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Updated Apr 09
Updated Apr 09

Meet your Posher, Jessica

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Jessica. Some of my favorite brands are Michael Kors, Coach, and Louis Vuitton. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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shengross2016 Thanks for peeking in my closet ..bundle discounts are 15% off..reasonable offers are always welcomed..happy poshing💚💚💚💜💚
Apr 15Reply
billsdcgirl Welcome!! I have your fave brands in my closet. Please feel free to make an offer on everything that isn't marked "FINAL REDUCTION". Happy Easter 🐣 & Happy Poshing 👜👛👠👗💵🤗
Apr 16Reply
bxdime Thanks for visiting my closet! Let me know if you have any questions! ☺
Apr 17Reply
enderockz Hi Jessica Welcome to Poshmark! I'm very pleased to meet you! I'm Nancy. Thank you so much for liking my New With Tags Tommy Hilfiger green 100% Linen Size 10 Pants! I would be happy to answer any questions you may have. I'm accepting any reasonable offers at this time. If you wish, you may bundle 3+ items and save 15% on your order. You can also save more $$$$ on your shipping!! Have a beautiful day and Happy Poshing!
Apr 26Reply
thehairprofessr Thanks for all of your support love! 💖
Apr 29Reply
ellenjannino Hi Jessica! Thanks so much for 'liking' my INC jumpsuit!!! Welcome ... Happy Poshing ... and Have FUN❤️
May 01Reply
chiife Hi dear, thanks for visiting and the likes, I want to also let you know I do accept offers. Let me know if you have any questions.
May 07Reply
nyashajames Hi jesica thank you for the likes
May 10Reply
nyashajames 💖👍
May 10Reply
royalbeauty1992 Hey new posh friend thanks for the follow my name is Justina I am currently in the process of spring cleaning I will love for u to check out my closet when u have a chance I have really low prices and I love bundle offers
May 14Reply
julietilghman Well thank you for all the likes have a good day..
May 21Reply
mmtwin10 Thanks for all the likes and ❤️. I always except offers. Have a great day!!
May 21Reply
annas_style Hello, Thanks for visiting my closet. I see you might be interestedin the dress in my closet. I can work on the price with you, let me know if you are interested.
May 25Reply
lyfeisbeautiful Happy Poshing 🌷Check out my Closet for Awesome Savings on Name Brand Items 🌟
May 27Reply
abigail41latsrk @sweetjlo Hi! Feel free to make an offer on any item of interest. Thank you so much for all the shares!!! Happy Poshing!!!! 🤗🤗🤗🤗
Jun 07Reply
poshingdiva_d Hi Jessica! Thanks for the likes on the Guess and Michael Kors shoes. I offer a bundle discount of 30%. Or make an offer on any single item. Happy Poshing!
Jun 10Reply
snatanov Heyy r u by any chance interested in purchasing the vs body butter from my closet?
Jun 17Reply
john42209 Hi Jessica!! Thanks for all the Likes!! 😉❤
Jun 17Reply
lauras_boutique Jessica💐Hello I'm Laura it's lovely to meet you! Please follow me and like my Follow Game at the top of my closet as it will also help you to increase your followers! Happy Poshing!😘🌸xoxo
Jun 18Reply
mcdougal53 Thanks😊
Jun 18Reply
mmcleary hello nice to meet you stop by anytime 🌹
Jun 23Reply
mcdougal53 Thanks 😊
Jun 28Reply
dazzlingdeals Thank you for stopping by my beautiful closet. Offers are welcome. Happy 4th of July.💋💋💋Happy Poshing
Jul 04Reply
melllaaa_2011 ⓦⓔⓛⓒⓞⓜⓔ to posh!!! You're going to love it here! I sell your favorite brands in my closet and offer 50% off bundles of 5+ items if you want to check me out! Have fun and ℋᎯℙℙᎽ ℙᎾЅℋℐℕᎶ!
Jul 08Reply
thing2and3 Thanks Jessica for visiting my closet 💐
Jul 15Reply
suzanne07 @sweetjlo welcome to posh 😀 thanks for all the likes lmk if you would like to make a bundle 😊
Jul 16Reply
dbuehr Thank you for your shares😁 Take another look at the dress it's really sweet & flow. Light weight too!
Jul 17Reply
prettypackages Hi Jessica. Thank you for the shares. I see you're relatively new. Please feel free to ask me any questionss and good luck. Happy poshing!! 😊👡💍💄🛍👙👗
Jul 18Reply
miarmarmario Hi, thanks for the likes feel free to make an offer!!! Happy shopping!!!
Aug 02Reply
kymberlee320 @sweetjlo Thank you for the likes, if you are interested in purchasing those items I will give you 15% off the bundle. Let me know if you have any questions
Aug 08Reply
theposhbowtique Thanks for all your likes! If you want to put any in a bundle I can offer an extra discount!
Aug 09Reply
janellno5 Love this! Cute cute!!
Aug 09Reply
aposhsocialite Hi @sweetjlo thank you for the likes! Let me know if I can answer any questions for you 😊
Aug 12Reply
box1er Hi gal. Im happy to make a great deal on the pants! Let me know if you have q's. Thanks!
Aug 13Reply
auntieelly Please bundle to get a great price
Aug 18Reply
jnjfitz So cute 😍
Aug 23Reply
alvidrezm Hi Jessica, I noticed you liked the black/orange pants in my closet. Do not hesitate to make me an offer:) I'm open to any reasonable offers. Also, if you bundle you save more money:)
Sep 10Reply
prov31queen Hi Jessica thank you for visiting my closet please let me know if you have any questions. ☺️
Sep 22Reply
smfcandi79 Make me an offer GIRLY
Sep 25Reply
nj_love @sweetjlo would love to offer you 25% off on the bundled items you liked if your interested.
Sep 28Reply
nj_love Or feel free to make an offer! Thanks for the likes! have an amazing day!
Sep 28Reply
boutiquelane Hi Jessica thanks for all your likes bundle I could give you a great price feeling generous tonight 😉
Oct 08Reply
maryfashionista Hi doll, I see you have a few things liked in my closet if you select bundle on each I can send you an awesome offer! Let me know! ❤️
Oct 09Reply
mizzclark1 Hi Jessica thanks for stopping g by my closet. Welcome to Posh 😊
Oct 10Reply
cooky812 I am going to send some shares to you, take a quick look for me. I want to know how I am doing on reading a Posher’s style. Please be honest this is a test for me. Thanks for letting me know🤗
Oct 17Reply
lissymadden Hi there, if you bundle the items you are interested in, we can work a deal! Happy Poshing!
Oct 18Reply
kpapparel Thanks so much for your like. Have a wonderful weekend!!
Oct 19Reply
freedom2soar You're so kind. Thanks for the generous shares!!😃☺️😀
Oct 21Reply
reecerobinson Thanks for sharing!
Oct 21Reply
msmillicent Thanks for the likes on some of my things... I give bundle discounts and are open to offers...
Oct 22Reply
ppamprrd Cute shirt!!!
Oct 22Reply
marie_boutique High five... From another short and sassy. 😉
Oct 24Reply
hellodarrrling Hello There! 🎉🎉⭐️Welcome to Poshmark!⭐️🎉🎉 I hope you're enjoying your time with us! There are so many great deals here as well as amazing people! I'm Alisia, a Posh Ambassador here, who can help you with your closet or answer any questions you may have😊 Tip: Following and sharing closets help increase your viewers, sales and friendships! Best Wishes to you!~Alisia💕🌸
Oct 24Reply
nee1990 Thanks for all the likes! I appreciate you!
Oct 29Reply
karen80ann If you bundle the 4 items you liked, I'll price all at $20, and I can ship out tomorrow :) thanks for looking
Oct 29Reply
sicycloset Thanks for visiting my closet. Feel free to make an offer if you like something. Happing poshing!!! 🎉
Oct 31Reply
maimymadi Thanks for checking out my closets! If you want, you can make an offer and bundle on the three shoes you like! 😊
Nov 09Reply
sophia63 I can do bundle for 48 if your interested just offer and I’ll accept
Nov 24Reply
ladythreads @sweetjlo Hi, Jessica! Thanks for bundling those three items. I’m highly motivated to sell so feel free to make an offer. If it’s too low I will counter with my lowest so don’t be shy! Happy Poshing & have a great weekend!
Nov 24Reply
pantonia @sweetjlo hey, are you interesting in the boots? I give a very special price, just let me know, have a blessed weekend.
Nov 25Reply
maryfashionista Hi doll, sent you an offer let me know I can ship tomorrow morning!❤️
Dec 01Reply
poshpetereit Thanks for the likes, if you bundle the fringe booties and the black top i will offer a private discount!
Dec 01Reply
51twenty Hi Jessica. I’m Carolyn. It’s nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping by🌺🍂🍃
Dec 03Reply
wisppers2016 Welcome to Poshmark happy poshing if you have any questions feel free to ask I’m Posh Ambassador and happy to help 😃
Dec 09Reply
joviscreacion Thank you for stopping to my closet ❤make a offer or bundle and receive discounts 😉have a great day!!!🌺
Dec 10Reply
vrdnmartin @sweetjlo Hello!! Thanks for stopping by my closet! If you can take a look to see if there is anything else you may be interested in. Just trying to help you save some money by bundling. If not I can offer you a lower price on the pants you bundled. Let me know what you'd like to do.
Dec 10Reply
kattysi Bundle 2 or more items and get 25% off😊
Dec 13Reply
liat1 Feel free to make an offer on the bundle you've created I will work with you
Dec 16Reply
shelbatronie Hi! I saw you liked a pair of slacks similar to ones I have in my closet. Feel free to check mine out!
Dec 19Reply
chicbostonmama Hey girl! My app says you created a bundle but I can't see the other two items! Please let me know if you'd like to bundle!
Dec 19Reply
blackaudi1 Thanks for liking my MK earrings open to reasonable offers happy holidays😄😄🎁
Dec 24Reply
j_p_s Hi Jessica, thanks for all your likes, I see your 2 bundle and if you wanna add more will give you free out of your bundle made. Thank you 🎄🎄🎄 Happy Poshing
Dec 28Reply
sunflowerpetals Thank you so much for the likes. Please forgive me. I did not know there were likes in the dressing room. I am so new to this. Are you interested In bundling your likes. As far the $10 jeans that’s final. Bundle and get a discount
Jan 03Reply
marissamarie23 Thanks for the likes btw tonight if you bundle up you get discounted shipping and a discount on the bundle itself!!! 🤗 happy poshing
Jan 04Reply
scooterrenee LOVE the shirt!! I’m short myself! Lol 🤗
Jan 09Reply
tweetboo55 Welcome to Postmark
Jan 26Reply
dabflorio Hi Jessica,Thank you for visiting my closet. I see you like my jewelry listings. I am always open to reasonable offers.I retired this week after working for Chico's for 13 years. Everything I am selling are my own purchases. I am downsizing my wardrobe over the coming months and I will be listing everything on Poshmark. Happy Poshing!
Jan 27Reply
alilforever 🌼Happy Thankful Thursday ❤️‼️🛍🌼🌸 Welcome to Poshmark‼️ I am a Posh Ambassador ‼️ 😀Thank you for checking out my closet. 👠👗👜🛍If you bundle I will give you discount . So please if you have Any questions please let me know. Stay Awesome & have a Phenomenal Day 🌼🌸💕🎉🛍🛒
Feb 02Reply
mulleng63 @sweetjlo hi see you liked my listing. If interested feel free to an offer. Thanks
Feb 04Reply
maidmarian Hi Jessica! I’m Marian Looks like you’re having a great time on Posh 💞💞 Great place to find treasures and gems 💎
Feb 16Reply
sunflowerpetals Happy New Year, welcome to Poshmark and Thank you for stopping by my closet. The more you bundle the more your discount. I’m going to oppose something I’ve never done. And that’s to bundle all of your likes and you tell me a reasonable amount you would like to pay♥️ I will get it out in the morning♥️Thanks again. Take your time and Happy Poshing. LMN when you’re done
Feb 26Reply
tricia77r Nice to meet you on posh. Hope you are loving it! 💕
Feb 26Reply
sunflowerpetals Hi again. Are you done bundling?
Feb 26Reply
sunflowerpetals Have a good night 😴
Feb 26Reply
nextfreshlook Hi there, thanks for the likes. Add more to your bundle for the best deal!
Mar 05Reply
51twenty Happy Sunday Jessica. 🍃
Mar 11Reply
sunflowerpetals Ms. Jessica. I’m sorry if that didn’t work for you. I know I still give the best discounts on this side of POSH’VILLE lol 😂 I really appreciate you stopping by my closet. Hugs 🤗 n kisses 😘
Mar 13Reply
sandysl48 Hi, thanks for the likes. 💐
Mar 15Reply
marie_555 @sweetjlo Hi! Thank you for the 💓🦋!!
Mar 21Reply
blackaudi1 Thanks for liking my MK bracelet open to reasonable offers hope you had a wonderful Easter😄😄💐🐣
Apr 02Reply
giaj Hello, feel free to check out my closet. I'm currently having a 2 for $12 sale and a $10 dresses and skirts sale 🤗
Apr 04Reply
pampena Hi, I see you just liked one of my dresses, I just wanted to make sure you know of the special I am running, if you bundle 3 or more items i. My closet, I will send you a 50% discount off the bundle.
Apr 07Reply
aillo Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! I know you will love selling and buying here! And you will meet a lot of Great People! HAPPY POSHING!
Apr 07Reply
blackaudi1 Thanks for liking my MK necklace I just made a private offer to the Lakers if interested added to a bundle and I can make you the same offer😄😄
Apr 09Reply
blackaudi1 Likers Lol
Apr 09Reply
shoeforless @sweetjlo Hey there thanks for the likes! Feel free to make a bundle, I can offer you an additional discount.
Apr 14Reply
l_lyric_ Hello there gorgeous! I just forwarded an offer on the two tops you bundled from my closet! Let me know if the newer price works for you! I can have these items packaged prettily and dropped off no later than Tuesday for shipment. Thank you for your interest!
Apr 16Reply
chaescloset 👋 Thank you so much for stopping by and liking and sharing 💕💕💞
Apr 16Reply
chaescloset Make bundle I give you special offer!!!💓
Apr 16Reply
aspecial4yoo You know what to do!! Bundle up!! I'll send you a fantastical offer!!!😘😘😘💗💗💗💎💎💎💋💋💋
Apr 21Reply
chat3388 Hi Jessica thanks for following me and liking the beautiful bracelet. You may buy this weekend for only 19 and Free Shipping as a new buyer!just bundle and send for offer 🌹
Apr 21Reply
paisleyjanebtqe Hiiii @sweetjlo !! Thanks for your LIKES on my boutique items! Add them to a bundle and I’ll send you an exclusive offer and help you out w shipping! 😘
Apr 22Reply
autumnhausz Feel free to bundle your likes and I’ll send ya an offer (:
Apr 23Reply
glitztrends Thanks for sharing!
Apr 30Reply
jordanfarley Thanks for all the likes girl! Bundle & I’ll send ya my best offer :)
May 08Reply
darlakarnes Hello! Bundle any of the shoes from my site...and I"ll make your great offer. Today is the last day to shop my site as I will be traveling abroad until June 13th. Questions are welcome and have a great weekend!
May 11Reply
sahas111 Dear posher, thanks for your likes, bundle them and get an amazing discount off. Happy poshing.
May 12Reply
chat3388 Hi Jessica🌹Thanks for visiting my closet again. You may have the lovely Dani ring and bracelet for only 29 this week. I will include shipping as a new buyer! Just bundle and send for private offer 🌹❤️🎶Kat
May 14Reply
tweetboo55 🎉Welcome to Postmark
May 18Reply
queenofthrift_ Hey there! Just added a ton of new items in my closet like J. Crew, LOFT, LuLaRoe, Michael Kors, and Lululemon! Definitely a steal or two there if you want to check it out. Feel free to make offers. Happy Poshing 🛍💕
May 19Reply
aspecial4yoo Hello hun!! I sent you an offer!! Let me know if you have any questions please!!🤗🤗
May 23Reply
shegunmed @sweetjlo Hi 💖. I m willing to sell 3 items for $55. Pls add 3 items of your choice in a bundle and submit the offer of $55. I will accept it. You can buy as many $55 bundle as possible. Also take note of sold or reserved items. Pls let me know your decision
May 26Reply
barbarabarzilay Hi I shared 2 items you liked from my closet to your closet, I’m doing a major clear out today and wanted to let you know if you bundled the two items I would give you the pink poncho for free😀
May 28Reply
yadyalva Hi Jessica, I am Yadira from @yadyalva, Nice to meet you here on Poshmark 😃 I Thanks for the likes in my closet,. Bundle 2 or more items for an additional discount , free gift and to pay just one shipping charge. If you have any questions about the items, I would be happy to help. Happy Poshing 😃
Jun 01Reply
ldmtreasures Hey I’m Linda and if you 💖Jewelry, either Vintage or New Unique One Of a Kind Handmade, please stop by and visit. If you are shopping or selling the best of luck to you......and Remember No Outfit is Complete Without Jewelry 💋
Jun 08Reply
thegoodiebox Hi Jessica, don’t you love Posh?!!! So many unique people with so many unique styles! Please stop by and say hi sometime. Happy shopping! 😘
Jun 10Reply
mufassa2 Hello Jessica, thank you for the like and checking out my closet. Feel free to make an offer. Happy posting.😃
Jun 13Reply
torybrookz @sweetjlo thank you for checking my closet and for the likes, if you would like to bundle a couple dresses I will take 10 percent off and only have to pay one standard shipping. Thanks
Jun 17Reply
tracygarrett Welcome to Poshmark. Have fun buying and selling
Jun 17Reply
army_thrifter Hello friend and welcome to Poshmark. I wish you many success and great finds on the site. If you have any questions about Poshmark, please let me know.😊😊💌💛 Happy Poshing
Jun 21Reply
army_thrifter Hello @sweetjlo 😊 thanks for all the likes. If you have any questions please let me know.
Jun 21Reply
amythecrafter Hi, thank you for the likes😊💕
Jun 21Reply
tk_poshmark Thanks for the likes. Bundle up and send me an offer!
Jun 23Reply
torsoart Hi Jessie ! And welcome to Posh. If you bundles the things that you Poshes, I am then allowed to give you a special offer. I can get it out tomorrow. Monday morning, because I have other orders to get out too. You get a free mystery gift too! So much fun. Have a great time shopping for bargains!
Jun 24Reply
torsoart Also if you don’t know how to do it, just ask me. I’m new too, but I know how to do that!!! Lol. I’m @crissypugs on instagram for questions.
Jun 24Reply
lawesome200 If you have the time I would love it if you could check out my closet! I just added new items and would love your feedback!
Jun 27Reply
michelegush Let’s bundle the 2 pair of pants you liked (they are in your dressing room) for the price of 1! Plus, you will get the reduced shipping. Fair? 😊
Jun 28Reply
houseofdivas Hi Jessica Thank you so much for sharing 😍
Jun 28Reply
marijkedb Hello Jessica, thanks for checking out my closet! I see you like a lot of my listings, I see you created a " bundle" but it would have to be 3 + in order for me to give you a better discount 🙂 Thanks and Happy Poshing!
Jun 28Reply
ilovenaples52 @marijkedb Hi there,, thanks a bunch for all the likes... I received the bundle notice on all the items.. I’m sure we can work out a great deal.. Thanks,, any questions feel free to ask..
Jun 29Reply
carriebella @sweetjlo I submitted an offer on your single item bundle, if you'd like to bundle another item or 2, I'll be able to give you a better deal. 💞 Thanks for visiting my closet!
Jun 30Reply
poshsalestn @sweetjlo Hi thanks for stopping by our closet. Let me know if I can assist you, happy poshing 💕
Jun 30Reply
jus_me_3 Thanks for all the likes and showing so much love! I appreciate it immensely! Please let me know if you have any questions. XO -Jo
Jul 01Reply
hanparks Thanks for all your likes Jessica! Let me know if you have any questions!!
Jul 03Reply
torsoart Hi Jessica, you can bundle items from my closet, for a discount. 💕
Jul 04Reply
baileyonthrocks Thank you for your likes!!💕
Jul 05Reply
kimsung Hi Jessica! Thanks a bunch for the 👍 If ur interested in purchasing my prices are negotiable.
Jul 08Reply
senoje Hello and thanks so much for the shares. Very much appreciated.
Jul 08Reply
ahuot Hello 😊 Welcome to Poshmark. I hope you are doing well. I'd like to invite you to check out my ever-growing closet. I sell an array of Ladieswear, Menswear, and other unique goodies too. I offer a bundle discount, discount shipping, and I ship the next day. If you have any questions about Poshmark, or anything in my closet, I'll be happy to answer. I wish you well. ✌💚
Jul 08Reply
kristinawong Thanks for all the likes. If you put them in a bundle I can offer free shipping! And my bundles are 25% off
Jul 21Reply
bambi6660 Bundle up your likes and I'll make you a private discount.
Jul 21Reply
thebargainbear Thank you for liking my shoes! I will bundle the pair and offer them to you for $70. Thank you for your consideration.
Jul 30Reply
thebargainbear My apology I meant 65☺
Jul 30Reply
agpmartin Thanks for stopping by and liking my items! If you are interested please feel free to make an reasonable offer or bundle 3 Items and automatically save 20%!
Aug 06Reply
jenjen12377 Bundle your 3 ❤️’s for $45 🤩😉☺️
Aug 09Reply
beautychic23 @sweetjlo Welcome to Poshmark! This is a great community of buyers and sellers, many do both! I am a suggested user, posh ambassador, top rated seller  posh mentor and more. If you ever need help on here, just ask as I am happy to help! I also can offer more than my stated bundle disc. depending on items snd am never hurts to offer. Let me know if you need any help on poshmark! Enjoy and Happy Poshing
Aug 13Reply
z_ladybug Just saw you liked several items from my closet. If you bundle them, I’ll make you an offer and save you shipping. 👍🙂🌷
Aug 15Reply
attagirl1022 Omg girl, thanks for all the likes!!! Let me know if you want to buy any of those pieces!! ❤️❤️❤️
Aug 17Reply
rbsinger Hello Jessica. Thanks for liking the item in my closet. Let me know if you have any questions. Stephanie
Aug 18Reply
preppy847 Haha this is cute! Btw I just put a really cute nwt limited edition Lilly Pulitzer necklace for sale in my closet. Come check it out!
Aug 19Reply
shop2shopnow Hello and thank you for liking my closet😀
Aug 23Reply
snootymissmooty Hi🌹I just did Markdowns! Perfect timing. Glad you dropped by closet.... I do offer 15% off bundles .. if I can help just ask 🌹🌹🌹
Aug 26Reply
madsmom7 Hi Jessica! If you are interested in bundling the 3 items you liked in my closet, I will happily offer you my 3/$30 discount. Peck/peck pants,jeans,old navy dress ;) have a wonderful evening! 💜Billie @MADSMOM7
Aug 27Reply
penprofitt Hope you are enjoying Poshmark just wanted to introduce myself enjoy poshing Penny
Sep 02Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! Wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance, stop by to take a look at my closet! I will be moving soon and everything must go! A lot of my clothing has never been worn and still has tags attached, like Armani Code for women, Calvin Klein, Nike and so much more! so take a look a around. And if there is something that you like, but not the price, make an offer! XoXo, B.
Sep 13Reply
jeickh02 Thanks for all the likes 💕💕💕💕
Sep 15Reply
maxajillian Hi Jessica, thanks for connecting with me on Poshmark! Have a great weekend 👸
Sep 15Reply
neeshaseer Welcome and thank you for all the likes! If you create a bundle, I give a 40% discount plus free shipping! Please let me know if I can ever help you with anything Posh.
Sep 20Reply
dreamjewels84 Hello, welcome to Poshmark, we hope you have a wonderful experience in our beautiful community. The doors of my closet are open for you when you want to visit us. All our articles have a special discount. Blessings
Sep 20Reply
iseo Sending posh ❤️ your way. Please feel free to check out my closet . Am happy for you to make offers on any item you like . Thanks and Happy poshing. 💵 🛍
Sep 22Reply
annamorin Hi my love thank you for all your legs I can't bundle there something wrong with my phone I don't have the option to but if you're interested in those 6 pieces I will give you that one one black dress for free and only charge you for five pieces so it would be $91 for total and I can make a separate listing thank you so much😘😘😘
Oct 03Reply
sheenarok Hello and welcome! Just wanted to stop by and let you know that my closet has many new items available and I am currently accepting offers. I think you may be interested in viewing my closet when you have a moment. Thank you and have a blessed day 💕💕💕
Oct 05Reply
mfl77 Thanks for the likes! 🌸
Oct 06Reply
a1023renee Thank you for sharing my items. If you need any help listing any items for sale or have any questions, Im happy to help. Love your profile pick, awesome
Oct 09Reply
missk3034 Thanks so much for liking my items! I'f you're interested just bundle the items and I'll send you a great deal! Happy Poshing🤗
Oct 09Reply
gmastyles Hi! I see you “liked” a necklace & skirt from my closet. Since my closet is going on hold beginning tomorrow for at least 7 days, I’m offering special prices to “likers”. Your 2 items total $16. If you’re interested, I’ll accept $11 for both. Just bundle, offer the $11 & I’ll accept. Have a great day!
Oct 14Reply
lidi_25 Hi Jessica! Welcome to poshmark. I am super excited for you.😉🌻🌺
Oct 18Reply
iseo Hiiiiii sending posh 💜 your way 🙂 . Do check out my closet when you have a minute , am happy for you to ask questions or make direct offers , thanks and Happy poshing 🛍
Oct 20Reply
gahcloset Hi Jessica, I want to welcome you to Poshmark wish you lots of fun and lots of sales 😊😊😊
Oct 21Reply
sluvscats Hi Jessica, I just realized you ❤️’d several items from my closet, I originally thought it was only the LOVE Tee. I’m not sure if you’re interested in purchasing any or not so let me know so we can coordinate and thank you for the likes ❣️ Sandy
Oct 21Reply
rosa315 Thanks for stopping by my closet!!!Happy Poshing🤗
Oct 21Reply
yoshis_closet @sweetjlo Hi, thank you for the like!
Oct 21Reply
gat8or Hey there, I appreciate you stopping by! huge end of summer sale going on right now, the larger the bundle the bigger the discount. new loving homes needed. ☺️ Thank again and enjoy the Posh journey!!! 😃 Cheers, Stephanie
Oct 22Reply
lhloveslula Good morning! Thanks for visiting my closet! I would love to offer you a discount & even reduced shipping if you add another item to the bundle with the cute striped pants! Otherwise I can only discount the price of the pants alone to $7. At that I will barely break even! Have a great Monday!🌻🍁🐿🍂
Oct 22Reply
someclassystyle Hello I see you liked a little heart necklace I have but I cannot discount that unless it is with another item, if you bundle it all cause I see you put a lot of items you will like the discount I give you better cause I can ship it all together. and you are NOT under obligation to buy I will just send you a discount and you either accept or deny. thanks and Happy Poshing and thanks for the shares too :)
Oct 23Reply
theposhunic0rn Hey there, Julie! Thank you so much for visiting my closet & liking an item ✨ all orders placed tonight will ship tomorrow morning 💃🏼 Happy Poshing!
Oct 24Reply
katirya06 Hello! Welcome to Poshmark
Oct 25Reply
tmlnsb Thanks for stopping by my page and the likes. Bundle if you see anything you like. Be blessed!
Oct 27Reply
ramonabias Jessica, thank you so much for stopping by and for the likes, please let me know if you have any questions and thanks again for stopping by
Oct 29Reply
rubyredball Hi Jessica! Thank you for the likes.. Happy Poshing!
Oct 30Reply
libraheart2 Hi I've noticed your likes. You can bundle 3 and receive 15% off plus an additional discount. Ty
Oct 30Reply
queenp337 Hey thanks for the likes!! U can bundle 2 or more and get 10% off! Feel free to make an offer or ask any questions!! Thanks
Nov 05Reply
ilovenaples52 Thanks a bunch for the likes,, 25 percent off 3 Items
Nov 05Reply
nardacci Hey Jessica. Thank you for stopping by and thank you thank you for all the likes🐱🐶🐸
Nov 05Reply
jenaesnowden Welcome to my page 😊
Nov 08Reply
auctiondiva Welcome to Poshmark😊💃💵💰🛍Hope you will enjoy it
Nov 10Reply
lovely_lotus_ Thanks for all the likes! Let me know if you have any questions, I'm happy to help :)
Nov 10Reply
amjohns04 Thanks for all your likes. Go ahead and bundle for an amazing deal. Enjoy your blessed day!!!!!
Nov 10Reply
top15fashion Thanks for the likes ❤️
Nov 10Reply
fabslowfashion Hi Jessica, thank you so much for all of your likes. When ever you’re ready to make a bundle, I’ll give you a great discount. 🙏🏼
Nov 10Reply
midtownloft Thank you so visiting my closet and liking the Beige ECI dress. If you are interested, I can offer a good discount - or perhaps you would like to create a bundle. Thanks again!
Nov 10Reply
carolspearl Good morning ☀️I noticed you had liked a few things in my closet if you’re interested bundle them and I would do 60$ for all the items you had liked yesterday 💗 thank you for stopping by my closet 😊
Nov 12Reply
katie661 Thanks for the like Try me and make an offer as you may be surprised!!
Nov 14Reply
re_birth Hi! Welcome to Poshmark!!
Nov 14Reply
amb08 Thanks for stopping by closet and for all the likes. Feel free to bundle as I do offer a discount on bundles 🤗
Nov 15Reply
poshwithci Thanks for your like! I do amazing bundle discounts!
Nov 17Reply
twinyy Morning Jessica! TY for the Posh ❤️! I am more than happy to bundle your likes! Please use the bundle button on any of my listings that you like to began this process! Blessings!❤️😍🎊
Nov 17Reply
spergd00d Welcome!!!
Nov 18Reply
bellanblue Hi I’m Jen. Welcome to posh! You will love it here! Please stop by if you have any questions. I’m happy to help! I also add new items daily so pls pop on in when you get a moment. Happy Poshing! Jen
Nov 18Reply
rmonet96 Hi! Thank you for the likes! Feel free to hit the offer button or bundle items for discount! ❤️
Nov 21Reply
theposhunic0rn Hey there! Thank you so much for visiting my closet and liking a few items!✨ All orders placed tonight will ship Friday morning! Happy Poshing! 💃🏼For an exclusive BLACK FRIDAY deal, feel free to make a bundle!😉
Nov 22Reply
rohjen2 @sweetjlo Welcome to Poshmark Boutiques, Variety Stores where u will find brand names👜👟👢👓👒👠👛at affordable cost. Thanks for checking out my closet. U can bundle ur like for great deal. Let me know if u have any questions.
Nov 22Reply
iseo Hi 👋 Sending Posh 💟 your way this thanksgiving day 🙏. Please feel free to check out my closet when you have a minute . Offering 10% off 2 or more items in a bundle or you can make an offer directly 😊. Happy to answer any questions you may have also . Thanks and Happy Poshing 🛒🛍
Nov 22Reply
julietkag Thank you for liking my closet! Feel free to make a bundle of listings or an offer. Happy poshing! ☺️
Nov 22Reply
idevine1 Hi, I just noticed that you liked the Michael Kors Dress Pants in my closet.  I just sent you an AWESOME discounted offer of 15% off PLUS $1.50 discount in shipping if you are interested in purchasing the item.  I'm pricing items to sell in my closet, as I need to clear out inventory in order to list new items.  I'd love for this item to go to a good home.  Please let me know if you're interested.  ☺☺
Nov 22Reply
madxostyle Feel free to accept or counter the offer on the cuff! It’s beautiful and still has tags on it.
Nov 23Reply
sayyestojewelry Happy holidays 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Nov 24Reply
awesomefinds123 Hi, noticed you liked two of my items. Why not put them in a bundle and we can make a deal?
Nov 26Reply
mzlizzyscloset Hello hun, i noticed you liked some of my items. Why not add your favorites to a bundle & i will send you my best offer.
Nov 26Reply
_yoyitascloset_ Hi Jessica 😊 please feel free to make me a reasonable offer on my purse - I will be more than happy to work with you 💙HAPPY HOLIDAYS 💙🌲(I am a bag/purse person and have so many in my closet - I really need to find a new home to a few of them!)😊
Nov 29Reply
crystalco Hello ! Thanks for visiting my closet. I appreciate it very much. Have a great day!❤️
Dec 03Reply
luckyladybug4u @sweetjlo You can bundle the 2 big bold earrings and I wlll be very generous with my liked them for a reason............ :) :) :) Thanks and have a blessed day.
Dec 04Reply
llathleticwear Hi!! Visit my closet for holiday gifts 🎁 and cozy winter items ❄️😁
Dec 04Reply
go4gina Thank you for the like. So glad to meet you!
Dec 04Reply
mjmjmjmjmj Hi Jessica....please check out my closet for reasonable and quality seasonable items for the winter....Thanks!
Dec 06Reply
mikimantovano ⭐️ Welcome to Poshmark! 👗👠👜👡👖👔👞 Happy Poshing! ⭐️
Dec 11Reply
bgincgin 💕hi Jessica- i saw that you ‘liked’ some items in my closet- FYI if you bundle 5 items with a 💕, you get the DEAL (💕5 for only $25)! Thanks for stopping by my closet!🎉🎁🛍
Dec 11Reply
gaiadiva Hello friend! Thanks for the interest. The leopard open toe booties you like would look nice with the leopard and black satchel bag also in my closet. Feel free to make an offer. Happy holidays!😊
Dec 12Reply
chat3388 Just made an offer on the 3 rings FYI the Equisitev Sapphire is only avail in size 9 . The other 2 are 7’s. Thanks
Dec 27Reply
ray2321 Hey there! If you’d like to bundle the jewelry you liked with other jewelry in my closet, I’ll give you a discount 😊
Jan 02Reply
monikabrown I saw you liked several of my things... bundle and I will make a very cheap offer to you! Happy new year!!
Jan 03Reply
shantiab28 Hi thank you for stopping by my closet today! Feel free to make offers, bundle and save😊..
Jan 04Reply
lamour_couture Hi Jessica, I’m Mon! Check out my closet I offer a variety of: 🧿 Womens sizes from 0 to 18 🧿 Womens Shoes Sz 6.5 to 11 🧿 Accessories 🧿 jewelry Everything in excellent condition! I am a proud 5🌟Seller, ship the same day or next early AM, PLUS I include a 🎁 with you’re purchase! So look often since I post new items daily THIS IS A MOVING SALE! Everything Posted Must Go! Ty for shopping by Mon😎
Jan 05Reply
bits_and_pieces Hi! Thanks for all the likes! Bundle them and let’s make a deal 😂you’ll already receive 20 percent off but I can do better as well as give you discounted shipping!
Jan 07Reply
poshaugirl Bundle your likes and let me make you an offer and you can save on shipping😍
Jan 10Reply
vivianag31 Thank you for the likes! Feel free to send me an offer for the bundle.
Jan 10Reply
vivianag31 I offer 15% discount on bundled items.
Jan 10Reply
_yoyitascloset_ Hi Jessica 😊 Hi there 😊 can you please unlike my flower purse so that I can delete the listing? Going to donate a few things from my closet and the purse is one of them 💙thanks! Many Blessings 😊
Jan 11Reply
thriftyiris Jessica... I noticed that you liked❤several items from my closet. Thank you for the likes😀 If you purchase an item for full price, you are eligible for an item from my designated 'Free Items' Section. These are all the items at the start of my closet that follow the 'Free Items' Posting (woman standing on beach at sunset). There are over 50 items to choose from. Of course I still welcome offers & bundle. I just wanted to make you aware of this awesome deal. Have a great day 😀 💞 Kim
Jan 12Reply
mjmjmjmjmj Hello Jessica! I see that you liked a leather jacket in someone's closet, I invite you to check out the leather jackets in my closet...quality, affordable and en vogue! Looking forward to your visit...Happy Poshing!
Jan 19Reply
silligrl Jessica, the 2 pants that you liked from my closet, please put them in a bundle and I will give you a great discount on the 2 items. Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jan 21Reply
smittysvault Thanks for the likes! I’m happy to entertain offers!
Jan 22Reply
lata1989 Thank you for the likes if you want something let me know or do a bundle and I give you discount in everything you like
Jan 25Reply
emilyccaroline Hey!🤗 I have a pair of Jessica Simpson boots you might like!! If you have any questions let me know. Happy Friday!🎉🛍
Jan 26Reply
xoxhannahmariee Feel free to send me offer on the Polka Dot Blouse from J. Crew you liked in my closet! I am flexible! 💕
Jan 26Reply
jgadams Hey Love! Welcome to Posh! I'm Jade! One of the Posh Ambassador, Top Rated Seller, Top 10 Sharer, Mentor and Fast Shipper here! Come check my closet out and if you like anything you want, bundle it up 3 or more items, you get a private discount and free shipping! Plus each purchase you make, you get a free gift and your package are wrap with ❤️! If you have any questions please feel free to ask me at anytime! Enjoy and have fun shopping! God Bless you!💋
Jan 27Reply
perfumefragranc Thanks for the likes. Let me know if you have any questions.
Jan 28Reply
monikabrown All my 5$ items are BOGO!!
Jan 29Reply
jakesheart Hi Sweetie! ❤️Valentines Sale ❤️.. please see my VDay post for Jewelry items, your welcome to bundle for the 25% plus off & or buy any item at the Sale price 🎉🌺🌻❤️🌹🎉HAPPY POSHING & HAPPY VALENTINES TO COME!
Jan 29Reply
tashikea79 Hi, thanks for the likes feel free to bundle those likes and get one item free!!!
Jan 30Reply
fancynancyrdh Hi Jessica! Welcome to my closet, thanks for stopping by! I am here if you would like any additional info on any of my items! happy Poshing , I am, Nancy
Feb 05Reply
fashion8sta Thank you for stopping by my closet! There is a 15% discount for 3 or more bundle items! Happy Poshing! :)
Feb 19Reply
pameplace Thank you for all the likes. 😊
Feb 21Reply
iseo 🌹Hi, Sending Posh ♥️♥️♥️ your way . Feel free to checkout my Closet when you have a Minute . Happy to answer questions on Sizing , Texture etc. Not Happy with the listing Price ? Don’t be Shy ☺️, Use the Offer button . I will either Accept or Counter offer . So do Stop by 😊. Thanks and Happy Poshing 🛒🛍🎉🧚‍♀️
Mar 17Reply
melissa_velez69 Thank you for following my closet and sharing my striped dress! I haven’t sold it yet so I still have it if u want to make a deal!! Thank you...👗
Mar 17Reply
jaspers201409 Come checkout my closet💕 I am open to reasonable offers have great bundle deals👍🏻🤗
Mar 18Reply
donnak777 Welcome to my posh closet! If you have any questions about about buying or selling please feel free to! I am a Poshmark Ambassador! I’ll try my best to help ! I hope you are enjoying Poshmark as much as I do ! 😊
Mar 24Reply
rosiebell726 Welcome to Poshmark! Feel free to stop by my closet; if you see anything you like, make me an offer or bundle and save! Happy poshing!🛍
Mar 24Reply
kurtbutton Hi Jessica, Thanks for liking my listing, and thanks for visiting my closet.🌺🦋🌺
Mar 24Reply
deneen1967 Feel free to browse my closet the more you buy the bigger discount 💕
Mar 25Reply
acespm4me Hi Jessica Thank you for all the Likes from my closet. If you are interested in buying your Likes, add them to a bundle and I will give you a great deal! Happy Poshing!!
Mar 26Reply
jodyestrada Hi @sweetjlo ! Luv that shirt & quote. Welcome to Poshmark! There are really great deals to be had here. Stop by my closet anytime. If you have any questions about anything Posh don't hesitate to ask. Have a great week!
Mar 28Reply
ronnie1433 Thank you for your like make me an offer 🥰🤗🤗
Apr 02Reply
rosascositas @sweetjlo hello!! I noticed you liked two items (skirts) from my closet. Let’s make a deal :) Buy the red skirt at full price and I will thrown in the other skirt🙌🏽🎉
Apr 10Reply
e_schupner Hey Jessica thank you so much for all the likes I appreciate that if you like to make a bundle I can make an offer thank you so much for stopping by my closet please feel free to stop by anytime
Apr 14Reply
jmurquidi7 Hello. I saw that you liked 2 items from my closet. If you create a bundle, I will send you a discount for both items and you'll save on shipping. 😊
Apr 14Reply
catherinejdunn Thank you so much for all the shares
Apr 14Reply
aamandamalone Heyy! If you accept my offer I’ll include a free gift with the purchase ❤️
Apr 18Reply
thecactusfeels Hey, I'm Alina of the TheCactusFeels. I hope you're enjoying the Posh community X). I've got a closet you may find intresting clothes in so feel free to drop by💛 Have a dope day 💛.
Apr 20Reply
bayley_wallace Huge buy one get one sale all Mary Kay products over in my closet💃🏽🥳💄
Apr 23Reply
yazzyposhy HI Jessica. I noticed you liked a few of my items. Bundle and I will def give you a great deal. Happy poshing 🤗🤗
Apr 29Reply
gypsyrella Thanks for the like! 🥰
Apr 29Reply
sarahbell85 Thanks for the follow! Please check out my closet while you're browsing! Dont be afraid to make offers on anything you want :)
Apr 30Reply
nikkeeespree @sweetjlo Thanks for shopping my closet! If you will bundle the items, I will offer you a discounted price for the bundle.
May 01Reply
aasare Hi, My name is Anthony and I just wanted to stop by and say hi. Also, I would like to invite you to my closet which is made up of fashion items made in Africa. The outfits are sown by local Artisans in Africa and portions of the proceeds are donated to African charities that focus on disadvantaged children in Africa. Take a look at my closet and let me know if you have any questions or interests. Also, have fun Poshing!!!
May 04Reply
rarquilla Hi Jessica, thanks for the likes. I hope you noticed my packaging deals 🌼 3 items for $25 and 💖 3 items for $45. I think there are some great bargains. Thanks for shopping my closet. Have a wonderful evening 🛍💖💕
May 07Reply
hollywouldwear 😁😍Hello Welcome to fabulous Poshmark!I am Holly, your posh ambassador!Come check out my mens, womans, & children's rare treasures &*MAKE ME AN OFFER,* or combine 2 items and pay only 1 shipping price !BUNDLE /buy 3 ITEMS, TO SAVE an additional 10% ,&pay 1 shipping price!,I can help you with all your ?'s too!Have fun Poshing!♡Holly
May 12Reply
aamandamalone Heyy! If you accept my offer I’ll include a free gift with the purchase ❤️
May 15Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! Glad we connected on Poshmark! Hope you will check out my account and give me a follow ❤️❤️❤️
May 15Reply
euniqee Hey, Thanks for the like
May 19Reply
mhill477 Thanks for the like Jessica!🌸
May 19Reply
a_shopah0lic @sweetjlo thanks for the likes! Feel free to add the items to a bundle and send an offer. I will either accept or counter 😍😍😍
May 20Reply
xoxhannahmariee Anything in my closet 3 for $15! Come shop! 🌸
May 20Reply
aamandamalone Heyy! If you accept my offer I’ll include a free gift with the purchase ❤️❤️
May 25Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
May 26Reply
merryberrybella Hi Jessica, I’m glad you liked my pencil skirt! Feel free to make an offer 😊🌺
May 26Reply
myfashionshopx3 Hi Jessica! Thank you for your interest on the earrings. Just a note.... if you purchase anything from my closet you will be getting the earrings for free! Let me know if you have any questions :)
May 27Reply
ps_collective Hi! I'm Brenda & I'm a top rated posh ambassador here at Poshmark.💜 We have an excellent support system here. If you need any help listing items to sell, I'm here to help! 😊 Ask me anything at anytime.🤗 Also if you'd like to shop you can come check out my closet by clicking here ➡️ @prime_style I have a verity of styles and sizes of everything!! 🛍️ SO WELCOME & HAPPY POSHING!!
May 27Reply
kimba65 Hi ty for the like on the bracelet. If u bundle i will send u a private offer
May 31Reply
gat8or Hey there, I appreciate you stopping by! huge sale going on right now, the larger the bundle the bigger the discount. New loving homes needed. ☺️ Thanks again and enjoy the Posh journey!!! 😃 Cheers, Stephanie
Jun 05Reply
glammrose Hi there, Thanks for stopping by my closet. Offers are welcome 🤩
Jun 09Reply
kaysboutiquebin Welcome to Poshmark! Fun place to shop and sell! Please message me with any questions you may have. Share listings from your closet as well as from other poshers closets regularly. Add your liked items to a bundle to save on shipping and possibly additional discounts. I offer an additional 20% discount on bundled orders.
Jun 09Reply
glamourgallerie So happy you popped in 💕💕
Jun 09Reply
valueprices Hi. I would be willing to give you a 10% discount on this item. Thank you for your interest. God Bless!
Jun 10Reply
serena_sofea Hi welcome to Poshmark ❣️
Jun 12Reply
crystalco Hi Jessica!! Thanks for visiting and liking my closet. I appreciate it very much. Have a great day!💕Patricia
Jun 13Reply
racustomcloset Thanks so much for liking my zebra print chokers. If you are interested in saving on shipping costs, please kindly check out my etsy website or . Most of my items on my handmade etsy shop is # 1.00 or free shipping. Thanks so much!😊
Jun 13Reply
leitiques Welcome to my Poshmark closet and if  find items you like make a bundle for a discount on shipping and the items and I will send you an offer.
Jun 13Reply
mamamia79 Thank you for all the shares 💕💕
Jun 25Reply
emacmannis Hi! I would be over the moon if you took a second to check out my brand new closet! I have brands like VS Pink, Hollister, Athleta, A&F, Under Armour and more! From shorts, tops and dresses to heels, bathing suits and athletic apparel, I hope I have something that will catch your eye!😍🛍 maybe check out the orange and pink bikini I’m selling!
Jun 29Reply
sleon382 Hello I'm sheldon
Jun 30Reply
amajovic Hi Jessica! Thanks for visiting my closet recently! The shoes you liked are so cute! I just put them on sale and for the next several hours Poshmark will offer a shipping discount if you’re interested! 🤗
Jul 01Reply
ginaquarius Hello Jessica, I'd like to say hello and invite you to visit my closet - I have lots of cute items that I think you'd like and am constantly adding more. If you find somethings you like, the prices are not final and I'm more than happy to offer discounts. If you buy multiple items, you can also take advantage of only paying for shipping for once because they can be shipped in the same package (up to 5lbs)! Let me know if you have any questions. Have a happy & safe Fourth of July holiday! :)
Jul 03Reply
merk15 Hey there, would love for you to check out my closet! Trying to sell as quickly as possible so see anything you want and I’m open to reasonable offers! Purchase $30 or more and I’ll include a free makeup, nail polish, or jewelry piece! Happy poshing 🤩
Jul 04Reply
drsdelano 4th of July Special! Buy 1 Get 1 Free❣️Just bundle both items and ill send an offer.
Jul 05Reply
drsdelano 4th of July Special! Buy 1 Get 1 Free❣️Just bundle both items and ill send an offer. Just bundle your likes and ill send an offer.
Jul 05Reply
tweetboo55 🎉Welcome
Jul 07Reply
rissylayne Welcome to poshmark! Some of your favorite brands are available in my closet if you’re interested. Thanks! Good luck poshing!
Jul 08Reply
breanna_swint hey girl, feel free to check out my closet ❤️❤️
Jul 09Reply
glamhoard Thank you for visit my closet! Bundle your likes and I'll offer 40% off your total 😁👍⭐️
Jul 11Reply
iseo Hi 👋 Sending Posh 💜💜💜🦋your way . Feel free to checkout my Closet when you have a Minute . Happy to answer questions on Sizing , Texture etc. Not Happy with the listing Price ? Don’t be Shy ☺️, Use the Offer button . I will either Accept or Counter offer . So do Stop by 😊. Thanks and Happy Poshing 🛒🛍🎉🧚‍♀️
Jul 11Reply
island_sos  Hi Jessica, 💐 I am a Posh passionate person, and would like to welcome you to my Closet anytime 🌻It is Chock Full of pre-owned gently used items, both ♀️♂️, all sizes, styles, and also some new with tags 🏷️ I'm having a Special 👩‍🎓 Graduation SALE, add 5 🖐️ items to a Bundle from the items i have listed w/ 📚 emoji, or that are $10< or less the total will be $25, 💲2️⃣5️⃣‼️Fast shipping included all purchases 📨📬
Jul 12Reply
ahuot Hello Jessica. I hope you're doing well. I'd like to invite you to check out my ever growing closet. I sell an array of cool and unique goodies, including Menswear and Home Goods. I offer a 10% Bundle discount, discount shipping, and I always ship the next day. I wish you well.✌💗
Jul 16Reply
ldmtreasures Hey I’m Linda, Buying or Selling..... New to Poshmark or Been here awhile..... Best of Luck to you.....💖 💋Jewelry Makes the Outfit**Stop by💋
Jul 17Reply
alishavega Hello Jessica! Thank u for browsing my closet. If you like multiple things feel free to create a bundle and I will send you an offer and deal. I hope to get your business and that you have the best of luck with selling your merchandise as well. -Alisha
Jul 26Reply
4asha Hi! Thanks for the like, please send me your best offer! Also, please let me know if you have any questions
Jul 26Reply
2ndchancecharm Hi! Just wanted to stop by and invite you to check out my closet, which is mainly career clothing for women - Ann Taylor, LOFT, Banana Republic, Express, The Limited, J. Crew, etc. High quality, perfect condition, and low prices! I usually add dozens of items every week. Come check it out if you’re interested! Happy poshing! ❤🤗❤👗👜👠🛍❤😊
Jul 30Reply
4asha Hope you are still interested in the Bracelet Set! Please take a look at my offer and let me know if you have any questions (I am accepting reasonable offers on all items)! Thanks!
Jul 31Reply
jasmenguy_ Hello! If you want to bundle your shades I’ll do 3 for 17! Willing to negotiate.
Aug 01Reply
4asha Hi! Thanks for the like, please add to your bundle and send me your best offer! Also, please let me know if you have any questions.Thanks!
Aug 07Reply
marmar0701 Hi! Please check out my closet I think I have items you may like! Also feel free to make any offers on anything!
Aug 16Reply
anna21b Hi Jessica! I’m Anna! Welcome to Poshmark! 🎉❤️ I noticed you liked my Jessica Simpson listing so I’ve sent you a private offer! Feel free to send me your own offers as well whenever you want and also let me know if you need anything!! 💕😄
Aug 19Reply
charlottefoxx Hi!! I would love for you to check out my jewelry store if you get the chance! I am having a sale and would love to offer you a discount if you like any items!! 2 for $19 or 3 for $26!! If you’re interested just bundle the items!! 🌻🌻
Aug 21Reply
nmasagr Hey hon. Please create a bundle. I will send you a great discount. Thank you so much 😊
Aug 24Reply
pmartin52 @nmasagr hi, bundle your likes and I’ll give you the best overall price... thanks for checking out my closet, everything is negotiable
Aug 28Reply
bellacruiser Hi Jessica! I noticed you like the straw hat I posted from H&M! Please feel free to make an offer. Thanks so much! Regards, Bella
Aug 28Reply
pmartin52 Will offer $4.99 shipping
Aug 28Reply
4asha Hi! Thanks for the like, please send me your best offer (I am accepting reasonable offers on all items)! Also, please let me know if you have any questions.Thanks!
Aug 30Reply
jlanoce Thanks for your like on the coach pumps they are adorable!
Sep 01Reply
chels_closet1 Hi! I would love for you to check out my closet! Fast shipping, bundle discounts, and offers welcome! ✨🛍
Sep 05Reply
debsdesigndealz Welcome to Poshmark ! Happy to have you here ! 😚😙💖💕💕💕🌻🌻🌷🌻⚘🌹🌼🌼⚘🌷🌹🌻🌻🌷
Sep 07Reply
abeag Hi-its abeag:) just wanted to let you know that I always have a buy any 2 listings and choose a 3rd one free deal. & I also luv to trade. Thank you so much for checking out my closet!
Sep 08Reply
anna21b Hi Jessica! I’m Anna! Welcome to Poshmark! 🎉❤️ I noticed you liked my listing so I’ve sent you a private offer! Feel free to send me your own offers as well whenever you want and also let me know if you need anything!! 💕😄
Sep 08Reply
rissylayne Welcome to poshmark! Some of your favorite brands are available in my closet if you’re interested. Thanks, good luck poshing :)
Sep 10Reply
daisyboutique9 @sweetjlo thanks for looking in my closet I see you liked my Frye boots I can take 10% off if your interested in buying them let me know or make me an offer.
Sep 16Reply
quickfindz Hey! @sweetjlo Thanks for liking the pink studded heels in my closet! They are gorgeous aren't they? And a steal at that price! Let me know if you have any questions! Feel free to roam my closet some more! And if you find something you think others would like too, could you be a doll and share it for me? Thanks Love!! <3
Sep 16Reply
dustlar Thank you for liking shoes out of my closet, I sent you an offer with a discounted shipping ❤️
Sep 17Reply
msmandilynn Thanks for the like! Feel free to send an offer! Fall into savings! Everything with a 🍁 is 3/$25. Any questions please let me know 💜💜
Sep 18Reply
bellacruiser Hi Jessica I noticed you liked my straw tropical hat that can fit either a woman or a man! Please feel free to make an offer I’d love to sell it to you! Thanks!
Sep 22Reply
luckeelady25 So glad you found my closet and even better some things you have loved enough to like🥰👍🏻. I went ahead and sent you a 10% off offer on the item but I want to mention I am offering an automatic bundle discount of 25% off 3 or more right now so the more you bundle the more you save💲 I’d love to see you save even more 😉. Happy Poshing and I hope you find something else you didn’t know you really needed 😋
Sep 27Reply
the_b_spot Check out my closet for stylish clothing and shoes for the fashionable woman ‼️
Oct 03Reply
jensspend Thanks for liking the Booties!😎
Oct 04Reply
greatfinds111 Welcome to Poshmark 😊💖
Oct 10Reply
the_b_spot Check out my closet for stylish clothing and shoes for the fashionable woman ‼️💃🏽💥
Oct 15Reply
sebi_herrera Hi and welcome to POSHMARK & my closet. Any questions don’t hesitate to ask.
Oct 18Reply
jeanettebeeding Hi , seen you like some things out of my closet. I am willing to bargain as I am gonna close our my account when all sold mske me an offer
Oct 21Reply
sy3316 check out the items listed ‘free’ in my closet that you get for free when you purchase 2 items ✨
Oct 31Reply
user127135819 hiii!! check out my latest listing, the blue gown. based on your likes i think it might be something you’d be interested in! i can give you a discount 😊
Oct 31Reply
nayleaalvarez Thanks for visiting my closet. Make an offer on the leopard print booties, they’re beautiful.
Nov 01Reply
dawmarson thanks so much for the like for the leather pants feel free to make an offer and happy poshing
Nov 05Reply
sharimom Thanks So Much For Stopping By My Closet On Poshmark 🛍 Much Appreciated 😘
Nov 06Reply
joyful633 Hello Jessica, thanks for stopping by my closet and liking one of my pieces. Have a great evening.
Nov 08Reply
unclaimed Jessica , Beautiful quotation, pictures ,Thanks for your support .Enjoy a 50%off allowance on your next purchase of $50 or more($10 off $25) Expires  11/14/2019.
Nov 10Reply
unclaimedgoods Hi Jessica!😊👋🏼 Just wanted to say thanks for the likes. Thanks for stopping in. Let me know if you have any questions. Happy poshing! 🥰🌷💐
Nov 14Reply
lady3353 Set an offer to anything you like in my closet and it’s yours, let’s make a deal ♥️
Nov 19Reply
ilovepink71991 Hi Babe! Love your listings! If you get a moment check my closet out! I have a bunch of awesome items at great prices -- Happy Poshing XO
Nov 21Reply
calahanjessica Hi I hope you are loving your poshmark experience! I would love for you to come check out my closet! I do bundles, shipping discounts😉, am always taking offers 🤩 and love to share for shares!!! Warm wishes!😊
Nov 22Reply
sweetmimix0 Hey hun! Just wanted to stop by and invite you visit my closet! I have brand new with tags 100% authentic Kate Spade, Michael kors and coach handbags for sale. I also have the brand new Kate spade Joeley Glitter collection! All items come from a smoke and pet free home. I’m open to offers on everything and accept most reasonable ones! Stop by anytime.. Happy poshing!
Nov 26Reply
kaylap803 Thanks for liking my coach bag, if you want to make a offer I’m be willing to work with you!
Dec 05Reply
ashleybtkkl5 Sent you the lowest offer I could on the MK booties, I'll be losing money on them, since I just purchased and had to reposh, however if you accept I will ship them out first thing tomorrow morning 🥰
Dec 10Reply
honeylee Hey put them in bundle pick what ever you want save more
Dec 16Reply
thefrillyrocker Seen you liked a few things if you bundle you can get a great discount.
Dec 18Reply
2girls2122 Welcome to Poshmark. We are two cousins that share a closet together. Feel free to look around. We are 5⭐️rated Posh Ambassadors, and we would be happy to answer any questions you may have. If something catches your eye, send us a like. We will send a private offer back. Good luck with buying and selling. Share and follow your Poshers to make sales. Happy poshing😊
Dec 24Reply
Dec 26Reply
allivsbusiness Hey we saw you liked some items and we can do 33% off if you bundle 3 or more items
Jan 02Reply
gahcloset Hi Jessica, Thank you so much for all your likes. I truly appreciate it. Thank you for visiting my closet. Happy New Year 🎉😊
Jan 02Reply
gahcloset Hi Jessica, If you want to purchase more than one item from my closet, let me know and we can start a bundle for a great discount and a discounted shipping fee also. I just wanted to let you know that I am willing to work with you. Thanks again for visiting my closet.
Jan 02Reply
capt_steve Ghost buyer....Just Sayin'
Jan 06Reply
mrksplatinumwea thanks for liking the hat😁
Jan 12Reply
kkclosetsinc buy 3 shirts get 4th free of equal or lesser value if make a bundle using the shopping bag icon over each listing you are interested in.
Jan 20Reply
smaroulis 🎉Hi Jessica 🛍I’m Susan, 5 Star Rated Seller & Posh Ambassador. I want you to feel completely confident shopping my closet for new designer items from Michael KORS, Free People, Anne Klein, Coach, Valentino, Sterling Silver Handcrafted Earrings & more!🌟I’ve personally shop from top retailers only, as well as items from my own smoke free closet. Each item is top quality & authentic 🎉
Jan 23Reply
dovescry_67 Thanks for your like 🤗🤗
Jan 26Reply
jeannyrs Welcome to Poshmark!! I want to invite you to my closet!! Feel free to make offers and bundles!!! Have a Great Day!! Happy Poshing💕
Jan 26Reply
dusty692 Welcome to this great group of people where sharing is always appreciated! I am a Posh ambassador, so if you have any questions, please let me know. Happy buying/selling to you my friend 🤑
Jan 27Reply
wfilimonuk 🌷Hi thank you for the like! I am running a SPRING closet clear out SALE! Bundle 3 items with a 🌷 for 25$!! 🌷
Jan 27Reply
lanadoherty thanks for liking 🙂offers welcome
Feb 21Reply
victoriatorrez Hey, girl! I see you like MK!! I have this NWOT MK Kellen Satchel, in amazing condition!! I need it gone ASAP!! 🙌🏽 I ALWAYS accept offers!!! & am ALWAYS open to negotiating (especially bundles)!! 💞 I am a Posh Ambassador, Posh Mentor, Top Sharer, Top Rated Seller, & Fast Shipper!! ✨ Feel free time check out my closet & let me know if you’re interested in anything!! 🌸 Happy Poshing & God Bless! 🛍🙏🏽
Feb 24Reply
created4beauty 🌺Thank you for your like 💖 Please let me know if I can help in anyway! 🌈 When you bundle 2️⃣ or more items 👗👛 get a 2️⃣0️⃣% discount‼️ When you are done bundling please send an offer. 💳 😄 No obligation of course ✌️Thanks for shopping my closet 💃🏻 and Happy Poshing 🥰
Mar 05Reply
isafrias_ @sweetjlo Hi Jessica, Thx for the like on the chic Carlos Santana wedge sandals 🌷please check out my closet in case you're interested in something else to bundle and save even more - I have listings in Michael Kors, Vince Camuto etc 😊🌸💵
Mar 13Reply
islandexchange Thanks for the like. Make me an offer I can't refuse!
Mar 13Reply
tx1977 @sweetjlo Good morning. A 2/$20 sale is on in my closet. I believe some item(s) you like are included in the 2/$20. If you are still interested in only the Kenneth Cole leather flats currently $22 simply, send an offer of $14.00. Have a great day & stay well & safe during this tumultuous time💕🙃!
Mar 18Reply
chrisrvt Thank you for liking an item in my closet. I created a bundle for you & shared your item to it. I'm doing 30% off on bundles of 2 or more items. Add a 2nd item to save 30% automatically. Or feel free to shoot me an offer. If you have any questions, just ask! I ship every morning. Happy Poshing!
Mar 21Reply
sandycupcake 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 So Happy you visited my closet and liked an item. Please feel free to make me a reasonable offer or bundle your likes. I will accept or counter. Currently holding a BoGo sale on all items up to $15. No limit. Plus clearance sale 3 for $10. Really need to make room for new inventory. Be Safe and Healthy! Sandy 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Mar 25Reply
akorbz26 Hi Jessica, welcome to Poshmark!
Mar 28Reply
lrrhood Hi Jessica! Thanks for the like on the NY&Co pants. I am happy to take offers! I can also offer lowered shipping! Happy Poshing and stay healthy! 💜
Mar 28Reply
radclerk30 I can sell u the romper for 10$. thanks for looking in my closet. :-)
Mar 29Reply
peytgual Hi! i’m trying to clean out my closet before i go off to college soon- so please check it out and feel free to make a lower offer or bundle up and i’ll give you a reasonable price based on the condition and brand of the items:) thanks so much🤍 & if you bundle 3+ items and one of them is $10 or under, you can have it for free! I also have a bunch of POLO by RL i’d be happy to give you a discount on!
Mar 29Reply
ivonaag Hi! Thank you so much for following and for the likes! 🎉🎉🎉 I offer discounts on bundles! ☺️
Apr 30Reply
bsugah1 welcome to the Poshmark family I wish you success in all your new business experiences
May 01Reply
bre0114 @sweetjlo Hi!💕 I’m having a 3/$30 sale on jewelry in my closet. Along with a 3/$25 sale on hair accessories. (there are listings explaining both sales at the top of my closet). I also have other items that you may be interested in like eyelash kits, watches, and many other things. I’m willing to work with prices, just make me an offer. And if you like 2 or more items I can create a bundle for you making the shipping and price of the item cheaper. Stay safe and stay healthy!😊
May 23Reply
kinistyles Hi love! Please check out my closet for great deals. Open to offers. Happy poshing 💕
May 28Reply
kensgems Hi there! I saw you like a size 8 dress and just wanted to let you know I have a lot of dresses including plenty in that size!! I am always open to lower offers :) have a good day !!
Jun 05Reply
sara_b21 Hello I hope your having a great day! Feel free to check out my closet I think you might find something you like! Thank you!
Jun 23Reply
rockdalook Hey dear, I would like to take the time out and stop by with my beautiful closet. If you could browse through and see if anything catches your eyes, if interested feel free to hit me up. Offers are very much acceptable. I also add an automatic 10% discount to 2 or more items. Thanks in advance:)
Jun 30Reply
rockdalook Hey dear, I would like to take the time out and stop by with my beautiful closet. If you could browse through and see if anything catches your eyes, if interested feel free to hit me up. Reasonable offers are welcomed. I also add an automatic 10% discount to 2 or more items. Thanks in advance:)
Jun 30Reply
kendalls_palace Hi, when you get a chance could you please check out my shop. I need these items gone ASAP. 😊
Jul 04Reply
lizaniaduran Hello thanks for the likes offers are welcome bundle
Jul 20Reply
aysha_h Hi there! I’m selling a similar pair of studded ankle boots to the ones you liked! Mine actually cost less and I’d be happy to accept an offer 😊
Jul 21Reply
doriehg Hi Jessica!! My name is Dorieh. I just wanted to introduce myself and invite you to check out my closet 😊
Jul 23Reply
foryourcloset1 Hi, I just wanted to let you know an item you liked is now On sale 4 for $25 💖💖💖
Aug 19Reply
sharesomesmiles please don’t hesitate to make an offer on my listing you liked! im currently unemployed due to the pandemic so every bit counts, but no worries if not! 🌼
Aug 28Reply
kaysuniverse welcome 2 Poshmark 🙋 thanks 4 liking an item from my closet 🛍 choose from brands like Calvin Klein, Michael Kors, Banana Republic, WHBM, and Ralph Lauren. i may not be ready to send "offer 2 likers" on every item so don't wait if ur interested Make Me An OFFER 😀 happy poshing!
Aug 30Reply
chelseatjohnson Hi my name is Chelsea and I recently just opened my closet a few months ago😊check it out and see if it might be anything you like! I do bundle discounts and offers. Any questions I will be happy to answer! Thank you and stay safe 💗
Sep 23Reply
lynneduke Thanks for your interest in my closet. I have sent an offer on the Cardigan you liked in my closet. Just a reminder that there is a small soil on the left sleeve as noted in my listing.
Sep 23Reply
wardco Hi welcome to Poshmark. I noticed that you like three items in my closet. I’ll offer bundle savings for three or more items. If you’d like to take it vantage of that please put them in a bundle and I can make you an offer for great savings on those three items. Thank you for stopping by and if you are interested please let me know if you have any questions. And if you have any general questions about selling on Poshmark please let me know. 🛍👠🎁👠😀
Oct 03Reply
sharken71 Hi@sweetjlo thanks for checking out my closet and for the like! I consider all offers and discount bundles!😊
Oct 04Reply
bella_mode87 Hello Jessica! Thank you for the like in my closet 🙂
Oct 11Reply
rlee73 hello if u like any listing feel free to shoot an offer . I've been known to accept one or two in my time 😁😉⭐🎃🎩🌼💕✌️🙏
Oct 17Reply
thunderbek Hey there! Feel free to check out my closet and send me any offers if you see something you like! I love accepting offers ☺️ Happy Poshing
Dec 10Reply
trendygemz12 hey jessica! just wanted to extend to you a private offer and welcome you to counter offer me since i am negotiable and want to find a price that works best for you! 🎈💝 HAPPY NYE🎈💝
Jan 01Reply
dannie258 Hi, noticed you liked the NY & Co dress. I can drop the price to $13 since it’s closet clear out so you get discounted shipping today. Lmk if you’re interested:)
Jan 11Reply
kc30275 Hello!!! I am giving 20% ​​discount for the purchase of 3 garments or more. thank you.🎁 .....
Jan 11Reply
katie3912 Hello! Feel free to check out my closet! I have multiple name brands and stylish clothing! I hope you have an amazing day and happy poshing!!💜
Jan 20Reply
kywass66 Hi, I would love for you to stop by and check out my closet! Let me know if you are interested in anything or make an offer!
Feb 02Reply
cmullis5 Hi! I would love for you to visit my closet! I’m moving so everything must go!
Feb 13Reply
shopamorejewels Greetings! I would like to offer you a 50% off any item or items you like from my closet. Please visit my closet and take care! 😊🌸
Feb 17Reply
natschiccloset Hey I’m selling my Nike, Sperry, Gianni Bini, and Converse shoes on my page! You should check them out!💕
Feb 17Reply
shopwithdeelynn Hi there! I sent you a discount offer! If you have any questions, let me know :-) Enjoy!
Feb 25Reply
madiyates Hi! I’m trying to clear out my closet right now so almost everything is $5! I would love it if you could check it out. Have a great day 💗
Mar 03Reply
cactus_cowgirl Hello, Welcome to our closet.. We are "The Indiana Hillbillys" offers welcome! Bundle for great deals! Thank you for visiting our closet! Check out my two sisters and my mom's closets @indiana1992 @halfpintlove @indianalove1971
Mar 04Reply
tootie2258 Welcome🙋‍♀️
Mar 05Reply
mmdell11 Hi! welcome to poshmark! I wanted to let you know I’m having a big sale & want to sell everything! I dropped all my prices!! All men’s clothing are BOGO! let me know if you have any questions, I’ll be happy to help💓🤩
Mar 16Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi.⭐️I love meeting and sharing new Poshmark friends⭐️I hope you are enjoying selling🛍 and shopping 🛒. When you get a moment please check out my closet. 🌷I’m posting new Spring listings every day🌷
Mar 29Reply
mckenziejruud hey there. I'm in some major need of closet space so I have posted a variety of sizes, brands, and styles and will continue to post more over the next few days all for $10 or under. So make sure to scroll all the way down. I ship same or next day depending on the time. if you have some time check it out and see if you can help me clear out my closet. 😊 Happy Poshing
Apr 19Reply
mesellables Hi you put together a bundle with my Charlotte Russe Camo Heels, I am pretty new to Poshmark, and am not sure what a bundle is exactly. Are you inquiring about these shoes?
Apr 28Reply
samthunder7 Hi! I see you liked two more of my items. I tried to add to the bundle but I can’t because there is already an active offer. If your interested in a new bundle decline my offer and make a new bundle. Your visits to my closet are always appreciated! Happy poshing ☺️
May 14Reply
mystyledit Hi..thanks for stopping by my closet and liking all the teardrop bracelets! If you are interested , i could offer you 10% discount on all of them ....or will consider any reasonable offers !!
May 14Reply
e_lopz Thanks for stopping by my closet. I’m offering 10% off two items or 15% off on three. Also, feel free to make any offers. Happy Poshing 🤗
May 14Reply
vvintagebabyy Hey! If you are interested in re-purposed designer jewelry like Louis Vuitton, Prada & Gucci check out my page ☺️ my about section has all my info! 💛
May 23Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet someHi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Jun 28Reply
so_xoxo @sweetjlo hi welcome to poshmark I have brand new products in my closet Feel free to create bundles and I will give bundles of 4 or 5 items for 20 bucks. 🌻🌻🌻
Jul 01Reply
amberkarels Hi Jessica! Thank you for liking one of my items. I’m currently running a sale of buying 2 items & get your 3rd item free! 🎉☺️
Jul 05Reply
lmdaisylove89 Hi! I have a few Charming Charlie necklaces in my closet as well as some cute Coach clutches. Come check out my closet 🌻🎉👜
Aug 27Reply
shaturra @sweetjlo Hi hon I have a pair of banana republic high-rise white crop jeans I wore them for a couple of hours they retail 100 they’re beautiful if you’re interested
Sep 23Reply
mulleng63 @sweetjlo hi see you liked my listing for the Michael Kors bracelet. In very good condition. Sent you a offer with reduced shipping. F interested feel free to submit. Thanks Geri
Oct 11Reply
carterchh4514 Hello, Welcome to Poshmark! If you need help or have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Please feel free to check out my page for any ideas. If your interested in anything please let me know and I accept offers as well.
Nov 06Reply
beyourgoals Hello from Austin! Thanks for the like on my cable knit cardigan. If you are interested I am always open to offers. Happy Poshing
Nov 07Reply
melanieander922 Hello! Thanks for the like! I have a variety of brands and sizes that you may like. Also, items that are marked are 4/$15.  Please feel free to check out my closet, bundle, and make an offer! Thanks! 😊
Nov 11Reply
poshstylepenny Hi, Jessica! I just sent you a great offer on the fabulous jeans you like. They are really nice! Please check out my offer and let me know if you have any questions. Thank you and HAPPY POSHING! Penny
Dec 16Reply
msgd Hey there thanks for stopping by my closet ❤️
Jan 06Reply
stonegrownvtg Just posted the cutest snakeskin booties! Check them out in my closet, offers welcome!☺️
Jan 08Reply
mattiebell1 Thank you for all your likes on my closet ❤️‍🩹
Jan 18Reply
the_b_spot 🔴🔴🔴Check out my closet ✔️💃🏾 for a stylish Clothing, Shoes and Accessories 🌟💎💎 GREAT DEALS❤️🔸🔸🔸🔸CHEAP prices💰❕🔆Everything MUST go‼️‼️‼️ Send your BEST offers ✔️✔️✔️✔️premade BUNDLES available❕‼️✔️❤️❤️ Best deals for the Fashionista on a BUDGET 💵💫💫💫💫💫
Jan 24Reply
nylifeaccess Hi Gorgeous , how are you? Here I would like to say Hi, invite and welcome you to stop by at my store to check out if you could find anything you Like. My closet is selling 400+ beautiful Accessories and doing BUNDLE discount and “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” Wish you have a wonderful day :)
Jan 26Reply
brianna_ann16 Hi Jessica 😀 thanks for your like on my Steve Madden purse. If you’re still interested I’d like to offer you 20% off with discounted shipping. Also, if you find something else you like from my closet, you can bundle them and i’ll offer you 20% the bundle plus discounted shipping. Let me know if you have any questions and thanks for shopping 💕
Mar 27Reply
raidi01 thanks for liking my sales, anything you're interested in feel free to send me an offer,🥰🤍😘
Mar 29Reply
julissazelaya Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️ I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟 I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️ Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺 
Oct 04Reply
marcotenis Hi Jessica Welcome to poshmark
Feb 24Reply
willrhrd Hi Jessica! Thank you for visiting my closet and for all the likes! Please let me know if you are interested in just the pants that you added to the bundle or if you would like to bundle multiple items and I will send you over a great deal! Thanks again and I hope all is well 😃💐
Apr 01Reply
dwtransformed Welcome and thanks for shopping my closet. I would be glad to give you a bundle price on all your findings. Pleasa, let me know.
Jan 16Reply

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