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Updated Jun 08
Updated Jun 08

Deleting this post! (LIKE our other bookmark post)


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Welcome to my boutique! I’m head over heels for fashion. I recently received a degree in business and fashion! I handpick each item according to seasonal trends with a touch of my own personal taste. I’m always here to answer questions and help out with sizing to the best of my ability Contact me if you have any questions or business offers 
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lyssa_flo So sorry this is happening to you!! You have a gorgeous closet! 😍
Mar 02Reply
kcloveshearts @lyssa_flo you're such a sweetheart! Thank you so much! I adore your closet as well! ☺️💗💗💗
Mar 02Reply
lyssa_flo @kcloveshearts Thank you! 🍍
Mar 02Reply
marinamg30 I have ordered from you twice both times been very happy first time you gave me a 10% off which is always nice :) dnt let negative people get to you .
Mar 03Reply
kcloveshearts @marinamg30 awe thank you so much! So glad that you like your items! I'll give you a discount anytime you want love💗 such a sweetheart!
Mar 03Reply
dahliax94 Preach!
Mar 03Reply
ivyuntamed I ❤ your closet! If I wasn't pregnant I would definitely be buying some stuff lol
Mar 03Reply
proverbs_31 Love these pics! I got married in Maui and we have pics from our trip at this heart shaped cut out in the rock ❤❤❤
Mar 11Reply
kcloveshearts @proverbs_31 awe congrats! Maui is such a beautiful place, I'm so homesick! 😅
Mar 11Reply
cntrygrlcouture This closet--😍😍😍
Mar 11Reply
kcloveshearts @mks81 tysm! 😃💕
Mar 11Reply
desiignerlove There are always people who look for confrontation. Don't pay them any mind. Lovely closet 🌷
Mar 13Reply
kcloveshearts @desiignerlove thank you sooo much! Your shoes are fabulous! ☺️💕
Mar 13Reply
gelib Beautiful closet! ❤ Mahalo for sharing the posh love! 🌺
Mar 13Reply
kcloveshearts @gelib thank you as well beauty!! ☺️
Mar 13Reply
kcloveshearts @teedeean thank you thank you! I've had so many rude customers lately, I must attract the mean ones 😅 btw you should definitely give pm wholesale a go, you seem to sell personal items well, I think you'd do great starting your own boutique! 💕☺️
Mar 13Reply
thriftiquee Just read this! And what a small world it is... I'm originally from Kauai! But I also live in Oregon! Haha.. looks like my package won't be traveling far 😉 good to meet a fellow local girl!
Mar 16Reply
kcloveshearts @brittyb123 you're from Kauai?! Ugh that's one of my fav islands! I actually just saw that your item is being sent to Oregon! How long did u live in Kauai? Were you born and raised as well? ☺️
Mar 16Reply
thriftiquee @kcloveshearts Aww.. I know, I miss Kauai soo much! I was born and raised there until about age 10. Long story short: Parents got a divorce.. My mother was from Southern Oregon and I mainly lived with her here in Oregon. Since then, I've gone back and forth every summer and I just feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to experience both places. They are both beautiful states! How bout you? Born and raised?!
Mar 16Reply
kcloveshearts @brittyb123 that's so great! You were able to experience different surroundings and people! I was born and raised in Maui and moved to Oregon about 2 years ago! 😃 definitely get homesick a lot though and all my family is still in Maui, but I visit every summer or winter 💕
Mar 16Reply
thriftiquee @kcloveshearts So crazy! I know the feeling.. I miss my family on Kauai a lot too. And the whole lifestyle over there. So different! If you don't mind me asking, what area are you in? I was gonna say.. shoot, we should get together this summer for some river time! Haha 😁
Mar 16Reply
kcloveshearts @brittyb123 you'll see my address on your package when you receive it! 😏 we should get together! Love meeting new poshers 💕
Mar 16Reply
thriftiquee @kcloveshearts We should!! I'd love that 😘 nice chatting with you love 💕 XO
Mar 16Reply
kcloveshearts @brittyb123 likewise! Talk to you soon! Xo 💕😘
Mar 16Reply
kendrabroooke Where did you get your degree from in Oregon? I am from Oregon and currently go to Oregon State University:) My family is originally from Hilo!!
Mar 16Reply
mbulriss001 These pictures make me so happy! Also, your closet is gorgeous :)
Mar 16Reply
kcloveshearts @mbulriss001 thank youu soooo much doll!! ☺️💕💕
Mar 16Reply
kcloveshearts @kendrabroooke I'm actually still in the process of getting my degree! I'm working on a business degree right now! We should meet up sometime! Are you originally from Hilo as well??😃
Mar 16Reply
kendrabroooke @kcloveshearts Oh nice! we totally should, I love your closet:) I am not originally from Hilo unfortunately, I was born in Oregon.
Mar 16Reply
thriftiquee Hello love! I just received my order today.. I was sooo excited to try the bikini on, but unfortunately the top did not fit. I love the quality of the suit and it's absolutely adorable. But my chest didn't fit how close together the cups were. I was curious... if I pay for shipping back to you, would you be willing to return it for credit to your closet so that I can purchase another suit possibly?! If not.. I understand. Just figured it wouldn't hurt to ask! Thanks for your fast shipping!! 😘
Mar 19Reply
kcloveshearts @brittyb123 awe I'm so sorry it didn't fit! You are more than welcome to exchange it and have the credit towards another item! 😃💕
Mar 19Reply
thriftiquee @kcloveshearts That's awesome!! Thank you! I appreciate that you are willing to do that. I did not try the bottoms on at all, just the top. I will try to mail it back on Monday. Is there anything special info I need to include when I mail it back? And how does the exchange work if I want to get a suit that is priced higher than the one purchased?
Mar 19Reply
kcloveshearts @brittyb123 could you provide me with your email and I'll send you my info! 😃
Mar 19Reply
thriftiquee @kcloveshearts Of course! It's:
Mar 19Reply
kcloveshearts @brittyb123 okay! I'll email you right now!
Mar 19Reply
kendrabroooke @k8lowes here is one of my favorites closet:)
Mar 20Reply
kcloveshearts @kendrabroooke you're such a sweetheart and thank you times a million for all the shares! 🌸😊
Mar 20Reply
fashiondiva382 OMG, I agree!! Adults should just act like adults. There's really no reason not to be nice.
Mar 20Reply
kcloveshearts @fashiondiva382 haha exactly! I had to make a post about it because it really bothers me and my customers 😞❤️
Mar 20Reply
fashiondiva382 It's too bad. Lots of high school mean girls on here. :-( I hope things have gotten better!
Mar 20Reply
kcloveshearts @fashiondiva382 thank you for your concern and sweetness! It's nice to hear positive things from other poshers! Your items are so adorable btw! I'll definitely be sharing your items with my followers 🍾😘
Mar 20Reply
fashiondiva382 Aww, thank you! I can relate. I've had my share of mean girls and it gets old. I LOVE the block feature. :-D I'm up way too late, lol!! Try to get some sleep lady. :-)
Mar 20Reply
kcloveshearts @fashiondiva382 likewise! Sleep well ❤️❤️✨
Mar 20Reply
kcloveshearts @the_room sending some back doll 💐😘
Apr 01Reply
kcloveshearts @arahbaran hi! A bunch went up yesterday and I have more coming in this week and next week. I'll notify you when new bikinis drop if you're interested ☺️
Apr 04Reply
cpetersen55 @kcloveshearts Hey girl! Thanks for the "share" ❤ Have you used much LipSense?!
Apr 04Reply
neon_tangerine obsessed with your closet you ever run sales?
Apr 05Reply
kcloveshearts @cyamrus yes, I'll be having a moving sale soon but for older items, offers are completely welcome! Newer items as well, but some are firm. Also, thank you so much! 😃❤
Apr 05Reply
hautehina @hmillz5 do not copy other people's list and tag people without their permission.
Apr 07Reply
iqclothessavvy Holy Cow!! She is FAST! Tagged Callie's list 7 times before I could get her blocked!
Apr 07Reply
rocketcitypugs @iqclothessavvy I was just about to tag Callie. Lol!!!!
Apr 07Reply
triciatx @hmillz5 Please stop spamming everyone's feeds:(
Apr 07Reply
iqclothessavvy @poshjeepgirl @hsohailk @callie I tagged her on some of my 658 listings, the How to and Why listings. Geez! Why do people sign up for an app and never read the rules! It should say in the rules 5% of all your sales go to every closet you tag! Hahaha!
Apr 07Reply
rocketcitypugs @iqclothessavvy 😂😂😂. I'm about to be out in the woods for the whole weekend with no service.
Apr 07Reply
iqclothessavvy @poshjeepgirl Yeah! Have a great time! Mother Nature is awesome! We have a meet up tomorrow with Las Vegas PFFs! See you next week! Blessings to you and your loved ones!
Apr 07Reply
hautehina @iqclothessavvy she's ruining other people's listings too for sale listings or she even tagged us on sharing game for today lol
Apr 07Reply
hautehina @kcloveshearts sorry didn't mean to ruined yours..
Apr 07Reply
iqclothessavvy @hsohailk @callie I did a screen shot of my feed and emailed Posh as a spammer.
Apr 07Reply
kcloveshearts @hsohailk oh gosh I just saw all of this! No worries! I'll just create a new listing 😅💗
Apr 07Reply
hautehina Oh no don't delete it. I blocked her you probably block her too. She might ruin your other listings.
Apr 07Reply
kcloveshearts @hsohailk I blocked her just in case! 💗
Apr 07Reply
lindleyy Nice to meet you! I'm originally from Molokai, but live near DC now. My whole family is on Molokai still..some on Maui/Oahu. <3 <3
Apr 10Reply
kcloveshearts @lindleyy nice to meet you as well! I love Molokai. My family is still on Maui as well! How long have you been living in DC??? ☺️
Apr 10Reply
lindleyy @kcloveshearts I've been in DC for 7 years now :( --I try to go back home every year, but I got married recently so I am def. overdue for a visit! How about you?
Apr 10Reply
luvercare Just order a bikini and I can't wait to receive it me and my brother girl love your page you have such beautiful things I will definitely be shopping more getting ready for the summer!! Please let me know when you restock any of you past items a lot of them were so beautiful I "liked" the ones I want to see come back crossing fingers because those are great items and the selection is great! 👍
Apr 11Reply
kcloveshearts @lindleyy same! I haven't been back to Maui since I moved to the mainland so about three years! Hoping to go out this summer though and see my family ☺️
Apr 11Reply
kcloveshearts @luvercare awe thank you so much for the sweet feedback!! I hope you love your new swimsuit! I didn't receive any "likes" from you on older items though??
Apr 11Reply
luvercare @kcloveshearts 😩I guess they didn't show up I have it on my page under my likes that's weird maybe because it's sold it won't show you but I love your crochet, and long floral skirt, red dress, and etc. if you do end up getting more stuff in stock please let me know i like the prices and the items you have.
Apr 11Reply
kcloveshearts @luvercare I'm not sure but thank you for telling me which items you'd like for me to have back in stock! I will for sure! thanks for being such a sweetheart!
Apr 11Reply
wingsandangels Just wanted to stop by and let you know I freaking LOVE your closet !
Apr 12Reply
kcloveshearts @wingsandangels Thank you so much! Your closet is adorable as well! xoxo
Apr 12Reply
kristingreenn Saving your page for when I need to order a new swimsuit this summer 😍
Apr 12Reply
kcloveshearts @kristingreenn 🙈❤️❤️❤️
Apr 12Reply
cindylu6904 Awwww I think your stuff is beautiful. The nasty girls are just jealous. Pay no mind to them. 😊
Apr 14Reply
kcloveshearts @cindylu6904 awe thank you lovely! 😘
Apr 14Reply
brittanyblue_ What would you say are your 2 biggest complaints? Just curious. I have a very unique body and am in need of a swimsuit soon but i'm too nervous to shop poshmark boutiques for swimwear. Lmk. Thanks :)
Apr 19Reply
kcloveshearts @brittanyblue_ the only complaint I ever receive is that a bikini is too small or too big. They obviously don't read my measurements in the description. 😂 I measure them myself to guarantee that they fit my customers. I usually have to point out later that the measurements were in the description and they claim to have never read them.
Apr 19Reply
kcloveshearts @brittanyblue_ if you ever need any help with measurements, I'll help guide you to the best of my ability. ☺️💓
Apr 19Reply
brittanyblue_ Oh okay ahahha so nothing bad at all. Just stupid people lol Okay thanks!!! I'll definitely message you on the specific ones i'm eyeing. Thanks!
Apr 20Reply
nataliefazeli LOVE YOUR CLOSET ❤️
May 02Reply
kcloveshearts @nataliefazeli thank you so much! ☺️
May 02Reply
itsajonesthang Having my first posh party! Check out the listing and please help me spread the word😘🙏
May 06Reply
baicanbar Hi Hun! I liked a couple of your "sold out" items. 2 Bikinis and the silver gray romper. Could you tag me if you restock them? Would love to wait and bundle 💗
May 12Reply
kcloveshearts @baicanbar hi there! If you'd like to be tagged for the restock please comment on both that you'd like to be notified for a restock, it's easier for me to keep track of them that way ☺️💕 thanks so much!
May 12Reply
marleyholder6 I think this might be my favorite closet I've seen on poshmark 😍😍😍 I will definitely be buying stuff once I'm home from school at the end of the month!!
May 18Reply
kcloveshearts @marleyholder6 thank you so much 💕😘
May 18Reply
kcloveshearts @marycatehamele awe thank you so much. That's one of the sweetest comments I've ever received! 🌹 Some of my favorite stores are usually a bit too expensive so I stick to buying on Poshmark usually. Showpo, free people, UO, & acacia swimwear are stores that inspire my boutique and my fashion taste. I can give you some of my favorite boutiques on Poshmark as well, they are super sweet and have adorable boutiques as well. ☺️
May 23Reply
missmeliss625 @tripsmama3 @dandelauryn @melissacrump hi loves wanted to share this closet with you 😘😘
May 23Reply
mned2809 Love your closet girl😊🤗
May 24Reply
kcloveshearts @mned2809 thank you! 🙈💕
May 24Reply
beckie0123 Absolutely love your closet and I totally agree about the negativity!!! I just block the people now at the first sign of it. I feel like my soul has always lived and is from Hawaii (even though I've never been lol) maybe was in a past life. Who knows!
May 27Reply
kcloveshearts @beckie0123 awe thank you I'm flattered! I try my best to ignore them, sadly it affects my customers. Hawaii is amazing! You should definitely visit one day. Thanks for the posh love! ☺️💓
May 27Reply
omgxitscar Hi! I'm looking to buy 2 or 3 bikini sets and I wanted to know if you would do a bundle for them!
Jun 01Reply
kcloveshearts @omgxitscar yes! You can go ahead and bundle them 😃
Jun 01Reply
thriftiquee Hey lady! Just wanted to contact you on here so you could get my username!
Jun 08Reply
reuseagain 💖⭐️💖⭐️Good for you! Same here! Some of them are just so awful !!!!!!!! I know! Stay strong 💖⭐️💖⭐️
Jun 11Reply
kcloveshearts @reuseagain sending some posh love your way! 😘
Jun 11Reply
reuseagain 😘❤️😘❤️😘❤️😘
Jun 11Reply
sagebazaar You're closet is gorgeous! Love all you cover photos and flow!
Jun 21Reply
rbane Super cute shop!! 😍
Jun 25Reply
kcloveshearts @rbane thank you so much!!! Sending all my posh love your way ☺️🌹
Jun 25Reply
kcloveshearts @zoeeilers thank you so much babe! 💐💕☺️
Jul 09Reply
littlewing67 Loving your closet and positivity! Sending good vibes your way! ✌️🌈✨💖
Jul 10Reply
skyh2711 Cute closet!! Feel free to check mine out :)
Jul 15Reply
kcloveshearts @skyh2711 thank you 🙈
Jul 15Reply
sbfornow Absolutely stunning closet.
Jul 22Reply
kcloveshearts @sbfornow Thank you soon much! Your closet is adorable as well! Love your cover photos!
Jul 22Reply
posh_no1 Awesome closet & vibe!! 😎🏖🏝🌸🌴
Jul 22Reply
ingwhit Would it be okay if I do a shout out on my instagram page. I just love your prices and items and would love to share on my Instagram if that's fine with you
Jul 28Reply
kcloveshearts @ingwhit awe that would be so wonderful! You're so sweet, thank you so much for asking and you 100% have my permission to do so! May I ask your IG so I could check it out as well? 🙈💐💕
Jul 28Reply
kcloveshearts @ingwhit oh never mind I see it in your bio! ☺️🙊
Jul 28Reply
mskaribbean1 Yesssss😎😍
Jul 30Reply
ikigai Just a perfect closet!
Jul 30Reply
indie_savant Hey girl! You have amazing picks in your closet! I'm literally in love with EVERYTHING!! 😍💗💙😘
Jul 30Reply
kcloveshearts @ikigai thank you!! ☺️💐
Jul 30Reply
kcloveshearts @indie_savant thank you so much! We must have similar taste! 🙈❤️😘
Jul 30Reply
cab1979 i just don't understand the rudeness, what is the point exactly??
Aug 02Reply
kcloveshearts @cab1979 I have no idea, some people are just bored with their lives 🙈🙊🙉
Aug 03Reply
edgestyle @lyssa_flo ditto love it💓
Aug 03Reply
kcloveshearts @edgestyle 🙈💕 thank you love!
Aug 03Reply
kcloveshearts @miaflora ❤️❤️❤️
Aug 07Reply
anifiras7 Any suggestions on how to start and grow the boutique
Aug 14Reply
stephsmh Such a cute closet! 🤗
Aug 15Reply
kcloveshearts @stephsmh thanks a bunch! Xo
Aug 15Reply
jennaleeb329 Adore your closet!! ❤️ Keep up the good work! Positive vibes! 🏝☀️✌🏻
Aug 15Reply
merrill21 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹Congrats on your beautiful Host Pick!!!! Happy times and many sales ahead!⭐️🌟✨🌟⭐️🌟✨🌟🌟⭐️✨🌈🌈🌈🌈
Aug 21Reply
allthatjaz2424 Hey beautiful! You have a great closet! Xo Jasmine✨
Sep 01Reply
kcloveshearts @gloria0228 awe thank you so much! We have such similar style 💐☺️
Sep 07Reply
2muchstuff3691 Lovely boutique 💋💕💋
Sep 09Reply
shopkristins Beautiful closet!!!!
Sep 13Reply
kcloveshearts @kbbygirl thank you so so much! Xo 💐☺️
Sep 13Reply
missjunenicole Hey :) just want to say I totally love the dresses and the one piece! Now I'm so ready for the cruise lol Can't wait for my next bundle deal 😅💕💕💕💕
Sep 15Reply
kcloveshearts @doza hi doll! I'm so glad they fit you! Thank you so much for shopping with me and for the amazing love note. Have a wonderful vacay ☺️🌺💐
Sep 15Reply
dearminaco Love your closet! Beautiful pieces 💃🏽
Sep 24Reply
danneille 😳Wow! Incredible closet! 😍 Possibly the best I've seen on all of Poshmark! I can't believe someone would be rude to you. Maybe they felt insecure after looking at your closet!🤣 I am still getting started here. If you have a minute, can you take a glance at my closet and give a tip or two? 👀 I would be so grateful 😊
Sep 25Reply
kdesirea Hi. I wanted to send you a message but was hoping maybe you have an email that I can send to instead of posting here. It's regarding the pretty little bracelet I purchased. Thank you!
Sep 25Reply
kcloveshearts @kdesirea 😘 saw you replied, so happy it worked out okay 💕 so sorry for the inconvenience!
Sep 26Reply
kcloveshearts @danneille hi gorgeous! thank you so much for such a wonderful compliment. I'd love to take a look at your page 💐💕💝
Sep 26Reply
roscodaily Well put beautiful! LiveLoveLaugh...bikini clad! Thank u from FL 🌴👙
Oct 02Reply
kcloveshearts @roscodaily thank you doll! 😘 sending you some posh love!
Oct 02Reply
twposh Thanks for all the love and shares!!!
Oct 10Reply
electriclux such a pretty closet!! and you seem so sweet! rude people are the worst 😝
Nov 12Reply
kcloveshearts @bvgx33 awe thank you so much! Have a wonderful Sunday gorgeous 😘
Nov 12Reply
mbarrett1997 @kcloveshearts hi!!! Do you use mercariii?
Nov 15Reply
kcloveshearts @mbarrett1997 sorry I strictly only sell through Poshmark! ☺️
Nov 15Reply
jbanana123 Thank you for the shares!
Nov 17Reply
queenfonseca @kcloveshearts hi!!! I accepted your counter offer can you mail it right away because i wanted to use it next week. Thank you
Jan 05Reply
kcloveshearts @queenfonseca Hi! Dropping them off tonight & they’ll get scanned tomorrow! 😘💐
Jan 05Reply
shopstarluna Wow, i love love loveee your boutique! Will def shop bikinis when summer comes around! 😘😍
Jan 14Reply
kcloveshearts @ofmytwenties aw thank you so much! Let me know if you have any questions 💐😘
Jan 15Reply
laurenkeisman Thanks so much for your help!! :)
Jan 17Reply
emilycaroline97 Do Poshmark items ship quick??
Mar 03Reply
kcloveshearts @emilycaroline97 hi doll! Depends on the seller but if someone ships out daily then it usually gets scanned and tracking info gets updated that night and takes 2-3 days to arrive 😘
Mar 03Reply
emilycaroline97 @kcloveshearts perfect!!! Just was wondering if my stuff would be here by next Thursday but it sounds like yes(:
Mar 03Reply
kcloveshearts @emilycaroline97 it definitely will! Probably around Monday or Tuesday ❤️
Mar 03Reply
jhemming17 I absolutely love your closet and your whole aesthetic!! I'm relatively new here, and wondering how you are so successful with the items you acquire and sell, particularly in your closet, if you'd be willing to share some insight it'd be greatly appreciated! 😍
Mar 19Reply
jassyscloset Hey I’m selling an XS gap sports bra that’s new!
Apr 04Reply
kcloveshearts @jasisfuckilit not interested. Do not solicit on someone’s else’s boutique. It’s against Poshmark rules.
Apr 04Reply
nmp6112 Hello! I have a quick question, if I place the bundle order on Friday, and I’m in California would I be able to get it before the 14th you think?!
Jun 05Reply
kcloveshearts @nmp6112 Hi! If ordered Friday during the day, our team would ship it out the same day. Estimated delivery is Monday or Tuesday ☺️
Jun 05Reply
nmp6112 @kcloveshearts ok awesome! I’ll do it during the day Friday then. Thank you!
Jun 05Reply
kcloveshearts @nmp6112 no problem! If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to ask! ❤️
Jun 06Reply
tbabes12 Hiii!! I'm Cristina ☺️ Just wanted to stop by & say hi! ✨ Can't wait to check out your closet! Wishing you many sales💞Hope you're having a great day!🎉 Xo
Jun 06Reply
emiilyyb hi! i’m having a back to school sale. all money made goes towards my education🤗 feel free to check out my closet!!🧡
Jul 18Reply
kcloveshearts @emiilyyb Hi! Please don't solicit, it's against poshmark rules! Happy Poshing!
Jul 18Reply
kcloveshearts @miss_sunny_day Hi! Please don’t solicit, it’s against Poshmark rules. Happy poshing!
Aug 05Reply
treasuresdev5 @kcloveshearts Congrats on the Make a deal win! $100 credit outta be super sweet!
Aug 13Reply
fashionista21 Hi. Congratulations on winning some extra Posh Credit! Please stop by my closet anytime when you’re ready to shop. Have a great day and congrats again. @fashionista21
Aug 13Reply
mayra_alexandra Hey!! Congratulations on being a winner in today’s Make A Deal Day! Hopefully this makes your Monday more enjoyable! Have fun spending that $$ and have an amazing day!
Aug 13Reply
sourpoi Congrats on your WIN! Have a beautiful day & Happy Poshing :D
Aug 13Reply
islandloves Congrats on your win! 🎉
Aug 14Reply
marigoldmarket Congrats on your deal day win, bet that was an awesome surprise! Have a great night.
Aug 15Reply
lil_mckz I ordered a bikini from you and am usually an XS but the small top is just too tight 😭😭😭 Do you accept returns for store credit so I can enjoy one of your other beautiful suits? 🙏🏻
Aug 20Reply
kcloveshearts @mckstough Hi! We can do a sizing exchange. We do ask that another item gets purchased with the exchange. It can be any item in our boutique. ☺️ our mediums with be in this week so we can hold one of those for you. Let us know if that works for you 💕
Aug 20Reply
lil_mckz @kcloveshearts that is so kind of you! 🤗 How would you like me to proceed? Should I mail you back the suit I have first?
Aug 20Reply
kcloveshearts @mckstough yes! Send back the item to the address on the box. Once we receive it back, we have them inspected for wear or damage. Once it passes, I’ll contact you and you may purchase an item listed for sale and we’ll add the white medium set to your order when we ship out 💐☺️
Aug 20Reply
kcloveshearts @mckstough please ship back within 1-2 days 💕
Aug 20Reply
kcloveshearts @mckstough Hi! Have you shipped back yet? I’ll need it shipped out today (Wednesday) at the latest! Also, for your second purchase, let me know if you want any item on hold until we receive your item back. 💕
Aug 22Reply
carlienoelbug @kcloveshearts hello! I ordered 3 suits from you yesterday! Any update on when you’ll be shipping?
Oct 10Reply
kcloveshearts @carlienoelbug Hi! Thank you for shopping with me! There will be a delay in shipping due to a severe family emergency. I’ll be back at the warehouse on Friday 💕 so sorry for the inconvenience!
Oct 10Reply
thepiperjames Good afternoon, Happy Poshing! 😊 Please check out my closet, I have really fun baseball caps, beanies, and jewelry. 😍
Oct 15Reply
tryonfam4 Thanks you so much for sharing my ISO post!😊
Oct 24Reply
trailorswift Delete is the Mouth of the Nile
Nov 08Reply
sprinkledwstyle @trailorswift thank you so much for all the shares!!! I love your closet!!!
Nov 09Reply
effycloset My favorite closet so far!!!
Dec 07Reply
goodgifts Congratulations! We have some great winter booties we would love to have included as a host pick. Thanks for your consideration! 😀❄️🎉
Dec 07Reply
reace28 I just shared a few of your items please return the favor happy poshhing
Dec 09Reply
lynnaxel Thanks for liking the lingerie ! I’m open to offers !!
Dec 16Reply
kcloveshearts @lynnaxel sorry for the accidental like! Meant to share it! Happy poshing!
Dec 16Reply
lynnaxel @kcloveshearts No problem ! Will share back in a while !
Dec 16Reply
royrogers226 🍭👈
Dec 23Reply
ay_dredre Hey girl!!! I was wondering if your boutique has an Instagram?? I want to tag the swim I bought from you on my style-gram💕
Jan 05Reply

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