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Updated Mar 09
Updated Mar 09

Sellers Beware



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This buyer decided it was ok to buy something than rate me badly for my price very sad the tags were still attached showing the price so we lose money minus fees and than get rated badly );
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sammmiiilynn If they didn't like the price they could've made an offer or kept scrolling. That's sad some people could be so rude. Everyone wants free stuff even if it means ripping others off. What a shame. So sorry this happened to you.
Apr 03Reply
presleysnana @sammmiiilynn Thank you it’s happened before but if their not happy send it back don’t keep it rate badly ):
Apr 03Reply
sammmiiilynn @presleysnana exactly.. there is an option to return for a reason.
Apr 03Reply
presleysnana @sammmiiilynn I know I just had a lady post rude stuff I told her return it than I have no problem with that she just ignored me you have balls enough to berate someone at least answer them when they give you options to fix the problem she didn’t realize I take pictures from all views before I sent so the complaint was a total lie ): oh well I just block from buying again
Apr 03Reply
sammmiiilynn @presleysnana yeah it's just absurd that people would act that way. Everyone on here is generous enough to give discounts, giveaways, free gifts, and then you got the people who take advantage and play dumb. Please lol.. no one has time for that petty crap.. hope it don't happen again.. posh should look into these people
Apr 03Reply
presleysnana @sammmiiilynn I just had a lady say oh my 13 yr old would be in heaven if she could get this hoodie for her bday so I said I’ll drop the price she said she was a single mom with 4 kids so I said ok I’ll give it to you for 20 than she proceeds to say oh and this one and this one lol all size large for a 13 yr old ? Wtf lol sorry I’ll stop venting ): Thanks for listening :)
Apr 03Reply
sammmiiilynn @presleysnana I feel like some single mothers use that to there advantage to make people feel bad for them. Usually people do and will try to help anyway possible. However, becuase so many people have done that, half the woman on here don't want to drop prices or make holds. Also id like to know what freaking 13 year old wears a large because my 14 year old is a medium and my 16 year old is a large. Lol.. wtf is right! Lol.
Apr 03Reply
presleysnana @sammmiiilynn I so agree I think she read my profile and figured oh she lost her daughter so she’s an easy target ):
Apr 03Reply
sammmiiilynn @presleysnana how freaking awful.. what a terrible person.. well, good thing we have an option to block people. That's so wrong.
Apr 03Reply
cassiejo73 I had someone do the same thing to me. It's crazy how they want to ask for something for next to nothing but when you do give them a good deal they in turn rate you poorly. Is crazy!!
Apr 06Reply
presleysnana @cassiejo73 people anymore are ungrateful and unkind ! Not everyone but .... it’s very sad I’m raising my Grandbabies it breaks my heart to see how kids are today!!
Apr 06Reply
cassiejo73 @presleysnana I raised mine for 5 years and then the mother decided to have another baby so she couldn't keep one and not the other so she took him from me. He HATES it at her house. He is always getting into trouble at school or when he is with her. She can't see that is his way of telling her he wants to come home. I wish she would look at it from his view and not from what people might think of her.
Apr 06Reply
presleysnana @cassiejo73 I’m so sorry for both of you I’ve had my 14 yr old since he was 2 and the 4 yr old since he was 3 weeks thankfully my daughter signed everything before she passed away <3
Apr 06Reply
isuzie Thanks 🙏 for the Like
Oct 07Reply

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