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Updated Mar 24
Updated Mar 24

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I'm always open to offers! I won't be offended. You never know if you don't try! :) Let me know if you have any questions as you are looking at my closet. Amber
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craysexycool @dressedbyamber Hi I would like to invite you to a fabulous share group I’m currently involved in. It’s a great share group and will boost your sales and followers tremendously.. Give us a try. Please 💕 look it up it’s footcandy
Apr 08Reply
craysexycool @dressedbyamber Hi I’m andrea, nice to meet you amber. Ok this share group is a weekly share group everyday you shared different group and a different proud also share your closet. After your done share the 6 people in that group for that day. You tag your @Group leader and let them know that you shared for that particular day. That’s it your closet gain so much exposer and your followers increase tremendously.. I think you will be a great person that share with us..
Apr 08Reply
dressedbyamber @jmt9088 Hi Jarinil! I just wanted to say thanks for using my referral code! Did you watch one of my youtube videos? Also, your baby is adorable! -Amber
Jun 16Reply
jmt9088 @dressedbyamber hello! You’re welcome :) to be honest I was just looking to buy a dress on Poshmark and I wanted to support someone with a referral code (as a new blogger I know those affiliate and referral links are so important!) so I searched “poshmark” on YouTube and your “listing 32 pairs of jeans” video came up as the top five and was interesting so I used your code in the description. I didn’t even know that I would get $5 off my order, just happy to support an amazing content creator :)
Jun 16Reply
dressedbyamber @jmt9088 wow, thank you! That is awesome. I can't believe my video came up as one of the first 5. I just recently started making content so it makes me so happy that they are recommending my videos. How can i view your blog? I will check it out. Thanks again!
Jun 16Reply
jmt9088 @dressedbyamber awesome! You are doing great :) My blog is for mothers so I am not sure if you will be interested, but you can check it out if you want, I am at You are so sweet, thanks! Best of luck to you ;)
Jun 18Reply
dressedbyamber @jmt9088 Thanks! I'm not a mother yet but hopefully someday!
Jun 18Reply
elitefinds Loved your video on Youtube about your package from Statesplace. Keep the videos coming.
Jun 20Reply
thebellwether Awesome no-nonsense, data driven YouTube vids. Refreshing in what can be a very odd reseller world...
Jun 21Reply
dressedbyamber @thebellwether @elitefinds Thank you both! I'm so glad people are enjoying my videos! I have quite a few more ideas. :)
Jun 22Reply
wlooboy Just caught your States Crate Video. Great job. Go Panthers! -Wlooboy
Jun 22Reply
ensmitty Hi, and thanks for the follow🤗. I’ve seen a few of your YouTube videos.....great job, and keep up the good work!
Jun 24Reply
styledhanger @dressedbyamber I just started watching your YouTube and life your videos!!❤️❤️
Jun 28Reply
dressedbyamber @styledhanger Thank you!! I'm glad you like them!
Jul 01Reply
styledhanger @dressedbyamber ☺️❤️❤️
Jul 01Reply
2ndchancegypsy Thank you for the shares! Ive been watching your You Tube videos. Love them! Keep em coming! ❤❤❤
Jul 02Reply
itsallhungup Saw you on YouTube and have really enjoyed your videos. I started using Poshmark in April so I feel like we are on this journey together. Looking forward to more videos as we both grow our closet.
Jul 06Reply
coquetish Love your youtube videos!!😊
Jul 25Reply
lily_mayy I love your YouTube amber! Thanks for the shares. Your closet is goals😭❤️
Aug 03Reply
dressedbyamber @lily_mayy Thank you Lily! It makes me so happy that so many people are interested in the videos im making on youtube!
Aug 03Reply
dressedbyamber @farmer9989 Thanks for your shares as well!
Aug 09Reply
cdornerfitness Hey hey!! Found you on YouTube and your videos are awesome!! Keep up the good work! Great closet! I will share a bit for ya!
Aug 18Reply
dressedbyamber @chrissydeals Thanks for the shares! I shared some of yours as well-love the Vince sweater!
Aug 18Reply
jenniferlknnc I'm a subscriber on your YouTube channel. Thanks for inspiring me to getting on the posh train. I've been on Ebay for 9 years and I'm trying to get use to the sharing and offers. It's not a good idea to make a offer (24 hrs) ...window when I'm also selling on 2 platforms so that's something that I need to figure out. Thanks for your videos. Jennifer
Aug 19Reply
dressedbyamber @jenniferlknnc I'm glad my videos are helping! I really want to get on ebay at some point. Two things about Ebay sound very appealing. 1) Being able to list your items and then leave them. Aka not having to share to make sales and 2) Not having to list higher than you want. On poshmark, almost every sale is through an offer so I always list like $5 or $10 higher than what I would accept.
Aug 19Reply
jenniferlknnc Hey Girl!🙋‍♀️ Hope you are well, I saw you hadn't shared your closet alot today, so shared alot of it for you! Jennifer 🤗
Aug 23Reply
dressedbyamber @jenniferlknnc Thank you so much!i just got home from work! I'll share yours now. :)
Aug 23Reply
jenniferlknnc @dressedbyamber You're welcome 🤗 Have a great day!
Aug 23Reply
bricksbargains @craysexycool How can I find your share group? I would love to do something like that. I'am always looking for new people to share and help boost us both :)
Aug 25Reply
itsallhungup Thanks for the shares. I am currently watching the live video you made on YouTube. I really enjoy your channel.
Aug 25Reply
dressedbyamber @itsallhungup Thank you for sharing my closet as well!
Aug 25Reply
troystrove Love your closet and Youtube channel🤗
Aug 25Reply
dressedbyamber @troystrove Thank you! Did you create a "big hanger" from one of Ralli Roots videos? Your pictures look very nice!
Aug 25Reply
troystrove @dressedbyamber I sure did, it has worked well! Love Ralli Roots content too.
Aug 25Reply
stylethrifting Wow, thanks for the large amount of shares. Greatly appreciated! Have a wonderful day!!! Good selling...
Aug 25Reply
luv2026 @dressedbyamber hi! I just saw one of your videos and think you’re doing great! Love your stats. Best of luck and happy Poshing! 😊💝
Aug 28Reply
dressedbyamber @luv2026 Thank you! Happy poshing to you as well!
Aug 28Reply
crooked_hook Hi Amber😊 Thanks for your share!
Sep 02Reply
jenniferlknnc Hey Amber 🙋‍♀️, Happy Labor Day tomorrow 💖Jenn
Sep 03Reply
amelogenin Thank you so much for your shares! I just found your Youtube channel and subscribed! I really love your videos. Keep it up :)
Sep 04Reply
dressedbyamber @amelogenin Thank you so much and thanks for subscribing!
Sep 04Reply
dressedbyamber @itstibetgal Thank you for watching my videos and for the shares!
Sep 10Reply
foundbystitches Thanks for all of the sharing! Love your Youtube Channel :)
Sep 11Reply
stylethrifting Amber. I greatly appreciate all the shares. I have been sharing groups of your closet to help out and to thank you for the content and the work you put into your videos. Just wanted to respond and let you know that we are not expecting you to share as much, your videos mentioned you have some schooling going on, so we would understand if you cant share. Thank you again.
Sep 12Reply
dressedbyamber @stylethrifting I always watch an episode of tv at the end of the night to relax and wind-down, and I share while I watch. I already got 5 hours of studying in today! I really, really appreciate the shares!
Sep 12Reply
stylethrifting @dressedbyamber Awesome. Thank you so much for the shares as well! Never hurts to help one another. Have a great evening and best of luck on your tests!!
Sep 12Reply
dressedbyamber @stitches727 You're welcome and thank you!
Sep 12Reply
dressedbyamber @itstibetgal No problem! Thank you for sharing mine as well!
Sep 12Reply
littlebitsco Hello :) just wanted to pop over like so many others and say i appreciate how down to earth and real you are in your youtube videos!!
Sep 16Reply
dressedbyamber @grimmonpre Thank you! I sincerely appreciate it!
Sep 16Reply
theuncommonwild Hey girl! Just stumbled upon one of your Youtube videos. Are you on Instagram as well? If so, look me up...Foxy Hanger on Insta. I think we may have started out around the same time and would love to chat and share things that are/are not working for both of us. If interested, definitely swing by and say hi :)
Oct 29Reply
c_sporing Thank you for all your shares ❤️ I watch your YouTube videos 🤗
Nov 04Reply
dressedbyamber @cweiss03 Hi! I do not have a reseller Instagram yet! I do have a personal one though. I'll follow you on that one until i make a reseller instagram! Love the name! Ive been waiting to create an instagram because I'm trying to decide if I want to stick with Amber Resells, DressedByAmber, or come up with something completely different.
Nov 04Reply
dressedbyamber @c_sporing Absolutely, no problem! Stay tuned because I should have a new video posted today!
Nov 04Reply
redeemedarray Hi Amber! I watch your YouTube channel - awesome content! I’ve been a reseller the past year and need to sell off all of my inventory. I thought I’d reach out to you incase you’re interested in any or all (I’m willing to consider any offers) Most is NWT. If not interested, do you know of any other resellers who may be? Thanks and wishing you the very best! Anne 💕☺️
Nov 05Reply
dressedbyamber @redeemedarray Hi Anne! I'm definitely interested in hearing more. Can you email me at and we can talk more? Thanks for thinking of me!
Nov 05Reply
thriftedstudio Thank you for all the shares!! Blessings!
Nov 16Reply
spookyheartsg hello again friend. watched ur 100 sales in 100 days really love your content thank U
Nov 17Reply
meant2bemine Thanks for your videos. Helps A lot! ❤️
Dec 31Reply
dressedbyamber @heatherslaminsk You're welcome! I'm glad you found them helpful!
Dec 31Reply
buttonandzip Thanks for the posh Love 🤗
Jan 09Reply
dressedbyamber @mommejia You're welcome!I wanted to see what you've been listing during the challenge so I figured I could share while I browsed!
Jan 09Reply
allieclaire1214 Hey lady! I love watching your YouTube videos and wanted to let you know I have some awesome mystery boxes listed in my closet! I’d love to sell you one and I think you’d be really happy with it 🎉⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Jan 16Reply
charmingchar18 Hi Amber! I love your videos! Thank you for all the helpful and useful advise- I appreciate you! <3
Jan 18Reply
dressedbyamber @charmingchar18 Thank you! You are welcome! Thanks for watching!
Jan 18Reply
nlsc13 Hi Amber. I shared your closet. I watch and love yourYouTube videos! Thanks for sharing your experiences!
Jan 31Reply
dressedbyamber @nlsc13 you're welcome! Thank you for sharing my closet!
Jan 31Reply
nlsc13 Thank you for your honest videos!
Jan 31Reply
nebettyboop @dressedbyamber Hey Amber 🙋‍♀️ I'm Lissette 😉 Just Stopping By To Say Thank You For Your Videos, I Appreciate The Content 🤗 Happy Poshing 🥳🥳🥳
Feb 21Reply
whitleymichelle @dressedbyamber Hey girl! Thanks for the follow back!! I just found you on YouTube and enjoyed a little binge watching! 😀😀😂😂
Mar 12Reply
dressedbyamber @whitleymichelle Oh cool! thanks for watching!
Mar 12Reply
dressedbyamber @poshismypurpose You are welcome!! Thank you for watching!
Mar 12Reply
spookyheartsg a hello hello friend how are u love watching u ON YT wishing u a awesome spring!
Mar 18Reply
dressedbyamber @spookyheartsg Thanks Lilly! I hope you have an awesome spring as well!
Mar 19Reply
vibeunderground Hi Amber, just stopping by to follow your closet and many THANKS for your video on sharing! I'm new but I'm aware of the social aspect of Poshmark and was looking for answers on how to do it effectively and efficiently before investing a lot of time listing inventory with no results. 😁👍
Mar 22Reply
stylzbydanib @dressedbyamber Hey sweetie🤗 I have been a Posher since 2015 however; I just started becoming a reseller about a year ago now & I am 4% away from becoming a Posh Ambassador 👐🏻 I offer 15% off on any 4 or more items bundled plus I send a free gift w/ every purchase ❤ I have been watching your YouTube videos and I love your unboxing videos of other Poshers! I notice how you advertise their seller name👍🏻
May 28Reply
stylzbydanib @dressedbyamber I would absolutely LOVE it if you were able to find something you like from my closet and do an unboxing or even if you have any tips or suggestions about the style of my closet ❤I have a mix of gently used still in good condition and new items. I will be posting more items in the next few days🤗 I share my items 3-9 times a day and I still only get 1-2 sales a month if im lucky 🤷🏼‍♀️I try to have a wide range selection of items for everyone out there.
May 28Reply
stylzbydanib @dressedbyamber I wonder what am I doing wrong or not doing? You have me totally sold on trying to find myself some lucky brand flats🤣 Happy Poshing❤
May 28Reply
ladyjayne225 Hi Amber. I follow you here and on YouTube. I’ve got two questions for you if you have time. What’s with all the Not For Sale items at the bottom of your closet? Could you do a video on your “cute” packaging and shipping? Also do you have any current tips for getting sales. I had a big sale of 56 items at $10 each and only had 3 sales. I’m sharing my entire 320+ items each like crazy at least 3-4 times a day usually during parties. I’m going nuts!!! Thanks!!! Jane😊 @ladyjayne225
Jul 17Reply
alilypad @dressedbyamber Hi! Just watched one of your videos on YouTube. Great job! Good info, well organized and great presentation! Thanks!
Jul 27Reply
dressedbyamber @alilypad Thank you! Love your Poshmark closet name!
Jul 27Reply
dfmarketing Hi Amber, thank you for sharing my closet I truly appreciate it😊. Merry Christmas 🎄 and have a wonderful and successful 2020🎉✨
Dec 30Reply
dressedbyamber @dfmarketing Thank you for the shares as well! Happy 2020!
Dec 30Reply
fine_apple_btq Amber!!!!!! Thank you so much for your purchase! 💕. I will ship it first thing in the morning!!! Thank you so much again! 🙏🏼
Mar 27Reply
dressedbyamber @fine_apple Absolutely! Glad you had some things that I love!
Mar 27Reply
katethegr81 I just found your channel and love watching your videos! So helpful to see other people's tips and style for us relatively new poshers. Thanks!
Apr 22Reply
dressedbyamber @katethegr81 Glad you are finding it helpful! thanks for watching!
Apr 22Reply

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