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Updated Jul 30
Updated Jul 30

💕Be a Buddy, Not a Bully!!💕


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💙Ive seen too much of this on this app!! People just straight bullying people!! We are all adults here. If you have a problem, do not tag all your friends to harrass people. Yes, I call out scammers, and I have proof when I receive fake stuff. To accuse someone without proof and hurting their sales is awful!! If you dont have anything nice to say, keep it to yourself. We all have opinions...but you can keep them to yourself sometimes. 😔
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maceface9210 @glam_grrll 💟💟💟💟💟LOVE it
Jun 02Reply
glam_grrll @maceface9210 Im all for exposing people who sell fakes, but I bought a Jeffree lipstick from @calerobeltran88 , and its authentic. Shes being bullied and reported. I said mine was real...bc its one of my favorite Jeffree Lippies. Id know if it was fake. That shade went on discount.. Probably why she has a lot? Its just so mean!! No one knows make up better than me.. Bc I research it.
Jun 02Reply
someonexoxo Love this!
Jun 02Reply
glam_grrll @someonexoxo I swear there are children on here. Im an adult. If some of these people ever spoke to me like they do on here? And the trolling, and the mean girl thing. It ruins people, and its wrong.
Jun 02Reply
someonexoxo @glam_grrll preach! I’ve left a few times over the years from people just getting crazy. I finally had to put up closet rules and even still I have to lock at least 1 person a week sometimes more.
Jun 02Reply
calerobeltran88 @glam_grrll Thanks for your comment girl , but I can not believe it as there are people who just to hurt themselves lend this person who bought me this bundle sells the same as me and it is obvious that he is putting all these bad comments to make me look bad or for envy that hurts. All I'm sell is 100% AUTHENTIC
Jun 02Reply
maceface9210 @calerobeltran88 I'm going through the same thing. Being reported out of Envy. I UN knowing purchased a fake and sold it. It DOES hurt especially when you used to sell 5 listings a day now I'm down to like 2 to 6 a week. I think some even make a separate profile just to report people. It's a shame. WISH SOME WOULD EAT SOME MAKEUP THEN THEY BE PRETTY ON THE INSIDE😂😂😂HAPPY POSHING FRIENDS
Jun 02Reply
glam_grrll I own just about every Jeffree Star lipstick there is... Its real. IThat palette was sold on Sephora, and now its out of stock. So's not available in the Us. I asked her WHY the lipstick was fake?? She never answered me... You dont have to tell peopl where you get your stuff. You dont.Shes bullying you, and probably trying to scam you. Bc " she knows her make up. Wtf?? Like I dont??
Jun 02Reply
glam_grrll @calerobeltran88 She banned me , bc she had the blood sugar palette, and didnt want to trade with I said Im looking to trade for one if anyone has one. She bitched me out too. I wasnt advertising!! Lol. I didnt even mean to. Then I was like ..its permanent anyway!!
Jun 02Reply
glam_grrll @maceface9210 I think someone is the scammer!! If I expose someone, I have proof!! And I want to warn people. I always ask before I purchase..and even when its fake, I tell them first...and usually get an attitude. You know if there could be a mistake!
Jun 02Reply
glam_grrll @calerobeltran88 The red lipstick is the one I bought from you... The Blow Pony is mine..fresh out of the box!! Same thing!
Jun 02Reply
maceface9210 @glam_grrll exactly. I asked a gal and got blocked for asking if it was real. I said. " hi there i love this Pallete but recently got duped. This is authentic correct"?. Then like the next day I go to make a bundle and I CAN'T because I WAS blocked. 🤔
Jun 02Reply
glam_grrll @maceface9210 Yup!! Posh also doesnt work embarrassing a girl on her page for selling fake stuff without proof. I took pictures of the lipstick the girl sent me, and my Blow Pony..same thing!! Jeffree put a stop to fakes!! You never see fake Jeffrees anymore!
Jun 02Reply
maceface9210 @glam_grrll 😎nice girl 😎
Jun 02Reply
worldcollection I have had incident of group bullying and it had nothing to do with a purchase. It had only with me tagging people with same manufacture to the same product as I had and I received and upset reply from a user who I replied equally in a way to cover her response as I did not know our comments would be deleted by Poshmark.
Aug 16Reply
worldcollection However the other person took a screen shot of the minor incident that was meant between us two and rolled over into a full fledge public shaming incident. I contacted Poshmark numerous of times to receive no real help or protection.
Aug 16Reply
worldcollection I Was really shocked that after a year and half that. And the offender is a Nurse & mother from Atlanta GA. While I apologized I received no stopping to the incident. While I do not have others contacting me since, there is no support with Poshmark regarding such incidents.
Aug 16Reply
worldcollection I did not post her user name because I do not want to continue the BS, I just share with you to expose the truth and know that there are times I guess in a lifetime we face these incidences, it does not mean you are a bad person. If you need help I will help you as I am a professional online seller and I know who to complain to. regardless of this Poshmark was a zero with follow through in my humble opinion.
Aug 16Reply
glam_grrll @worldcollection Next time go to an Ambassador!-I never knew what they were for...but they did help out a friend of mine who had been having health issues, and Posh shut her account down. She spoke to an Ambassador, and helped to reinstate her account!!
Aug 16Reply
glam_grrll @worldcollection Ive, personally not had any problems, bc Im not afraid of confrontation, and Im an adult, but I know some people arent here to battle , or confront people. Some women will never grow up!
Aug 16Reply
worldcollection @glam_grrll Thank you for your reply.
Aug 17Reply
worldcollection @blue_aria And this still continues to this day..
Nov 24Reply
glam_grrll @worldcollection Im sorry!! Its all love here!! ❤💕
Nov 24Reply
glam_grrll @blue_aria I find these people weed themselves out!! 💕
Nov 24Reply
worldcollection @glam_grrll Thank you! You are sweet!
Nov 24Reply
hannahabtq @thriftyyyloves sad that you take time out of your day to put others down. Really sad.
Jul 26Reply
thriftyyyloves @hannahabtq sad of you to take your time to @ me in this listing. Very sad of you. I hope you'll find happiness one day.
Jul 26Reply
thriftyyyloves I call people out when I know their cosmetics are a fake. When a name is misspelled I can tell. Im trying to protect the innocent buyers on posh. I'm not sure where you're coming from. @hannahabtq I know my stuff in order to say something about it.
Jul 26Reply
hannahabtq @thriftyyyloves I’m trying to protect sellers from getting harassed by you. If you want, you can confront the seller in a respectful manner and not by calling them names. It’s childish. I don’t mind taking time out of my day to let you know that you’re being rude to poshers
Jul 26Reply
hannahabtq @thriftyyyloves I’m not talking about cosmetics. I’m talking about many other listings as well. It seems like you’re just browsing listings to call people out and make them feel worthless
Jul 26Reply
thriftyyyloves @hannahabtq I have ZERO clue about what you're talking about? When an item is a replica I report it. That's what a good posher does. I haven't called anyone names. I'm not sure what you're upset about. If someone is knowingly selling a fake they deserve to be called out for it
Jul 26Reply
thriftyyyloves @hannahabtq I'm being as respectful as I can and they become upset and aggressive that someone has the "audacity" to call out a replica on THEIR post. I'm not sure why you're upset if you haven't posted a replica yourself? If you're not happy with how I'm trying to protect posters then you can just ignore me. I don't need to explain myself to you if I know what I am doing is right.
Jul 26Reply
glam_grrll @thriftyyyloves Yeah, but people do it without reason. I have been selling high end cosmetiics on here for YEARS, and Ive had people call my stuff out when it is 100%% AUTHENTIC. I practice very hygenic and authenic cosmetic sales, so Im not sure why this is even being spoken about here. Im sorry if you've had bad experiences here, I really am, but all I can say is to do your research before you receieve what you may think is a replica!! Ive bought, and sent right back replicated products.
Jul 26Reply
glam_grrll @hannahabtq I dont know why when a seller is caught selling replicas they arent taken off the site immediately, or at least put that seller on probation, bc I honestly think people dont know, but some helpful hints are : ✔ If a price is too low for an item.. ✔ The seller seems to have sold multiples and have 0 feed back. This is not 100% always true, but in my experience have been dead giveaways.
Jul 26Reply
glam_grrll If you have any questions, YouTube is VERY helpful in guiding you!! I can usually spot a fake !! And Im always very friendly about it!! There is a BIG difference between fakes and authentic items!! Ty ladies!! We need to stick together, not make each other feel worse!!!!💜💕💜💕💜
Jul 26Reply
hannahabtq @thriftyyyloves calling sellers out for selling replicas when they claim it’s real is not a bad thing. However, I saw you attacking random sellers for listing a model picture as their cover pic when their item is something similar.
Jul 26Reply
hannahabtq @thriftyyyloves The sellers also say that they listed the model picture as a styling idea or to show the fit of the item because they won’t try on their item themselves. You comment on their listings calling them desperate, false advertising, and clickbait when all they’re trying to do is help buyers with outfit ideas and show fit
Jul 26Reply
hannahabtq @thriftyyyloves they never claimed that it’s actually that specific item that the model is wearing so it’s not scamming or false advertisement? Yeah you can perceive it as clickbait, but you can’t attack sellers without knowing their actual intentions. And like I said, you can tell the sellers RESPECTFULLY instead of saying “clickbait haha!!!” “Help your desperate booty out”
Jul 26Reply
hannahabtq @thriftyyyloves and up to a point, a lot of sellers use clickbait as a way to get buyers to check out closets. Those “accepting all offers!” Advertisements listed under brands aren’t necessarily true because sellers say “accepting *reasonable* offers in the item description.”.
Jul 26Reply
hannahabtq @thriftyyyloves The sellers got you to look through their closets and it’s a way of enforcing some people to put in offers and negotiate. When people have vintage items and can’t find a model pic, they can resort to similar tried on pieces to help buyers out that way. Of course, they will include pictures of the actual item too
Jul 26Reply
hannahabtq @thriftyyyloves no, you’re not being respectful by calling them desperate and mocking them
Jul 26Reply
glam_grrll I dont know how people WHO DON'T SELL on here are trying to tell people how to sell!! Thats so ridiculous, and Im positive we are all adults here, we dont need people policing our closets, I agree, it's SUPER ANNOYING!! I bring high end cosmetics for the girls and guys who DON'T HAVE CREDIT CARDS, so they too can enjoy JSC, or Too Faced. People make acounts JUST to be annoying, and they ARE succeeding.
Jul 26Reply
glam_grrll @hannahabtq Hey, Im from Mass too!!! I used to party up @ Umass, Amherst!! Great School!! ❤❤❤
Jul 26Reply
hannahabtq @glam_grrll i agree and yes, it is a great school!!! ❤️🥰
Jul 26Reply
tessaram @thriftyyyloves I’ve actually seen you taunt sellers on multiple clothing listings. Not about reps, but for supposed “clickbaiting” their original listing cover picture. I agree that if you’re telling a seller something, do it in a respectful manner and not assume that they’re automatically trying to rip you off or scam you
Jul 26Reply
tessaram @glam_grrll we need more positivity here on posh. Thank you for your kindness 😊💜
Jul 26Reply
thriftyyyloves @glam_grrll @hannahabtq have you seen the way those people speak to their supposed "customers"? Being rude like that doesn't get you sales and id like them to know. I'm not rude to ANYONE unless they're being rude. Please know all sides of the story before making assumptions. You can believe whatever you want to believe but I know that I'm defending myself and other poshers.
Jul 27Reply
thriftyyyloves @hannahabtq you don't get buyers from being pretentious. You don't get friends or anything from being pretentious. Some people need to get off their high horse and check themselves before attacking others. I'm not playing the victim but they are MOST DEFINETLY not the victim.
Jul 27Reply
thriftyyyloves @hannahabtq @glam_grrll I don't mind you asking me questions about why I responded that way but making assumptions is not fair. Especially when you have no knowledge of the situation or back story.
Jul 27Reply
glam_grrll @thriftyyyloves Its not that serious, and I am good to ALL of my customers, if someone is rude, I block them, and have their comment removed. My sales are just fine, and if you look at this post, its about being kind...
Jul 28Reply
thriftyyyloves @glam_grrll you seem quite upset for something that's "not that serious". Please relax. Thanks to you, you've completely change my mindset. You're my savior. I've started going to church and told them all of the ppl who I've upset on poshmark. You're a goddess. Thank you so much for this be a buddy post!
Jul 29Reply
thriftyyyloves I'm most definitely a buddy to everyone know!!! I love buddies!!! So cute
Jul 29Reply
thriftyyyloves Glad you're a grown adult bullying this 11 year old girl. Take your own advice. "Keep your opinions to yourself". yes please do so KAREN.
Jul 29Reply
thriftyyyloves Come on! You can do better! Please reflect and I'll consider coming back to this post AGAIN😒
Jul 29Reply
thriftyyyloves Everyone has different responses when I comment on their listings. Most even THANK me for letting them know they're violating posh policies. There are a few Karens that get irritated but that's out of my control unfortunately
Jul 29Reply
thriftyyyloves @hannahabtq also the women you're talking about with that listing like she said new without tag. Did you see the listing ? The jacket is very very worn in & that's not a bad thing. The bag thing is that she lied and she's got you over here defending a liar and manipulator.
Jul 29Reply
glam_grrll @thriftyyyloves You cant nit pick on everyones post. Are you here to actually buy things, or just criticize everyone. Everyone has the choice to buy, or not to buy. I see a lot of things that annoy me, but I just keep it moving, and Im not angry at all, J just want any potential customers to know these posts arent about me, since its on my page. Its really not that serious, until you interrupt my sales!! There are a ton of great sellers on here. Why not use the tine to spread positivity???? 🐝
Jul 29Reply
hannahabtq @thriftyyyloves yes, I saw the listing :) you do know that there are new items that are made to look worn and vintage.
Jul 29Reply
thriftyyyloves @hannahabtq haha yes indeed. But you do know that's a vintage brand that's no longer made? Most likely worn for years and resold or thrifted :)
Jul 31Reply
glam_grrll @hannahabtq Can you both argue about this elsewhere please?? I dont even have ANY idea what either of you are referring to.
Aug 04Reply

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