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Updated Apr 30
Updated Apr 30

Meet your Posher, Chris

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Chris. Some of my favorite brands are MAC Cosmetics, Michael Kors, and Free People. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 3+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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cr7tx and 143 others like this
boyntonbargains Welcome to Poshmark
Sep 17Reply
chrbres7 @boyntonbargains Hi Thanks so much!
Sep 17Reply
lovefashionyay Hi welcome to posh Chris! I’m new. name is Jacquelyn! Perusing degree in engineering & iOS/Android development.2 semesters left! I’m from Chicago & have 1 baby boy. I💗 fashion & try to keep my head up after losing my sons father last year I love making new Posh friends❤️ as much as I❤️making new friends in person! I shared your cute closet! Stop by follow me/check my closet/play my FOLLOW GAME like/& share! Happy poshing! ✌️ 🌸 ❤️ ✌️ 🌺 ♥️ ✌️ 🌸 💜 ✌️ 🌺 ❤️
Oct 14Reply
sayyestojewelry Happy holidays 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Nov 18Reply
aliciainbagland Hi Chris!🙋🏻‍♀️ I’m Alicia. Thanks for visiting my closet. Welcome to Poshmark!💐💐💐 Please feel free to buy, make offers or put a ❤️ on any items you Like from my closet. BTW... I’m a Posh Ambassador, so feel free to ask me ANY questions.
Dec 08Reply
aliciainbagland Chris... I see your 10 Shares. Can you go to my Share 10 Post and put under “Comments:” Shared 10! You don’t have to. There’s NO tag list. Just LMK please.
Dec 08Reply
nichole_voils Thank you for the shares!
Dec 27Reply
chrbres7 @nichole_voils you are so welcome
Dec 27Reply
lainie_s_closet Thanks for the shares. Check out my closet for great 3 for $25 deals. Happy shopping!!
Dec 28Reply
pritongmanok1 Curious about the last image on the Tan Kate Spade purse. Did the name “kate spade” came off by any chance? Or has it been just the ♠️ image spade present since?
Dec 30Reply
chrbres7 @pritongmanok1Hi the emblem which is metal is in good shape but the gold embossed logo is worn away barely visible its like a faint gold shadow
Dec 30Reply
chrbres7 @fabulousstylen Hi yes I am newbie and I accidentally sent that to you.I sent you a notr to please disregard.I was trying to bundle someone else Rookie mistake
Jan 04Reply
chrbres7 @fabulousstylenThanks!I will need it soon enough!
Jan 04Reply
karolinajaros Thank you for your purchase, I will send you your Jumpsuit tomorrow! Happy New Year 🤗😊
Jan 09Reply
chrbres7 @karolinajarosYou are so Welcome.
Jan 09Reply
chrbres7 Happy New year to you
Jan 09Reply
soriag 😃hi! I am Gloria. I hope you are enjoying this community of great people and awesome deals. I am a Poshmark ambassador, top seller, top sharer and Poshmark Mentor. If you have any questions feel free to ask, I would be glad to help. I also invite you to check out my closet I give discounts on bundles, happy Poshing 😃
Jan 13Reply
txblingqueen Cute closet. Unfortunately I am a size 8 to 10 and most things I order are too small. You have great taste in clothes 🥰
Jan 29Reply
chrbres7 @txblingqueenThank you so much.I like yours as well!But actually I have many size 8s.I will get the measurement soon!
Jan 30Reply
pammiesclosetxo You have got the most ADORABLE things! 🤗
Feb 05Reply
chrbres7 @pammiescloset11 Thank you so much Pam
Feb 06Reply
nakamoto88 Thanks for all the shares and Following, Happy poshing! 💕💕💕
Feb 19Reply
chrbres7 @omico88 Thank you.
Feb 19Reply
kimfit65 Hi! Chris thanks for visiting & purchasing from my closet. Enjoy your weekend and I will get your bracelet out on Monday. Hugs Kim
Mar 02Reply
chrbres7 @kimfit65Hi Kim!Thanks so much.The same to you!
Mar 02Reply
claudiasdeals Thanks for the shares hun! Returning the posh love 💞 shares coming your way now to show my appreciation 🤗 Happy Poshing... Karla 🌺💃🌺
Mar 04Reply
chrbres7 @claudiasdeals Thanks for making my day!!
Mar 04Reply
chrbres7 @mmahansen1Hi Thanks so much!I will give it a try. It's so sweet of you.
Mar 05Reply
wenrella Welcome to Poshmark🎉 Its nice 2 meet U Love from @wenrella❌⭕️✌🏼
Mar 11Reply
chrbres7 @wenrellaHi Thanks so much Nice to meet y
Mar 11Reply
spreadlove Hi, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have a great day! :-)
Mar 15Reply
sehenkel Hi, thank you for the offer, but I asked earlier what the measurement was from armpit to armpit. That’s an important part of me buying anything. So if you could measure that I would really appreciate it. Thank you again, Stephanie🌷
Mar 18Reply
chrbres7 @sehenkelHi there it is armpit to armpit!My mom is a seamstress.We measured from armpit to armpit but double the measurement .Please let me know if you have any further questions. I will be happy to answer I am a 34 d and wear a medium in this dress. Thanks!Chris
Mar 18Reply
chrbres7 Hi you know I dont see my response. Lwt mw try again! Its 40 from armpit to armpit
Mar 18Reply
chrbres7 And i added a photo on the listing with the measuring tape
Mar 18Reply
chrbres7 @sehenkel Hi I its 40 total and almost 20 from armpit to armpit. I included a photo with the measuring tape in the dress listing. Please let me know if you have any additional questions. Thanks!Chris
Mar 18Reply
closet_by_nene Ty ty for the shares! 💖💖
Mar 19Reply
chrbres7 @closet_by_nene You are so Welcome!
Mar 19Reply
sehenkel What is the measurements on the black to Russ from armpit to armpit and a size large? That would help me greatly. Stephanie 🌸
Mar 19Reply
chrbres7 @sehenkel Hi I hope you are getting my replies.Please see above.It is aprox 19 across armpit to armpit.I shipped it out today!Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!Chris
Mar 19Reply
chrbres7 Hi Stephanie just following up to see if you saw the measurements.Also I posted a picture for you on my listing of the measurements.A good visual. Hope that helps Thanks
Mar 19Reply
am_lights Thank u for shares 💕
Mar 31Reply
chrbres7 @am_lights You are so Welcome!
Mar 31Reply
1posh_lady Thank for all the shares Chris 😊💕
Apr 06Reply
chrbres7 @1posh_lady You are so Welcome!Anytime and I mean that
Apr 06Reply
modifiedmon Adorable picture doll
Apr 10Reply
raytchell @chrbres7 wow incredible eye makeup! 💄
Apr 10Reply
chrbres7 @raytchell Thank you so much!I like your closet.
Apr 10Reply
raytchell @chrbres7 thank you!!! Too bad we don’t live on the same block we could share closets! Love your closet 💖
Apr 10Reply
qtboss1 Thank you for all your shares I really appreciate it. Happy poshing😁💕
Apr 13Reply
chrmdhrtsbtq Thank you so much for sharing my item! 😊
Apr 15Reply
chrbres7 @afnoles3 You are so Welcome!
Apr 15Reply
angelraegan @chrbres7 thanks for all the share love!! You've got some beautiful stuff, if only I was tiny enough to rock it, lol 😊
Apr 19Reply
chrbres7 @angelraegan You are so Welcome!Thanks for the compliment. It meant a lot to me.Posh Love to you!
Apr 19Reply
janmariescloset Thanks for the shares ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 19Reply
chrbres7 @janmariescloset You are so Welcome!
Apr 19Reply
chrbres7 @fashiongirl325 Its my pleasure anytime you need shares I would be happy to help
Apr 20Reply
drimes Thanks so much for the shares!
May 01Reply
chrbres7 @drimes you are so Welcome!
May 01Reply
fashiondojo Your closet is stunning! Excellent curating of sexy dresses!
May 19Reply
chrbres7 @poshtique_x_gThank you so much. I really appreciate it!
May 19Reply
chrbres7 @geoffreybowman Lol Thanks .There my niece and nephew!
May 31Reply
randdooshaaa Thank you very much for sharing my posts 😊💐💐
Jun 07Reply
chrbres7 @randdooshaaa Its my pleasure!
Jun 07Reply
gamama Your closet is awesome! I want it all :-) I just bought the long black dress I can’t wait to get it! Thank you
Jun 09Reply
chrbres7 @gamama Thank you so much!I appreciate shipping tommorow!I know you will love it.It comes in white as well
Jun 09Reply
mygrant486 Hello, thanks for sharing my listing and my closet, feel free to stop by anytime you want!🌸🌺💛💙💛💙💕
Jun 13Reply
chrbres7 @mygrant486 Hi Thanks so much!And I will let you know if I reorder the leggings. Posh love!
Jun 13Reply
chrbres7 @p_jay You are so Welcome!Anutime.
Jun 21Reply
aurundao I love love love your closet!
Jun 29Reply
chrbres7 @aurundao Thank you!
Jun 29Reply
saleallday Hi CHRIS, just stoping by to share some Posh ❤️ Wishing you a Safe and Blessed 4th❤️🤗🇺🇸
Jul 02Reply
chrbres7 @saleallday Wow Thanks so much and the same to you!
Jul 02Reply
alliesupersales Hi welcome to Poshmark! If you need any help with anything please let me know! Happy poshing ❤🙏😊👍
Jul 09Reply
chrbres7 @alliesupersales Thanks so much!Same to you
Jul 09Reply
bohocactuschic @chrbres7 Thanks for the shares! You have a BEAUTIFUL closet!!! 🌸🤗🌸
Jul 10Reply
chrbres7 @bohocactuschic You are so Welcome!And Thank you for the compliment. I really appreciate it
Jul 10Reply
madblk3 💜I appreciate you checking out and/or following my closet😘 I will do the same💐💐🌸share and care💐😇🛍 Happy Poshing☀️😘 💜Be Blessed💜
Aug 22Reply
pinkjean Nice to virtually meet you ! Thanks for the share/like/follow!🤗 When you have time, take a look around and like a piece to bookmark my closet if you haven’t already. Select ALL Markets so you don’t miss my art and decor. 🙌🏼 Hope to send you something soon! I accept all reasonable offers. Try it! 💌
Aug 30Reply
candaceakiko Thank you for your offer on the comfortable workout pants. I’m a large though, and since they weren’t available I had to decline your great offer.
Sep 03Reply
chrbres7 @candaceakiko Hi you are sweet!
Sep 03Reply
bigfootshoes12 Hi! I am a fellow Posher. I invite you to my FYI page about Poshmark. For newbies and pro poshers! CLICK on my small picture..then CLICK on ‘about’ above my store..then CLICK on ‘meet the posher’ link below the photo...NOW your on my FYI page. It’s full of info. Some info is old and later updated, so read it all. PLEASE do not thank me on that page (go to my closet & use an item)...Hope you find it useful!
Sep 11Reply
jonathanfbarrow Welcome ❤️
Sep 12Reply
eramos329 Thank you for sharing my closet. You have a Beautiful Closet. Happy Posh Mark Selling. Eramos329
Sep 15Reply
chrbres7 @eramos329 Hi!You are so Welcome!
Sep 15Reply
sosureofmyself Nice closet 💕
Sep 16Reply
chrbres7 @sosureofmyself Thank you so much!
Sep 16Reply
aande0912 Hi I was not sure how to get ahold of you. Thank you everymuch from ordering from my closet. I was wanting to know which color of the flower phone ring you were wanting?
Sep 20Reply
chrbres7 @aande0912 Hi Gold please
Sep 20Reply
aande0912 @chrbres7 Thank you so much for responding. i will be shipping out your order today.
Sep 20Reply
sakscloset Pleasure Chris. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help another Floridian ❤️
Sep 22Reply
sakscloset Also..... Beautiful 🔥
Sep 22Reply
chrbres7 @sakscloset Tj Thank you
Sep 22Reply
lovesposhshop Chrbres7 hello there from western Lake Worth
Sep 22Reply
positivemaiden You have a beautiful closet and a great eye for fashion.
Sep 23Reply
chrbres7 @lovesposhshop Hi from Boynton Beach!
Sep 23Reply
chrbres7 @bchari36 Thank you so much!
Sep 23Reply
nzdesign Love your closet.. wish I was young again ❤️😘
Oct 01Reply
chrbres7 @nzdesign Thank you so much!I have the same wish!
Oct 01Reply
bobbett328 Hello🙋‍♀️Thank you so much for stopping by, following and sharing my closet/boutique 😊 I’m happy to do the same for you 🎀🌷Happy Poshing 🛍🛍
Oct 20Reply
debrajf1234 Thank you soo much for following my closet. I hope you’re enjoying the wonders of Poshmark 😄 I wanted to let you know that I am clearing out my closet to get ready for a big move and I am having a sale. Bundle any three items with a 🎄 in the title for $25 or six items for $50 plus add a free gift of any item marked with a 🌺. See something you like, please make an offer and it’s yours. Thank you again and Happy Poshing!!
Oct 23Reply
msneverending1 Chris just wanted to stop by and thank you much for following my closet. You have a wonderful closet. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Oct 25Reply
makeyoulaugh67 Thank you for following my 🚱.  I greatly appreciate it.  I've Followed you back and Shared some of  yours. You have a awesome selection especially when Christmas coming 😁. If you have a chance take a peek at my closet.  I love offering Bargains to all my Poshmark Friends and Family.  Wishing you Abundant Poshmark Prosperity.  Enjoy your Poshmark journey🌻❤🌻❤😁
Oct 25Reply
chrbres7 @makeyoulaugh67 Thank you thats so sweet!I will check out your closet!
Oct 25Reply
chrbres7 @msneverending1 Hi Carol!Thanks so much I really appreciate it!Happy Poshing!
Oct 25Reply
chrbres7 @debrajf1234 Thanks so much!I will check your closet out!
Oct 25Reply
61superman Hi Chris, I want to start my boutique, I am certified, not sure on how or where to buy wholesale new items to purchase and sell, can you help or give me some suggestions? Also, I love your closet!
Oct 26Reply
chrbres7 @61superman Hi Thank you so much!Poshmark has its own wholesale items that you can purchase!Look up wholesale clothing in major markets New York Los Angeles etc .You just have to go with your style.Good Luck!Its a lot of fun!
Oct 26Reply
thriftmonkey4 thank you for sharing my listing 😊
Oct 29Reply
piggyann1960 Thank you very much for sharing my closet. I'm always happy to share the Posh Love. Have a great week and many Posh blessings to you! 🙂🌈🛍📦💸
Nov 01Reply
love2livenfaith Absolutely LOVE your closet!! Wishing I didn't spend so much already because I would definitely be buying tons from you! Happy poshing dear 💗🤗
Nov 07Reply
chrbres7 @love2livenfaith Wow!Thank you so much!Happy Poshing to you!
Nov 07Reply
gsschwarting Love your closet!! Absolutely gorgeous!💕💕💕 Gretchen
Nov 11Reply
chrbres7 @gsschwarting Hi Gretchen!Thanks so much!
Nov 11Reply
gsschwarting @chrbres7 it’s always fun to meet another Gretchen since we are rare😊
Nov 11Reply
bydonnywu Beautiful! Sharing some Posh love, happy poshing babe! 💋 Hi I’m Donny nice to meet you! I have lots new pieces in, come check it out! 🤗❤️
Nov 14Reply
mnsassygirl Hi hun! I just mailed your beach bag. Sorry it took so long, I ran out of tape. 🥴
Nov 14Reply
chrbres7 @mnsassygirl No problem I feel the pain!) lol
Nov 14Reply
chrbres7 @ginboutique21 Hi!I am Chris.Happy poshing to you!
Nov 15Reply
scorpiomvp Hi, I'm Angel ! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day! ∞ Sнoppər|#ShopSmall ∞,#GETMORE for way less ∞ #ShopSmallBiz + ✅ Verified #Google Business Owner #🌍❤️🔑 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ @scorpiomvp ┈┈┈┈╱▔╲▂▂╱▔╲┈┈┈┈ ┈┈┈▕╮╱▔╲╱▔╲╭▏┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱╋▏┊▕┊┊▕╋╲┈┈┈ ┈┈▕╋▕━▅━━▅━▏╋▏┈┈ ┈┈▕╱▔╲▔╭╮▔╱▔╲▏┈┈ ┈┈▕┊┳┊▔╰╯▔┊┳┊▏┈┈ ┈┈┈╲╰━━╯╰━━╯╱┈┈┈ ┈┈┈╱▔╭┈┈┈┈╮▔╲┈┈┈ ┈┈ 🛍🛒🎀 👚👡👔👖👕👟🎩👙🧤🧣👒👜🧢👘👢👗👡👠💼👜👛👓🎒🌂🕶👓
Nov 18Reply
cheekychic77 Omg you are GORGEOUS! I wanted to know where this boutique of yours is, of course it’s on the other side of the country lol, and I see your pic! I need your secret lol 💖
Nov 19Reply
chrbres7 @maryamf85 Hi !Thanks so much I am in South Florida but i lived in San Diego for 18 years
Nov 19Reply
charlottefoxx Hi!! I would love for you to check out my jewelry store if you get the chance! I am having a holiday sale right now on all my jewelry and accessories and would love to offer you a discount if you like any items!! 2 for $18 or 3 for $25!! If you’re interested just bundle the items!! 🍁🍁
Nov 25Reply
dennissha hello! I'm interested in the metalic dress please send me the $16 dollar offer again because for some reason it's not letting get it😣. let me know
Dec 03Reply
chrbres7 @dennissha Hi it was a black friday price.I would be happy to honor it and will change the price for you Thanks
Dec 03Reply
rucare Thank you, thank you for sharing my closet and for following me.! Happy Holidays to you and your family.
Dec 20Reply
ramosadam92 Hello ma'am and Thank you ma'am for letting me look in your closet.
Dec 20Reply
chrbres7 @rucare Thank you so much Happy Holidays to you!
Dec 20Reply
chrbres7 @rucare Thank you so much Happy Holidays to you!
Dec 20Reply
jinxy231 Thank you for sharing my item. Have a wonderful day 😊
Dec 24Reply
stevenkarpman Beautiful items...enjoy all those host picks...Happy New Year
Jan 01Reply
babsgilbert Happy New Year!🎉🎆 Time for all new beginnings, making & appreciating friendships, as well as building a Poshing business.👜👠👔 Part of which is sharing closets 👚👗, and this can only be done with you! 👆Thanks! 🤝
Jan 11Reply
carolinaluxe Nice closet.. Do you have any advice/tips on selling on posh?
Jan 16Reply
chrbres7 @carolinaluxe Thanks so much. Never ever give up this takes time.You will feel at times you will never make it.Good Luck!
Jan 16Reply
chrbres7 @sookie91 Thank you so much.You have a fantastic closet you will be a star in no time
Jan 19Reply
tawnykitaen 💕💕💕💕
Jan 24Reply
chrbres7 @tawnykitaen Lol!Thanks Tawny
Jan 24Reply
tawnykitaen @chrbres7 you’re more than welcome!!!!!!! 😇
Jan 24Reply
sargebill Hi Chris and thank you for the follow, have a great $$$$$ wknd., Bill
Jan 25Reply
oliv321 Hi 🤗 I am open to all offers and I give great deals on bundles. Check out my closet and let me know if you have any questions!
Jan 25Reply
lakedwellerhb Hi Chris, thank you for following us!👍 We are Jimbo & G.🤠🐗🙋 I hope you have many sales & find tons of bargains!💰📈 Happy Posh'ing & we hope you have a prosperous 2020! Be kind & have a blessed day! 🙏✝️🕉️☮️💞
Jan 25Reply
bertads ❤️hello thanks for following me and sharing ❤️
Jan 29Reply
chrbres7 @bertads Hi you are so Welcome!
Jan 29Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Feb 05Reply
janinag62 Beautiful photo! 😊
Feb 12Reply
chrbres7 @janinag62 How sweet!Thank you
Feb 12Reply
janinag62 @chrbres7 My pleasure... 😊
Feb 12Reply
hexeandcandy Wow! Just wow! I was honestly just going to share a couple items bcz, you shared mine. ❤️ Sharing is caring 💜 But, your closet is Ah-mazing! I got lost looking at all the gorgeous things!
Feb 22Reply
chrbres7 @hexeandcandy Thank you .I feel honored.
Feb 22Reply
hexeandcandy @chrbres7 awe... I’m just being truthful! Happy Poshing gorgeous soul!
Feb 22Reply
chrbres7 @hexeandcandy You touched my heart
Feb 22Reply
hexeandcandy @chrbres7 💜💜💜
Feb 22Reply
nicholepruitt73 FREE 3 PK OF MEDICAL GLOVES WITH EVERY ORDER. FROM MY FAMILY TO YOURS Please accept this $3 credit to shop my closet today. If u decide to make a purchase of 2 or more items I will give u 15% off your entire purchase BONUS LIMITED OFFER: FREE GIFT VALUED AT $10
Apr 07Reply
schelenoftroy Hello fellow Posh Ambassador, Chris! Fab closet! 😍Thanks for your shares! 🥰 Best to you on Posh sales & treasure hunts! 🤞🏽🍀
Apr 18Reply
chrbres7 @schelenoftroy Hi fellow Posher!Thanks so much.Many sales to you!
Apr 18Reply
diansdsign Hi Chris, thank you for sharing my silk wrap bracelets... you have an awesome closet, I'll be following and sharing your closet as well. Best wishes, and lots of sales! 🤗🛍
Apr 18Reply
chrbres7 @diansdsign Thanks so much and happy selling to you!
Apr 18Reply
mariontvb Thank you for sharing my listing!
Apr 27Reply
babebear57 Hello Chris,🤗 Nice to meet you, I'm Brad😁. I've only been on Poshmark for several months so I don't have a lot in my closet. Maybe soon I will have something you can't live without. LOL 😂. If you could please share my closet and I'll do the same for you! And thank you for following my closet 😋. Be safe, be cool and be happy. Sincerely Bradley A Gill.
May 14Reply
chrbres7 @babebear57 Hi Brad! Thanks Good luck to you.Give it time and most important Share follow. And keep at it.It takes time
May 14Reply
lostflxwerchild Hey love thank you for following I would really appreciate if you could check out my closet and feel free to make offers and bundles on anything you like 🌻💖
Jun 01Reply
valgriz Thanks for your purchase of the fun starfish ring. It will ship tomorrow. Enjoy🌻
Jun 03Reply
ocbenny Hi Chris and welcome. I hope you're staying safe and doing well out in FL🌞
Jun 07Reply
chrbres7 @ocbenny Hi Thank you .All is well here.Stay Safe
Jun 07Reply
ocbenny @chrbres7 Glad to hear. 🙏🏼
Jun 07Reply
lillievonstoop1 Thank you for the follow 🌠 Happy Poshing 🥂🍾🌹!
Jul 09Reply
asavage01 @chrbres7 Thank you for your time and stopping by my closet 🥰🥰 I have a bundle sale (💐3/15$) going on in women, home, kids & men. Look for the bundle of flowers 💐💐💐💐💐 Bundle 3 or more selected sale listings & each item comes out to 5$ + 7$ shipping fee. no pressure #poshlove A percentage of my sales goes towards a no kill local Humane Society. 🐱🐶🐈🐶🐱
Aug 08Reply
brandi_sails Hello. Thanks for following my closet. Have a beautiful evening! 🌺🌻
Aug 09Reply
garisb Thanks for visiting my closet and sharing the love 💕😊
Aug 10Reply
chrbres7 @garisb anytime!
Aug 10Reply
chrbres7 @brandi_sails Thank you so much the same to you
Aug 10Reply
alfieandlulu 🤗hello🕶 thanx for the follow ✈️ loving Poshmark-got lots of treasures, new finds, essentials & new loves💝to make life FABULOUS 👑🛍💃🏽
Aug 15Reply
Aug 23Reply
amber2286 Hello! Congrats on you win!! Please enjoy my closet and I’m happy to offer HALF OFF for all winners for any item whn you bundle and use code word “winner.” Please do this so I can know to send your special offer. So excited for your big win and be sure to spoil yourself because you deserve it!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Aug 23Reply
closet4crystals 💛 visit my closet 💛 ✨ 𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕖𝕩𝕡𝕖𝕔𝕥? ✨ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♡ dainty gold & silver jewelry ♡ personalized healing crystals (a mixture of raw and/ or crystal necklaces per your request) ♡ a selection of new and/ or preloved items ✨ 𝟙𝕤𝕥 𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕡𝕝𝕒𝕔𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕒𝕟 𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕖𝕣? ✨ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ♡ just kindly bundle up 2+ or more of your favs & receive 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓰 discounts just for you ♡
Aug 23Reply
sandycupcake P😍sh L♥️ve 🌹🌹 🌹🌹 🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹 🌹 Congrats on your “Love it or List it” Win! Enjoy guilt free shopping Sandy
Aug 24Reply
chrbres7 @sandycupcake Thanks Sandy!
Aug 24Reply
goldneyez311 Hi.👋😁 How are you? Just wanted to invite you to come check out my closet!! 🛍I have a ton of inventory to list right now- So make sure to keep an eye on my closet. If you are looking for ANYTHING in particular,  please let me know. I have it all!!😊 I am more than happy to spread love by offering great deals on anything you like & bundle! Come check it out!😁💗Wishing you Happiness and Good Health. @Goldneyez311
Aug 24Reply
karlensclassics @chrbres7 Hi Chris, Congratulations on your Love or List Challenge win! Have fun shopping!
Aug 24Reply
1americanbadass thank you for the shares :-)
Aug 29Reply
chrbres7 @1americanbadass you are so Welcome. I liked it so I shared!
Aug 29Reply
1americanbadass @chrbres7 🥰 well that's very sweet of you and doll and thank you again I've got a lot of other things I will be posting soon as I get a chance I just started doing that to see where things went and looks like I did get rid of a few things here and there 🙃💭
Aug 29Reply
pixiedustpj Hi Chris. I'm totally familiar with Delray Beach. I used to live in Boynton Beach and I was a librarian, yes I know, at the West Atlantic Avenue Branch Library. They changed the name to Hagen Ranch branch. Average Patron age 82. Zippy job!!! LOL!! Good luck. I had to say hi because you mentioned the So. FL weather in a shoes listing so I was curious as to where you were from. 😁🌃💖
Sep 07Reply
chrbres7 @pixiedustpj Hi I was in Boynton now in Delray!
Sep 07Reply
moonlitbev93 Hi! 😀 How are you liking Poshmark? 😀
Sep 18Reply
chrbres7 @moonlitbev93 Hi!I love it .Its an enigma and a process but I have learned a lot.And progressing. How about you?
Sep 18Reply
moonlitbev93 @chrbres7 I'm doing great! 😃
Sep 18Reply
lulusfringe Hello Darling🌹Love your style! Thank you so much for the following and shares🌹Stay well and Happy Poshing✨🛍🎉🎊🛍✨
Sep 21Reply
chrbres7 @lulusfringe Thank you!What a fabulous artisan you are!
Sep 21Reply
lulusfringe @chrbres7 🙏🏻🥰❤️🌹
Sep 21Reply
ritzi02 Hey, you can lookout my store and lmk if you wanna buy any of my paintings, I can recreate any of my paintings and I do commission(custom)paintings also, so whatever you want I can paint for you within your price range ❤️😊💕
Nov 05Reply
mazyodc Hi, I’m Marianne, a Poshmark Ambassador. I hope you’ll visit my closet. I have a number of unique items and many vintage items. If you find anything that interests you please let me know and I’ll be happy to offer you a discount.
Nov 06Reply
i_am_posh_lover I am so in love with your closet!
Nov 08Reply
chrbres7 @i_am_posh_lover Thank you so much.I have some fun new items coming soon for Christmas!
Nov 08Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for following me I’m Emily if you like any of my things create a bundle or send an offer! Happy Holidays😊☃️❄️
Dec 08Reply
lisatravel2 Hi I love your closet items! I will share them too! you can visit my page and like on Facebook too Skintastic123 I sell skincare and makeup. Big Boxing Sale today!😘
Dec 26Reply
dstore429 I love your closet!!!!! 💕
Dec 31Reply
chrbres7 @dstore429 I love yours .Thank you so much!We are neighbors. You are in Deland and now I am in Port Orange.I wish you so much success
Dec 31Reply
dstore429 @chrbres7 Oh wowwwwwwww!!!
Dec 31Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy New Year. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories & Jewlery. Thanks 😊 Adding new stuff weekly
Jan 15Reply
kamo74 Hi thanks for the share! Happy Poshing! 🦋Kam
Jan 18Reply
steve4art Hi Chris, thank you for the follow! I wish you a great Covid free 2021. Dolphin fan? You have an amazing collection of sexy things in your closet. Enjoy a good February of Valentine sales. I followed back.
Feb 01Reply
nyfashionstore Can you check out my closet if you have any time 💕
Feb 15Reply
puddn1985 Hi 🙋‍♀️almost everything in my closet is 6/$25 anything with the 🦋 and I also offer discount shipping $4.99 if you make a bundle even with items not marked 6/$25 I will still give you a good deal. I’m trying to get rid of everything in my closet ASAP to have my spare bedroom back. If you have any questions or need any help just comment. Thank you!😁❤️
Mar 01Reply
bettyboopertoo Thanks for following me! I’ll check out your closet and share! Hope you’ll check out my closet too and share to your followers. My older brother and s-in-law live in Valencia Falls. We retired and left south FL almost 2 years ago - after 47 years in Broward, we just had enough of the traffic. Love it up here! 😊😊 Betty
Mar 07Reply
eleniluvs2shop Thanks for sharing
Mar 19Reply
appareltrends Thank you for sharing my listings.
Mar 28Reply
roncristo92218 Thanks Chris ! I will mail your purchase first thing this morning! Have a great day! 🥳🛍🎉🥳🛍🎉🥳🛍🎉🥳🛍🎉🥳🛍🎉🥳🛍🎉
Apr 14Reply
kimberlyann39 Hi there !!! Thank you for shopping my closet - I shipped it out this morning !!! Have a beautiful evening !! 💜💚💙🧡❤️
May 04Reply
susanjacobs465 Thanks so much for your purchase! These sandals are so cute!! I just never had any place to wear them! I live in a really small town with no places to go. Thanks 😊!
May 04Reply
chrbres7 @susanjacobs465 lol You need to move so you can wear your shoes!!!Thanks so much
May 05Reply
susanjacobs465 Believe me I would move in a heartbeat 💓!! Would love to live in Florida or California!! Maybe??
May 05Reply
chrbres7 @susanjacobs465 I lived in San Diego for 20 years now in Florida love it
May 05Reply
susanjacobs465 Awesome 😎!! I am jealous!! 😁🐶👍
May 05Reply
kimberlyann39 Oh my goodness !! 😃😃 Thank you for your ⭐️ s and nice comment !! When I think of Paula Dean I think of that recipe lol just wanted to share. I make it every year for thanksgiving. 😃😃. Have a great night !!
May 07Reply
susanjacobs465 So glad you like them! I think they are the cutest ever!! Also thanks for the good rating! I appreciate it! 😁👌👍
May 11Reply
crafteelinda490 Thanks for sharing. I have returned the PoshLove. Stay safe and God bless.
May 25Reply
markann Hey. Annie here. Ty for your purchase. I will ship tomorrow , just got home from a trip
Jun 14Reply
markann Hello! Its me with the Paris ring.I am, because i can’t locate ring. I’ve torn house apart no luck. If it shows up i will let you know immediately. I am so sorry.
Jun 16Reply
jlrl02 I see you added my sandals to a bundle. how do I do that. im still learning this. do I drop the price of shipping? if you could let me know what I have to do. thank you in advance
Jun 19Reply
chrbres7 @jlrl02 Hi I accidentally added them and I removed them
Jun 19Reply
perripsu @chrbres7 Hi, Chris! Thanks so much for the follow. I’ve only been using the app for less than a year.I’m a retired high school English teacher and now have free time!Six years ago, my oldest son was the assistant swimming and diving coach for Florida Atlantic! Beautiful area! He returned to PA, and he is presently the head swimming and diving coach for Gettysburg College! Married with a son and and a daughter. Fortunately, they are only 45 minutes away! Take care and be well, Perri🌸 (perripsu)
Jul 06Reply
perripsu @chrbres7 P.S. I have to say, I love being a grandma! Two grandchildren…so far? My grandson will turn 4 on July 10, and my granddaughter turns 1 on July 27. Our youngest son, Christopher, has been seeing a wonderful young woman for three years. Who knows?!?! Chris lives two hours north in Scranton, PA. He is the head swimming and diving coach for the University of Scranton…with a Master’s degree in Biotechnology. But he loves swimming and coaching!
Jul 06Reply
chrbres7 @perripsu Hi Perry.Wow you have a wonderful family.Hang in there with posh it takes time
Jul 06Reply
happydaysahead Beauties one and all. Blessings. You guys you are in my old neck of the woods🤗💕💕💕🤗🤗🤗
Jul 25Reply
intent26 Thank you so much for the fives stars ⭐️. I am so happy that you like the shoes. Thank you 😊. Hope to see you soon.
Aug 09Reply
dafidge Sorry I must have accidentally liked some great looking shoes but not my size. Wishing you a fast sale!
Aug 21Reply
chrbres7 @dafidge No problem!!Thank you for your kind words
Aug 21Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 1500 items. Bundle and save! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Aug 27Reply
t6363b BUNDLE ANY 5 ITEMS FOR $25 Items must be listed $40 or less;)) ACCEPTING ALL OFFERS Thank you for your interest
Sep 01Reply
oliviaami Dear @chrbres7 , happy to see that you are following our closet 💗
Sep 02Reply
lauracieslak Hey there! :)) If you get a chance I’d really love for you to come by and check out my closet, I’ve got a variety of styles in clothing, shoes and beauty products so maybe you’ll find something you like! Either way, thanks a ton and Happy Poshing:)
Sep 07Reply
bonniesnewplace Thank you Cris for all the shares! I really appreciate your time!!
Oct 30Reply
lakefashion22 Welcome to poshmark 👋🏼 Thank you for following me. I love your closet. Whenever you get a moment hop on over to see lakefashion22 to see what I have to offer. Deals, price drop by 10% and free shipping on select items and much more. Hope you have a wonderful day 😁
Nov 26Reply
buttercupdays Fun page! You’ve got lots of great listings! 🌼
Feb 19Reply
chrbres7 @buttercupdays Thank you so much.I strive for it
Feb 19Reply
mrshark413 Hi Chris! I'm MrShark413 🙂 🦈
Feb 26Reply
snwluxury Greetings! Thank you for the follow. 🤗 When you have a moment, please check out my closet. I offer a 15% discount when you bundle 3 or more items. I’m constantly adding new items and I’m sure you will find something that you love! ❤️ Happy shopping!! 🛍
Mar 22Reply
nylifeaccess Hi Gorgeous, how are you? You got a lovely smiling pic :) Here I would like to say Hi! And It’s my pleasure and most welcome if you would like to visit my closet to check out see if you could find anything you Like. My closet is selling 800+ beautiful Accessories and doing BUNDLE discount and “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” Wish you have a wonderful day :)
Apr 02Reply
530lemurian Hi, Thanks For The Follow, Come Checkout Our Closet And Bundle For Great Deals!
Apr 07Reply
shinemary Hi Chris Checking your closet, would love you to check out my closet. Would love to hear from you, a single item sale or even a bundle at a discount Enjoy your days with happiness
May 19Reply
shinemary You are terrific for sharing many of my items Thank you
May 19Reply
sylviaolney I love your closet. 💝
May 21Reply
chrbres7 @sylviaolney How sweet 🧁.Thank you
May 21Reply
shyenneworle183 hello, thanks for following me and sharing my listing 😀 feel free to make an offer or a bundle on anything you like in my closet. hoodies are bogo free, shirts are 20% off, bottoms are 4 for 35! check out my other listings for more deals!! 😊 ✨️
May 31Reply
susanjacobs465 Hi 👋! I remember you! You bought the really cute shoes from me. I admire the car you’re in! Thanks for stopping by and Happy Poshing!! 🙂🤠🐶🐴🐼🙏
Jun 01Reply
cutehosiery @chrbres7 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 12Reply
florenciardzl Thank you for following my closet!
Jul 24Reply
lamarquez16 Hello, I appreciate the follow. I'm new to selling but not new to buying on Poshmark. I started this adventure with my daughter as a means to spend quality time together. We have a variety of clothes for women, men, and youth boys. We shared some items from your closet and we hope you can do the same. Thank you. Happy Poshing!
Sep 17Reply
hislove4you @chrbres7 Your closet just rocked my world, lol. You have such beautiful things at reasonable prices, and Im bookmarking you for when I can shop for myself again, lol!! Nice meeting you! -Angelica❤💚
Nov 30Reply
chrbres7 @hislove4you Thank you!I like yours as well! That was so 🧁 sweet and you made my day!
Nov 30Reply
hislove4you @chrbres7 🥰🥰🥰😘☺️
Nov 30Reply
chrbres7 @hislove4you So sweet Thanks
Mar 14Reply
barbiedull0707 hello happy poshsing. if you like Sterling silver jewelry check out my closet 🥰.I wish you many likes👍 shares 💜 and sales 💞
May 09Reply
rhonda_anne Hi Chris...I am giving away a free 925 sterling silver heart necklace with the purchase of any purse ....
Jul 08Reply
nellymay1978 thank you for sharing my items
Jul 19Reply
kikiskloset0023 Thank you for the share!
Aug 16Reply
le_stage Hi! Just wanted to say thank you so much for your warm welcome! Look forward to poshing with you! 🌺 MelissaL
Nov 09Reply
chrbres7 @le_stage Hi Thanks so much and the same to you!
Nov 09Reply
dottyiam618 What a Beautiful closet ! Very reasonable prices! I couldn't stop sharing your items. Good Luck on Posh. I know you will be successful! ❤️
Dec 03Reply
chrbres7 @dottyiam618 Thank you so much.It gives me inspiration and also a sense of community in Posh.
Dec 03Reply
lvmcorner Hi Chris! I just purchased the cutest shoes from you! Can’t wait !!! Please check my closet- I’m in the building stages - 🎀💕🙏🏽
Jan 04Reply
chrbres7 @lvmcorner Hi Thanks they are packed and ready to go tomorrow!They are in great shape I love them and they are in great shape.I will check out your closet as well
Jan 04Reply
ernatic What a fabulous and beautiful closet you have!!! ❤️🤗
Feb 19Reply
chrbres7 @ernatic Thank you so much and I thought the same thing about your closet
Feb 19Reply
ernatic @chrbres7 Awe, thank you as well!!! 🤗
Feb 19Reply
warnauckas what else will you be selling
May 17Reply
micheleclong Thanks for stopping by. Love your closet.
Jun 08Reply
mimswind Hi Chris, thanks for following MY closet! You have a fantastic closet!!
Dec 09Reply
chrbres7 @mimswind Hi Thanks that's so nice!Happy to share !
Dec 09Reply

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