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Updated Jan 23
Updated Jan 23

Meet your Top Posher, Dede

Meet the Posher

US$3 US$6


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Hi! I'm Dee and this is Sophia, Charlie & Godiva. We rescued them in our neighborhood when they were homeless. Poshing is pretty much the best because it lets us do our passion which is sheltering the strays that have come to live with us! We have 5 at this time and have raised money for a fence so that they can all spend good weather time outdoors!!! We LOVE each and every one of our customers! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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wildtimefashion Hi welcome to the poshmark family! I hope you are having a great time! Please feel free to visit my closet anytime. My closet is a boutique - New items. I do have some closet = used items but majority is boutique = discounted retail items. If I can be of any assistance please feel free to ask. Have a great time and as always happy poshing!
Oct 31Reply
bestbargain I am just getting started and am at the closet survey stage of what I'd like to put up for sale. Hopes of being successful are giving me the strength I need to do it. Reading posts of other Poshers and making notes right now. Don't know how to do this yet, so... The Holidays may provide me with the time block I need to initiate into the Posh World. Looks absolutely wonderful!
Nov 14Reply
kpach Welcome!!
Nov 15Reply
sbw1252 Welcome to Poshmark wishing you lots of sales 😊😊😊
Nov 15Reply
bestbargain @sbw1252 How sweet. Thank you so much and it's nice to be in such a nice community. Same sales wishes to you and Happy Thanksgiving!
Nov 15Reply
sbw1252 @magerd And thank you...enjoy your turkey feast😀
Nov 15Reply
bestbargain @kpach Thank you. I haven't a clue but it's already loads of fun attending all of the parties and talking to people. Happy Thanksgiving!
Nov 15Reply
tylsboutique Hi, Welcome to Poshmark!🤗❤️🦋Best wishes with your Closet 💕❤️💕❤️🦋
Nov 16Reply
bestbargain @tylsboutique Thank you do much same to you. I like the items you have for sale.
Nov 16Reply
tylsboutique @magerd thanks🦋❤️💕Looking forward to seeing the adds to your closet☺️💕🦋
Nov 17Reply
bestbargain @lollipopkissies Thank you so much. This is really a wonderful community.
Nov 20Reply
bestbargain @spndlrnthegrass You come back now I'm listing every day! I'll keep an eye on your closet too!
Nov 23Reply
cstkelly43 Is your puppy A Min Pin
Nov 25Reply
cstkelly43 It's sometimes hard to tell online or on phone I have a Min Pin that's why I asked I'm in Conroe also that's a picture of him with my daughter
Nov 25Reply
bestbargain @cstkelly43 Oh she's a stray chihuahua that was living underneath our car for 2 weeks outside right before Harvey. We got her to come in just in time! We are at the edge of Conroe O er by New Candy.
Nov 25Reply
bestbargain @cstkelly43 NewCaney! Lol
Nov 25Reply
rpa456 Hey Dee dee. Only the top 4 items hvnt been sold, everything else is sold. Hit the item picture and it says not for sale. Thanks for sharing.
Nov 26Reply
bestbargain @rpa456 well hopefully it will drive some traffic to your closet. I've only been doing this for 2 weeks. Lol
Nov 26Reply
bestbargain @rpa456 I've only made 1 sale so far, so I'm trying to get more followers and list more items.
Nov 26Reply
rpa456 @magerd Lol. Ive been doing it for about 5 months. I love it. All those shoes you see you see on mine, ive bought for less than 20$. And resold for 50-100$ on facebook and offer up mostly. Thnk ive sold about 5 pair on posh. But ive found that consistency works. Dont gv up and if you hv any questions feel free to ask.
Nov 26Reply
bestbargain @rpa456 thx 4 the help I need it!
Nov 26Reply
rpa456 @magerd If people like your item, share some of their stuff. And also if they like your item, everytime you lower the price it notifies them and they get 4.99 shipping for 1 hour.
Nov 26Reply
bestbargain @rpa456 I've been doing that for 2 weeks and offered bundle discount but CLOTHES are the hardest to sell!
Nov 26Reply
rpa456 @magerd Yeah, thats why im sticking to shoes. And for 2 weeks, you already gotta a sale. Thats awesome. Took me a m9nth and a half to get my first.
Nov 26Reply
bestbargain @rpa456 what? I'm trying everything and following all lol no matter what I think it was an accident but I will most definitely figure IT out whatever it takes... I use Ebay of course and just now signed up on OfferUp it's awesome.
Nov 26Reply
bestbargain @rpa456 Here's my number to text to so all this won't be on Poshmark 9363141887
Nov 26Reply
rpa456 @magerd 5miles too...
Nov 26Reply
rpa456 @magerd lmao. I was wond3ring...
Nov 26Reply
bestbargain @rpa456 I wanted to have an actual yard sale after the first of the year and policies recover from holiday
Nov 26Reply
sparkandblue Luv you back! 🛒🛍🛒🛍🛒🛍💝
Dec 12Reply
ebkenterprise Hi! I think you'll enjoy my closet! Come by and check it out!
Dec 12Reply
laurasellss Thanks for sharing my item! 💕
Dec 16Reply
bestbargain @laurasellss you are most welcome, my daughter and I thought your site was most imaginative and interesting!. D
Dec 16Reply
zoobeedoo @herbiedog 🐶🐾Adorable puppy dogs 🐕 🐕
Dec 20Reply
bestbargain @zoobeedoo Ahhh yes, the quivering strays that now run my husband and my life. Lol @zoobeedoo
Dec 20Reply
123_tammy Hi @magerd I agree with you 👍🏽 you’re a very smart lady ⭐️💋
Dec 22Reply
bestbargain @123_tammy We must love them SO!!;
Dec 22Reply
123_tammy @magerd yes ma’am 😘
Dec 22Reply
gradgirlmhs Hello!! ☺️☺️☺️ Thanks for following me 🌺🌺🌺 Happy Poshing & May Every Happiness Be Yours Throughout This Holiday Season 🥗💐🎁🌺🔆☺️☺️
Dec 24Reply
bestbargain @gradgirlmhs Well, aren't you the most beautiful person on Poshmark and thank you so much may you and yours have every blessing this Christmas and New Year. Glad to be Poshing with you!
Dec 24Reply
gradgirlmhs ☺️☺️☺️
Dec 24Reply
crazyposh WELCOME!!!! Thanks for following my POSH closet😁!!!! I absolutely ❤️ shopping and selling on Posh. 👚👠👕👖👞👡👗👙👒👓. Let me know if I can help in any way.😁
Jan 11Reply
bigfootshoes12 - [ ] I'm a fellow Posher & Ambassador sharing my FYI page. *PLEASE DO NOT THANK ME ON THE FYI PAGE b/c it takes up room. 1)Click on my tiny pic on the left of this message 2)Now click 'about' 3)Finally click 'meet the posher. *Some of the FYI is old *IF YOU WANT TO SAY THANKS go back to my closet and post it under an item.
Jan 11Reply
jinxy231 Thank you for sharing my item. Have a nice day. :)
Jan 11Reply
yasssshugahyes Hey Sunshine! I’m one of many Poshmark Ambassador that’s so elated you chose me to follow 𗀅Please feel free to visit my closet anytime or stop in and just say hi👍🏾👌🏾🎊🤑𗁷💄👙👜👠👢👞💵🛍🎉😁
Jan 15Reply
bestbargain @ladiefirst Thank you for being such a dear. I will go there for sure and see your closet! D💙
Jan 15Reply
yasssshugahyes @magerd Girl you should be on television. I was thinking maybe anchorwoman or on Lifetime. Your simply gorgeous! Have a bless day Sunshine and thanks for sharing my closet 😁
Jan 15Reply
bestbargain @ladiefirst lol thank you
Jan 15Reply
jonhan1 @magerd Hi Dede it’s Kimberly please let me know what you would like I My closet’ I’m very flexible 😄
Jan 17Reply
bestbargain @jonhan1 Thank you. I'm not buying right now but I'll go looking there for later. D💙
Jan 17Reply
jonhan1 @magerd Np! Happy Poshing😄
Jan 18Reply
pams_posh What is posh ambassador?
Jan 23Reply
bestbargain @pams_posh Ambassadors share every different way there is to share, they greet newcomers and field all kinds of general questions from people to spread goodwill in the PM community. Requirements, if you want to be an Ambassador are under the "About Poshmark" tab. Look for it somewhere by your account statistics options.
Jan 24Reply
bestbargain @pams_posh Oh. It's under "Your Guide to Poshmark"
Jan 24Reply
bestbargain @pams_posh No, sorry it's under " Your Poshmark Stats" page greyed out near the top.
Jan 24Reply
oakhamcircle Thank you for sharing my listing. I truly appreciate it. Side note, these are some seriously special pumps. Size 11 and brand new... Sylvia
Jan 31Reply
bestbargain @oakhamcircle I like the raccoon coat!!
Jan 31Reply
oakhamcircle Please make me an offer on the raccoon coat... It is dreamy!!!
Jan 31Reply
bestbargain @oakhamcircle My husband said no more coats but I absolutely would! Lol
Jan 31Reply
oakhamcircle @magerd 🤣🤣🤣🤣I understand ie... it is for sale...
Feb 01Reply
heartsandroses Welcome to Poshmark❗️ Hopefully you find amazing deals and cute clothes!! On that note if you spend $25 or more in my closet you could get an extra $5 OFF❤️ have fun poshing love!
Feb 13Reply
bestbargain @heartsandroses Thanks very much, I will check it out! 💙D💚
Feb 13Reply
sea4emm Hi, my na.e is Emily, thanks for sharing 🥀
Mar 04Reply
bestbargain @perazam you're most welcome!
Mar 04Reply
eling1 Cool closet! Thanks for the follow!
Mar 19Reply
bestbargain @eling1 Thanks! And that's what we do. If you find something you like just name your price. D
Mar 19Reply
norasark67 Oh what a cute picture of the puppies!! Thanks for sharing my things!! I do have a question for you, miss ambassador (LOL!) How do I get a picture to post about no low ball offers and other things?? Thanks
Apr 15Reply
bestbargain @norasark67 Ahhh...well, first of all SEND ALL LOWBALLERS OVER to bestbargain!!! Lol. Second, you bit the SELL button at the bottom of your closet page and make a listing saying whatever, but too many of those negative signage is a big turnoff to customers and can really hurt sales, be careful.
Apr 15Reply
bestbargain @norasark67 For SIZE in such a listing choose CUSTOM then type one of your messages in. For the pic to upload there are thousands on Poshmark just Google no lowballing and Poshmark signs will come up. You can save one of those R-click & save or is a little screenshot app like Clipit to accomplish this task. Best Wishes to you in your retailing adventures!!! 💙D💚
Apr 15Reply
norasark67 Thanks for your help and advice!!
Apr 15Reply
norasark67 Last time I didn't see the other pictures!! Very cute!
Apr 15Reply
bestbargain @norasark67 Any old time Nora, please come back to chat again, it's good that Poshing is such an open environment where we can share, learn & grow together. 💙Dee💚
Apr 15Reply
bestbargain @norasark67 All PM proceeds go to vet bills and food for our K-9 Rescue. Thank you so much! 💙 D💚
Apr 15Reply
norasark67 LOL! We do all animals rescues, including horses, 27 at the moment!!
Apr 15Reply
bestbargain @norasark67 OK, we don't have enough land for that but if we did I just imagine we would have horses too! A lot of our neighbors do. 💙D💚
Apr 15Reply
jhopehun Hey Dede, Thank you for sharing my listing earlier! Just took a peek in your closet & love it! I hit the follow button so I can check out new items when they're added 💗
Apr 21Reply
bestbargain @jhopehun You are awesome! Do you use the filter key at too left of everyone's closet? It's great to speed things up and cuts down on scrolling, so glad I started using it. I add listings every evening and early morning. Please have a blessed and wonderful week and as always... Happiest Poshing!!! 💙D💚
Apr 21Reply
jhopehun @bestbargain No I had no clue that was even there 😂 Thank you so very much for letting me know!
Apr 21Reply
bestbargain @jhopehun You are welcome! 💙D💚
Apr 21Reply
bestbargain @francescasf Ahhh... Yes, I see your big baby also. All proceeds from my closet go to our K-9 Rescue. Thanks for your help. 💙Dee with bestbargain 💚
Apr 27Reply
francescasf @bestbargain That's amazing! Thank you for helping out! 🙏🐶🤗❤ there should be more people out there like you!
Apr 27Reply
francescasf @bestbargain do you have a website I can share?
Apr 27Reply
bestbargain OMG! It's so much work anyone will tell you that. We love them that's why we do it. We usually have 7 at any given time. Right now we have 4 lost/dumped Chihuahuas 1 Shitzu and her 2 new puppies she came pregnant. I'm in the process of choosing a good platform for the site that doesn't charge but still need to gather together photos and videos, etc. So busy doing Poshmark!
Apr 27Reply
francescasf @bestbargain wow! I wish you nothing but the best! I'm going to share etc. And do my best to help you guys! It'll come❤ I wish I could do that. It's disgusting how people can just do things like that.. it's Inconceivable ! This 'person' was going to "go to a nice area " to dump Dani bc she was no longer useful to him! I later found out he did this with 4 of his previous females! I believe in karma ha
Apr 27Reply
bestbargain @francescasf Ummm... In his case I believe in the County Animal Control and Sheriff's Dept the guy never needs to have another animal and realize it's against the law - not just wrong. It's cruel and creepy!
Apr 27Reply
francescasf @bestbargain I have all the pics.. she was stuck in a crate with another large Male and there was blood all over the place! I said, hell no and took her. I must say it did work out perfectly tho. I was in line to receive a SD. The Male was untouched. He didn't sell 2of her babies to cont the process!!
Apr 27Reply
francescasf Uh the first part of my comment isn't there grr
Apr 27Reply
rpa456 Hello dede,and ms sopihia.... 😁
Apr 28Reply
bestbargain @rpa456 OMG the boys wanted to play ball with y'all this morning but we had laundry!!! Got a machine $100 on 494
Apr 28Reply
bestbargain @rpa456 what are y'all doing I got 1 in the tub n 1 watching cartoons
Apr 28Reply
rpa456 @bestbargain awesome...
Apr 28Reply
bestbargain @rpa456 So who pissed Bettie off yesterday w the Sheriff? Lol
Apr 28Reply
rpa456 @bestbargain Lol. Drama with the neighbors that live behind her...
Apr 29Reply
bestbargain @rpa456 Aren't they ALL F___'n Crawford's? Lol that explains it.
Apr 29Reply
bestbargain @rpa456 Y'all need a doggie visit I know. I'll set something up with Brandt tomorrow or the next day
Apr 29Reply
rpa456 @bestbargain yep, that's them. Lol
Apr 29Reply
rpa456 @bestbargain sounds good
Apr 29Reply
kendra1095c Love what you are doing! We have two rescues ourselves. Some days are better than others because they have their share of medical and emotional problems but they are loved to death regardless.
May 21Reply
bestbargain @kendra1095c I couldn't have said it better myself! We just have instinctive love for them and don't want to see them ever harmed in any way. They are very vulnerable in this world and do need care and protection from a LOT of things they know nothing about. We treat them as the individual that they are. We are used to whatever issues they had/have and move on.
May 21Reply
bestbargain @kendra1095c They are very happy in life and that's what makes us happy that we could be a part of making that happen for them. My grandkids come over and at age 4-5 learned all about what the dogs like and proper ways to handle and care for them. Passing on kindness to animals is important in our society. We do our best!
May 21Reply
shopswankstyles Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you have a wonderful poshing experience!
May 31Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Jun 01Reply
bestbargain @spreadlove Thank you! My daughter's name is Melissa! Glad you are having a good time on Poshmark!!! 💚Dee with bestbargain 💙
Jun 01Reply
jsaenz1234 Got my shorts exactly as described thank you!
Jun 28Reply
bestbargain @jsaenz1234 You are most welcome my dear just remember to use the filter right now left center if closet Categories ALL to find more shorts I've just added since your purchase! Bundle $40 or more to get 1/2 Off everything!!! 💙Dee with bestbargain 💚
Jun 28Reply
kbugg2601 Hey just letting you know I just discounted all the jewelry in my closet and made it 2/$10 or $6 dollars per item
Jul 01Reply
bestbargain @susanswickmsw Hi! Best deal at bestbargain is Bundle $40 or more and get 1/2 Off everything!!! Try it and see! 💙Dee with bestbargain 💚
Jul 01Reply
juliasteege Welcome to poshmark! Check out my closet I have sales and giveaways almost everyday :) !
Jul 07Reply
urluckyday lol I have 3 rescue boxers! Live your cause!!
Jul 21Reply
bestbargain @urluckydayOh no! You have your hands full too! My brother rescued 2 boxers they are SO funny!!! Lol. Bestbargain deal right now is 50% Off $40 or over. Thank you. 💙Dee with bestbargain 💚
Jul 21Reply
illind Nice Closet andThanks for the Posh Love! Please keep it flowing by sharing or liking anything you like from my closet. ❤️🌅❤️
Jul 22Reply
bestbargain @illind Sure Doll! Just did! Bundle $40 or more to get 1/2 Off everything!!! 💙Dee with bestbargain 💚
Jul 22Reply
illind @bestbargain much ❤️ 🙏
Jul 22Reply
zazuco Hi Dede👋 wow!! 😲I'm so grateful for all the shares!! 😍 you're awesome👍 I love your closet 🦋🌹
Jul 22Reply
bestbargain @zazucoThank you dear, same to you. Peace & Posh On!!! 🦉 Dee with bestbargain 🦉
Jul 22Reply
mamaliina Love your closet((: Feel free to stop by my shop! Specials on All Natural Skin Nourishments once an offer is placed💛
Jul 23Reply
closet213 Hey! 😃 My name is Collin and I sell clothes on the account @closet213. 👕👖 I hope you find time to check my closet out. I’m new to Poshmark and would love to gain some friends on the app! ☺️ Feel free to share any listing or even make an offer. Any offer is always accepted! 😋
Jul 27Reply
bestbargain @closet213 Hey Collin, I just shared couple of your items to my followers. You will sell a lot if you have more to sell. Get stuff from your friends they don't want or need any more! Happy Poshing!!! Dee with bestbargain
Jul 27Reply
closet213 @bestbargain you are so kind! Thanks so much. 🙏🙏😋
Jul 27Reply
resourcing_rob Thank you for visiting and following my closet Dede, please let me know if you have any questions. Have a Posh day!
Jul 27Reply
hodaya Hun ck out my closet when u get a chance for amazing pieces and deals. Tnx 🍭
Jul 29Reply
absdoobs Thank you for all the sharesssssss!!! <3
Aug 06Reply
bestbargain @absdoobs Hey! You shared first so I couldn't resist your share shower!!! Thanks dear. 💙Dee with bestbargain 💚
Aug 06Reply
cheeseheader1 Super cute closet! 💕
Aug 07Reply
bestbargain @carmendurazo252 Hi Carmen! If you purchase this you will get to choose merchadise of equal value!!! ❤Dee with bestbargain❤
Aug 09Reply
posh_penguin Thanks for all of your support, and you have an excellent closet. Wishing you great success on Poshmark. -J
Aug 11Reply
sweet_place Thanks for sharing ✨✨
Aug 19Reply
wrforrest Aw! I love your pack of furry friends!! IAM SOOO glad to meet you!! My daughter wears 4x and I have hard time finding!!!! Ill be back very soon!
Sep 05Reply
bestbargain @wrforrest So glad to meet you too and glad to hear what size she is so I can list the clothes I have to be listed that are that size, some pants I think I have coming up tomorrow that are 3 or 4 can't remember right now, but I ask everyone to use the funnel filter for tops then size or pants or jeans then size to get what's really important to them up and in front of them so please use the filter when you check & thanks so much!!! ❤Dee with bestbargain❤
Sep 05Reply
wrforrest Hi D.. I need maxi long casual dresses and skirts.. No pants thank you.. Thank you for your quick response too !! Tops sweaters, thermals for winter, leggings too...
Sep 05Reply
wrforrest What is the funnel filter?
Sep 05Reply
bestbargain @wrforrest Aaah i just got up and saw your messages yes i have maxis and will explain how to use the filter its pretty important. Dee
Sep 05Reply
bestbargain @wrforrestLook to the upper right of any closet theres a tiny icon that looks like a little funnel. Tap on it then choose women up at the top then choose skirts then hit the funnel filter and on the left will be size choices
Sep 05Reply
bestbargain @wrforrestscroll down in the size choices and click all the x. Buttons under the plus section to see all the plus skirts for example
Sep 05Reply
reselltherapy1 Thank You for sharing my item 😘
Sep 28Reply
bestbargain @tibbyred73 My pleasure! I couldn't resist, you had such a clean and beautiful closet!!! ❤Dee with bestbargain❤
Sep 28Reply
reselltherapy1 @bestbargain Aww TY Dee...I’m trying...the best is yet to come...have a blessed day dear ❤️
Sep 28Reply
mommadara ❤️🐶❤️🐶❤️🐶
Oct 19Reply
jy88tinkerbell Beautiful fur babies!
Dec 05Reply
bestbargain @jy88tinkerbell Thank you my dear. We would do anything for them! Theyre family 💚💜💚💜💚💜
Dec 05Reply
jy88tinkerbell @bestbargain, yes, they are.
Dec 05Reply
bestbargain @sesshylvr4ever Hi! Great news! Bestbargain does $40 worth of clothes for $20!!! Just bundle till you reach $40 and you'll get the $20 Offer from us. Everything benefits our rescue dogs!!! ❤Dee with bestbargain❤
Dec 07Reply
treasurehrluv Hello Dede, Wow just looking at how great you are doing with your closet, I would love to learn from you. You have a great closet. Thank you for stopping by to review my closet and thank you for the follow. In return I shared some out of the many things in your closet. I really appreciated your times and support. Wishing you a great speedy sales. ✨🌟✨
Dec 09Reply
bestbargain @treasurehrluv Hi! Thank you for the high compliment. We just keep going because we are saving to build a fence for the dogs so they will have a better life here. We enjoy trying to give them the best we can. Poshmark helps us do that. It's our passion. Wishing you the best of luck with your closet as well. Dee with bestbargain
Dec 09Reply
bestbargain @rsuyaba Ahhh... but you shared first Thank YOU!!! Bestbargain does $40 worth of clothes for $20!!! Just bundle till you reach $40 and you'll get the $20 Offer from us. $40 or more is 1/2 Off!!! Everything benefits our rescue dogs!!! ❤Dee with bestbargain❤
Dec 10Reply
bestbargain @waltlin65 Hi Linda! Thanks for Liking our closet!!! Bestbargain has $40 worth of clothes for $20!!! Just bundle till you reach $40 and you'll get the $20 Offer from us and any Bundle $40 or more is 1/2 Off!!! Everything benefits our rescue dogs!!! ❤Dee with bestbargain❤
Dec 18Reply
phun2bwit Cute Pics
Dec 19Reply
bestbargain @phun2bwit Thank you & thanks for sharing!!!!!! Bestbargain has $40 worth of clothes for $20!!! Just bundle till you reach $40 and you'll get the $20 Offer from us and any Bundle $40 or more is 1/2 Off!!! Everything benefits our rescue dogs!!! ❤Dee with bestbargain❤
Dec 19Reply
phun2bwit @bestbargain Thank you. Rescue Dogs are the Best.
Dec 19Reply
phun2bwit @bestbargain Thank you for sharing.
Dec 19Reply
bestbargain @dpsc59 Hey! Don't give up Dennis just keep sharing in the right place like I was telling you and keep adding items every day. Dee
Jan 05Reply
rockstarreka It’s poor etiquette to advertise in other people’s closet!
Jan 07Reply
bestbargain @twogemsforme Hi! Thanks for the Like! Get 50% Off everything in your Bundle when you bundle $40 or over!!! Everything benefits our rescue dogs!!! ❤Dee with bestbargain❤
Jan 09Reply
spamm1096 Thanks for the share.
Jan 21Reply
bestbargain @hunger4success Thank you for reaching out to us!!! Sharing is what we do! We have several other non-profit regular customers who love our 50% Off Everything every day pricing structure. Get 50% Off everything in your Bundle when you bundle $40 or over!!! Everything benefits our rescue dogs!!! ❤Dee with bestbargain❤
Jan 22Reply
kendrachelle Thank you for sharing my coat! ☺️
Jan 22Reply
bestbargain @kendrachelle You're welcome my dear! Sharing is what we Poshers Do!!! Happiest Poshing to you!!!!!!! Dee
Jan 22Reply
bemonsalve Hi! I enjoyed looking through your closet and all the cool things you have for sale! This site is a dangerous place for my wallet! lol I'm still new to the game, so please feel free to leave me a comment and learn more about this awesome community!
Jan 28Reply
bestbargain @bemonsalve Oh yes! I think it's just a crazy amount of FUN, FUN, FUN. I absolutely LUV Poshing! Happiest Poshing to you too!!!! Dee
Jan 28Reply
surburban22 🙋Thank soooooo much , will share your as well. Great cause.🐶Good Luck!😃Have a wonderful day!😄
Jan 31Reply
bestbargain @ddmouton Hi Debbie! Thanks for the Like!!! Get 50% Off everything in your Bundle when you bundle $40 or over!!! Everything benefits our rescue dogs!!! ❤Dee with bestbargain❤
Feb 01Reply
mobecbudd Love UR work w/sheltering homeless animals ❣️ A passion of mine as well; we currently have 2 older rescues & one fiesta YorkiePoo🐶 All BEST to U & UR precious family 🤗
Feb 05Reply
bestbargain @chimmy08 Hi Kimberly! Thanks for the Like!!! Get 50% Off everything in your Bundle when you bundle $40 or over!!! Everything benefits our rescue dogs!!! ❤Dee with bestbargain❤
Feb 08Reply
amts0610 Hi Dee!! Love your what you do!!! I love Posh..bc I can stay at home with the kids..and make side money for kid good luck to you!! I will share your items!😊
Feb 10Reply
bestbargain @amts0610 Anita! Thank you so much. It is so great to Posh with like minded/hearted people!!! Dee :) :) :)
Feb 10Reply
amts0610 @bestbargain. I agree...I saw you are U of H alumni....I'm from Houston too....went to UST and HBU... now in Baytown!!! I love finding Texans on Posh!!! Happy sales to you!!!😊
Feb 10Reply
nakamoto88 Thanks for all the shares and Following, Happy poshing! 💕💕💕
Feb 12Reply
bestbargain @omico88 Our pleasure! Dee :)
Feb 12Reply
justinandtaylor Hi Dede! Thank you for the follow. We appreciate it. Nice closet! Check us out if you ever need anything. We are also a wholesale company which is located in downtown Los Angeles. Thanks again. -Justin&Taylor
Feb 17Reply
bestbargain @justinandtaylor Will do guys! Thanks for the Like!!! Get 50% Off everything in your Bundle when you bundle $40 or over!!! Everything benefits our rescue dogs!!! ❤Dee with bestbargain❤
Feb 17Reply
bestbargain @sharon_johnson3 Hi Sharon! Thank you for sharing for us again!!! Hope you have a wonderful week!!! Happiest Poshing! Dee :) :) :)
Feb 19Reply
marbellascloset Thank you for all the likes love 😘
Feb 20Reply
urbanite_12 Thank you so much for your Posh love in sharing items from my closet! ❤ Definitely repaid your kindness in shares from your closet! Have a great night! 😌
Feb 21Reply
bestbargain @urbanite_12 Thank you Love! Happiest Poshing!!! Dee :)
Feb 21Reply
lucyposh777 Thank you for sharing! 💕
Feb 21Reply
artistscloset77 I came to say thank you so much for all the shares. Then I read your really touches my heart. I also do rescue, I help with rescue in Nepal and Thailand of the poor street dogs. Thanks for your big heart and I hope you make a ton of sales to get that fence for all your fur babies ❤️🐾
Feb 21Reply
bestbargain @artistscloset77 OMG! WE are so micro compared to your cause. We just take in the ones dumped in our corner lot and from a neighbor who had a pregnant high maintenance one they couldn't take care of. They really NEED their fence ASAP so we have decided to do a section at a time and fence a smaller area at first just to get something up for them. I did not know about the ones overseas but I can only imagine how it is there for them because of the way people treat them here. Dee :)
Feb 21Reply
hookedonsj Hi!! Thanks for all the shares!! 💜
Feb 21Reply
tianagalloway25 Your dogs are so adorable!!!
Feb 22Reply
bestbargain @tianagalloway25 We love them ALL ! Thanks! Get 50% Off everything in your Bundle when you bundle $40 or over!!! Everything benefits our rescue dogs!!! ❤Dee with bestbargain❤
Feb 22Reply
shreyabollock Hello and thank you, I couldn't think of a more noble endeavor than rescue dogs, I throw food over the fence to the lonely dog that lives on the other side, I will keep my eye out for fabulous bejeweled dog collars and throw it in for free with any of my items you purchase.
Feb 24Reply
shreyabollock If your interested in another dog, the one I feed really could use a better home, it's very isolated, and they never let it indoors.
Feb 24Reply
bestbargain @shreyabollock Shreya, my heart bleeds for that dog right now. Can you call someone local to come and remove it? Animal abuse is much more serious than it used to be. Please tell Animal Control near you that this is happening if they are starving this animal.
Feb 24Reply
bestbargain @shreyabollock We are up to our limit with our local dogs we are on a corner and people dump animals and a neighbor actually gave us a pregnant dog they couldn't care for. We are a very small 2 person care team and the facility is our home which we share with 7 strays right now. If you are feeding the animal the authorities can actually hold you responsible for its care. You have to take action. Good luck!!! Dee :)
Feb 24Reply
shreyabollock Yeah I figured plus I’d have to get it from ca to Houston, I just keep asking people. This area is full of abandoned cats and little dogs, they all come out in the parking line ta at night. 😢I live how this is a clothing site and it’s diverged into animal rights. Thank you for looking out for the little critters, it gives me faith in humanity.
Feb 24Reply
shreyabollock @bestbargain I can’t because it is not physically mistreated.!😢 They just ignore it, and the kids tease it and won’t let it in the house. But it’s fed and it’s environment is clean, it’s just really stressed out, dogs are pack animals, you wouldn’t do that to a human....I just feed it to make it feel better, and talk to it a little. I offered to keep it company but they weren’t interested. I’d take it but I have a rescue cat, and it won’t be happy. Maybe when she dies I’ll come back for it.
Feb 24Reply
bestbargain @sharon_johnson3 Hi Sharon!!! Hope everything is going nice for you guys! Let me know if you all are searching for anything in particular. We would love to help! Dee :)
Mar 01Reply
bestbargain @kathy_csilover Hi Kathy! Thanks for the Like!!! Get 50% Off everything in your Bundle when you bundle $40 or over!!! Everything benefits our rescue dogs!!! ❤Dee with bestbargain❤
Mar 02Reply
kataleya_sun How were you able to create my bundle I am new at all this I can't find how to do that for someone else
Mar 02Reply
bestbargain @kataleya_sun Yes, open item share item (not to followers or party) theres an opportunity at this time for a 3d custom option depending on either laptop or mobile its a little different
Mar 02Reply
bestbargain @kataleya_sun Laptop you tap on the greyed out circle all the way to the left with nobodysvID in it then type the closet name in
Mar 02Reply
bestbargain @kataleya_sun or are those phone instructions? Oh well hope its enough to help you figure it out. Dee💚
Mar 02Reply
kataleya_sun Yes I am using my phone
Mar 02Reply
kataleya_sun Hey I did it !! Thanks so much
Mar 02Reply
bestbargain @kataleya_sun Whose awesome? YOU are!!! 💚Der💜
Mar 02Reply
kataleya_sun Thanks for your help and God Bless Your Rescue Effort I have a rescue dog also
Mar 02Reply
designerchic03 Hello! Thank you for stopping by my closet 😊 it is much appreciated! Please let me know if you have any questions. Always up for offers and always send gift with purchase. Looking fwd. To checking out your closet as well.
Mar 04Reply
cheryldye Nice to meet you hope you check out my closet
Mar 06Reply
bestbargain @cheryldye Cheryl! You have a most original and beautiful closet. I LOVE how you listed your mens pants and sport coats, as well as you listed items with unknown manufacturers or of unknown origin. This makes your closet special and precious!!! You are awesome! Dee :)
Mar 06Reply
cheryldye @bestbargain thank you for the nice comments
Mar 06Reply
bestbargain @shuri_smith Hi Shuri! Thanks for the Like!!! Get 50% Off everything in your Bundle when you bundle $40 or over!!! Everything benefits our rescue dogs!!! ❤Dee with bestbargain❤
Mar 09Reply
pinkblonde777 What is that on the first dogs face
Mar 11Reply
pinkblonde777 It looks like she lost her nose
Mar 11Reply
bestbargain @pinkblonde777 Its the back of her tongue! Dee :)
Mar 11Reply
bestbargain @fyoudim HI David! Thanks for the Like!!! Get 50% Off everything in your Bundle when you bundle $40 or over!!! Everything benefits our rescue dogs!!! ❤Dee with bestbargain❤
Mar 15Reply
fyoudim @bestbargain all the best thank you
Mar 15Reply
bestbargain @jeanettezaremba Hi Jeanette! Thanks for the Like!!! Get 50% Off everything in your Bundle when you bundle $40 or over!!! Everything benefits our rescue dogs!!! ❤Dee with bestbargain❤
Mar 16Reply
bestbargain @doolingjs Hi Jennifer! Thanks for the Like!!! Get 50% Off everything in your Bundle when you bundle $40 or over!!! Everything benefits our rescue dogs!!! ❤Dee with bestbargain❤
Mar 18Reply
lizalara861 😍I received my items today and I’m one happy camper🏕! Thank you for taking such good care of my items, wrapping individually in acid-free paper😇 All items were exactly as discribed💯🐶 \🤩/👛 please feel free to contact when you see 👗 something I might like👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 👠👠
Mar 19Reply
peacelove777 Is that a dog? OMG it scares me
Mar 19Reply
bestbargain @lizalara861 Our customers are the BEST in Poshmark!!! Will do! XOXO Dee :)
Mar 19Reply
bestbargain @peacelove777 I think its an "off" photo Sophie doesnt usually look like this actually. Think I just havent had time to upload another one. (Top of my list for next week) lol
Mar 19Reply
peacelove777 @bestbargain ok bc it's really disturbing. Lol just saying. Not trying to be mean. Honestly girl it's just really scary.
Mar 19Reply
peacelove777 Oh is that her tongue? Just realized maybe that's it's. She's licking her nose. OMG ok. I hope that's it?
Mar 19Reply
peacelove777 Yeah new picture for sure....
Mar 19Reply
bestbargain @mixitupcloset Hi! Thanks for the Like!!! Get 50% Off everything in your Bundle when you bundle $40 or over!!! Everything benefits our rescue dogs!!! ❤Dee with bestbargain❤
Mar 19Reply
find_seekeying @bestbargain Thank you Dee😊 I love what you all do and actually just wanted to share some posh love to your closet by sharing! I don't know if you remember me from sharing your entire closet a time or two. I was going to do that again but didn't want to overwhelm you on the notifications... 😉 So, I did 50 for now! I hope you have a wonderful and very blessed night! ❤🌻💞
Mar 19Reply
bestbargain @mixitupcloset I applaud you for selflessly sharing repeatedly. I know it is a time commitment and hard for most people to even do. We will certainly try to repay you for your kindness by sharing your closet my dear! Thanks again!!! Dee :) :) :)
Mar 19Reply
find_seekeying @bestbargain Thank you so much for your sweet message! I really don't mind and love to help!! I do appreciate you means a lot! 😊❤
Mar 19Reply
pinkblonde777 @peacelove777 its very unsettling to look at for me
Mar 19Reply
peacelove777 @pinkblonde777 lol yeah hahaha I'm like what the....
Mar 19Reply
bestbargain @rachelgrumbe260 Hi Rachel! Thanks for the Like!!! Get 50% Off everything in your Bundle when you bundle $40 or over!!! Everything benefits our rescue dogs!!! ❤Dee with bestbargain❤
Mar 20Reply
bestbargain @mrsfortunate Hi! Thanks for the Like!!! Get 50% Off everything in your Bundle when you bundle $40 or over!!! Everything benefits our rescue dogs!!! ❤Dee with bestbargain❤
Mar 20Reply
bestbargain @fablala Hi! Thanks for the Like!!! Get 50% Off everything in your Bundle when you bundle $40 or over!!! Everything benefits our rescue dogs!!! ❤Dee with bestbargain❤
Mar 21Reply
bestbargain @gullprint Hi! Thanks for the Like!!! Get 50% Off everything in your Bundle when you bundle $40 or over!!! Everything benefits our rescue dogs!!! ❤Dee with bestbargain❤
Mar 22Reply
fair_essentials Hi, I love your page. Excellent marketing techniques! Love what this page stands for...keep up the good work!!!!!
Mar 22Reply
bestbargain @discountdeals4u Thank you my dear! We love your closet, as well... SO many beautiful "CUTE" items!!! XOXO Dee :)
Mar 22Reply
lilxansitems Hi welcome to Poshmark! 💛 I hope you enjoy this app there’s so many amazing closets. I wish you the best. 😊💛
Mar 24Reply
bestbargain @leanna_ross Hi Lea! Thanks for the Like!!! Get 50% Off everything in your Bundle when you bundle $40 or over!!! Everything benefits our rescue dogs!!! ❤Dee with bestbargain❤
Mar 24Reply
bestbargain @nicholeposhkity Hi Nichole! Thanks for the Like!!! Get 50% Off everything in your Bundle when you bundle $40 or over!!! Everything benefits our rescue dogs!!! ❤Dee with bestbargain❤
Mar 25Reply
bestbargain @sharon_johnson3 Hello Sharon! Thank you for Liking/Sharing today!!! XOXO Dee :)
Mar 25Reply
sharon_johnson3 @bestbargain Always a pleasure, Dee! Have a wonderful day! 😊💖
Mar 26Reply
bestbargain @sharon_johnson3 Hi Sharon! Hope you are having a wonderful evening!!! 💚Dee💜
Mar 29Reply
sharon_johnson3 @bestbargain Hi Dee, I am, thank you! I hope you are, as well!! 😍😍😍
Mar 29Reply
bestbargain @mtleepop Hi Michael! Thanks for the Like!!! Get 50% Off everything in your Bundle when you bundle $40 or over!!! Everything benefits our rescue dogs!!! ❤Dee with bestbargain❤
Mar 29Reply
dailyshopper73 Thank you so much for the shares! It means a lot! I hope you make awesome sales! Happy Poshing!
Apr 07Reply
bestbargain @dailyshopper73 You too my dear! Happiest Poshing!!! 💚Dee💜
Apr 07Reply
bestbargain @yvette2002 Hi Carmen! Thanks for the Like!!! Get 50% Off everything in your Bundle when you bundle $40 or over!!! Everything benefits our rescue dogs!!! ❤Dee with bestbargain❤
Apr 12Reply
bestbargain @abdidas Hi! Thanks for the Like!!! Get 50% Off everything in your Bundle when you bundle $40 or over!!! Everything benefits our rescue dogs!!! ❤Dee with bestbargain❤
Apr 12Reply
abdidas @bestbargain thank you 😊
Apr 12Reply
bestbargain @mellamor Hi! Thanks for the Like!!! Get 50% Off everything in your Bundle when you bundle $40 or over!!! Everything benefits our rescue dogs!!! ❤Dee with bestbargain❤
Apr 21Reply
bestbargain @srpierce56 Hi! Thanks for the Like!!! Get 50% Off Everything right now when you Bundle $40 or more!!! Everything benefits our rescue dogs!!! ❤Dee with bestbargain❤
May 05Reply
fashionistasue Thank u so much for all the Shares !!!!!
May 05Reply
bestbargain @fashionistasue Sue! I started doing a couple courtesy shares because you had shared a couple for us and I couldn't quit sharing your super fantastically interesting items!!! Dee :) :) :)
May 05Reply
fashionistasue @bestbargain Awe , Thank u so much for compliment!!! You have a Cool Closet too !!!! Happy Poshing !!! 😉💝
May 05Reply
aastuff @bedtbargain; I can’t decide but will be back so hope you still offer the deal. Sophie is precious, so are the others. Looks like my little girl I lost a few years ago. Thanks for the shares!
May 12Reply
bestbargain @aastuff Im sorry for your loss. 💚Dee💜
May 12Reply
bestbargain @yroc520 Hi Cory! We noticed you had several Likes and Bundled them here for you. They equal over $40 so we are sending you the 1/2 Off Everything Offer!!! PLUS Reduced Shipping! XOXO ❤Dee with bestbargain❤
May 17Reply
denise_43 Hi that dog is so adorable Sophia and so are the others looks kind of like a dog my sister had it was a maltise
May 18Reply
bestbargain @gitanad She's a super sweet soul but also a riot! We love to watch her play fight with her babies. Dee :)
May 18Reply
bestbargain @jodysmith1959 Hi Jody! Thanks for the Like!!! Get 50% Off Everything right now when you Bundle $40 or more!!! Everything benefits our rescue dogs!!! ❤Dee with bestbargain❤
May 29Reply
sallyjoyce605 Hi Dede thank you for the offer great cause🐾🐾! I’m sorry it’s not a good time as I’m trying to unload to move back to Maui...Aloha Sally🌸@Sallyonmaui Have a great day!
May 31Reply
bestbargain @sallyjoyce605 Hey! I used to live in Kailua Oahu never been to Maui. lol Aloha! Dee :) :) :)
May 31Reply
sallyjoyce605 It’s growing like everthing else...Still small & Beautiful with Ton’s of Aloha.. I’m a misfit here and can still sell on PM & Ebay will miss my UGG connection Lol! always a working girl keeps me going. Was thinking of Thailand been doing homework Maui keeps winning! 🌴🌸🇺🇸
May 31Reply
kissedbythegulf Hi there! Thank you for following my closet. If you are interested all of my baby clothing is BOGO FREE. Other clothing items have a bundle discount of 2/20% '😊
Jun 26Reply
linlightfoot Thank you so much for the wonderful items! I can't wait to wear them! My students are going to adore the I Spy game! You rock! Thanks again!
Jul 01Reply
madblk3 💜Thank you for following me. The babies are beautiful; human and furkids🥰. I appreciate you. Be blessed💜🥰💐
Jul 02Reply
moonlitmansion Happy to share your fab closet! Congrats on being a chosen Royal Secret Posher today by @minedthemanor 😘💗
Jul 03Reply
speckledpup69 You have a beautiful closet!
Aug 28Reply
bestbargain @speckledpup69 Teresia! Thank you!!! You have a lovely closet as well. Bundle $40 or more and get 1/2 Off Everything. Please make your bundle now! Thanks again. 💚Dee💜
Aug 28Reply
frostyla Hi! Thank you for the comment and bundle offer. All my proceeds are donated to my nephew to pay for his 8th grade school trip to Washington DC. I appreciate you checking out my closet. Have a great weekend!
Sep 01Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Sep 01Reply
bestbargain @s27a LUV your cuye earrings!!! Shared. Cheers!!! 💚Dee💜
Sep 01Reply
pcdavis Hi Dede, Your fur baby princess is so cute❣️They is a special place for dogs in Heaven. They are little angel that God sends to bring us unconditional love, joy, laughter and patience.🌺 May you be blessed and prosperous in love, Joy, strength and peace of heart❣️
Sep 22Reply
lellowandpink Thanks for the follow! Happy Poshing! 🤙
Oct 02Reply
bestbargain @lellowandpink Thank you! You too - Many happy sales this year!!! Dee :) :) :)
Oct 02Reply
drjeannie0208 Great looking closet but even more awesome is your love for these rescues. I just started 2 weeks and am listening to the advice of others. I am just doing closet as not interested in buying wholesale. Love for you to check out my closet!💕💕🌟🌟🥰🥰👛👜👚👗👠👡🎁📦
Nov 24Reply
drjeannie0208 Hey! Thanks so much for sharing! Who is the cutie with the candy 🍭?💕💕🌟🌟 Time to reciprocate 🎁
Nov 24Reply
bestbargain @drjeannie0208 Thanks! You have a lot of items listed so far and nice pictures, so you are off to a great start! Best wishes and luck with your beautiful closet. 💚Dee💜
Nov 24Reply
drjeannie0208 I am finding people like bargains, so I really dropped prices sometimes only making $2, but building clientele. Just 3 weeks in.
Nov 24Reply
bestbargain @drjeannie0208 Repeat customers are SO rare!!! lol
Nov 24Reply
rosemastellone Hi Dee, Best of luck to you and your rescue and thanks for caring. Thanks for following my closet and I am following you and have shared some of your great items. Wishing you lots of sales and a happy holiday season.
Dec 23Reply
leprof_74 Hi. I'm just getting started on Poshmark. Please come visit my closet. Apt 9. Vera Wang, Chaps, and others. All items are either never worn or almost never worn.
Feb 02Reply
bestbargain @leprof_74 Nice! Thank you!!!
Feb 02Reply
mayduur Thanks for stopping by my closet! For bundles of 3 or more: items priced less than $50 are 50% off items priced more than $50 are 20% off
Mar 02Reply
babsgilbert Dede, It's March!☘So much to celebrate! 🤗 Spring is around the corner!🌷Let's make this a ☘lucky ☘time for all, by sharing! 💞 Sharing benefits you as well as the Posher's closet you share!💞 Show you care and share!💞☘
Mar 03Reply
tandkdoyle That’s very nice offer and I love all I picked out but 300 is a little high for me this time. In two weeks maybe a little less amount and I would be able to get all. Thank you again
Mar 06Reply
sherrytreece 🥂🍾CONGRATULATIONS ON HOSTING!!🥂🍾⭐️🎉❤️🌹
Mar 09Reply
sandy0102 Yay!! Congratulations on hosting the posh party 🎈🎈 Please consider my close for host picks. Thanks!
Mar 09Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party. If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick. thanks so much.
Mar 09Reply
lindsayrm21 Congratulations on hosting! I hope your party is a great success! I’m new to selling on Poshmark in the past 3 months and I’d love to have the opportunity for you to follow my closet or choose one of my pieces for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering! Good luck tomorrow!
Mar 09Reply
lonestarfinds16 Congrats on co hosting the best in jeans posh party! Wishing you much love, and speedy sales! Feel free to check out my closet and see if there are any pieces that match your style! We gave you a follow! Thanks in advance and good luck!
Mar 09Reply
beoirem 🌏📀🌎📀🌎CONGRATS on your Party Pff💋💋💋I’ll be there sharing your awesome HP’s🌏📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌎📀🧚‍♂️📀📀🌍📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌍📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌏📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌎📀📀📀📀🌍📀📀📀📀🌏📀📀📀📀🌎📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌍📀🧚‍♂️📀📀🌎📀🧚‍♂️📀📀🌏📀📀📀📀🌍📀📀📀📀🌍📀📀📀📀🌎📀📀🧚‍♂️📀💋💋💋📀📀🌎📀🧚‍♂️📀📀🌎📀📀📀📀🌍📀📀📀📀🌏📀📀📀📀🌎📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌎📀🧚‍♂️📀📀🌎💋💋💋📀🌏📀📀📀📀🌍📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌏📀🧚‍♂️📀📀🌎📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🧚‍♂️📀📀📀📀🌎📀📀📀📀🌎📀📀📀🧚‍♂️🌎📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌏📀🧚‍♂️📀📀🌏📀📀🧚‍♂️📀🌎📀📀🧚‍♂️📀📀 🌎
Mar 09Reply
charkole 🎉🎉Congratulations on hosting the Best in Jeans Party tomorrow. 🍾 I can wait to shop and share. If you get a second to look through my closet for a possible Host Pick, I would really appreciate it. Happy Poshing. 🎉🛍🍾💰🌺
Mar 09Reply
poshbunnystyle 🤩🤩Congratulations Hosting! 🎁Please check out my Posh Compliant Closet for Host Picks. 🏆Thanks in advance. Let's make some sales.🛒🛒 Have fun, Bunny💰📦📫
Mar 10Reply
manslayerchick Hey my name is Nicolle💕😏🔞🔥 come check out my closet for a possible feature in your party. I consider my style🔥💥🖤🔥💥 I have high quality items, all different designers, cheep prices, and great picture quality. Thanks 4 your time
Mar 10Reply
poshgarden Congratulations Dede & Fellow Texan ❣️🎊🍾🥳🎁🎵🍷🛍🌈💞🥰🎉🎈
Mar 10Reply
taraskawaii Congratulations on hosting! I’d be very appreciative if you took a look at my closet and possibly chose something I have as a host pick! I hope you have fun hosting ❤️
Mar 10Reply
demonhunters 🌟👖🌟👖🌟👖🌟CONGRATULATIONS your BIG DAY is tomorrow CO-HOSTING Posh Party, “BEST in JEANS”•👖•👖•👖•👖• 👖• Enjoy your Special Day! I am excited and thrilled for you. Wishing you a Fantastic Party and Have a BLAST! I would be Honored to be considered for a Host Pick. Thank you and Happy Poshing 🌟💎🌟💎🌟💎🌟 🌺🏝Much Aloha Rhonda🏝🌺
Mar 10Reply
Mar 10Reply
mistyc1212 Hello!!! 👋 Congrats on co hosting today!! I LOVE the parties!!! 🤗🤗 If you have a minute and/or need a last minute HP, I'd love for you to check out my closet!! 😍😍😍 Thank you so much!! ❣❣❣
Mar 10Reply
adornedlovely Hi😊, Congratulations on Hosting the Best in Jeans Posh Party!!! I would love it if you would consider selecting an item from my closet as a host pick for your party. Wishing you a successful party. Thank you & Happy Poshing 😊💕💕💕
Mar 10Reply
misshall115 Congrats on hosting!!! ❤️☺️ can’t wait to see all the host picks If you have the chance , could you check out my closet? I have a few pairs of jeans in my closet. Thank you so much ❤️
Mar 10Reply
wife_mom_me Congrats on co-hosting 😀😀😀so fun and exciting 🎉🎉🎉 Please consider checking out my girls: @_jennika_ @pretty_dress957, @hollingerhouse, @elle_kitz, @e_bouillon, and @chanteldana for host picks! They are all amazing woman with some great items in their closets!
Mar 10Reply
mlb1006 Congrats on hosting a Best in Jeans Posh Party!!!🎉🎉🎉
Mar 10Reply
mlb1006 It’s Party Time! 🎉🎉🎉 💞💞💞 List 1 👗@chic_hawaii_tea 👗@myvintagevanity @fashionconvert 👗@amore923 👗@lollipopkissies 👗@momisnuttz 👗@thatlovejones 👗@cakegma 👗@debrennie 👗@shopwithmegan 👗@moongoddess7 👗@momogo 👗@belltwinz 👗@missnew 👗@lexikenzie 👗@josipa68 👗@lollipopmakeup 👗@lruiz1 👗@thriftylane_289 👗@shellyrenee81 👗@littlefire33 👗@so_boi_boutique 👗@unqiuestore 👗@dixiechik30 👗@jossmilan 👗@corleen 👗@ajohnsongattis 👗@angyinpink79 👗@gigishanger 👗@moongoddess2nd 👗@carolhazen 💌Private List💌
Mar 10Reply
nice_matters11 🌵CONGRATS on Hosting Sharing your wonderful items Here's some of my PFF's🥰 Follow, Like & Share @cinderella927 @jenn3981 @nickle_lynn @trishaw082889 @ubaez @crachelle92 @goodtreasures @camadderom @francesjb232 @susangill753 @chic_hawaii_tea @katef @theamandaweiss @natasha @bell1971 @kailpatrick @scottsdaletds @faithoverfear07 🌵❤️🧩Monica in AZ🧩💙🌵 🌵🧡🧩🌵💚🧩🌵💛🧩🌵 Spreading Autism Awareness
Mar 10Reply
taniaxshop Yay! Congratulations on co-hosting a posh party and great closet!! I’d love for you to check out my closet @taniaxshop and my pff @jaccollection for any potential host picks! ✧ ♡
Mar 10Reply
moudgil62 Congrats on hosting a posh party! Please check out my closet for a possible host pick. Thanks!
Mar 10Reply
luxelistings Hi! Congrats on hosting today! I have some great jeans in my closet I would love you to consider for a HP. Hope you have a great rest of your day!! 💕
Mar 10Reply
simplysteffy 🍾🎉🥳🎊 Congrats on Hosting Today! I will be there Cheering 🎉 You on!! I would be honored if you would consider one of my Listings for A Host Pick! 💖 Here’s hoping you have a PURR-FECT Event! /\__/\ ( =^.^= ) (“) (“)_/ Wishing you much Success, many New Followers and Lots of Sales! 🌸💕🌸💕 Please check out my Real Posh Wives Listing at @simplysteffy and sign up to have your Closet Featured 💖 Steph
Mar 10Reply
hans_gerlich Hi Dede, Have fun hosting and clearing your closet in the process! Best, Hans G.
Mar 10Reply
klkm127 Thank You So Much For The Host Pick 😍🥰
Mar 10Reply
melissah610 Thank you so much for your Posh Pick today and for your kind review! I hope the jeans worked for you, I loved the cheetah print on the side but had no hope of fitting in them 😊. Good luck with your poshing and keep up the good work in looking after the strays and dogs in your area. If we do t help them, who will?
Mar 11Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much
Apr 05Reply
st8fan20 Good Afternoon! 😃 I just wanted to let you know that I have a lot of nice men’s styles in my closet and have never been chose for a host pick. I would love the opportunity to be chosen. Thank you have a great day and Happy Poshing.
Apr 05Reply
demonhunters 🌟👔🌟👖🌟CONGRATULATIONS on HOSTING Posh Party“MEN’S STYLE” •🧥•👕•👖•👔•👞•👟•🥾•🧦•🧣•🧢•🧳•🕶 • Enjoy your Special Day! I am excited and thrilled for you. Wishing you a Fantastic Party with many Sales and Have a BLAST 💎🌟💎🌟💎Thank you, have a wonderful day and Happy Poshing 💎🌟💎🌟💎 🌟😇TAKE CARE, STAY HOME and BE SAFE 😇🌟 🌺🏝Much Aloha Rhonda🏝🌺
Apr 05Reply
poshbunnystyle 🎡Congratulations Hosting✨👓Please check out my Posh Compliant Closet for Host Picks🎁Thanks in advance👑💎Have fun 🥇🏆Let's make some sales🛒🛒📦📫💰💰Stay safe, Bunny🐇🐇🐇
Apr 06Reply
dressscore @bestbargain Hi, hello, just another person asking for a Host Pick🙋 I take professional photos and would love to be considered! -Audrey
Apr 06Reply
solesavings Congrats on hosting party!!! If you are still in search of host picks please check out my Posh Compliant Closet. I will be sure to share your great closet! Thanks and Happy Poshing!!!
Apr 06Reply
monicarhodus12 Hi WOW! 😍 You have a beautiful closet, CONGRADULATIONS on being a host for the upcoming posh party . I would love ❤️ for you to check out my closet for consideration for one of your host picks.. Hope you enjoy your 🎈party. Thank you 😊 Monica
Apr 06Reply
casey_atbat @bestbargain Congrats Dede! Looking forward to the Mens Style Posh Party! Have fun hosting and if you have room for another Host Pick, I’d appreciate if you’d please consider the NIKE Dri-Fit Polo Golf Shirts in my closet. Happy Posh $ales 💰 Cute pups 🐶 🐾
Apr 06Reply
monascollection @bestbargain 🍷Congratulations on hosting the upcoming party. I would be honored if you considered any of my hand knit 🎉🎂🍹 accessories as a host pick. 🍾💝🎊I’ll be there & sharing.
Apr 06Reply
cocosbagcloset Congrats on hosting the Men's style posh party tonight! Hope its a big success for you :) If you are still looking for host picks please stop by my closet, I have some killer men's backpacks, wallets and accessories!
Apr 06Reply
sales24hours 💋😆💥🎊🤩🦄CONGRATULATIONS 🎈 🎉🏆🥇🤪😍🥰😘☺️🏆🎊🤩😁💋🥇🏆🎈‼️😍💥🎊🥳 ❤️‼️🏆🤩🎊ON ⭐️🎉😘😁🤪🥳YOUR😃☺️❤️💋⭐️😍🤪💥🎉🥇🎈🤩HOST 🦄⭐️PARTY😍🤪🥳🏆‼️🎉⭐️🤪🥳🏆 Happy to share with my followers 👠👑👛👠 HAVE A WONDERFUL TIME ☺️🙂😃🥰😘🎊🎈❤️😗🤩🥳🤪😘🥇🎉🥰😃🎈❤️🥇🎉😘⭐️🤪🎊🥰🏆⭐️🎈💋😘🥳🥇🏆 💋😆💥🎊🤩🦄🎈 🎉🏆🥇🤪😍🥰😘☺️🏆🎊🤩😁💋🥇🏆🎈‼️😍💥🎊🥳 ❤️‼️🏆🤩🎊⭐️🎉😘😁🤪🥳😃☺️❤️💋⭐️😍🤪💥🎉🥇🎈🤩🦄⭐️😍🤪🥳🏆‼️🎉⭐️🤪🥳🏆
Apr 06Reply
terbearco @bestbargain Have a great time hosting!
Apr 06Reply
one_of_a_find Hello Dede! Congrats on Hosting! I hope you would consider my closet for a potential Host Pick! I appreciate your time! Thank you!
Apr 06Reply
sandy0102 Yay!! Congratulations on hosting the posh party 🎈🎈 Please consider my close for host picks. Thanks!
Apr 06Reply
luxelistings Hi! Congrats on hosting today! I have some great menswear in my closet I would love you to consider for a HP. Hope you have a great rest of your day!! 💕
Apr 06Reply
quality_outfits Thanks for Hosting!! Please check out my closet for a great Host Pick opportunity ❤️
Apr 06Reply
Apr 06Reply
blondie0608 Thank you for shipping my blouse so quickly. I hope you did not put yourself in harms way! I would have waited till this was all ver. Blessings to you and your family. I have a rescue named Lily.😀😀😀😀
Apr 07Reply
bestbargain @blondie0608 Awwww... Lily I know she is keeping you great company right now! Thank you again. 💜Dee💚
Apr 07Reply
bestbargain @blondie0608 Awwww... Lily I know she is keeping you great company right now! Thank you again. 💜Dee💚
Apr 07Reply
kscnfw @bestbargain Thank you for the Mens Host Pick today! Appreciate it so very much! 🎉🎈💙💚💜🎉🎈💙💚💜
Apr 07Reply
johndonadio Hi! Would you consider my closet for tomorrow’s Men’s Party? I have some cool brand new and used items available! Thanks! Be safe out there & Happy Easter!
Apr 12Reply
bestbargain @johndonadio Ahhh... that party was last week. Its a different host fir this week. :)
Apr 12Reply
bestbargain @johndonadio Happy Easter my dear! 💜Dee💚
Apr 12Reply
lillievonstoop1 Thank you for the follow 🌠 Happy Poshing 🥂🍾🌹
Jun 22Reply
silksandsuede thank you for sharing my closet!!!!!
Jul 13Reply
silksandsuede I appreciate the shares but it seems to be on repeat and it's a little concerning
Jul 13Reply
bestbargain @silksandsuede sorry must be some kind of system glitch because I'm not sharing your closet at all. 💜Dee💚
Jul 14Reply
thriftymsmom Thanks for all the shares I shared back! 😊
Jul 25Reply
dianasean Thank you so much for the shares love 💕 🦋
Jul 27Reply
05teddy11 Blessings Dee on sharing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜 your inspirational 🛍🙏🤟🏻❤️⭐️🤟🏻🙏💜
Aug 04Reply
hyflex Thank you for all the sharing back my friend!🙏✨🛍 cute fur babies!❤
Aug 07Reply
brendabriones You are amazing!!! Good Morning, Thank you so much for your generous shares neighbor. You have a great closet and a great heart! Love returned.
Aug 09Reply
lovelylady720 Awwwwww, how cute!!😁😁😁 I love your doggies 😊😊😊♥️
Aug 10Reply
dianasean Thank you so much for all the shares😊 I really appreciate you 💕🦋
Aug 30Reply
kymmiebraun Hi! Thank you for the follow and the shares! This is such a great community of entrepreneurs and I'm excited to be a part of it! 💜 Kymberlee
Aug 31Reply
crazydadscloset Love ❤️ dog 🐶 pics. I have 2 dogs 🐶 myself, unconditional love no matter what. When you have a chance look at my closet and see my dogs 🐶. Keep Poshing forward, be safe and God bless. Carlos
Sep 02Reply
lloydnoble Hi there! Thank you so much for all the shares! Will continue to share throughout the day and beyond! Thank you again 😊
Sep 02Reply
emmjayy3783 Thank you for the share. I appreciate it. Stay blessed and safe
Sep 03Reply
miche404 Morning incredible posher! Thank you so much for all the shares! Hope you have a great day!
Sep 03Reply
ksenyayoung Hi! Thank you so much to checking out my closet!!! Just wanted to give you a heads up that we're currently running a buy 4 items for $20 Sale! Sale runs for the 4 for $20.00 that is marked only🌺🌺. Happy poshing!!!
Sep 08Reply
djonesco2020 Thank you for sharing our closet! We were happy to share your closet on Twitter. Best Wishes! Lucy
Sep 10Reply
fruitbiscuit Thanks for all the shares 💕
Sep 10Reply
rucare Thank you, thank you for sharing my closet. I appreciate you. Thanks again and stay safe.
Sep 11Reply
barbiern20 Thanks for all the awesome sharing.
Sep 11Reply
glassprism70 Thank you and your fur babies for your share. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package 📦. And offers are always welcome, too.
Sep 12Reply
gorgeousunits Thank you for all of the shares! You are much appreciated! ☺️ Have a wonderful rest of your week and best of luck with sales!!
Sep 15Reply
anasbcloset Hi, Thanks for the share,
Sep 16Reply
xoxoabigaile thank you much för the shares💕
Sep 16Reply
wholesale_posh Happy thoughts 2U
Oct 16Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for following me I’m Emily if you like anything from my closet send me an offer I’ll happily accept since I’m desperate to get rid of my things lol have a great day😊
Nov 17Reply
sprinklesbaker And thanks for the shares:)
Nov 17Reply
ritzi02 Hey, you can lookout my store and lmk if you wanna buy any of my paintings, I can recreate any of my paintings and I do commission(custom)paintings also, so whatever you want I can paint for you within your price range ❤️ With the holiday season coming up, it will be great to gift someone with personal touch 😊
Nov 24Reply
k8e_treasures Thank you for the five star rating. Knowing that you are happy with your package means I have achieved my intended goal. Please continue to visit my closet for exciting new listings. :)
Nov 30Reply
bettinablalock Your babies are precious!! You’re amazing for taking care and fostering these babies. God bless you for doing it!!
Jan 27Reply
crafteelinda490 Thanks for following my closet. I have shared some of yours. Stay safe and God bless.
Apr 10Reply
bestbargain @crafteelinda490 God bless you too my dear & thank you!!! Dee :)
Apr 10Reply
carmenwoollums Thank you for the follow 💛 God bless ✝️
Apr 10Reply
bestbargain @carmenwoollums You are welcome!
Apr 10Reply
crafteelinda490 Thanks you sooo much for all of the shares. I really appreciate it. God bless. And thank you for the rescues. I have a couple myself.
Apr 10Reply
i_twirl_4_u @bestbargain Hi there. Do buyers get ratings? If so, how do I go about seeing them? Sorry to bug you. Thank you so much!
Apr 14Reply
bestbargain @i_twirl_4_u No, No bother... There is no such option in the Poshmark app, though I do believe some other platforms do actually have it in place. Dee :)
Apr 14Reply
littlepeachxo hi i’m having a huge sale! everything is under $10 + discounted shipping! and all bundles are 50% off. i need everything gone! -peach ♡
Apr 28Reply
petra_muse the items you have offered me are Perfecr please Bundle them I get paid tomorrow
Jun 09Reply
bestbargain @petra_muse That sounds wonderful! I just sent your 50% off Offer with Free Shipping! 💚Dee💜
Jun 09Reply
rtroop Thanks for the five star rating! Enjoy your purse :)
Jul 09Reply
martinbd6029 Hi I hope that you will check out my closet
Jul 12Reply
bamfshades what's up posh fam!
Aug 14Reply
bestbargain @bamfshades I love your cat! 💚Dee💜
Aug 14Reply
grammiesusu Could you combine shipping and refund paid 7.45 on Catherine’s 4x blue and white top and Carol Lee pink 4x 22 I just purchased and paid for? Thanks in advance for your help.
Sep 02Reply
bestbargain @grammiesusu Oh I see what happened Ill ship in 1 box and email Poshmark Support that only 1 label was used. Thank you for your order! 💚Dee💜
Sep 02Reply
grammiesusu Thanks! Looking forward to getting both tops!
Sep 03Reply
trishadi Thank you for the follow ❤️
Sep 19Reply
mmimmalove Hi friend! Thank you for follow, like or share my closet. Hope you are enjoy Poshmark. Good luck and many blessings!😉
Oct 29Reply
snwluxury Greetings! Thank you for the follow. 🤗 When you have a moment, please check out my closet. I’m constantly adding new items and I’m sure you will find something that you love! ❤️ Happy shopping!! 🛍
Dec 27Reply
yoga4joy Wow amazing amount of listings and sales! How many do you guys list per day and how long have you been at it? Sending good vibes and posh love from Washington 🙏💖Joy ☮️☺️🌻
Apr 10Reply
bestbargain @yoga4joy You have my deepest sympathy for the loss of your dear sister my dear. I hope this day will bring only the best memories for you. We are in S. TX. I have been actively listing for 3 years but have hit some walls and kept going. A LOT of Why Did I Ever Start This? for Sure! lol Sincerely, Dee :)
Apr 10Reply
yoga4joy @bestbargain Wow thank you so much. It’s been 2 years today at 9am... I try to focus on her life before she was bed ridden.. I miss her so deeply. I heard that posh has a plateau around 200k a year no matter what you do, I wonder how true that is?! so anyone I know who makes over that is on the bay. I’m addicted to posh, so i want to realign my habits. My goal for this year is 50k
Apr 10Reply
yoga4joy @bestbargain so I need to up my game on here times a bunch haha but I think I can do it if I start listing about 30 items a day instead of my sad average I don’t even want to share lol. Thank you so much for the lovely msg and encouragement, I need kindness today so I fully accept. Bless your heart Dee. Thank u lovely wishing you abundance xo 😃💖Joy
Apr 10Reply
bestbargain @yoga4joy I can help you x-list from PM to the other platform and avoid the BIGGEST mistake. Just let me know ...
Apr 10Reply
yoga4joy @bestbargain Id definitely be interested to hear what you have to say! Thanks
Apr 18Reply
bestbargain @yoga4joy I will type you a short message tomorrow that will save you some heartache. Happy Easter! Dee :)
Apr 18Reply
yoga4joy @bestbargain That will be a blessing! Plz send a msg in a bundle so we can chat. Thanks for your willingness to share! My experience has been w/ a small closet under 350 i sold the same if not more and made more. Now that I have a huge variety from vintage to modern of every style & brand out there with about 900 active I actually see myself selling less which is just crazy to think about and disheartening. 💖Joy
Apr 18Reply
yoga4joy @acelestialsoul Hey, wow, I had no idea I was hosting!! I was never notified. What a shame, posh needs to be in communication with me if they want me to host! So bizarre!! You are one of many who sent me messages. I’m going to look into this. Thanks so much for reaching out to let me know! I will check you out & if you want to do the same 🙏💕 Happy Poshing & Happy Easter 🐣 💖Joy
Apr 18Reply
acelestialsoul @yoga4joy I know what you mean. I missed several hosting invitations because the notifications go to my over-taxed personal email and I just simply didn’t see them. 👀! I wish Poshmark had their own message /alert system!
Apr 18Reply
yoga4joy @acelestialsoul they need to get it together!!!! So frustrating to miss things like offers for instance as well bc I have thousands of updates in any given day
Apr 18Reply
yoga4joy @acelestialsoul I mean I know there is an offer tab but it shows all the offers I’ve sent too and that’s a mess of offers each day, not something I feel like sorting thru. They need to make done changes
Apr 18Reply
bestbargain @adoringstyles OK will do & you too! Dee ;)
May 04Reply
shyenneworle183 hi, just wanted to say you're welcome to check out my closet and make an offer or a bundle on anything you like. all fall and winter items must go! send me your offers and make your bundles! get free shipping on orders of 35 or more, all others get 4.99 shipping! take 15% off electronics, shirts are 4 for 25! get same or next day shipping on everything! check out my other listings for more deals!
Jun 05Reply
stocktonlaw100 Hi favorite shoppers, I’m currently running a special pick any 10 items $12.00 & under for $40.00 & discounted shipping. Happy poshing!
Aug 07Reply
marianaprivy @bestbargain :)
Aug 08Reply
bestbargain @krissyany Luv your closet! Have a wonderful day!!! Dee :)
Sep 21Reply
jonathanc209 Hi do you have another pair of those boys size 16 OTB convertible cargo pants with a 30 waist?
Oct 11Reply
bestbargain @jonathanc209 Just the 1 pair. Dee :)
Oct 11Reply
coracoller Hi Dede❄️ How are you? I'm Cora wanted to Thank you for following me I really appreciate it. I shared some of your closet as a Thank you. Wishing you and yours a Fantabulous Thanksgiving filled with all the blessings you and yours so richly deserve. Love your fur baby ❤️
Nov 20Reply
bestbargain @coracoller Thank you my dear! Same Happy Thanksgiving this year to you and yours. I love your toys!!! Dee :)
Nov 20Reply
missink3383 🎉🥳Happy New Years🥳🎊🥰 🌻Hi Dee & Sophia🌞 aww all fur babies are family ❤️ 🥰 Such a Unique & Fun Closet ✨🫶✨ 🌠Wishing u many speedy $ales🌠 🍀🌞🌈☁️🥰🍀🌞🌈☁️🍀 🫶🏻SerahLyn🪷
Feb 10Reply
missink3383 🥰 Thank u for Follow & Share💕 Miss-Ink's cordially invites u to 🛍️ Shop w/Confidence with a... 5⭐Seller & Posh Ambassador 2 🥰❤️Many brands & sizes to choose from. Love giving deals~ Bundle 2+ For Big $avings 😊 Replies within a timely manner💕 I Offer Quality items, Authentic brands, honest, and affordable prices. 🛍️ Shop by maybe find a treasure for yourself, loved one, or friend. 😊 Thank you 💕 🫶🏻 SerahLyn🖤Miss-ink's
Feb 10Reply
nicholasobrien Would you take $15.00 with $5.95 shipping for the Nike white Camo long shorts medium men?
Feb 16Reply
cleopatra_vault Hi, thanks for following! 🐆🌿🥂 Best of luck with sales ✨️ Nice to meet you.
Feb 20Reply
jam102 For your dcl nike polo, would you be able to send me the last offer you sent me again that poshmark would then offer discounted shipping? I would be interested in accepting the last offer if poshmark could extend discounted shipping. Thanks
Mar 10Reply
jam102 I don’t think it worked, because the offer wasn’t the same and shipping wasn’t discounted.
Mar 10Reply
bestbargain @jam102 ? you can please counter the Offer out there... Dee
Mar 10Reply
kitsune_13 Oh Hai! Thanks for the follow and in advance of hopefully the sharesies! I hope you can peruse my closet and find a possible new favorite 🙂 cheers & have a great day!
Mar 31Reply
cutehosiery @bestbargain Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Apr 14Reply
bestbargain @cutehosiery Thank you so much for your kind words. Times are strange with sales in any field right now, but we keep trying. It is all we can do. Same to you my dear. Dee :)
Apr 14Reply
dulciesdelites Aw!! Thanks for following me🐶🐾
Aug 29Reply
julissazelaya Hello Poshers! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️ I offer a lot of beautifuls and fashion charms for bracelets and necklaces, 18 Gold plated over stainless steel tarnish resistant and S925 jewelry trendy, modern, perfect for fashion girls or an elegant gift!🍸 🌟 I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️ Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
Oct 24Reply
alohasunnybeach Thank you for the wonderful shares you are fabulous 🥰🌸🥰💕🎉🌺happy posting doll!
Oct 28Reply
bestbargain @alohasunnybeach Thanks, I love your closet!!! Dee :)
Oct 28Reply
frolicaholic Awe ty for sharing…. Just thought I’d stop and say happy Saturday to you. I love your style and fashion aesthetic…. 💃🏼🙏🫵🤘🤩
Sep 28Reply
smilez22222 Hello and Thank You for Following my Closet! 🦋🙂🦋
Oct 03Reply
Jan 21Reply

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