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Updated Jul 16
Updated Jul 16

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lemonposh Thanks to reading post like these I started as well. Hate that we have to do this πŸ™ƒ
Apr 22Reply
sonya5000 I sorry I will sound very dumb but I don't have a lot of time selling here, can you explain what you mean by recording all sales or transactions. Maybe I should be doing it too :)
Apr 24Reply
salleylin @sonya5000 Hi, I record my clothing to include packaging to have proof of the condition of my Items. If for some reason a customer opens a case against you. Then, you will have proof to give to Poshmark to prove your side of the case. Please let me know if you have further questions. Thanks and take care.
Apr 25Reply
sonya5000 @salleylin wow thank you :) I learned something new :)
Apr 25Reply
salleylin @sonya5000 You are welcome. I am glad I was able to help. You take care and have a wonderful night.
Apr 25Reply
sonya5000 @salleylin thank you same for you :) Goodnight
Apr 25Reply
salleylin @jlcline1 Hi, I am sorry to hear of your situation. Hopefully, this post can help people in similar situations. I appreciate you reaching out and sharing your story. Please let me know if I can ever be of any help. Take care and have a wonderful day.
Apr 30Reply
kencaraboutique Such a good idea! I'm going to start doing this!
May 02Reply
pinkydear @salleylin I'm so new, I have only one listing! I guess I still don't understand how you record your sales. The photos in the listing show the condition of the item(s). Are you saying you take a picture of the way it's wrapped/padded INSIDE the box before you seal it so you can prove you protected properly? Thanks so much! I'm still trying to learn about following and sharing!
May 09Reply
salleylin @pinkydear Hi, yes you are exactly right. If a customer decides to open a case against you, then you will have your proof for your side of the case. Please let me know if you have further questions. Have a wonderful day.
May 09Reply
salleylin @pinkydear You are welcome. Take care
May 09Reply
wabisabijune @salleylin ...This is like a PSA! I have tried to read all of the official Do's & Don'ts and Poshmark does a pretty good, user-friendly job of explaining how things work but us newbies need to see a lot more Posts like this. Thanks so much! β™‘
May 12Reply
salleylin @wabisabijune Thank you so much! I am glad to know this post is helping fellow Poshers. Take care and have a wonderful day :)
May 12Reply
wabisabijune @salleylin ...and thanks for sharing! ;)
May 12Reply
salleylin @wabisabijune You are welcome. Have a great weekend :)
May 12Reply
alwayssparkle3 What a great idea. I am just starting a closet and I have read/seen hundreds of pages and no one else has mentioned it. Thank you!!
May 15Reply
salleylin @alwayssparkle3 You are welcome. I am glad that I was able to provide information to help you. If you have any questions, then please feel free to let me know. Take care and have a beautiful day.
May 15Reply
borntorun6228 I've been recording since day one, usually I don't need it but if I ever do....
May 20Reply
borntorun6228 What I do is make a video as I'm packaging the item and I state the date, the item I'm shipping, and I make sure to note that there's no damage or rips or stains on the item as it's being packed and I make sure to also record proof that the tags are attached when it's a new with tag item.
May 20Reply
ambobbin87 @borntorun6228 I agree ! What a great idea ! I had a girl rip a hole in lucky jeans and then said they were damaged and got her money back while I got the destroyed jeans back ... she must have been too big for the jeans .. they were brand new with tags
May 22Reply
borntorun6228 @ambobbin87 so far so good but you just never know with people. How awful for you!! Lucky jeans aren't cheap and to have that happen is terrible!
May 23Reply
theocollection πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ
Jun 10Reply
amitro589 @salleylin hi! What do you mean you record your clothing? I'm new here and wanting to learn thank u!
Jun 18Reply
amitro589 @salleylin oh I read it thank u!
Jun 18Reply
curatedclosetpm Thank you so much for this great information. I really appreciate it. I'm going to start doing this as well.
Jun 18Reply
salleylin @jcmoorenc You are welcome. I am glad to provide information to help you. Take care and have a wonderful day :)
Jun 18Reply
salleylin @mollydooker Hi, I went online to the website I created this listing utilizing their templates. Please let me know if you have further questions. Happy Poshing :)
Jun 23Reply
trivera0182 Awesome idea! Thanks a lot
Jun 30Reply
salleylin @trivera0182 You are welcome. Happy Poshing :)
Jun 30Reply
trivera0182 @salleylin thanks so much πŸ™‹
Jun 30Reply
jeansaddictoh @ambobbin87 Omg. That's horrible. People, ugh!!
Jul 01Reply
longtallposh Thanks for posting this, I was just recently scammed over a skirt and Poshmark ruled in her favor and she never sent the skirt back. Needless to say the skirt was in great condition. I will be doing this same thing! Thank you, thank you!!
Jul 05Reply
salleylin @raustin0620 Hi, I am sorry to hear this happened to you too. Hopefully, this will deter future situations. Have a wonderful day and take care :)
Jul 05Reply
labonte78 I was wondering the meaning of this and after reading the comments I understand. What a great idea. I'm new at selling and I think I will be doing the same. Sadly there is a lot of dishonest people out there and most people sell to get extra income to support their families. Thank you for sharing this information.
Jul 06Reply
salleylin @labobte Hi, I am glad to know this post is helping my fellow Poshers. Please let me know if I can help you with anything else. Have a wonderful day :)
Jul 06Reply
salleylin @bslover Please don't advertise in my closet.
Jul 06Reply
troublehunter Thank you for posting this. I would of never thought of this to be an issue. I'm new here and just made my first sell this morning. Very good to know.
Jul 16Reply
salleylin @troublehunter Hi, I am glad you were able to use this information. Congratulations, to you on your first sale and I wish you tons more. Also, let me know if you have any questions. Take care and have a wonderful day.
Jul 16Reply
troublehunter @salleylin Thank you so much!! I appreciate the offer. β€οΈπŸ’•
Jul 16Reply
teliliboutique That's a great idea !!! I will be doing same from now on, thanks for sharing :)
Jul 18Reply
salleylin @teliliboutique Anytime. Take care and have a wonderful day 😘😘
Jul 18Reply
simplybecause22 What a great idea! I am new here, too. Thanks!
Jul 18Reply
salleylin @simplybecause22 You are welcome. Please let me know if I can help you with anything else. Happy Poshing :)
Jul 18Reply
kdubyadair @borntorun6228 thanks for these details!!
Jul 22Reply
borntorun6228 @raustin0620 check her social media you've got her name from shipping label, bet she's wearing the "damaged" item......
Jul 22Reply
longtallposh @borntorun6228 just looked, all old pictures. Good thought tho! Poshmark ended up making it right and paying me anyway and sent me pictures that she submitted and she either doctored the pictures or there was a shadow. It was ridiculous, the pictures had giant stains that were absolutely not there. Lies and cheats are everywhere you go!
Jul 22Reply
borntorun6228 @raustin0620 I'm glad you got compensated but still a frustrating thing to deal with ☹️
Jul 22Reply
kandela @salleylin thank you, I just started selling here about 2 weeks ago and I think this a great idea. Im going start doing it. Have a good evening 🌼
Jul 30Reply
salleylin @kandela You are welcome. Take care and have a wonderful day 😘
Jul 30Reply
kristinasb Makes me sad to even have to think about doing this.
Aug 02Reply
vddiana Thanks for posting. So far I haven't had any major issues but this is great to know. Ugghh. So sad that people are out to get other people like that.
Aug 04Reply
salleylin @vddiana You are welcome. I am glad I was able to help you. Take care and have a wonderful day 😘
Aug 04Reply
labonte78 If a buyer opens a case for whatever reason and get the money back, is the buyer obligated to returned the item before a refund takes place?
Aug 05Reply
salleylin @labonte78 @borntorun6228 Hi, the buyer should return the item back to you. Poshmark, usually sends a letter to the buyer to instruct them to mail it back to the seller. I don't know if Poshmark instructs them to mail it back to you before their refund is processed. Hi @borntorun6228 can you please offer any advice regarding her question? I would certainly appreciate it. Thank you
Aug 05Reply
borntorun6228 @salleylin @labonte78 they are supposed to return the item. Unfortunately it seems some do not. I would definitely keep after posh in a situation like this. Posh can't force them to return the item but hopefully they note the persons acct or something if the item isn't returned.
Aug 05Reply
labonte78 @borntorun6228 ...It seems unfair the the seller is is out of the money and product. Refund should not be made until the seller confirms to Poshmark that the item has been received. Thank you.
Aug 05Reply
borntorun6228 @labonte78 I totally and completely agree and I wish that they would change that I've never been in that kind of a situation but I have seen other posts from people that have that they are out the money and the item and yes it is completely unfair we don't get paid until they accept the item so they shouldn't get refunded until we receive the item
Aug 05Reply
salleylin @borntorun6228 Hi, I wanted to thank you for responding back to us. Also, I truly do appreciate all the information you provided throughout this post too. The information you provided has helped a lot of fellow Poshers including me. Thank you, again for your help and support. Take care and have a wonderful day 😘
Aug 06Reply
wildwoods @labonte78 pardon me for butting in, but my understanding is that in the vast majority of normal return situations, posh will not refund the buyer unless & until the item is back at the seller's home. Posh tracks the return package. Posh also tells the buyer that if they dont return the item within a very tight timeframe, the return shipping label becomes void. Buyers cannot keep the item & get a refund
Aug 09Reply
forevereighties Thank you for the insight. I buy a lot from here and know it must be a gamble from your side. But being honest I would not do that unless they didn't send what they were suppose to. But this is great because I want to start selling but I myself am fearful, so this helps thank you.
Aug 10Reply
salleylin @forevereighties You are welcome. Please let me know know if you any questions too. Take care and have a nice day πŸ™‚
Aug 10Reply
caitlin_maeve Thank you for the heads up! I'm new and didn't think of doing this. I will definitely record my sales, this is a good idea.
Aug 10Reply
salleylin @caitlin_maeve You are welcome. I am glad I was able to help. Have a wonderful day πŸ™‚
Aug 10Reply
caitlin_maeve @salleylin thank you! I hope you have a wonderful day too
Aug 10Reply
pricklyspice Thank you for posting this, I was confused at first but as I read through the comments I understand. I am new and while I hope I don't ever need the recorded footage I'm glad that I now know to make the recording. βœŒπŸ»β€οΈπŸ‘‹πŸ»
Aug 17Reply
salleylin @pricklyspice You are welcome. Have a wonderful day 😘
Aug 17Reply
d_gomez14 I had to start recording too! I bought a baiting suit and no where in the post did the seller said that it had a stain, stitching coming off and what look like on the inside of the bottoms a white stain so they looked unwashed! I had to file a case and then she tried asking why I had opened a case!!! πŸ™„
Aug 17Reply
salleylin @d_gomez14 The video recording can definitely help prove your side of the case. I hope you win the case too. Please if you don't mind let me know the outcome of your case too. Thanks and take care.
Aug 17Reply
d_gomez14 @salleylin the case actually got approved and I have shipped back the swim set but I'm still waiting for her to accept the shipment I guess!
Aug 17Reply
salleylin @d_gomez14 Hi, I am glad things worked out in your favor. Please make sure you follow up with Poshmark to ensure you get your refund. Thank you for updating me on your case. Take care and have a wonderful day.
Aug 18Reply
brendak84 I have actually had 2 issues with purchases here, 1 the item was stained and never stated in description, I was offered a $10 posh credit to keep the items. 2nd was eye shadow I received that was not packed correctly and exploded in shipping, I was given a full refund and told not to return the items. So I'm guessing it's at sellers discretion what happens in a complaint case? Video is a great idea though! Thanks for the tip!
Aug 18Reply
mcmae Thank you SO much for posting this!! If it's okay, then I'm going to post something similar 😊.
Aug 18Reply
salleylin @mcmae You are welcome. Yes, go right ahead post a similar sign. Thank you for asking too. Take care and have a wonderful day 😘
Aug 18Reply
salleylin @brendak84 Hi, I am glad I was able to help. Have a wonderful day.
Aug 18Reply
mcmae @salleylin Thank you again! Have a great weekend! 😊
Aug 18Reply
salleylin @mcmae Take care and enjoy your weekend too. 😘😘
Aug 18Reply
mgiovanni @salleylin when u say record... do you mean pictures? Can you be specific; I'm kind of new too- just trying to educate myself before this happens to me:)
Aug 25Reply
salleylin @mgiovanni Hi, I video record and take pictures of each item before shipment. Also, I video record myself packing the items in the box too. Please let me know if you have further questions. I appreciate you stopping by my closet too. Have a wonderful day πŸ™‚
Aug 26Reply
midtownlounge Just like most people here, I'm new to this and didn't realize how many people have been scammed. Thanks for the information, I'll be doing this too from now on!
Aug 29Reply
mauigmom @mollydooker you can also use the App Wordswag to make them
Aug 29Reply
salleylin @midtownlounge You are welcome. I am glad I was able to help you. Have a wonderful day πŸ™‚
Aug 29Reply
heyitssydneyxo I wish I saw this two weeks ago. Sold a pair of sneakers and the buyer ripped out the insoles, claimed they were unauthentic due to the lack of insoles, got the return approved, and didn't include the insoles in the return. Posh sided with the buyer after I filed an issue with return. So mad.
Sep 02Reply
salleylin @heyitssydneyxo Hi, I am sorry to hear this happened to you too. I definitely know how it feels to be scammed. Therefore, I decided to start recording to try to prevent these situations from happening again. The recordings will definitely help strengthen your side of the case. Please let me know if you have any questions. Take care
Sep 02Reply
emangino2 @heyitssydneyxo that's horrible!!
Sep 03Reply
emangino2 Thank you everyone for all of this valuable info
Sep 03Reply
purpleacacia @salleylin thank you for posting this! Didn't think of it until I read your post <3
Sep 28Reply
salleylin @purpleacacia Hi, I am glad I was able to help. Have a wonderful day πŸ™‚
Sep 29Reply
moneymaker2017 Someone should open up something like a shipping notary store where you can box items in the presence of a third-party that records and signs off on contents & condition. They could seal the box with signature tape in the presence of the seller, take immediate possession and ship. Some of my items are expensive and I always worry that the buyer is going to deny and then return a counterfeit.
Sep 29Reply
salleylin @moneymaker2017 Hi, that is certainly an awesome idea. Also, it will definitely put an end to scammers claiming they received something different from what they ordered. I had to start recording my items, because I was scammed too. If a customer decides to open a case against you, then the recording/pictures will help strengthen your side of the case.
Sep 29Reply
salleylin @nicknacknancytx You are welcome. Happy Poshing πŸ™‚
Sep 30Reply
topsyturvycnsyn @salleylin Thx for this! Wondering if you record your sales photos or just on a phone camera? These pics take up A LOT of my storage!
Oct 29Reply
salleylin @lovemymini Hi, I take pictures and I record on a phone camera. However, to save space I transfer everything to a portable hard drive. Please let me know if you have further questions. Have a nice day πŸ™‚
Oct 29Reply
topsyturvycnsyn @salleylin πŸ™ŒπŸΌπŸ™ŒπŸΌThx!
Oct 29Reply
salleylin @lovemymini You are welcome. Happy Poshing πŸ™‚
Oct 30Reply
nharmoney @salleylin is there a way to rate the buyer that scam you after this happens
Nov 06Reply
salleylin @nharmoney Hi, not to my knowledge Poshmark does not have a rating system to rate the buyers yet. Please make sure you report the scammer to Poshmark so they can help resolve the issue. Please let me know if you have further questions. Have a nice day.
Nov 06Reply
tdread @wildwoods agree. This is how it has worked for me. Seller didn't like item. Buyer was not refunded until I clicked on that I received item back.
Nov 17Reply
ooflygirl Thank you for this idea. Just got my first IND and it grates my nerves SO BAD. 😑🀬
Dec 06Reply
salleylin @ooflygirl Hi, you are welcome. I hope your case works out in your favor too. Take care
Dec 06Reply
ooflygirl It’s already done. I got my money, but their IND stuck. It’s not my fault she didn’t read my note on how to clasp the invisible clasp necklace. πŸ™„ Sometimes, I swear. I’ll be stealing this- thanks for the idea. β™₯️
Dec 06Reply
salleylin @ooflygirl Hi, I am glad to know you did get paid too. Please let me know if you have any questions about anything. Take care
Dec 07Reply
paulajoanna While I love Poshmark and have made several sales I think it is insane that we as sellers have to go this far for something as little as an $8 top. It feels as if there are more protections for the buyers and not enough for the sellers. Thanks for posts like these! ✨
Dec 09Reply
nicnic3896 Oh wow very good to know thank you!!!
Jan 03Reply
salleylin @nicnic3896 You are welcome. Have a wonderful day
Jan 03Reply
rose2012hr Thank you for this great information. I learned something new :)
Jan 12Reply
salleylin @rose2012hr Hi, you are welcome. Happy Poshing πŸ™‚
Jan 13Reply
jgdoubleu Thank you so much for posting this!!! 😘 I am brand new and didn’t even think about this. I will be recording when I sell. Was thinking maybe I should record myself when opening something I receive too- just in case item is stained, etc. Thank you!!!
Jan 15Reply
salleylin @jgdoubleu Hi, I am glad this information was able to help you. I started recording after I was scammed. Hopefully, the recordings will deter scammers. Also, I have read posts by Posher’s stating they record themselves opening up packages they received too. Please let me know if you have any questions about anything as I will be glad to help. Happy Poshing πŸ™‚
Jan 15Reply
loudhouse Thank you so much for posting this! Like many others, I am somewhat of a newbie here and recording never even crossed my mind! I’ll be doing it for sure now though, thanks again!
Jan 24Reply
salleylin @loudhouse You are welcome. I am glad I was able to help. Take care and have a wonderful day πŸ™‚
Jan 24Reply
meganmomoney Wow I was totally unaware as well. I'm new and already sold 5 items I hope that doesn't happen to me.
Jan 25Reply
meganmomoney By the way, how do you make this show up at the top of your closet?
Jan 25Reply
salleylin @meganmomoney Hi, I certainly hope this doesn’t happen to you. I wish you tons of success. When, you share a listing it automatically appears at the top of your closet. Therefore, I share this listing last so it will appear at the top. Please let me know if you have further questions. Take care πŸ™‚
Jan 25Reply
meganmomoney @salleylin thanks so much I made my own listing with credit to you! Thanks so much
Jan 25Reply
salleylin @meganmomoney Hi, Thank you very much! I really appreciate the credit a lot 😘 Please let me know if I can help you with anything as I will be glad to help. Also, I will check in from time to time to see how you are doing. Thank you, again and have a blessed day. Take care and Happy Poshing πŸ™‚
Jan 25Reply
emalinari Thanks for the share!! Bundle two items and get 5% off‼️‼️
Jan 29Reply
bansloftu So funny I got a notification for this today. Someone opened a case against one of my items. Never worn Cole Hahn loafers-they were snug when I tried on. They really never fit right! Anyway, she said I had them resoled. Do you have any idea how much resoling a pair of driving Mocs would be! I wouldn’t know how to go about it. She got A pair of 198 shoes for 40 something. Absurd! I do have my pics, though!
Mar 15Reply
salleylin @bansloftu Hi, I am sorry to hear this happened to you. I have never owned that item before. Therefore, I wouldn’t know how much it cost to get them resoled. I would definitely submit the pictures of the shoes to Poshmark. Then, I would explain to them those shoes were not resoled and the customer is mistaken. Also, you can contact one of the ladies that responded to this post. Hopefully, they can provide further insight.
Mar 15Reply
bansloftu @salleylin thank you! I’m Kinda floored. I mean-come on. I do have my pics. I’m kinda thinking her claim they were resoled is absurd to them as well! 😊
Mar 15Reply
salleylin @bansloftu You are welcome. I do hope everything works out in your favor. Also, you may find some pictures on the internet of the shoe sole. Then, you can forward the picture from the internet and your pictures too so they can compare them. Then, they will proof showing you didn’t resole the shoes. Just a thought. Please let me know what happens. You take care and let me know if you have further questions.
Mar 15Reply
bansloftu @salleylin you are such a love. Thank you! Will do.
Mar 15Reply
bansloftu I wrote in my rebuttal that I’d take the shoes back, so that’s how it got resolved quickly. I wrote to Poshmark and said if they don’t come back in the condition I sent to her, I’ll be opening a claim!
Mar 15Reply
salleylin @bansloftu Hi, I know the claims process can be stressful. I am glad you figured out how you wanted to deal with the case. Hopefully, everything will work out fine for you, and the shoes come back in the condition you sent them. Take care and it was nice talking with you too. Have a wonderful day πŸ™‚
Mar 15Reply
bansloftu @salleylin 🧑 thanks!
Mar 15Reply
srtamalita007 This is such valuable advice!! Thank u for sharing, I’m definitely going to start doing this πŸ’•
Mar 19Reply
salleylin @srtamalita007 Hi, you are welcome. I am glad this information helped you. Take care and have a wonderful day πŸ™‚
Mar 19Reply
lasmada @borntorun6228 Wow that is awesome! Im thinking maybe to start this, havent had an issue yet, hopefully wont ever. So you delete videos once your funds are relasesd then? Do you also do this for ALL items not just higher priced? Thanks ladies this is so helpful! @salleylin
Apr 13Reply
borntorun6228 @lasmada yes once the funds are released I delete the videos. I do it for ALL items regardless of price. It's a great way to protect yourself just in case......I've had no issues but better to be safe than sorry.
Apr 14Reply
lasmada @borntorun6228 Cool. Just recorded my first video. Showed top on top oif papwer, then again wrapped and showed label on envelope. Stated name and address as well. Is that good you think? Did I miss anything or should I do something different? Sorry this will be last inquiry on this. But I am with you better safe than sorry.
Apr 14Reply
borntorun6228 @lasmada sounds like you covered everything. Maybe state the date if you didn't but otherwise it sounds good!
Apr 14Reply
scgirl1961 @lemonposh πŸ€— short of sounding exactly do ya'll "record your transaction"? Sounds like something I'd like to do.the you in advance πŸ™‚πŸ€—
Apr 19Reply
loggie2016 Thank you for the like and shares. I'm always open to offers!
Apr 21Reply
bannedfashion Hello dear can u please give me the tip ? I want to know how to do it , lately I’m just taking pictures next to the shipping label but not sure if that is enough . Thanks and take care
May 12Reply
chitchatcat7 Absolutely! We all work hard for money (buyers and sellers) and both sides need to be straight with each other. This should be a SOP for all Poshers! Take the time on your postings.
May 18Reply
bluezebra8 @salleylin this is a great tip. Thank you. I'm working on earn posh ambassador status I'm almost 80% there.
May 25Reply
salleylin @bluezebra8 Hi, you are welcome. Keep on marching towards Posh Ambassador too. I know you will make it and will be a great addition to the program. Take care πŸ™‚
May 26Reply
tanabouncehouse @lasmada you asked about higher price items... in my Experience I’ve mostly had problems with less expensive items, even things under $10, for me low ballers seem to be the biggest complainers/scammers.
Jun 09Reply
gagirl48 I agree about scamming on the lower end. I have had one case opened and it was on a smaller item. It made me want to stop selling all together because I got so paranoid. I have made many sales and people are happy. It is the one bad egg that acts like a used item is brand new on the showroom floor. I always try to be as upfront as possible.
Jun 27Reply
gagirl48 The item never came back also.
Jun 27Reply
velvetmonarch @moneymaker2017 What a great idea! These horror stories make me sad (& pissed!) I've never been scammed or cheated like some of you have, but I got 3 stars on a sale & I was so upset! I'm thinking it didn't fit them, but still don't know why! I'll definitely be recording all of my shipments from now on, just in case! Thanks so much for the info @salleylin , sorry this happened to you🧑
Jul 05Reply
velvetmonarch I just thought of this... We should be able to rate customers AND each Posher should be able to see how many cases you've opened against other Poshers. That we know beforehand if we want to even sell to someone! Hmmmm...
Jul 05Reply
salleylin @velvetmonarch Hi, I am glad this post helped you. Also, you have great ideas which will help everyone. If you get a chance, then you should forward your ideas to Poshmark. Hopefully, they will make your ideas a reality. Take care and please let me know if you need help with anything too. πŸ™‚
Jul 05Reply
velvetmonarch @salleylin πŸ¦‹happy summer & happy Poshing!
Jul 05Reply
salleylin @velvetmonarch Hi, thank you so much. I hope you are enjoying your summer so far too. Take care and have a wonderful day πŸ™‚
Jul 06Reply
rozebudzpetal This is really sad that these types of things happen & it’s discouraging to new sellers. Has anyone had a case opened against them where the videos and pictures they took helped them win the case against the dishonest buyer? Im just curious? And, I don’t understand how sellers are having to refund buyers and NOT get their item back? It seems like the buyers are protected over the sellers in most cases and that’s just not right.
Aug 15Reply
rozebudzpetal So sorry to everyone this has happened to! It seems to be a common thing I keep hearing unfortunately. Thank you for the post! I will most likely start doing the same thing just in case.
Aug 15Reply
_the_rack Thank you for your support and continued inspiration ❀️ πŸ€—
Aug 24Reply
salleylin @_the_rack Hello, you are welcome. I appreciate your support too. Take care and a great weekend 😘😘
Aug 24Reply
_the_rack @salleylin that's true!!!! HAPPY FRIDAY β˜€οΈ 😎
Aug 24Reply
flippintickled Awesome idea! Thanks for sharing! I had a "remorse" case opened on item's color. I had all proof, and Posh left decision up to me. I allowed the return (to be nice); Posh made buyer return item; she wasn't refunded 'til I verified arrival/good condition. BUT BEWARE, since it was a NAD CASE, I STILL got a "DING" against me! My color was accurate, and if I'd known it was going to count against me, I would have stuck to my guns!
Aug 29Reply
mishiyaya I sold a silk blend knit tub to and a short sweater as a set. They came together. They were new without tags the person I sold to obviously was not a medium and when she tried it on the hem of the top elastic tore and she blamed me for it. The items were in pristine condition. I was upset. But backed down. What could I have done. This was an expensive DKNY set
Sep 22Reply
raelynn20 @lanamomof4 Hi, here is the post I am referring too. Thanks
Sep 29Reply
queendivacloset @salleylin Hi there. Do you mind sharing how you reduce your video file size to 5 mb? I'm currently trying to submit video footage for a claim where buyer may have worn a boutique item left tag on it and returned it but I'm having trouble reducing the file size to 5mb. It was 1.5 gb originally but I got it down to 83 mb. Not sure how to further reduce it. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Oct 02Reply
salleylin @queendivacloset Hi, I have not been able to figure out how to compress a video. I just know how to upload a video to Google Drive and then share the video by using Google Drive to Poshmark or sending them a link to the video through Google Drive. Sorry, I couldn’t answer your question. However, I hope your situation works out in your favor too. Take care
Oct 02Reply
queendivacloset @salleylin Thanks so much. This was very helpful. I spent all day trying to reduce size but uploaded to Google drive & shared with poshmark instead which was a breeze and way easier so thank you! β˜ΊπŸ’•
Oct 02Reply
salleylin @queendivacloset Hi, I am glad the information helped you. Again, I hope everything works out in your favor too. Take care and have a blessed day 😘
Oct 03Reply
queendivacloset @salleylin Thanks a lot. She got her refund. They gave me shopping credit. Overall this was a great learning experience and I now know to protect myself by recording all shipments and being more clear in my listings.
Oct 03Reply
salleylin @queendivacloset Hello, I am glad everything worked out for you. The recording/pictures will definitely help you prove your side of the case. Please let me know if I can help you with anything else. Take care and be blessed 😘
Oct 03Reply
merdalonka Thank you so much for sharing, that's horrible! I also have another question. I was trying to post a comment here about 2 times already and that happen to me on other poser listing, that sometimes it just disappear. Do you know anything why is that?
Oct 03Reply
salleylin @merdalonka Hi, you should contact Poshmark support for them to try to help you solve the issue. I have seen other people’s post about this issue too. People’s comments disappear on a post if someone blocks you or if you have an open case then Poshmark will not let you comment in their closet. Again, these were a couple of instances I came across when people’s comments have disappeared.
Oct 03Reply
salleylin @merdalonka When, I contact Poshmark I noticed they are very good about following up with you and solving your issues. Please let me know if you have further questions. Take care πŸ™‚
Oct 03Reply
merdalonka Thank you so much for sharing my listing and quick response. I figure it out already. You know the delate cross button is very pale gray and it's on the right site, so sometimes is hard to see it and also by accident to hit it. I think it's just a bad design of messaging. I think that's what it is. I hope that they will work on it and fixed. Have a wonderful evening darling and again thank you for being supportive! 😍 😘 😍 😘 😍
Oct 03Reply
salleylin @merdalonka Hi, it is great you figured it out. Maybe, they will change how they got the buttons set up now. It was my pleasure sharing your listing on Twitter. I wish many sales for you too. I absolutely love living out here too. Take care and have a wonderful day πŸ™‚
Oct 03Reply
merdalonka Thank you Love. I will be back for sure as I do have more questions but I'm working on something now so maybe later. You to have amazing night!!!!
Oct 03Reply
salleylin @merdalonka Hi, thank you and you enjoy your night too. Take care
Oct 03Reply
gaby_2010 Hi! I am brand new to poshmark and I am so glad I saw this posting! I haven’t added anything to my closet but I have been browsing closets and learning about how poshmark works. Thanks for the very informative post!
Oct 18Reply
paigecallahan Hi! this is so smart! Can i repost?
Nov 16Reply
salleylin @gaby_2010 Hi, I am sorry I just read your comment. Also, I am so glad this post helped you too. Please let me know if you have any questions as I will be glad to help. Happy Poshing πŸ™‚
Nov 17Reply
salleylin @paigecallahan Hi, yes you can repost. Have a wonderful day πŸ™‚
Nov 17Reply
pnwjt I read through this thread and this is super helpful info. I had 3 sales overnight and decided to video the process of packing and shipping today and from now on. My question is, how long do you keep the videos for? For a week or so after you've received payment/rating? Or indefinitely? Thanks!
Dec 01Reply
pnwjt How long do you keep videos for? Obviously until the buyer had recieved the item, but how long after you've received your rating do you keep the videos?
Dec 28Reply
salleylin @pnwjt Hello, I apologize I did not see your previous question until just now. I usually keep my videos until well after I receive my rating. Whenever, my storage gets full I transfer the pictures/video to a portable hard drive. Please let me know if you have further questions. Take care and have a wonderful day πŸ™‚
Dec 28Reply
kimonposhnyc @salleylin This is great advice! I just started selling more on Posh and will absolutely copy this tip! Happy Poshing and thanks for sharing your knowledge with those of us who are newer to the community!
Feb 07Reply
salleylin @khumby Hi, I am glad this post helped you too. Please let me know if you have any questions about Poshmark as I will be glad to help. Take care and have a wonderful day πŸ™‚
Feb 07Reply
amykelley352 Thank you everyone for all the advice. I will be doing the same.
Mar 19Reply
minimode @ambobbin87 that's crazy, I'm so sorry! I have had a few dishonest buyers, but nothing that extreme. How disheartening. I hope you've had a lot of positive experiences to make up for it.
May 10Reply
trendyfashions 2 returns approved in the last week. Not one since 2013. Described exactly and clear photos. Buyer Stated underwear was in a shoe( they were new and not true)and today a bag is to short for her shoulders ( clear about no long strap) approved to return. Measurements accurate. I’m so shocked and frustrated. How do you time stamp? I’ve got to do something. :((
May 26Reply
trendyfashions @jlcline1 same here. Sorry.
May 26Reply
trendyfashions @borntorun6228 have you used it in a case? I was told we can’t use videos( in a posh gossip blog). Mine was about size of a bag. I was clear no straps. She won. Then new shoes buyer said a pair of underwear was in a shoe. NOT! He won. 2 cases since 2013 just this week. Why is PM allowing these returns that are as described? Don’t get it. Sad and frustrated. I work hard at this. I’m sure we all do.
May 26Reply
laviexenrose this is great advice! I’m definitely gonna start doing this. love the sign, it’s cute and effective at the same time πŸ’–
May 31Reply
shoppingmom1993 @salleylin Hi Linda! May I know how you send to Poshmark a video recording? Sorry if this is a dumb question. Thank you!
Jun 05Reply
raelynn20 @kyralee0910 Hi, here is the post. Have a great day πŸ™‚
Jul 02Reply
salleylin @shoppingmom1993 Hi, sorry I didn’t see your question earlier. I save the video on Google Drive and from there you have the option of sharing your video. I just enter Poshmark’s email address and they will receive an email with video attached. I hope this helps. Again, sorry for the late response. Have a wonderful day πŸ™‚
Jul 04Reply
shoppingmom1993 @salleylin No worries😊 Thank you so much for your help. Happy poshing & Happy 4th!!
Jul 04Reply
brittnilb84 @wildwoods you’re exactly right....I was sent the wrong item which was just a simple mistake and the buyer was aware of her mistake but posh Mark only gave me two days to ship her item back and my refund was not issued to me until she received the items back and confirm that she received her items and then my refund was released. Then she just made another post and I purchased the jeans again and she sent the correct ones. It really was a simple mistake but I HAD to return the item to get refund
Aug 07Reply
cmichelle14770 Just read through the entire thread; amazingly helpful! Thank you for all the great suggestions & advice everyone. Have a great day and happy Poshing! ~Christine
Aug 07Reply
lellistx Hello, I am new as buyer and maybe as seller too. I am used to eBay where you can read feedback on the seller and the buyer. It doesn't seem like there is a way to do that here, or I am just missing it?? I always relied on rating and feedback heavily, especially if an item I am interested in is listed for about same price by several sellers. Since most of you seem like primarily sellers, how would you advise a newbie to evaluate a seller. I appreciate the tips on selling.
Aug 24Reply
salleylin @linztx Hi, there you are exactly right there isn’t any feedback to go on. I review their listings and see if there are any bad comments, length of time on Poshmark and also I check the love notes too. It really kind of like a hit and miss sometimes. I hope this helps you. Please let me know if you have further questions. Have a great day πŸ˜€
Aug 24Reply
naked_mannequin @salleylin what do you mean record packaging ?
Aug 31Reply
design30 I'm new to Posh Mark this year & I really appreciate your valuable information. I've been blessed & had fabulous buyers to date. However I will do this going forward. Thanks for taking your time to help all of our PM community. πŸ’–πŸ‘—πŸ‘ πŸ‘œπŸ‘”
Sep 15Reply
design30 I do have a you include a note or card in each package regarding the fact that the item has been videoed & pictures taken before mailing for everyone's protection? Thanks again for your help!πŸ’–πŸ‘—πŸ‘ πŸ‘œπŸ‘”
Sep 15Reply
jhorn816 @design30 when I ship the item I comment on my listing saying β€œ hi ! item has been photographed and shipped enjoy! β€œ Nice and friendly but stilll letting them know they won’t get away with trying to scam me or get a return from posh
Sep 20Reply
design30 @jhorn816 Many thanks for sharing my your fabulous idea!πŸ’–πŸ‘—πŸ‘ πŸ‘œπŸ‘”
Sep 20Reply
liz_tapan I had a sale overnight, high priced item ($200) and I was excited! Then I tried to check the buyer profile and there is no info! No sales, no likes, no listings. 2 pictures for profile and that’s it. Should I be skeptical? I’m worried I’m being scammed for sure and don’t want to lose my item! Any advice?
Sep 24Reply
psu346 @salleylin how does poshmark know of what I recorded is exactly what I sent?
Sep 24Reply
psu346 @ambobbin87 I had a girl tell me I sold her fake stuff and then she told me that she said it only bc she didn’t like the color and didn’t know how to get her money back
Sep 24Reply
salleylin @design30 Hi, I just seen your comment. I don’t put a note inside letting the customer know. I just have this listing advertised at the top of my closet so the customer will know before they purchase.
Sep 26Reply
salleylin @liz_tapan Hi, there I just seen your comment. In these cases you really don’t know. I have sold to customers like this too. I have have not had any issues. I am hoping this sale will go well for you too. I wish I could be of more help. Thanks
Sep 26Reply
salleylin @psu346 Hi, there I know Poshmark goes through a series of step to determine the validity. I added 2 additional pictures to this post from Poshmark’s FAQ’s. and it explains in detail what steps they take. I hope this helps. Happy Poshing πŸ˜€
Sep 26Reply
bansloftu I do the same! 😍
Sep 26Reply
salleylin @bansloftu Awesome! Have a wonderful day πŸ˜€
Sep 26Reply
salleylin @psu346 Hi, I decided to add three pictures instead of two. Have a great day πŸ˜€
Sep 26Reply
psu346 @salleylin awesome! Thank you
Sep 26Reply
design30 @salleylin Many thanks for your help!πŸ’–πŸ‘—πŸ‘ πŸ‘œπŸ‘”
Sep 26Reply
eastsidesusan @salleylin & everyone else who left helpful suggestions, thank you! I just started selling here but have been seeing the issue of shady buyers/false claims pop up more and more. It's really disheartening and I'm not yet sure I'll stay here but I appreciate all the input to consider while I'm mulling it over. Wishing many happy sales to all ...and NO SCAMS! -Sβ™₯︎
Oct 31Reply
salleylin @eastsidesusan Hi, I am glad this post helped you too. If you have any ideals to help fight these scammers, then please do share as we are here to help one another. Have a wonderful day and thank you for sharing your story πŸ˜€
Oct 31Reply
eastsidesusan @salleylin Right now, all I can say is in my 15+ years on eBay I've learned to post detailed pics & describe anything that might even possibly be an issue in such detail as to make it sound worse than it is. Never a single problem there. Posh descriptions do have character limits though πŸ€”Guess I'll be taking video of every transaction unless/until I come up with something better. What a pain. πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈThanks for the reply! I'll be checking back here for ideas, or to share any I come up with! _Sβ™₯
Oct 31Reply
innerbeautyposh @lemonposh SAME! But important, sadly! 😱😒😘
Nov 01Reply
hilaria05 Hi im semi new to posh. does anyone know what happens if lets say i, the seller, gets an open case where the buyer says that they never received their package? what happens to my earnings? will they dissapear or would poshmark help the buyer by returning their money and leave the buyer with nothing left?
Nov 25Reply
elizabethonposh @salleylin hey there, do you make the recording on your phone and is a tripod needed? I'm imagining that both hands are tied-up in the packing process.
Dec 14Reply
salleylin @elizabethonposh Hi, I am so sorry I missed your comment. I just record with my IPhone and take pictures. FYI... if a case is opened there is only an option to submit pictures and not videos unless this has changed recently. I annotated in the comments I was submitting a video through email so they can expect it.
Jan 02Reply
elizabethonposh @salleylin, "np" and thank you for sharing that you anonnate in the comments.
Jan 02Reply
salleylin @elizabethonposh Hi, you are welcome. I am glad I could help by sharing. Have a wonderful day and take care 😘
Jan 03Reply
laraswardrobe @salleylin having been selling things online since I was 18(now 30) off and on. Sad we have to post things like this because of greedy people being scammers! Thanks for coming by my page and sharing. I would never have seen this otherwise.
Jan 06Reply
salleylin @laraswardrobe Hi, you are very welcome. Yes, it is definitely a shame we have to do this. Thank you for stopping by here too. Have a wonderful day 😘
Jan 06Reply
ednapontellier @salleylin I went to and could not figure out how to see a template.
Jan 08Reply
salleylin @ednapontellier Hi, there I just clicked on the search option and inputted something thing close to what I was searching for. I happened to found the template. This was only way for me I was able to find anything.
Jan 09Reply
ednapontellier @salleylin Great. Thanks!
Jan 09Reply
stylish_yan Hey love please feel free to check out my closet ! ❀️
Jan 24Reply
countrysocal I'm new to selling on here. I had no idea this was even something that was an issue for seller's. thank you for this valuable information. I'll have to figure out how to make a sign and post this in my closet as well. I'm also trying to figure out the community side of posh as well. any advice would be appreciated 😊
Feb 08Reply
salleylin @countrysocal Hi, I apologize I missed your comment earlier. I am glad this post helped you. Please let me know if you have any questions as I will be glad to help. Have a wonderful day πŸ˜€
Feb 11Reply
salleylin @cj1976cj Hi, there sorry to hear what happened. Yes, you made a valid point about altering it. I have submitted photos and/or videos and I have not had any issues. I don’t know how Poshmark validates the information. If a case is opened make sure you submit all of your proof.
Mar 01Reply
luvkitty Thank you so much for all the shares!😊😊😊
Mar 22Reply
cassandraaly804 Thanks for the post I found it helpful. I sold a new with tags dress for $10. I never wore it and I just wanted to get rid of it. It was super cute in perfect condition. The buyer has accused it of having a thred pull that would pull all the flower designs out on it but I know I sent it in perfect condition. she’s also commenting on the listing so it might affect other buyers. What happens if she pulled the thred will they let her return it?
Jun 26Reply
salleylin @cassandraaly804 Hi, there I’m glad this post helped you. I’ve definitely learned a lot through Poshers sharing their experiences. If the buyer pulled the thread and is claiming she received it in that condition, then the buyer will have to submit proof (example: photos). Then, you will have to make sure you submit photos and explain your side of the case in the comments section so Poshmark can determine the condition.
Jun 26Reply
salleylin @cassandraaly804 I hope everything works out in your favor. Thank you for reaching out too.
Jun 26Reply
pajonablessings Please explain #2 to me, it may because I just woke up, but I keep reading it as "you cannot use a video as proof."
Jul 19Reply
pajonablessings Thanks for this info πŸ™‚ Do you record dropping off ar Post Office, like I have heard some ebay sellers do?
Jul 19Reply
amypr23 @salleylin I am so glad I saw this today. I have been poshing for awhile- have been lied to on at least 5 purchases of things being in great condition and they are covered in huge stain and bleached out stains which they obviously knew about- I filed claims and they were granted for refunds.
Aug 14Reply
amypr23 Today I had my first claim filled against me- the pictures she posted are not even of the child’s Patagonia fleece she bought from me- it’s covered in pilling and hair- I don’t even have a pet. And is 100% not the jacket I shipped. I looked at her profile and it is filled with Patagonia stuff even the same size she bought from me at a cheaper price so I’m guessing she purchases to resell.
Aug 14Reply
amypr23 Who knows what they are going to do about her claim but it will be total crap if approve her claim and refund her and she sends me back that trashed fleece she is claiming is what I sent. It’s sad that this is what it comes to because people can’t be honest but your suggestion is a great way to help prevent this.
Aug 14Reply
thesouthernbx @liz_tapan Hi, I just had the same thing happen to me. New seller with an id of guest something and named β€œPosh Mark”, no listings, no followers etc. I may end up canceling the sale. It just makes me nervous.
Aug 25Reply
zoey0507 Advice on what to say when buyer opens a case? The dress is brand new with tags. She claims the material was thin, see through and cheap. She said that she is a heavier set (body type). She says the dress does not have any bra underwire and I didn’t state in the description. It’s true though. I did put a photo of me wearing it and it was not see through and supported me. I would not know how it would look on a different body type as I am a smaller frame.
Sep 25Reply
esquala Why doesn't Poshmark make available a buyer's history? Say if a buyer has more than x number of cases opened, this information would be available to a seller? Good Lord, how much of these problems could be avoided altogether?
Oct 15Reply
tessshore I had this happen to me a few times. How did you make the pictures for this post? I want to do the same thing...
Jan 26Reply
kp_slayedme @hilaria05 I just experienced this. I sold a purse and the buyer said they never received it. Posh refunded them and they also gave me the money I would have made from the sale.
Jan 29Reply
keikeicola @salleylin hi! Quick question. Do sellers get access to the complaints shoppers post in their claims? Would they know what I listed was wrong with the item they sent me?
Apr 28Reply
htownann Is a buyer who had their return request denied allowed to leave a negative rating?
May 21Reply
longtallposh @londyncalling I complained twice about it and they just paid me for the listing. So she got her money back and the skirt and I got paid.
Jul 15Reply
emilyrobins6676 A buyer just bought an item in my closet and now there’s no profile for her..any suggestions? Suspicious name also-ton of letters and numbers..Posh still has the sale open with the option to download the shipping label.
Sep 09Reply

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