Meet your Posher, Zooey
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Hi! I'm zooey2000. Some of my favorite brands are Louis Vuitton, CHANEL, Coach, kate spade, and Alexander McQueen. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

15 others
like this

hi, you just purchased a bundle - then offered on another bag
do u want the 2nd bAG TOO
Jul 13Reply

Jul 13Reply

Hi - thank you for your orders - I have shipped today
earrings are inside the bj cosmo bag
also to save you on extra shipping I put one bag from a heavy bundle into the order with only one purse - FYI
thank you again!
Jul 14Reply

@amconklin17 sorry, I'm new to this. I should have bundled. Thank you. I'll figure this out eventually. Thanks!
Jul 15Reply

@amconklin17 I did want the other one, but don't know what the heck I'm doing!! You have great taste, love your shoes, bags, styling. Betsy isn't for everyone but that's why I adore her. Thank you so much!!!
Jul 15Reply

@amconklin17 oh, Thank You! You did that for me, I APPRECIATE that solo much. Great taste and a good person. Thank you!
Jul 15Reply

Hi! First Welcome to Poshmark. 💕Thank you for stopping by my closet and your purchase. I'll be sure to ship out today or Monday for you. As you navigate the site, if you ever have any questions, don't hesitate to ask and I'll do my best to help out. 💕🦋Daneen
Jul 15Reply

@zooey2000 what size shoes do you need? is there something special you are looking for ? high heels?
Jul 15Reply

@amconklin17 I wear 10 - 11. I'm 5'10". I can't really wear heals as I'm way tall then. Sometimes I do anyway, but I'm trying to find flats or low heal I like. Thanks for asking!!
Jul 16Reply

@fashionista21 Thank you, yeah, I'm just learning. In really enjoy it though. The whole social part of it all is nice. It's not like eBay or other sites out there. You have great style.
Jul 16Reply

@zooey2000 Thank you so much! I love your photo. It's so fun. I also love love your Fashion Statement. I'm always adding new items. Unfortunately I'm so far behind. It's either list or beach. Beach has been winning lately. Lol
Jul 16Reply

@fashionista21 Did you cancel an order? My Discover card refunded $296 to someone on Postmark. I can't find the place where my purchases show up. I'm only a few purchases in to this site. Have a great day.
Jul 16Reply

@amconklin17 Hi. I was wondering if perhaps you may have cancelled an order? My Discovery card sent me a text saying an order for $296 was cancelled. I'm new here, as you can tell, if there was a problem of any kind, please let me know. Ok, have a great day!
Jul 16Reply

it was not me - all items have shipped
Jul 16Reply

@zooey2000 Hi. No it was definitely not me.
Jul 16Reply

@amconklin17 ok, that may then be an error or something. "The beach is winning" lately, got a laugh from from me. I wish I could do that too. Work always seems to win as of late. Anyway, I just wanted to ask as I don't know much on here. I would hope to know if you were upset w me for any reason so we could work it out. Go n get that beach & have a good one!!!
Jul 16Reply

thank you for reaching out - yes would be happy to work with you - take care
Jul 16Reply

@fashionista21 Great, I only bought from you and one other, and both are saying it's not you. I would hope if you are ever upset w me for any reason, that we could talk it out and "fix it" and move forward. Have a great day! Love your closet, you have great style. It's too early for me to fill my closet, but when I do, it's going to be madness. I'm a purse, wallet, shoe, boot junkie. Just bought a house and realized just how much I have. Have a good one!
Jul 16Reply

When you do fill your closet! Let me know so I can share the heck out of it. I would look over your purchases and see if they add up to that dollar amount. I have received no notification from PM on my end of a cancel nor did I. Also maybe contact your cc company. ......... But I can tell you this, if you don't figure it out ......I'm adding new things this week. come back and spend it in my closet. Lololol
Jul 16Reply

@amconklin17 Hi. When I bundle, do I (negotiate price), suggest a price and them hit, " buy now" at the rate I offered?
Jul 16Reply

@fashionista21 *this
Jul 16Reply

@zooey2000 when you bundle, (depending on seller discount also) you can offer another price but then would need to wait for an accept or counter from the seller.
Jul 16Reply

Meaning if it's a good discount. You don't want to turn the seller off by offer too low.
Jul 16Reply

@fashionista21 I understand low balling. I'm just wondering if you make it a sale or wait. I'm probably not saying this right. Ugh!!
Jul 16Reply

@zooey2000 hi. Click on what you want to bundle. Then you can buy it now with the seller discount or you can make an offer lower than the bundled discounted price. Then you wait for the seller to respond. If that helps
Jul 16Reply

@zooey2000 it's up to you how badly you may want a piece. Most sellers will work with you.
Jul 16Reply

@fashionista21 oh, ok... Thank you "fashionista", I get it now. Really, thanks so much!
Jul 16Reply

hi - just touching base with you - confirming that you are reordering 2 bags ..white lace betsey and gold tote KS - you have already ordered these from me and they are in route to you -
so this new bundle would be seconds for those two bag?
also shipping is now going to be a problem - the weight for
what you bundled is going to be to large - let me know
if you need duplicates of the 2 bags
Jul 16Reply

or do you want to re look at the bundle?
Jul 16Reply

usually 3 bags work for a shipment without paying extra feel
Jul 16Reply

@amconklin17 I do not want the gold one, good catch.I don't want the xtra lacey by Betsey. See, I'm lost a bit. I thought I bought those then saw them and thought, "Guess I didn't buy them, they're still for sale. Thank you for the catch. Is there a place where I can see all my purchases?
Jul 16Reply

I am going to decline the current bundle which included the 2nd white lacey and ks gold
Jul 16Reply

@zooey2000 there's a place you can go to see your purchases. If you're using the app there should be a button with your username in the bottom right if you click that you can go to a list where there is a section that says my purchases
Jul 16Reply

Good evening Zoey. Thank you for your purchase 🌹
Jul 17Reply

Hi welcome to the poshmark family! I hope you are enjoying all the great closets to visit! Please feel free to visit me anytime 🤗. Have a good time and as always happy poshing!
Jul 18Reply

HI - responding to your request for future orders in USPS boxes - well - I try to recycle and reuse to better the planet additionally our post office does not have the large "purse bundle boxes", so yes I will ship USPS if and when possible if you like ... also shipping time will be a day later - FYI - hope this help - take care - thank you again for your orders
Jul 19Reply

@fashionista21 It wasn't anyone, it was an error on my end, read it wrong. Oh my my.
Jul 19Reply

Hey sweetie- I accepted your purchase but you need to update your payment options😘 thanks and when that is resolved I will ship out your presents 🎉
Jul 19Reply

@amconklin17 I gotcha. I'm thinking about when I'm sending out packages. I really like you thin slightly opaque bags to keep the contents dry if raining. The USPA, UPS & FED EX leave it on my doorstep. So does Overstock. They left furniture in the rain.
Jul 19Reply

@wildtimetoys Yes, I just called Am Ex. They declined bc needed validation from me on the $396 or so bundle. It was idle a long time, 1st use. Gotta set up app too. Perhaps you or I can cancel and try again, for the same bundle? I'm sorry, to cause drama. I didn't mean to. I'm new to this site, less than a week I think. Thoughts? Suggestions? I'll get app up too. I'll let you know when it's "all clear". Ok?
Jul 19Reply

You can decline offer and keep bundle in your dressing room and when you get your card working then come visit me. In meantime you will get your blouse in a couple days and I hope you like it😘 Happy poshing and glad you are part of the poshmark family🤗
Jul 20Reply

@zooey2000 ok I think you have a present purchase of several items! I hope you love them. I will put your gift box together today and get it shipped out tomorrow. You did another purchase but I don't know if it overlaps the items you bought on this bundle? We will see😘
Jul 20Reply

@wildtimetoys Thank you wildtimetoys!!! I'll check it out. I'm really digging it here!!
Jul 20Reply

@wildtimetoys My card situation is all clear. I paid one 12g. No worries anymore. Just bought a house and I'm using my artistic nature to make it beautiful. Going for glam, native American, contemporary & a bit of modern. I've been doing it professionally for over a decade so this is fun, but my credit cards are smokin`. I just have to be careful. It's hard w my excitement over this gorge house. I'm so happy y'all !!!
Jul 20Reply

@zooey2000 hi Hun, I accepted your offer on the shirt but it says you need to update payment information..
Jul 21Reply

Hello there! I just wanted to let u know that the last three days I have giggled and laughed so hard! U r such a pleasure to work with! I will work hard for u girlie! U r a doll!!! Also I am making u Anne klace as a gift! Rose gold! This one we won't have size issues with like the ring! Lol!!! Anyhoo...u r a doll and u let me know if u need anything at all and I will go find it for ya or make it!!! Anyways, have a wonderful weekend!!! Thankyou again!!😊
Jul 22Reply

@zooey2000 just curious if you were wanting those items still from me?
Jul 27Reply

@skelekey worry Gali. I am in CIU at Bolingbrook Adventist hospital, IL 60440. My Gali Billboard rupturas, Lotus of matones somalí n got. Dr grave pics, it is cover a 12" long!! So donut count me your. Ive Breen hace since Sta aversión, I thank. Ambulancias too me as I could not walk. I almita diente fake it. Crímenes in two rally hables. Im luchó to hace my bags. They mean the World to me. Cachetes 2 he Dear aniversario @ 5am.
Jul 27Reply

Would way, "no worry"!! Visa David por it they Alain. All is well.
Jul 27Reply

Darn spell check! Oy!! Put through again, Visa is fine.
Jul 27Reply

@tammyjhockett awwww, Tammy, house a tiro anda a saber one at thai. Hoy Boeing a Emile to my face anda bella Aluche to my bella! Priceless!
Jul 27Reply

@wildtimetoys I did update. All is well. Visa said to recharge.they nevar saw me buy at Posh and then so much & often.
Jul 27Reply

@zooey2000 get feeling better! Sorry to hear your in the hospital.
Jul 27Reply

@zooey2000 good your order you should have or be getting🤗 I hope you are happy with everything 😘
Jul 27Reply

hey lady! i just realized that you had multiple bundle purchases. will get the rest shipped out ASAP. Next time give me a holler so we can re-do your orders into one bundle so you only have to pay one shipping fee! I appreciate you!
Jul 27Reply

@zooey2000 Hello there! R u ok? R u in the hospital hun? Let me know if u r ok! I am worried! Please let me know if u r ok sweetie!! Its just I am a mom of twin 20 yr old girls, u remind me so much of them...u r such a sweetheart...please let me know if u r ok! Sending hugs and good vibes!! 💗💕💖
Jul 28Reply

Welcome to posh❤
Jul 28Reply

@zooey2000 Read the hospital comments above. Hope you are all right now!
Jul 28Reply

@zev4u_lexx_luvr I'm at the hospital y'all! Had burst huge gall bladder w lots of huge stones in it. That explains a lot! 13"×13". I thought I'd gained weight. Whoop, whoop, Not!!
Jul 29Reply

@zooey2000 OMG! How large is one normally?
Get well quickly! 🤕
Jul 29Reply

Hey, Debs. Just dropping by to let you know I'm thinking of you. Hope you're healing and feeling well. Take gentle care, my friend! 😘
Jul 30Reply

Still thinking of you! Hope you are resting and healing comfortably. ❤ ❤ ❤
Aug 01Reply

Praying all is well with you and you are taking the time and space you need to heal. Be well and blessed, Debs! ❤
Aug 04Reply

@kindlyyours Sara!!! I'm home, but kicking back. I came home to lots of present, many from you!!! It was the best home coming from a hospital EVER!! It was Great!!!!!!! I was belly laughing. You're special Sara! An ambulance brought me home and it was utouching, funny & endearing!
Aug 04Reply

@zooey2000 Oh, I'm so relieved and thrilled to know you're doing well enough to have returned home, Debs! Congrats...that's great progress. If I'm to have another hospital stay, I want to come home to a boat load of presents, too! How fun! Thank you so much for messaging me, Debs. Take gentle care! ❤
Aug 05Reply

Welcome waiting ur visit thank u 😍😍😍
Aug 11Reply

@zooey2000💞💞💕💞💞 Hello Doll, I see you bundled a few of my items I have made a counter offer, I hope you will accept. Also, I really hope you are feeling much better after your hospital stay...Congrats on the new home💞💞💕💞💞
Aug 19Reply

@zooey2000 Hi Zooey! Nice to e-meet you! Thanks for the bundle offer. Which tank are you interested in? They are listed at $25 each. Thanks again! 🙏😇💜💜💜
Aug 20Reply

@zooey2000 I offer a standard 15% off 3 or more bundles which would be $85. I gave you an additional discount since you seem like an awesome Posher!! Welcome!! 😄😇🌟💥💕💕
Aug 20Reply

Greetings Zooey ! Come explore your Praline Queens closet filled with rare and unique treasures 👸👑🌹💎💎💎
Aug 23Reply

Hi hun) welcome to my closet ! Feel free to make an offer with price you like! ❤️ have a wonderful day ☀️☀️☀️
Aug 24Reply

@zooey2000 Thank you so much For All your Likes😆❤
Aug 27Reply

Hi doll love your cover shot!!!
Sep 07Reply

@zooey2000 Hi I'm Cindy! ☺️
Welcome ot Poshmark!
Feel free to reach out with any questions!
Happy poshing!
Sep 18Reply

Belated welcome to Poshmark. I hope that you are having as wonderful of a time as I have😊
Sep 20Reply

@ppamprrd Pamela, thank you for the warm welcome you've given me! I appreciate it more than you know! I'll be seeing you Poshing around!
Sep 20Reply

@melissacrump why thank you Melissa! Yours is rather lovely as well. Thanks for dropping by!
Sep 20Reply

@bestbuycloset Hi Cindy! I have so many, it's ridiculous. I will start selling soon & I don't know how it works on here... I learned to buy well, that's for sure. Have a whole new wardrobe. No .uk. I have a lot of beautiful items. I just love what happens when women come together. This is a special place. I've not seen one like it. Is there? I like Tammy & Sara so much, I feel we're old friends!
Sep 20Reply

@pralinequeen ohhhh, sounds very intriguing! I'll drop on by real soon w an opening line like that "lil' queeny"!!!
Sep 20Reply

✨✨✨ Thanks for shopping with me and for all the nice words! Your bundle is packed up and going out today! 📫💌📦🎁
Sep 28Reply

Hello! If you're in the mood to shop, I'd be grateful if you checked out my closet! Have a lovely day!
Sep 29Reply

Oct 03Reply

Oh, Debs, I just love reading your ratings and reviews. Thanks for the truly glowing comments and, yea, everything a hit! Did the vest fit your granddaughter? Sure hope so. OK...time for your history lesson. Tee-hee. The silver (technically pewter) piece is called a Jefferson cup, after the primary author of the Declaration of Independence and our 3rd President, Thomas Jefferson. During the Colonial era...
Oct 06Reply

...Jefferson commissioned a silversmith to make him 8 cups. He provided very specific direction regarding the size and shape of the cups he desired to the silversmith. The cups were completed and delivered to Jefferson the year he was elected President (1801) and became "all the rage!" At that time they were used for drinking and were referred to as a tumbler. The popularity continued and they've been...
Oct 06Reply

...manufactured since, but namely are given singly as gifts and are now most commonly made of pewter. The cup you have was manufactured Mid-Century (I believe in can look at the bottom of the cup...would be a quality maker). Perfect, right? The clean lines and shape were completely in keeping with the Mid-Century modern movement. It was likely either purchased by my parents at a Danish modern showroom or given to them as a gift.
Oct 06Reply

I absolutely love it! Yet am downsizing, so wished for you to have it to enjoy or to pass on to someone else as you wish. Last I used it was for coins inside a drawer. It's fun to hear how you intend to use it!!! Oh....did you really want to know what it was?.....Lol. Hope you're well, Debs. Half expected to see some items in your closet. Are you gearing up to sell?! I"m waiting to see your handbags!
Oct 06Reply

Hi, kindly visit my closet, I hope you like something. Please feel free to ask any questions. Take care
Oct 08Reply

Hey. Just stopping by to say hi! Just got back from Poshfest in Chicago. It was amazing🎉
Oct 08Reply

@fashionista21 Hi gals, thanks for thinking about me and saying, "Hi!!" I'm staying on a lean budget. Got into some hot water, oh no!!! I'm broke! We'll chat soon. I have to redo all my inventory. Oy vey. Around 2,000 designer goods. With out the jewelry! I lost my phone. Again. Since my stroke I lose the phone everyday. Well, almost. I have back ups for my back ups!!! But this time, I didn't "back up" my inventory! Holy crappers!!! Sleep time, good night y'all!
Oct 10Reply

You can always counter doll!
Oct 10Reply

@wildtimefashion I so know that! I must save to get several items to finish my newest artistic designs in my new home. Time to sell, not buy! You do know my weakness'!!
Oct 11Reply

@zooey2000 gotcha doll! I have weaknesses Too! And I do buy when I should be saving to pay medical bills lol. Love your support and always welcome.
Oct 11Reply

Hi!! I hope you are having tons of fun Poshing! Please feel free to @ me if you have any questions on how to get your closet started. Happy to help and share.💕
Oct 12Reply

to the poshmark community!
Oct 16Reply

Oct 16Reply

Oct 16Reply

Hey, Debs! I keep dropping by to see if you have any listings. Surely you could part with a bag or two. Tee-hee. I can't sleep tonight so am storming closets. Keeps me out of trouble. Hope you're well and having a great week! 😊 ❤
Oct 18Reply

@kindlyyours I placed ur purple flowered velvet coin purse is on display in my purple & white velvet & plush faux fur w Victorian diamond tufted headboard & sette. I'm awaiting on my white bombe chest, finally it will be mine!!!
Oct 26Reply

@zooey2000 sounds gorgeous! I'm sure I'll be super comfortable there when we have our first slumber party! Lol!!! Where will you sleep? Tee-hee!
Oct 26Reply

Hi doll I maybe purchasing over the knee boots in 9 and 10 interested let me know as I normally don’t carry that size. It is under the gray over the knee boots in my closet the last 2 photos give you idea - come in black too
Oct 28Reply

Tonight is closet clear our so shipping I think is free on orders😘
Nov 01Reply

Hey doll I left you a offer on bundle. Did you miss it? If still interested just recreate and I can give you same offer😘
Nov 01Reply

Nice to meet you! Zooey :) Just stopped by to say hello and invite you to check out my closet or ask any questions. I carry many of your favorite brands. I have great Bundles deals and sale's! Stop by :) Happy Poshing ♡♡♡♡ @richera137
Nov 04Reply

Hey Zooey! Just wanted to let you know I carry a lot of Vince Camuto, White House Black Market, Michael Kors, Free People and many other designer brands in my closet, all new with tags and at 60%-80% off retail price. Let me know if you see anything you like! Have a wonderful day! 😀 Meg
Nov 16Reply

Good Morning! Just wanted to let you know I am doing 20% off everything TODAY ONLY!!! Happy Poshing!!!! 👗👛👜👠👟👞👢🎁❤️👍🏼😃🎉
Nov 20Reply

@zooey2000 Good Morning! Just wanted to let you know I am doing 20% off everything TODAY ONLY!!! Happy Poshing!!!! 👗👛👜👠👟👞👢🎁❤️👍🏼😃🎉
Nov 20Reply

I AM HAVING A BLOWOUT SALE💣💥💥 Welcome to Posh were we have fun buying in selling🤔🤔if u have any questions feel free to reach out😉 😉Come take a peek 👟👞👘👝👜👠I am sure u will find something u luv😍😍My Sucess have been building a relationship with new Poshers and return buyers😋😋When u see something u like grab it u never know how fast someone else will grab it🤗🤗Nothing hunts us like the things we did not buy 🤣🤣🤣Happy Poshing 🛍🛍
Dec 12Reply

💞💞💞Hey Zooey, just stopped by to check on you...How are you feeling...How is that home coming along...I hope all is well with you, you are such a wonderful person just I wanted to chat you up just for a few...I am sure we would be great friends if we lived closer...Take Care💞💞💞
Feb 09Reply

Hello, my name is Jen☺️ If you are looking to shop🛍 check out my closet. Hit like or Bundle any item(s) and I will send you an offer✨🦄Or Make your own offer! I hope to hear from you soon🌹 I love the Fashion quote
Apr 01Reply

Haven’t seen you for awhile making sure you haven’t left us all alone in poshland!
May 06Reply

Hi there and welcome to Poshmark! This is a great place to sell your unwanted clothes, shoes and jewelry. Deals are available as well if you keep your eyes open. It can be a bit confusing in the beginning so if you have any questions, please feel free to tag me and I will be more than happy to try and help. When you have a moment pls check out my closet. Thanks so much. 💝
May 07Reply

Hi I'm Laura, it's nice to meet you! Happy Poshing!😘💗xo
Jun 09Reply

Hi hope you are having a wonderful day!
Oct 01Reply

Hey there, I see a few items you may like in our closet. I ship same day if order is placed by 3pm cst. Let me know if you have any questions 💗
Dec 18Reply
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