Meet your Posher, Lauren
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Hi! I'm Lauren. Some of my favorite brands are MAC Cosmetics, tarte, Too Faced, and Physicians Formula. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
Open to offers and counter offers ! Bundle to get private discounted offers ❤️

41 others
like this

@lawrun13 will you ever list anything????? 😁
Mar 08Reply

@shayva06 at one point probably gotta figure it all out still lol
Mar 08Reply

@lawrun13 cool, well if you have any questions you can ask me!!!!
Mar 08Reply

@shayva06 thank you really appreciate that. I have a lot of stuff I should get rid of lol multiples of things lol
Mar 09Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! It's a great community and a lot of fun, but it can be tough to navigate at first. Please let me know if you have any questions or need help getting started! Happy Poshing 💕😘
Mar 30Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! I’m happy to help answer any questions you may have! Wishing you a ton of success! I have shared your items! Thank you from a Posh Ambassador 🎀
Mar 30Reply

@shikgupta thank you very much ,appreciate it❤️
Mar 30Reply

@jlynne2212 thank you very much ,appreciate it❤️
Mar 30Reply

Hi there and welcome to Poshmark! This is a great place to sell your unwanted clothes, shoes and jewelry. Deals are available as well if you keep your eyes open. If you have any questions, please feel free to tag me and I will be more than happy to try and help. When you have a moment pls check out my closet. Thanks so much. 💝
Apr 04Reply

I love your closet dear😘😘..and dear if you are interested any of my items you can creat bundles and I’ll give you big discount ..or make an offer too..or buy any items receive free more closet is SALE TODAY😘😘🙂
Apr 17Reply

@johannamhey thanks love your closet is great as well !!! Let me know if you see anything you like in mine or anything you may wanna see ! I have a lot more that still needs to be added ❤️
Apr 17Reply

Killer closet ❤️
Apr 28Reply

@erineek awe! Thanks love! You too ❤️
Apr 28Reply

Hey can you please put me on a list if you have one I’m just starting out and would love to a bundle of things to start out w if you wanna make deals let me know
Jul 01Reply

@lululuvspink411 ?
Jul 01Reply

I’m looking to find out how Theo buy wholesale are you a wholesaler?
Jul 01Reply

@lululuvspink411 ah ah to buy whole sale just make sure you do the certification as well as the sell requirements and you can find different wholesellers on the shop page. Unfortunately I’m not a whole seller lovie ❤️
Jul 01Reply

Oh ok
Jul 01Reply

@lululuvspink411 if you need help with it ! Let me know or if you have any questions ❤️
Jul 01Reply

Thank you so much for the sharing 😊 🌹
Jul 07Reply

Hello! Really random question here but I noticed you purchased a beautiful LV alma from "Usedseller". Can I ask how long the shipping took? I also purchased an alma from her on the 19th, it started tracking on the 20th and I still haven't received it. I didn't realize the seller is located in Guam. Tracking for 2 days has just said in transit lol.
Sep 26Reply

@glittergirl1810 hey love! Although it’s two day shipping it took about Maybe 5days? Maybe 7 the most . Due to it being so far away it has to go thru a couple places! But def received just didn’t take two days . No fault to seller ❤️
Sep 26Reply

@lawrun13 Ok, once I noticed how far the seller was I figured it would take longer. I became concerned because tracking stopped and latest movement was erased and went back to just showing tracking info for the says in transit lol.
Sep 26Reply

@glittergirl1810 lol Mine did the same thing I was concerned to for a second but you should be receiving it in a few days if not sooner❤️
Sep 26Reply

@lawrun13 Thank you!
Sep 26Reply

@glittergirl1810 welcome love! Hope it comes soon for ya 😍❤️
Sep 26Reply

Hi there 😊 thank you for stopping by- if you would like to bundle I can send you a discount and I can have it shipped the same day. 🛍
Oct 07Reply

Dec 21Reply

Just following up on our conversation the other day...apparently I gave myself bad comments are deleting now!! 😟😖😕😑
Jan 05Reply

@cduarte01 same ! Told you ! It does it sometimes and sometimes not! Makes no sense !blah😞
Jan 05Reply

@lawrun13 now it is like it refuses to delete ANY!! 😤 ah, I needed to resist anyway to put my price back up for price drops and offers...find the positive when it gives you yuck right 😂😂
Jan 05Reply

@cduarte01 hahaha always look at the positive 😍❤️😍😂
Jan 05Reply

@lawrun13 😁😁😉 and thanks for being so supportive...I have seen you comment on others palette listings as well and I think it is amazing you step in and are so kind!!
Jan 05Reply

@cduarte01 well thanks love ! Means a lot ! There’s no need for the negatively people bring ! Some just need to be shut down lol. I report them as well for ya guys ❤️
Jan 05Reply

@lawrun13 exactly! And I have been doing the same and reporting for others too. It is just nonsense to me. Just be nice and leave people in peace! 😍🤣😁
Jan 05Reply

@cduarte01 exactly people are seriously bored 😂
Jan 05Reply

We have the exact same taste!!! So glad i found your closet!!
Jan 24Reply

@julzzz101 😍😍😍😍❤️❤️❤️
Jan 24Reply

@lawrun13 thanks for following and sharing 😊
Feb 22Reply

@mjackman983 ❤️
Feb 22Reply

@lawrun13 😘
Feb 22Reply

Hey just wanted to say you have a lovely closet and my prices. Are negotiable and I also trade !! Have a great week
Feb 27Reply

@lora291987 thanks lovie ! You have a great page as well!! 😍❤️😍
Feb 27Reply

Hey if you end up sitting on that Kylie valentine collection for a little bit and willing to consider my last offer please let me know I’m just not able to go much higher than that considering what it was sold for. So if you don’t want to risk not being able to sell each item alone I’m happy to pay my last offer . Thank you !
Mar 08Reply

@ghmarschall thanks love ❤️
Mar 24Reply

@ghmarschall and totally welcome ❤️
Mar 24Reply

Hi I love your closet!! You should check out mine, feel free to make offers on anything you like! Thank you & happy poshing💕
Mar 31Reply

@krista1l thanks lovie ! Your closet is fantastic as well 😍❤️😍
Mar 31Reply

@lawrun13 Hello Lauren! I have been following you for a while (nice closet). During the Christmas season and the James Charles Launch I notice the kind of comments people were making on your post. I wanted to compliment you on the way you handled most of them but I chickened out and never said anything to you. Well today I received one of those comments from people who apparently have nothing better to do but harass others and, I thought of you.
Mar 31Reply

@lawrun13 So I wanted to take the time to compliment you as I should have done three months ago. It's sucks you get some of the comments you do and those people suck for it but you handle it with class and You rock! Thank you for setting a good example.
Mar 31Reply

@bellvv aw thank you so much love! That honestly means the world to me ! It’s hard ! Trust me on that ! Lol but no one should ever come at someone they don’t know it’s uncalled for. We all have our reasons for selling and if people just sat back and stopped thinking everyone’s bad it would be a better platform ! I try and stay positive. They end up looking way worse , but don’t get me wrong I’m screaming at my phone 😂😂😂 but I truly appreciate this comment love! You legit made this night 😍
Mar 31Reply

Insanely gorgeous!!!
Apr 02Reply

@ragsandkicks aw thanks so much love! That is so nice of you ! ❤️
Apr 02Reply

Than you for sharing my post! :)
Apr 02Reply

@nkassie welcome lovie 😍
Apr 02Reply

Hi, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have a great day!
Apr 22Reply

@spreadlove aw hey lovie ! I hope you have a great day as well 😍❤️
Apr 22Reply

Omg gorgeous babe I’m texting you somewhere else but saw this dayum
Apr 29Reply

@amoc2001 😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😘😘😘
Apr 30Reply

Love your closet🎁
May 01Reply

@gullprint thanks so much lovie ! Yours is fantastic 😍
May 01Reply

Welcome to Posh!
May 02Reply

Hey I just wanted to say that I think you are so sweet and nice the way that you handle all the hate comments and I so very much admire that about you and I wish that there were more people like you!❤️
May 09Reply

@rosierose03 aw ! that is so nice for you to say ! I honestly appreciate that very much! Just made my night ! Trust me it can be really hard on here sometimes .. but there’s no room or need for negativity. I Truly appreciate you reaching out and being so kind ! That means the world to me ❤️😍
May 09Reply

@lawrun13 ❤️ I know it definitely gets a bit ridiculous on here sometimes!
May 09Reply

@rosierose03 absolutely! Some are down right just horrific . It’s like who raised you!?! Haha so I appreciate the positivity love 😍😍😍
May 09Reply

@lawrun13 😂
May 09Reply

@rosierose03 😍❤️
May 09Reply

🙏😊❤️Thank you for visiting our closet!!! 🥰We love your items as well!! Happy Poshing!! 🤩❤️
Jun 02Reply

@thewhitedaisy thanks so much 😍
Jun 02Reply

Thank you for sharing my listing! I love your makeup selection! 💄💕
Jun 09Reply

@mtwayland14 awe thanks lovie! You are so very welcome 🥰
Jun 09Reply

Hey girl thank you for your input on the lipstick! Everyones going crazy lol
Jun 13Reply

@zee500 you’re welcome love! They got mine too .. and when Js stuff came out. .. people legit make pages just to “help others” it’s like just go away 😂 ❤️❤️
Jun 13Reply

Thanks so much for sharing my closet!!! 💕💕💕💕😊I love your closet and just shared one of your gems 🤗
Jun 29Reply

@mykintsukuroi aw thanks so much 😘❤️
Jun 29Reply

@lawrun13 You have great items, don’t let any negativity get to you 💕 I always think its funny when someone comments on the prices of other sellers items 😃.
Jun 30Reply

@shabbyposh thanks so much love! It’s hard sometimes but some you can’t help to laugh and go are you serious?😂❤️😘
Jun 30Reply

@lawrun13 exactly ! 😁 ( ps I love your photos, im a hobby photographer so i love artsy moody photos 😊💜)
Jun 30Reply

@shabbyposh aw I appreciate that love! My fiancé did all but one of these ❤️
Jun 30Reply

Love your closet!! 🥰
Jul 11Reply

@sriley67 aw thanks lovie ❤️❤️😍
Jul 11Reply

Cute pics
Jul 22Reply

@max3579 😘
Jul 22Reply

Thanks for the shares!!
Aug 25Reply

@eachey17 you’re very welcome love ❤️😍
Aug 25Reply

Thank you for sharing my items. Have a wonderful day 😊
Nov 20Reply

@jinxy231 you too😍😍
Nov 20Reply

Thank you so much for sharing!!❤️❤️❤️
Nov 23Reply

@kaprot 😘
Nov 23Reply

Happy Poshing Friday Lauren😎
Thank you so very much for sharing my posh 😇😇😇😇
Dec 20Reply

@imashoeluver you’re so welcome 😍
Dec 20Reply

Thanks for the follow and shares! Please feel free to make an offer or drop a like if you see something that interests you :) Happy poshing!
Jan 08Reply

@brittneyhengst I can't believe how beautiful ur cosmetics are! I worked for Estée Lauder now I work for Rodan & Fields and I'm wanting the best makeup there is to have! I love the color lip sticks Kim and Kylie wear and never can find those
Neutral yet rosy colors and any other artistry line so I'm looking through your stuff in a maze like oh my god there it is those are the colors !!
Jun 15Reply

I'm putting a bundle together now, but can't afford to much. I'm just getting into selling myself but all I get are shares no likes really or offers! I need all I can get
Jun 15Reply

@jennifer_sasser aw you’re so sweet ! Trust me ! You’ll get a hang of it! Share your stuff to get it out there ❤️
Jun 15Reply

Hey!!! Feel free to take a look at my closet, if you use the like button more than once, I’ll make you a bundle, or make an offer as I’m accepting all to clear out my closet! Thank you & happy poshing 🛍💞
Oct 11Reply

Thank you for your time and stopping by my closet!! I have a continuous bundle sale going on 5 or more Sale listings = 3$ each + shipping. Follow the Seasonal icon.. this Season A ☃️ is in the title (☃️5/15$). Have a Beautiful Day! 🥰🥰🥰
Jan 04Reply

Hey Love🥰 Thinking of you as always hope you have a great weekend👍🏾💞💞💞
Mar 12Reply

@boutiquetrendz thanks love! enjoy love muffin!!😍🥰
Mar 12Reply

Think of you and your family, Happy first day of Spring 💐🌸🌼🌹🌷 Have an amazing week Lauren!🥰💞💞💞
Mar 21Reply

@boutiquetrendz thank you love muffin! Same to you and yours😍😍😍
Mar 21Reply

Happy Easter Love🐣🐰Hope you and family have a Great Day!🥰💞💐🌷🌸
Apr 04Reply

@boutiquetrendz happy easter!!! Same to you !!!! Enjoy ❤️😍😍😍😍
Apr 04Reply

@lawrun13 Thank You dear🥰
Apr 05Reply

My dear friend Lauren, have a Great Week!🥰💞💞
Apr 12Reply

Thanks for all your continued shares! I am not able to share as often as I would like to but I never forget my loyal Posh Friends, Lauren my girlfriend You have a Great Weekend!😉👍🏾💐🌻🌷🥰💞💞
May 02Reply

I hope all is well and that you received my last message?☹️
May 03Reply

@boutiquetrendz ah I did ! Thank you lovie!!! Been so busy with baby but wouldn’t trade it for the world ❤️
May 03Reply

@lawrun13 No worries and I know the little one is keeping you crazy busy but I know your loving it🥰 as you should enjoy each moment they grow up quick😉
May 03Reply

@boutiquetrendz it’s crazy how fast it’s going! She will be 7 months in a couple weeks! I hope you are doing well!
May 03Reply

@lawrun13 Wow time is really moving 7months old how sweet🥰 before you know it she will be turning 1 years old😅😜😮 I am doing ok just working and trying to stay safe you know how it is, but I am ok Thank You for asking my friend.
May 04Reply

@boutiquetrendz I know! Already planing her first ! Times flying! So glad you’re doing great. Truly glad to hear ❤️😍
May 04Reply

Lauren Happy Sunday Love! Hope you are and baby are doing well and Happy Belated Mother’s Day! Hope you had awesome day👍🏾 I think of you often🥰💞💞💐🌺🌹🌼
May 23Reply

@boutiquetrendz thank you! Hope you are doing well! Baby is well! She has two teeth now already. It’s all going super fast lol but she’s amazing! Hope you are well though ❤️
May 23Reply

@lawrun13 that’s great! She growing super quick I know, snd I know you are cherishing every moment as you should😉 I am doing well just working a lot crazy hours so that’s why you don’t hear from me as often, but you know I will never forget about you, have a great week🥰💞💞💞
May 24Reply

@boutiquetrendz glad you’re doing good and I hope you have a great week and a nice holiday weekend love ❤️
May 25Reply

Lauren Happy Thanksgiving girl!🦃🍗 hope you and baby and family are all doing well and have a great blessed day today! Thinking of u often, your PFF Nikki🥰😘💞💞
Nov 25Reply

Happy New Year Lauren! I hope you and I are still speaking? Haven’t heard beach from you or any shares from you in a minute hope all is well and look forward to continuing this posh friendship🥳😘💞
Jan 02Reply

So Sorry I forgot to wish you a Happy Mother’s Day Love🥰 I been crazy busy with my own stuff but I hope you and the little and family had a great day!💞💞💞
May 11Reply

@boutiquetrendz thank you so much! It was nice and relaxing! I hope you are well❤️
May 11Reply

@lawrun13 yes I am doing well and so glad to hear you had a relaxing day, you deserve it😘
May 11Reply

Hi there🌼I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing deals✨if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing!
Nov 26Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️
I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟
I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️
Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
Apr 21Reply
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