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Updated Apr 19
Updated Apr 19


Official Secret Posher Game


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THE OFFICIAL SECRET POSHER GAME!! GAIN 200+ FOLLOWERS A DAY!!! Follow the "FOLLOWERS" of the SP chosen daily. Using @freddiesfind SP, my own BSP, and a Mystery SP for even larger follower gains! IF YOU WISH TO BE THE BSP~COMMENT "I CAN KEEP A SECRET!" ONLY TAG ONCE! 11/15 SP is @hortington BSP is @dressinglauren BSP is @rissa7791
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shabbychic45 @holyguacamole1 Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to meet new poshers and make new connections! Play all Official Secret Posher Games @shabbychic45 @freddiesfind @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @centsible_wear @shopbsb @shopninjas @hatchme & @shopofthemoment for the very best results! Happy Poshing!
Aug 30Reply
shabbychic45 @porterdog Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to meet new poshers and make new connections! Play all Official Secret Posher Games @shabbychic45 @freddiesfind @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @centsible_wear @shopbsb @shopninjas @hatchme & @shopofthemoment for the very best results! Happy Poshing!
Aug 31Reply
porterdog @shabbychic45 Thank you so much!! 😗 I'm sooo excited💃🕺💃😁😁😍😍Xoxo Traci 💋😉
Aug 31Reply
shabbychic45 @briannabee21 Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to meet new poshers and make new connections! Play all Official Secret Posher Games @shabbychic45 @freddiesfind @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @centsible_wear @shopbsb @shopninjas @hatchme & @shopofthemoment for the very best results! Happy Poshing!
Sep 01Reply
shabbychic45 Secret Posher Game #2 Please Like for up dates of daily SP @123buyfromme @1kynnedy @2dragons @2sisterskloset @4luxeshoetique @4dresslovers @4theluvofshoes @5kahnefan1 @818bkh @abbyheidenrich @abbykar @abidingapparel @abtcloset @acgolf @adriannaw5000 @adrienne2818 @adeuitch @ajohnsongattis @al3y @alejandraz86 @albposhmark116 @alerusyn @ali30157 @alicat827 @aliflower123 Private tag list. DO NOT COPY.
Sep 01Reply
shabbychic45 Secret Posher Game #2 Please Like for up dates of daily SP @alreed555 @alyssamarie3223 @amdem @americangirl66 @amandaguardo2 @amiedenzer @amlayne82 @ammiddl @amylm0309 @anastasiya_krut @anchorlane @angie8786 @anna13morgan @annieonthefarm @aprilflora @aquaina @ashnotketchum @ashrenee85 @awatson8803 @ayyyg @babewithclaws @babysies @bayareaapparel @bayleigh30 @bbarnett1234 Private tag list. DO NOT COPY.
Sep 01Reply
shabbychic45 Secret Posher Game #2 Please Like for up dates of daily SP @bbstyle1541 @beautifullyou @beccaboo93012 @beccalbauer @bella214777 @bellabunny @bellasb @bellavivi @belltwinz @belvederethe2nd @bethwilson20 @bethybd @blanchmae @blonderebellion @bluecrush99 @blueeyes828b @blumoose @bluzaffre @bmcrampton @bohoflair @bopbopgirl1 @breanne1313 @briannabee21 @briannahetrick @briannastull Private tag list. DO NOT COPY.
Sep 01Reply
shabbychic45 Secret Posher Game #2 Please Like for up dates of daily SP @briellemshop @britannea @brittany0lewis @brokesh0paholic @bruby92 @btaher2001 @cabjorkman @cabjorkman99 @cadet7687 @caharrell1103 @cajunblaze5 @camarasaurus145 @camela11 @camisshoetique @candycory @captain_jack16 @cathsattire @catherez2003 @cattra @cbananas @ceg_2890 @cgab823 @cheftiff75 @chelseylavin @christyw744 Private tag list. DO NOT COPY.
Sep 01Reply
shabbychic45 Secret Posher Game #2 Please Like for up dates of daily SP @chyna726 @cigi36 @charitynchris99 @chloecuthbert @christy102780 @clh0004 @cobblestoneshop @cobrien9 @coleystmu @cornisha1988 @courtneyo53179 @cpix11 @crazyamerican @curliesshop @curvychic_plus @cutestcloset702 @cynthiaalm @cynthiaasalas @dailydiscovery1 @daisyshop @daisysshop @dammitdiana @danalouf @danawar @danijo0508 Private tag list. DO NOT COPY.
Sep 01Reply
shabbychic45 Secret Posher Game #2 Please Like for up dates of daily SP @danileeoak @darcymichele @dashofglitz @dawnleeds @debiwv3 @dee19888 @demialewine @desiignerlove @desiredcloset @dirtygirly @dmarie380 @donatellabarb @dressinglauren @ds_boutique @eglennon87 @elferguson5 @eholder @elevens @els610 @emarvosa @emmaedenco @emoral @emsulli1 @enchantedthread @erinbickley Private tag list. DO NOT COPY.
Sep 01Reply
shabbychic45 Secret Posher Game #2 Please Like for up dates of daily SP @erinctrent @fabandglitz @fahhbee @fairytalesbtq @fashfabme @fashion2luv @fashionablywast @fashionbyjean @fashionreclaim @fayepgarcia @fbbbmom @feens50 @fergie0307 @fleurdelis13 @foreignminions @foreverstylish1 @fran5630 @frenchmartin @frie @friendsnfashion @final666 @gail8911 @galaxy_far_away @gat8or @gbullard Private tag list. DO NOT COPY.
Sep 01Reply
shabbychic45 Secret Posher Game #2 Please Like for up dates of daily SP @girltalk123 @girlwithpearls @gloryrose89 @goldengirlz752 @gonzmara @gooddeals11 @goodshizz @gounlvrebels @gracef682 @gracelajules @greatbargains1 @greenbamboo @gtgwen8 @guzel85 @hailey8533 @haleydude @happystar71 @harmfulkorine @healthystylist @heartrn13 @heatherdpalmer @hildaarchstar @hmillz5 @hobie28 @holly_tatman Private tag list. DO NOT COPY.
Sep 01Reply
shabbychic45 Secret Posher Game #2 Please Like for up dates of daily SP @holyguacamole1 @houseofparis @houseofroyalty @iliketurtles31 @ilovejaceevan @inhsirk @izaapparel @izhane @j3nnm76 @jam321 @jamieanne725 @jasmineerman @jaysizzlee @jazsunshine @jcook123 @jennarenee @jennicoatesgolf @jenniferptk @jenniferromero8 @jessica_a896 @jessirose143 @jesuischic @jetset_go @jhp511 @jlimholt2315 Private tag list. DO NOT COPY.
Sep 01Reply
shabbychic45 Secret Posher Game #2 Please Like for up dates of daily SP @jnlgoods @jodisward @johnelem @jojobee1234 @jolenejgomez @jstarnz @jujuanne @just4kidz @justrightat40 @jwest2014 @kaki_anna @kamskloset @karenmik @karenwolff @karmaluv14 @karolmel @katd4 @katewaz @katiebrenton @katrinasutter @katyyan25 @kbarias @kbbubbab14 @kcdubya @kejoi95 Private tag list. DO NOT COPY.
Sep 01Reply
shabbychic45 Secret Posher Game #2 Please Like for up dates of daily SP @kels_sh @kelyeskloset @kepinkston1 @keska @ketsia4 @kgimigliano @kiki1208 @kimberlee00 @kimberlyl3 @kimreddy22 @kirstenmakeit @kittybaby1 @kmargel @koelsner @kolansen @kourtneylynn903 @kraamos77 @kristylynn @ktw8 @ktbaby89 @kundaliniyogini @kuriouskitty13 @kvieiramendes @lalachica @lam_phoebe Private tag list. DO NOT COPY.
Sep 01Reply
shabbychic45 Secret Posher Game #2 Please Like for up dates of daily SP @lauramhudson @lauren4eventz @laurenthings @lacylynn2013 @lauriehg @laurielyn95 @laxjess @lcfrogs @leelee031989 @leemkate1977 @leerian_fashion @life4987 @littledragonfi @lilliankarroum @lilkittylady @lilredheadgirl @limetrends @linsab @litte_elegance @littleangel16 @lizannes @lls516 @lmaceron3 @lmartin28 @lmaswthrt Private tag list. DO NOT COPY.
Sep 01Reply
shabbychic45 Secret Posher Game #2 Please Like for up dates of daily SP @lo_kelly @lollipopkissies @lorigattis @lorycreed @loveangmarie @lovelyoutletsho @loveskoalas @ls18 @luvlytreasures @luvtoshop14 @luxefashion23 @luxeious @lwatson80 @lynniebabes @lynsmariear @maddagirl @maddiem2b @maggartfamily @maggiemcp @mamabearkp @mandajj2010 @mandapanda83 @mannababi21 @manorly @mariepose Private tag list. DO NOT COPY.
Sep 01Reply
shabbychic45 Secret Posher Game #2 Please Like for up dates of daily SP @margaretleighp @mbeverything @mdj932 @mdmorr @mdzubz @meagurl44 @meeshfarbs @melissarfranco @melissarnibclc @melmel6262 @memesclothing @mercerfashion @mgeringer @mhaarman @mhudson0622 @michelle21288 @michellecater @migitmai @miltfeltx @mirdonna @miss_can @missyap24 @miya808 @mmhtreasures @molinalinda1 Private tag list. DO NOT COPY.
Sep 01Reply
shabbychic45 Secret Posher Game #2 Please Like for up dates of daily SP @mollydick @mollyruth15 @mommi2ri @momogo @moonbeam1958 @mprovisor @mrshopper2014 @msfrith @msharris1989 @mstravesura @msuranye @mtallent1 @muadisole @munchkin0311 @murphyfour1 @my3kidsark @myboutique71 @mycurvyboutique @mystiskie @mysterygirl0305 @myvintagevanity @mzro2 @namaslaybeaches @nanzdrew @nduetyme23504 Private tag list. DO NOT COPY.
Sep 01Reply
shabbychic45 Secret Posher Game #2 Please Like for up dates of daily SP @neet62 @nellarella808 @nhrrmama @nicecloset1 @nidak83 @niki44 @nikler @niknak216 @ninaheosontaty4 @nishaaaa @noafive_apparel @notarom @nycin6 @nyfty @officestyle @ofthemomentkids @orangeblossoms @paigemo @pammalla @paulinaco @peggyjenq @pghmnb @pink_elephants @pink_ladybug @pinkdivas Private tag list. DO NOT COPY.
Sep 01Reply
shabbychic45 Secret Posher Game #2 Please Like for up dates of daily SP @pinkpin2364 @pkarina @platinmrhapsody @plessy @porterdog @poshboutique16 @poshcinci @poshionistas @ppamprrd @pr1ncessm @prettytrendy @prittimonster @ptcloset @puaposh @pursegalore @queen09l @quen_k @rachelab12 @rachr20 @ranalli @razzledaz410 @rebecca_3 @redsummerell @renaykee @renee6irl Private tag list. DO NOT COPY.
Sep 01Reply
shabbychic45 Secret Posher Game #2 Please Like for up dates of daily SP @reservoirhobby @retrendthetrend @rileybree @rmvorise @rocknrollsugar @rosea1986 @roselai @rosemarie29 @rposen @rvarne @saltedmermaid @sammieshop @sandandbarb @sarahbeans13 @sarahmason42 @sashulyax3 @savvyhope @scgirl1961 @sdiehl77 @sdmeyers88 @secondimage2000 @sfostephb @securebeauty @shae042 @shania898 Private tag list. DO NOT COPY.
Sep 01Reply
shabbychic45 Secret Posher Game #2 Please Like for up dates of daily SP @shaynola @shelleyfin @shellirave @shellyrenee81 @sherri862 @sherrylgalvan @sherrynold @sherrypd @shiloh077 @shojtes05 @shop_amoradore @shop_ninas @shopgirl1880 @shopgirlclothes @shopninjas @shopofthemoment @shoppala @shopsellposhpro @skullee @slicktrip @slmiller44 @slmosley @snomoto @so_kosmic @sohairiam8 Private tag list. DO NOT COPY.
Sep 01Reply
shabbychic45 Secret Posher Game #2 Please Like for up dates of daily SP @sotheak @southerndonna @star2733 @starsandstriper @steph_mckenzie @stunna60 @styledbyv @suelee16 @sugachell2 @sunnietrish @sunnybirdmarket @suzmccue @sweetpea1133 @syd2020 @sydneydak @tara07120 @tarabrynn @tayk_me_as_i_am @tckytckytckytck @teachloveself @teacup0618 @thebossbabe @thedormboutique @thegirlingrey @thelittlethief Private tag list. DO NOT COPY.
Sep 01Reply
shabbychic45 Secret Posher Game #2 Please Like for up dates of daily SP @theprincessc @thestaufferhome @thewardrobewell @theworktrotter @thortam @tiffaniexo @tinaberge @tkelly401 @tlude @tnb614 @tobyscloset777 @tracyflower @trail_raven @travelcrush @travelgirlmn @trendyselection @trexinthecity @trustylegrace @ts5062736 @tweisy @twonickel @uhmmkristen @usernamekv @uyenwendy @verdigrissf Private tag list. DO NOT COPY.
Sep 01Reply
shabbychic45 Secret Posher Game #2 Please Like for up dates of daily SP @verymary1 @vixen676 @wcfashions @wendylfielder @wifeybabs @winrygirl @wolfjensen @workinonmychic @wtfrock @xccessori_usa @ximena86 @xojenniberry @xoxo;ea @xtinascottsdale @yournewgarb @zarco22 Private tag list. DO NOT COPY.
Sep 01Reply
shabbychic45 Please share my new post for the Secret Posher Game. I would greatly appreciate your help to spread the word. @sydneydak @tomi_o @cassiemarie8406 @heidy0622 @n2starbucks @wilds_flat @carlahiggins @shop_amoradore @kamskloset @shopofthemoment @fashionreclaim @koukla3 @justrightat40 @sherrynold @robandsteph2014 @shiloh077 @missy5076 @poshgarden @heartrn13 @alluck1210 @camarasaurus145 @lauras_boutique @rposen @stunning_29
Sep 01Reply
dustycarrotclub 🖤FOLLOW GAME🖤 🎩@julez09 ⭐️@mtallent1 🎩@lindzz84 🎩@renatap24 🎩@tinkdsntthink 🎩@tara_in_philly 🎩@katmiddlebrook ⭐️@abcnanas 🎩@rosea1986 🎩@msbdphillips 🎩@marlajennie 🎩@shopninjas 🎩@crystal_maiden ⭐️@noafive_apparel 🎩@is222 🎩@redchilidog 🎩@sue0214 🎩@tinkdsntthink 🖤PLEASE COME PLAY OUR GAMES TOO🖤
Sep 01Reply
dustycarrotclub 🖤FOLLOW GAME🖤 🎩@cheytx1 ⭐️@thewardrobewell 🎩@katyyan25 🎩@slamgirl1 🎩@angelaenigro 🎩@goshops 🎩@ccasey1604 ⭐️@j3nnm76 🎩@hannahnummer 🎩@alsutton03 🎩@lollipopkissies 🎩@nikkware 🎩@laurennski ⭐️@cupcakes84 🎩@joy_d 🎩@absolutecalm 🎩@trixybunny 🎩@momisnuttz 🎩@xemoda ⭐️@samtwister2000 🎩@sltwiggles 🎩@lmneuse 🎩@the1jules 🎩@soulcrusher716 🎩@dawnie1774 ⭐️@prelovedchic 🖤PLEASE COME PLAY OUR GAMES TOO🖤
Sep 01Reply
porterdog @shabbychic45 The SPOD doesn't come up briannabee?
Sep 01Reply
lauras_boutique 🎉🎉FG🎉🎉💕@51twenty💕@bellanblue💕@croweart💕@dotgallo💕@dvacante💕@flutter_buys💕@kubia💕@marlanap💕@hrachal💕@emory1975💕@glamvault💕@hsohailk💕@imaswthrt💕@kellidavis05💕💕@matadora1978💕@molinda25💕@moongoddess7💕@nami001💕@newyork222💕@nic39💕@nofive_apparel💕@poshjeepgirl💕@rnicu00💕@roryry💕@rposen💕@smchop💕@schx4💕@stunning_29💕@treasuresbytrac💕@turkioculture💕@twinkletoestoni💕@valerieann💕@warrior04💕 💕🌸PLEASE LIKE AND SHARE MY FOLLOW GAME!🌸💕
Sep 01Reply
robandsteph2014 Secret Posher Game New Post! Highly recommend if you haven't played yet! 💗 @lexakang 💗 @krc2278 💗 @merabellas 💗 @shawna7493 💗 @maphatu 💗 @ninibby 💗 @oxc1y 💗 @cultivatecovet 💗@lindsay17l 💗 @chasedycc 💗@eligcloset 💗 @murphysmenz 💗 @wildtimetoys 💗 @barneysbargains 💗 @msjoy46 💗@tdp00767 💗 @mtallent1 💗 @trendyfashions 💗 @designerdustbag 💗 @noafive_apparel 💗 @philippestrift 💗 @greekmama1 💗@picperfect_99 💗@moongoddess7 💗 @angelinal_ 💗 private tag list, do not copy!
Sep 01Reply
thecashmerecat I can keep a secret!!!
Sep 01Reply
shuffman77 💗Secret Posher Follow Game Ladies💗 @southerndonna @snacker1 @beardnbutterfly @artnita @jackiebythesea @shansorv @angiebrooke @carlsonduo @forestean1 Hope you all are having a Fabulous Day! 🤗
Sep 01Reply
globalboutique 8/31 Gained 1061 followers (SU wheel after 7.00pm party), 8 SPs followed, 1 sale, 5.00pm-10.00pm PST. Thank you.
Sep 01Reply
kristibratton I can keep a secret!!
Sep 02Reply
sequinstiletto Hi! I tried the BSP but nothing comes up? Is it possible it is spelled incorrectly? 😊
Sep 02Reply
shabbychic45 @jodisward Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to meet new poshers and make new connections! Play all Official Secret Posher Games @shabbychic45 @freddiesfind @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @centsible_wear @shopbsb @shopninjas @hatchme & @shopofthemoment for the very best results! Happy Poshing!
Sep 02Reply
jodisward Thanks! @shabbychic45 I'm I. Colorado for the Phish shows and won't be home until tomorrow night and then I will most certainly return the shares and likes to all! Thank you for making my day! 😘❤️🌈
Sep 03Reply
crystal_maiden ***SECRET POSHERRR!*** 🌞 FOLLOW GAME!!! 🌞 ♡ Here are my friendly PFFs to follow ૐ @mammakatt @gonzmara @orangeelephant @hmsimon1 @hmc227 @cirqueish @christine16 @xtinamarie8898 @suzesloane @pizzadreams @deadlycat @purplemag @arianawoodard @moodtherapy @dpuiu @dgriffith639 @rosebisou5 @forestfaiiry 🌙 ++ PLEASE TAKE TIME TO CHECKOUT MY WIRE WRAPPED CRYSTAL JEWELRY!! 🌙
Sep 03Reply
shabbychic45 @kellic1416 Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to meet new poshers and make new connections! Play all Official Secret Posher Games @shabbychic45 @freddiesfind @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @centsible_wear @shopbsb @shopninjas @hatchme & @shopofthemoment for the very best results! Happy Poshing!
Sep 03Reply
tinkerrn @thinkpink23 and @rinochka. Secret posher game. Please read the rules first ! 😘
Sep 04Reply
shabbychic45 @emmielhayes Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to meet new poshers and make new connections! Play all Official Secret Posher Games @shabbychic45 @freddiesfind @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @centsible_wear @shopbsb @shopninjas @hatchme & @shopofthemoment for the very best results! Happy Poshing!
Sep 04Reply
shabbychic45 @katewaz Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to meet new poshers and make new connections! Play all Official Secret Posher Games @shabbychic45 @freddiesfind @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @centsible_wear @shopbsb @shopninjas @hatchme & @shopofthemoment for the very best results! Happy Poshing!
Sep 05Reply
katewaz @shabbychic45 woohooo!!!! Thank you so much, Michele! Will do!!!!! 😘😍🤗💕💕💕💥💥💥
Sep 05Reply
tinkerrn @rinochka are you playing this secret posher game yet ?? It's a great one. @thinkpink23 do u have any questions about the secret posher games ? You follow all the followers of the sp(secret posher ) and bsp( secret bonus posher) and share at least 5 items from each ones closet when your done. 😘😘💕💕
Sep 05Reply
thinkpink23 @tinkerrn This one is a little more time consuming for me! I'm just a little slow
Sep 05Reply
rinochka @tinkerrn hey luv I have no questions . I'm playing it :)
Sep 05Reply
tinkerrn @rinochka 😘 I was going info for the other posher. I don't think I've tagged her in these games 😘😘😘
Sep 05Reply
tinkerrn @thinkpink23 these secret posher games with you being newer youll see the first week playing these you'll gain a few thousand followers. Not hundreds. Thousands. Well worth it. Ask @rinochka - she went from 1200 to over 6000 in a few days.
Sep 05Reply
tinkerrn @thinkpink23 also remember to follow everyone who likes the game too. 😘
Sep 05Reply
sweetbasilshop I can keep a secret!
Sep 06Reply
shikgupta i can keep a secret! <3
Sep 06Reply
shabbychic45 @h5reimagined Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to meet new poshers and make new connections! Play all Official Secret Posher Games @shabbychic45 @freddiesfind @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @centsible_wear @shopbsb @shopninjas @hatchme & @shopofthemoment for the very best results! Happy Poshing!
Sep 06Reply
shabbychic45 @thinkpink23 you don't have to do them all. The main one we stress is the SP. The bonus SP and Mystery SPs are for additional gains. But the more we get playing the main daily SP the more followers we seem to get back in return. @tinkerrn thank you for always sharing and being the cheerleader for my game!
Sep 06Reply
tinkerrn @shabbychic45 thanks for providing them !! I love these. I've been traveling today back and forth -spotty internet. I'll be home in a few. Hoping Irma forecast is changing !!! I'm in panhandle of Florida ! ❤️😘
Sep 06Reply
h5reimagined @shabbychic45 Thanks so much doll!!! 😘😘😘
Sep 06Reply
cassiecw I can keep a secret! 😊
Sep 07Reply
thinkpink23 @shabbychic45 Thank you for the clarification! This is an awesome game!
Sep 07Reply
globalboutique @kreativekristen Secret Posher game!
Sep 07Reply
hatchme @shabbychic45 I can keep a secret😀🌸@hatchme
Sep 08Reply
shabbychic45 @kmgimigliano Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to meet new poshers and make new connections! Play all Official Secret Posher Games @shabbychic45 @freddiesfind @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @centsible_wear @shopbsb @shopninjas @hatchme & @shopofthemoment for the very best results! Happy Poshing!
Sep 08Reply
auctionpricebtq @shabbychic45 no player it's not working!
Sep 08Reply
kristibratton I can keep a secret! 💋💋💋
Sep 08Reply
cassiecw @shabbychic45 Hi! I think you had an extra "m" in the BSP's name you announced above. Her username is @kgimigliano 😊
Sep 08Reply
cassiecw Shared & followed!
Sep 08Reply
shabbychic45 @lindzz84 Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to meet new poshers and make new connections! Play all Official Secret Posher Games @shabbychic45 @freddiesfind @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @centsible_wear @shopbsb @shopninjas @hatchme & @shopofthemoment for the very best results! Happy Poshing!
Sep 08Reply
kgimigliano @shabbychic45 hi! I would love to be considered for bsp again 😊 I'm not sure what happened. I thought I was bsp but I wasn't on the list.. lol
Sep 08Reply
shabbychic45 @kgimigliano I think I had your closet name misspelled. You will be on for tomorrow.
Sep 08Reply
kgimigliano @shabbychic45 sorry about that. Thank you so much! 🤗😊
Sep 08Reply
lindzz84 @shabbychic45 thank u so much!!!! 🤗🤗🤗🤗
Sep 08Reply
shabbychic45 @kgimigliano Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to meet new poshers and make new connections! Play all Official Secret Posher Games @shabbychic45 @freddiesfind @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @centsible_wear @shopbsb @shopninjas @hatchme & @shopofthemoment for the very best results! Happy Poshing!
Sep 09Reply
fashionistaaz I can keep a secret!
Sep 10Reply
shabbychic45 @hatchme Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to meet new poshers and make new connections! Play all Official Secret Posher Games @shabbychic45 @freddiesfind @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @centsible_wear @shopbsb @shopninjas @hatchme & @shopofthemoment for the very best results! Happy Poshing!
Sep 10Reply
hatchme @shabbychic45 Thank u dear for letting me be BSP today. Have a great day😀🌸@hatchme
Sep 10Reply
christinelp13 Followed and shared all @-hatchmie 😊
Sep 11Reply
shabbychic45 @lindzz84 Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to meet new poshers and make new connections! Play all Official Secret Posher Games @shabbychic45 @freddiesfind @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @centsible_wear @shopbsb @shopninjas @hatchme & @shopofthemoment for the very best results! Happy Poshing!
Sep 11Reply
auctionpricebtq @shabbychic45 ❤️💋👍😘
Sep 11Reply
jjj9_4 🎉SECRET POSHER GAME!🎉🌟PFF TAG TEAM #1🌟🦋@anards🦋@teeholguin🦋@amore923🦋@lovelymey🦋@staci_tomasetti🦋@swhite001🦋@mommyofalildiva🦋@marjiep22🦋@mollyside🦋@classicdress🦋@hotkok0🦋@vianascloset🦋@gypsybeauty1111🦋@volatpropriis🦋@aubreysp1cola🦋@errndavis🦋@ctucker1218🦋@dancinsasa1978🦋@jasna81🦋@dr_doberman🦋@theposhfiddler🦋@anthro_addict🦋@rozalind08🦋@hopehulsey🦋@jfaltus🦋@xxsuscitatexx🦋@lokiladylove🦋@ashleyemarose🦋@austin_bree🦋@_kce1015🦋@kissmanml🌟🦋@skycliffe🦋@joscelyng🦋@eliseswank 🔒PRIVATE LIST🔒
Sep 11Reply
shabbychic45 @drea04 Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to meet new poshers and make new connections! Play all Official Secret Posher Games @shabbychic45 @freddiesfind @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @centsible_wear @shopbsb @shopninjas @hatchme & @shopofthemoment for the very best results! Happy Poshing!
Sep 12Reply
shabbychic45 @bijoux888 Hey there PFF you are my mystery SP today!!
Sep 12Reply
drea04 @shabbychic45 hi thank you for choosing me , this is my first time, and I am unclear of the rules or what to do ...can you please help me out ? the names listed are who I follow their followers ? an then pick 5-6 random closets to share their closet an introduce myself , is that right? I am so sorry ..just want to make sure I do it right
Sep 13Reply
drea04 And on the games do I share the closets listed?
Sep 13Reply
shabbychic45 @drea04 pick out random closets is not mandatory but a great suggestion on meeting new people and hopefully getting them to come look at your closet. You only share from the closets that are the SP BSP and Mystery SP. And then follow their followers. Sorry for the late response
Sep 13Reply
bijoux888 @shabbychic45 I just saw this!!😄😄 Thank you so much!!💕💕
Sep 13Reply
drea04 @shabbychic45 thank you so much , xo have a great day
Sep 13Reply
shabbychic45 @poshcoffeesnob Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to meet new poshers and make new connections! Play all Official Secret Posher Games @shabbychic45 @freddiesfind @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @centsible_wear @shopbsb @shopninjas @hatchme & @shopofthemoment for the very best results! Happy Poshing!
Sep 13Reply
poshinprincess2 I can keep a secret.
Sep 14Reply
shabbychic45 @sdmeyers88 Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to meet new poshers and make new connections! Play all Official Secret Posher Games @shabbychic45 @freddiesfind @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @centsible_wear @shopbsb @shopninjas @hatchme & @shopofthemoment for the very best results! Happy Poshing!
Sep 14Reply
nicecloset1 @nicecloset1 I can keep a secret! 😚❤😁
Sep 14Reply
emangino2 I can keep a secret
Sep 14Reply
globalboutique @amcostner Secret Posher game. 👜🎉
Sep 14Reply
modernowlbtq I can keep a secret!
Sep 16Reply
whiskeyneatbtq I can keep a secret!
Sep 16Reply
shabbychic45 @mafibm Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to meet new poshers and make new connections! Play all Official Secret Posher Games @shabbychic45 @freddiesfind @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @centsible_wear @shopbsb @shopninjas @hatchme & @shopofthemoment for the very best results! Happy Poshing!
Sep 17Reply
auctionpricebtq @shabbychic45 I AM SHARING YOUR SPD GAME💕🌺❤️ I have Official SPD Game as well SECRET DUCKY & LISTING SHARE GAME YOUR WELCOME TO JOIN. ❤️LADIES HERE IS ANOTHER SPD GAME💜 👠@brokesh0paholic 💜 🐜@cindyklatt❤️ 👓@julielmay❤️ 💋@lindadg💜 💅🏼@mtallent1❤️ 🌂@maggiemcp💜 🦋@missy5076💜 👒@moongoddess7❤️ 🎒@pinkpin2364💜 👙@sheashea93💜 🐹@sue0214 ❤️ 🐾@trail_raven❤️ 💅🏼@trexinthecity❤️
Sep 17Reply
jjj9_4 @shabbychic45 ✔️All Done! 👍 9/17 Ty!!! 😘
Sep 17Reply
auctionpricebtq @shabbychic45 I hope your having a lovely Sunday did @cavslover contact you? She wants to join our group I gave her directions to see you or Freddie. I told she best to get in touch with you since your online daily.❤️👍
Sep 17Reply
upcyclemobb @shabbychic45 Will do!! Thank you!!! 💕💕😘😘🎉
Sep 17Reply
christinelp13 Follow and shared😊
Sep 17Reply
blueb1rds Gained 656 followers, 1 sale
Sep 17Reply
daisysshop I can keep a secret
Sep 18Reply
shabbychic45 @girltalk123 yep I got in touch with cavslover. We are working on getting it set up. Thanks!!
Sep 18Reply
auctionpricebtq @shabbychic45 ok great thank you❤️👍
Sep 18Reply
shabbychic45 @designtrends Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to meet new poshers and make new connections! Play all Official Secret Posher Games @shabbychic45 @freddiesfind @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @centsible_wear @shopbsb @shopninjas @hatchme & @shopofthemoment for the very best results! Happy Poshing!
Sep 18Reply
designtrends @shabbychic45 OMGGGG😱😱😱 I never thought I'd get picked‼️ Yay‼️🎊🎉 Thank you so very much. 🤗 I'm so excited & honored to be 1 of your picks‼️😁 Looking forward to meeting many more wonderful Poshers. 💝💜
Sep 18Reply
j3nnm76 @designtrends congrats on your special day! Followed and shared
Sep 18Reply
designtrends @j3nnm76 Thank you so very much❗️☺️ I was in complete shock & very excited. 🤗 I had a great time meeting so many wonderful Poshers. 💝 This is definitely 1 of the best games on Poshmark. Thank you for graciously sharing my closet. 💞 ✅ I also returned the favor! 😘
Sep 19Reply
shabbychic45 @crismicka Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to meet new poshers and make new connections! Play all Official Secret Posher Games @shabbychic45 @freddiesfind @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @centsible_wear @shopbsb @shopninjas @hatchme & @shopofthemoment for the very best results! Happy Poshing!
Sep 19Reply
auctionpricebtq @shabbychic45 wish you a beautiful day!🌷🍄🌾🌹🥀🥀
Sep 19Reply
crismicka @shabbychic45 🍃❤️🍃Thank you so much for choosing my closet as secret posher. I'm so excited. 🍃❤️🍃. Speedy sales to you my friend 😘
Sep 19Reply
shabbychic45 @lilybuds Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to meet new poshers and make new connections! Play all Official Secret Posher Games @shabbychic45 @freddiesfind @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @centsible_wear @shopbsb @shopninjas @hatchme & @shopofthemoment for the very best results! Happy Poshing!
Sep 20Reply
modernowlbtq @rachelrbenson I can keep a secret!!
Sep 20Reply
lilybuds @shabbychic45 Wow!! Thank you so much!!! I'm so elated!! 💖😀🌹 Xoxoxo
Sep 20Reply
Sep 20Reply
p_joyceschoices @white_wine and @sridge1214 best of the follow games just like freddiesfind just read directions SUPER EASY and She's a real sweet lady.
Sep 20Reply
shabbychic45 @wabisabijune Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to meet new poshers and make new connections! Play all Official Secret Posher Games @shabbychic45 @freddiesfind @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @centsible_wear @cavslover @shopninjas @hatchme & @shopofthemoment for the very best results! Happy Poshing!
Sep 21Reply
auctionpricebtq @shabbychic45 Grasshopper ❤️👍
Sep 21Reply
p_joyceschoices Hi Michele,I don't know if you remember me but I was one of your BP in the beginning but I don't see my name in your tag list did I do something wrong or do I need to do something different to be included again ? I had my closet closed for quite some time so I know I missed a lot but I'm back playing this and freddies game,so please LMK if I need to do anything to belong again. Thank you very much sweetie, Patricia 🤗💚
Sep 22Reply
p_joyceschoices Also,I forget do we report how many we follow ect... for this particular game? THANKS Michele 😊
Sep 22Reply
shabbychic45 @p_joyceschoices Your did nothing wrong. I will make sure you are included in my tag list. And I certainly do remember you my friend!! I have been busy with other projects outside of push and haven't been able to do much posh lately. Also a little burn out. But will be back on track soon.
Sep 22Reply
shabbychic45 @emilys_finds Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to meet new poshers and make new connections! Play all Official Secret Posher Games @shabbychic45 @freddiesfind @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @centsible_wear @shopbsb @shopninjas @hatchme @shopofthemoment & @cavslover for the very best results! Happy Poshing!
Sep 22Reply
auctionpricebtq @shabbychic45 are you tagging follow games anymore? If so I have new one in top of my closet with cute dog on cover. Have a beautiful weekend ❤️👍💋
Sep 22Reply
wabisabijune @shabbychic45 .. Thanks so much!!! I took some time off from Posh lately and this is EXACTLY what I need to push me back on track! I missed it yesterday but will definitely catch up today. I really appreciate you choosing me 💖💕💖💞💖💕💖
Sep 22Reply
p_joyceschoices @shabbychic45 swwww,thank you so very much for adding me and also for remembering me that makes my day.i completely understand the burnt put feeling I'm just snapping out of it. But it's great to be back in contact with you sweet friend and I pray you start feeling your sweet self again. Blessings and love to you Michele we'll talk soon.🤗💚💚💚
Sep 22Reply
shabbychic45 @amagnoliandc Congrats !! You are my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to meet new poshers and make new connections! Play all Official Secret Posher Games @shabbychic45 @freddiesfind @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @centsible_wear @shopbsb @shopninjas @hatchme @shopofthemoment @cavslover for the very best results! Happy Poshing!
Sep 23Reply
jjj9_4 @soulcrusher715 YAY CONGRATS!!! 👏👏👏👏
Sep 23Reply
jjj9_4 @soulcrusher716 👏👏👏YAY!!! CONGRATS!!! 🍾 💕
Sep 23Reply
amagnoliandc @shabbychic45 yay!!! Congrats! When I woke up to 500 notifications, I was like what's going on-lol. I get started on my mission. Also, I'm hosting "everything plus tonight at 7 est. please come party with me and share to my dressing room plus items💛⚜️💛
Sep 23Reply
amagnoliandc @shabbychic45 thank you so much for the honor!!!
Sep 23Reply
j3nnm76 @amagnoliandc @shopofthemoment Congrats to you! Hope you enjoy your day in the spotlight! Shine bright you deserve it.
Sep 23Reply
auctionpricebtq @shabbychic45 I see we have new folks on your Master list are all ready? Reason I ask so I know to put in my daily listing when I share bonus?
Sep 23Reply
auctionpricebtq @shabbychic45 P.S. I can keep a secret ❤️👍💋
Sep 24Reply
shabbychic45 @mlb1006 Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to meet new poshers and make new connections!
Sep 24Reply
mlb1006 @shabbychic45 Thank you so much for choosing me as your BSP today! I'm thrilled! 😘😘😘
Sep 24Reply
martinpere I CAN KEEP A SECRET!
Sep 24Reply
martinpere ☝️Follow Game!! ✅ @sheashea93@emangino2@heatherm9779@alaska42@dressinglauren@asap789@siennadcosta@mkgiese@swhite001 ✅ @siennadcosta✅ @jjj9_4@jennanoll92@theocposh@vintageginger Private list. Please do not copy. Happy poshing 😊
Sep 24Reply
martinpere ☝️Follow Game!! ✅ @classicdress@xxsuscitatexx@austin_bree@j3nnm76@lokiladylove@jfaltus@poshoutfitters@soulcrusher716@lorigattis@rebeccarmirez8@xxsuscitatexx@xoheartsyou@skft Private list. Please do not copy. Happy poshing 😘
Sep 24Reply
vintageginger New Follow Game! 1/2 @eklipse @alyalyambrose @herroyalmomness @susancamile @ashjesh @ccasey1604 @mtallent1 @porterdog @vcher77 @styledbuyv @poshcoffeesnob @g_fashiondiary @pursaholic143 @angelndskys04 @inheritedcloset @soulcrusher71 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 👠⭐️⭐️⭐️👠⭐️👠👠👠👠⭐️⭐️ ⭐️👠⭐️👠⭐️⭐️👠⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ⭐️👠👠👠⭐️⭐️👠⭐️👠👠⭐️⭐️ ⭐️⭐️👠⭐️⭐️⭐️👠⭐️⭐️👠⭐️⭐️ ⭐️⭐️👠⭐️⭐️⭐️👠👠👠👠⭐️⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Sep 24Reply
vintageginger New Follow Game! 2/2 @moonbeam1958 @colestmu @brunomars90 @bellax5 @johnsontammi38 @densko @emimbs1 @red0xluvr @kimmando @shauna0618 @lorigattis @rosebisou5 @crystal_maiden @girltalk123 @giavannaaaa @prettyimpink @retroruby76 @samtwister2000 PFF's Private List! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 👠⭐️⭐️⭐️👠⭐️👠👠👠👠⭐️⭐️ ⭐️👠⭐️👠⭐️⭐️👠⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ⭐️👠👠👠⭐️⭐️👠⭐️👠👠⭐️⭐️ ⭐️⭐️👠⭐️⭐️⭐️👠⭐️⭐️👠⭐️⭐️ ⭐️⭐️👠⭐️⭐️⭐️👠👠👠👠⭐️⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Sep 24Reply
white_wine @p_joyceschoices Hi Patricia! Thanks for thinking of me and connecting me with the new game. I've been busier with work, and posting a little less. Hope all is well with you! 🤗🤗🤗
Sep 24Reply
melissa2italy @shabbychic45 I can keep a secret!!!
Sep 25Reply
sooolisa I can keep a secret!
Sep 25Reply
shabbychic45 @kdslack2 Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to meet new poshers and make new connections!
Sep 25Reply
sheashea93 I can keep a secret 💕
Sep 25Reply
shabbychic45 @brittalyss Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to meet new poshers and make new connections!
Sep 26Reply
eliseswank I can keep a secret
Sep 26Reply
brittalyss @shabbychic45 thank you so much!!! And will do
Sep 26Reply
bkcraig I can keep a secret! 😎😘🎉
Sep 26Reply
everygirlshop I can keep a secret 🙋🏼
Sep 26Reply
msupergn Add me please
Sep 26Reply
sydlcrawford I can keep a secret!
Sep 27Reply
shabbychic45 @whitneygmartin ♥️♥️♥️♥️Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to meet new poshers and make new connections! ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Sep 27Reply
shabbychic45 @whitneygmartin ♥️♥️♥️♥️As the Bonus Posher, challenge yourself to play all Official Secret Posher Games! @freddiesfind @freddiesfind @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @centsible_wear @shopninjas @hatchme @shopofthemoment @cavslover @martinpere @poshcoffeesnob @momand posh & @chicinspiration for the very best results! Happy Poshing!♥️♥️♥️♥️
Sep 27Reply
martinpere Congrats @whitneygmartin on being chosen as @shabbychic45 SP! Wishing you tons of follows, shares, likes, and new PFFs! Enjoy your day as the SP! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Sep 27Reply
daisysshop @shabbychic45 please remove me from the list. Can not keep up with the game. Thank you
Sep 27Reply
stefielouhoo @shabbychic45 I can keep a secret
Sep 28Reply
katspick I CAN KEEP A SECRET!😛😛😛😛
Sep 28Reply
everygirlshop I CAN KEEP A SECRET
Sep 28Reply
shabbychic45 @hunternicolle419 ♥️♥️♥️♥️Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to meet new poshers and make new connections! ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Sep 28Reply
shabbychic45 @hunternicole419 ♥️♥️♥️♥️As the Bonus Posher, challenge yourself to play all Official Secret Posher Games! @freddiesfind @freddiesfind @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @centsible_wear @shopninjas @hatchme @shopofthemoment @cavslover @martinpere @poshcoffeesnob @momand posh & @chicinspiration for the very best results! Happy Poshing!♥️♥️♥️♥️
Sep 28Reply
jjj9_4 @whitneygmartin @hunternicole419 CONGRATS LADIES!!! Cheers to a wonderful day full of many happy sales and lots of positive vibes!
Sep 28Reply
shopofthemoment 💥Secret Posher ƑօӀӀօա ցɑʍҽ💥 🌺@abtcloset 🌺@agingerstyle 🌺@ajdruffel 🌺@alaska42 🌺@alyssam821 🌺@amandaguardo2 🌺@americangirl66 🌺@amoc2001 🌺@anchorlane 🌺@andrea479 🌺@angelaenigro 🌺@antitab 🌺@apriljerseygirl 🌺@artistichater 🌺@assateaguearts 🌺@ashroa 🌺@atc_clothing 🌺@bellax5 🌺@belltwinz 🌺@birdsong970 🌺@blumoose 🌺@bocaratongirl 🌺@brittneezy_ 🔒private list do not copy🔒 💥visit my tag team listing to sign up/remove from my tag team 💥
Sep 28Reply
shopofthemoment 💥Secret Posher ƑօӀӀօա ցɑʍҽ💥 🌸@candycory 🌸@cadet7687 🌸@camisadocloset 🌸@cancerbully 🌸@cattra 🌸@ccatherine24 🌸@chachiversace 🌸@charminglane 🌸@christieee_3 🌸@claudette621 🌸@closetnomad 🌸@cloudhangers 🌸@cmlazorenk 🌸@coleystmu🌸@concetta62 🌸@coney_bee 🌸@dani9067 🌸@daniyaz23 🌸@davinandtheia 🌸@dejanewforyou 🌸@dmarie380 🌸@dressinglauren 🌸@ds_boutique 🔒private list do not copy🔒 💥visit my tag team listing to sign up/remove from my tag team 💥
Sep 28Reply
shopofthemoment 💥Secret Posher ƑօӀӀօա ցɑʍҽ💥 🌻@ellydru 🌻@emangino2 🌻@emilys_finds 🌻@emsulli1 🌻@eobando73 🌻@erey10 🌻@fashfabme 🌻@fatcheeks 🌻@fitbrittt 🌻@flyingdaisy_com 🌻@from_us2you 🌻@girlrecycled 🌻@gm2017 🌻@goldengirlz752 🌻@gynasc 🌻@hatchme 🌻@harmfulkorine 🌻@hidethebags 🌻@hjosephs 🌻@hwebb28 🌻@imaswthrt 🌻@inheritedcloset 🌻@inhsirk 🔒private list do not copy🔒 💥visit my tag team listing to sign up/remove from my tag team 💥
Sep 28Reply
shopofthemoment 💥Secret Posher ƑօӀӀօա ցɑʍҽ💥 🌷@jackiestreasure 🌷@jadrch 🌷@jakesma3 🌷@jamieanne725 🌷@jaimielynn13 🌷@jamiemarie234 🌷@jconnell89 🌷@jenalz16 🌷@jencantin 🌷@jetsamjunky 🌷@jetset_go 🌷@jessirose143 🌷@jmglitz 🌷@johnelem 🌷@josee9 🌷@jovigraham 🌷@jrottiers 🌷@jxnniferalvarez🌷@j3nnm76 🌷@karolmel 🌷@kdfreder 🌷@kellic1416 🌷@kimreddy22 🌷@kuriouskitty13 🌷@kubia 🔒private list do not copy🔒 💥visit my tag team listing to sign up/remove from my tag team 💥
Sep 28Reply
shopofthemoment 💥Secret Posher ƑօӀӀօա ցɑʍҽ💥 🌹@lalla08 🌹@lauren1308 🌹@lauren4eventz 🌹@leelee031989 🌹@leprojetvintage 🌹@limonadacouture 🌹@lindzz84 🌹@loveydoveyxo 🌹@lsharp6489 🌹@luckyelliemc 🌹@lucky0718 🌹@madawnalesia 🌹@marissyrissy611 🌹@mariagadola 🌹@marlajennie 🌹@mbeverything 🌹@megre27 🌹@mimah537 🌹@modig 🌹@mommycat25 🌹@moodtherapy 🌹@moonbeam1958🌹@mrssarahbeth 🌹@mslynnescloset🌹@nikkibeeh 🌹@ninageers 🔒private list do not copy🔒 💥visit my tag team listing to sign up/remove from my tag team 💥
Sep 28Reply
shopofthemoment 💥Secret Posher ƑօӀӀօա ցɑʍҽ💥 🍁@orangeblossoms 🍁@paganoan 🍁@phoenixrose22 🍁@piccadilly_posh🍁@pink_elephants 🍁@pinkflamingobtq 🍁@pinkninja1028 🍁@poshcoffeesnob🍁@poshtessa 🍁@pursaholic143 🍁@rellachel 🍁@renees_wardrobe 🍁@retailtherapy31 🍁@rikid8728 🍁@rissa7791 🍁@rorylarue 🍁@rosebisou5🍁@rosea1986 🍁@sammypants 🍁@sarahspiro 🍁@sdmeyers88 🍁@shanihenley 🍁@sheashea93 🍁@shellyrenee81 🍁@shengross2016 🍁@sherrynold 🔒private list do not copy🔒 💥visit my tag team listing to sign up/remove from my tag team 💥
Sep 28Reply
realdeal217 @shabbychic45 🙋🏻 I can keep a secret (from the burbs of Chicago)! This Secret Posher game is the best game ever! Props to the amazing creators! 💕
Sep 28Reply
shopofthemoment 💥Secret Posher ƑօӀӀօա ցɑʍҽ💥 🌵@shesinspired 🌵@shoeaddictgirl🌵@shopcranecreek 🌵@shuffman77 🌵@sombraland 🌵@spoiledpff 🌵@staciboyle 🌵@sonjajvh 🌵@soulcrusher716 🌵@sunshinefrenzy 🌵@susanbainter🌵@suzlevi 🌵@tgavril 🌵@theblueazalea 🌵@thehautehaus 🌵@theprincessc 🌵@therealerinj 🌵@tiffanydaye 🌵@tinkdsntthink 🌵@tishemerson 🌵@tmarie9661 🌵@triciatx 🌵@trendyselection 🌵@trishalej 🌵@tweisy 🔒private list do not copy🔒 💥visit my tag team listing to sign up/remove from my tag team 💥
Sep 28Reply
shopofthemoment 💥Secret Posher ƑօӀӀօա ցɑʍҽ💥 🌼@unqiuestore 🌼@vero_87 🌼@vintageginger 🌼@violaboutique 🌼@wabisabijune 🌼@xemoda 🌼@xoxolea 🌼@xtinascottsdale 🌼@zayedn 🌼@_mandee 🔒private list do not copy🔒 💥visit my tag team listing to sign up/remove from my tag team 💥
Sep 28Reply
abtcloset I can keep a secret
Sep 28Reply
rissa7791 I can keep a secret! 🎃
Sep 28Reply
soulcrusher716 🌹SECRET POSHER🌹 🍒🦋@gat8or🍒🦋 🍒🦋@sg1771🍒🦋 🍒🦋@ashjesh🍒🦋 🍒🦋@tinkerrn🍒🦋 🍒🦋@gm2017🍒🦋 🍒🦋@adeuitch🍒🦋 🍒🦋@shiloh077🍒🦋 🍒🦋@spoiledpff🍒🦋 🍒🦋@craftcraze🍒🦋 🍒🦋@lgolivardia🍒🦋 🍒🦋@heidy0622🍒🦋 🍒🦋@violetskys7🍒🦋 🍒🦋@jovigraham 🍒🦋 🍒🦋@cricket6187🍒🦋 🍒🦋@carlamaria13🍒🦋 🍒🦋@brunomars90🍒🦋 🍒🦋@spice_country🍒🦋 🍒🦋@fashionista330🍒🦋 🍒🦋@piccadilly_posh 🍒🦋 🍒🦋@poshcoffeesnob🍒🦋 🍒🦋@moonbeam1958🍒🦋 🍒🦋@im_perfectly_me 🍒🦋 🍒🦋@shopofthemoment🍒🦋 🍒🦋PRIVATE🍒LIST🦋🍒
Sep 28Reply
petitezero I can keep a secret 🤐
Sep 29Reply
shabbychic45 @vixen676 ♥️♥️♥️♥️Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to meet new poshers and make new connections! ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Sep 29Reply
shabbychic45 @vixen676 ♥️♥️♥️♥️As the Bonus Posher, challenge yourself to play all Official Secret Posher Games! @freddiesfind @freddiesfind @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @centsible_wear @shopninjas @hatchme @shopofthemoment @cavslover @martinpere @poshcoffeesnob @momand posh & @chicinspiration for the very best results! Happy Poshing!♥️♥️♥️♥️
Sep 29Reply
rosebisou5 @shabbychic45 ♥️ Į ÇAN KĘĘP A SĘÇRĘT! ♥️ @rosebisou5 ♥️ ~Saundra 💋
Sep 30Reply
shabbychic45 @rosea1986 ♥️♥️Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to make new connections!♥️♥️
Sep 30Reply
shabbychic45 @rosea1986 ♥️♥️As the Bonus Secret Posher challenge yourself to play all Official Secret Posher Games @shabbychic45 @freddiesfind @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @centsible_wear @shopninjas @hatchme @shopofthemoment @cavslover @martinpere @poshcoffeesnob @momandposh & @chicinspiration for the very best results! Happy Poshing!♥️♥️
Sep 30Reply
shabbychic45 @chicinspiration Funny!!! Blumoose is Amy. You can call me Shabby, everyone else does... But I do appreciate the love
Oct 01Reply
shabbychic45 @maemaew ♥️♥️Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to make new connections!♥️♥️
Oct 01Reply
shabbychic45 @maemaew ♥️♥️As the Bonus Secret Posher challenge yourself to play all Official Secret Posher Games @shabbychic45 @freddiesfind @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @centsible_wear @shopninjas @hatchme @shopofthemoment @cavslover @martinpere @poshcoffeesnob @momandposh & @chicinspiration for the very best results! Happy Poshing!♥️♥️
Oct 01Reply
maemaew @shabbychic45 🎉🎉Thank you so much!!🎉🎉
Oct 01Reply
shabbychic45 @martinpere ♥️♥️Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to make new connections!♥️♥️
Oct 02Reply
shabbychic45 @martinpere ♥️♥️As the Bonus Secret Posher challenge yourself to play all Official Secret Posher Games @shabbychic45 @freddiesfind @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @centsible_wear @shopninjas @hatchme @shopofthemoment @cavslover @martinpere @poshcoffeesnob @momandposh & @chicinspiration for the very best results! Happy Poshing!♥️♥️
Oct 02Reply
martinpere @shabbychic45 yay🎉🎉🎉 Thank you! Heading over to do my follows now!
Oct 02Reply
dee811dxh @shabbychic45 I can keep a secret
Oct 02Reply
maemaew @shabbychic45 I wanted to thank you again for selecting me as the Bonus Secret Posher yesterday. I wanted to let you know, I took your challenge and followed all the other closets, and a few others. I have lost count, but have gained at least 1400 followers. Thank you again!🤗🤗
Oct 02Reply
j3nnm76 @martinpere congrats! Enjoy your day!
Oct 02Reply
shabbychic45 @maemaew That is awesome!!! Congratulations!! That's what this is all about poshers helping other poshers! Love these success stories!! Thanks for sharing!!!
Oct 03Reply
flipthefind Thanks for listing me as a BSP!!! I'm super excited!!!
Oct 03Reply
martinpere Results: Gained 550 followers 0 sales but my closet was on vacation mode 💕💕thanks again for picking me
Oct 03Reply
strongcurrents I can keep a secret
Oct 03Reply
shabbychic45 @hsboesch ♥️♥️Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to make new connections!♥️♥️
Oct 03Reply
shabbychic45 @hsboesch ♥️♥️As the Bonus Secret Posher challenge yourself to play all Official Secret Posher Games @shabbychic45 @freddiesfind @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @centsible_wear @shopninjas @hatchme @shopofthemoment @cavslover @martinpere @poshcoffeesnob @momandposh & @chicinspiration for the very best results! Happy Poshing!♥️♥️
Oct 03Reply
flipthefind @shabbychic45 Thank you!!!! Can't wait!
Oct 03Reply
edgyshop_ I can keep a secret!
Oct 03Reply
shabbychic45 @freddiesfind ♥️♥️Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to make new connections!♥️♥️
Oct 04Reply
shabbychic45 @freddiesfind ♥️♥️As the Bonus Secret Posher challenge yourself to play all Official Secret Posher Games @shabbychic45 @freddiesfind @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @centsible_wear @shopninjas @hatchme @shopofthemoment @cavslover @martinpere @poshcoffeesnob @momandposh & @chicinspiration for the very best results! Happy Poshing!♥️♥️
Oct 04Reply
freddiesfind Oh goodness, thank you Michele! 😃😘
Oct 04Reply
sweetbasilshop Hello! I've already signed up, but I wanted to let you know that my closet name changed from @themaggiedoll to @sweetbasilshop. Thanks!
Oct 05Reply
shopninjas I can keep a secret!
Oct 05Reply
shabbychic45 @rightontrend ♥️♥️Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to make new connections!♥️♥️
Oct 05Reply
shabbychic45 @rightontrend♥️♥️As the Bonus Secret Posher challenge yourself to play all Official Secret Posher Games @shabbychic45 @freddiesfind @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @centsible_wear @shopninjas @hatchme @shopofthemoment @cavslover @martinpere @poshcoffeesnob & @chicinspiration for the very best results! Happy Poshing!♥️♥️
Oct 05Reply
rightontrend @shabbychic45 Thank you so much!
Oct 05Reply
stephgarris @shabbychic45 I can keep a secret!
Oct 05Reply
mamafay4 I can keep a secret!
Oct 06Reply
shabbychic45 @mrscandice ♥️♥️Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to make new connections!♥️♥️
Oct 06Reply
shabbychic45 @mrscandice ♥️♥️As the Bonus Secret Posher challenge yourself to play all Official Secret Posher Games @shabbychic45 @freddiesfind @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @centsible_wear @shopninjas @hatchme @shopofthemoment @cavslover @martinpere @poshcoffeesnob & @chicinspiration for the very best results! Happy Poshing!♥️♥️
Oct 06Reply
tac66 @tac66 tag me in
Oct 07Reply
glitzblitz Liked, followed, shared ⭐️
Oct 07Reply
glitzblitz I can keep a secret 🙂
Oct 07Reply
southerntngurl @mtallent1 I CAN KEEP A SECRET ‼️😘😜 Also Shared 10/6
Oct 07Reply
shabbychic45 @happystar71 ♥️♥️Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to make new connections!♥️♥️
Oct 07Reply
shabbychic45 @happystar71 ♥️♥️As the Bonus Secret Posher challenge yourself to play all Official Secret Posher Games @shabbychic45 @freddiesfind @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @centsible_wear @shopninjas @hatchme @shopofthemoment @cavslover @martinpere @poshcoffeesnob & @chicinspiration for the very best results! Happy Poshing!♥️♥️
Oct 07Reply
auctionpricebtq @shabbychic45 happy Saturday ❤️💕
Oct 07Reply
martinpere @shabbychic45 Congrats @happystar71 ♥️♥️♥️
Oct 07Reply
shabbychic45 @girltalk123 ♥️♥️♥️😍😍😍😙
Oct 07Reply
shabbychic45 @sweetbasilshop Thank you for letting me know!! I will update you on my list!
Oct 07Reply
happystar71 @shabbychic45 Oh my! i was not aware, Thank you so much🤗💗💗💗💗💗
Oct 08Reply
dianaish17 @keyzsotelo Hi! Here's another secret pusher game. The main idea is to follow the Followers of the daily secret poshers. Her slides show you exactly how to play A decent percentage will follow you back!🎉
Oct 08Reply
keyzsotelo @dianaish17 oh wow. I didn't know any of this existed lol. But looks like fun. Have u done this yourself?
Oct 08Reply
dianaish17 @keyzsotelo yes I have!! And seriously without exaggeration I started in mid July on @freddiesfind original game with 29k followers and now almost 60k. And I'm selling a lot more!💗 Hope this benefits you too.
Oct 08Reply
shabbychic45 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 10/08 SP is @lauren888502,. BSP is @charminglane Mystery Posher is @thefashioneetah Play all Official SP Games for the very best results: @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @shopofthemoment @shopninjas @chicinspiration @cavslover @poshcoffeesnob @centsible_wear & @hatchme ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Oct 08Reply
shabbychic45 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ OH AND DON'T FORGET @martinpere ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Oct 08Reply
shabbychic45 @charminglane ♥️♥️Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to make new connections!♥️♥️
Oct 08Reply
shabbychic45 @charminglane ♥️♥️As the Bonus Secret Posher challenge yourself to play all Official Secret Posher Games @shabbychic45 @freddiesfind @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @centsible_wear @shopninjas @hatchme @shopofthemoment @cavslover @martinpere @poshcoffeesnob & @chicinspiration for the very best results! Happy Poshing!♥️♥️
Oct 08Reply
shabbychic45 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 10/09 SP is @xososo,. BSP is @kimmando Mystery Posher is @maddiem2b Play all Official SP Games for the very best results: @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @shopofthemoment @shopninjas @chicinspiration @cavslover @poshcoffeesnob @centsible_wear @hatchme & martinpere ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Oct 09Reply
shabbychic45 @kimmando ♥️♥️Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to make new connections!♥️♥️
Oct 09Reply
shabbychic45 @kimmando ♥️♥️As the Bonus Secret Posher challenge yourself to play all Official Secret Posher Games @shabbychic45 @freddiesfind @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @centsible_wear @shopninjas @hatchme @shopofthemoment @cavslover @martinpere @poshcoffeesnob & @chicinspiration for the very best results! Happy Poshing!♥️♥️
Oct 09Reply
Oct 09Reply
j3nnm76 @xososo @kimmando @maddiem2b Congrats on being chosen SP/BSPs! Sending positive juju your way wishing your day to be filled with love, quick sells, and many new posh friends! Sharing all your beautiful closets!
Oct 09Reply
rnabes I can keep a secret
Oct 10Reply
bellavivi I can keep a secret! 😘
Oct 10Reply
melissa2italy Thank you!! Thank you!! Thank you!! I followed 4340 new poshers and gained 1182 new followers! I followed all of the secret posher games, shared their closets and had lots of fun!!!!
Oct 10Reply
shabbychic45 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 10/08 SP is @jerseyglam BSP is @phiamaebreezy Mystery Posher is @leahannemae Play all Official SP Games for the very best results: @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @shopofthemoment @shopninjas @chicinspiration @cavslover @poshcoffeesnob @centsible_wear @hatchme & martinpere ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Oct 10Reply
shabbychic45 @phiamaebreezy ♥️♥️Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to make new connections!♥️♥️
Oct 10Reply
shabbychic45 @phiamaebreezy ♥️♥️As the Bonus Secret Posher challenge yourself to play all Official Secret Posher Games @shabbychic45 @freddiesfind @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @centsible_wear @shopninjas @hatchme @shopofthemoment @cavslover @martinpere @poshcoffeesnob & @chicinspiration for the very best results! Happy Poshing!♥️♥️
Oct 10Reply
shabbychic45 @kimmando that is freaking amazing!!! So you would say you received a lot of love and shares? Sounds like it!! So happy for you!! I wanted to give you some love for sharing NY game. We are a team of thirteen games. If you run across any other SP games that are not associated with us let me know so I can invite them.
Oct 10Reply
phiamaebreezy @shabbychic45 Awesome!!!🎉🎉 Thanks so much! I will play tonight at work 😊💕
Oct 10Reply
shabbychic45 @phiamaebreezy So how was your day? Did you get a lot of activity? I hope you took my challenge! Let me know if you made any sales!
Oct 11Reply
phiamaebreezy @shabbychic45 no sales yet, i did get a little more activity though! This is an awesome idea!! 😊
Oct 11Reply
bell1971 ❤️❤️❤️Love my coffee with cream and sugar 😍
Oct 12Reply
bell1971 Think I screwed that up. IDK !!!
Oct 12Reply
shabbychic45 @rnabes you were my secret Posher for 10/11. I couldn't announce it to you like I need normally do because my phone was acting like a retard. I have a new one coming tomorrow. How was your day? Did you get a ton of shares and activity? If not I can reschedule you for the middle of next week. Let me know.
Oct 12Reply
rnabes @shabbychic45 sorry I didn’t see it. Was sick all day but you can redo next week as I got some activity but not tons. Checking now. Thanks for picking me
Oct 12Reply
omgbecki I can keep a secret
Oct 12Reply
sequinstiletto Oh man! Just made it to Ambassador status today, and so excited! I definitely attribute it to playing yours and everyone else's Secret Posher games during the past few weeks because sales have shot up since I started...thanks for providing such an awesome opportunity to help Poshers on their way!! ✨💐✨
Oct 12Reply
edgyshop_ @shabbychic45 are you not posting in the comments due to the copy/paste issue?
Oct 12Reply
shabbychic45 @lindstini629 Congrats you are my bonus secret posher of the day! Enjoy your moment in the sun! Please try to follow between 250-500 new poshers today. Then introduce yourself to two or three poshers, share a few of their items and invite to your closet as well. It's a great way to make connections and meet new people!❤❤
Oct 12Reply
shabbychic45 @lindstini929 As Bonus Posher today, challenge yourself to play all of the SP games for the very best results: @shabbychic45 @girltalk123 @happystar71 @centsible_wear @shopninjas @shopofthemoment @cavslover @blumoose @martinpere @chicinspiration @hatchme @poshcoffeesnob and or Master Game Creator the one and only @freddiesfind !!!❤❤❤
Oct 12Reply
shabbychic45 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ 10/12 SP is @msupergn BSP is @lindstini929 and mystery posher is @echin2487 Don't forget to share 5-10 items from each closet. Happy Poshing!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Oct 12Reply
lindstini629 @shabbychic45 thank you so much for making me bonus SP! So exciting! 😊
Oct 12Reply
shabbychic45 @edgyshop_ yes so glad you are having this issue as well. I just sent an email to pm support. Hopefully this will be fixed. Today i had to do it from memory and had to start over 6-8 times! Frustrating!
Oct 12Reply
shabbychic45 @sequinstiletto You my dear are what make this and all my efforts worth it. If I only helped you then, my mission was a success. Thank you for sharing your success story. I have another post that i would love for to share on. If you don't mind, please post your success story inn that post as well.
Oct 12Reply
sequinstiletto @shabbychic45 Awesome! Great idea, thank you so much!!!
Oct 13Reply
shabbychic45 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ 10/13 Secret Posher is @nela52 Bonus Secret Posher is @shopninjas Mystery Secret Posher is @jgroby Play all SP games for the very best results! @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @blumoose @girltalk123 @shopofthemoment @shopninjas @hatchme @chicinspiration @poshcoffeesnob @cavslover @centsible_wear @martinpere and @happystar71 !!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Oct 13Reply
shabbychic45 @shopninjas ❤❤ Congrats you are my bonus secret posher of the day! Enjoy your day in the spotlight! As the BSP follow at least 250-500 new poshers today. Also introduce yourself to 3-5 closets and share a few items from their closets. Invite them to play the game and to visit your closet. It's a great way to meet new poshers and make new connections! Happy Poshing!❤❤
Oct 13Reply
shabbychic45 @shopninjas As the BSP challenge yourself to play ALL 13 Official Secret Posher Games for the very best results! @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @girltalk123 @blumoose @happystar71 @shopofthemoment @shopninjas @cavslover @poshcoffeesnob @centsible_wear @hatchme @chicinspiration and @martinpere If you do this let me know in the success stories post and I will share 50 of your available for sale items! Good luck and Happy Poshing!
Oct 13Reply
shopninjas @shabbychic45 oh wow. Thank you so much! You just made my day bright and sunny!! 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘
Oct 13Reply
edgyshop_ @shabbychic45 yes it is so annoying, I don’t have a tag list or host any groups myself but you don’t notice just how much you use it until you can’t!! Also the lags!!! Ridiculous!! Ugh!! I’m seeing everyone experiencing the same things, hang in there & thanks for all you do 😍😍
Oct 13Reply
glitzblitz @shabbychic45 Shared, Followed 😀⭐️
Oct 13Reply
amcostner @shabbychic45 i followed and shared!! ♥️💕
Oct 14Reply
shabbychic45 @tkelly401 ❤❤ Congrats you are my bonus secret posher of the day. Enjoy your day in the spotlight! As the BSP follow at least 250-500 new poshers new poshers today. Also pick 2-3 closets to share and introduce yourself. Invite them to play the Official Secret Posher Games and to visit your closet as well. This is a great way to meet new poshers and make new connections! Happy Poshing! ❤❤
Oct 14Reply
shabbychic45 @tkelly401 As the BSP challenge yourself to play all of the SP games today for the very best results! And give your game masters and admins some love as well. GMs @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @centsible_wear @shopofthemoment @shopninjas @chicinspiration @poshcoffeesnob @martinpere @hatchme & @cavslover Admins: @oneinamillionjj @katewaz @jaywolfe74 @bijoux888 @momandposh
Oct 14Reply
everygirlshop @shabbychic45 hi I was hoping to sign up for SP or BSP!!
Oct 14Reply
shabbychic45 @tkelly401 I love success stories! If you post your experience on the success story post, I will return extra posh love and share 50 of your available for sale items! Go get 'em Girl!!❤❤❤
Oct 14Reply
shabbychic45 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤110/14 SP of the Day SP @withappens BSP @tkelly401 Mystery SP @bijoux888 Play all Official Secret Posher Games for the very best results! @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @girltalk123 @happystar71 @blumoose @centsible_wear @shopofthemoment @shopninjas @hatchme @cavslover @chicinspiration @poshcoffeesnob @martinpere ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Oct 14Reply
shabbychic45 @reenaerin You my dear sweet share buddy PFF are already on my list!❤❤ In the meantime, play as many games as possible and share your success story inn my Success Story Post. I share 50 available for sale items for success stories. Can be repeated once a month.
Oct 14Reply
tkelly401 Thank you for selecting me for the bonus secret posher. I will do my best to make you proud. 💕
Oct 14Reply
tkelly401 @shabbychic45 Thanks for selecting me.
Oct 14Reply
glitzblitz @shabbychic45 Followed, Shared 😀⭐️
Oct 15Reply
bijoux888 💕💕Merci Michele for making me an SP today💕💕 Je l'aime😉😉
Oct 15Reply
shabbychic45 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 10/15 SP Announcement SP @mixedmedia BSP @lmw0082 MSP @wigglelily Please remember to share at least 5-10 items from each closet and show some posh love to your game masters and administrators who work together to make these games such a great success! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Oct 15Reply
shabbychic45 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ Game Masters and Administrators @freddiesfind (Game Capt/Founder) @shabbychic45 (Game Master/Mentor) @blumoose (GM) @girltalk123 (GM) @happystar71 (GM) @centsible_wear (GM) @shopofthemoment (G.M) @shopninjas (GM) @cavslover (GM) @poshcoffeesnob (GM) @chicinspiration (GM) @hatchme (GM) @martinpere (GM) @oneinamillionjj (Admin Capt) @katewaz (Admin) @jaywolfe74 (Admin) @momandposh (Admin) @bijoux888 (Admin) ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Oct 15Reply
a_fire_inside @shabbychic45 will do! Thank you! ☆♡ Loren
Oct 15Reply
shabbychic45 @lmw0082 ♥️♥️Congrats! You are my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the spotlight! As the BSP follow at least 250-500 poshers. Pick 2-3 closets to share from, then introduce yourself, invite them to play our game and visit your closet. It's a great way to meet new poshers and make new connections! ♥️♥️
Oct 15Reply
shabbychic45 @lmw0082 As the BSP today, challenge yourself to play all Official SP games and share a few items from each closet. I love success stories and would love for you to post yours on The Success Stories Post. In return I will share 50 of your for sale available items! Official games can be found at: @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @centsible_wear @shopofthemoment @shopninjas @hatchme @cavslover @poshcoffeesnob @chicinspiration @martinpere ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Oct 15Reply
phiamaebreezy @shabbychic45 I made a shoe sale yesterday, yay!! 🎉🎉 😃💕
Oct 15Reply
glitzblitz @shabbychic45 Shared, Followed 😀⭐️
Oct 15Reply
shabbychic45 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 10/15 SP of the Day Announcement SP @dejanewforyou BSP @abierfriend MSP @verymary1 Please remember to share at least 5-10 items from each closet and show some posh love to your game masters and administrators who work together to make these games such a great success. See list below. Please do not unfollow and refollow any of today's selected poshers. Doing so only results in less new poshers to follow! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Oct 16Reply
shabbychic45 @abierfriend ♥️♥️ Congrats! You are my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the spotlight! As BSP please follow at least 250-500 new poshers. Then pick 2-3 new closets to share from. Introduce yourself and then invite them to play our games and visit your closet as well. Doing so helps you meet new poshers and make new connections! Good luck and Happy Poshing!♥️♥️
Oct 16Reply
abierfriend @shabbychic45 Thank you! ❤️❤️👠👚🕶👖🎈🎉👏🏼
Oct 16Reply
shabbychic45 @abierfriend Also as BSP, challenge yourself to play all Official SP games and return some posh love to the game masters and administrators who work together to make these games such a great such a success! See listed below. Finally share your experience in the success story post and I will reward you by sharing 50 available for sale items. Good luck and Happy Poshing!
Oct 16Reply
shabbychic45 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ Game Masters and Administrators @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @blumoose @girltalk123 @happystar71 @centsible_wear @shopofthemoment @shopninjas @hatchme @cavslover @poshcoffeesnob @chicinspiration @martinpere @oneinamillionjj @katewaz @jaywolfe74 @momandposh @bijoux888 PLEASE REMEMBER TO RETURN SOME POSH LOVE TO OUR GAME MASTERS AND ADMINS! THEY ALL WORK TOGETHER TO BRING YOU THESE AWESOME GAMES TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS! HAPPY POSHING!-♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Oct 16Reply
glitzblitz @shabbychic45 Shared, Followed 😀⭐️
Oct 16Reply
amandaintexas I can keep a secret
Oct 17Reply
shabbychic45 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 10/17 SP Of the Day Announcement SP is @ccroxy BSP is @securebeauty MSP is @momandposh Please remember to share at least 5-6 items from each closet and show some posh love to your game masters and administrators who work together to make these games such a these games such a great success! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Oct 17Reply
shabbychic45 @securebeauty ♥️♥️ Congrats you are my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the spotlight! Please follow at least 250-500 new poshers. Then pick 2-3 closets to share from. Introduce yourself and then invite them to play our games and visit your closet as well. It's a great way to meet new poshers and make new connections! Happy Poshing!♥️♥️
Oct 17Reply
glitzblitz @shabbychic45 Shared, Followed 😀⭐️
Oct 17Reply
shuffman77 I can keep a secret! 😁
Oct 17Reply
everygirlshop @shabbychic45 shared and followed 😍😍🙋🏼🙋🏼💃💃🛍🛍
Oct 17Reply
badboss_bougie @sfbrickhouse I can "mos def" keep a secret!😉😉😉
Oct 18Reply
queencheik I can keep a secret 🤐🤐💜💜
Oct 18Reply
dearcarmen ✨I can keep a secret‼️‼️😉
Oct 19Reply
mmadonna40 SP of the day is @butterfly1966
Oct 19Reply
kris10morgan I can keep a secret!👍😊
Oct 19Reply
shabbychic45 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 10/18/2017 SP @butterfly1966 BSP @ireland7476 MSP @arbitrarilychic Please remember to share at least 5-10 items from each closet and return some posh love to your hosts! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Oct 19Reply
shabbychic45 @ireland7476 ♥️♥️Congrats you are my Bonus Posher of the Day!Enjoy your day in the spotlight! As the BSP follow at least 250-500 new poshers. Then pick 2-3 closets to share from and invite them to play our game and visit your closet as well. It's a great way to meet new poshers and make new connections!♥️♥️
Oct 19Reply
mmadonna40 @shabbychic45 All followed and shared!😘
Oct 19Reply
ireland7476 @shabbychic45 Yey!!!!Thank you so much 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻🤗💕💕As soon as I am done with work I will comment further 😘💟💟
Oct 19Reply
dearcarmen Well all the hosts have the wrong date for the SP, threw me off but ALL Shared :)
Oct 19Reply
poshpittsburgh I can keep a secret
Oct 19Reply
nikkimadonna All followed & shared! Thank you! 😍😘
Oct 19Reply
therealvmac I can keep a secret!
Oct 19Reply
bec1287 @shabbychic45 I Can Keep A Secret!
Oct 19Reply
ireland7476 @shabbychic45 I am very very grateful, thank you! 💕💕💟💟💖💖 I choose the following closets: @saltykissdesign @Saltycwgrl @stefielouhoo @chicinspiration 😘😘😘😘💝💝💌💌
Oct 19Reply
solmystic13 @solmystic13 Please tag me in... I CAN KEEP A SECRET
Oct 19Reply
queencheik @504down hey check out this great game to help increase your followers
Oct 19Reply
arbitrarilychic @shabbychic45 you are too sweet Thank you for including me!!! 😭😭😭😘😘😘✌💕
Oct 19Reply
shabbychic45 @dearcarmen sorry I did put the wrong date. Glad you figured it out!
Oct 19Reply
joanieonie I can keep a secret!
Oct 19Reply
revivalista_ I can keep a secret 💗
Oct 19Reply
fashiondiva382 I can keep a secret. ☺️
Oct 19Reply
thatposhlyfe I can keep a secret!
Oct 19Reply
abeautifulchaos 💋🤐🤐🤐I CaN KeEp A SeCrEt!!! 🤐🤐🤐💋
Oct 19Reply
adunlap82 I can keep a secret!!!😘
Oct 20Reply
thefashionnook I can keep a secret
Oct 20Reply
sarahpaneraposh I can keep a secret 😘😘😘
Oct 20Reply
happystar71 I Have Today's SP, come over and play.While @shabbychic45 updates todays SP'S 💝😉
Oct 20Reply
shabbychic45 @pkmedlin04 ♥️♥️ Congrats you are my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the spotlight! Follow at least 250-500 new poshers. Then pick 2-3 closets to share from and invite them to play our games as well as visit your closet. It's a great way to meet new poshers and make new connections! Also play @happystar71 game for the best results!♥️♥️
Oct 20Reply
shabbychic45 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 10/20/2017 Posher of the Day SP @poshcurve BSP @pkmedlin04 Mystery SP @couturewarrior Please remember to share at least 5-10 items from each closet and show some posh love to your game masters and administrators who work together to make these games such a great success! @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @mmadonna40 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Oct 20Reply
eimhoof I can keep a secret!
Oct 20Reply
72inches @shabbychic45 did you mean poshcurves?
Oct 20Reply
mmadonna40 It's curveposh
Oct 20Reply
shabbychic45 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ SP should be @curveposh for 10/20 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Oct 20Reply
minedthemanor I can keep a secret!
Oct 20Reply
debhallenb @debhallenb I can keep a secret💕😃
Oct 21Reply
shabbychic45 @gymnast_lydia here is the game post and where you can sign up to be the BSP by using the srcret phrase. See in comments above. Also I will post daily in comments the SP, BSP and MSP so you can click on them easily.
Oct 21Reply
shabbychic45 @my_sisters_an_i Here is the game. Sign up to be the BSP by posting the secret code.
Oct 21Reply
ivyuntamed I can keep a secret!
Oct 21Reply
raychalerai I can keep a secret
Oct 21Reply
my_sisters_an_i @shabbychic45 thank you pff ,, I can keep a secret 😊
Oct 21Reply
pkmedlin04 @shabbychic45 - thank you!!! I am only now seeing this so am doing all my follows and shares today. Thank you so much for the pick!! 💋💋💋
Oct 21Reply
shabbychic45 @rnabes @namaste2989 Congrats! You have both been chosen as my Bonus Secret Poshers of the Day! Follow at least 250-500 new poshers and then pick out 2-3 closets to share from. Invite them to play our games and visit your closets. It's a great way to meet new poshers and make new connections. Also follow @freddiesfind and @happystar71 !
Oct 21Reply
shabbychic45 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 10/21 SP Of the Day Announcement SP @cottonlane BSP @rnabes BSP @namaste2989 Game Masters @shabbychic45 @happystar71 Founder @freddiesfind / @mmadonna40 Please show your game masters and founders some love as well! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Oct 21Reply
blumoose @shabbychic45 FYI... @namaste2989 is not working
Oct 21Reply
shabbychic45 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ UPDATE 10/21 BSP @rnabes @lizzie777 SP @cottonlane ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Oct 21Reply
rnabes @shabbychic45 so excited and thanks so much
Oct 21Reply
rescuedretail Awe!!! Thank you!!! I just realized this 💖💝💖💝😘😘😘😘🎉🎉🎉🎉
Oct 21Reply
stagliatela I can keep a secret! 😉
Oct 22Reply
gingerblosmbtq I can keep a secret!
Oct 22Reply
themagicwand I can keep a secret!
Oct 22Reply
funkyfit I can keep a secret!
Oct 22Reply
tac66 I can keep a secret
Oct 22Reply
therealerinj I can keep a secret
Oct 22Reply
therealerinj 👻🎃Secret Posher Game🎃👻 ✋ READ INSTRUCTIONS ✋ 🎃@girltalk123 👻@catsyarnball 🎃@nlvannoy 👻@spreadinggrace 🎃@morgan_mueller 👻@burnsna1 🎃@casi90 👻@_ekumler_ 🎃@cdemelas 👻@littlesloth 🎃@greatbuy1 👻@achel319 🎃@mikaylamueller 👻@mchocka 🎃@giavannaaaa 👻@thepostvault 🎃@babyblusam 👻@karolmel 🎃@stacey498 👻@alberta_renew 🎃@crystal_maiden 👻@rabyyaa 🎃@jessicalina422 👻@retroruby76 🎃@mtallent1 👻@nicolern86 🎃@susieradface 👻@anne_pendi 🎃@lubnaks 👻@rissa7791 🎃@wastedkatie 🛑❌PLEASE DO NOT COPY❌🛑
Oct 22Reply
shabbychic45 @rdeck_mommy01 @mamafay4 ♥️♥️ Congrats You are my Bonus Poshers of the Day! Enjoy your day in the Spotlight! Please follow at least 250-500 new poshers. Then pick 2-3 closets to share from. Introduce yourself and invite them to visit your closet and congee play our games. It's a great way to meet new poshers and make new connections! ♥️♥️
Oct 22Reply
shabbychic45 @rdeck_mommy01 @mamafay4 ♥️♥️ Also as BSPs today, challenge yourself to play all Official SP games and share a . few items from each closet. Our game masters are @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @shaunapoete @maryfindley @meggets8282 @minedthemanor and our admin @mmadonna40 ♥️♥️
Oct 22Reply
shabbychic45 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 10/22/2017 SP Of the Day Announcement SP @ajfashiontrends BSP @rdeck_mommy01 BSP @mamafay4 Please share 5-10 items from each closet and REMEMBER: DO NOT UNFOLLOW AND REFOLLOW THE SELECTED POSHERS. THIS BUMPS OFF A NEW BLUE BUTTON TO FOLLOW. HAVE FUN AND HAPPY POSHING!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Oct 22Reply
angelinasgoods "I CAN KEEP A SECRET!
Oct 22Reply
mamafay4 @shabbychic45 Awesome!! Thank you so much!! And thanks for all of your hard work!!!💕💕💕
Oct 22Reply
msparklesjewls I can keep a secret
Oct 22Reply
greekmama1 @jhunt510 here is the follow game. Read the top. If you have any questions please ask me or you can ask the mentor if the game🌸🌸🌸
Oct 23Reply
greekmama1 @shabbychic45 I can keep a secret 💗💗💗
Oct 23Reply
jhunt510 Hi I’m sorry, I don’t completely understand the rules. What’s a PFF?
Oct 23Reply
maestill I can keep a secret!;)
Oct 23Reply
lindzz84 @lindzz84 I can keep a secret! 💜💜
Oct 23Reply
nikitadoggies I can keep a secret!😉
Oct 23Reply
auctionpricebtq @shabbychic45 Hi, Master I have you and happy on my slide last page if one wants added or remove just let me know Grasshopper!
Oct 23Reply
brittalyss I can keep a secret
Oct 24Reply
shabbychic45 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 10/08/2017 SP is @cielitolindomex BSP is @j3nnm76 BSP is @theprincessc Please remember to share at least 5-10 items from each closet and play all Official SP Games for the very best results: @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @minedthemanor @shaunapoete @maryfindley @meggetts8282 & @bellavivi ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Oct 24Reply
shabbychic45 @j3nnm76 @theprincessc ♥️♥️Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to make new connections!♥️♥️
Oct 24Reply
shabbychic45 @j3nnm76 @theprincessc ♥️♥️As the Bonus Secret Posher challenge yourself to play all Official Secret Posher Games @shabbychic45 @freddiesfind @happystar71 @shaunapoete @minedthemanor @bellavivi @meggetts8282 @maryfindley for the very best results! Then show some posh love to all the game masters and administrators who work together to make these games such a great success Happy Poshing!♥️♥️
Oct 24Reply
maestill Secret Posher Game: @bitai
Oct 24Reply
nicecloset1 I can keep a secret! 🍁🍂
Oct 24Reply
shabbychic45 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ UPDATE: SP is @kjvivacqua for 10/24/2017 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Oct 24Reply
shabbychic45 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 10/25/2017 SP is @modamecouture BSP is @staceyspano BSP is @dee811dxh For a little Extra this great Mystery Posher @airandivy Please remember to share at least 5-10 items from each closet and play all Official SP Games for the very best results: @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @minedthemanor @shaunapoete @maryfindley @meggetts8282 @bellavivi @pinkdivas @pjd123 @karomel @therealerin & @cielitolindomex ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Oct 25Reply
shabbychic45 @staceyspano @dee811dxh ♥️♥️Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to make new connections!♥️♥️
Oct 25Reply
shabbychic45 @staceyspano @dee811dxh ♥️♥️As the Bonus Secret Poshers challenge yourself to play all Official Secret Posher Games @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @maryfindley @meggetts8282 @bellavivi @shaunapoete @pinkdivas @therealerinj @minedthemanor @ceilitolindomex @pjd123 & @karomel for the very best results! Also give our admin some love @madonna40. Happy Poshing!♥️♥️
Oct 25Reply
cielitolindomex @shabbychic45 OMG I didn't knew I was SP on 10/08 LOL I totally missed it!!! But I appreciate it a lot thank you so much!!!! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Oct 25Reply
grapeminds I can keep a secret!
Oct 25Reply
jmjohnson08 @shabbychic45 @jmjohnson08 I can keep a secret ! ❤️
Oct 25Reply
nikkimadonna I can keep a secret! 💕
Oct 25Reply
dee811dxh @shabbychic45 awesome!!!! Thanks so much! I’m so appreciative 💕💕💕💕💕👍🏻🎉🎉
Oct 25Reply
dk_supplies @shabbychic45 I can keep a secret
Oct 26Reply
tatertots135 I can keep a secret 🤷🏼‍♀️
Oct 26Reply
shabbychic45 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 10/26/2017 SP is @butterflybaby16 BSP is @nicveets BSP is @maplebear Please remember to share at least 5-10 items from each closet and play all Official SP Games for the very best results: @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @minedthemanor @shaunapoete @maryfindley @meggetts8282 @bellavivi @pinkdivas @pjd123 @karomel @therealerin & @cielitolindomex ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Oct 26Reply
shabbychic45 @nicveets @maplebear ♥️♥️Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to make new connections!♥️♥️
Oct 26Reply
shabbychic45 @nicveets @maplebear ♥️♥️As the Bonus Secret Posher challenge yourself to play all Official Secret Posher Games @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @maryfindley @meggetts8282 @bellavivi @shaunapoete @pinkdivas @therealerinj @minedthemanor @ceilitolindomex @pjd123 & @karomel for the very best results! Also give our admin some love @madonna40. Happy Poshing!♥️♥️
Oct 26Reply
maplebear Thank you for choosing me as a bonus SP today!
Oct 26Reply
nikis_nacs @shabbychic45 Thank you so much love!! I am honored 💗💗💗💗
Oct 26Reply
joquico25 I can keep a secret 💞
Oct 27Reply
shabbychic45 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 10/27/2017 SP is @chebawii BSP is @johnelem BSP is @sequinstiletto For a little Extra this great Mystery Posher @airandivy Please remember to share at least 5-10 items from each closet and play all Official SP Games for the very best results: @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @minedthemanor @shaunapoete @maryfindley @meggetts8282 @bellavivi @pinkdivas @pjd123 @karomel @therealerin & @cielitolindomex ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Oct 27Reply
shabbychic45 @johnelem @sequinstiletto ♥️♥️Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to make new connections!♥️♥️
Oct 27Reply
shabbychic45 @johnelem @sequinstiletto ♥️♥️As the Bonus Secret Posher challenge yourself to play all Official Secret Posher Games @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @maryfindley @meggetts8282 @bellavivi @shaunapoete @pinkdivas @therealerinj @minedthemanor @ceilitolindomex @pjd123 & @karomel for the very best results! Also give our admin some love @madonna40. Happy Poshing!♥️♥️
Oct 27Reply
johnelem @shabbychic45 I am so honored to be picked!! Thank you so much! Love playing all your games!! 🎉😊
Oct 27Reply
sequinstiletto Wow, thanks so much!!! Have a fantastic day and happy Poshing!!! ✨💐✨
Oct 27Reply
minedthemanor Hi! Can you look at my slide #2 and let me know your thoughts! Also, I think your spelling might be off on the FSP....
Oct 27Reply
jeannette716 It says "user not found"
Oct 27Reply
chedrawii 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Oct 27Reply
shabbychic45 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 10/28 SP is @austin_gal BSP is @shopninjas BSP is @mtallent1 Please remember to share at least 5-10 items from each closet and play all Official SP Games for the very best results: @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @minedthemanor @shaunapoete @maryfindley @meggetts8282 @bellavivi @pinkdivas @pjd123 @karomel @therealerin & @cielitolindomex ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Oct 28Reply
shabbychic45 @shopninjas @mtallent1 ♥️♥️Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to make new connections!♥️♥️
Oct 28Reply
shabbychic45 @shopninjas @mtallent1 ♥️♥️As the Bonus Secret Posher challenge yourself to play all Official Secret Posher Games @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @maryfindley @meggetts8282 @bellavivi @shaunapoete @pinkdivas @therealerinj @minedthemanor @ceilitolindomex @pjd123 & @karomel for the very best results! Also give our admin some love @madonna40. Happy Poshing!♥️♥️
Oct 28Reply
glitzblitz @shabbychic45 Followed, Shared 😀⭐️
Oct 29Reply
strongcurrents Hi! I changed my name and would like to continue to play I was @liznak now I'm @strongcurrents
Oct 29Reply
shabbychic45 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 10/29 SP is @trangto1 BSP is @twingirl45 BSP is @imaswthrt Please remember to share at least 5-10 items from each closet and play all Official SP Games for the very best results: @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @minedthemanor @shaunapoete @maryfindley @meggetts8282 @bellavivi @pinkdivas @pjd123 @karomel @therealerin & @cielitolindomex ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Oct 29Reply
shabbychic45 @twingirl45 @imaswthrt ♥️♥️Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to make new connections!♥️♥️
Oct 29Reply
shabbychic45 @twingirl45 @imaswthrt ♥️♥️As the Bonus Secret Posher challenge yourself to play all Official Secret Posher Games @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @maryfindley @meggetts8282 @bellavivi @shaunapoete @pinkdivas @therealerinj @minedthemanor @ceilitolindomex @pjd123 & @karomel for the very best results! Also give our admin some love @madonna40. Happy Poshing!♥️♥️
Oct 29Reply
southerntngurl @shabbychic45 THANK YOU so much Michele for choosing me as your BONUS SP‼️😊I'm so sorry that I didn't respond until today. I don't know how I missed this yesterday. THANKS Again‼️😘
Oct 29Reply
chicnycdeals @shabbychic45 Hey Michele! Thanks for choosing me today 💃💃💃💃🎉🎉🎉
Oct 29Reply
glitzblitz @shabbychic45 Followed, Shared 😀⭐️
Oct 29Reply
shabbychic45 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 10/30 SP is @ccasey1604 BSP is @belltwinz BSP is @girltalk123 Please remember to share at least 5-10 items from each closet and play all Official SP Games for the very best results: @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @minedthemanor @shaunapoete @maryfindley @meggetts8282 @bellavivi @pinkdivas @pjd123 @karomel @therealerin & @cielitolindomex ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Oct 30Reply
shabbychic45 @belltwinz @girltalk123 ♥️♥️Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to make new connections!♥️♥️
Oct 30Reply
shabbychic45 @belltwinz @girltalk123 ♥️♥️As the Bonus Secret Posher challenge yourself to play all Official Secret Posher Games @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @maryfindley @meggetts8282 @bellavivi @shaunapoete @pinkdivas @therealerinj @minedthemanor @ceilitolindomex @pjd123 & @karomel for the very best results! Also give our admin some love @madonna40. Happy Poshing!♥️♥️
Oct 30Reply
belltwinz @shabbychic45. What a surprise and an honor!! Thank you so much!! 🙏🙌😍😄
Oct 30Reply
glitzblitz @shabbychic45 Shared 😀⭐️
Oct 31Reply
bijoux888 @alexxgeeee This is a super cool game!
Oct 31Reply
5kewlklosets I can’t wait to play this ❤️💥💋🍹
Oct 31Reply
shabbychic45 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 10/31 SP is @ambertrisann BSP is @tiffanydaye BSP is @mmchappyhearts Please remember to share at least 5-10 items from each closet and play all Official SP Games for the very best results: @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @minedthemanor @shaunapoete @maryfindley @meggets8282 @bellavivi @pinkdivas @pjd123 @karolmel @therealerin & @cielitolindomex ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Oct 31Reply
shabbychic45 @tiffanydaye @mmchappyhearts ♥️♥️Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to make new connections!♥️♥️
Oct 31Reply
shabbychic45 @tiffanydaye @mmchappyhearts ♥️♥️As the Bonus Secret Posher challenge yourself to play all Official Secret Posher Games @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @maryfindley @meggets8282 @bellavivi @shaunapoete @pinkdivas @therealerinj @minedthemanor @cielitolindomex @pjd123 & @karolmel for the very best results! Also give our admin some love @madonna40. Happy Poshing!♥️♥️
Oct 31Reply
spirit_sisters @shabbychic45 what time do I have to do this? I have the flu and not feeling well.
Oct 31Reply
christinelp13 @shabbychic45 sweeeeeettttt!!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!
Oct 31Reply
shabbychic45 @mmchappyhearts I could hardly wait for your name to come up!! Hope your day is filled with lots of shares likes, bundles and sales. Leave a success story on my separate post and I give you 50 extra shares!
Oct 31Reply
shabbychic45 @tiffanydaye poor thing!! Just enjoy the extra attention. You don't need to do a thing sweetheart. So sorry you have the flu! You can wait till your better before playing all the games and meeting new poshers. Get well soon!!!
Oct 31Reply
shaunapoete @shabbychic45 And by extra love ❤️ do you mean tag up her listings with ❤️💕🖤❤️💛💚💙💜💕💞💝💘💖💗💓 emojis 😆🙃😋?!?!
Oct 31Reply
shabbychic45 @shaunapoete absolutely!! She needs some love poor thing!
Oct 31Reply
5kewlklosets @tiffanydaye i’m so sorry. I know the feeling. I’ve been in bed since last night. I have to send someone out for soup and meds and almost as bad—-it’s been SNOWING!!! 😱
Oct 31Reply
spirit_sisters @shabbychic45 🤧😷thanks for the ❤️ today 🤒 I did follow I don’t know the count but it put me over 16k followings and I followed the posters from the game I was not yet following. The post is also the closets I shared from. I did get a great sell today and so far 35 new followers. 🤧😷🤒 Back to bed 🎃🎃🎃
Oct 31Reply
spirit_sisters @5kewlklosets hope you feel better too. I got a flu shot last Monday and have got one every year since 97 and this the first time I actually got the flu from that.
Oct 31Reply
5kewlklosets @tiffanydaye i’m allergic to the flu shot! Go figure!!!! I rarely get it though, years getting immunity through school and teaching! I hope you’re feeling better darling! ❤️
Nov 01Reply
shaunapoete @tiffanydaye sending some extra posh love ❤️ and good vibes your way. I hope you feel better soon 💐💐💐💐💐
Nov 01Reply
christinelp13 @shabbychic45 I hope you feel better soon. A lot of people around my area are fighting something🙏❤️🛌
Nov 01Reply
shabbychic45 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 11/01 SP is @missaisha555 BSP is @kmann417 BSP is @thecashmerecat Please remember to share at least 5-10 items from each closet and play all Official SP Games for the very best results: @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @minedthemanor @shaunapoete @maryfindley @meggets8282 @bellavivi @pinkdivas @pjd123 @karolmel @therealerinj & @cielitolindomex ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Nov 01Reply
shabbychic45 @kmann417 @thecashmerecat ♥️♥️Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to make new connections!♥️♥️
Nov 01Reply
shabbychic45 @kmann417 @thecashmerecat ♥️♥️As the Bonus Secret Posher challenge yourself to play all Official Secret Posher Games @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @maryfindley @meggets8282 @bellavivi @shaunapoete @pinkdivas @therealerinj @minedthemanor @cielitolindomex @pjd123 & @karolmel for the very best results! Also give our admin some love @madonna40. Happy Poshing!♥️♥️
Nov 01Reply
thecashmerecat @shabbychic45 Will do new following now! So excited Yay! Let's grow this!
Nov 01Reply
kmann121 @shabbychic45 Hi hun! Thanks sooo much! I'm so excited to be a BSP!!! 😁😁😁 I hit those blue buttons like no other (and even taught my 5 year old to hit them! Lol!😀) I'll def be doing lots of sharing later tonight! Thanks hun! ❤ ❤ ❤ Katrina
Nov 01Reply
tinkerrn @zoomoda @michprieto join in on secret posher game. This isn’t a normal follow game. Please read all instructions. I gain at least 200-1000 new followers a day playing these. I’ve been off for a few weeks but these are the fastest way to get ore followers !!! Like and do everyday ! Don’t share to followers. But tag PFFs in listing that you think may want to play !!!
Nov 01Reply
christinelp13 @shabbychic45 Yesterday day when I was chosen, I followed and shared everyone + played a couple other more games. I have received 1000+ followers since + 2 sales. Thank you!!!👍😊🙏⭐️🛍❤️
Nov 02Reply
therealerinj I CAN KEEP A SECRET
Nov 02Reply
shabbychic45 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 11/01 SP is @poshneighbor BSP is @kristibratton BSP is @mesh3 Please remember to share at least 5-10 items from each closet and play all Official SP Games for the very best results: @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @minedthemanor @shaunapoete @maryfindley @meggets8282 @bellavivi @pinkdivas @pjd123 @karolmel @therealerinj & @cielitolindomex ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Nov 02Reply
shabbychic45 @kristibratton @mesh3 ♥️♥️Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to make new connections!♥️♥️
Nov 02Reply
shabbychic45 @kristibratton @mesh3 ♥️♥️As the Bonus Secret Posher challenge yourself to play all Official Secret Posher Games @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @maryfindley @meggets8282 @bellavivi @shaunapoete @pinkdivas @therealerinj @minedthemanor @cielitolindomex @pjd123 & @karolmel for the very best results! Also give our admin some love @madonna40. Happy Poshing!♥️♥️
Nov 02Reply
matana I can keep a secret. 😊
Nov 02Reply
kristibratton @shabbychic45 YAY! Thank you so much!!! <3 <3 <3
Nov 02Reply
shabbychic45 @jhunt510 I just saw your comment. So sorry for the delay. PFF is like BFF Best Friend Forever so PFF is Posh Friend Forever.
Nov 02Reply
jhunt510 @shabbychic45 ohhhhh ok! I should have been able to figure that out lol. There are so many acronyms I'm still trying to understand. Thank you so much for helping!!! ;)
Nov 02Reply
shabbychic45 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 11/03 SP is @ashmarneu BSP is @minedthemanner BSP is @chic_blvd Please remember to share at least 5-10 items from each closet and play all Official SP Games for the very best results: @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @minedthemanor @shaunapoete @maryfindley @meggets8282 @bellavivi @pinkdivas @pjd123 @karolmel @therealerinj & @cielitolindomex Adminstrator @mmadonna40 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Nov 03Reply
shabbychic45 @minedthemanor @chic_blvd ♥️♥️Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to make new connections!♥️♥️
Nov 03Reply
5kewlklosets @shabbychic45 good luck ladies❤️❤️❤️❤️ get some sales!!!!!!
Nov 03Reply
shabbychic45 @minedthemanor @chic_blvd ♥️♥️As the Bonus Secret Posher challenge yourself to play all Official Secret Posher Games @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @maryfindley @meggets8282 @bellavivi @shaunapoete @pinkdivas @therealerinj @minedthemanor @cielitolindomex @pjd123 & @karolmel for the very best results! Also give our admin some love @mmadonna40. Happy Poshing!♥️♥️
Nov 03Reply
minedthemanor @shabbychic45 Thanks!!!! 😘😘😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️♦️♦️♦️♦️♦️
Nov 03Reply
chic_blvd @shabbychic45 @mmadonna40 I woke up to booming news feed this morning!😃 Thank you ladies for making my day and choosing me as a bonus posher 😄💃💃😘💕
Nov 03Reply
mmadonna40 @chic_blvd Fantastic! 💕Here's wishing you many sales and much success! 💗Have a great day in the spotlight! 💕
Nov 03Reply
irisfallenangel I can keep a secret
Nov 03Reply
minedthemanor @shabbychic45 Thanks again! I’m making my way through the team and I see auto correct got the best of my name!! HaHa manner.....manor! Oh well, I appreciate the thought!! It was so sweet of you! I have had that happen a couple of times....Have a great night!
Nov 04Reply
shabbychic45 @minedthemanor yep I hate auto correct sometimes. Also I have Samsung Note5 with Swype and use it all the time, but this is a new replacement phone and it needs to build a vocabulary so to speak. LOL!
Nov 04Reply
minedthemanor @shabbychic45 haha!! No worries! I met your challenge but not by midnight! A little after! I have a question. Can I show you in the chat room?
Nov 04Reply
shabbychic45 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 11/04 SP is @artistposhista BSP is @sweetbasilshop BSP is @nikkimadonna Please remember to share at least 5-10 items from each closet and play all Official SP Games for the very best results: @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @minedthemanor @shaunapoete @maryfindley @meggets8282 @bellavivi @pinkdivas @pjd123 @karolmel @therealerinj & @cielitolindomex Adminstrator @mmadonna40 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Nov 04Reply
shabbychic45 @sweetbasilshop @nikkimadonna ♥️♥️Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to make new connections!♥️♥️
Nov 04Reply
shabbychic45 @sweetbasilshop @nikkimadonna ♥️♥️As the Bonus Secret Posher challenge yourself to play all Official Secret Posher Games @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @maryfindley @meggets8282 @bellavivi @shaunapoete @pinkdivas @therealerinj @minedthemanor @cielitolindomex @pjd123 & @karolmel for the very best results! Also give our admin some love @mmadonna40. Happy Poshing!♥️♥️
Nov 04Reply
sweetbasilshop @shabbychic45 thank you!! I’ll definitely follow a bunch of people today! Happy Saturday!! 😻😻😻
Nov 04Reply
minedthemanor ♥️♥️♥️♥️⚜️👍🏻🎉🎉
Nov 05Reply
shabbychic45 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 11/05 SP is @mferris321 BSP is @shikgupta BSP is @my_sisters_an_i Please remember to share at least 5-10 items from each closet and play all Official SP Games for the very best results: @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @minedthemanor @shaunapoete @maryfindley @meggets8282 @bellavivi @pinkdivas @pjd123 @karolmel @therealerinj & @cielitolindomex Adminstrator @mmadonna40 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Nov 05Reply
shabbychic45 @shikgupta @my_sisters_an_i ♥️♥️Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to make new connections!♥️♥️
Nov 05Reply
shabbychic45 @shikgupta @my_sisters_an_i ♥️♥️As the Bonus Secret Posher challenge yourself to play all Official Secret Posher Games @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @maryfindley @meggets8282 @bellavivi @shaunapoete @pinkdivas @therealerinj @minedthemanor @cielitolindomex @pjd123 & @karolmel for the very best results! Also give our admin some love @mmadonna40. Happy Poshing!♥️♥️
Nov 05Reply
shikgupta @shabbychic45 thanks so much! ♡♡♡ Followed my 250-750 and shared other closets!
Nov 06Reply
minedthemanor Shared and followed♥️♥️😘😘
Nov 06Reply
shabbychic45 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 11/06 SP is @meboutique BSP is @therealerinj BSP is @lollipopkissies Please remember to share at least 5-10 items from each closet and play all Official SP Games for the very best results: @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @minedthemanor @shaunapoete @maryfindley @meggets8282 @bellavivi @pinkdivas @pjd123 @karolmel @therealerinj & @cielitolindomex Adminstrator @mmadonna40 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Nov 06Reply
shabbychic45 @therealerinj @lollipopkissies ♥️♥️Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to make new connections!♥️♥️
Nov 06Reply
shabbychic45 @therealerinj @lollipopkissies ♥️♥️As the Bonus Secret Posher challenge yourself to play all Official Secret Posher Games @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @maryfindley @meggets8282 @bellavivi @shaunapoete @pinkdivas @therealerinj @minedthemanor @cielitolindomex @pjd123 & @karolmel for the very best results! Also give our admin some love @mmadonna40. Happy Poshing!♥️♥️
Nov 06Reply
shabbychic45 @sbecker1962 Thank you so much for your cheers!!! I hope you will continue them! They are so cool to see and make the SP feel so special! You can find the SP listed in the description of this post or in the daily notifications. Today's SP is @meboutique and the bonus SPs are @therealerinj and @lollipopkissies ! Thanks again!!
Nov 06Reply
gigishanger i can keep a secret.....
Nov 06Reply
glitzblitz @shabbychic45 Done. 😀⭐️
Nov 07Reply
shabbychic45 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 11/07 SP is @shannonmarie187 BSP is @nicecloset1 BSP is @emangino2 Please remember to share at least 5-10 items from each closet and play all Official SP Games for the very best results: @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @minedthemanor @shaunapoete @maryfindley @meggets8282 @bellavivi @pinkdivas @pjd123 @karolmel @therealerinj & @cielitolindomex Adminstrator @mmadonna40 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Nov 07Reply
shabbychic45 @emangino2 @nicecloset1 ♥️♥️Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to make new connections!♥️♥️
Nov 07Reply
shabbychic45 @emangino2 @nicecloset1 ♥️♥️As the Bonus Secret Posher challenge yourself to play all Official Secret Posher Games @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @maryfindley @meggets8282 @bellavivi @shaunapoete @pinkdivas @therealerinj @minedthemanor @cielitolindomex @pjd123 & @karolmel for the very best results! Also give our admin some love @mmadonna40. Happy Poshing!♥️♥️
Nov 07Reply
nicecloset1 @shabbychic45 I am sooo thrilled! THANK YOU!
Nov 07Reply
aguariglia I CAN KEEP A SECRET!
Nov 07Reply
mesh3 @shabbychic45 I am sorry for the delay. I am so grateful to have been chosen. I've had family issues to deal with. Returning the love today. Thank you so much!
Nov 07Reply
emangino2 @shabbychic45 ❤️❤️THANK you so much❤️❤️❤️I'm working my fingers to the bone today❤️❤️❤️
Nov 07Reply
rescuedretail Can you please note I changed my name to @RescuedRetail (formerly Lizzie777) 💞😃
Nov 08Reply
shabbychic45 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 11/08 SP is @jessrosestyles BSP is @gm2017 BSP is @melissarfranco Please remember to share at least 5-10 items from each closet and play all Official SP Games for the very best results: @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @minedthemanor @shaunapoete @maryfindley @bellavivi @pinkdivas @pjd123 @karolmel @therealerinj & @cielitolindomex Adminstrator @mmadonna40 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Nov 08Reply
shabbychic45 @gm2017 @melissarfranco ♥️♥️Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to make new connections!♥️♥️
Nov 08Reply
shabbychic45 @gm2017 @melissarfranco ♥️♥️As the Bonus Secret Posher challenge yourself to play all Official Secret Posher Games @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @maryfindley @meggets8282 @bellavivi @shaunapoete @pinkdivas @therealerinj @minedthemanor @cielitolindomex @pjd123 & @karolmel for the very best results! Also give our admin some love @mmadonna40. Happy Poshing!♥️♥️
Nov 08Reply
whiskeyneatbtq @shabbychic45 Hi, Michelé! Thank you for choosing me as your BSP today! 💕🌸🍬🍭 I appreciate it! 🍬🍭🍬 Cheers for lots of blues and sales for all today! 🍬🍭GM
Nov 08Reply
glitzblitz @shabbychic45 Followed, Shared 😀⭐️
Nov 08Reply
shabbychic45 @gm2017 😁😁😁😙😙😍😍
Nov 09Reply
minedthemanor @shabbychic45 Completed, it’s before midnight somewhere! ❤️
Nov 09Reply
shabbychic45 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 11/09 SP is @rosegoldlining BSP is @sooolisa BSP is @sheashea93 Please remember to share at least 5-10 items from each closet and play all Official SP Games for the very best results: @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @minedthemanor @shaunapoete @maryfindley @bellavivi @pinkdivas @pjd123 @karolmel @therealerinj & @cielitolindomex Adminstrator @mmadonna40 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Nov 09Reply
shabbychic45 @sooolisa @sheashea93 ♥️♥️Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to make new connections!♥️♥️
Nov 09Reply
austin_bree I can keep a secret! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Nov 09Reply
shabbychic45 @sooolisa @sheashea93 ♥️♥️As the Bonus Secret Posher challenge yourself to play all Official Secret Posher Games @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @maryfindley @meggets8282 @bellavivi @shaunapoete @pinkdivas @therealerinj @minedthemanor @cielitolindomex @pjd123 & @karolmel for the very best results! Also give our admin some love @mmadonna40. Happy Poshing!♥️♥️
Nov 09Reply
dmarie380 Hi doll , do we sign back up to be picked again I was picked for bonus a long time ago but never SP so just wondering do we sign up again 😘💓💓💓💓💓
Nov 09Reply
sheashea93 @shabbychic45 - thank you 😊
Nov 09Reply
glitzblitz @shabbychic45 Followed, Shared 😀⭐️
Nov 09Reply
joquico25 @sheashea93 @joquico25 Congrats on being picked girlfriend !!!!🎆🎆🎆
Nov 09Reply
sheashea93 @joquico25 thank you love xoxoxo
Nov 09Reply
shabbychic45 @dmarie380 Absolutely I will add you back to the list!
Nov 10Reply
dmarie380 @shabbychic45 thank.ypu 💓🌟💓🌟💓🌟😘😘💓💓
Nov 10Reply
chic_hawaii_tea I CAN KEEP A SECRET🙊
Nov 10Reply
sheashea93 Hey @shabbychic45 ❤️ I will report my stats from yesterday once it’s been a full 24 hours if that’s ok with you? Also I was wondering if I may have done something wrong yesterday? I was able to share from @happystar71 ‘s closet but when I tried today I was blocked 😐 I hope I didn’t do anything to cause a problem 😕. Thank you again for picking me yesterday ❤️
Nov 10Reply
shabbychic45 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 11/10 SP is @joquico25 BSP is @reenaerin BSP is @bkcraig Please remember to share at least 5-10 items from each closet and play all Official SP Games for the very best results: @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @minedthemanor @shaunapoete @maryfindley @bellavivi @pinkdivas @pjd123 @karolmel @therealerinj & @cielitolindomex Adminstrator @mmadonna40 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Nov 10Reply
shabbychic45 @reenaerin @bkcraig ♥️♥️Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to make new connections!♥️♥️
Nov 10Reply
shabbychic45 @reenaerin @bkcraig ♥️♥️As the Bonus Secret Posher challenge yourself to play all Official Secret Posher Games @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @maryfindley @meggets8282 @bellavivi @shaunapoete @pinkdivas @therealerinj @minedthemanor @cielitolindomex @pjd123 & @karolmel for the very best results! Also give our admin some love @mmadonna40. Happy Poshing!♥️♥️
Nov 10Reply
everygirlshop Thank you😍😍😍🎉🎉🎉🎉
Nov 10Reply
cielitolindomex @reenaerin @bkcraig CONGRATULATIONS!!!🎉 Please remember to write down your current number of followers and keep track of shares, likes and shares! And share your results tomorrow! I wish you have many SALES! ❤️😘❤️
Nov 10Reply
bkcraig @shabbychic45 wow what a nice surprise, thank you so much 😊😘🎉🎉🎉
Nov 10Reply
dmarie380 Thank you bunches doll 💓💓💓 xoxo ☄
Nov 10Reply
sheashea93 @shabbychic45 I don’t mean to keep bothering you but you’ve always been kind to me and I was hoping you may be able to ask @happystar71? I was talking with my pff @dressinglauren and she also got blocked by Happy after being picked for SP but it turned out to be an accident. I’m hoping she only blocked me by accident too because I’m not sure what I might have done to upset her. Once again, I’m sorry for writing you, just didn’t know who to turn too ❤️
Nov 10Reply
shabbychic45 @sheashea93 I think it was a mistake. I am sure she didn't intentionally block you. I am happy to all her for you!
Nov 11Reply
sheashea93 @shabbychic45 thank you. I just want to make sure I didn’t do anything to upset her. She had picked me a while back as an SP and I also played one of her share games that same day but nothing comes to mind about yesterday that would have caused her to block me. But I may have done something and be obvious about it.
Nov 11Reply
sheashea93 @shabbychic45 thank you for picking me yesterday ❤️ 6 sales was a great day for me 😊
Nov 11Reply
shabbychic45 @sheashea93 that's amazing!!! Great job!!!
Nov 11Reply
sheashea93 @shabbychic45 😊 I’m thankful for all the shares that put my listings out there. Have a great night 🌺
Nov 11Reply
shabbychic45 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 11/10 SP is @moxiefromroxie BSP is @sydlcrawford BSP is @feens50 Please remember to share at least 5-10 items from each closet and play all Official SP Games for the very best results: @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @minedthemanor @shaunapoete @maryfindley @bellavivi @pinkdivas @pjd123 @karolmel @therealerinj & @cielitolindomex Adminstrator @mmadonna40 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Nov 11Reply
shabbychic45 @sydlcrawford @feens50 ♥️♥️Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to make new connections!♥️♥️
Nov 11Reply
shabbychic45 @sydlcrawford @feens50 ♥️♥️As the Bonus Secret Posher challenge yourself to play all Official Secret Posher Games @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @maryfindley @meggets8282 @bellavivi @shaunapoete @pinkdivas @therealerinj @minedthemanor @cielitolindomex @pjd123 & @karolmel for the very best results! Also give our admin some love @mmadonna40. Happy Poshing!♥️♥️
Nov 11Reply
dianaish17 @shabbychic45 date check🌹😃😘
Nov 11Reply
messenburg I can keep a secret.💖
Nov 12Reply
shabbychic45 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 11/12 SP is @leoninus BSP is @katspick BSP is @sellergirl77 Please remember to share at least 5-10 items from each closet and play all Official SP Games for the very best results: @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @minedthemanor @shaunapoete @maryfindley @bellavivi @pinkdivas @pjd123 @karolmel @therealerinj & @cielitolindomex Adminstrator @mmadonna40 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Nov 12Reply
shabbychic45 @katspick @sellergirl77 ♥️♥️Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to make new connections!♥️♥️
Nov 12Reply
shabbychic45 @katspick @sellergirl77 ♥️♥️As the Bonus Secret Posher challenge yourself to play all Official Secret Posher Games @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @maryfindley @meggets8282 @bellavivi @shaunapoete @pinkdivas @therealerinj @minedthemanor @cielitolindomex @pjd123 & @karolmel for the very best results! Also give our admin some love @mmadonna40. Happy Poshing!♥️♥️
Nov 12Reply
katspick @shabbychic45 Thenk You😍😍😍
Nov 12Reply
katspick Thank You
Nov 12Reply
leoninus @shabbychic45 Thank you so much!
Nov 12Reply
aishapenn2 Hi Shabbychic, i like tht 😀 I'm Aisha nice to meet ya 👋 thanx a bunch 💐for following me & HAPPY POSHING TO YA 🌺
Nov 12Reply
tinkerrn @miichx0o awesome SECRET POSHER game. Follow instructions and play daily. ❤️
Nov 12Reply
shabbychic45 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 11/13 SP is @lmw0082 BSP is @realdeal217 BSP is @abtcloset Please remember to share at least 5-10 items from each closet and play all Official SP Games for the very best results: @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @minedthemanor @shaunapoete @maryfindley @bellavivi @pinkdivas @pjd123 @karolmel @therealerinj & @cielitolindomex Adminstrator @mmadonna40 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Nov 13Reply
shabbychic45 @realdeal217 @abtcloset ♥️♥️Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to make new connections!♥️♥️
Nov 13Reply
shabbychic45 @realdeal217 @abtcloset ♥️♥️As the Bonus Secret Posher challenge yourself to play all Official Secret Posher Games @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @maryfindley @meggets8282 @bellavivi @shaunapoete @pinkdivas @therealerinj @minedthemanor @cielitolindomex @pjd123 & @karolmel for the very best results! Also give our admin some love @mmadonna40. Happy Poshing!♥️♥️
Nov 13Reply
realdeal217 @shabbychic45 🎉🎊 Whoo-hoo!!!!! ⭐️⭐️Will do Shabby! 💕❤️💕❤️ Thank you soooo much! 💥💥
Nov 13Reply
abtcloset Thanks so much!!
Nov 14Reply
seven_rings @shabbychic45 I can keep a secret!
Nov 14Reply
shabbychic45 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 11/14 SP is @reneelarson BSP is @omgbecki BSP is @bell1971 Please remember to share at least 5-10 items from each closet and play all Official SP Games for the very best results: @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @minedthemanor @shaunapoete @maryfindley @bellavivi @pinkdivas @pjd123 @karolmel @therealerinj & @cielitolindomex Adminstrator @mmadonna40 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Nov 14Reply
shabbychic45 @omgbecki @bell1971 ♥️♥️Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to make new connections!♥️♥️
Nov 14Reply
shabbychic45 @omgbecki @bell1971 ♥️♥️As the Bonus Secret Posher challenge yourself to play all Official Secret Posher Games @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @maryfindley @meggets8282 @bellavivi @shaunapoete @pinkdivas @therealerinj @minedthemanor @cielitolindomex @pjd123 & @karolmel for the very best results! Also give our admin some love @mmadonna40. Happy Poshing!♥️♥️
Nov 14Reply
omgbecki @shabbychic45 thank you for picking me! How exciting! I appreciate it!! 😘 so do O Share the 5 closets right here?
Nov 14Reply
shabbychic45 @omgbecki just pick random closets from those you follow to share from and then introduce yourself. Invite them to play the game and visit your closet as well.
Nov 14Reply
shabbychic45 Also try to play all of the official SP games
Nov 14Reply
omgbecki Hi pff’s would you like to play along? Join our game to gain followers if you would like to! 😘 @debbieschwab3 @mrsdocstew @retrorandy @slumberstina @cinder2you PRIVATE LIST DO NOT COPY
Nov 15Reply
danquahs I can keep a secret !
Nov 15Reply
shabbychic45 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ 11/15 SP is @hortington BSP is @dressinglauren BSP is @rissa7791 Please remember to share at least 5-10 items from each closet and play all Official SP Games for the very best results: @freddiesfind @shabbychic45 @happystar71 @minedthemanor @shaunapoete @maryfindley @bellavivi @pinkdivas @pjd123 @karolmel @therealerinj & @cielitolindomex Adminstrator @mmadonna40 ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Nov 15Reply
shabbychic45 @rissa7791 @dressinglauren ♥️♥️Congrats! You have been chosen as my Bonus Secret Posher of the Day! Enjoy your day in the sun! Follow 250-750 poshers today. Then pick 5-6 closets to share, introduce yourself & invite them to visit your's. It's a great way to make new connections!♥️♥️
Nov 15Reply

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