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Updated Apr 10
Updated Apr 10

Meet Your Posher Ronda



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Hello my name is Ronda Thanks for visiting my closet hope you enjoy shopping with me... Stop by anytime
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highwaywife @naomilongoria12 I understand sweetheart and I would never hate u girlfriend let me know when u shipped them
Feb 28Reply
karabrathol I didn't notice back belt loop hole. I'm sorry. I only made $12 but to make things right I can purchase something from your closet. If you look at my feedback, I am an honest seller and trader and would NEVER intentionally hide a problem
Feb 28Reply
karabrathol Also I can call and see how much it is to fix. I'm sorry about that. But for $15 a pair of rock revivals to fix a spot shouldn't be much and you still got a pretty good deal.
Feb 28Reply
highwaywife @naomilongoria12 did you get my jeans shipped today???? Just chkn to see if you did
Mar 01Reply
nycin6 Hi Ronda, if you'd like go ahead and send me the offer again and I'll accept. 😊
Mar 11Reply
highwaywife @justmalerie thanks doll for all the Posh love trying to get it right back at ya lol:):):)
Mar 11Reply
craevert Hey my sister. We are on the same page lol💖💋
Mar 12Reply
highwaywife @craevert yes beautiful it looks like we are thank you for reaching out you have alot of sexy ass shoes in ur closest but to big for me that and im a cowboy boot kinda girl lol
Mar 12Reply
tchilli Would you be interested in a trade.. Miss me shorts for your small Abercrombie shirt and soundgirl jeans?
Sep 10Reply
highwaywife @tchilli yes I will for sure do the trade with you sweety txt me ur address and you and I can chat a lil more private 574-903-3934 im not feeling well at all so gonna lay down for a couple hrs then we can chat k thanks
Sep 10Reply
highwaywife @tchilli did you get this message let me know if u still want to trade
Sep 11Reply
tchilli @highwaywife Toni Dunlap 1429 chapala way modesto ca 95355 ..209-665-6974.. hope you feel better. Sorry for the delay in responding. Thank you for the trade. I'm at work today 8-5 if you call or text and I dont respond that is why.
Sep 11Reply
meloneewalker Hi! I tried to accept your offer on the aeropostale shirt, but it won't let me until you change your source of payment. Wasn't sure if they told you that or not, bur I thought I'd let you know😀✌
Sep 21Reply
unicornponypop Hi there! I accepted your offer, but there was a payment issue. Please let me know if you are still interested.
Oct 28Reply
highwaywife To all my Posh followers and anyone else interested i am wanting to liquidate everything in my closet so i can purchase and sell new item i want whats left in there all gone so if anyone wants to purchase it all i will make you one hell of a deal please let me know asap
Nov 12Reply
sherome The rings are no good hope you did not purchase any,she blocked me so I could comment
Nov 13Reply
highwaywife @sherome I did purchase a set
Nov 13Reply
highwaywife @sherome which seller has the fake rings I cant remember
Nov 13Reply
2twoten10 ☺ Hi there! I hope you enjoy your Aeropostale tops. I sure loved them. Pretty hair, by the way 👍
Nov 25Reply
katross2016 Hi I am sorry I cannot come down to 20$ on the red belt but I paid a lot more than I am asking and have only worn it once because it isn’t quite big enough. I have come down to 30$ and that is a fair price I think
Nov 25Reply
wagnerworld @highwaywife hi dear, I'm not sure why you cancelled your happy but if you would like I would be happy to accept it! :) I also saw you were looking for aeropostale clothes, I have tons more to list still if you would be interested!?
Dec 18Reply
highwaywife @wagnerworld I canceled because I got no reply on my offer til now if u will accept my offer I will purchase these thanks
Dec 18Reply
highwaywife @wagnerworld Umm hun i resent you an offer on the tanks will you accept im sitting here waiting for you to so i can purchase them
Dec 18Reply
wagnerworld Oh goodness I didnt see it sorry yes of course. @highwaywife
Dec 18Reply
wagnerworld I'm sorry it says your payment needs updated...?
Dec 18Reply
highwaywife @wagnerworld I got them thank you so much
Dec 18Reply
wagnerworld Of course, will ship out today! :) would you like me to tag you in anything else I post aero? If not that is fine! :)
Dec 18Reply
highwaywife @wagnerworld sure hun u can tag me in some of ur aero items that would b nice
Dec 18Reply
wagnerworld OK, I will be uploading today after work or tomorrow! :)
Dec 18Reply
rosepetals3 Hello, my name is Jen☺️ If you are looking to shop🛍 check out my closet, I have tons of sales and accept offers✨ I hope to hear from you soon🌹
Jan 30Reply
chrissychoate Hello Ronda! I’m Chrissy and I’m more than interested in the wedding set you have listed. Unfortunately my card that I use was stolen and the bank is sending me a replacement Thursday. I was wanting to know if we work out an offer, would you please hold it until I get it activated Fri morning when I go to town( I’m about 25 min from it, I live in the country) anyways, if it can be done I’d like to offer and see if we can agree on anything? If not, it’s totally acceptable.
Feb 13Reply
highwaywife @cmschoate Absolutely honey we can work something out and I will for sure keep it for u til u get ur card situation strait not a problem at all go ahead and make an offer and we will see what we come up with k thank for reaching out to me
Feb 13Reply
chrissychoate @highwaywife well I thank you ma’am! Just let me know before you make the final offer where I need to stop. This way once my cards been replaced I can update it on here to be able to buy but I can’t until I get a new card number. Thank you so much
Feb 13Reply
highwaywife @cmschoate $50 honestly will b as low as I can go on the set due to what I paid for it sweety sorry hope that won't b to much
Feb 13Reply
chrissychoate @highwaywife the price is acceptable but I’m having to wait until my replacement card comes in at my bank. Sorry for not replying sooner. Busy day. Sick as hell. I’ll get back as soon as the new cards activated.
Feb 14Reply
highwaywife @cmschoate OK HONEY I UNDERSTAND BOUT UR CARD YOU EXPLAINED THAT TO ME and very sorry ur sick im quit the same have had pneumonia and bronchitus for bout 2 weeks now and it has been rough so get well and let me know when ur ready to purchase
Feb 15Reply
spreadlove Hi! I️ know there are many closets but I’d be grateful if you check out mine. Either way I️ was just stopping in the say hello. Have a nice day!
Feb 19Reply
jogafur 😊😊😊
Mar 15Reply
canarygreen Hi there! If you bundle hun, I can give you an offer, especially since you have a few!😙Welcome to Posh!🤗
Apr 13Reply
highwaywife @2twoten10 Hey there Darlin im so sorry i didnt reply to this comment along time ago but yes i love my Aeropostle shirts and thank you for the compliment on my hair I love it myself just too much of it lol your absolutely gorgeous yourself honey:):)
Apr 13Reply
highwaywife @canarygreen GIRLFRIEND our closet is absolutley one of the best i have seen on Posh totally amazing and i even loved a few more things sadly i cant purchase at this moment but when my finaces are good i freakin PROMISE you i will be back for hopefully most of my likes sometimes i have to pick and choose and cannot purchase everything but i love everything i liked thank you for commenting back to me and i hope to bundle soon:)
Apr 13Reply
canarygreen @highwaywife ok hun. Sorry, I was so worn out. Poshing 16 hour days is whoopin my butt. Finding ya now.😗
Apr 14Reply
capthowdysgurl Hope you got your package ❤
May 14Reply
highwaywife @capthowdysgurl I did get it today and love my panties there so adorable
May 14Reply
capthowdysgurl @highwaywife awesome glad go hear ❤ have a good one thanks for the love note
May 14Reply
cup_cake93 @highwaywife Hello! Sorry I cannot accept your offer for that item on here. That's the lowest listing price I will go on this site.
May 21Reply
highwaywife @cup_cake93 Ok hun thanks anyway
May 21Reply
ry07 Hey ! I just wanted to let you know that I have shipped the item. I have no idea why it’s taking so long, besides the holiday delay from memorial day. Thanks !
May 28Reply
highwaywife @ry07 ts ok hun its showing its waiting for the USPS scan so its on the way
May 28Reply
mconnolly_ Hello Ronda! You had purchased the Pink Sweats from me yesterday & when I was packaging I saw there were some little speckle stains near the bottom and the leg. I canceled because I didn't want you to pay for something that wasn't in the details of the item. If there is another item that you are interested in in my closet please put it in a bundle alone or with other items and I will send you a discounted offer. So sorry for the inconvenience, my apologies!
Jun 01Reply
highwaywife @mconnolly_ Which sweats the pink ones???
Jun 01Reply
mconnolly_ @highwaywife Yes the pink LOVE PINK ones
Jun 01Reply
highwaywife @mconnolly_ i messaged you on that post about them
Jun 01Reply
sairahl Hi!! Just wanted to let you know I shipped your vs pants last week with two other orders and those orders arrived but it looks like yours hasn’t? I put in an email to the Poshmark help desk to see if they know. I don’t know why it hasn’t arrived and I’m sorry!!
Jun 20Reply
justjaxieshop I accepted your offer on the yoga pants but your payment didn’t go through. If you just take care of that real quick, everything is good to go! 😊❤️
Aug 03Reply
jillybean37127 Hi, Sorry I had to decline your offer for 8 someone already purchased for 13.00. Im not sure why it was still showing for sale.
Aug 30Reply
highwaywife @jillybean37127 Glad you got ur money sad i didnt get that shirt loved it
Aug 30Reply
dmerrimam U ARE AMAZING 🤗😊
Dec 14Reply
highwaywife @dmerrimam Awww honey thanks but your the AMAZING ONE
Dec 14Reply
italianxbella15 @highwaywife Hi! I accepted your offer but it says your payment needs to be updated
Feb 04Reply
highwaywife @italianxbella15 Thanks sweety i got it
Feb 04Reply
italianxbella15 @highwaywife Awesome! I’m already gone for the day but I’ll get this out tomorrow :)
Feb 04Reply
highwaywife @italianxbella15 Thats fine hun thank you so much
Feb 04Reply
katiehoshor Hi Ronda, I have accepted your offer on the Dooney & Burke but it says payment method on your end needs to be figured out? I wanted you to know I am accepting it and ready to ship it once the glitches get figured out! :))
Mar 25Reply
malarieaddison Hi Ronda!! Its the other Rhonnda.... teeheehee
Mar 26Reply
highwaywife @malarieaddison Your toooo funny lmao from the other Ronda to you Rhonnda
Mar 26Reply
jaeljaeljael thanks for following me!!
Apr 07Reply
cocopoptart Hi Ronda, thanks for your offer on my bracelet - I accepted it and I’m ready to ship today! Posh tells me your payment needs to be updated before I can ship though. Looking forward to getting that package on its way to you so we don’t have to wait until Monday 😊
Jun 15Reply
highwaywife @cocopoptart Im here hun and ready to purchase resent my offer for you to accept please and thank you
Jun 18Reply
cocopoptart @highwaywife Hi, I accepted your offer again. Payment did not go through.
Jun 18Reply
highwaywife @cocopoptart I got them im sorry for all the times you tried but i do not keep my card on file because i put alot of offers out and i dont want everything i do to be charged to my card so only add the card when i want to for sure purchase
Jun 18Reply
cocopoptart @highwaywife Not a problem, thank you for your purchase. I will be shipping tomorrow.
Jun 18Reply
christinalei522 Thanks for lying about what you sell in case you don't know GUC means "good used condition" and ripped and lettering cracking isn't thanks for nothing.
Oct 08Reply
faroffshores @highwaywife I am not sure where to leave you a note- I am so sorry about whatever is happening to your package. Usps picked it up from me on the26th of December (order was on 25th), and it seems to be bouncing all over the universe since. I hope you have been getting updates from Poshmark as I have. I do hope it arrives soon. I do appreciate your order, thank you.
Jan 02Reply
highwaywife @faroffshores i have been getting facility updates but i think it was just put in my box so i will let u know for sure in just a few if its here thank you for letting me know
Jan 02Reply
highwaywife @faroffshores got the package thank u so much he really likes them
Jan 03Reply
faroffshores @highwaywife I am so glad to hear that! Thank you for the note :) Happy New Year!
Jan 03Reply

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Last Active: Nov 29 2024

Grovertown, IN
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Last Active: Nov 29 2024

Grovertown, IN
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