US$15 US$20
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Chandelier earrings with AB clear crystals.

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Happy poshing ❤️ wish you the best and speedy sales 💘
Aug 29Reply

@shopthatgirl Thank you so much!!! Same to you :) Happy Poshing!!!!
Aug 29Reply

Have a good day..... no creepy crawlers today 😂
Aug 29Reply

@dogparks1 Hope you are having a good day too :) LOL!!!
Aug 29Reply

On a break fell asleep quick last night I think the weather just made everyone I know feel blah ☹️
Sep 06Reply

@dogparks1 It is very cool here today, no storms thank goodness. I fell asleep early last night too. We may need blankets tonight, supposed to get down in the 40's.
Sep 06Reply

@serenagarland wow get cozy with a warm blanket and slippers 🙂🙂
Sep 06Reply

@dogparks1 And a nice cup of hot chocolate :) I usually dread the cold weather but I am looking forward to fall right now.
Sep 06Reply

@serenagarland me too 🍁🍁🍁
Sep 06Reply

@serenagarland feel bad for people in Florida now they are bracing for hurricane a friend of my moms lives there don't remember where exactly she called to see what is happening with her . How was your day?
Sep 07Reply

@dogparks1 I had a pretty good day, thank you :) How was yours? I am very concerned about the people along the Atlantic coast, I have friends in Florida that are evacuating on Friday.
Sep 07Reply

@serenagarland mine was good had to go to dentist no cavities ya but i know my mom just heard from her friend she dies not have to evacuate thank goodness I hope your friends are ok
Sep 07Reply

@serenagarland oh no her friend dies not oh god I didn't see what I wrote on my goodness 😮my typing is bad
Sep 07Reply

@dogparks1 Good dentist visit, YAY! Glad your mom's friend doesn't have to leave. I have one friend who doesn't have to evacuate but is definitely preparing for outages and shortages. She is also getting sandbags and preparing for the wind. I pray that the intensity of the storm weakens before coming ashore. It doesn't look good though, they say it is the strongest storm ever recorded.
Sep 07Reply

@serenagarland wow I know I hope it's weak storm and everyone will be okay 🌺
Sep 07Reply

@dogparks1 I knew what you were saying :) I am so worried for the people in the path of it and devastated for the ones who have already been hit.
Sep 07Reply

@serenagarland I know my mom and I donated some $ to relief funds I can't believe the devastation
Sep 07Reply

@dogparks1 That is awesome, we haven't donated as of yet because we are waiting to find the best place to donate.
Sep 07Reply

@serenagarland I know there are a lot of different ones we gave to home goods who match all donations given Costco is doing that too some other places too
Sep 07Reply

@dogparks1 We like giving to the Salvation Army...they do good work.
Sep 07Reply

@serenagarland they do 👍
Sep 07Reply

@serenagarland my moms cousin lives in jersey her dads place in Howard beach ny got flooded by hurricane sandy
Sep 07Reply

@dogparks1 Flooding is terrible, I have dealt with floods my whole life and they are devastating. Your home is never the same after.
Sep 07Reply

@serenagarland I'm sorry... just have to pray for them
Sep 07Reply

@dogparks1 Yes, lots of prayers needed.
Sep 07Reply

@serenagarland I heard some celebrities are giving a lot of$ I hope it all goes to help everyone some place I don't remember who started a bogus fund to donate that's just terrible
Sep 07Reply

@dogparks1 Oh I hate that anyone would take advantage of people who have a good and giving heart :( I don't know how people can scam others but they do it all the time, so sad.
Sep 07Reply

@serenagarland I know I agree that ha just so wrong on so many levels they have no heart or conscience
Sep 07Reply

@dogparks1 And those bad people usually ruin it for the good people, it makes them afraid to give.
Sep 07Reply

@serenagarland your so right
Sep 07Reply

@serenagarland well I hope you stay cozy tonight put some whipped cream on your cocoa for me 🙂and a marshmallow
Sep 07Reply

My phone needs juice keep my cocoa hot posh ya later❤️🙂
Sep 07Reply

@dogparks1 Got it waiting on you!!!
Sep 07Reply

Drizzling here today but not really cold have a good day hope the weather is good to you 🙂
Sep 07Reply

@dogparks1 It's a very pleasant day here today, I haven't been out much though. I am glad that it has cooled down for you. Hope you are having a good day :)
Sep 07Reply

@serenagarland Iam thanks glad your having a good one posh later❤️
Sep 07Reply

Hope your enjoying the night I had a busy day thought trying to not fall asleep 🙂
Sep 29Reply

@dogparks1 Hopefully you won't be as busy tomorrow. I have been stressing...I have misplaced or lost my swimsuit, I must have left it in Thailand. It is nowhere to be found. It is so hard to find one that you like the style and fit and I loved that one. Oh well, I guess I will be ordering a new one.
Sep 29Reply

@serenagarland I hear ya it like finding those perfect jeans they fit and you wear them till they are worn out and then I'm like why didn't I get more than one pair
Sep 29Reply

@dogparks1 So true! I have a pair of Levi brand jeans that I just love, I wear them very little so that they don't wear out. I can't find another pair like them now :(
Sep 29Reply

Hi Serena hope all is well how are you? Just catching up on posh didn’t do much poshing today trying to get rid of a sinus headache the weather is cold not helping are you ready for turkey ? I love it but just once a year
Nov 13Reply

Hi Serena how are you? We had a 3.7 earthquake at 3;22 this afternoon scary it was small but 20 minuets from house underwater was loud and hard windows sounded like a bomb we are ok everyone was home only 7 second but too close for me 😳
Jul 31Reply

@dogparks1 I'm good. Oh wow, Michele, that had to be so scary for everyone. Thank goodness that everyone is safe. Wonder if it caused any damage anywhere? We have small earthquakes here occasionally but we barely feel them if at all. No aftershocks?
Jul 31Reply

@serenagarland thanks don’t think damage at least not here we are good no aftershocks so far 🤞 glad u don’t feel them and they are small for u 🙏 ya never know with those things
Jul 31Reply

@dogparks1 I haven't heard from my son today to see how it felt in SF. I am sure that they felt it though. I am so glad that it wasn't a devastating one. It must have been a scary few seconds for sure.
Jul 31Reply

@serenagarland it was for sure don’t know if SF people felt it I heard Petaluma which is 30 minuets from me . I don’t know if it’s a good thing or bad thing to know when one is coming they don’t have that technology yet but maybe it’s better not to know
Jul 31Reply

@dogparks1 Not sure if I would want to know or not. I just won a necklace and earring set at an online party :) I am so excited!
Jul 31Reply

@serenagarland great congratulations 🎈
Jul 31Reply
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