Healing & Restoration For Abused Children
Not for sale
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This closet is operated by Healing For The Nations, a ministry to bring healing to those who have experienced childhood trauma. Now more than ever the need has never been so great. We have known about child trafficking and ritualistic abuse for a long time. Now the world is being made aware. Will you help us to rescue the abused and tortured children? Will you invest in their healing? Shop, share or give!
Donations are tax deductible.
Feel free to leave me a comment!

103 others
like this

Welcome! I do have some Kate Spade & Michael Kors in my closet. Happy Poshing
Mar 19Reply

Hi. Thank you for the follow! All items in my closet are 3 for $15. 😊
Jan 22Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! If you have a chance check out my closet. If you ❤️something send me an offer 🌸❤️ Happy Poshing 😊
Jan 22Reply

Awesome ! 😀Would love to hear more about the ministry !! Website? So good to meet you!😉
Mar 08Reply

@bootsbotas thank you. Our website is healing4nations.org. We also have a Facebook page.
Mar 08Reply

@jaolsen61 Thanks I will !😉😀💕
Mar 10Reply

thanks for the shares! hope you have a great sales week!
Mar 11Reply

@smindles you're welcome. Even if I don't I am building my following and working towards reaching ambassador status!👍
Mar 11Reply

thank you for the share
Mar 12Reply

Hi there! I think it’s great that you’re making donations with your proceeds, good for you!! Xo
Mar 12Reply

@venetias you're welcome!
Mar 12Reply

@amyjean913 thank you. I have a passion to see broken hearts healed.❤
Mar 12Reply

Hi 👋 Jessica
Happy Poshin 🤗
Mar 15Reply

Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing!
Mar 18Reply

Good afternoon. Take a minute to check out my closet if you see something you like but not the price. Make an offer.More coming, so keep checking. Happy Poshing.
Mar 19Reply

Hi welcome to my Poshmark closet I wish you much success in your and happy poshing 🍀🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Mar 20Reply

🧡Beloved🧡I am delighted to know you🥰My commitment is caring🌸sharing🌺giving🌼and being respectful to all in the Posh community💕🎀😇I only pray for your health, wealth, and joy💯🛍Happy Poshing💐🌷☘️🧡Be Blessed🧡DURING THIS DIFFICULT TIME I PRAY WE ALL TAKE CARE😇BE KIND😇AND THOUGHTFUL OF ONE ANOTHER🥰LET US BE MINDFUL OF EACH OTHER🧡LOVE LOVE LOVE🧡BE BLESSED AND SAFE🧡
Mar 22Reply

Blessings Jessica on sharing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜. Super weekend and poshing 🛍🙏🤟🏻❤️💜
Mar 22Reply

@madblk3 thank you!🙏🤗
Mar 22Reply

@05teddy11 thanks. Stay healthy!🙏🤗
Mar 22Reply

Thank you for all the sharing.
Mar 23Reply

Thank you for sharing my closet!! Have a safe and healthy day!!
Mar 24Reply

@katriordan I am so sorry for your loss. Jesus is close to the brokenhearted. If we turn to Him in our time of need He promises that He will comfort our hearts. Many are facing the loss of loved ones now. We are praying this virus gets dethroned quickly. Pray Psalm 91 over your yourself and your loved ones!
Mar 25Reply

@jaolsen61 thank you for following my closet. I had a chance to browse and share your closet too. Hope I get a share back. Have an awesome day!
Mar 26Reply

@merlekb thank you! I shared back.🙂
Mar 26Reply

Hi Jessica, you are a sweetheart. thanks for sharing.
Mar 26Reply

WHAT A WONDERFUL MINISTRY TO SUPPORT THE CAUSE OF OUR RISEN SAVIOR! My church is not meeting right now due to COVID-19 but last night we gathered at the church parking lot, stayed in our cars, and formed a prayer caravan. We encircled our town and covered everyone and everything - seen and unseen - in prayers of protection, grace and mercy! May your ministry be covered by His healing power as well! Blessings upon YOU, our extended Church family. Amen!
Mar 27Reply

@a_called_girl thank you!❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏Jesus is King not Corona virus!!👑👑👑
Mar 27Reply

Thank you for following and supporting my closet.
Bundle 3 items from closet Divas & Queens and get 30% off your order at any time or Make Me An Attractive Offer on a single item.
Mar 28Reply

welcome happy poshing, 😀 make me an offer on any item you like and bundle for more savings, Have a blessed day!
Mar 31Reply

Hi there! 🥳 wishing you speedy sales and amazing deals! 🛍 Happy Poshing 💫
Apr 01Reply

@recca722 thank you!
Apr 01Reply

Nice meeting so many caring and giving people here on Poshmark! Thank you for your ministry...grace and peace be with you always! 🙏
Apr 02Reply

@jthompson120 thank you Jennifer! It is great to see so many living their faith here.🤗 I know there are a lot of hurting people out there, especially now. Have to utilize all the opportunities available to share the good news! Happy Poshing!
Apr 02Reply

@jaolsen61 ❤
Apr 02Reply

Welcome to Flying Pigs 🐷
Apr 02Reply

@debjross thank you!
Apr 02Reply

Thank you so very much for checking out my closet Darling😘♥️🌹and Thanks for showing some beautiful posh love! Stay Healthy & Strong and Keep Poshing On❣️😘🌹
Apr 03Reply

Hello Jessica, just stopping by to say Thank You for Sharing my closet.
I'm new to the site so don't have much going on but Thank You's..!! Have a safe day...😊
Apr 04Reply

@jaolsen61 Hello my fellow Posher! Stopping by🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Apr 10Reply

Hi Jessica! Thank you so much for visiting and following my closet and for all the shares 🤗🤗 Stay safe, be blessed and have a wonderful week 🤗🤗💐
Apr 14Reply

Have a Great Day Beautiful 😘😘😘 Stay Safe Beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 19Reply

Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Apr 21Reply

Thank you for the follow 🌠
Apr 23Reply

Heyyyy my closet is full of Abercrombie and Fitch, Nike, hollister, Aeropostale, Puma, American Eagle, champion, H&M, Vans, Adidas, Urban Outfitters, Forever 21, and Old Navy! I also have juniors things. I’m trying my hardest to sell everything. Please make offers !!Hope you can find what your looking for! Stay safe happy and healthy!
Apr 24Reply

You’re welcome to add me, thanks.
Apr 25Reply

❤️your purpose @jaolsen61. May God bless
Apr 25Reply

@prettythingz720 thank you! As one whose heart and life has been healed and restored I know the pain and sorrow so many are trapped by. We want to help them break free into newness of life in Christ. Jesus was "a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief, and tempted in every way that we are, yet without sin."
Apr 25Reply

@prettythingz720 thank you! As one whose heart and life has been healed and restored I know the pain and sorrow so many are trapped by. We want to help them break free into newness of life in Christ. Jesus was "a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief, and tempted in every way that we are, yet without sin."
Apr 25Reply

Hi Jessica! Thanks for following my closet!😊
May 01Reply

@janfast you're welcome! I have some share and follow games posted in my closet, still need more players. Check it out, great way to get more sales and followers!
May 01Reply

I’ve been to Kodiak! It was such a small town the first time when I was a child, over 50 yrs ago! I was w/my family, my dad was an engineer on a king crab tender. We left from Seattle, crossed the gulf to get there. The company family name began w/a W. The 2nd time was more recent, maybe 20 yrs ago to commercial fish w/my family. I love the charity cause you’re donating to - I’ll keep an eye out to see if I need anything on your site :D xo
May 03Reply

@marcele7 well small world! I love living here. 😀🌄🏞
May 03Reply

@jaolsen61 Just remembered their company name, it was Wakefield’s King Crab. Also, I grew up in Wrangell! (S.E.) It is a small world. We have a pandemic to prove it : (
May 03Reply

I’m actually closing my closet.
Closing sale. 5 items for $20. Some items do not apply. Check out my closet. @mvilo. Great opportunity if you want to resale clothing.
May 05Reply

@jaolsen61 💄💄💄Your a LIPPIE posher 💄💄💄Enjoy 💋
May 07Reply

@bell1971 I saw that! Thanks so much!💄💐🥳
May 07Reply

You are on fire girl and are featured in today’s HEY GIRL game! Wishing you many new followers and lots of sales!
Go to @celtic0088 and TAG YOUR FRIENDS!!!🔥
May 10Reply

I love premier designs also! U have a great closet! I share share share. Have a great day !
May 10Reply

Hi Jessica! Thank you for liking The RUNWAY‼️Welcome and I love your closet‼️I am scheduling closets to be featured on The Runway this week and have openings on Mon. Tues. Wed. and Thurs. Any of those days work for you?! Let me know‼️
May 10Reply

@cinderella927 thank you! Any of those are great!
May 10Reply

@cathy_phelps thanks! I have a bunch more. I used to be a jeweler for Premier. I love their jewelry.
May 10Reply

@celtic0088 I saw that in the tags! Thank you so much!
May 10Reply

@jaolsen61 Wonderful! I will feature you tomorrow, Monday 5/11. I post the daily featured closets around 11:00ish a.m. and I am EST. To spice things up a bit we have been playing a letter game. Tomorrow starts name an activity you can do in quarantine starting with the 1st letter of the day of the week. This is purely optional! Any questions ask away
May 10Reply

Hi Gorgeous! I am looking to clean out my closet and I would like to offer you a GREAT deal! Everything on my page is 5 for 10 or 10 for 15!
Feel free to check it out and make a bundle!
Ohh and, Thank you for the follow!
May 15Reply

What a wonderful cause! Best of luck!! 🌷
May 17Reply

May 19Reply

May 19Reply

May 19Reply

May 19Reply

May 19Reply

@findingdoc1 Thank you for tagging your PFF's! 🥰
May 19Reply

tag list#1
May 19Reply

tag list#2
May 19Reply

tag list#3
May 19Reply

@ericaaxrose Thank you for tagging your PFF'S here and for all the generous shares!
May 19Reply

@jaolsen61 my pleasure 🌚✨
May 19Reply

@ericaaxrose @jaolsen61 Followed and shared!🌷
May 20Reply

@r_glover thank you! Returned shares.😀
May 20Reply

Hello ma'am and Thank you ma'am for letting me look in your closets and have a blessed evening with your family.
May 25Reply

Thank you again for all the shares! So much posh love. In today’s world, I very much appreciate your kindness!! 💙💙💙
May 30Reply

@moon177 You are quite welcome. I hope it at least got you more followers!
May 30Reply

hi 🌻. so even though I was told lol of course it was red Agate .. I'll go in and change it today .. thank you so much !!!!!!!!! I also have a bracelet that I was told was red Agate so I'll go on and change that to and put coral chips .. do I put red colored coral chips or are they naturally that color. it was purchased in Ocean City NJ ... at an upper scale little shop .... figures it's Coral haha. ..the shore !!
Jun 01Reply

I loved that necklace too !! just time for a new home so I can get different hopefully agate lol !!!
Jun 01Reply

@tatztale2 no just coral. I hope you didn't overpay for it when you bought it. The catalog list price on the necklace is $59, and the bracelet is $34.
Jun 01Reply

@jaolsen61 I definitely over paid for it !!!!!!!! it came from a little boutique in Ocean City !!! I just fixed the bracelet too !! thank you. She is a small very expensive boutique only opened in the Summer so her prices are high. but I loved it!!!!! just needs a new home .. but I'm not going to her anymore lol. ..
it still looks beautiful as the day I bought it !!! I just wear more turquoise and silver... thank you. and I'm all fixed !!!
Jun 01Reply

@jaolsen61 I'm not going to buy any turquoise from her this summer who knows what I'll be getting!!!!
Jun 01Reply

@jaolsen61 actually now that I have the catalog price from you I'm thinking the bracelet is reasonably priced.. what do you think about the necklace. since it's EUC??
Jun 01Reply

@jaolsen61 anything else I can do ?? I live the advice !!! I'm trying so hard !! I treat this as a full time job .. since I'm on disability I have the time to put into it ... 💐
Jun 01Reply

@jaolsen61 I had extreme trauma in my life !! l love your page !!!
Jun 01Reply

@tatztale2 I would keep the price you listed since you need room to negotiate offers. I have several of my own pieces for sale in my closet. If you google your item you will find a fair price range. Some items will take longer to sell because you are waiting for that one person who loves it and knows what it's worth.
Jun 01Reply

@jaolsen61 💄💄💄Your a LIPPIE posher 💄💄💄Enjoy 💋
Jun 02Reply

@bell1971 woohoo!!!! thank you!!! 💖💖💖💄💄💄
Jun 02Reply

Good Morning I'm Cora just wanted to say Hi and wish you a Wonderful Week 😎😎😎😊
Jun 08Reply

I browsed the ministries and was very enlightened. I am a believer and have been called to prayer intercession. I especially enjoyed reading about the Elijah House and the founders. Thank you for sharing.
Jun 14Reply

Jessica, Discovered you via your prayer for a young posher with multiple chronic illness. You touched my heart with your gifted prayer. I’m thanking my God for you & asking for showers of blessings. So thankful for this platform, where we can quietly connect & uplift one another. Elizabeth
Jun 15Reply

Hey Girl!!!!
You are on fire girl and are featured in today’s HEY GIRL game! Wishing you many new followers and lots of sales! Go to @celtic0088 and TAG YOUR FRIENDS!!!
Jun 18Reply

@makeyoulaugh67 thank you so much! indeed it we a wonderful week!
Jun 22Reply

@sonyaann123 thank you so much! Elijah House is a very unique ministry for sure! They changed my life and my family's lives!
Jun 22Reply

@daffodildog23 thank you so much Elizabeth! i need a lot of prayer support! we are still in the process of healing!
Jun 22Reply

Thanks Jessica ❣ I'll ship your order out first thing tomorrow morning. Have a great evening!
Jun 25Reply

Hi Jessica, thank you for following us!👍
We are Jimbo & G.🤠🐗🙋
I hope you have many sales & find tons of bargains!💰📈
Happy Posh'ing & we hope you have a SAFE & prosperous 2020!
Be kind & have a blessed day!
Jun 26Reply

Thank you sister!!! Likewise!! Prayers for your healing ministry 🙏❤️🙏❤️
Jun 28Reply

I would love for you to feature my closet then, Thank you so much. I have been out of town since Friday with my mom who was having hernia surgery. She is 85. She came through well. I am coming home today. I have been a little hit or miss since Friday with Posh, while helping my mom, but I will be home tonight.
Jun 29Reply

@foughty hi, glad your mom came through surgery well! You are scheduled for July 1st and 2nd! 🎉
Jun 29Reply

Liked, shared, and followed 6/30
Jun 30Reply

hello My name is Katherine Vandall thank you for checking out my closet..
I am always buying for my reborns.
I am selling some of the outfits soi can some stuff we need now.
you have a wonderful day or night.. thanks again..
Jul 03Reply

Hi there! I have recently re-branded as “Second Chance Boutique” and am excitedly working on my inventory. I appreciate your support as a follower, wish you many sales, and hope you are staying safe!
Jul 15Reply

Hi Jessica! It’s great to meet you!💝💝💝
Jul 16Reply

@jaolsen61 hi! Thanks for sharing The RUNWAY 👠 Your closet will be featured on Saturday 7/25 ☀️🌸
Jul 19Reply

Hi jessica I love your closet was wondering if you were looking to improve your overall health and nutrition and those of your family and friends you can email me glammasterpiece7@gmailcom or check out my site https://joannecarbonell40.isagenix.com/ i would love for you to be a part of my team
Jul 28Reply

Thank you for your purchase.
Jul 28Reply

HI! Nice to meet you... I've been to Kodiak toooooo many times. Lovely place, especially in the summer.
Aug 01Reply

@jawhitehead77 wow small world. 🙂 what brought you to Kodiak?
Aug 01Reply

@jaolsen61 It is a small world for sure. Actually ,the Coast Guard. I was on one of the ships that fueled up there. :)
Aug 01Reply

@jawhitehead77 that makes sense! I love it here, mostly. Don't like the limited options for shopping, restaurants and events, but right now we have had a very low impact from the virus. And that's worth it all.
Aug 01Reply

@jaolsen61 For sure, its pretty bad in Cali. I'm not that far from LA county or Orange County where they are seeing crazy numbers. Stay safe.
Aug 01Reply

@jaolsen61 Hi Jessica, I wanted to say God Bless You for your kindness. I think this is wonderful what you are doing. We need more people like you in the world.💜🕊✝💜
Aug 07Reply

Hey! I will be sharing your closet today for your Gilmore Girl feature yesterday!😃You don't have to share back, Congrats! Hope you ger some sells! Your Posh Sis, Jamie💖
Aug 09Reply

@coachandtrunk thank you so much!
Aug 09Reply

@jamesaddiction aww, thanks!
Aug 09Reply

@jaolsen61 Jessica, I am closing my Boutique (not my Closet) and may have some pieces to donate for your charity. How would you like me to send them to you?
Aug 10Reply

@poshclark449 wow, thank you so much!!! Go to our website healing4nations.org and click the Get Involved button. That takes you to our contact page where you will find our address at the bottom. Please include a list of items with their individual value / suggested listing price and the total amount for which you want your tax deduction letter. 💖💖💖
Aug 10Reply

@jaolsen61 💄💄💄Your a LIPPIE posher today 💄💄💄Enjoy 💋
Aug 13Reply

I’m Thankful for you.🙏🏻❤️
Aug 13Reply

Thank you so much for the share!! 😊 If you are interested in any items on my page let me know.
Aug 17Reply

Thank you for your follow. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package 📦. And offers are always welcome, too.
Aug 22Reply

@jaolsen61 hi! Hope you are doing well. Your closet will walk The RUNWAY on Saturday 8/29 👠🎉
Aug 22Reply

@jenn3981 that's great! Thank you so much!
Aug 22Reply

Thank you for all the good you do here on posh 🙏🏼❤️❤️🙏🏼
Aug 26Reply

"Restoring Shattered Lives"
I love it!!
Sep 12Reply

hi, I think what you're doing is a great and wonderful thing I know God will bless you as you bless others. I was stationed at Elmendorf AFB many years ago. I loved AK. Will be praying for you and yours.
Sep 18Reply

@ugafan71 thank you so much!
Sep 18Reply

hi hun!! I was just named Poshmark ambassador so in honor of that am accepting all offers today and giving every 3rd order a free gift until the end of the month! Feel free to stop by and check my closet out and bundle/offer on anything you see and like! Thank you and I hope you have a great night!
Sep 20Reply

@jaolsen61 hi! Hope you’re well! Your closet will walk The RUNWAY 👠 on Saturday 10/17 🍁🍁🍁
Oct 11Reply

@jenn3981 that’s awesome! Thank you so much!
Oct 11Reply

@pdyer612 oh friend, I am so sorry for your family loss. I can't begin to imagine how much anguish this has brought you. Praying that the God of all comfort ministers to your heart and mind. Don’t stress over a share game. It’s not that important. 🙏😉
Oct 18Reply

Hey love 💕 thanks for taking the time to share an item from my closet. It is greatly appreciated and I couldn’t be more thrilled to make my first sale🤩. This community is overwhelmingly supportive and I could not ask for more‼️ Y’all really show love on here❤️🥰. Thanks again friend
Oct 22Reply

I've been doing good. Was off for a few months. But back on selling again. And have new share games going. I took a break for the summer. Spent it with the kids and just relaxed. With this virus going on. Not much to do.
Nov 04Reply

💕💕💕Dear Jessica, congratulations on hosting a Best In Jewelry & Accessories Posh Party! 🎉🎉🎉 I am very excited for you! Enjoy hosting and I will be there to celebrate with you! If you consider a host pick from my closet, I will be very grateful! Have a great time and wishing you many happy sales! 💕💕💕💕
Dec 02Reply

Hey Jessica! Congrats on hosting the Jewelry and Accessories party tomorrow! Would you be able to pick a HP out of my boutique for the party 🎉????? Let me know. I could tag some items for you.
Dec 03Reply

@queenposhnb hey pff! I have a baby accessory if yours already selected. 😊
Dec 03Reply

Hi and congrats on hosting tomorrow! I hope you will check out my closet for a host pick. Thanks and have fun hosting tomorrow! 🌸🌼
Dec 03Reply

@jaolsen61 awesome! Forgot about that. Time has been flying by this season.
Dec 03Reply

Hello!👋🏻Congratulations on Hosting🍾🎉‼️I’ll be there partying,sharing, and shopping with you!Would be honored if you would consider my closet listings for
picks.Have an amazing time!🥳🍾🎉❤️
Dec 03Reply

HAPPY POSH PARTY HOSTING DAY 🛍🎉 Hope your party is a huge success! I would love if you would consider my closet for a host pick- I have many EUC and NWT jewelry and accessory items! And a big thanks for all you do for your community by donating proceeds from your closet💕 Wishing you every POSHable happiness ❤️‼️❤️‼️
Dec 04Reply

Congrats on hosting today! My closet includes Lululemon, Tory Burch, Zara, J. Crew, Ted Baker, Kate Spade, Athleta among other designers. Please check out my closet and consider one of my items as your host pick, thanks and have a great party !
Dec 04Reply

CONGRATULATIONS 🎉🎊 on your Best in 💎 🧣 🕶 💍 Party 🎈!!! I would be so grateful 🙏🏻 if you chose a Host Pick from my closet 💕💕💕 Thank you‼️‼️‼️ - Jen, The Goose’s Treasures ❌⭕️❌⭕️
Dec 04Reply

Oh hey! you’re hosting a party! Congrats! I’m hosting my 4th party 12/08! 🎂🙌🏽 Check out my closet if you have time 10% off all sales donated to hurricane relief! I’ll be by again later to share your beautiful closet Thank you so much!
Dec 04Reply

Congrats on hosting today’s party. Your message is inspiring and your acts are thoughtful and generous. God Bless, Sandy
Dec 04Reply

Hi! Congratulations on Hosting Jewelry & Accessories today. Would love you to consider my closet for a Host Pick. Ty & Good Luck🌻🌻
Dec 04Reply

I LOVE your Items!!!😍👏👏
Would you please be so kind and check my closet? You may be pleasantly surprised by different things you’ll see there!😍Ty!
Happy Poshing, Great Sales Day!😃♥️
Dec 04Reply

Beautiful closet you have here! Thank you for hosting the jewelry party today! Have a great day!
Dec 04Reply

Hi Jessica,
°°°·.°·..·°¯°·._.· 🎁#53 swinging by to share your lovely items and to wish you Happy Holidays!! I’m offering 30% off on all bundles all throughout December!!
✨❄️Best Wishes❄️✨,
Stephanie M.
@Mikertini 🍸
The Preppy Posher. ·._.·°¯°·.·° .·°°°
Dec 12Reply

@jaolsen61 Hi Jess 💙 I featured you in the kindness game today. You are a very deserving candidate 😊
Dec 16Reply

Merry Happy Everything!
Dec 26Reply

Merry Happy Everything!
Dec 30Reply

@jaolsen61 Hi Jessica, it's been a while since we first touched base. Stopping by to see how you've been. I hope Covid hasn't put a stop to the great work you do to help all the children who need your services so desperately. Blessings to you, those who help along side you and most of all the children, Sharon
Jan 23Reply

Thank you for your purchase. It will be on its way to you shortly! Let me know if I can help with anything else. Melissa
Aug 04Reply

I stopped by to say thank you for your purchase and got lost in your closet. I am sure that the work your leaving to do is important. It's a shame I just found you...or you found me?!
Aug 04Reply

@livelikecoco thank you for the kind words and sentiment. There are a few ways to help. Please pray for people to give! We have a home for healing and right now can only help 2 or 3 young ladies at a time. The need is so great though, we need to expand. Please check out our website www.healing4nations.org
Aug 04Reply

@jaolsen61 Hi sweetie~! Will you be selling anything that you have listed as “not for sale” ?
Aug 04Reply

@joseffastyle Hey Christianne, here is the lady who used to host the Bible/prayer share group. I’m not sure if it’s still going on. @jaolsen61
Oct 30Reply

Hello! I would like to schedule your closet this week to be featured on The RUNWAY! I have openings on Tues. 12/14 Wed. 12/15 or Thurs. 12/16!
Thank you for all you do to help victims of childhood trauma. I was a volunteer sexual assault counselor for several years and it was so rewarding and yet heartbreaking.
Dec 13Reply

@cinderella927 that would be wonderful! Thank you so much! Any day is fine.
Dec 13Reply

@cinderella927 there are going to be a need for hundreds or thousands more equipped to minister healing to them, with all that is being revealed about victims being rescued from trafficking.
Dec 13Reply

@jaolsen61 Wonderful! I will feature you tomorrow, Tuesday 12/14. I post the daily featured closets between 10:00 and 11:00 a.m. EST. We have added the incentive that if you post the I am Featured Slide in your closet the day your closet is featured, your host will reward you with 25 extra shares!! Purely optional! My area has created a facility for victims of trafficking so I may try volunteering there.
Dec 13Reply

@cinderella927 that is awesome that you're area is doing that! What city is it in? So many of these individuals will have developed dissociative identity disorder (previously referred to as multiple personality disorder). My adopted daughter has it. It can make the healing process very slow and difficult. A great resource for understanding how to help
is at rcm-usa.org.
Dec 13Reply

@jaolsen61 Thank you for the resource! I am in Pittsburgh!
Dec 13Reply

Hi 🙋🏽♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Feb 09Reply

@jaolsen61 hello check out my closet I have some nice stuff that you would love send me a offer an I will help you out thanks alot
Jun 06Reply

@jaolsen61 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Oct 15Reply

Hi , feel free to check out my closet sometime. I have a huge selection something for everyone. Woman's, men's, kids, pet, shoes, purses jewelry and more.
Find a few items you like bundle them and make a reasonable offer (pay only 1 shipping price for all). Trying to add new stuff weekly so stop by often.
Thanks and Happy Poshing!
Jan 18Reply
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