Meet your Posher, Regina
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Hi! I'm Regina. I’m Brazilian 🇧🇷, I love tennis 🎾 and beaches 🏝. My closet selections include women’s clothing, jewelry & makeup. I also have kids (12months to 8) and men’s clothing. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too :)

75 others
like this

Welcome to Posh!❤
Feb 11Reply

@srivers29 thanks :)
Feb 11Reply

Good morning Regina, I really enjoy sharing your closet, I wanted to let you know about non-compliance products that cannot be sold on poshmark, I have attached a link for your reading, please read the entire Items to sell and items you can't sell. I will continue to share with you , but I can't risk sharing non compliance products, if you need my help I will walk you through the process. Happy poshing.
Feb 20Reply

@passionboutique Hi there! Thank you so much for taking the time to point that out to me! I’m new to posh (around 2 weeks that I have been working actively here). I will read the link you sent me and take the appropriate actions to follow Posh rules. Again I really appreciate your help! 😗 Regina
Feb 20Reply

@reginasa You are so welcome sweetie, you can sell a whole lot more from other posher once you are incompliance with the rules, I would love to share some share groups with you so your closet can get a lot more exposure, I was once new too so I understand learning all of their rules. If you need my help I am here for you.
Feb 20Reply

@passionboutique Awww that’s so kind of you!! To be honest I’m a bit lost with all posh mechanisms. I feel that all that I do is click “share” and “follow” most of the time 😬 So I need and appreciate all the help I can get!!!
Feb 20Reply

@reginasa Yes girl I truly understand, here's a little tip, share your closet in the morning for the morning traffic and in the evening, try to share in some parties as well, but keep in mind selling lotions, perfume and body wash, can get your whole closet deleted and we sure don't want this to happen. Keep reading....
Feb 20Reply

@reginasa Here is a small share group you can sign-up for be sure to read all the instruction listed, it's a share 5 items from each posher closet who's name is listed and they will share 5 listing from your closet on the day of sharing, it simple and easy. FYI only sign up to small share group until you can learn how it works. follow the link
Feb 20Reply

@reginasa Create you a following game so other posher can start following you back (more exposure) go to my closet, look at my following game so you can set one up for your closet.
Feb 20Reply

@reginasa I forgot to mention this on the share group, sign up for the one that say's morning share group it closes at 2:00pm their time zone.
Feb 20Reply

@passionboutique thank you so much for all your help and advice!! I’m sorry it took me a while to reply. I finally was able to move my beauty items to another site and delete them from PM. Again, it was very nice of you to warn me about that.
Feb 22Reply

I have been trying as much as I can to find the follow games. Is there a place at PM that I can see all the follow games available?
Feb 22Reply

@reginasa you are so welcome, I so glad I was able to help you, after all of your hard work I just didn’t want to see your site removed. About the following games go to your feeder front page, click on the people link and type in following games.
Feb 23Reply

Thanks for sharing 🐣🐣🐣🐣🦇very nice of u
Feb 26Reply

@miimii2014 You are very welcome! :) You have a great closet! Success on your sales !!
Feb 26Reply

@reginasa thank you my dear and u too🐣🐣🐣🦋🦋🦋
Feb 26Reply

@jeannerelyea I didn’t place an offer for any item this week. Sorry
Mar 01Reply

@jeannerelyea I know what you mean!! I’m very new to poshmark too! It’s very confusing for me to understand all the mechanisms here. But I’m hoping with time I’ll get a better grasp of it :)
Also I just saw your comment about the jumper (That you thought nobody liked it...). And someone here had alerted me before, that you’d need to tag me if you want me to see it.
Mar 01Reply

@jeannerelyea And by the way, I really loved it! It’s so original and trendy! I’m in a serious diet now, so I’m holding off and not buying clothes until I have lost some more weight, otherwise I’d totally go for it!!! 💕💕
Mar 01Reply

You Ha I like the idea of a guilt free everything! Your closet definitely shows a free spirit :) Good luck on your start and if you read the posts before yours here there is some advice I've got from a more experienced seller. and yes, I also had my embarrassing moment of being pointed out that I was selling non-compliance items :/
Mar 01Reply

@rebekahmiciano Hi Rebekah, I just want to say thank you so much for your love note! 😍 I’m so glad to hear that the lululemon shorts was perfect 😊😊😊
Mar 01Reply

Thanks so much for the shares!
Mar 11Reply

@swadesuede you’re welcome! Thank you for sharing back and have a wonderful Sunday! 😊
Mar 11Reply

Thank you so much for your shares. If I can help please let me know. God Bless
Mar 12Reply

Like always thank you for all the shares!!!💖💖💖💖
Mar 12Reply

@blasian_panda same here thank you for the shares and the message! Have a great start of the week tomorrow 😊😊
Mar 12Reply

@reginasa you as well💖💖💖
Mar 12Reply

Nice to meet you on posh. Hope you are loving it! 💕
Mar 14Reply

You have an awesome closet! Happy Poshing :)
Mar 15Reply

@tricia77r Nice to meet you too. Yes I’m very excited about PM. It seems like a new world to be discovered. Have a great day! 😊
Mar 15Reply

@lbirkholz4 Thank you for checking my closet! Yours is amazing! Have a wonderful day! 😊
Mar 15Reply

@serene2016 Thank you for your sweet note 😍 I’m so glad you liked your Lilly piece!!! Yes I agree it’s adorable :)
Please come again and let me know if I can help or you have any questions about my other items. Have a wonderful rest of your day 😊
Mar 15Reply

@krl2323 hey, I just want to say thank you for your love note! 😍 I’m so glad the blouses were perfect!!
Please come again and let me know if you have any questions or would like more pics/info. Have a wonderful night! 😊
Mar 16Reply

@reginasa Hi! I just wanted to let you know, I have you added to my tag list!! 😊
Mar 16Reply

@jeannerelyea I just want to say thank you for you sweet ❤️ note. I’m so glad you liked your t-shirt and the Brazilian sleepers! It seems the mail was early too, which is great! I hope your daughter’s friend likes the T-shirt (... or not, so you can keep it for yourself ;). I love you too 😘
Mar 16Reply

@gbailey4 Good morning! Thank you for your ❤️ note! 😍 I’m so glad you loved your Free People top! Enjoy your weekend 😊😘
Mar 16Reply

@reginasa thank you and you as well!
Mar 16Reply

@gbailey4 I’m planning to list other Free People items this weekend. Please come again and let me know if you need more pics/info for any of my listings.
Mar 16Reply

@reginasa I will and thank you!
Mar 17Reply

@robinyoungquist Hey Robin, I just want to say thank you for the ❤️ note. I’m so glad you liked your Premise coat! 😊
Mar 17Reply

@reginasa you’re welcome. I love the coat. Perfect for me. Cheers
Mar 17Reply

@peytonaaa thank you and have a wonderful weekend! 😊
Mar 17Reply

@robinyoungquist @robinyoungquist oh I’m sorry I just saw your comment! I’m getting so many follow game notifications that I’m missing the important ones! That’s really wonderful to hear that you loved the coat and it was perfect for you!!!! 😊😘
Mar 20Reply

@tsbarrentine hey, I just want to say thank you for you very kind ❤️ note! It really made my day!!! 😍
Mar 20Reply

@reginasa So glad to hear that! I love the boogie shorts they fit perfectly! Thank you!
Mar 20Reply

@tsbarrentine Awesome!!! 😄
I saw that you had a listing of a sold speed shorts. Could you please tag me if you list another one?
Mar 20Reply

@reginasa yes I certainly can no problem!
Mar 20Reply

@tsbarrentine Thank you! Have a great night :)
Mar 20Reply

@reginasa no problem you have a great night as well!
Mar 20Reply

Hey, thank you for the follow✨ I followed you back, since I love your style👠 Wishing you speedy sales and great finds 🛍 Happy Poshing🎉🦄💝🌹
Mar 20Reply

@rosepetals3 thank you, for you too!!! I love your scarves. I have millions of them too 🧣🧣🧣😊😊
Mar 20Reply

@reginasa Thank you
Mar 20Reply

@lovedinthekeys Hi! I just would like to say thank you for your ❤️ note. I’m so glad you like the necklace and the earrings :) I’m just starting at PM and I really appreciate you writing a note. Have a great weekend! Regina
Mar 24Reply

@disndisndisndat Hi Christine, I just want to say thank you so much for your very kind ❤️ note! I’m so glad you liked the necklace and the earrings. Turquoise has been my favorite color as long as I remember 😍
Again, I really appreciate you writing the note. I’ve just started at PM and it means a lot to me! Have a great weekend :)
Mar 24Reply

@angel533. Hey Dana, I just want to say thank you so much for the ❤️ note. I really appreciate it! Have a great weekend :)
Mar 24Reply

@reginasa You are so welcome! Thank you as well & hope your weekend is Great!!
Mar 24Reply

Welcome 🙏 to have just graduated to the 🌍 of fashions.....Have fun.......Thanks for sharing my closet.........Make me an offer On anything in my closet I can’t say yes unless you ask....
Mar 26Reply

@luceliabrasil @pollyana1981 @sunshinelilly @gaabibff. Oi meninas! Meu nome eh Regina, eu sou brasileira e moro aqui desde 1999. Gostaria de criar um grupo de PFFs de brasileiras para a gente trocar ideias e ajudar umas às outras. Vocês estão interessadas?
Mar 28Reply

@reginasa oi, eu estou ☺️☺️
Mar 28Reply

@gaabibff @luceliabrasil Maravilha!!! A Lucélia também tá dentro :)
Mar 28Reply

@sunshinelilly @ luceliabrasil @ pollyana1981 @gaabibff A Chelsea @sunshinelilly já passou dos 50k followers e espero que ela possa se juntar a nós e dar umas dicas pra a gente chegar lá também :) 😊
Mar 28Reply

@reginasa como a gente vai fazer?
Mar 28Reply

@reginasa tou dentro☺️❤️
Mar 28Reply

@gaabibff talvez eu posso criar um listing com os nossos nomes e daí a gente conversa por lá. O que você acha?
Mar 28Reply

@reginasa não sei 😩
Mar 28Reply

@gaabibff @gaabibff sem problemas!! Eu vou pensar em alguma coisa e te falo amanhã. O pessoal te chama de Gabriela ou Gabi? ;)
Mar 28Reply

@sunshinelilly Maravilha!! Eu to pensando em criar um listing pra gente conversar. O que você acha?
Mar 28Reply

@reginasa Gabi ☺️☺️
Mar 28Reply

@reginasa gostei da ideia👍🏽
Mar 28Reply

Claro querida!
Mar 28Reply

Shared daily 5💗
Mar 28Reply

Apr 01Reply

I love your Movado sapphire crystal watch...very nice and classy. Me like!
Apr 01Reply

@stix112190x thank you! You were close, I love movado 💕, but mine is a Cartier Tank
Apr 01Reply

@reginasa Ahhhhh, shucks! I thought I nailed that one. It's a very nice watch regardless
Apr 01Reply

@stix112190x the picture is kinda fuzzy around the watch, so that was an amazing guess. I can tell you are serious about watches
Apr 02Reply

HI REGINA! Thank you for the follow. I look forward to sharing my closet with you. I love trendy wear, so I hope my collection suits you.Take care!
Apr 05Reply

Welcome to Posh ❤️❤️ Please check out my closet I have a lot of new goodies coming in soon 💎💍👠👛👗👖👜🕶👢👡👙🧥⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Apr 06Reply

@vivo_estilo thank you! You have a great closet! 💛
Cheers To lots of future sharing des 🥂
Apr 06Reply

@dawntatum thank you! You have an awesome closet! 😍
Apr 06Reply

@reginasa thank you so much!! If you decide you want to get you one started I’ll help you out any way I can.. it’s a little addictive once you get started I’ll warn you lol 😂
But Posh is so much fun!!
Apr 06Reply

Thanks for visiting my closet. I appreciate it very much!
Apr 06Reply

@mcncheese Dear Katherine, I’m SO glad you liked your Sigrid Olsen earrings! Thank you so much for your 5⭐️ review, I really appreciate it :)
Apr 08Reply

@misaak Marlene, I’m so glad you liked the dress! :) Thank you so much for the 5⭐️ and your sweet review, I truly appreciate it!
Apr 09Reply

Hi!! Welcome to Posh💕If your looking for one of a kind Treasures and you have time pls check out my Closet! I hand make jewelry, Upcycle clothes and boots I even knit summer ponchos💕💕I also carry J Crew, Free People, Eileen Fisher and Fry Boots💕💕and so much more FABULOUS finds💕💕also vintage Sorrelli jewelry
Apr 10Reply

@reginasa ♥️♥️♥️ Such a nice closet ♥️😀😘👍
Apr 10Reply

@beatibroken thank you for the welcome! I’ve just shared your items, you have a lovely closet :)
Apr 12Reply

@bell1971 Thank you so much!! 💕💕💕
Apr 12Reply

@reginasa Yw ♥️😍💋
Apr 12Reply

@jedfr098 sure
Apr 12Reply

@reginasa thank you so much💕
Apr 12Reply

@beatibroken Anytime!! :)
Apr 12Reply

Hello and thanks for following. Happy poshing
Apr 17Reply

@akakaro Thank You for the 5-star rating 💫💫💫💫💫 and the sweetest review! 💕💕
I list new items every week, hope you get a chance to check them out!
I’m not sure if I mentioned that I have (not listed yet) the same skirt you bought in green. If you are interested, please let me know and I’ll list it for you!
Have a wonderful Wednesday 😊🌻
Apr 18Reply

Thank you! I love my surprised!!! Would gladly give you more stars than I’m allowed! Your packaging is so pleasantly beautiful. Thank you again! I am delighted with all my purchased. ❤️🙏🏽
Apr 19Reply

Thank you for following 🤗
Apr 20Reply

@eleanorspencer Thank you so much for the 5-star rating 💫💫💫💫💫 I really appreciate it! Hope you are having a great weekend so far 😙🌻
Apr 22Reply

~~~Than you Regina for sharing my game~~~~sharing is Caring~~~~I shared 20 of your lovely items~~~~~
Apr 22Reply

Hello😍🤗Thank you so much for sharing and I will always share back.
I am getting better at navigating all the listings and sharing . So sweet of your to help me. Happy Poshing 🦋
Apr 23Reply

@lanny4751kodak Anytime!! :) thank you for sharing back! :)
About sharing, I’m not sure if you share using the app, but if you do share a lot it’s faster using the browser instead of the app. 😙🌻
Apr 23Reply

Hi there, Regina I appreciate you so much so sharing this with me. It will help with so much and I try to share the love anytime I can . I stay busy with six 8 grandchildren and love every minute . I love your closet and again Thank You!🦋💕
Apr 23Reply

@lanny4751kodak Wow 8 grandchildren! That’s wonderful! I’m jealous!! My daughters are only 8 and 14, but I’m already ready to have some babies around again! I hope you are having a good start of the week so far 😙🌻
Apr 23Reply

Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Apr 24Reply

@spreadlove Hi Melissa. I’m Regina. Nice meeting you. I also love to make new friends! Happy poshing!! 💕😙🌻
Apr 24Reply

@meggets8282 just did. Sorry
Apr 26Reply

sorry for faux pas -- just starting out -- thanks
Apr 27Reply

@sfergusonaz No problem!! :)
You should receive your eyeshadow tomorrow 🌻😙
Apr 27Reply

Thanks for following me! Are you interested in anything I am selling? I can make you a deal
Apr 27Reply

@jul62187 @annemarie_jones thank you for your message and hope you are following me back :)
At the moment I’m really trying to let go things and not buy more. Except maybe for lululemon items for my daughter. if you list any in the future let me know. 🌻😙
Apr 27Reply

@reginasa I have s bunch of dresses I have to post the reat
Apr 27Reply

Hi there I see you also are a lululemon lover I was just wanting you to know that I am moving and really not wanting you take what I have listed so if you want to go thru my closet and see things you would like let me know and I will make you a great deal 😉😉Thank you 👌🎉🎈🙏
Apr 30Reply

Are you coming to the Scottsdale,Arizona Poshmark? would love to meet you -- thanks!
May 01Reply

@stix112190x Thank you so much for the 5-star rating 💫💫💫💫💫 I really appreciate it!
It was a pleasure meeting you and hope you come back soon 🇧🇷
May 04Reply

@sfergusonaz I’d love to meet you too! but Arizona is very far from where I live :(
May 04Reply

Maybe next time -- will continue your closet!!! Thanks,Susan
May 04Reply

@sfergusonaz I wish I could go! I’d would love to meet you and other poshers in person!
By the way, I think you’ve received your bundle okay and you are happy with your purchase 🇧🇷😙
May 04Reply

@sfergusonaz sorry, I meant to write “I hope” and not “I think”
May 04Reply

May 07Reply

@cucaracha209 🇧🇷 Thank you so much! I truly appreciate it!! 😙
May 08Reply

May 08Reply

Thanks for helping build my Follow game❣️❣️
May 14Reply

@andreanicci anytime! :) thank you for playing mine 🇧🇷😙
May 14Reply

@reginasa HI 😍 Your my LIPPIE REVISIT TODAY 💄💄💄💋💋💋 Hope you have lots of shares and posh love 💋💋💋♥️♥️♥️
May 15Reply

@bushwoman1 I’m so glad you are happy with your purchase!!! Thank you so much for the 5-star 💫💫💫💫💫 and the wonderful review!! 😍 I strive to make your purchase experience with me a memorable one and I really appreciate your feedback :) It was a pleasure meeting you and hope you come back soon 🇧🇷😙
May 17Reply

@reginasa thank you so much for your kindness!! And allowing me to come to you with any questions! I'll defiitely have to keep that in mind as I've had a bunch since I started 😄 have a wonderful day 💕💕
May 22Reply

@calbears I’m so glad you are happy with your skirt!!! Thank you so much for the 5-star 💫💫💫💫💫 rating and the love note :) It meant a lot to me!! It was a pleasure meeting you and hope you come back soon 🇧🇷😙
May 24Reply

@reginasa anytime 👍❤️😍
May 24Reply

@jirwin87 My pleasure! Thank you for your purchase and for your likes!!! 💕💕💕 I’ll try to still ship it today, but latest first thing tomorrow :) 🇧🇷😙
May 25Reply

@laura_luxe I’m so glad you are happy with your purchase!!! Thank you so much for the 5-star 💫💫💫💫💫 rating and the wonderful review!! :) It means a lot to me! It was a pleasure meeting you and hope you come back soon 🇧🇷😙
May 26Reply

Hi Regina! Did you make the earring stand yourself? It is so cool!
May 26Reply

@momogonza4 Hi! Thank you I bought the earrings stand, I wish I was that crafted to make one !!! 🇧🇷😙
May 26Reply

Congrats on being featured as a fairy 🧚♀️ today 🌺💜Jan
May 29Reply

May 30Reply

Have a look at my closet!!
Jun 04Reply

Congrats on being featured as a unicorn today 🌺💜Jan
Jun 04Reply

hi love! I am so sorry I have to ask to be taken off the tag list 😞
Jun 04Reply

@v_m_c no problem! I took you out. Have a wonderful week! 🇧🇷😙
Jun 04Reply

@reginasa ❤️ I appreciate you’re time! I love/ adore your closet ❤️ so I will definitely still be sharing it as much as possible ❤️
Thank you 😊
Jun 04Reply

@v_m_c @v_m_c I’m so sorry I’ve just sent you a tag in another Follow Game. I had taken you out of the list, but you were still in cut/paste list that I had recently sent. It won’t happen again. Thank you so much for the shares and compliments to my closet. You have an amazing closet too 😙
Jun 04Reply

@reginasa oh no worries at all! You are a doll! I am just on so many I didn’t realize it lol! I think some people also copied your list and I was on theirs and didn’t realize lol
Jun 04Reply

@cwaters48 I’m sooo glad to know that you love your necklace and are happy with your purchase experience :) This was my favorite, go-to necklace for a long time! Thank you so much for the 5-star rating 💫💫💫💫💫 and the thoughtful love note 💛. It meant A LOT to me!! It was a pleasure ‘meeting’ you and hope you do come back soon :) Xx Regina 🇧🇷😙
Jun 08Reply

@v_m_c Oh no! That’s so rude to use other poshers lists. Thank you so much for letting me know and I’ll add a “do not copy” to the end of my list as I’ve seen most of people do. Now I know why. Ha! 🇧🇷😙
Jun 08Reply

@reginasa you are the best. I know! I did have a conversation with 1 person and she really didn’t know that you can’t do that, someone had already said something to her. By the time I realized I was added to some of them I saw so many notifications and names I knew I didn’t add myself to tag lists. But i am still a loyal follower to you 😘 ❤️
Jun 08Reply

Yes definitely a “do not copy” for sure! ❤️
Jun 08Reply

Congrats on being featured as a lippie today 🌺💜Jan
Jun 09Reply

@reginasa ♥️ I did make you my LIPPIE REVISIT FOR Saturday in hopes of getting you that 100K. 💄💄 You must have missed it 💄💋💋💄💋💋
Jun 10Reply

So excited for you🌈🌪SP💕🙌congrats on the 100k too and thank you for all the love and shares ! I hope you sell a ton today!
Jun 10Reply

Hi, congratulations, have a wonderful sale!!!
Jun 10Reply

Good morning beautiful! Congratulations on completing your follow game! I know that you're very busy but I was wondering would you have a little bit of time to help me get my first follow game going? I'm deathly afraid and don't know what to do so since you are now a vet maybe you wouldn't mind helping? Thanks!
Jun 10Reply

Congrats on reaching 100,000 followers!!!😊
Jun 10Reply

Hi Regina!🕉🌌☄Just wanted to spread some Posh love! 💟💖💛💖💟
Im having a crazy sale and have taken up to 65% off my listings to clean out my closet before vacation!
I wanted to take a minute to invite you to follow me 👣 so that you can see when I add new fun listings (which I do daily)! Thanks again!!!❣💋
Jun 10Reply

Jun 11Reply

@jordansmom_2010 sure I’d love to help you. You were right- today was hectic, but I’ll touch base with you tomorrow! 🇧🇷😙
Jun 11Reply

@reginasa Thanks so much! I know the next couple days I'll be hacked it with everyone pulling at you so maybe Wednesday? Would that be better for you? Once again congratulations!
Jun 11Reply

@jordansmom_2010 I’m so sorry I totally forgot to get back to you!! How can I help? ~Regina 🇧🇷😘
Jun 14Reply

@paulette2000s I’m so glad you are happy with your Ralph Lauren earrings!!! Thank you so much for buying from me again and for the 5-star rating 💫💫💫💫💫 :) It meant a lot to me!! Hope you come back soon. ~Regina 🇧🇷😙
Jun 14Reply

Hi beautiful
Jun 15Reply

Congrats on being featured as a super posher today 🌺💜Jan
Jun 15Reply

Regina!! DARLING!! Congrats on your 105K!! 💥😘🎉🌈‼️‼️‼️🙋♀️💋💋Your pff, JoAnn XOXO @JoAnnZK🙋♀️💜
Jun 19Reply

Hi, someone just messaged me that they received my sweatpants, and did I receive their item. I have not received my package yet, but if our items did get switched, how do I handle it?? They want to do a swap on PM , I don't know how or what that is, and am always suspicious, and I worry it's some kind of scam.
Jun 23Reply

@funshopper16 Jennifer, I’M SOOO SORRY I accidentally swapped your shipping label with another buyer’s, @ilyjessica. She bought my Barney’s eyeshadow and she received your pants and you are going to receive her eyeshadow. It’s NOT a scam. This has never happened to me before, so I’m waiting to hear back from PM how to proceed to get you both the correct items! I’m hoping PM will send you both new labels so you can exchange your packages. Again, my sincere apologies! ~Regina
Jun 23Reply

I just received the box, haven't even opened it, so just advise as to what to do once you know! Thanks 😁
Jun 24Reply

Hi there...if that's where you're going on vacation where the hammock is on the beach well God bless n good for you! What location is that? I'm curious n would love to go there. Thanks...iscella
Jun 24Reply

@funshopper16 thank you for the update! I’ll let you know as soon as PM replies. ~Regina
Jun 24Reply

@iscella37 yes I’m going to Brazil. I was born there :) The hammocks are in a beach called Jericoacoara - Ceará state. It’s a gorgeous beach ~Regina 🇧🇷😘
Jun 24Reply

@reginasa beautiful! Thank you. What hotel do you recommend? Its good to know from experienced people who visit or are from there 😊
Jun 24Reply

@iscella37 sorry I don’t know any hotels. We usually rent a house.
Jun 24Reply

@reginasa oh..k. enjoy n safe travels!
Jun 24Reply

@iscella37 Thank you so much! Hope you have chance to visit it sometime :) ~Regina 🇧🇷😘
Jun 24Reply

Hello!! Anyway, I am new to this app and I am working towards getting more poshers to check out my account and hopefully consider to purchase some of mine!! In fact, it would really help me out if you would consider to purchase any of listings. I can see you have a very cute daughter and my items are perfect for her!! She would LOVE any of my listings!! Check it out and lmk if you have any questions about an item to buy! 😘😘Thanks!! :)
Jun 28Reply

@amandatype thank you for letting me know, you have a great closet! Although at the moment, I’m just trying to let go things and really refraining from buying 😔 ~Regina 🇧🇷😘
Jun 28Reply

@reginasa Aww okay. I understand. However, still if you get the chance to shop, keep in mind my closet for daughters clothing! 😘
Jun 28Reply

@amandatype Will do! Thanks :)
Jun 28Reply

@reginasa Of course!! Keep it in mind!
Jun 28Reply

Hi I'm cee! Thanks for the follow! Check out my closet anytime I try to post new listings everyday and I accept reasonable offers!😊😊😊
Jun 29Reply

Hi Regina! Thanks for following my closet!💕😊
Jun 29Reply

@janfast anytime! :)
Jun 30Reply

@janfast please feel free to follow me back :) ~Regina 🇧🇷😘
Jun 30Reply

Of course! 👍
Jun 30Reply

Hey! So did you check back t my closet and find anything for your daughter?
Jun 30Reply

Thank you. 🤗🤗🤗
What a wonderfullly kind gesture to follow and share my closet with your followers. 💕💕💕
So sweet, I too will be playing along your follow game. 👨👩👧👬👨👩👦
Much appreciated 😍
Jul 01Reply

@selennia Anytime PFF! :) I hope you are enjoying being tagged on the follow games ~Regina 🇧🇷😘
Jul 03Reply

Hello there!!! It was good to play , yes I will check the next game , have a wonderful 4th of July !!!! 😊
Jul 03Reply

@reginasa mind doing me a massive favor and sharing my closet? I would love to sell what I have and saw you have a huge following! Also how do you get such a huge following if you don’t mind me asking
Jul 06Reply

@memyselfandi35 good morning! I’ve just shared & tagged your follow game. Hope it helps to get you a lot of followers. That’s the way I grew my number of followers. I follow as many people as I can and eventually they’ll follow back :) I have a tag list for follow games and I’d be happy to add you to my team. I’ll tag you on all the follow games I find, so you can play them and grow your number too! ~Regina 🇧🇷😘
Jul 07Reply

@memyselfandi35 Also, don’t forget to always follow ALL your followers!
Jul 07Reply

@reginasa can you plz tag me in the follow games? I hope to grow rapidly, I have been clicking one by one to follow others, is there a faster way? I only have a few thousand 😐
Jul 15Reply

@kgilmetti782 unfortunately there’s not a quicker way to get followers. You need to click all those blue buttons!! Painful and very time consuming!
I’ve added you to my tag list! Welcome to the team :) ~Regina 🇧🇷😘
Jul 15Reply

Hi Regina.... thank you for following!!!
Jul 16Reply

@jv71 my pleasure! :)
Jul 16Reply

Thank you for the follow Regina. Keep an eye out for our products. COMING SOON.
Jul 17Reply

@reginasa nice to meet you!!!!
Jul 17Reply

@jv71 same here! :)
Jul 17Reply

@reginasa hi sweetie!!!
Jul 18Reply

Thanks for adding me to your list. Im new to this & was wondering if I could ask your advice. I’m 38 yr single mom of a 3 yr old boy. 11 months ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I beat it but am in remission/recovery now. the bills stacked up. I started this as way to help out until I get back to work but now I love it want to work towards transitioning it to a ft job. could you give me some pointers on how to start my own follow game. Any advice would be greatly appreciated
Jul 20Reply

@escharf5714 yes I love PM too! I’m excited to hear you want to start your own follow game! If you’d like, please feel free to copy any of my slides or descriptions. A couple of things to keep in mind: 1- list it as “for sale” and put a high price so you can send price drop to your likers, so they can come back to check for new followers. 2- don’t write the word “game” on your description because PM may not allow price drops in that case.
Jul 21Reply

@escharf5714 When you have the listing up, please tag me and I’ll start to get it going with my tag team. Hope that helps! ~Regina 🇧🇷😘
Jul 21Reply

Thanks for the follow gorgeous ❤️
Jul 23Reply

Hello! Sou brasileira também! I will assume you are vacationing in Brazil! Have fun! I am from Rio de Janeiro!
Jul 23Reply

@dayday6870 Anytime!! :)
Jul 24Reply

@reginasa text me❤️5856159062
Jul 25Reply

I have a posh seller question. When someone sends you a complete low ball offer that is 60% below asking do you counter or just decline off the bat. I feel like my prices are reasonably set to give wiggle room for negotiation so it’s not that I’m setting my prices to high. What’s your advice?
Jul 27Reply

Ice cream feature yay!🌺💜
Jul 27Reply

@escharf5714 hi! I usually counter, even low ball offers. Sometimes I explain to the potential buyer why I can’t accept the offer. And a few times it resulted in a sale with a reasonable price :) ~Regina 🇧🇷😘
Jul 27Reply

You know I'd love it but I'm afraid I'm not understanding the game thank you😁
Jul 28Reply

@reynolds57 what you don’t understand?
Jul 28Reply

@katia_brus sim estou de férias no Brazil. Muito prazer, Eu sou de São Paulo. ~Regina 🇧🇷😘
Jul 28Reply

@reginasa que legal, divirta-se! Eu tenho muitas amigas que são de São Paulo! 😘
Jul 28Reply

Would you please help me out? I play @meggets8282 POTD game and she sends me notices,but today it says I can't post on the site. I went to her closet and it was blue so I hit it and then tired to leave a msg. but the button went back to blue on its own. Would please see if I offended her some way or is the system screwing up. Thanks, Leslie
Jul 28Reply

Olá Regina! 💕 O meu nome é Carla e sou Portuguesa! 🇺🇸🇵🇹 É um prazer conhecer-te! Eu nasci aqui, nos Estados Unidos, e a minha família é de Portugal. Também tenho primos no São Paulo! 🇧🇷 You have a beautiful closet and I just had fun sharing it!!! 👗👖👚👙👒👠 Feel free to contact me anytime, my friend! If you’re ever interested in any of the beautiful handbags I have for sale, please let me know, and I’ll give you a special discount! 💕👛👜 Wishing you quick and happy sales!!! God bless! Ciao! 💖😘
Jul 31Reply

Hi Regina! Love your closet!🤗
Jul 31Reply

Wow! I see you wear/own the watch I want so very badly as well!😍😍😍😍😍🤗
Jul 31Reply

@lesmurphy13 I contacted Meg on Saturday and forwarded your message to her, but she didn’t get back to me. I’m sorry! ~Regina
Jul 31Reply

@jasmina987 Aww thank you so much!!! I love My Cartier watch too! I’ve got it from my husband 14years ago when I got pregnant with our first child :) ~Regina 🇧🇷😘
Jul 31Reply

@reginasa Thanks, I appreciate your effort. We managed to get the problem all straightened out. I posted where I shouldn't have.but everything's cool now. Thanks so much tho. Leslie
Jul 31Reply

@reginasa gotta have it! Wish I can see it? Is there a way you can post a few pics?
Aug 01Reply

Please remove me from all tagged lists. Thank you.
Aug 07Reply

@kmontyb I’ve removed you from my tag list.
Aug 08Reply

Thanks for all of the tags! 😍 keep em coming!
Aug 13Reply

Thank you so much !😊
Aug 13Reply

Thank you !😊
Aug 13Reply

@9yardsin my pleasure! :)
Aug 13Reply

@sea4emm Anytime! :)
Aug 13Reply

Hello. I shared some L💓'VE with you today😘
Aug 13Reply

Hi hun! Hey I am getting way too many follow share game tags from you and request that you untag me. I dont mind a few now and then but I'm getting lots and lots and prefer to be untagged ( instead of blocking) & just keep you as a posh friend so i can share your closet. Thanks bunches 😘
Aug 16Reply

Hi! I hope you got my message above! 💕
Aug 18Reply

Hello. I shared some L💓'VE with you today😘
Aug 21Reply

@reginasa 🎉🎉CONGRATS🎉🎉 your my LIPPIE REVISIT💄💄💄💋
Aug 27Reply

Beautiful closet!!
Aug 28Reply

@kaiyoteklothing Thank you so much! You have a great closet too!!
Aug 28Reply

@pookettbear2010 I’m sorry I didn’t see this comment before. I’ve removed you from my tag list ~Regina 🇧🇷😘
Aug 28Reply

Aug 28Reply

💞🙌✨ 10 congratulatory Share for making it to 150K!!!! 🎉🤗💖
Aug 30Reply

Hello Regina, Looks like your Tag team listing saids "comments full", so I can't leave any msg there. But would you still please "add me" to your tag team!? Thank you for all you do for the PM community! 😁 cheers to Poshlove, to growth & success!
Sep 05Reply

Congrats on being chosen the mystery posher today! Hope you have many shares and sales❣️
Sep 06Reply

@reginasa yes you just made a purchase of 4 bottles with a 15% discount. I have available 3 Indian Creast shampoo and 2 conditioner, 1 Coco and Sandlewood lotion, 2 Japanese Orange lotion.
Sep 14Reply

@reginasa let me know what your interested or I will just send 2 sets of shampoo and conditioners.
Sep 14Reply

@lj_bejar I’m looking for MB face products or shower gels
Sep 14Reply

@lj_bejar sorry I just read your last message in my feed and didn’t see you had written something before. I’d like to get the 3 shampoos & 2 conditioners. Should we cancel this sale and do another one then? Thanks!
Sep 14Reply

@reginasa I will send the 3rd shampoo as a gift. Thank you for your purchase. I'm always getting MB PRODUCT almost every week.
Sep 14Reply

@lj_bejar thank you so much! That’s very kind of you. I truly appreciate it :) ~Regina 🇧🇷😘
Sep 15Reply

@lj_bejar hi! Do you have any more Molton Brown?
Sep 19Reply

Welcome to poshmark. I see that you are interested in coach and Michael kors. Check out my closet I have a few nice handbags. If interested send me a message or like and I will give you an additional discount. Thanks.
Sep 26Reply

Hello Regina. Good luck.
Oct 01Reply

Hello Lovely! Just browsing and sharing some PoshLove! 💕Wishing you the best in Business! -Shann
Oct 02Reply

Hi! I wasnt born in brazil, but my Familia comes from there. And my son has been several times, as well as Chile, Belize and settled in Costa Rica for a while. He has it in his blood lol, he has since moved back to States and has lived next door to me on the miss gulf coast for a few years now. I LOVE YOUR CLOSET!!
Oct 19Reply

@kutterbest you lucky girl - having your son living close to you!!! He seems to be a well traveled person, which is a bit rare in the States. Great for him!!!
My daughter started high school this year and I’m already sad about thinking she will be off to college soon!! Everybody warned me and it was so true - the time goes SOOO fast!!! You must be so happy to have your son close by :)
Oct 19Reply

Hello Regina; please add me to your follow list; your stats are very impressive and I hope to one day have as many followers as you.
Nov 03Reply

I am so sorry I did not realize the vacation hold had expired. I totally apologize for the inconvenience. I need to edit my closet and will do so very soon. Please come back and shop. Thank you!
Nov 17Reply

@dibble1991 oh... do you still have the items though? I’d still like to buy jen even if I get it after you return from vacation. Please let me know. Thanks!
Nov 18Reply

@reginasa I believe I no longer have the item that you are requesting. But if I do, I most definitely will hold that for you. Thank you so much !
Nov 23Reply

@dibble1991 thanks! I’m interested in the the 3 of them, but even if you have 1 or 2 please let me know. :)
Nov 23Reply

You have a wonderful closet and an impressive group of followers. I'd love to be tagged in any follow/share groups. Thank you!
Dec 06Reply

hi! I LOVE your closet! maybe you could look at mine? Have a great day 💕💕
Mar 19Reply

Check out my closet
Mar 24Reply

@kyml Dear Kym,
I’m so glad that you are happy with your purchase! Thank you for the 5-star rating and thoughtful love note. It meant the world to me.
Xx Regina
Mar 28Reply

Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
May 20Reply

@reginasa Hi There Lovely, I Am A New User But Still Shared Lots Of Your Gorgeous Items To My Followers & Also Followed You! I Am Trying To Get My Closet Going! When You Get The Chance I'd Love For You To Check My Closet Out, I Have Lots Of New Mac Studio Fix Powders, Rare Chanel Items Here & There & More Things Coming In Very Soon! Feel Free To Ask Questions & Make Offers, Thanks For Your Time & Best Of Luck On Tons Of Speedy Sells. Have An Amazing Day Beautiful!!
Dec 09Reply

Hi Regina (what a beautiful name) 😇 I'm Cristina ☺️ Nice to meet you! I'm new to poshmark and just wanted to stop by & say hello!! 🤗 I can't wait to go check out your closet. Wishing you a great day and many great sales! 💓
Feb 16Reply

@meghan015 hi and thank you for your offer on the lululemon skirt. I’ve accepted but unfortunately I’ve got an error message saying the Transaction didn’t go through and poshmark sent you a message about the reason. Please let me know if I can help with anything. Thanks, Regina
Jun 06Reply

shared 20+ items from your closet with my followers 😉
Jun 14Reply

Oi Regina!
Aqui Brasileira tb! 🙋🏻♀️🇧🇷💕
Aug 06Reply

Hi Happy Poshing💝😍🎍🎋🐔😄🐶🐴🎄🐧🐢
Nov 14Reply

hello there! ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ
our closet will be temporarily closing on june 1st and all listings will be deleted for our yard sale. all our prices are as low as can be with discounted shipping & all bundles are 50% off.
100% of profits go to help a child abuse survivor. 🤍・゚✧*
-peach ♡
May 26Reply

Congrats on your PA II ⭐️ status! 🎉🎉🎉
Mar 31Reply
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