Meet your Posher, Cierra
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Hi! I'm Cierra. I started my business at 14 I am now a 18 year old girl trying to make money, I have POTS, Micro valve prolapse, a heart murmur and EDS. These all effect my daily life with just getting out of bed in the morning. I also have Etsy with my Instagram they are DesignsCreatedByCi. I'm just trying to inspire people.My Instagram is Cierrawoods_

391 others
like this

Welcome to Poshmark!! If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. This is an amazing network of people and you're going on have a BLAST on here. Feel free to check out my closet and have fun!! 😁🎉❤
Jan 18Reply

Hi Cierra! Welcome to Poshmark! Have a wonderful 2017!
Jan 18Reply

@aleysunflower thank you! ❤️
Jan 18Reply

@millicentgar thank you! You too 💕
Jan 18Reply

Welcome!✨✨. Wishing you many sales!! 😀😊
Jan 18Reply

@helga4fun thank you! ❤️
Jan 18Reply

Hi Cierra , you make pretty bracelets , 💞💞😊best wishes to you ! 😊
Jan 18Reply

@luvbucs28 thank you so much! ❤️
Jan 18Reply

My pleasure ☺️
Jan 18Reply

Hi & Welcome to Posh!
it's a very supportive & social community & if U have questions there's always a Posher to answer them. Or...
...visit my closet & I'd be happy to help U!
More questions?
on anything specific U'd like to know?
just ask me...
YAH! It's a New Year!🎉
Jan 19Reply

@katzkoz thank you! 😇
Jan 19Reply

Hi Cierra! You have beautiful bracelets💛💛💛..I will share, share, share😄💃🎀. Best wishes to you!!
Jan 19Reply

@abb1677 awe thank you so much! ❤️
Jan 19Reply

Hi Cierra thank you...! Nice to meet you 🌻🌻
Jan 20Reply

@ejeveryday hey! Nice to meet you also 😊
Jan 20Reply

Your makeup is on point:)
Jan 20Reply

@rachelcottone80 awe thank you so much ❤️
Jan 20Reply

@designsbyci I have trouble matching my wings and attempted to get it tattooed on but I still use eyeliner 99% of the time bcz they are not as I wanted
Jan 20Reply

Love this pic u have great jewelry too welcome to poshmark
Jan 20Reply

Hey sweet girl!! They are having a jewelry party right now;)) I shared a bunch of your stuff in it!! 💛💛💛
Jan 20Reply

@scarlet156 thank you!
Jan 20Reply

@abb1677 awe thank you so much! ❤💕
Jan 20Reply

Cierra. you make terrific jewelry! Welcome to Poshmark. It's a great community 😊😉😙
Jan 21Reply

@ppamprrd thank you so so much!! ❤
Jan 21Reply

@designsbyci thanks for checking out my closet. Happy Poshing 😎
Jan 21Reply

Such a beauty! 💖💖💖 Mel
Jan 22Reply

@melfstone thank you!
Jan 22Reply

@melanieshea awe thank you so much
Jan 22Reply

@cocoapowder thank you! and thank you so much for all the posh love ❤
Jan 22Reply

Hi sweetie welcome to poshmark. The best place to buy and sell. Very nice to meet 😘 please let me know if you have any questions about my list . Reasonable offers always welcome. I love to bundle it's the smartest way to save money pay only one shipping fee and buy multiple items with bundle discount
Jan 22Reply

Welcome ! Happy Poshing 😁
Jan 22Reply

Hi ! Welcome to poshmark ! :)
Jan 23Reply

Jan 24Reply

@abir1977 thank you! 💕
Jan 24Reply

@jeanhall34 thank you 😇
Jan 24Reply

@jassieboo92 thank you!! ❤
Jan 24Reply

@boutiqueparis ❤❤
Jan 24Reply

@designsbyci sure ! I like to say ya gotta help a posher out 😂
Jan 24Reply

Beautiful closet 🙏🏼😊❤
Jan 24Reply

Hi Cierra!! I am showing off your sweet braclets to my friends here in VA.. When I get some extra cash i have to get one;)) Love love your stuff❤❤❤. Also, I have a daughter named Sierra😄. We spelled hers like the mountains. Just had to tell ya!! Wishing you speedy sales💃
Jan 25Reply

@lovelove321 thank you! ❤
Jan 25Reply

@abb1677 awe thank you so much! ❤ and that's awesome I don't meet very many people who have the same name
Jan 25Reply

@designsbyci 🙏🏼😊❤
Jan 25Reply

@happyactress hey, and I'm sorry it's super tough. What health condition do you have?
Jan 27Reply

@happyactress omg! Me too! I have POTS, EDS, and Lyme disease. And plus I have a leak in my heart valve. And same as you I have been out of school but for a year. I'm doing online school now
Jan 27Reply

@happyactress wow I'm sorry! Yeah pots is an awful condition that barely gets recognized. Everyone says "well you look fine" and it got to the point my friends were saying that and teachers.
Jan 27Reply

@happyactress yeah it's ridiculous during homecoming I went with my bf to his and the teachers at my school were talking about how I just didn't want to go to school and my friend heard them all talking about it. Like homecoming is important to me and I'm gonna try with everything I have to go because I'm a freshman so it's my first one.
Jan 27Reply

@happyactress yes it's awful and it's way more serious then everyone sees it as. You honestly have to live it before you understand it.
Jan 27Reply

@happyactress I'd love to! Do you have snapchat so we can talk on there 😊
Jan 27Reply

Hi Cierra, Thank you for sharing my item. I have returned your kindness by sharing a bunch of your items and following your closet. I hope you will do me the favor of in turn following mine closet as well. Thank you!
Jan 27Reply

@happyactress alright I'm sorry and I found out on Christmas Eve of 2014 because I had passed out twice
Jan 27Reply

@happyactress we can text cuz I see those easier
Jan 27Reply

@happyactress you can email me your number if you'd like :) my email is
Jan 27Reply

Thanks for the shares babe 💋
Jan 28Reply

@dancingbee05 you're welcome 💕
Jan 28Reply

@happyactress I'm not seeing it would you try again 😊
Jan 28Reply

Welcome to posh :) you will be even stronger for having to go through so much at such a young age. ✨Hopes & prayers for your wellbeing🙏 and also I love your makeup😁 if you ever wanna shop in my closet I'll give you mega discounts💕💐have a good day! Xo Lyss
Jan 28Reply

@girrlbye thank you so much! It means a lot ❤❤
Jan 29Reply

@girrlbye also have an amazing day too 😇💕
Jan 29Reply

@designsbyci thanks sweet lady😁💕
Jan 29Reply

.Hi fun closet! Lets be "Poshing Sisters"....I'll share a buch of your and you share some of mine?? Thank you, Leslie...Happy Poshing working together❣️🎉📬📭🎁🎉
Jan 29Reply

@msleslied1 okay that sounds good! 💕 thank you!! Happy poshing to you too
Jan 29Reply

@allsalescloset thank you so much! And I'm sorry, yeah it's awful to go through a sickness that makes you not be able to everyday things. I hope to you the same! Have an amazing day ❤😇
Jan 30Reply

@e_hope12 thank you so much ❤❤
Feb 01Reply

Loving all the love girl. Hope for speedy sales on here and your Etsy! 🤗 Happy Poshing!
Feb 02Reply

@darcyaustin thank you so much 😇 you too! Have a blessed day 💕
Feb 02Reply

Hey Girl! 😃 How are you doing today? Hoping you are having a good day! 🌸
Feb 03Reply

@flutter_buys heyy! And I'm doing alright! How are you? And thank you I hope you are having an amazing day ❤
Feb 03Reply

@designsbyci I'm doing ok today. It's a good day. I actually took some pics and added 2 listings so, that's always a good day! The weather is cold and crappy out tho! lol. Hope you're making sales too! 😃💕
Feb 03Reply

@flutter_buys that's good! And same here it's freezing out! And that's good I'm glad you're doing good today. I hope you're making sales too! And actually did make one today! I'm excited my shop is getting bigger already 😊
Feb 03Reply

Your jewelry is beautiful, do you make it yourself?? That's awesome you have so many listings for just starting in January! 😉
Feb 03Reply

@flutter_buys yes I do! 😊 I find it relaxing after a stressful day. And thank you! I was super surprised I've made that many sales already. But I love it on here so I am on here ALOT 😂
Feb 03Reply

So glad you found several things you like in my closet. I will consider an offer if you bundle anything. 💕😊
Feb 03Reply

Awe thanks for the like and comment your closet is super cute 😊😊
Feb 04Reply

@boshea10013 you're welcome and thank you so much ❤
Feb 04Reply

Welcome to Posh! I wish you the best of luck on your Poshmark journey! I also battle with conditions that prevent me from working. This app has been an absolute blessing. I think you will find it to be so as well. You will meet some amazing and supportive fellow poshers! Thank you for all of the likes and love in my closet! I will no doubt be returning the favor and hoping you get many sales! Feel free to tag me if you ever need anything or have any questions doll!! 💐🌹☺🌸🎀
Feb 04Reply

Hi girly.. just wanted you to know that you're not alone. I'm also battling lyme along with coinfection bartonella and two viruses. Sending you hugs! xoxoxo
Feb 04Reply

@curvygirrrl thanks ❤ I hope you get better very soon!
Feb 04Reply

Great bracelets!!! I'm orangey disabled & in so much pain every day, & I understand your situation ...only YOU r too young 2b so sick, & I'm soooo sorry that you are!!! I'll b sharing your things 4U & I hope it helps to promote your sales!!! Kudos 2U for keeping productive & creative TRULY helps to promote your self worth, & feelings of accomplishments, doesn't it?
Feb 09Reply

I make jewelry too, I also crochet, decopage furniture/shoes (& anything else that I c fit), sew, quilt, & I'm now making some really amazing (if I do day so myself ...& I DO! all natural dreamcatchers as well.
♡♡♡....Keeping Busy Keeps Us SANE!!!!!!♡♡♡
♡I'd luv to wish you maaany sales, & many new wonderful Poshettes friends (I c that you've made friends w another 14yr old w POTS!! THAT'S 2 COOL♡
Feb 09Reply

@julieviada thank you so so much! ❤ I have very bad pain and the chakra bracelets I sell I actually have one myself and I think it really helps my pain. Have a blessed day 😇
Feb 09Reply

Wish you the best of luck. You are doing great !
Feb 09Reply

Hey I wanted to just let u know I really think ur jewelry is pretty.....😘❤️Kristin
Feb 09Reply

@swlp thank you so much!! You too ❤
Feb 09Reply

@kbwainwright awe thank you so much! ❤😇
Feb 09Reply

Ur welcome!! It's def my style. It's like just enough not too over board 😜. Modern, handmade(which is a talent), simple elegance, and affordable and that's a good combo lol. Good luck to u n God bless you😘💕💕
Feb 09Reply

@kbwainwright thank you so much that means a lot! 😊💕 thank you and have a blessed day!
Feb 09Reply

Hi, CIERRA!👋🏽 I'm Jan! Great to meet you and your lovely closet!
Feb 12Reply

@janimack7 hey Jan! It's so nice to meet you! And thank you so much! You too 😇 have a blessed day ❤
Feb 12Reply

Feb 12Reply

Thanks for all your comments!
Feb 12Reply

I admire your fight & spunk Cierra at 14, despite your health problems. I too have Lyme Disease and EDS. #thereishope
Feb 12Reply

@51twenty thank you! And wow, is your Lyme disease still bad? Or how did you treat it :)
Feb 12Reply

Yes! I have Q-Fever too. I'm still on therapy. Iv therapy. It's been (this time) 1yr 4mnths. Diagnosed 9 years ago. I am happy that I can walk, talk and function fairly since diagnosis. But, you may already be familiar with secondary illnesses.
Feb 12Reply

So sorry to hear. Will be sharing and shopping and sending well wishes your way 😊💖
Feb 12Reply

Thank you for the share let me know if there's anything you're interested in I'm always willing to work out at a good price
Feb 13Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! Hi, thanks for liking my item! 3 ways to save: BOGO $10 or more, & FREE SHIP $50 or more. Many items $10 or less. See closet for details. Bundle discounts apply as well! If you have any questions please ask. Thanks for stopping by! XO Amy SUGGESTED USER, FAST SHIPPER!
Feb 13Reply

@peacehopelove thank you 💕
Feb 13Reply

@designsbyci thankYOU! Has anyone ever told you that you look like a young Elizabeth Taylor? That's a compliment for sure!!
Feb 13Reply

@designsbyci I just read about your health problems! I am so sorry! I will pray for you! How are you today? Amy
Feb 13Reply

@designsbyci what are POTS and EDS?
Feb 13Reply

Hello beautiful ,thank you for shares🙏🏻
Feb 13Reply

@peacehopelove awe thank you so much 💕 and POTS is where I stand up and my blood pressure drops low like last night it was 83 over 32. It makes me have a lot of pain. EDS is where I'm super flexible like a contortionist so it's super easy to break bones. If you want to know more just look those up and there's lots of info :)
Feb 13Reply

Oh, my niece has EDS! So I know what it is. She's in her 30 s and has 4 children, one of them has it too. I am sorry you are going through so much! I be praying for you🙏
Feb 13Reply

@peacehopelove thank you so much ❤
Feb 13Reply

@designsbyci you're welcome!
Feb 13Reply

Hey! Just wanted to inform you I'm offering a Valentine's special (expires tomorrow) free shipping on orders of $25+ when you bundle 2+ items as well as 10% off on 2+ items! 😊💖 Also, feel free to make me an offer with your bundle. I'm very willing to accept most reasonable offers! 💚
Feb 14Reply

You're a Beautiful young lady!! Prayers going up for you!!! 🙏🏼 😘😘💕💕💕💕
Feb 14Reply

@heartmykids thank you so much! ❤ have a blessed day 😇
Feb 14Reply

@designsbyci Hi sweetie! Luv your spirit and you are a beauty inside and out! GREAT JEWELRY!
Feb 14Reply

@northoceanblvd awe thank you so much ❤
Feb 14Reply

@yougotitjim thank you so much! Have a blessed day 😇
Feb 16Reply

Hi, I'm Nanamims, and I thank you for shopping my closet! I have everything BOGO FREE of = or lesser value! Please enjoy shopping...Nanamims
Feb 17Reply

Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Feb 17Reply

Very beautiful jewelry… You are very talented I wish you great success on Poshmark
Mar 02Reply

💝💝Thank you for visiting my closet. If you have any questions please feel free to ask. I give a 15% discount on bundles of 2–3 items. Have a great day.💝💝
Mar 02Reply

Hi Cierra so nice to meet you :) you have beautiful pieces! You make these yourself?
Mar 02Reply

@celestefelicia Hey Celeste! It's very nice to meet you. Thank you so much and I do make these myself 😇
Mar 02Reply

Mar 05Reply

Thanks for sharing! Let's keep in touch and help each other sell!
Did you know the update app let's you list 8 pics instead of 4? It's very 👍 nice...
Mar 09Reply

@dlewis111 you're welcome! And okay thank you :)
Mar 09Reply

Thanks for sharing!!🌷🌺❤️
Mar 10Reply

@tracekirk you're welcome! Thank you also
Mar 10Reply

And so are YOU!!💕✨
Mar 13Reply

@britcollins82 awe thank you so much 😇❤
Mar 13Reply

Awe I just read your description you don't look 15....or sick at all, I never would have're so inspiring to me, reading that! What a wise young lady you are!!! Stay strong and positive like you seem to do and keep making that GORGEOUSSS JEWELRY 💕❤💕❤
Mar 13Reply

@britcollins82 thank you so much! I'm so glad to hear I'm inspiring people!! That's my main goal in life I love making people smile and happy!! Have a blessed day ❤😇
Mar 13Reply

@designsbyci I don't know you but I have feeling you do just that!! You're to sweet like an Angel😇
Mar 13Reply

@britcollins82 awe thank you so much! That made me smile, you are very sweet yourself 💕😇
Mar 13Reply

@designsbyci just wanted to stop by and say hi. You're beautiful. At 15- I went through a very traumatizing time. I was eventually diagnosed with Crohn's Disease, among other things. I barely graduated HS. I'm 41 now. I see you have 1 or 2 autoimmune diseases as well. I admire your drive and spirit. You keep that up, you Promise??? ⚘ love your jewelry 🐞☘🦄 . I'll share. Lots of luck! Stay strong. Btw, liking the spoonie....
Mar 14Reply

@erika75 awe thank you so much! 💕 and I'm sorry that's awful, are you better now? And if you'd like I can make another one if you're interested 😇
Mar 14Reply

Mar 16Reply

Hello Cieera! Thanks sooo much for the share. 🎊HAPPY POSHING 🎊😄
Mar 18Reply

@tricegirl you're so welcome!! Have an amazing day! 💕
Mar 18Reply

You are #💯AWESOME!!! Thanks again. Have a great weekend!!😄🙃😆
Mar 18Reply

Thank you for sharing
Mar 24Reply

@thriftymomz you're welcome! 😇
Mar 24Reply

@missydamico awe thank you so much!! ❤😇
Mar 24Reply

You are indeed an inspiration my dear. You make beautiful jewelry!! Your closet is just gorgeous...and so are you! 💋💖
Mar 27Reply

@luturnbull awe thank you so much! ❤
Mar 27Reply

@designsbyci I, too, have "invisible issues" so I can relate to your struggles. But know that there are people out there who "get it" that some days you feel like hammered dog doo, but look just fine. We just have to keep fighting the good fight and stay strong! You're beautiful hon. I hate that you're so young and have to deal with those things....but know that you have support and understanding from me if you ever need to vent!!! 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Mar 27Reply

@jazzymom1217 Read this sweet girl's bio and share her stuff. 😘
Mar 27Reply

@luturnbull @jazzymom1217 you guys are the sweetest! Thank you so very much ❤ it means so much! Have a blessed day 💕😇
Mar 28Reply

Thank you for sharing 😊. May your days get easier and I hope you find some ease from your condition . Many blessings
Mar 28Reply

@gaiajewellery you're very welcome! And thank you so much! Have a blessed day ❤❤
Mar 28Reply

Thanks for the shares lady! 😍💥
Mar 28Reply

@kwilliamson311 you're so welcome 😇💕
Mar 29Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet. I'm Wendy, I would love an opportunity to serve YOU. Reasonable offers are welcome to, and I provide a bundle discount. Have a wonderful day and happy poshing.
Mar 29Reply

Beautiful jewelry, Ciera!!! I can make a deal and lower price for ya on my ring
Mar 30Reply

@newbasement thank you so much!! And thank you for the offer but I'm low on money rn I'm sorry! I love your closet though! Have a blessed day ❤
Mar 30Reply

@designsbyci Would look beautiful with yur gorgeous pieces! ! !
Mar 30Reply

You, too,dear
Mar 30Reply

thanks for sharing my listing 😊
Mar 30Reply

@tyswardrobe you're welcome! :)
Mar 30Reply

@designsbyci ☺
Mar 30Reply

Stay strong beautiful! I am very impressed by you and I hope you can inspire more people your age and even all ages! God bless you!💞
Apr 02Reply

@aici awe thank you so much ❤😇 God bless you too 💕
Apr 02Reply

You have the cutest stuff!!
Apr 02Reply

@reenamariee awe thank you so much! 💕 😇 if you are interested I can ship out today or tomorrow and bundles of 3+ are 10% off plus a free gift 😊 thank you! Have an amazing day! I also accept reasonable offers. Having a big sale! Check out my recent post.
Apr 02Reply

@designsbyci Wow girl you are an inspiration to other young girls (and us old ones) out there. Bless your heart. Your jewelry is fabulous! Stay strong! You are in my prayers. 😊
Apr 02Reply

@kolansen thank you so much ❤ god bless you💕😇
Apr 02Reply

Thanks for sharing my creations with your followers 🌹
Apr 04Reply

@hmsimon1 you're very welcome!!
Apr 04Reply

@purplej hey!! You're welcome and thank you also!! Have a wonderful day and happy poshing to you also! ❤😇
Apr 04Reply

@jwood321 Hey sorry to hear about all your going through I'll be praying God is are healer.. God Bless I'll keep looking back to your closet honey 🙏🏻
Apr 21Reply

@fmmurray thank you so much!! Have a blessed day ❤️😇
Apr 21Reply

@designsbyci your welcome i'll be praying for you
Apr 21Reply

@fmmurray thank you so much! ❤️
Apr 21Reply

Do you have any lava bead bracelets?
Apr 21Reply

@rebeccasam yes I do 😇 I will tag you in the listings
Apr 21Reply

@designsbyci thank you!!
Apr 21Reply

Open to offers on the dress 😊
Apr 21Reply

Your story is very inspiring, beautiful bracelets and I wish you many sales 😊😊💚💚💲💲
Apr 23Reply

@nikkilp78 thank you so much!! ❤️
Apr 23Reply

Friends of mine are currently being treated for Lyme, at I believe it's the hospital in Phoenix, you may want to check out the website- the good news is - it's treatable, you don't have to continue to live with this- keep searching.😃✨
Apr 23Reply

@ciescloset okay thank you so much ❤️ I'd love to but I've heard it's super expensive 😕
Apr 23Reply

Thank- you for sharing my listing.✨
Apr 23Reply

@ciescloset you're very welcome!! 😇
Apr 23Reply

@palmtree30 thank you so much ❤️ it means a lot to hear that! Have a very wonderful and blessed day! 💕😇
Apr 23Reply

@designsbyci Thank you very much for sharing some of my items, it is much appreciated.
Happy Poshing to you.
Apr 23Reply

You are a sweetheart. Thank you for all the shares. I'm so touched by your bio. You seem like such a mature 15 year old, with a very big heart. I was an RN for most of my life, and had to retire due to fibromyalgia. I understand pain real well. Take care sweet girl, and god bless you. Wishing you lots of health and happiness.
Apr 24Reply

You go girl, your design style and closet is awesome. And youre beautiful!! Following on insta now. Good luck and following to share/support💞💞❤Sara
Apr 24Reply

@scarletsecrets thank you so much! ❤️ God bless you also, I hope you are feeling better! Have a blessed day 😇💕
Apr 24Reply

@southwest_sara thank you so much!! ❤️ it means a lot! Have an amazing day! 😇
Apr 24Reply

@designsbyci Of course! And thanks you too💞 I couldnt find you in insta right now, Im sfm52. It may be my connection I will try again later😊
Apr 24Reply

@truenonoelle22 awe thank you so very much and that's very true! I have stone crystals and essential oils I use and I try the most natural things. I always get judged on how I look since it's more of a disease that you can't see. ❤️❤️ you are so kind! Do you have an Instagram?
Apr 24Reply

Wow, i could go crazy, and broke in your closet! You do amazing things. I know God will bless you. Your story and mostly your attitude, of qanting to help others, will carry you through. I will be back. Maybe sooner rhan i think. Besr of poshing, Eileen.😁👍✌🌹🍀🌷🌸🐾🐱
Apr 25Reply

@gotchabach thank you so much!! ❤️ you are such a kind person! 😇 I really appreciate it! Have a very wonderful and blessed day!!!
Apr 25Reply

Thank you sweetheart. I will keep you up in prayer.💞💖. Thank you so much, for sharing my listing. I am hoping someday, i can start selling my stuff.
Apr 25Reply

Thank you for sharing!
Apr 25Reply

Hi! Thanks so much for all the shares recently! Appreciate seeing your Meet the Posher page as well. I grew up in the #1 county in the US for Lyme Disease cases, and, ironically, I never got it until 15+ years after moving when I was back visiting old friends. The fatigue was a nightmare, and that's nothing compared to what you're managing! Hang in there—it's so great that you're building a business and community online despite your conditions. ✌🏻🍀 b.
Apr 25Reply

@thatsclever you're welcome and thank you!! I hope you are doing better now ❤️ have a wonderful day
Apr 25Reply

Thank You Ciera 🌻🌻 I Love Your Jewelry And You are Inspirational! Cheers!!
Apr 27Reply

@thehautehaus awe thank you so much! ❤️
Apr 27Reply

@designsbyci Thank you for the share!!! 😊☺️
Apr 29Reply

Hi Sweetie! How have you been doing? Your pictures look beautiful. Your such a pretty girl. Well, I've only have till June 8, my daughter's (Audrey) birthday. I want to have something done with the purple stone... starts with an "a" do you know? Geessh, my brain is taking a potty break. Well if you have time to think up a couple of things, a ring , size 8. Necklace, Earrings.. I'll get back to you.
May 02Reply

@elainalynn hey! I've been doing alright how are you? And thank you so much! I'd love to create a custom bracelet for you!! I also have a shipment of Druzzys coming in so I can make more rings and earrings 😇 I can share the listings with you once they are posted ❤️
May 02Reply

@elainalynn I shared a listing with you, do you like that kind of purple and then I can find an A charm for you 😇
May 02Reply

Thank you so much for sharing so many of my items. The jewelry you make is beautiful. Have a blessed day
May 02Reply

@shaesantiago you're so welcome!! And thank you so much!! ❤️ you also have a blessed day 😇💕
May 02Reply

I'm looking for a birthday gift for my daughter in May. She's 24. Likes that purple stone, starts with an "a" . I can't think of it . I know she would love that purple lip gloss you make.
May 02Reply

@elainalynn do you like the purple stone I sent you? I have that and I'm sure I can find others also, I have a solid brighter purple and a solid dark purple
May 02Reply

@elainalynn and yes that lipgloss is gorgeous! 😍 I wish it looked good on me cuz I would wear it so much!
May 02Reply

@happyactress @designsbyci Hi guys, I'm Hannah, 24yrs, and also have eds and pots. I wasn't diagnosed until a few years ago, so I definitely understand how rough going through highschool with an invisible disease that's difficult to treat is. If you guys ever need someone to vent to, or even want advice on surviving hs/college with pots/eds I'd love to talk! Hope you guys start having more good days than bad, hang tough! <3
May 02Reply

@angrymuffin75 hey Hannah! It's so nice to meet you, I'd love to talk sometime 😇 it's so hard and not many people understand how hard it is because everyone thinks you are lying or faking it. My insta is cierrawoods_ if you ever wanna talk 😊💕
May 02Reply

Hi! 🙋 great closet!!! I would love if you checked out mine! Thanks so much, have a great night! 💛
May 03Reply

@designsbyci @happyactress Oh absolutely! People don't really understand what ehlers/pots is, and "you don't look sick!", so they always assume that you just want attention or something. 🙄 I'm not on insta very often, but you can always reach me at my email,! Great to meet you both!
May 03Reply

Thanks for the love, your closet is super cute.....
May 03Reply

@thaina28 you're very welcome and thank you so much!! ❤️
May 03Reply

@mstrini1216 awe thank you so much Merisa! ❤️❤️ you are so sweet! 😇 and you're very welcome, have a very wonderful and blessed day!
May 03Reply

@rookiemaster awe thank you so much! If you stay positive it helps out so much more, it's hard but if you can at least be positive it's way better 😇❤️
May 08Reply

@rookiemaster that is amazing! And poshmark is a good way to get some extra money too and it's super fun!
May 08Reply

@rookiemaster yes you do! There are some amazing people on here
May 08Reply

@rookiemaster that's amazing! Congratulations 💕🎉
May 08Reply

Thx for the shares! Awesome jewelry
May 08Reply

@kitabita223 you're very welcome and thank you so much!!
May 08Reply

Love your closet! Beautiful things! Thank you for all the shares.
May 09Reply

@lalachica thank you so much!! And you're very welcome ❤️
May 09Reply

Thanks for al the share!!!!!! xoxo 💖💖
May 09Reply

How often do you sale on this app I'm new to it
May 10Reply

@usasupplyco welcome!! 💕 do you mean how many sales I make a day? Or what haha I'm confused :)
May 10Reply

@designsbyci yes like item ☺️
May 10Reply

@usasupplyco I sell 7-10 a day :)
May 10Reply

Omg that good 😊 thank you
May 10Reply

@designsbyci Thank You for all the shares! I really appreciate it🤗💕😊💕😊💕
May 10Reply

Thank you for the shares lady!! Good luck with your sales 😊
May 10Reply

Dear Cierra thanks for following and sharing😉 Wishing you all the best sweetie🤗🌹♥️
May 11Reply

@designsbyci check out my closet I accept all offers :)
May 11Reply

Welcome to posh , ty for following and sharing. I hope u have a wonderful day
May 13Reply

@aewm10 thank you so much! 💕
May 13Reply

Greetings! You're amazing.
Thank you so much for all the shares, best wishes!
May 13Reply

Ty so much cierra for the shares and following , i advertise on my insta also if you would like to follow. Im @alexdee040501. Tnx and have a great day
May 13Reply

Hey! I just added 3 bracelets to bundle. Can you make the ones that aren't stretchy a 7"? I'd like them to have a little movement so a little bigger than my 6.5" wrist if that makes sense. The stretchy one should be perfect. And if it isn't too much, if you could make a bundle listing for me ($150) and then drop the price to the actual total so I can get discounted shipping. Thank you!
May 15Reply

@almostashes alright yes I can do that!! 😇
May 15Reply

@designsbyci awesome! Just tag me in the listing so I can like it before you drop the price.
May 15Reply

@almostashes crap I already dropped it haha do you want me to repost it? Cuz it won't work if I don't right?
May 15Reply

@designsbyci yes please. This price drop thing is finicky haha as soon as you share the new one, I'll like it!
May 15Reply

Thank you for all the shares! 💕
May 15Reply

Omg you have POTS?!?! SO DO I!!!
May 16Reply

@marie_mady19 you do? Do you have an Insta?! :)
May 16Reply

@designsbyci yes and yes same as this.
May 16Reply

Hello! Bless you for all the shares! I will return the kindness and hope we receive many sales. Wishing you good health and prosperity! 😊
May 21Reply

@desforbuss awe thank you so much!! ❤️❤️ and you're very welcome have a wonderful week! 😇
May 22Reply

Welcome to Poshmark Hun! Hope you will have fun buy and talking to other sellers. If I can help you please let me know. Please check out my closet when you get time. I sell Coach, Dooney & Bourke, Frye, Gucci, Stella & Dot, Pandora David Yurman, Born, and other brands.. I would love to hear your offer by pushing the offer button. Thank You! JUDY+++
May 22Reply

You have such beautiful jewelry! I will have to buy some soon!
May 23Reply

@haelliott88 awe thank you so much!!! ❤️
May 23Reply

@kwill53 thank you so much! 😊💕
May 23Reply

Your jewelry is beautiful. Keep up the fight you are an inspiration . My kids have Autism and its a struggle everyday.... with that being said those kids are my Hero's they are Light when there is darkness .
May 23Reply

@copsara awe thank you so much! And yes it is a struggle whenever you have a disease 😞 I'm praying for them 💕
May 23Reply

Thanks for the Posh ❤️
May 23Reply

keep doing what you do! love your closet and your jewelry site is beautiful! :) <3
May 24Reply

Hello🌼 thanks for all the shares!!! 💕🌺
May 25Reply

@designsbyci Hi beautiful! Thank you so much for the continued shares!!! 👍🏼💖💜
May 26Reply

Thank you for sharing my Posh Item!😃
May 28Reply

Thanks for the share xoxo
May 28Reply

Hi Cierra! I'm Tari. Nice to meet you! I see by your bio that you are a beautiful young lady with numerous challenges but that you are not afraid to face them head on! Just shows that appearances are not everything - scary things and difficult times can hide behind a pretty face. Wishing you the very best. 🐾🐾💚
May 30Reply

@tezza630 Hi Tari!! It's so nice to meet you too and thank you so much 💕😇 and yes you just have to be positive and face your fears 😊
May 30Reply

Thank you so much for sharing my closet! I'm just starting out here and it's hard to keep up. I need to find time to add more items to my closet! I love all your jewelry creations! Will definitely share them! 😊
May 31Reply

Thank you for sharing beautiful !
May 31Reply

@mlb1006 you're so welcome and if you have any questions let me know!! 💕 and thank you so much!!
May 31Reply

@haelliott88 awe thank you so much and I hope you're doing well also!! 😇❤️
Jun 01Reply

Thank you so much for always sharing!
Will buy one of your pieces soon:)
Jun 01Reply

@shellsea1 you're very welcome!! ❤️❤️ and awe thank you! 😇
Jun 01Reply

@designsbyci thanks for the posh love.. love to be a part of this community.
Jun 01Reply

Thanks for the share 💋 XOXO
Jun 01Reply

I love your stuff! Very creative. I know what it's like to suffer from a chronic illness, I do too. Hang in there!❤️💕🙂
Jun 01Reply

@taraenglebrecht thank you so much and I'm so sorry 😕❤️
Jun 01Reply

@dlynnh67 thank you so much!! 😇💕
Jun 01Reply

Hi Cierra! thanks so much for following our closet! please let us know if you have any questions or would like us to style you! have a great weekend!😘☺️
Jun 02Reply

@dlynnh67 you're very welcome and thank you so very much!! Have a blessed day!! ❤️❤️
Jun 02Reply

@designsbyci Hi Cierra💕 Wishing you all the best!!! Your closet & items are beautiful!!... Just like you!:)💕Sending thoughts & blessing your way!!😘 Cherie
Jun 03Reply

@cherie9497 awe thank you so very much!! ❤️ I hope you have a very wonderful weekend!! 😇😊
Jun 03Reply

@designsbyci Thank you sweetheart:)💕Same to you!!!💐❌⭕️
Jun 03Reply

I looked for your Etsy site too, but could not find it.
Jun 08Reply

@samstreasures its DesignsCreatedByCi 😇 I don't sell much on there like there isn't anything on here that's on there :) I need to start posting more on there but I just love poshmark so much!!😂
Jun 08Reply

@designsbyci I just like it for what I sell, because shipping and fees are less.
Jun 08Reply

@designsbyci oh goodness thank you for all the shares!
Jun 08Reply

@designsbyci I found it and to look for it under People and not Shops. That is why I could not find it.
Jun 08Reply

@samstreasures yes me too and you're very welcome!!
Jun 08Reply

@designsbyci I think I accidently deleted that suggested user thing to my site. Sorry... I did but what to do with it. I probably did not need to do anything lol.
Jun 08Reply

@fashiondiva18 you are so very welcome and thank you!! You have a blessed week as well! ❤️😇
Jun 09Reply

Do you still have your Etsy shop?
Jun 09Reply

@shannono429 in my bio 😊
Jun 09Reply

@designsbyci Thank you ok I see it in your bio thanks again
Jun 09Reply

@shannono429 I will be adding more things today
Jun 09Reply

@designsbyci oh awesome!!! You do an amazing job making all your products!!!! There all beautiful
Jun 09Reply

@shannono429 awe thank you so much!! ❤️
Jun 09Reply

Absolutely LOVE your closet!!!! Do you make everything yourself? So many items I would like.....but i need a 8 1/2" bracelet. I have a larger wrist plus I like them to fall a little lower down my arm.
Jun 09Reply

@ahedlund23 awe thank you so much!! And yes I do 😇 and any bracelet you like I can customize it to 8.5 inches for you 💕😊
Jun 09Reply

@designsbyci I just bundled 3 bracelets......can you make those in the 8.5"? If so do you want me to just put the offer in as the bundle or will you post the actual bracelets and I purchase then?
Jun 09Reply

@ahedlund23 you can just put those 3 in a bundle :) and purchase those and then I will make the 8.5 inch 😊
Jun 09Reply

Hi, Cierra! Thank you so much for all the shares! Happy Poshing 😀🎉🍉
Jun 11Reply

Thank you for liking my closet.. right now im offering 20% off.. I ship the same day.. and include a free gift with every purchase.. I look forward to hearing from you soon.. happy poshing
Jun 11Reply

Thanks for sharing my closet! Definitely helps me get off the ground here, which is more challenging than I expected!
Jun 13Reply

Thanks for the share❤️
Jun 14Reply

Thanks for the shares girl, my daughternlaw has POTs and several other medical condition, so I can relate there, I know how hard it can be, good luck with your sells. Do you know how to send a person an offer on a like? Thanks Edie
Jun 14Reply

@iheart1290 you're very welcome and thank you so much! And I know how to when they have things in a bundle but not a like. :)
Jun 14Reply

Thanks for the shares 😊
Jun 15Reply

Hi Cierra. Oh, your story inspires me! Thank you. Like you, health related issues led me to Poshmark. We're certainly not alone. I've met many amazing Poshers trying to make a go of it here, as traditional jobs just aren't an option. Great we can help support one another! You have a beautiful closet. Love seeing original work.
Jun 15Reply

...I have some NWT jewelry that I purchased at clearance as each piece was in need of minor repair (namely broken chains). I've never gotten around to the repairs, so wondering if you might be interested in seeing them (to repair and sell or to use to create something original). I'd sell them to you for "a song." If interested let me know and I can snap some photos. Thanks! 😊 Sara
Jun 15Reply

@kindlyyours awe I'm so glad we met!! I hope you feel better. I'd love to see them! How much would they be?
Jun 15Reply

I'm glad you're interested. I'm a terrible photographer, but will try to snap something. If you decide you'd like them, just let me know what you think is reasonable to you. I know you need to have a profit margin! I'll tag you when they're up to see. Thanks!
Jun 15Reply

@kindlyyours okay thank you so much!
Jun 15Reply

@designsbyci Don't wait up for me! Lol. I found a few pieces, but know I have more. I've got a ton of other tasks to accomplish yet tonight, so I'll search some more tomorrow. Sweet dreams and look forward to connecting again. 😊 Thanks.
Jun 15Reply

Thank you
Jun 15Reply

Hello! Thanks for checking out my closet. All reasonable offers submitted are accepted. Happy poshing! 🌟
Jun 19Reply

Thank you so much for the shares! 🌹 Beautiful pieces in you closet! Skilled & art. Wishing you much success! POSH 💖
Jun 19Reply

💖Thxs for sharing 💖
Jun 19Reply

Hi Cierra ☺. As always, following your beautiful work. I have not purchase because I almost never wear jewelry. But my little ballarina does. Is there any way you can make a matching beaded bracelet and necklace with a ballerina charm. She is 9 years old and loves light purple. Let me know if you can make it and how much is going to cost me because it is something I would love to purchase right away. Thanks.
Jun 21Reply

@urstyl awe thank you so much! And yes I can 😊 what size would you like them?
Jun 21Reply

@designsbyci @designsbyci Wow, thanks! Measured her favorite set and bracelet is 7" stretchable, necklace is 18" not including the charm. I'm sooooo excited 😁. Will be looking out for your reply. Don't forget to let me know how much the set is going to cost me. Again Cierra, thanks a million 💋 XOXO
Jun 21Reply

@designsbyci Oh, I forgot.... Light purple and maybe accent gold or/and white would be nice. I just don't want it all one color. And ballerina charm ☺. Thanks Cierra.
Jun 21Reply

@urstyl do you want a chain necklace or beaded? 😇 and you're very welcome ❤️
Jun 21Reply

@designsbyci Beads ☺
Jun 21Reply

Great closet! :-)
Jun 21Reply

@quietr thank you so much!! ❤️
Jun 21Reply

Hello Cierra, you have a great closet. I love your items it looks unique like one of a kind. Thank you for the sharing and visiting my closet. I truly appreciate your support. Please make me an offer and use the offer button if you are interested in any of my listing. Thank you.
Jun 22Reply

@treasurehrluv hey! Thank you so much!! I love your closet as well! I have a lot of sales going on for a limited time as well! 😇
Jun 22Reply

Thank you for your complement. Hope to hear from you again. 🤗🌹
Jun 23Reply

Great pictures! Thank you for sharing. I'm always happy to give discounts offers are welcome. Happy poshing stop back by anytime 😍
Jun 23Reply

You have beautiful jewelry! Looking forward to receiving my items!
Jun 24Reply

@wendykg1 awe thank you so much!! I can't wait till you get them! ❤️😇
Jun 24Reply

You are the same age as my daughter! You're amazing!!! Love your work! Keep inspiring people who are blessed to connect with you! 🙏💜
Jun 26Reply

@yukisan oh that's awesome! Does she have a poshmark? And thank you so much! Have an absolutely amazing and wonderful day!! ❤️
Jun 26Reply

@designsbyci she doesn't but maybe she should! 😊✨ Thank you sweetheart! Wishing you the same!
Jun 26Reply

It has been so slow lately. Until Thursday it was crickets so I guess people are busy summer vacations & graduations. Max 1 or 2 every couple days but the last few days have gotten better. I am still getting into Poshmark (only started in April) so I've been reaching out to people to get pointers. I have to head back to work after maternity leave next Monday 😩 & would ideally like to build this into a business so I can be home with my girls.
Jun 26Reply

@aarikabc yeah I thought something was wrong with my poshmark. I just had to get a new phone and now I'm out on money and I haven't been making any at all. Plus I just spent tons of money on new supplies to make my products right before it got slow 😩
Jun 26Reply

@designsbyci oh man! Thad the worse! I just cashed out a bunch of my PM money to pay bills. 👎🏻 Sucks being an adult. Lol
Jun 26Reply

@aarikabc yeah I'm not even an adult and I have to many stresses already 😂😩
Jun 26Reply

@designsbyci oh man! I always forget that. Lol! Well you're more of adult than most adults I know so take that for what it's worth. Lol!
Jun 26Reply

Thank you for sharing 💋
Jun 27Reply

Hi Cierra.Thx for the follow. I'm donating 100% of all of my PM profits through 6/30 to a local fmly who tragically lost their only child. He was a 14 yr old classmate of my teen. Buyers will see the $ amt frm ea sale listed as "Poshmark Angels" on the family's Go Fund Me site. The posting w/details is in my closet if you would help me to help the fmly by sharing my post, I will be forever grateful. Thx love!💖
Jun 27Reply

Hey there, I wanted to let you know that I am in a "ladies only" club called The Red Hat Society, and we often have events where local artists, people who sell jewelry and clothes come and sell their stuff. You should find your local chapter. You can also go to their home page to find more info to get hooked up with the local events to sell your jewelry.
The colors are Red & Purple or Pink and Lavender and often involve a shoe or hat and lots of bling!
Jun 27Reply

@pumpkinpatch43 thank you so much for letting me know!! I will definitely look into that! 😇 thank you so much again ❤️
Jun 27Reply

Welcome Cierra, I'm Tracy 🙋🏼😃 Super proud of you on starting your own business. You have a great closet and know you will do well. Please let me know if you have any questions, I'm happy to answer any you may have. Have a great week and happy POSHING! 😉👍🌸🦋🌼
Jun 27Reply

@tweisy Hey Tracy! Thank you so much!! You have a wonderful week and I'm wishing you many sales ❤️ thank you again
Jun 27Reply

@designsbyci Thank You 😊
Jun 27Reply

Hello Cierra, nice to meet you! I love your closet it's Beautiful, so many items to chose from. Do you happen to make bracelets with Healing Stones? Brenda💞
Jun 27Reply

@brendi50 hey Brenda it's very nice to meet you!! 😇 thank you so much and yes I do make healing Stone bracelets 💕 I can share some to your closet to show you some and then is there anything specific you are wanting? 😊
Jun 27Reply

Hello again, sorry got overwhelmed with all the bracelets. Do you happen to have, Clear Quatz, Green Tourmaline, Lapis, Lazuli, Larimar, Tourmalated Quatz, I did a little research, I have many ailments myself, one being Fibromyalgia, the stones I provided here are for people with Fibro. Brenda💞
Jun 27Reply

@brendi50 I have a few of these so I will have to order the others, it will just take a couple days. What is your price range? Because I know those stones cost more then some of the ones I already have.
Jun 27Reply

Hello again, you mentioned you had a few of them, could you possibly tag me with them. I really like the cobalt blue stone, is that a healing stone? I definitely would love to order a few from you, I want the benefit of the healing, but I also want a nice color. I'm going to send another message due to the length of my message. Brenda💞
Jun 27Reply

@brendi50 the blue stones I have are sodalite and lapis 😇 they are beautiful stones! 😍
Jun 27Reply

Hello again, I'm going to mention some of the stones, could you possibly tell me the color's if you know. Lapis, Lazuli, Larimar. Clear Quartz is a Master Healer, Tourmaline, Carmelian is also a powerful Healer. After all that, I would like a nice color so I could wear it everyday. My favorite color's are; Pink, Purple, Cobalt Blue, Black. Brenda💞
Jun 27Reply

Hello again, do you happen to have Smokey Quartz, which is for anxiety, both my daughters have anxiety and I'd love to purchase 2 of those with a charm with a saying or a dangle charm. Sorry for all the questions, but I want to get it right in what I'd like to purchase. Brenda💞
Jun 27Reply

@brendi50 yes I do 😇 I can tag you in them!
Jun 27Reply

Hello again, could you tag me with the Blue stones you mentioned, sodalite & Lapis, please. Brenda💞
Jun 27Reply

@brendi50 I don't have smokey Quartz but I do have Amethyst and that's what I personally use for my anxiety and it helps me 😇
Jun 27Reply

Hey ☺ thanks for the share!
Jun 28Reply

@terrysboutique awe I'm so sorry that has happened and thank you so much! Have a wonderful day❤️
Jun 29Reply

@brendi50 hey did you figure out which ones you wanted? 😇❤️
Jun 29Reply

You go girl, your jewelry line is awesome. I too can't work right now do to a accident I had and this is a great app to keep us busy and not think about our problems . Hopefully I can feel better tomorrow and post some more of my stuff. My lighting is horrible and after trying about 5 things I decided to move to area of my home to work on it but , I have so much stuff to post I have wore my self out just getting from the closet to the ironing board, back to my model😂I broke my hip
Jul 04Reply

@ths76 awe thank you so much and yes I love this app it's the only way I can make money and you meet so many great people on here. I'm praying for you for a fast recovery ❤️
Jul 04Reply

Hi, Cierra! I'm ready to purchase half of my order. Can you please bundle it for me?
I'm on the road todsy, but checking my tags. I'll purchase it later today. Thank you.
Jul 05Reply

@fatty8 were you wanting to buy the 5 hope and 4 Indian Agate? Or which ones haha I forgot ❤️😂
Jul 05Reply

Sounds good, how much will it be?
Jul 05Reply

@fatty8 $98 😇 $50 for all the home $10 a piece and then $12 each for Indian Agate so $48
Jul 06Reply

Ok, please bundle for me. Thank you!
Jul 06Reply

Jul 06Reply

Hi hun hope todays a good day . I was just diagnosed with EDS and P.O.T.S last yr, at 38!! After a lifetime of confused looks by all my doctors. I had to give up teaching preschool which I did for 19 yrs. I miss it terribly but don't miss the being sick all the time.
Jul 07Reply

So waiting for disability to be approved. I wish I was loaded with money I'd buy one of everything from your closet. Some days are better than others body and mind . which I am sure you know all to wellI. Despite it all I absolutely love your attitude!! Wise beyond your years. xo to you and yours
Jul 07Reply

@mazz78 I'm so sorry about that! 😕 I've had to give up all my sports as well. Thank you so very much! ❤️ and yes every day is a challenge some days are good some days you can't get out of bed. And you are so sweet! 😇💕 I hope you have an absolutely wonderful and blessed day!
Jul 07Reply

Good afternoon Cierra. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations and sharing them with your followers 🌹
Jul 07Reply

@hmsimon1 your creations are beautiful!! 😍 Have a wonderful day!
Jul 07Reply

Moving sale. Open to offers. Thanks
Jul 08Reply

Thanks for sharing from my closet! I ❤️ your closet! I will definitely keep my eye on it to treat myself! Posh 💕
Jul 08Reply

@venicegirl4 you're very welcome and awe thank you so much!! ❤️😇
Jul 08Reply

@cwalker76 hey Correen! I did have a great 4th! It didn't rain here but it was chilly out last year so I was glad it was better this year! How was yours and yes that sounds good! ❤️ do you just want me to mix some in, I have some new ones as well!! 😇
Jul 10Reply

@cwalker76 alright!! I got new round ones and they are gorgeous!! 😍😱💕❤️
Jul 10Reply

@designsbyci Thank you so much for sharing my things. Your story really has inspired me. You are an inspiration to many. Keep hanging in there. Xoxo
Jul 10Reply

Thanks for the shares, doll!! You have a lovely closet. I love your unique pieces 💕💕
Jul 10Reply

You make beautiful jewelry!! Thank you for all the shares! 😊
Jul 11Reply

@mcleymore1 you're very welcome and thank you so much!! ❤️😇
Jul 11Reply

@des9019 you're so welcome!! And thank you so much! ❤️💕
Jul 11Reply

@pinkposh80 awe thank you! 😊💕 and you're very welcome!!
Jul 11Reply

I'm relaxing and loving your jewelry - so beautiful. So many people have "invisible" diseases - I'm sorry that you're so young, and hope you find ways to get well - you are quite ambitious and talented - Happy Poshing!
Jul 11Reply

@dianesteinberg I do but want to bundle with the chakra bracelet. Are you getting those stones too?
Jul 13Reply

@rebeccasam oh yes! I forgot and I have not ordered those yet because I'm waiting for sales to come in so I have enough money, it's been hard lately because I don't have enough money to get new items but no one has been buying much so I'm kinda stuck in stand still with sales.
Jul 13Reply

@designsbyci I totally get it. I haven't been making sales lately either. It's so hard.
Jul 13Reply

@rebeccasam I picked out the beads for the chakra and I decided that I will order them 😇 I'm going to place the order in the morning because I thought some new bracelets and matte type things will look good in my closet! 😇 I got lots of new matte type stones
Jul 13Reply

@designsbyci wow that sounds so great. Thank you!
Jul 13Reply

Hello all my watches are for sale at this point and negotiable let me know thank you just throughout a number and I'll let you know
Jul 13Reply

@rebeccasam Not sure what stones you mean - everyone I've talked to has said that business has been slow...time of year?
Jul 14Reply

@dianesteinberg oh I think she meant to reply to me haha and yes my sales have been super slow 😕
Jul 14Reply

Thanks for sharing 💖💖💖
Jul 17Reply

Thanks for sharing my mini closet lol . I need to get some better lighting going . I must have 500 things I could put on but keep missing the sun . I will share you when I get going👋
Jul 19Reply

Awesome closet! Def. check out mine. Hope you find something you love!
Jul 21Reply

Thank you I love your closet .
Jul 22Reply

You are AWESOME. ...Thanks for the shares😀
Jul 24Reply

🎉 Welcome to Poshmark! 🎉 I'm Celi and my closet is @celis___closet. Feel free to ask me any questions! I'm a seller, buyer, suggested user (SU), 2x party host, and mentor. You'll find lots of success if you follow posh rules and have a compliant closet. Sharing your closet to the 3x daily posh parties will help you make sales! Happy Poshing! 😊💕
Jul 24Reply

Thank you so much for the many shares!! I truly appreciate it!
Jul 24Reply

Thank you for your share 💓💓💓!
Jul 25Reply

Thanks so much for the posh love, I appreciate the shares. Love your beautiful work! Take care hun, praying for you. 💕🙏🏼
Jul 28Reply

Hi there. Thx for sharing my listing.
Jul 30Reply

Thanks for the shares! Much appreciated 🙂
Jul 30Reply

Hi Cierra! Thanks for the shares! 😊
Jul 31Reply

You're on the suggested user wheel right now!!! 😍
Aug 01Reply

@aarikabc omg!! Yay!! 😱😱❤️ thank you so much for letting me know!!
Aug 01Reply

@designsbyci I squeaked out loud when I saw it. So excited for you! I know how hard you've been working.
Aug 01Reply

@aarikabc awe thank you so much!! ❤️
Aug 01Reply

@designsbyci I like the turquoise bracelet above and scrolled down to read about you. I have POTS! That's why I like the turquoise bracelet. Wow! Small world!!! I also CRPS/RSD. I live in Ohio, we are relocating to SC next summer because of my pain from my RSD. ( I'm sure u understand with EDS) . Your jewelry is gorgeous sweetheart!
Aug 01Reply

@woodydaisy oh wow I don't meet many people with POTS! And I'm so sorry I hope you get better ❤️ and thank you so much!! Have a wonderful day!! 💕
Aug 01Reply

Thanks for share.
Aug 05Reply

Thanks for sharing my listing.
Aug 06Reply

Hi Cierra! 😃 Just wanted to say hi! Hope you are doing and feeling well!! Have a great weekend! 😃🌸
Aug 06Reply

@flutter_buys Awe thank you so much! I hope you are as well and I hope you have a great weekend too! 😇
Aug 06Reply

@designsbyci thank you so much for sharing❤️
Aug 08Reply

Your such a pretty girl, so sorry to hear about your illnesses! I too have several illnesses, but I'm 37 years old. You still have your whole life ahead of you and I'm sure you will have a bright future, God bless you!
Aug 08Reply

@kadmta awe thank you so much and I hope you get well! God bless you too ❤️🌞
Aug 08Reply

@designsbyci ❤️
Aug 08Reply

Good Morning 🤗Cierra, Hope you get a chance to check out my closet 💙💚👖👕👛👠
Aug 11Reply

Cierrra, I'm sorry but I'm sure how to do that ? Tell me how to do it please. Or can't you cancel ?
Aug 12Reply

@sillytilly1 I guess you can't cancel if you make me an offer but if you want more items I can take an offer on the things you want and you will get 15% off of a bundle of 3+ and a free gift 😇
Aug 12Reply

I think I will wait and look at all my likes from your closet and then do a bundle Depending a bundle.
Aug 12Reply

@sillytilly1 okay 😇❤️
Aug 12Reply

@zenmama927 awe thank you so much! That means a lot to me! 😇💕
Aug 14Reply

Cierra, there is nothing you can't overcome with the power, salvation and love of God. I can see by your actions that you are a strong willed young lady. You know so much and what you are going through has obviously matured you way past your peers. Thank you for sharing your story. I will keep you in my prayers. Your jewelry is absolutely beautiful! Stay strong, keep the Faith and always surround yourself by people who will make you better! ❤️ 😇 💪🏼
Aug 14Reply

@deco120 thank you so much!! That means the absolute world to me to hear that. I do think you can get through anything God puts you through and it's to make you stronger then you ever once were before. Have a wonderful and blessed day! ❤️😇
Aug 14Reply

You're absolutely right, and HE does it to draw us closer to Him. So we fully rely on God. So often in life we get distracted and lose what should be our main focus. God Bless you too girl!
Aug 14Reply

Aug 15Reply

Thanks for the shares! 😘
Aug 16Reply

Thank for the posh love 💕 from one jewelry maker to another ! Thanks love your!
Aug 16Reply

thanks for the follow! love your jewelry!
Aug 17Reply

Thank you for the share Cierra! 💜
Aug 18Reply

I hope my small purchase helps a little. I told my hubby about you and he said.... "buy some bracelets....!!!!" We POTSY girls gotta stick together! I will keep sharing away for you, dear!! Good luck!!!! Xo
Aug 19Reply

Thank you
Aug 21Reply

Actually thank you for sharing both listings
Aug 21Reply

@designsbyci Wow!!! 😃 You handmade all this jewelry?? ✨💍With your illnesses?!?! You are AMAZING!!! 🌟😍🌟 I, too, suffer with "invisible" illnesses and am nowhere NEARLY as productive as you!! How do you do it?? (Of course, if I anything actually sold from my closet, maybe I'd have more motivation, lol) How do you sell your items for so little? I've been wanting to get back into jewelry making now that I can't work, but supplies are SO 💲💲!
Aug 23Reply

@c2_sugar awe thank you so much and I'm praying for you to get better!! And it just relaxes me and makes me happy knowing people will be wearing my things that I thought of a created myself and they liked it enough to buy it hehe 😇 each thing I try to price as low as I can so I can get more sales even tho I don't make a ton of money off each but if it's priced to high I don't get as many sales 😕
Aug 23Reply

Thank you for all the shares! 😘
Aug 23Reply

@mrsivey18 thank you so much ❤️
Aug 24Reply

Hey girl! I was just reading your bio here, I absolutely love your work! My boyfriend also has lyme disease amongst some other problems. I can understand your struggle on top of all your other conditions. It's awesome how positive and creative you are! You will go far with those traits! ❤
Aug 27Reply

@spicylady303 awe thank you so much!! That means the world to me ❤️❤️ I hope your boyfriend gets better! And I hope you have a wonderful day! 💕
Aug 27Reply

Hi there hope you're having a great day! Thanks for the shares 😊. If you're interested in the items I'll send you a bundle discount. Please let me know happy poshing🎉
Aug 28Reply

I am going to do my Christmas shopping in your closet!!! I love it!!!! and so will they!!
Aug 28Reply

@ladyshopper1969 awe thank you so much! You're so sweet! ❤️
Aug 28Reply

@designsbyci I admire your bravery and want encourage you to keep your hopes up. Best wishes for you and your family and your dog as well...🍀🍀🍀best of luck in all your endeavors.
Aug 29Reply

Hello Loves!! Thank you for the posh love and the shares!!! You jewelry designs are GORGEOUS... you are so creative and talented!! 😘😘😘💕💖💕
Aug 29Reply

Thank you for sharing! ♡♡♡
Aug 30Reply

Thanks for sharing so many things from my closet - you don't seem to have any of the items for when they have parties -shoes, bags -Nike addidas etc -only jewelry so difficult to share
Aug 30Reply

Hey cierra thanks for sharing !! ❤️🤗😊
Aug 30Reply

Thank you for all the shares 😊
Aug 31Reply

Thanks a bunch for the follow 🌼
Sep 01Reply

@designsbyci I am so sorry to read about ur ailments dear. Do u study at home if u are able to? Have u had this ur whole life? Sorry to ask so many questions. My heart just goes out to you. You make beautiful jewelry. Best and god Bless. Your posh friend, Sammy ❤️
Sep 02Reply

TFS 💕 Can I ask how you got some many followers?
Sep 06Reply

@eobando73 I just follow lots of people,I'm a suggested user, and I post a lot of my products. 😇
Sep 06Reply

@designsbyci Thanks so much 🤗
Sep 06Reply

Thank you so much for all of the shares. You are so so so inspirational. I admire you and your strength, you are behind me in years, but ahead of me in courage. You are a very beautiful individual and I'm so sorry to hear about your conditions. I wish you the best. I'm going to follow you on Instagram ☺️❤️ God bless, beautiful
Sep 07Reply

@brirychalsky you're so very welcome and thank you so much! That means the world to me! You are so sweet! And you are beautiful as well! 😍💕 have an absolutely wonderful day and God bless you 🌞😇
Sep 07Reply

@designsbyci thanks for all the sharing love!!!! Let me know if anything catches your eye!
Sep 08Reply

Can give ya a great deal on the pieces that you liked
Sep 08Reply

Your jewelry is absolutely Gorgeous! Love the style and uniqueness you put into it to make it one of a kind!❤️🌵😊
Sep 13Reply

@designsbyci It's so nice of you to share with me, and after looking in your closet, I realized that you MAKE these beautiful pieces! How impressive for a young woman to be so creative and entrepreneurial too! So sad to hear of your chronic ills, but they don't seem to keep you down! I have chronic pain from CRPS and it's hard to keep going, but it's people like you that inspire me! Keep up the good work Beauty...
Sep 14Reply

Thanks for sharing 💞💝
Sep 16Reply

Thank you for the shares @designsbyci
Sep 17Reply

Thank you for sharing from my listing.
I will be praying for you believing God for your healing...God bless you, Juell
Sep 18Reply

Thank you for the shares💋
Sep 21Reply

Ur beautiful and quite talented! I'm sorry about ur medical issues, and setbacks. I'm much older that u, but i do have a son ur age. I also suffer from chronic medical issues, and was put on permanent medical disability. Autoimmune diseases are bad cuz most people can't c ur they can't relate. I have fibromyalgia....among several other nerve, joint, neurological medical issues. So, i can relate and sympathize. Best of luck to u.
Sep 23Reply

@duhda awe thank you so much! ❤️ I hope you get better very soon! It's very hard to have a silent disease that no one can see. Have a wonderful weekend! 😇
Sep 23Reply

Thank you for sharing my pendant!
Sep 27Reply

@designsbyci Hi my friend. So I've decided to have you make me a necklace. I'd like it 36 inches made of shiney moonstone and shiney sodalite. Mostly moonstone with two sodalite placed at North, South, East, West like a compass. I'd like a black tassel please. If possible do you think 8mm beads look best?
Sep 27Reply

@smk07jck alright I can do that! 😇 and yes I think 8mm beads would look the best 😍 what is your price range for the necklace? I will trying to get a low price range with very high quality beads but supplies and stones are expensive 😩
Sep 27Reply

@designsbyci Oh great, I'm so excited. Did you get my two separate orders? The tigers eye bracelet and the two rose quartz matching bracelets. I want to be fair. I'm not sure of your cost. If you can how about $65
Sep 27Reply

@smk07jck yes I did 😇 I shipped out the Tigereye one and when I get home I will get the set ready 😊 and I will see what I can do with the necklace and will try to get the best price as possible for you! ❤️
Sep 27Reply

@designsbyci I appreciate that. I'm so happy I found your beautiful art.
Sep 27Reply

@smk07jck awe you're so sweet!! 😇❤️
Sep 27Reply

@smk07jck I just ordered the supplies for your necklace so they just be here in a few days! 😇
Sep 27Reply

@designsbyci yea!! Thank you. Your the best.
Sep 27Reply

@smk07jck awe thank you so much! I can't wait till you see the finished product!!
Sep 27Reply

Is it awesome? I am 2 sales away. xoxo
Oct 02Reply

So beautiful
Oct 02Reply

Thank you for all the shares 😊
Oct 04Reply

Hi! I saw a few bracelets I liked that you made, but wanted to know if I could purchase plain, with no charm and order as a set. Is this possible? Am I allowed to email you details? Not sure how posh works with these things :). Thanks!
Oct 05Reply

@kliefer posh doesn’t allow contact outside of here but you can just bundle the bracelets you want and then comment on them how you would like them! 😇💕
Oct 05Reply

@designsbyci I love all the bracelets, and the way the custom bracelet turned out!! Just perfect. The druzzy orders werent as ..heavy🤔 as I expected.. But the bracelets were 100% absolutely gorgeous and will definitely be ordering from again gd if I need any other custom, or any stone bracelets❤😗 Thank you so much!!❤💞
Oct 05Reply

@designsbyci gf* 😘
Oct 05Reply

@southwest_sara awe I’m so glad you liked everything!!! ❤️😇 I have been putting tons of things up lately for Christmas as well so if you see anything you like and want it different I can customize that as well! Have a wonderful day! 💕😇
Oct 05Reply

@designsbyci Thanks will definitely keep an eye out!! And thank you😙 You too🤗
Oct 05Reply

Hello Cierra 😊 Thank for the shares. You have an amazing jewelry closet.
Oct 07Reply

@gisela1209 hey! You’re so very welcome!! And thank you so much! Have a wonderful weekend! ❤️🌻🌞
Oct 07Reply

Wow you are truly beautiful
Oct 07Reply

Oh my goodness ♡♡♡♡. I want everything. Such talent. Everything is just gorgeous.
Oct 07Reply

@shopright2330 awee you’re so sweet!! Thank you so much! ❤️😇
Oct 07Reply

Thanks for sharing.
Oct 08Reply

Good luck Cierra. I hope you reach your goal and have thousands of new followers😘🌹
Oct 10Reply

THank you for share!!!!
Oct 12Reply

Hello there 😉 thank you for the follow and shares, I appreciate it. You have a great closet!
Oct 12Reply

Thanks for the shares! Enjoy $5 off in my closet 💗
Oct 12Reply

@designsbyci thank u sooo much!!! I absolutely adore ur designs!! I’ll be back for some bracelets soon!! 💜💜😘😘
Oct 14Reply

Hey girl! I just wanted to pass along some seller to seller advice! You’ll get a ton more business if you make a sign with your sales&bundle discounts and share it to someone’s closet when they like something, instead of posting a comment! I just wanted to pass this along to help you out ☺️
Oct 15Reply

@lyss91 ohh thank you so very much!! ❤️💕 I hope you have a wonderful day!! 🌻🌞
Oct 15Reply

@designsbyci I've had tremendous luck with this method and i wanted to pass it along! I'm going to share my sign with you just to show you! You have an absolutely fabulous closet and I would love for you to prosper!! Have a great day!!
Oct 15Reply

@lyss91 well thank you so very much! I really do appreciate it!! ❤️🌞 and I love your closet as well!
Oct 15Reply

@lyss91 I shared my listing to your dressing room to see if that’s okay 😇
Oct 15Reply

It looks great!! ☺️ hopefully it brings you many sales!
Oct 15Reply

@lyss91 yay!!! Thank you so much again! ❤️
Oct 15Reply

Anytime!! I’m a posh ambassador and mentor, so feel free to come to me for advice!
Oct 15Reply

@designsbyci Thank you for all the shares!
Oct 16Reply

Thank you for sharing. I am sharing yours back. Many blessings!!!
Oct 18Reply

Love your jewelry! It’s beautiful. Good luck poshing 😘💨🍀
Oct 18Reply

@lizzie777 thank you so much!! I love your closet! And I’m wishing you many many sales ❤️😇
Oct 18Reply

@designsbyci hey!!! I tried to comment.on earlier post. Do u make custom? I suffer from sever anxiety and panic attacks. I bought a healing bracelet from etsy about a year ago. It had healing stones along with some charms i chose. I have read and tried anything and everything to help my issues. Im sorry u also suffer from health issues and cant even imagine if i were in your shoes. Id love to support u. And also would love a new healing bracelet. Let me know
Oct 19Reply

@hannahoman776 yes that’s funny cuz I actually just got you back haha and I don’t know if you saw ❤️ and yes I do make custom bracelets! And I’m so sorry about that, I do have anxiety but it’s not severe. I keep my chakra bracelets on me all the time, I just take them off when I shower and I do think they help me. What kind of bracelet or stones are you thinking? 😇💕
Oct 19Reply

@designsbyci my previous had amystest and hematite and rose quartz. I have read that blue lace agate can do wonders. Also lepidolite. My previous broke 😢😢😢 i had charms added with a lotus to represent making a positive out of a negative mind set, a peace sign charm for inner peace, an elephant with with trunk up for good luck, and i love ur tree of life. I will willingly purchase multiple. I will do amything to try to ease this. And i love the look of ur jewelry!!! What do u think?
Oct 19Reply

@designsbyci alsoooooo!!!! Tell me about chakra bracelets! Ive heard about, yet i dont know enough... i think i need it too! Lol
Oct 19Reply

@hannahoman776 all those ones you had I know are suppose to work very good I don’t know much about crazy blue lace Agate but I do know it’s a good stone and same with lepidite and I will share with you my chakra bracelet:)
Oct 19Reply

@hannahoman776 and yessss I love the Lotus Flower, Elephants, and the Tree Of Life 😍
Oct 19Reply

@designsbyci yessss!!!! Please share any items u think will be helpful! Also if i wanted custom, what is ur pricing?
Oct 19Reply

@hannahoman776 alright I shared some things for ideas and things I have made with those stones 😇 and pricing just depends what charms and what stones you want and I try to keep the prices down as much as possible because I want everyone to be able to afford something that will be able to help them. Now it’s just the natural stones that need to go down in price 😂 the bad boys are expensive 😬
Oct 19Reply

@designsbyci oh lord, ur gonna hate me lol.... how should i measure my wrist for the sizing. I added the chakra to bundle at the default of 6.5... but idk lol
Oct 19Reply

@designsbyci ur prob over me by now.... is it better for u or on uretsy link?
Oct 19Reply

@hannahoman776 we can just email since you have a custom order and it would be easier to message like that so we don’t get confused haha :) my email is
Oct 19Reply

@hannahoman776 I know poshmark doesn’t like sellers to sell outside of poshmark but we won’t we will just message so it’s easier for us to communicate 😇💕
Oct 19Reply

@designsbyci thank u!!!
Oct 19Reply

Oct 23Reply

✨Welcome to the Posh Family! I’m Bianca a Posh Ambassador and a Top 10% seller and am here thank assist you. If you have any questions about Poshing I will be very happy to assist you! Stop by my closet and receive 15% off any item of your choice!! Remember “Sharing is Caring”. Happy that you’ve joined PoshMark💖
Oct 24Reply

thanks for sharing!!!
Oct 25Reply

Happy Poshing !! Congrats on your closet. I hope sales are great. 👍 Keep having fun.
Take care, Mari. 😀
Oct 26Reply

Thank you for sharing!! What an awesome closet! You have a great gift! 😘💓😘💓💓😘😘😘💓💓😘💓💓😘💓😘😘😘😘💓💓😘😘😘😘💓😘💓
Oct 26Reply

Thanks! $20 for the grey boots, $50 for the mens leather jacket! snd $15 for the dress! Bundle or make me a bid!
Oct 26Reply

I am a Poshmark Ambassador sharing info whether you buy or sell. 1)click my thumbnail picture on the left of this email 2)at the top of the next page click ABOUT 3)finally click MEET THE POSHER under my big picture. 4)this page is packed with info. Some things are later updated so read it all. DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL DIRECTLY.
Oct 27Reply

thanks for sharing!!!
Oct 27Reply

@_mallory_nicole hi! It’s so nice to meet you 😇 I’m so sorry you have to deal with that because it’s very hard 😞 I will definitely take a look at your closet!! Have an absolutely wonderful day!! ❤️
Nov 01Reply

Nov 01Reply

Help! How do I upload another photo to my first item listed ?😩😍🌼⭐️⭐️💕
Nov 03Reply

@lovecrane you just hit the edit button and then there will be a blank box that says add photo and you just click on that and the limit is eight photos that you can add on one listing😇
Nov 03Reply

@designsbyci I love you 💕💕💕thanks so much 🦋
Nov 03Reply

Hey Cierra,
As I was scrolling and looking at your “shares”, I was like “wait a minute, someone is using her user id?” Then I realized you changed your profile pic! You look fabulous and really healthy! Like you’re glowing! Hope everything’s going good for you! You’re new style makes you look a lot older. Don’t grow up too fast! 💕
Nov 04Reply

@deco120 awee you’re sooo sweet! Thank you so much! I decided it was time for a change and I’m glad I did 😇❤️
Nov 04Reply

@designsbyci hi! I am also a rare disease warrior and severely disabled. I am so sorry that you fight these battles. 💔 I’m so happy that I clicked on your beautiful Poshmark store and your About to learn more about you! ♿️💜💕
Nov 04Reply

@citybellecloset I hope and pray that you can get better ❤️ and thank you so much!! I’m so glad I met you! 😇
Nov 04Reply

Nov 04Reply

@vagail1966 you’re very welcome!! I can’t wait till you receive them! 😇❤️
Nov 04Reply
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