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Updated Jul 07
Updated Jul 07

Meet your Posher, Melissa ♡♡♡♡

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Melissa. Some of my favorite brands are PINK Victoria's Secret,(hoodies)especially sequined and Blingy ones. Coach, Sanrio,Aeropostal, D.C. shoes, Ed Hardy,Juicy Coture,Hello Kitty .Thanks for stopping by! My closet is ALWAYS buy one get one half off. I ALWAYS ship same or next day☆ ALL sales include a FREE gift as well. All orders also come gift wrapped. My number one priority is to make my customers HAPPY! !!! Also I ask that you PLEASE ACCEPT AND LEAVE FEEDBACK THE DAY YOU RECEIVE
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eyecandybydidi @maceface9210 Welcome to Posh, the most addicting app for selling & shopping! If you have any questions please feel free to ask. Come take a peek inside my closet as I am always adding new items! 😊
Jun 07Reply
skinnybiitch Welcome . ❤️💚🤗
Jun 07Reply
jsfashion101 Hey sweetie I just wanna let you know, I know your new but if you bundle and offer you only have to pay shipping once. Instead of each time 💕
Jul 15Reply
swerley18 Hello!! Thanks for the likes. Please feel free to bundle and save!!
Jul 17Reply
maceface9210 @swerley18 hello thanks xoxox I will definitely be coming back to your closet this friday. Xoxo
Jul 17Reply
nyc_apple Welcome to Poshmark, Melissa. 😊
Jul 17Reply
baness27 @maceface9210 I can accept your offer on Ⓜ️erc🅰️to for the rainbow set
Jul 18Reply
maceface9210 @nyc_apple thank u doo much I CAN'T stop lol
Jul 18Reply
nyc_apple @maceface9210 I know what you mean. Posh is addicting! 😳
Jul 18Reply
maceface9210 @nyc_apple beyond addicting !!!! Xoxo
Jul 18Reply
globalboutique @maceface9210 Thank you for the very kind compliments about my Closet. I sincerely appreciate it.
Jul 19Reply
bbunny420 Hey girlfriend thanks for checking out my closet lemme know if you have any questions. I try to add new items frequently so keep stopping by. 15% off all bundles, I do accept reasonable offers. Mind you mY prices are not firm by any means, they're Just suggestions. I'd love to hook you up with a nice deal girlfriend❣️😽 I also give surprise gifts w any purchase, happy shopping ❣️🛍💰 Much love 🖤 •B P.s. Bundle your likes n I'll send you a special private offer❣️
Jul 19Reply
sweetie417 Hi Melissa. If you bundle the Coach and Ed Hardy purse you will get a discount
Jul 19Reply
bbunny420 Feel free to bundle up couple of ur likes bitch can send u a special discount, I can get it out in today's mail n plus great surprise gifts!!
Jul 19Reply
maceface9210 @bbunny420 that's awesome girl xox I'll definitely b bundling and offering Friday I have only been poshing like three weeks and I'm completely addicted
Jul 19Reply
maceface9210 @sweetie417 okay I'll definitely b back after my paycheck posts. I'm on her by 4 am daily lol
Jul 19Reply
maceface9210 @bbunny420 and if people hold for me I write it down on paper that way I keep my word haha I've seen so MANY poshers asking to hold then they don't buy . I definitely DONT wanna b that kind of a posher. I spend roughly $200 a week online shopping xoxo love ti
Jul 19Reply
bbunny420 Welcome to your new addiction. Welcome to posh btw!!! It's a great place to sell n shop. I guarantee all my items are in the best condition possible and I'm not here to sell garbage like some ppl... once you get browsing you'll know which closets look well put together and others that look like a garage sale. But I have awesome reviews and take your time I'm always here n adding new things😽😽
Jul 19Reply
sweetie417 @maceface9210 okay thanks 🌻🌻🌻🙂🙂🙂
Jul 19Reply
sweetie417 @maceface9210 I will share them in your closet🌺🌺🌺
Jul 19Reply
bbunny420 Oh yes. If there's a item or two u want me to hold I have no problem doing so 😽😽 n if u don't come back Friday then oh well lol I'll put it back up for sale. I don't do holds for that purpose but I want u to have a excellent polish experience so if there's something u love n want me to hold just lemme know 😽
Jul 19Reply
lauralynnstore Good morning thank you for browsing If I can be of any help pls let me know. Have a wonderful day!
Jul 19Reply
maceface9210 @lauralynnstore thank u so much xoxo
Jul 19Reply
maceface9210 @bbunny420 okay I need to take a break I've been looking at my phone for three hour now and my vision all fuzzy hahaha DEF let you know very shortly I promise
Jul 19Reply
bbunny420 Girl posh world is so addicting
Jul 19Reply
kimfuentes I just noticed that your new to Poshmark so I wanted to say welcome you already know my closet details of 25% off if you buy 3 or more items and pay shipping once I am also open to reasonable offers but I feel my closet is reasonably priced so half off offers won't be accepted I hope you have fun on Poshmark I certainly do I'm working on my fourth year enjoy
Jul 19Reply
maceface9210 @kimfuentes ohh I LOVE posh too. And I feel u on the offers I wish I can pay like double shipping for the items that are being held. I'm very lucky to be finding such nice non greedy people on here.
Jul 19Reply
kimfuentes @maceface9210 thank you for the compliments and let me know if I can help in any way
Jul 19Reply
hazeymae11 @maceface9210 Good Morning !! Thx for visiting our closet. Make a bundle offer :) We always say yes.!! Have a great day !!
Jul 20Reply
maceface9210 @kh6861 thanks and good morning to you xoxo i only make offers when I have the funds. Lol other day I made offer she took it but payment couldn't be processed I was so embarrassed lmao she's holding it but I don't like asking since I'm new lmao
Jul 20Reply
hazeymae11 @maceface9210 Oh I totally understand !! But when you do ... We seriously say yes to offers :) Don't be shy, and don't feel like you are low balling. It no longer fits us, that's why we are selling :) Our Bundle discount is low only because we have $3 / $4 / & $5 dollar items !! But whenever you are ready ... Just go for it :) TTYS
Jul 20Reply
maceface9210 @kh6861 awesome great to know! !!!! I spend about $200/ week on here then I shop on Amazon and wish hahaha post office prob looks in my pigs since I'm ordering so many cool things hahah . See u Fri
Jul 20Reply
hazeymae11 @maceface9210 That's hilarious :) you shop like me !! I always shop on here & online !!
Jul 20Reply
maceface9210 @kh6861 yup I'm shopping non stop. It my addiction. I figure its cheaper than a drug dealer lol and way cheaper than a psychologist ")
Jul 20Reply
hazeymae11 @maceface9210 💯 TRUE !!!!!
Jul 20Reply
maceface9210 @kh6861 I've only been on posh like 4 weeks and I think I've purchased lile 10 items already. I LOVE this its like a huge thrift store. I also live across the street from one. I have three closets full of name brand clothing. But I still keep buying lmao
Jul 20Reply
hazeymae11 @maceface9210 ♥️ That's ok !! It's awesome deals & you look fabulous :) For a fraction of the cost !!!!
Jul 20Reply
maceface9210 @kh6861 indeed save bunches of money to buy more things. My hubby told me the other day. That he rather I shop at the mall??? I said uhhh I'd rather have like quantity lol i can't stand mall prices let alone their sales tax . Here they charge like 11%
Jul 20Reply
hazeymae11 @maceface9210 oh wow !! Yeah I never go to malls. I think the last time I did was about 15 years ago !! True !!
Jul 20Reply
cruella24 Welcome to my closet and let me know if I can help you with anything!😊💐💕
Jul 20Reply
maceface9210 @kh6861 right I went about two mo. Ago I had a Rainbow Bright hoodie made lol
Jul 20Reply
maceface9210 @cruella24 THANK YOU so much xoxo so many nice people on here I'm amazed I'm addicted
Jul 20Reply
cruella24 @maceface9210 Since last year I had an injury and had to stay home I found Poshmark and been addicted ever since too! Love it 😍
Jul 20Reply
maceface9210 @cruella24 oh bless your heart I know the feeling I havnt worked since I was in a car wreck. I got paid but my shoulder is permanently damaged. I was at a stop on the interstate and rear ended by suv going 70 mph
Jul 20Reply
cruella24 @maceface9210 Oh, they have to redo surgery on my shoulder and hopefully just take out the metal plate because the screws are unscrewing and pinching my nerves when I move. Waiting for more muscle/bone growth before they do the next surgery so I definitely feel with you. 💐💕
Jul 20Reply
maceface9210 @cruella24 omggg were like twins I've had 18 surgeries on shoulder alone . I've been under the knife about 27 times total. Then u get addicted to pain pills . So I took myself off the opiates and getting treatment. I've been pill free for 2 years now woohooo its an epidemic now.
Jul 20Reply
maceface9210 Opiates are the number one leading cause of death now . Instead of heart disease
Jul 20Reply
juliazukerberg Hi posher! I noticed you liked multiple items of mine! I give huge discounts when you bundle so please consider making a bundle! Happy poshing!!
Jul 20Reply
maceface9210 @juliazukerberg oh I DEF will I only offer when I have the $$ in acct . I'm a newbie so I have to ask for holds. Then I'm writing down (since I have so many) and tomorrow morning its ON like donkey kong. I just hope poshers will trust me enough to hold. I WONT ask IF I think I wantb it. I only ask if it's something like I HAVE to have/need. Like I'm infatuated with bikinis skulls hand bags right now lmao
Jul 20Reply
maceface9210 I spend $200+ a week . IVR been on posh like maybe 4 weeks and I have purchased like ten times hehehehehe
Jul 20Reply
juliazukerberg @maceface9210 awesome! I'm totally good to hold things for you so just let me know! And I'm going to try to post more things today!!
Jul 20Reply
maceface9210 Oh and Jean skirts with dc's or converse after I lost weight I had to change my look cuz my brand of jeans was discontinued so if u happen to come across Angel jeans size 0-1. Lemme know xoxox thanks xoxoxo
Jul 20Reply
cruella24 @maceface9210 Yes, constant pain so I'm hoping after next surgery and take these screws/plate out of my shoulder I can get off the meds. Can't function or do much and it's driving me nuts. Got rear ended one week with my hubby and the next week with his daughter. I got permanent damage in my neck/back. Probably my shoulder now too. Crazy, and congratulations getting yourself healthy! 😊💐
Jul 20Reply
cruella24 @maceface9210 Oh, will check for jeans 👖 when I'm scrolling for you too! 🌹
Jul 20Reply
maceface9210 @cruella24 OHHH u poor thing . Sounds like my luck when I was 16 I was in a rollover wouldn't b alive if vehicle had 4 doors. Then the day my case closed for the 70 mph crash I got rear ended at a stop again by someone doing 47 mph. I ended up in the front middle of the car. Worst concussion in my whole life SOooo horrible and thanks for looking for Angel jeans I really appreciate that
Jul 20Reply
saundrazim @maceface9210 hi Melissa wish you all good luck here at Poshmark I'll be back soon to check out your closet have fun Melissa! 🏍
Jul 20Reply
maceface9210 @saundrazim thanks I'm NOT selling I NEED to my roomate smokes in our apt so I'm too scared and embarrassed to post I have tons like three closets full of name brand clothing too i have over 30 pairs of jeans that no longer fit all great condition too "/
Jul 20Reply
cruella24 @maceface9210 Driving is scary nowadays but I don't drive in my condition so I just worry about my hubby because that's what he does for a living. You take care and will keep in touch 😁
Jul 20Reply
saundrazim @maceface9210 oh that's a hard situation there is always something happening with all our friends my friends theirs always drama but what can you do, good luck Melissa text me anytime 🏍
Jul 20Reply
maceface9210 @cruella24 oh I'd worry too. And most definitely will keep in touch xoxo
Jul 20Reply
maceface9210 @saundrazim I really wanna sell tho. What would u do??? I think when clothes are washed I don't think the smell goes away does it???
Jul 20Reply
saundrazim @maceface9210 you could look on line for solution, but just off the top of my head I think a wash and hang anything in the sun & air then a dryer with good smelling dryer sheets. Maybe? 🏍
Jul 20Reply
maceface9210 @saundrazim that sounds like an idea. Is it worth it? I know posh get $2.95 if sold item is less than $15 than anything higher they get 20%. Is that why shipping is so costly?
Jul 20Reply
bbunny420 I ndont need anymore bags I have endless amounts
Jul 21Reply
maceface9210 @bbunny420 I shared it to msger
Jul 21Reply
maceface9210 I'll share the hoodie I'm talk in bout too
Jul 21Reply
maceface9210 @pradajewel37 umm I think u have the wrong person I don't even have cleats on my like page xoxo
Jul 21Reply
maceface9210 @pradajewel37 do the miss me jeans that are 12 in girls they fit a size zero? Some brands I can get away with size 10-12 just depends on the brand
Jul 21Reply
maceface9210 @pradajewel37 that's awesome u think u can hold the jeans I just spent over $200 on posh tday alone!!!!!!!! Ahhhhh can't stop my hubby gonna kill me i STILL havnt even bought these $40 D.C. shoes that are on hold either ima crt I think
Jul 21Reply
maceface9210 @pradajewel37 next Friday? If too long I understand xoxo i do keep my word wait til u see my stats next week at this time I just received 5 things yesterday ALONE that don't co in wish and amazon either uhhh I have a problem
Jul 21Reply
maceface9210 Hahaha if I do that I be broke dude Lmao i have to wait til next Fri
Jul 21Reply
nyc_apple Sorry we couldn't get your bundle worked out today. I'm heading out of town for the weekend but will be back Monday. If you're still interested in your items tag me and we'll go from there. Have a great weekend. 😊
Jul 21Reply
maceface9210 @nyc_apple omg I made it the forgot because my vision was horrid from looking at my phone sorry
Jul 21Reply
angedufrane Hey boo just checking if you want dem sneakers yet :)
Jul 21Reply
maceface9210 @angedufrane my hubby gonna kill me omggg I spent so much I didn't realize go fast sh. I mean stuff adds up cuz of shipping I spent omgg dude like $247..........I'm in tears cuz I'm scared he gonna like take my debit card .....I'm new I did SO wrong by making all these posh promises because I really LOVE TOO much STUFF I really want these tho .........; (; (; (; (; (; (; (; ( ( ( (
Jul 21Reply
maceface9210 Wish edit was way sooner I'd ohhh I crying girl I don't wanna upset anyone EVER because I'm new and I want hold n poshers to trust in me ; (
Jul 21Reply
maceface9210 @angedufrane tell u what IF my hubby don't notice which good possibility he won't cuz his check was for 70 hours he makes 32$/ hr it time and half after 40 hours so if he don't notice in a couple days u DAM RIGHT I'm buying
Jul 21Reply
maceface9210 @angedufrane when is the BEST time to contact you???
Jul 21Reply
janimack7 Hi, MᏋLIᎦᎦᏘ❣👋🏽 I'm Jan! Great to officially meet you! If you need any help if/when you start to sell, let me know. I will share your items and answer any questions you might have! POSH can be a little tricky when you are new! Hope you are having a great experience here!
Jul 22Reply
maceface9210 @janimack7 hi xoxo thank u so much I spent $347 yesterday so I'm in big trouble ima take a break for week or two lmao but I'll b window shopping lol
Jul 22Reply
janimack7 When you start to sell, you won't feel so bad buying! Let me know if you need help...😄💞
Jul 23Reply
maceface9210 @janimack7 oh I would LOVE to sell but my hubby smokes in the house and I KNOW stuff would smell really bad even AFTER I wash I'll b wayyy too embarrassed if someone like refunded I would like NEVER get over it lol . I have three closets FULL of name brand clothing
Jul 23Reply
breanne1313 😂😂😂😂LOL love it @soulcrucher716 has the best closet with wonderful conversation peices ....stop by sometime and say hello..Im sure you'll see something you are you princess will love 😉😘😘
Jul 23Reply
maceface9210 @breanne1313 oh I'm sure I will too and I'll DEF be returning to your closet
Jul 23Reply
maceface9210 @pradajewel37 right my phone does that all the time. Spell check only works when it wants to lol anyways yes I want I'm sorry I spent 347$ Friday buying most of my holds. 17/20 eeek my hubby is livid so I'm grounded til Fri lmao
Jul 23Reply
maceface9210 @pradajewel37 oh no i have a stalker to it kinds flattering in a way but then it like okay me stuff lmao jk and sounds good I'll b back
Jul 23Reply
maceface9210 @pradajewel37 my name is Melissa xoxo
Jul 23Reply
anne1993cc @maceface9210 I'm so glad you found my page and like some of my listings! I ❤️ the stuff your picking btw!! I want you to know I ALWAYS do AWESOME bundle deals usually between 25-50% off entire bundled price! Or sometimes I will add one of your likes for free with your purchase! Can't wait for Friday to come babes🤗 Is there anything in particular your looking for bc I have 5 huge bags of clothing to list !
Jul 23Reply
annalee73 Holding DC shoes for you ❤
Jul 23Reply
lauralynnstore Sorry I have a lot of inventory Come get it Is for you so pretty😃
Jul 23Reply
sapp12 @maceface9210 Welcome to Poshmark , I do accept offers, let me know if you are interested push the bundle button on this item ,I can send private offer.,if you like.
Jul 23Reply
maceface9210 @sapp12 thanks so much that's how I spent $347 Friday by bundling my holds ;) if available I'll see u fri
Jul 23Reply
maceface9210 @lauralynnstore haha okay I'm on my way lmao hahaha oh I wish I didn't soend almost $400 Friday
Jul 23Reply
sapp12 @maceface9210 ok just let me know.thanks
Jul 23Reply
densko Thanks for liking my shorts!
Jul 23Reply
chloe42_ @maceface9210 hi welcome to posh! Thanks for checking out my closet! Feel free to make an offer if you see anything and I can hold stuff for you too :)
Jul 24Reply
cindyklatt Hi! Welcome to PoshMark! I came to share but you don't have anything listed! Lol. Start selling!! I hope you enjoy browsing, selling & shopping. It's fun and addicting.😝 I can't wait to see what you fill your closet with. If you have questions, please feel free to ask! 💚💙💜
Jul 24Reply
maceface9210 @cindyklatt I would and NEED to sell buy my hubby freaking smokes in the house I'm too embarrassed to list stuff because I know it smell like stale second hand smoke. I'd b doing NOTHING but refunds . Lol u know of a way to completely remove the smell???? Even after washing I KNOW it still smells especially to a non smoker
Jul 24Reply
cindyklatt @maceface9210 I don't have a clue unfortunately. You should look online for solutions. However, even if you got the smoke smell out, you would not be able to store the items you list in the house because it would seep right back in. That could be an issue. Good luck with that one. 🙃
Jul 24Reply
lauralynnstore Hello just wanted to give you a happy monday update . I saved you the ed hardy bag you wanted I will re post it Friday just let me know ahead of time I sold nearly everything this weekend . take care Thank you for checking out my closet
Jul 24Reply
maceface9210 @cindyklatt yup cuz I have a sonic nose. I'd b way too embarrassed if hubby wants me to sell he'll have to rent me a storage unit or he can just smoke outside lol but he pays all bills so I don't say anything lol
Jul 24Reply
cindyklatt @maceface9210 Storage room is a good idea but might be lots of work going back n forth. And could be expensive. So just shop!!!!! Lol
Jul 24Reply
p1nked4evr @maceface9210 thought I would come check out your profile and have a pic to go with the name. Cute cute pics!! Now start listing some stuff girlie! Get your shopping fund fed by your sales! Let me know if you have any questions, I've been on posh since October 2015 and I have been having a blast! Bought/sold some MAJOR treasures on here
Jul 24Reply
brittalyss Hey when you do get ready to order I'll give you a discount on the items you liked
Jul 25Reply
maceface9210 @p1nked4evr thank u soo much xoxo i I DEF NEED to sell I'm em ambarrassed to say my hubby smokes in the apt. I'm scared my clothes would smell even AFTER washing but I did just receive a shirt lile doused in dryer sheet smell it gave me a headache lmao smelled great hahah so if I list like iuyit may have second hand smoke odor they won't buy will THey? ?
Jul 25Reply
cashmere I can bundle all for $60?
Jul 25Reply
maceface9210 @emmielhayes well shoot. Whee u been my whole posh life? My entire month new hahah anyways ain't that a DEAL! !!!!!? Too bad I'm broke til Fri i spent $347 Fri so hubby grounded me til this Fri but I already have my limit of holds so I may or Will take advantage first week of Aug wish I would have found u sooner I LOVE that pink purse with the lol star my daughter would love it xoxo i can't wear her earrings I'm highly allergic to nickel and surgical steel lol
Jul 25Reply
michelle3167 Thank you for the like and welcome to poshmark I always give everyone the chance to hold if they mess up I don't repeat thanks again🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
Jul 25Reply
maceface9210 @michelle3167 I just got to your closet xoxox xoxox that exactly why I DONT ask to hold unless I'm serious about the buy. That how I spent $347 last Friday I bought ALL 17/20 holds posher didn't re edit to but the Iither three . Lol so I'm grounded til Friday. If I see something I absolutely can't live without I'll let u know xoxoxo thanks happy poshing xoxo
Jul 25Reply
cashmere Whats your final decision
Jul 25Reply
maceface9210 @cashmere my decision is I'm NOT paying $30 plus shipping for three USED shirts . Very sorry but wasn't born last night xoxoxo
Jul 25Reply
maceface9210 I live across the street from an Arc thrift store. They're $3.99 and half off on Saturdays I'm on posh for DEALs NOT to be HAD
Jul 25Reply
gbullard @maceface9210 I just saw your stuff😍😍😍😍Love it, so fun to get presents from yourself😜I stalk my mailman when I know something coming💃💃💃💃💃💃💃
Jul 27Reply
maceface9210 @gbullard oh I'm not done listing but I have to cook Dunne hubby home uhhh of course right I have so much more my goodness I don't wanna price too low or too high I'm not expecting what I paid lmao
Jul 27Reply
gbullard @maceface9210 one more thing, your lil fashionista there is a cutie pie😘she is adorable🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭
Jul 27Reply
maceface9210 @gbullard aww thanks so much you're so nice all y'all xoxo
Jul 27Reply
gracecouture1 So you want me to wait until morning to make the 50% off offer on your bundles? And then we can communicate in the morning to make sure you have what you are looking for?
Jul 27Reply
maceface9210 @jamiemomof2rozd awesome xoxo tty around idk 530-6am mountain time Derek I gotta go to bed it 11:15 lol
Jul 27Reply
nyc_apple Hooray! You started your closet! I will be sure to share and wish you much posh success! 💗
Jul 28Reply
maceface9210 @nyc_apple awe thank u I just started 24 hours ago and I'm so tired I can't even keep up with my msgs or shares I'm trying SOooo hard to like share the love but 50 msgs in 5 min all day ughhh poshed out lmao. Would have had a sale already but lmao only would have made 2$ lol she offered half of asking so I re offered 8$ not 6$ and bye bye hahaha oh well I'm excited anyways I got all my holds last week and I cried everything was BEYOND LIKE WAY ABOVE PAR. ") XOXO
Jul 28Reply
ashmaex Woah! You have been busy, girl! Congrats on starting a closet 🙂🌷
Jul 28Reply
maceface9210 @ashmaex I have indeed my shoulder is on fire...I've had 18 surgeries on it. So I HAVE to stop listing but but but but......lmao I hope I'm doing ok some of these closets man I wish I had the time to make everything Purdy
Jul 28Reply
maceface9210 I just got my first sale!!!! Woohooo
Jul 28Reply
ultratanz10 Hi Melissa. Im removing the hold status on the items u wanted now. R u still wanting them?
Jul 28Reply
ultratanz10 Holds r removed for u hun
Jul 28Reply
maceface9210 @ultratanz10 ok thanks sweety I'm so behind on my posh msgs I made a sale my first day listing lmao so I need to get to a kinks or something cuz I dont have a printer lmao so I have to buy a Bluetooth printer and New phone because my camera sucks so I'll b back gotta see what's left cuz my STUPID self forgot about rent
Jul 28Reply
maceface9210 I WILL buy something I prob can't bundle tho sweety
Jul 28Reply
jsfashion101 Hey girl, good morning okay I made the special listing with all regular price whenever you ready let me know and we will put the discounts in and it should also give you discounted shipping.
Jul 28Reply
jsfashion101 @maceface9210 I just saw this congratulations girl, it's all up hill from there.. Posh love 😍
Jul 28Reply
maceface9210 @jsfashion101 thanks I listed over hundred things in less than a day my phone sucks my first sale posh e-mail the WRONG EMAIL for shipping label uhhh so angry so now I have to wait to hear from them should I jjust like ask the gal her adress?? Lol what if posh don't get to me til lile next week??? They also released funds to seller of that bunk 39$ wallet. So they're asking for order number lmao I'm like here ya go lmao I'll b back I need to catch up I'm so behind on msgs
Jul 28Reply
jsfashion101 @maceface9210 hey girl did you trying changing your email?Cause I know when I first started I couldn't find them lol. So I hit button under order to get another label it has on option to send to your email or phone. Imma go look so I can tell you exactly right n bag back
Jul 28Reply
jsfashion101 @maceface9210 okay where it says download shipping label click it you can do again to your email or you can download to your phone
Jul 28Reply
jsfashion101 @maceface9210 and it will at least give you access or if you have printer you can link and print
Jul 28Reply
maceface9210 @jsfashion101 I did while at Fed ex then they send a verification code to the same dam email I don't have access to. What I don't get is that posh has been e mailing me regarding returns so idk why they kept the old one I already edited it grrr I'm like crying I'm so upset
Jul 28Reply
jsfashion101 @maceface9210 okay it will be, okay the girl once was new to you can try an explain what happen, and if you want offer to mail on your own but you take the risk of it not being tracked by posh mark. So I would just let her know and apologize for the delay and let her know you are working on it and contacting posh and will ship asap from when you receive. Confused on why it won't let you download to your phone.
Jul 28Reply
jsfashion101 @maceface9210 But girl it will be okay it is a little confusing at first but it gets easier I remember the first time I had like 10 orders all at once I was so afraid I would mix the labels up. All you can do is do your best the rest will fall together girl
Jul 28Reply
maceface9210 @jsfashion101 yea I let her know I have the perfect gift for her too. Omg macey has like NO clothes dude she like grew out of all of her pants and shorts last week everything fit fine!!!!! So arhhhhgg I can't buy everything that was held I'm sorry I'm so stressed my knee last week was messed up now my other is going bad from all this squatting for pics they feel like ther gonna expload
Jul 28Reply
jsfashion101 @maceface9210 girl what size does she wear if it is close to a 6 or 7 I have so much girl and you could have it literally my baby had growth spurt I have about 20 pair of children's place Jeans that she wore once then when washed and dried were to short she is really tall. Girl she has two closets she didn't fit I can send them just let me know
Jul 28Reply
jsfashion101 And girl if you can't get all I understand just let me know so I can take holds down and resist cause I took them down on some sites I sell on.
Jul 28Reply
maceface9210 @jsfashion101 I'm gonna b posting sizes YOU need maybe we can trade lol i would love a couple of trade stats lol I'm posting all my aero polo shirts then ima post ALL them jeans that didn't fit they're sizes 8-10 & her shirts are from sizes 6,7&8
Jul 28Reply
maceface9210 Girl I promise after next week I'm really rich a GF ain I has no idea about her clothes issue cuz she been wearing skirts oh that skirt fits perfect and it also fits macey perfect ugh she's six and almost 80 pounds dude
Jul 28Reply
maceface9210 Im put a ♡♡♡ next to items I get ne,t Fri
Jul 28Reply
maceface9210 Wait lmao I took wm down haha my bad I really want the shoes and the black vs hoodie with the pink writing the one that was listed for a while xoxox ima get to listing so u can have first look at these kids clothes
Jul 28Reply
maceface9210 @jsfashion101 no gimme bout 30min my phone is so SLOW I'd b done already lol so don't buy no kids clothes yet I'll hook u up girl promises
Jul 28Reply
ashmaex @maceface9210 If you sign into poshmark on a computer you can go to 'my sales' click on what you sold, download the shipping label & print. ✨
Jul 29Reply
ashmaex @maceface9210 If you don't have a computer you could go to the library and probably do it there as well.
Jul 29Reply
ultratanz10 I don't really know how this new offer thing works but what were you wanting to offer for the three items you were wanting
Jul 29Reply
ultratanz10 I must say I was a little disappointed that you didn't want all the things I held though
Jul 29Reply
maceface9210 @ultratanz10 right honey and I'm disappointed that YOU said you give me a deal 2%?????????? ♡♡♡♡♡♡ bundle total was 55$ u b like I'll give it to u for $53??**( uhh no not even a good deal .50cents off of 50$ PLEASE
Jul 29Reply
nyc_apple Congratulations on your first sale! 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Jul 29Reply
maceface9210 I held ONLY cuz u said you hook me uo don't insult my intelligence with your greed it messed up poshers b doin this allllllll day
Jul 29Reply
maceface9210 It's math girly. And if the sh^! Was NET sure but it's USED not new I'm not paying retail for SIC sorry i can't my daughter has no jeans dddidnt realize til it rained day before yesterday and today she COMES first and I HAD to buy for her u wanna hear a bundle deal on EUC. $$36 for 4 pits of pants and 6 shirts . I know poshers are here to make money just like me . But I'm not even charging retail for NAT or NWOT
Jul 29Reply
maceface9210 @nyc_apple thanks xoxoxo too bad posh sent shipping label to the email I don't have access to. Which is strange because posh and I have been emailing me about them refunds. The wallet they said $ was given to buyer so they needed item number. So I tried editing just for them to send access code to that same email I don't ha e access to. I told the gal what was goin on. And she gets it she's BRAND new. So I threw in extra gift
Jul 29Reply
maceface9210 I honestly didn't either until I was paying almost $50 for 2 used item then after u get it shipped u realize wow .....not sure how much you buy. But I've learned more this week than I did two weeks ago
Jul 29Reply
maceface9210 I learned from my mistakes u don't save bundling. You pay MORE for an additional item . Maybe if u offered a 20% off bundle of 3items or more. But I'm not like authorized for lower shipping well to give it anyways
Jul 29Reply
maceface9210 But when u get someone excited about getting a deal shhh 1.5% off my entire order??? Never gonna sell that way. Think like if YOU were buying
Jul 29Reply
maceface9210 @shess1082 lmao thanks ♡♡♡♡ that why I spent $347 last week . Never been blocked for not buying until tday its like wowwwwwww. I'm all about truth. And I understood I asked for Holds but I didn't have a clue my daughter out grew ALL her stuff in three days . If nobody understands that my daughter comes first then I don't wanna do business with that person anyways xoxox your sweet for the warnings . I learned the hard way. But posh is good about legit refunds
Jul 29Reply
maceface9210 @shess1082 I'm STILL not done I have one more closet then all the brand new nail sets I have. Crazy poshworld lmao. ;) THANK U AGAIN SWEETY
Jul 29Reply
deedee_barr Hi Sweetie! Would you even consider a trade in the black Coach bag? I'm a trusted trader with great feedback. 🤗 I can give you $80 credit in my closet. If you are not interested, I will not be offended at all! Still posh buds!!!
Jul 31Reply
maceface9210 @deedee_barr I've NEVER traded does it work?
Jul 31Reply
maceface9210 @deedee_barr how would by b able to do that?? I'd b down for $80 credit! ! If it's NOT a scam and i have to see it pending on MY ACCT before I ship I'll give u the shoes too!!! &free gift
Jul 31Reply
ses54 @maceface9210 The postman just picked up your package from my mailbox. I didn't feel good so I put it in the mailbox for him to pick up and he's running late today. You should be getting tracking information shortly though. Have a good evening and thanks for your purchase.
Jul 31Reply
deedee_barr Here's how it works, investigate me first. NEVER EVER trade with someone that does not have a good trading record. Most items that you see a non-red ""SOLD" sign has been a trade. You'll see expensive items in my closet that were priced at $3 and $5 dollars. Look at the top of my page and hit "about" . My love notes are posted there. Contact @makaylak21 . She knows me very well. We trade together.
Aug 01Reply
deedee_barr 2nd. If you are satisfied with your findings, start a bundle. I will price your private bundle at $3. When we are ready to go, we synchronize our purchase of each other's stuff. You mark the bag at $3. It is ALL done through Posh. No outside transactions. After you feel confident about me. We'll talk. I'm basically trading anyway. I buy and sell on Posh. I use my Posh bucks to purchase. This is a great alternative to get things that you want without forking out a lot of money!
Aug 01Reply
deedee_barr Sorry that I have to do this in 3 messages. Posh only allows a comment to be 500 characters. I'm taking a nap soon. I have to work tonight. Always do research on someone who trades. Be safe! After you check me out, I'll go into detail about how to do it. It's easy! You get new things and so do I!! 😁😆😃
Aug 01Reply
deedee_barr @maceface9210 Ah! Sweetie, you don't have to include the shoes ( the converse style shoes? ) they won't fit me. I'd LOVE for you to include the dustbag though! Of course, I will send a free gift as well! 😘👍🏼😆
Aug 01Reply
deedee_barr I would post a pic of the shipping receipt as well.
Aug 01Reply
maceface9210 @deedee_barr right does sound nice but I do have someone else who interested in buying lemme look in yr closet gimme a min cuz I super behind on msgs lmao
Aug 01Reply
hodaya Hi Melissa, I invite you to ck out my closet🌷
Aug 01Reply
maceface9210 @hodaya ok xoxo check mine entire closet buy one get one free ♡♡♡
Aug 01Reply
hodaya @maceface9210 I will lovely. Free gift 🎁 with any bundle, on top of my bundle discount, just FYI 😊🦄
Aug 01Reply
maceface9210 @hodaya my buy days are Friday's ♡♡ I usually hold IF I HAVE to have it lol
Aug 01Reply
hodaya @maceface9210 sure Hun whatever works for you I'm happy with. It's a no pressure shopping 😘you can just place likes without purchasing
Aug 01Reply
gbullard @maceface9210 Congrats on sales babe💞🤗💞🤗💞🤗
Aug 02Reply
maceface9210 @gbullard thanks sweety last night I hit this button and i seen gazillions of poshers to follow xoxo my phone FINALLY let me share I'm sharing ♡♡♡♡
Aug 02Reply
gbullard @maceface9210 That great news about your phone🤗You can go to your news feed and click and see new users, new closets and suggested users that are being featured and the SU's list updates every hour. You can also go to anyone's list of followers and follow them. It shows the first 1000 followers only. Hope that helps 🤗🤗💞💞🤗🤗
Aug 02Reply
nyc_apple I see you updated the info on some of your listings. Your closet looks great!
Aug 03Reply
maceface9210 @nyc_apple thank you so much#!!!")
Aug 03Reply
gbullard @maceface9210 How have you been sweetie? I have been super sick and ended up going to the hospital😰I had to put my closet on vacation gold but took it off today since I have help if I make any sales💞congrats on all your sales
Aug 09Reply
maceface9210 @gbullard oh my goodness are u ok????? I've been wondering . And thank u so MUCH I'm a suggested user. Top 10% sales and fast shipper I'm already eligible for wholesale as of 5 days ago. I came to Thank you for all the posh luck u ha e given me :):):):):) ) ) . I came to see if that hoodie was still available. Didn't make it that far in your closet . I didn't realize how much time poshing takes when u put yr heart in it
Aug 09Reply
gbullard @maceface9210 When did you get the email on Suggested User, usually you can't apply for 3 months. I got food poisoning and I have a kidney infection on top of that 😪
Aug 09Reply
maceface9210 When I hit my stats its like in blue lettering on the right side of my stats
Aug 09Reply
gbullard @maceface9210 Are you sure it says "Suggested User" ? Because you have to apply for Suggested User after you have been on Posh 3 months and then it takes awhile. They will email you when they have checked out your account. Your stats will show things like top sharer, top 20% seller, mentor, Fast shipper etc.
Aug 09Reply
maceface9210 @gbullard oops fast shipper, Top seller my bad then top 10% seller. But already eligible for wholesale as of last Wed ♡♡♡
Aug 09Reply
gbullard @maceface9210 Awesome love, let me know when your 3 months is here and I can help you apply for SU. You are doing such a great job💞💕💞
Aug 09Reply
maceface9210 @gbullard thank you so much xoxo i don't sleep but like 4 hours a night I've sold something EVERYDAY since the night I opened I'm exhausted . I really hope u feel better soon. IMA shower and maybe I'll have some of my posh !! Available XOXO and I'll give u a sale ")
Aug 09Reply
gbullard @maceface9210 You're a sweetheart, I'm hoping a couple more days of antibiotics I will be back on here full time. Hugs to you my friend💕💞💕
Aug 09Reply
maceface9210 @gbullard healing and strength prayers sweets get some rest. I remember having a kidney infection with pneumonia I was on verge of death I don't wish that upon anyone xoxo
Aug 09Reply
skinnybiitch @nyc_apple Melissa can't get into her account at the moment and is waiting on poshes email service to get back into her account . She has $100 credit and hopes to get back in to buy the stuff she has on hold . 💁😇👍🏻 thx .
Aug 09Reply
nyc_apple Oh no! I hope Posh solves the problem for her soon. She's doing really well with her closet & sales. What a pain. Thanks for letting me know, @skinnybiitch
Aug 09Reply
angedufrane YAYYYY SHE'S BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much for the adorable card, you are truly one in a million <3 <3 <3 Love, me
Aug 17Reply
nyc_apple Glad to see you're back! What happened? I'll only be here a few minutes you can tell me tomorrow. Hope it wasn't a big deal.
Aug 18Reply
sosoutherngirl are you almost Birthday Girl! If you are interested in purchasing your "likes" add them to a bundle & I'll give you a deal!!!! Thanks💗
Aug 20Reply
maceface9210 @sosoutherngirl I would love to I spent almost a thousand dollars getting all my holds and daughter school supplies and clothes hubby NOT too upset cuz over half went to my daughter
Aug 20Reply
sosoutherngirl @maceface9210 OK, does that mean you aren't buying the Betsey purse?
Aug 20Reply
aligirl1213 Thank you very much for all of the shares!! Returned some Posh love 💕💕
Aug 27Reply
sosoutherngirl Thanks for sharing💗
Aug 27Reply
maceface9210 @sosoutherngirl no problem my hubby finally bought a WiFi Gateway yesterday $300 but well worth it I can actually share now before I didn't have a strong enough connection except for a very early in the morning because posh's server is very busy all the time
Aug 27Reply
fagghagg79 @maceface9210 hey sweetie, I noticed u have an awesome "smokin b***ch"ash tray in ur profile pic. Would u happen to have any extra ones for sell?? I would be interested in purchasing one!!
Aug 30Reply
maryfashionista Hi, yes when you're ready to purchase I'll drop the price to $45 my daughter was updating some of my listings because we were running a closet clear out sale over the weekend but I will honor the $45 are you buying today we are going to the post office in a little while or Friday?
Sep 06Reply
maceface9210 @marysuggestusr sweet and yes DEF Fri because I'm just not even going to rely on my pending because it's it's obvious that these girls really I think they're new and they don't know how to accept packages I put in there thank you cards how to do it and then a message on how to do it as well so I'm just going to wait till you know payday I guess that way it's a for sure thing so yes Friday for sure
Sep 06Reply
maryfashionista @maceface9210 ok awesome !❤️😍
Sep 06Reply
trishd79 💕💕💕Hey lady! You have a kick-ass closet! I love it I wish I could share everything but that would take forever! So I'm just going to share your posh face!💕💕💕
Sep 07Reply
maceface9210 @trishd79 omgg honey hahaha thanks for sharing my face hahaha you're GREAT hahaha LOVE it!!!!
Sep 07Reply
cesca56 Thanks for following me Mellisa 😊
Sep 07Reply
maceface9210 @cesca56 no problem sweets♡♡♡♡
Sep 07Reply
sosoutherngirl Hi! If interested, add your likes to a bundle & I will send you a deal! Thanks💗
Sep 07Reply
sosoutherngirl Hi! Let me see if I can make you an offer you can't refuse.....bundle your likes, even 2 or 3 of them, and let me send you an offer....thanks💗
Sep 10Reply
hgammon888 Hey Girl!!! I just saw that you bought that gold Betsey Johnson bag with he flowers and stars. I have the matching crossbody wallet. I haven't posted it yet, but if you're interested I'll tag you. 😄
Sep 10Reply
fagghagg79 @maceface9210 ur soooo awesome!!! Thank u!! 😘😘
Sep 10Reply
maceface9210 @fagghagg79 ohh girl anything for y'all ♡♡♡♡♡♡ youre DEF my favorite ♡♡♡♡♡♡ I LOVE wrapping your stuff ♡♡♡
Sep 10Reply
fagghagg79 @maceface9210 awwwww 😘😘💋💋
Sep 10Reply
maryfashionista Hi doll, Im waiting for you to purchase so I can package these and ship out first thing tomorrow ❤️🌺 let me know thanks! 😀
Sep 10Reply
pygrandmasstuff Thank you for accepting so quickly. I appreciate that. ☺️. You are awesome. 🌈
Sep 11Reply
thestylesaint Thanks for all the shares pretty!! 😘🤗🤘
Sep 12Reply
maceface9210 @erinro628 anytime ♡♡♡♡♡
Sep 12Reply
the_violet_fox_ Hello,😊 love your beautiful closet! Wishing you many speedy, successful sales! Happy poshing!🌷
Sep 12Reply
maryfashionista Hi doll, I have another Posher who just sent me an offer on sneakers that you wanted. Do you want to purchase now before I negotiate her offer please let me know asap 😊
Sep 14Reply
maceface9210 @marysuggestusr yeah go ahead and sell to her I had an unexpected now surgery that I had to do and all my extra money went to the copay I'm in so much pain I don't even have money for the medicine so go ahead I'm sorry
Sep 14Reply
maryfashionista @maceface9210 ok good luck I'll say a prayer 🙏!
Sep 14Reply
maceface9210 @marysuggestusr thank you uhh I'm in SO MUCH pain!!!!!!!!!!
Sep 14Reply
sosoutherngirl Thank you for the 10 star rating!!!! I sent the red skirt bc I knew you liked it & I hope you become a repeat customer....enjoy and thanks💗
Sep 14Reply
maceface9210 @sosoutherngirl iam a repeat already silly ♡♡♡♡♡
Sep 14Reply
sosoutherngirl @maceface9210 OMG! You already are, so thanks💗
Sep 14Reply
gbullard @maceface9210 Thanks for all the shares my beautiful friend🤗I have been super busy trying to get ready for my party tomorrow but will be returning the love soon💕💕💕💕💕🤗🤗💕🤗🤗❣❣❣💞💞😍💖
Sep 15Reply
maceface9210 @gbullard no worries momma I have couple men's shirts my hubby finally is giving up a whopping 2 hahah and no worries ☆☆☆☆ party hardy!!! ♡♡♡
Sep 15Reply
maceface9210 @sosoutherngirl ♡♡♡♡ lol you're welcome! !& ..thank you that skirt fits great ♡♡♡♡
Sep 15Reply
sosoutherngirl @maceface9210 That makes me happy, thanks💗
Sep 15Reply
gbullard @maceface9210 Yup I saw that you did😘I was glad you posted men's before my party😘
Sep 15Reply
luvyorlook Hi... sim so sorry for the confusion I need to just re list separately and make it easier .. if your interested in 1 of them particularly let me know - cuz I probably won't get to it for a couple of days!
Sep 16Reply
luvyorlook Hi.. I JUST read your comment.. I will do it in about a 1/2!hr.. I just took listing off to reorganize..
Sep 16Reply
maceface9210 @luvyorlook AWESOME THANKS ♡♡♡♡
Sep 16Reply
maceface9210 @luvyorlook okay and i LOVE the sparkle ones AND the gold BeBe ones ☆☆☆
Sep 16Reply
chenderson0720 I love ❤️ your closet! Making people happy has definitely been the best part of Poshmark! I've also met great people and find beautiful closets like yours!!! 🌺🌹🌷 Poshmark has become a true addiction for me!
Sep 17Reply
maceface9210 @chenderson0720 omg THANK U SOOO MUCH! !! And I feel the same exact way ♡♡♡♡♡♡ VERY sweet ☆☆☆☆
Sep 17Reply
chenderson0720 @maceface9210 selling on Poshmark is so addictive. I love making people happy and I love having repeat customers! It's the absolute best!!! I have so many plans for how I'd like to expand! I'm also completely in love 😍 with Betsey Johnson. It's so hard for me not to buy!!!
Sep 17Reply
maceface9210 @chenderson0720 ima list my collection lol
Sep 17Reply
fagghagg79 Hey @maceface9210 luvvy!!! Hope ur doing well!! How did ur surgery go??
Sep 20Reply
afroditie77 @maceface9210 Thank you very much for sharing some of my items, it is very much appreciated. Happy Poshing to you ⭐️
Sep 20Reply
maceface9210 @fagghagg79 its on the 22 and uhh the antibiotics I'm on are making me sick I hate having such a sensitive tummy and thank u ♡♡♡♡ how arevu???
Sep 20Reply
maceface9210 @afroditie77 oh no problem girly sharing is caring ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Sep 20Reply
maceface9210 @shopping_lifee omgg my bad THANK YOU LOL auto correct gonna get me in trouble lol
Sep 20Reply
maceface9210 @shess1082 sur sweety lemme take a look
Sep 22Reply
katington Thanks for the likes! If you bundle your likes from my closet, you'll get 15% off and I will also send you a private discount ☺️💕
Sep 24Reply
maceface9210 @katington hog honey sounds awesome ♡♡♡but I'm broke til I get my posh credits I have like 106pending . Her this is torture hahahaha. If Iu didn't HAVE to get my car legal I'd definitely b buying. I hate bein all growed up lmao
Sep 24Reply
fagghagg79 @maceface9210 hiiii sweetie pie!! Hope ur doing well!!! I've been soooo busy!! I finally saw my god daughters on Thursday. They were sooo happy with all the nail stuff!! Thank u soooo much!! 💋💋💋
Sep 24Reply
maceface9210 @fagghagg79 AWESOME! !! AND I FEEL GREAT MY MOUTH IS ABOUT HEALED WOOHOOO ♡♡♡I'm sooo glad that they loved everything ☆☆☆that makes me so look happy ¤¤¤how ARE YOU ???and ma??
Sep 24Reply
fagghagg79 @maceface9210 I'm sooo glad to hear ur healing!! Awww their reactions were precious!! I'm doing well, just tired. Gramma has her days n nights mixed up. I'm having to spoon feed her, she's forgetting how to hold utensils!!
Sep 24Reply
fagghagg79 @maceface9210 I have to really watch her while eating, sometimes she forgets to swallow. But, I can't be too down about it, she's alive, happy n for the most part, pretty healthy!!
Sep 24Reply
maceface9210 @fagghagg79 oh wow you are sooo strong girl. I do t think I would b abke to like handle all that "("(. I give u props you're an awesome daughter ♡♡♡♡♡
Sep 24Reply
fagghagg79 @maceface9210 thank u!! I've been doing this for 12yrs. The last 6 yes have been challenging. She's a doll, way too cute. She's spunky at times!!
Sep 24Reply
fagghagg79 @maceface9210 I'm actually a really sensitive person but u know, tough times don't last, only tough people!! 😉😉
Sep 24Reply
maceface9210 @fagghagg79 indeed girly ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Sep 24Reply
melaniecrodgers I'm sorry honey I really don't like to lowball anyone. Just tight this week! I'll hold onto the likes though and see if I can make something happen 😊🌹
Sep 25Reply
katington @maceface9210 I totally understand!! I'm in the same boat now 😂😂
Sep 26Reply
preppysky Hii! hope youre enjoying pm :)
Sep 26Reply
tailored_taste Thank you for the likes & shares 🤗😄❤
Sep 26Reply
maceface9210 @taylorhope04 helooooo ♡♡and thank you too♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡posh love♡♡♡♡
Sep 26Reply
ddb043 Just went through your whole closet!! AWESOME!! Excellent closet!! Will probably be back here to buy something too. Wish I wore a small but you have alot of other great things!! Love it!! 🌸🌼🌸😊💕💕
Sep 27Reply
maceface9210 @ddb043 Swede that's VERY sweet of you GIRL DEF appreciate it☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Sep 27Reply
sarahhoggard @maceface9210 hey. I saw you liked a few of my things. Make a bundle and I can send you a really good offer . !!
Sep 28Reply
0trash2treasure I love your closet 😍
Sep 30Reply
maceface9210 @eli89 omggg thank you sooo MUCH ♡♡♡♡♡ means ALOT is truly does ♡♡♡♡
Sep 30Reply
0trash2treasure @maceface9210 Aww 😊 Well your welcome. 'Cus I really mean it lol. I always look at a Poshers closet for tips or ideas to take away and put my own style to it. Yours looked very professional 👍
Sep 30Reply
lalato4 Hi Melissa! I just packed your Hoodie and I am so sorry I forgot to put in my Thank you note! Please forgive me! Please visit my Closet often and I hope you get everything back to normal soon! God Bless you! Thanks again! 😀
Oct 01Reply
maceface9210 @lalato4 oh its okay sweety i was about to purchase that grey one but I think my hubby would notice lol I wish shipping was cheaper "("("( and I'm STILL WITHOUT HOT WATER I still have yet to pay rent because I'm they forfeit their right the day we started with no hot water today is day 11 so I'm only gonna pay HALF of Oct or they're gonna hear from my attorney :):):)
Oct 01Reply
bbunny420 I don’t do trades but I know you like a lot of items from my closet, would u consider trading w me?
Oct 04Reply
maceface9210 @bbunny420 SURE how ARE you? Was gonna text the other day but I've been SOooo dang busy
Oct 04Reply
bbunny420 I’m doing good!
Oct 04Reply
bbunny420 I hear that I been working like crazy n then just bs at home has had me all tied up
Oct 04Reply
maceface9210 @bbunny420 do u havr like any more urban decay eye shadow or loke any Blingy or sequined hoodies?
Oct 04Reply
maceface9210 Okay awesome yeah uhh my apt building has been out of hot water for today makes 14 days so yeah I know all about the stress at home on yeah what they're doing is definitely breaking the law so they know I know my laws so I went ahead and paid rent but then also gave him a bunch of paperwork stating you know what they're doing is against the law and so on so forth so they're kissing my ass now
Oct 04Reply
bbunny420 I have a too faced nautral love pallet it’s so bad ass but I just can’t post it cuz I don’t have box for it... not “ NWT” technically. it’s a $60 pallet. Brand new in used. If you wanna look it up. But if your interested in that I can make a special listing you know? Too many haters on my page trying to report every little thing, n I’m trying to get suggested user. All my UD pallets I have now are used n still use them...
Oct 04Reply
bbunny420 No I need hoodies lol!!!
Oct 04Reply
bbunny420 Bbunny420 is my 📸🗣
Oct 04Reply
maceface9210 @bbunny420 I'm on vinted too I havr urban decay listed New their I bought off here I get blocked after I buy something then realize I don't REALLY need it haha I don't have snap chat no room on phone for a new APP but yeah DEF make a special listing I'm interested lol. Have u ever traded before?
Oct 04Reply
maceface9210 @bbunny420 basically we would each make a special bundle /listing for the items that we were to agree on then list it for 3$. That way there's tracking and insurance and were both like hapoy cuz we know nobody's getting ripped off lol
Oct 04Reply
bbunny420 @maceface9210 I have traded before... so do you want the pallet? Is that what we’re trading? I’d just make a special listing for you as you would me?
Oct 04Reply
maceface9210 @bbunny420 right but i like wanna see the pallet first tho and I'm wrapping some stuff because I need to ship these two packages so if u can give me like an hour I'll DEF hit you up when I have time to bundle just list it as "just showing"lol nobody should like report u lol dang narcs
Oct 04Reply
maceface9210 @bbunny420 im soo dadgum busy I'm eating caramel M&Ms for breakfast then I have to go to P.O. after that I have to shower but have to go to the leasing office cough up my id so they can give me keys to the model unit to shower our building boiler broke so no hit water today is day 14
Oct 04Reply
bbunny420 That’s why I was giving u my Snap so I could send u pics... I’ll upload to one of my signs so it will be hidden n I all tag ya.
Oct 04Reply
bbunny420 @maceface9210 no they will report me, I had 2 listings removed because I wrote out the swear word that was on the item... ppl are hating on me lol.
Oct 04Reply
bbunny420 K it’s posted on my sign I tagged you in.
Oct 04Reply
sarahhoggard @maceface9210 .. hey. I see you liked 4 of my listings. Make a bundle and I can send you a private offer !!
Oct 04Reply
rubber77 Hi there. I still want the hello kitty items. I'm having some account issues.
Oct 05Reply
bbunny420 K it’s all set. Let’s hurry n do this I’m Tired n need to go to bed. I gotta share group to complete but ya. I’m sleepy.
Oct 05Reply
maceface9210 @rubber77 okay no worries I DEF understand ♡♡♡♡
Oct 05Reply
lalato4 Sooooo glad you like your Hoodie!! 😊💕
Oct 05Reply
cjsvintagevibes What an adorable closet 🌈 Greetings from Texas🌻🌻🌻
Oct 06Reply
maceface9210 @angyinpink79 OMGGG thanks sooo much!!!! That means ALOT to me u have NOO idea ☆☆☆you're so sweet ♡ please let me know if u have ANY questions ♡♡♡♡
Oct 06Reply
cjsvintagevibes @maceface9210 absolutely thanks for the reply!! Happy poshing 🌹🌹
Oct 06Reply
maceface9210 @yougotitjim i LOVE Ed Hardy !!!!! Love his style ☆☆and omg thank u soo much!! Greatly appreciated. I have another closet on vinted it has tons of stuff listed there that I don't here. My username is maceface9210. And your closet it DEF fresh and looks top notch!!!
Oct 07Reply
littleflower311 Hello again😀 I know you liked a lot of items in my closet last week! Feel free to bundle and make an offer if still interested! Accepting all reasonable offers! Thank you!
Oct 07Reply
followme73 @maceface9210 Welcome to Poshmark 🤗💕Thank you for visiting my closet and liking the Hot Topic long sleeve top. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me. I'm Edith 🍁🌻
Oct 08Reply
kriss10fashion Thank you. Yours is super pretty. Enjoy your day! @Kriss10Fashion
Oct 09Reply
maceface9210 @kriss10fashion oohh thanks sooo much☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
Oct 09Reply
lalato4 Hi Melissa, wanted to let you know I have listed a bunch more hoodies and shirts from Hollister Aero and American Eagle you might like, please come check them out when you get a chance. Hope you are doing well! 😊🤗💕
Oct 10Reply
tractorqueen1 I am sooo happy that you like them!! I knew you would and you will totally Slay 😋 Thank you so much for your rating it made me smile 😁
Oct 11Reply
maceface9210 @tractorqueen1 any time girl and these make me smile haha I'm rocking then right now ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡thanks I'm thinking bout getting the black ones
Oct 11Reply
maceface9210 @crazycaitcloset ohhh girl I LOVE posh I'm sooo addicted after Ijust nine days of bein open I was already eligible for boutique ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Oct 11Reply
maceface9210 @crazycaitcloset thank I SOooo much I was lucky to have this girl help me because I started listing these antique toys hahaha ooooopz lol
Oct 11Reply
southpawbling Thank you. You are to funny. I am telling you I take extra extra care of my stuff. Enjoy and thanks again!!
Oct 12Reply
tractorqueen1 I promise I will try to list them in the next day or two!! 😋 I shipped other orders to two other people the same day that I shipped yours and they still haven't accepted their stuff 😔
Oct 12Reply
maceface9210 @tractorqueen1 I just signed for a certified letter stating my pkg I shipped to Alaska 8 days ago is in Washington and I either can DRIVE from Colo or give em permission to throw away I'm so mad. The box I RE used has the word Aerolsol on it so they're treating it like it has hazardous materials like wtffffff fudge THAT! !!!!!! Crying and all dude
Oct 12Reply
tractorqueen1 @maceface9210 Omg girl your luck sounds like mine. I'm so sorry. I know that is a loss and extremely frustrating at the same time. Bless your heart. I will try to post the other socks soon or if nothing else you can purchase the black and white one and I will just ship you the black and rainbow instead. Either way. Also I have several items in my closet listed at $4 so if you see one of them you like just leave me a comment and I will throw it in for free 😊
Oct 12Reply
tractorqueen1 Okay so one way that we can do this is if I just add a pic of the socks by themselves on the same listing as the black and white striped ones then at least you will be able to see them and I can delete the picture after you tell me you saw it🤓, I'm smart lol.. Also I rarely ever report an item in some body else's closet cause I simply try to stay in my own lane BUT....
Oct 14Reply
tractorqueen1 I wanted to ask a favor of you and can't really do that on here where it could always be read.. I have a Facebook account but only check it like once a month, or I have an email address but rarely ever check it Do you have a face book account??
Oct 14Reply
maceface9210 @tractorqueen1 me too lol never on Iit but look up Melissa Johnson skyline high school, you'll see me
Oct 14Reply
tractorqueen1 I totally understand I am looking for winter attire as well. It says I started Dec 2016 but I actually didn't list anything etc until January 2017, so it took me like 8 months to find my PFF!! No way am I about to act childish over something like that. I will simply put you a pair to the side and then that will still give me time to make the original listing blah blah. I will leave the pic up though. Congrats on the jeans. Our sizes are usually hard to find.
Oct 15Reply
tractorqueen1 I will also try to look for you on FB tomorrow. Get some sleep girl.
Oct 15Reply
maceface9210 @tractorqueen1 okay sweets thanks so much xoxoxox
Oct 15Reply
maceface9210 @tractorqueen1 you are the bestest ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Oct 15Reply
maceface9210 @cheapchicdaisy oohhh thank you girly friend I'm so excited to try it. I hate using brand new make-up sometimes it's too Purdy like this one . And DEF buy from me because you'll LOVE my flair hahaha. Hoodies are buy one get one free also fyi
Oct 17Reply
southpawbling Wow!!! I must of been in a good mood😊
Oct 17Reply
maceface9210 @cheapchicdaisy ok I have like 50lmao
Oct 17Reply
maceface9210 @cheapchicdaisy hahahaha okay c'mon over hahahaha that b WAY fun u seem kkike u b way fun
Oct 17Reply
loufaragher Thanks for all the shares & posh 💕 this morning. My husband is the Buckeye fan. I enjoy going to the games but I’m a Tennessee girl. Have a fabulous day😘
Oct 19Reply
maceface9210 @loufaragher you too girl and ohhhhh how fun I wanna go hahahaha
Oct 19Reply
maceface9210 @vivianna777 uhhh my grand daughter? ?? Lmao ughhh hahaha youre funny lmfao NO hahaha she's my daughter I'm only 37 "/
Oct 19Reply
maceface9210 @vivianna777 u dont look like I in your 40's♡what's yiur secret??
Oct 19Reply
maceface9210 @vivianna777 ohhh u AINT old hahaha
Oct 19Reply
kelli3222 I want to sell everything I own to buy ½ of your closet. I have serious closet envy!!! 😯
Oct 23Reply
maceface9210 @kelli3222 lmao hahahaha I know that exact feeling then when u have some $$ item sold cuz they lower it after u like it lmao haha I have serious shopping addiction ♡♡
Oct 23Reply
jcruz91 Hi feel free to bundle, save and make an offer😊🎀
Oct 31Reply
jcruz91 I can always reserve if you'd like.
Oct 31Reply
maceface9210 @jcruz91 hmmmm let me take another look lol. Thanks ♡♡♡
Oct 31Reply
bella326 Hi Melissa 👋 Thanks for all the 💕LOVE 💕 bundle your likes so I can make you an offer if you're interested 🛍🛒🛍 5% off 2 or more items plus i give personal discount offers on top of that! - CHECK OUT THE REST OF MY CLOSET
Nov 01Reply
maceface9210 @bella326 oh girl you know I love bundling but unfortunately I have to pay for my one bedroom cubicle this Fri I maybe able to bundle a couple things I really like them socks. I just got these really cute leg warmers with a zipper mouth and puffy balls attached to the sides. Thinking bout listing them lol
Nov 01Reply
maceface9210 @bella326 ima list them lmao
Nov 01Reply
bella326 @maceface9210 I totally understand... the struggle is soooooo real lol
Nov 01Reply
maceface9210 @bella326 RIGHT! !! Lol that and its $1200/month too JUST for rent Denver Colorado baby were like the fourth highest in nation for cost of living "("( too bad I LOVE it here lol.
Nov 01Reply
maceface9210 @bella326 my shopping addiction don't help either lol
Nov 01Reply
bella326 @maceface9210 🤣🤣🤣 trust me I know what you mean im in NY everything is expensive here too... plus my sister in law is having a baby girl in March, my first niece! I spoil my nephew as it is but a girl is on a whole different level of shopping
Nov 01Reply
maceface9210 @bella326 ohhh my how cute!!! Congrats Auntie! !!!! This gal asked me to make her a newborn baby bundle for a girl. She ended up blocking me instead of telling me she can't buy. So I deleted it. Lol. Let ME know if your ibterested. I have zero use for it and its only like $10.
Nov 01Reply
maceface9210 @bella326 there'd b two cute onsies one is Calvin Klein, pair of cute bootie shoes, this foam/soft book, cute pacifier, a frog washing cloth, etc ....
Nov 01Reply
bella326 @maceface9210 ok thanks ill let you know i just bought some stuff, baby show isn’t until January shes due in March so little by little.... just curious is the stuff NWT?
Nov 01Reply
raystory22 @maceface9210 Hey Melissa!! I was wondering if you could help a fellow Posher decide if she’s up for starting a boutique. She just wants to ask a couple of questions. I told her that I’d send the most awesome Poshmark boutique gals her way! Thanks!!! 😘❤️👍🏻😍⭐️😘 Here’s her info- Michele @locachica1432
Nov 01Reply
maceface9210 @raystory22 awww for REAL? ? I'd be HAPpy to help!!!!! Thanks babe!!!!!☆☆☆☆☆
Nov 01Reply
maceface9210 @raystory22 I've actually looked thru her closet before VERY cute girl
Nov 01Reply
raystory22 @maceface9210 Thanks!!! You’re a total doll face!!! 😘😘😘
Nov 01Reply
maceface9210 @raystory22 ♡☆♡☆♡☆♡☆ xoxo
Nov 01Reply
raystory22 @maceface9210 Yeah, and that’s just all stuff from her physical closet that she was just trying to get rid of. But she likes it so much and sees the potential, so she thinks she wants to take the next step. 😍👍🏻😃
Nov 01Reply
jcruz91 Hi I'm still holding the sweater just making sure you're still interested ❤️
Nov 03Reply
rayne_0130 You have such a fun closet!
Nov 03Reply
coloradocache @maceface9210 Hey, welcome to PM and what a great “posh Compliant i will enjoy sharing. Come ck mine out too!
Nov 03Reply
maceface9210 @coloradocache thanks been poshing for MONTHS now and I LOVE it ♡♡♡
Nov 03Reply
maceface9210 @coloradocache I gotta b compliant lol I don't wanna get shut down NO way I'll die haha AND YOU'RE IN COLORADO TOO???????
Nov 03Reply
coloradocache @maceface9210 Your closet is Posh Perfect and looking forward to sharing your closet with all my followers. Share (your own closet) and those of your followers. Play “follow games” and join parties! If u need help or ? Answered let me know and i can put u in touch with someone who can! Yes!!i luv co and almost a native 22 yrs live near OLD TOWN LITTLETON😘
Nov 03Reply
maceface9210 @coloradocache yup yup follow follow follow share share share I was available for boutique and top %in sales just 9days after opening in June . I'm so addicted and THANK u so much for the POSH LOVE ♡♡♡I'm in Aurora I'm like a mile from the Tech Center hahaha how COOL born and raised in Longmont
Nov 03Reply
mandquill Sorry I can't see listing where we were talking but is the deal still available to buy peach pallet get ponys free ? If yes I am interested very much
Nov 04Reply
maceface9210 @mandquill oh lol I think I said i WOULD have to make th e listing lmao sorry I did just make listing for the my little pony one let me make the peach one now ♡♡♡
Nov 04Reply
maceface9210 @mandquill ok peach pallet listed it also comes with some Too Fa wd lipgloss the gal I got from told me that this pallet is New and only certain amt was made so......
Nov 04Reply
maceface9210 @mandquill I also have the Too Face white choc chip pallet
Nov 04Reply
tractorqueen1 Hope all is going well with you darling 😊
Nov 06Reply
maceface9210 @tractorqueen1 awww thanks darling ♡♡I'm GREAT I hope all well in your neck of the woods☆☆☆☆☆☆
Nov 06Reply
veluru Hi...It's a closet clear out...Please make an offer if you are interested in any item in my closet.....Everything must go..Thank you 😊💕
Nov 12Reply
rb7235 @maceface9210
Nov 15Reply
maceface9210 @rayne_0130 omg just now seeing this thanks u so much
Nov 15Reply
rb7235 @maceface9210 thought you might like it 😊
Nov 15Reply
maceface9210 @rb7235 I never looked it up u should RE type so I can just click on it lol
Nov 15Reply
rb7235 @maceface9210
Nov 15Reply
maceface9210 @rb7235 is it a closet? W hat u do if u want to share with me just put the @ symbol before her user name then I can look or share something real fast
Nov 15Reply
jenfab2007 Yes!!!! Thanksgiving sweet handwritten note and discount.......night sweetie🌛😘
Nov 17Reply
maceface9210 @casey253 any time girl ♡♡♡
Nov 21Reply
maceface9210 @casey253 YAY! !!!!! SO glad and the Vic secret runs big fyi, I'm supposed to come across bigger sizes what sizes are u¿¿ And THANKS SO MUCH
Nov 21Reply
maceface9210 @casey253 that silver and pink sequined one runs large it'll fit up to a large ")")
Nov 21Reply
maceface9210 @casey253 measure your most FAV and most comfy from pit to pit and what it is? I have two more that run big and are blingy
Nov 21Reply
maceface9210 @casey253 send some my way I'll do dishes too :P lol
Nov 21Reply
maceface9210 @casey253 it be $32 plus shipping ☆☆
Nov 23Reply
maceface9210 @casey253 yes just bundle and offer $32 &I'll accept ")")")")")
Nov 23Reply
bella326 Hey there 👋 Thanks for all the 💕LOVE 💕 bundle your likes so I can make you an offer if you're interested IM OFFERING DISCOUNTED SHIPPING FOR BLACK FRIDAY 🛍🛒🛍 5% off 2 or more items plus i give personal discount offers on top of that! - CHECK OUT THE REST OF MY CLOSET
Nov 24Reply
tractorqueen1 Hey sweetie! Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and every thing is going for you 😊 Just wanted to say hi and check in on my PFF!!
Nov 27Reply
maceface9210 @tractorqueen1 my thanksgiving was good. I hope u had a good one too. Was super super busy with sales last few weeks and now it's starting to slow down. Lol. I miss you lol. I seen you got a host pick on some rhinestone thigh highs woohoo. I got two NO last week and the two week before how freaking cool i love it!!!!!
Nov 27Reply
tractorqueen1 @maceface9210 It totally makes my day and I feel like a little kid that just wants to jump and down and break out in a cheer or something crazy 😂 Super happy for you because I love your closet, I mean come on it's awesome I love to scroll through new goodies you add!! I hope you have a great day and if I have the money I am going to try to snatch one of your make up deals. Feel free to stop by anytime, miss you, stay awesome 😘
Nov 27Reply
tractorqueen1 Btw if you ever wanted to do a bundle for like $4 and swap out I would be willing to do that anytime but only for you and would not call it a trade it would be a purchase from each party 😉
Nov 27Reply
maceface9210 @tractorqueen1 aweee you're so darn sweet xoxoxox yeah I TRY and add at least one new item a day lol I'm running out of stuff lmao time to buy MORE YAY
Nov 27Reply
maceface9210 @casey253 u are welcome I shared to the party xoxo yr pkg should b delivered to you today wohooo
Nov 27Reply
maceface9210 @casey253 then what are u waiting for? ?? Lmao ")")")") rip it open girl
Nov 27Reply
maceface9210 @casey253 oh perfect then just b like here stir this once this Iither starts to boil lower cover and simmer no then stir once every few min mk HAHAHA I HATE cooking
Nov 28Reply
maceface9210 @casey253 awee well THANKS lol I had to vent lol Wish posh wouls erase em ALREADY lol. Thanks for being so understanding and sweet♡♡♡
Nov 28Reply
crystalco Hello! Thank you for visiting and sharing my closet!❤️10% of all my proceeds go to Charity in memory of our late daughter Ashley!😇 I need to be up at 3 so whatever I don’t get shared, I will tommorrow !
Nov 30Reply
spreadlove Hi, I know there are many closets but I'd be grateful if you checked out mine! Either way I was just stopping in to say hello! Have a great day!
Dec 01Reply
pandiered @maceface9210 Thank you so much for the offer! I’m stiiiillll waiting on a credit to come in...but I really want two of the bags, so I’m going to decline your current offer and I will rebundle. So sorry for all the wishy-washiness. Thank you for your sweet patience! 🌈💕🦄✨💘
Dec 08Reply
maceface9210 @pandiered oh if anyone understands its me hahaha I'm so like a.d.d. when it comes to shopping like I have permission to spend hundred dollars and idk wtf I'm even gonna look at first lmao
Dec 08Reply
pandiered @maceface9210 So true! Shopping is definitely my vice!✨💄👗🧣👒👛👓👠💸💰💨✨😭
Dec 08Reply
maceface9210 @pandiered me too I DEF have a shopping problem "("(
Dec 08Reply
maceface9210 @pandiered I NEED shoppers anonymous
Dec 08Reply
pandiered @maceface9210 Lol! I tried, but didn’t last a week!
Dec 08Reply
maceface9210 @bellaandharley okay sorry I've been sooo Dadgum busy had to do laundry I took to laundromat so I can get it done faster and okay your pallet b cool. Too the sooner the better hahaha and ok ima look at your lostings now
Dec 10Reply
maceface9210 @bellaandharley then went grocery s hopping put laundry away I packed one outta three orders are lunch and just now sitting down lmao
Dec 10Reply
maceface9210 @bellaandharley and I see NO listings for ANY converse other than my likes BUT they're gone "("( lol. K ima list these shoes
Dec 10Reply
maceface9210 @bellaandharley AWESOME ♡♡mk shoes are listed now now ill lost the sweatfit I'm willing to part with ")
Dec 10Reply
rb7235 hey friend, are you still doing the bogo free on makeup?
Dec 12Reply
rb7235 Sorry I should have read first lol...
Dec 12Reply
rb7235 Btw, check out @ihavearedcape closet...offers and trades for you always!!!
Dec 12Reply
maceface9210 @rb7235 nah Its not i get robbed blind when I do that so I can do like buy two get one or closet is ALWAYS buy one get one half off
Dec 12Reply
maceface9210 @rb7235 okay I did ohhh that choc gold JUST came out too I want the too faced clover pallet. I just got TONS OF make-up yesterday I got the peach pallet and the peach blush and Bronzer I also have too faced choc bar, urban decay Moodust, and too faced grand Hotel ")") I have ANOTHER Bon Bon pallet too
Dec 12Reply
maceface9210 @rb7235 my hubby is having to take off from Dec 22nd to Jan 2 OFF so I NEED the money so much I would LOVE to trade but arggggggf can't for a while
Dec 12Reply
rb7235 @maceface9210 ok np, just wanted to let you know ☺how much do you want for the peach, and grand hotel individually?
Dec 12Reply
maceface9210 @rb7235 thanks tho ")")")"):) )). Oh gosh hmmmm I can prob do here text me cuz ummm yeah hahahaha I hate scrolling down every time I have so many msgs in this post haha I'll txt you
Dec 12Reply
maceface9210 @bellaandharley okay so Iis EVERY thing you bundled what you're wanting for the skirt and the pallet? Since ALL my likes were deleted I have no memory of what else I remember I wanted a pair of converse but can't remeber lmfao and whatever bundle u make for me I CAN purchase TODAY since hubby got his Xmas bonus ima go and buy the too faced clover pallet from Ulta right when they open I have five ulta in a ten mile radius and only one store has em
Dec 12Reply
maceface9210 @bellaandharley so the pallet we were gonna like trade your gonna sell now??girl text me please 7 2 0 4 6 7 2 3 3 6 I'm WAY beyond confused NOW
Dec 12Reply
maceface9210 @bellaandharley so I get skirt and pallet to YOUR bundle from my closet??? UHHH no sorry that idk I'm so confused but that wouldn't b fair at all lol I'd also have to pay for upgraded label? Soo confused just text me lol so much easier and faster
Dec 12Reply
maceface9210 @bellaandharley everything where???? From MY closet girl I'm so confused some of yr msgs aren't making ANY sense to me? Lmao ROTF u have so much in your bundle idk where to even start
Dec 12Reply
maceface9210 @bellaandharley I'm buying myself the Too Faced CLOVER PALLET not the one you ordered lol. U silly
Dec 12Reply
maceface9210 @bellaandharley why?? Report for why??? Omg how lame I don't think posh really had time to sit there a review EVERY single report and they like don't tell u that you got reported do they?
Dec 12Reply
maceface9210 @bellaandharley if that the case them slanderous msgs on 20 of my listings need to b deleted then if they wanna play this game c'mon POSH can't JUST pick random reports and go with it POSH NEEDS TO INVESTIGATE ALL BEFORE THEY SEND A WARNING OR WHATEVER I NEVER DO OFF POSH TRANSACTIONS UNLESS ITS FROM MY VINTED CLOSET READ THAT POSH
Dec 12Reply
maceface9210 @bellaandharley not to mention ALL the used nasty makeup I see I report and it still there weeks later so it's almost like they choose who to email how dumb and UN fair!!!!
Dec 12Reply
maceface9210 @bellaandharley msg me on a different listing because I have to scroll all way down and it takes forever haha that why I gave u my text number
Dec 12Reply
maceface9210 @bellaandharley virally don't wanna buy the listing until the pallet arrives cuz what big FAT what if it like comes broken or late? Yr shipoing time woukd b severely affected
Dec 12Reply
maceface9210 @bellaandharley one pallet and a skirt for 7 listings @ almost $170. ? I honestly don't find that a fair trade at all tbh
Dec 12Reply
maceface9210 @bellaandharley u KNOW how much the Victoria Secret Hoodies are ALONE
Dec 12Reply
maceface9210 @bellaandharley omg how lame see those retaliatory reports need to like idfk go into a spam file or something I REALLY wish we can reply to feedback because just cuz dude had a bad day he took it out on my feedback AND lied about everything we should b able to stand up for ourselves
Dec 12Reply
maceface9210 @bellaandharley no I'll do the skirt pallet and the two pairs of converse that are bundled for your 7items? I'll b back I gotta go to the dispensary ")")")")
Dec 12Reply
maceface9210 @bellaandharley okay that'll give me time to like make you a listing ♡♡♡
Dec 12Reply
maceface9210 @bellaandharley mk I wont sell em
Dec 12Reply
becca_bean I love all your makeup, and I love that ashtray that says smoking biotch! This Friday I'm going to Sephora for a makeover, because I don't know how to do makeup and I want to learn. I want to do crazy colors and designs and just be flamboyant and glittery sometimes. Once I know how to do it, I'll come back and Shop your closet! (Because your closet kicks butt!)
Dec 13Reply
maceface9210 @becca_bean awwww thanks so much I have zero idea on how to do makeup most of these come with a beauty guide and I can Google tutorials also :)")")"). Kick some butt♡♡♡♡♡
Dec 13Reply
leeannza Hello,you have a beautiful closet I shared it with my followers!HAPPY POSHING AND SHARE THE POSH LOVE
Dec 15Reply
maceface9210 @leeannza awww thanks and love was shared back ♡♡♡happy poshing ♡♡♡
Dec 15Reply
becca_bean I just got to read the note you left me in my review! You are so awesome! I just got to read the note you left me in my review! You are so awesome! ❤️🎶👑
Dec 15Reply
leeannza What us Bogo? You were talking to me about?
Dec 15Reply
leeannza Melissa,I just going to put in for make up,You are awsome!! Having problems with my closet, This one lady has been asking me to wait,but on the other had puts in bids then when I give her price a really good deal she declines,then adds other stuff and declines???I am confused on why she is doing this!
Dec 15Reply
maceface9210 @leeannza omgg I was having the same issues I think they do it because they're looking for a cheaper deal I think. Idj why they don't just offer what they're willing to pay lol
Dec 15Reply
Dec 15Reply
maceface9210 @leeannza I can't put yr like I'm a bundle u have to. I can just hit buy now on that listing u want. Lol omg that girl haha sounds like a few poshers I've come across they wanna trade but have like two listings and they're trade value is ridiculous
Dec 15Reply
leeannza Thanks, so sorry it took so long!
Dec 16Reply
diana_wonder Hi, got your message. I’m currently at work right now, but I’ll check my mail as soon as I get home :)
Dec 16Reply
maceface9210 @diana_wonder awesome okay I hope it okay lol its been in your mailbox since yesterday morning according to posh. Lol. Enjoy the rest of your work day. I ALWAYS say " may yiur time off come quick AND STAY long"!!!!!! ")")"). Stay AWESOME well chat soon. ♡♡♡
Dec 16Reply
kidipride Hi, I am waiting for you
Dec 17Reply
maceface9210 @kidipride waiting for what ???
Dec 17Reply
kidipride @maceface9210 Hi as you like my closet items and you want to buy for Christmas. Today just saw your comments and sent you message thanks for reply Have s good day
Dec 17Reply
oth2016 Hey awesome closet!! please check out mine!!! and beautiful little girl!!!
Dec 20Reply
maceface9210 @oth2016 awwww thanks sweety and yr closet is insanely awesome ♡♡♡♡♡♡
Dec 20Reply
leeannza Hello,I just sent my husband to post office again to get package!!
Dec 20Reply
maceface9210 @leeannza YAY!!!!! Hope youre as excited as Iam haha I hope you enjoy AND sorry for the mess ")")") hope it not too messy :P tried to pick out the biggest pieces lol you'll see what I'm talking about real soon lol
Dec 20Reply
leeannza Ha,ha,I loved it!! Thank you so much for the time and love you put into every piece, everything was perfect for her! I got a kick out of my husban liking your box, He goes now be very careful ,That put a smile on his face,lol..
Dec 20Reply
maceface9210 @leeannza YAY! !!!!!! Mission complete! !!!! Woohoo I'm sooo glad y'all are happy that makes my day and yes I alway kiss usps booty lmao
Dec 20Reply
freshpample Im looking for the Betsey Stingray crosbody bag, please tag me if you get it, much love! ♡♡♡
Dec 22Reply
maceface9210 @freshpample ohhh I've seen that one before and I'll tag u if I run into it again i know where a whale is ☆☆☆
Dec 22Reply
hmsimon1 Good afternoon Melissa. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Dec 22Reply
bella326 Hello there your closet is fabulous!! Thanks for all the likes, throw those babies in a bundle & lets make a deal 🤝
Dec 28Reply
bigfootshoes12 I am a fellow posher and an Ambassador sharing my FYI page 1)click my thumbnail picture left of this email 2)top of next page click ABOUT 3)under my big picture click MEET THE POSHER 4)Some posts are old & later updated. **ALERT: TO SAY THANKS, GO TO MY CLOSET & POST UNDER AN ITEM FOR SALE . SAVE SPACE ON THE FYI PAGE**
Dec 29Reply
samanthawalsh11 @maceface9210 Hey ladybug! I love your closet! Thank you for the likes! Incase you missed it, bundles of 2+ are 10%, that includes the Ivory Ella and VIctoria’s Secret PINK hoodie you loved! If you’ve never had Ivory Ella, believe me when I tell you you’ll absolutely love it. It’s so incredibly soft! 😍 Let me know if you have any questions or would be interested in a bundle. I can have both in the mail today!
Jan 04Reply
maceface9210 @samanthawalsh11 ohh thanks so very much ill have to come back when i have funds ")")"")♡♡♡i basically window shop then buy on Friday's lol
Jan 04Reply
glesga52 I'm following and sharing 10 for 10 hoodies from your beautiful closet to all my followers 😊😊😊😊 I hope it brings you loads of sales🤗 My name is Katy from Bonnie Scotland living in beautiful USA
Jan 04Reply
samanthawalsh11 @maceface9210 Of course! You just let me know if I can help with anything. ☺️
Jan 05Reply
cdsherod Your a very sweet person! I just wanted to tell you this. I also wanted to say thank you for being so kind, sharing what I have listed! I just can’t tell you how much I appreciate it! It’s more than the sharing though, you really have been kind to me! Thank -you!
Jan 07Reply
becca_bean I know I already told you this, but I love your freaking closet! I hope 2018 is an awesome year for you. ❤️🎶👑
Jan 12Reply
maceface9210 @becca_bean thank u SOooo MUCH ♡♡♡
Jan 12Reply
alwaysem_ @maceface9210 Hello there darling! I wanted to come by and introduce myself as well as say hi and send warm greetings your way, my name is Mia and I recently opened up my boutique, yay! I would love for you to come by whenever you have a chance, as I am always posting up amazing deals and new arrivals! I hope to see you even if it’s just a hello, wishing you an amazing day! XO
Jan 18Reply
maceface9210 @_always_em ohhh congratulations girlfriend ♡♡♡ and I WOULD LOVE to take a peek thanks SOooo much
Jan 18Reply
alwaysem_ @maceface9210 awww thanks so much honey!!!! 😘😘😘😘😘 you’re such a doll! Let me know if you have any questions beautiful! I have tons of summer items that are boutique that are on sale now 💛 such a pleasure meeting you beautiful!!! 😘😘😘💐💐💐
Jan 18Reply
maceface9210 @_always_em AWESOME ♡♡♡♡and omg you're sooo sweet and YOU are beautiful I'll DEF come by whenever my credits or my bank acct are up to par ♡♡♡♡♡so nice meeting YOU♡♡♡
Jan 18Reply
alwaysem_ @maceface9210 awww thanks babe!! I swear this is the best part of Posh, meeting all the awesome gals! ❤️ & anytime my love! I also want to share I create bundles & babe you should sign up on my new arrivals list to be in the loop of awesome sales, discounts & new merchandise 💐
Jan 18Reply
maceface9210 @_always_em right tons of cool girls ♡♡♡♡and can u tag me? On your follow wait u know unless it was someone else I think I tried and the comments were at their max I could b mistaken tho hahaha. Can u tag me PLEASE? That b so awesome of you....thanks chicka
Jan 18Reply
atozprettylips @maceface9210 hi there. I’m checking in on that sweatshirt that you asked me to hold until Friday. I put not for sale on it for 4 days, so that I could hold it for you. I was wondering when you were going to purchase it?
Jan 20Reply
missyallday OMG!!!! Melissa ur the best.Ya I have to say You are the best at 🛍🎁and thank you so much 4 the extra gifts!!!! Your wrapping & Card💌was So Great, They Dont call us sweet Melissa for no reason!!!! Lol I'll be sure to be visiting your closet soon and purchasing from you. THANKS AGAIN I love her style also. I'll tex you with my Hey is it cool if we come by tonight number it's going to be a 941 area code. I'm so glad I met you, Your the best!! From the other awesome Melissa🦋🐞🦋
Jan 29Reply
missyallday Ur the best Melissa!!!!! I'm so happy with my order, Keep up the awesome work!!!!!💙💜🧡💚❤️🦋🐞🦋
Jan 29Reply
windsop82 Thanks for the follow & sharing my closet. Happy poshing
Jan 29Reply
maceface9210 @missyallday awwwww sweety thanks u made my day ♡♡♡ I'm sooo glad that you're HAPPY ♡♡♡and yes they def don't call us that for nothing hahah i LOVE that song ♡♡♡♡♡
Jan 29Reply
missyallday You made my day also!!!!!! Your the best Thanks again🦋🐞🦋
Jan 29Reply
maceface9210 @windsop82 awww NO problem sweety ♡ u have a nice night☆☆☆☆
Jan 29Reply
maceface9210 @casey253 YES actually just want the bag button waiting for credits these gals got yesterday I HATE when they don't accept makes me so mad
Feb 02Reply
smartapparel Awesome Closet!!!
Feb 02Reply
leeannza Hey Girl, How you been? It's been funerals and then my husband had a bad accident they had to life flighted him to a Hospital a hr.away, He was in for several weeks home now, He has to retrain his legs ,nerves shorted out, My Daughter is having a baby a boy is time, we had planns to go down,but I don't no what is going to happen,One day at time!
Feb 05Reply
maceface9210 @leeannza omggg girl I'm sloppy very sorry to hear I'll definitely send some prayers ♡♡♡ I've been good just getting over a bad kidney infection yuck
Feb 05Reply
sillytrance I’m addicted to your closet!! I can’t stop looking!!!! 😂
Feb 07Reply
maceface9210 @trancefxhair awwwwwww how sweet♡♡♡thank u SOooo MUCH ♡♡♡
Feb 07Reply
sillytrance @maceface9210 no!!! Thank you!!!! For the awesome closet 👏 lol I’ll have to buy stuff from you for my daughter! :) and myself ;) haha
Feb 07Reply
maceface9210 @trancefxhair YAY! !!!each listing also comes with a free gift so depending on how many Pkike listings you bundle but say u bundle three items you'll get three gifts !! If that makes sense and hoodies are buy one get one FREE same with ALL aeropostale ♡♡♡♡♡ I give bundle discount on two or more items ♡♡♡ entire closet is ALWAYS buy one get one half off. ♡♡♡
Feb 07Reply
sillytrance @maceface9210 that’s awesome! 1 and 1 half off?? So do I just bundle the items when I’m ready and you will send the offer?? :)
Feb 07Reply
maceface9210 @trancefxhair YUp ☆☆☆☆you got it GIRLFRIEND ♡♡♡
Feb 07Reply
adriennef315 Hi! Thank you for following me! 😀 I hope you like my items! I'm constantly adding a variety of new items! If you see anything you are interested in or have any questions please feel free to reach out to me! I am offering combined shipping on bundles & 10% off of bundles with 2 or more items 🤗
Feb 07Reply
venuslatina Hello Miss Melissa just passing by to give you a HUGE SHOUT OUT and to thank you very much for the 5 🌟’s, but even more so for your kind words. That was very sweet of you. Thank you many blessings your way.
Feb 10Reply
maceface9210 @venuslatina ohhh YOU are VERY welcome you're an AMAZING posher☆☆☆the wrapping was sooo NICE too thanks AGAIN God bless YOU ♡♡♡
Feb 10Reply
venuslatina @maceface9210 aweeee so are you thank you. ☺️
Feb 10Reply
clarabella92 Omg. I just love your closet!!! I will be broke!!! Lol. You have so much for my mini me and myself! And it's so colorful!
Feb 12Reply
saba_1993 Hey girly, you liked quite a few things, thank you. Were you interested in a bundle ?
Feb 12Reply
nidhishekha It’s great pleasure to announce the opening of my closet. A place for Contemporary ethnic fashion of high quality from respected brands in India. I offer women’s churidars, dupatta sets, kurta, tunics, palazzos, skirts in pure cotton fabric, in shades of every color combinations,patterns. Mix-and-match kurta pieces to experience the joys of traditional Indian wear. I also offer handcrafted items including jewelry, accessories. Please do visit. Thank you. -Nidhi
Feb 17Reply
aimfromhome Hi. 🙋🏼‍♀️ Thank You For Following My Closet!! 👡👜 If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Happy Poshing! 🛍
Feb 20Reply
maceface9210 @silversx75 any time and thanks for sharing too ♡♡♡ HAPPY POSHING ♡♡♡
Feb 20Reply
carcar75 Wow! That got to you fast!! I'm super happy 😃 you and your daughter liked everything!! I appreciate your awesome rating as well!! You are so sweet and seem to have a heart of gold!!! It was my PLEASURE doing business with you!!! Keep in touch!!!! Much much LOVE 💕 ❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕!! Carlee
Mar 01Reply
maceface9210 @carcar75 indeed it DID ♡♡♡and yes were both happy campers .....what did u do to the shirt? Bleach? Haha in sorry I couldn't help but laugh like not at you it just reminded me of when MY mom tried doin my laundry shed spill bleach EVERY time lol. You're AWESOME thanks again GIRL
Mar 01Reply
iloveaerobics @maceface9210 lmk when you are online pls
Mar 13Reply
shopper411411 Thanks for the like on the Guess shirt. It's so funny you and other posh liked it the same time. Bundle with another item and I'll give you 20% or make me a reasonable offer. Happy Poshing
Mar 14Reply
amaranth666 I just sent your palette...OMG GIRL! have one bad ass closet!...gonna share a bunch of your stuff...Thanks so much btw. :D
Mar 17Reply
maceface9210 @eagle2hearts awwww THANK U sweets
Mar 17Reply
omgfruit You closet is so cute, and I love your backdrops!!! <3
Mar 17Reply
annasposhalley @maceface9210 💕 Hi Melissa its nice to meet you! You have an awesome, colorful & fun closet. I loved sharing it. TY so much for the posh love on my vs items, You Rock! I will send u my Free gift specials so u can take a peek anytime you want. If i can ever help you now or in the future just let me know. Have an awesome night,💕 Hugs Anna
Mar 20Reply
daneccaluxe Hey, I just saw your offer...I'm going to accelt but my credits get released tomorrow...Could you plz hold onto my bundle for me?? :) I will DEFINITELY accept!! Thx so much!! :)
Mar 22Reply
daneccaluxe @maceface9210 Ok, so they must give buyers 3 FULL DAYS, not counting the day of delivery :/ Which means my credits will be released today...Thank you so much for your patience. I know most ppl ask you to hold things and never come back (bc they do it to me too, lol) but I promise you I will not be one of them :)
Mar 23Reply
daneccaluxe Hey, is there any way we can add that PB&J palette to my bundle...I'm ready to purchase...sorry it took forever lol.
Mar 24Reply
maceface9210 @daneccaluxe yeah I throw it in
Mar 24Reply
Mar 28Reply
karielrylee You and your baby girl are so beautiful! Love your closet 😊❤️❤️
Mar 29Reply
jsnuggs16 Thank you SO MUCH @maceface9210 for the advice, for shipping my AWESOME PACKAGES ALREADY, and for being one of few AWESOME people left in the world. My daughter, btw, is seven too. I read that yours is seven.. but may be eight now?? The earrings are for her😍😍😍😍😍💖💖💖
Apr 02Reply
maceface9210 @jsnuggs16 yup she seven shell be eight in September and sweet she can open the small boxes then xoxoxo
Apr 02Reply
allidlugo Hey girl I wanted to warn you that the Jaclyn Hill palette you bought from eagle2hearts is fake. Not trying to start any drama I just wanted to give you a heads up. She claims all her makeup is authentic but her receipt is fake and from an untrustworthy wholesaler. Please google the Jaclyn Hill palette and look at how different it is from the one she sold.
Apr 06Reply
maceface9210 @allidlugo yeah the buyer who bought from me accepted it before she knew and omgg I HAD NOOOOOO CLUE i actually JUST bought ANOTHER from a ladybive bought from who sells authentic I actually watched a tutorial and WOW there are SO Many fakes its SO sad. And idk what to say to the gal who bought in scared because I dodnt want her to think I KNEW I've only been dealing high end makeup for a couple months in learning lol
Apr 06Reply
allidlugo @maceface9210 I’m glad you’re taking the time to research it :) some users on here are some real scam artists
Apr 06Reply
maceface9210 @allidlugo RIGHT and its truly sad because I've had people block me for it and THAT hurts my feelings in itself ALL I wanna do is MAKE someone's DAY I already have $ I posh for happiness of others because THAT ALONE is priceless to ME ♡♡HAPPY POSHING girly and tag me WITH ANY other fake a $$ $eller $. Lol.
Apr 06Reply
chelsea_sue @maceface9210 hey hun! just wanted to reach out to you cause i had seen that you had the rainbow bling jacket. was wondering if youd be interested in trading the jacket??
Apr 06Reply
amaranth666 What is WRONG with you little bully witches??? bought my palette OVER a month ago, AND RAVED ABOUT IT!!! 5 STARS! and now that one of your little witch friends LOST her case against me, you change the rating to 1 STAR???? on .
Apr 10Reply
Apr 10Reply
tough2sweet Hi! Don't want you freaking out! I'm about to accept my order and release your money! But it's gonna take me a few minutes to write my review! All I know is you ROCK!!💜💜💜💙💙💙💛💛💛💜💜💜💙
Apr 11Reply
allidlugo @maceface9210 she’s so delusional lol! I never bought anything from her closet cause I could tell it was all fake. I’m glad you’re aware now!!! Just wanted to watch out for some of the girls on here
Apr 11Reply
allidlugo @maceface9210 you can tell she’s such a low life scammer by the way she gets so defensive and vulgar. She KNOWS her makeup is fake. She’s known for a long time and still tries so hard to attack people that just want to inform others. Idk how her account hasn’t been deleted yet
Apr 11Reply
maceface9210 @allidlugo yeah so sad and how was I to know she had a case ? Lmao wish I WAS psychic lol. I would have known about her fake makeup lol. It's poshers like her that give one's like us a bad name I've had poshers I don't even know block me now because of that. So now I feel obligated to show proof EVERY time
Apr 11Reply
goodbuysbygeo Super Awesome Melissa! 💕 Thanks for the shares! 🤙🏼🤙🏼
Apr 13Reply
iceola38 @maceface9210 Hi yes I do have two of the white sparkly pair is I paid more for one pair than the other both in the same condition in my opinion but check the photos
Apr 13Reply
gypsythrift22 I love your closet. Pls ever hesitate to tag me to anything rainbow!!🌈 happy poshing.
Apr 14Reply
lalato4 Hey Girl! How ya doing? Thought I would check on you and see how your doing! Just thinking about you. Let me know how your doing ok. 💕
Apr 14Reply
davis0204 Hi there! Please don’t buy that Too Faced palette from @ashleyflo91 she is a fake, that palette is clearly fake, I own two of them. She also has a duplicate account or a sister account that is selling the exact same thing. @nicoleflo88, other poshers called both listings out but then deleted the original listing and blocked us poshers. Ashley is still trying and successfully selling it.
Apr 15Reply
davis0204 If you look up legit packaging on the palette, the casing is not the same. The rainbow is off colored and is flat, the real on is like a puffy bubble casing, like those puff stickers, way more muted pastel tones and isn’t lined in pink.
Apr 15Reply
maceface9210 @davis0204 omgg GIRL THANK YOU SOOO VERY VERY VERY MUCH it's poshers like that who need the preeminent boot omg thanks again
Apr 15Reply
maceface9210 @davis0204 are ALL her pallets fake? IMA report em ALL
Apr 15Reply
davis0204 Honestly is hard for me to tell BUT if you look at the meet the posher comments there is a buyer who got the peach palette and it was a fake and she refused to respond to her. She will never post batch codes or proof of purchase. Claiming she works in the industry and get discounts. Well any reputable place will still give you a receipt even if it is a major discount. They have to inventory it and show proof that the transaction occurred. I don’t trust her closet at all
Apr 15Reply
annasposhalley @maceface9210 ❤️Super loving your closet!!!! Hi, its nice to meet you and ty so much for the posh love on my VS Pink Crop & shorts, you rock!!!! I hope your having an awesome weekend, Hugs Anna
Apr 28Reply
lanny4751kodak Hi there, lovely pictures and thanks for sharing. I would roller skate every chance I got.🦋lol
Apr 29Reply
swak1323 Hey Melissa, I'm Elissa !! Thanks IN ADVANCE for the FOLLOW BACK hun !! Really appreciate the support. This is such a fun community full of so many fabulous women (men) & I'm having a great time meeting EVERYONE !! Here's to HOPING I see you in my closet soon, till THEN Have a fantastic day :):) Always, xo, Lips & Lashes💋💋
Apr 29Reply
maceface9210 @swak1323 aww thanks so very much I have such a blast on here everyday and indeed sooo many awesome people I love it so much. And thanks for the love
Apr 29Reply
maceface9210 @lanny4751kodak oh yes me too I miss my hot pink and purple speed skates lol◇◇◇
Apr 29Reply
lanny4751kodak @lanny4751kodak Hello!🦋 I I am glad you got it because this lady was wanting me to hold it till her payday Monday. Congratulations !🎉 They are hard to find new The cake purse is a lot prettier than the picture. I have 6 that a girl was wanting for her daughter 16 birthday . Don’t think she can afford then as this time . I am absolutely a lover of Betsey Johnson !!🌈🤗🦋 Thank you for the purchase and I will get it in the mail today with a surprise gift you will love.
May 04Reply
maceface9210 @lanny4751kodak oh yay!!!! I was gonna ask if you can hold when I saw it the first time😂...and omg you're sooo sweet free gifts are awesome I give 3 each purchase it used to be each listing purchased so say three listings sold in a bundle I would do 9 gifts 😂😂I can't do that anymore it costing way too much. Lol so the cake you have more than one?
May 04Reply
lanny4751kodak @lanny4751kodak You sooo sweet and to pretty to be crying so early. I do have more and will make you a good deal since you purchase already. I will try daily to share your closet and help anyway I can. I started Posh in January and still learning how it all connects . You have a blessed day. Anything you want me to hold I would be happy to help you. Have a Blessed Day.
May 04Reply

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Last Active: Mar 05

Littleton, CO
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Last Active: Mar 05

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