Meet your Posher, Jana
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Hi! I'm Jana. I’m a simple Mn country gal. I’m a wife, momma and guardian. I love to can, thrift, garage sale and auction. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment. Happy Poshing :)

123 others
like this

Welcome to Poshmark!
Feb 21Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! If you need any help with anything please don't hesitate to reach out! Have fun poshing!
Jan 24Reply

Hey! Welcome to Poshmark! 😊
Jan 24Reply

@bozclothing thank you
Jan 25Reply

@dressingdoris thank you
Jan 25Reply

@bozclothing thank you
Jan 25Reply

I am so glad you wandered into my closet I have a little bit of everything as you can prolly tell! So grateful for weight loss hypnosis, I am now an 8 from a Size 24W! What you see are all the items in between those so many never worn we launder all untagged and have all tagged steamed for great pics! Live with a house full of Fashionista's! We love to shop! Please send offers as I prepare to take the hardest working man I know on Vacation!!!
Jan 30Reply

You are just too precious
Jan 30Reply

@jeanfinder thank you
Feb 03Reply

Hi Beautiful! Welcome!!!
Feb 07Reply

Great pics!
Feb 11Reply

@gekeysha hello to you also!! 😁
Feb 11Reply

@lollypop6740 thank you
Feb 11Reply

@janaschafer blessings and favor over your closet!!!!!
Feb 11Reply

@gekeysha thank you so much. Sending blessings your way also!! 😊
Feb 11Reply

Thanks for your purchase. It will ship out Monday morning. Please visit me again sometime 😊
Mar 09Reply

@shandov7 can’t wait!!! Thank you so much!!
Mar 10Reply

Great closet! Love to know when you list more items.
Mar 25Reply

@texanposher thank you so much!!
Mar 27Reply

Welcome, Happy Poshing 🌹💕 lovely family 🌹
Apr 01Reply

Hi! My name is Maria! I am a posh ambassador, fast shipper, and top rated seller! Please feel free to check out my closet and if there's anything u r interested in purchasing feel free to make an offer or create a bundle to save and I can send u a discounted offer price!😉 thanks again and happy poshing!❤
Apr 02Reply

Thanks for sharing! I am just getting started and excited to be on Posh. Enjoy your day🌼🌼
Apr 09Reply

@pfseac You are very welcome!! Welcome to Poshmark!! It's an awesome place to be!! So many wonderful people here that want to help you succeed in your business!! I wish you all the best and if there is anything that I can do to help, please don't hesitate to contact me!! Have a great day!! :)
Apr 09Reply

Thanks for the follow Jana💕
May 01Reply

@lpoole0814 you are welcome! Happy Poshing!
May 01Reply

@erikabob today there was a shoe party so I shared to the party and to my followers. Happy poshing!!
May 06Reply

Hi there:
I wanted to let you know that I am currently offering a 50% OFF EVERY ITEM IN MY CLOSET. Sale ends tonight at MIDNIGHT so don’t miss out. ❤️😀
If you see items that you like just add them to a bundle and either send me a 50% off offer and I will accept or let me know when the bundle is complete and I will send you the 50% off discount.
❤️Happy Poshing.❤️
Cami 😀
May 07Reply

Good evening Jan. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
May 20Reply

Thanks for the shares 💕 Make sure to check out the rest of my closet! i am cleaning out my closet after having a baby ❤️ I make great bundle deals read my reviews ❤️ All offers accepted 👍
free shipping this week only for bundles over 3 items !
Jun 20Reply

Hi Jana I just started, you have a great collection!
I’d love for you to share my closet, I’m really enjoying posting so far.
Jul 02Reply

Thank you for choosing to follow my closet. I browsed your closet and love your selection and layout. I hope you have much success.
Jul 08Reply

Hi Jana, thanks for the follow! Are you related to any Schafers in Bismark/Flasher, ND? Schafer’s my maiden name 😊
Jul 11Reply

@lizlevine hi. Thank you for following. I don’t think we have relation there. But you never know. It is a small world. 😊
Jul 15Reply

@janaschafer 😊
Jul 15Reply

Welcome to Poshmark We are two cousins that share a closet together.. We love offers and have reasonable prices.. We have a variety of different sizes..Feel free to look around in our closet.. You have a beautiful family..I seen a few things of interest in your closet..I am gonna do a bundle..Have a good evening 😊
Jul 17Reply

@2girls2122 thank you so much for your kind words and order. You have a lovely closet also. Happy poshing!!
Jul 17Reply

Jul 17Reply

@lizlevine no I don’t believe so.
Jul 17Reply

@2ndhandtreasure 👍😃
Jul 17Reply

@janaschafer ❤️
Jul 17Reply

@janaschafer Your welcome have a great evening 😊
Jul 17Reply

Hi! You have a really cute closet! Wishing you tons of quick sales. Hope you have the most amazing rest of your day! Happy poshing! God bless!🙂🍍✨🌌🌅🌞⛱🌹🌻🌼
Jul 19Reply

Hi! Thank you so much for the follow! Wishing you an amazing Sun-FUN-Day! -Aimee ✨🌙
Jul 28Reply

Glad you're here! Take a peek inside my closet and you will find new and pre-owned clothing for men and women, purses, jewelry and home decor! Hope you find something you like! Wherever you shop, enjoy yourself. Blessings and be well!! 😄
Aug 19Reply

Welcome to PoshMark! ⭐️🌟💫Please let me know if you have any questions. 😊
Aug 21Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! I sell both men and women's clothing. Feel free to visit my closet and any questions. Happy Poshing!
Aug 24Reply

Thank you so much for stopping by and following my closet 😊🌺🥰
Happy Poshing🛍🛍
Aug 28Reply

Hi Jana! Thanks for following my closet!😊
Sep 02Reply

Welcome to Stop By anytime 🎀
Sep 04Reply

Thank you so much for the follow! My sister and I are raising money for my son to go to Washington DC. Please check out her closet for the majority of our listings.
Sep 04Reply

Nice to see someone with the same name :-). Where are you from originally? I am from the Czech Republic where this name is very common.
Sep 11Reply

@jolivova hi there!! I am from Minnesota. My name is pronounced with a long a so jayna is what it sounds like.
Sep 11Reply

@janaschafer Wow, so interesting. Never heard of that pronunciation before. Very cool! I am pronounced Yana.
Sep 11Reply

Pick any two items to get 15% off your entire purchase. You will get a brand new duffle bag and a jewelry grab bag valued at $10 with a purchase of two or three item bundle
Sep 13Reply

Love love your pictures! Adding flowers and greenery is such a beautiful idea and I’m picking up tips from more experienced poshers!! Wishing you all the success and check out my closet!
Sep 16Reply

@mimi_mckenzie thank you so much!! I’ve been doing some investigation and I think using a white background is better and try to get rid of as many shadows as possible. I got the greenery from thrift stores. A great closet to check out is haley’s_hanger. She has good ideas and is a big seller. Also share your closet a lot as well as others. Blessings to you and happy poshing!!! Gotta love it!!! ❤️
Sep 16Reply

Also try to find stock photos on google etc. your care tags will give you item numbers. Also a good description in the search bar will sometime get the right photo for you. 😊
Sep 16Reply

Thank You for visiting and following my closet Jana, please let me know if you have any questions. Have a Poshin Day! 😁
Sep 18Reply

💜Thank you for checking out my closet😘 I am happy to help promote your efforts💐💐🌸I only want to share🌺, care🌸 and be respectful🥰 💐😇🛍 Happy Poshing☀️😘 💜Be Blessed💜
Sep 18Reply

Hi Jana! I live in the Midwest too btw, so we’re neighbors. My Closet unfortunately has been extremely slow. Thx 4 the offer. Looking for a new Mentor fyi. Stay blessed! ☀️🎶❣️🎨🧶🙏🏻☮️
Sep 24Reply

Welcome happy poshing, 😀
Oct 04Reply

Great closet
Oct 04Reply

Nice items in your closet Jana! Thanks for visiting mine too! ;)
Oct 16Reply

@jocole96 Thank you!! Happy poshing!!
Oct 16Reply

@janaschafer hi, thanks for your purchase of the purse. I'll send it out tomorrow 😊
Nov 11Reply

@4everandaday I’m so excited!! Thank you and have a lovely day!! Happy poshing!!
Nov 11Reply

Thank you for following my closet! 😊🌟❤️
Nov 22Reply

Hi! Love your closet!
Nov 23Reply

@maryanndunnward thank you so much!!
Nov 23Reply

@janaschafer thanks for the follow! I followed you back! Love you items! Happy poshing!
Dec 09Reply

Lovely photos! Happy Posh!
Dec 20Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! HaPpY PoShInG! ❤❤❤
Jan 02Reply

Hey there, I am having a CLOSING CLOSET SALE. Everything has to go, all reasonable offers accepted 💕🎉
Jan 10Reply

Jane, Happy New Year!🎉🎆 Time for all new beginnings, making & appreciating friendships, as well as building a Poshing business.👜👠👔 Part of which is sharing closets 👚👗, and this can only be done with you! 👆 Thanks! 🤝💕
Jan 17Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you find as much happiness and excitement in it as we do! Feel free to browse, share and bundle! Check out my closet for NWT and NWOT! Happy Poshing! ✨❤️
Jan 19Reply

Jan 25Reply

Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing!
Feb 09Reply

Hey There! Thanks for the follow.
Feb 11Reply

Thank you for the share on my closet! Happy Poshing 🤗
Feb 11Reply

Great closet! I've only been on poshmark for a week, any tips for getting that first sale?? Thank you
Feb 14Reply

@2pioneerscloset well thank you so much! I guess I would say the most things you can do is to share your own closet and share others closets. Share alot. Join parties and follow follow follow. Don't be discouraged. It takes time. Be sure to find folks that have been poshing for a few years. Study their closets and items for sale. See how their pictures look, their descriptions, etc. I wish you all the best! If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask. Happy Poshing!
Feb 14Reply

Thank you so much for the advice! I really appreciate it!!! I will keep on keeping on😊
Feb 14Reply

Hi Jana. Thank you so much for following my closet! While I was here I viewed and shared from your closet. Happy poshing
Mar 03Reply

Thank you for following my closet! I’m running a 50% off sale starting today until next Sunday April 5. Make an offer or bundle items and I can send you an offer! 👍🏼❤️✅ please, stay safe and healthy. Next day shipping!
Mar 29Reply

hey J, I like to can using the converted method, only. We hope the LORD preserves you during these perilous times. 💎
Mar 29Reply

Thank you for the follow 🌠 Happy Poshing 💞💐!
May 03Reply

Love your closet and Bio. Thanks for the Follow!
May 11Reply

Hello! Thank you for stopping by my Poshmark closet. I carry plus size clothing👚👗👖 from Torrid, Ashley Stewart, Lane Bryant & Eloquii among others. Take a look & if interested, make an offer! Happy Poshing! 🤓
Jun 13Reply

Thanks for following me!! Feel free to look around and check out my closet!! Let me know if you have any questions! Feel free to share as well if you want! I am a new seller so it would be appreciated! Happy Poshing!
Jun 22Reply

hello My name is Katherine Vandall thank you for checking out my closet..
I am always buying for my reborns.
I am selling some of the outfits soi can some stuff we need now.
you have a wonderful day or night.. thanks again..
Jul 02Reply

hello My name is Katherine Vandall thank you for checking out my closet..
I am always buying for my reborns.
I am selling some of the outfits soi can some stuff we need now.
you have a wonderful day or night.. thanks again..
Jul 02Reply

Thanks for following 👍🏾
Jul 19Reply

You are my kind of woman. Too bad we don’t live closer to each other. We could share so many of the things you like to do. Your closet is awesome. Check mine out I have a big sale right now and will take about any offer cuz I’m having to
Close it down tomorrow for s few days for surgery. I give big discounts to people who are like me🤪!!!
Aug 03Reply

hey! feel free to check out my closet i’m doing 2-5 piece bundles for $18 with discounted or free shipping!!
Sep 24Reply

Hi I noticed that the boots you purchased have not started tracking yet. I just wanted to let you know I did get them out right away hopefully they will show as scanned soon.
Oct 29Reply

Hi lovely I would love for you to stop by my closet. For amazing deals❤️ if you have any questions please feel free to ask. happy holidays 🥰🥰
Jan 06Reply

Hello there! Thanks for shopping by my store! I am about to list 20 or so wigs, clothes, horses. Alot of different types of horses.
Jan 09Reply

Hello, thanks for following. Feel free to check out my closet. I do bundle discounts and accept all reasonable offers.
Jan 22Reply

@janaschafer Feel free to check out my modest closet
Mar 16Reply

Hi Jan. Great closet. Lots of cute stuff. Can you provide measurements on your Brown Bear Trap boots. Are they wide calf? So cute
Nov 18Reply

Hi Jana :) my name is also Jana but it’s pronounced (Yana) ❤️
Mar 12Reply

Hello! Happy Poshing! 😊
Mar 24Reply

Hi Jana, and thanks for following. Let me know if you have any questions. I price my items fairly and if there is room for discount, I’ll consider offers. Thanks and good day!
Mar 30Reply

Dear @5a8dea62bbeeb8869b493f46 , happy to see that you are following our closet 💗
Apr 03Reply

Dear @5a8dea62bbeeb8869b493f46 , happy to see that you are following our closet 💗
Apr 03Reply

👋Thank you for following me. I just visited your 👚closet 👖to follow you and share some of your 👜 items 👟 with my followers. Have a wonderful day☀️and many 🧾sales 🎉!!
May 13Reply

Thanks for following and may God bless you.
Jul 02Reply

Thank you for following!! Please share my closet and items. Much love 🤍🤍
Jan 24Reply

just dropped by to say hello
Feb 21Reply
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