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Updated Mar 06
Updated Mar 06

Deals From The Desert

Meet the Posher



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Hi! ☺️ Im bringing you hot deals from the hot desert! (& from over 300 clients nationwide that I sell for) All items ship from a pet free and smoke free office. I ship multiple times a week and can ship same day if given notice prior to purchase. Thanks for checking out my store here on Poshmark, and feel free to reach out with any questions :) -Olivia
  • Seller Discount: 30% off 3+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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hmsimon1 Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Feb 26Reply
missrochelles Wow you're only 2 hours from me🎉🎉🎉 I've thrown 6 "meet up" parties since 2012💁 please check out my closets I just added @missrochelles2 & @babyknits. I'm hoping #poshnation will finally come to AZ!!! I'm going to bed but I'd love to chat😍😘😘😘
Feb 27Reply
phoenixfaun @missrochelles hi!! If you ever throw a posh party please let me know 😊 I would love to go to one. I went to u of a so Tucson was my home for a few years :) I'm still so new to this but loving it so far !!
Feb 27Reply
missrochelles Well I have a link and we could be hosts together???🎉🎉🎉
Feb 28Reply
missrochelles I'm thinking of doing one in Tucson or Green Valley. I actually live in GV even though all the parties I threw were in Scottsdale. But it was such a long drive & spent over $700 to throw them 😳😩😩 Never again! Lol! I'd just throw a casual party in the future. I already have all the backdrops & signs etc. I spent MANY MANY HOURS on the 6 parties. 😥😥😥 Now I know better! Lol!
Feb 28Reply
missrochelles I did meet many amazing women who are my dearest friends though. In So Cal they just have parties where everyone just meets to have drinks & appetizers etc. I made gifts for ALL the guests plus made name tags and had guest speakers and gave one on one help. I had hoped it would help promote my closet by going all out for Manish. I'm REALLY HOPING that #poshnation will just come to AZ to throw a large party eventually. But having a party without the stress would be so fun in the meantime👏👏👏👏
Feb 28Reply
missrochelles My health isn't very good but would still like to take pics & meet with ones like yourself I haven't met!!! I actually had the most attended "meet up" 2 years back but PM didn't thank me like I thought. Please don't think I'm being negative..... I just thought that promoting PM since 2012 would have helped but I should have known better! 😜
Feb 28Reply
missrochelles There are so many Poshers now I think a party in Tucson would be best for me. Scottsdale/PHx is just too far to drive with my injuries 😩 Do you have a link for the application for being a party host or would you like me to send it to you? I'd like to host a party asap. They have all diff time slots but I'd rather the 7pm slot? Like I mentioned I've been waiting over a year to host again 🙀
Feb 28Reply
missrochelles I'm also on IG. They copied my "red carpet" idea for Poshfest!! lol. I have a video of when we did it for a "meet up" party! Haha
Feb 28Reply
phoenixfaun @missrochelles WOW you really go all out!!! That's amazing!!! I would love to attend a party and consider hosting, I am just not sure I have the time to host. But I am also not positive on what amount of time it takes to host a party. I do have some family in Tucson so I wouldnt mind coming down for a party! I work almost everyday so getting a day off I can come down during the busy season is tricky. But if it's planned far enough in advance I can figure it out:) :)
Feb 28Reply
phoenixfaun @missrochelles I can't believe you have been on Poshmark since 2012! You see the OG! I'm Going to find you on Instagram right now :)
Feb 28Reply
missrochelles Well I was wanting to be a co host online. But it takes hours to find host picks from closets that follow the rules 😝 Having a "meet up" "meet & greet" is much more difficult. But all I'll do for the next one is hang the traditional banner sign to take pics under & put the PM "swag" in simple bags. I'll never spend hundreds to try to impress again! Lol Just want to have fun & help mentor 😜
Feb 28Reply
phoenixfaun @missrochelles ohhh! Sorry I was confused. It would be fun to host a virtual party I would love to help with that! I do not have a link to one myself but probably because I am so new. Do a lot of closets break the rules? I'm not even entirely sure what all the rules are, though I did read through their instructions so hopefully I'm not breaking any. Also I am sorry to hear about your poor health, sending all my positive and healing vibes your way!! :)
Feb 28Reply
missrochelles Not breaking any rules. Just supposed to be women's or men's or kids fashion. No nail polish, anything electronic, books, housewares, used makeup, drug paraphernalia, etc. MANY break the rules unfortunately. They change the rules a lot though.
Feb 28Reply
missrochelles Thanks for your kind words too! I feel like an injured 80 year old! Lol! Drs here in AZ aren't very helpful with anything. CA was much better 😔
Feb 28Reply
tkpowell Hello PF. Thanks for stopping my closet. 😊 One of these days, I will actually begin listing items. The shopping bug took over first. 😱 😉 Increase your sales by joining every Follow Me game you see (to gain more followers) and share others items as well as yours A LOT!!! Have fun and HAPPY POSHING!!! 💖✨😊✨💖
Mar 01Reply
lorac2015 Hi there, just stopping by to let you know I have a large assortment of Vtg coach and vtg Dooney Bourke bags in my closet! Feel free to take a peak!
Mar 02Reply
rileyscloset96 Hello! I might have a few items you'd be interested in! Check my closet out ! Happy poshing 🎀🎊🛍🎉
Mar 13Reply
angielee217 Beautiful closet 😍. Have a good day
Aug 16Reply
tuddlepuff Phoenix is my home town but I'm glad to be away from the heat in the mild Colorado climate. Snow is coming all to soon though and then I'll miss the Arizona winter. 😮
Aug 29Reply
trendsaavy777 Fabulous closet! 👍🏼👍🏼☺️
Aug 31Reply
ashlyn_bekah Thank you for following my closet!!☺️
Sep 01Reply
krenkas I love your closet!!! 🌺
Sep 06Reply
cesca56 Thanks for following me 😊
Sep 07Reply
jsiller I love your closet 😍
Sep 24Reply
lucyandjack55 Beautiful closet!
Sep 24Reply
bhoff2 Awesome closet!!
Oct 08Reply
phoenixfaun @lucyandjack55 thank you Vida!!! So nice meeting you hope you had a great time at Poshfest!! 😊
Oct 08Reply
phoenixfaun @bhoff2 thank you!! ❤️❤️
Oct 08Reply
lucyandjack55 @phoenixfaun I actually had a great time. So nice meeting you! Wishing you tons of sales and your closet is gorgeous! ❤❤❤
Oct 09Reply
jessmelder Gorgeous closet!! 😍❤️
Oct 12Reply
phoenixfaun @jessmelder thanks!! Same to you!! Happy I found you on Instagram- now hopefully we both can get that ambassador status asap lol :)
Oct 12Reply
lovemariac Such a pretty closet to follow, I love it all. I used to live in Tempe, AZ 10 years. So the name caught my eye. Sharing Posh love is easy for your closet.
Oct 13Reply
phoenixfaun @lovemariac Thank you!! you are so kind :) My closet name is just my city and middle name haha I had some wine to drink when I signed up for Poshmark and couldnt think of anything lol. I love all your kids clothes!! They make me excited to dress my future child if I ever have one :) Happy Poshing!!! <3
Oct 13Reply
kl_boutique You have a FANTASTIC closet. SO many beautiful items, so well displayed and photographed. I love it! ❤️
Oct 17Reply
phoenixfaun @kleighben Thank you so much!! And thank you for all the shares- happy to shop your closet and share back :) :)
Oct 17Reply
kl_boutique @phoenixfaun You're so welcome and thank you as well!! I will keep an eye on your closet :)
Oct 17Reply
deb_bromley Adorable puppy! 🐕💕 Thank you so much for the share! ❤️your closet! Have a great night & Happy Poshing! 🤗💖🛍️🍁🍂
Oct 17Reply
technicoloring You have such a beautiful closet & covershots! 😍 just wanted to stop by and let you know haha. Happy Poshing!
Oct 18Reply
mjay81 @phoenixfaun Great closet!
Oct 22Reply
much2busy Hey. I love your closet!
Nov 01Reply
sdoleary You have a very nice closet! 😊🌸🌼🌺
Nov 09Reply
jacaranda1831 Thanks for sharing.
Nov 09Reply
jacaranda1831 Very nice closet!!
Nov 09Reply
linnea0229 Thank you for sharing my listing. I LOVE your closet!
Dec 06Reply
audreykeyes Love your closet! So many beautiful items!! 💕
Dec 12Reply
phoenixfaun @audreykeyes Thank youuu!!! :)
Dec 12Reply
phoenixfaun @linnea0229 Anytime!!! Thank you!
Dec 12Reply
phoenixfaun @jacaranda1831 oh of course :) Thank you!!!
Dec 12Reply
phoenixfaun @sdoleary Kind of you, thanks!!!
Dec 12Reply
phoenixfaun @much2busy thank you :) Cute closet name!!
Dec 12Reply
phoenixfaun @mjay81 Thanks so much!!!!
Dec 12Reply
phoenixfaun @technicoloring Thanks so much! Happy poshing :)
Dec 12Reply
evolvingalways Thank you for the rating lovely lady!
Dec 13Reply
nicoleslemer I love the presentation of everything in your closet- I am totally obsessed with looking at your pictures! I also live in Phoenix :)
Jan 05Reply
phoenixfaun @nicoleslemer Aw thank you thats so nice of you to say!! Happy Poshing and I hope you are enjoying this wonderful AZ "winter" weather lol
Jan 08Reply
dfizzal Love your closet!❤️ Just followed you in Instagram too☺️
Feb 17Reply
phoenixfaun @dfizzal aw thank you! :) following back!!
Feb 17Reply
dfizzal Thank you so much!!! 💗
Feb 17Reply
lovemariac What a nice closet to share!! Sending you Posh love for many happy sales.
Feb 20Reply
cheverisimolos2 Gorgeous closet 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Feb 23Reply
phoenixfaun @lovemariac Why thank you!!!! The posh love is mutual!! <3
Feb 23Reply
phoenixfaun @cheverisimolos2 Thank you so much!! :)
Feb 23Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Feb 26Reply
rayofsunshine93 thank you so much for the counter offer, i don’t have enough money right now, i made an offer for all i have. i’m waiting on a few packages to be delivered and accepted. i hope the bag is still available when i have the money. :) thank you again. 💕
Mar 03Reply
phoenixfaun @rayofsunshine93 Hi! No problem at all! Thanks for your interest in my bag :) Some things I can go lower on- others I cant so I always like to counter back what I am willing to do no matter what the initial offer is. I have another bag by her that I used and am going to list soon- Same style just more of a light grey. I will list it for less - I can let you know when its up if you are interested! Have a great night!!
Mar 03Reply
rayofsunshine93 @phoenixfaun thank you so much, i really appreciate it. 😊 goodnight. 💕
Mar 03Reply
rayofsunshine93 hi, i wanted to know if you can meet me at $115.00 for your white rebecca minkoff handbag? 😊🤞🏻or if your firm at $130?
Mar 09Reply
phoenixfaun @rayofsunshine93 hey! I’ll do 115 because I know how much you want it :) :) I’ll get it shipped out to you tomorrow thanks so much for shopping!! You’re gonna LOVE it!!
Mar 09Reply
rayofsunshine93 @phoenixfaun eeek!! Thank you so so so much!!! i am sooo excited to get this bag, i have been checking it to see if anyone else has purchased it yet, i would have been very dissapointed. lol. thank you so much, i really appreciate it. 😁✨🤗💕
Mar 09Reply
phoenixfaun @rayofsunshine93 aw I’m glad it didn’t and it’s going to someone who loves it enough to check :) I drop off packages around 3pm so you’ll have tracking by tomorrow evening, can’t wait for you to get it!
Mar 09Reply
rayofsunshine93 @phoenixfaun thats perfect! thanks so much for letting me know. 😊👍🏻 p.s. i was messaging you here so no one could see i was truely interested in the bag and purchased it out from under me. lol i REALLY wanted this bag. lol. Thank you again. 💕 good night. 😊
Mar 09Reply
phoenixfaun @rayofsunshine93 haha thats awesome and smart to do! I dropped it off at USPS about an hour ago so you should start being able to track it later tonight :)
Mar 09Reply
rayofsunshine93 @phoenixfaun 😁✨👍🏻 Thank you so much!! ❤️❤️❤️
Mar 10Reply
la_rachael Love your closet!!
Mar 13Reply
phoenixfaun @la_rachael Thank you!! :)
Mar 13Reply
leprintingpaige Love your closet!! 😍😍😍
Mar 21Reply
phoenixfaun @aimeecloset Hi! I am just looking to sell :) The closet photo in my friends and family graphic is from a photo app I purchased for fonts and pictures.
Mar 22Reply
phoenixfaun @leprintingpaige Thank you so much !! <3
Mar 22Reply
phoenixfaun @megmegmegmegz Thank you!!! :) Loving all your cute workout clothes!!
Apr 04Reply
steadyfinds Awesome items!! Happy Poshing😊✨🌷
Apr 05Reply
thesourlemon Love your stuff!
Apr 08Reply
venicecloset Thanks so much for sending me a private offer. 💕Unfortunately, I’m not shopping at all. This is a way to help cover excessive medical expenses. I’m actually a size 6. My friends actually donate clothes & shoes to help me out🙏🏼. I will continue to share your lovely items as I love to be a part of the community. All my best✨
Apr 11Reply
phoenixfaun @venicecloset Hi! No worries- hope your health is ok! I am curious, if you dont mind me asking. Why do you like an item with no intention of purchasing or that isnt your size? Is it because you just liked the picture or maybe the style? I've always wondered when people write me this. I will make sure to share your closet lots as well!! Happy Poshing and hope you get healthy soon <3
Apr 11Reply
venicecloset @phoenixfaun thanks! I was in a car accident 🤷🏻‍♀️. I actually “like” an item in a closet of a posher I follow & like so I can go back & share their closets...sorry if it throws things off, it’s my way of bookmarking great posters ☺️💕
Apr 11Reply
phoenixfaun @venicecloset oh my gosh I’m so sorry to hear that!! My heart goes out to you <3 And ohhh ok that makes sense! I was more curious out of anything and people have commented on items saying they would accept my offer but it isn’t their size, and I always get so confused. So I thought I would finally ask someone lol. It doesn’t bother me at all, I just was interested as to why. When I first started on Posh instead of sharing I went and liked hundreds of things not realizing haha
Apr 11Reply
appleleaf Lovely closet. ❤️
May 22Reply
daniellelong7 Such a cute picture of your puppy! We both have Huskys! They’re seriously the best dogs ever! (in no way am I being biased... 😂😉) So, I had a question for you, if that’s okay!? Seems like you’ve been on Poshmark longer than I have and probably seen a thing or two. In my mind, (this is what I would do!) you would expect or think people would leave reviews after the fact you shipped out same day. And go beyond to make their packages extra special. (Continued) ⬇️
May 25Reply
daniellelong7 (Continued) ⬇️ How do you get people to not only rate, which is great but to write a comment in the review box?? I know I can’t “make” people do this but I do understand each person is different. All I know is reviews definitely say a lot concerning on sellers behalf. Thought I was ask! Thanks for any input or advise! 💕💗
May 25Reply
phoenixfaun @daniellelong7 Hi!! Yes huskies make the best dogs!!! I am with ya!! :) So as far as reviews or love notes go, Poshmark wants the buyer to rate the sale but does not require a love note. It sounds like you are doing everything to the best of your ability already- shipping asap, cute packaging, and accurately describing your items.
May 25Reply
phoenixfaun @daniellelong7 If you keep that up over time the love notes will come. I cant see the stats on my ratings/love notes ratio, but I know majority of my sales I dont get a love note. I think some people dont like that if they leave one, then what they have purchased is public. Which I cant say I blame them especially if they want to reposh the item down the road and dont want people to know what they paid for it.
May 25Reply
phoenixfaun @daniellelong7 I always consider a love note the buyer going above and beyond to say thank you- but definately dont expect it. Also, Poshmark is growing so quickly a lot of people arent super familiar with the app or how to accept things. I have around 300 sales that people just never rated at all. Hope this helps!! <3
May 25Reply
daniellelong7 @phoenixfaun First and foremost. . . THANK YOU so much for responding so quickly!!! You brought up some very good points and I would agree with what you were sharing! I do value input from other Posh Ambassadors, so again thank you!!! 🌷
May 26Reply
methodclothe Love your closet
Jun 02Reply
1kentuckycloset Thanks for all the shares from your IG post! ❤️ Hopefully your flight is back on schedule soon!
Jun 14Reply
izzzxie Just had to comment on how much I love your closet! 🖤
Jun 16Reply
reuseagain OMG! Thank you for all the shares Olivia! I will return the favor tomorrow 😘😘😘😘😘You are amazing ♥️
Jun 21Reply
brookeblessed1 Wow!You have a beautiful closet.
Jun 21Reply
phoenixfaun @methodclothe thank you!! ❤️❤️
Jun 21Reply
phoenixfaun @mrs_patrick of course always willing to share the love and kill some time 😊❤️😊
Jun 21Reply
phoenixfaun @izzzxie aw thanks girl! Hopefully there will be another Phoenix Posh and sip soon!!! 🤗
Jun 21Reply
phoenixfaun @reuseagain haha of course!!! Sorry it took me a bit to get back- was gonna miss my flight if I kept sharing 😂😂 and you’re so sweet you don’t have to share back!
Jun 21Reply
phoenixfaun @brookeblessed1 thank you so much I appreciate it!!! :) :)
Jun 21Reply
stylepique You have such a beautiful closet, very well put together! I always enjoy seeing your items in my feed. :)
Jun 30Reply
thriftysaguaro Such a cute closet gf!! Loving it!!
Jul 03Reply
phoenixfaun @stylepique Aw thank you, you are so kind!! <3
Jul 06Reply
phoenixfaun @whitneyraez Thank you so much thats so nice for you to say :) :)
Jul 06Reply
dailyrefinement If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put your closet next to mine. 😃
Jul 12Reply
resourcing_rob Thank you for visiting and following my closet Olivia, please let me know if you have any questions. Have a Posh day!
Jul 15Reply
sparrowandsage Hi Olivia! Your closet is amazing! I seriously love everything 😍 Also, I’m gonna be probably the 500th person to bond with you over Huskies being the best!! I see your also going to Poshfest. Hope to see you there!
Jul 24Reply
phoenixfaun @wildgypsythrift HI!! Thank you so much. And there is never too many people to bond with over huskies being the best :) :) Cant wait for Dallas!!
Aug 05Reply
phoenixfaun @dailyrefinement what are these pick up lines you used on everyone lol and why is your profile picture some random girl hahaha
Aug 05Reply
dailyrefinement @phoenixfaun Olivia, you and your pup are the greatest duo, aka, the peanut butter and jelly of my reselling adventures. ❤️ the girl is my store’s essence captured in a royalty free image. 😃
Aug 05Reply
phoenixfaun @dailyrefinement she pairs really nicely with those roses- - im sold :)
Aug 05Reply
cordelias_ @phoenixfaun I declined the offer because I bundled the two items I like💗 I would love to receive a private offer🙂
Aug 18Reply
keyanna215 @phoenixfaun I love your items!
Aug 20Reply
phoenixfaun @keyanna215 Thank you so much! I love this community and being able to connect with other seller/stylists. Its so fun to shop everyones closets :)
Aug 20Reply
lisaxlove92 @phoenixfaun I am so in love with your closet. I feel like I have not made a dent in it whither browsing!! I am extremely excited knowing you live so close!! I will definitely be visiting your closet again in the future!! ♡♡ Have a beautiful day!!
Sep 04Reply
phoenixfaun @lisaxlove92 Aw thank you so much!! I do have a lot of items haha. A bunch of local poshers and I are doing a pop up shop event October 6th in old town Scottsdale. If you’re in town you should definitely stop by and shop! 💕
Sep 04Reply
maddagirl Good morning! Just swinging by to say hello and that I’m looking forward to hosting next week’s Jeans party with you! Have a great day!
Sep 07Reply
phoenixfaun @maddagirl Hi!! Thanks for reach out- I’m super excited as well!! It’s actually the first party over ever hosted on posh so I’m excited :)
Sep 07Reply
smruggiero1 🎉Happy Hosting! Enjoy!🎉
Sep 12Reply
timnikmiller Me too with the bedroom thing, now I just gotta find the time to sell what I haven't ever worn 😉
Oct 01Reply
skrsamadi Thanks for the shares!
Oct 02Reply
pinkyinky What part of phx do u reside I would like to try mini suede skirt if possible
Oct 04Reply
phoenixfaun @pinkyinky hi! I’m up north- I usually am unable to do try ons- but I happen to be doing a pop up shop this Saturday in Scottsdale at Hotel Adeline!! From 9a-2p! I can bring the skirt for you if you are interested :) we will have fitting rooms set up and my prices will all be discounted for the shop!
Oct 04Reply
pinkyinky @phoenixfaun I would love to but I am booked on Saturday when is your next one
Oct 04Reply
pinkyinky I am in a northwest Phoenix
Oct 04Reply
stylegeneer I love your closet! Eye-pleasing, especially flat lays. :)
Oct 08Reply
sleon382 Nice puppy you got there....I have a German Shepherd
Oct 25Reply
welovelalv Hi Olivia! Check out my closet and make a fair offer on your favorite item. Make a bundle for 3 or more items and I’ll make an even better offer and pay for ship! Either way stop by and say hi 👋 lmk what you think ❤️☮️🙂
Nov 21Reply
papamoseco OBSSESSSED! Your closet is gorgeous 😩😭 I love everything, lol! 😍❤️
Dec 18Reply
phoenixfaun @sue_sells hi! Can you pretty please stop spamming my account. I don’t want to have to block you, but you have now left the same comment 5 times promoting your own account on mine. Thank you 💗
Dec 24Reply
phoenixfaun @sue_sells I flagged 3 other identical comments you left as spam so Poshmark removed them. It’s actually against Poshmark policy to be doing that. I just pointed it out because clearly after 5 times it’s either a bot or it’s being blindly written on accounts and not genuine. Anywho, thanks for responding and stopping.
Dec 24Reply
gonzmara Super cute closet!!
Dec 27Reply
taquitoscloset Congratulations on hosting!!!! I hope you consider my closet for HPs 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Jan 13Reply
pikvik Congrats on hosting a party!!! 🎉🎉🎉 Hope you have a great one!!! 😘♥️✨ @pikvik
Jan 13Reply
pikvik P. S. love your closet! 😍
Jan 13Reply
inspire_style Hello! Congrats on your posh party 😊 would you consider taking a look at my closet for a host pick? Thank you!
Jan 13Reply
caswy Heyyy @phoenixfaun Congrats on being chosen to host a party.😊👏👏👏👏👏👏👏☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️👍👍👍👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤️❤️🎉🎉🎉🎉Please feel free to check out my closet for potential host picks.
Jan 13Reply
monascollection @phoenixfaun Yayy!!🥰😘🌸Congrats for hosting the Simply Chic Party!!🎉⭐️I would be honored if you visited my closet and considered any of my hand created designs as a host pick.🌸🙏😍 I’m set to share posh love!!!💝
Jan 13Reply
aclosetdeposit 🍾🥂🍻 Congrats on hosting the Simply Chic party tomorrow! Please check out my closet for possible host picks. Happy Poshing! 👚👗👕🧥👛👜👡
Jan 13Reply
sam_cave17 Hi, congrats on the posh party! could you take a look at my closet for a host pick? I've been adding more items recently 🤗🥰
Jan 13Reply
forevertee1 Congrats on hosting the simply chic party🎉🎉please check out my closet for potential host pick🎉🎉thanks😊have fun hosting🎉🎉
Jan 13Reply
shellybeaneight Hi Olivia! CONGRATS on hosting the Simply CHIC Party tomorrow night! I can't wait to see your AMAZING Host Picks! I would be honored if you could take a peek at my closet. XOXO & Posh Love, shelly :)
Jan 13Reply
dannalc Congratulations on hosting your party! I absolutely love your closet ♡ if you have time, please check out my posh compliant closet! 😘
Jan 13Reply
shan880 Congrats on hosting. Would love for you to check out my closet if you are still looking fir host pick. Thank you
Jan 13Reply
stylabration Congrats Hostess! Simply Chic... please count me simply in! Chic, hot trending designer brands; NWTS define my closet! Grateful if chosen! @cmadderom
Jan 14Reply
luanachociai Hello and congrats! I am just starting out and would love for you to consider my closet for HP on Simply Chic! Thank you for your time in advance 😊🌻
Jan 14Reply
maidensmarket Congratulations on being a Host 🎉🎉 I can’t wait to see your picks for tomorrow! Hope you make lots in sales! 😭💕
Jan 14Reply
dks121 Congrats on hosting a posh party 💕🎉 please check out my closet for a possible host pick!!!💕 thank you!! 😊💜
Jan 14Reply
ridicfabfinds Please take a look at my closet. Lots of amazing items, most NWT with really low prices. Thank you!
Jan 14Reply
wilsonblvd Congratulations on hosting! If you’re still looking for host picks, I would be so appreciative if you took a peek in my closet. I hope you have a blast hosting & Happy Poshing! XOXO -Emily
Jan 14Reply
savvynycshopper LOVE your style!!! and your Boots...looks like I may be in
Jan 14Reply
onlytopbrands1 .  🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 🎉Congrats on Your  Host Selection  Celebration🎉 Sending a BIG  Nashvillian Yeehaw  Congrats on the  upcoming SIMPLY CHIC POSH PARTY that you’re  Hosting!!I know  you will make it  that much more  memorable!I  would  ❤️if you could  take a sneak peek  into my closet  for a HP item!    Natalee,ArmyVeteran  🇺🇸❤️🌟✌️ @Sassys_Stash 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Jan 14Reply
maidensmarket ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 🎉 CONGRATULATIONS 🎉 ✨ 𝕠𝕟 𝕓𝕖𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕒 𝕙𝕠𝕤𝕥!! ✨ wishing you the best on hosting the SIMPLY CHIC PARTY! I would be honored if you could kindly stop by my closet and take a look! 𝕙𝕠𝕡𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕞𝕒𝕜𝕖 𝕝𝕠𝕥𝕤 𝕚𝕟 𝕤𝕒𝕝𝕖𝕤 🎉 && 𝕨𝕚𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕤𝕥 🎉 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Jan 14Reply
kandiceelyssa Congrats Olivia on being a Host!! 💕💕💕 I am ready for the party & to check out the awesome host picks ✨✨ I’d love if you could check out my closet too 💖
Jan 14Reply
lolanikki Congrats on hosting! See you there love! ♥️
Jan 14Reply
planetgypsies Congrats on hosting! Hope you can stop by my closet for a possible pick :) Sharing the love back girl!! 💕
Jan 14Reply
resellaf Lovely closet 🌈 Congrats on hosting tonight’s party 🙃
Jan 14Reply
projectmode Hello @phoenixfaun Congratulations on hosting! I'm not sure if you are still looking for host picks but if you would be willing to check out my closet ( @projectmode ) I would greatly appreciate it. Hopefully you'll find something that qualifies for your host pick. Thank you for your time. Have a great day and congratulations!!
Jan 14Reply
cmmacker Congrats💕 would appreciate it if you checked out my closet! Thanks :)
Jan 14Reply
pizzadreams @phoenixfaun ➕🎊CONGRATULATIONS on being a co-host for the Posh PARTY!🎊✨What an amazing opportunity to connect with fellow Poshers‼️If you have the time, I would be humbled and appreciative if you were to select some of my closet as part of your Host Pick‼️ 🍕🍕@pizzadreams 🍕 🍕
Jan 15Reply
vanessapaulla 💐💐💐Congratulations on hosting 😬🎉. I hope you have a lot of fun. Could you please consider one of my listings as a HP? Thanks I really appreciate it 😘💕💕
Jan 15Reply
susanca19 Please consider my Closet @susanca19 - thank you and congrats on hosting!!!
Jan 15Reply
shopwitheternal Congratulations on hosting party today🥂!Wishing luck with choosing chic and fashionable pieces!if you get a chance check out my closet I’m sure you can find some pieces matching with theme @veronicaremenik
Jan 15Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? I really appreciate the consideration and I hope you have a successful party.
Jan 15Reply
gigi11155 Congratulations on HOSTING!! I hope to do it one day too!! If you get a chance would you see if I have something for a HOST PICK!! @gigi11155!!❤️👍😊
Jan 15Reply
cocosverobeach Hi Olivia, My name is Ronda and I’ve been following you for awhile now and I was hoping that you’d be kind enough to honor me with a Host Pick this evening. I will be hosting soon and surely will return the gesture. Either way I’ll be there sharing my buns off with you. I am very grateful for your consideration! @cocosverobeach
Jan 15Reply
acelestialsoul 👜👗👒 Thanks for hosting the Simply Chic Party! I'll be there. My Posh Compliant closet has all sizes & styles, so lots of potential 🌟Host Picks!🌟 Would you be a 💕sweetheart💕 & take a look? 👜👗👒 I'm a Poshmark Ambassador, 😊 Top Sharer on Poshmark, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Tumbler, Pinterest; 5-🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Seller; 💕Fast Shipper!🔥C U @ the Party! 🎉🎉🎉HAGDP-Have A Great Day Poshing! 👜👗👒
Jan 15Reply
styleguru21 @phoenixfaun Hey Doll😊 I’m reaching out to my fellow ambassadors to ask if you could spare a few shares as I’m raising money a special family through the American Cancer Society in honor of my mom who passed this July 😇🎗🎀🙏 (I have a posting for more info) I hope you have an amazing 2019 dear💃🏼🥂
Jan 15Reply
tbabes12 Heyyy!! I'm Cristina ☺️ Congrats on Hosting! Just wanted to stop by & say hi! ✨ Can't wait to check out your closet! 💞I would love the possibility to be a potential host pick!🤞🏻 Hope you're having a great day!🎉 Xo
Jan 15Reply
daintywoods Happy hosting! Please check out my compliant closet for a chic HP 🌿
Jan 15Reply
_christineann_ Congrats on Hosting a Posh Party! I would love for you to consider an item from my closet as a host pick! Thanks💗
Jan 15Reply
carolins_closet Hello, my entire closet is chic and girly:) hoping to make a few sales to pay off my last semester of undergrad! Thank you very much 🌟🙏🎊🥰💕
Jan 15Reply
m_mitchum Thanks so very much for the HP! 😘😊🙏✨😘😊🙏✨😘😊🙏✨😘😊🙏✨😘😊🙏✨😘😊🙏🎉🎉😘😘✨✨
Jan 15Reply
allfrockedup Oh! I love your closet. Oh! I love your doggie. 💕💕🤗
Jan 15Reply
ky__kyshka ❤️❤️❤️Awesome! 🎉🎉🎉 💟 💞💟💞💟💞💟💞💟💞💟💞💟💞 💟 💞🌠C🌟O🌟N🌟G🌟R🌟A🌟T🌟S🌠💞 💞 ⚬⚬⚬☺☺☺ON☺☺☺⚬⚬⚬💞 💞 C🎼O🎼H🎼O🎼S🎼T🎼I🎼N🎼G 💞 💞 🎸🎵💃🎶 Have FuN! 🎶💃🎵🎸 💞 💞🍾🍾 Pop pop, it's show time!🍾🍾 💞 💟 💞💟💞💟💞💟💞💟💞💟💞💟💞 💟 I would be honored if you would take a look at my closet for a potential Host Pick ❤️ thank you so much! YAY!!
Jan 15Reply
lk_brockmeyer Write your comment here.
Mar 04Reply
ccut25 Very cute closet!
Mar 10Reply
phoenixfaun @ccut25 Thank you so much!! :)
Mar 11Reply
deedo314 your whole closet is on fiiiiire! love it!
Mar 21Reply
phoenixfaun @deedo314 aw thank you you made my night!! :)
Mar 21Reply
pendreys I absolutely love your closet!
Mar 25Reply
thefrugaldoll Oh my gosh your dress is to die for <3
Apr 06Reply
alldolled Your Pup is the custest! Loved going though your closet!💛✌🏻🙂
Apr 12Reply
phoenixfaun @pendreys Thank you!! :) :)
Apr 13Reply
phoenixfaun @thefrugaldoll aw thanks! TJ Maxx for the win!!
Apr 13Reply
phoenixfaun @alldolled Thanks so much!! You have so many amazing shoes! <3
Apr 13Reply
christyp981 I love your LV bag! Are you open to offers? I’m saving.
Apr 19Reply
phoenixfaun @christyp981 thank you! Yes I always consider fair offers :)
Apr 20Reply
couturebaeluxe Welcome to Poshmark ! olivia! Hope to see you around!
Apr 22Reply
tlgraham777 For your 3/25$ deal.... I might want two or three 3/25$ bundles.... Tara 23234 gee male... 😊
Apr 29Reply
noelleblue Hi and welcome! Feel free to check out my closet for brands like J Crew, Michael Kors, Brooks Brothers, Bebe and more. I’m always open to offers. 💫🌟Happy Poshing!
May 13Reply
lindseynmikel Hey congrats on your posh party tomorrow, I'll def be attending. I'd appreciate it if you could take a couple of minutes and check out my closet for a possible HOST PICK!! I have some really nice things and really trying to get my closet out there. Thanks so much and cant wait till tomorrow xo
May 16Reply
jenniferg_213 I don’t have a “tag list” tag list but I have a “tag list to please tag this” list “tag” list...don’t read that twice it hurts worse the second time😬😂 @flippintickled 🤸🏻‍♀️ @sherihen 🧜🏻‍♀️ @kitkatbar2017 🍫@findleiza 👯‍♀️ @luvjojos_closet 👰🏻 @penprofitt 👛 @eisenna 🏌🏼‍♀️@saradippidy 📚@lasknickknacks 🔮@hunnibscloset 🍯 @nellbf 🌎 Can you tag this up my Posh Style BPFF’s?? XOXO XOXO🥰🥳🤩
May 16Reply
atouchofjane Congrats! Please consider my closet for a host pick 😊💕🎊
May 16Reply
demonhunters Congratulation on co-hosting the best in boutique posh party. I have been working extremely hard on creating a beautiful closet, for dreaming of starting up a small business here on Poshmark. I am truly praying for a possible host pick to gain some exposure and new followers. I can new win on this theme party. I am not on a long PFF'S list. I wish you many sales and lots of fun. Good Luck!
May 16Reply
fancyfloridians Good luck 🍀 hosting🤳🏽🤳🏽🤳🏽 🙋🏽 check out these boutiques ❤️❤️❤️ @mariapapa 🐤 @drheilig 💃🏻 @fancyfloridians 🌴
May 16Reply
thefebresappeal Your closet is to die for!!
May 16Reply
playboy_jewelry Congratulations 🎉 I’d love a host pick from my poshmark compliant boutique closet 🙏
May 16Reply
ladycrackerjack @phoenixfaun ❤️💕❤️💕Congratulations!! ❤️💕❤️💕 I am so excited for you! Have the best time ever ⭐️Hosting your Very Own party !❤️Cant wait to party & celebrate your day! Xo -Kat ❤️💕 - [ ]
May 16Reply
ladycrackerjack 📣 📣♥️📣♥️📣♥️📣♥️📣♥️📣♥️ ⭐️ POSH PARTY ! SAVE THE DATE! 📣♥️📣♥️📣♥️📣♥️📣♥️📣♥️ 5/17, 7 pm est BEST IN BOUTIQUES 🌼 @phoenixfaun 🌼 @shopofthemoment @coconut_couture @brunomars90 @piccadilly_posh @houndstooth @lhaag721 @vcher77 @mlb1006 @chapell217 @gat8or @warrior04 @rposen @stylegigi @poshgarden @51twenty @modig @luturnbull @stylish_paige @amore923 @ukester @shoplunagrace @shiloh077 @erinbwv @peacegoddess @1kawaii1 @merri_graceland @findleiza @americangirl66
May 16Reply
poshgarden Congratulations Olivia❣️🎉🍾🛍💞🎊🎈
May 16Reply
americangirl66 🎉🇺🇸P🇺🇸A🇺🇸R🇺🇸T🇺🇸Y🇺🇸🎉 @americangirl66 🇺🇸 @gat8or ❤️ @lucky0718 🇺🇸 @houndstooth ❤️ @amandas2ndroom 🇺🇸 @mariegbean ❤️ @terri_lynns 🇺🇸 @brunomars90 ❤️ @tracigilliamx3 🇺🇸 @artsy_chic ❤️ @styles_by_jules 🇺🇸 @bethybd ❤️ @janesbayou 🇺🇸 @swirlygurl ❤️ @back2basics 🇺🇸 @womenunraveled ❤️ @ladycrackerjack 🇺🇸 @edennyzz ❤️ @modernowlbtq 🇺🇸 @nolas_closet ❤️ @wildgumption 🇺🇸 @jessclairemarie ❤️ @globewardrobe1 🇺🇸 @yummyhandful @skirtssewpretty 🇺🇸 @polishedpatriot ❤️🔐
May 16Reply
americangirl66 🇺🇸P🇺🇸A🇺🇸R🇺🇸T🇺🇸Y🇺🇸 @shoplunagrace ❤️ @chic_hawaii_tea 🇺🇸 @mtnhiker ❤️ @lhaag721 🇺🇸 @warrior04 ❤️ @51twenty 🇺🇸 @shiloh077 ❤️ @piccadilly_posh 🇺🇸 @grapeminds ❤️ @chewsigirl 🇺🇸 @watercolor1 ❤️ @fladaw60 🇺🇸 @mandajane223 ❤️ @jlotopper 🇺🇸 @chapell217 ❤️ @lovemesomemk 🇺🇸 @aswygman ❤️ @believe_inspire 🇺🇸 @pinksquirrel17 ❤️ @midge96 🇺🇸 @cwishrn ❤️ @buckthrity 🇺🇸 @pmolina1 ❤️ @myvintagelady 🇺🇸 @thriftyunicorn1 ❤️ @dressinglauren 🇺🇸 @catsrulecatty ❤️ @jennap0829 🇺🇸 @lasvegasnv ❤️ @sg1771 🇺🇸 🔐
May 16Reply
tracigilliamx3 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 🙋💬💓💜❤💛💓 👚👍 👖 Congratulations on hosting! 👠👠 I would be honored if you peeked at my closet for potential host picks for your party. I’ll be there supporting, sharing, and shopping! Thank You & Enjoy!~~~Traci💕
May 16Reply
lasvegasnv 💎💎🔊🔊🎵🎵 Vegas Hits list #1 Congratulate You and We're Joining the party!⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡We would be honored if you Please Consider these PC Compliant Closets as a Host Pick🎵🔊💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 ❤= Would be 1st HP @annieotx @erinbwv @chazsboutique @jenniferg_213 @spld33 @kellen_clark @mlb1006 @moongoddess7 @fashion4u2love @tracigilliamx3 @dressinglauren @chapell217 @beescuteclothes @msplf1949 ❤@cbednarek22 ❤@lolitsliza Private List, Do Not Copy
May 16Reply
lasvegasnv 💎💎🔊🔊🎵🎵 Vegas Hits list #2 Congratulate You and We're Joining the party!⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡We would be honored if you Please Consider these PC Compliant Closets as a Host Pick🎵🔊💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 ❤Would be 1st HP @lunasoul7137 @moonrose171 @abeautifulchaos @michelled73 @rainydayspour @polishedpatriot @agleiss @angel_bishop79 ❤@hollolou ❤@clockwork_katt ❤@michellelinker ❤@halofamevintage ❤@dreamersavail19 ❤@kerry1313 @kristi_stone ❤@deehelene ❤@danagiangrande1 Private List, Do not copy
May 16Reply
lasvegasnv 💎💎🔊🔊🎵🎵 Vegas Hits list #3 Congratulate You and We're Joining the party!⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡We would be honored if you Please Consider these PC Compliant Closets as a Host Pick🎵🔊💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 ❤=Would be 1st HP @americangirl66 @southerndonna @rensvintagepop @juneberrys @pale_blue_speck @shopninjas @lori961 @beoirem @vpristas @bellefemme6 @shilpa24 @prettylilthing0 ❤@passion4fashun ❤@grandbabies62 @emilymich22 ❤@msilva3639 ❤@ann1923 ❤@sweettfabrizio ❤@elmandivy Private list, Do not copy
May 16Reply
lasvegasnv 💎💎🔊🔊🎵🎵 Vegas Hits list #4 Congratulate You and We're Joining the party!🎸⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡We would be honored if you Please Consider these PC Compliant Closets as a Host Pick🎵🔊💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 ❤Would be 1st HP @flippintickled @kp213 @scarriegirl @ariesmoon89 @hunnibscloset @mdbeachgirl @fableuxarmoire @vivian0 ❤@rockcandystyle ❤@allblack777 ❤@jamypelmo ❤@kalv777 ❤@thefebresappeal ❤@donnachip ❤@rbui1982 ❤@pixarina Private List Do Not Copy
May 16Reply
lasvegasnv 💎💎🔊🔊🎵🎵 Vegas Hits list #5 Congratulate You and We're Joining the party!🎸⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡⚡We would be honored if you Please Consider these PC Compliant Closets as a Host Pick🎵🔊💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 ❤Would be 1st HP ❤@kristyj6252 ❤@shellyak ❤@vir77 ❤@narnaudville108 ❤@savannah0107 @toiyasfabfinds @aliciageedey84 @agallardo @jewlli_1 ❤@itsjustme77 ❤@delores1020 ❤@beeweaver1 ❤@coolcat52 @abeyoutifulday ❤@thedowdydame Private List Do Not Copy
May 16Reply
sunshinelilies What an honor to be chosen as a party host! Congratulations!🌼🌸 I wish you much success and look forward to shopping through the closets that you’ve chosen to showcase during the party!🌼🌸🌺
May 16Reply
51twenty Congrats 🌟
May 16Reply
hollypo 🍾 Congrats on hosting! 🍾 Please check out my pff’s closets for a host pick! ♥️ @newlynelson @sugarkitty007 @cassmarie8406 @duchessdaniele @kimkay78 @nicocat2018 @styledbysamona @sewveryblessed @irenecase @hollypo ♥️
May 16Reply
nuggetchicky @phoenixfaun 🥂𝘾𝙤𝙣𝙜𝙧𝙖𝙩𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙊𝙣 𝙃𝙤𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜🥂 𝙭𝙤’𝙨💋 𝘿𝙤𝙣𝙣𝙖
May 16Reply
danibaker15 Congrats on hosting!🎉🎉 I’m excited to party with you! 🎉🎉PFFs to consider for ❤️HOST PICKS❤️! @rtsymom @tiffycharlotte @penelopejean @rlynmass @sheashea93 @rposen @laurism @cutenthrifty @couturewarrior @beabellacouture @mmc614 @jillapple22 @baisah @ktiplady @shopperhicks @cmcbryde @meredithftw @charmed24ctu @daisyeights @coryannam @samcamnat @cams1895 @svim101 @jojoclark123 @rcriddle @cpunch @ericap17 @kelley10028 @sweetsassyjilly @makcupcake @sariaaa @tropicalisland1 @bt28xo @thatscentsylady
May 16Reply
kejoi95 Congrats on hosting,  please consider me for a potential host pick. 🙂
May 17Reply
pattydom1026 Hey love 💕 congratulations on hosting tomorrow !!! If you’re still looking for host picks I would be honored if you can check our my closet 😊 see you at the party 🎉 🥳
May 17Reply
sophystakated1 Congratulations on hosting your posh party I bet it is an amazing experience🎊🎉!! I'm @sophystakated1 and would love to be able to help you with anything if possible and if you have a chance please check out the closets of my amazing PFF'S @hawaiivi @bdz2315 thank you so much and Happy Poshing🤗
May 17Reply
fourhanger I would love for you to consider one of my items as a host pick. It would totally make my day completely. ❤️😀❤️😀❤️
May 17Reply
christieee_3 Congratulations! I would love to be considered for a host pick 😊
May 17Reply
chapell217 🥳WE ARE EXCITED FOR UR PARTY & WOULD BE HONORED TO PICKED FOR A HOST PICK! CONGRATS🥳 🎯#1️⃣PFF TAG LIST🎯 ➡️🛍SHOP🛒w/me🙋🏽‍♀️ @chapell217 @skbblackwidow @prel0vedthreads @gretzkyb @fashionicon1970 @mama_of_8 @spld33 @brandeescloset @ninamcdermitt @scentsbyfaith @bellamatx @ahjabraham1977 @moviebuff2728 @shawns_closet @alliescloset99 @polishedpatriot @lovemesomemk @americangirl66 @lasvegasnv @glitz911 @annanelson1972 @hunnibscloset @brandeescloset 🚫👉🏽DON'T COPY🚫
May 17Reply
chapell217 🥳WE ARE EXCITED FOR UR PARTY & WOULD BE HONORED TO PICKED FOR A HOST PICK! CONGRATS🥳 🎯#2️⃣PFF TAG LIST🎯 🛍SHOP🛒w/me🙋🏽‍♀️ @chapell217 @sweettfabrizio @blumutanga @jushorsnround @legallypink07 @sipnshopchic @greatbargains1 @fashion4liv @believeinhope @lynnapi @portableshua @ve_eliteclosets @southerndonna @laurablank @styleandcomfort @gamer_princess @catherinemar465 @angelaenigro @mic750 @roseybees @pinkqueenla1 @flynn145 @christalk87 🚫👉🏽DON'T COPY🚫
May 17Reply
chapell217 🥳WE ARE EXCITED FOR UR PARTY & WOULD BE HONORED TO PICKED FOR A HOST PICK! CONGRATS🥳 🎯#2️⃣PFF TAG LIST🎯 🛍SHOP🛒w/me🙋🏽‍♀️ @chapell217 @sweettfabrizio @blumutanga @jushorsnround @legallypink07 @sipnshopchic @greatbargains1 @fashion4liv @believeinhope @lynnapi @portableshua @ve_eliteclosets @southerndonna @laurablank @styleandcomfort @gamer_princess @catherinemar465 @angelaenigro @mic750 @roseybees @pinkqueenla1 @flynn145 @christalk87 🚫👉🏽DON'T COPY🚫
May 17Reply
chapell217 🥳WE ARE EXCITED FOR UR PARTY & WOULD BE HONORED TO PICKED FOR A HOST PICK! CONGRATS🥳 🎯#3️⃣PFF TAG LIST🎯 🛍SHOP🛒w/me🙋🏽‍♀️ @chapell217 @baymax831 @mamaxyz @mmahansen1 @mic750 @emely1219 @unmixit @idastuff @rececca_boyer @twicedressed @shellyrenee81 @noveloptions @stellaresells @jessarose14 @wh5700 @shelbyhuber @treasuresrus @angelnurse23234 @nicoledenaro @mschleip @rachelhanna545 @kristencoy0515 @kelleyc69 🚫👉🏽DON'T COPY🚫
May 17Reply
chapell217 🥳WE ARE EXCITED FOR UR PARTY & WOULD BE HONORED TO PICKED FOR A HOST PICK! CONGRATS🥳 🎯#4️⃣PFF TAG LIST🎯 🛍SHOP🛒w/me🙋🏽‍♀️ @chapell217 @yolacontreras @sterlingstars @kellen_clark @atennesseegem @mayagrib @trendyuptop @dressinglauren @pearlstash @fashionlady8 @thaqueen40 @rainydayspour @shopper919 @diamondkickteam @jessicarenee985 @starrystarry23 @cmadd721 @jessdavis444 @jewelsandpurses @teonnabn @marinaa37 @thirtyandflirty @cmadd721 🚫👉🏽DON'T COPY🚫
May 17Reply
chapell217 🥳WE ARE EXCITED FOR UR PARTY & WOULD BE HONORED TO PICKED FOR A HOST PICK! CONGRATS🥳 🎯#5️⃣PFF TAG LIST🎯 🛍SHOP🛒w/me🙋🏽‍♀️ @chapell217 🚨LIKED✅SHARED☄FOLLOWED🆕️ @jessdavis444 @hansondawny @aajjm2017 @jewelsandpurses @heatherherr13 @tw32 @gracie_chen @dayzhabrooks @skamcguff @bohochictee @karen48186 @jenniferg_213 @kourtniebug 🚫👉🏽DON'T COPY🚫 🎯JOIN MY🙋🏽‍♀️TEAM💪🏽 @chapell217 👉🏽It pays💰to play🎰
May 17Reply
believeinhope 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷
May 17Reply
koalafiedct Party time!! Congrats on hosting Best in Boutiques Party! I don’t have any boutique items but please check out my PFFs’ closets for a host pick 🐨@koalafiedct 🐨@chic_hawaii_tea 🐨@tracigilliamx3 🐨@rposen 🐨@oliaria 🐨@dressinglauren 🐨@theresapikus 🐨@meriloo 🐨@littlefire33 🐨@thingsofplenty 🐨@bsassygirl 🐨@boho_bliss 🐨@lilmunsters 🐨@jjfaith 🐨@tlauesen 🐨@jam4muzic 🐨@findleiza 🐨@all_seasons_fo 🐨@minedthemanor 🐨@cwcarr 🐨@lipsticknjeans 🐨@thatgemgirl 🐨@camilled61 🐨@fergie0307
May 17Reply
koalafiedct Party time!! Congrats on hosting Best in Boutiques Party! I don’t have any boutique items but please check out my PFFs’ closets for a host pick 🐨@mrslongee 🐨@poshbuylove 🐨@cbarre 🐨@ktkinsss 🐨@trishswishes 🐨@tammiplace 🐨@sidleejewelry 🐨@southerndonna 🐨@jmp9715 🐨@nico_kocovasq 🐨@rosieamstutz 🐨@2chicboutique 🐨@bonmark3 🐨@kriss676 🐨@lismiley1 🐨@choffman777 🐨@avoapparel 🐨@rileyistheone 🐨@tnwalkerbabe 🐨@shill1981 🐨@lovethesale76 🐨@parsimonybox 🐨@moonrose171 🐨@magtwentysix
May 17Reply
koalafiedct Party time!! Congrats on hosting Best in Boutiques Party! I don’t have any boutique items but please check out my PFFs’ closets for a host pick 🐨@italianswimmer 🐨@gpuglove 🐨@ren23p 🐨@kittycarlisle1 🐨@peacegoddess 🐨@lulukimisales 🐨@msilva3639 🐨@clothescalling 🐨@luvjojos_closet 🐨@dacyscloset 🐨@spirit_sisters 🐨@amy_sells 🐨@nicknacknancytx 🐨@thestyle42day 🐨@miajessiposh 🐨@bbsbounty 🐨@teal_tiger 🐨@ glaz94 🐨@sales_girl 🐨@jls2273 🐨@mistybear0619 🐨@flippintickled 🐨@momma2boys1568 🐨@rainydayspour
May 17Reply
koalafiedct Party time!! Congrats on hosting Best in Boutiques Party! I don’t have any boutique items but please check out my PFFs’ closets for a host pick 🐨@redtulipsbags 🐨@angelatoni23 🐨@queenscloset57 🐨beeweaver1
May 17Reply
krugs_threads Congrats on hosting!! 🎉🎉 can't wait to join the party. If you get a chance, check out my closet @krugs_threads
May 17Reply
yourbestyou I don’t have anything for the Boutique party but my sweet PFFs do: @bohochicbowteek @andichele37 Thanks so much! 🌻
May 17Reply
theplayfulpeony Congrats on your Posh Party! Just added some fresh boutique items, many more to come! 🥳💕🛍🥰 PS your photos are gorgeous! 🤩😍
May 17Reply
backontherack25 @phoenixfaun Congrats on hosting an awesome party today 🎉 I don't know if you are still looking for host picks, but if you have time to check out my closet that would be awesome. Hope you have an amazing party 😄🎉🎉🎉
May 17Reply
chezphotography Congrats on Hosting your Party 🎊 🎈 🎉 ! Please feel free to visit my closet for any possible Host Picks 🥰💕👍
May 17Reply
reneecali Congrats on your party! 🎉🎉🍾🍾💃🏻💃🏻 Can't wait!! Please take a look at my closet for host picks!!!!!! I have lots of new arrivals! 🎀👗💄👛 @reneecali
May 17Reply
shopofthemoment թօՏհ Թɑɾեվ ɑӀҽɾե!🍾 🎙✨ @agingerstyle 🎙✨ @alaska42 🎙✨ @anchorlane 🎙✨ @artistichater 🎙✨ @atc_clothing 🎙✨ @belovedsparrow 🎙✨ @bellax5 🎙✨ @brunomars90 🎙✨ @camisadocloset 🎙✨ @charminglane  🎙✨ @cmlazorenk   🎙✨ @coconut_couture 🎙✨ @c2styleshop 🎙✨ @davinandtheia 🎙✨ @dearcarmen 🎙✨ @dressinglauren 🎙✨ @emangino2 🎙✨ @emilys_finds🎙✨ @from_us2you 🎙✨ @houndstooth 🎙✨ @jadet4 🔒private list do not copy🔒 💥visit my tag team listing to change/remove from my tag team 💥
May 17Reply
shopofthemoment թօՏհ Թɑɾեվ ɑӀҽɾե2🍾 🎙✨ @jlotopper 🎙✨ @jovigraham 🎙✨ @j3nnm76 🎙✨ @kuriouskitty13 🎙✨ @lauren4eventz  🎙✨ @ladycrackerjack 🎙✨ @lcfrogs 🎙✨ @lhaag721 🎙✨ @lucky0718 🎙✨ @mariagadola 🎙✨ @modig🎙✨ @officehippie 🎙✨ @piccadilly_posh 🎙✨ @poshtessa 🎙✨ @sheashea93 🎙✨ @shoplunagrace 🎙✨ @shuffman77   🎙✨ @simplyme_toyou 🎙✨ @spoiledpff 🎙✨ @soulcrusher716 🎙✨ @tannyaustin 🎙✨ @tgavril 🎙✨ @theprincessc  🎙✨ @triciatx 🔒private list do not copy🔒 💥visit my tag team listing to change/remove from my tag team 💥
May 17Reply
shopofthemoment ✨✨ congratulations on hosting today’s Best in Boutiques 🎁 Posh Party! ✨✨ Enjoy every minute. I’ll be there to shop 🛍 and share 🔄 and I’ll be bringing some friends with me to join the fun festivities 🔝 See you there! Smooches 💋
May 17Reply
tropicalolive 💃🏻🌺 CONGRATS on hosting! 🤩 Wishing you a successful party with many sales! 🖤 I will be there sharing & supporting!💃🏻🌺 Tagging some wonderful closets below which I’m proud to say are all Posh Compliant🙌🏼
May 17Reply
tropicalolive 💃🏻💃🏻PARTY TIME💃🏻💃🏻 WILD SPIRITS 🌺@angelnurse23234 🏹@archincloth 🖤@aslovich 🌺@atennesseegem 🏹@barefootmuse 🖤@bkobseff 🌺@bobbiehensley 🏹@boots2018 🖤@brookestanley45 🌺@buyitwhenfound 🏹@charlotte_west 🖤@chelseahelen 🌺@chic_hawaii_tea 🏹@cut_the_tag 🖤@cwillow 🌺@dalahawk 🏹@dandreani 🖤@daniwoo2 🌺@danyell138 🏹@dawnbeaver37 🖤@debmprice 🌺@deverebeth 🏹@dovemom1999 🖤@dressinglauren 🌺@eclecticginger 🏹@emilydaehtop 🖤@emma_bella 🌺@emmasonsmommy 🏹@g2gtrendy 🖤@gamer_princess 🌺@genolin 🏹@glasshangr
May 17Reply
tropicalolive 💃🏻💃🏻PARTY TIME💃🏻💃🏻 WILD SPIRITS 🖤@greatbargains1 🌺@_hannahb 🏹@hardingc79 🖤@hawkscloset 🌺@heidizme 🏹@hgulbin31 🖤@iclothes4u 🌺@inspired_closet 🏹@irenecase 🖤@janets_closet23 🌺@jenandchase 🏹@jenniferg_213 🖤@jennyviv 🌺@jmr619 🏹@k_mccauley 🖤@kburklund 🌺@ksampson0609 🏹@ktkinsss 🖤@kwturner14 🌺@kykim87 🏹@kygirltreasures 🖤@lamb_life 🌺@lel0005 🏹@letsgotravel 🖤@lexi_s_ 🌺@listedlovelies 🏹@littlefire33 🖤@ljbizsales 🌺@logandancermom 🏹@lori961 🖤@lovethesale76 🌺@luvme5woofs 🏹@luxuriouslists
May 17Reply
tropicalolive 💃🏻💃🏻PARTY TIME💃🏻💃🏻 WILD SPIRITS 🌺@mailteresa2day 🏹@marissagratia 🖤@maysbabecave 🌺@meme2626 🏹@mic750 🖤@michjprieto 🌺@midge96 🏹@mikertini 🖤@mollymorvay 🌺@moonrose171 🏹@mrsalisaurus 🖤@mybrowneyedgirl 🌺@myvintagelady 🏹@nanrod27 🖤@ninamcdermitt 🌺@omsdaughter 🏹@onthegoklo 🖤@parisgrl1007 🌺@pinkraincloud 🏹@profitbaby 🖤@queen_kdae 🌺@queenscloset57 🏹@rainydayspour 🖤@rebecca_boyer 🌺@rosyjlk 🏹@sandras_styles 🖤@shebledglitter 🌺@shopkaitshop 🏹@skamcguff 🖤@skihil 🌺@slaydiversity
May 17Reply
tropicalolive 💃🏻💃🏻PARTY TIME💃🏻💃🏻 WILD SPIRITS 🏹@smousekitty 🖤@southerndonna 🌺@splurgetherapy 🏹@sroland3 🖤@staciwells 🌺@sterlingstars 🏹@teal_tiger 🖤@tess03 🌺@thatgemgirl 🏹@thefuzzycactus 🖤@themomboss 🌺@thingsofplenty 🏹@thriftyunicorn1 🖤@tiffany3co 🌺@tishposhbb 🏹@tkarl12 🖤@tracigilliamx3 🌺@trendyuptop 🏹@triciaking381 🖤@unracked 🌺@victoriaj84 🏹@waistup 🖤@wolfemom65 🌺@xorussell 🏹@xxoposh 🖤@1abby 🚫DO NOT COPY🚫
May 17Reply
g2gtrendy congrats
May 17Reply
emilydaehtop congrats on hosting!! it is beyond well deserved! i love your closet and your drive. AND that puppy 😍😍😍 i would love to have you check out my closet for a potential host pick ^_^
May 17Reply
bethybd Congratulations on co-hosting the Boutique party tonight! 💝🎉🎉 I would love for any of my boutique items to be considere for a HP!🌹🌷🌺🍃🌼🌸 I am wishing you lots of fun and sales at the party! Enjoy your night to shine!🌹💞🎉🎉🌹🛍🛍💋
May 17Reply
theprincessc Congrats! 🎉🎉❤️🎉🎉
May 17Reply
bohochicbowteek Thank you for hosting the party tonight and for all of the time you have put into it! Sharing your awesome closet as a thank you! Please consider my posh compliant closet in your Host Pick search. 💕
May 17Reply
believeinhope Congratulations for co host today party. Enjoy it👍😀
May 17Reply
mamathriftgenes Congratulations on your upcoming Best in boutiques party, I'm so excited for you. I will definitely be there sharing, shopping and cheering you on. Can you please stop by @mamathriftgenes and check out my amazing boutique items for a possible HP? Thank you so much and have a wonderful day! See you soon & Happy Poshing 😊❣👜👚🛍💫👠📿💎
May 17Reply
hbbk2013 Hi Olivia! Thanks for hosting the party! If you have a chance would you mind taking a look at my closet for a host pick? I appreciate it.
May 17Reply
look_fabulous CONGRATS on hosting your Posh party! Please consider my compliant closet and those of my PFFs for a host pick. I've been getting ready for your party listing items I picked up at a wholesale show! Again, CONGRATULATIONS! Enjoy the day, Mela @maineholl @mileypug @ncmcollections @sweetrebelfashn @the_swanky_palm @holidayshoppe77 @sterlingsilver @chrisnielsen478 @shoeamor @kerrymrose
May 17Reply
vivian0 @phoenixfaun Congrats on hosting today Best in boutique party I would love for you to consider any of my boutique item for a host pick
May 17Reply
sweet_likehoney Congrats on hosting 🎉 I would be honored to be considered for possible picks @queen_kdae Thank you so much 💗
May 17Reply
jlawrence25 Congrats on hosting!! 🎉🎉If you get a chance, check out Boutique items in My Closet!!!👗👚👠👛👜 Thanks and have fun!!
May 17Reply
bohochicbowteek Thank you for hosting the party and for all of the time you have put into it! Sharing your awesome closet as a thank you! Please consider my posh compliant closet in your Host Pick search. 💕
May 17Reply
smokesignals Congrats! 🎉 If you’re still looking for host picks please take a peek in my closet 🥰
May 17Reply
fashionista4114 Congratulations on hosting! I’m 100% Posh compliant & have many on theme items. I would appreciate & love a host pic. Thanks for your consideration and have fun!!
May 17Reply
fashionista4114 P.s. I love love your closet! I can tell you put a lot of thought into it.😻
May 17Reply
dirtroadboutiq Congratulations on hosting! That’s so Awesome! I love Poshmark too! It helps so much!
May 17Reply
hdm39 Congrats on hosting!! I’d LOVE for you to check out my boutique listings if you have a chance! 🎉💖😊
May 17Reply
matunaaa Congratulations love! Hopefully you have the chance to check my closet out in hopes of a host pick! Wishing you many sales and have fun! 🤗🎉❤️
May 17Reply
dalaeliposh I do 🙋🏻‍♀️ I do 🙋🏻‍♀️ Thank you so much! I hope you have time to stop by. 🥳🎉
May 17Reply
believer13 @phoenixfaun hi not sure if you need Anymore host picks I would be honored 🥰🙏
May 17Reply
brigantib 🎊🎉🎁 CONGRATS!!! On hosting tonight!! 🌙 I hope you sell a lot of your item and have lotsss of fun 💃. I FOLLOW ALL Poshmark rules and guidelines in case you need a HP’s 🎉🌸Thanks for your valuable time. Have a great night! 🔥❤️
May 17Reply
c_silhouette Happy party day! Get it girl! ❤ wishing you many sales and success! I have boutique if looking for stellar cool NFL shoes! 🏈 Thanks love! Happy poshing!
May 18Reply
binfallible Congratulations on hosting Best in Boutiques Party and a Huge Thank You for the host pick!! Good Luck!!!
May 18Reply
polishedpatriot Congratulations on hosting your Posh Party! Please consider the wonderful closets of my PFFs (tagged below) for possible HP! LOPL (lots of Posh love) 🥰💞🥰 and happy poshing 😊😊😊 ~Amanda 💅🏼🇺🇸
May 18Reply
polishedpatriot The Polished Platoon 💅🏼🇺🇸 A Squad @delilahwear @italianswimmer @brandeescloset @chapell217 @skullee @rebecca_boyer @angelnurse23234 @katlove2018 @yoga4joy @crystalco @ahjabraham1977 @mic750 @belladonna2peas @kiralj04 @denalina23 @thatscentsylady @southerndonna @sipnshopchic @poshclark449 @jessdavis444 @spld33 @skygypsi @styleandcomfort @lexiem132 @bkobseff @dressinglauren @pitbullmamainfl @d7sisters @mgreys2016 @zepigrl @skamcguff *Private List! FOUO! Do Not Copy!*
May 18Reply
polishedpatriot The Polished Platoon 💅🏼🇺🇸 B Squad @xolyssaxx @hms3131 @kimba6153 @ss70 @mina_babo @shopper919 @mrssandi @rainydayspour @jazdoll82 @jenniferg_213 @lovethesale76 @saffordhall @themomboss @WrapItUp @armchrqbak @lasvegasnv @emilymich22 @caspen @kdsmommy07 @mellamor @esthetician14 @americangirl66 @logandancermom @jenpinc @skamcguff @pennysposhing @msplf1949 @believer13 @annanelson1972 @vintagebitchaz *Private List! FOUO! Do Not Copy!*
May 18Reply
cool2beagal @phoenixfaun 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉. 🎊🎊CONGRATULATIONS 🎊🎊 🍾 🥂🥂🍾🥂🍾🥂🍾🥂🍾🥂🍾🥂 🥳🥳🥳🎊🎊🎊🎊🥳🥳🥳🎊🎊🎊 𝓨𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓕𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭 🅢🅘🅛🅥🅐
May 18Reply
babybumpnbeyond Hello fellow Phoenician! 👋🌵🌴🏜️
May 23Reply
shopbuytrade145 Hey! I have a couple of large flat rate boxes in my closet for both women and a separate one for kids! Make sure you check it out!!🤗
Jun 02Reply
jshopmycloset Love your closet 😍
Jun 13Reply
jewlr Great items, wishing you lots of sales :)
Jun 15Reply
toripetry I love your closet! And your pup is adorable :)
Jun 17Reply
bamfshades Love and Light and Pizza Tonight!
Jun 24Reply
jillyjamison Love how you display your clothes!!!
Jun 25Reply
jtoner Hi! Will you be shipping my jacket soon? I’m taking it on a holiday. Thank you!! Jennifer Tomer
Jul 03Reply
phoenixfaun @jtoner hi Jennifer!! Yes it went out today! Sorry I couldn’t get to the post office yesterday. Thanks so much for your purchase- and I hope you have a wonderful vacation!! :)
Jul 03Reply
jtoner Greetings from San Diego 🌸 Thank you my love! Have a safe and relaxing 4th of July!!! 💥💥🌈🌈🌞🌞
Jul 04Reply
bridget6953 hey! I ordered two tops back on July 14. Just wanted to get an idea of when you think you’ll be able to put them in the mail. Thanks!!
Jul 20Reply
phoenixfaun @bridget6953 hi!! So sorry for the delay and I haven’t reached out to notify you. I had a couple things come up suddenly this week and got way behind on my shipping. My postal man picked them up today so tracking should be updated in the ap shortly. Apologies again and thanks so much for your purchase! 💗
Jul 20Reply
bridget6953 @phoenixfaun no worries! Thanks for the update!
Jul 21Reply
minasure @phoenixfaun congrats!!! I hope I get a wedding discount lol
Aug 09Reply
phoenixfaun @minasure Thank you!! And hope you love your boots!! <3
Aug 16Reply
hit111 👋 welcome to Poshmark.............. where shopping 🛍 is easy.............checkout my closet when you have time.................... if you see something you like in my closet make me an offer.......... bundle and save on shipping.....".. Happy 😊 Poshing!
Sep 07Reply
animakinsi Beautiful closet! 😍 Wishing you salessalessales this weekend! ✌️
Nov 15Reply
hit111 Hey, welcome to Poshmark ......... where Poshing is easy ............ If you see something in my closet u like just put in an offer........ Happy Poshing!!!!
Dec 15Reply
theclotheswire Hi! Please check DealBean Wholesale (run by my friend Trent) at\ today for new postings of wholesale mdse. They are located in Mesa, Arizona... just thought you might like to know. Thanks! @theclotheswire P.S. New Facebook Group Poshmark Perfect.
Jan 04Reply
hkobie Fabulous closet! Happy poshing 🎉
Mar 15Reply
r2d2take2 PhoenixFaun, If I had the money I would hire you as my personal stylist without thinking twice. Your taste is impeccable and your Eye is perfectly creative. Thank you also for looking out for folks of all shapes and sizes. Love love love your shop❣️
Mar 29Reply
_sarahcowles Hey girl 💓 I just wanted to let you know that I’m trying to clear out my closet because I am moving from my college town & if you like any of my items , be sure to add them to a bundle & send me offer ! I’m open to most offers & would love to give you a great deal
Apr 01Reply
ivankapeleschuk Your closet is a dream!
Apr 16Reply
phoenixfaun @ivankapeleschuk thank you so much!! :)
May 11Reply
phoenixfaun @r2d2take2 aw that was such a kind comment!! Thank you!! 💗💗
May 11Reply
kimlienb aww your furbaby is so cute 😍😍😍😍
May 12Reply
katecarroll6 Hi hun! I am accepting ALL offers today! I'm moving and looking to reduce the load! Feel free to check out my closet and offer on anything you like! I will accept.. Bundles are also welcome :) Thank You!!
Jun 20Reply
chanabelle86 Hello, I really need this jumpsuit for a reception ASAP!! I don’t think it will arrive on time. Is it too late for you to cancel this sale?
Jul 15Reply
chanabelle86 The reception is this Saturday in Memphis Tn
Jul 16Reply
phoenixfaun @chanabelle86 just messaged you back on the listing :) Sorry I wasn’t able to ship right away since I’m limiting postal trips to twice a week right now. Just message me back on either post and I can cancel before it would go out today. Thanks!
Jul 17Reply
anniehope19 I am so sorry I missed the decreased shipping! Would you mind sending that to me again for the chasers sweatshirt? I will buy it! Thank you 💕
Sep 30Reply
phoenixfaun @anniehope19 hi! Poshmark doesn’t allow me to send you the same offer for another 90 days. If you offer me $2 less than my offer it works out the same as discounted shipping and that’s fine with me :)
Sep 30Reply
clothes4cancer Happy Tuesday! I just started an Instagram for my Posh closet a little over a week ago & I’m so glad I found your page! Looking forward to following you here & on Insta :) 💕
Nov 11Reply
cmurdaugh11 I ordered from you on November 10th, still waiting for it to be shipped!
Nov 15Reply
phoenixfaun @cmurdaugh11 hi! Thanks so much for your purchase! I shipped your boots out last week so hopefully tracking updates soon in the app! It’s been super delayed from covid plus even worse from the election. Have no worries they are on their way, and I can’t wait for you to get them! :)
Nov 15Reply
cmurdaugh11 @phoenixfaun Thank you so much! I haven't gotten an update at all letting me know! These are my all time favorite boots and I have worn the same style for 7+ years! Each year I order them from a specific website and now they no longer carry them. These were the only pair that I could find anywhere, in the right size!
Nov 15Reply
phoenixfaun @cmurdaugh11 I love them too! The boutique I used to work at sold them and they are so comfortable. I still don’t see an update from USPS yet but none of my packages have scanned in yet so I’m not too worried. Appreciate your patience and can’t wait for you to get them!
Nov 16Reply
monolidi Happy poshing!!🥳 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like! Have a great day☺️
Nov 16Reply
trgbardo You have great style but I’m most impressed by what looks to be a happy healthy pup!! 🥰
Jan 18Reply
zhannajackie Hi I wrong in the shoes that I just purchased that o mistakenly thought it was my size but it is not. Please cancel my order on the ysl tribute pumps. Thank you
Feb 07Reply
phoenixfaun @closetrevo Hi! Yes I can just send me the offer and I’ll accept :)
Feb 20Reply
kimcelano Hi, Olivia Not sure how to send you a private msg. Can you send me a pm so I can reply. Thanks, Kim
Mar 27Reply
bassman1381 Would you be willing to extend your offer one more day?
Mar 30Reply
j_liannaflores Text us back
Apr 07Reply
phoenixfaun @j_liannaflores Can't lots to do before the Justin Bieber ride at 4:30
Apr 07Reply
voyageisaverb @phoenixfaun get in loser we’re taking shots and going shopping in your neck of the woods
Apr 07Reply
jenimccalip I have an order that I never received from March. How do I get my money back for this order?
Apr 23Reply
phoenixfaun @jenimccalip hi! What did you purchase and I can look it up and check on the status for you
Apr 23Reply
jenimccalip @phoenixfaun I ordered a pair of cole haan ankle high boots.
Apr 23Reply
phoenixfaun @jenimccalip It looks like they were undeliverable for not a secure location? Not sure what that means... You will have to email Poshmark and they can refund your money for you since they never made it to you. I haven't seen them show back up but if they do and you want to repurchase just lmk. Thank you- and sorry about your boots!
Apr 23Reply
glitter611 Hey there! Have been wondering when u plan on shipping out the jeans I purchased 💗💗💗
May 16Reply
phoenixfaun @glitter611 Hi! Thanks so much for your purchase! I believe your jeans were shipped out Friday but I do not see anything in tracking. Let me look into it and double check at my office tomorrow morning that I didn’t somehow getting the package out. It’s also possible they are delayed being scanned it. Will keep in touch and sorry they haven’t tracked yet!
May 17Reply
glitter611 @phoenixfaun oh okay thanks girl yeah I'm just really looking forward to wearing the jeans haha 💕💕💕
May 17Reply
phoenixfaun @closetrevo thanks so much for your awesome review! Glad you love the wallet!! :)
Jul 08Reply
kristie_i Hi there, I sent you a message on IG earlier today. Will you take a look so we can talk about my recent purchase? Thank you- Kristie
Jul 18Reply
karendaugherty Your closet is stunning! I love how bright and vibrant and organized everything is 💓✨ xx, karen
Oct 01Reply
sheltimom @phoenixfaun hello can you check the size of the black floral Pinkblush maxi please? Usually the sizing tag is in the skirt part near the bottom. thank you.
Oct 06Reply
littlepeachxo hi ! ^^ i have a variety of listings & all earnings from my closet go to a child abuse survivor to help them heal. -peach ♡.
Nov 18Reply
cheryl2yorkies Good Morning Olivia😊I luv your name, I named my twin girl yorkie Olivia- Paige 😁I made U an offer on your mens Columbia jacket I hope U can accept it, I would like it for my husbands birthday gift😊
Mar 23Reply
cheryl2yorkies Please let me know, so if not yours I will purchase my 2nd choice😊I need this for my husbands bday gift Thank - U ! Have a fabulous day !
Mar 23Reply
phoenixfaun @cheryl2yorkies hi! Thank you! And thanks so much for your purchase I will get your order shipped out today :) It’s a great jacket I hope your husband loves it!
Mar 23Reply
mothtoaflame Nice to meet you, Olivia! Wildcat here, too! 🙋🏻‍♀️😊🐅🐅🐅
Jul 03Reply
lqin12345 Will you please answer my questions? Thank you.
Aug 09Reply
m_inaction112 Hello, need measurements on a jacket I liked please.
Oct 13Reply
misserin7 Hi! Nice closet :) I’m having a Moving Sale and just added new items. I hope you’ll check my closet out too.
May 03Reply
cloudscloset Olivia - You don’t need to make offers on all three items I liked -I was not sure if your still reselling —if you are awesome —hoping it’s still great -if not -I was wondering if you were not reselling and perhaps selling your stuff out ? Either way hello -hope you are doing great and happy -if u are looking to unload merchandise let me know -/ Claudia
May 16Reply
cutehosiery @phoenixfaun Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 27Reply

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Last Active: 2 hours ago

Phoenix, AZ
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