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Updated Nov 17
Updated Nov 17


PINK Victoria's Secret

US$28 US$85


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🦄RARE “PINK NATION” HOODIE EXCLUSIVE LTD. EDT. from PINK SIZE S COLOR - PINK NATION DAZZLE PINK BNWOT Condition* Lightweight drawstring hoodie Pullover Raw edge V-Neck Split edge hem Loose relaxed fit Very comfy fleece softness Great for everything casual *BRIEFLY tried on. TOO HOT where I live I took it right off WASHED & HUNG DRY...& (SO MAD I opened it to try on) EXCLUSIVE LIMITED EDITION PINK HOODIE 〰️(Only a handful were made)〰️ Every collection needs one of these🦄
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lisae63 @pwall2012 This is so pretty. I really love this too. ❤️😘
Aug 22Reply
cee_cees_closet @pwall2012 Oh my goodness Thanks for the nice words you wrote and I forgot to put my Thank You in the package so here it is Thanking You for purchase. I was so happy you loved it ❤️❤️❤️
Sep 03Reply
pwall2012 @likea_rock no worries at all sweetie. I can't believe I let that shirt sit there for so long I have to go check right now and see how long I've been liking it
Sep 03Reply
pwall2012 @likea_rock OMG, since July 14. Seems like a lot longer than that. But again, I am so happy with that shirt I have it hanging up like kind of on display it's so so pretty LOL. The crazy things we do with our clothes, right?
Sep 03Reply
pwall2012 @worldwidemedia TYVM❣️👍
Sep 17Reply
pwall2012 @countrygamer77 thank you so so much for all of the shares from my closet. I promise I will make it up to you I've been out all day running errands
Sep 28Reply
pwall2012 @countrygamer30 thanks so much for all of the shares my closet today. I've been out running errands but I promise I will make it up to you
Sep 28Reply
gamer_princess @pwall2012 thats ok if u been busy! and yur welcome !have a great day
Sep 28Reply
pwall2012 @sydneyrenee10 thanks for taking the time to look through my closet and find something you like❣️✌️
Sep 28Reply
gamer_princess @pwall2012 u have a beautiful closet i love the black dress!!
Sep 28Reply
pwall2012 @countrygamer30 that's very nice of you but I do try and share back as much as people share for me besides it's fun, I love to see other people's closets and try and help them make sales as well
Sep 28Reply
pwall2012 @countrygamer30 and thank you for the compliment on my closet, that black dress you're referring to was an absolute dream when I put it on thinking I could model it but I was wrong, no business here trying on a body con dress but it felt totally amazing. Thank you again for everything you're a total sweetheart💕❣️
Sep 28Reply
pwall2012 @phutchm hi, thanks for stopping by my closet and finding two things that you liked. If you would like to bundle them I will send you a private offer for your eyes only and there is no pressure whatsoever involved. Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful day. I hope to see you again
Oct 02Reply
pwall2012 @sxybtch thanks so much for all of your likes from my closet. Feel free to bundle them and I'll send you a private offer if you have any interest
Oct 16Reply
pwall2012 @girlcavecentral sorry sweetie I know you like this one but I decided I'm keeping it for myself. So I took it down for sale. It's just too darn cute and I've had it listed for a long time and no one even wants to negotiate on it so it's mine, yayyyyy
Oct 17Reply
girlcavecentral @pwall2012 that's not fair 😢😢😢😢😢
Oct 17Reply
pwall2012 @lindseykateeg TY❣️a great xmas gift for someone. BN
Nov 07Reply
pwall2012 @jennad0307 I love all of your likes from my closet, thanks for stopping by and checking it out and please let me know if there’s anything I can answer for you or help you with anything. Anything from Victoria’s Secret I am wrapping as if it is a gift already to go
Dec 13Reply
jerik Hey I have this too...But in size Large, I knew I made a friend yesterday😁
Jan 23Reply
pwall2012 @jerik yes you did❣️ I feel like we have a lot of the same likes, a lot in common.....
Jan 23Reply
jerik @pwall2012 I thought that same thing!! I just don’t want you to think I am a fool and am repeating everything that you say 😁
Jan 23Reply
jerik I don’t think that’s what I was trying to say but sometimes things come out the wrong way so please excuse my mouth it sometimes is a little confused 🤷‍♀️
Jan 23Reply
pwall2012 @russellsjoy2015 thanks so much for your two likes from my closet. That hoodie is an absolute gem. And that shirt that you picked is so so so cute. If you’d like to bundle them I can send you a private offer
Jan 26Reply
russellsjoy2015 @pwall2012 yes please but I don't have a whole lot to work w right now...I'll send ya one
Jan 26Reply
russellsjoy2015 @pwall2012 ya know you have some of the best selection on here. Would you mind chatting for a bit? U can call me...606-302-1726
Jan 26Reply
pwall2012 @russellsjoy2015 i’m so sorry I can’t come down on the price. I will literally be giving you one of these items for free
Jan 28Reply
russellsjoy2015 @pwall2012 ok..I'll take the offer on both. I'll be able to pay you early Thursday if you can hold them for me. I'll even add something else to the bundle just for holding them for me pwease? 😁
Jan 28Reply
pwall2012 @russellsjoy2015 I’ve had quite a few bad experiences holding things for people. Something always comes up and the transaction doesn’t go through. I don’t mean to offend you but I’ve trusted so many times and been let down more than that. What I will do though is if anyone else has interest in those two, I will contact you first before doing anything with anyone else, how does that sound?
Jan 28Reply
russellsjoy2015 @pwall2012 I totally understand...and don't blame you. I'm a very trustworthy person and totally love both of these. I promise you I'll be taking these for sure! Thing is I travel across country working and when I get this one delivered I'll have the entire amount no problem lol. But I do understand! 😁
Jan 28Reply
pwall2012 @russellsjoy2015 I have no problem with the tank top and a hoodie has been listed for a while and I’m sure nothing is going to happen with it in the next week. I would really be surprised if someone else were to purchase it. If someone offers me full price though then I’m going to have a dilemma. Fingers crossed.....
Jan 28Reply
pwall2012 @russellsjoy2015 I will hold them till Thursday morning and wait to hear from you Joy💕
Jan 28Reply
pwall2012 @russellsjoy2015 OK, it’s done and taken out of my listings till Thursday
Jan 28Reply
russellsjoy2015 @pwall2012 you're an ANGEL! BLESS YOU! Just for understanding 😁 I won't let ya down promise 😉
Jan 28Reply
pwall2012 Hi sweetie, I waited to hear from you all day. Just was wondering what was going on
Feb 02Reply
pwall2012 @russellsjoy2015 you did promise, and I took you on your word. I take that very seriously.....
Feb 02Reply
russellsjoy2015 I meant it also...just haven't gotten my funds in the bank yet. I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. If you can't wait or have others that are wanting them it's ok sorry again. Out of my control 😒
Feb 02Reply
pwall2012 @russellsjoy2015 just to reply would’ve sufficed. Please let me know if you’re serious but I get the feeling that even if I put it back up for sale it will be here when you want it
Feb 02Reply
pwall2012 That’s why so hard to hold things for people because things always happen that are out of our control. I have raised the price will still honor what we agreed on if this ever happens💕👍👍
Feb 02Reply
pwall2012 @jezzicaque hi there GF. Nice to see you on here once in a while. Drop me a line, would love to catch up💞
Apr 17Reply
pwall2012 @shirley_turner hi, if you would like to bundle your two likes, I can send you a private offer that you might like better. And there’s no obligation whatsoever to you. Plus you would save on postage with only one shipping label should you decide that you want these 2 pieces but please bundle so I can send you that offer. If not, I totally understand and I thank you for visiting my closet tonight❣️😎
May 30Reply
shoegal76 @pwall2012 Hello! Thank-you, ma’am! 😉 I need to sell some items before I can bundle anything right now. I appreciate your offer! I like your closet! 😍 I like the VS hoodie for my Daughter. She loves VS PINK! 💗 (She’s 14). She wears a XS, or S in that brand! ☺️ I love MK, Coach, Betsey Johnson, Kate ♠️, & lots of other brands! ☺️
May 30Reply
pwall2012 @shirley_turner thanks for your comment, it’s easy to love a lot of brands on here. So many of them I love now, I didn’t ever even know they existed. Thanks so much for all of your generous sharing and I promise later on I will return the favor💕👍😎
May 30Reply
shoegal76 @pwall2012 Yes ma’am! You’re right! I had never heard of Tory Burch, and a few others before I was on here! 😳 lol 😂 I would like to eventually “bundle” my likes! 📦 I liked the VS stuff cause of my Daughter! 😘
May 30Reply
pwall2012 @shirley_turner well don’t you worry. they’ve been listed for a little time now and I’m sure they’re not going anywhere. And I’ll try to work on the price with you as well whenever you are ready❤️
May 31Reply
shoegal76 @pwall2012 Thanks! 😍 I know how that goes! I’m right there with you! All of my clothes I list are NWOT/NWT!!! It seems like no one likes my clothes! Lol 😂 I prefer to buy NWT/NWOT as well. 😉
Jun 01Reply
pwall2012 @shirley_turner definitely with me it has to be new. But then I find out that people have those tag guns that they use in stores to put tags on stuff so you don’t know if it’s new or not. It’s just nuts. I go with my gut feeling. If I feel like I can trust the person and their sincere then I’ll take my chances. There are still a few of us on here LOL
Jun 02Reply
shoegal76 @pwall2012 That doesn’t surprise me at all! 🙄 I’m a very honest person. I’m very blunt as well. I treat people how they treat me! 😏
Jun 06Reply
pwall2012 @shirley_turner and you’re very sweet. I love your honesty and I would gladly hold something for someone like you. If you would like me to please just LMK. I know what it’s like though, when you have to wait for sales. Good luck to you and I’m going to share your closet right now. I love meeting people like you because you’re a lot like me. Have a wonderful evening sweetie and I meant what I said about holding something💕❤️
Jun 06Reply
shoegal76 @pwall2012 Awe! 😍 You’re so sweet! I agree, that it’s nice to meet & chat with fellow Posher’s like you! (I’m Shirley, by the way! 😚 What’s your name? I’m in Texas) ~ I will let you know if/when I want to hold (and bundle) my likes in your closet! I deeply appreciate that kind offer...most people wouldn’t do that! 😏 ~ I hope you have a great evening too! Looking forward to doing business with you soon! 😉
Jun 06Reply
pwall2012 @shirley_turner Nice to meet you Shirley, I’m Paula and I am in Florida. And like I said, I can tell in my gut that you are someone I would definitely not mind holding something for. It’s just sitting there anyway and I wouldn’t want you to lose out but I put no pressure on any of my buyers. I am not a pushy seller. Nice chatting with you as well. Have a wonderful evening and how nice, I feel like I made a new friend tonight👋👋👋👍❤️
Jun 06Reply
pwall2012 I absolutely love that iridescent bag that you’re looking for BTW. I will keep sharing that until you get it LOL
Jun 06Reply
shoegal76 @pwall2012 I have that bag!!! 💗 It’s mine!!! I’m looking for a matching wallet! I don’t think one was made to match it??? 😞
Jun 06Reply
shoegal76 @pwall2012 Nice to meet you too, Paula! 😍 Yes, we both made a friend tonight! 😘 I’ve never been to Florida 🍊! I’ve always wanted to go! I’ll HYU when I do though! Lol 😂 I hope someday soon I can go that way!!! 😚
Jun 06Reply
pwall2012 @shirley_turner 👍👍 just make sure you come during the winter months LOL
Jun 06Reply
shoegal76 @pwall2012 Hey Girl...I’m in West Texas! Our dry heat is terrible here! We have already had days so hot 🔥🔥🔥 it’s been over 100 degrees! Tomorrow is supposed to be 103! 🔥🔥🔥 So, I know all about Florida! Lol 😂
Jun 06Reply
pwall2012 @nikkiengels hi, thanks so much for your like on this Limited edition awesome sweatshirt from pink VS. I do send along with it a gift that’s valued just under $20. This one is special. Thanks for stopping by🌷
Jul 01Reply
pwall2012 @resaletherapy thanks so much for sharing my PINK pink pullover. Nobody knows this but I always include something from VS or PINK that’s usually valued up to close to $20. That’s only on my hoodies and pull overs. Just FYI😃👍👍
Jul 30Reply
pwall2012 @lizziemonroe thanks so much for your like on this sweatshirt from pink nation. It’s my all-time favorite in my closet. It sure is cute. have a wonderful day sweetie I hope you’re keeping warm🌴✌️
Jan 31Reply

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