❤️Please Share! Help Stray Cats in my Area❤️
US$15 US$810,000
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❤I moved into an apartment that has a stray cat population of about 8 cats. They've already been neutered, but my neighbor, who helped take care of them, moved, & the landlord threw out all of her shelters! I can't sleep at night, knowing that these kitties may not be warm, so I'm building cat shelters so they can survive the winter in comfort (& I can sleep in peace, knowing they are safe). Every sale will be going to help me care for these Little furballs. Thanks for helping me help them❤️

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I feed about 7 or 8 strays in my neighborhood. We have a 125 yr old farmhouse in the country and we have rescued countless kittens and sick cats. Thank you so much for doing this. ❤️
Jan 07Reply

Omg a women after my own heart! I am known as the crazy cat lady by my kids. I try and carry cat food in my car in case I about and need to feed a stray. The other day I was at hospital this poor bone showing black cat was in the parking lot I felt so bad and didn't have food with me had to leave and get some and come back I couldn't stop thinking about the poor little guy ;(
Jan 08Reply

@shelbylynn74 I've been like this my whole life Michelle. I actually have a letter from President Regan in response to one that I wrote to him, asking him what he was going to do about the plight of homeless and abused animals. The letter I received thanked me for caring about animals, and complimented me on my compassion. I wanted to rip it up! He didn't answer my question or address any of my concerns! (My dad framed it! Lol (cont)
Jan 08Reply

@shelbylynn74 I got involved in TNR (trap, neuter, release) in May, 2002. I was living in an apartment complex where there was a terrible feral problem. It was highly populated by people, and I'd see cats dead in the streets, run over by cars, cats that were sick, kittens... I couldn't take it. I trapped over 25 ferals, had them fixed, and started a coalition that involved other neighbors doing the same. (cont)
Jan 08Reply

@shelbylynn74 I educated them about how it was doing more harm to the animal by feeding it when it wasn't fixed. All that did was make it easier for them to get pregnant and increase the colony. I appealed to the management company who ran the apartments, explaining to them that if they got rid of the cats, other cats would move in. Obviously there was food and shelter, aside from that being provided by people. (cont)
Jan 08Reply

@shelbylynn74 They paid for the whole thing, and I was trained on how to use the different kinds of traps, how to tame kittens that were on the cusp of becoming untamable, how to handle the ferals, etc. I was able to find homes for most of the kittens I trapped, but for a woman who always considered herself a dog person, I certainly ended up with what others would perceive as way too many! (cont)
Jan 08Reply

When I got married and moved, the coalition continued to advocate for the colony,and they successfully petitioned the town to allow them to place shelters in a park space that really wasn't a park. It was a lot of work, and there were people who hated cats who did things like key my car because they didn't realize that I was preventing the population from growing. People are often quite ignorant. (cont)
Jan 08Reply

The women who lived n my apartment (it's a side-by-side 2 family) were the reason people who care about cats are considered "crazy". Don't get me wrong! I'm crazy! I have been crazy my whole life- but I didn't have cats until my 20s, so my lack of sanity has nothing at all to do with my fur-babies! (cont)
Jan 08Reply

I did not expect the landlord to go under the porch of the house attached to mine and throw out the houses. I was devastated. I already had set up something on may porch, but it isn't enough, so I've been up all night, for 3 nights, trying to implement a plan of action. I think that I've come up with some decent ideas I have a friend coming by to help teach me the skills I don't yet have (cont),
Jan 08Reply

@rmccouture yes I have done the same there is a local place near me fix r ferals I have barrowed traps form them trapped and gotten all fixed and released back to there colony! There is a creek near me with so many of them. Here is a crazy thing on the island of Maui in Hawaii last time I was there we rode Harley's to Hana we stopped to rest at a park and the whole thing was ruled by cats coolest thing I had ever seen
Jan 08Reply

@rmccouture my 2 indoor cats I found in my neighbors bushes they were only couple days old took them in bottle fed them they r my baby's now 4 years old
Jan 08Reply

@rmccouture now u have me thinking in my just have to dig out something for the ones net here literally around the corner they all hang at the creek and permeates complex
Jan 08Reply

@rmccouture Amanda! This breaks my heart. The poor cold babies in this storm. You are an angel and I love you so much! I have 2 kitties of my own and my bf has 2, they are my world. Thank you for helping them 🙏🐾
Jan 08Reply

@11thstreet Thanks Kristin! I have always been highly sensitive to animal suffering. I grew up with dogs, but when I moved to an apartment complex that had a feral cat issue over a decade ago, I got into cat rescuing, neutering, housing, etc. (cont)
Jan 08Reply

@11thstreet A friend who helped me move boxes to my current place saiid to me after delivering some boxes, "you'll love it! There are all of these cats outside!" And I said "Oh SH*T!" I knew that there was no way I wasn't going to spend as much time and energy as I had to/could to make sure the cats were cared for.
Jan 08Reply

@11thstreet The first thing I did was build a shelter under the benches on the porch with 4 cubbies! I have a heat lamp out there, and I drove out in the storm yesterday to buy some weather-proofing material to cover the porch with, and more material to insulate the houses with. I seriously can't sleep at night, knowing that it's so cold and they might be suffering. (cont)
Jan 08Reply

@11thstreet I think helping them is also helping me cope with losing my dad. I was so used to visiting him in the nursing home, and now that he's passed, feel an emptiness that taking care of these fur-balls fills a little bit. I hope you're doing well and staying warm today! Give your kitties a scratch for me!❤️
Jan 08Reply

@rmccouture Those helpless babies are lucky to have you trying to keep them warm. That is awful the landlord threw out the old shelters! That makes me so upset. I just don't understand how some people can be so heartless.
Jan 09Reply

@rmccouture The local animal shelter can't pick them up? Are they feral? That is so kind you did all that in the storm yesterday. Thank you for helping them ❤️
Jan 09Reply

Bless you for helping these kitties. I rescued 3 kittens a few weeks ago who are being fostered now. I'm feeding their mama to keep her around and when it gets warm enough I'll TNR her. I just pray she doesn't go into heat before we can have her spayed.
Jan 09Reply

@miss_moneypenny Thank you Nicole! It's been a dream of mine to one day live in the country, and have enough space/money to foster a feral cat sanctuary. So many of these poor things are put down because of the irresponsibility of humans. Not having an animal spayed/neutered should be punishable by law, in my opinion. God bless you for doing so much for those who cannot do for themselves❤️
Jan 09Reply

@lori_39 Thanks so much Lori, and thank you for taking in the kittens, and caring for their mom. I'm curious why you feel you have to wait until it's warmer to get her spayed. I think trapping her in the winter would be easier, because it will be harder for her to find food, and therefore easier to trap her. I trapped a pregnant cat, who gave birth to 4 kittens (Inney, Meeny, Miney and Moe) the day after I brought her in to the vet! (cont)
Jan 09Reply

@lori_39 I couldn't spay her, because she was nursing, so I set her up in a cage in my basement with the kittens until they were weened. We ended up keeping all of the kittens (so hard to let them go when you have them since birth!) and built a contraption on the porch, where there was a heated house on one end of a long, mesh tunnel, and a large cat condo on the other end, which held her litter box on the bottom, and her food and water on a top shelf. (cont)
Jan 09Reply

@lori_39 Every morning and evening, I would go out, and ring a bell when I fed her (we had relocated immediately following trapping her, and she was unfamiliar with the new neighborhood). I did this for about 5 months, & one day, I just left the door to the cage open, & prayed she would come back when she heard the bell.(cont)
Jan 09Reply

@lori_39 It took a few days, but sure enough, she returned every time I rang the bell for some time. I knew that one day she wouldn't come back... life for ferals is not easy, but her kittens were well cared for. You did a wonderful thing, helping them. Kittens don't do well in the winter... you're a hero❤️
Jan 09Reply

@11thstreet My landlord hates cats. Some people are just like that. It didn't help that the houses were such eyesores. Granted, they were under a porch, but they were really very unattractive. The ones I am making look pretty, and they don't look like cat houses at all. I'm being very mindful of my neighbors and landlord. (cont)
Jan 09Reply

@11thstreet No one likes to see cat-dishes out all over the place, or ugly boxes covered with black hefty bags (although that is the cheapest, most effective way to make a cat shelter). The cats are stray, mostly. A couple are feral, but I can pet at least 4 of them. They wouldn't be adoptable though; not by the average person, at least. Someone who had experience taming ferals, which is hard, but I've done it (with very young cats). (cont)
Jan 09Reply

@11thstreet If I didn't have any cats, I would take the 2 who have been living on my porch since I moved here in, but I have cats, and I the outdoor ones would be very unhappy, as would my fur babies, so I can't take them in now. The local shelter only takes dogs anyway, and the North Shore Animal League, which is located in my town, doesn't usually take animals from this area, believe it or not.(cont)
Jan 09Reply

@11thstreet Most of their animals come from the South, where strays are much more populous and problematic, and puppy/cat mills that are closed down due to animal abuse/neglect. I don't have any complaints about caring for them, although it can be a financial burden. (cont)
Jan 09Reply

@11thstreet Once the shelters I'm building are in place and being occupied, I'll feel a lot better about the situation. It's just expensive & time consuming to build what I feel is appropriate to accommodate them inconspicuously (like making a large, wooden planter, that actually has plants growing on the top, but is hallow and insulated on the inside, with a hidden door for kitties to live in).(cont)
Jan 09Reply

@11thstreet I have one done already, and it's occupied by a little black cat who lives on my front porch! It's a disguised mail box, and I put my Posh packages on it for the postal carrier to pick up! I'll take some photos of it tomorrow❤️
Jan 09Reply

@rmccouture Thank you for your kind words. You're a hero to all the cats too! I've been in contact with my local humane alliance and they wanted to wait until it was a little warmer to trap and spay the mama because of her recovery and exposed belly. I live in Iowa and it has been brutal. They suggested we try in March.
Jan 09Reply

@rmccouture I will continue to feed her and the other cat that has been coming around. I also have a Styrofoam shelter with hay, but I don't think anyone is using it. I hope these 2 stay around for awhile. It was heartbreaking taking the kittens away from their mama, but I knew it was in their best interest. I would like to keep one of the kittens but I haven't been able to convince my husband. We have 2 cats. What's one more? Thanks again for all you are doing!
Jan 09Reply

@shelbylynn74 I just read your post, above. I thought I was the only crazy cat lady on posh. Ha :) We live in the country (farms everywhere) and there are too many strays to count :( This time is the absolute worst. Thank you BOTH for all that you do! ❤️
Jan 10Reply

I bought a heating pad (electric) & I keep it on the floor of the shelter I made. Even when it's on the LOW setting, it's pretty warm. It's a Sunbeam brand that I got on Amazon for $20. One of my feral strays loves it and spends 95% of the winter in the shelter on the heating pad (in a dog shelter I purchased at PetSmart for about $75). I filled it with warm blankets but keep the The heating pad exposed at the bottom (in a pillow case to keep it clean) on the lowest setting. :)
Jan 10Reply

You are so spot on. I work with @BrooklynAnimalAction & currently foster two kittens! I do their social media, check us out...and sharing!
Jan 10Reply

@rmccouture wow. I'm speechless. As the girl above said, hero is the only appropriate word to describe your compassion and loyalty to helping stray cats. Just wow <3
Jan 13Reply

Prevent pregnancies and donate to help spay and fix strays ...compassion, fix/spay, adopt/foster PLEASE...every animal deserves a great home and love!!
Jan 14Reply

@slaka Amen Deb! All of the strays are spayed/neutered. It would be cruel to feed and shelter them without fixing them. That would just make them more fertile, and there would be more suffering kitties out there. i'm a HUGE TNR supported. Trapped 25 cats where I used to live, and convinced the management company of the apartment complex to cover the cost. It's the only way to go, if they can't be brought indoors❤️
Jan 14Reply

@mspm Absolutely Maria; every life is priceless. It is an additional expense for me to shoulder though, and I'm the type of person who will make sure my cats (indoor fur-babies) and the kitties outside eat before I do... so every sale helps❤️
Jan 14Reply

Omg amazing. I have two of my own fur babies and I foster kittens rescued from high kill shelters. Thank you so much for doing this! Xo
Jan 19Reply

@indigobean Thanks for your support Kelsey. I'm doing all that I can for them. One of the guys got frostbite on both of his ears, and he's not doing well. It's heartbreaking to watch. I didn't see him yesterday, but he came by to eat today. I'm keeping an eye on him, just in case it looks like he's suffering. (cont)
Jan 19Reply

@indigobean There are enough make-shift shelters I've put out for him to be warm in... I don't know why he isn't using them. He might just be sick. Breaks my heart. Going out to find some more materials to use to make the shelters as covert & insulated as possible. God bless you for fostering! I have 5 rescues who live indoors with me already, or I'd take the whole lot inside! ❤️ Amanda
Jan 19Reply

This is the sweetest thing I've seen today!!! Love that you are so willing to help these lovely creatures!!! 💓💓💓
Jan 22Reply

@bgab @carenlovesgucci @hrachal @kirabella35 @motherskiss @karens54 @treasuresbytrac @marlanap @clever102 @stylenu @smegathlin @jodisjewelry @janimack7 @cali1018 @rrsanborn @joleneberg @kidzcloths626 @karebear51
Please help share!!!!😘
Jan 22Reply

@rmccouture I just love your heart!❤️SO much!! Those precious babies are so blessed to have you in their lives!!🐱😻Thank you, PFF Tiff!💕💐🌹😘🌹💐💕
Jan 22Reply

Please share😻🐱Thanks so much! 💕💐🌹😘🌹💐💕@molinda25 @marcie0707 @healchno @saundie @valorieann @nkhob
Jan 22Reply

Amanda, you are AMAZING! GOOD DEED ALERT! Thanks for the tag, Tiffany❣ @mrsmadariaga @bdbcsr @ccprice74 @clever102 @dinofinder @flutter_buys @grace4d @hippiewife @hopesparkles @joyamarino @justice10forme @lhaag721 @loopholer @matadora1978 @mctracey @michiv @mrsmadariaga @nic39 @niftylisa @kirabella35
Jan 22Reply

Amanda, you are AMAZING! GOOD DEED ALERT! Thanks for the tag, Tiffany❣ @mrsmadariaga @51twenty @abstractdreams @auchieau @bamagirl017 @blackbird327 @caligirlinmn @creative2 @debbie043058 @fionaspassion @frannyzfinds @icaton @incognito @jennfrn @katm83 @kornbread11 @mandapanda83 @molinda @nami01 @nanookmom
Jan 22Reply

Amanda, you are AMAZING! GOOD DEED ALERT! Thanks for the tag, Tiffany❣ @mrsmadariaga @nanookmom @prettydonna @sdjean @sunlvr1821 @treasuresbytracey @acephalous @adh7311 @amywhip @autumnlynn3 @bellanblue @blondsoul @candykissa @fashioncravings @glorygirl_blue @goldievd @hiilei @hila808 @hsohailk @jill555 @kimeejae @laskinr @nia1113 @piksty @swirlygurl @threadz2u @trina2110 @twinkletoestoni
Jan 22Reply

Love u and Happy Birthday honey! xo @rmccouture
Jan 22Reply

🤗Awwwwww that's so awesome💕💕PLEASE SHARE💕@saundie @backwoodsbarn @t_ms_sincerity @kimsthings @nkhob@bellafiore4
Jan 22Reply

Thank you for being so loving & taking action! My mother also traps & spays cats at age 83. All my precious cats I have had the privilege to have....are all rescues tho I'm down to 1 right now who is kind of crazy lol, (my dogs are almost 16 yrs old & need extra attention right now). I'm so touched reading thru this.. You are an angel. 🌻🌻🌻💖💖💖🎉🎉🎉🙌Dee
Jan 22Reply

@poshgalnycla I'm going to check out your site. So good of you to dedicate your time to promoting such a worthy cause! Thank you!❤️
Jan 22Reply

@poshgalnycla You do a great job! I want to adopt all of them! I can't go to animal shelters. I would either leave crying, and not stop crying for days, or leave with more animals than I can handle/afford!
Jan 22Reply

@carlievaughan Thanks so much Carlie❤️
Jan 22Reply

@summerbabe08080 Thanks so much Ashleigh. I'm not a hero; I'm just doing what a responsible person should do. People who don't take care of their animals are barbaric. Doing the right thing doesn't make me a hero; everyone should do right in the world where they can, in my opinion❤️
Jan 22Reply

@slaka Hey Deb. All of the cats are spayed/neutered. I did TNR for years. Don't worry! No kittens in this colony!❤️
Jan 22Reply

@armani4 Thanks Wendy! I do what I can to make the world and the creatures who inhabit in it a better place. Everyone does, in his/her own way❤️
Jan 22Reply

@mrsmadariaga Love you Tiffany. You are the personification of a good deed❤️
Jan 22Reply

@treasuresbytrac Thank you Tracey! I try to do what I can. I actually got a text from my landlord today, saying the cats were on his car, and asking me if I was feeding them. They have been living here for over 9 years! I moved in last year. The cats were here before i was, ad I've never seen a cat on ANYONE'S car! He hates cats, which is why I'm disguising their shelters. Did you see my Posh shipping cat shelter?
Jan 22Reply

No, my friend you are the greatest good deed doer for helping these cats. Thank you!!! I hope my sharing helps out in some small way. ❤️❤️❤️
Jan 22Reply

Thank you for the tag @mrsmadariaga I'll start sharing this awesome closet now💞💞💞🐱
Jan 22Reply

Jan 22Reply

Hooray for you! I love kitties and the thought of them being out in the cold really upsets me!! You're awesome for building them shelters!!!
Jan 22Reply

@ymca_girl. Pls share this
Jan 22Reply

@rmccouture you go the extra mile, x 1000! You are a a hero in my book 😚
Jan 23Reply

@mbvaughn @janimack7 @kirabella35 @jaimee_mackey @erinctrent @matadora1978 @warrior04 @justice10forme @bella_rose13 @tchouseofstyle @pink_bee @cncalabro @sunnietrish @niftylisa @couturegypsy @paicar @samipoo24 @piksty @hsohailk @poshgirlsglam @clever102 @joyamarino @mmadonna40 @ankalo @rnicu00 @jmjla7 @rrsanborn @christinejammo @califashtrends @dovesofashtrees @momogo
Jan 23Reply

@rmccouture 💕😻💕 You're such an amazing & caring woman, Amanda!👍Some people might not understand all that is being accomplished, but you are doing the right thing!! I'm glad you are also finding some healing in the process... 🌠💕😻 ❤, U can be 🐾PAWS -ATIVE🐾 that these cats you are helping to stay safe, warm & alive feel the love you have for them & are super grateful. 😻 'crazy' cat ladies unite!: 🐾😻🐾 @abstractdreams 💕 😻💕 @tezza630 🐾 😻 💕
Jan 24Reply

@nia1113 @rmccouture
Oh, Nia, I'm very glad that you shared this. Amanda, you're so wonderful to care for those beautiful kitties. Thank you for your generous heart.
💚💚😽 tari
Jan 25Reply

Hi Redd! Would you please help Amanda and share this generous post to your Kitteh Krew?
😽Love & Kittens!!😽 tari
Jan 25Reply

🔵💚Plz lmk if you'd like to be removed from the list! 💚🔵
Jan 25Reply

Aww what a sweet thing to do! Wishing you lots of sales so you can get them tons of catnip & warm shelters!
Jan 25Reply

You're so cool and I love you!!!!!!!!# GOALS
Jan 25Reply

@tezza630 😻👏👏OMGOSH TARI AND AMANDA @rmccouture I HAD NO IDEA YOU DID THIS FOR ALL THOSE FERALS😻👏👏ANGEL OF MERCY YOU ARE😻👏👏PKFF LADIES LETS HELP AMANDA ANY WAY WE CAN😻👏👏@stealthycat @vricca @lakeforest @vacat @blandw @mistyheart @wildboutfashion @scarlettstained @momoretro @curvypetite2013 @snapfashion @romaesunnshine @poshboutique16 @threkats @rocoko @taunyaarmstrong @tezza630 @clever102 @mandapanda83 @poshgarden @antonetteo @vicky_ymcagirl😻👏👏😻🙏🏼🙏🏼
Jan 25Reply

REDD!! Thank you so much for sharing this!! ❤❤
Jan 25Reply

Bless you!!!😘😘😘😻😻😻🐾🐾🐾 I totally get this!
Jan 25Reply

You are such a wonderful, kind soul! 😘❤️❤️ xoxo Will share this often my lovely friend! ☀️
Jan 25Reply

You are so sweet to do this. ❤️
Jan 26Reply

Just in case you all have not seen her post! ❤@luvabully3
Jan 26Reply

Have you all seen Amanda's post?? ❤🐱
@ptl8 @nic39 @stylenu @tburg21 @croweart @exwolfe @kirabella35 @marcie0707 @restlessangel @triciatx @kwalden01 @creative2 @warrior04 @liss_luvlace @angelbritton
Jan 26Reply

@@ vicky_ymcagirl thanks for sharing this
Jan 26Reply

@mockngbyrd 💕
Jan 26Reply

@vicky_ymcagirl 😘👍🏻TY Vicky for this fabulous post!! I will definitely be sharing...gotta take care of those kitties.💕💓💞
Jan 26Reply

Hey all...L👀K at this....The kitties need your help!👍🏻@tezza630 @marcie0707 @vicky_ymcagirl @shoppermaj @justice10forme @tomi_o @mmadonna40 @janimack7 @paradise_808 @51twenty @dramaless @poshtessa @pnjmcdonald @goldievd @warrior04 @wifey86 @lgolivardia @emoral @karen1177 @crystallavery @samipoo24❗️Do Not Copy List❗️
Jan 26Reply

Jan 26Reply

@janimack7 I'm trying my best! I have to try and trap one tomorrow. He has such bad frostbite on his ears, it's awful. I don't know why he isn't staying in any of the shelters I've built. It's heartbreaking to see them suffer... I wish I could do more. Hopefully they'll be able to just clip the frostbitten parts... but if he's suffering... i hate that part of taking care of them. Doing what's right is so often heartbreaking...❤️
Jan 27Reply

@mandapanda83 Love you too Amanda! Thanks for the birthday wishes❤️ I hope things are going well for you at home❤️❤️❤️
Jan 27Reply

@valorieann Thanks so much for sharing this. I'm not able to posh as much because I'm so busy trying to get these guys comfortable. One of them has terrible frostbite on both of his ears... I'm going to try to trap him tomorrow & bring him to a vet. Hopefully they will be able to mend him up... but the fact that he's not staying inside one of the warm shelters I've put out is really disturbing. I hope that I can help him, even if it means seeing that he doesn't suffer anymore. Breaks my heart...
Jan 27Reply

@grace4d God bless your mom and you Dee❤️ Caring for these abandoned fur balls is hard... I have to try and trap one tomorrow who has terrible frostbite on both of his ears, if not elsewhere. I'm praying that they can mend him, but if he's suffering, I will do what I must to make sure the suffering doesn't last. That's the worst part about trying to take care of them... failing.❤️
Jan 27Reply

@bgab Thanks so much Sami❤️ I really appreciate it! ❤️Amanda
Jan 27Reply

@moxington Thanks for the support S❤️
Jan 27Reply

@rcraddock01 Thanks Rhoda. I do what I can... but sometimes no matter how I try, I fail... I have to try and trap one of them tomorrow. He has awful frostbite on both ears...There are enough shelters now for him to be warm in one, but he's not going in any of them. I just hope they can mend him up... If not, I will do what I have to do to make sure he doesn't suffer. Breaks my heart.❤️
Jan 27Reply

@rmccouture Likewise! 😍 Thank you for being an angel for kitties. 🐱💕
Jan 27Reply

@rmccouture 💖💖 u are doing ur best..more than most do.. you can't carry it all alone.. are there others who help out? Contact your local news maybe? I know it's hard.. humans can be so cruel (ppl out here throw their animals off in the desert - i don't understand that & never will).. it's just heart breaking.. is there a gofundme on this? 💖💖💖Dee
Jan 27Reply

@summerbabe08080 Thanks Ashleigh❤️ I try!
Jan 27Reply

@nia1113 Thanks Nia❤️❤️❤️ I'm trying... I'm having a hard time with one. He won't stay in any of the shelters I've made, and now both of his ears have frostbite so bad, he's bleeding all over the place. I'm going to try and trap him tomorrow to take him to the vet. Hopefully they can mend him... but it's not good that he won't stay where it's warm... I will do what I can to make sure he doesn't suffer....❤️❤️❤️
Jan 27Reply

@allyoop23 Thanks so much Ally❤️
Jan 27Reply

@turkoiculture Love you too beautiful! It's really time-consuming, and occasionally heartbreaking work, but I have to do it because it's not their fault that they were not taken care of by the people who adopted them. I can't stand irresponsible pet owners. They're the worst kind of selfish possible.
Jan 27Reply

@rmccouture I agree! The animal shelter is Santa Fe is no kill! I love going there! Xox keep doing you girl you rock!
Jan 27Reply

@flowersnmyheart Thanks Redd!!! What's a PKFF??? I've was involved in a massive TNR push about 15 years ago, right after my brother passed away. I've always been an animal lover, & was living in an apartment complex where there were feral cats run over, sick, and suffering all around me. I kept saying to myself, "somebody has to do something. Somebody has to do something!"... (cont)
Jan 27Reply

@flowersnmyheart And then I remembered a story about a woman from Queens named Kitty Genovese (her first name is ironic, but not why I thought of her). She was raped and murdered in front of a 200 unit apartment building in the 70s. She screamed her head-off, & while everyone heard her, no one called the police, because they all assumed everyone else had already called... (cont)
Jan 27Reply

@flowersnmyheart I had been taking care of my brother for years, and realized that I now had to take care of those kitties, because I was the "somebody" who had to do something. I got in touch with a local spay/neuter organization, trapped over 25 cats while I lived there, and started a coalition, which petitioned & got permission from the town to use "unsafe" park grounds (unsafe for people, not cats) to build shelters there. (cont)
Jan 27Reply

@flowersnmyheart When my ex & I moved out of that town, we had 10 cats. an 11th came to us after one of his stupid coworkers took an unweaned kitted from her mom, and I had to nurse her until she could eat dry food. When we split up, I took 5, and he kept 6. I lost 2 over the past 5 years, but found Chewbacca & Princess Leia (my first long-haired cats (part rag-doll), so I still have 5 (cont)
Jan 27Reply

@flowersnmyheart I can't stand to see animals suffer. I actually have to try and trap one guy who has terrible frostbite on both of his ears. I have enough shelters out for him to be warm and dry, but he's clearly not using any of them. Breaks my flippin' heart❤️
Jan 27Reply

@lakeforest I know you do Dotty! Miss you and hope you're feeling well. Ever here from our lovely @tippijax Cathy? I miss her light on here❤️
Jan 27Reply

@magnaplus55 Thanks so much for ALL of your support Lillian. Helping the cats helps me feel better, and takes away a little of the pain I have over losing my dad. I can't stand to see animals suffer. It keeps me up at night with worry. They deserve to be treated the way their owners should have treated them, instead of being abandoned to fight to survive outside. I really appreciate your kind words and shares❤️❤️❤️
Jan 27Reply

@juliewahoo Thanks so much Julie. I really don't have a choice. I can't sleep, literally, without knowing that I've done everything in my power to see that these guys are taken care of. They're innocent victims of irresponsible people, and they deserve to live in comfort and safety❤️
Jan 27Reply

@rmccouture Posh KITTEH FURever Friends is the name of "My" KITTEH LOVERS Group......Amanda; you have seen SO Much...you have DONE so Much; you ARE at the TOP of MY Strongest Women EVER List‼️😻👏👏😻👍👍 'IF' you would like I would LOVE to add you to My KITTEH Group; the PKFF'S😻⁉️
Jan 27Reply

@flowersnmyheart that would be a very big honor Redd ! Thank you do much for inviting me. I love you.:-
Jan 27Reply

Yes once in awhile we talk or send each other really long texts..since I got sick not lately but soon though! I hope you're managing ok physically & emotionally since your Dad's passing. I lost my Mom 11 years ago & was very close to her & know what you've experienced! It's not easy. I felt her absence the most when my cancer came & it's the same thing that took her away from me😪 I think of you often Amanda😘 Stay strong dear friend!❤️🌹😻
Jan 27Reply

This is a cause very close to my heart! My dream is to win the lottery and open a sanctuary with a full vet staff for all the stray animals! We have a lot in common. Love you! Hope you raise tons of money!! Always, Amanda🐼😘😘😘 @rmccouture
Jan 27Reply

@rmccouture Hi there! What a fabulous idea & wonderfully caring thing you're doing. I'm a dog rescuer & Posh funds my rescue. So nice to meet another animal person on here!❤🐾
Jan 29Reply

@banzman55 Thanks Barb- I'm working on converting a WW2 army locker trunk into a shelter now. It's not that I'm so awesome, it's that these little guys shouldn't suffer because other people were so thoughtless. Making proper shelters, which don't look like shelters is a lot of work! I'll be glad once they're complete and inhabited by these cute little fur balls!❤️
Jan 31Reply

Shared! Bless you and best of luck to you and your sweet kitties ❤🐱
Feb 01Reply

Hi! Can you please help, I see you love cats as much as I do so I'm sure you'll be appalled to hear that there is a posher babygurl97 trying to sell kittens on poshmark, I honestly thought it was a joke at first...would you mind reporting her as well? Thank you so much and thank you for all that you do to help kitties! ❤️😺
Feb 06Reply

@rmccouture Amanda Super post! I also did this in Tennessee at our apt with a mother and her babies ❤. When we moved another sweet lady took over.. awe!!
Feb 06Reply

What an awesome thing you're doing! I live on Long Island & that seems to be an all too common problem! I myself have bottle fed abandoned kittens, bunnies, rescued & found homes for 11 cats & have volunteered at local shelters & one local animal hospice! I love that your helping those who need it most...those without a voice of their own!! I also train dogs, cats & small animals too! If you ever need any help, please don't hesitate to contact me!!
Feb 09Reply

I could probably even have my fiancé build one of those shelters for you! It just so happens he loves making stuff & we may just have the materials to make it (or most of them) here already, as we're renovating our entire house over! So let me know how I can help...I'd be happy to!
Feb 09Reply

@missrobynjay Thanks so much Robyn! I spent the majority of today bringing 2 cats I trapped due to apparent illness (one's ear's were falling off- it was awful!) back home after spending a week at the vet. They treated his ears, and the little one, who lives in my Posh shipping box, had what they feared was a tumor on the back of her tongue removed (cont)
Feb 09Reply

@missrobynjay Turns out it was scar tissue (phew!) Now she can swallow and breath better. The kitty with the ear thing got fixed (I was told all of the cats were spayed, but this guy wasn't, and his shredded ears were apparently due to a fight) I then made sure that all of the shelters had working heat sources, and lined my porch with clear, heavy plastic and curtains so that it (hopefully) stays relatively free from the blizzard's snow, and the winds get cut down. (cont)
Feb 09Reply

@missrobynjay It was a hack job, I admit, but at least there's some additional coverage. I really appreciate your support of my need to take care of these little guys!❤️
Feb 09Reply

@sicilianhippie Oh Rosalia! That's AWFUL! Did you report the closet to PM? That's the first thing I would do. The second thing would be to not engage with whoever the Posher is, and allow PM to take care of the situation. I've seen people selling snakes, dogs.... all kinds of crazy things! It's bizarre... but best to leave it to the experts. Thanks for asking me & supporting me in helping the cats outside of my house❤️
Feb 09Reply

@wlew I would be playing the role of the new "sweet lady" who moved in to the situation, and took it to a whole new level! 2 cats were trapped and brought to the vet last week. The male wasn't neutered (he is now) and his ears got shredded in a fight. (cont)
Feb 09Reply

@wlew The female who lives inside of my PM shipping container (in a fully insulated, heated apartment!) had what they were afraid was a tumor on the back of her tongue. Turns out it was just bad scar tissue, so it shouldn't come back. She'll be able to eat and breathe so much better now!❤️
Feb 09Reply

@lindafloe Thanks Linda. I can't help myself. I see them out there and I have to make sure that they're as warm and safe and dry as possible. Spent the whole night protecting where they live from the blizzard coming our way. I can't speak for all of them, but I know that 3 are lounging in heated apartments, out of harm's way, and that there are enough shelters placed around where I live for the rest of the kitties to all have their own shelter. I just hope that they use them!❤️
Feb 09Reply

@jenimadedesigns Wow Jeni! That would be awesome! I just came in from 5 hours outside, adding final touches to my porch to try and keep the snow from getting in, the wind from blowing too hard on my little furry friends, etc. I love doing carpentry, but I'm not as skilled as I would like to be. (cont)
Feb 09Reply

@jenimadedesigns I ended up buying 2 WW2 army locker trunks (65" x 26" 26") cutting to sections out of the front panel, and covering the cut-out sections almost all of the way with Plexiglass, except for the "door" that allows the cats to enter it.The interior is lined with styrofoam und Reflectix, this great mylar-like product that reflects that cat's body heat back onto him/her.
Feb 09Reply

@jenimadedesigns Then I found a couple of outdoor shelter heaters, so three out of 5 of them are heated I just brought 2 cats back from the vet today; one got into one helluva fight, and both of his ears were falling off! (cont)
Feb 09Reply

@jenimadedesigns I couldn't stand the idea that he was in pain, so I got in touch with HUG (Humane Urban Group) and they paid to neuter and treat the male, and took care of the little one who lives in my Posh shipping box. I was out three tonight because I wanted to hang plastic around the openings on my porch to keep the snow and wind out.
Feb 09Reply

@jenimadedesigns The plexiglass is a selfish thing. I get so much pleasure by seeing them inside of the shelters. I it my "Catquarium"! I have to upload photos. These are the most spoiled strays on Long Island, hand down!
Feb 09Reply

@rmccouture Amanda this is amazing! So happy the female only had a scar! They look ready for the weather your suppose to get today! ❤❤
Feb 09Reply

@banzman55 Thanks for the thoughts Barb! Was up until 5am this morning, battening down the hatches on the porch to keep the snow/wind as limited as possible. I added new pics of 2 of the fur balls, living in a converted (heated) army trunk! Love those guys!❤️❤️❤️
Feb 09Reply

@lindafloe That's AMAZING Linda! Gingies, the orange tabby in the photos, is such a mush. Definitely not feral. He lets me brush him, and snuggles into me every time I go out feed him (of course, I did provide him with a fully heated, windowed, insulated, large condo by converting the army locker trunk into a house for him, but he was a lover long before the winter came!❤️)
Feb 09Reply

@rmccouture @rmccouture thank you so much for taking time to respond and listen ❤️sorry for the rant, I did report it...took everything in me not to engage!
Feb 09Reply

@sicilianhippie Of course I would reply! I'm proud of you for not engaging. If I were you, I would check on the listing to make sure that it's been removed. If it hasn't, I have a network of animal lovers on here who I can tag in the closet, and it will be removed after they get their paws on the seller (pun intended!❤️)
Feb 09Reply

@rmccouture I just checked and unfortunately it is still up 😞 that would be great! I can't thank you enough 😘🐾❤️
Feb 09Reply

@rmccouture Amanda did you see my tag on my closet to you? I want to help you!!
Feb 10Reply

@balgal2 Hey Sandi! Thanks so much sweetie. I was overwhelmed by the blizzard, taking care of my daughter, my own fur-babies, and making sure the guys outside were dug out and doing well. Then PM went down. This is the first I'm able to get back on since 5pm. I'll look for your message. You're the best❤️
Feb 10Reply

@sicilianhippie Rosalia, please write the name of the posher, without using the "@" sign in a closed listing, deep in the dungeons of my closet! Lol. I will check it out, send PM a message, and alert the animal squad! It'll be down STAT!❤️
Feb 10Reply

@rmccouture ur a doll 😘😘😘 thank you 😺
Feb 10Reply

Every time I see this listing I think how sweet you are to care for these precious animals!!! 💞💞💞💞
Feb 11Reply

@armani4 Thanks so much Wendy. It makes me feel really good to see them all safe and warm, especially after we got so much snow in NY, and it's 14 degrees here right now! These guys are probably warmer than I am! ❤️
Feb 11Reply

You are wonderful!!
Feb 11Reply

Feb 17Reply

Amazing! Thanks for doing what you do for these kittens. I use to go feed and help shelter cats and kittens when I lived in Indianapolis. Now 2 of them live with me! Matilda is the one I have set as my closet profile pic (and yes, that is an avocado helmet on her head 😂). The other is a beautiful Black cat named Tuna. They were both living in shelters just like the ones in your photo before they found a new home with me! I wish I could have taken them all!
Thanks for all you do!✌❤😻
Feb 17Reply

@tattoosandtofu Sharing with my fellow cat loving Posh Sisters!!🐾 🐱🐾 Check out her listings about this winter, cat saving effort!! The cats are spayed &/or neutered, but either feral or homeless and need shelter for the winter time.💗 Please share!! 💗🐱💗
Feb 18Reply

Keep updating us with pics! I love it. You're wonderful. Xo
Feb 23Reply

@indigobean I just took some new ones yesterday Kelsey! I'll upload them asap! Thanks so much for checking in and helping me help the outdoor furbabies❤️
Feb 23Reply

@rmccouture I did! You are so amazing. I've been doing the same for years I love my ferals and the people who help them.
Mar 02Reply

@cherryblast Me too Sherri! ❤️ These guys aren't feral, they're stray. They were abandoned, and now I've "adopted" them as my outdoor cats, making heating homes for them, seeing to their veterinary needs, feeding them, giving them rubs, etc. I love them so much, and they are so appreciative of what I've done for them. (cont)
Mar 02Reply

@cherryblast It makes me feel really great knowing that because of PM, I have been able to provide them with what they need to be safe, warm, cared for and fed! Are you using your sales from Poshmark to help your ferals?❤️
Mar 02Reply

Oh yes! I have to buy their food! And they get the good stuff! Treats a d canned! You go all out. Making homes. I'm super impressed. You are so awesome. I've lived in my townhouse complex for 26 yrs New management took over a few years back and I got write ups for feeding "stray animals" if you get three they can evict you. I tried explaining that the situation but they don't care. Now I have to be careful they don't see their food dishes.
Mar 02Reply

@cherryblast Making feeding stations helps. I've taken to using old baskets, that look like they used to have flowers inside of them, turning them on their sides, and using the bases for flower pots (the dishes that catch the water when you water the plants) as food dishes. They blend in really well, and if you plant flowers, or put real flower pots around them, no one will suspect cats are eating inside. (cont)
Mar 02Reply

@cherryblast I don't know what your garbage can situation is, if you live in a community that has a compactor or something, but I've also created feeding stations, as well as shelters out of garbage cans! You get a large garbage can, insulate it, put a hole on the back side where no one can see it, and then put a smaller insulated garbage can inside of the larger one. Put a lid on it, and voila! A totally inconspicuous shelter! (cont)
Mar 02Reply

@cherryblast My landlord hates cats, so I had to be creative in making the shelters and feeding stations. I use my Poshmark shipping box as a shelter as well. I had a friend help me create one out of wood. It's painted white, and says "USPS" all over it. On the side of the box, which faces some shrubs, there's an entrance for the kitty who lives inside. it's fully insulated and heated, and I use it to ship out my PM purchases! (cont)
Mar 02Reply

@cherryblast I even bought fake plants to place in front of my door, because I don't have any evergreens there, and I needed more coverage for the feeding stations/shelters. You can go to Goodwill or the Salvo and get all kinds of things for really cheap. The most important thing is that no one knows cats are using what you put out as shelter or to get food. (cont)
Mar 02Reply

@cherryblast All of that aside, it's proven all over the place that maintaining a healthy, sterile feral cat colony is the best way to deal with the feral cat problem. Clearly you're not the only source of food for them. There are rodents and birds and I'm sure other people who are feeding them, so if the complex got rid of all of the cats there now, new cats would move in because there's something other than you that is drawing them. (cont)
Mar 02Reply

@cherryblast You may want to give a presentation to the board or whoever they are with the following information from a very highly respected feral cat research group called Alley Cat Allies. Here's their website: https://www.alleycat.org/resources/why-trap-neuter-return-feral-cats-the-case-for-tnr/ (cont)
Mar 02Reply

@cherryblast The main complaints that people have about the ferals are the noise and smell, both of which are eliminated when TNR is put into place. If you have other cat sympathizers who you can get to sign a petition, you may be able to achieve a wonderful result! I ended up starting a coalition of apartment dwellers who advocated for the cats after I moved. The name of the road we lived on was Clent, so we called it the Clent Cat Coalition. (cont)
Mar 02Reply

@cherryblast I had over 25 cats spayed/neutered/adopted out, and unfortunately, some that had to be put down because they had FLV (feline leukemia. It's not cancer, but it's highly contagious, the cats suffer terribly, and it was the only right thing to do for the cats and the colony). FLV is NOT to be confused with FIV (it's NOT the same thing as Aids. Cats who are not symptomatic can live long, healthy lives while being FIV+.(cont)
Mar 02Reply

@cherryblast It's transferred through fighting, not reproduction, so once the colony is all fixed, it stops being passed along, and the cats are usually healthy. I think that something like 80% of lions are FIV+. It gets a bad rap because it reminds people of HIV, but it's totally not the same, except that it can affect their immune systems in rare cases. (cont)
Mar 02Reply

@cherryblast I strongly urge you to get a group together to present the truth about the positive aspects of maintaining a healthy feral colony to whoever runs the apartments. You can find hundreds of different studies on how doing TNR, and taking care of the ferals by providing them with non-obstructive/non-obstrusive shelter & feeding stations actually helps everyone, including people live cleaner, more serene lives. (cont)
Mar 02Reply

If that's not something you can do, find a garden and start coming up with creative ways to hide what you're doing... but really, TNR makes so much sense, people will have a very hard time arguing against it. the cases of feral overpopulation In areas that have adopted the TNR suggestions, and how significant the effect of TNR has been on keeping the population down are incontrovertible.(cont)
Mar 02Reply

@cherryblast I used to tell people, "if you hate cats, you should love me. I'm stopping them from reproducing, fighting and spraying!" Good luck Sherri! Please let me know if you take any of these suggestions, and how they work out for you! ❤️Amanda
Mar 02Reply

@rmccouture sorry I fell asleep last night but wanted to thank you for all of your suggestions and ideas. I'm happy to know so many others out there are helping.
Mine are all TNR and I've been trying to be more inconspicuous with the feeding. You have a wealth of knowledge my dear. Maybe you should start your own company?!!
Mar 02Reply

I know about alley cats. I get their calendar and donate to them each year. Another amazing group. Thanks again for all the wonderful suggestions.
Mar 02Reply

Mar 04Reply

Such beautiful babies😽😻😹🐈🐈🐯🐾🐾🐾🐾💕💖
Mar 06Reply

@rmccouture Bless you Amanda.♡ Heart of gold. All three of ours are rescues, and I can't begin to imagine life without them.
Mar 07Reply

❤ This is so sweet! We don't have a huge feral cat problem around here, but we did coax in a stray this winter, a mostly-grown kitten who was out crying in a snow storm. The chihuahua wasn't too impressed, but she's part of the family now.
Mar 11Reply

@rmccouture why did you not tell me you would be at Posh Nation? I was debating going but did not know who would be there.
Mar 19Reply

@franonymous UGH! Because I'm an IDIOT Fran! I seriously wasn't going to go, and then I realized alternate side of the street parking was suspended, and figured no one would be going in. There was a glitch on my desktop, which prevented me from searching for my "local" PFFs. It's a miracle that I was able to make it into the city and not get lost. (cont)
Mar 19Reply

@franonymous I'm SO upset with myself for not tagging you. Honestly, I grabbed an old list from a previous Posh Party that happened on Long Island, and that's what I used to tag people. I missed like, 40 people I know from Posh who live around the city. I hope you're not offended. I would have been THRILLED to see you there. I never go into Manhattan. The snow made it easier for me, actually, if that makes sense.
Mar 19Reply

@franonymous I will NOT forget to tag you the next time they have one that I can make! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ How are you feeling?
Mar 19Reply

@rmccouture I am not offended. I das just wondering if I was going to know someone there to make it worth the trip which would have bern tough and expensive to get into the city. Anyway, I am not doing great, but I am still here. Cheers
Mar 19Reply

Thank you so much for caring and giving a voice for the voiceless. Warms my heart to see Good Samaritans still out there for these cute little defenseless soul. 🙏🏼
Apr 01Reply

@rmccouture In case I haven't told you this lately: You're AWESOME for doing this to help the cats, Amanda!!😇😘 They can't speak for themselves!!! 💕😻💕 Where I live, we still have plenty of snow on the ground (it snowed yesterday and Friday) and are expecting more this week.🌨😭🌨 Whoever said it's Spring, obviously doesn't live in the Northeast!! ❄⛄❄ Cold here more than 6 months a year!! 🌬 Anyhow, still sharing! ❤,Nia 🐾😻XOXOXO😻🐾
Apr 02Reply

@nia1113 Thanks so much Nia❤️ I'm in NY, and it was FREEZING here last week. It rained non-stop for 3 days this past weekend. The kitty that had the frost-bitten ears in January showed up soaking wet. I was glad that he had a place to dry out, and when he was eating, I switched out the wet bedding for fresh bedding. I'm beginning to plan for flea season. I can touch 3 of the cats, but getting the rest of them flea-free will be challenging. (cont)
Apr 03Reply

I'm looking into natural oils & sprays that I can put into their shelters to keep the potential flea issue to a minimum. I love those fur-balls so much❤️❤️❤️
Apr 03Reply

@nia1113 (see above! Forgot to tag you!)❤️
Apr 03Reply

@rmccouture Thank you for doing what you do! It brings me joy to know there are kind people like yourself out there helping animals in need. 😊 My kitty cat was living outside when I took him in as a kitten and I love him to death; his name is Bang and now his dad is around, Bang Sr., so I feed him and bring him in when it's cold outside.
May 21Reply

@rmccouture Recently a new smaller cat has started coming around, I think she may be a Persian, she's beautiful and very friendly now that I feed her regularly and she realizes I am of no harm to her. I wish I could keep every cat that came wondering around lol but I currently have three living in my home along with three dogs so I'm at my limit right now. All we can do is continue to feed these strays and try to keep them warm when it's cold out.
May 21Reply

@forever_jeannie Thanks so much for taking care of the kitties Jeannie! I just took down the plexiglass I had put up to protect the kitties from the cold wind & snow, and now want to get screening material, so that they still have protection from the raccoons (who don't bother them, really, because there's enough food for everyone), but it would make me feel better anyway! (cont)
May 21Reply

@forever_jeannie I'm also trying to figure out what to do about the flies. They've already started to become a problem, and it's very early in the season, so doing prevention now is really important. Have you had your outdoor kitties spayed/neutered? That's probably the most important thing to do, because there are already so many strays out there, and preventing them from reproducing helps everyone. (cont)
May 21Reply

@forever_jeannie I'm sure there's a local group that can provide you with traps and inexpensive neutering, if it hasn't already been done. I have 5 indoor cats, or I would take a few of the friendlier ones inside, so I know how it feels to be overloaded with pets! I rent, and the space is not optimal for my needs, but it will be very difficult for me to move unless I can find a space that I can take a few of the strays with me! (cont)
May 21Reply

@forever_jeannie I trained a stray to live at my old house by putting netting around my porch, and feeding her there for 5 months before removing the netting, so if I found a new place that could accommodate the 'kitty apartments" I made for them, I think I could get them to acclimate to a new home. It's going to be a challenge though. I just love them so much!
May 21Reply

@rmccouture I know I love them too! My family call me the crazy cat lady lol, but I don't mind the nickname 😆😌 I had my cat Bang spayed, but I haven't thought about the two outside honestly. I'm glad you brought that to my attention though because I'm worried about those two having a litter. (cont.)
May 22Reply

@rmccouture Luckily I do know of a place, where I had my cat spayed, that will spay/ neuter them for free since they are strays. I think they even provide traps for you if you need them; they're a wonderful non-profit. You think of a lot of things, I can tell you are a very kind and thoughtful person. I wish you the best of luck with all the kitties you rescue and many sales, so you can continue your selfless endeavors!
May 22Reply

I love you! Thank you for being a good human!
May 31Reply

I think you are onto something. Peta builds dog houses every year. Would love to see more people do this for cat friends!
May 31Reply

Hi there, i have been rescueing animals for over 30 years, my heart goes out to these animals...what can i do to help??
Jun 01Reply

@buffybear Hey Ilsa! Thanks so much for doing what you do to help those innocent souls in need! It's my honor and privilege to be able to help save and protect animals. I use a part of my proceeds from my Poshmark sales to pay for food, medical bills, and shelter for the animals in my neighborhood. By doing your part in helping animals, you're helping me ❤️ ❤️ ❤️Amanda
Jun 01Reply

Did you see the latest kitten I rescued? I posted two photos on my Instagram! 😻😻😻❤️
Jul 13Reply

Hi! Long time no talk.i was wondering if you would mind sharing a GoFundMe me I have created? My Jax had emergency surgery yesterday and will be in the hospital for an unknown length of time. I will tag you once I post it. I'm sorry I'm being so forward,this is truly humbling. I know you have a wonderful following who loves animals as much as I do. Thank you 💞❤🙏
Jul 18Reply

✝️✝️✝️ #GODBLESSYOURHEART!!! ✝️✝️✝️👏☝️🐱💞
Dec 03Reply

😻That’s a great thing you’re doing 😺🐈 !! Sharing
Jan 22Reply

Bless you, bless you, bless you. The Lord will surely bless you. I cannot even watch the commercials on TV because I just sob. 😘🥀😘🥀😘🥀
Sep 23Reply

U are so awesome. Put fine furry friend need warm beds too
Oct 09Reply

How are the cats doing this year?
Jan 03Reply

You're an Angel on earth for helping those abandoned cats💟. The saddest thing is that the cats are victims & it's not even their fault! Bless your 💜 for rescuing them! And thank you for sharing your photos of them... They look happy because of you! Blessings to you & those sweet kitties! 😊👏👏😻✌🙏💗🐈
Jun 25Reply

@rmccouture Amanda this is wonderful. I wish I had more resources to help the homeless animals. Most of them being cats. My daughter and I hacesaved a few, rescued a few more and found homes for some as well. I love cats hense my Boutique name...lol It's a long story but knowvthat your not alone in this fight. Look at my bio and photos when you have a chance.💗🐈🐈⬛
Jan 04Reply

Can u send a pic of what u build I need one for the strays by my place
Oct 01Reply

Jul 17Reply

@dunya143jahan ♥️😸♥️😸
Jul 17Reply
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