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Updated Oct 03
Updated Oct 03





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Seriously, I don't know what I would do without you guys. I love and appreciate all of you more than words can express. God bless you and your loved ones❤❤❤
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gaylenknack @rmccouture Hi sweetheart. Just checking in and sending love. Hope you are doing well. Spring rains, ugh, but summer is almost here. Hooray! :)
Mar 21Reply
rmccouture @gaylenknack ((((Gaylen))) I have been so crazy busy and up to my eyeballs with stress. I'm sorry for not checking in with you, but please know that you have been in my prayers❤️ How are you doing? How's your mom? I hope that April is an easier month for me than March has been, and I find time to talk/write to my friends. I get derailed very easily because of my brain injury, and it feels like the Universe just continues to throw obstacles at me that I can't manage. (cont)
Mar 21Reply
rmccouture @gaylenknack The best things in life are free, but it takes money to have the time to enjoy those free things, you know what I mean? I am a winter baby, and I can't stand the heat of the summer. Plus, I get migraines from sunlight, so I can't enjoy the summer's fun things anymore... It's a bummer. I love the spring though. I hope that you're able to enjoy some of those things that I am not able to at this time.❤️
Mar 21Reply
gaylenknack @rmccouture Thank you Amanda. I'm terribly sorry summer is your bad season. It's my 'good time' since it's hot and dry. I hear you regarding the stress. Mom is proceeding with dementia, which has been terribly hard. I love her so much. We talk almost daily. You are in my thoughts and prayers and on my mind. I send out hopes for healing and tons of love your way. ♡♡♡
Mar 21Reply
gaylenknack @rmccouture oh, p.s. do you use blackout drapes? I've used them for years. They truly help when you have a bad one and light is murder.
Mar 21Reply
amy_mac Love your closet! You have AMAZING vintage pieces!
Mar 22Reply
imarrero20 Thank you very much for extra shares. Have a great night 💐💐
Mar 26Reply
gaylenknack @rmccouture Hi sweetheart, shared the whole closet to Pinterest! ♡ for days... Bhahaahahaha!
Apr 08Reply
gaylenknack @rmccouture Hi sweetheart! Thank you, I love you so very much!
Apr 09Reply
rmccouture @gaylenknack Your closet is HUGE! Thank YOU for sharing mine to Pinterest! You are AMAZING, and crazy, just like me❤️
Apr 09Reply
gaylenknack @rmccouture Quit, or I'm gonna cry. ♡
Apr 09Reply
rmccouture @gaylenknack No crying in my closet! It's a law❤️
Apr 09Reply
texanlady Hi there, Congratulations, you almost sold your whole closet 🙌🙌🎉🎊🎉🎊🎵🎶🎵 yaaaay!!
Apr 09Reply
rmccouture @texanlady Hey Karen! Thanks, but I think I have something like 600 active items! Lol! There's NO WAY I could EVER sell out my entire closet! I have more to list every day. I was lazy yesterday & today. I should have taken photos, but I just couldn't muster the strength to do it! Lol! Thanks so much for the encouragement though! ❤️❤️❤️❤️Amanda
Apr 09Reply
rackoresale Beautiful lady. Beautiful sentiments. Beautiful closet. From one single mom to another. (Could not leave this comment in your meet the posher is reached max capacity)
Apr 21Reply
methodclothe Hey girl. Do you remember telling me how I a beach blanket I had listed was against guidelines. Well I had to delete that listing months ago so I could host a party. Anyways I noticed that there is a wholesaler that is now selling beach blankets. Ugh! What the heck!?!
Apr 22Reply
rmccouture @methodclothe Hey Angela- I totally saw that! They're not selling them as blankets (even though that's what they are!) They're selling them as oversized cover-ups! I guess that you are back in business, as long as you word the listings as something you can wear! I hope you know that I had your back, and wasn't trying to be a scutch! ❤️Amanda
Apr 22Reply
methodclothe Oh no I get that you weren't trying to be mean. When I saw the wholesale listings I was like 😳. But yeah I'm definitely listing that "wrap" again lol
Apr 22Reply
rmccouture @methodclothe You absolutely should! It's gorgeous (as far as I remember)! I'm sure it will sell super-fast❤️
Apr 22Reply
vintage2classic Hi Amanda! Not sure if we met yet🌻 but stopping by to say hi🐞. I'm new to the Vintage Sharing Lounge. 🤗 Lorri
Apr 27Reply
vintage2classic Your vintage jewelry is amazing! !
Apr 27Reply
mytaylor @rmccouture Amanda thx so much for your shares, I appreciate all the help!!!😊🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
May 06Reply
mickeymcfierce We LOVE you!!! xo Amanda @rmccouture !!! Fur baby lovers forever xo
May 07Reply
infinitelyposh thank you for the shares pff!! Have a wonderful week xoxo
May 08Reply
lynda721 So sweet! ❤️❤️❤️
May 17Reply
acertainage @rmccouture Could the Gucci penguins be listed as large earrings? I miss them, and you. How are you, lovely? Your closet is so full of fabulous things now, it looks as if you've turned the penguin-removal project into a spectacular business... I think if you every time I pick up my house keys, which are on a keychain you gave me when I had to sell my Romanian hotel key... We have survived parting with little treasures. 🌹
May 25Reply
rmccouture @acertainage My darling Susan! Where have you been? Hopefully you've been writing an epic novel that will earn you millions and tons of fame, from which you will seclude yourself in your picturesque abode on... was it Key West??? (Long term memory is SICK! Can't remember if I ate breakfast today, but assume that I didn't!) (cont)
May 25Reply
rmccouture @acertainage The penguins, alas, are gone! Someone bought them off another site for a lot of money... enough to pay half my rent for the month. I do miss them, but I still have my Gucci quail (who needs a friend) and 2 Gucci fox heads! The things Gucci made in the 70's!❤️
May 25Reply
acertainage @rmccouture I live in Atlanta and my house is as picturesque as ovaltine. I'll bet your medium-term memory is the best! 😬
May 25Reply
gaylenknack @rmccouture it'll make our heads worse! ;)
Jun 10Reply
gaylenknack @rmccouture You're both so lovely. ♡♡♡
Jun 17Reply
1smalltowngirl Your amazing! Ty for the shares this evening!!
Jun 25Reply
richera137 Was great meeting you at the Mineola poshmark Sip! Blessings to you ♡♡♡♡ @richera137
Jul 19Reply
rmccouture @richera137 Blessings to you as well Richera! Hopefully we will see each other again soon!❤️❤️❤️
Jul 21Reply
rmccouture @1hermitcrab Hey Lori❤️. Sorry for being MIA. I had 4 torn tendons in my right hand, making poshing, and doing anything (including washing my hair) impossible. I can't get over how painful it is. The doctor said it could take up to 6 months to heal! I can't afford to live without my right arm for 6 hours, much less 6 months! (sigh) Anyway, I hope that you are doing well dear. Miss you and love you always.❤️
Jul 23Reply
jennas_world ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Aug 04Reply
neese022368 Any other suggestions on how to get things to sell? Seems to go in spurts. I follow new posters daily and share their items. Re list my items several times a day. I believe everything is reasonably priced. I join the parties and share those items and follow people I find in those parties. I'm not sure what else I can do.
Aug 05Reply
rmccouture @neese022368 Selling can be tricky. I sell mostly vintage items, and I take all of my own photos- even the ones where I am modeling the clothing. I think that modeling some of your things might help. People tend to buy more often when items are shown being worn by an actual person (cont)
Aug 05Reply
rmccouture @neese022368 It takes me forever to do, but if you have a friend or 2 who you can play "dress up" with, it can be lots of fun (and you don't have to be super-skinny or anything like that. I'm thin because of a lot of stress over a long period of time. I need to put on weight because it's actually gross how thin I am, Buyers want to see clothes on real women, so no matter what your body type is, embrace it, and model as much as you can (cont)
Aug 05Reply
neese022368 @rmccouture awe your pictures are awesome.
Aug 05Reply
rmccouture @neese022368 Another thing I just noticed is that you do not describe your items much, except to say "blouse" "dress" "top", etc. Perhaps if you were more descriptive in your titles, your items will come up on more searches? I always try to mention the brand in the listen, so it shows up in different ways during a search..
Aug 05Reply
rmccouture @neese022368 I hope that is helpful advice! ❤️❤️❤️Amanda
Aug 05Reply
neese022368 @rmccouture that's a good point. Thanks for the tips. It says I've been a member for years but really just started using the site less then a year.
Aug 05Reply
rmccouture @neese022368 Same with me. Well, sort of. It says that I've been on Posh since 2014, but I didn't start selling until 2015. I take my photos by using my cell and a tripod. I make videos, then take screen shots of the videos and edit them into what you see here. The more creative you get with your photos, the more likely they are to sell, because people on here appreciate artistic presentation. (cont)
Aug 05Reply
rmccouture @neese022368 I was in a car accident in 2014, and suffered a brain injury that prevented me from teaching.. I love teaching. Anyway, I never imagined finding an online community like Poshmark, where I made real friends, & could use my skills as a photographer & actress to create what I sometimes consider to be "art"! (cont)
Aug 05Reply
rmccouture When I put something on to model, I act like a woman who would where whatever it is I'm wearing, and when I take pics jewelry, or whatever, I try to create images that are photographically dynamic by using contrast & light. People on here truly appreciate the effort I put into my listings, and I share A LOT of other closets. The more sharing of other closets you do, the better. (cont)
Aug 05Reply
rmccouture @neese022368 Are you a member of any share groups? There are tons of them on here. I could recommend a few to you, if you're interested in joining up!
Aug 05Reply
neese022368 @rmccouture your pictures are great. I'll work on mine.
Aug 05Reply
neese022368 @rmccouture hope your doing better after your accident. That's horrible. I enjoy my POSH experience so far. My kids are grown and in college so it gives me something to do.
Aug 05Reply
neese022368 @rmccouture I try to share a lot.
Aug 05Reply
neese022368 @rmccouture I would love to be part of share groups
Aug 05Reply
rmccouture @neese022368 Thank you. I am limited in ways that I don't know will ever heal; but I've gained abilities that I didn't have before, and I know that there are reasons for everything, so I have faith I will be okay. PM is a great thing to do when kids go to college. You should employ their help when they're home for breaks!
Aug 05Reply
rmccouture @neese022368 They probably have things that they don't wear anymore, so you can add those things to your closet to make it more dynamic. I would recommend Charlie's Angels share group. I'll tag you in their closet❤️
Aug 05Reply
neese022368 @rmccouture that's where I've gotten most of my stuff and their friends have been great donating things to me that they didn't want anymore
Aug 05Reply
neese022368 @rmccouture so when people are having parties should I be sending them messages asking them to share my items? I got tons of those messages yestersay
Aug 05Reply
rmccouture @neese022368 I found those messages very overwhelming when I was a cohost. It was too much. That's why I share the cohost's closets to the party instead of asking for a HP. It's more respectful, & if the cohost forgot to ask a PFF to share her closet to the party, it is helpful too.
Aug 05Reply
rmccouture @neese022368 I'm tagging you in the Angel's closet now. Nora @cali1018 will hook you up with the share group❤️
Aug 05Reply
neese022368 @rmccouture I thought the same, I got like hundreds of requests to pick from their closet
Aug 05Reply
jessregelson Amanda, dearest, L'shana Tovah!! Sending all my love.😘😘😘
Sep 20Reply
rmccouture @jessregelson L'shana Tovah to you too, my beautiful friend! Prayers for a sweet New Year for you and all who you love!❤️❤️❤️❤️
Sep 21Reply

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