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Updated May 17
Updated May 17

Meet your Posher, Chelsea

Meet the Posher



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Hello darlings! 🤗 I'm Chelsea! Welcome to my closet! Everything here is handpicked out from my own personal style! I send out all packages Mondays, Wednesday's, and Friday's, and ALWAYS give amazing discounts on Bundles!! I do trade sometimes depending if I see anything I like! Don’t be afraid to ask! My favorite brands are Rylee Cru, Ted Baker, Miss Selfridge, and Abercrombie. If you have any of these few free to tag me! Leave me ❤️ and I'll check out your closet!! Happy Poshing!! 🌸
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locan and 20 others like this
shortyluv28 Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! Let me know if you have any questions, I'd be more than happy to help! 😊
Oct 14Reply
chelseascharm @shortyluv28 Thank you so much!
Oct 14Reply
sayurinita @chelseascharm Welcome to Poshmark🎉please check out my eclectic closet a variety of kids, women & men clothes👔🕶👛💄👗👠
Oct 17Reply
chelseascharm @sayurinita Thank you! I will for sure check that out!
Oct 17Reply
donnastreasures Hi, my name is Donna. Welcome to Poshmark! If there’s ever anything I can do to help you, please don’t hesitate to ask!😊
Oct 18Reply
leschaussures Hello Chelsea great display for a beginner Oct 2017 I just started the end of September. It’s awesome, just keep following and sharing don’t follow too much. Comment on peoples ❤️❤️. But if you ever need 👠👠 you can find them in my closet 😉
Oct 18Reply
chelseascharm @leschaussures Thank you so much!! 🤗
Oct 19Reply
leschaussures @chelseascharm join the parties I forgot to mention you are always welcome as long as they are brand related 🥂🍸🍺
Oct 19Reply
summertimestore @chelseascharm Thank you for your purchase, btw I love your jacket collection.
Oct 22Reply
chelseascharm @summertimestore So excited to wear it!! Thank you! 🤗
Oct 22Reply
musemax Hi, I am having a flash sale on those Calvin Klein jeans that you liked in my closet.
Oct 25Reply
liamya Thank you for your purchase 🎉 I will ship your lovely bundle on Monday morning ✨✨
Nov 05Reply
chelseascharm @liamya Yay! Thank you! 🤗
Nov 05Reply
christygrzywacz I love your style!
Nov 06Reply
chelseascharm @christygrzywacz Thanks so much dear!! 🤗❤️
Nov 07Reply
followme73 @chelseascharm Luv your closet! Thanks for the Posh ❤ have a great weekend 🌻🍁
Nov 10Reply
lastcallkoko Thanks for The like🙏 I offer extra 10% off on bundles of 3 or more also I can pay 1/2 of shipping tonight.Just bundle up the items and I will give you a discount.👍🏻
Nov 11Reply
wannagetit Great closet!!! Thank you for the shares. Happy holidays 🦃😇
Nov 21Reply
whiteboard1111 Hi Chelsea , it's nice to meet you. I hope I'm not bothering you. I saw you liked an item and I'd be happy to offer a free item of you choice in a bundle (lowest value). So buy three get there fourth for free. Thank you for looking, xoxo
Dec 02Reply
whiteboard1111 I'm also obsessed with the esthetics of your closet 🍒
Dec 02Reply
modamecouture ❤Hi Beauty!❤ I wanted to stop by and introduce myself. I'm Vanessa with MODA ME COUTURE. Thank you so much for shopping my Boutique.⚘ Im thrilled you were able to find pieces to add to your wardrobe.😍 I adore your style. I'm Offering 🔴$2 SHIPPING CREDIT/DISCOUNT🔴 this morning to help cover shipping costs.😄 Send me an offer $2 less than asking price and I will accept.😍 At MODA ME COUTURE we are always happy to be of assistance. ❤ XOXO VANESSA 💋
Dec 03Reply
thefourelms Hi! Thanks for stopping by my closet 😁 I want to make sure you know that I offer bundle discounts, offer same or next day shipping and happily entertain reasonable offers. Also, feel free to ask any question you might have about size or fit regarding the items you like! Have a great day and HAPPY POSHING!
Dec 07Reply
styledbysamona Thanks for the like right now I'm offering free shipping on all items over $30
Dec 12Reply
imlovintennis14 Hey hun i made you an offer on the 2 baby items you bundled. If thats too much i encourage you too add one more item ( i offer a bundle discount on 3 or more items) plus you will receive a free gift w/ purchase
Dec 14Reply
imlovintennis14 Made you offer Hun ;) I hope you accept cant wait to get your items together;) You will absolutely love the baby mystery box. I have so many new with tag adorable baby outfits.
Dec 14Reply
imlovintennis14 I would love to get all of this shipped out to you by tomorrow :-)
Dec 14Reply
karma3designs Hi love! I see all of your likes! 💕 if you bundle them I can give you a discounted offer and free shipping! Thx for visiting my closet/Boutique 😘
Dec 15Reply
andream112 @chelseascharm Hey, thank you for the like on the Zara heels. Reasonable offers welcome hun. Items need to be purchased by 27th and will be shipped on 29th Dec. I am traveling quite a bit so I will try to answer any questions along the way! Thanks for visiting my closet 🤗💕
Dec 18Reply
unbridledfaith I had to remove the Christmas stars tutu because of a slight tear. It cancelled the offer I made for your bundle. Please make an offer on the bundle and I will make it a deal for you!
Dec 21Reply
belotek I hope you are doing well with Poshmark! There are some great tutorials on YouTube that will help you tremendously. The 1st one to watch is by Leah Kirchinger, she has a series of tutorials. Visit my closet when you get a chance to see how I measure my garments. We offer a 20% discount on bundles of 2 items or more! Good luck and many blessings to you and your family!!
Dec 27Reply
lexostrich Heeeeey girl ;) I think I'm gonna do some price drops tonight, but wanted to see if you wanted to try to bundle again in case the items sell later lol. You've liked so much in my closet and I'm flattered, so I wanna give you a better deal than what I'm dropping stuff to! Let me know xox
Dec 28Reply
360vintagecoll Thank you for stopping by and liking one or more of my items in my closet 💕 . I am open to reasonable offers. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Dec 28Reply
lexostrich Hi girl! I’m doing a 5/$25 and 3/$30 sale if you wanna check if anything you liked is part of my sale! I haven’t shared my sale sign to my “likers” yet, but know you liked a LOT so giving you first dibs 😉🛍
Dec 30Reply
postalstacey Hello love 🙋🏼 so I received these great Ariat jeans from you (that my son loves btw!) but these are not the ones I ordered. I bundled a pair of BKE jeans, a sweater, & a long tan cardigan (which I didn’t receive) however, if you didn’t sell the Ariats to someone else I’d be very interested in purchasing them as well. I’m guessing you may have switched packages. Let me know how to handle this situation. Thanks 😊😃
Jan 06Reply
prettythings412 Thanks for the like!😃
Jan 11Reply
redxlipstick Hi hon! Thanks for the like ♥️ giving you a special offer for the sweater for only $17. 😘😘
Jan 17Reply
terrienewell @chelseascharm Hi Chelsea! I see you have a couple likes from my closet and just wanted u to know that like you,I give sweet deals on bundles! So feel free to go ahead and bundle !Have a beautiful evening !
Jan 25Reply
shirleygerman Hi love if you are truly interested in the shoes let me know I can reduce the price for you and you’ll get discount shipping as well. Just let me know
Jan 26Reply
recyclebyresell Livingston is such a beautiful town. I used to visit it ofter during my summers working in YNP during college. Nice closet.
Jan 26Reply
moodyonion Hey girl! I'm so sorry I haven't shipped your item yet. I've been really sick with the flu. I will be dropping it off at the post office tomorrow morning, but I completely understand if you want to cancel. So sorry again!
Feb 05Reply
chelseascharm @moodyonion Well I did still want them, but if they aren’t going to be sent I can cancel the order.
Feb 07Reply
ronnielouwho Thank you for the likes!
Feb 10Reply
craezee_daezee Hey girl , Welcome thanks so much For visiting my closet and thank you for all the likes!!.if you would like to put them all in a bundle, I can either send you an offer Or you can send me one, you get 10% off three or more items and also an additional discount from me..Let me know what you decide please, and I will check out yours too, thanks again, Brandi
Feb 12Reply
thefashionash @chelseascharm I'm glad you like the Free People Top! Feel free to make an offer or add it to a bundle for a discount!
Mar 16Reply
chelseascharm @patriciat01 are you talking about this top?
Mar 21Reply
patriciat01 Yes the top you are pictured in it’s adorable If you do have it for sale will it fit a size 0/2 Thx
Mar 22Reply
convintageous Hi Chelsea, thank you so much for adding the shorts to a bundle. I am so complimented as I designed all of them. I gave you a discount of approx 21% and took $1.50 off of the shipping too if you would like to buy them. Also, for future reference, I do custom orders too. If you have a favorite brand and I have it in stock in your size, I can modify the jeans or shorts to the style you like. Have a great night hon. Thank you once again😘
Apr 08Reply
convintageous Feel free to counter offer too😘
Apr 08Reply
convintageous Hey hon I’m trying to make you a private offer on the jacket too privately. Better than I would the other ppl who liked, I’m not sure how to do it so I just shared it to you by accident lol. Only been on a month, still learning. I’ll leave it up to you on ur decisions. Bundle whatever you like and if it’s 3 or more I’ll give you 25% off. If you decide on all of it 30%. Plus free shipping. You can send the offer if you like hon. I’ll just accept it.
Apr 08Reply
convintageous Since I’m half asleep, figuring it out now will probably not work lol. Thank you again, luv 😘
Apr 08Reply
convintageous And if you want to wait to decide that’s absolutely fine too
Apr 08Reply
ggoodspeed1222 Thank you for the ❤Chelsea ! Bundle Items for a GREAT discount, or make your own. I'm cleaning house this spring💫🌹🌻💐🌸💫💫💫
Apr 10Reply
rusticheart19 @chelseascharm Hi. Thankyou for all the likes! Please feel free to make me offers on any of my items I am needing to get rid of things lol.
Apr 11Reply
ehlbee @chelseascharm Hi Chelsea! Thanks for browsing my closet and liking a few pieces. I’d be happy to offer an extra discount on a bundle for the items you’ve liked and anything else you find in my closet! Let me know if you have questions on anything :)
Apr 12Reply
shuga66 Thank you so much for all the likes Chelsea!! 😍
Apr 16Reply
tricia77r Love your style! Nice to meet you on posh. Hope you are loving it! 💕
Apr 18Reply
prizeemporium @chelseascharm Hi there! Thank you for the likes- please feel free to bundle or make offers for discounts! You’ve got a great closet! 🤗👏🏼
Jun 03Reply
bigfootshoes12 Welcome! As a fellow posher, I want to show you an FYI page I built. It can be useful. *DO NOT THANK ME ON THE FYI PAGE. GO TO MY CLOSET INSTEAD & leave it under an item...1)click on my tiny picture by this post 2)then look at the top of my big picture & click ABOUT. 3)finally click the link MEET THE POSHER 4)your now on the FYI page. I hope you find it helpful!
Jun 08Reply
mochabarbee81 I appreciate you following me. I always show poshlove so I shared some of your items.🤗 You're welcome to stop by my closet anytime. I'm constantly uploading maybe you'll see something you like. I will make sure to stop by your closet again as well. ➡️@mochabarbee81 #poshlove Mocha💓
Jun 23Reply
snowbargerb Love your closet!!!
Jul 27Reply
chelseascharm @snowbargerb thanks darlin! I love yours too!! 🙈
Jul 27Reply
ladiesmoods Thanks for the ❤️ make sure to make your best offer :)
Oct 29Reply
yulenka11 Hi there :) I saw you liking some of my items , let me know if you want to make an offer on any of them and I’ll give you a really good deal :)
Jan 04Reply
sehboutique @chelseascharm let me know if you still want your bundle? Thanks!
Jan 05Reply
tricomia Hi! Thank you for stopping by and for the posh ❤ If you are interested in purchasing feel free to make a bundle for a private offer. If not then happy poshing! 😊
Jan 09Reply
curatedcolexion Hi Chelsea! Thank you for browsing my collection! I noticed you liked one of my favorite listings! I have slipped you a delicious offer on it, so do take a look when you have a chance. You have 24 hours with this very special offer. Feel free to bundle multiple items from my closet you like and save on multiple items! If you have any questions, I am happy to help answer them so shoot me a message! Happy Poshing! 💕 Sue
Jan 13Reply
buy_this_n_that Hi there :) I have notice that you liked some baby clothes previously and I wanted to say thank you, I am truly appreciate that. I would like to let you know that I am always willing to consider reasonable offers and discounting bundles🤗🌺💕 I have also added new clothes to my closet and I will adding more this week to. I wish you a lots of sales and great success here!🛍🛍🛍
Jan 20Reply
memoonakhan722 @chelseascharm hi !! Hope you are having fun st Poshmark!! You can visit my closet for baby girl and boy clothing 😊and crochet outfits (handmade)
Mar 03Reply
mompatty4 Hi there! Thanks a bunch 🌺 for your like 💗 on the Dolce Vita boots! They're gorgeous! Happy Poshing!!!
Jul 09Reply
seenyadiva Hi. I noticed you like my Carlos Santana Helene Ankle Booties. Your offer is welcomed!
Nov 22Reply
emerald50 thanks for the like and visiting my closet!
Feb 10Reply
aysha_h Hey girl! I’m selling a pair of black leather heeled ankle booties from aldo that almost the exact ones you liked for less! I’m super super flexible on the price and will accept any offers so feel free to send one my way ❣️ I can also ship today!
May 04Reply
chelseascharm @ayshahafiz did they sell already?
May 04Reply
aysha_h @chelseascharm unfortunately they did sell :( but I have a bunch of other boots I’ll be putting up (one is a black leather ankle bootie from Aldo as well!), would you like me to let you know when I do so that you can potentially get them before they sell?
May 04Reply
aysha_h @chelseascharm just listed a Sam Edelman pair you might like :)
May 04Reply
aysha_h hey girl :) I put up two more pairs of boots you will love! I especially think you’d love the black platform Zara boots I just posted, they’re similar in style to the Sam Edelman ones I had up 💕 as always the price is super super flexible and I’ll accept any offers on them, so send one my way
May 05Reply
kitilulu_closet Hi! Chelsea, thanks for your purchase! I’ll get this out by tomorrow due to post office is closed today. :)
Jul 05Reply
kitilulu_closet Hi! Just wanted to let you know that I’d packed your item but noticed that there’s payment issue on your purchase. Please fix it so that I can get this out to you by tomorrow. Thanks!
Jul 06Reply
ntlmichelle Hi there! Thanks for the offer on the baked goods, I’m sorry I can’t go any lower due to commission. If you would like a better deal my (g)mail is n t l c h a s e for other platforms :)
Dec 08Reply
cutehosiery @chelseascharm Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Mar 29Reply
jewelsbysara Hi there🌼I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing DEALS for the holidays ✨if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing & Happy Holidays 🌸
Nov 27Reply

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Last Active: Mar 16

Livingston, MT
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Last Active: Mar 16

Livingston, MT
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