If we can live well without harming other living beings, why wouldn't we?
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If you browsed thru my listings, I'm sure you have realized that I'm an animal lover. Because I'm an animal lover, I became vegan after learning the horrors of the animal agriculture. I have made it my life's mission to speak up for animals and to end the animal holocaust in order to save innocent living beings, our planet and leave a planet for my child and other humans. Once you learn the truth, you can no longer remain willfully ignorant. If you want to live compassionately and not be the reason why any living being suffers, then leave a comment and I will provide you all the resources that helped me transition from being a zombie to an evolved earthling. #goveganorgoextinct
"Best Speech Ever" by Gary Yourofsky on YT
“Dairy is Scary” by Erin Janus on YT
Human | Kind | Be BOTH
End animal cruelty by going vegan |
Animals are not ours to eat, wear, exploit for entertainment
Dog lovers don't eat dogs | Cat lovers don't eat cats | Animal lovers don't eat animals
Adopt pets, don't buy | If you can't adopt, foster, donate, volunteer, educate
OPEN YOUR EYES | Go to www.adaptt.org & www.pcrm.org.
Be the change you wish to see in the world | End all oppression! End Speciesism!

143 others
like this

God bless you. I love senior canines. They are the best!!! My boxer boy was 8 when we rescued him. His gray muzzle is gorgeous. Good luck on your mission. I will check out your closet.🐶
Feb 16Reply

@wselke Thank you hun. Doing what I can. Molly is one of our team members rescue dog. If I only had millions, I could do so much more for the helpless animals :)
Feb 16Reply

I have 4 pups, all rescues. I'd have more if I had the room! I hope this does well, these dogs deserve it!
Feb 17Reply

@bri026 Wow, you are an angel! I would take them all and create a sanctuary for them if I had the money. Thank you, I hope it will bring lots of donations for our furry friends who are waiting for their forever home.
Feb 17Reply

@mishasboutique Oh my heavens! I'm so happy to meet an animal rescue/lover/savior! I love my fur babies and sad for others that are not so fortunate. Thank you for what you do.
I will share your story. Thank you thank you !
Feb 26Reply

@masonandhali Thank you. It's people like you that makes this world a better place n gives me hope that someday there won't be any homeless pets or humans.
Feb 26Reply

I love this idea. Your a wounder, caring, magnificent person for doing this.. I'll try to do the best at doing mine. By the way there is another lady in here that I purchased from that donates proceeds goes to cats. If you want to share her stuff let me know. Have a blessed day.
Feb 26Reply

Absolutely adore this idea!!!! Love dogs more than anything...check out my cover photo!
Feb 26Reply

What a wonderful cause!!! My 2 fur babies a both rescues. G-d bless you💜🌷
Feb 27Reply

@wilmas_wears Thank you hun. You're an angel for rescuing n saving your fur babies. I wish I can save them all!!!!
Feb 27Reply

@mishasboutique me too!!
Feb 27Reply

@leafmarie Thank you hun. You're so sweet!
Feb 27Reply

@griffyndor61 Thank you. I'll check it out. :)
Feb 27Reply

@brooke_ivory728 I purchaced from this amazing lady and found out proceeds are donated rescuing dogs. I try to share this ad as much as possible. I have it saved in my list of likes. I know how much you fill about do and knew you'd love to help as well. Please share as much as you can when you get on site. This lady is a hero in my eyes!
Mar 15Reply

This is awesome! My doggie is a rescue as well and he's the sweetest. Best of luck to you! 😊
Apr 06Reply

@emalanowska91 Thank you hun. Also, thank you for adopting and not shopping. If every house in US would adopt just one dog or cat, there wouldn't be any homeless dogs or cats. If I had a big house, I would do my own rescue! The more I get to know some people, the more I'd rather spend time with my dog lol!
Apr 06Reply

Thank you!! My cocker spaniels are rescues. I went into our local shelter with the intention of getting one dog, but they were bonded and the shelter wouldn't separate them. Best decision!! I'll share your listings! Best of luck!! 🐾🐾🐾
Apr 08Reply

@kjowski1 Thank you for saving 2 precious lives. ;) You are amazing!
Apr 08Reply

@mishasboutique 😊 I think they saved me (I was heartbroken over my previous rescue who has passed away). Keep up the wonderful work!
Apr 08Reply

Your closet has such nice variety! And thank you for promoting rescues. We rescued our baby before it was trendy, but I'm so glad it's finally catching on. He passed almost 2 years ago but showed my children how unconditionally a dog loves. ❤️
Jun 02Reply

@redpoppyjune Thank you. You're an angel for rescuing. I hope you rescue more!
Jun 02Reply

@mishasboutique thank you. It's you that make this world a better place❤️
Jun 12Reply

@janefried We need more ppl like you! I get so upset when I hear or see photos of dogs being tortured or neglected by evil humans. I just wish I can win the lotto so that I can save them ALL! Or at least get the superpower to heal them! Wish God wouldnt let such cruel things to go on...if everything happens for a reason....whats the purpose of hurting poor defenseless animals?
Jun 12Reply

@mishasboutique we would be a great team running a dog rescue home. Like a cool property with a lot of land. How fun would that be ? I would do that in a second if I could. And you know what? My place is up for sale, and I will do this. Can't wait.
Jun 12Reply

@mishasboutique why not?❤️
Jun 12Reply

@janefried Omg, it would be amazing! I already hired my sister to be in charge of cleaning up all the poo. Lol. Seriously tho, it is my dream to be able to do something like Tia does from the show Pitbulls & Parolees. I found my calling in life...and its to save animals and bring awareness to ppl abt how important it is to adopt and report abuse. And someday the law will catch up hopefully and have harsher punishment.
Jun 12Reply

@mishasboutique hey . Your dream will come true. Believe me. ❤️ it's not easy, but it will
Jun 12Reply

@mishasboutique ps forget changing laws❤️that's when you need lottery money 😂 no offense, I just think we quietly solve the problem ❤️goodness is on our side. We can't lose . Done
Jun 12Reply

Just save as you can. . Rewards will follow
Jun 12Reply

@janefried yeah you're right. Laws may never change n some ppl will always be evil. But there are more good ppl than bad and good always wins. Thank you for your encouragement. 🐶😊
Jun 12Reply

Love your message and your Fur baby😻!!!💕🌷
Jun 17Reply

@ashroa Thank you hun. Just trying to bring awareness to more ppl. My little boy is not so little but he thinks he's little. Lol. Love your closet. ☺
Jun 17Reply

@mishasboutique Love😍❤💜💛💚💙💗💖💕 Just adopted my 3rd rescue 🐶🐕🐾🐾💖!!!
Jun 22Reply

Jun 24Reply

I have rescued both of my dogs. The first was 1 1/2 years old gorgeous Catahoula leopard hound. Didn't know how to play, afraid of men. We were lucky to have him for 13 wonderful years. After a year without a dog I rescued a pup who was being fostered. He is an angel, so full of personality and so smart. I can't imagine This pup not being in this world and thank the family that fostered him until we found him. He is now 3 and the love of our lives😍🐾😘
Jun 24Reply

Agree 100%! My two rescues are my babies!
Jul 08Reply

@tfwshopping 🐶😁
Jul 08Reply

Thank you for being a rescuer! 💌
Jul 16Reply

@dianaish17 😊
Jul 16Reply

@mishasboutique My Lucy (pic on profile) was a rescue. She was a shaking scared little thing literally covered in feces. Took a while but now she likes to meet other people and other doggies and she ONLY knows LOVE! She's affectionate and trusting now. Best decision I ever made. God Bless. Happy Sunday!😘💕👍
Jul 16Reply

@dianaish17 Aww, she's sweet! Thank YOU for rescuing her. I do what I can to help local shelters & rescues. I work 2 jobs so I'm short on time. I wish I had more time to do more. If this posting changes even one person's mind, then I would feel like I made a difference. Our newest addition is a rescue. She was found roaming the streets w/ her sister. My heart just breaks everytime I hear a horror story abt how an animal is being abused n I lose my faith in humanity. 😔 Lord help these angels!
Jul 16Reply

@mishasboutique 😘💕💕💕You Make A Difference!
Jul 16Reply

@dianaish17 Thanks hun. So do you! 💖🐶🐕🐾😕💕
Jul 16Reply

@mishasboutique I love this I was one of the kids that tried to fix any animal on the farm, birds chickens anything Dogs hold my heart🐶God bless you for doing everything you do. Fur baby's and the elderly are 2 things that get me fired up both are sometimes helpless. There is a place for those people that hurt kids, animals and the elderly. Prayers keep your dream going!💗🐶💙🐶
Jul 21Reply

@teresakimbro I agree with you! I get very emotional when I hear that evil humans have abused furbabies. I pray everyday that God will do something to make things better - whether it be he sends angels to help the poor fur babies or he strikes ppl that abuse animals with lightening. :(
Jul 21Reply

We just adopted our Molly from a kill shelter. We love her to death! Keep up fighting the fight! XX
Jul 31Reply

@jellojillfl Thank you for saving a precious life. You rock!
Jul 31Reply

I feel the same way about dogs as you do! What kind of pup is in your profile pic?
Aug 02Reply

I can't even read the one that starts with "I died today". I get so upset when I see those commercials, I end up crying and can't listen what people do to dogs! It makes me so sick and angry. The people who treat their dogs like this need to be treated how they treated their dogs!
Aug 02Reply

My daughter & her husband have 5 rescue dogs. They're ages 2-14 years in ages. All happy in a dog loving home and soooo....... Grateful to be so loved and ALIVE!!! I'm the grand dog mom that spoils them rotten. Toys and treats and lots of attention to each one. Their photo is on my about me. 🌷💕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕💕🌷
Aug 07Reply

How's your week going? I pray it's blessed and your heart is happy. How's your Hubble & all your precious fur babies? I'm praying one day I get that exciting message - your fur babies are excited cuz a fur less Baby is coming soon. Thank you sweet dog loving little lady for all your love shares once again. Here's back at cha! God bless 💞🐕💞
Aug 16Reply

@stephanekaye it's going okay. Stressed but good..how are you and the family? Hope all is well. ☺ ill share your items whenever I have time ☺
Aug 16Reply

@mishasboutique I know life is busy. You're appreciated for all you do. You bring many smiles, happiness, and grateful hearts into all the people & furry friends you touch. God bless.
Aug 16Reply

Thank you for all...........your 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕shares once again. Now go spend some time lovin on your hubby instead of sending so much love to me. It's Saturday night on a holiday week end. Your precious fur babies are losing patience waiting anxiously for their two legged fur less sibling. 💕🐾🐕😉🐕🐾💕 💕💕🙏🏻👶🏻🙏🏻💕💕
Sep 03Reply

@stephanekaye lol you're too funny!!!!! 😋
Sep 03Reply

@mishasboutique 😂😂😂. Aren't I . I bet your hubby appreciates my humor. 😜
Sep 03Reply

Hi!! Thanks so much for the follow! It's so refreshing to meet someone else with such strong values and advocacy for protecting animals. Through my website AwarenessHelps.com I advocate and provide endless resources and ways to help. I support animal welfare, fight for animal rights and caring for the earth. I've been vegetarian for 20 yrs and now an aspiring vegan. Have you seen Cowspiracy and What The Health? Highly recommend! Thanks for all you do to help! 😄🌎💜🐾🌱🍔🌭🥛🧀🥚
Sep 04Reply

@veg4life thank you for all that you do!!!!
Sep 04Reply

I love what you do!❤️💗🐾. Thank you for bringing attention to this important cause. We found my Ollie rat terrier running down the street with no collar, no microchip, skin and bones, worms, rotten teeth, and cold in November. He's the love of my life. I wish others would see what unconditional love a dog will give. FIND A CARING HOME FOR YOUR PET. DON'T DUMP THEM ON THE STREETS. Imagine being thrown out of your home. Enough said.
Sep 04Reply

@purseaholic12 you're too sweet hun! Thank you for saving your precious baby. I know I can't save them all...if I had the means, I would attempt to. But I can do the little I'm able to and I can pray so that God sends his angels to heal snd protect the ones who evil humans hurt.
Sep 04Reply

@tdannunz I'm so sorry hun. I just saw your messages. Please tag @mishasboutique when commenting so I get notified. My big boy is a lab and little girl is a pit/beagle mix. The first time I read "I died today", it broke me. I never cried so hard. We don't kill homeless kids....so why kill homeless pets? They have every right to be here. We're not God yet we kill healthy animals like it's nothing. Makes me sick & embarrassed to be human! 😕
Sep 05Reply

Good morning thanks for following, I should introduce you to my close friend, she does rescue all the time 🐶
Sep 08Reply

@cesca56 sounds good. Also check out my friend @kdslack2 page and her posts on animals 😊
Sep 08Reply

Hi Sweetie, thank you once again for all the 💕 shared. How's everything going for you??? Good I pray. I love to see you pop up in my news. You always make me smile and my heart happy. You have a great closet full of wonderful treasures of all kinds. I know you'll tell me if and when your temperature was perfect for -- well you know👶🏻🍼🙏🏻. 💕😇God bless. 💕💕😘Stephane
Sep 22Reply

Hi ☺️ I too have rescue dogs.....5 !!!! 😉I also, volunteer at my local animal shelter. I live out in the rural country area and sadly to say, people abandon their pets out here constantly!!!!! However, I take them all in and care for them and try to find them homes. I want to keep them all, but I find so many!!! Reading your post and others on here is so inspiring!!! Wish there were more people out there like us!!! ☺️ God Bless us all and our four legged friends that gives us so much joy !!!!
Sep 22Reply

@sparkle54 Wow, it's amazing what you do. It would be nice to be able to keep them all if you could but you're finding them their forever homes, which is so great. My city has a 3 dog limit, so stupid. You're doing God's work my friend. Please keep up the good work. You can find many fur mama's here on Posh, who amaze me every day. God bless you! 🐾💕🐶😁
Sep 22Reply

@stephanekaye haha...we have been so busy that I dont really even see my hubby much. Your closet is way better than mine...You have such high end stuff. 😉 how are things with you and the whole gang? 😊
Sep 22Reply

@mishasboutique. Well, you two better slow down and spend time together!!! There has one been one immaculate conception. 😂😂😂
Sweetie you have a beautiful closet filled with lovely items. Remember I've had 64 years to accumulate. I thank God I have some high end items to Posh & pray they do sale. My husbands unexpected death has created substantial changes to my life as I knew it. My faith sustains me. God bless.💕😇 🌷💕🐕💕🌷 💕😘Stephane
Sep 22Reply

This is such an Amazing thing your doing. God Bless you 😊.
Sep 26Reply

My sister's dog is a rescue 🐶. He is so smart and so sweet. I plan on rescuing as well so thank you for this.
Sep 26Reply

Omg I'm in love!!! Kathy @kdslack2 sent me over to see you!!! Animals are so much better than people!!! 😂 Thank you for spreading the word and the love!!!
Oct 06Reply

@chass811 Hi there Fur-Sis! I agree, the more I get to know some people, the more I like my dogs. I'm just glad that there are so many fur mamas here on Posh. Kathy's posts are amazing. Love the Fur Mama club! ;-) @kdslack2 I agree 100%, my furbabies have made me a better person and helped me realize what my true passion is and that is to help dogs! :) I'm feeling a little better. Thank you. Hope you, your DH and furbabies are doing great! :-)
Oct 07Reply

@kdslack2 wow what a fun day you have planned. Take me, take me Lol! We both have a large furbaby, a medium furbaby....now we need a tiny furbaby! 😉 I'm in love with the shorkies! My friends sister just got a yorkie...so cute!
Oct 07Reply

@kdslack2 ice cream is my enemy. I can eat it until my stomach explodes lol
Oct 07Reply

@kdslack2 oh no...be careful! My fav is anything strawberry/cherry and mint chocolate chip. 😋
Oct 07Reply

@desiree_112788 your sister is an angel....I hope you fall in love with a pup and rescue him/her....it will change you forever! God bless you.
Oct 07Reply

@kdslack2 yes we are! 💕😚🐾
Oct 07Reply

@kdslack2 I have been but can't keep up with them lol
Oct 07Reply

@kdslack2 ok lol
Oct 07Reply

Thank you and God Bless you as well 😊
Oct 11Reply

Thanks for stopping by my page! Always nice to see fellow dog lover’s here on Poshmark 🐶🐶
Oct 30Reply

Love your pics ❤️🐾🖤
Nov 02Reply

@andrealane1984 thank you ☺
Nov 02Reply

@mishasboutique I have 3 pups 🖤🐾 I truly love your page!
Nov 02Reply

@andrealane1984 aww, thank you. Love your beautiful baby...he looks so happy. 😊
Nov 03Reply

Thank you!!!!!!! 😸🐆
Nov 06Reply

@kobiebarry 💕🐶🐾🐱
Nov 06Reply

@kdslack2 look at the 1st photo. It kills me everytime I see it. And I feel helpless. 😔
Nov 06Reply

@andrealane1984 Look at the new photo added...doesn't it break your heart? 😔
Nov 06Reply

@mishasboutique 😥😢 so sad
Nov 06Reply

@andrealane1984 I cry everyday because I read a story about animals being abused....especially dogs...and a little part of me dies. It's embarrassing to be human.
Nov 06Reply

@mishasboutique I absolutely agree with you! I get so sad and disgusted by the way ppl are! Nice to meet someone who feels the same way I do 🐾🖤🐾
Nov 06Reply

Are you with pitbulls and paroles?
Nov 07Reply

@kobiebarry no ma'am. I just love them so much. I was trying to get them more viewers so that the show continues on.
Nov 07Reply

@mishasboutique yes I love them also what a great group of people! Are they in danger of closing?
Nov 07Reply

@mishasboutique I just shared with my followers
Nov 07Reply

@kobiebarry no I don't think they're in danger. There was another group called The Guardians who I never really hear about anymore so I'm like I'll do my part to help. Thank you for sharing. 😊
Nov 07Reply

@mishasboutique my bucket list includes visiting and volunteering for pit bulls and paroles I admire and love them all a great bunch of people!!
Nov 08Reply

*😢😪😭* @ the whole message in that *last* pic☝️☹️ And thanks so much for caring so much about helping 🐶🐕🐩!!! 👍😃😘🤗
Dec 07Reply

@zardiva1 I know!!! I still cry when I read it. Thank you for caring as well. The world needs more ppl like you 😊🐕💕
Dec 07Reply

@mishasboutique Awww, *thanks*, hehe! 👍😁☺️😘
Dec 07Reply

Dec 13Reply

I absolutely love love love love love this! I 100% agree. One of my dogs was rescued from a kill shelter (which is basically what shelters end up being). It makes me so sick with people and their ridiculous tiny designer dogs! Go to a shelter. Check that out. Good for you for posting this!!!! ❤️❤️❤️🤩🤩❤️❤️❤️
Jan 01Reply

@happybeach thanks. I know! Ppl would rather go to a breeder than get a perfectly healthy beautiful pup from a shelter. Then the idiots that have dogs and chain them up outside in this below 0 temp. I wish they could be charged and receive harsh punishment. 😔
Jan 01Reply

@mishasboutique I 100% agree! I’m not even going to get on my justified platform about animal rights and the law, but you are so correct about the law and punishment! I’m in Wisconsin where it’s currently “Feel-like" temperatures will range from -15° to -35°.” I can her the dog behind us barking to get back inside and I can even hear her jumping up and hitting the glass on the patio door. I just do not understand people.
Jan 01Reply

@mishasboutique You’re using a good platform to hopefully change at least one persons mind! 🙏🙏🤩🤩😍😍👏👏
Jan 01Reply

@happybeach Yeah I hope so hun. We all need to stand up and be their voice. As for your neighbor, you should make an anonymous report to the authorities. We try to let our dogs out for 5-10 mins and sometimes they don't want to come back in and we have to use treats to lure them in. We're experiencing similar temps as you guys in MI.
Jan 01Reply

@mishasboutique I have. I have no issues calling animal control or the police if something is going on with an animal. Animal left out in the cold, or left in a car during the summer. Unfortunately law enforcement can’t always do much. I can’t imagine the pit bull issues in Detroit, let alone the whole of MI. You’re doing important work! I’m glad you feel it’s given you purpose 😘
Jan 01Reply

@happybeach Well I hope that those that harm animals in any way experience the same pain and torture. I believe in karma. If it's not in this life, I'm sure God has a specially designed spot in hell for these horrible humans. It's embarrassing to be human. 😕 If I could only win the lotto, I could get my dream pet sanctuary built. 😊
Jan 01Reply

@mishasboutique I agree! That’s also the first thing I’d do if I won the lottery. I can’t imagine anything more rewarding. I can’t imagine my dogs in a shelter scenario. All I can do is hug them and love them more. Try to make up for the lack of love another animal is missing. Keep warm!
Jan 01Reply

@happybeach I do the same! You too! My sanctuary would be in a warmer state lol
Jan 01Reply

Thanks for following and sharing your story. My wife and I have two rescues. Happy poshing
Jan 06Reply

@tetullis thank you guys for saving 2 precious lives. You both are angels!
Jan 06Reply

@mishasboutique 🐾💟🐾 @rmccouture
Jan 11Reply

@mishasboutique Brought to tears for real upon reading especially the last one. 🐶💔🐶 Thanks for being an animal activist, rescuer & kind hearted person!!! I'm reminded of the quote: "to the entire world, you may be just one person, but to one person (or animal) you are the entire world"!!
Jan 11Reply

@nia1113 Thank you. I wish I had the time n money to do more. Everyday I read sad stories about dogs n it breaks me. I cry n then I say a prayer for the poor babies. My furbabies come running to console me. I just keep thinking...why would God allow this kind of stuff to happen to such innocent n beautiful beings? 😔
Jan 11Reply

@nia1113 I agree with what you said. Reminds me of one of my fav quotes: "Saving one dog won't change the world but surely for that one dog the world will change forever!" ☺ wish there were more caring ppl like you in this world...
Jan 11Reply

@mishasboutique That's so true. I guess the good thing is that you know you're doing what you can do; therefore at least you know you can look at yourself in the mirror each day. You definitely should be proud of what you've been able to accomplish, even through raising awareness & educating others who may not be fully aware of the reality of this dire situation. It isn't easy, but I hope you can see you are making a huge difference!!! 💘❤💘😘
Jan 11Reply

Love this! I adopted my pup nine months ago from an abusive household. He’s getting more confident every day :) 100% adopt!!
Jan 14Reply

@miataw Thank you angel for saving a precious life! 😊😇
Jan 14Reply

Is that your weimi ? In the pic so cute!
Jan 16Reply

@ccgig yes in the profile icon photo. He's a lab who everyone thinks is a weimy lol. Thank you. Scroll down my page for lotsa photos ☺
Jan 16Reply

Absolutely love all this! I rescue and only will! I just rescued another pit bull to add to our family❤️ I have 2 rescue dogs! They are the BEST! So loving !
Jan 18Reply

@sjm14 Thank you. I hope this helps educate people and may be change some minds about rescues. We love our pitbull. She's so sweet. She tries to act like the alpha dog lol but means no harm. Thank you for rescuing and saving precious lives.
Jan 18Reply

Is your profile picture a silver lab????
Jan 21Reply

@summiegillie Yes hun. You're one of the few to guess it right! Lol ☺
Jan 21Reply

@mishasboutique I have a silver, so I can usually spot them from a mile away. 😍
Jan 21Reply

@summiegillie I have more photos of him if you scroll down my page further. He's a big bear. 😊 your lab is adorable!
Jan 21Reply

@mishasboutique my boy is a grizzly bear too! Where did you get your boy? Our babies look so much alike.
My boy turned 4 in October
Jan 21Reply

@summiegillie Yeah they do. My boy is on a diet right now lol. We got him from a breeder up north in Michigan. He's the only breeder that had silver labs. He's 19 months now.
Jan 21Reply

@mishasboutique ok, I could of sworn they were brothers. Rios on a diet to! Haha
He’s just big tall and solid. But the sweetest most loving and mellow boy ever. I got Rio from a breeder in central California.
I have seen a few silvers and there’s usually none as big as our boys:)
Jan 21Reply

@mishasboutique I added more pics of Rio if you want to check them out:)
Jan 21Reply

@summiegillie Haha yeah. They're a rare breed. My hubby fell in love with him and I caved. Now he's more of a mama's boy. Our little girl, the pittie, is more attached to my hubby. My boy always gets mistaken for a weimy. Ppl seriously argue with me abt his breed. I'm like "ok I think I know what breed he is...I'm his mom" LOL
Jan 21Reply

@mishasboutique that’s hilarious, I get that all the time. People call him a weimy and argue with me that he’s a mix and silvers are not a real breed. Too bad you live across the country from us, we could of had a play date! Lol 😍
Jan 21Reply

Jan 22Reply

@alishakra Thanks 😊
Jan 22Reply

God Bless You!! All of my dogs have been rescues and there is no greater love than that of a rescue dog!! We’ve really all rescued each other ❤️🐶
Jan 23Reply

Hi! Thank you for following me! 😀
I hope you like my items! I'm constantly adding a variety of new items!
If you see anything you are interested in or have any questions please feel free to reach out to me!
I am offering combined shipping on bundles & 10% off of bundles with 2 or more items 🤗
Jan 30Reply

I love what you’re doing with the animals! I have also been animal aware and it’s something that pulls at my heart strings.
I love the lab pup. I adopted a chocolate lab. He’s my boy.
So now I’m going back to your closet to look 😉🐕
Feb 06Reply

I have 2 girls right now just love them I rescue as much as I can. Thank you for caring so much for these babies your a blessing. God bless you
Feb 26Reply

@inhimilive Thank you! So are you! Dogs are the best and there should be no dog left behind. 💕🐾🐕💕
Feb 26Reply

@fashslore Amen sister! Sorry I just saw your message. Dogs are the best and best creation by God!
Feb 26Reply

@chernanook thank you hun. Sorry just saw your message...I love being a lab and pibble mama. They are my world! 💕🐾🐕💕
Feb 26Reply

So hard to read. SO needs to be read/absorbed by so many still.... 🐾🐾💕
Mar 26Reply

@riglem65 Yes, I agree. 😕 I just hope my posting will make some ppl think and may be change their minds.
Mar 26Reply

@mishasboutique As do I... I think me and Micah might be ready for a new addition to our little family so maybe this month I can make a difference for another one too. Micah did not come from a “happy place”, so I spend every single day making sure he knows he’s safe and loved and wanted. 💕
Mar 26Reply

@riglem65 Aww, Micah is beautiful. Well, you're an angel for rescuing. I'm sure you'll find another furbaby who will take your breath away. It was really hard for us at the shelter. We wanted to take them all. Please post photos n keep me posted when your new family member arrives. 😊
Mar 26Reply

@mishasboutique Oh I will. I’m completely obnoxious about posting pictures of Micah already. But then he’s such a rockstar lol... 😎😎🐾🐾🐾💕💕
Mar 26Reply

@mishasboutique I love this entire listing so much ❤️ I just lost my baby 🐶 about 2 months ago and the house still feels so empty without her 💔 trying to heal before I get another. Also, thanks for all the shares! I shared back 💕 wishing you many quick sales! Happy poshing 😊
Jul 06Reply

@bouldergirl22 Thank you! I'm very passionate about dogs. Sorry to hear abt your furbaby. I can't imagine what you're going thru. Mine are like my children and we treat them like they're humans :-) Time will heal your broken heart. Just know that your baby is in heaven with God and is watching over you. When the time is right, I hope you rescue a shelter pet and make room for one more to love.
Thank you for all the shares as well hun!
Jul 06Reply

@mishasboutique thank you for the kind words ❤️ it's hard cuz she was like a child to me as well but I think I will adopt a kitten from the shelter cuz right now it's hard imagining replacing her if that makes sense. It's so nice to find someone who has a passion for dogs as well! I work at a canine rehab facility and rehabilitate mostly dogs, but a few cats. My favorites are the ones who come to me paralyzed and I'm able to teach them how to walk again based on their reflexes
Jul 06Reply

I volunteer at a cat and dog rescue shelter. Rescues rock!
Sep 12Reply

@mysusieque Yup yup! 😃🐕🐾😍
Sep 12Reply

So true
Sep 12Reply

Hi! I adopted a dogue de Bordeaux from the shelter 12 years ago. She was the absolute best dog ever! We had to put her down last October, it was the hardest thing ever. I’m a firm believer in shelter pets. Have a beautiful day!
Oct 11Reply

@ltrzos72 You would not believe how many ppl I come across that still decide to get a dog from a breeder. It makes me sad but I can't judge them. Just wish more ppl felt the way we do. I'm sorry to hear about your baby. I hope you adopt another precious soul when you're ready. :-)
Oct 12Reply

@greatsky21 Thank you as well hun! :-)
Oct 18Reply

I was wondering if you would be able to ship the coat soon, I would like to have it by this Friday. Thank you
Nov 13Reply

@kandp815 hi hun. I'll ship it out today. Because of veterans day, the post office was closed yesterday. So sorry
Nov 13Reply

I have 6 cats and 2 dogs 7 are rescues. I live out in the country and they have free Rome of my property. They have brought so much joy to my life.
Nov 17Reply

@rowlette63 WOW! This really warms my heart to hear. Thank you for being an angel and saving so many precious lives. God bless you!
Nov 17Reply

Love your message! Everyone can do something!💕
Nov 21Reply

@josie744 Yes! 😁💕🐾🐕🐾💕😁
Nov 21Reply

OMG your puppy is so adorable <3 I just had my 1 year adopt'aversay with my dog Jenni a 3 year old lab border collie mix <3 she is an angel. We are also fostering a pitty named Blue for the holidays :) so happy to see you support and embody the "adopt don't shop" movement warms my heart. Happy Holidays to you and your doggies
Dec 17Reply

Thank you! Always nice to see another dog lover / rescue advocate! My little girl is a pittie mix, the silver boy is a lab. :-) Dogs are the best! Thank you for all you do!
Dec 17Reply

My baby is a rescue too! God bless you for all that you do❤️
Feb 01Reply

@abbysluxcloset your baby is adorable! Thank you for rescuing!
Feb 01Reply

@casadegypsy I replied to your comment but forgot to tag you. So sorry. Please see response above. 😁
Feb 01Reply

@mishasboutique Thank you! Your fur baby is adorable too!
I help my friend with her nonprofit rescue. It’s sad to see how people treat animals. But there are many, many happy endings. I especially love it when you get updates from the adopting family❤️
Feb 01Reply

Great message! Thank you 😊! 🐶❤️️🐱❤️️🐾💕!
Mar 08Reply

@sandiegosales :-) All for the love of innocent beings. We gotta be their voice!
Mar 08Reply

@mishasboutique 👍
Mar 08Reply

Much and love and prayers for what you do. God bless you and your family 🤗😍🤩
Mar 12Reply

@smartchoice2 Thank you. God bless you too. 😊
Mar 13Reply

I have focused on rescuing senior dogs for the past 20 years, love all your posts here, could not agree more. My boys are the center of my world:) Us dog lovers have to stick together. Thanks for following me and my boys!
Mar 22Reply

@holbrooksusan I agree...we have to stick together and stand up for the innocent angels. Thank you for all you do! 💕🐕🐶💕
Mar 22Reply

I love your closet AND meet your posher photos!! Rescues are the BEST, including foster failures! ha ha
Mar 28Reply

@ingridwhitworth Thank you. Foster fails are the best...problem is you wanna keep them all! If I win the lotto, I'm opening up my own dog sanctuary and try to save them all 😊
Mar 28Reply

@mishasboutique You and me both! Seniors, special needs, tripods, etc.
Mar 28Reply

@ingridwhitworth Save them all! 😁 They're God's best creation and I would rather have dogs in my life than most ppl.
Mar 28Reply

May 11Reply

@radaisc I know, it's heartbreaking! That's why we have to educate and advocate! Thank you!
May 11Reply

@mishasboutique I agree its heart breaking...
May 11Reply

3 of our 4 dogs are rescue. Thank you for being a rescue advocate! Believe rescue dogs truly rescue humans instead of vice versatile!
May 28Reply

@ange1974 Thank you for rescuing as well. I'm extremely passionate about dogs and rescue efforts. I just dont understand how ppl go and buy dogs while shelter dogs die everyday!
May 28Reply

Cannot agree more! God bless! Check out my “kids” when you get a chance! Two pocket pit bulls, cane corso and a buggle!
May 28Reply

@ange1974 I have a soft spot for pitbulls. My lil girl is a pitbull. What's a buggle? Bull dog, pug n beagle?
May 28Reply

The little guy is the oldest he is 1/2 Boston Terrier, 1/4 Pug and 1/4 Beagle. The two Pits are sisters and they all cuddle ! All have beautiful personalities and are so spoiled!
May 28Reply

@ange1974 So sweet. I got 2 out of 3 right lol 😊
May 28Reply

I totally love your animal love. Thanks for the follow. I am totally 💛ing so I can follow better... thanks for your kindness to rescues & animals
Jun 10Reply

@au_meridian Thank you. I'm very passionate abt dogs. They're angels on earth. 😊
Jun 10Reply

I couldn’t agree more about those Angels on Earth. They are the only creatures that can love unconditionally and love you more than themselves...that’s why when God created Dog. He used his own name💛💛💛
Jun 10Reply

@au_meridian So true! I just wish God would protect them from evil humans. I pray for all animals to be safe from the monsters disguised as humans. We don't deserve their love and loyalty. If humans had hearts like dogs, can you imagine how wonderful this world would be...
Jun 10Reply

OMG! We wouldn’t have to tell ppl how to be kind. Ppl would be mirror images of a dogs heart. Our girl is a foweler and so sweet.
Jun 10Reply

@au_meridian Aww. My furbies are sweet with us but very protective of the family. The big hippo is a labrador & his tiny sidekick is a pittie mix. The labrador is not so crazy abt my 1 yr old son whereas the pittie loves him n doesnt mind him grabbing her ears n stuff. I have a soft spot for black dogs n pitbulls as they have the hardest time finding a loving home.
Jun 10Reply

Thanks for the follow and shares! Beautiful puppers and beautiful closet! :) <3
Jul 23Reply

@codeunicorn Thank you. :-) Thank you for the shares as well.
Jul 23Reply

Mishap I also the proud owner of two rescue kitties & one rescue dog. It is unthinkable how some people treat Greer animals. I live in a college town and at the end of school they just let there companions roam the streets when they leave college. Anyway, just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for sharing my listing today. You have a wonderful closet and beautiful pictures. Love & Peace Carol
Aug 09Reply

@msneverending1 Thank you for shares as well. Your furbaby is gorgeous. Love your closet 💜. I'm extremely passionate about rescuing and saving animals...especially dogs. I try to advocate for them whenever I can. I just wish I can do more...I want to save them all.
Aug 09Reply

Mishap just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for following my closet. My Russian Blue kitty helper sits right beside me every time I list. She was dropped & all litter mates were dropped off at my vet’s in a box with a note saying the mom died after giving birth. I first met her when she was 3 wks old & had just opened her eyes & had wet cat food all over her face. She was the only female in the litter.. the name of my vet”s is Haile’s Angels. I told her that I wanted her. I got to be a
Aug 09Reply

foster mom at 6 wks & adopted her at 8 wks. She is just the sweetest cat that I have ever had & told Linda that an Angel brought us together I named her Ziggy & I have several pictures of her in my closet. I also adopted a Tuxedo cat the same day; they have 4 white feet and all white belly and the rest is all black, it looks like she’s wearing a Tuxedo & her name is Nala. Love & Peace Carol
Aug 09Reply

@msneverending1 You rock for rescuing and saving precious lives. Keep up the good work! 🤗
Aug 09Reply

You speak my language! All our pets have been from shelters. One Rottie was on his last days if you know what I mean. He was our best dog ever. People bring abandoned dogs to us and we find homes. Bless your heart.
Aug 22Reply

@myfurryfamily Always happy to meet other animal lovers. Thank you for all you do for rescue animals...you're an angel! I wish I could save them all!
Aug 22Reply

Thanks for all of the shares! 😘❤️😊🤗💜😀😇😍💕 Happy Poshing!
Aug 30Reply

@bcerebe Np. Thank you as well! 😁
Aug 30Reply

LOVE YOUR MESSAGE!!!!!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Sep 08Reply

@haziesmom Thank you. Just trying to bring awareness to adopting and not buying. 😁
Sep 08Reply

Thank you for sharing! I appreciate you!
Sep 09Reply

@estar808 Np hun. Sharing is caring. Thank you as well. 😊
Sep 10Reply

Thanks for the shares! I saw the dog pic and I was like finally a posher that doesn’t go on and on about how their home is pet free! My dogs are my babies. And I’m also super active volunteering for the last six years in the Albuquerque City Shelter. Keep fighting the good fight. 🐶 Good to meet you!
Sep 17Reply

@miss_laura5 Thank you as well. I know what you mean abt poshers stating "pet free" as though there's something wrong with those of us who have pets. My dogs don't go in my closet and it's not like they sleep on the clothes I sell...LOL Besides ppl should be washing stuff they buy before they wear them. I'm always happy to meet fellow animal lovers. Thank you for volunteering. I'm waiting for my son to get older so that I can take him to volunteer. 😁 I try to bring awareness abt rescues.
Sep 17Reply

Hiii...Thanks so much for the share! As a thank you I'd like to offer you a bundle deal for any 2 for $20 or 3 for $30 (excluding formal dresses, some shoes & coach bag) items or feel free to make me any offer(s) on any item(s) you may like! I am very reasonable with pricing. The Poshmark support is always appreciated! Happy Poshing and wishing you many sales! 😊🤗🛍🤝
Sep 25Reply

Thanks so much for sharing❣️
Oct 08Reply

@linda_kawai No prob. Sharing is caring. 😊
Oct 08Reply

Thank you for all of the shares!
Oct 10Reply

@sammikam No prob hun. Thank you as well 😊
Oct 10Reply

Than you for being an advocate for our amazing furry friends. As you know their aren’t enough people like us who devote their time or any time for that matter thinking about how badly we need to help these incredibly loving creatures. I’ve been in rescue 14 years seen more than I care to. But I will continue to help till the day I die rescue love repeat. And share the word they deserve no less. Deborah. Second chance boxer rescue.
Oct 14Reply

@rescuelady3 I really appreciate everything u do. I'm not able to do much right now due to finances n being a SAHM. But as soon as my son is old enough to understand, we're going to spend time volunteering. I've applied to foster, just waiting to hear. I donate, advocate n have a rescue pit mix. When I was working at a religious univ, I started a yearly pet supplies donation drive n w/ the help of others, we were able to help small rescues. Wish there were more ppl like u in this world.
Oct 15Reply

Love your pup and thank you for sharing your love of adoptable dogs!
Oct 15Reply

@paniral My furbabies are my life. I joke and say I dont think they know they're not human. Love your pup too. 😊
Oct 15Reply

Thank you so much for all the shares! You have a wonderful closet! I also have a mixed pup that's adopted! Happy Poshing!
Oct 30Reply

@mindyc07 Thank you as well! 😁 And thank you for choosing adoption and not buying. My rescue pup is a pittie mix and she's awesome. Really listens and is so appreciative. Extremely protective of us, especially my son. It's true what they say abt pitties being nanny dogs. 😄
Oct 30Reply

Exactly!!! Love this!
Jan 06Reply

@bjonesser Thank you 😊
Jan 07Reply

Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Feb 06Reply

I have three dogs, I love so much to them!! They are for me the best!!💖💖 The adoption is the better for them! !
My dogs were adopted!! Thank you so much for you love the animals!!!!🥰🤗😘
Feb 16Reply

@kapricornio7 Thank you for adopting the dogs instead of buying. You save 6 lives -- the 3 you adopted and the 3 more dogs that will take their place in the shelter. I speak up for shelter animals and hate breeders.
Feb 16Reply

@mishasboutique You’re awesome!! Thank you so much for help our dogs!! 🥰🥰🥰
Feb 16Reply

Hello!🥰 We are so happy you popped in! Please Bundle Your Likes
for One Time Shipping- Extra Discount and Gift W/Purchase 🎁💕- My Best! - Kimberly
Mar 02Reply

@kfab333 Thank you! Hope all is well with you! :-)
Mar 02Reply

yes! 🐾♥️💕 I agree adopt don't shop! When I have the chance I will definitely adopt two puppies. I can't right now I am still in college and the place where I am doesn't allow me to have pets. 😭☹️
Mar 02Reply

@magyg My sister is in the same situation. She wants to adopt but is in college. I'm so glad to hear that you're choosing adoption over buying. People don't realize that you can get puppies and young dogs at shelters/rescues as well as pure breed ones. Some rescues specialize in certain breeds. Puppies are a lot of work but it's so amazing to see them grow. Our rescue was 6 months old when we got her so it didn't take long to potty train her.
Mar 02Reply

@mishasboutique just one more year and I'll graduate and move out to a better home. So I can have my doogies. I know dogs are a huge responsibility my parents always tell me. I just want to adopt any I honestly don't care if they are puppies or 6 years old or seniors. My heart is open for any ♥️🐾♥️
Mar 02Reply

@magyg Wow, you're amazing! Some ppl only want puppies or only want a certain breed. Most ppl think you can only get puppies from a breeder which is not true. We have a lab and a pittie mix. Since pitbulls are the most abused and euthanized dogs, I have a soft spot for them (but love all dogs). When we went to the shelter to get our pittie, it broke my heart so be prepared for that. If you have any questions or need help, lmk. All animals are precious and dogs are angels on earth. Thank you!
Mar 02Reply

@magyg I follow some shelters/rescues in CA and the shelters there are overcrowded. Ignorant people won't spay/neuter their pets and therefore so many pets end up at the shelters, and very few make it out. If you have time, please watch "Pitbulls & Parolees" and "Amanda to the Rescue". Really opens up your eyes about the rescue world.
Mar 02Reply

@mishasboutique Thank you! I will for sure watch it. My brother just adopted a bull terrier and she is the most precious thing ever♥️ I hate when I take her to the dog park and people assume she is dangerous she is the sweetest and so gentle with my one year old nephew is amazing. I will definitely let you know if I have any questions. I actually live close to a non-profit animal shelter I think I am going to go there to get my doggies. Some dogs there are saved from the Chinese meat industry.
Mar 02Reply

@magyg Ignorant ppl judge based on looks! Our lab growls at our toddler whereas the pittie loves him. She plays with him and lets him use her as a pillow :-) Our lab growls and then runs away. I hope as he gets older, our lab learns to love him. Tell your brother that he's amazing for choosing adoption and thank him for me for saving TWO lives -- his furbaby and the next dog that the shelter will be able to save! Hope the next year of college flies by for you. Keep me posted hun! :-)
Mar 02Reply

I love your silver lab. I'm a dog mom of 3 labs myself. Thank you for sharing from my closet. I will continue to share yours too.
Mar 28Reply

@bkrace34 Thank you! I'm a huge dog lover, especially rescue dogs. Labs are amazing dogs, but for some reason our lab gets nervous around our 21 month old son. So he usually stays away. Our pittie mix loves the lil hooman and doesn't growl at him like our lab does. Could be because our lab was our first baby and he's a little jealous of the lil guy. Who knows! LOL. Thank you for the shares as well, I'll share more of yours.
Mar 28Reply

Lol, I figured you were an animal lover after your comment on my profile. A woman after my own heart! Thanks for being so passionate about animal welfare. We need more people like you in the world:)
May 21Reply

@dogsmakemehappy Thank you! Same goes to you.☺️ All animals are amazing, especially dogs. Dogs are angels sent here to keep us alive and well. Just wish humans wouldn’t hurt them 😔
May 21Reply

Thanks for the like/follow! Just started a closet clear out sale with 5 for $20 items! Anything with a 🚨symbol applies!!! Great for resell!
Jun 02Reply

Thank you for being a part of a cause I am very passionate about! I volunteer with two rescues, and want to bring every animal home lol. Brought two big parrots home as my latest venture 😊
Oct 18Reply

@cheekychic77 Oh wow! Thank you so much for all you do! I'm very passionate about animals. I try to educate people and have been trying to get family and friends to consider becoming a vegan. I hope to someday open up an animal sanctuary. :-)
Oct 18Reply

@mishasboutique I tried to do the vegan thing but I have diet restrictions & can’t do it so I give you major props. I did rescue a rooster these people decided to leave in the heat for days, kids named him, and I understood they were planning on eating him. I may not be a vegan, but I won’t stand by and watch an animal be tortured. I can’t stand people (I do prefer dogs lol). I’ve dreamt of having my own rescue for animals too! One where dogs that get along are are allowed to roam freely 💖
Oct 18Reply

@cheekychic77 I respect people who reduce their animal product intake and try to do the least harm. We are living in an amazing era where there are so many vegan alternatives. I'm constantly finding substitutions that my family loves and are willing to try. So even if you can't be 100% vegan, it's possible to cut down on animal products. The longer I live, the less I like humans and want to be around animals, especially dogs (I do like people like you who care about animals and our planet)!
Oct 18Reply

Beautiful dog. I have 2 dogs myself, unconditional love no matter what. When you have a chance look at my closet and see my dogs 🐶.
Keep doing what you’re doing for animal rescue. Our dogs were adopted as well .
Be safe and God Bless.
Oct 27Reply

Thank you! Dogs are amazing, aren't they? My furbabies are always there for me, they're like my therapists. LOL. I'm very passionate about dogs and I also advocate for all animals. They have just as much right as us to live and not be abused/used for food/clothing/entertainment. Your dogs are beautiful. I have a giant dog (the lab) and the pitbull mix is a medium size but she thinks she's the alpha! Thank you for choosing adoption. God bless you as well. :-)
Oct 27Reply

@cflo71 Thank you! Dogs are amazing, aren't they? My furbabies are always there for me, they're like my therapists. LOL. I'm very passionate about dogs and I also advocate for all animals. They have just as much right as us to live and not be abused/used for food/clothing/entertainment. Your dogs are beautiful. I have a giant dog (the lab) and the pitbull mix is a medium size but she thinks she's the alpha! Thank you for choosing adoption. God bless you as well. :-)
Oct 27Reply

Thank you
Oct 29Reply

Thank you for the like. We’ve always gone to NYC to see the tree 🎄but not this year. Enjoy the Christmas holidays with your family.
Merry Christmas 🎄
Carlos 🎅🏼
Dec 03Reply

@cflo71 Sorry to hear that. It's been such a weird year. Merry Christmas to you and your family! Stay safe!
Dec 03Reply

Hi and thanks for the follow. We're having an Overstock sale and accepting all offers at a 20% discount. 😍
Dec 06Reply

Thank you so much for checking out my closet.
Bundle any 3 items marked with a 🌵 for $25.
Just Comment OFFER and I will Send you an offer with $4.99 Discounted Shipping.
Ship Same/Next Day, Professional Seller, Offers Welcome, Like for PRICE DROPS
Jan 16Reply

Hi! Thank you for the follow and for all of the shares!! I really appreciate it!!! 😍 Love your closet! We have three rescue pups! Two littermates turned 11 years old today! They joined our family at 8 weeks old out of a shelter. 🥰🥰 Love seeing all of your posts on helping animals! Very important messages!! 💖 Thanks again! Have a great night!!
Feb 05Reply

@lovelakeerie Thank you so much for all the shares as well! I am very passionate about rescue animals and veganism. All animals deserve our love and respect. Thank you for rescuing your babies. We need more people like you who care. We gotta advocate for all animals and educate people. You have a cute closet! Happy Poshing and take care! Good night!
Feb 05Reply

@mishasboutique Thank you!! Happy Poshing to you too!! Take good care! 💖💖💖
Feb 05Reply

Your closet is gorgeous, thanks for the shares! #closetgoals
Feb 26Reply

@almostdawn Thank you! I always try to help fellow poshers! Thank you for sharing as well! Happy Poshing! :-)
Feb 26Reply

@ajwitt76 Thank you for all the shares! Love your pups, they're adorable! :-) Happy Poshing.
Mar 16Reply

@mishasboutique Thank you as well! I finished sharing your closet and then left to walk the boys😊🐾 Feel free to hit me up anytime... I will always share back!
Mar 16Reply

Thank you SOOO MUCH for all of the shares! I hope you have great sales! Happy poshing!
Mar 28Reply

Apr 06Reply

@laurakbaumgras Thank you! #veganfortheanimals
Apr 06Reply

Beautiful doggie! I agree with your post 100%
Happy Poshing! 🐕😊😊😊
Apr 13Reply

@superblessed131 Thank you! It's nice to know that there are others who feel the same way as I do. Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing! :-)
Apr 13Reply

Hello Fellow Animal lover& Posher! I am Darlee C, a Poshmark Ambassador and sending you greetings from over along Florida's Nature Coast.🦩🐊🦋 I would like to thank you for the follow, and invite you to revisit my closet again anytime for some sweet finds 😊. I love 💘 shopping for bargains on Poshmark, assisting and meeting Posh shop owners like you 💕. So wishing you happy shopping, sharing and a super time Poshing 🥰.
Apr 18Reply

What an adorable furbaby!!
Please check out my closet!
I have a lot of NWT Cups & Travel Mugs, Paw Print Earrings and...even Kitchen Towels 😄for Dog Lovers like us!
Plus I'm having an AWESOME
(⚘3 for $25) CLOSET SALE!
Choose any 3 items with a ⚘, I will bundle them and offer you $25 for all 3 items!!
Check out all the AWESOME ⚘ items NOW before they're gone!
May 30Reply

Hi gorgeous , how are you?
We are doing BUNDLE and get “Buy 4 get 1 FREE”, Bundle 2 items will get 10% off.
Here I would like to invite and welcome you to stop by at our store and check out our 400+ Listing Accessories.
Wish you have a wonderful day :)
Jan 15Reply

I don't see an "animal lover"
I see a compassionate human being 🌹 here
trying to help others regain their compassion
Apr 28Reply

@bookmart You’re too kind! Thank you! I’m always going to speak up for animals’ rights! Whether we love animals or not, humans have no right to exploit them. ✊🏽
Apr 28Reply

@mishasboutique exactly!
and as well, whether one is compassionate
or not, exploiting our subordinates is just
UN-just. having been endowed with our
Dominion, we have a gargantuan amount
of responsibility towards justice, like it or
not, it comes w/The territory. blessings!
Apr 28Reply

@mylovejewelry Thank you! I shared yours as well! 💚
Nov 28Reply
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