove Hi Melissa!😊I am Sheryl. It is a pleasure to meet you!🌺
Mar 28Reply
cenjones23 Hi Sheryl, thank you so very very much for all of the kindness in sharing my entire closet!!!! You are so very kind and I appreciate your generosity🦋💐! Thank you, Percenel
Apr 07Reply
sherylpt @cenjones23 Hi Percenel🌺It is my pleasure! I enjoyed browsing your closet!😊thank you for reciprocating! Sheryl
Apr 07Reply
fashioncloset00 Hi thanks so much for the shares ❤️ 🌸
Apr 13Reply
sherylpt @fashioncloset00 Hi😊My pleasure! Have a great day!🌺Sheryl
Apr 13Reply
scroyal Thank you for sharing my items.
Apr 22Reply
sherylpt @scroyal M pleasure🌺Have a great Sunday! Sheryl
Apr 22Reply
odd_and_sundry You're an angel!
Apr 27Reply
sherylpt @odd_and_sundry Awe! 🌷Thank you! It’s my pleasure😊 Sheryl
Apr 27Reply
lmpurcell Thank you for all the shares!!!🌺🌸❤️😊
Apr 29Reply
sherylpt @lmpurcell My pleasure!🌺 thank you!!😊 Sheryl
Apr 29Reply
ladyblue1702 Hi, thanks for sharing my closet!
Apr 29Reply
sherylpt @ladyblue1702 Hi🌺My pleasure! Thank you for your shares!
Apr 29Reply
ladyblue1702 @sherylpt You're welcome!
Apr 29Reply
imapoodlemama How much for the little white bundles of joy? They're adorable and so glad to see a poodle was able to break into the Maltese faction! 😂🐩🌸🐩💖
Apr 30Reply
sherylpt @imapoodlemama 😎Not enough money in the world for my precious babies! My boyfriend and I merged our families three years ago, I had two Maltese Twins and he had the Poodle! After a year, I convinced him that we needed to add a new Maltese baby girl and now our family is complete🌺
Apr 30Reply
imapoodlemama @sherylpt Aw, that's a wonderful story! Congratulations! 🎉❤️️ Those little 4-leggeds bring joy like no other. Thanks for the shares and I'll try to remember to dig into your closet regularly! Have a great day! 🌞🌸🐩
Apr 30Reply
sherylpt @imapoodlemama Yes! We adorable them❤️ thank you and Ditto!
Apr 30Reply
ggoodspeed1222 Hey Sheryl! Thanks for the ❤ Cute kids! And I include the white furry ones😀 I have way too may liked a to do the drop thing for closet clear out.. But if you like pieces, I'm giving huge discounts this week. So make an offer or bundle... Don't be afraid to ask for low prices... You will not offend me. If I can't match the price, I just counter offer... That's what the buttons for... Right? 😉🌸
May 03Reply
ggoodspeed1222 PS thanks for the shares! I'll return them when I get off the road from traveling☺
May 03Reply
sherylpt @ggoodspeed1222 Hi🌺Awe, thank you! We ❤️ all of our kids but the furry ones are Soooo special😊
May 03Reply
sherylpt @ggoodspeed1222 My pleasure! I enjoyed browsing your closet!😊
May 03Reply
thesusieb @sherylpt Thank you for all the shares! 😍😊🎉❤️ I love your closet. ✨🎉🌸💕💞💖💫🌟
May 04Reply
sherylpt @thesusieb My pleasure!🌹Thank you so much!😊 Sheryl
May 04Reply
bellatreasures Hi, Sheryl! Thank you for all the shares! 😊 Your fur kids are adorable. 💜🐶
May 06Reply
sherylpt @bellatreasures Hi Jane🌹Awe! Thank you so much! We adore them! And, hank you for your shares!!😊 Sheryl
May 06Reply
sherylpt @foxyladycloset Thank you so much!😊It is crazy and wonderful, isn’t it?! Meeting interesting, like minded women like yourself is one of my favorite things about Poshmark!
May 09Reply
sherylpt @foxyladycloset I have actually been to Chattanooga🌺 Many years ago I was a flight attendant and we would overnight in Chattanooga! I ❤️ Tennessee!
May 09Reply
sherylpt @foxyladycloset Polly, it is so great to have you as my new PFF!🌺 wow, we have much in common! I was raised in the Midwest, born in Minnesota. I came to the east coast when I joined Piedmont in 1985, base in Roanoke, Va. when the base closed I transferred to BWI and stayed in the metro area my entire adult life. Raised my three daughters in Annapolis. Sheryl
May 10Reply
sherylpt I moved to DE 4 years ago and love it here but hate the winters. My finance and I plan to move to Florida within the next couple of years😊 Sheryl
May 10Reply
yayafunshop Hi Sheryl! Thank you so much for the shares🙏❤️.. your closet is amazing! And by the way your three daughters are so beautiful! Have a wonderful day❤️
May 13Reply
sherylpt @yayafunshop Hi Kim!💐Thank you so much for the kind words and all of your shares!! I really enjoyed browsing your closet!😊 Sheryl
May 13Reply
yayafunshop @sherylpt Awww your welcome 🤗
May 13Reply
sherylpt @kaytimae My pleasure! Have a great day! Sheryl
May 17Reply
sherylpt @theejenster My pleasure🌹Thank you!😊
May 23Reply
loved3 @sherylpt Thanks for all the shares doll! 😊😊😊
May 27Reply
sherylpt @loved3 😘💐🌹
May 27Reply
mattiemae2012 Amazing closet, love your doggies! Thanks so much for the shares! 💕
May 29Reply
sherylpt @mosier24 Awe!🌹Thank you so much!😊I enjoyed sharing your closet! Sheryl
May 29Reply
kissedbycat Thank you so much for following me and for all the shares, luv! 😘💗🌸😊
May 29Reply
sherylpt @catcatyee Hi😊My pleasure! Thank you so much for your shares!🌹 Sheryl
May 29Reply
crispcashmere Thank you too Sheryl...:) You're Super welcomed! Beautiful Items...
May 29Reply
ilovadis Hello I See You Like Handbags if so check out my Marc Jacobs Handbag I can Give You A Great Deal😀
May 30Reply
sherylpt @ilovadis Hi😊I do love bags! And, I have WAY too many😜Thank you for the offer. Sheryl
May 30Reply
pamelacatherine Thank you so much for the shares....❤❤❤❤❤❤👖👜👢👗👚🧥
Jun 02Reply
sherylpt @pamelacatherine My pleasure!🌹I enjoyed browsing your closet! Thank you so much for the shares, as well!😊 Sheryl
Jun 02Reply
cawoodcollectn Hello Lovely! Just browsing and sharing some PoshLove! 💕Wishing you the best in Business! -Shann
Jun 11Reply
sherylpt @cawoodcollectn Hi🌹Thank you so much and DITTO!😊 I enjoyed browsing your closet! Sheryl
Jun 11Reply
cosmiklove Hi! Your pups are adorable! 😍 And thank you SO much for all the shares! Truly appreciated. 💕
Jun 13Reply
sherylpt @cosmiklove Hi🌹Thank you so much for the kind words and the shares!!😊I hope that you have a beautiful day!❤️ Sheryl
Jun 13Reply
dress_happy I love your closet! I hope you check out mine!
Jun 13Reply
sherylpt @zz03 Thank you so much!🌹Yes, I will!😊 Sheryl
Jun 13Reply
funcogirl Wow, thank you so much for all the shares! I will reciprocate as I have time!
Jun 13Reply
fewmyfavthings Thank you kindly for all the shares❤️🦋🌷🐝Best to you!!!!
Jun 14Reply
sherylpt @posholda2016 Hi😊My pleasure! Best wishes for you, as well!!🌺 Sheryl
Jun 14Reply
rbrekke Thanks so much for the shares! Beautiful family.
Jun 17Reply
rbrekke And closet... :)
Jun 17Reply
sherylpt @rbrekke Hi🌺Thank you so much for the kind words and the shares, as well! 😊Sheryl
Jun 17Reply
alifeofshopping Thank you for all your shares! 😘😘
Jun 18Reply
sherylpt @alifeofshopping Hi😊My pleasure! Thank you for your shares!🌺 Sheryl
Jun 18Reply
sherylpt @funcogirl Hi💐I just saw this comment!! Sorry for the delayed response! You are very welcome! It is my leashes, I enjoyed your closet!😊 Sheryl
Jun 18Reply
bluegoldieloxx Thanks for all the shares😘
Jun 21Reply
blacklotusvtg Hi Sheryl! Thanks for all the Posh Love! 😊
Jun 24Reply
sherylpt @intrigueu4ever Hi Jolene!🌹My Pleasure! Love your closet!😊Thank you for the shares, as well! Sheryl
Jun 24Reply
sherylpt @mandosells Hi😊My pleasure, you too!!🌺 Sheryl
Jun 26Reply
sherylpt @payinginpennies My pleasure!🌹Happy Fourth!😊
Jul 05Reply
tammiec216 😚Thank you so much for shopping my closet and the shares!
Jul 17Reply
thelilacbush Thanks for all the shares!!!
Jul 18Reply
sherylpt @thelilacbush My pleasure!💐Thank you for your shares!😊 Sheryl
Jul 18Reply
atouchofgold Hi, when you get a chance can you please Check out my closet. I sell brand new clothes that have not been worn. Some items include print and solid leggings, cardigans, shoes, tops, and many more. Thank you!
Jul 18Reply
sherylpt @atouchofgold Hi🌺Injust shared a bunch of your items! I hope you make some sales! Your cardigans are adorable!😊 Sheryl
Jul 18Reply
atouchofgold @sherylpt thank you! 🤗
Jul 18Reply
sherylpt @atouchofgold My pleasure!🌹
Jul 18Reply
janjan009 Unicorn feature yay!🌺💜
Jul 23Reply
atisticcutters Thanks so much for sharing my closet 💝💙... I’m so grateful 🙋🏼‍♀️wishing you happy posh sales on your awesome closet 💝🎉👍🏼👏🏼👏🏼💸💸💰💰💸💸💰💰love sharing 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Jul 26Reply
sherylpt @atisticcutters Hi🌺It was my pleasure!! And, thank you so much!!!😊 Sheryl
Jul 26Reply
unclaimed Sheryl Nice closet and beautiful family and doggy pictures, wishing you much success, thanks for your support.
Jul 29Reply
sherylpt @unclaimed You are very welcome!🌹Thank you so much for the kind words!😊Wishing you many sales! Sheryl
Jul 29Reply
luvcoco888 Hi Sheryl! Greetings from a follow Delawarean! Thanks for looking and sharing so generously. You have a lovely family and your closet is amazing!
Aug 01Reply
sherylpt @my1prettycloset My pleasure!🌹Thank you for sharing mine!😊 Sheryl
Aug 02Reply
closetoffaith Your so welcome!😊❤️🙏🏻
Aug 03Reply
turtlewhisperer You have an amazing closet, Sheryl! I couldn't stop going through it. All the best to you! Alison And thank you for all the shares! ; )
Aug 03Reply
sherylpt @afish56 Hi Alison!🌹Thank you so much for the kind words and thank you for your shares!!😊Wishing many sales! Sheryl
Aug 03Reply
vintagevallee We are a malteepoo family! 🐶
Aug 10Reply
sherylpt @massfashionista Me too!!!❤️I have 3 Maltese and 1 Poodle 😊 love them sooo much!!
Aug 10Reply
glitzylife Hi, My name is Jan. How are you enjoying Poshmark? Are you able to get your head out of your phone. I know I can't! Lol. It's soo addicting. If you get a chance check out my closet . I have major designers for a fraction of the cost! Happy Poshing!
Aug 10Reply
sherylpt @glitzylife Hi Jan🌺For me, I am tied to my iPad!😊I love Poshmark!! Best of luck to you! Sheryl
Aug 10Reply
glitzylife @sherylpt me
Aug 10Reply
closetoffaith Never seen so many items!!😮 What an amazing closet!!!😍💙💜❤️👌🏻
Aug 13Reply
sherylpt @closetoffaith Thank you so much!!!❤️
Aug 13Reply
sherylpt @glamworld23 Thank you so much for yours shares!!🌹And, Thank you for the sweet words!🌺 Sheryl
Aug 19Reply
debbieb1016 Thank you for your offer on my Converse High Tops. I'd really like to make a deal on them😊 Please consider my counteroffer 👟👟 Go Terps 🐢
Aug 23Reply
sherylpt @debbieb1016 Hi😊I appreciate the counter but I really can’t justify going higher than my offer. I own a million pairs of shoes🌺 Sheryl
Aug 23Reply
debbieb1016 @sherylpt 😊 no problem, if you reconsider, I could go to $45, I just can't go to $40. Thanks for checking out my closet
Aug 23Reply
lolibearscloset Hi! Thank you so much Sheryl for your generous shares! 😘😘
Aug 25Reply
sherylpt @lolibearscloset Hi Lisa!🌹My Pleasure!😊Thank you for your shares!! Sheryl
Aug 25Reply
genxrn Great closet, Sheryl!!
Aug 27Reply
sherylpt @genxrn Thank you so much!!🌹😘😘
Aug 27Reply
genxrn You are most welcome!
Aug 27Reply
chat3388 Lovely closet thanks for all the shares. Your photos are awesome. All those white doggies are adorable!!!!🌹
Sep 16Reply
sherylpt @chat3388 Thank you for the kind words and your shares!!🌹 Sheryl
Sep 16Reply
chat3388 @sherylpt my pleasure👍
Sep 16Reply
rhapsodyinred Hi Sheryl! Thank you for sharing my shoes. You're closet is bitchin!! I love the blend of quality vintage and current goodies. I will be keeping an eye on you for sure!! Shannon
Oct 06Reply
sherylpt @rhapsodyinred Ho Shannon!🌺Awe! Thank you for the kind words and the shares!😊 Sheryl
Oct 06Reply
popntrendz You’re a doll. Thank you!
Oct 13Reply
sherylpt @diedraey My pleasure! Thank you!😘
Oct 13Reply
kikalyn Thank you for all the shares! I appreciate your kindness.
Oct 17Reply
sherylpt @kikalyn Hi😊My pleasure! Thank you for your shares!🌹 Sheryl
Oct 17Reply
countrylifemama ❤️❤️❤️❤️ your closet!!!
Oct 24Reply
sherylpt @countrylifemama Thank you!!!😘😘😘
Oct 24Reply
forsimplestyle Thanks so much for the "shares". What a great family - pups too!🌷
Nov 21Reply
sherylpt @forsimplestyle Thank you so much!!!💋💋💋🌹
Nov 21Reply
rosietomatoes Hello there. So the coat you assured me would fit a 2/4 size is measure to fit a 12/14 size. I opened a return into Posh and they declined it. As a single mother on only one income, I am asking you kindly provide a full refund once I return the coat to you. (I can pay for shipping) I am still in need of a winter coat for these
Dec 06Reply
rosietomatoes harsh NY winters. I can not fit the coat, although beautiful. Your pictures show you with children, I’m sure you understand the value of $100. I can mail out tomorrow morning first thing. Please respond $100 goes a long way for my daughter and I. Thank you for your co consideration, I am sure there was just a simple mix up with sizing.
Dec 06Reply
rosietomatoes Posh Karma will find you eventually. Shame on you for lying.
Dec 07Reply
sherylpt @rosietomatoes Hello, this is my last communication with you and I will report you to Poshmark if you continue to harass me. You asked me to BREAK Poshmark rules and I refused. Please stop!
Dec 07Reply
rosietomatoes @sherylpt I was giving you an opportunity to right your wrong. No harassment I just assumed you would do the right thing. My mistake. Be well and have a very happy Christmas season🎄 😊 💫
Dec 08Reply
psubba1 Thank you for selecting my item as a host pick! 🙏🏼🤞🤞🤞Have a Good weekend. 😀
Jan 13Reply
reimaginestyle Hi Sheryl. Thank you for picking one of my listing for Host Pick in today's party. That was quite a surprise, a pleasant one for sure. Happy poshing to you and happy new year 🙂.
Jan 13Reply
sherylpt @psubba1 ❤️👍
Jan 13Reply
redpianistsclst *Thank you for sharing!! I greatly appreciate it :D Many blessings to you and the growth of your business!!*
Jan 16Reply
sherylpt @theredpianist My pleasure!!!🌹I wish you many sales, as well!😊 Sheryl
Jan 16Reply
sabrinalegb Thanks for all the shares Sheryl! Have a great weekend!
Feb 16Reply
sherylpt @sabrinalegb My pleasure! Thank you, as well! 🌹Happy Weekend!😊 Sheryl
Feb 16Reply
collage_closet Congrats on your Make a Deal win today! Happy Poshing!
Feb 28Reply
sherylpt @svetlanastrelka Thank you so much!!!🥰🌈🌹💐🌻🌈
Feb 28Reply
amber2286 Congrats on the Deals day Win!! You are now rewarded with posh money in your account. So, I’m running a special for all winners for HALF off my entire closet for the next week. Please just bundle your likes and send me the code word “WINNER” to receive your own special offer ❤️❤️❤️ Congrats again and be sure to spoil yourself today! You deserve it!!! Happy Poshing 💗💕💞💗💖❣️💗
Feb 28Reply
sherylpt @amber2286 Thank you so much!!!💋😎😋👍
Feb 28Reply
miss_sunny_day Thanks for following me! I hope you enjoy my closet! You'll find I've got all sorts of goodies I'd love to make a deal on, from boutique items, women's and men's clothes, to a HUGE selection of kids and baby items! (A lot of boho and vintage type stuff) Please let me know if you have any questions about poshmark in general, or if I can assist you in any way! Thanks for taking the time to check out my closet! Happy poshing!
Feb 28Reply
sherylpt @miss_sunny_day Thank you so much!!!🌹🥰💐😘
Feb 28Reply
miss_sunny_day @sherylpt absolutely! Happy poshing!
Feb 28Reply
morebymistydawn @miss_sunny_day Congrats on winning the “make a deal days” contest! I would love to offer you an extra discount on any of my already low or clearance closet items to celebrate your winnings!❤️ I also do great bundle discounts & ship same day! 😊
Feb 28Reply
sherylpt @morebymistydawn Thank you so much!!!❤️🥰🌹🌻❤️
Feb 28Reply
morebymistydawn @miss_sunny_day lol yeah I saw that right after I hit reply thank you! 😊
Feb 28Reply
sherylpt @morebymistydawn I knew who you meant😎
Feb 28Reply
morebymistydawn @sherylpt 😊🤣👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽
Feb 28Reply
_prettythings3_ Thank you for all the likes and Posh support! Nice closet!!💖🎀🛍
Mar 06Reply
sherylpt @_prettythings3_ My pleasure! 😊Thank you!!!💐Sheryl
Mar 07Reply
libbypicks Love your closet, very elegant!
Mar 12Reply
sherylpt @libbypicks Thank you so much!!!❤️ Sheryl
Mar 12Reply
threadcounting Thank you for the shares @sherylpt! Btw, what does 'PT" mean? (personal trainer or physical therapist?).
Mar 31Reply
sherylpt @threadcounting Hi😀You are welcome! Thank you! I’m a personal trainer. Sheryl
Mar 31Reply
emw0310 Hi I just started following you. You have a beautiful closet. My family has a beach house on Virginia Ave. Small world.
Apr 09Reply
sherylpt @emw0310 Hi😃welcome to my closet! Yes, small world!!! Sheryl
Apr 09Reply
emw0310 @sherylpt Yes Rehoboth Beach is my favorite place! Grottos Pizza, Dollies, Nicola Pizza. Was just there last week on my way to Villanova and Georgetown to visit my daughters.
Apr 09Reply
sherylpt @emw0310 Yes!😎I love Nicola❤️
Apr 10Reply
emw0310 @sherylpt I may be back in Rehoboth late May. Then the house is rented all summer. I miss being there on July 4th to watch the fireworks on the beach.
Apr 10Reply
sherylpt @emw0310 It is spectacular!😀
Apr 10Reply
destinyrulesyou Ohhhhh my gosh! You’re closet is to die for!!! I’m so jealous, but I have to tell you I’d probably keep half of it for myself, ha! 😍😍😍
May 09Reply
sherylpt @destinyrulesyou Thank you so much!!And, thank you for the shares! You are awesome ❤️❤️❤️ Sheryl
May 09Reply
imageryshoppe Thanks for all the shares yesterday! 💕
Sep 12Reply
sherylpt @imageryshoppe My pleasure!!❤️❤️❤️
Sep 12Reply
Feb 23Reply
sherylpt @kloset_konnect Thank you so much!!❤️❤️❤️
Feb 23Reply
2tropical Hi stopping by to say hi. I used to live and work in Dewey Beach./Rehobeth at ED's chicken shack that burnt down a couple of yrs ago. did that when I was in college. Loved living there. Beautiful Closet. Happy Poshing.
Apr 17Reply
sherylpt @2tropical Hi there!😊 Thanks for stopping by! And thank you for the kind words! Dewey is a fun town and I love Rehoboth ❤️ I am actually moving next week, however....leaving the cold winters behind and moving to Florida🍾 Sheryl
Apr 17Reply
2tropical @sherylpt Well good luck on your big move. You will definitely enjoy the winters in Florida. My family transfers due to job. We left Pgh Pa 3 yrs ago and moved South. I love the blue skies and the long Spring/ Fall months. Roses are blooming and our seedlings are ready to be planted😁😁Although I loved everyplace I lived, I will remain In the South and travel if I want Snow/Cold.
Apr 17Reply
lovenarf Hi Sheryl. Would love for you to visit my closet. I have hundreds of items in various sizes and I’d love for you to spend a minute looking through. Thanks so much for your time.
Jan 17Reply
wolty Thank you for following me.
Mar 01Reply
shawnschmidt196 Hi 👋 I have a gorgeous 925 stamped vintage inspired ring that comes with original jewelry box and soft pouch if you’re interested 😊❤️🌹
Oct 30Reply
cutehosiery @sherylpt Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 21Reply
sherylpt @cutehosiery Thank you so much!
Jul 21Reply
candy258 Hi🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Jan 11Reply

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Last Active: Mar 09

Rehoboth Beach, DE
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Last Active: Mar 09

Rehoboth Beach, DE
View Closet




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