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“Sterilized”= USED❗️
“Swatched”= USED❗️
“Only Used Once”= USED❗️
⚠️Dermatologist Howard Sobel, MD says: “the ONLY way to sterilize a product would be to put it in an autoclave for 20 minutes at 249° Fahrenheit.”
It would ruin the makeup & it’s packaging. Your SKIN, HEALTH, VISION & LIFE are worth a few extra bucks.
⛔️WITH ALL OTHER METHODS, you don’t know what bacteria, infection, or fungus remains.

25 others
like this

@georgia405 ~~ more people need to adhere to this rule !! I was searching for benefits They're Real mascara. Came across so many closets w used make-up !! So gross & so unsanitary.
Mar 03Reply

@kh6861 it really is SOOO dangerous and there’s no excuse for it. It’s just as dangerous as buying fakes, and it’s JUST as against the Poshmark rules.
Mar 03Reply

@georgia405 what gets me is when they are adamant that they used a qtip lol ... Nah ... That mark in the eyeshadow looks like a fingerprint. And "only" tried the mascara !!!!!!! I asked if she really thought she could in good conscience sell dried out used mascara for $25 ?!? She blocked me of course. People don't understand.
Mar 03Reply

@kh6861 they legit think scraping the top layer off will sanitize it. I’m..uh..not quite sure how you scrape a layer off of mascara or lip gloss, or a ton of other stuff. But ASIDE from the gross factor, how could you live with yourself if you sold someone something and they traced the bacteria to the makeup you sold them and they went blind. Or worse.
Mar 03Reply

@georgia405 Exactly. I remember in HS two friends who got pink eye from sharing makeup. That stuck with me.
Mar 03Reply

@kh6861 yeah, and that’s lucky comparatively. All the Petri dishes are just one person’s makeup - still totally while they are using it. Could you imagine buying from someone you don’t know who could be a house with a mom and several daughters(and friends) all using the same stuff? NOPE.
Mar 03Reply

@georgia405 🤢🤒😷
Mar 03Reply

So true! Especially the liquid lip / eye items. The lipsticks could have been on MANY sets of lips!! Uck!
Mar 03Reply

@kh6861 I got pink eye in high school!! Lol. Ick.. I let this girl borrow my mascara for 2 seconds. I knew it was wrong!! Lol. And yup... I got it! I knew EXACTLY where it came from!! DONT DO IT!! Its not worth it.
Mar 03Reply

@glam_grrll yep. What we learn !!
Mar 03Reply

@glam_grrll Just recently at work, a coworker ( we are nurse's ) asked if I had any chapstick. I actually had a brand new Burt's bees that I hadn't used. I told her it's the best & to keep it. Do you know this ding dong friend tried to give it back ?!? It's flu season & I don't share. Lol
Mar 03Reply

@kh6861 Lol!! Ick! There was a Sat. Night Live Skit before..all the street people were asking Dana Carvey to borrow his chapstick. It was SO FUNNY. At the end there was this huge Alien, with Cold Sores all over its lip... That's what I picture when I see used liquid lippies!! How many mouths has it been on?
Mar 03Reply

@kh6861 My Mother always warned me about sharing eye cosmetics... But I didnt want to feel cheap. Now I just tell people thats its not safe. Not that your dirty.. You can cross contaminate cosmetics.
Mar 03Reply

May I borrow this? I wanna share as much as possible
Mar 04Reply

@maceface9210 I would prefer you don't share it unless you're 100% compliant only because I am in dozens of share groups who require total complicity 💜💜💜💜💜
Mar 05Reply

@georgia405 iam 100% compliant IM posh ambassador and suggested user ♡♡♡
Mar 05Reply

@georgia405 I just tagged you on a used makeup listing. Take a look when you can. It’s so gross!!🤢
Mar 17Reply

are you reading this you "swatched once and sanitized" girls?
Mar 31Reply

@kh6861 hey girl I know this is real late but I have an unlisted deluxe UNTOUCHED size of the benefit mascara - I know Georgia405 won't mind me saying so on her page as we always tag each other if someone is ISO something we dont have. LMK.
Mar 31Reply

@georgia405 see above - hope ok. I meant to add the @ sign before your name and forgot
Mar 31Reply

@amoc2001 Hey !! Thanks. Is it Black ?
Mar 31Reply

@amoc2001 of course it’s fine.
Mar 31Reply

@amoc2001 I mean, it’s fine you’re selling your wares. Soooo NOT fine you forgot the @ sign.
Mar 31Reply

@georgia405 lmao - It was a rush I better get this sale before GINGER404 sees lmfao
Mar 31Reply

@kh6861 yes it is. Its the deluxe/travel size tho
Mar 31Reply

@kh6861 anyways - comment on one of my listings - no need to clobber up @georgia405 page with our comments. lol thanks @georgia405 :)
Mar 31Reply

@kh6861 and please by all means buy the one @amoc2001 has, if you need a second one I have an unlisted one too. But I don’t care about selling it or not. @amoc2001 is moving and needs to get rid of stuff.
Mar 31Reply

@georgia405 thx :)
Mar 31Reply

@amoc2001 clobber it up all you like! Love, GINGER276 💚
Mar 31Reply

@georgia405 hahahaha ok from amoc4973
Mar 31Reply

@amoc2001 i need a shirt that says “NOT A ‘SWATCHED ONCE AND SANITIZED’ KIND OF GIRL”
Mar 31Reply

@jakesma3 oh my goodness I don’t think I ever saw what you tagged me in. I hope it flipped over and caught on fire.
Mar 31Reply

This is ridiculous! Do you realize that if you've ever had a makeup artist do your makeup professionally, they are applying used makeup on your face! No makeup artist buys new makeup every time they are going to do a new client. The only think that needs to be done to makeup to sanitize it and make it almost as new, is to spritz it with alcohol.
Apr 05Reply

@dreaminunicorn That’s funny. I saw my hair and makeup artist yesterday and she told me that she wouldn’t even share eye makeup with her own daughter, why would she put a client at risk? But I’m sure if you have clients they’d love to know that you disagree with all the SCIENCE that says you’re wrong.
Aside from ANY OF THAT - this is a POSHMARK rule, I didn’t make it up. It’s also an eBay rule. So clearly I’m not the only one who thinks safety is important.
Apr 05Reply

“almost new” 😂 except for that teeny tiny bit of meningitis left behind that can kill you. or a wee bit of enterobacter, that can cause sepsis and death rapidly, like any gram-negative bacteria; or soft tissue diseases and necrosis (like, oh, say..your eyes.) I’ll stick to new and unused, thanks.
Apr 05Reply

@dreaminunicorn you're right as a makeup artist i use used makeup... However EVERY time i even dip a wand into any of my makeup it's a brand new wand! If your makeup artist you see isn't doing so then you need a new makeup artist! If you don't understand the process don't make ignorant comments
Apr 06Reply

@kboma PLEASE DON’T. No no no.
May 16Reply

Jun 06Reply

Also, @baeritto88
Jun 08Reply

THIS POST IS EVERYTHING!! I cannot believe the amount of post I have seen about used makeup- ESPECIALLY eye makeup. I’m a RRT and recently had to have a cornea transplant. It’s not a result of sharing makeup but I just don’t think some people understand the gravity of the situation. I know this is an old post but I just came across it and when you get those I’m not a swatched and sanitized kinda girl- let me know so I can get one too! 😂😂😂
Jun 12Reply

@brittni_a those shirts would be AMAZING. I just CANNOT wrap my brain around all the SOLD makeup I see on here that’s half used. Or “only swatched once”?? Like, WHY would you ever take that chance? Thank you love 💛💛💛
Jun 12Reply

@georgia405 I received a comment one day on some makeup and it said ‘is this new or used?’ My jaw dropped! At that point I didn’t even know people sold used makeup and now I feel like I see used makeup more than anything else. 🙄 I’m totally down for the shirts! They would be so cute!
Jun 12Reply

I completely agree with you! I have been reporting them under "unsupported/other". Is that the correct way to report used makeup? Did you know that banned used underware includes used bras? A lot if people think used underwear means used underpants, but according to Posh it is both!
Jul 23Reply

Also, my BS is in microbiology and you are correct about the microorganisms that are found anywhere there is moisture. Do Not share makeup!!
Jul 23Reply

@lolitajeaux I didn’t want to clog up that seller’s page; I understand what you’re saying about whether or not they sell used clothes, but clothing & makeup are totally different things. Especially since Posh has a rule specifically saying used makeup IS NOT allowed; eBay has the exact same rule. It’s a matter of safety & also money – if someone goes blind from bacteria in used makeup bought here, Posh will get sued for millions. Just think if you lost your vision..that’s how I look at it.
Aug 20Reply

@georgia405 I understand your point of view I personally don’t have problem with used make up seeing as you can sanitize eyeshadows. But I do see your issue with it violating the poshmark rules and I agree it shouldn’t be allowed
Aug 20Reply

@georgia405 - This post gives me life! I sell NEW Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent, and other quality make-up. I hate that there are so many people on Poshmark selling used makeup. That's just nasty.
Aug 22Reply

@boutiqueparis Thanks so much love! You’ve got some super cute stuff! I’ll have to look around in there 😘
Aug 22Reply

@georgia405 - You're very welcome! Your closet is awesome as well. Thank you again for helping to keep Poshmark safe! ✔️🤗
Aug 22Reply

Mascara? Ppl are ppl actually buying this used mascara? Ew.
Sep 18Reply

Idk what happened with that sentence. It sounds like I had a seizure while writing it.
Sep 19Reply

@supb Hahahahahah no, it made perfect sense to me.
Sep 19Reply

@erinwalper I️ understand so I️ deleted my listing so why are you still making a big deal out of I️t?
Sep 27Reply

What is the proper way to report? I click unsupported item, from there it says non fashion/other or illegal item. Is it an illegal item? I’m disgusted by people selling used/swatched makeup and want to report when I see it! 😷
Nov 10Reply

@allienchi yes! I totally do it that way. Unsupported, and then Prohibited/Illegal. You ca. Also tag them in this post, or tag me in their listing, or tell me about it in a bundle, just don’t use the @ symbol in front of their name or they’ll be able to see the bundle.
Nov 10Reply

@georgia405 Thank you!!
Nov 10Reply

What about used brushes? I don't know if that's against the rules but it definitely grosses me out
Feb 28Reply

@carriesclosest personally I don’t do used brushes ever. Same reasons as above. 💛💛😘
Feb 28Reply

@dreaminunicorn MUA must be trained/ licensed for those reasons as to not get clients sick.
Behind counters, All store policies are that product must be destroyed if opened and touched.
Apr 10Reply

Hi!! I see used makeup ALL THE TIME on here and I sincerely do not understand WHY Poshmark doesn’t take down the listings...so, my question is, what should these listings be reported as if (when) we do come across them?? Thanks so much!!
Apr 24Reply

I know I'm way late to this party, but you are awesome for posting this. I report listings with used makeup. I fail to understand how some of these people are selling makeup as new when they have swatched it or worn it "1-2x". I wouldn't go into Sephora or order something online and pay for something that was swatched or worn once or twice. So, how do these people justify their actions?
Jul 04Reply

Sep 08Reply

@alwayslovehere sorry I didn’t know this
Sep 08Reply

@chandlersgizmos I'm not trying to be rude!! I just wanted to let you know. ✨✨
Sep 08Reply

You are doing the world a good service! There are so many people selling used makeup - often tagging them as NWT - that I've completely stopped buying makeup here because I don't trust any of those who say never used /swatched. Just not worth the risk.
I'm especially concerned about those unwitting buyers who are immunocompromised - they may not know the dangers that even used eyeshadow or other powders pose.
Oct 26Reply

Reporting is futile - I spent 2 hours one day reporting dozens of listings and they still haven't been removed and many of them have sold. Could I adopt your images here to help spread the word about spreading cooties? 💕
Oct 26Reply

I've started selling new makeup that I've gotten from my subscription boxes that I don't want. (Unswatched and everything.) However, they don't come with tags... so I feel uncomfortable putting NWT even though they're absolutely new. Any thoughts?
Nov 04Reply

@unravelledraven as long as it’s new and never swatched it’s okay to list as NWT. Lots of makeup doesn’t come with actual tags anyway. I always put in the description that it’s brand new in original packaging. Also, for lippies, be sure you don’t pull the wand out. I see people post pics w the wand out of a lippie and still have it listed as new. Once that wand comes out it’s no longer new. 💛💛💛
Nov 04Reply

@georgia405 Oh, this is good to know! I didn’t open the lip balm I listed (I already had the same one!), but I did pop open the eyeshadow palettes. I didn’t touch it (although the loose plastic that was between the palette and the mirror fell off as I opened it — I threw it away and didn’t replace it), though. You have good advice, so I just thought I’d ask WWYD?
Nov 04Reply

@unravelledraven yeah the plastic isn’t a huge deal, I might just say in the listing that it doesn’t come with the plastic insert. Opening eyeshadow is no big deal, I always do it to check that nothing is broken - just don’t touch any shadows. Anything liquid, like lips, eyeliner, mascara etc, you never want to open. 💛💛💛
Nov 06Reply

okay but what about all the “testers” in makeup stores? like i get that you’re not buying the tester but it’s not like the workers sit and sanitize everything after each person uses it...and i honestly don’t see a big deal with swatched lipsticks, blush, eyeshadow..etc if they were swatched with a lip brush or cotton swap..etc. i do agree with the mascara, lip gloss, liquid lips though because there is no true way to fully sanitize them.
Dec 23Reply

but seriously though, they’re are disposable wands, brushes, etc that can be used to test or swatch products and i honestly feel like as long and they used a disposable wand and it never actually came in contact with skin that it should be fine. makeup artists reuse makeup all the time BUT they use disposable wands. also, i see used brushes as okay because you CAN clean, disinfect, and sterilize those.
Dec 23Reply

also: yes it’s against posh rules so yeah it shouldn’t be posted. honestly though, in my opinion, i think it’s MUCH nastier when i see people selling underwear 🤢 even NWT underwear. i think it’s gross. when i buy underwear from the store i barely touch it and immediately throw it in the wash with hot water.
Dec 23Reply

oh! and eyeliner, if it can be sharpened i don’t see the big deal. 🤷🏼♀️ also, i’m not judging anyone but i see a lot of people buying used makeup because people selling NET makeup are always jacking the prices up way above retail so they can’t afford it. then they go buy the used one because it’s less than retail.
Dec 23Reply

1. Testers are gross.
2. Used makeup is dangerous and gross and not allowed on Posh.
3. The underwear thing isn’t even an argument as only NWT underwear is allowed here so I’m not even sure why you’d bring it up.
4. There are tons of reasons women buy on Posh, price is only one factor and you shouldn’t shame people for buying where they choose to. It’s their money.
Dec 23Reply

@sammy_jo13 Lots of people have anxiety about shopping in store, and all reasons are valid. Lots are disabled or sick and can’t shop in store. Lots like the personal service they get from reputable sellers. Lots like supporting small businesses. Some women are in relationships where they are forced to sell things on Posh to buy what they want. I always send tons of gifts with my purchases. Not samples. Full size high end gifts. They’re getting more than just what you see from MANY sellers here.
Dec 23Reply

@georgia405 woaahhh calm down. i’m not shaming anyone. idk where you got that from. and i’m not saying that testers aren’t gross. i’m just saying that they are out there, if people want to risk it it’s their choice 🤷🏼♀️ i ALSO said i KNOW it’s against posh rules. and like i said, i’m not judging anyone for the prices they choose. i’m just stating a fact that i have personally seen comments like “i can’t afford retail or higher so i’d like to purchase ____, can be slightly used or swatched.”
Dec 24Reply

also..i’m fully aware of shopping anxiety as i myself get it. i know that people are forced to buy online so idk why you’re trying to tell me that..it wasn’t brought up. BUT if you’re bring it up because i brought up selling on posh, why would i buy something on posh for retail when i can spend the same amount at the store? obviously people can buy whatever they want, i’m just saying personally, if something on here is priced at retail, i’d rather buy it from the store so i don’t have to worry.
Dec 24Reply

also, buying underwear is just as sketchy as buying used makeup. even if they’re NWT, it doesn’t mean they never tried them on. the only way i’d ever consider it is if they were lower than retail, and sealed in the package that they came in (if ordered online.) but that’s MY opinion/rule for myself. like i said, people are allowed to buy/do whatever they want with their money. i’m not SHAMING or judging anyone.
Dec 24Reply

like seriously though. reread my comments because it bugs the crap out of me that you have the audacity to think i’m SHAMING people for buying stuff on posh. 🙄🙄🤦🏼♀️ I BUY stuff on here. why tf would i shane someone for doing something i do?!? and yeah, NWT underwear is allowed her but in MY opinion it’s still risky & gross just like the people selling makeup that has hit pan from being used so much.
Dec 24Reply

@sammy_jo13 okay you’ve now posted 6 times on my post about what *you* prefer to do with your money. At the end of the day, SWATCHED/USED IS AGAINST POSH RULES.
There are very reputable sellers with literally thousands and thousands of sales and Love Notes. No one is forcing you to buy anything. But what you WILL NOT do is belittle those who *do* buy NWT, or place value judgements like “gross” on NWT items. Stop attacking my customers. Worry about your closet.
Dec 24Reply

@georgia405 omfg dude i’m not belittling anyone. i’m not judging anyone. i’m not shaming anyone. wtf is wrong with you?!!? again, let me repeat myself for the 3rd time now. I KNOW. ITS. AGAINST. THE. RULES. jesus i wasn’t being rude at all but now i am. i’m allowed to have my views/opinions on things, but like i said. people can spend their money on whatever they want. what part don’t you get?! i’ve literally been agreeing with you & you’re attacking me & getting defensive for no reason. 🙄🙄🤦🏼♀️
Dec 24Reply

@georgia405 we have seen so much of this and it makes us very "Unraveled"! It is so dangerous!!! May we use this post on our page?
May 29Reply

@womenunraveled yes of course! 😘
Jun 01Reply

@georgia405 thanks doll! 😘
Jun 01Reply

@georgia405 like people think that selling used makeup is okay but in reality if someone buys something and it is used and the buyer does not know that can cause problems because the seller used that item and example like it was lipstick the seller used the lipstick and than the buyer used the same lipstick that can cause a problem like what if the seller and a problem with there lips like that Is just scary it is a risk many take to buy makeup
Jul 09Reply

@sunitagupta yes exactly. It’s completely unsanitary and also against the rules on poshmark.
Jul 09Reply

@leopardval has loads of used makeup.
Aug 04Reply

@stylemode101 Omg I know the feeling girl. I posted this four years ago and it’s steadily gotten worse the entire time. And I really wish Poshmark cared enough to enforce their own rules.
Nov 05Reply

@georgia405 Thank you so much for keeping this post up.
Nov 05Reply

I wish I could like this a billion times. The amount of “swatched” (which yes, is USED!!) and “gently used” makeup and half/quarter used skincare items is disgusting. When reporting those, do you report it as unsupported item? Because when I’ve done it that seems to be the only thing that really
Feb 26Reply

Also, I know I’m super late to the party lol but really it’s disturbing. The skincare is a big thing for me too. Like why?? Someone had a mask that they said they accidentally stuck their finger in and then scraped the top layer off with a scraper.... 🤮🤮🤮🤮 ummm... so what??! Just gross!!!
Feb 26Reply

Feb 26Reply

Feb 26Reply

Feb 26Reply

@desmith0927 I deleted the listing. thank you for bringing to my attention.
Feb 26Reply

@desmith0927 OMG yes girl, agreed! There’s WAY too much used makeup on here. It’s not allowed on other sites AND it’s against the rules on Poshmark, but people still sell it all the time. It’s so gross, and I’m not sure how they could live with themselves if they sold some used makeup for $10 and the buyer might get an infection (or worse).
And yes! Unsupported item is the right option!
Feb 26Reply

Feb 26Reply

@desmith0927 oh ewwww that’s awful about the mask. I see so many “New” makeup listings that say in the description “only swatched never used” and it blows my mind. Every single item I sell has NEVER been touched, comes directly from the retailer, and I only open palettes ONCE to take a picture and I never touch the shades. Anything beyond that is used by my standards.
I always appreciate finding awesome new people on here so thanks for saying hi! 💛💛💛
Feb 26Reply

Feb 26Reply

@georgianna101 no problem 😊 I’m having a hard time finding a way to tell people that doesn’t sound rude. Generally words like dangerous/unsanitary/gross aren’t received well but there’s just no other way to say it. I seriously am in shock with the amount I’m seeing. With both makeup and skincare. And yea... swatched is used. Idk how anyone sees that any other way. The mental gymnastics these people have to do to convince themselves this is ok after being told why it isn’t. Crazy
Feb 26Reply

@desmith0927 greed over morality. Lots of used closets have lots of fakes too (or have ALL fakes). PLUS the expiration date countdown starts once it’s touched.. I’ve never once seen a listing that says when it was first used (even tho a lot of it looks 4-5 years old). So gross.
I’ve given up trying to figure out how to phrase it politely lol. They flip out if you tell them “Poshmark doesn’t allow used makeup” in private; they don’t care about what’s right or wrong, only about losing money.
Feb 26Reply

@georgia405 I told a few that poshmark doesn’t allow it and that’s it’s dangerous and there’s no way to properly sanitize makeup. Idc what they think. This is about basic human decency and what should be common sense. I stop caring about feelings at that point. Really though, thanks for this post. Glad I found you because of it 😊
Feb 26Reply

@desmith0927 I’m so glad you found me too! 💛 I’ve met some really great people here (and some others who see this post & decide I’m their enemy lol).
I started my Poshmark closet in Dec 2016 & made this post a few months later bc I was so horrified by what I saw on here. Since then it’s just gotten worse.
I’m gonna add some info & new graphics to this post soon. If ëBāÿ can ban used makeup & have rules that actually work, Posh can too. Instead they ignore their own rules (& SAFETY) for money.
Feb 27Reply

@georgia405 yea there have been many things that have convinced me that money means more to them than just about anything. It’s sad.
Feb 27Reply

@georgia405 The funniest thing to me is when I see a listing for used make up that says... Sanitized 🥴 Like Really? Please tell me how you sanitize make up 🤣 I would NEVER buy used products! People do it all the time though 🤮
Mar 10Reply

@georgia405 I'm looking for something like this to put in my closet. I really wish they would stop the sale of used make up!
Mar 10Reply
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