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Updated Jun 03
Updated Jun 03





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Hi, I'm Kristee, thanks for stopping by. I hope you'll find something in my closet that you'll love! I greatly appreciate all the shares and likes, thank you so much 🤗 I'll do my very best to return the same for you too 🍍
  • Seller Discount: 20% off 3+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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maryellen_cl Thank you for sharing!
Jun 21Reply
itskaitlee What a gorgeous closet!! & thanks for all the Posh LoVe babe!! You’re sweeter than a pineapple!! 🍍😉✨
Jun 24Reply
poshpineapple62 @itskaitlee awww thank you! You're most welcome, happy to share and share again 👍 hope it helps make us some sales! Happy Poshing 🍍
Jun 24Reply
stella_rivas Thanks for all the shares 💕💕💕
Jun 30Reply
poshpineapple62 @stella_rivas you're most welcome, thank you too! Happy Poshing 🍍
Jun 30Reply
larsoninak Thanks for all the shres! All the est, my friend.
Jul 02Reply
poshpineapple62 @larsoninak you're welcome, thank you too! Happy Poshing 🍍
Jul 02Reply
midnitesky143 Thank you so much for all the awesome shares!!! If you haven’t already, please check out my Posh Friends post and consider being on my Posh PFF list for awesome extra Posh shares! you have an amazing closet and thanks again for sharing the Posh Love! HAPPY POSHING!!! 🎉🌺🌹🌷💕🌸🦋💐
Jul 09Reply
livlovluxury308 Thank you for your love note review. I really appreciate it! Glad you are loving your new bags. 🙋🏼‍♀️❤️🍍🍍
Jul 10Reply
poshpineapple62 @livlovluxury308 Absolutely! I loved the pictures when I first saw it! I told my hubby how much I loved it and the rest you know 😜 I'm beyond happy with them. Thanks again! 🍍🍍🍍
Jul 10Reply
vtvsn Good morning! I noticed you liked one of our listings. We’re currently doing a bogo sale where if you purchase an item priced at $40 or less, you can get another item for free. Happy poshing! 😊
Aug 12Reply
dajco Visiting your closet is equal to visiting an art gallery. Love it! 🍍🍍🍍
Aug 14Reply
poshpineapple62 @dajco Thank you so much 🤗 I like to make it fun, while interesting lol Happy Poshing 🍍
Aug 14Reply
coloradocache @poshpineapple62 OMG girl- TY for all those ❤️and Share! Yoy are amazing and i luv your beautiful Posh Compliant closet!!! Ive shared and hope it brings you a lot of sales. Happy poshing.
Aug 16Reply
poshpineapple62 @coloradocache You're very welcome and thank you too, also for the lovely compliment 🤗 Happy Poshing 🍍
Aug 16Reply
zazuco_ Thanks for all the love! 😊🤗. What a beautiful closet you have. Best of luck and lots of sales! Happy Poshing 💖💖💖
Sep 13Reply
poshpineapple62 @squintz91 Thank you so much 🤗 you have some pretty awesome items too! Wishing you much success and Happy Poshing 🍍💕
Sep 13Reply
mgil129 Shared 5 🤗
Oct 01Reply
poshpineapple62 @mgil129 Thank you, shared back 🤗🍍💕
Oct 01Reply
designerchic03 Hello! Thank you for your follow and checking out my Closet! It is very much appreciated. Please let me know if there's anything you or interest in always taking different offers. Everything you buy comes with a gift with purchase :). Looking forward to checking out your closet as well! Have a great night
Oct 04Reply
eescobar104 Hi. Good luck with Poshmark
Oct 22Reply
hmsimon1 Good afternoon. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Nov 03Reply
mopheadcentral Hi there. Thank you for all the shares!!! I shared back🙂
Nov 04Reply
poshpineapple62 @hmsimon1 Your creations are very impressive sir, I'm happy to share them! I hope it helps to spread the word for you. Happy Poshing 🍍
Nov 04Reply
poshpineapple62 @mopheadcentral More than happy to share, thank you for sharing back🤗 Happy Poshing 🍍
Nov 04Reply
shantel0312 Thanks so much for the shares!
Nov 04Reply
catesposhcloset Thanks for all the shares, love! ♥️🍍
Nov 11Reply
poshpineapple62 @csmithphoto you're very welcome 🤗 Happy Poshing 🍍
Nov 11Reply
poshpineapple62 @elofthestars. Thank you so much 🤗💕 you're very kind. Happy Poshing 🍍
Nov 11Reply
crosegarden Very clever photography!
Nov 29Reply
nardacci I just had to tell you what a beautiful job you've done on your closet! It was a pleasure to stop by. Bravo 😺👠👟👞❤️
Dec 02Reply
denita6 Hi my name is Denita! I just wanted to say hi and that I love your Posher name😍😍 Happy Holidays! XO Denita💕💕❤️
Dec 02Reply
poshpineapple62 @denita6 Hi Denita, Thank you 🤗 I love pineapples 🍍 so it kinda just fell into place 😊 Happy Poshing 🍍 Kristee
Dec 11Reply
crystalco Hi! Thanks for visiting my closet. I appreciate it very much. Have a great day!❤️
Dec 12Reply
deborahrn @poshpineapple62 Hi Pretty lady...I hope you are well. I was going through my likes and some bundles that a Posher had added, and I was so touched by her love notes of thanks to Poshers she had purchased from that I began a search to find similar items in size and appeal. Is it OK that I send the items in my bundle minus one item that I like.cont'
Dec 22Reply
deborahrn @poshpineapple62 AS I was saying, these items in my bundle I feel may appeal to her. She is a very kind woman and sometimes we forget that some ladies need TLC with sizes, etc...I went through menopause and it was an eye opener. I'm an RN and read up on the necessary nutrients to kick my body back into gear. It was a hard time for me. I'm an advocate for women in every capacity. I will get her name and properly introduce. Merry Christmas 🌲🌲⚘⚘⚘👠
Dec 22Reply
poshpineapple62 @deborahrn Hi there, yes of course and thank you 🤗. I had actually sent you an offer on the bundle (thinking it was for you) before I saw your messages. Please do pass along and I'll look out for her 😍 Happy Holidays to you sweet lady 🤶🎅🎄⛄❄️
Dec 22Reply
sebq Thank you for visiting my closet and liking the jeans. Any questions plz ask. I give bundle discounts with private discounts!😊
Jan 23Reply
the_hidden_wick Hey welcome to poshmark! I'm holding a bundle deal so dont forget to check out my closet.
Mar 07Reply
gypsyfunk What do I do to cancel? I wrote an email, then I said it an accidental purchase? What else can I do?💋😎💕
Mar 08Reply
poshpineapple62 @gypsyfunk I'll take a look hang on
Mar 08Reply
janfast Hi Kristee! Thanks for following my closet!😊
Mar 10Reply
poshpineapple62 @janfast You're welcome Janet, showing some Posh love 💕🤗 Happy Poshing 🍍
Mar 10Reply
s117 Thank you for sharing!!!! It's very much appreciated!!!!! :-)
Mar 12Reply
lirrioscloset Thank you for all the shares! 😍 Denise
Mar 18Reply
poshpineapple62 @lirrioscloset Ditto🤗 Always happy to share some Posh Love 💕 wishing you many sales! Happy Poshing 🍍 Kristee
Mar 18Reply
poshpineapple62 @s117 You're very welcome!
Mar 18Reply
greatdanish Love your closet vibe. Great idea with the frames!!!!
Mar 19Reply
dufortsales Thank you so much for the follow! If you're a seller, I tend to share listings only of my followers frequently. If you're a buyer too then I'd like to share my own closet for items under $15 with a 10% off 2+ bundle :D Happy Poshing! ❤️
Mar 24Reply
annajothomas I love the presentation of your items!
Mar 25Reply
bexbscloset @poshpineapple62 Thank you so much for the shares, I really appreciate it <3
Mar 26Reply
poshpineapple62 @greatdanish Thank you 🤗💕
Mar 26Reply
poshpineapple62 @annajothomas Thank you so much ❣️🤗
Mar 26Reply
poshpineapple62 @bex1212456 You're welcome 🤗 Happy Poshing 🍍
Mar 26Reply
greatdanish @poshpineapple62 ❤️❤️❤️🌸🌸🌸🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🦄🌸🌸🌸👌🏻👌🏻🦄🦄🦄🦄
Mar 26Reply
cheryldye Nice to meet you hope you check out my closet
Mar 28Reply
trosegold Hi Kristen, thanks for the follow. I'll be sure to check out your closet and share the items that I like 😃. Cheers, Tim
Mar 29Reply
janmariescloset Hi Kristee, I absolutely Love ❤️ your closet I love your kiddy, so adorable I really miss my kiddy’s 😿... Hey I have a question I’ve been on Poshmark since January. I’ve been having problems with sending my likes to likers, even when I lower my prices 30% it says was not sent to any likers and to lower my price. Even when I lowered my prices for at least 130 items and in the comments it said Not sent to likers 😹...Do you know how to fix this 😸 Thanks, Jan
Apr 05Reply
janmariescloset Thanks for all the shares 😘
Apr 05Reply
poshpineapple62 @janmariescloset Hi Jan, thank you 🤗💕 I've often had that same issue myself. I don't know how to fix it, sadly. I'm sure it's a glitch in their system. I usually just report it to them and hope they can fix it🤞🤞 I'm sorry I can't be of better help in this instance. I hope you have a super weekend with many sales❣️ Happy Poshing 🍍 Kristee 🍍
Apr 05Reply
gjeannieg 1. I love the way you use frames around your listings! 😊 2. Thank you so much for sharing my listings across other platforms! 🥰 I would do the same for you, if I had accounts on those platforms! I am sharing your stuff here though! 😁 💕
Apr 11Reply
poshpineapple62 @gjeannieg Hi Gail ❣️ Thank you so much🤗 It's an app I downloaded from play store called "simple frames" and it really is very easy to use. You're very welcome for the shares, it helps us all if we share some Posh love💕 Thank you for sharing mine too🤗💗 Happy Poshing 🍍 Kristee
Apr 11Reply
fairfax_i_do ⚜️Thank you for your purchase! Your item has been shipped. Have a wonderful day!⚜️
Apr 19Reply
poshpineapple62 @fairfax_i_do Thank you so much. I'm looking forward to receiving them😊
Apr 19Reply
poshpineapple62 @closet4kindness You are most welcome❣️ You too🤗 Happy Poshing 🍍
May 11Reply
thehaircartel Check out our AD Closet💙 We provide beautiful hair extensions ☺️
May 15Reply
o_kaufmannxx34 Amazing page love the content!!
Jun 04Reply
poshpineapple62 @o_kaufmannxx34 Thank you so much 🤗🍍
Jun 04Reply
love_sparkle thank u for the social media share 💜
Jun 24Reply
sebq Thx for like of 3 tees. Open to offers and while my closet may show I’m on vacation, I’m not. Just trying to give myself some time for my husbands medical care that I do If you should see something you want just message me here and I can Always take it off vacay😊🙏
Jul 30Reply
eclectic_echo I didn't get your message until today about the measurements for the Westport jeans. I teach high school and got home late this evening. If you would still like them, please let me know and I will attach them to the comment on the jeans after school tomorrow evening for you.
Aug 20Reply
poshpineapple62 @eclectic_echo. Thats ok no problem. Yes please I'd like the measurements. Thank you 🍍
Aug 20Reply
sebq Thx for liking boho yellow bag. Open to all reasonable offers 😊
Aug 20Reply
eclectic_echo I posted them for you under your item comment for the jeans. I apologize for the delay. Our Internet was out tonight, along with our electricity, due to some powerful storms in Cincinnati.
Aug 21Reply
shopaholicami Shared 15! Feel free to join my game as well... Thanks sweetie and have a sparkling day! @shopaholicami
Sep 07Reply
2ndhandstitches Hello! If you have time ....check out my closet I think I may have some items that you would be interested in!🤩 Bundle 3 or more for 25% off. Happy Poshing!🤩
Feb 23Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Mar 07Reply
richmondsrelics Hello, as you may have noticed I have lots of quality women’s, men’s and kids clothes, toys, plushes, craft supplies and home goods. I list daily. Keep checking back to see my new listings. We are a non smoking business. I keep my prices very reasonable, so I don’t make offers other than my generous bundled discount. I will consider offers from buyers. I’ve been in business since 1983, online since 2000. I’m a Top Rated seller and Poshmark Ambassador. If you have questions feel free to ask.
Sep 06Reply
yizzie74 Thanks for following 👍🏽
Oct 02Reply
shelovescheetah @poshpineapple62 Hello! Yah glad you love the Boston Proper Cargo pants! I bet you are rocking them! Thank you for the 5 star review! 😘
Oct 06Reply
poshpineapple62 @shelovescheetah You're more than welcome! FIVE STARS are well deserved!! I love the cargos they fit like a glove and sooo comfy! The booties are a bonus, looking forwad to the weather to wear them 😊 Thank you again, stay safe and as always, Happy Poshing🍍
Oct 06Reply
shelovescheetah @poshpineapple62 Aw thanks, glad you love it all! Happy poshing and come again! 😊😊
Oct 06Reply
jaxhouse Hey Kristen, I love my sweater. it was so sweetly packaged with such a nice note🥰 I'm wishing you good health and Happy Poshing ❤️
Oct 08Reply
poshpineapple62 @jaxhouse I'm so happy you love it! I wish you much happiness wearing it and i hope you feel comfy and cozy always! Stay safe and Happy Poshing🍍
Oct 08Reply
alivia_rhodes Thank you so much for the follow! Feel free to check out my closet and if you see something you like, make an offer! You might just be my first sale! Happy Poshing!
Nov 19Reply
judyesaylor What an amazing closet. I love your organization and your style. Happy Poshing 💖 Judy
Jan 19Reply
poshpineapple62 @beautifynails Thank you so much 🍍
Jan 26Reply
poshpineapple62 @judyesaylor Hi Judy, thank you so much for your kind words, I appreciate them so much🤗 Happy Poshing! Kristee 🍍
Jan 26Reply
janehathaway Kristee I love the pineapples! Did you see that WHBM has a brand-new pineapple collection? I'm Mary Beth, from Texas. Come check out my closet, my new hubbie, and our 2 beautiful German Shepherds. Def our babies. All the best in 2021, and Happy Poshing! 🌱🌼🌈🏞🏝🙋
May 13Reply
janehathaway Thank you for the shares, hon! Especially because I'm all thumbs when it comes to Twitter
May 13Reply
amberkarels Hi Kristee! Thank you for liking one of my items. I’m currently running a sale of buying 2 items & get your 3rd item free! 🎉☺️
Aug 08Reply
helengenel Good afternoon thanks for stopping by my closet please by all means make a offer I would rather they be worn by somebody rather than being packed away…if not no worries enjoy your evening…
Nov 07Reply
kmmontone Hi Kristee. Thank you for following me. Please stop by my closet and take a look. Since my husband recently passed away, I find myself having to supplement my income, so I'm flexible on offers and I discount bundles. Hopefully you might find something you want in my closet. Thanks again for following. Have a great day. Kay
Mar 07Reply
tropicalshell Hi there! I just reduced the pineapple bikini to $8. That’s the final price! Thank u!
Mar 18Reply
poshpineapple62 @tropicalshell My apologies, I hadn't realized that. I just purchased it at your asking price. Thank you🍍
Mar 18Reply
cutehosiery @poshpineapple62 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 08Reply
alita548 Hello poshpinapple62, thanks a lot for sharing mi listing, I really appreciate!!!! have a great day!!!!😊👍🏻
May 17Reply
dailychanges Hi Kristee! Thank you so much for the shares! I am not on Twitter but will continue to reciprocate(as best i am able)shares though poshmark!l. Thank you again and have a great day🥰
May 17Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Jun 03Reply
nancy4221 Thanks for sharing my closet on Twitter dear… I greatly appreciate it 🙏🏻
Jun 04Reply
poshpineapple62 @adoringstyles Hello, thank you so much for sharing, I appreciate you🤗 I have shared your closet too and hope it brings some sales for you! Happy Poshing ❣️
Jun 17Reply
sarahs567 GM shared 35 from your beautiful items to my followers only today 6/21.❤️🤗
Jun 21Reply
deedee32209 Thank you so much for all the shares! 🍍🍍🍍
Jun 22Reply
ajooj Hello 👋 hope your doing well☺️ Thank you for checking out my closet bundle your likes and send me an offer. I’m accepting all reasonable offers.
Jun 28Reply
tabbytink63 hi 🙋‍♀️nice to meet you, thank you for visiting 😊👖👚🎨🐎🐕🐈‍⬛💙🧡💚💛
Jul 02Reply
sarahs567 GA shared 60 items with my followers only today 7/2 ❤️🤗🌻
Jul 02Reply
poshpineapple62 @sarahs567 Hi there, thank you so much, I shared back❣️ Happy Poshing 🍍
Jul 02Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily😊 I’m doing a Flash Now Or Never Sale! Which means if you like any of my items but not the price I’ll accept any offer you got especially on bundles
Jul 03Reply
zezeadel Thank you so much for the shares! I wish you lots of good luck and selling success! Happy Poshing 💌😃🌻
Jul 05Reply
cayocostakitty Hi Kristee! Thank you sooo much for all of the shares!! I really appreciate you! Happy poshing!!🌞🏝🌊🏖🎶🌺💕
Jul 25Reply
poshpineapple62 @cayocostakitty Hi Kitty, you're most welcome! Sharing some posh love helps make some sales🙏 Happy to share 💕 Kristee 🍍
Jul 25Reply
sarahs567 GM shared 20 highest to lowest items to my followers only today 9/11. Please no party sharing returns Tia 🤗🌺🌻💜
Sep 11Reply
poshpineapple62 @krissyany Hi there, I agree! I've shared ❣️ much posh love PFF, Happy Poshing, Kristee 🍍
Sep 28Reply
poshpineapple62 @tutuwig Hey there, yes thank you! I've shared from your closet, sending Posh Love 💕 Happy Poshing to you❣️ Kristee 🍍
Sep 28Reply
kaysuniverse @poshpineapple62 hello fellow posh queen 👋 your closet is great! i wanna invite you 2 visit and follow my closet also. i carry brands like Bebe, Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, and Michael Kors at very affordable prices. imma next day shipper and im always flexible on prices. feel free 2 comment, like, or show posh luv anytime. 😀
Oct 04Reply
oliviaami Hi @5af4de0d250c5d6ad2ead91f , thanks for following us! 💗 Like or comment our items to get great offers😊
Mar 28Reply
oliviaami Hi @5af4de0d250c5d6ad2ead91f , thanks for following us! 💗 Like or comment our items to get great offers😊
Mar 28Reply
marywilliams130 Hi this is Mary 😊 thank you for following my closet 😊
Apr 04Reply
ri_prettygirl @poshpineapple62 Hello dear, I hope all is well. I'm Ri ☺️ Today I've been going around checking closets out. I'd also like to invite you to mine! I just posted some great things ( 🩷@riprettygirl ) I would love for you to come stop by, shop & save! ☺️ or if not for you, then for someone who you know will love it! Thanks for the follow 🥰 Happy Poshing 💳🛍️🛒💕
Jul 24Reply
poshpineapple62 HERE COMES 2024 🥂🍾🎉🕛 Send me your offers on ANYTHING in my closet, I'll accept any reasonable offers!! Offer ends DEC.31st 2023 🔔🎁
Dec 26Reply
candy258 Hi🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Feb 02Reply
susiemal23 Hi Kristee! Thanks for the likes. If there’s something you want just send an offer anytime and you know I’ll accept it for you! Thanks for the shares too!!!! I appreciate you! 😊😊😊🌞🌸🌼
Jun 13Reply
poshpineapple62 @susiemal23 Hi Susie! You are most welcome! Thank you so much, you're so sweet🤗 I have my eye on some ❤️ as soon as my balance builds a tad more I'll be visiting you! Take care, have a blessed day and always Happy Poshing❣️ Kristee🍍
Jun 14Reply

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Last Active: this hour

Saint Cloud, FL
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