Meet your Posher, Chris
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Hi! I'm Chris. Some of my favorite brands are Nike, Gucci, Banana Republic, Burberry, and J. Crew. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

7 others
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Chris I'm sorry but I can't write the bundle yet and make the comments because I am out of town but my husband said the package had arrived. I hope you don't mind it won't be but two weeks before I even get to see it is that okay and then I'll read it then and go over everything? I'm sure everything is fine I just would like to see everything first I hope you understand😊💕
Mar 13Reply

Thank you for sharing my beautiful bag. Happy poshing
Jun 27Reply

@diane060 Feel free to make me an offer on my glasses or let me know if you have any special request
Jun 30Reply

Hello Chris. I am wondering if you are willing to hold bundles in reserve. I have several items bundled, and really would like to buy from you. I've ask questions about some of the items, but haven't received a response. I look forward to hearing from you at your convenience, of course. Thank you for your consideration in advance. Sincerely, Sharon/3granddaughters
Oct 17Reply

Hi Chris! I really appreciate your generous offer & would like to accept it if u r willing to reserve it til Nov.1st. U can check out my profile page to see that I have never failed to keep my word on that. I would also like an answer have an answer to my question about the leopard purse. Let me know your decision asap so that I don't budget the $ elsewhere. Thank U...U ROCK!
Oct 17Reply

Hi, there! Is it possible to combine / bundle all my orders from yesterday and today so I will pay only one shipping ?
Oct 21Reply

@cruz1696 I'm sorry there's no way go ahead and do 22$ o will accept offer ☺👍
Oct 21Reply

@3grandaughters Sorry just saw this yes I will reserve your items Thanks again and happy posting 😎👍
Oct 22Reply

@thebuybackstore Hello Chris! Thank you so much for the opportunity to buy my bundle on Nov.1st. I would really appreciate it if you would tell me the answer to my question about the leopard purse, and then mark the items that I've chosen as not for sale. I have had to make a couple of changes since one of the listings that I originally chose was sold. Sorry to mess with you on a Sunday, but I'm truly grateful.
Oct 22Reply

Hi Chris. It's Sharon/3granddaughters. I'm sure there was a bottle of dark purple Avon nail polish in the bundle that I ordered from you. It's about the same color as the Avon lipstick that I ordered. I don't see it in my purchase list or in your listings either. Do you know what happened? Am I mistaken? Thanks and please let me know. Take care.
Nov 02Reply

@3grandaughters Hi Sharon 😎 I believe that item was removed because it was purchased in store it was removed before you purchased more than likely sorry I will check tomorrow if we have any I stock if we do I will throw it in for EREE ☺ Thanks for.being and awsome customer have an great weekend 👍
Nov 03Reply

@thebuybackstore Thank you so much! I really love that color! I have to admit...sometimes my memory can be a bummer.... Have a terrific weekend!
Nov 03Reply

Hi Chris. It's Sharon, 3granddaughters. Was wondering if I happened to order a bundle from you in the midst of you moving or maybe, ill? Please let me know if you are going to be able to ship it to me, or not. I hope all is well with you. Take care.
Nov 08Reply

@thebuybackstore Thank you so much for the Like hun! If you want go ahead and Bundle the one item so I can send you a Private Discount Offer on it ❤
Nov 27Reply

Welcome to Posh!❣I hope it's going well for you so far! I've been here since 2012, if I can help or you have questions, just lmk. I'm on everyday & check in often! Lots of additional info in my closet as well!👍🏼💋
Dec 12Reply

Thanks for the share.
Dec 15Reply

Hi Chris. It's Sharon/3granddaughters. I wanted to contact you about several of the rings that I bought from you. They can't possibly be stainless steel because they're turning fingers black or green! I also just reviewed the original order, and realized that one of them wasn't sent at all as well as a bottle of micellular water. Please contact me.
Jan 04Reply

@3grandaughters yes for sure I apologize this is terrible news we will message you once the owner gets in to be sure we correct these mistakes thank you
Jan 04Reply

@thebuybackstore I truly appreciate that. Thank you so very much!
Jan 04Reply

@thebuybackstore Hello. I'm just wondering when Chris will be available to discuss the issues with some of the items that I bought thebuybackstore closet/boutique? Thank you and God Bless. ☺
Jan 07Reply

@3grandaughters Hi Sharon sorry about the delay I have been super busy a text with the dollar amount of the items you are not happy with and missing items you are such a wonderful customer I will be sure you are happy with the resolution 2103799179 Thanks again and happy poshing 😎🎁
Jan 08Reply

Cute closet
Mar 03Reply

Hi! I love your profile pic! Do you have any idea who the artist might be? Thanks a bunch!
May 12Reply

👋 Thanks for checking meowt! Closet benefits animal rescue. Ty for helping me help them 🐶 🐱 Happy poshing 🎉
Oct 13Reply

Thanks for the share. Stop by anytime. We wish you great success and happy poshing
Nov 01Reply

Thank you for sharing my listings.
Nov 11Reply

Hi Chris, can you offer any discount on shipping for the Nambe heart?
Sep 27Reply

@rlynn1127 Hi
I have dropped the price a hour ago this is the lowest ill go
Thank you
Sep 27Reply

@thebuybackstore I completely understand. Thanks for replying.
Sep 27Reply

Hi, just very curious about a sale on your site. I had really liked your Navajo Vintage red & green necklace, too, but priced at $85, I knew I couldn’t afford it. Not even for $70, $60, or even $50, which I thought would be the lowest offers. How did it sell for $11 ???? I’m perplexed and shocked! 😵 Maybe you would be kind as to tell me how this was arranged, please, for my future negotiations on Posh. Trying to learn more! 🤔Thank you for your time & info.😁
Nov 20Reply

Dec 16Reply

Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Jan 03Reply

Hi Chris. Is it possible to get the Owl pin? My brother passed away 4 years ago and the Owl is his animal spirit. Happy Poshing!
Jan 25Reply

Hi Chris!! Can you please tell me if the Coach purse on your closet page is still available? Thank you, Becki
Feb 08Reply

Hi Chris, thanks for all the compliments!! I try posting unique fun ítems 😁💕. Feel free to make a bundle on you items for a discounted price. 😁💕🦄🌸🦋🌸.
Well happy poshing!!!
Apr 13Reply

@gossiprag 😷 Dang Ok love your style nice closet 🦄 tried to share some to 80k followers have a great week
Apr 15Reply

Hi @just6icejustin Thanks Just cant click link but how much where they ? Happy Poshing 🎉👍
Apr 15Reply
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