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Updated Dec 21
Updated Dec 21

Meet your Posher Clothingreloved

Meet the Posher



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Hi! Thanks for stopping by. Smoke Free but not Pet free. Please ask all questions before buying not after. Usually ship within 24 hours unlessSunday or a Holiday.
  • Seller Discount: 30% off 2+ Bundle

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donnascan Welcome welcome. Let’s do this!
Aug 08Reply
cangeles1 Welcome DYANA!🤗May u have a Blessed Journey with Poshmark! Please feel free 2 check my closet. Offers r always Welcome...😇
Aug 09Reply
sweetdee72 Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you enjoy Poshing as much as I do. I love buying, selling and sharing. Happy Poshing 😀💐😘
Aug 09Reply
happynyc1 You’re off to a great start! The closet looks awesome! Consider sharing your listings to the “parties” held throughout each day. Happy Poshing!
Aug 09Reply
junebugnewtoyou Welcome to Poshmark!🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
Aug 09Reply
smthngprettybtq ✨✨Welcome to Poshmark and happy Poshing!! ✨✨ xo @smthngprettybtq
Aug 09Reply
dyvan @reeses4601 Thank You
Aug 11Reply
dyvan @happynyc1 Thank You🦋
Aug 11Reply
dyvan @smthngprettybtq Thank You🦋
Aug 11Reply
dyvan @donnascan I got so much to list.🌞
Aug 11Reply
dyvan @thetrendy Thank You
Aug 11Reply
dyvan @cangeles1 Thank You
Aug 11Reply
donnascan @dyvan Me too! Been working on it all weekend, but I have had all 3 kids here. Not real good work time.
Aug 12Reply
potykc Welcome to Poshmark 🌸🍍
Aug 12Reply
poe5 Welcome! SUPER CUTE closet!! Happy Poshing! Hope you enjoy your time on here!!! :D
Aug 13Reply
glassprism70 Sweet peek a boo. I have a calico who loves to lounge in the sun on the window sill behind the drapes. Thank you for all the sharing. Hope it leads to some sales. The genetic hair loss is catching up this year al mg with the permanently loss of size 6. Good wigs are pricey. There is a 15% discount on bundles and always so me thing extra added. Offers welcome. Meow.
Aug 17Reply
dyvan @dulcesuenos55 Thank You I need to work on the twitter thing this weekend, will do same, good luck selling season around corner.
Aug 18Reply
soriag Welcome to Poshmark!!! Hi! I am Gloria 😊 Welcome to a community of amazing people and great deals. I am a Posh Ambassador, Posh Mentor and a Poshmark Top Seller. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me and I will be happy to help. Also, I invite you to check out my closet. Happy Poshing!! 😃
Aug 18Reply
pjrana67 @dyvan Hi Dyana! I was sharing some items from your closet when I saw you were from Broomfield. I live in Boulder and work in Westminster at FRCC! Did you see the Denver Poshermark Sellers Meetup group? I joined and hope to attend an event soon. Maybe we will see each other at an event. I just thought I would say hi! Have a great day.
Aug 22Reply
scsquirrelz Love your closet -and the cat! Wishing you fun times and many sales😎👍
Aug 27Reply
dyvan @toddtodd01 Hello There CO any time!!
Aug 27Reply
wuzvetteless1 Welcome to Posh
Sep 06Reply
savichick Happy Poshing! Please feel free to visit my closet. I added some handbags. Check them out! 🐥
Sep 06Reply
aperfectbuy 😊😊🌻🌻Thank you for following me. If you see something in my closet you like click the   and "like" ❤ the item and/or use the new bundle to it receive private offers.  Please feel free to contact me with any questions with either buying or selling. Happy Poshing 😊😊🌻🌻
Sep 06Reply
blondie1616 Impressive! I’ve been a Posher for 9 months and would like your option on my closet. I have not sold much less than $250 this far. What suggestion do you have for my clothes to sell better as they are not high dollar fashion labels? How can I organize by color? Would it be worth buying software to make my numbers become higher? Thanks for taking the time to answer these for questions. Your closet is amazing and so happy you are successful! - Jodi :)
Sep 12Reply
dyvan @blondie1616 Thank You, Follow more people look for similiar items you have that sold and follow those people who like it. If the seller has a similar type closet follow the people they are following and following them. I think the following creates more traffic. I'm also struggling with lower price items that don't move well I might try making my own bundles.
Sep 12Reply
dyvan @blondie1616I gave up on the organizing as soon as you share to a specific party throws everything out of order, I know there is software out there but dot know if any of it is worth it or even works Posh does use anti-bot software. Best of luck-Dy
Sep 12Reply
dyvan @blondie1616 I would add as much information to title as possible this helps for outside Poshmark organic GOOGLE searches. This is alot of my sales stay safe NC
Sep 12Reply
divasale Hello 😃Welcome to the Poshmark Community 🤗😁!!
Sep 14Reply
kailpatrick Hi Mr Cat.
Sep 16Reply
jv71 Thankyou for the follow babygirl 😘😍❤️
Sep 18Reply
mysusieque Love your fur baby! 😻 Your closet is gorgeous and it was a pleasure to share some of your gems!
Oct 25Reply
dyvan @mysusieque Thank you!!!
Oct 25Reply
mysusieque @dyvan you are so very welcome. Give your precious kitty an ear scratch from me. 😻
Oct 25Reply
mysusieque @dyvan thanks for the a Twitter share. I do not tweet so cannot return your kindness.
Oct 26Reply
theunionhouse Thank you for sharing my closet! 💕
Nov 05Reply
hit111 Thanks 🙏 for the shares.....
Nov 30Reply
poshstyleroom Hi, it’s Olenea. Thanks for connecting. By the way I have the same tabby, she’s a girl lol
Dec 04Reply
dyvan @olenea Hey!!! Mine is a girl as well, your closet looks good!
Dec 04Reply
poshstyleroom @dyvan thanks, your closet is nice too🎀
Dec 04Reply
cazbahrock Thanks for sharing my listing!!! Love your closet!
Jan 15Reply
dyvan @cazbahrock 🤗Your Welcome!!!
Jan 16Reply
Jan 30Reply
annapancloset Love your picture. Let’s have fun together on Poshmark!
Feb 02Reply
dyvan @annapancloset Hey Girl thanks for the 🥰👢
Feb 02Reply
luxpricedright Hello and welcome to Poshmark please feel free to check out my closet and let me know if anything there can be an extension of your beauty. Happy poshing
Feb 24Reply
threadthrutime cute kitty! cool curtains!
Mar 23Reply
dyvan @sixfootone💕 TY💕
Mar 23Reply
05teddy11 Blessings on sharing from my closet ❤️🤟🏻💜! Love pics of your cute kitty 🐱 & picture of you & beautiful scenery ❤️🤟🏻💜
Apr 24Reply
brimacly Thanks for all the shares😊❤
Apr 25Reply
msneverending1 Dyanna just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for sharing my listing. You have a wonderful closet and beautiful pictures. I hope you have an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Apr 29Reply
trosegold Hi Dyana, I'm Tim and would like to thank you for sharing. I'll be sure to check out your closet and share the items that I like 😃. Cheers
Apr 30Reply
locan ❤️Broomfield!
May 19Reply
chellier Ryan’s! Thanks for following nice profile pics
Jun 02Reply
boutthamoney Thank you so much for following my closet and if i can help you with anything please let me know
Jun 03Reply
jocole96 Welcome happy poshing, 😃
Jun 12Reply
2ndhandtreasure Thank you for choosing to follow my closet. I browsed your closet and love your selection and layout. I hope you have much success.
Jun 15Reply
chante_allday Thank you for following me! I want to also invite you to follow my Instagram I want to grow that account so its just as successful as this one can’t do so without your support ! I’ll return the favor @chante_all day
Aug 03Reply
ltbbalance What an amazing closet...lots of fashion finds...lots of variety and very classy...I am sharing Posh Love💕💝🎁🧡💚..I have shared items from your closet and I would be honored if you would share mine too...Happy Sales...Happy Poshing..🙏🎉🤩
Sep 03Reply
sweet1957 Hi Dyana , I wanted to thank you so much for sharing from my closet!!! You are so sweet ❤️🥰
Jun 25Reply
maria_mena Can you please resend your offer? Thank you. 🙂
Aug 26Reply
dyvan @maria_mena I have no idea what item you’re talking about I probably sent over 50 offers also Poshmark does not let you resend an offer for another 30 days. Just send me an offer for same and I will accept.
Aug 26Reply
arnogr09 Thank you for the MK rain boots! They looks amazing and fit perfect. :)
Oct 08Reply
dyvan @arnogr09 That’s great your welcome.
Oct 08Reply
viratorres53 hello Dyana thank you for following me you have a great closet! welcome to mine. shared some of yours with my followers. you have so many lovely items. I do accept reasonable offers. I give personal discounts on bundles of 2 or more items. take care and happy poshing!!
Oct 29Reply
stilettos2tees Hi! Thanks for the private offer on Megnya Gray Rope Sandals. I declined, not my size, but I appreciate the offer ❤️
Nov 20Reply
gingerann11 Thank you for accepting my offer! I’m in school and have to go to Colorado for education. It’s been a minute since I’ve needed warm socks and I don’t even know what else to layer with. Lol. Thank you.
Jan 14Reply
dyvan @gingerann11 Do you want to layer even though it’s the middle of winter and it is technically cold out here we were mile closer to the sun and can warm up but does get cold at night. It can literally 80 degrees one day snow the next.
Jan 14Reply
gingerann11 @dyvan I have heard it varies. I just want to be prepared. It has been over a decade since I’ve been out that way!
Jan 14Reply
mygirlstoo did you accept my offer on the Pikilonis...?
Jan 21Reply
dyvan @mygirlstoo Yes but it did not go through yet Posh will send you a message.
Jan 21Reply
eshererra Hi! Would you bundle all the things I liked?
Apr 02Reply
dyvan @eshererra Sent you an offer
Apr 02Reply
motherofnino Hello there Dyana, I’m your Lakewood “neighbor”—I live in Belmar😁 I adore your closet and haven’t yet finished the tour❣️Theres a lot of work to be done to open my own posh closet and while I do that I wonder if I may call on you sometime if I have a particular query in which I’d be honored to have you and your expertise address please? 💝Monica
May 16Reply
lillievonstoop1 Hi! Thank you for the follow 🙃 Happy Poshing 🛍!
Jun 19Reply
tatnaples Hi Dyana! Thank you for the follow and support, happy Poshing 💜Tamala
Oct 05Reply
rembuzz3 Love what I purchased! Thank you Dyana!
Nov 02Reply
dyvan @rembuzz3 I am so happy it worked out!
Nov 02Reply
jamiebsurfs Thanks for the follow 🏄🏼☀️🕶🏝🥰
Apr 04Reply
stocktonlaw100 Hi favorite shoppers, I’m currently running a special pick any 10 items $12.00 & under for $40.00 & discounted shipping. Happy poshing!
Aug 08Reply
pinkgables Thanks so much for following me! I hope you’ll stop by and browse My Closet often!! 😊 Kathy of Pink Gables
Aug 18Reply
lamarquez16 Hello, I appreciate the follow. I'm new to selling but not new to buying on Poshmark. I started this adventure with my daughter as a means to spend quality time together. We have a variety of clothes for women, men, and youth boys. We shared some items from your closet and we hope you can do the same Happy Poshing
Sep 04Reply
kristenkreation Hi @dyvan I'm Tink! Thank you for the follow! Love your closet! I'm also a Posh Ambassador so if you need any help lemme know and I'd be happy to help!! Thank you and have a great day! 💜😊
Sep 07Reply
oliviaami Dear @dyvan , happy to see that you are following our closet 💗
Sep 22Reply
nylifeaccess Hi dear, thank you very much to check out and following or share my closet. Just would like to let you know my closet is doing BUNDLE discount “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” and $25/3. Welcome to shop at my closet. Wish you have a wonderful day ;)
Sep 24Reply
cleopatra_vault Hi, thanks for following! 🐆🌿🥂
Sep 27Reply
pjhb Hi Dyana! Thanks so much for sharing my jewelry! Would love to make you a great deal! I do take reasonable offers! Check out my closet for more treasures and deals in the future! I am a 5 star ⭐️ Ambassador!
Oct 02Reply
joyce0632 Thank you for sharing my listing
Oct 09Reply
mndpostcloset Hi! Thanks for following me on Poshmark/sharing/liking my closet. I'm having a huge sale on most everything. Many items are marked 💥BOGO or 3/$10💥. Negotiable and open to all reasonable offers. If you see something/like it/add it to bundle I may periodically send over a discounted bundle offer. I've also checked out your closet and although I'm not making purchases at this time I'm always happy to share. Feel free to share mine too and I do my best to share back. Happy Poshing!
Nov 05Reply
yoked1990 Thanks for the follow.
Dec 27Reply
kitsune_13 Oh Hai! Thanks for the follow and in advance of hopefully the sharesies! I hope you can peruse my closet and find a possible new favorite 🙂 cheers & have a great day!
Mar 17Reply
rickycashonly Let’s Posh Soon!! 😍
Apr 20Reply
xo_jules_xo Hello! 😄💕I was wondering if you'd like to stop by my page and look around. I am very open to offers on bundles and offers on items by themselves. I have cute tops, dresses, nice shoes, JLO and Wrangler jeans, jewelry, and scarves, as well as a couple hats and hair accessories. Thank you! 💕
Jul 13Reply
mimswind Hi Thanks for the follow! I'll share some goodies from you super fab closet! I hope you'll take a look at my closet and share away!!! Happy Poshing to you!
Oct 25Reply
le_stage Hi! Just wanted to say thank you so much for your warm welcome! Look forward to poshing with another fur baby lover! 🌺 MelissaL
Nov 04Reply
thecreaseations very cute closet!! :)
Dec 23Reply
graves7build Thanks for the follow and share!
Jan 18Reply
boxerbriefs11 Gorgeous photos.
Feb 06Reply
bowtiquemom If I buy the Anthropologie Bhanuni by Jyoti 0P Georgette Round Floral Printed Gown Maxi Dress today- can you get it out today? I need it for a wedding next week 😬 I'm panicking w/ the dress I have and want another option. TY Do you feel it's black tie dressy enough??
Mar 09Reply
dyvan @bowtiquemom I can ship today on Mountain time. I think it is fine for black tie event.
Mar 09Reply
bowtiquemom @dyvan TY for your help. Hopefully I made it in time for today's USPS.
Mar 09Reply
huped Hi dyvan, thanks for your offer. I live in Canada & it will not let me purchase from you, not sure why.
Mar 10Reply
dyvan @huped you can only buy from the Canadian sellers. There is no over the border shipping yet.
Mar 10Reply
huped Hi dyvan, I will except your offer but my girlfriend has a US post office & she will be purchasing them for me her name is Janet Chambers I will message her to let her know. Thank you
Mar 22Reply
dyvan @huped Sure not a problem, I will keep a eye out for her.
Mar 22Reply
huped Thank you
Mar 22Reply
julieh28_1984 Hi there, I just wanted to stop in and say thank you for all your likes and for visiting my closet. I greatly appreciate it. Please let me know if your interested in anything.
Mar 27Reply
chriswhitley200 Hi dyvan I purchased a pair of raynans from u. I'm not sure how to pm u here but if u could private message me Maybe we can have a conversation. Time Is of the essence Thx
Apr 12Reply
chic_boutique__ Beautiful
Apr 13Reply
lydiadan1 Hi I appreciate the offer. Could you resend that in the am so I could get discounted shipping thanks so much I’ll decline then have you resend tomorrow. It’s so darn expensive to mail smaller items like this here I wish they had small packages discount
Jun 08Reply
dyvan @lydiadan1 remind me next closet clear out and I will change the price to offer not a problem.
Jun 08Reply
lydiadan1 @dyvan ok great thanks so much for that. ❣️
Jun 08Reply
underdog7171 gorgeous lady
Jul 19Reply
glassprism70 Thank you again for following my closet. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package 📦. And offers are always welcome, too.
Aug 17Reply
baron126 Hellooooooo & thanks for following my closet❣️My closet is always buy one get half off the lower price item! Bundle & Save more with one shipping fee!! 5⭐️rated seller & FAST shipper!!! Happy Poshing!!!!
Sep 18Reply
crazyhorse21 Thank you so much for choosing to follow me!!!HURRY!!! Today until midnight my BOGO 1/2 off sale will end!! So if there's something you've been eyeing, snag it now!!! There are no limits on the amount of items you can BOGO! It just has to be under 5lb. Or you'll have to pay for extra shipping!! Don't miss out!! HAPPY POSHING!!! 🫶🏻
Sep 29Reply
brandonherna902 Lovely pictures
Oct 27Reply
smilez22222 Hello and Thank You for Following my Closet! 🦋🙂🦋
Nov 10Reply
brentsmith916 So pretty! 🔥
Feb 19Reply

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