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I've been shown so much Posh Love and been given so much Support in the form of Shares and Followers that it has literally moved me to tears...more than once. As I've tried to thank you each individually for all that you've done for me, a steady stream of kindness continues to come my way...and it's become nearly impossible to keep up. I haven't been Sharing and I'm afraid I'm going to miss one of y'all. So I'm saying thank you here; all of y'all have touched my heart & you mean so much to me!

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So here I am once again frantically trying to catch up..overwhelmed with gratitude at the magnitude of Support I've been given. To me y'all aren't just Followers or other Poshers..y'all are FRIENDS. The last few days I've been trying so hard to get new things photoed &listed; get organized &it's been so hard to make it to parties &celebrate with y'all, return Shares, or respond &Follow. Please don't think I'm ignoring y'all! I'm not! I'm just getting behind again!♥️
Aug 06Reply

Sorry to everyone that's Shared, Followed, and Commented the last few days. It's storming here in South. Losing wifi connectivity since I'm on satellite (too far out in the country for cable!) due to rain fade. Can't get reliable cellular reception out here either (even AT&T towers can't reach this far!) to connect that way. Lost power completely last night. No internet. No charging my phone. ☹️ I'm sorry!
Aug 09Reply

Oh! And 15 day forecast... Thunderstorms. Torrential Rain. Flash Flood Warnings. Cloud to Ground Lightning. Tornados most likely. The usual around here when storm fronts come through. 😒 So if you see me jumping on and off of Posh and only Sharing a thing here and a thing there...and not getting back to you... that's why. ☹️ ⚡️🌩🌪⛈⚡️
Aug 09Reply

THANK YOU AMAZING Parents like You that give me a reason ro go to work everyday!!😂YOU were BLESSED with an AWESOME XOXOX GOD BLESS YOU and if YOU EVER NEED a friend PLEASE FEEL free ro reach out to me !!!!😜😀😳💕💕
Aug 14Reply

@alabamamansgirl I can't tell you how much that means to me. Thank you so much!♥️Having a special needs child comes with its own set of challenges; but it comes with its own set of beautiful moments that are unlike any other. But were it not for teachers like you who go the distance and have infinite patience? My Autistic son wouldn't've come as far as he has. So THANK YOU♥️
Aug 17Reply

All my PFFs.. I'm sorry for all of the missed comments and Follows and missed Share Backs the past couple days. Been a hard few days. Getting my younger Autistic son ready for his first day of school Monday. Doctors appointments for me. Tryin to put up new listings. More bad weather and no wifi again today; & today was just an all around bad day from the start. I'm sorry y'all.😞Trying to get it together.
Aug 17Reply

@rosebisou5 Hi Saundra, I am just checking on you! I missed seeing your name in share group this week so came over to your closet to check and saw this notice!! I am SO sorry to hear all you are going through. My nieces started school today here in SC, but I know the timing is different in other states.
Aug 17Reply

@rosebisou5 Try not to be so hard on yourself!! I have found that many ladies here are all very supportive and also many contend with major illnesses. I honestly dont think there is a place/forum where people are any more understanding than our PM ladies. When you have a minute, check out my PFFs closet, @sbfashions, her name is Kara and she also has to deal with health issues and is a truly awesome lady! Would love to "introduce" you two!
Aug 17Reply

@bethybd You are just too sweet♥️Thank you so much♥️I'm about to go Follow and "meet" her. Thank you so much for that! And thank you for coming by to check on me too.. can't tell you how much that means. Feel like I'm gonna cry honestly.♥️I love all y'all. I've never met so many beautiful kind women in my life. Thank you♥️✨♥️
Aug 18Reply

I haven't been keeping up with sharing at all and I feel terrible but at this point there's nothing I can do. I have to grow my business and I have to tend to listings first well sales first but you know what I mean. Anyway it's really tough I can't believe that they don't allow pots but I'm glad they don't it feels more personal that way.
Aug 18Reply

I'm looking to hire an intern and I would suggest the same maybe put an ad out for a college student has doing social media if you can trust them to do your likes and shares back that is what I'm trying again it's hard but...it's ok the people who truly cares bout u won't mind. Xxxooo
Aug 18Reply

@bethybd thanks for the introduction best you're so sweet we're both total people connectors! I need to check off here for a minute but I keep getting dragged back I got a ton of new items to list and it's overwhelming completely so you're absolutely correct that
Aug 18Reply

@bethybd I am well-versed in dealing with the stresses and feel the guilt that comes with not being able to do what I think should be my best but I have to remember that what I do is my best that day even if it doesn't feel good enough to me it's ok for now and I keep working on being my new normal best
Aug 18Reply

@rosebisou5 you are very welcome! I am so glad you and Kara got to meet!!!😍😘😙
Aug 19Reply

@sbfashions just remember I think you are 150% awesome ALL the time!!🤗😎🐾🐶🐾🐶🤓😄😉😍😗😙💋
Aug 19Reply

@bethybd thank you that's truly kind and always so nice to hear from anyone I definitely don't feel that way enough and it's because I was raised to be such a perfectionist and now is disease doesn't allow perfectionism in exactly the same form as I used to force it so I appreciate you seeing my efforts so clearly for what they are and wish to be...xo
Aug 19Reply

@sbfashions 🤓💖💜❤❤🐶🐾🐶🐾👍🏻😄💋
Aug 20Reply

@bethybd you are seriously one of the sweetest ladies of all time... you lift me up and your encouragement truly keeps me going. I mean that. I'm sorry I haven't gotten a chance to get back on here til now to say so. But I mean it with all my ♥️ THANK YOU so much for the love you send my way. It's you who's 100000% amazing at all times. 💋
Aug 20Reply

@sbfashions I am the same way! Always striving for perfection. Setting that bar impossibly high for myself. And expecting it of myself to reach it; pass beyond it. My best was never enough for me. And now? It REALLY doesn't feel like it's enough. So I battle with that voice that tells me I'M not enough. All the time.
Aug 20Reply

@rosebisou5 Awe hey Saundra! No worries, I had a busy day also!! 🐝🐝🌺Thank you for the sweet compliment!💖💫 I am blessed to be surrounded by so many awesome women here, and Im glad to include you now too PFF.🦄💕 Have a great night!💜❤😇💋
Aug 20Reply

Yep u got it girl.,.hard stuff. For doing it today and like forgetting to take care of myself but laying back on the plus and I'm just sitting up in pain and anxiety it's ridiculous. I have to go walk and get myself something to eat because I moved up to the college part of town for a few weeks I need to find a more permanent rental. It's just really tough.
Aug 20Reply

Aw ♡♡ My love goes out to you as well!! Thanks for all you do within the Poshmark community! Xxo♡
Aug 21Reply

So, I'm sitting here by my sliding glass doors where I can barely maintain a cell signal. Can't go outside because it's raining. No internet. Trying to Share back and return the Love I receive each day; and there is no keeping up. There's that much. So I sit here with a grateful heart; and I hope that even though I haven't Shared all y'all back, that you know how much you all mean to me right now.♥️
Aug 30Reply

Still have no internet.. went outside for about 30 mins during a brief break in the rain. Managed to share a couple things then had to go back inside.. I'm back by the glass doors trying to keep a signal. Tornados and whatnot headed our way so I may not be able to stay over here by the glass after a while. But I thank you all so much for your Shares and your help! ♥️
Aug 30Reply

. For the past couple of weeks things have been anything but usual. For anyone. For those who have witnessed and endured the unspeakable during this catastrophic disaster and its pursuant dire circumstances. For those of us who have family and friends in Houston and have worried ourselves sick... and lamented the reality of the situation; that we can't click our heels 3 times and bring them to us.
Sep 05Reply

For those who have sacrificed their time, money, safety, physical health, and anything else they could give; those especially that have risked their lives in order to try and help those who are in need of rescue. For those of us here in the South who live in Gulf States that caught the backlash of the severe storms spinning off Harvey which downed power lines and caused outages that brought all efforts to a screeching halt.
Sep 05Reply

For those who just felt such immense empathy for others that they were willing to reach out and do anything they could to help - because right now, we're all Texans. Or, as I see it, we're all people... we're all human beings... and that's not just in the midst of a disaster and in the face of tragedy; it's not just right now... it's all the time.
Sep 05Reply

And the fact that so many have stepped up to the plate goes to show exactly how true that is. There's a lot of good people still left in this world. For those who have just paused and taken look around at the outpouring of genuine compassion and willingness of complete strangers to help another person in need, it's been an unusually beautiful sight to see. ⛈🌈🌤
Sep 05Reply

So. As things have been far from usual these past couple weeks, I've found myself once again indebted and grateful to all of y'all for all of the love I've been shown; and also for that which I've seen extended to those that mean so much to me.
Sep 05Reply

I appreciate all of the Shares y'all have given me even when I've been unable to Return them (and am hopelessly behind and unable to catch up on)... I am grateful for the understanding and forgiveness over that that's been given to me. And more than anything else... I appreciate everyone that has stepped up and taken the wheel on helping me with Sharing my mentor @wcfashions Cindy's closet during this time.
Sep 05Reply

I've been trying to also add new listings to my closet (I took lots of photos while I had no internet) and y'all know how time consuming creating listings is! I still don't have my system for doing it down pat either.. so I'm struggling to keep up. So please forgive my sporadicalness. I love and appreciate y'all so much more than you realize.
Sep 05Reply

@rosebisou5 Thank you for sharing when I didn't have Data... I truly appreciate it and your friendship hugs and prayers 🌻Teresa🌻
Sep 06Reply

Thank you so much for sharing my items the last couple of days. I've been battling a migraine and I was having trouble with light sensitivity. I really appreciate you ❤
Sep 11Reply

@teresakimbro Awe you are so welcome my dear friend. Any time. I'll always be there to back you up and I'd do anything for you! You are as sweet as they come. And you do so much for so many. You deserve nothing less than to be taken care of when you need it! Love you my sweet friend! 😘 Talk to Whitney's tummy and tell that sweet girl that she's got an awesome Nana! 😘
Sep 11Reply

@katielady1982 Awe Katie I'm sorry! I woke up with one first thing this morning too. I get them so bad at least once a month! You poor thing! 🤕 And girl it's no problem. I appreciate all the Shares you give me when I'm behind and trying to do new listings and can't keep up and Share back right away. You always have my back and I'll always have yours Love! Go turn the lights off, take an Imitrex and rest! 💋💋💋
Sep 11Reply

@rosebisou5 I'm so sorry have you seen I've been sick? I had to go to the ER they kept me 24 hours my bp was 140/110. My pain was sooooo bad. My Lupus and Fibromyalgia was full force I started breaking out. We were in the 40's at night then 68-73 during the day. My wreck has left me with so many Heath problems 🙏🏼😪
Sep 11Reply

@teresakimbro You are my heart, Teresa... I pray for you every day. I don't know what I'll do without you. 💔
Sep 14Reply

❤️❤️THANK you for all of the love ❤️❤️❤️
Oct 01Reply

Your photos blow me away!!!!❤❤❤❤
Oct 06Reply

Good morning sweetie I haven't had the chance to say congratulations on receiving suggested user / Posh ambassador status it's such a wonderful feeling isn't it I was so excited to receive mine I thought I was going to pass out LOL I know you work so very hard so you absolutely deserve it again congratulations Saundra I hope it Booth sales for you have a great day God bless much love, Patricia🦋💜♱️😘
Oct 20Reply

Good morning luv😊 just wanted you to know that I followed so many people that I’m getting an error message 😔🤔 I’m trying to get to 100,000 followers. I’m close
Nov 05Reply

Happy poshing 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Jul 15Reply
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