All funds will be going towards my dog's surgery
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9/9/17 So my dog ripped a hole in a blanket the other day. Everything seemed fine until this morning when he started throwing up nonstop. It turns out he actually ate the fabric and is probably going to need surgery. Everything you buy from now on will be going towards that :/ ***UPDATE: he needs the surgery but the Doc says there shouldn't be complications. UPDATE: 9/11 he's back home and in the cone of shame for two weeks! So glad he's going to be ok!💕 thanks for your prayers and support!

91 others
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@dmlee215 I am so sorry to hear this happened. My dog ate a hair tie last week, so I know the feeling. I hope he recovers quickly!
Sep 09Reply

@ladysmith8100 thank you💜 I hope your dog is doing fine! There is still a small chance that he won't need the surgery but we're waiting on the ultra sound, should know soon.
Sep 09Reply

@dmlee215 Thank you. She is fine. Luckily she chewed it up enough to pass it. 😬 Fingers crossed your dog won't need surgery! 💕
Sep 09Reply

@ladysmith8100 yay! I'm glad your dog was fine!!😊 my dog had to have the surgery tonight but praying that he does well. Thank you for your thoughts!💕 and all your posh shares!
Sep 10Reply

@dmlee215 Ugh. So sorry to hear that he had to have surgery. 😕 Prayers that everything goes smoothly and you have him back in no time. Thank you for all the shares, as well! I appreciate it!
Sep 10Reply

@ladysmith8100 thank you 💕💕
Sep 10Reply

@dmlee215 Yay! I'm so glad to hear that. 😊
Sep 11Reply

@ladysmith8100 thank you! Me too! He has a lot of years ahead of him! 💕💕
Sep 11Reply

Shared a lot of your items so that more people can see them and purchase things from you for your beautiful doggy 🐶❤️
Sep 13Reply

@svduran95 awww!! Thanks love! 😘😘 you have a lovely closet btw! 🌸
Sep 13Reply

@dmlee215 you're welcome and thank you girly, likewise 💕💕
Sep 13Reply

Oh buddy! Sending lots of healing luv to you and the pup❤
Sep 13Reply

@ruesanfrancisco thank you! It was a big scare but I'm just glad he's going to be ok!😍🐶
Sep 13Reply

Thank God the puppy is ok 🙏🏼🙏🏼🐶🐕
Sep 13Reply

@sanibee yes! Thank you Jesus!🙌🏼 so thankful💕
Sep 13Reply

@dmlee215 he's adorable 💖💖 wishing him a rapid recovery
Sep 13Reply

@sanibee thank you! And I hope you're ok over there in H town 💕 praying for y'all
Sep 13Reply

@dmlee215 thanks 🙏🏼🙏🏼 It was an ordeal for sure.We're making recovery and helping family rebuild their home
Sep 13Reply

You have the cutest dogs 😍 I'm sorry to hear he went through that, it's good to see he's recovering back at home 🙂
Sep 13Reply

@treatyoself2017 thank you! 💕💕😘
Sep 13Reply

@dmlee215 oh my goodness!! The cone of shame!! I'm so glad to hear and see he's doing ok!! Poor thing!!! Wow...I had no idea of this when I offered or I would have just purchased!!! Love animals and especially dogs!! I've volunteered for 12 years at the humane society so dogs will always hold a special place in my heart!!! Thank goodness he is ok!!! I cant imagine what you went through!! How scary!! You poor thing!!!
Sep 14Reply

@haug2012 you're fine, that was still a help! 💕💕💕besides, the offer button is what poshmark is all about 😊 but yes, it was very scary! But I'm so glad it was caught in time and they had that pet credit care thing lol 🙌🏼 he still has many lazy years ahead of him!😍🐶🐶
Sep 14Reply

@dmlee215 😊 I hear ya!! We just had to schedule a surgery for our pitbull Keela...she tore her ACL!! We will be using that same credit here soon!! I'm freaking out but I know she will be in good hands!! We are using the same surgeon our friend used when their dog, Pearl, a rotty tore her ACL...and she's doing great!! I'm so happy your pup is ok!!
Sep 14Reply

@haug2012 eek! Poor pup! What's with our dogs and their shenanigans? Lol I'm glad she's going to be in good hands! It's the saddest thing to see them hurting!! 💔 I pray that everything goes well in Keela's surgery as well!
Sep 14Reply

@dmlee215 it is heartbreaking to see them hurting!!! And thank you! I appreciate that!!
Sep 14Reply

@dmlee215 so glad he's better! 😁
Sep 14Reply

@sdrouse2 thank you!!! Me too lol 💕🐶
Sep 14Reply

@dmlee215 Poor pupper!! 😰 So glad he's ok, but what a scare. Pat pat to him! 🐶
Sep 15Reply

From one dog lover to another, I saw this beautiful picture of your fur baby and could not just keep poshing along -- Boots (my lil black n' tan mini doxie) and I send your pup a speedy recovery from his surgery.
Sep 16Reply

@pealates Beau (my golden) and I say thanks to you and Boots!🌸🌺🌸
Sep 16Reply

Glad he's ok 😊
Sep 16Reply

@kdstac012 thanks!! 😍🐶
Sep 16Reply

I was browsing through ur closet looking for something to purchase to help you with vet expenses. Gurrrrl I know what's it's like. Just had a pet bill $1,500+
Sep 16Reply

@kdstac012 aww thanks!! Yea, the surprise surgery was $2500+, Had to get that pet care credit card. Thank goodness for that!!😅 but no pressure to purchase, sharing works just as well 💕💕 I hope your pet is ok too! They don't even realize how much we love them lol 😍🐶😍
Sep 16Reply

Ur too cool, good luck to u & ur pup! Xoxo will bookmark ur page
Sep 16Reply

@kdstac012 thanks, I shall do the same!💕😘
Sep 16Reply

Awww God Bless him! Glad he's doing wonderful. I'm just reading this. My apologies
Sep 17Reply

@eli89 you're fine 💕 thank you for the well wishes and the shares!
Sep 17Reply

@dmlee215 You're very welcome.
Sep 17Reply

Wish your dog a speedy recovery, poor little baby!
Sep 17Reply

@hildbojo Beau (my dog) and I thank you lol 💕
Sep 17Reply

@dmlee215 I'm so happy your dog is fine 😊 I have two of my own and with their old age, I'm appreciating them more and more. They love you with all they've got. Also, thank you for all the Posh love. I'll definitely be looking at your closet 😘
Sep 21Reply

@alyssie24 Yes, they love us unconditionally 💕 mine are 4 & almost 2 years old, I wasn't ready to let go of him yet 🐶🐶❤️ but thank you! And I see you're a valley girl too! Viva el valle!😂😂😂 jk thank you for checking out my closet as well🌺🌸🌺
Sep 21Reply

@dmlee215 wow I didn't notice until now. woop (956) ✌🏼lol. I'm actually at school in Edinburg so who knows. Maybe we'll meet some time 😊
Sep 21Reply

@alyssie24 crazy! small world!💕 it would be so fun if the valley had a posh & sip! I see a lot of the bigger cities doing it and it looks fun 😊
Sep 21Reply

@dmlee215 oh that sounds awesome. I'm sure if we got enough people to join and come out, it'd be possible. Well I've got a big test tomorrow for my Phonetics class and I'm gonna hit the books one more time before bed 😩. Keep in touch 😊
Sep 21Reply

@alyssie24 for sure! Good luck on your exam! I'll bookmark your page 😊🌺🌸🌺
Sep 21Reply

@wanderkace thank you! He's healing, let's hope he knows better not to eat blankets again 😅
Sep 22Reply

@wanderkace hahaha omg, same! That was some expensive lesson😂😂
Sep 22Reply

@wanderkace thank you so much. The stitches still look sad but he has an appetite again and isn't feeling as lethargic😍🐶😍
Sep 22Reply

shared all of your closet! hope your fur baby recovers quickly! <3
Sep 23Reply

@jbeakins27 thanks 🙏🏼😊💕💕
Sep 23Reply

Poor baby!!! His recovery will be on my prayers! And he has such great posture for a 🐕- very majestic!!!🙏😘
Sep 23Reply

@gypsybeauty1111 thank you! And he may look majestic but he's a big goof ball haha 💕
Sep 23Reply

@dmlee215 😝 Good to hear he's keeping his spirits up! 💓🐶
Sep 23Reply

@susieradface thanks! I love your puppy too btw!😍🐶
Sep 24Reply

@dmlee215 awwww so glad your fur baby is doing well! Our fur baby eats stuff too 😕
Sep 25Reply

@ash25ley thanks! They just think everything is food 🙈 he got his stitches out today! But guess what? He got sprayed in the face by a skunk two days ago! We can finally bathe him now that his stitches are out lol I swear, he just looks for trouble haha
Sep 25Reply

@dmlee215 omg 😱 my fur baby would have been sad he couldn't sleep I the bed... oh my that must have smelled awful 🤐 the things we do for our precious pups 💕🤗
Sep 25Reply

Sep 25Reply

@ash25ley haha for real!! Fur babies get just as much love as people babies lol
Sep 25Reply

I'm glad your pup has made it through okay!
Sep 29Reply

@flblondie86 thank you!! He just got his stitches out this week 💕
Sep 29Reply

@dmlee215 aww good. I know how stressful it is when your fur kids are sick. Hopefully he learned not to do that again!
Sep 29Reply

@flblondie86 I know, poor baby! 🚫Blankets🚫 he just got sprayed in the face by a skunk a few days ago. My fur baby is a slow learner 😂💕 as long as he's healthy I'm ok haha
Sep 29Reply

@dmlee215 OMG....Bless his & your heart 💓I am definitely a big time animal lover. I will be looking to se what you are selling🍁🍃🍂I am glad your baby is OK!🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Sep 29Reply

@perfectred30 thank you, I appreciate the shares! I love his furry butt to death, he just got his stitches out this week so he's doing better!😍💕💕💕
Sep 29Reply

Awwwww you love your doggie so much!! ❤❤❤❤❤😢😢😢😢😢😢
Oct 04Reply

@cecilysawesome he's family 💕he's feeling a lot better! Back to his goofy fur ball antics lol
Oct 04Reply

@dmlee215 I'm so happy!!!!!!! 😢😢😢😢😢😢🎂🍭🎊🎉😘❤🐶
Oct 04Reply

@cecilysawesome Glad he's recovering quickly. 🤗
Oct 06Reply

@tmutts thank you!!! 😊💕
Oct 06Reply

@dmlee215 hi 👋 I hope your doggie is doing well. I know what your going through. I have a yorkie poo and several months ago she ate something I still don’t know what it was but she got so sick and also had to have surgery.
Oct 08Reply

@saraadrian thank you, he is recovering nicely! It's so scary when that happens! I hope your Yorkie poodle is doing fine💕
Oct 08Reply

@dmlee215 I’m glad your dog 🐕 is doing better and thanks yes she is. 😀👍
Oct 08Reply

Glad your puppy is doing well! That's so scary! Our dog ate a bunch of paper towels once & had issues! They are our kids for sure!!😆
Oct 08Reply

@saraadrian 💕😊💕
Oct 08Reply

@smithzertuche lol for sure! He had chewed through socks like nobody's business but I guess that blanket was too much for him to handle lol I joke because he's fine now lol 💕🐶💕💕
Oct 08Reply

@dmlee215 They are pretty good at getting into trouble mist of the time!! What would we do without though?! Our dog ate better than me for that span of time, my husband who almost never cooks for me made our dog steamed rice & baked chicken breast for all that time because they said bland worked! LOL!!!
Oct 08Reply

@smithzertuche the doc had said that sometimes it passes with causing blockage, that's so great that your pup didn't need surgery! He probably now thinks if he eats paper towels he gets fresh chicken and rice 😂😂
Oct 08Reply

@dmlee215 Ur exactly right! We don't have him anymore we had 2 put him down about a yr l8r cuz he was old & having lots of issues. I miss him so much! My husband & I got him shortly after we got married & he was 13 when we put him down...that was rough! My son had the HARDEST time! He's buried at my in-laws & my son would go talk 2 him, show him new toys,& color pics 4 him!! Talk about making it worse!! He still gets upset! His name was Hurley so if u ever list anything Hurley let me know!😉
Oct 08Reply

@smithzertuche that's the sweetest most heartbreaking thing!! For sure if I come across Hurley I'll tag you 💕 My fur babies are 4 and almost 2, I can't imagine losing them 💔 they don't have any cool brands named after them though lol Beau (the golden) and Savannah (the shepherd) 🐶💕🐶
Oct 08Reply

@dmlee215 I know it was awful!! I ended up buying him a rottweiler stuffed animal & putting one of his collars on it from when he was a puppy. He just asked me the other day if we could go to heaven & bring him back down & it's been years now. Losing them is horrible but all those good times out weigh the bad or at least that's what I keep telling myself!!😊Give your babies a scratch behind the ear for me!!🐕❤🐶💙
Oct 08Reply

@smithzertuche aww! That reminds me of that movie, All Dogs go to Heaven. Yes, at least we'll always have the memories!😊 I'll give both my dogs a belly rub from you! Haha 💖🐶💖
Oct 08Reply

I'm so glad he is ok! I had the same thing happen to my dog and he also had surgery but he survived!! God bless!
Oct 09Reply

@teresajayc i'm glad your pup survived as well! Hopefully they learn their lesson that foreign objects are not food lol God bless you as well! :)
Oct 09Reply

Praying for a quick recovery for your fur baby! I can’t tell you have many dogs I’ve known that did this. My friends dog just ate her rug
Oct 10Reply

@raccoonluv66 thank you! He'd chewed through socks before but I guess that blanket was just too much! But he's recovering beautifully💕
Oct 10Reply

@dmlee215 he’s beautiful!!
Oct 11Reply

Oct 11Reply

@sirphoenix 🐶😍🐶
Oct 11Reply

@dmlee215 yessss, so glad that he is doing better! 🐕🐾🐶🐾🐶💜
Oct 11Reply

U r so sweet thank u for saving your puppy. I had to have exploratory surgery for my puppy cause he ate things. Aww I hope he's doing good.🌵🌹❤🗽
Oct 11Reply

@dmlee215 aww so glad to hear your baby is doing better, sending you and your fur babies love and prayers!😇💕❤️
Oct 15Reply

@papermoon40 thank you!! I'm glad he is too!😊💕💕💕
Oct 15Reply

Oh my goodness, im so glad your dog is ok.
Nov 14Reply

@tambalynn thank you! He’s doing great!
Nov 14Reply

@dmlee215 So glad to hear that. Hope no more eating blankets.
Nov 14Reply

Aawewwwww loveysmmooooshymooooshypupppppyy kisses! 😘😘😘🐶🐶
Nov 16Reply

@verdot 😘💕💕
Nov 16Reply

thank you for all the shares, your doggies and your closet are beautiful!!
Nov 16Reply

@treasure4sale thank you!😘💕 likewise, thanks for the posh love!
Nov 16Reply

Blessings to your gorgeous furbabies! Prayers for a full recovery! ❤️🐾
Nov 17Reply

@zzbest thank you! So far so good! Hopefully no more blankets 🙈💕
Nov 17Reply

@dmlee215 oh thank goodness! Def no more blankets lol. I’ve been down that road with mine, it’s scary. I’m so glad he’s doing well! 💖
Nov 17Reply

@zzbest it is SO scary! Fur babies are like our actual babies lol Thanks for the prayers ☺️God bless you!🌺🌸🌺
Nov 17Reply

@dmlee215 Aww my pleasure! Yes it’s terrifying. My 92lb mush ate part of a sheet and it got wrapped around her intestines by the time I got home from work she was taken straight to surgery 😫 oh they truly are our children 💖
Nov 17Reply

@dmlee215 🌸God bless you and your babies🌺🐾
Nov 17Reply

@zzbest that’s a nightmare to walk into! Good thing you caught that so fast! I’m glad your fur baby is alright! 💕 silly pups need a class to distinguish blankets from food!! Lol
Nov 17Reply

@zzbest likewise! Many blessings 😘🙌🏼🙌🏼
Nov 17Reply

@dmlee215 thank you yes it was terrifying. Not knowing the outcome 😫 Lmao yes they def need a class in that!! I would like to ship something very special to you that you can put up for sale on here and use the $ towards the surgery. I recently lost my girl to liver cancer😢 and I had gotten this while had her. I would like to donate it to you as a gift. If you’d like. I know how costly vet bills are. It’s a sterling silver and black and white diamond paw print on a chain.
Nov 17Reply

@dmlee215 I never listed it but now I feel like it would go to a good cause. I’ll pay for the shipping so no worries. If you’d like it just say the word.
Nov 17Reply

@zzbest I’m so sorry to hear about your baby girl 😢 but thank you so much, that’s so so sweet! I wouldn’t want to put you out though. That’s something special to remember your baby💕💕
Nov 17Reply

@zzbest you are sooo sweet! That warmed my heart. My roomie and I are using that pet care credit card to pay off his vet bills. Selling on poshmark has helped significantly. I started selling on poshmark just two weeks prior to the incident, Jesus had to know my dog was about to do something costly/dumb lol
Nov 17Reply

@dmlee215 thank you! It’s so hard. I miss her every day! Have my kitties that keep me happy 😻 Yes I used the Care Credit also. What a lifesaver! Jesus def knew, lol! Well if there’s anything I can do to help, just say the word. Again, I’m so happy he’s recovering 🙏
Nov 17Reply

Hope your fur baby is doing great! Poor thing :/ thanks for the shares and I hope you make some sales from my shares! Best wishes!!!!!
Nov 18Reply

@darushi23 he’s making a speedy recovery! Thank you so much!!😘💕💕💕
Nov 18Reply

Dec 10Reply

@canarygreen ☺️💕
Dec 10Reply
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