Meet your Posher, SJ
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Hi! I'm SJ. Some of my favorite brands are Michael Kors, Coach, and MAC Cosmetics. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

38 others
like this

Hello hun! Are you still getting the shoes?
Jan 11Reply

Hello, I thought you're getting the shoes today?
Jan 12Reply

I got some offers I declined.
Jan 12Reply

Im so sorry, please forgive me. I returned back to work today, due to snow. I wont be able to get until tomorrow but if you dont wont to wait until thsn. I understand. Thank you for everything!!! Im soooo sorry
Jan 12Reply

@shop83 I'll just wait til tomorrow.. I already turned down a couple of offers... I'll just wait for you.
Jan 12Reply

@shop83 I saved it for you til tonorrow hun
Jan 12Reply

Are you still going to purchase?
Jan 12Reply

Hi there ! You asked about a necklace I have for sale, id you'd still like to offer at 35$ , I'd be happy to accept : )!
Jan 16Reply

I can do 18 on he Michael Kors
Jan 19Reply

If you can go 18 let me know and I will change the price.
Jan 20Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! We are a thriving community who help each other succeed. Make sure to share your listings and add followers to increase the chances for a purchase. If you have any questions, I'll be happy to assist you! Add me @nuveluna. Happy poshing ☺️
Jan 24Reply

@nuveluna Thank you so much!!!
Jan 24Reply

@nuveluna please stay in touch
How can i ask you questions?
Jan 24Reply

Hi! Welcome to Posh! It's a fun community. Looks like you're already off to a great start getting listings up. Please let me know if I can help or answer any questions. My closet is @justjune13
😃Happy Shopping!
Jan 24Reply

Jan 24Reply

@justjune13 Thank you so much!!! I have questions. How can i reach you?
Jan 24Reply

Jan 24Reply

@shop83 since there's no messaging avail thru Posh, people usually just comment on a sold listing for some level of privacy (there's no way to have a completely private conversation so just keep that in mind. Everything's out there. Lol). You can go to my closet and do that or comment on my "meet the posher" listing. Look forward to "talking" soon! 😊
Jan 24Reply

@shop83 there's no way to send private messages :/ but you can always reply to these comments and ask any questions, and tag my username and I'll be able to see and respond to it in a timely fashion. Willing to help out as best as I can ! 😃
Jan 24Reply

Ciao, I'll do meet you halfway at $40 on the Michael Kors boots. If you'd like the box it'll cost me extra postage. If I lower the price-it may also help lower shipping cost on your end. If you do buy them, please choose any item $5 or under I'll include that & a gift at no cost. Enjoy!
Jan 24Reply

Np I will have this wig for
Feb 05Reply

Thank you so much!!! I love This WiG
Feb 05Reply

Yes I love it too. It looks amazing on just spray with water
Feb 05Reply

Hey! Just wanted to let you know, the MK coat JUST sold. Good luck and happy poshing 💕
Feb 12Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 🛍💌💕☺️
Feb 23Reply

hi welcome to poshmark! ❤️ hope you can find the time to check out my closet! lmk if see anything you like :) im always accepting offers as well! comment with any questions and let me know what you think!💕 i'm always shipping out the day of or the next day the latest! :)
Feb 23Reply

Thank you for the lovely welcome!
Feb 26Reply

Thank you so much for the welcome
Feb 26Reply

Hi S.j.! Nice to meet you and happy poshing!☺
Mar 16Reply

Hope you are enjoying poshmark! I just uploaded a TON of MICHAEL KORS to my closet. If you get a minute, you should come check it out! You never know! You might find a gem you can't live without! 👜👜👜
Mar 26Reply

Hun the best i can do is $20, please let me know so i can change the price fo you, God Bless you!
Apr 27Reply

Hey whats going on? I see you opened a case for the wig you purchased, why is that? This wig was perfect and described exactly and ohotos showed exact wig you received, I even took off $70 for you and flat ironed it for you and shipped immediately!! I held his for you when I turned away other buyers that would have paid full price! This is very un professional!
May 11Reply

Sellers Beware !! This buyer will try to bargin you down on your product then wear it and try to return it, Don't do business with buyers like her, not worth the headache over a few dollars!!
May 11Reply

Firt lets not SLANDER CHARACTER! I HAVE NOT WORN THE WIG, I RECEIVED The WIG YESTERDAY!!!! My issue the wig does not look like the pictures you advertised. Its more than a few dollars. I work hard for my money,and i purchase items. I want them to be as expected. Remember possible customers may read this,and you are conducting yourself as a professional
May 11Reply

Typo, you are not conducting yourself as a professional.
May 11Reply

May 11Reply

@shop83 I hope others see this, I work hard too and I took off $70 for you because you said you could not afford it so I did you a favor, I wasted my time going back and forth with you over days when you still couldnt pay and lowered the price even more for you, then you asked me to flat iron for you which I did,You know you received the exact wig as pictured and your wrong for what your doing! Like you said yourself youve bought wigs before and returned,
May 11Reply

@shop83 You cant even say whats wrong wrong with it other than some lie about not looking like the photos because you know this wig was perfect and looked just like the photos. Your wrong and you know it. BLOCKED
May 11Reply

And BTW I have an excellent buying and selling history especially for my wigs!
May 11Reply

You didnt go back and forth with me. I offered a price, that you had the option to accept or deny. This wig is a lace front remi wig, brand sensational select. You offered to flat iron the wig and I acceoted. Theres nothing else to say besides the wig does not look like the picture. I will not continue to go back and forth. Your defense actions says everything. I wish you the best!
May 11Reply

Typo: accept..
May 11Reply

For $60 I'll have the boots shipped out to you tomorrow.
May 12Reply

This is my favorite scripture by the way I can do both for 130
May 23Reply

Yes its Mine2!!!
May 23Reply

@shop83 disorder from this one and I will make it in black and send it to you make a bundle with the two weeks and offer 130 and I will accept
May 23Reply

@shop83 wow sorry for the typo I just looked at it if you order from the blonde I will ship out black I will start making it today once you purchase
May 23Reply

How much do you have in mind ? Maybe I can change the price to get u free Shipping too
May 24Reply

If you are still interested in the watch let me know. The other person keeps putting in bids snd cancelling them. I dont think its a real buyer.
May 24Reply

Hi there I can't go that Low. I can do 260
May 24Reply

Did you change your mind?
May 25Reply

Im going to purchase tomorrow
May 25Reply

@shop83 okay
May 25Reply

Just use the offer button and I will probably accept!!
Jun 05Reply

Aww, thank you!
Jun 05Reply

Are you going to make one I'm going to the post office tomorrow😄
Jun 05Reply

I also have them in silver
Jun 05Reply

The most i can offer tonight, $10 or i cant wait til tomorrow
Jun 05Reply

I'm sure they'll still be there tomorrow😄😄
Jun 05Reply

Thank you so much
Jun 05Reply

@shop83 you're very welcome hope to hear from you tomorrow have a good night😄😄
Jun 05Reply

You have a good night
Jun 05Reply

Thank you you too😄
Jun 05Reply

What is the price you could pay for MK Earrings 😄
Jun 05Reply

Love this one also!
Jun 07Reply

@shop83 hello. I saw you open a case on my shoe that I sent. May I know what happened?
Jun 12Reply

Sure, your listing said the color is purple. But MK shoes color is plum...
Jun 12Reply

@shop83 yes. Actually in my posting I said it's deep violet. The box said it's plum. I will take it back. Let them settle it here. Thanks. I was just confuse coz the items as you open the case said it is not as described. Actually it is. You get exactly what I post in the picture. Thank you
Jun 12Reply

Hi sweetie very nice to meet you 😘😘thank you for visiting my closet 🎉🎊please let me know if you're interested to buy any thing ⭐️😉I love to bundle it's the best and smarter way to save money 💰 so you buy multiple items with only one shipping fee.
Thank you and happy poshing 🌹🎊💰💰😊😘🤗😍☺️😋💚❤️I'm going to one month vacation and I need to sell everything as soon as possible before I go ❤️😊😍🎉🎊
Jul 06Reply

Hi! Thank you so much for stopping my closet. I see you liked a few items, and it you bundle I can do 20% off for you! Let me know if you're interested 💖
Aug 29Reply

The Purse can be yours what could you offer and I could reduce the price to give you discounted shipping👛👛👍😄❤️❤️🎉📪
Oct 15Reply

Hi!! I special ordered you girl boss shirt for you in a size I do not carry. I sent you the private listing Monday for you to purchase and I will ship. When do you plan on purchasing?
Oct 19Reply

Thanks for the like I am open to offers@gemstone14kt 😊All merchandise purchased this evening will ship tomorrow 😊
Dec 30Reply

@shop83 when will you ship my order?!
Jan 20Reply

Tomorrow. I apologize for the inconvenice. Where I live, we have snow. Im sorry
Jan 20Reply

@shop83 I have snow too! It’s okay, I just wasn’t sure if you had gotten the notification that I bought! Thank you!
Jan 20Reply

Your welcome. I was able to send it out today.
Hope you enjoy😊
Thank you for understanding
Jan 20Reply

🌹Happy Valentine's Day Beautiful ♥️🌹🌺🌸🌟🌹♥️🌹💕 🌹♥️🌹🌸🌟💕💋🌹♥️🌹🌸 🌹🌸🌸🌹🌹🌸🌸🌹 🌹♥️🌹🌸💕💋🌹♥️🌹💕💋🌹♥️🌹💕💋🌹♥️🌹💕💋 💕💋🌹♥️🌹💕💋🌹♥️🌹
Feb 14Reply

Feb 15Reply

Fabulous closet! Shared some of your listings 🤗 check out my closet and play my follow game to gain even more followers... happy Poshing 💃🌷🕺
Mar 02Reply

Hi sweety, I put the michael kors neclace back up for sale. Please let me know if you are interested.
Mar 11Reply

Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
May 03Reply

Thank you.😊 for your like 😊 💕 Incase you would like to purchase I will send you an offer.😊 This is the lowest I can go on these. Thank you.😊 💕 again and Have a great day! 😊
Jul 04Reply

Hi! I noticed you liked one of my items. Feel free to make a bundle and I will give you a great deal!! I’m moving so I need to get rid of everything!! 💕 Thanks!!
Jul 05Reply

Welcome to Poshmark, love! Let me know if you need any assistance! Hopefully you can check out my closet as well! ♡
Aug 05Reply

Hi there! I have some great items in my closet that I think you will love! I would love if you would stop by and take a look around! Happy shopping! 🤗💕
Feb 09Reply

Hi SJ!! My name is Krissy! I just opened up my closet and have a few cute things in there. I just added an olive green 💚💚Michael Kors shirt that is super cute for $15. I’d like to invite you to take a peek! If you like anything please shoot me an offer!! Have a happy Monday 🌺🌿🌺🌿🌺
Feb 19Reply

@krissylimofeel free to make me an offer
Mar 18Reply

Hi happy poshing 👍😉🌺
Apr 28Reply

Hey there - just inviting you to check out my closet. I have a variety of mainly Kate Spade items. Have a great day!
Jun 17Reply

Welcome happy poshing 😃
Jun 20Reply

It's been a while since I heard from you🤗
Aug 02Reply

@shop83 Hi! Welcome to Poshmark. I am a Posh Ambassador so if you ever have any questions feel free to reach out. Happy Poshing!
Sep 09Reply

Hi! You asked if the price on my MK necklace was negotiable. I’m open to an offer if you like it 🙂
Sep 09Reply

@shop83 Hi. Bundle the two MK flats for a good deal. 😊
Nov 24Reply

Hey love🧡. I'm new to Poshmark and was hoping you could swing past my closet and tell me what you think! Happy poshing and thank you for any time you spend stopping by☺
Mar 08Reply

Mar 10Reply

Mar 25Reply

Hi there! Thank you for offer. Unfortunately, I cannot except it..The set sells for over $100..thanks again for offer...😊
Apr 06Reply

Thankyou for replying. The set sells in Marshal's for the same price or lower. You are correct in Macy's the set is over $100.
Thank you, I pray great things for you
Apr 06Reply

Hi!! Hope you are staying safe and sheltered in this time!! We could all use something to make us smile and bring us some joy right about now! Shop my JOY sale on all my jewelry and accessories and get a discount of 2 for $18 or 3 for $25!! If you’re interested just bundle the items!! ✨✨
Apr 13Reply

Hello...I’m sorry...I can’t sell it for anything less than the 55 dollars ...with the percentage that’s taken..sorry
Apr 19Reply

hope all is well :) 🎉🎉just dropping by to let you know i’m running buy 2 get 1 free on most items in my closet now! 🎉🎉
looks like my closet has a few of your “fav” brands!
🌟🤩come check it out🌟🤩
May 02Reply

May 04Reply

Hello good morning ! It will ship tomorrow morning..thank you!
May 04Reply

Thankyou so much for the like on the Michael Kors heart bracelet, please feel free to ask me any questions about the item!
May 14Reply

hey gorgeous!! 💋I just visited your closet, and it is fabulous!! 🦋✨ I would love if you stopped by mine as well & took a look around !! 💗💗 happy poshing 🛍💛
May 20Reply

Love Your closet
May 26Reply

Hi SJ! The Michael Kors Necklace is still available from my closet❣️ You were thinking of making an offer. 🤗
Hope you’re having a great weekend!!
May 31Reply

Hi!! Feel free to check out my closet I make homemade press on nails and will be selling soon💜
Jun 03Reply

Hi SJ! I really appreciate your interest in the Michael Kors necklace in my closet! I’m really sorry but I can’t go down to $75. The very best that I can do would be $120. That’s discounting the price by $60. I know you love it 😍 and I really want you to have it!! Let me know if this can work for you. 🥰
Jun 21Reply

Thankyou so much for wanting to work with me. I really ❤ this necklace! I can't right now pay that....I work very part time, and I'm.a student😢.....but I truly understand
Jun 21Reply

Hello, I do Press On Nails, if you are interesting just check my closet, I accept offers to, I have all sizes available and shapes thank you🌷
Jun 29Reply

Hey I just wanted to let you know that I will be deleting the listing for the nails in about 2 days if they aren’t purchased!
Jun 29Reply

Hey I want to let you know, the reason I haven't purchased yet. My account was hacked into. I receive my new card next week. But you do what you need to do. I understand
Jun 30Reply

@shop83 go ahead and submit an offer
Jul 26Reply

Happy Poshing, Hope You Are Great Come check Out Comic Cosmetics Closet For amazing Items💖🌸🦋
Aug 29Reply

Hi there! Please feel free to check out my closet - I have a beautiful Michael Kors dress I think you would love! Let me know if you have any questions and happy poshing! 😊💕🌺
Aug 31Reply

@shop83 thank you so much for letting me know. Now I know never to buy from her EVER again.
Sep 01Reply

Hey girl ❤️ I have a Yankees tee in my shop you may like! ⚾️
Oct 01Reply

Hi! I just wanted to invite you to check out my closet because I’m having a 2/$20 sale and a 3/$15 sale! I sell mostly press on nails and clothes ☺️💕
Oct 21Reply

Yes, you can put an offer in
Apr 29Reply

Hi I have a closet full of wigs I also ship next day I would love for you to check them out thank you 😊
May 19Reply

@aries1989 Thankyou! When will you get new wigs?
May 19Reply

@shop83 your welcome I have some coming the beginning of the week what are you looking for specifically?
May 19Reply

@aries1989 I like braided, cornrol wigs as well. I love all wigs really
May 20Reply

@shop83 sounds good I have had 2 that I previously stocked feel free to make a wig request email me your budget and the exact wig you want and I can start looking thank you 😊
May 20Reply

Hello, Hope you are having a great time shopping come check out my closet ✨🦋
Jul 26Reply

Hi, thank you for the 5 ⭐️ rating. Please come back and see me for your future shopping therapy 😄
Jan 10Reply

@apoolee0123 You're so welcome 😊
Jan 10Reply

I can ship today
Jan 10Reply

Hello, I do press on nails, if you are interested just check my closet. Maybe you can find the perfect design for you)) Happy poshing!
Jun 26Reply

Oct 14Reply

Hi! As a POSH ambassador, I HAVE to give you some advice! You NEVER negotiate price in the comment section! Not only is it rude, it goes AGAINST posh policy! So... here's what you do... You add whatever it is you want into a bundle, from there you negotiate the price and/or shipping discounts! Thats the reason she isn't responding (MK earrings) and you definitely DON'T make a lowball offer!
Nov 12Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️
I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟
I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️
Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
Jan 17Reply

Make a bundle and save
Apr 07Reply

Hi! Just wanted to invite you to check out my closet! Hope you have a great day!
Apr 26Reply

@sonjahanczaryk Thank you for your unsolicited advice. Everyone financial situation is different ~ what's low to you , May be all a personal can afford. Let me give you advice ~ You don't know people financial situation and its very offensive of you to say something like that, and it's not good business. Next time think before you type a rude message
Jul 08Reply

Hi! I'm very sorry for canceling your order which was Michael Kors necklace the reason I cannot find it so far I am looking for almost 3 hours everywhere cannot find it. I getting tired of looking, but I promise I will find it and I will sell it to you, I’m canceling the order but I will tag you when I find it and you can re-purchase it again, with the same price. Sorry for the inconvenience
Aug 02Reply

@aazimi1 Thank you for informing me
Aug 02Reply

Responded to your message.
Aug 17Reply

Hello! Check out my closet for gorgeous press on nails, disney items & more! Make an offer :) My nail sets come with 24 nails to ensure they fit.
Aug 26Reply

Hi, feel free to check out my closet. If you buy 2 or more items, you'll receive 20% off of your order. Happy Shopping :)
Sep 01Reply

Free shipping
Oct 21Reply

Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Nov 27Reply

next bundle order free shipping ❤️❤️
Dec 13Reply

Hello SJ I accepted your offer. Please update your payment information so I can prepare your cute bag for shipping!
Apr 07Reply

@sharonresale Thank you for informing ~ order is now placed successfully ~ im excited to receive
Apr 07Reply
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