Meet your Posher, David
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Hi! I'm David. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

30 others
like this

Welcome! Let me know if you have any questions. I’m happy to assist. 😃. I’ve shared your listing to all my followers
Apr 21Reply

Hi! I ordered some Loft pants from you. Do you know when you will be shipping those?
May 07Reply

@jllindemann1 hello! I had shipped them the day after you placed the order. It says the package was not scanned it and I do not have the Pants. Called usps and they say they don’t have it. Not sure where the could have went. I’ll have to cancel the order very sorry for the inconvenience. Hope you understand.
-Best Regards
May 08Reply

@dne_express no problem! Thank you for the fast response!
May 08Reply

@dne_express Welcome to Poshmark! Poshmark reports,“closets selling 15+ items=higher sales”💋👍💋LIKE some things 💕FOLLOW people & ✅🎁SHARE lots of things🎁✅ SHARE ✅SHARE✅ SHARE=💥💵 SALES💥💵💥( Lots of SELF SHARES 2 )There are so many wonderful people on Poshmark. I’m enjoying the buying and selling opportunities available on Poshmark and I know you will too. Let me know if you have questions.
🌹Happy Poshing 2U🌹
Jun 21Reply

Thank you for visiting and following my closet David, please let me know if you have any questions. Have a Posh day!
Jun 21Reply

@dne_express Welcome to Poshmark! Poshmark reports,“closets selling 15+ items=higher sales”💋👍💋LIKE some things 💕FOLLOW people & ✅🎁SHARE lots of things🎁✅ SHARE ✅SHARE✅ SHARE=💥💵 SALES💥💵💥( Lots of SELF SHARES 2 )There are so many wonderful people on Poshmark. I’m enjoying the buying and selling opportunities available and I know you will too. 💕Let me know if you have questions.💕
Jun 24Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! A great platform to safely buy and sell quality merchandise. I am a Poshmark Ambassador and available to answer any questions you may have. Looks like you are off to a great start with your closet and having fun already! Here's to many sales and Happy poshing 🤗🛍📮💵
Sep 21Reply

@dne_express Thank you for the follow. Just to let you know, if you bundle 4+ items, you’ll receive 20% off the entire purchase! Please feel free to ask me anything and make any offers. Thanks for your interest in my closet, @closetofbritt!
Dec 04Reply

Hi I bought some
Big star jeans from
You. They say delivered and i haven’t even accepted the item yet because it has not actually been delivered. Do you have any tracking info?
Dec 10Reply

@ginaross15 hello! Once the item says delivered the tracking info goes away. You need to put this item as a problem and say it never got delivered to you. There’s not much I can do since it got scanned into the post office. Report a problem on the item and posh should help us out on this. Hope to hear from you soon.
Dec 10Reply

@dne_express guess what just shows up! I think it may just be weird holiday stuff. Got them thanks!!
Dec 10Reply

@ginaross15 yay! Good to hear! 😊
Dec 10Reply

Hello, this is my first time using this service website...but the fender shirt I ordered is a gift any way of having that sent as a gift?
Dec 21Reply

@teletone7 No we dont do that, I can put it in a bag for you.
Dec 21Reply

@dne_express ok great and no receipt thank you very much very cool shirt :)
Dec 21Reply

David is the ralph lauren big shirt a size XL I can't see from the lable
Jan 12Reply

@jas7242 Just double checked and yes it’s a size XL
Jan 12Reply

Thank You For Following My Poshmark Closet All Reasonable Offers Will Be Considered! 🛍
Jan 31Reply

I ordered two pair of shorts from you yesterday and you haven't shipped them I was just wondering what was going on
Feb 19Reply

Thanks for following! I’m a newbie 😊
Feb 27Reply

💍Hello David Thank you for the Follow. I took a walk through your shop and left some Shares Visit anytime HAPPY POSHING 💍
Mar 07Reply

👋 Thank you for checking meowt 🐾 My closet benefits animal rescue 🐶 🐱. Happy poshing! ❤️💫
Mar 16Reply

Thank you for excepting offer...CI
Apr 02Reply

@csici I will ship them out tomorrow 😊
Apr 02Reply

@dne_express Thank you!
Apr 02Reply

Hi!!! love your closet. We have been doing really well with the SIMPL-SHARE TEAM. We had 5 sales yesterday with this Share Team. We would love to have you join!!! You can get all the details at .... Also Follow @simplelifewilso. Have a blessed day ❤️
Jun 02Reply

Welcome happy poshing, 😃
Jun 07Reply

Thanks for the follow ❤️ I just wanted to let you know that my closet is 50% off now and until midnight tonight. If there’s anything you like, ❤️ it, and I’ll send the 50% off offer. Thanks! 🤩
Jun 09Reply

Hey! I ordered three pairs of jeans and it says they were shipped and then in my town yesterday but now they’re going back to you I think, do you know what’s going on?
Jul 04Reply

Thank you ☀️
Jul 05Reply

Thank you for choosing to follow my closet. I browsed your closet and love your selection and layout. I hope you have much success.
Jul 06Reply

Thank you for the shorts! I am going to be out of town all next week. Can you possibly ship them the end of next week? Thank you, Keith
Jul 06Reply

Hi. I think you sent me the wrong shirt in my order. It’s similar but not the same one in photo. Is this possible?
Jul 06Reply

Hi welcome to PM! ❤
I'M a 71 year old Retired Dialysis Nurse selling BAGSBAGSBAGS👜💼! I mainly collect Vintage Coach & have been for many years! So always Authentic! Many Fakes abound online so be wary! I sell other brands as well So pull up a chair and Come take a peek 😳as it's gonna take awhile to browse through my Purse Heaven😇! Pm Ambassador, authentic guaranteed, quick shipper!
Jul 06Reply

Hello? It has been over a week I would really appreciate it if you could get me my jeans or give me a refund. I would prefer the jeans.
Jul 08Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! I sell both Men and Women's clothing. Feel free to visit my closet and ask any questions. Happy Poshing!
Jul 31Reply

@dne_express Please see my counter offer before it expires. Thanks!
Aug 21Reply

Your closet is absolutely stunning! 😊 Sharing your items for quick sales. 💕 Have a wonderful evening!
Aug 23Reply

Thanks for the follow. "Appreciamate" it 😎
Sep 01Reply

Wow! It’s just crazy amazing. We have such a nearly identical fashion sense. I just realized that I have ‘liked’ about 20 or so of your things! lol
We will definitely be doing business!!!
Sep 10Reply

Sep 11Reply

Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Oct 01Reply

Hi there. I ordered a Vineyard Vines button down shirt last night. I was wondering if you could ship today. My son needs it for an event he has on Saturday. Sorry about the short notice. Thank you Gloria
Oct 22Reply

@glocjhen yes it will be shipping today thanks!
Oct 22Reply

Hello!! My name is Megan and I just wanted to hi:) feel free to check out my items! Have an amazing day
Oct 22Reply

@dne_express thank you
Oct 22Reply

Hi, thanks for the follow! Have a nice evening.
Oct 27Reply

Hey! Super awesome closet! Check out mine if you’d like, I’m having a huge blowout sale happening now! 😊
Oct 31Reply

Hi! Would you consider $20 and discounted shipping on dress? Ty, Anne 💕
Nov 23Reply

Great Closet!💕
Nov 23Reply

Nice closet! Revisits intended by me.
Feel free to follow me. Happy selling!
Nov 27Reply

Thanks for the follow!
Jan 11Reply

Hey, I’m Mary💋
Buying or Selling
New to Poshmark or Been Here Awhile
Best of luck to you✨
Come check out my closet babes😇
Mar 25Reply

hi! > apologize, I have to decline your counter offer in the Men's Nike golf pants, onky because I thought those were his size. He is actually a smaller waist. 😮 But Ill will continue to check your closet. Thanks so much!
Apr 28Reply

Hi!Thanks for the follow. I shared 15 of your pieces! I hope you will check out my closet when you have a chance 😎
Jul 12Reply

Happy poshing!!🥳 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like! Have a great day☺️
Oct 10Reply
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