Meet your Posher, Tasha
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Hi! I'm Tasha. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

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Welcome to Poshmark 🎉🎉 I'm so glad you joined our community! If you have any questions about the app, please click "reply" below and I'll do my best to help! 😁🎉🎉
Apr 26Reply

Thank you for your recent purchase. I just checked the tracking and it should arrive today no later than tomorrow. If you have any questions or concerns don't hesitate to contact me. I am also located in GA
Aug 18Reply

@triad2x3 okay thanks! The shoes are for a co- worker. I seen the damage on the front she still wanted it. lol how bad is the marks I'm just asking.
Aug 18Reply

The mark is not bad at all I actually should have fixed it but I didn't get around to it and I reduce them so low but a little white Polish will cover it They are in very good condition only that one little spot thank you and I hope that your co-worker enjoys them I just posted some new ones also
Aug 18Reply

@triad2x3 okay 👌🏿 I will tell her to put some white polish on it. Thanks! Okay
Aug 18Reply

Hey beautiful lady thank you so much for shopping with me . I will ship those lovely shoes out for you Monday!💐
Aug 20Reply

You welcome
Aug 20Reply

Thank you for the like, offers are welcome if you're interested :)
Aug 20Reply

Hi tashy I will be shipping your shirt tomorrow I have not been able to stop at the PO ! Thank you 😊
Aug 22Reply

Sorry I meant Tasha🙈
Aug 22Reply

Hi Tasha. I countered your offer. It's only $2 more than what you offered. Hope we can agree :) I'm trying to buy something for my little one with the earnings I would get. Thank you
Aug 23Reply

On the foot of the shoe is there any discoloration?
Aug 23Reply

@tashafly no discoloration
Aug 23Reply

@tashafly I added new pictures. Hope it helps
Aug 23Reply

Thank you for the rating have a Terrific Thursday!
Aug 24Reply

@tashafly Hi I'm Cindy! ☺️
Welcome ot Poshmark!
Feel free to reach out with any questions!
Happy poshing!
Sep 30Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!!!!
Oct 14Reply

Hey Tasha!!😉This is Sheri Fox 🦊🤗 Thank you for stopping by my Closet tonight and liking the Sweater Dress! If you have any questions please feel Free to Ask me Ok! I offer 15% Off for New Customers Only ! 2+ in a Bundle. Purchase made of $50+ you Earn a FREE Gift from me! Hopfully Ttys Sheri🦊🌻
Nov 17Reply

I will take $125 for the St. John jacket. I’m confused about it being in a bundle?
Dec 07Reply

Make an offer on the shoes!
Feb 28Reply

Hi Tasha! I see that you’ve already purchased an item from me.. I can’t go any lower on the adidas Hoodie that you’ve just made an offer on, but if you bundle both of your items together, you won’t have to pay shipping twice 🌸
Apr 29Reply

@xoxo_shopaholic ok thanks.
Apr 30Reply

@tashafly Thank you for visiting my closet
May 02Reply

@tashafly hi tasha!🐛🌼🍃🌿did you get my new counteroffer on st.john?? 🤗🤗🐝let me know you love the price!! 😃
May 05Reply

sold!!! make that offer again. I will accept😀😃☺🙂🙃🤗
May 05Reply

@agray72 sweetie this is Poshmart not Saks fifth avenue. It’s called let’s make a deal “OFFER” If you don’t like my offers do what you suppose to do decline...... more money in my pocket! Blessings on your day!
May 17Reply

Take a look at my closet! Lots of Adidas, Nike, Polo, Gucci & Supreme. Feel free to make an offer or ask about bundling for a 25% discount 😃 Happy Poshing!
May 17Reply

Hi Tosha thank you for your offer on the Adidas leggings those are my moms and she’s wanting to at least get back what she paid for them the lowest I could go on those would be $38 and that will cover your shipping😊
May 17Reply

@hughestoyou okay I want them
May 18Reply

@tashafly thank you for your purchase Tasha😊 I will be shipping your adidas leggings today. Have a fun weekend. 😊
May 18Reply

Welcome to Poshmark
Dec 09Reply

Hey there, can you please give me your address again?
Dec 10Reply

Sorry wrong person lol
Dec 10Reply

@lpotts80 it’s okay 😀
Dec 12Reply

aloha @tashafly just fyi, i saw u 'liked' the stuart weitzman satin bow heels, size 8.5 & the gal purchased it from me (for $32). verify thru sold listing. happy holidays.
Dec 13Reply

@kaileia_kai thanks!!! Lol I won’t be purchasing it for that price 😂
Dec 14Reply

@tashafly yah she's totally ripping people off. best to unlike it. i would.
Dec 14Reply

@kaileia_kai ok I will thanks
Dec 14Reply

@kaileia_kai check it now it’s done
Dec 14Reply

@kaileia_kai All the resellers do this. It’s how Poshmark is a company. People buy things at thrift for a few dollars and resell to people looking for those particular items. I am reporting you for harassment. This behavior is unbecoming and Poshmark does not support it.
Dec 14Reply

@poshyroxy & @goshletmeposh u both are reported for harassment & i'm a concerned citizen, who's just warning others NOT to be taken advantage of. it's NOT a thrift item either & i did not write 'psychotic' on anyone's profile, just as u did.
Dec 14Reply

@kaileia_kai You sold the shoes for your full asking price, got 5 stars and are now throwing your customer under the bus for doing what all resellers do. THIS is more concerning to Poshmark I imagine. You harass resellers for being resellers? Attend poshfest sister - they TEACH YOU how to do exactly this! She is doing exactly what Poshmark WANTS. You are the one causing the waves and would be the concern to PM.
Dec 14Reply

@kaileia_kai AND.....drumroll.... she is STILL only asking about 25% of what these shoes retail for! I have several pairs and they run $400+. 🙄🙄🙄
Dec 14Reply

Hi there! I have some great items in my closet that I think you will love! I would love if you would stop by and take a look around! Happy shopping! 🤗💕
Feb 07Reply

Hey there- I can give you a discount if youre interested in my shoes ❤️
Jan 12Reply

@brookmstein00 okay great! Thanks
Jan 12Reply

@tashafly sure feel free to offer !💕
Jan 12Reply

Hello I’m just stopping by to say hello and invite you to check out my closet. All of my items are Designer Brands NWT and deeply discounted. Please take a look and I would be more than happy to help. I ship immediately! Have a great day ☀️
Jun 17Reply
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