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Updated Mar 20
Updated Mar 20

Meet your Posher, Steph

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Steph! Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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tanasheets Welcome to Poshmark sweet friends 🤗
Mar 20Reply
hautechicluxury So excited to see you on Posh! You guys are going to love it!
Mar 25Reply
stevensteph @tanasheets aww Thanks Tonya ❤️😘
Mar 25Reply
stevensteph @hautechicluxury LOL thanks Lauren! 😽❤️
Mar 25Reply
youniquely_me Glad you decided to join Posh.
Mar 26Reply
alamodewardrobe Welcome to PoshMark! It’s a great community! If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me! Happy Poshing! 👚👖👡👛
Apr 02Reply
stevensteph @rozzierox thanks so much! ❤️
Apr 02Reply
youniquely_me I went to share your tie today and couldn’t find you. Thanks for the shares! EYL
Apr 05Reply
stevensteph @youniquely_me hahah awesome! Thank you! 😘
Apr 05Reply
mile_high_scene xoxo 😎🔥🍭
Apr 06Reply
stevensteph @so_dealicious ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Apr 06Reply
nonnystreasures Holy cow your sharing my closet! I binge watch you guys all the time!!! 😂🙈❤️💙😍
Apr 06Reply
stevensteph @nonnystreasures hahahaha that’s awesome thank you so much! It’s a tiny closet because ruin know I don’t do clothes 😂♥️😘
Apr 06Reply
nonnystreasures @stevensteph 😂🤷🏽‍♀️ it happens my daughters closet is small too but she still makes sales!!! Can’t wait for your next video! 😋😘
Apr 06Reply
stevensteph @nonnystreasures how did you get your closet in an order?! That is so cool and refreshing!
Apr 06Reply
nonnystreasures @stevensteph sharing from bottom to top in the order I want to have them. So jean for example. I will share all my jeans and the go to the next like dresses. Then I will share all of them. Keeps it easier for me to find them!
Apr 06Reply
stevensteph @nonnystreasures oh my gosh!!! That’s serious work!!! Hahaha I’m guessing it’s easier on a computer than a phone where you have to share one by one!? Love it. Looks really organized! 👊🏻💀
Apr 06Reply
nonnystreasures @stevensteph well once it’s organized it’s not so hard to keep up with it!
Apr 06Reply
kermo Welcome to Posh!  🎉♥️🎉♥️You will love it here, a great place to find good NWT, NWOT & EUC clothing.  If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to ask. 🤗😁 You can bundle items from a closet and receive all the items for 1 shipping charge ($6.95). 📮  This is the best way to get your items cheaper and most sellers offer a bundle discount also, which is awesome. 💲💲💲  Hope you have Happy Hunts & Happy Poshing!! 🎁
Apr 09Reply
stevensteph @kermo hahah thank you very much! ❤️
Apr 09Reply
stevensteph @dressin4success awesome Matthew!!!! Woohoo! 👊🏻💀 Better late than never huh?! 😆
Apr 12Reply
stevensteph @dressin4success ok...I went to share some of your store items and utterly confused by your closet! 😂 please explain the madness or the genius of your closet? Why all $60? Why no titles? Why all in the women’s accessory category? Why no description? How is anyone supposed to find your items? Are these all drafts and then you convert perhaps? 😏
Apr 12Reply
clothesbyswamp Need More Jerry.....He's All Covered Up....
Apr 13Reply
stevensteph @clothesbyswamp hahaha I didn’t necessarily want to showcase it’s not a pet free home 😂
Apr 13Reply
thatbetty Steph, you are so awesome! I love that you treated my jacket like a care package. It was so pretty and fun to open! Thank you so much! ❤️😍❤️
Apr 16Reply
stevensteph @thatbetty awww do glad that you liked it!! ❤️ it was fun sending Posh package to someone I know!!! 😘
Apr 17Reply
thrift4smiles Thanks for the follow! Let me know if you see anything you like!
Apr 20Reply
tanasheets You've been busy Steph!! Closet looks fabulous 💜
Apr 24Reply
stevensteph @tanasheets awww thanks Tonya!!!! ❤️❤️❤️ it’s so fun!
Apr 24Reply
stevensteph @mitchmatchmama ohhh thank you so much!!! ❤️😍😘 so sweet! Where’s your meet the Posher listing so I can follow and share your stuff?!💝
Apr 27Reply
awtacularfash Welcome to Poshmark!!!! I follow you guys on youtube wish you both much success here as well :)
May 02Reply
stevensteph @patshut awww thanks Carol!!! ❤️ so cool to see you here too!!! I saved your closer so I can share your stuff! 😘
May 02Reply
pineapplehanger Watch you guys all the time. You motivated me a lot. I have a closet with nothing in it just yet but within this month I'm hoping to have it up and running.
May 05Reply
stevensteph @normawheeler06 awesome!!! ❤️❤️❤️ You can do this if I can do this! Hahaha I need to find some new stuff to list! 😱
May 05Reply
pineapplehanger @stevensteph oh yea, tell Steve I'm from Tennessee as well. I was in Sevierville but now I live about 30 minutes outside of Chattanooga
May 05Reply
stevensteph @normawheeler06 nice! We love TN! So pretty! Everyone is so nice! ❤️ Roll Tide or whatever it is you’re supposed to say 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
May 05Reply
dogmamabling I’m so excited to get my lippy! You are my first purchase on Poshmark, just been selling. Love watching you on YouTube. Makes my day! Muah! 💋💋💋
May 21Reply
stevensteph @dogmamabling oh cooool!!! Did they give you any discount or anything for your first purchase? Haha that’s awesome! It went out today! ❤️
May 21Reply
dogmamabling @stevensteph No discount 😂, they should though since I’ve made them money. Excited to get my lippy! Have a great day! 💙
May 21Reply
stevensteph @dogmamabling oh maaaaan!!!! I threw in something extra for ya so at lest you get something fun! ❤️
May 21Reply
dogmamabling @stevensteph You didn’t have to do that, especially on a small order. Thank you! You guys are the best! Kisses to Jerry! 💋🐶
May 21Reply
fashionsdirect Love your videos hope you have fun here it's a great community happy poshing
Jun 10Reply
stevensteph @fashionsdirect hahaha thanks so much! Guess I need to start shopping for clothes! I’ve got nothing to list on Posh! LOL we’re hard goods sellers...the clothes, jewelry and accessories are foreign to me! 🤣
Jun 10Reply
fashionsdirect @stevensteph We are also a resale couple trying different platforms we have followed you guys since you started making videos nice to finally meet you!!!!
Jun 10Reply
stevensteph @fashionsdirect since we started?!?? LOL and never said hi? 🙈 or do we know your screen name?
Jun 10Reply
fashionsdirect @stevensteph there's a few you tubers we have followed for years but we don't get involved in any chats just love the content this is the first social media site we have joined our kids make fun of us because we don't even Facebook lol so this is totally new to us lol
Jun 10Reply
phylliswill Thanks for all the shares! Just want to let you know that I follow you on YouTube & really miss the “live”. You must have upset Big Foot, lol! Live about 40 miles from Clarksville, Tn so if you are ever in the neighborhood let us know. Enjoy life! Phyllis
Jul 07Reply
jklusoczky Hi Steph & Steve! Found Your Closet Tonight Finally. Really Enjoy Watching You Two Fabulous People On YouTube stevensteph & stevensteph resale killers I am Jill_Fritchley_klusoczky on YouTube. One of your followers
Jul 25Reply
stevensteph @phylliswill Oh my gosh! I just now saw this comment! I’m no the greatest posher since we sell mainly hard goods! Lol so nice you see you on here!!! ❤️❤️❤️🤗
Jul 25Reply
stevensteph @jklusoczky yaaaay Jill! We know you! We just saw you today in the chat! How fun!!! Thanks for finding us! I’m kind of a sucky posher these days! Gotta find some clothes to list! 😱 but you know how I am about that LOL 😂 and Steve’s worse! But we’re happy to see you guys on here! Loved seeing your pets and putting a face to our Jill! ❤️
Jul 25Reply
jklusoczky @stevensteph awe Thanks so much! It’s so very nice to have found the reseller community & all the fun and sharing of information has helped me in many ways! Have a great night it’s almost 3:30 am here 😴😋🙂 EYL ❤️
Jul 25Reply
stevensteph @jklusoczky 🙈🙈🙈 EYL Jill! 😴
Jul 25Reply
lovelypinto @stevensteph thanks for the follow! We love Little Jerry Seinfeld!! ❤️
Aug 08Reply
stevensteph @lovelypinto awww thank you!!! You don’t have a “Meet the Posher” to heart you so I can find you! 😱😝
Aug 08Reply
lovemariac @stevensteph Hi guys, fun to see you on Posh. Sending you some Posh love for many happy sales...
Aug 13Reply
stevensteph @lovemariac awww thank you so much!!! ❤️❤️❤️ EYL Maria!!!
Aug 13Reply
lovemariac @stevensteph Thanks for the nice comment. You two are a fun couple. Thats my plan to start a channel but just so darn busy just trying to list and keep a life. I was raised in NJ and swear you are from the east with your personalities, but I think you are in CA. Greeting from Nashville, TN
Aug 14Reply
thebackforty Jerry! I’m following you guys here now too. Great photos and items for sale. Love it!
Sep 23Reply
stevensteph @mensuniquestyle oh wow just saw this! Thank you SO much! 😆
Sep 23Reply
nettastrunk Hey Steve and Steph....and of course the cutie, Jerry! I love watching you guys on Youtube. Keep it up and happy Poshing!
Oct 10Reply
willowdancer Hey Steve, Steph and Jerry... Charlie (Thrifty Pickins) did not think I'd ever find you guys.
Nov 04Reply
stevensteph @willowdancer hey Carlie!! Glad you found us! Not that we’re ever on here but still! 😆❤️
Nov 05Reply
willowdancer @stevensteph haha I hear ya... I have an 18 year old in college and he's killing me. I use every avenue possible! BTW my husband thought I was nuts when I told him that I wanted to DD until he actually saw what we were getting lol Give Jerry a treat for me xo
Nov 05Reply
stevensteph @willowdancer woohoo!!! It is incredible! 🎉
Nov 05Reply
702sickgirl Love watching you on Youtube :)
Dec 03Reply
stevensteph @702sickgirl aww! 🤗 Thank you so much!! ❤️
Dec 03Reply
melandeva Nice to meet another couple Poshmarking together 🖤 Enjoyed browsing your closet, will definitely keep coming back!! Good luck to you and take care. 🥀€@<€•&•£🎯♡€ 🖤MELandEVA 🌎worldofhavoK
Dec 05Reply
lottevs Absolutely love watching you two. You always make me laugh, and brighten my day. Thanks for all your videos. Please give Jerry a treat for me.
Jan 07Reply
stevensteph @lottevs thank you so much! That is so so sweet! 🥰❤️😄
Jan 07Reply
giovannafm01 @stevensteph I just started watching you last week on YouTube. You should check out Apple, Verizon, Bloomingdale’s, Nordstrom, Neiman Marcus, etc.!!
Jan 28Reply
indie0406 I watch your guys channel on you tube I swear I'm addicted to watching you guys you get some great stuff.
Feb 07Reply
rescuedfinds I love you guys!!! ♡♡♡
Feb 19Reply
stevensteph @giovannafm01 😍 thanks so much! ❤️❤️❤️
Feb 20Reply
stevensteph @indie0406 bahahaha that’s hilarious! ❤️ thank you so much! 🥰
Feb 20Reply
stevensteph @kenzeesells awww awesome! I will share your closet right now! 🎉💃🏼
Feb 20Reply
chels555 I love watching your videos on YouTube and I was wondering if you guys find and/or sell any jigsaw puzzles
Feb 27Reply
chils318 LOVE your YouTube channels!!! Thank you for recycling & donating to schools!
Mar 01Reply
d115hall I’m so happy to have found you on here!! Absolutely LOVE your YouTube channel!!
Mar 03Reply
stevensteph @chels555 sorry we don’t have any right now! ❤️😘
Mar 04Reply
stevensteph @chils318 LOL thank you so much!!❤️
Mar 04Reply
stevensteph @d115hall awww thank you so much!!! 💃🏼🕺🏻
Mar 04Reply
chels555 @stevensteph it’s ok keep me in mind if you come across some again and thank you so much for replying ❤️❤️
Mar 04Reply
cjknisley Love you guys!!! Watch u on u tube everyday.
Mar 12Reply
stevensteph @cjknisley LOL thank you so much!!! ❤️😘
Mar 13Reply
amylynnscloset Just starting watching you on youtube. Addictive!
Mar 21Reply
stevensteph @amylynnscloset oh yay! 🎉 I’m not that active on Poshmark just a warning! LOL 😆 ❤️😘
Mar 24Reply
amylynnscloset @stevensteph you are busy doing other things😉
Mar 24Reply
cjknisley I love you guys so much!! I’m thinking about taking a dive myself! But I can’t seem to get concrete information about our area. I don’t want to land in jail! Lol. Any suggestions where I should look? I’m in Ohio. I think it’s legal in the state. I just can’t pin down the “rules” in my area. Any kind of suggestion is very appreciated! Keep up the great videos!
Mar 29Reply
gerryhorne I follow you on YouTube!& binge watch, so I thought I’d check out your Poshmark too! I haven’t listed anything but maybe one day😊. Hugs 🤗
Mar 31Reply
k_thriftfashion Just found you from YouTube and I’m obsessed I wonder if I can do that in my state!!! Y’all are great !
Apr 03Reply
lorimarie50 Hey Steven and Steph thanks for the follow back this is Lori from the show storage hunters I just followed you guys on you tube as well we are finally getting our you tube up and going so wish me luck hahaha
Apr 04Reply
stevensteph @lorimarie50 oh wow how cool! What’s your youtube channel name Lori?!! We’ll sub to you! 🎉
Apr 04Reply
stevensteph @k_thriftfashion LOL awesome! Oh my gosh! You need to find out and get out there! 🎉Take a peek! Find the stuff!!! ❤️
Apr 04Reply
stevensteph @gerryhorne LOL we barely have anything on here but we have been really impressed! We love Poshmark! We just don’t sell a lot of Posh worthy stuff! 😆 EYL! Xoxo
Apr 04Reply
stevensteph @cjknisley oh no!! It’s so hard to figure out! Try asking a cop if you’d we one when you’re out! See what they have to say! ❤️❤️
Apr 04Reply
lorimarie50 @stevensteph it is under Lori and Brandon Bernier we haven’t put any videos up yet as we took a little break but we are back in the game and will be posting a bunch soon!!!
Apr 04Reply
stevensteph @charmingthings how cool!! So glad you found us and thanks for your shares too! LOL 🥰😘
Apr 09Reply
captivachick392 Finally found you guys on here. Yay!! I just started selling on March 1. (My first sale). Happy Poshing Ya’ll EYL!!
Apr 24Reply
captivachick392 Love Jerry’s face!!
Apr 24Reply
jozg Been wanting to follow and check out your closet. Love watching you on YouTube! Keep it coming.
Apr 25Reply
stevensteph @jozg thank you so much!!! 😆🥰
Apr 26Reply
captivachick392 My items have been shared by Rock Stars!! Thank you guys!!!!
May 02Reply
captivachick392 And I melt every time I see Jerry’s sweet face!
May 02Reply
chils318 @stevensteph I cruised some dumpsters the other day. They HIDE them in Fullerton!
May 10Reply
rackets915 Hey Steph check out my finds
May 13Reply
writerscloset Hi guys! I laughed so hard at your live feed tonight on YouTube. Using a TENS unit on your head ... lol. Too funny. I’m finally getting back into PoshMark and eBay now that the school year is almost over. I’ve been lurking on your videos during the past 9 months. I watch your videos while I grade student papers to keep myself from crying.
May 18Reply
stevensteph @writerscloset LOL Hi KrisTStuff❤️!!! Glad you survived another year of papers 😱 ❤️ Glad you’re back to reselling! Haven’t been on here much but I love it! 😘
May 20Reply
tropicalpanther @stevensteph Hi StevenSteph! Happy to have found your Poshmark Closet finally. Lol ❤️ you guys and your YouTube videos! 😊 You guys make me laugh so much. Glad y’all selling on Poshmark and I’ll most definitely be sharing your items. And say hi to Little Jerry Seinfeld for me. 😊👍🏼
May 23Reply
stevensteph @jennamarie431 hello! Best advice I can give is to share share share! Share other people’s items in their closets and they will share yours and it helps get exposure. Each time you follow someone, share a few things and hopefully they will return the favor ❤️ Join Poshmark Talk on facebook—it’s a rotating channel on several YouTube Poshmark people’s channels and you’ll learn a lot of tips from great people ❤️
Oct 01Reply
stevensteph @guev0005 Awww thank you so much! 😍 so sweet! 😘
Oct 01Reply
tropicalpanther @stevensteph aww thank you! 😉 i just finished watching your recent garage sale video. Awesome stuff and sells! 😊👍🏼
Oct 02Reply
sarambby Hi! I love you guys! Just found your youtube yesterday and have been binge watching ever since 😝🥰
Oct 17Reply
stevensteph @sarambby LOL thank you! ❤️😘😆
Oct 17Reply
danacumby Hey Steph and Steve... So happy to see you on here. Love you both bunches.. Hey guys.I am new on here... I cannot find where to change the background... They have my eyes blown up ... Help!!
Oct 17Reply
danacumby If what I am saying does not make sense .. all you have to do is look at my closet .My background is looks CRAY. I access through my laptop. Is that the problem?
Oct 17Reply
lauraklimstra Hi stef I follow you and steve everywhere you both are great people sorry about little Jerry ! Still love your videos too !
Oct 27Reply
stevensteph @lauraklimstra thank you SO much Laura! 🥰😘
Oct 29Reply
pamandshawn @stevensteph oh my gosh guys, I love you two. I think you may be my long lost You guys are the best. Would love to do what you do. Keep doing what you do. Enjoy your lives 😊
Nov 26Reply
stevensteph @pamandshawn LOL 😂 thank you so much Pam! ❤️❤️❤️😘
Nov 26Reply
beattyboys39 I love you guys I’m always watching you on YouTube your a total inspiration love ya an happy thanksgiving
Nov 29Reply
stevensteph @beattyboys39 thank you so much! 🥰❤️
Nov 30Reply
angi_a_closet Thank you for the follow. When you have some time, I invite you to come have a look in my closet, and feel free to to ask questions, offer suggestions on how to make it better, or make an offer on something you like. Thanks and have a great day.
Dec 04Reply
rljl0156 I absolutely adore both of you . I watch your channels and learn so much from you guys! Thank you! I had a major score leaving early this morning Early and I am excited and. elated!!! Love y’all ~~Julie from Georgia!!
Dec 07Reply
pamandshawn @stevensteph Took my first dumpster dive at Ulta... got a few testers. I am totally stoked. I got some gift cards. Can't seem to help myself, We go past one and I want to dive in!!!! Love it!!! 😊♥️♥️♥️😁
Dec 17Reply
stevensteph @rljl0156 woohoo congratulations!!! 🎉❤️
Dec 20Reply
stevensteph @pamandshawn tell me about it! It’s an addiction for sure! 😆
Dec 20Reply
pamandshawn Wish I had known you were going to be in town, I would definitely liked a chance to meet and dive. Saw a vehicle like yours at my local Starbucks the day after Christmas. Could it have been? Went to ULTA to check their discount bins and was sad to see a big mess! Glad you guys have right idea... loved the Spidey and clown suits!!
Dec 30Reply
pamandshawn Wish I had known you were going to be in town, I would definitely liked a chance to meet and dive. Saw a vehicle like yours at my local Starbucks the day after Christmas. Could it have been? Went to ULTA to check their discount bins and was sad to see a big mess! Glad you guys have right idea... loved the Spidey and clown suits!!
Dec 30Reply
stevensteph @pamandshawn haha no, we left on Christmas morning so it wasn’t us ❤️ we saw a ton of FJ Cruisers when we were there though! Suddenly they’re everywhere! 😆 ❤️🥰 We were there such a short time and we were so busy moving and visiting we didn’t have even a second to spare ❤️
Dec 30Reply
pamandshawn @stevensteph Will miss you guys antics, if you are on vacation. You two make me laugh, smile and drive me to succeed.😁Know you are busy. Would like the chance to meet you two silly kids. ♥️Lol!!
Jan 07Reply
roldfather017 Absolutely Love watching you guys on youtube!!! I think I have gone through pretty much every video you guys have posted!!! you and your husband are awesome together..keep making videos !! please!!! 😁😀🙂
Jan 19Reply
telitabobita @stevensteph great question!!
Jan 26Reply
telitabobita @stevensteph it doesn't have to be only clothes and jewelry...check out closets and you will get inspired...Thanks so much for the follow by the way!!!
Jan 26Reply
stevensteph @roldfather017 thank you so much! 🥰☺️
Jan 26Reply
lauri20 Hi!!! So glad I found you guys, I just watched one of your videos on YouTube and I heard he mention let’s post it on Poshmark, so this why I’m here 😆
Feb 07Reply
nikkicapps719 I never miss an episode of your dumpster diving episodes I love you guys thanks for calling me on Poshmark I'll be sure to keep an eye on your items every day
Feb 13Reply
stevensteph @freckles6614 oh wow thank you so much!!! 😍😘 xoxo
Feb 13Reply
stevensteph @lauri20 hahaha yes we don’t sell online much anymore, but sometimes Poshmark if we do! ❤️❤️❤️ I love Poshmark! 😻
Feb 13Reply
stevensteph @nikkicapps719 hey Nikki!!! Thank you so much! That’s so kind! ❤️❤️❤️ XOXO & EYL!
Feb 13Reply
sophialinsalato Hi there! I am a big fan and live in temecula too! do you have any space gray ipods still available?
Feb 22Reply
sophialinsalato I saw your videos and I actually need a new one!
Feb 22Reply
stevensteph @sophialinsalato hi!! I’m sorry we do not...that was an older video so those have been gone for quite some time ❤️❤️❤️😘 thank you for thinking of us! 😁
Feb 22Reply
sophialinsalato @stevensteph oh ok, thank you for letting me know! have a great day!!
Feb 22Reply
pamandshawn @stevensteph Love you guys antics. You must be going stir crazy. How do you make it thru a day without Starbucks? I am trying all kinds of substitutes, but need my real Frappacinno. I hope and this craziness ends quickly, my EBay sales can't handle it. Love you guys...keep laughing and being your silly selves. 😊 Pam from AZ . 🌞
Mar 22Reply
fanniebelle Hi guys!! Love your videos!! I think it’s great what you do! There are so many people that benefit from your adventures not to mention the entertainment you provide. Wishing you good health through this scary time to you and your family!! I’ll keep watching. Terri Fox aka Fannibelles Closet
Mar 23Reply
stevensteph @pamandshawn aww thank you! Oh my gosh! The lack of Starbucks has been brutal! I think we’re getting ready to go back to normal around here!! 🎉🤞🏼 (the new normal that is!) ❤️ Thanks for saying hi! Xoxo
May 19Reply
stevensteph @fanniebelle thank you Terri!! That is so sweet! ❤️❤️❤️ Hope you and your family are well and stayed safe through all this craziness! ❤️❤️❤️
May 19Reply
stevensteph @lauracondon52 thanks Laura!! ❤️😍 such pretty wreaths you’ve got in your closet ❤️
May 19Reply
pamandshawn @stevensteph We were fortunate, here in Arizona, our drive thru Starbucks stayed open. I went about 6 times in two months. Tried stuff at home, but nothing beats the" real" thing. Take care. San Diego may be reopening!! God Bless you both. Stay safe. Love your games lol... 😊
May 19Reply
stevensteph @lauracondon52 ❤️❤️ thanks Laura! Congratulations on your first sale!!! Woohoo!!! 🎉🎉🎉 tons more to come! 🤞🏼
May 19Reply
judithhicks30 Love you guys! I never miss an episode ❤❤
May 27Reply
stevensteph @lauracondon52 hahaa I knowww!! 🙀 poor poor Steve! What a trooper he is! 🤣
May 27Reply
stevensteph @judithhicks30 aww thanks so much Judith 🥰😍
May 27Reply
grammas6closet So glad your here now. Love your you tube channel. You got me started DD. Couldn’t believe it was real, till I saw for myself. Thank you for sharing my closet.
May 27Reply
stevensteph @grammas6closet LOL hi!! ❤️ I’ve been on here a while now 😆 but I barely ever have brand new stuff so I don’t use Posh much to sell 😆 This liquidations new in box haul was perfect for Poshmark! 🎉
May 27Reply
caredwyn Hi, Steven & Steph...I finally found you on Poshmark & I’m so excited!! I watch y’all on YouTube & see so many of your unboxings...I just love them!! I also love watching your game shows...y’all are such an adorable couple!!! Take care...stay safe...stay well...❤️❤️❤️
May 27Reply
stevensteph @caredwyn awww thanks SO much!!! That’s so sweet! And adorable! Thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️
May 28Reply
stevensteph @floramaguire thank you for letting me know Flo!! I am waaaaaay behind on Facebook (an emails and everything as usual 😆) —haven’t been on in a while! I’ll try to get caught up I’m so sorry! ❤️😘
May 28Reply
buynowandenjoy Hi Steph, I’ve been watching you guys for about 2 months, love you guys. Just opened Posh, with your code, but I haven’t set up. I am on Another site, which is similar and only 10% fee. I joined 2016. Now that I retired 2019 to do more listings.
May 28Reply
buynowandenjoy Had an actual brick and mortar store that I closed and have mucho inventory. Gets overwhelming put my prices low and still get folks asking me to lower more and give them free shipping. What’s an old lady to do make a $1.00 , lol. You guys are great, love your dumpster diving, makes me want to do it too. Too afraid to get caught. God bless!
May 28Reply
mortielee Hey Steph, and tell Steve I said hi too. I’m one of your faithful YouTube subscribers (I go by Melissainman on YouTube). Love y’all videos. And it broke my heart when Jerry passed. I loved to see his beautiful face on ur videos. I love watching y’all and you guys never disappoint and always makes my day so much brighter. And Steve always makes me laugh. I’m here in Ash, North Carolina.
May 29Reply
mortielee I know u seen my profile pic on here and my little beautiful chi Zoe. She is 9 years old this past March 15th 2020 and time has few by since she was born. She is one of 8 we have. We have 3 pits and 5 chis, they are our children since we can’t have any after being married for over 19 years. And time has been good to me and the hubby and it don’t seem that long cause we were made for each other. He is my soulmate. Love u and hope u have a wonderful day.
May 29Reply
lauraklimstra02 glad to have you both on my posh mart page thanks again ! enjoy your life !
May 30Reply
jozg Thank you for the shares! 😁🙂
May 31Reply
captivachick392 Hey Guys!! You liked my photo a couple of days ago! So cool!!! You know I follow both your YouTube channels and have for a couple of years now. I don’t work this like I should but trying to do better EYL🤪
Jun 07Reply
cats4me61 Hi Steph,Im really new at this but thanks for sharing my post I appreciate it.I just love you both.
Jun 09Reply
robob78 Hello you two. Love watching you on YouTube. I'm new to Posh and I'm just so excited I found you!😁
Jul 13Reply
cats4me61 Hi Steph and Steve if he is here to.How are you guys doing through this Pandemic ?...What does that mean that you are my posher ? I watch your videos all the time,you guys are AWSOME !!! Love You Both.
Aug 04Reply
persimmonposh OMG! I LOVE you guys!!! I watch ur YouTube videos!!! Then I saw you were on TV! That’s so cool! You guys make my day & your always so fun and just good humans! I have showed my hubby your videos and I’m trying to talk him into going “diving”!! Haha he isn’t into it. I would love it! We just watched the one where u got the purses And Gucci and when u mentioned Poshmark I knew I had to find ya! Can you hook me up as a “SUPER-FAN” w/a mirror? 🙏It could be where they don’t take 20%.
Aug 15Reply
persimmonposh PS I LOVE that MIRROR
Aug 15Reply
laylaemily Have been binge watching your YouTube dumpster diving all weekend! Hope to see all those Cvs designers purses on Poshmark
Sep 27Reply
smarcoccio @stevensteph been binge watching all your YouTube dumpster diving videos! So happy I found out you did listings here!!! Can not wait to habitually check your closet!!!!! 😂
Oct 12Reply
stitchdori1 Love your YouTube channel! you find the best stuff!!
Dec 17Reply
michelefeola Hi guys! I was watching one of your old videos and you mentioned poshmark so I looked you up! I’m so glad your on here! I’m going to check out your closet now.
Jan 20Reply
logdenart Hi S&S, Just found you on postmark but have been a long time fan of your YouTube pages. I only have a few items in my closet, please check it out and tell me what you think. Stay safe out there! 🌞
Oct 10Reply
poshmf Hi 👋 welcome to poshmark feel free to check out my closet sometime 😊   I have an assortment of items and clothes from mens, women's, kids, books, and jewelry   Bundle a few items to save even more! thanks and happy poshing.
Feb 09Reply
cutehosiery @stevensteph Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 20Reply
beachgirl2415 Hello, for some reason it will not let me accept your offer for the two hydrate from Pureology. If you could just send an offer for 48 that will take care of the discount that I get for shipping and I can accept it that way. I don’t know why it won’t let me.
Mar 12Reply
lauraklimstra hope all is well with all of ya ! saw lots of house improvements going on say hi to puddy for me give her lots of loves . have a great day EJYL!
May 31Reply

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Last Active: Feb 13

Temecula, CA
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Last Active: Feb 13

Temecula, CA
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