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Updated Jan 15
Updated Jan 15

Meet your Posher, Leonel

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Hi! I'm Leonel. Some of my favorite brands are kate spade, Tory Burch, and Coach. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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scap_scores Welcome to Poshmark 💌
Sep 11Reply
emc_2rd Hi! Great start on your closet! Shared and followed you! 😁
Apr 19Reply
lorijane0222 Hi & Welcome to Poshmark 😊👚👗👙👔👖👕
Apr 19Reply
anotherbookworm Welcome to Poshmark! Have a wonderful day!
Apr 19Reply
marchiki @missymb Thx! 😉
Apr 19Reply
marchiki @simply_nely Thx! You too! 😉
Apr 19Reply
vettnerscloset Hi Leonel! Welcome to Poshmark! Thank you so much for following my closet. I’m a Posh Ambassador with a variety of sizes in my closet including plus sizes. I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have about Poshmark. Happy Poshing!!! 👗💄👜👠👡
May 25Reply
soriag Welcome to Poshmark!!! Hi! I am Gloria 😊 Welcome to a community of amazing people and great sales. I am a Posh Ambassador, Posh Mentor and a Poshmark Top Seller. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me and I will be happy to help. Also, check out my closet for great deals and I am always willing to negotiate. Happy Poshing!! 😃
Jun 01Reply
perfectsplendid Hey🎉❤️🎉❤️Thank you so much fo the Posh Love' ❤️Please let me know if you have any questions❤️I also love to add discounts to bundles!! 🎉MAKE AN OFFER🎉 ❤️Lots Of Love and Happy Poshing❤️
Jun 07Reply
marchiki @sboardchick187 Your very welcome, I will look thru your closet. Your too kind. Laters!
Jun 07Reply
marchiki @samskatz Hi, yes she is. I lost her back in February. She was 18 years old. Boy do I miss her. She was the best cat I ever had. She was my BFF (best furry friend). Too painful to get another one but still considering it. Thanks for asking.
Jun 07Reply
marchiki @samskatz My sister tells me the same thing, to give myself time. She was also my furry alarm clock, she woke me up everyday around 6:45 so I can feed her. Sorry to hear about your baby kitty also. Have you gotten another one?
Jun 07Reply
marchiki Hey your the best, thanks for sharing. I will do the same for you.
Jun 07Reply
dannicali4nia Love your closet. Your kitty is SO CUTE!😻😻
Jun 08Reply
marchiki @dannicali4nia Aww! Your so sweet! I loved my kitty so much! Take care!
Jun 08Reply
meisch1234 Love you siamese kitty. I raised them most my life. Until odius my beautiful long hair orange baby of 17.5 yrs who I just lost to pneumonia. He was my only kid n best friend. So brilliant n so loved by his momma!! Yours is beautiful
Jun 12Reply
marchiki @meisch1234 Aww! Everyone is so sweet! They get into our hearts...I’m still dealing w/ my loss...I just luv husband says it’s time for me to get another kitty...I miss the cuddling w/ that cute little body of my kitty...I bet yours was also adorable...😉
Jun 12Reply
meisch1234 @marchiki oh honey I didnt know u lost your baby too! I'm sorry i was just having tears again for odius
Jun 12Reply
meisch1234 I'm not ready for new one. He hunted this land since he was a baby he was so healthy except a cold then he hunted in rain all day n night n I should of caught right away knowing he had gurgling cold in lungs
Jun 12Reply
marchiki @meisch1234 I had her for 18 years. Lost her back in February of 2018. I didn’t mean to make you cry. She is buried in my backyard & we found a flat rock that looks like a tombstone. What kind of kitty was yours?
Jun 12Reply
meisch1234 I will tell u in a bit. Having a sad day my fiance passed away in my arms 2 yrs ago Dakota was young 22.5 n we were so in love.
Jun 12Reply
marchiki @meisch1234 Hi, I am so sorry for your loss. That must be so very painful. I have been thinking about you all day & I just got a chance to message you. I don’t mean to preach to you but the Bible talks about how death will be done away with forever & it also talks about a resurrection. I just wanted to comfort you some as you go thru this painful time in your life.
Jun 13Reply
lau0507 Love this gorgeous cat 💞
Jun 18Reply
marchiki @lau0507 Thank you so much!
Jun 18Reply
skittenmitten8 @marchiki OMG your cat is amazing!
Jun 19Reply
marchiki @skittenmitten8 Awww, your so sweet, thank you so much!
Jun 19Reply
skittenmitten8 @marchiki oh no I just read the previous posts I’m so sorry! I had to put my orange tabby down in feb it was the worst. I guess we just have to feel lucky for the time we had. Our fur babies are prob having a blast chasing angel birds in heaven!
Jun 19Reply
marchiki @skittenmitten8 My cat passed away also in February. Sorry to hear about your little loss also. Have a wonderful day.
Jun 19Reply
salemel916 Thanks for all the shares!!! ♥
Jun 19Reply
marchiki @salemel916 😉 No problem
Jun 19Reply
pizzadreams @marchiki Your profile that absolutely adorable cat a Siamese or Ragdoll? I have a ragdoll who looks very similar. Absolutely stunning. I just had to compliment. Also...keeping on the Posh theme...your closet is stellar. All my best!
Jul 02Reply
marchiki @pizzadreams Wow! Thank you so much! Your so sweet! Oh, yes she is a rag doll. I would luv to see a photo of your furry friend. You also keep poshing.
Jul 02Reply
rlynmass I love Ragdolls! 😻My father & his wife surprised me w/ a kitten one Xmas. My father realized he got so attached. His wife gave me $ to return the “gift” so he would stop crying. He adored his Lily! She was gorgeous & so was yours. I’m so sorry for your loss! I would be lost without my Willow. What a gift to give love & have such unconditional love in return!💕
Jul 05Reply
marchiki @rlynmass Thank you. Your furry friend is so cute. Some day I think I will get another one. I miss her. 🙂
Jul 05Reply
marchiki @2goods Thank is still painful. I’m leaning towards getting another one later this year. My husband & I really miss her a lot. How old is your cat?
Jul 09Reply
marchiki @2goods Thank you so much for sharing your story with me. You seem so sweet. I’m Marie. You have a great evening.
Jul 09Reply
degoodman Your cat is soooooooooo beautiful.
Jul 10Reply
marchiki @degoodman Awww, thank you. Your is adorable also. Love his big green eyes.
Jul 10Reply
degoodman @marchiki Thank you. She is a Diva actually. "Luna"
Jul 10Reply
sebq A lot of your dresses like the white one I asked about look vintage but don’t say vintage. Are they by chance?
Jul 10Reply
marchiki @sebq Hello, no the white dress is not vintage.
Jul 10Reply
marchiki @thinkingpretty Thank you so much! I bet your kitty is just as cute.
Jul 18Reply
aperfectbuy Welcome to Poshmark and thank you for following me. If you see something in my closet you like click the   and "like" ❤ the item and/or bundle it to receive private offers and sales. Please feel free to contact me with any questions with either buying or selling. Happy Poshing 😊🌻🌻
Aug 08Reply
marchiki @aperfectbuy Thank you, your so kind.
Aug 09Reply
jlmarine I love your kitty!!! I have one that looks just like it! What breed?
Aug 10Reply
marchiki @jlmarine She is a rag doll, I would luv to see a photo of your kitty. Thanks for commenting on my kitty.
Aug 10Reply
jlmarine @marchiki oh my gosh! Mine is a rag doll too. At least that’s what I was told by the lady we rescued her from. Her name is Leia and she looks so much like yours. Her fur is the softest fur on any cat that I have ever owned or felt.
Aug 10Reply
marchiki @jlmarine Lol... My husband found my kitty outside & I thought she was just a mutt...several people told us she was a rag doll. Looking to get another kitty soon. Yes, I loved my kitty's fur also, so soft. How old is your kitty?
Aug 10Reply
jlmarine @marchiki That’s awesome! It’s so hard to wrap my head around someone releasing such a beautiful kitty. She will be a year old in a month. I had her pic as my profile and just changed it recently.
Aug 10Reply
marchiki @jlmarine I hear they live a long time. Is she or he indoors? I had mine indoors, never went outside.
Aug 10Reply
jlmarine @marchiki ya she is indoors only. She is fixed too so she started packing on the pounds. Lol. :)
Aug 10Reply
jlmarine @marchiki I just changed my picture so you can see her. She has this little white patch on her lip that makes her look like she has vampire fangs or buck teeth. 😂
Aug 10Reply
marchiki @jlmarine OMG! She is so adorable! She has very pretty markings! Give her a hug for! Enjoy her as much as you can.
Aug 10Reply
marchiki I can't stop looking at her, she is cute!
Aug 10Reply
treasures4u70 Love, love, love your closet !!!😁
Aug 10Reply
marchiki @treasures4u70 Aww, thank you so much, how kind of you.
Aug 10Reply
reynolds57 Thank you for following 😁
Aug 14Reply
alinaavalina 🌟 Hello there 👋 Wishing you much success in your closet! Do not hesitate to browse my closet for great deals and feel free to make an offer 🤗🌟
Aug 15Reply
marchiki @alinaavalina Thank you so much! 😁
Aug 15Reply
cocovalli 🌸beautiful cat !!! 🌸
Aug 16Reply
marchiki @cocovalli Awww, thank you...u also have a beautiful horse 🐎 it when people post their little animals on Posh...they get into our hearts ♥️...😀
Aug 16Reply
kerri7764 Thank you so much for the follow! I hope you’ll visit my closet. I’m currently running a sale: 20% off when you bundle of two or more items. Happy poshing!
Aug 26Reply
esraerek Hi 👋🏻! Thanks fo fallowing. I’m so a cat person. Love your profile pic. I always run behind the cats to play and have fun with them. Aren’t they adorable!!!! Me mommy has 6 at home, all have so different personalities 🎈🌸 Have a grate day. A cats person is always welcome ❤️
Aug 28Reply
marchiki @esraerek Thank you! I love them also, I love it when they make facial expressions, they are adorable. Thanks for all the shares. 😀
Aug 28Reply
seliz23 Thanks for following my closet! May your day be filled with sunshine and SPARKLES!!! 💜🌸🦋🎉
Sep 19Reply
marchiki @seliz23 Lol...your welcome, have a nice day.
Sep 19Reply
poshmarklv Thanks for the shares. And you have a professional looking closet. Yours looks like a store 😊😊👠👗👝🛍👜👛
Sep 20Reply
marchiki @poshmarklv Wow! That is so kind of u to say...yours is also nice as well...especially the LV bag.
Sep 20Reply
marchiki @layadina Your very welcome! Love your cats also, they look like double trouble! Lol! They look guilty of something! Too cute!
Oct 19Reply
marchiki @layadina Awww, how sweet how you got your cats. I love all kinds of animals. They are for our enjoyment! 😉
Oct 19Reply
sharonleeeeu Your cat is sooo cute
Oct 20Reply
marchiki @sharonleeeeu Yours is adorable also!!!
Oct 20Reply
thelakersstar Thanks for the follow! If you haven’t already, please check out my closet I’m sure you will find something you love! Pick one or bundle and save even more ✨ Thanks for your time I hope we can work together and make a deal!
Nov 01Reply
b_megan133 Tysm for the shares ❤️
Nov 01Reply
karr4498 Poshmark Can be addicting. Proceed with caution LOL you start selling everything in your house and that’s fun!!!
Nov 03Reply
marchiki @karr4498 Your so right! I have so much clothing, I’m looking for time to post!
Nov 03Reply
karr4498 @marchiki start with something that has a tag and at that point it is NWT!!!! Have fun LOL
Nov 03Reply
karr4498 Stay focused! One shirt at a time LOL
Nov 04Reply
opalmermaid Beautiful closet, so sorry about the loss of your cat. When I lost our cat Beanie 6yrs ago, I joined a online support group and it really helped. He was like my child, I didn't think I would ever want any other pets, but then I found our cats Lexie and Lulu(pics in my closet) through a rescue group and they really needed a home. They're really wonderful, so different than my loud chatty boy, but so sweet.
Nov 05Reply
marchiki @opalmermaid Thank you for the kind words. About a month ago my husband brought home a kitten for me, I guess he thought I needed a cat in my life. I didn’t want her at first, I wanted to wait a year, but she is so cute and so full of energy! They are like our babies. The cat that I lose was so calm and didn’t care to be around people but the kitten my husband brought home is totally opposite! They definitely bring joy to your life! 😀
Nov 05Reply
opalmermaid @marchiki, awe, I hope you find peace.😁
Nov 05Reply
poptartyeeted Love your lovely closet!!
Nov 07Reply
marchiki @marcyann1611 Thank you, yours is nice as well. 😀
Nov 07Reply
poptartyeeted @marchiki, thank you and your welcome!!
Nov 07Reply
calibahamama Thank you for the Posh ❤️✨💫
Nov 07Reply
fancpantz We have awesome gems in ur closet! I have some many nice things in my home closet , I just never wear but am torn abt selling. Why do we get so attached to just things!!
Nov 14Reply
marchiki @fancpantz Once we get rid of them then we forget we ever had them and buy the next pretty piece of clothing... I say the same thing about handbags, I will see another handbag that is so a great day!
Nov 14Reply
fancpantz @marchiki u also! U have some awesome hand bags!
Nov 14Reply
designerchic03 Thank you for checking out my closet I appreciate it very much :)  Please let me know if there is anything you are interested  always up for offers! Free gift with each purchase. Looking forward to taking a look at your closet as well
Nov 20Reply
kittenkat17 What a very beautiful fur baby you have!!😊🐾🐾
Nov 21Reply
marchiki @kittenkat17 Thank you so much! 😁
Nov 21Reply
jenjordy @marchiki love your kitty. Looks like my rocky boy😊
Nov 21Reply
marchiki @jenjordy Thx, would love to see your little boy!
Nov 21Reply
jenjordy @marchiki I'll post a picture soon and tag you if I remember when I'm home lol
Nov 21Reply
marchiki @jenjordy Ok, no problem.
Nov 21Reply
bayouboheme @marchiki thank you so much for the shares. returning the favor! Fantastic closet!
Nov 22Reply
marchiki @bayouboheme Thx, yours also.
Nov 22Reply
hhmmpp I just wanted to say that I love the pic of your kitty! Himalayan? I had Siamese and loved them so much!!
Nov 28Reply
marchiki @hhmmpp Awww, thank you so much...sorry it took me so long to answer, was out of town.
Dec 03Reply
wrosegold ❤️
Dec 06Reply
emilythomason13 Hey you are a new follower of mine I would love for you to check out my closet if you have any questions just let me know I am a ambassador I am moving and trying to sell everything in my closet some of the brands in my closet are pink, American Eagle, Michael Kors, Arie, Calvin Klein, Zara and more I am open to offers I never decline offers I either accept or counter my deal until January 1st is buy two items get one free buy four items get two free and so on and so forth thanks so much-Emily
Dec 11Reply
rjmcgriff87 Are you interested in the handbags that you liked?
Dec 15Reply
laballard1014 Amazing closet! I want everything in it :-)
Dec 16Reply
endless522 For s moment I had to stop and look it closely if your gorgeous cat isn’t my own Lukas a Balinese , honestly looks identical even the expression on the face and curious big eyes . I feel your pain 😭I lost his uncle Nikolas 9 year ego and I still cry on his grave in my yard! Extremely intelligent breed, more like a dogs then cats.My super genius Border Collie dog died in 1/18 Lukas’s best friend. They were incredible together! so so sad . Bless you honey ❤️😘🙏🌞☀️🌈
Dec 24Reply
marchiki @endless522 Thank you so much! I just stared at your cute baby, he does look like mine, mine was a rag doll...I also had a border collie, I had to give him to a good friend, I was working at the time & do was my husband, we were to busy for him, but I would definitely get another border collie if I had the space for one. Thanks for sharing w/ me about your babies...they just get in our hearts ♥️.
Dec 24Reply
endless522 😘☀️😍🌈Merry Christmas my dear 😘☀️🌈xxxxE
Dec 24Reply
theposhcollab Hey there! Thank you for following me on Poshmark! Please let me know if you’re interested in making a purchase and I’ll ship any item ASAP. Reasonable offers considered. PS- I’m also in Texas 😊
Dec 30Reply
kelz1014 Thank you for sharing my listing !!!!
Jan 08Reply
cfaith01 Thank you for sharing!! Im gonna check out your closet ☺️
Jan 27Reply
angelinam1124 Just wanted to stop in and say hi. It would mean a lot if you checked out my closet. I have a lot of NWT items. Take a look around! If you like the item, but not the price, please make an offer😄. XOXO Angelina <3
Jan 30Reply
mikeynova109 Love the cat & ur closet too
Feb 01Reply
marchiki @mikeynova109 Thank you so much! 😁
Feb 01Reply
tamlovesfashion Thank you for sharing my closet! I am very new and just learning so very appreciative of the likes and shares. Welcome!🌸🌎🎵 We love shares and likes and support all poshers. Great community im here if u have questions.
Feb 03Reply
marchiki @jsettlemoir18 Thank you so much...😀
Feb 11Reply
hdewakalu Cute cat 🐱
Feb 14Reply
marchiki @hdewakalu Thank you! 😀
Feb 14Reply
veganboss I have a siamese, too! Just had to mention. And great to meet you!
Feb 14Reply
marchiki @veganboss Thanks! 😀
Feb 14Reply
ladenzia1202 Hi I'm Laura, love you're closet. Love your posh picture too. I love and raise cats.
Feb 16Reply
marchiki @ladenzia1202 Thank you so much! What kind of cats do you raise?
Feb 16Reply
demonhunters You have an amazing collection of handbags and shoes. I had to share them, for they would go great with my dress collection. Sharing is caring...
Feb 17Reply
marchiki @808classysassy Thank you, you have beautiful dresses! If I ever have an occasion coming up then I would sure come to your closet...😁
Feb 17Reply
ladenzia1202 Good morning, I raise Himalayans and Maine Coons(the gentile giant) I'm an animal person.
Feb 18Reply
ladenzia1202 They are all my babies.
Feb 18Reply
ladenzia1202 @layadina I just read you're beautiful text about the rescues and heartfelt advice to lionel, I'm a cat rescuer myself. I have 26 ferals in my back yard all fixed and shots.
Feb 19Reply
s117 Thank you for sharing!!!! It's very much appreciated!!!! :-)
Feb 19Reply
jesseiesgirl82 Hi :) thx for the follow! You have a beautiful kitty! 😃💗
Feb 23Reply
marchiki @jesseiesgirl82 Awww, thank you so much! You have an awesome family including your beautiful pets! 😘
Feb 23Reply
jesseiesgirl82 @marchiki your very welcome😃 and thank you 😊😘I saw your baby and was aww I love Siamese kitties.
Feb 23Reply
vpl1116 Great selection! i’d totally love if you want to check out my listings 😊❤️
Feb 25Reply
marchiki @vpl1116 Love your little puppy 🐶, so cute!
Feb 25Reply
sara_theresa Your cat is so cute!
Feb 26Reply
marchiki @sara_theresa Your so sweet! Thank u so much!
Feb 26Reply
styleguru03 Thanks for following 😊 To show my appreciation please enjoy 20% any order from my closet for the next 24hrs. Just add item or items to a bundle and comment “new follower.” Happy Poshing!!
Mar 01Reply
marchiki @styleguru03 Thanks 😁
Mar 01Reply
marchiki @mainecoonmom1 Hi, thank you so much for the compliment on my cat. She is a rag doll.
Mar 10Reply
ffgal93 Your cat looks like my 🐱:)
Mar 19Reply
marchiki @ffgal93 Awww, how nice.
Mar 19Reply
coco1388 Your cat is precious!!!! ❤
Mar 25Reply
marchiki @coco1388 Your sweet! Thank you so much! 😀
Mar 25Reply
fashionqueen561 Happy Poshing Doll!! 💕 Shared & Followed!! 🎀
Mar 30Reply
marchiki @fashionqueen561 Thank you for sharing, that is so kind of you.
Mar 30Reply
sfluit Hello! Make a offer on your likes and get a great deal!!!
Apr 01Reply
sesame93 Very pretty kitty!
Apr 08Reply
marchiki @sydneycm Thank you! So is yours.
Apr 08Reply
janfast Hi Leonel! Thanks for following my closet!😊
Apr 09Reply
marchiki @janfast Your very welcome. 😁
Apr 09Reply
liliansather Yes welcome to poshmark I not have the exactly words for you but thanks for following me. 😍😍😍😍😍👍👍👍
Apr 17Reply
bjonescat Hello My Sister and Greetings from Victorville, Ca, Valley Cong. It’s always a pleasure meeting another member of my spiritual family 🌻🌻🌻 I too lost both of my “fur babies” within 3 mos of each other several years ago, Still grieving, can’t wait until new system, can have as many as we wanr🐈🐈🐈
Apr 24Reply
marchiki @bjonescat Hi, I go to the Pharr Congregation in Texas...your so right, can’t wait to have all the pets we want, I just love animals and they are definitely made for our husband gave me another kitten, very active, he keeps us laughing, I never thought I could love another cat...take care my sister, love you! 😘
Apr 24Reply
wubblesnugs Hello lovely, I want to learn how to become the best Poshmarkprenuer Possible. If you have any suggestions on what has made you successful, please by all means share! I know I will share my success tips as soon as I get them. What is you’re number one tip to becoming super successful? @simplysinclair
Apr 26Reply
marchiki @simplysinclair Hi, it looks like your doing everything have a very nice closet...just disclose any imperfections so that your transaction runs smoothly, and your customers will give u a 5 star ⭐️ , keep it up.
Apr 26Reply
jorjars I LOVE your cat (is it a Birman?) - he/she looks identical to my last fur baby. I miss him so much. I recently adopted a Ragdoll since I missed vacuuming fur from every corner of my home 😸
May 09Reply
_angel_cakes Loving that cat! I wish I could post a picture of my siamese, he's not nearly as fluffy and due to a cat scratch has a mean cockeye look on his face. /:[
May 09Reply
marchiki @jorjars Hi, my cat is a rag doll, she is full of hair...lost her back in February 2018...boy do I miss that cat! She was the best cat ever...thanks for the nice compliment.
May 09Reply
marchiki @angel75217 Hi, thanks...I wish I could see your cute kitty!
May 09Reply
jorjars @marchiki oh no, I am so sorry to hear that! They’re forever in our hearts and watching over us ♥️ Adopting another one in need of a home helped heal my heart a bit 🙂
May 09Reply
marchiki @jorjars Yes, you are so husband brought home a kitten about 8 months ago & he is sooo opposite from my rag doll, very hyper! But he keeps me & my husband laughing...🤣
May 10Reply
406hunters Oh my goodness..... such a pretty kitty!!! :)
May 10Reply
marchiki @pursenappers Thank you so much.
May 10Reply
angelas_avenue @marchiki Thanks for the follow! Love the kitty pic!🐈Happy Poshing!🤗🛍
May 10Reply
annagarde Hi- enjoyed your closet! Love your story about your kitty. My aunt had first Himalayan I’d ever seen. She had white on her toes so was named “Frenchie Girl” like the manicure. Also had white spot on top lip my dad would say “Got milk?” 😆 I later rescued one myself. Had violet eyes. Only cat I ever knew that loved human eye contact. Hugs 🤗
May 16Reply
marchiki @annagarde Wow! Do u have a picture of your beautiful cat! I just love animals...cats are just so easy to care for. Thx for looking in my closet.
May 16Reply
annagarde @marchiki I’m not sure I ever got one of her eyes close up but I’ll look. My two pups are on my about me page. My Maltipoo Jasmine I had 18 years. She was my girl. The Shih Tzu I rescued out middle of road one holiday. They’re all gone now. You’re right, it takes time to get brave enough for another. The special ones you can’t replace. 💞
May 16Reply
marchiki @annagarde They always have a place in our hearts ♥️...I love how people rescue pets...I think that is so sweet!
May 16Reply
annagarde @marchiki It was NYE night 2009 he was running in a ditch of water i thought he was a deer until I saw those big Tzu eyes. Then he ran in front of my car. I stopped two lanes of traffic to get him. Not one person honked horn or anything. Everyone was holding breath. Amazing night.
May 16Reply
elyse1126 Love love the cat Himalayan? Mine looked just. Like yours since past miss him everyday!!
May 29Reply
lovechicposh Oh my goodness!!! Your kitty looks like my baby that passed away several years ago. Love love love to you sweet kitty! Happy to meet you here on Poshmark! ❤️😘❤️😘😁
May 29Reply
marchiki @elyse1126 I miss mine also. I had her for about 18 years. She was the best cat ever. 🙂
May 29Reply
marchiki @purplehearts4me Mine passed away about a year ago, I still miss her...had her for 18 years. She was the best.
May 29Reply
lovechicposh @marchiki Aww... I know the feeling! I had mine for 15 yrs. It’s heartbreaking. For me it was shocking because I thought she would live to be about 18. So I’m happy yours had a good long life . It does get easier with time. 👏🏻🌹❤️
May 29Reply
elyse1126 Mine was 16 my cat now is a rescue and she is a great cat also going on 12. Smart as a whip!!
May 29Reply
lovechicposh Mine was a Balinese. It looks like you have the same. Sweetest personality! 😊
May 29Reply
marchiki @elyse1126 Funny, I have a cat know similar to yours in the profile but mine had blues eyes.
May 29Reply
marchiki @purplehearts4me They live such a long life. Thank you so much for sharing.
May 29Reply
marchiki @purplehearts4me Yes, mine was so mellow...I think mine was a rag doll.
May 29Reply
elyse1126 Funny what you see on posh huh!! My Sadie has bright green eyes!! Does your open doors and talk a lot?? Lol
May 29Reply
marchiki @elyse1126 Lol! My Drew does like opening doors but has kind of a raspy meow.
May 29Reply
lovechicposh @marchiki Yes! Mine had the deepest blue eyes! I fostered about six or seven cats looking for the right match. They all found great homes and now I’m cat sitting long term. Always need a cat in my life! This one has been tough to work with. Super nervous at first. It’s been over a year and she’s so much better. Happy Poshing I will share beautiful purses! Gorgeous!
May 29Reply
elyse1126 Awww well good luck with your kitty mine likes lizards in fla!! See ya on posh!!
May 29Reply
marchiki @purplehearts4me Thanks, you sound like a very sweet person...take care...nice talking to u.
May 29Reply
marchiki @elyse1126 Mine likes lizards also, he will catch them and bring the lizard in the house & he knows I don’t like it so I’m chasing him all over the house to get it from him, I’m just laughing the whole time cuz he looks so funny running w/ the lizard in his mouth.
May 29Reply
marchiki @elyse1126 Drew will catch flies also, he will chase them down till he gets it.
May 29Reply
elyse1126 Very funny mine used to eat them not anymore she plays with my other rescue that if you look at my items that I’m selling you’ll see my other baby that’s no longer a baby at 80 pounds
May 29Reply
marchiki @nicholeposhkity Thank you! I like yours on the profile...too cute!
May 29Reply
elyse1126 Oh how funny somebody else just popped up inquiring about my cat nobody wants to spend any money LOL
May 29Reply
marchiki @elyse1126 But that’s why I like Posh, we meet such nice & interesting people that share some of the same likes. I didn’t see you 80 pounder baby.
May 29Reply
elyse1126 I just sent the picture out to all my followers she is a rescue as well
May 29Reply
coldcase260 Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you really enjoy! I have been buying/selling since Feb of this year and it is a lot of fun. Have any questions let me know. I am happy to help.😎 Best-Christie
May 30Reply
haleyybreannn thank you so much for the follow! i am up for any offers and will have anything you purchase shipped out asap. let me know if you have any questions!(:
Jun 07Reply
ericamxoxo Love your seal point!
Jun 08Reply
terri_treasures Had a Ragdoll just like yours!! Does she/he have mitten feet?? Such sweet cats!! We had another one that was a bluepoint with the triangle on his face!! Lovely closet!! Terri
Jun 08Reply
marchiki @terri_treasures Yes there such sweet cats, mine did not have white paws 🐾. I lost mine in February 2018, I had her for 18 years...I had no problems w/ her, she always did what o told her and she very well behaved. I have another cat, has blue eyes but not a rag doll.
Jun 08Reply
terri_treasures We lost the bluepoint first, but had the other on for about 17 years!! The male played fetch!! Lol
Jun 08Reply
marchiki @terri_treasures How cute! My rag doll was not social, she liked being mostly in my room, when people came over she would dash to my room. My friends called her the ghost cat cuz they never saw her.
Jun 08Reply
marchiki They live such long lives. I hear they can live up to 20 + years.
Jun 08Reply
jnfrsposh22 Holy Moly!! Thanks for the follow! By the way, your cat... I have (had, she passed a couple years ago, but) it’s twin!! It’s uncanny! Happy Poshing!
Jun 11Reply
crazydadscloset Thank you so much for sharing my closet. God bless and have a great weekend. 🧔🏻
Jun 21Reply
mrick419 Hi Leonel, I am new in Poshmark and excited to meet you and follow your closet. ....Mary R.
Jun 25Reply
marchiki @mrick419 Nice! You will like it here. Most people are very nice & friendly. I use to sell on another website & didn’t really like it. Some of the people were scammers and I was tired of dealing w/ people like that. I don’t have time for that. I hope you have good success on Posh...Marie
Jun 25Reply
proforeo Hi Leonel! Thanks for the follow. I’m new here, but couldn’t ignore your beautiful profile pic. I read below that you lost her after 18 years? I lost mine at 18 as well. He was a Maine Coon. I didn’t think I could ever go through that again, but now I’m thinking about getting a pair of siblings. I really love the Ragdoll breed! Seems like we can start our own cat fan club right here! Courtney
Jun 26Reply
marchiki @lopreore That is so true, lol! I didn’t think I could love another cat but my husband wanted another cat. We didn’t get another rag doll but just a mutt w/ pretty blues eyes. He is such a clown 🤡. It took me some time to adjust, but it was the blue eyes! Marie
Jun 26Reply
gullprint Hi, Leonel! Thank you so much for sharing!
Jun 29Reply
marchiki @tootsie72 Awww! That’s so cute of you to say. Grumpy cat died about a month or 2 ago. So sad 😞
Jul 02Reply
marchiki @tootsie72 Thx, yours is nice as well.
Jul 02Reply
amboypi Thanks for the share 😀
Jul 03Reply
lindsayrm21 Thanks so much for following my closet. I hope you will browse and find some fantastic pieces that you love. Feel free to reach out with any questions or offers. Happy shopping!
Jul 06Reply
wheeleap Such a pretty kitty! Those eyes are gorgeous. Great closet btw =)
Aug 11Reply
marchiki @wheeleap Thank you so much!
Aug 11Reply
marchiki @oldrosedalechic Wow! That means a lot! Thank you so much! Cats are so funny to look at while they play. 😁
Aug 14Reply
pwacket 🐾🐾🐾🐾 Pye was here and so was Gale 🥰 to visit your closet. Pye thinks you are cute!!!
Aug 14Reply
marchiki @pwacket Thank you! Pye is also very cute!
Aug 15Reply
sblazze77 Thank you so much for the shares
Aug 20Reply
marchiki @robynsmallwood Thank you so much! Thanks for all the shares! You have a nice closet also. Have a great day! 😁
Aug 24Reply
misslinda59 Welcome I just love your cat 😍
Aug 24Reply
marchiki @misslinda59 Aww, thank you so much! 😁
Aug 24Reply
madblk3 💜Thank you for checking out my closet😘 I am happy to help promote your efforts💐💐🌸I only want to share🌺, care🌸 and be respectful🥰 💐😇🛍 Happy Poshing☀️😘 💜Be Blessed💜
Aug 27Reply
teatubby Hi Leonel, thanks for sharing and nice comments. Look forward to getting the pretty skirt:)
Aug 27Reply
tj_giftshop Hi 👋. Thank you for your offer. Please kindly submit an counter offer. 💝😘😘😘
Aug 31Reply
tj_giftshop Hi pretty. What’s your best? 🛍🎉💝😘🌹🌹🌹
Sep 01Reply
kfab333 @marchiki Hi there 👋 thanks for stopping by - let me know if we can be of assistance 💕😊 Bundle your likes to receive a discount and a special gift! 🎁
Sep 13Reply
samantha03747 Love the cat ♥️♥️
Sep 13Reply
sallydoll88 Howdy! Thank you for following me! Gorgeous cat! Love your closet! 😊
Oct 05Reply
marchiki @rmadskater23 Thank you! Love your closet as well. 😁
Oct 05Reply
marchiki @treasuresbyjen Thank you so much! I like yours as well. 😉
Nov 06Reply
the_b_spot 📣 📣 📣 CHECK OUT MY CLOSET ✅ ✅ ✅ ✅ FOR STYLISH CLOTHING AND SHOES 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥🔥FOR THE FASHIONABLE WOMAN ‼️‼️ ‼️ ‼️ ‼️ ‼️ ‼️ ‼️
Nov 15Reply
chasmg1077 Hi, really trying to get rid of everything! If you see anything you like, please feel free to send me a reasonable offer! All offers considered! HAPPY POSHING 💓💓
Nov 19Reply
rfwswoman Your cat is so beautiful!!!
Dec 13Reply
marchiki @rfwswoman Thank you...😁
Dec 13Reply
0wheresrenee You are very good at presentation!
Dec 21Reply
marchiki @0wheresrenee Wow! Thank you for those kind words! Your little puppy 🐶 is adorable! 😁
Dec 21Reply
shanks972 Thanks for the like & share 🙏 Let me know if you’re interested! ❄️⛄️🎁 Happy Holidays 🎄❄️💎
Dec 23Reply
alyssasarracco Thanks for sharing my post!! Check out my closet :) 😊 I'm willing to negotiate a price!!
Jan 04Reply
sweetcompany wow all the purses in your closet are so cute!!! amazing closet!
Jan 06Reply
marchiki @sweetcompany Thank you! 😀
Jan 06Reply
monikaarora Hi. Welcome to PM. I am a Posh Ambassador. Please feel free to ask any questions. I’ll be glad to help. Also please check my closet for your favorite brand,submit an offer if you like the listing. I’m here to sell them, so all reasonable offers will be considered. Thanks 🙏🏼💐
Jan 07Reply
lt999 Adorable kitty! 😻
Feb 05Reply
marchiki @lt999 Thank you so much!
Feb 05Reply
mikasa67 Ohhh!! I love your Furr Baby Boss !!!🐈 He is beautiful Happy Poshing !!!👠♥️👗
Feb 08Reply
marchiki @mikasa67 Thank you 😊
Feb 08Reply
marchiki @fitness212 Your welcome! They are very pretty earrings.
Feb 13Reply
coachandtrunk Leonel hi, just a note to introduce myself. This is one of the things I like about Poshmark, reaching out to new people who just might become friends. Love it when I stumble across another animal lover/fur mom💚 🐾Your fur baby is absolutely beautiful!! I'd like to invite you to my COACH®, ♠kate spade♠ & jewelry closet to look, shop and/or chat. Take care, Sharon
May 22Reply
marchiki @coachandtrunk Thank you Sharon, your very have a very nice closet. I hope you do well selling. I will definitely look thru your closet. You have a great weekend. Marie 😁
May 22Reply
coachandtrunk Marie, I'm sorry I referred to you as Leonel. Thank you for responding, it's always nice to connect. Hope you have a great weekend as well, Sharon ✨
May 22Reply
coachandtrunk Thank so much for the shares, you are just too sweet!
May 22Reply
maugwi Beautiful kitty kitty! Happy Poshing!🛍
Jun 01Reply
marchiki @maugwi Thank you so much! 😁
Jun 01Reply
marchiki @maugwi Thank you so much! 😉
Jun 01Reply
tiffany_harden Thank you following my shop. I have a giveaway going on right now through July. Happy Poshing!!
Jun 02Reply
marchiki @tiffany_harden Ok, thank you.
Jun 02Reply
bellavita143 omg you're cat!!!!
Jun 04Reply
bellavita143 @marchiki wasn't grumpy cat a ragdoll lmao or was she some other breed I'm obsessed with cats animals etc
Jun 04Reply
bellavita143 @marchiki she chose your family btw if they come to you :) awww 🐾
Jun 04Reply
marchiki @bellavita143 Not sure what kind of cat grumpy cat was but he was also cute....I also love animals, cats are just easier to care for, at least for me.
Jun 04Reply
rwilkerson1980 Your kitty is so cute!!
Jun 18Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Jun 27Reply
marchiki @s27a Thank you. Nice closet. Have a nice weekend. 😉
Jun 28Reply
hyflex Awwww! Look at the cute kitty!!🐈💞 Thank you for following my closet!🙏🤗
Jul 19Reply
marchiki @mss9999m Your welcome...u have a cute cat also...take care of him & be safe.
Jul 19Reply
hyflex @marchiki How sweet☺ You too!💞
Jul 19Reply
wendles88866 Hiii! Just wanted say thank you for the add and beautiful closet 💖
Aug 04Reply
marchiki @wendles88866 Thank you! You also have a nice closet! Be safe. 😉
Aug 04Reply
mayabudiab Hi thanks for following me. it seems that our interest in shopping are the same. 🤩🤩
Aug 05Reply
marchiki @jenz0325 Thank your little guy also.
Aug 05Reply
marchiki @peggyluwet Little animals are the best! They make use feel so special & they are so comforting. They make us smile. You be safe & take care of your little pug.
Aug 05Reply
alfieandlulu 🤗hello🕶 thanx for the follow ✈️ treasures, true loves, must haves, essentials & new finds to make life FABULOUS 🛍🕶👑
Aug 07Reply
alfieandlulu 🤗hello🕶 thanx for the follow ✈️ treasures, true loves, must haves, essentials & new finds to make life FABULOUS 🛍🕶👑
Aug 07Reply
alfieandlulu 🤗thanks for the like on the Oster Blender Replacement jar - I can ship out tomorrow ✈️
Aug 07Reply
numyumee Hi my sister! I'm Pam from Stockton CA and attend the Nightingale English Cong. Nice to find my brothers and sisters on here. 🤗🖤🧡🖤
Aug 27Reply
marchiki @numyumee How did you know I was a sister? Any way hi & hope your family is being safe. 😘
Aug 28Reply
numyumee @marchiki I saw a comment on one of my followers about page. I always like to reach out to my extended family and randomly share their closet. 🤗🧡🖤🧡
Aug 28Reply
marchiki @numyumee Thanks for the shares...I’m from Texas in the English congregation.
Aug 28Reply
numyumee @marchiki You're very welcome! Sharing is caring!😁 What part of Texas?
Aug 28Reply
marchiki @numyumee Pharr Texas, down south.
Aug 28Reply
numyumee @marchiki Oh ok. I know a few people in Texas but one lives in Garland and the other lives Antonio I think. It's such a huge state! 😁
Aug 28Reply
marchiki @numyumee Nice, we go to San Antonio quite offend, we now several friends there...a nice city, love shopping there, but haven’t gone because of this pandemic.
Aug 28Reply
alenanyc Your ragdoll cat is beautiful!!
Aug 30Reply
marchiki @alenanyc Thank you! 😁
Aug 30Reply
dailyshopper73 @marchiki What a beautiful cat!😼❤
Sep 06Reply
marchiki @dailyshopper73 Aww, thank you!
Sep 06Reply
bashawnward Hi Leonel,I’m Bashawn and anted to thank you for following also sharing.Thank you
Sep 11Reply
shaunalakazam I have some cool things in my closet wanna trade and by the way nice cat
Nov 21Reply
marchiki @shaunalakazam Hi, I don’t see anything I could use, but thanks for the complement on my cat. Have a great weekend.
Nov 21Reply
myszab Awww!Your kitty is a beauty!💗
Nov 29Reply
marchiki @myszab Thank you so much...look at your little one with a, too cute!
Nov 29Reply
myszab @marchiki I know lol🤣
Nov 29Reply
hiipsie Hello. I am here to say your cat is precious and I love her. Good day. Happy Poshing(:
Jan 16Reply
marchiki @hiipsie Awww! Thank you, your sweet to stop by...stay safe.
Jan 16Reply
hiipsie @marchiki 😊 thank you, you stay safe too!! Happy New Year!!
Jan 16Reply
lillievonstoop1 Hi! Thank you so much for the follow and all the shares 🐰 Happy Poshing 🌱!
Apr 02Reply
marchiki @lillievonstoop1 Your very welcome, have a great weekend & stay safe! 😀
Apr 02Reply
dejavujewel Sorry about the delay in shipping the bad. Not typical for me. Things just got away from me for a bit. 😀💛
Jun 28Reply
marchiki @dejavujewel No worries 😉
Jun 28Reply
mac1000000 I’m trying to write a comment about my last transaction. Is there an email?
Aug 21Reply
mac1000000 I had to cancel my last transaction because I accidentally pressed the wrong option instead of Affirm. I am trying to buy it with affirm, but it’s still showing as sold. I’m so sorry about the hassle!
Aug 21Reply
mac1000000 I got a message from the authenticators saying that they believe the bag to be authentic, but the dust bag was not and therefore if I decided to proceed with the order I would not be eligible for any protection in case bag was not as described.
Aug 26Reply
mac1000000 , and i’ve had a problem in the past, where the bag had earlier pictures taken, that were older and a lot cleaner, but when the bag arrived, it was very dirty and scuffed very badly, so I felt better being able to return it since it was not as described. I’m sorry, I just don’t feel comfortable without that protection, especially since I am spending so much and this is my dream bag. Thank you for all of your time
Aug 26Reply
marchiki @mac1000000 No problem, sorry it didn’t work out for…the dust bag is not authentic, but I like to have dust bags for all my purses to keep them looking nice & clean…I also stuff my purses to keep their shape…I hope you find that purse…have a great day.
Aug 26Reply
_khara_ Really sweet kitty. I’m sorry you’ve lost her but it sounds like you gave her a warm home. We lost our sweet little Ragdoll Himalayan mix 7 years ago now. I can’t believe it’s been that long. She really was the best kitty in the world. We still have pictures of her all over the house and still miss her every day. I’m always grateful to hear of people who give these sweet little friends a good and safe home. Best wishes to you! ☀️🐾
Oct 14Reply
marchiki @_khara_ Awww, thank you, your very sweet…they are one of the best cats, she just follow me all over the house, but her best room in our house was my bedroom & she liked to sleep in my closet, so I would put her food in my closet also…yes I gave her a nice long life, I miss her, I’m sure u miss your BFF(best furry friend) lol…have a great week & weekend.
Oct 14Reply
parisann10 I love your kitty! I have a chocolate apple head Siamese and she is beautiful too 😍
Oct 23Reply
marchiki @parisann10 I never heard cod a chocolate apple head kitty! She must be very beautiful! My rag doll kitty was the best! Thanks for a sweet comment…b safe. 😉
Oct 23Reply
marchiki “Never heard of” is what I meant…auto correct!
Oct 23Reply
parisann10 @marchiki yes she is beautiful and very sweet, she’s the 3rd one we’ve had. They are very hard to find, it took almost a year to get her, at least in this part of the country. Although she is super fat! Not sure why since she is not over fed.
Oct 23Reply
marchiki @beautifynails Thank you…you have a nice closet as well.
Mar 29Reply
cutehosiery @marchiki Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 26Reply
brimstonesales Hello my fellow posher, It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Lilith🌺. My closet has all types of clothing items for your viewing pleasure. Stop by any time. Who knows? Maybe you will find an item you🥰.
Jan 13Reply
mjmjmjmjmj Hello, you are invited to check out my closet for a buy one; get one FREE leather items. Select one item and get another FREE for the same price or less...Look forward to your visit! Happy Poshing!
Mar 02Reply
thandiepixie Saint Laurent, Valentino, Jimmy Choo, Giuseppe Zanotti, Alexandre Birman, Tom Ford, Givenchy, Gianvito Rossi, Sergio Rossi shoes and more… typically arranged in order from US size 5 to 12 for ease of browsing. You should take a peek when you have a minute 🌺
Mar 19Reply

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