SUMMER CLEARANCE‼️ Jaedyn Distressed White Denim
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FINAL RESTOCK‼️It’s time to break out those white jeans! Love the destructive details of this pair. From my favorite closet brand that always has an amazing fit! I can’t get enough of the detailing on the ankle. Another pair you don’t want to miss! Preorder to snag your size. Priced at $54.
▪️Material: 69% Cotton 21% Polyester 8% Rayon 2% Spandex
▫️8.5” Rise with a 27” inseam
▪️Use the “buy now” or “add to bundle” to purchase

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Feb 20Reply

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Feb 20Reply

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Feb 20Reply

@eyecandybydidi hi well yep size 5 please lol 😇
Feb 20Reply

@busterdarlene Lol... you got it hon 💕
Feb 20Reply

@eyecandybydidi oooooo these are damn cute!!! 😍😍😍😍 what's going on girl??? Sorry I been freaking so sick it sux I can't shake this crap, got over stomach bug now have a flu type crap smfh
Feb 20Reply

@bean5669 Oh man that is NO fun!! I've actually been battling it too 😬 and doing some remodel at the house and super busy. I haven't had a second to chill 😫
Feb 20Reply

@eyecandybydidi I kno there's so much damn crap going around and we all keep passing it around between my mom, grandma, niece, Gianni and me and even the dogs at both houses!! Ridiculous!! Bc of my immune system crap just lingers too so it sux...smh...damn hope u feel better so much crap this week, Giannis bday wed & his party this wkend
Feb 20Reply

@bean5669 I hate that it's like once it goes from you to the others than back again and it's like a never ending circle 😡 hopefully you guys start feeling better as well!! That's exciting though. Get to celebrate your little man!! Wishing him a happy bday 🎉
Feb 20Reply

@eyecandybydidi yep esp w/ all these diff bugs going around...snow storm and ice yesterday now 70 degrees tomorrow smh...yeah 9th bday!! Crazy lol...thank u! Hope u feel better too! These are so cute tho, the blend seems like the super super soft too! I can't wait to catch up on stuff so I can buy some spring/summer pieces lol
Feb 20Reply

@bean5669 Wow getting big!! And thank you I'm about to get to bed because I'm feeling terrible but trying to get this stuff boxed and ready 😔 just have to try and do the rest tomorrow cause I'm over it!! Hope u feel better soon too!!
Feb 20Reply

@bean5669 I get so nervous doing white jeans but these I had to grab and this blend usually always has the best stretch!! I know can't believe it's already time to start thinking of spring 😬 alright luv feel better, I'm off to bed. We will catch up soon 💕
Feb 20Reply

@eyecandybydidi me too ok we'll chat soon!! 😘😘
Feb 20Reply

@bean5669 😘😘
Feb 20Reply

@eyecandybydidi are these KC’s is so pls reserve 3 pls
Feb 20Reply

@gretakerr Yes ma’am I’ll snag the 3 for you 👌
Feb 20Reply

@eyecandybydidi perfect!!! I’m trying to talk @bella_row into these!!! Tell her u can never have too many white jeans 👖 loll
Feb 20Reply

@gretakerr @bella_row lol... that's very true!! I'm obsessed right now with that distressed look at the ankle 😬 so def wanted a pair!! Plus it has the same percentage stretch as the ones we loved! So I'm hoping they are. NIce and stretchy!!
Feb 20Reply

@eyecandybydidi they remind me of the first kancans
Feb 20Reply

@gretakerr Oh they do look like the first... Yay,,
Feb 20Reply

@eyecandybydidi yes I HAVE yo have these!! Loll
Feb 20Reply

@gretakerr I know I'm so excited 🎉 my jean fetish is thriving right now with all these new jeans!
Feb 20Reply

@eyecandybydidi will u reserve a 1 too. I have a feeling she would regret not getting these.
Feb 20Reply

@gretakerr Sure thing!! Yea I think you're right because they have the same blend as the other ones she loved! So I'm hoping they fit just as good!
Feb 20Reply

@eyecandybydidi I totally agree about jeans!!! I’ve had this fetish for a while I’m just glad these are cheaper!! Hahaaaaaa
Feb 20Reply

@gretakerr I know!! Def wouldn't have as many if I was getting the 200 a pair jeans!
Feb 20Reply

@eyecandybydidi put that 1 in my bundle!! Oh I’m excited!!
Feb 20Reply

@gretakerr Will do 👌 me too!
Feb 20Reply

@eyecandybydidi thank god for Nordstrom rack or hautelook!!! I’ve stayed outta desiel for a little 😳😜
Feb 20Reply

@gretakerr I actually have not tried Haute look but love Nordstrom rack... I need to check out the other one. May be a tad scary 😬
Feb 20Reply

@eyecandybydidi hautelook is better!! Cheaper. And everyday at 11 the sales start and will last for only 2-3 days and stuff sells fast. But super easy to return at Nordstrom rack. Lolll it’s great if u like certain brands. I buy a lot of joes and free ppl and house stuff
Feb 20Reply

@gretakerr Ooh so gonna check them out. I do love Nordstrom but sometimes it's hit or miss with them. But yea my favorite has always been citizens. They just fit the best on me.
Feb 20Reply

@eyecandybydidi you can go on the app and put that brand in the tool bar and it’ll pop up. Plus you’ll see what’s going to be on the next days loll I have my mother hooked on it too. Sometimes things take a while to come in. That’s the only downfall it’s kinda like zulily
Feb 20Reply

@gretakerr I'm so going to check it out. That's not the only brand I like just one of my favs. It's not used stuff is it? Just like how the rack is?
Feb 20Reply

@eyecandybydidi no it’s brand new!! I luv James Pearce and I get it there like 75% off retail. Things take a little bit bc they go from manufacturers to hautelook than ship out. But I’ve bought things off there and have seen it at Nordstrom rack for more money.
Feb 20Reply

@gretakerr Wow... that's awesome! I'm definitely going to check it out!
Feb 20Reply

Hi Diane hope you’re well I was curious do you know the measurements of the size one like the waist measurements thanks hon😘
Feb 21Reply

@jenfab2007 Hey luv, all is good and I hope things are doing better for you 💕 I don’t have them yet but they are on the way. This brand is always exact though, so she be a 24” waist prestretch then has 2-3” stretch. But I will double check as soon as they’re in 👌
Feb 21Reply

@eyecandybydidi 😊 Thank you so much
Feb 21Reply

@jenfab2007 My pleasure 💕
Feb 21Reply

Omg love love. Thinking a 5 should be OK unless u think otherwise lol.
Feb 22Reply

@nikki1431 Im thinking you should be good sticking with your true size. I have another order with one more 5 coming on Monday if you would like me to hold 👌 the vendor is out of these and won’t be restocking for a bit so I couldn’t order a ton 😝
Feb 22Reply

Yes pls
Feb 22Reply

@nikki1431 You got it 💕
Feb 22Reply

@eyecandybydidi hi love! I know you are sold out of sizes 3 and 5... are you by any chance ordering more of size 3?! I want these so bad lol. 💕💕💁🏼
Feb 22Reply

@sbock30 What stinks is I did order a few more of them and the vendor called yesterday and said they are totally out of the 3’s and couldn’t ship 😒 I know they are restocking and I will be getting more just not sure on the date as of yet unfortunately.
Feb 22Reply

@eyecandybydidi @gretakerr girl these are soooo cute but I really don’t need anymore white jeans. 😜I barely where the few I have now. 🤪 thanks for thinking of me tho 💋💋💋
Feb 22Reply

@bella_row Jeans Definitely don’t want another pair sitting in a drawer! I need to downsize my collection 😬 I’m such a pack rat with jeans! And now @gretakerr told me of another site, I’m screwed 😂
Feb 22Reply

@bella_row lolll ok momma... don’t spill anything on ur jeans loll🍷 I think I stock up on white bc there so hard to find!!! I was just looking out chica😘
Feb 22Reply

@eyecandybydidi yes exactly. Wouldn’t want those beauties going to waist either. ☹️. Yes, I know that site very well. @gretakerr is a great shopper! She can find you anything at the best prices too! She has great style 😎
Feb 22Reply

@bella_row I don't know how I missed it but I'm going to be in big trouble for sure!! Yes she does and I love that you have your own personal shopper 😉
Feb 22Reply

@gretakerr I know you were mommas😚 that’s why I LOVEEEE YOUUU 💓💓😚😚😚😚. Haha, you know me too well 🤣🍷🍷🤫🤫🤫. White just scares me because I’m such a klutz 🤪
Feb 22Reply

@eyecandybydidi @gretakerr is THE BEST personal shopper EVER! 😍🤩🤩🤩
Feb 22Reply

@bella_row me too!!! That’s why I stock up!! And I hate dingy white!! So last years white pants I’ll wear to work and rock the new ones outside of work
Feb 22Reply

@gretakerr that a good idea 💡🤗
Feb 22Reply

@bella_row thx momma!!! I really have a problem!!! I’ve taken a whole bedroom just for my closet!!! 🤦🏻♀️
Feb 22Reply

@gretakerr You are my idol 😉
Feb 22Reply

@eyecandybydidi @gretakerr 🤣🤣🤣👆🏼👆🏼🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽yasss
Feb 22Reply

@jenfab2007 Hey hon, These are here and do measure 24” pre stretch 👌
Feb 23Reply

@dhp444 Just Added 💕
Feb 23Reply

Thx sweetie!! Not sure why I am even shopping for jeans lol I have tons!!!!😉 do want those heeled sandals though💖
Feb 23Reply

@jenfab2007 No such thing as too many jeans 😉 clearly I have jean issues 😬 yea those shoes are gorgeous 💕
Feb 23Reply

Lol I have CLOTHES issues PERIOD!!!!! That's why I am not on very much anymore. Was going broke bad lol and seriously have no room for all the clothes I've bought over the last year or so...... same problem with shoes....but gotta have these😬 let me know when they arrive and I will definitely purchase💜 luv ya ttfm!!! Big hugs😘
Feb 23Reply

@jenfab2007 I know what you mean! You should list some one here maybe get some money... then you will get addicted!! Will do luv.... have a great rest of your night 💕
Feb 23Reply

@eyecandybydidi I have these on hold right? Loll I couldn’t find my listing. 🤦🏻♀️ it’s been a long day loll
Feb 23Reply

@gretakerr Yea ma'am I just made it, thought I tagged you but maybe I did the tag wrong 😬
Feb 23Reply

@eyecandybydidi loll u tagged me right!! I just didn’t see it the notifications!!
Feb 23Reply

@gretakerr No worries, glad you found it 💕
Feb 23Reply

@eyecandybydidi can I get a 1? 💖
Feb 23Reply

@dhp444 You got it 💕
Feb 23Reply

@eyecandybydidi ugh how annoying! Well, when they do eventually come in... could you tag me please?! I know it may be hard to remember lol 💁🏼💕
Feb 23Reply

@sbock30 so annoying 😒 I always go back and look so I’ll def make sure to tag you 👌
Feb 23Reply

@eyecandybydidi thank you so much!!
Feb 25Reply

@sbock30 My pleasure 💕
Feb 25Reply

These are soooo awesome my favorite yet they fit amazing 😇😇😇
Feb 27Reply

@busterdarlene Aren’t they amazing and to me the pictures are cute of course but don’t totally do them justice. They fit perfectly
Feb 27Reply

@eyecandybydidi no pictures don’t do them justice they are way more beautiful in person can’t get any more perfect 👍🏼
Feb 27Reply

@busterdarlene Totally agree!
Feb 27Reply

“In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.” - Coco Chanel ✨🌛✨🌛✨🌛✨🌛✨🌛✨🌛✨🌛✨🌛✨🌛✨🌛✨🌛✨ Congratulations! I’ve chosen your item for today’s Best in Boutiques party. Wishing you speedy sales and a great week ahead! 💫🥂💫🥂💫🥂💫🥂💫🥂💫🥂💫🥂💫🥂💫🥂💫🥂💫🥂💫🥂💫🥂💫🥂
Mar 01Reply

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Mar 01Reply

Mar 01Reply

@nikki1431 Did you still want these ones hon? I set the 5’s aside for you just in case 💕
Mar 01Reply

Yes I do! Sorry I’ve been so busy and my phone is cracked so it’s a pain. But my phone is about do die and I’m exhausted but tomorrow I’ll def purchase these & I really like those other pants too!
Mar 01Reply

@nikki1431 No rush at all hon, I know you’re good for it 💕 just tag me whenever you’re ready. Have a good night 🌙
Mar 01Reply

@eyecandybydidi hi Diane, love these! Do these have a good amount is stretch! If these are my favorite brand I would think they might. If so could you please hold A pair for me? LMK, thanks!
Mar 08Reply

@gijane66 Hey there, hope all is well 💕 they are your favorite brand and stretch is awesome 👌 they fit great. Will you remind me on size 😬 And I’ll pull for you.
Mar 08Reply

@eyecandybydidi in great thank you! The issues over over had in the past is that white jeans tend to run smaller for me? If these are true to size I'll take the 5 since they have stretch.
Mar 08Reply

@gijane66 I have that same problem. These do have great stretch as seem to be true to size. I think you should be good sticking with the 5 👍
Mar 08Reply

@eyecandybydidi what? I thought it was just me. I hk the fabric content on white hand are different
Mar 08Reply

@eyecandybydidi oh my gosh sorry about my texting. Terrible! OK, gosh perhaps I should take the 7 just in case?
Mar 08Reply

@gijane66 Nope 😊 I’ve always had that issue with white, feel like I have to size way up to wear them or it’s not cute 😝
Mar 08Reply

@gijane66 Lol.... I’ve actually gotten very good at reading and understanding texts because I’m terrible 😬 size 7 it is 👍
Mar 08Reply

@eyecandybydidi ha ha!
Mar 08Reply

If you get these is a 26 or 27 please tag me.
Mar 11Reply

@shaygreen5 I have them in the 26, it's just at the end for some reason and out of order 😬
Mar 11Reply

Confused about the sizing
Mar 24Reply

@ckwhit This brand gives both junior sizing and women’s sizing on their jeans.
Mar 24Reply

So how do I know what size to get? Is that in inches?
Mar 24Reply

@ckwhit It is, so the 26” is a true 26” waist. What size do you normally wear?
Mar 24Reply

Well, I’ll have to measure because I had a baby and haven’t lost the weight yet and haven’t bought new paints yet... just leggings which are easy
Mar 24Reply

@ckwhit I know how that is! Jeans can be more difficult to figure out after a baby 😊 just let me know and I’ll help you figure out the best 👍
Mar 24Reply

Thank you!!!
Mar 24Reply

@ckwhit You're welcome 💕
Mar 24Reply

@eyecandybydidi can I get a 1 please?
Apr 13Reply

@dhp444 Yes ma'am 💕
Apr 13Reply

Not sure but if this brand is Kancan are these jeans super stretchy because if they are extremely stretchy then I need a size 9 😩 but if these are just stretchy but not super stretchy then I can get an 11. 😊💕
May 02Reply

@ashtn_nicole These are kancan and they aren't the extreme stretchy ones they are known to have these have stretch but I would say you are good going with the 11 👌
May 02Reply

@eyecandybydidi thankyou I need a cute pair of white jeans
May 02Reply

@ashtn_nicole They can def be hard to find, especially some that don't show right through 😬
May 02Reply

Is the size 11 inseam 27 inches as well or is it longer? I’m just short so w as jw 💕
May 03Reply

@ashtn_nicole It's a 27" on all sizes so you should be good to go. I also like to wear these semi rolled at times too, looks super cute 👌
May 03Reply

I have purchased from you previously and I love your jeans! I would like your 1/24 and I have a 10% off coupon just don’t know how to apply!?
Aug 05Reply

@kpop1379 Hi there, I love these jeans, so comfy! You can just offer 10% less and I’ll accept 💕
Aug 05Reply

@eyecandybydidi can you discount shipping also?
Aug 05Reply

@kpop1379 sadly posh changed their features and I haven’t had a discount ship Work in months 😔
Aug 05Reply

Hey girl! I received the jeans and they are gorgeous but I ordered the wrong size, the 24s are too small. Need to return:(
Aug 09Reply

@kpop1379 What a bummer 😔 Sorry to hear that. Unfortunately posh doesn’t allow returns, their policy is to re-posh.
Aug 09Reply

I love this outfit!! It is styled very well❤️
Aug 18Reply

@saramck1 I agree looks so good together 💕 thanks. So much
Aug 18Reply
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