🎀 Share Group 🎀 Question & Answers 🏈 Q&A 🏈
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🎀 KIDS ONLY & Poshers Choice Share Group
🎀Sign up by tagging your closet (@username)
🏈Must sign up before 6pm EST ... 6pm Group sign up is closed!
🎀 Please Like & Share Listing ... Tag your PFFs
🏈Share Listings from each closet Signed Up
🎀Have your shares completed and sign out prior to 12am
🏈You may start sharing as soon as the first person signs up

68 others
like this

Hello to all my beautiful PFFs! I have been participating in share groups pretty consistently for a few weeks and noticed something...There are not any for Kids...SO I took it upon myself to start a daily share group strictly for kids sized items. I hope that you will all join me in this fun and profitable endeavor...Please Like, Share and Tag your PFFs. Let's get this Party Started!
@rabyyaa @iagirl1970 @carolescreation @jenii_rosa @schx4 @tracigilliamx3 @i_am_sparkles @jennypacu
Feb 28Reply

Yes! I am down.
Feb 28Reply

@jenii_rosa Amazing! I'm super excited to have you! Tag any of your PFFs with kid items in their closet. And tag your closet name like we do in the other groups...
Feb 28Reply

@holly_tatman check out share groups also @realposhwives
Feb 28Reply

Feb 28Reply

Me! I'm totally in 🎉😍🎉
Feb 28Reply

@tracigilliamx3 wow they have an overload! I spend all my time now...I couldn't imagine participating in all those. But I'm defiantly going to check out a few...are you interested in participating in this one?
Feb 28Reply

@jennypacu so excited! This is the one that I was talking about last night...I just needed to get it fine tuned. Lol
Feb 28Reply

@holly_tatman yes...but I have to wait...tied up taking care of my mom. I made quite a few sales participating in those. Especially the weekly ones FYI. I’ll sign up as I can with you. Thanks!😘💕
Feb 28Reply

I am going to change this to the question and answer listing and start tomorrows listing and sign up. I will tag all of you in that listing. Thank you for being so supportive!
Feb 28Reply

@tracigilliamx3 I will definitely check it out tonight once I make it to a stopping point.
Feb 28Reply

@holly_tatman awesome idea 🎉
Feb 28Reply

Feb 28Reply

@iagirl1970 super excited to have you! I just shared tomorrow's game with you...please sign in there and you can begin sharing at midnight until midnight tomorrow night. Sign up will close at 6pm est💟
Feb 28Reply

@iagirl1970 Thank you for signing up...please feel free to tag your PFFs
Feb 28Reply

@divertida1 I thought this would be a great group for you to join, since you have beautiful baby clothes, I got invited yesterday :-)
Feb 28Reply

@mrsowl Thank you so much for recruiting! I can tell you will be a great assets to have to this group of amazing PFFs! 💗
Feb 28Reply

@holly_tatman Thank you so much! My only question is what about size 18 Girls and size 20 Girls? I have a lot of items from the store Justice for Girls that my nieces have never worn. Would this be included?
Feb 28Reply

@drfontaine Yes please include those as well! I have included in the photo up to 18...but I will also add it in the description and put infant to sz20. Thank you so much for joining us!
Feb 28Reply

@holly_tatman Thank you! I appreciate you 🎀
Feb 28Reply

@drfontaine back at ya babe!
Feb 28Reply

Stopped @jennirosas
Mar 01Reply

Stopped @jenni_rosa sharing kids clothing
Mar 01Reply

@mrsowl Hello honey. This is the question and answers listing. I need you to share and sign from the daily listings. Let me know if you have any questions. 💓
Mar 01Reply

@sunshineshiraz Hi ! @holly_tatman has a new Kids share group! Do you want to join? Her sign up is at the top of her closet! Join us!!
Mar 02Reply

I would love to join your group and am ready to sign in for tomorrow’s group if ok with you 😘💞
Mar 03Reply

@holly_tatman Thank you for the invite to join your new kids share group💕💕I’m happy to join tmrw 😀
Mar 03Reply

@peach_girl_jenn @jillseaney @lombardo girls @bbarn4-
Mar 03Reply

@lombardogirls @katiebarth @5pepers @surfcitythreads @s_dufner
Mar 03Reply

You are a real recruiter!! 😜 You’ll make this share group a “must” in no time!! 😉😊
Mar 03Reply

@friendsnfashion I hope so. Recruiter was never on my resume until last week. LMAO 💟
Mar 03Reply

@friendsnfashion I hope you plan to join us
Mar 03Reply

@holly_tatman thanks! My parents will be at my daughters soccer tournament today - I’m waiting to see what comes b4 I overcommit! 🤪
Mar 03Reply

@friendsnfashion I totally understand. I can add you to my notification list if you'd like. That way you know each day when I post the new group.
Mar 03Reply

Sure! Thanks
Mar 03Reply

@bellchamberlain You can make that decision. Some people rest are the same items. I'm okay with you doing that or Sharing other items. There should not be many closets that have less than 5. I know we have a few.
Mar 04Reply

@houseofposh That is fine. Do you plan on increasing your inventory in this area by chance?
Mar 04Reply

Hey @holly_tatman thanks for tagging me to your group! Happy to join...I signed in for today!
Mar 04Reply

Where is today’s list? ty
Mar 06Reply

@greatbargains1 I have tomorrow posted...and it says Tuesday! Lol. Shocked we had as good of a turnout as we did.
Mar 06Reply

Hey! So!!! I'd like to feature your share group onto my page. I have 4 other closets I advertise on my page because I've gotten a lot of questions of what games I play. If you'd like I'd totally make one for your page.
Mar 06Reply

@danyell138 sounds great. What can I do to help you?
Mar 06Reply

@holly_tatman do you have a slide like the one above that I can have available that's blank- or one you'd like me to display that I can advertise like the others did? I can screen shot it, and put it up later tonight.
Mar 06Reply

@danyell138 Yes. I just put it up as the 3rd photo of this post. You can edit it as you wish.
Mar 06Reply

@holly_tatman I'm correct that you'll be doing this each day right? No days off?
Mar 06Reply

@lilmissy6 lol. Yes and that is one of the greatest trick you can learn...cause God knows life gets going and we forget.
Mar 06Reply

@lilmissy6 LOL That is the truth! I'm here to help. I want all of us Girl Bosses to Rule the world!💸💰
Mar 07Reply

Please let me know if you'd like me to add anything to your post I made! Hopefully it'll bring some traffic to you and your wonderful game! 💘
Mar 07Reply

@holly_tatman I’m here :) thank you for reaching out! <3
Mar 07Reply

@erika75 Awesome! So glad to have you! We have a good group of closers and we o my share 5 so it brings a lot of new buyers your way. I hope you enjoy it today
Mar 07Reply

@danyell138 it's perfect. Thank you for doing that.
Mar 07Reply

Can I tag myself into tomorrow's now or should I wait until the morning
Mar 08Reply

@krystalnjoe as soon as it's posted your free to tag yourself. See you tomorrow doll!
Mar 08Reply

Hi! I'm new to this share group, trying to understand how it works.. Can u explain what you meant by "Tag your place with *** and first 3 letters of their name" .. And also, what's "Tag your PFF's"? Not sure how, or what PFF means... Sorry for all the questions. I would love to join this group but just a little confused how it works and what I need to do. I just tag my name and then share 5 kid items 1 time each from each user signed in to the group?
Mar 08Reply

@holly_tatman thanks for the invite to join this Share Group 😃💕
Mar 08Reply

@elliana7810 so to sign in you tag your closet example (@holly_tatman)
You start sharing from the first tag on the post
If you stop sharing you can save your spot by doing this example (***hol)
Then you know where to start back at once your able to continue with your shares.
PFF=Posh Friend Forever 💟
Mar 08Reply

@claudette621 we are so glad to have you. 💗
Mar 08Reply

All shared. Thanks! ❤️
Mar 09Reply

I'm new to this group so learning how to works! What do u mean share and tag your PFF? I belong to one share group so still learning how this all works! If you coukd please just give me a quick run around of how it's done? To sign in you add your posh name and then share 5 things from everyone's closet? Just confused on the likes too? And what do u mean by tagging? Thanks for any help u can provide! I'm excited about joining! 🤗
Mar 09Reply

Thank you so much for the invite. I would love to join in I have a lot of kids items to come. This weekend is a little tight. Do you do it everyday? I would sure join Monday.
Mar 09Reply

@elliana7810 I answered some of your questions on the other post...run down below.
You tag your closet on the days you would like to play example (@elliana7810)
You share 5 kid items from every closet
You share between 5am EST and midnight your time
Make sure to sign out by tagging me and commenting "ALL SHARED"
Mar 09Reply

@tjtreasure Yes we play daily. I will add you to my daily notificationist and you may join any day you would like. We would love to have you.
Mar 09Reply

@lilmissy6 Sounds great honey...I will leave you on my notification list.
Mar 11Reply

Thanks for the invite. And for starting a kids share. I would love to join the group! 💕
Mar 15Reply

I’m making this more confusing & harder than it is ... sorry! So when I signed up last night it was for Thur shares that need to be done by midnight, correct? I started sharing & got to iagirl1970 & saw your notification list & got confused. Do I still have all the others who tagged themselves to share for today?I’m just used to it being done a little differently. I see you closed it, so now we could “sign out” if we were done. I think I have kind of answered my own question in all this!! 😂
Mar 15Reply

@sstdelight1 yes you share every one that signed up for Thursday. I will usually post a list of all the closets between 6 and 7 .... however tonight I'm having some pregnancy sickness. 🤢
Mar 16Reply

@holly_tatman Ugh! Hope you feel better! think I got it down! Lol Thanks for maintaining this group. 😍
Mar 16Reply

Congratulations on hitting 100K!!! What a huge accomplishment! So amped for you PFF! 👏🏼🙌🏼👍🏼🤘🏼🖖🏼
Mar 16Reply

Thanks for the invite!! 😊
Mar 16Reply

@jteach23 Your very welcome. Thank you for joining us. Let me know if you have a y questions.
Mar 16Reply

Mar 17Reply

@holly_tatman I signed out on the Friday Share group listing. However I don’t see the listing now. All shared✔️Thank You🤗💕
Mar 17Reply

@cool2beagal perfect. Thank you honey
Mar 17Reply

Holly is it okay to share your group on our page & tell them I come here to sign up?
Mar 18Reply

@holly_tatman sorry
Mar 18Reply

@staceyspano Yes that would be great! Thank you so much for asking 💋
Mar 18Reply

@holly_tatman Thanks! I just wanted to make sure!
Mar 18Reply

@holly_tatman hi! Can you take me off your notification list/comments? I have the share group Q&a page liked and on days I can sign up and share I will. Thank you for being an awesome and active posher. Thank you so much.
Mar 20Reply

@holly_tatman Hi, would love to jump in your share group when I can, can you add me to your tag list (I noticed you tag 🤣, not everyone does) I also have a kids weekly share buddy group if you’re ever interested in joining.
Mar 21Reply

@vista1223 Yes I will my dear. Hope to see you soon. 💖
Mar 21Reply

@kidzcloths626 I will add you and definitely take a look at your sbae group as well.
Mar 21Reply

@holly_tatman Let me know if you have any questions about my group. The Info listing is under KIDS OTHER. it’s a little different than a daily group but I think you will see some familiar faces 😀
Mar 21Reply

@kidzcloths626 Yes please sign me up for next week. I didn't see the option for next week or I would sign up. If you could tag me on Sunday that would be amazing.
Mar 21Reply

@holly_tatman okay I’ll add you to my tag list. I usually post the following weeks listing either Friday night or Saturday morning. Sign up closes at 2pm est on Sunday. Same as your share group, sign up by tagging your user name.
Mar 22Reply

@twicelovedremix Hi! I love your closet and noticed you have great kids items. @holly_tatman has a wonderful daily kids share group if you have any time during your week and want to share from others closets and have everyone share from yours. I hope it brings sales and good traffic to all!
Mar 22Reply

Mar 22Reply

@desireb40 Have you tried this one? It's a long list, but lots of people sharing your kids' stuff.
Mar 23Reply

@momisajob2 thank you again for everything.
Mar 24Reply

OMG Holly!!!! I'll be praying for you! If there is anything I can do to help let me know...do not feel pressured to be doing this if you need to be resting my friend! my email is amanda.1630@yahoo com if you need help with anything
Mar 29Reply

Apr 01Reply

Hi Holly. Thanks for allowing me to join your kids group the other day. However, I'm not going to be able to be a regular member. I'm not too good health wise. Would you mind removing me from your tag list? I will join when I can 💙
Apr 03Reply

@rollierex I will remove you. Hope you get to feeling better.
Apr 03Reply

Notification list
DO NOT SHARE these closets until they TAG themselves to the listing.
@adriana1726 @amanda1630 @ambentzen @andrea_effect @anndanbe_trendy @aschanick @ashleyannekd @atlantalaurie @austynlynn @awillenb
@bellchamberlain @belle_baby @bubbynmissylou
@capbag @carpediem1430 @cassmarie8406 @ced1021 @chrisfinds @claudette621 @confectionfairy @cool2beagal @coolgirl2012 @cradleandall
@dcnativegirl @densko @drfontaine @dstopka
Apr 03Reply

Notification list
DO NOT SHARE these closets until they TAG themselves to the listing.
@ebbsy @ecprincess @emoral @erika75
@feens50 @friendsnfashion
@ginger_nj @gigishanger @gowrights @greatbargains1 @griselesq @gunner1215
@heather51504 @hggrits @houseofposh @hstewart21158
@jangadd @jconnell89 @jenii_rosa @jennypacu @jmjfxj @jteach23 @joy908
@kaydenreneice @kbr230 @kdachmm @kellyfrasher @kellyscache @kidzcloths626 @kikisymona
Apr 03Reply

Notification list
DO NOT SHARE these closets until they TAG themselves to the listing.
@kiranek @kldustin2 @koalaandkween @kriskittyy @krystalnjoe
@lasmada @lindzz84 @lilmissy6 @lisamaried @loolynlares @lovelygee1 @lovepinksecrets @lovielees @luckymiakids @luxloot
@madswimmer2013 @matadora1978 @mazelink @misscole217 @missy5076 @melchicluv @meme729 @mkkc212 @momisajob2 @mvbresale
@nchappycampers @neferchica @newmomscloset @nicnic1480 @nkhob
Apr 03Reply

Notification list
DO NOT SHARE these closets until they TAG themselves to the listing.
@nickys1 @ozziesgirl1969 @passionboutique @peach_girl_jenn @pinkcaraboo @pinkpin2364 @pmolina1 @prettyinpink365 @purpleposher @pursetym811 @theposhunicorn
@queencheik @rachelles_place @reenaerin @rennocmmii @revlon005 @rochelleamber
@s_dufner @samsells480 @sassymommy95 @shabchic33 @shopninjas @staceyspano @sunshinekiddos @sushi62 @sweetpea1133
Apr 03Reply

Notification list
DO NOT SHARE these closets until they TAG themselves to the listing.
@tamikathomas77 @tayby2410 @theposhunicorn @tipc_chic @tjtreasure @tlock4 @tracigilliamx3 @trendycherubs @trendz4less @ukibana @va_mom @vasshe @vgebhardt @ygreiner
Apr 03Reply

Apr 03Reply

@marlanap4kids 🐻❤️🐻
Apr 06Reply

@strbrrydlyte22 Here is a great group for sharing kids clothes. 💞🤗💞
Apr 10Reply

@andrea_effect thank you!!!
Apr 10Reply

Apr 10Reply

@holly_tatman I just moved to Dunnellon a few days ago, what a small world!!!
Apr 13Reply

@_k_a_y_l_a_g Yes it is. What brought you her e?
Apr 13Reply

@strbrrydlyte22 hello honey. You need to sign in on the actual day you plan to play. This is just the q&a. I will send tomorrow's group to your dressing room so you can tag your closet
Apr 13Reply

@marlanap4kids hello honey. You will have to sign up for the day you plan to share...this is just the q&a.
Apr 13Reply

@holly_tatman Last Week, I thought I was supposed to tag myself here to indicate I wanted to participate. Then I did Sign Up on an actual Sign Up Sheet Last Week. Thanks. I know I will need to Sign Up on Daily Sheets in the future too. I appreciate you checking with me. 🐻❤️🐻
Apr 13Reply

I mean be a part of the group. Yes, this is only a Q & A. Totally get that. 👍🏽
Apr 13Reply

@holly_tatman my bf is the newest pilot for citrus county, so heeeere I am lol. I love it here so far, I like the Dunnellon crystal river area
Apr 13Reply

@_k_a_y_l_a_g That is awesome! Pilot for the sherrifs office or hospital-EMT?
Apr 13Reply

@holly_tatman for the sheriffs department 🤗 it’s nice to know that there are other poshers in this area! I always say I wanna do a meet up and never have lol
Apr 13Reply

@_k_a_y_l_a_g We could defiantly do that. I have ways wanted to put together one of the local posh night outs but don't know many poshers in the area and have lived here in citrus my whole life. Lol. I have 2 weeks left in this pregnancy but maybe once I have little Liv we can meet up. Do you have children?
Apr 13Reply

@holly_tatman I have fur children 🐶😂 that sounds awesome! We will have to stay in touch!! Two weeks ah exciting!!! Best wishes to ya! ❤️
Apr 13Reply

I would like to join the share party. @j_davidson81
Apr 14Reply

@holly_tatman Thanks for the invite! I will sign up when I can, I do several different groups and just rotate around them for the best results :) Happy Poshing!
Apr 16Reply

@holly_tatman Hi. 😊
What's your protocol on non compliant closets?
I saw a couple yesterday and shared but normally I don't.
Apr 16Reply

@rollierex you are free to lass on those closets. I sort by kids so haven't really went through many closets fully. Can you let me know on a one of my personal sold l istings the names...maybe with out the @ sign 💕
Apr 17Reply

@_k_a_y_l_a_g my children get along the best with due children. Lol. Thank you for your well wishes
Apr 17Reply

What does PFF or ppf Stand for on posh?
Apr 17Reply

Hi Love 💕
I don't mean to be a bother but I am concerned that this is a Kids Share Group yet people are not filtering and sharing accordingly. I just had someone share five things for my page but they were not all kid items.🤢
Apr 25Reply

@antiev1 posh friend forever = pff
Apr 25Reply

@theladyfalcon27 can you let me know who you are talking about so I can address them...Just leave out the @ sign. Post on here or on one of my sold items. Thank you for the heads up my dear. 💋
Apr 25Reply

rochelleamber... Thanks so much for your help. I didn't want to make a big deal of it but I really want to start selling some of my children's items.😉
Apr 25Reply

@theladyfalcon27 I totally understand! That's the point of the group. Lol. I will shoot her a reminder. Please keep am eye and let me know if it continues. 💕
Apr 25Reply

@holly_hartley Thanks Lovebug💖🐞
Apr 25Reply

@thaqueen40 Hey there! The group closes at 6pm, so it's probably best to check back to see who else signed in before close and wait until then to sign out. Just trying to help out my girl @holly_hartley :)
Apr 28Reply

@lilmissy6 👍
Apr 29Reply

@holly_hartley Are we having a tuesday group?
May 01Reply

@holly_hartley just wanted to let you know that I must have unliked the group this morning & yesterday’s or there’s a gliche& it happened with another group too! It took awhile to find you but I did! I’ll be in tomorrow
May 02Reply

Do you have a group posted today? I can’t find it.
May 03Reply

@holly_hartley interested in this share group💞🤗
May 05Reply

@chirogirl87 Here’s a kid one. Start slow so you’re not overwhelmed.
May 05Reply

@lisacns Look what I found for you! Get to it girl! ♥️
May 09Reply

@nabernard I got 90 shares from this group today! They’re great!!! 🎉
May 09Reply

@lisacns That's bc you're so wonderful! You will figure out which groups you like the best, continue with them and weed out the rest.😙
May 10Reply

@holly_hartley Hi. thanks for the invite. I'm in too many groups but appreciate the invite. If you don't mind, can you please remove me from your list. Thanks and good luck!
May 10Reply

‼️ISO‼️ BOY’S BLACK SUIT (5T) for a ring bearer in my wedding! It can be a tux or just a formal suit. Can anyone help?! I’m having a hard time with this one! Thank you so much! 🙌🙌🙌
May 11Reply

@jjj9_4 I will keep an eye out. When do you need it by?
May 11Reply

@holly_hartley The wedding is June 8th, so a few days before that at the latest! 😁 Thank you so much for your help! 🙌😘
May 11Reply

@holly_hartley And even if it’s just a jacket and pants without a shirt, that could work, too. I could always find a shirt separately if need be :)
May 11Reply

How is everything going with the family & little one? 😊💕
May 12Reply

How to set myself to reminder ... stimes i foget to get in the share group .... @ens_fam17 ... pls add me the reminder list , thank you ^_^
May 12Reply

Just wanted to thank you for the tags and running this group! It takes more than some realize! Thank you!
May 14Reply

@amanda1630 Thank you honey! Yes it does.
May 14Reply

Hey @holly_hartley you changed your name on here once before right ???
May 18Reply

@jackie52986 yes I did
May 19Reply

@holly_hartley how long did it take for them to do it when you put in request I waited two days now and have been afraid to sign up to group that they will do without notice 😭
May 19Reply

@jackie52986 I bet they process it on Monday. It was less then a week. And they do change it without you knowing. I think they sent me an email but I have about a million emails in my inbox and never check. What did you change your name to?
May 19Reply

@holly_hartley I own a fitness company called vibrantvixen so I asked for that since I have a ton of sports bras on my page I like to promote both my amazon and Poshmark on one social media ❤️
May 19Reply

Hey! I'm sorry I had a bad pain flare up tonight.
I'm going to do a med shot and that might not me out, so I won't be able to finish tonight. I'll share up tomorrow...sorry! 🙈@holly_hartley
May 20Reply

@lilmissy6 I'm usually not to hard on the time...I like them to be finished at least by the time I'm up and going the following day. That's when I go through and audit everyone to make sure shares where completed correctly and everyone shared everyone equally. Thank you for letting me know. I appreciate all feedback. 😍
May 22Reply

@lilmissy6 it's very time consuming...but you have to go into each closet and click on the shares...then scroll through to see what all was shared and that no one was skipped. Like I said time consuming but tells a lot about those who share with us in our group. Let me know if you have any more questions honey.
May 22Reply

@holly_hartley I hope your posh party was amazing I was at a party and couldn't get on to share stuff 😘
May 27Reply

Thanks for the reminder tag....I'd been slacking lately!
May 31Reply

@lovethesale76 This is another Recommended Kids Share Group. 🐻❤️🐻
Jun 02Reply

@holly_hartley I missed the party Sat busy day....I’ll be signing up today !
Jun 03Reply

@holly_hartley Hi pls tag me when you post new SG 😉😊
Jun 04Reply

@pinkpin2364 I will post in a second. I bit off more then I could chew this weekend. Lol.
Jun 05Reply

@holly_hartley Aww just take a brake for tonight we will understand😃😆🤗😉
Jun 05Reply

@pinkpin2364 already posted...I will tag everyone tonight...hopefully...lol
Jun 05Reply

@sweetpea1133 Thanks so much for all the shares!😘💞👍 This is a great kids items only share group that I participate in. My closet is closed right now as I battle a cold.😳 @holly_hartley is our host. It’s a great group and I get a lot of sales from this group. I thought I’d let you know about it.😘💞
Jun 10Reply

Thank you this is such a great idea! I have tons of kids items and no share groups
Jun 18Reply

Jun 18Reply

Hi, may I join your kids share group?
Jun 20Reply

@kera321 yes honey please do
Jun 20Reply

@holly_hartley Thank you!
Jun 20Reply

Jun 22Reply

@christina73nc This is the info page. I’ll tag you on the Friday sign up post 💞
Jun 22Reply

@holly_hartley Signed up for Poshers Choice!! Great idea PFF! Love all of the share groups & lovely ladies I’ve met. Thanks for managing & let’s sell some stuff!! 🛍💸
Jun 26Reply

@ens_fam17 hey honey...can you send me all the additional new closets that you have added to the notification list? Just send them to me on here when you reply ... without the @ is fine. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to this group
Jun 26Reply

@sstdelight1 Awesome! So glad to see you joined! I love our groups! I have met some really amazing PFFs through the share groups. I love how we become a little family!
Jun 26Reply

@holly_hartley thankyou for the invite, this is a fab idea💕🤗
Jun 26Reply

@balldan your so very welcome! I am excited to see what kind of sales it brings all of us!
Jun 26Reply

@holly_hartley Hi in your new group , what does "just in " mean 🤔 haha😆 so lost , still learning an have been pushing since 2015.
Jun 26Reply

Oops error not pushing ,omg! "Poshing"🤣🤣🤣
Jun 26Reply

@pinkpin2364 nice error 😄 made my morning 😃😂 .... @holly_hartley i like the idea about the share group , i am in too
Jun 26Reply

@ens_fam17 😂😂 😋🤪🙃That's what happens when you're rushing to work, and Poshing at the same time!!!
Jun 26Reply

@pinkpin2364 lol you ladies are too funny! okay so "just in" will be items recently added to the poshers closet. To find these items you will need to go to the selection are and instead of the automatic highlight of "just shared" you will select "just added. Does that make sense? If I'm confusing you even more (cause that's what I do usually) I can show you by posting photos of how to find it.
Jun 26Reply

@holly_hartley I just tried on your profile. Got it! 😀😉 thank you! Sharing 5 just to show you !!
Jun 26Reply

You’re the best!!!! I love posher choice share groups!!! Thank you for hosting this! I missed today’s group but I will definitely sign up beginning tomorrow 💗🙏🏻💕
Jun 26Reply

@holly_hartley Hi Dear! Could I please be removed from the tag list for now. My life is crazy right now with all 4 kids being home. I don't have much time left for share groups. I'll be popping in now & then to participate tho. Thanks!😊💕
Jun 27Reply

@holly_hartley Hey ❤. Will the share 8 group be open everyday? Curious lol
Jun 27Reply

@kellyfrasher will do mama! I feel ya! I'm sticking to my own SG and one or two other small ones. Summer life is crazy!
Jun 27Reply

@thingsofplenty Yes it will be 🌞
Jun 27Reply

@holly_hartley Great! It'll be easier for me to have share groups in one location. Thanks sooo much for doing this😊😘
Jun 27Reply

@thingsofplenty So happy to do this! Poshers Choice Groups are my FAV
Jun 27Reply

@suny1315 you should join our kids share group! Its fantastic and you have such great kids clothes. Just look for the share group post on @holly_hartley 's page sign and join 🧚🏻♀️🦄
Jun 28Reply

@pinkjade89 This is the Kids group I was talking about. This is just the Q&A page, you would sign up daily on each days listing once posted. Let me know if you have any other or @holly_hartley runs the group & can help! 😍
Jul 04Reply

@sstdelight1 💖💖
Jul 04Reply

@kristennennstie .. SO glad I found this... i hope I do this right. I'm new and pretty lost, but trying!!
Jul 06Reply

@sstdelight1 hi... how do you sign in?? I tagged myself on here.. but I'm new. And I don't understand at ALL HOW this works😆... can you help or direct me to a person who can??!! Thank you so much! Sorry to butt in!🙄🙄
Jul 06Reply

@kristennennstie Hi! Welcome! This is just the Q&A page, so click on @holly_hartley above and find the specific day & group you want to join. Sign up for today is already closed. When you sign in, just tag your closet name @kristennennstie and put NEW after if since it’s your first time. @holly_hartley runs the group and can help also. Let me know if that makes sense. Friday may not be posted yet FYI. Like this listing & you’ll be notified when they’re listed and reminders!! 😍
Jul 06Reply

Good Morning. I am receiving Double Sign Up Alerts Daily at the same time each day for both of your Share Groups. So I am receiving Two for each one. For now, Please keep me in your Kids Notifications, but only One of the Lists you post. Thanks. 🐻❤️🐻
Jul 13Reply

@marlanap4kids I am sorry about this. I will look and see where you are doubled. I use the same list for both so I can remove you from both or keep you in once per post. Sorry for the inconvenience...please key me know how you want me to precede.
Jul 13Reply

You fixed it. I am only getting Single Notifications Now. You can leave things as they are now. THX. 🐻❤️🐻
Jul 14Reply

@holly_hartley FYI for 7/20 CSG first pic says Monday😃😄 🙃
Jul 20Reply

@lilmissy6 Thank you! I will put a note to all sharers tonight and also add a large and in charge photo for a few days...let me know if it continues.
Jul 25Reply

FYI, yesterday hummingbirdjedi pulled the same thing in another group I belong to. She signed up early & waited to almost the end to say she was not sharing. Not sure if it's a pattern or she had a bad day.
Jul 25Reply

@catharticblend And the Q and A for Kids Only. This one is great — quick and easy and with nice people!
Jul 25Reply

@lisacns thanks so much Lisa! I think this is the group where I first "bumped" into you and took a look at your closet - I've really enjoyed this share group as well! Thanks so much for tagging me in the other ones as well - I really appreciate it! Have a great day!
Jul 25Reply

@holly_hartley thanks for having me
In your Wednesday share group! I enjoyed sharing all these cute amazing closets! Some even more then once ... I couldn’t stop! Haha Can you please add me to your tag list ! Thank you so much !
Aug 02Reply

@tannah1102 Yes I most definitely will! Welcome and happy sales hun.
Aug 02Reply

@holly_hartley ❤️thank you so much ! I probably shared more but lol ... better then not sharing enough! Question ... of someone only has 2 or 3 kid items and is kids share group so you share others or same thing over and over to keep the group as kids ? I came across today ... and thought If I shared anything then it encourages anyone.... so wanted to know your thoughts on that lol
Aug 02Reply

@tannah1102 Okay, so yes we repeat shares on those items...trying to keep it kids.
Aug 02Reply

@mistyp80 Here is the Share Group Q&A where you can be added. Just tag your username and ask fo be added. @holly_hartley is in charge of the group and she will add you to the list. 😍
Aug 06Reply

@holly_hartley I would love to join the group! @mistyp80 is my closet name! Many thanks!
Aug 07Reply

@sstdelight1 thanks!!!!
Aug 07Reply

@mistyp80 I will add you to the NOTIFICATION LIST and you will be tagged tonight for tomorrow's group. Welcome 😍
Aug 07Reply

@barbara156 here is the info page about both share groups that I mentioned
Aug 28Reply

Let me know if you have any questions!
Aug 28Reply

@srk4 Thank you 😊
Aug 31Reply

I haven’t been in a share group before, but would like to try it out 😊
Aug 31Reply

Hello I’m new at this 😍🤦🏼♀️😍 would you add me to your notifications list please!! I would love to join!!😊
Sep 15Reply

@nholloman2013 So glad to have you. You are now added to the NOTIFICATION LIST. 😘
Sep 15Reply

@holly_hartley great!! Thanks 😍
Sep 15Reply

@runningmomoftwo yes I shared you! 😊
Sep 27Reply

Hi @holly_hartley! Can you please add me @belladonna2peas to your list so that I can join your share group? Thank you!!!
Apr 18Reply

@belladonna2peas You are now added. 😘
Apr 19Reply

@cheyshortcake hey Chey, this is the share group I was telling you about today. you can like this listing to find Holly's page. and if you want she can add you to her reminder list. if you have any questions, let me know.
Apr 21Reply

@ankpretties 😘
Apr 21Reply

Hello! I’m new to share groups but would like to sign up if you have room! @roseevclothing thank you! 🙏
Apr 25Reply

@roseevclothing Yes we would love to have you. I can add you to my NOTIFICATION LIST. I will be posting tomorrows groups here soon.
Apr 25Reply

@holly_hartley hi ❤️ can you add me to your notifications for the kids share group?
May 02Reply

@losangelesposh added love! 😘
May 02Reply

@lasmadaskids Hi! Just wondering if you have shared in this group before. If not, it is a really good one for Kids Shares. 👍🏽
Jun 26Reply

@lasmadakids Read Above.😊
Jun 26Reply

@marlanap4kids I have yes, its a great group. I'm super bad with sharing in my kids closet... I really need to give it more attention. Thanks for thinking of me Marlana. 😘
Jun 26Reply

@lasmadakids Totally understand. Hope you join us more often. Glad to assist you too because You are so thoughtful. 🐻❤️🐻
Jun 26Reply
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