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Updated Jan 03
Updated Jan 03

Meet your Posher, Naomi

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Naomi. Some of my favorite brands are PINK Victoria's Secret, MAC Cosmetics, Louis Vuitton, Michael Kors, and Nike. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 5% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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frombleaktochic Hi welcome to Poshmark it’s a great community I hope you enjoy it as much as I do 😊 I am a Poshmark Ambassador if you have any questions about Poshmark feel free to message me happy Poshing
Mar 20Reply
buffy2121 Welcome to Poshmark! You’re going to love this community! If you need any help navigating the way to site don’t hesitate to tag me :-) Happy poshing 🎉💋🦄💕🦄💋🎉
Aug 03Reply
naomikloster @2xloved thank you so much!
Aug 03Reply
naomikloster @buffy2121 thanks!!!!!!!!!💕❤️
Aug 03Reply
geauxgal Hey cutie... Welcome and you could totally play the part of I Dream of Jeanie remake. That's a total compliment😉
Aug 03Reply
naomikloster @geauxgal Aw... Thank You!😊❤️
Aug 03Reply
closetivity As a Poshmark Ambassador, I’d like to welcome you to Poshmark! Happy to answer any questions you may have. I welcome you to follow me back, check out my closet and make offers. I’m flexible on all prices. Happy poshing! 👗👚👡👜👙
Aug 03Reply
naomikloster @closetivity hello! Thank you! And okay I will! ❤️
Aug 03Reply
ericaschrull hi Naomi! thanks so much for the likes! care for a 10% off bundle with discounted shipping? 😊
Aug 18Reply
naomikloster @ericaschrull Hello! Aw you’re welcome! Normally I would say yes, but I’m trying not to buy so much! Thank you so much though! 😊❤️
Aug 18Reply
ericaschrull @naomikloster haha no problem, thanks for letting me know! 😄
Aug 18Reply
coconuts19 If at all possible can you please ship tomorrow? I would love to take these with me for the weekend. Thank you!
Aug 28Reply
naomikloster @jenvic yes of course! I will go package them right now, and put them in the mail box first thing in the morning! Thank you for your purchase!✨❤️
Aug 28Reply
coconuts19 @naomikloster thank you so much! Really appreciate it 😊😊😊
Aug 28Reply
naomikloster @jenvic of course! I understand completely!
Aug 28Reply
lauraw71 Thank you for the perfect Pink shirt! My daughter loves it, new condition! Speedy shipping too, win win. Thank you!
Sep 01Reply
naomikloster @lauraw71 aw Thank you so much! And thank you for the awesome rating! You’re welcome!!😊
Sep 01Reply
nonasnoopshop Happy Poshing! Now Following 🤗❤️🤪💞 I’m in Florida too!
Sep 01Reply
naomikloster @nonasnoopshop thank you, you too!!! Awesome! Following back!!❤️😊
Sep 01Reply
yanirene Thank you for sharing my listing
Sep 02Reply
naomikloster @yanirene Of course!😊
Sep 02Reply
fressa2004oreo Hello Naomi thank you for sharing
Sep 08Reply
fressa2004oreo Bundle 2+items and ill sent you a private offer
Sep 08Reply
naomikloster @fressa2004oreo of course! Thank you for sharing mine!😊
Sep 08Reply
naomikloster @fressa2004oreo thank you! I do the same!😉
Sep 08Reply
lea_5504 Hey feel free to check out my closet!!
Oct 08Reply
prideandlace Hi there 😊thank you for stopping by- if you would like to bundle your likes there will be a discount and I can have it shipped the same day. 🛍
Oct 20Reply
msplf1949 ~~~~~~~thanks for following my closet~~~~happy poshing~~~~~
Oct 31Reply
naomikloster @msplf1949 of course! You too!🤗
Oct 31Reply
sclay1012 Hey we are from the same city Deltona LOL so if i order something no shipping needed , we can just meet up! :-)
Dec 28Reply
naomikloster @sclay1012 ohh yeah! Haha, okay!🥰
Dec 28Reply
sclay1012 @naomikloster Im right off of Lake helen Osteen road " 3rd side" LOL
Dec 28Reply
southpawbling Thank you for the like🌞
Dec 30Reply
sales24hours Thank you so much for following me. 😘💕 please feel free to shop with confidence as I am a top seller/ fast shipper. All my items in my closet are chosen by me for a unique reason. I will gladly answer any of your questions 💜
Jan 05Reply
kaimor83 Thx hun I just read ur review so sweet of u 🤓🤩🙃
Jan 22Reply
naomikloster @kaimor83 of course! I love them!! And you gave me a great deal too 🥰. Sorry I didn’t accept earlier, I was at school all day.
Jan 22Reply
kaimor83 @naomikloster oh Np. I glad they’ll be put to good use instead of sitting in my closet bored 😆
Jan 22Reply
naomikloster @kaimor83 haha, not me.. I love them!
Jan 23Reply
limitlescouture hey girl I’m open to all offers on all my items ✨
May 14Reply
nysdlvcloset dont buy that apple scammer..beware
Sep 10Reply
naomikloster @nysdlvcloset I wasn’t going to buy an Apple Watch? But thank you so much for you caring honestly❤️
Sep 11Reply
lilamyg817 @naomikloster Hi Naomi!! I just wanted to stop by your closet & introduce myself. My name is Amy & I sell Luxury Makeup Mystery Boxes. I have sold over 100 Makeup Mystery Boxes & have a 5 star rating here on Poshmark. ❤️❤️I'd love if you took a look at my closet & check out the reviews of my Mystery Boxes. If you end up purchasing, mention this comment to receive a free additional full size luxury item in your mystery box. Cheers, & thank you for your time!!😊😊💜💜
Oct 22Reply
charlottefoxx Hi!! I would love for you to check out my jewelry store if you get the chance! I am having a sale right now on all my jewelry and accessories and would love to offer you a discount if you like any items!! 2 for $18 or 3 for $25!! If you’re interested just bundle the items!! ✨ ✨
Feb 13Reply
sevigne Hi Naomi, hope you’re doing well :) Feel free to check out my closet💛
Jun 01Reply
dollar3370 @naomikloster Naomi, Thanks for your kindness, taking your time to share items from my closet. I really appreciate your help. I'm new to Poshmark and I need all the help I can get. Hope you have a blessed day.
Jul 17Reply
chris_paolucci omg i love that bra with the polka dots on lol i think polka dots are so cute 💋
Aug 02Reply
alyrush07 Hi Beautiful💗 just wanted to let you know i added a BUNCH of new name brand things!! Accepting most offers too :)
Sep 25Reply
camthecat2 oh no! Already dropped it at post office, it was stamped in at 4:06 Pacific time with the label Poshmark provided☹
Oct 29Reply
naomikloster @camthecat2 oh:/ I’m not sure what to do then..
Oct 29Reply
naomikloster @camthecat2 I no longer live at this house, due to complications with those who reside there.
Oct 29Reply
camthecat2 I was on my way out when I got your order...sorry. I dont know if you want to see if the post office can track and return it. It was checked in at 4:06 pac time before you changed the address. Tracking 9405511202061877593522 from Santa Maria, Ca post office 93455
Oct 29Reply
naomikloster @camthecat2 I’m not sure, I guess I will just have to accept the order when it gets to the house or something
Oct 29Reply
camthecat2 ok, sorry😮
Oct 30Reply
tractorqueen1 We share a name! So it's only fitting to share a few items of each other's closet as Thanks so much for stopping by.
Dec 21Reply
sayyestojewelry Hi there I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet✨ Let me know if you have any questions! 💕☺️
Mar 26Reply
stevenb712 Hello....Godspeed to you and happy poshing indeed .... Thanks for sharing ...
Jun 15Reply
shopamorejewels Greetings! I would like to offer you a 50% off any item or items you like from my closet. Please visit my closet and take care! 😊🌸
Jun 17Reply
lauracieslak Hey there! :)) If you get a chance I’d really love for you to come by and check out my closet, I’ve got a variety of styles in clothing, shoes and beauty products so maybe you’ll find something you like! But either way thanks a ton and Happy Poshing:)
Aug 09Reply
anjisattic Hi Naomi, thanks so much for sharing my Mawi kunzite. Good luck with your sales too. Stay well. Peace and love, Anji
Aug 19Reply
aandfdesigns Thank you so very much for sharing my closet
Aug 19Reply
earthbum @naomikloster Thanks for the share 🥰🌞
Aug 25Reply
us514_lenab Thanks for Sharing, Naomi! Have urself a fab day!!
Oct 07Reply
bamfshades whatup fl posh fam!
Oct 08Reply
savvylife Thanks for sharing.💗
Oct 09Reply
anjisattic Hi Naomi, thanks so much for sharing my Mawi Kunzite. Good luck with your sales too. Stay well. Peace and love, Anji
Nov 06Reply
bdflanigan Hi, thank you for the offer but those are too small, I hit by accident. Trying to share.
Feb 11Reply
lmkdeals4455 I made an offer on your LV Monogram zippy wallet. Kindly respond if it is decline or counter. Thank you. 😊
Mar 12Reply
jessica2151 Thank you for following me! I have a new website for kids with stories, games, merchandise. I'm a mom & wanted to share positive characters/messages. I would greatly appreciate it if you could subscribe & help share! I also have kids videos on YouTube. Shares/follows are much appreciated! If I can help you share your closet/social media I'd be happy to help! Thank you so much!😊 Instagram @jessica.laurianne
Jul 01Reply
1sumrgrl Hi, Naomi! Thanks for the follow and the shares! I appreciate your support ❣️
Aug 06Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Aug 08Reply
kristenkreation Hi @naomikloster thank you for the follow! I'm Tink! I love your closet! I'm a Posh Ambassador so if you have any questions please let me know and I'd be glad to help! Thank you and have a great day! Happy Poshing!
Aug 22Reply
sboyce140 thanks for the follow sweetie 😉 😊
Sep 05Reply
pjhb Hi Naomi! Thanks so much for sharing my listings! Would love to make you a great deal! I do take reasonable offers! Check out my closet for more treasures and deals in the future! I am a 5 star seller!
Sep 07Reply
oliviaami Hi @5ab05bb02dccc02e755d44d4 , thanks for following us! 💗 Like or comment our items to get great offers😊
Sep 28Reply
oliviaami Hi @5ab05bb02dccc02e755d44d4 , thanks for following us! 💗 Like or comment our items to get great offers😊
Sep 28Reply
alyssaknez hi there!🛍️your closet is so cute🥰 I just wanted to let you know I’m having a closet clear out sale and have very low prices right now. I have a 🌿3/$12🌿 and a 🌿5/$18🌿 my entire closet includes both sales besides the two patagonias. so anything you want! I have sizes XS to large. you just need to like or bundle the items you want and i’ll make the offer! i posted 30 + new items today! check it out & i’ll be sure to check yours as well 💘
Oct 06Reply
alyssaknez hi!🤍 I just wanted to let you know I’m having a whole closet sale with very low prices right now. I have a 🌸10/$25🌸 for my entire closet! so anything you want! I have sizes XS to large. you just need to like or bundle the items you want and i’ll make the offer! I currently have 90 available items for purchase and they all need to be gone asap ☺️ if you want check it out & i’ll be sure to check yours as well 💘
Oct 15Reply
alyssaknez hi!🤍 I just wanted to let you know I’m having a whole closet sale with very low prices right now. I have a 🌸10/$25🌸 for my entire closet! so anything you want! I have sizes XS to large. you just need to like or bundle the items you want and i’ll make the offer! I currently have 90 available items for purchase and they all need to be gone asap ☺️ if you want check it out & i’ll be sure to check yours as well 💘
Oct 16Reply
lamarquez16 Hello, Ms Naomi I appreciate the follow. I'm new to selling but not new to buying on Poshmark. I started this adventure with my daughter as a means to spend quality time together. We have a variety of clothes for women, men, and youth boys. We shared some items from your closet and we hope you can do the same? Thank you. Happy Poshing!
Oct 28Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily Rose😊🌹I’m doing a closet clear out sale which means…………………….. I’ll be accepting any and all offers even on bundles since I need everything gone and happy Holidays☃️
Dec 17Reply
marywilliams130 Hi this is Mary 😊 thank you for following my closet 😊
Jan 01Reply
krystalmcc1621 Thank you for following me. I just visited your closet to follow you and share some of your items with my followers. Have a wonderful day 🌞and many sales 📦
Mar 04Reply
txtinner Hay Naomi, I drive for Uber and I have recently been introduced to a quality product line that uses the “drop-ship model”, so now I am trying to find my customers. I’m in the Dallas/Ft Worth part of Texas and open for suggestions. Uber got me in this so I’m taking advantage of it to test different areas. Thanks for your help in advance, Dan
Mar 05Reply
cutehosiery @naomikloster Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Mar 06Reply
calamityjane13 Thank you for sharing my new listing!🎉 So kind of you!!😊💖 Take care-L
Aug 28Reply
valdezarm1974 Thank You for following sweetheart!😋
Oct 29Reply
johndiaz282 Thanks for the follow Naomi, you're absolutely gorgeous
Feb 15Reply
hodgey215 Hello Naomi Pleasure to meet you today I wish you a wonderful evening . God bless you and your family.
Oct 31Reply
hodgey215 Happy new year to you and your family and friends 2025 yay I wish you the most amazing, happy, joyous, peaceful, etc., etc. etc. new year that you have ever had in your life and much success. God bless you all.
Jan 02Reply
misserin7 Nice closet :) Just stopping by to say hi and introduce myself. I hope you’ll check my closet out too!
Jan 04Reply
lisakay100 Happy Poshing, I’ll Check out your Closet & You can Check out my Closet‼️
8 hours agoReply

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