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Updated 4 days ago
Updated 4 days ago

Meet your Posher, Gina Marie🐝

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Gina, poshmark is my side hustle at night. It keeps me fresh dressed like a million bucks, and my kids* strapped in a fresh pair of chucks. 🙃 Some of my favorite brands are Nike, Kate Spade, Michael Kors, American Eagle Outfitters, Puma, Adidas, Abercrombie and Fitch and many more!Leave a comment so I can come check out your closet! 😘 Insta: @that.girl.gina
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fabfashionvalue Hi! Welcome to Poshmark. 😄 I think you'll love it here as much as I do! I'm looking forward to watching you build your closet, and am following you to keep up with your style! Looks like you are off to an AMAZING start here with lots of fantastic items! I specialize in size small designer clothes- please check out my closet - hope that you will decide to "follow" me to keep up with my new listings as well! Feel free to reach out if you ever need anything - I'm always happy to help you out!
Jul 30Reply
atrendylook @kmargel thanks love! Still trying to figure out this site. But I have tons of stuff I will be uploading! Stay tuned! Xoxo
Jul 30Reply
gabriellasgrabs Hey girl! Welcome to Poshmark! 😊 Looking forward to seeing your cute closet grow! 💞
Jul 30Reply
atrendylook @gabriellasgrabs thanks love! Looking forward to seeing yours as well!
Jul 30Reply
fashionmellow Hey, nice pics! Welcome to Poshmark!
Aug 01Reply
atrendylook @fashionmellow thanks doll 😘
Aug 02Reply
atrendylook @thriftandbarter like wise doll 💋
Aug 06Reply
jassieboo92 Hi 👋 Welcome to poshmark ! 😃
Aug 07Reply
atrendylook @jassieboo92 hey lovey! Thanks! 💋💋
Aug 07Reply
mr_minnic123 Hello, welcome to poshmark!
Aug 16Reply
atrendylook @mr_minnic123 thanks so much love !
Aug 16Reply
sassystylinfind Stopping by to say Hi, Follow & Share!Much Success on Posh & Life ✌🏼⚓️🌺
Aug 25Reply
midoa Welcome to Poshmark Gina! Feel free to check out my closet too, u might find things u like 😊
Aug 25Reply
kermo Welcome to Posh! You will love it here, a great place to find good NWT, NWOT & EUC clothing. If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to ask. You can bundle items from a closet and receive all the items for 1 shipping charge ($6.95). This is the best way to get your items cheaper and most sellers offer a bundle discount also, which is awesome. Hope you have Happy Hunts & Happy Poshing!!
Aug 30Reply
atrendylook @kermo thank you so much for all that information! I'm still very new so trying to still figure it all out! Can't wait to go check out your closet now- and I will def reach out to you When I have questions! Xoxo happy poshing 😘
Aug 30Reply
spreadlove Hi, I know there are many closets on posh but I'd be grateful if you checked out mine! Either way I was just stopping in to say hello! Have a great day!
Nov 21Reply
atrendylook @spreadlove hey there love! Just followed you! I will definitely be checking yours out as well! Xo 😘
Nov 25Reply
chucky75 Thx for following me
Feb 21Reply
atrendylook @chucky75 likewise doll 🙃
Feb 22Reply
krista1l Hi I love your closet!! You should check out mine, feel free to make offers on anything you like! Thank you & happy poshing💕
Apr 08Reply
atrendylook @krista1l thanks! Checking out yours now 💋
Apr 08Reply
holnx003 You are gorgeous!! And I’m not saying that in an odd way of course!
Apr 18Reply
atrendylook @holnx003 aw you are so sweet! That’s not odd at all! Thanks for the compliment doll 💋Feel free to add me on Instagram @that.girl.gina
Apr 18Reply
atrendylook @holnx003 i feel like you’re someone I’d be friends with lol don’t mean to sound odd either 😂
Apr 19Reply
holnx003 @gmbx62 I DO understand that.. I took an instant bond with a you. Very cool 😁⭐️
Apr 19Reply
thecampaign19 Welcome to my poshmark gorgeous keep in touch and stay blessed and beautiful also check out my closet you might find something you like and I'll definitely check out yours love is love.
Apr 24Reply
atrendylook @thecampaign19 thank you! I will check it out doll 🙃💋
Apr 24Reply
atrendylook @holnx003 not sure how I missed your comment. But I do understand doll 💋
Apr 25Reply
atrendylook @holnx003 super 😎 heheh
Apr 25Reply
holnx003 @gmbx62 yep!! More gorgeous pictures 😁. AND you are wearing an anchor too!!!! My favorite!! I just bought a bundle of anchor things!! Yes seriously lol many sales to ya!!💕
Apr 25Reply
atrendylook @holnx003 haha thanks I’m still changing out a few more.. I’m actually going to list that sweat shirt. I’ve worn in three times now. It’s time to go. Supper cute from a local boutique in NJ 💋
Apr 26Reply
sandfiddler Thanks so much for the shares 🌷🌷🌷
Jun 26Reply
atrendylook @valuebuys likewise 🙃❤️
Jun 26Reply
sandfiddler Lol why the upside down smile🤔
Jun 26Reply
atrendylook @valuebuys my most used emoji 😊
Jun 26Reply
atrendylook @valuebuys lol 😃🙃
Jun 26Reply
sandfiddler Ok... 😎🥂
Jun 26Reply
sandfiddler Ok so dose this mean we are pffs 😂🤩💥🤔🤣🍔
Jun 26Reply
atrendylook @valuebuys we can be if you want to 🥰
Jun 26Reply
sandfiddler I dont know... I have to think about it 🤔🙄😐🙄😂
Jun 26Reply
sandfiddler Ok I thought about it 💖💕❤🤩🌹🥂yay l have a pff . 🤗
Jun 26Reply
atrendylook @valuebuys okay well think about it.. the offer expires in 24 hours. Posh rules on offers 😂😂
Jun 26Reply
atrendylook @valuebuys ❤️🥰🥰
Jun 26Reply
sandfiddler ❤and I dont have those other symbols 😂
Jun 26Reply
atrendylook @valuebuys not iPhone user or didn’t upgrade your system lol 😂
Jun 26Reply
sandfiddler I hate iPhones 💩
Jun 26Reply
atrendylook @valuebuys not sure if we can be besties LOL 😝
Jun 26Reply
sandfiddler I phone may be a deal breaker, I will have to consult my attorney about a posh divorce 😂😂😂🥂
Jun 26Reply
sandfiddler But my flip phone dose get hard to see😂😂😂🥂🍻🍺
Jun 26Reply
sandfiddler Well be like that then🙄 I will buy an iPhone gonna miss my flip though 😂😂😂 I forgot to ask what exactly do pffs do🤔😂😂
Jun 26Reply
atrendylook @valuebuys oh please don’t threaten me with a good time 🐛
Jun 26Reply
atrendylook @valuebuys um not sure was hoping you would know that answer and if you don’t I’m certain google does LOL
Jun 26Reply
sandfiddler Lol well Google may give me the wrong idea😁 I see you have many offs so maybe I ask them😁🤗iPhone lover.🙄
Jun 26Reply
atrendylook @valuebuys i can just ask Siri that girl knows everything 😂
Jun 26Reply
sandfiddler Hmmmm🤔😂
Jun 26Reply
sandfiddler Lol please dont ask her. Shes kinda lost in space🤯
Jun 26Reply
atrendylook @valuebuys oh you already know her responses ?
Jun 26Reply
sandfiddler I got to do some return shares ,expecting to see you in my feed love🥂ps be good or be careful❤
Jun 26Reply
atrendylook @valuebuys you wish 😝
Jun 26Reply
sandfiddler @gmbx62 omg I just noticed your little green worm 😂😂😂 and yes wishes are good.💖
Jun 26Reply
sandfiddler @gmbx62 yes I know sir,s response 😁but we shouldn't discuss that here😂
Jun 26Reply
sandfiddler Hey u still alive 🤔
Jun 26Reply
atrendylook @valuebuys of course I’m alive I just got to work 🙃 are you
Jun 26Reply
sandfiddler Thanks beautiful lady 🤗
Jun 26Reply
sandfiddler Yes of course just finished my day now to gym . I would talk more , but you seem like the grouchy in the morning type😜 but you're pretty cute so its alright 😘
Jun 26Reply
atrendylook @valuebuys grouchy? What! No way. I get in trouble at work with the phone sometimes. I’m working on it lol
Jun 26Reply
sandfiddler @gmbx62 it's ok hun no explanation needed ,to make it to me you can head over to my closet and buy all my stuff 😁I thought you would be a full time posher,, I mean having an iPhone and all😂 have fun
Jun 26Reply
atrendylook @valuebuys eh no. I am a part timer but I’m working on my posh performance 🤣😃
Jun 26Reply
sandfiddler @gmbx62 we should create a bundle people can see this😶
Jun 26Reply
atrendylook @valuebuys good point ✅😊
Jun 26Reply
sandfiddler @gmbx62 ok but you have to do it cause I have no idea how to😂
Jun 26Reply
emacmannis Hi! I would be delighted if you stopped by by new closet! I have all kinds of brands like VS Pink, Hollister, Forever 21, American Eagle, Under Armour and more! I hope you find something you like!😊💕🛍
Jun 26Reply
msleslied1 Gina: Thank you for liking these cute red eyelet shorts. I hate for summer stuff to be left at the end of the season, so gave you an almost 50% discount so you can add to your summer wardrobe..You can even have by the 4th of July, I can get them in the mail today. thank you so much, Leslie
Jun 28Reply
atrendylook @msleslied1 someone else beat me to it! They’re beautiful though! Thanks for the kind offer.. these are the problems I come across when working lol 😂 I’ll continue to check out your closet though - for sure ❤️
Jun 28Reply
msleslied1 @gmbx62 thank you Gina: so rare this happens that 2 people jump on it..Rae also I offer such a good deal..O just wanted somone to have for the fourth..Sorry you missed it. Yes, I add new small stuff alot...Leslie
Jun 28Reply
sandfiddler Our comments are maxed out??? So idk
Jul 21Reply
sandfiddler I cant respond to you idk y u have to create another bundle
Jul 21Reply
sandfiddler Not talking , ? Can't talk?
Aug 11Reply
atrendylook @sandfiddler sorry I was sleeping!!
Aug 12Reply
atrendylook @lauriemasson like my page so you can find it quicker and generally those that like yours do that for that reason too 😊 can’t wait to go all professor on you
Sep 06Reply
luluandvivi @gmbx62 silly question but how do I like it lol
Sep 06Reply
atrendylook @lauriemasson you click heart it’s a listing ... the basic one is the one that says hi Hi I’m Gina some of my favorite brands are ... leave a comment with yours so I can check out your closet .. lol
Sep 06Reply
breecreativ_ Your closet is great!
Sep 12Reply
atrendylook @breecreativ_ thanks love! I’m working on my photo and presentation skills... and trying to expand to provide a variety of walks of life! Progress not perfection.. and your closet looks lovely! Just followed you 😊
Sep 12Reply
atrendylook @sue_sells I sure did! Nice stuff! xo
Sep 12Reply
dalbas Hi I love your closet!! You should check out mine, feel free to make offers on anything you like! Thank you & happy poshing💕
Sep 14Reply
atrendylook @dalbas just did ❤️
Sep 14Reply
atrendylook @emarabuto like this post so you can find my page through your likes 😊 add more to your closet n.. I’ll share it with my peeps ❤️❤️
Sep 14Reply
sandfiddler Gina l am leaving you a note on ig somehow I’m not following u on this iPhone but I can message u.
Sep 23Reply
atrendylook @racer11 like this listing and check out my bio to see more of my world 😊
Sep 28Reply
amctac @gmbx62 hey love have you checked out your box yet?
Oct 03Reply
atrendylook @amctac I am going to be home in 5 minutes! So excited 😊😊it’s the first mystery anything I’ve bought from anyone. I stalked your page hardcore before purchasing.. I investigated several others as well
Oct 03Reply
amctac @gmbx62 aww lol well honestly i really hope you like it. Please let me know of you have any issues at all
Oct 03Reply
atrendylook @amctac thank you so much. :) hope you noticed the adjustment I’ve made xo
Oct 03Reply
jocole96 Welcome happy poshing, 😀
Oct 22Reply
jocole96 Thank you for the shares have a blessed day!
Oct 22Reply
atrendylook @jocole96 likewise! Anytime doll ❤️
Oct 22Reply
carriedancer13 Love you closet!! :)
Oct 25Reply
holnx003 Hi sweetie!!
Oct 30Reply
atrendylook @holnx003 hi my love! How are you? Hope you enjoyed your summer on the boat!!
Oct 30Reply
holnx003 @gmbx62 all is well!! The boat was wonderful this summer 👍👍
Oct 30Reply
crosscultured Thanks so much for all of the amazing shares!! 💐💐
Oct 31Reply
chicnation @gmbx62 thanks so much for the follow we are doing a special today of 20-30 percent off bundles privately discounted
Nov 01Reply
atrendylook @aurefeet108 aw thank you. Its definitely not for everyone but I love it!!! ❤️
Nov 06Reply
libertylady63 Hello 👋 Gina, thanks for liking, sharing, and following my closet! You have a beautiful and fun closet! As Arnolds Schwarzenegger says “I’ll be back!” I am currently adding new items to my closet, so check it often. If you have any questions or are looking for something special, please do not hesitate to ask! Thanks again and Happy Poshing.🥰
Nov 09Reply
mrsdjs81 @atrendylook Hi Gina! Just wanted to stop by and wish you a Happy New Year and thank you for supporting my closet in 2019! May 2020 bring you all the best! 😊🎉🥳
Jan 08Reply
dailythreads976 Thanks for the shares 🙏♥️ Happy Poshing 🎉
Feb 12Reply
sparkle_away Good morning! Just thought I’d say I think your very beautiful 💕 have a great Thursday!
Feb 13Reply
atrendylook @lee95beautiful you’re too sweet. Thank you!
Feb 13Reply
artisticflow05 🦋🌼🦋🌼🦋🌼🦋🌼🦋 How are you enjoying being on Poshmark? I hope you are loving it here as much as I do! Please feel free to visit my closet when you have a chance. Happy Poshing!! 💖✨Live~Love~Laugh✨💖
Feb 18Reply
sandfiddler welcome to posh Mark, I'm sure you will love it 🐥🐓
Feb 18Reply
sandfiddler hi Grace 🤗 welcome to posh 💖 hope u make lots of sales,and keep those kids strapped in Chuck's💕
Mar 04Reply
atrendylook @sandfiddler hi ! Thank you 😊
Mar 04Reply
sandfiddler hi and your welcome 🐥I am trying to follow you on Instagram 🙄we can talk posh
Mar 04Reply
atrendylook @sandfiddler my names Everleigh Grace, but you can call me grace or Gracie 😏 if that’s what you like. And yes let’s talk posh!
Mar 09Reply
sandfiddler @atrendylook ok sweetheart 💖🥺 closet looks great! hope you make lots of sales and friends 🤗😘
Mar 09Reply
atrendylook @sandfiddler I’m definitely looking for friends. I need that. 😜
Mar 09Reply
sandfiddler well you found one for life 😘 my love
Mar 09Reply
summervonholten Thank you kindly for all the shares🤗🤗🤗🛍🛍🛍SUMMER
Mar 14Reply
ragamuffin1990 Thank you so much for all the shares ❤️
Mar 16Reply
atrendylook @ragamuffin1990 of course! If you want like this listing to book mark my closet. I was looking for yours as well.
Mar 16Reply
tasha727s I deleted those photos. I’m sorry. I would have done it sooner, but I didn’t see your comment about them until today . Also, I’m not sure what I did wrong, because I thought we did the purchase for those yesterday. Just let me know what I need to do please.
Mar 28Reply
atrendylook @tasha727s you did purchase but your payment was an issue so when that happens if you don’t fix it right away the sale does not go through
Mar 28Reply
atrendylook @tasha727s I resent an offer, it’s the lowest it will let me Go. If you’re interested accept it but you Need to update your payment method for it to go through. You can also counter offer if you feel that price isn’t right for you send back what is and I’ll work the best I can with you I promise.
Mar 28Reply
atrendylook @tasha727s go to your bundle there’s an offer pending you just need to accept or like I said if you feel that’s not fair or not ideally a good price for you then let me know and counter offer it. I think it’s fair, but with every thing going on I am being sensitive that people lost jobs, Child care etc.
Mar 28Reply
kittybutterfly You’re very welcome! Glad you like your items! 😊
Apr 29Reply
cocodear Oh my gosh I love your photographs and your bio! Hi my name is Colleen and you expressed some interest in a reseller box that I had sold Bob… But I create them all the time so let me know if you want me to make one for you I already put a bundle in your closet… But that would be separate from the reseller box
May 19Reply
atrendylook @cocodear what’s your reseller boxes like?
May 19Reply
atrendylook @cocodear haha thanks! The bio is actually a joke. When people order from me I reveal who I really am in a handwritten letter. Everleigh is my alter ego 😊
May 19Reply
cocodear @atrendylook You’re kidding me! A joke? Wow oh I feel so gullible… Looks like you’ve done reseller boxes before basically I fit usually between 8 to 11 items weighing approximately 5 pounds and I can custom make it by theme designer season tops size etc. or it can be a total mystery… Most brands are free people, Lucky brand,Wildfox, Anthropologie, Lululemon, Zara, and some yoga/athletic stuff…
May 19Reply
atrendylook @cocodear hehe!! When I refer to my kid I mean my furry one with four legs 😂😂❤️
May 19Reply
atrendylook @cocodear those are def brands I’m looking for I want to resell it but if u could find something I liked in the box wpuld v cool too. I don’t like fitted shirts I’m not in bottoms to get an idea of what size I look like I’m 122 I love free people and a those brands you stated
May 19Reply
atrendylook @cocodear some lovely a$$ that knows me was making fake profiles of me w real name and they even signed me up for tinder, apps and spam I had to change my number and everything it was beyond harassment everleigh grace is what I would name my daughter if I ever have one. I think I have a pretty name too. Gina Marie. But on here I’m everleigh grace ❤️heheh that’s why in my reviews sometimes people say thanks Gina ! Hahaha
May 19Reply
cocodear @atrendylook oh I’m starting to understand you more now… You look so different in each of your pictures… It is hard to tell who you are in a way… Everleigh… Your own name is really nice I don’t think I understood what you meant about the reseller box 122?
May 19Reply
atrendylook @cocodear I purposely chose pics of me not looking shades on etc except I just added two of them like this weekend that kinda shows me th most they were the same day the package photo and the mirror selfie
May 19Reply
atrendylook @cocodear I meant to write I Love* free peope and those brands not sure what my fingers hit lol
May 19Reply
atrendylook @cocodear where is the listing for reseller ? i am having a hard time finding it
May 20Reply
cocodear I still get a kick out of your bio and your photos! Anyways thank you for your purchase and I just want to get it right so this is basically a resellers box but if you like some of the pieces you’re going to keep them?… Which is perfectly fine with me… So what I’m hearing is that you’re looking for loosefitting kind of the BoHo vibe
May 21Reply
cocodear Mostly tops… Dresses I have a few things already in mind. In this bio of yours you say you like Nike does that mean you like athletic wear? Or yoga stuff… I’ll see what I can do for5 pounds at $35 I really hope you’ll be happy!!!
May 21Reply
atrendylook @cocodear yeah I mean if there’s something I end up liking that’s cool. But I’m not being too picky as I can most likely find the right person for the item.. as I sell these as well. Oh yeah and everleigh has social media and everything. She doesn’t post on others as much but she’s working on it 😂
May 21Reply
cocodear @atrendylook social media! So She’s got followers and all! Oh wow
May 21Reply
atrendylook @cocodear lol!! Not too many just yet only a few but working on it 😜😜
May 22Reply
cocodear @atrendylook Gina!!! I’m really happy to hear that you are cool with the resellers box
May 26Reply
cocodear @atrendylook - I just saw your updated rating and I see you listed the Tie dye long tank-which is beautiful is that I would recommend lightening the picture so you really can see it. Do you have a feature on your phone that opens the exposure for more light???The prize piece was the band of gypsies romper… I really hope you like the BoHo vibe
May 26Reply
atrendylook @cocodear haha !! No I do not :( I have shit iPhone 8 lol do you Have any suggestions of apps?
May 26Reply
atrendylook @cocodear I love the romper! It might be too big for me though 😭😭 I have to try it on. It depends if it runs small it may work
May 26Reply
cocodear @atrendylook you are so funny! That ROMWE… I think it’s worth around 60 bucks (hopefully) but keep it for you that’s cool . Rompers are an interesting fit. iPhone 8 as well… But I’m always listening to resellers YouTube videos while I’m taking my photos and offered a few suggestions not sure I want to pay quite yet… So I edit manually within the phone there is a lot of settings like exposure/brightness/warmth/shadows etc.
May 26Reply
atrendylook @cocodear I am going to try the romper on tonight I kinda like the free people sweater.. honestly I love it all. You did really good 🥰
May 26Reply
atrendylook @cocodear I would def buy that purchase again in near future ! Xo
May 26Reply
cocodear @atrendylook Oh you’re a sweetheart… I really did want to make you happy but unfortunately I was doing another box at the same time and I guess she got your card because she told me it was made out to Gina LOL but at least I didn’t mess up the boxes. Hers was more preppy/polished and yours is more about how/loose… I noticed that the backdrop of your photos is totally white how did you do that
May 26Reply
cocodear @atrendylook Also noticed you got a stock photo for one of the items you bought. How do you find stock photos so easily do you’s the style number or the RN number? So glad that you’re happy with it really makes me glad
May 26Reply
atrendylook @cocodear omg no so easy! Messaging you now
May 26Reply
atrendylook @cocodear I did get her card. I realiZed in that moment that maybe you got Gina and everleigh mixed up so I didn’t make a big deal lol
May 27Reply
mzamandamarie Hey hun. Just wanted to let you know I shipped your mystery box right after purchase and it says it’s not tracking for some reason. So if you got a message about that disregard it. It was shipped 💗
Jun 05Reply
atrendylook @mzamandamarie it’s ok love! Thanks for the update! That’s happened to me before, no worries!!
Jun 05Reply
bombshellb3auty Where have you been?
Jun 26Reply
atrendylook @peanuts31872 I lost your number again bc i. using a temp phone and Adam restarted the phone can you text me again? I have your light in my car in the box and everything
Jun 26Reply
cocodear Hey girl! Are you ready for another mystery box? I have some pretty cool stuff I could send your way please let me know… Thanks so much honey I hope you’re doing well
Jun 27Reply
cheyanne_79 Hello there, welcome to check out my closet. FYI, I am having jewelry, skincare, makeup products, nail care system, bags, baby stuffs, beautiful coral jade, home decor and accessories etc. on sales! Let me know if you are interest, I can provide you a good discount! 😉
Aug 12Reply
monolidi Happy poshing🥳🥳 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like!🤗
Aug 18Reply
cjhartje cute pics 😊
Aug 28Reply
atrendylook @cjhartje thanks 😊
Aug 28Reply
cjhartje 😊
Aug 28Reply
atrendylook @ileenfard hey love! That’s so kind of you :) do you have an iPhone or iPad?
Sep 05Reply
atrendylook @ileenfard download photo room. It’s free and very self explanatory! My photos are not edited, no back drop or anything :) it’s purple the Icon of the app! It just makes it all look neater! Good luck with sales 😜😘
Sep 05Reply
atrendylook @ileenfard I checked out your closet! Looks good! No emojis in titles.. it prevents it from being searched through a search engine such as google.., which is how a lot of sales come through!
Sep 05Reply
atrendylook @ileenfard any time! If you want “like” this listing and refer back to it in the future and if you have any more questions I’m always here!
Sep 05Reply
atrendylook @ileenfard it will 100 percent! If you scroll through my page you’ll find my Cute ones before using the white background. Oh god I used bathrooms bedroom beds anything 😁I’m very grateful for that app :) good luck!
Sep 05Reply
atrendylook @ileenfard great! Glad I could pass along some good info with you!
Sep 05Reply
djjaymac2 Hi Gina, thanks for following my closet. Would you please tell me how you get those white backrounds on your listings? I've tried everything I can think of, so I'd so appreciate knowing! Thank you again!
Sep 05Reply
atrendylook @djjaymac2 hi love! Do you Have an iPhone or iPad?
Sep 05Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing ❤️❤️❤️
Sep 19Reply
atrendylook @melxbeee like this listing to refer to my page easier :)
Oct 13Reply
atrendylook @corinnehare hey!! I’ve heard of you!! Thanks for stopping by and saying hi!! I update my closet often so check it out sometime
Dec 07Reply
luv4harley Yay so happy you love everything❤
Dec 08Reply
pinkstarzz Hi would you take a look at my closet and let me know if your interested in trading i made a bundle but there is more things I like of yours.
Dec 20Reply
alyson108 🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘🔘 🙋‍♀️Hey Gina my neighbor, Hazlet here! 🥰 I have TONS of girls items, clothes of MANY sizes, toys, shoes, decor etc. As well as unique random items, womens, mens and boys items of ALL sizes! Don't worry about my set prices because the MORE you ♡ or bundle, the BIGGER offer I'll send you so don't let any listed price discourage you from adding it. Happy Holidays & Happy Poshing ✌😊✌ 🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍
Dec 21Reply
atrendylook @alyson108 hi there!! We could throw rocks at each other! Haha small world! Thanks I’ll check out your closet sometime!!
Dec 21Reply
limu33yahoo Hi Gina, I noticed you liked a lot of my items, if you’d like to make a bundle of your favorites I will give you more than 50% off!
Dec 22Reply
sunshine8606 your dog is so cute awwwww is he/she a puppy? awwww I want a second dog for my first dog to have a brother or sister but this place we are in now is way too small for two fur babies hehe 🤪
Dec 23Reply
atrendylook @sunshine8606 Peyton! Is a boy he’ll be five years old in may but I’ve had him since he was 12 weeks, he’s a rescue from Perot Rico !! 🐶 ❤️
Dec 24Reply
atrendylook @theoriginal1203 text this number... my New phone didn’t come With a Charger it died I’m using my Old one on my Text now app
Jan 14Reply
atrendylook @theoriginal1203 732 844 6363 it only works when connected to WiFi but I’m home so it’s on it even does phone calls I believe
Jan 14Reply
atrendylook @theoriginal1203 my 328 number died and they forget the charger and it’s not compatible with any charger i have by apple I think I’m returning it to Moore
Jan 14Reply
atrendylook @theoriginal1203 it says the same thing on my end of the platform. I promise I sent it. I have never screwed anyone over not once on this platform or any other, if for some reason the package got lost I would always make it right and send something else And take The loss that’s just who I am.
Jan 14Reply
atrendylook @theoriginal1203 at this point I wouldn’t be concerned it is lost .. I only shipped it like Monday
Jan 14Reply
poppypetalsbtq Hey Gina. I did get one piece of clothing in a box w a nice note & small gifts today. The tag was super worn so I really couldn’t tell what it said. I appreciate you taking the time to do that. It was very nice of you💋any luck on any of the others✌🏼Hell here! My gift bag rep caught the Vid-19 just in time for our Big open house in 14 days!Now I’m scrambling 2 put bags 2gether on my own🤬I’ve done it 2 many x’s past just didn’t want to do it now 😳if you have any ideas 🆘
Jan 15Reply
danielarojas25 😍🥰😘😗 Hello my name is Daniela!!! Welcome to Poshmark. If you need help seeking don’t be shy to ask for help.All my items from the boutique section come from my small boutique in Portland Oregon 😍 currently have a great sale going on till March. Bundle any 5 items from either closet (not new) or boutique and get 50 percent off your purchase (First time buyers only) 😙😚😋😛😝😌😍🥰😙🙃😛😚😙😍😇
Jan 30Reply
atrendylook @danielarojas25 did I show up as new user ? I’m Gina nice to meet you. I’ll be sure to check out your page !
Jan 30Reply
craftsnboutique hi gina! I've left you a few comments, I'm not sure if you arent seeing them?
Feb 01Reply
madiyates Hi! I have a 50% discount on EVERYTHING in my closet!! I also have some cheap mystery boxes. If you see anything you like give it a like and I’ll offer you 50% off! Same day shipping too! Happy shopping 💗
Feb 02Reply
pinkstarzz I shipped your box, are you going to make my listing?
Feb 03Reply
atrendylook @k_kagel why did you remove coach. At from listing
Feb 03Reply
pinkstarzz @atrendylook I removed everything I sent you so far that was it
Feb 03Reply
danielarojas25 😀😃😄😁😆😅😂🤣🥲😊 Hello my name is Daniela! Welcome to Poshmark!! All my items from the boutique section come fromy small boutique in Portland Oregon 😍 currently have a great sale going on till March . Bundle any 5 items from either closet (old or new) or boutique and get 50 percent off your purchase 😀😃😄😁😆😅😂🤣🥲😊😇🙂😉😌😍😘
Feb 04Reply
weeebs Hi! You asked me to accept an order but my order hasn’t even been scanned by the USPS yet as shipped. I think you may have me mixed up with another buyer. Just wanted to let you know! Thanks!
Feb 08Reply
weeebs ... and then you never shipped. Real nice.
Feb 18Reply
atrendylook @weeebs I’m sorry I have been in the hospital I have not shipped anything
Feb 19Reply
atrendylook @weeebs the first one I did ship you used a different address it won’t update unless the tracking is scanned and moving
Feb 19Reply
weeebs @atrendylook Oh no!! I hope you are ok!! Sending you well wishes for a speedy recovery!
Feb 19Reply
weeebs @atrendylook I've never changed any address. I've lived in the same place for many years and would never change my address.
Feb 19Reply
atrendylook @weeebs then it was a different cancelled order but I never sent yours or @k_kagel I can only imagine the shit spoken about me but I literally have to get COVID tested again right now I did get more makeup and beauty which I have on me. But I am also at my moms ... she’s taking care of me I’ll be back in an hour or two I can show you pics of the stuff I received in one big listing... and thanks first was a mental breakdown second is COVID I can’t catch. A break or taste food!
Feb 19Reply
weeebs @atrendylook Oh man!!! That sounds awful 😭😭😭😭
Feb 19Reply
atrendylook @weeebs Im not feeling anything less than lost of taste and some aches I’ll be at my moms up north.. I plan to list but I am going to pick up some stuff from my bfs where I was staying but he won’t let me in by of the COVID thing.. he’s bringing clothes out to me I’m really sorry about the chain of events that has been happening g.. only me I swear
Feb 19Reply
weeebs @atrendylook just checking in! Hope you are doing ok!! ❤️😝
Mar 01Reply
jpatt718 @atrendylook how are you!???
Apr 27Reply
atrendylook @jpatt718 tired... weak.. but alive
Apr 27Reply
pinkstarzz I just wanted to say thanks so much for sending me the trade I think your AMAZING and hope you feel alot better🥰
Apr 27Reply
atrendylook @k_kagel of course I’m definitely not like that I actually found the make up that I thought was not at this house so I’ll be able to fit it in this box and I can’t wait for you to receive your stuff and thank you for the well wishes 💜💜
Apr 27Reply
weeebs @atrendylook you are back!! Yay! Hope you are feeling better!
Apr 27Reply
atrendylook @weeebs i’ve had better days but as time goeson I’ll get there I will be putting my page on vacation mode in the next day or two so if there’s anything you’re interested in feel free to add it to a bundle or let me know thanks for your concerns💜
Apr 27Reply
atrendylook @k_kagel I couldn’t get a lot of glitter mostly shimmer.. and bracelets bc they are on second floor and my mom wouldn’t let me up there I only got out of hospital two days ago after being on life support for 6 weeekks
Apr 28Reply
atrendylook @k_kagel when I get better I will personally send and pay foe those items to come to you )I’ve done it for ever people) some girl hacked until my account and deleted a lot of my love notes but if I say I’m doing something I am .. sending it today 🙃
Apr 28Reply
pinkstarzz its ok just take your time and we can also do trades together i dont want you to lose out either.
Apr 28Reply
pinkstarzz thanks for shipping ill let you know as soon as I get it
Apr 28Reply
atrendylook @k_kagel ugh I went to my family’s house we grew up in more makeup was there. I’d be down for more trades ❤️ I found essential pallet and many more
Apr 28Reply
pinkstarzz great!! we can keep trading i love your stuff you have
Apr 28Reply
pinkstarzz if you want me to save anything just bundle it
Apr 29Reply
atrendylook @k_kagel thanks love. I have the essentials pallet saved for you I found it 🙃
Apr 29Reply
atrendylook @jpatt718 can I call you after ur off work
Apr 29Reply
pinkstarzz thanks😁
Apr 29Reply
pinkstarzz I might have another glamorous lash by Paris Hilton do you want one if I do
May 03Reply
atrendylook @k_kagel if you so yeah 😊
May 03Reply
pinkstarzz ok ill look and add it to your bundle
May 03Reply
pinkstarzz How are you feeling?
May 03Reply
atrendylook @k_kagel thanks . Better each day but very tried 😔
May 03Reply
pinkstarzz Thats good that you are starting to feel better just takes time
May 03Reply
pinkstarzz if you think you need to add more just add it and ill send it in the box
May 15Reply
atrendylook @k_kagel ok thanks ♥️ yours is ready
May 15Reply
pinkstarzz I mailed your box today so watch for tracking and you can add what you want and ill save it
May 17Reply
atrendylook @k_kagel ok thanks same for you to add I’ll save it I’m mailing yours tomorrow I didn’t make it there in time
May 17Reply
pinkstarzz thanks for the rating you are BEAUTIFUL!!!🥰
May 20Reply
atrendylook @k_kagel ♥️♥️
May 20Reply
pincerta just received my cherry blossom bath and body works thank you so much I already put a little bit on the stuff smells so great I know it's one of their older ones but I really really like it I wanted to know if you get or happened to know of one called it's this I think it's called Central Amber or Amber kiss I know they've got dark kiss I'm looking for a body spray in that cuz I like more of the earthy tones you have a good day stay safe and thank you 😊🌼
May 21Reply
rasmeyah Just received my bundle! Loved the way everything was individually wrapped. My package made me feel extremely special. I was very impressed with the entire presentation! Thank you for the extra make up/ face mask on the side. You definitely have an amazing style. I can’t wait to try on all my new clothes. I appreciated the little personalized note <3 Get well soon because you’re a very important person and I’ll definitely be back in your closet to check out what else is new! Lol Thanks again xx
May 22Reply
atrendylook @rasmeyah thanks so much! Glad you liked it 😊♥️
May 22Reply
krkern89 interested in trades?
Jun 08Reply
pinkstarzz thanks🥰
Jun 08Reply
missmariessim @atrendylook 📩📩 💄 💄 📩📩📩📩 📩 💄 📩📩 💄 📩📩📩 📩📩📩📩 💄 📩📩📩 📩📩📩 💄 📩📩📩📩 📩📩 💄 📩How's it 📩 📩📩 💄 📩📩going❔ 📩📩📩📩📩📩📩📩 📩📩 💄 📩📩😘❤📩 📫📫📫📫📫📫📫📫 🎁 🎁 🎁 🎁 🎁 🎁 🎁 Wishing you luck on your sales 🤗
Jun 20Reply
jcostanzo5207 Hello! I love your beauty boxes and mine went missing. My husband and I, in the last 2 weeks, have not had 3 packages delivered!! We had a sub mail carrier and I am thinking she did something with out packages. 😢 If I get my money back, I will reorder one now that we have out permanent mail carrier working again!!
Jul 22Reply
atrendylook @jcostanzo5207 good afternoon. I’m so sorry to hear that your package went missing. This is strange because according to the tracking number it says it was delivered and left specifically with an individual. You may need to contact your local post office since once orders are shipped I am no longer in control of what happens to them. Since this was a mystery box, Poshmark’s policy is all sales are final and they don’t typically refund them. The payment was automatically released
Jul 22Reply
atrendylook @jcostanzo5207 because again the tracking stated it was delivered , so you may also need to reach out to Poshmark. Unfortunately this is out of my hands and seems like an issue with usps. Let me know what either usps or Poshmark say when they get back to you. Thank you kindly- Gina
Jul 22Reply
jcostanzo5207 After two days of talking with my post office, the post master actually found ALL three of our packages and hand delivered them to us today. I was so excited. I loved everything in the box again. Thanks SO much. ☺️❤️
Jul 23Reply
kfab333 @atrendylook Hello! ☺️Super Happy You Dropped By! I am Kimberly- Owner of Kfab Designs! 💖-Always Happy to Assist You in Finding Your Perfect Style! All Orders are Shipped with Gifts 🎁! I Look Forward to Working with You!
Jul 26Reply
beautystop213 Hi Gina! I Just wanted to stop by and introduce myself. My closet is Beauty Stop and I sell makeup products and skincare. I recently launched my High End Makeup Mystery Boxes. I hope you can check it out.   If you like multiple items, let me know so I can create a listing for you including the items that you want (so you only pay shipping once). Thank you!! :)
Jul 30Reply
atrendylook @lilamyg817 hi there! Thanks for letting me know! I’ll check it out 😊
Aug 03Reply
atrendylook @lilamyg817 I heard you don’t consider preferences which is a bummer.
Aug 03Reply
luv4harley hi girlie how are you? Long time haven't heard from you..
Aug 23Reply
atrendylook @luv4harley hey doll! I’m doing alright how are you? It’s been awhile. Thanks for the shares. Miss you. If you ever want to consider doing another trade in the future or whenever just let me know. ♥️
Aug 23Reply
luv4harley @atrendylook we can do one ..a slow one tho and probably take a few weeks to finish it up usual 😊❤️ I've been doing great and having some decent sales ..I will nfs at night once you are sure you want the items...I sell on different sites so have to delete from those sites once someone has bundled to trade...gets tricky when I have to put back on sale for those sites... I will check out your closet too
Aug 23Reply
luv4harley @atrendylook I missed you & our trades...😊
Aug 23Reply
atrendylook @luv4harley I missed our trades too. No rush you know I try to add stuff frequently so feel free to check back. If you see something you really want. Like you just said.. just let me know 🙃
Aug 23Reply
luv4harley @atrendylook I will girl and great our no rush trades are the best...I will look back everyday...I don't have too much more to add as of now but you never know when I get some trades in but check everyday just in case ❤️
Aug 23Reply
atrendylook @luv4harley ok sounds good! And I hear you on the sales those are good to get as well
Aug 23Reply
luv4harley @atrendylook they are...I have charms for that necklace are more then welcome to them .
Aug 23Reply
atrendylook @luv4harley oh you do? I’ll have to check it out I didn’t realize
Aug 23Reply
pinkstarzz You have an absolutely BEAUTIFUL closet 😍
Sep 13Reply
nimbolina Hi do you have more than 1 purple Marc jacobs eyeliner? Ready to purchase
Oct 31Reply
atrendylook @marcella16lewes I have only one purple one.
Oct 31Reply
atrendylook @marcella16lewes I have one more I just found but it’s a light blue
Oct 31Reply
pinkstarzz I will trade with u anytime I put that up so the trades would slow down it gets overwhelming
Nov 08Reply
atrendylook @k_kagel I totally get it I had to do that myself at one point.
Nov 08Reply
atrendylook @k_kagel too much trading takes away from sales but it is fun to do around the holidays for sure :)
Nov 09Reply
beauty_whispers Hi! You just sent me the It Girl palette!
Nov 09Reply
atrendylook @beauty_whispers oh hello!! Oh no was there something wrong with it? Please let me know
Nov 09Reply
atrendylook @beauty_whispers I’m not even seeing you as a recent sale? Did you purchase the it girl palette from me
Nov 09Reply
beauty_whispers @atrendylook - No I bought it on another app, and you sent me a card with your Poshmark address
Nov 09Reply
atrendylook @beauty_whispers oh yeah I include my name here sometimes Bc I have way more lister let me know if you see anything I always am open to less than what It’s posted as and love doing bundle deals
Nov 09Reply
atrendylook @beauty_whispers did you accept the order yet on that app ? If not can you do that
Nov 09Reply
beauty_whispers @atrendylook - Yes, I purchased it on M and you shipped it. All arrived great! I was just popping in to say HI - no issues, all is great!
Nov 09Reply
atrendylook @beauty_whispers okay great thanks ! Glad you Checked my page out I add often
Nov 09Reply
atrendylook @beauty_whispers can you accept the order on m?
Nov 10Reply
atrendylook @sarajevo1 I think I have one hair serum that’s not listed I would have to look into if it’s for thin hair and growth or just shine
Nov 17Reply
littlepeachxo hi ! ^^ i have a variety of listings & all earnings from my closet go to a child abuse survivor to help them heal. -peach ♡.
Nov 21Reply
bundle23 Thank you for following me. When you get a chance, please check out my closet. All the prices are open for an offer. Also, I’m including a gift with your purchase. Happy Poshing!!!😊😊😊
Dec 02Reply
melanieander922 Hello! I have a variety of brands and sizes that you may like, including many of your favorite brands. Also, items that are marked are 4/$15. Please feel free to check out my closet! Thanks! 😊
Dec 02Reply
mindypnw Would you be interested in a trade? 😊
Dec 03Reply
pinkstarzz lovel love love your closet ❤
Dec 08Reply
atrendylook @k_kagel love love yours as well ♥️
Dec 08Reply
1jenessa11 PLEASE let me know if youd be interested in trading, I love your closet 😻😻🛍🎉 Check out my closet and let me know if youd be interested in anything 😘🎉🛍
Dec 12Reply
nolagirl14 LOVE the llama and the puppy❣️😍🥰
Jan 04Reply
atrendylook @nolagirl14 haha thanks! The llama was at my friends wedding in North Carolina the white puppy’s a friends and mine is the other one looking like he was pushing away from me that was the day I adopted him. I guess he wasn’t about it at first lmao
Jan 04Reply
nolagirl14 @atrendylook I didn’t even remember the white was the brown one, yours, that was super cute!
Jan 04Reply
atrendylook @nolagirl14 yep! That’s my Peyton formally known as Paton but I adopted him from Puerto Rico and changed his name slightly 😃 I still keep in touch with his foster mom even five years later
Jan 04Reply
nolagirl14 @atrendylook awwww, that is so cool! Are you from PR? How did you learn about him needing a home?
Jan 04Reply
atrendylook @nolagirl14 nope! New Jersey!! It’s called MCSPCA volunteers go out there and rescue them. Then the girl found me through Facebook by asking their page who adopted this dog that stole her ♥️ he ended up stealing all ours as well 🥰
Jan 04Reply
nolagirl14 @atrendylook oh wow, that is an awesome stiry❣️🥰 He might have been pushing away from you on adoption day, but you have his heart as well. Please give Peyton a hug and kisses from me!!!❤️😘😘😘🐾🐾
Jan 04Reply
atrendylook @nolagirl14 aww I will! Thanks love! He loves us now!! He was only 12 weeks when we got him. He was passed along to a lot of people before he got to us (his foster mom, volunteer, vets, the adoption center) but now he loves us!
Jan 04Reply
nolagirl14 @atrendylook he definitely does! His life might not have started out well but thankfully being passed along to all of those people was actually a good thing. While confusing I’m sure, each person showed him love and prepared him for a lifetime of that to come once he got to you.🥰
Jan 04Reply
atrendylook @nolagirl14 aww you’re too sweet. That’s definitely what happened! He’s the happiest boy ever let me tell you! He has a very good life. 🥰
Jan 04Reply
atrendylook @nolagirl14 he decided he’s staying for awhile hehe 😉
Jan 04Reply
pinkstarzz hey blondie!!! are you a blonde now it looks super good
Jan 11Reply
atrendylook @k_kagel hey! It’s blonde balayage it will be more blonde the second time I get it done in a few weeks. But for now it’s blonde balayage!! ♥️
Jan 11Reply
atrendylook @k_kagel but thank you baby!
Jan 11Reply
pinkstarzz very pretty
Jan 11Reply
atrendylook @k_kagel thanks! 😉🙃
Jan 11Reply
cmrueger Wow, your closet is amazing! 💜 I think I may have some items you might be interested in. Bundle up for a BIG discount, or I may be up for another trade 😘 Happy poshing!
Jan 12Reply
dlevee 50% OFF Everything in my closet. Pay NO attention to any price you see! I am slashing an additional 50% off of  the already low price! I have to retire due to health reasons. Just click the heart under every item you want. Take as many items as you can and spend time in this glamorous closet! I will send you back the adjusted price and all you do is click ACCEPT and I will ship in one day! I am 5 star rated and a fast shipper. Go have fun!
Jan 13Reply
mpulaskie575 Hands down the best ever Gina is on point with everything love it 😊
Jan 15Reply
extragravey Love your Closet!! 🥰
Feb 01Reply
pinkstarzz Hi, whats up up up!!!
Feb 24Reply
atrendylook @tricia_mcneil I’m sorry I’m looking at your page and it looks like you have no trade history I’ll see you have no listings to really show me what you have to trade if you were to trade with me I would request that you ship first I have phenomenal feedback so I’m not concerned with me shipping first you’re the one that has a new page
Mar 21Reply
lovemesomemk @atrendylook Hi Gina! Was wondering if you would be interested in doing a big trade bundle? I have Excellent Trade Feedback . Right now it shows I am on vacation because I am waiting on my new label printer to come in. I also have TONS of unlisted, so lmk what you are looking for! Misty
Apr 01Reply
atrendylook @lovemesomemk I would consider for sure! What do you have unlisted ?
Apr 01Reply
lovemesomemk @atrendylook I have TONS of Designer Makeup and I also have a few unlisted listing in my closet.
Apr 01Reply
splendour76 @atrendylook You even look like such a sweet, beautigul person. I guessed as much just from chatting. 💋
Apr 27Reply
atrendylook @yourmakeupfairy Aw thank you sweetie. You’re so sweet doll
Apr 27Reply
atrendylook @yourmakeupfairy you seem like a great person too! Not too shabby 🤠🤠
Apr 27Reply
splendour76 @atrendylook I've never been described as "Not So Shabby" before, but ok. I'll take it lol
Apr 27Reply
splendour76 @atrendylook It's ringing in my head, "shabby, shabby, shabby" so I cried and now I'm over it. I've been thinking about taking my real pics down. I don't have any self-esteem. 45 years of being beaten down. Going to leave this alone. At least you're honest.💋
Apr 27Reply
laviedansante atrendylook Hey I'm sending my cousin to look at your makeup since you have more of what she likes, hook her up lol 🥰 @bri5414
May 03Reply
atrendylook @laviedansante thanks baby girl ♥️
May 03Reply
cutehosiery @atrendylook Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 03Reply
craftsnboutique hi Gina! I just wanted to let you know that my family member is doing a share event for me right now because it's about to end and I'm busy taking care of my grandmother right now. she told me that she keeps seeing messages from you and I didn't want you to feel ignored so I'm leaving this message until I can see what you're saying. I've asked them not to view messages or respond so there is no confusion on any side. I'm sorry and I will look back shortly!
May 23Reply
atrendylook @craftycraftsinc ok Amy no problem! It’s been resolved but that woman was crazy it’s on the messages whenever you get a chance to see it that’s fine hope everything works out
May 23Reply
craftsnboutique @atrendylook she just finished sharing.. I will take a minute to look. now I'm worried!!
May 23Reply
swscraftshop Hello🖐 Thank you for Following My Closet. Feel Free to Shop or leave comment in my Closet. If you see anything you want but don't ❤ the price make an Offer.  Most Offers 💰 accepted! Thank You! 🌝Happy Poshing!!
Jun 28Reply
chantre2984 @atrendylook - Hi Gina! I want to say thank you for the SUPER kind and thoughtful gesture after the product arrived damaged. That truly put a smile on my face and was fantastic. Thank you again, very sweet! 🙏😊
Jul 14Reply
atrendylook @chantre2984 oh good! I’m so glad you liked it! It was the closest thing I had to the item you had originally ordered. And it appeared to be in good condition. So you deserved it! I always try to ensure costumer satisfaction, so anything I can do to make sure that happens.. I will always do! Enjoy the lip! 😃
Jul 14Reply
atrendylook @chantre2984 I meant it was new condition but appeared to have no flaws* lol sorry about that I’m still half asleep/ I’m happy that I put a smile on my face. This is the stuff that makes ME 😊 SMiLE when a customer is happy!
Jul 14Reply
shopaholic100 @atrendylook Hello! 🙋🏼‍♀️ I saw that we have similar taste. I wanted to offer you a sweet deal. 💸 I’m having a HUGE CLOSET CLEAN OUT! I’m having a few deals while I’m open, great prices on Mystery Boxes, add $10 to any item and turn it into a Mystery Box where I’ll add 3-5 additional items to your purchase OR any item under $100 qualifies for a BUY 1 GET 1! 💰 🥰 🎁✈️ Thanks for checking out my closet! 👏🏼
Jul 15Reply
scholtzy88 hello i made you an offer on the trimming resor
Jul 18Reply
thillbill Happy 2022. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 2800 items. Bundle few items and save more! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Aug 14Reply
lisamoskal Hi! Thanks for the share! I just wanted to introduce myself and let you know that I’m a Posh Ambassador too and a trusted 5-star seller, so if I can ever help you, don’t hesitate to ask or stop by and say hi and check out my “End of Summer” SALE...I'm offering a 💥Buy One/Get One for $5 💥on EVERYTHING in my closet through the end of the month! …It's best to face the world armed with kindness and support. Best Wishes to you. 😊 ...Lisa
Sep 11Reply
atrendylook @tutuwig hi love! Thank you so much! I’ll share your listings! Good luck with sales wishing you speedy sales! Xo
Sep 15Reply
atrendylook @krissyany hey love! Thanks so much I’ll share yours as well! Thanks for visiting my page 😘
Sep 15Reply
atrendylook @cmrueger @charlottehun933 check out the main pic from the breakdown I had 😂 do you like it?
Sep 26Reply
charlottehun933 @atrendylook I like it! I didn’t think it was bad at all silly 😝🖤🖤🖤🖤 you’re pretty photogenic! I love your pics 😎
Sep 26Reply
atrendylook @charlottehun933 thanks my love I took a few pics wasn’t sure which one to use! I used different on different platforms 😂😂😂
Sep 26Reply
charlottehun933 @atrendylook I love the one in your pink & white sweater that’s a great one and in the sunglasses is great too I can’t pick 🖤
Sep 26Reply
cmrueger @atrendylook You look good. Always taking pretty pictures 💜
Sep 27Reply
laurabonilla221 Hello: I am am building a net work of dedicated followers who are serious about making money. The only way that we can make this happen is to support one another by being dedicated sharers. Unfortunately some Poshers do not share. So I will share after you. Share 3 for me and I’ll share 3 for you. Then I will follow you. See my Shares
Oct 04Reply
horseforme619 u & your hair r Gorgous! & u have a beautiful family!!
Nov 03Reply
horseforme619 & of course! welcome to postmark! have fun! if u ever have any questions let me know! happy poshing!
Nov 03Reply
horseforme619 @sandfiddler u guys banter back & forth is hilarious!!!🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃me pff too? ha! u guys r great! happy poshing!!!
Nov 03Reply
horseforme619 @atrendylook haha!I just love this! thanks for making me laugh tonite!!🙃now that ive seen it . i can't help myself! I might have to steal your fave imoge!
Nov 03Reply
horseforme619 @sandfiddler 😅😅too funny!!!
Nov 03Reply
atrendylook @horseforme619 thank you love ❤️
Nov 03Reply
thillbill Happy Holidays. Feel free to check out my closet some time. It may take awhile, well over 2900 items. Bundle a few items and save more! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & lots of Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Dec 02Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily Rose😊🌹I’m doing a closet clear out sale which means……………… I’ll be accepting any and all offers even on bundles since I need everything gone and Happy Holidays☃️
Dec 12Reply
oliviaami Dear @597d3e0b7bf9ae97569b614c , happy to see that you are following our closet 💗
Dec 18Reply
oliviaami Hi @597d3e0b7bf9ae97569b614c , thanks for following us! 💗 Like or comment our items to get great offers😊
Dec 18Reply
oliviaami Hi @597d3e0b7bf9ae97569b614c , thanks for following us! 💗 Like or comment our items to get great offers😊
Dec 18Reply
sboyce140 Hi sweetheart thanks for the follow 😊😉😘
Jan 07Reply
fashiongirl2375 Hi! Thanks for checking out my closet and sharing 💗. Happy New Year 🎊
Jan 09Reply
jewelry_heaven Hey there, I hope you are enjoying Poshmark as much as I have. If you have any questions about selling please ask, as a Posh Ambasador II. I can help with most questions you might have. BTW. There are some stunning jewelry pieces in my closet over 2500 fine jewelry items that will surely match with your style or make a nice gift to your Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother, Girlfriend or anyone around you ;) Holidays are Coming!! All items come in the Gift Box and we size rings for free.
Jan 09Reply
pinkstarzz This is an amazing closet made by an amazingly beautiful person ❤️
Jan 19Reply
atrendylook @pinkstarzz aww thank you baby girl 👧 ♥️
Jan 19Reply
pinkstarzz 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Jan 19Reply
yankthehanger Hey girl, come back to the mending heart live posh party if you still have a mystery box, you want to run? The host was looking for you ❤️
Jan 22Reply
atrendylook @yankthehanger hey! The host was looking for me for what? To run a mystery box? I don’t think I have any available at the moment. I didn’t get any tags? Or notifications?
Jan 22Reply
pinkstarzz HI BESTIE!!!!!!😊
Jan 25Reply
pinkstarzz You have the best pictures sooo pretty 😊
Jan 25Reply
atrendylook @pinkstarzz Aw thank you baby girl !!
Jan 25Reply
pinkstarzz What's up beastie 🤩
Feb 20Reply
atrendylook @pinkstarzz nothing much my dear friend!! I have to both clean up and go through all my clothes and take out what I’m willing to part with! There’s just so much!
Feb 20Reply
pinkstarzz 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Mar 28Reply
metamorphoasis @ginabina63 Hello Beautiful 😍
Apr 06Reply
metamorphoasis @atrendylook Hello Beautiful 😍
Apr 06Reply
metamorphoasis @ginabina63 😆 I totally tagged you on my other Gina's page lol.... so hello to both of you beauties 🥰
Apr 06Reply
atrendylook @metamorphoasis lmao thanks girly !!
Apr 06Reply
metamorphoasis @atrendylook I swear my brain functions at 60% nowadays 😆
Apr 06Reply
pinkstarzz Thanks for the rating bestie 🤩🥰
Apr 09Reply
atrendylook @pinkstarzz of course! I was so happy with it!! Thank you
Apr 09Reply
pinkstarzz Remind me to text u something tomorrow I got on my email
Apr 09Reply
pinkstarzz if you want the boy shorts ill hold them for next trade
Apr 11Reply
atrendylook @pinkstarzz ok thanks 😊
Apr 11Reply
atrendylook @holnx003 hey old friend ! Remember me??
Jun 03Reply
atrendylook @holnx003 we used to share each other listings a few years ago! It’s ok if you don’t remember me
Jun 03Reply
holnx003 @atrendylook hi. Yes I remember!!!!
Jun 03Reply
atrendylook @holnx003 heheh I was going through this listing and came across your page again! Hope all is well love
Jun 04Reply
holnx003 @atrendylook yay 🎉🎊. Yes I’m still trying to sell. I’ve almost finally got everything listed. Told all my friends And family. Please don’t give me anymore items to sell. I’ve been trying to liquidate!! Lol. Nanette
Jun 04Reply
keslinemarie @atrendylook Hi Gina, thank you very much for the discount and free shipping on the makeup mystery box. I am a small beauty YouTuber and normal I like unboxing my makeup mystery box on my YouTube channel. Yes! I will be doing an unboxing with your box and another seller just to compare them. I am very excited to receive my box in the mail. My YouTube channel is Marie Thelistin feel free to check it out! Appreciate you have good day
Jun 21Reply
atrendylook @keslinemarie hi there! Thats really cool! But how much is the other box costing? If they are not in the same price range how will you compare? Aside from that, I just would like to know some things… What type of items do you like?
Jun 21Reply
atrendylook @keslinemarie did you by any chance purchase from amy or miss marie?
Jun 21Reply
keslinemarie @atrendylook yes! I purchase the other box from miss Marie love her. I will be comparing by which box is better for the price something around there! I know I will love both boxes. Marie box I purchased the $99 box from her. Yes! I love Mac lipstick there love me lipsticks and fenty beauty lip glosses. Beside that I am very happy to get anything in my box.
Jun 21Reply
atrendylook @keslinemarie her boxes are awesome. I already picked out what you’re getting and Mac lipstick was alrrady picked for you before mentioning it. I’ve bought boxes from marie before i love her boxes! I feel youll be happy with the both of them. But rather than compare them together, I would like it. If you just kidding, I’m boxing of the two Marie and I are friends and I hate to see us both compared to one another on the Internet such as YouTube.
Jun 21Reply
atrendylook @keslinemarie because we’re friends we’ve become friends on the app. I actually was doing mystery boxes before Marie and basically gave her all my tips and tricks early on but she mastered boxes on her own through Research etc. it would be nice if you could just unboxed the both of them rather than compare. I do not feel you’ll be disappointed with either box to be honest.
Jun 21Reply
atrendylook @keslinemarie I looked up your YouTube so I picked out stuff based on what I thought would look good with your complexion. Also, you should know I don’t rap like Marie I don’t do all that but I do wrap it.
Jun 21Reply
atrendylook @keslinemarie im just wondering what shade concealer you would be aa i might have some that matches ..
Jun 21Reply
atrendylook @keslinemarie i looked up your channel i have dark i wanted to try for you .. do you feel thats accurate?
Jun 21Reply
keslinemarie @atrendylook Okay thank you! Sounds great I really do love their lipsticks. Oh really Marie is a very kind sweet person I love her boxes very much! I am a very kind lovely person I am not doing this video to be Negative towards either of you ladies. I am very happy to just unbox both of the boxes instead to make everyone happy.
Jun 21Reply
keslinemarie @atrendylook It’s funny I am a brown skin Girl but I do use medium shade concealer underneath my eyes as a highlight whatever shade is fine! However, dark would be nice as a contour for me.
Jun 21Reply
atrendylook @keslinemarie ok cool! That sounds good to me!
Jun 21Reply
keslinemarie @atrendylook when will you shipped the box?
Jun 21Reply
atrendylook @keslinemarie tomorrow and i live in new jersey too! So you should get it fast
Jun 22Reply
keslinemarie @atrendylook really we both jersey ladies!😄 Sounds Great I am very excited to get my box.
Jun 22Reply
atrendylook @keslinemarie my wrapping isnt a ten out of ten but my products are. Thats what matters right? Hehehe 😂
Jun 22Reply
atrendylook @keslinemarie i love the part of NJ your from. Im supposed to go next month for my 35th bday
Jun 22Reply
pinkstarzz Hey pretty girl how's it going?
Jun 22Reply
atrendylook @pinkstarzz hey love! Good good! Getting ready for halsey concert tonight with some friends how about you 🥰
Jun 22Reply
pinkstarzz Not much over here just sitting g in the air conditioning too hot out there thats about it. Have a good time and let me know ow how it is
Jun 22Reply
atrendylook @pinkstarzz aw its cold and rainy here. Thank you! Ill let you know how it goes
Jun 22Reply
atrendylook @pinkstarzz i added a picture to this post.. red dress this is my outfit tonight
Jun 22Reply
pinkstarzz awwww so adorable 😍
Jun 22Reply
pinkstarzz it's 86 degrees here
Jun 22Reply
atrendylook @pinkstarzz oh wow thats hot!!
Jun 23Reply
hellobrigid 👋HI! I wanted to share my entire closet is 50% off! 🌈l'm moving to Puerto Rico at the end of November and will have to close my store for the winter. 💘Like an item and I'll send the offer.💕
Jul 14Reply
pinkstarzz HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎂 🥳
Jul 29Reply
pinkstarzz 🤩🤩🤩🤩🥰
Jul 29Reply
pinkstarzz Do you have any new Born This Way makeup?
Aug 01Reply
atrendylook @pinkstarzz hey love! Sorry i do not have thet
Aug 01Reply
pinkstarzz did you find any good stuff for the Jeffrey star lipsticks 💄
Aug 13Reply
atrendylook @pinkstarzz hey love! Everything is crazy i pulled alot of items to list! Stay tuned!
Aug 13Reply
atrendylook @pinkstarzz i moved again. Im going through all clothes bags and shoes what type of stiff you looking for also have makejp coming my way
Aug 13Reply
pinkstarzz I'm not sure what I'm looking for but I'll keep an eye on your closet and are you going back by your mom?
Aug 13Reply
atrendylook @pinkstarzz yep. You know me too well nothing bad happened. It just wasn’t working out with the roommate.. I went through my entire closet in all my drawers to find stuff that I’m listing. We’re still going through stuff.
Aug 13Reply
pinkstarzz ok great 🤩
Aug 13Reply
julissazelaya Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️ I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟 I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️ Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
Aug 22Reply
tackleberry1 Received my order today! Very pleased! Thank you so much for the extra gift! Appreciated! 🤍
Sep 20Reply
atrendylook @tackleberry1 your very welcome. Would you mind rating and leaving written feedback on your experience ?😀
Sep 21Reply
chicagocitygal @atrendylook You are adorable! 🥰I’m so happy our paths crossed!!! Thank you for trading with me…. You are AWESOME 👏🏻 ❤️🥳✨🎉
Oct 03Reply
atrendylook @chicagocitygal aww thank you love!! Likewise !!
Oct 03Reply
metamorphoasis @atrendylook 😍 you're so beautiful hun!!
Nov 15Reply
atrendylook @metamorphoasis aww thank you love!! You are stunning 🤩
Nov 15Reply
rockstarzz Do u want the juicy couture wallet u liked?
Nov 25Reply
atrendylook @rockstarzz sure! Thanks 😊
Nov 25Reply
emeraldheart42 I bundled items. In a rush on it since I'm in upper Texas 🙏
Dec 13Reply
luvevrytingfab Oh! Cool. I just found flyp.It's been ny main income but I'm closing due to space. I'll be in the Medical field. When I started I had no children. but I'll welcome the 3rd child soon. I just want to sell everything and close is the reason for me asking.
Dec 20Reply
atrendylook @luvevrytingfab oh Wow! Are you shutting down all reselling or just flyp? What os it even never heard of that
Dec 20Reply
luvevrytingfab @atrendylook I just found flyp to share for me....I've been here since 2014. I was here at the very early start of the app. I've had a walk in store too.
Dec 20Reply
luvevrytingfab oh...I'm shutting down selling altogether.
Dec 20Reply
atrendylook @luvevrytingfab oh wow Re you doing deals rn to get rid of it! Congratulations on having the life i dreamed of having by the age of 35.. hoping i meet someone soon ♥️
Dec 20Reply
luvevrytingfab @atrendylook I'm sure you will. Lol... my hub is 40. I'm 38. he'll be 41 when baby #3 arrives. Shortly after I'll be 39..No more for me. It's career time. My husband already in his career field.
Dec 20Reply
atrendylook @luvevrytingfab aww you are lucky! Im saving up for my own condo.. so i just bought something off your page for it!! 💜 thats amazing for you guys! Im working my career as well and trying to focus on that but love would be nice too at some point
Dec 20Reply
luvevrytingfab @atrendylook Thank you so much. I had my first at age 32... if I'm not's a busy, busy, life. I appreciate your purchase so much!! thank you... I was in Cosmetology first but that was ten years ago...I'll mail tomorrow . I absolutely love your hair in the top photos! it's gorgeous
Dec 20Reply
mrsb_0611 @atrendylook Hello Gina, I’m Kristi 😊 I also trade. If you ever glance at my closet and see anything you’re interested in, please start a bundle to let me know. Happy holidays 🎄
Dec 22Reply
atrendylook @mrsb_0611 hi there! I do not see any trade history On this platform.. the only way id even consider- is if you shipped first. You can check my history i’ve done over 150 trades and have gotten great love notes on every last One. But lmk!
Dec 23Reply
mrsb_0611 @atrendylook Although I’ve recently done a couple trades, I absolutely wouldn’t mind shipping first. I’ll also upload the receipt in our bundle conversation while I’m at the PO😊 Unfortunately my first Posh that I had for almost ten years was password compromised so it was deleted (that’s a process and heartbreaking after years of hard work&I hope nobody else goes through it too). I haven’t glanced at your closet yet but keep me in mind. Have a wonderful holiday🎄
Dec 23Reply
atrendylook @mrsb_0611 oh ok so you have-not even seen what i have listed? You just wrote on my main listing to let me know you trade? Is that what you are saying?
Dec 23Reply
mrsb_0611 @atrendylook I looked but did not scroll through your entire closet. I seen we had similar styles with brands 🤦‍♀️ Nevermind
Dec 23Reply
atrendylook @mrsb_0611 oh!!ok! No problem lol
Dec 23Reply
pinkstarzz Thanks so much beautiful girl for the great rating I'm so happy you love it all!!!!!🤩🤩🤩🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😍😍😍😍😍
Feb 03Reply
atrendylook @pinkstarzz thank youu loveee you 💕
Feb 03Reply
pinkstarzz Omg!!!! what some adorable pictures 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
Feb 18Reply
atrendylook @pinkstarzz haha thanks! I am here now! 💕
Feb 18Reply
pinkstarzz if your on vacation you need to take me with 🥰
Feb 18Reply
metamorphoasis @atrendylook 😍😍😍😍😍🥰
Apr 11Reply
macyluns16 Loved the lipsticks thank you so much!!
May 14Reply
atrendylook @macyluns16 aww good love! 💗 I’m glad! 😘
May 16Reply
atrendylook @macyluns16 BTW Macy- I was sorting through my Items- i found like 30 Lip products: lipsticks, Glosses.. lip stains etc. So stay tuned i will be listing ❤️
May 19Reply
rockstarzz Very cute pics of my girl Gina!!!!!!!!!
May 20Reply
atrendylook @rockstarzz hehe love you girl! ❤️
May 21Reply
rockstarzz Luv u to 😍💕
May 21Reply
amandahull1117 wanna trade?
May 28Reply
pinkstarzz did u get my last message?
Jun 05Reply
rockstarzz Thanks for the rating you just made my day and I love u toooooo
Jun 21Reply
atrendylook @rockstarzz i love you babyyyy I always LOVE trading with you ❤️
Jun 21Reply
rockstarzz Thanks same here
Jun 21Reply
pinkstarzz You always take the best pictures 🤩
Jul 05Reply
candy258 Hi🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Feb 11Reply
atrendylook @candy258 hi there doll! Likewise 💜
Feb 11Reply

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Colts Neck, NJ
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