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Updated Nov 16
Updated Nov 16

Meet your Posher, Sherry

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Sherry. Im a sparkley girl! i love jewlery, but because of hurricane harvey, im selling...i many mult. Of the jewlery, because i collecting for myself and daughters....but they really arnt into it , and im glad now, lol ....i put away some for grandaughters!
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emilycallister Welcome to poshmark! I would love if you could check out my closet! Thank you so much!
Aug 26Reply
evsjewels Thanks you for adding the 4 beautiful Silpada bracelets to a bundle. Feel free to make an offer on your bundle. Have a nice evening! 😊🌸
Aug 26Reply
sugar_24 Hi Sherry I love all your bags for sale!!!
Aug 28Reply
tris1957 Awsom goodies!
Aug 28Reply
deannlynns I'll mail this on Tuesday !
Sep 03Reply
saveshopposh Sherry, im waiting on measurments of cutout capri's so I can bundlewith pendant
Sep 03Reply
tris1957 Ok...will do first thing tomorrow...hav been sic
Sep 04Reply
sugar_24 Omg how did u break your arm??? I can wait cause I REALLY want this bag!! Hope u get better soon hun!!!
Sep 05Reply
meblgt Hi Sherry, I really thought I had sent your charm, so I'm not sure what has happened. I'll be in touch after I do a little research from my end.
Sep 05Reply
meblgt Hi again, It was shipped on Saturday but for some reason it's not tracking.
Sep 05Reply
saveshopposh Sherry, I gave you a review. Im on vacation. Im not home. Did you get my review. I will be anle to tell you weds. When I get home
Sep 11Reply
tris1957 @saveshopposhyes i did! Thanks so much...just following up with uou...gosh, hope ur nowhere near that hirricane!
Sep 11Reply
kchubcheva Hello. Thank you for following my closet . I'm always open to offers and can accept up to 50% off on particular items ;) Happy Poshing:)
Sep 14Reply
ggibson001 Hi Sherry, thank you for considering my offer and replying to me. I understand completely and do not want you to lose money! I am sure it will sell soon and I will share it with my followers to try to help you out.
Sep 18Reply
tris1957 @ggibson001girl, i have NEW spilada charms, id throw 1 in free, 1 is a flipflop, 1 is eiffle tower with a pearl, and 1 is wedding couple.....i would throw 1 in...i use then to secure the toggle bracelets!...i just hook onto the main part, right behing the toggle...if u decide, ill take pics, and also pics of my bracelets!
Sep 18Reply
tris1957 Hey pam, woke up erly, i kno theres a way to do a bundle 4 u...from me, but cant figure it ull hav to go to bottm of pics, it will say love, comment, n under comment is add to bundle, or just bundle...add as much as u want, its like lond as u dont check out we can figure out what u want to keep, what to remove, ect...ya i kno i was gonna sleep till 11 texas time, sigh
Sep 22Reply
specks7376 Hi sherry Come on down..this is kevin on........ if your price is right ...i got you..send an offer...
Sep 26Reply
tris1957 @specks7376 hey kevin, trying to sell...still paying for hurricane harvey...ughhh
Sep 26Reply
specks7376 @tris1957 well i wish you well in your endeavors...and i will look at your page now and see if i can support you..
Sep 26Reply
texanlady Sherry Welcome to posh mark! I wish you many Great sales and I truly hope you and your family recover Quickly!! much love💞 And hugs XXXXXX I'm Karen by the way🤗
Sep 27Reply
texanlady Hi! Sherry🙋‍♀️ I wanted to tell you how much I love the purse ! It's so pretty and smells so so good! And the jewelry is beautiful!😘💕 thank you very much! I hope you'll have a wonderful day!🌞🌻🌼🌻🌼 Karen👋😀
Oct 03Reply
tris1957 Karen, im soooo glad u like it!
Oct 04Reply
marciapsw We are retiring in less than 3 years. Won’t be Rv full time but for each winter. Thought this would be something I could do while traveling. How has your experience been
Oct 08Reply
tris1957 @marciapswits great, a very easy, cheaper life...we want to go back to mich in summer, n mabe hook up with a group of traveling rvers to see all the states...we already knew the lifestyle, because i was a traveling rn......sometimes miss our home...but i was side lined with a neurological i hsd to stop working in 2014...hubbs went back to work, and prob has snother we c in n get on our feet again.
Oct 08Reply
tigerlilyrose @tris1957 Thanks for sharing hun! Here's wishing you lots of success with sales! Happy poshing to ya! ;)
Oct 12Reply
tris1957 Its all so lovley
Oct 12Reply
meldulcis8 Thank you so much for all your shares 💞 Lovely closet and especially your jewelry pieces ☺️
Oct 17Reply
tris1957 @meldulcis8 aww, thank you!
Oct 17Reply
texanlady Hi dear, they were a pair of silpada earrings they had like changeable charms on them💕
Oct 22Reply
tris1957 @texanladyi dont think that was me, i sell very fery earrings, look in my solds...i marked ur bundle 2 items as sold...let me kno when ur ready
Oct 22Reply
tris1957 @sugar_24 sugar, check out my new stuff...not new to me, but new to my closet!
Oct 24Reply
tris1957 @ggibson001 hi girl!...check outmy closet!...i got more stuff only bout a third
Oct 24Reply
tris1957 @texanlady girl, i love u!...i put sold on the 2 things, but i hav never had silpada EXCHANGEABLE EARRINGS...ive put very little earrings up!
Oct 24Reply
texanlady @tris1957. I'm so sorry Dear! That's my bad lol Sorry but I'll be back for the other items okay? lol thank you so much 😘💕💗
Oct 24Reply
tris1957 problem my friend...n i hav more of my stone sets out, so feel free to change your mind!
Oct 24Reply
texanlady @tris1957. Oh my gosh You're such a sweet 💗 Thank you so much! Have a wonderful day! And I'll be back to maybe add more lol🙋‍♀️
Oct 25Reply
peachykeen_ga Hey Sherry! Thanks for all the share and following me! I love your jewelry selection :)
Oct 27Reply
tris1957 @peachykeen_gaur welcoe gitlfriend!
Oct 27Reply
normaje16 Thank you for all the shares, I do appreciate them all... ohhh I love ~love your closet... very beautiful items... have a blessed evening.
Nov 02Reply
tris1957 @normaje16thanks girl! also have a blessed night!
Nov 02Reply
tiger2017 lovely closet^o^
Nov 02Reply
tris1957 @tiger2017thank you...n im sorry i had to decline your offer, i just listed it, i am way lower than ebay, etsy and posh...its a steal at my offer...n 6 likes i think it will sell this weekend
Nov 02Reply
firstlookcloset Thank you so much for all the shares💖🌞💖🌞💖
Nov 03Reply
lous_shop @tris1957 thanks for all the shares!
Nov 04Reply
tris1957 @ltugwell u r welcome!
Nov 04Reply
isabella2136 Thank you for all the shares of ❤
Nov 08Reply
tris1957 @isabella2136u r mostwelcome, n thank u!..i think its the best way toget our items out there!
Nov 08Reply
tris1957 @ltugwell ur welcom!
Nov 08Reply
janines_closet Thank you for the shares sherry!! Returned happily
Nov 11Reply
tris1957 @janines_closet ur welcome!..right back atcha
Nov 11Reply
shirmed thanks for sharing!! :)
Nov 11Reply
fabfashionbym Thanks for all the shares! Backed up but will try to reciprocate as soon as possible!
Nov 14Reply
thecuratingeye Thanks for all the shares, will reciprocate shortly ✨
Nov 15Reply
51redhead @tris1957 Sherry, thanks for all the shares💕
Nov 16Reply
stacey5769 Thanks so much for all the shares!!
Nov 20Reply
laurasim Beautiful closet!!! Thank you very much for the shares. Wishing you a successful selling season! ❤️❤️❤️
Nov 21Reply
tris1957 @laurasimthank you, you too!
Nov 21Reply
54626 Thank you for the shares and have a very Happy Thanksgiving! 💙🌷
Nov 22Reply
plus_size_prof Thank you for all the shares. Very much appreciated!
Nov 22Reply
sayyestojewelry Happy holidays 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Nov 25Reply
jenczech TOTALLY LOVE your closet!! Not able to purchase right now, but will be back! Have a great holiday season!
Nov 26Reply
emptyclosetshop Thanks so much for all the shares in my closet 💕
Nov 29Reply
tris1957 @trishawoof thank you back!
Nov 29Reply
nakohla10 Thanks for the shares 😁💕
Dec 03Reply
srivetti Ty for all the shares. My name is Sherry also. Great minds think alike.
Dec 03Reply
tris1957 @srivettilol...yup
Dec 03Reply
tris1957 @srivetti ps i told her about it, but im not sure how to share directly to gave u info...i kno shed love it!
Dec 03Reply
fashun4fun Hi Sherry, Thanks so much for all your shares! ❤️❤️❤️❤️I try to help out others as well when I get time. I love Tiffany’s sterling jewelry and have a nice collection but I will definitely be monitoring your lovely selection in case I want to add to it. I’m retired as of last year and don’t need so much anymore. That’s why I started pushing to down size! I wish you much success in selling your beautiful items!
Dec 03Reply
tris1957 @fashun4fun tks girlfriend!
Dec 03Reply
mlha02 Can you offer $185 and free shipping ?
Dec 05Reply
tris1957 @mlha02i im sorry, i can do 190.00 n free shipping
Dec 05Reply
stonecoldsgurl @tris1957 thank you for the shares!
Dec 09Reply
njgrl54 Thanks for all the shares! I really appreciate it 😊
Dec 09Reply
tris1957 @njgrl54 ur welcome!..i figure it works to widen both our circle of followers!
Dec 09Reply
doryjo @tris1957 Thank you for all the shares love! Sharing is caring!!! Have a fantastic day!
Dec 10Reply
shellabella1 Thank you for the shares!! ☀️
Dec 11Reply
spreadlove Hi, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have a nice day!
Dec 14Reply
tris1957 Thanks melissa, i always try to share others closets, it help them n me!
Dec 14Reply
myblueskydays @tris1957 @myblueskydays hi! Thank you so I have for all your shares! That pic is great!! You have a beautiful baby!!! ✌🏼💗😊
Dec 15Reply
tris1957 @myblueskydays lol, thank you!..theres actually FIVE if them...our old 15,!.. Hes the one in the tree, that was about 7 yrs ago.
Dec 15Reply
myblueskydays @tris1957 i thought so! Kept seeing different beauties! How I wish...I had two service dogs my baby boy died he was only 6.5 he was so incredible omg im crying my heart hurts... thank G-d I still have my baby girl bella! An incredible service dog not just for m but for all that cross her path I’m so proud of her she loves to work more than anything else! It’s so nice to have met you!! ✌🏼💗😊
Dec 15Reply
tris1957 Oh girl , im so sorry, we ha had a blind n deaf older rescue, a deaf puppy, and our peety girl, who had systemic lupus, she died suddenly at age 7 rips your heart out.
Dec 15Reply
tris1957 We now having been displaced by harvey 2 yrs sgo, live in a big fifthwheel, wit muggs, boston age 15(hes the tree climber), mini pearl, boston...and ALSO a tree climber, sophie, 4 and ore big girl.. frenchie Zaza recsued from puppy mill, murphie, 3, he has back injury, and we need to raise enough for mri...snd frank...a part of beans n frank...rescued, boston brothers 1 yr...beans went home with lupe, a
Dec 15Reply
tris1957 Fix all thing rv, n a friend...beans 1..wouldn't leave him alone, now hes loved spoiled, and king of his castle!...then, lol...frank has taken to duane, a family frien who lives with us/stays in xtra bedroom, till he can save enough for his own rv! weve lost his another!. ...bostons pick thier people!
Dec 15Reply
willowpuppy Your very welcome ❤️
Dec 20Reply
sportswalker Hello - Hope you remember me! I was hoping my shipment would arrive today. My Christmas exchange is tomorrow! It does say it shipped. Can you tell me when I should expect it? Or, how do I find that myself? Still new on this site. Getting better!
Dec 21Reply
tris1957 @sportswalker did that help at all?...go onto usps site, put in ur tracking nubers, and u should be able to see where it is in transit.
Dec 21Reply
sportswalker Yes, now I know how to track shipping. Hopefully, tomorrow!!!!
Dec 21Reply
tris1957 @sportswalker oh, i am so glad, please dont forget to go into posh, ull see a message...looks like uve, la, la...n thats when you ACCEPT, AND RATE...that way i get paid, im sure it arrived to YOU, and that hopefully, you love!
Dec 21Reply
sportswalker I definitely will do that! I am amazed at your jewelry. Are you growing pendants in your backyard?? LOL! Or, you may be a jewelry maker! You have quite a collection!
Dec 21Reply
sportswalker Also, I'm loving the tiffany cat dish. Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful!!!
Dec 21Reply
tris1957 @sportswalker im a hopeless collector
Dec 21Reply
tris1957 Its fairly rare and at a good price
Dec 21Reply
amythecrafter Hi Sherry, I'm Amy. Do you make your jewelry? Your prices are so low for all that work!
Dec 23Reply
tris1957 @amythecrafter, i wish i was that handy!
Dec 23Reply
victoria021770 Thank you for all the sharing of my items! I did (and will continue to try) share your closet as well ♥️ I am going thru a lot of family stuff right now so am trying to keep my time on here limited - but I did want to personally TY for sharing as much as u did! ps - I’m not on tumbler etc so I can’t return the favor 😔 but please know, it was extremely appreciated!!! 💕🌸✨your lovely karma will return to u, I know it! 💝💝💝
Dec 27Reply
tris1957 @victoria021770 oh girl, thank upu , too! not on those either!
Dec 27Reply
victoria021770 @tris1957 ❤️✨❤️✨💐💐💐
Dec 27Reply
actx Angel on earth! Beautiful inside and out! Much love appreciation & gratitude 💖🙏❤️😘💋😻✨🌹💫
Dec 28Reply
tris1957 @actx sweety, if you need any help finding that bracelet, or questions on what to look or txt...989 390 really love to see you get one.
Dec 28Reply
maidmarian Hi Sherry! Loving your closet! Particularly how to spot fake Tiffany. I had a bracelet removed that was a gift from Tiffany but I just let it go. I’m actually looking for the box chain! So nice to meet you and happy New Year 🥳 marian
Dec 30Reply
tris1957 @maidmarian u too marian!
Dec 30Reply
tris1957 Ya, u kno ive never bought the box chain, cause to me tthey can take a regular silver box chain n put a worries me that i couldnt spot a fake...
Dec 30Reply
tris1957 @mysuzis absolutley!
Jan 06Reply
scsolelover @tris1957 hello my sweet Ms. Sherry.. just wanted to said thank you again 🙏🏻🌸💝 for all the sharing,, I appreciate it so very much,, ( 😉😘 returning the favor) thank you again & happy Poshing! ... Xx ❤️😘
Jan 18Reply
kishaperry If you don't like the offer, you can decline it, your comment you can keep
Jan 23Reply
kishaperry You damn sure not the only one selling on here
Jan 23Reply
livesimply1837 Thanks for all the shares!! and the awesome bundle! 🌹
Jan 25Reply
tris1957 @livesimply1837 you are sooo welcome!
Jan 25Reply
acarroz1957 I offer for two jewelry Tiffany why didn't you offer me a bundle for 25% for both
Jan 25Reply
tris1957 @acarroz1957 im sorry, i dont see a bundle
Jan 25Reply
tris1957 And i belive u got more than 25%on the first 1?
Jan 25Reply
tris1957 @acarroz1957 also, only the trinket boxes marked are for that deal...theres some georgous 1s i can do a deal on 4 u.
Jan 25Reply
tris1957 @acarroz1957 i think if u go down to help, and c as ncel, then u can make a bundle a save big on shipping
Jan 25Reply
acarroz1957 How do I do bundle I thought I did Did go to help
Jan 25Reply
tris1957 @acarroz1957..oh...ok...when u pick out stuff theres a place to putting in a basket...umm u want to see if we can still do it...?
Jan 25Reply
tris1957 @acarroz1957..i hav to cancell your stuff, then well put into 1 bundle ok?
Jan 25Reply
iloveditfirst Thank you for all the shares!! Your pooches are just adorable and your closet amazing!
Jan 29Reply
tris1957 @lcorazza...thanks to u too!
Jan 29Reply
tapqueen1957 Thank you for your like 💙💯
Jan 30Reply
tris1957 @tapqueen1957 ur welcome,!
Jan 30Reply
tiger2017 wow. you have a gorgeous closet^o^
Feb 01Reply
tris1957 @tiger2017, thank u, i hav another triple heart pendant, i just need to get it out of saftey deposit box...along with some other really nice items!
Feb 01Reply
tiger2017 @tris1957 thx. I'll come by later^_^
Feb 01Reply
tiger2017 Thank you for sharing 😘 Have a nice weekend😎
Feb 01Reply
marchiki Hi, thanks for all the shares! 😁
Feb 05Reply
tris1957 @marchiki ur welcome!
Feb 05Reply
pastyrummings Hi! Thank you so much for all the shares! Enjoy your day!
Feb 06Reply
wildoats96 Thanks so much for the shares and love!!
Feb 09Reply
tris1957 @carrcoy..of coarse!...and you too sweets!
Feb 09Reply
moolji786 Thank you very much for all the shares. Really appreciate your kind gesture 🙏🙏🙏🙏💐🌹❤️
Feb 11Reply
tris1957 @moolji786 u r so welcome!
Feb 11Reply
rancesm Thank you for all the shares! You have nice items in your closet! I’ll check back often! :)
Feb 12Reply
heather219 Done...hope all goes well with ur fur baby!!! Ty I love the items!!!! Left awesome review.
Feb 14Reply
heather219 What ebay name
Feb 14Reply
tris1957 @heather219..let me chevk...
Feb 14Reply
heather219 Can u still offer 499 s/h?
Feb 14Reply
tris1957 @heather219..ok...thats to n auction item...the 2 i had in my basket sold already!...enter tiffany trinket search on ebay
Feb 14Reply
tris1957 @heather219...are u sure u want it?...ive had 2 break on me...just my own, dusting...they are b I ne china, n they r just crazy expensive
Feb 14Reply
tris1957 @heather219...i can do the 128.00 instead of the shipp discount...but i just want you to be sure.
Feb 14Reply
heather219 Yes am sute😀
Feb 14Reply
heather219 I know I will love it thank you
Feb 14Reply
tris1957 @heather219...i kno u will!...if we weren't RV living...(since hurricane harvey)id keep it.
Feb 14Reply
tikimcdougle Oh wow I'm from corpus Christi too! Nice to meet you. We ended up packing and moving afther we loss our home , but we are ok now 😀 in lovely Colorado springs , Colorado
Feb 15Reply
tris1957 @tikimcdougle...we are still here, full time RV husbands got 5 more yrs, then he retires, n we thing we'll get a smaller rv n travel...thats the plan , anyways.!... !
Feb 15Reply
anneke513 Hi sherry, I received the Nancy lopez cats. I love them but I received 2 brown cats instead of 1 brown and 1 black. Is the black one still available? 😊
Feb 16Reply
tris1957 so sorry, yes ill mark ot sold...if you text me ur address...989 390 2605...ill send the black 1, and ill send a 10.00 bill with my address to send so sorry...old lady walking....
Feb 16Reply
tris1957 Ps...did u notice i have the white nany lopez cat...doesnt say tiffany , but made by the same artist...n really rare...n much cheaper than the tiffany 1!
Feb 16Reply
tris1957 @anneke513...did u get my messages?...if u text me your address now to 989 390 2605, we will get that out tomorrow, im so with the black cat will be 10.00 for you to mail back to me...omg!! sorry
Feb 16Reply
megabeth33 Hi there. Thank you so much for share all those listings from my closet. I really appreciate the Posh love and the follow. 🙏🏻💐 I will absolutely return the love. Wishing you all the best. 💖✨🤘
Feb 17Reply
tris1957 @megabeth33..hi beth!.. thank you, lol...although now its almost a full time job...i find i make alot ou f friends, AND sales by sharring...oh, n i get to see thier cl oui sets...much to the dismay of my wallet,, lol
Feb 17Reply
heidizme Thanks so much sorry I feel asleep.when u bought it..the post office has a holiday Monday but I'll get it out on tuesday... I'm gonna keep looking to see what I can find for you at a good rate!! Thank u xoxo
Feb 17Reply
glamchic123 Thank you Sherry for Sharing my closet, I appreciate it so much. Bless night 💐😘🙏🏻
Feb 19Reply
tris1957 @glamchic123..ur welcome!
Feb 20Reply
iseals1 Hi there Sherry!🦋Thank you for taking the time to visit, shop and sharing my closet! I appreciate you🌹 Have a great week🌹
Feb 20Reply
tris1957 @iseals1..thanks seemes to be where i get m8st my sakes(from share)...and i get to see your beautiful closet!
Feb 20Reply
iseals1 @tris1957 🤗🤗🤗🤗
Feb 20Reply
romonaburton @tris1957 good morning my dear! Thx you for all the 🥰
Feb 20Reply
tris1957 @romonaburton...hey girl...i just woke up...old you 2 for the buy n all the shares!
Feb 20Reply
tris1957 @iseals1...right back at cha girlfriend!
Feb 20Reply
romonaburton @tris1957 pearls are my weakness 🥰
Feb 20Reply
tris1957 @romonaburton...omgosh ...mine too, that n tiffany hearts
Feb 20Reply
romonaburton @tris1957 💞your closet is amazing 🥰
Feb 21Reply
tris1957 @romonaburton...oh girl, thank you...wait till i get my michigan stuff!
Feb 21Reply
tris1957 @alabama_belle..u r most welcome, thank you!
Feb 25Reply
ageless1 Hi Sherrie nice to meet u😁were u born in ‘57?
Feb 27Reply
tris1957 @ageless1...yes!
Feb 27Reply
sunnybeaches16 Thank-You!! For is greatly appreciated!! 🛍Happy Poshing 🌼😊
Mar 02Reply
funfashion25 Thank you for sharing!! 😊
Mar 03Reply
tris1957 @funfashion25...u2!
Mar 03Reply
contraversee Thank you for all the shares. I wish you had something for sale that I could share back. Have a beautiful day.
Mar 06Reply
tris1957 @ccalvin1...u can share anything...u dont hav to want it!...n u r very welcome, sharing does 3 lets me see n shop ur closet, AND more importantly it shares your closet with my followers, and mine with your followers!...then u also pick up new followers, as do i!...its like a pyramid!
Mar 06Reply
contraversee @tris1957 everything on your page is sold already. You should add more items that I can share so you can make more sales.
Mar 07Reply
contraversee @tris1957 oh sorry my settings were set to see gifts only for some reason and everything appear to be sold. I’ll be sharing back some of your items now
Mar 07Reply
tris1957 worries
Mar 07Reply
wonderewoman2 If you can't not take my offer $75 I'm okay.i Owen the same Necklace except silver, only reason cought my attention was you are helping people with what you were making. That is the reason I try to buy but I really don't need it... anyway Thank you for your generosity 🙏🆒 and good luck selling
Mar 12Reply
tris1957 @wonderewoman2..girl thats a tirade, what are u mad at?
Mar 12Reply
tris1957 And its not at all the same as silver notes, this is made and etched on bone CHINA, also there are not as much not the same...try to find it even on ebay...girl..this is a flash sale price i gave to u.
Mar 12Reply
tiger2017 Thanks for sharing^o^ have a great weekend.
Mar 16Reply
tris1957 @tiger2017...u2 girl, i appreciate u looking!
Mar 16Reply
jenressalam Thanks, was at work ‘til late yesterday, that was my first poshmark purchase & I had to reset my password before I could accept! But thanks again, it looks great!
Mar 16Reply
tris1957 @jenressalam...gurl im so glad u like it!...that was 1 i had a hard time selling, so im glad you got it! moto is that everyone should be able to afford tiffany!
Mar 16Reply
serenakeenan I must thank you so much Sherry. Your a gem!!!
Mar 19Reply
tris1957 @serenakeenan...thank you!
Mar 19Reply
marietx Hi neighbor! Thanks for all the shares. Happy Poshing to you sweet lady!🤗🛍💕
Mar 19Reply
tris1957 @marietx...tks to u too!
Mar 19Reply
mermaidvin Hello I currently have a bundle and sent you an offer. I only have a certain amount to spend, these are gifts for someone I'm trying to replace some of her lost items. Thank you in advance
Mar 20Reply
tris1957 @mermaidvin..hi im sorry im much lower for 1 than u can find anywhere, i cant ho lower, sorry
Mar 20Reply
mermaidvin @tris1957 just Countered offerd perhaps we can meet in the middle. Thank you in advance for your consideration.
Mar 20Reply
mermaidvin @tris1957 thank you for accepting my offer much appreciated. As per your listing both pieces come with tiffany boxes .
Mar 20Reply
tris1957 @allisonb62..ur welcome!
Mar 22Reply
j_wright529 @tris1957 I absolutely love your fur babies!!💕🦴🐾🥰 Beautiful pieces in your closet as well😊
Mar 22Reply
tris1957 @j_wright529...thank you!...they are aor babies our oldes is 15, 1/2!!
Mar 22Reply
j_wright529 @tris1957 aww🐾🥰
Mar 22Reply
ladushki Thank you for sharing my closet:)
Mar 23Reply
tris1957 @amanoukian...ur welcome!
Mar 23Reply
blkhwn82 Sherry, your dogs are adorable! I need to post pictures of mine. Scrolling through your closet, there’s a smile every time they pop up! I’m a new follower! Happy Poshing, co-Posher!💕
Mar 24Reply
tris1957 @blkhwn82..thank you!...our oldest(the one that climbed trees) 15!
Mar 24Reply
jsmoore334 That is fine. Are you putting any more up tonight?
Mar 25Reply
tris1957 i dont hav anymore other than that blow present charm
Mar 25Reply
jsmoore334 Will you sell charm by itself?
Mar 25Reply
tris1957 My daughters sending me 5 or 6 items a week, or as she can get to the just glad i thought to put what i paid for most of it...but i wished id sorted....
Mar 25Reply
jsmoore334 And what is cost?
Mar 25Reply
tris1957 That other bracelet is an awson bracelet with an awsom weight to it...the toggle one...i do a trick so if the toggle come put, the bracelet doesnt fall open n get lost, i hook a small charm right behind the toggle AFTER ITS HOOKED...keeps it in place n looks cute too....i found that kept my silpada jewlery/bracelets in place...cause i WEAR my stuff for days...
Mar 25Reply
tris1957 @jsmoore334...i hav to get the posh 20 percent...
Mar 25Reply
tris1957 ...but o###,ff....posh...payp@$l...989 390 2605...i could do 20 percent less
Mar 25Reply
tris1957 I hav a couple straight cust...i dont make just lets u save, n me hopefully sell more...i chg 6 bucks to shipp priority...n i still guarentee...but u gotta take my word for works, but i get it if u want 2 stick thru easy.
Mar 25Reply
aussybrandy Thank you for sharing my closet 💕
Mar 26Reply
tris1957 @aussybrandy...u r so welcome...thank u bac!
Mar 26Reply
jsmoore334 @tris1957 Is there any way you could post a picture of the charm?
Mar 26Reply
tris1957 @jsmoore334..sure let me get it out....
Mar 26Reply
fashionvickie Thanks for all the shares today!! 💐🌺🌷
Mar 27Reply
tris1957 @fashionvickie..ur welcome!
Mar 27Reply
posh4luxury Hi Sherry, I just wanted to say Thank You very much for the 5⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ review!! Means a lot!!
Mar 29Reply
tris1957 @posh4luxury..i kno!...i am so happy with my purchase!
Mar 29Reply
awesomestuff100 Thanks for the many shares!!!!
Apr 05Reply
jsmoore334 Anything new yet?
Apr 06Reply
tris1957 @jsmoore334 ..its in the mail...hoping for today!..
Apr 06Reply
jsmoore334 Thanks:) J
Apr 06Reply
tris1957 worries, ill text ya, n tell ya what i got this time lol...lindsey refuses to took thru all my pouches...just grabs some n mail get sorted kinda late at the office, so dont usually even check till 4ish
Apr 06Reply
tris1957 Oh..did i tell u...i decided to make mysel a charm beavelet...a mini man in the moon(so a bit smaller than urs)..cause i always tell my gradaughter i love u to the moon n back...a butterfly for lilly, cause sge flits from flower to flower, a peretti circle, cause carter runs me in circles!...n i still have 2 more to give me grandbabies!
Apr 06Reply
tris1957 @555madison..hi ..ur welcome!..just keep..going into people who you share...go up to profile click on followers, n follow all...the when they follow...share thier closet...i try to do at least 8-10!
Apr 07Reply
sophie910 Thanks so much for sharing my closet 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🌷☺️ Have a wonderful weekend my dear 💝💋
Apr 07Reply
tris1957 @sophie910..u too!!
Apr 07Reply
mariedominguez Thank you for all the Posh love. I hope you have a great week .
Apr 07Reply
tris1957 @mariedominguez..u too!
Apr 07Reply
qtboss1 Thank you for all your shares I really appreciate it. Happy poshing😁💕
Apr 07Reply
sannicandro Thank you for the shares🌺🌺🌺🌺
Apr 07Reply
rhinestonegal Thank you for the shares! You're awesome! 😀
Apr 07Reply
tris1957 @rhinestonegal..ur welcome!
Apr 07Reply
molly8645 WOW hun, Thank you so much for all the Posh love!😙💕💕 on my way to return the love!❤❤❤ Have a great weekend!🦋🐝💋💋
Apr 07Reply
debbiesilva31 Hi Sherry Thanks so much for all your shares 🤗 Appreciate your kindness Have a great day 😍 Cheers to us and Poshmark 🥂🥂🥂 Debbie
Apr 09Reply
tris1957 @debbiesilva31 your wecome! ben8fits us both, so lol toast to that!
Apr 09Reply
tris1957 @debbiesilva31...tks deb!
Apr 09Reply
tracyd85614 Hey!!!! Hi, I just saw your message. I LOVE your closet. I LOVE Tiffany but I guess what is there to hate, lol. I also wanted to tell that we share the same issue, almost. I had a botched surgery and have issues with my spine and with living a life of pain and limitations. If you ever need or want to talk hit me up on facebook taedoyle.
Apr 10Reply
tris1957 @tracyd85614..9mg9sh..i have reflex sympathetic makes me fall also causes ostroporosis...thank you!.. im sherry (selbee)ambs
Apr 11Reply
mamathriftgenes Thank you so much for following me and sharing my closet, I really appreciate it 😊 I will be adding some new items today & tomorrow including a bunch of Victoria Secret, American Eagle, & Lululemon so pls feel free to make a bundle as I offer atleast 20%+ on 3 or more items. Have a wonderful day and here's to much success on Poshmark 💖🛍👠💎💄💫
Apr 11Reply
jays_bae @tris1957 Thanks for the awsome shares 💕. I am returning the favor and wishing you speedy sales and good luck. 😉
Apr 11Reply
isalinas200413 Thank You 😃 for sharing my little closet.
Apr 11Reply
shopgirlshop16 Thanks for all the Posh love sweets!! 💞
Apr 11Reply
tris1957 @shopgirlshop16..thank u back!
Apr 11Reply
nkassie Thanks for sharing!😁
Apr 11Reply
tris1957 @nkassie..ur welcome!
Apr 12Reply
china7272 Thank you for sharing 🥰
Apr 12Reply
tris1957 @china7272..u 2!
Apr 12Reply
listings101 Hi Sherry, I would like to say, thank you, for all your shares. Beautiful Closet that you have. Have a great day. Your dog is adorable!
Apr 13Reply
jerseygirl2160 It's Lu. Sorry. I didn't see your message till now
Apr 13Reply
jcjones46 Hi Sherry, thank you so much for all the shares. 🙏🏻💕
Apr 13Reply
hugsandprayer Thank you for all the shares. 😘
Apr 13Reply
teedavis54 Thank you for sharing!
Apr 14Reply
virgobg79 Thank you very much for all the shares, Sherry. 🙏 I hope you have a very blessed week, and Happy Poshing! 🌸💗🌸
Apr 15Reply
joleen581 Thank you so much for the shares!! 💕🍀
Apr 15Reply
tris1957 @joleen581..welcome!
Apr 15Reply
myles1969 Hi Sherry thanks for spreading posh love by sharing from my closet! posh on! 🌺
Apr 15Reply
tris1957 @nellamyles u 2 , girl!
Apr 15Reply
joleen581 @tris1957 thank you!! Great closet! 🍀💕
Apr 15Reply
greyhound612 OMG, I LOVE your dogs😍
Apr 16Reply
jjcmom You have some very beautiful jewelry ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
Apr 16Reply
tris1957 @greyhound612..ty...yhe oldest is 15.5 yrs(he was 1 of the tree climbers, mini pearl now climbs trees!
Apr 16Reply
tris1957 @jjcmom..thank u!
Apr 16Reply
greyhound612 @tris1957 I couldn't believe how high up he climbed!! So cute that the other one is learning to climb trees too!
Apr 16Reply
tris1957 @jjcmom..thank you, i still hav some more to get out just doing as i can
Apr 17Reply
tris1957 @greyhound612..omgosh, about the same age too 5 yrs old, lol
Apr 17Reply
santafestylin Thank you so much for the shares!!
Apr 17Reply
tris1957 @santafestylin..thank u back!
Apr 17Reply
jjcmom 🧡✨Good afternoon Mary ✨🧡Hope you have a wonderful day 🥰
Apr 17Reply
jjcmom Oh my goodness not sure why I said Mary 😞 I meant to say Sherry soooooo sorry 🥰
Apr 17Reply
tris1957 @jjcmom..l..easy to do that..i hav a sis named mary...u hav a great day too!
Apr 17Reply
jjcmom @tris1957 I’m so horrible with names but I never forget a face 🥰
Apr 17Reply
denimmunkies @tris1957 Hey first let me thank you for taking time to see what our closet has to offer! We are actually,7 closets in one! I have gone from a size 24W to size 8. On top of all the other members items in our household of fashionista's! Bundle & always get combined shipping 3 or more bundling discount automatic We offer an addl private discount for none final marked downs! We ship same day All items under 27$ are final markdowns Offer sent on liked item Your New PFF Mel
Apr 18Reply
greyhound612 @tris1957 Aren't dogs awesome, how they learn?
Apr 19Reply
tris1957 we have littke f4ankie...whos showing things that the oter four each do, lol
Apr 19Reply
shopper411411 Welcome to Poshmark! I sell both Men's and Women's clothing feel free to visit my closet and ask any questions. Happy Poshing!
Apr 19Reply
lexiknowswell Hey, hun!!!🙋🏽‍♀️ Thank you so much for sharing some of the items from my closet! Happy Poshing🤗🤗🤗
Apr 22Reply
angie_cool Hello🙋 Hun, thank you the shares! I appreciate it.
Apr 22Reply
hmsimon1 Good afternoon Sherry. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Apr 23Reply
tris1957 @hmsimon1..they are georgous, do u also do commission pieces?
Apr 23Reply
hmsimon1 @tris1957 always happy to create a special piece for a Posher😁🙏🌹
Apr 23Reply
mariva931 @tris1957 Thank you so much for visiting and following my closet and for all the shares 😘 😘 Have a beautiful evening!
Apr 24Reply
justwigsnthangs Your charms and jewelry are beautiful! I also went thru Harvey . Hope things have gotten better for you ❤️🙏
Apr 24Reply
janfast Hi Sherry! Thanks for following my closet!😊
Apr 24Reply
tris1957 @janfast..well, we are surviving@..n luckier than most!
Apr 24Reply
tris1957 Welcome all!..thanks for sharing mine...its ripples in the pond...a really good thing!
Apr 24Reply
baggaliciouz Welcome to stop by 🎀
Apr 26Reply
busylegs @tris1957 Hello Sherry, Thank you for the shares! I just wanted to wish you and yours well through the survival of the hurricane Harvey. Best wishes with many quick sales! Take care!
Apr 26Reply
ilovethis777 @tris1957 Hello 👋 I want to welcome you and Thank you for sharing some of the item from my closet.If you need any assistance feel free to ask.Im here to help.Thanks again!🌸
Apr 28Reply
tris1957 @ilovethis777..tks!
Apr 28Reply
bluepuka @tris1957 Thanks so much for all your shares & thanks for taking the time to browse my closet! 😊
Apr 29Reply
shopexquisite So sweet of you, thanks for a ton of shares!💕💕💕
Apr 29Reply
brianacfj Holy cow, just stopping by to say you’re the T & Co queen! My gosh!✨
May 04Reply
tris1957 @brianacfj...yup..30 +yrs if collecting
May 04Reply
shortydoucette Hi there sherry. I wanted to let you know of some jewelry share groups. 1st is @poshpinups. They have a jewelry share group and many more. @shareshowgrp has a jewelry share group. @candybycandy does a handmade share group. Please feel free to look at my handmade jewelry items in my closet. Thanks so much. I wish you the best of luck, much posh love and much success
May 05Reply
tris1957 @shortydoucette..hi shorty!..i will,, thank u so much, ive been laid up with a back fracture, n now a sarn sinus infection...n daughters wedding is the end on mich! long treck home.
May 05Reply
tris1957 @gomomgo6..right back at cha, girl!
May 07Reply
emw0310 Love your closet!
May 09Reply
tris1957 @emw0310..thank u!..30+ yrs of colkecting, so more to list!
May 10Reply
dhmobilestyle Thank you for the share! Appreciate it! 😍
May 13Reply
noochnyc1965 Hi there. Love the necklace, I have two. I noticed in the comments that you stated it’s the original chain that came with the heart but from the picture, I don’t see her Peretti inscription. Can you verify please?
May 16Reply
laherrere HI Sherry!! Thank you for following me & sharing. I’m having a HUGE SALE & CLEARANCE!!! I Accept most reasonable offers because I’m moving soon to the mountains where will be difficult to ship things; so I can’t have Poshmark anymore😩. Most of my clothes are NWT OR NWOT. GOOD LUCK IN YOUR SALES😻. FREE PAIR OF MY BEADED EARRINGS COLLECTION WHEN YOU BUNDLE TWO OR MORE 😎😜
May 17Reply
dmcormier Thank you so much for my offers but I need to make some sales for that kind of money. I will keep an eye on your closet!
May 19Reply
tris1957 @dmcormier..i totally understand! i also sell on merc@ri...they only chatge while i dont make any more..i can sell more because i can offer at a lesser price!
May 19Reply
dmcormier @tris1957 I have heard of them but don't know much about them. I may have to look into them. Thank you so much! Have a wonderful Sunday!
May 19Reply
makeupqueen35 Hey! Thanks for following me! Is there anything I can help you with? Would you be interested in taking a look at my website? Check it out I guarantee you will find something you like! If there is any way I can support you, please feel free to message me! Thanks!👇
May 31Reply
tris1957 @makeupqueen35..hi love to ck. Out ur website,!
May 31Reply
makeupqueen35 Thank you! If I can support you in any way please tell me!
May 31Reply
wemeshvintage Thank you for the shares. Good luck with your sales this weekend.
Jun 01Reply
tris1957 @wemeshvintage..u too!
Jun 01Reply
grumpy66 Beautiful
Jun 02Reply
tris1957 @grumpy66...aww thank u!..i looked at ur pic..u r maybe not too grumpy
Jun 02Reply
grumpy66 @tris1957 No, I'm not. Only when I get very mad 😁
Jun 03Reply
tris1957 2!
Jun 03Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! Glad we connected on Poshmark! Hope you will check out my account and give me a follow ❤️❤️❤️
Jun 05Reply
arianamalm Hey there 💕 whenever you get a minute would you mind taking a look at my closet ? I’m currently having a huge sale going on this spring season I wanted to let you know about! 💐🌸🌼🌷🌺🌞 It’s a buy one get one item FREE from my closet. Let me know if you’d be interested or if I can help you with anything else on here! Happy poshing xoxo 💋
Jun 07Reply
tris1957 @arianamalm..tks!..i sure will uner the weather today
Jun 07Reply
arianamalm @tris1957 aww feel better !! ❤️
Jun 07Reply
tris1957 @arianamalm..tks..jus old/new dr got mad at me when i told h8m ive been on same meds samw dosage(no narcs)..since 2006..n14 fractures.. RANAUDS..REFLEX SYMPATHETIC DYSTROPHY, R.A....LEAVE ME ALONE...he got mad n fired me..n he wouldnt refill my cymbalta...i fou a GREAT AWSOM dr...but jus started back up .had been without for 3 im crying all day..i dont kno why even
Jun 07Reply
arianamalm @tris1957 my goodness well I hope things start getting better for you soon!
Jun 07Reply
tris1957 @arianamalm..ths, me too!
Jun 08Reply
jilsthingz Well, I read that it has one but honestly I couldn't see how bad it was. Could you try and explain. I'm giving this to my daughter and well, in your honest opinion, how bad is it?
Jun 11Reply
tris1957 @jilsthingz..yes its hard to notice, unless u look at it 1 certian way..i like that its obv. Been sanded down..for me it wouldnt matter..n id be carefull with it, being crystal...but i hav noticed..when thes break, THEY old is she?
Jun 11Reply
jilsthingz Oh, shes a big girl, in her 30's. I just wanted to do something special for her as she just started a new job last week and is already got EVERYONESattention on how well shes doing! I would like to add to that pretty crystal box, so if you sell more Tiffany things, I will keep an eye out for another special gift. I appreciate you asking me about the chip though.
Jun 11Reply
jilsthingz What king of dog? A bulldog of some kind? We have a Frenchie and I had an American bully before that.
Jun 11Reply
jilsthingz Well, I should have known you are a Texas girl. I'm from Houton and lived in Texas most of my life. Moved to Denver about 15 years ago as my parents lived here. Love the scenery and weather here but sure miss the great Southern people.
Jun 11Reply
tris1957 @jilsthingz..aww..n im from m8ch..but moved to corpus 4 yrs aga , love the people!
Jun 11Reply
joanieonie @tris1957 HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Sending you some posh love! 💝🍾🎂
Jun 19Reply
kissedbythegulf Hello! Thank you for the follow. All of my baby clothing is BOGO with a 10% discount on top of sale if you are interested. Other Items have a bundle discount of 2/20%
Jun 24Reply
onemorecolor Sherry, you have some beautiful pieces here. Thank you so much for following me! Hope you have a great Fourth! 🇺🇸💥 💥 💥 🇺🇸
Jul 03Reply
tris1957 @onemorecolor..tks girl!..u too!
Jul 04Reply
madblk3 💜I appreciate you checking out and/or following my closet😘 I will do the same💐💐🌸share and care💐😇🛍 Happy Poshing☀️😘 💜Be Blessed💜
Jul 17Reply
msistersm Hello Sherry, hope you are recovering from the devastation of Harvey. Had a devastation of my own (see "meet the posher") but what I've lost can NEVER be replaced. Stay strong, best wishes in rebuilding and best of luck in everything!
Jul 25Reply
tris1957 @msistersm ..awww tks girl..ya we lost pics n things..but we SURVIVED..n thats whats important!
Jul 25Reply
chante_allday Thank you for following me! I want to also invite you to follow my Instagram I want to grow that account so its just as successful as this one can’t do so without your support ! I’ll return the favor @chante_all day
Jul 25Reply
msistersm Thank you for ALL of your wonderful shares. Best wishes in everything you do & enjoy life!
Jul 28Reply
bertads Welcome to poshmark 🌺
Jul 31Reply
porta962 Howdy there fellow Texan!
Aug 18Reply
mw_online May you be blessed with much success.
Aug 27Reply
tris1957 @mw_online ..thank u so much
Aug 28Reply
frostyla Thank you for the the follow. All the proceeds from closet sales will be donated to my nephew to pay for his school trip to Washington DC. Please check out my closet. I appreciate you! 🥰
Sep 02Reply
joebilly753 Thank you so much for sharing. 💖
Sep 21Reply
dianawithlove Thanks for the shares Sherry! God bless you & especially after the hurricane! I can’t imagine what that is like. Be safe ♥️
Oct 04Reply
wjss52 Miss Sherry thank U for sharing 😊
Oct 23Reply
msdreamcatcher6 Thank you for sharing. :)
Oct 28Reply
tris1957 @nicolegirrby im sure, and this doesnt tie up ur credit or debit card in waoting for a return!...thats crazy...i trust worries there.
Oct 29Reply
tris1957 @nicolegirrby ..hi girl, ok..mailed the right thing, lol..and ur tracking is (9505 5161 9302 4079 92)...should get it day worries i fully guarantee it.
Oct 29Reply
meibellamuse Hi Sherry! I came across your awesome closet from another posher. I’m loving💝all your beautiful & special Tiffany&Co. pieces! I noticed you are quite a successful seller. I would like to know, when mailing📫your T&C jewelry collection to buyers, do you insure the item? Send it certified or registered mail? If so, are the buyers ok with the longer mailing arrival time (up to 5 days for certified or up to 14 days for registered mail). I would appreciate some advice on this matter🤓thanks🙏❣️
Nov 01Reply
tris1957 @meibellamuse ..hifrom posh u send priority, ive never lost a thing...even posh tracks it!...its 7.90..idf u do pvt sale...thru merc@ri....@=a...they give u a choice...but its 1st class and they insure ur item up to a certian amt.!...good luck
Nov 01Reply
tris1957 @meibellamuse time is 3 bussiness days both ways that i send...priority, or 1st class
Nov 01Reply
tris1957 @meibellamuse selling my 31 +yr collection...we are in texas, all tiffany in bank boxes, in mich, so my daughter sends periodically uninsured , just 6 items or so, snail mail...never had a problem with loss there either
Nov 01Reply
meibellamuse 🌺Thank you🙏sooo much for the speedy reply & info! This was very helpful 🙂i hope I start making a lot of sales💰so I can purchase from you! I saw so many beautiful pieces!🤗 Wishing you a healthy, happy & safe holiday season! 🎃🍂🍁🦃🛍🎁🎄☃️❄️ALOHA!🌺🌴🍍🌺🌴🍍🌺
Nov 01Reply
tris1957 @meibellamuse problem, at all!
Nov 01Reply
isaidmelanie Hi! I am Melanie. Thanks for the follow😊 Have FUN Poshing‼️
Nov 03Reply
tris1957 @nicolegirrby ..aww im sooo glad...15% off for returning customers, lol, u may hav to remind me!
Nov 08Reply
martina1969 Thank for sharing my closet
Nov 08Reply
lace2leather Thank you for following me! Please check out my closet and if you see something you like feel free to make me an offer! Happy Poshing!!
Nov 09Reply
tris1957 @martina1969 ur welcome!
Nov 09Reply
charlesdexter I hope you are well. The Diamond ring is lovely. it is worth twice the value. it is one of my favorites. Happy sales to us all. Julie's Treasures ❤
Nov 11Reply
tris1957 @charlesdexter ..i agree it georgous and a gd. value!...happy and safe hollidays
Nov 11Reply
greatbuy10 Hey Sherry my name is Anna Nice to meet you thanks for sharing I hope you’re having a good Veterans Day today 😊💕🦋🤗
Nov 11Reply
keptwoman2004 I love your Boston Terriers, especially Mini Pearl. I have a Boston boy named Ollie. He’s 2 and very smart- too smart lol! He likes to bolt out the door and take mama for a run 😂 Thanks for sharing your dogs’ pictures, they have brightened my day ❤️
Nov 11Reply
tris1957 @keptwoman2004 aww...once u hav a boston its gard to judge another !...shes a "msma" , and " boss" to all the others
Nov 12Reply
cp602 Do you have any yellow gold tiffany jewelry?
Nov 13Reply
tris1957 @cp602 in 31 yrs of collecting pre owed tiffany, iv NEVER bouggt solid just isnt a good value, it 4 to 5 times the going rate of gold, and seems to not increase in value, like the older pieces, i do have 1 bracelet that has gold with silver...its a retired piece,i bought after 2008...and its doubled in valure , it the double heart rope bracelet....its retired , and the older tiffany.. strong, heavy, and very well made.
Nov 14Reply
tris1957 it really is a bad value, and u can buy 4 to 5 really nice gold pieces of jewlery for the price of was always hi, but wehen the stock matjet tanked...people started buing silver n gold...and jewlery with name recognition, like tiffany...and even though gold soared to over 1400.00 per once...its now back down..n yet tiffany is still 4 times
Nov 14Reply
tris1957 whats its worth..concentrate on the rope bracelets..retired, and have gone up in the ladt 6 month, the double heart with gold center/9245 retired rope bracelet, the rolo bracelets, that are marked T&CO 925, n ive added tiffany charms to, the heart stencil bracelets, the big daisy stencil set, the flag bracelet
Nov 14Reply
tris1957 gosh, i could go on n on, lol
Nov 14Reply
keenabonnell I just wanted to let you know, in case you didn't. that the Tiffany and Company Hallmark stamps on the jewelry should match the lettering on the box. The T in Tiffany and the C and Company should be taller than the rest of the lettering. otherwise they are fake.
Dec 23Reply
tris1957 @keenabonnell ..on the tiffany boxes?
Dec 23Reply
tris1957 ive had my jewlery looked at by a posh expert, what are you referring to n ill hav itdouble checked, ill lable it sold in the meantime, but im not sure what u are referring to
Dec 23Reply
tris1957 @keenabonnell ..plz let me kno, im pretty paranoid about fakes, n in the 31 + yrs ive been collecting n squirreling away, when i started getting out ive run into bout 4...but please, im not an expert, ive always collected if u spot something...posh has a couple of experts, theyll look again for me
Dec 23Reply
jabus1218 I purchased a bracelet last week and it was stated delivery would be made by December 24. Now it says on the tracking information that it is arriving “on time” on December 26. That is not what was agreed to. That is too late. I don’t appreciate that misrepresentation.
Dec 23Reply
keenabonnell @tris1957 the way the Tiffany & Co is printed on the box, is exactly how it should appear on the jewelry. it is all in capital letters but the T in Tiffany and the C in Co are taller then the rest. I just noticed that this was not the case on a couple of your pieces. so I thought I'd let you. I will discreetly go mark which one caught my eye.
Dec 23Reply
keenabonnell @jabus1218 I did a few. Enough to give you a general sense. It's up to you if you want to go through the rest to check. You have a beautiful closet. I can tell you put a lot of work into it . Have a safe and happy holiday.
Dec 23Reply
tris1957 @keenabonnell ..ok, ill ask a posh gal to hav a look, ive got catterracts, just diagnosed, so i thought it was my glasses, but guess not..ill also see if i can see anything via my magnifier
Dec 23Reply
vintageandpearl Hey, im so grateful that you followed me! I love your closet and your “meet the posher” picture. Let me know what you would like to see in my closet for future listings 😊 Happy holidays 🎄🎁
Dec 25Reply
tris1957 @jabus1218 very sorry, weve been sic, and our 16 yr old bostons dying, and we just found out my aunts passed m8ch, so im trying to figure everything out..we r in texas
Dec 28Reply
tris1957 and ive NEVER GUARANTEED delivery by a certian date, we r in texas, corpus christi, and mail does funny things here, as far as paying extra for expidited, ALL of poshs orders are priority...a good thing to 3 to 5 business days is typical delivery....imnot sure why u think u paid extra, because i dont hav a say in how its mailed, we make a sale, print out the shipping in a prioritybox..n then its up to the postal service.
Dec 28Reply
tris1957 are u new?...posh does priority...M..u get a choice, first class, fed ex, dsl, or u can ship ursel(i think), ive never done that... if u got notice of delivery date...that WAS THE POSTAL SERVICE telling u when it SHOULD arrive, but it CHRISTMAS, n thats a crazy time... i mail 2 packages to the same address ..1 arrived 3 days later, the other 1 the following monday....its not up to us, once it leaves our hands
Dec 28Reply
tris1957 are u new?...posh does priority...M..u get a choice, first class, fed ex, dsl, or u can ship ursel(i think), ive never done that... if u got notice of delivery date...that WAS THE POSTAL SERVICE telling u when it SHOULD arrive, but it CHRISTMAS, n thats a crazy time... i mail 2 packages to the same address ..1 arrived 3 days later, the other 1 the following monday....its not up to us, once it leaves our hands
Dec 28Reply
jabus1218 @tris1957 I’m sorry to hear about your love ones. Your listing where I purchased it said delivery by December 24. That’s why I purchased it. You (yourself or Poshmark doing it for you) can’t sell something with a promise it will arrive for Christmas and then say the mail is not in your control.
Dec 28Reply
jabus1218 I didn’t say I paid extra for shipping this item; I said when l learned that this wasn’t shipped to get here by Christmas I had to pay for expedited overnight shipping for another gift since this item wouldn’t be here for Christmas.
Dec 28Reply
tris1957 @jabus1218 i looked it said order placed on the 20th?
Dec 28Reply
tris1957 was that correct?
Dec 28Reply
tris1957 really sorry it didnt get there, it sucks
Dec 28Reply
jabus1218 Yes, the 20th is correct.
Dec 28Reply
jabus1218 @tris1957 Yes it does. Which is why someone is going to pay for the costs I incurred covering for the breach of contract.
Dec 28Reply
tris1957 @jabus1218 ..hi AG, can i ask what said it would be there in time?...ive bought a few things, but i never paid attn. to it...was it the tracking?....gosh i whish id know...i whould hav just chsnged the price and sent it overnight for u make sure
Dec 29Reply
leggett2016 hello welcome to poshmark i am a poshmark ambassador if you have questions i am here my name is joy 🌹
Dec 29Reply
tris1957 @leggett2016 ..thank you!
Dec 30Reply
jabus1218 @tris1957 it was stated, rather clearly, on listing for the item that it would arrive before a Christmas.
Dec 31Reply
tris1957 @jabus1218 ..i just looked at my lististing....all it say is "sombodys gonna get lucky" doesnt say anything about arriving before xmas....look in my closet, go down to SOLD itens, once an items sold it CANT BE DELETED OR CHANGED, i had no way of knowing when it would sell, furthermore, i wish u had written to me i would hav overnighted it...but you didnt.....and you dudnt buy till the 20th of dec...the usps is not in my controll, again im really sorry, but you are wring.
Dec 31Reply
22065 @tris1957 Thanks for sending me the offer! Would you consider $45 plus reduced shipping?
Jan 10Reply
tris1957 @22065 sorry..on what?
Jan 10Reply
22065 @tris1957 You made me an offer on the sterling silver ball bracelet. Sorry I wasn’t more specific!
Jan 10Reply
tris1957 @22065 ..hi!..i can do that price on M...not here, t posh chgs me 20%...if u put it in a bundle ill do 50.00(meet in the middle?)...ans a ship discount..if u go to M...ill do 45.00
Jan 10Reply
tris1957 ps..i pass on saving on i dont make anymore..cept hard to keep up with posh sales...if u hav questions u can tx t me 989 390 2605...sherry
Jan 10Reply
erikakessler1 @tris1957 Thanks for sharing my closet
Feb 09Reply
tris1957 @dardenmiller absolutly!...TY.
Mar 18Reply
nazaninaskari67 Hey 👋 I’m Nazanin I’m Persian Icelandic living in 🇺🇸 California Happy poshing 💕🛍🛍💕
Mar 25Reply
tris1957 @nazaninaskari67 ..hi, good luck!
Mar 25Reply
tris1957 @lovebargains12 ..u r so welcome!
Apr 02Reply
ringelw Heyyyy my closet is full of Abercrombie and Fitch, Nike, hollister, Aeropostale, Puma, American Eagle, champion, H&M, Vans, Adidas, Forever 21, and Old Navy! Hope you can find what your looking for! Stay safe happy and healthy!
Apr 22Reply
tris1957 @ringelw thabks!..u too!
Apr 22Reply
lovesmileco Welcome to poshmark! Wishing you for a success! :)
Apr 28Reply
polka5dots Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing!
May 01Reply
jrtexas99 Have a Great Day Beautiful 😘😘😘 Stay Safe Beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
May 03Reply
austintexas777 I'm about to list my NOTES collection up and will be asking $1K. Could I get your advice, if you have time?
May 04Reply
tris1957 @austintexas777 sure!..i hav time...old lady w/back fracture
May 04Reply
chicnation @tris1957 good morning I hope you have a fun positive day!
Jun 04Reply
tris1957 @chicnation ..thank u!...u 2!
Jun 04Reply
2girls2122 Sweet dog 🤗Hello 😊We are two cousins that share a closet We are 5 ⭐ rated Posh Ambassadors. If something catches your eye, send us a like 👍and we will send you a private offer. Feel free to ask any questions. Good luck with buying and selling 🎁. Happy Poshing ! 💕💕
Aug 04Reply
mimisiegel Thank you for sharing items from my closet. I am very appreciative 💜
Nov 16Reply
renaeskidmore Sherry, thank you for sharing all those listing!! Love your Pooh too!! Good luck to you also😊
Dec 06Reply
inez_eldewek Thank you so much for sharing my listings!!
Dec 06Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Dec 16Reply
backpack918 Beautiful (and informative) closet, girly.
Jan 05Reply
tris1957 @backpack918 awww, thank u so much!
Jan 05Reply
jijibear2 It’s not right to use other people’s pictures in your posts. I’d appreciate it if you stop stealing mine.
Jan 22Reply
tris1957 @jijibear2 what are u talking about?...the comparison pic?
Jan 22Reply
tris1957 @jijibear2 u dont even hav any pic, weirdo, BLOCKED!
Jan 22Reply
vikresendiz I would love to buy the elephant charm. I really love it and would like to buy it from you. I just don’t have the money yet. Once I get enough and if you haven’t sold it I would buy it from you. It comes with the chain right?
Jan 23Reply
tris1957 @vikresendiz yes, it comes with the tiffany 16 inch chain, a pouch and a box
Jan 23Reply
uniquespecials Hi Sherry, you have Gorgeous Jewelry and WOW, 1000 listings! You go Girl!!! :)
Mar 11Reply
stormtreasures @trishlopez1 That is quite understandable. We wish you and yours all the best of the good Lord's blessings in 2021 and beyond. All the best, Deacon Ricky and Storm.
Apr 16Reply
tris1957 @stormtreasures bless u girl!
Apr 16Reply
haileyscloset4 Hello! Can you check out my closet? I’d love to make you a deal on anything you like the looks of! 😁 Please let me know if there’s anything I can help you with. I ship same day and love to ship, create, and sell. I hope to talk to you soon! -Hailey
May 01Reply
trinisunil 😍😍😍😍
May 04Reply
dunnmarivel @trinisunil Hi, I just bought Roman cross, do you have a dust bag? And more back ground info on piece. Thanks you!
May 12Reply
tris1957 @dunnmarivel hi, its older tiffany, very heavy dense silver for its size, retired, ofcoarse, made in Italy. this 1 sold less because of the numerous superficial scratches, roman crosses are always on the beaded chains, there are matching bracelet on heavy rolo chains, n yes it comes with a dust bag
May 12Reply
dunnmarivel @tris1957 thank you so much for info, I can’t wait to receive this awesome piece. You have an awesome collection thank you for sharing.😊
May 12Reply
tris1957 @dunnmarivel thank u!..I collected for 31 yrs as a traveling rn...its almost at the end of what I'm parting with n what I'm keeping.
May 12Reply
tris1957 @trinisunil sry, reply ment for another
May 12Reply
dunnmarivel @tris1957 that’s so awesome, my son that graduated from the university of Arizona did ROTC, was in the military and now graduating from Drexel’s nursing program with honors internship in orthopedic trauma at penn. was told yesterday that has a permanent position as an RN as soon as he gets his license. I also love that you’re saving pieces for your grand children, know that your peace will be well taken care of and preserved. thank you for your service♥️
May 12Reply
porta962 Hi there! 😊🙋‍♀️
May 12Reply
porta962 I did see your pic! After you messaged me . I plumb forgot! And yeah we do sort of have the same features. Do you ever get called Sheila? Cuz I get called Sherry a lot . Lol
May 19Reply
stormtreasures @tris1957 Hi, thanks you for liking our "Lionel Santa Fe Commemorative Collector's Knife". First, you have stunning site, next we will offer this item to to you for $38 along with free shipping. We wish you and yours all the best of the goodcvLord's blessings in 2021 and beyond, All the best, Deacon Ricky and Storm.
May 28Reply
thecloset6 Thank you for the like on my wicker basket. Feel free to make a reasonable offer (helpful info about offers &.my small business in bio)🛍
Jun 18Reply
stellasunflowr I ADORE your closet, especially the Tiffany pieces! I’ve built a charm bracelet and I’m always on the lookout for a charm I don’t have; I’m sure I’ll be back to shop!
Jun 23Reply
lilasmom2003 Hey, did you sell the I love you charm? I thought I saw it on Merc@ri.
Oct 25Reply
tris1957 @lilasmom2003 hi, im sorry, u may hav seen it as I hav to delete from 1 site if I sell on the other....I hav only the pair...its literally in New cond....I had it polished...
Oct 28Reply
stclair_b Thank you … have a nice night 🕵️
Nov 02Reply
miriam1149 Hi Sherry 🌹 thank you for stoping by my closet ❤️👍 and for all the sharing.❤️⭐️❤️ . Have wonderful blessed day 🌹
Jun 09Reply
tris1957 @miriam1149 omgosh!..u2!
Jun 09Reply
stella_n_bubba @tris1957 You’ve got some beautiful T pieces 😍 and extraordinary prices!!!
Jul 26Reply
porta962 Girl , I was in Corpus for 3 weeks . Been back home for a week . Shoot wish I’d messaged you :(:(
Aug 30Reply
tris1957 @porta962 well, weve had covid!...ughhh
Aug 30Reply
porta962 @tris1957 oh no bless y’all ❤️🥰 I’ve had a really bad cold plus allergies since being back not Covid , now my hubs has it . And with his breathing issues , he’s got it worse than I did .
Aug 30Reply
tris1957 @porta962 might want to home test him...jus in case, our friend got it, n thats just how his acted.
Aug 30Reply
porta962 @tris1957 we both tested negative. So idk
Aug 30Reply
tris1957 @porta962 well, jus get better soon!
Aug 30Reply
porta962 @tris1957 thank you luv . Trying ❤️
Aug 30Reply
bluxangel_13 Do you have the tracking for the ring I ordered? I am not seeing any order tracking available or shipping info?? Thanks
Sep 21Reply
tris1957 @slmellio404 hi S....I marked shipped fri, to mail on sat, but my mom died , unexpectedly, later that day n we took off from Texas to much, we should be back today(God willing). I left u a not and asked if you wanted me to cancel?...I rember you said it was for a gift. I totally understand if you need me to do that
Sep 22Reply
bluxangel_13 @tris1957 No don’t cancel it’s not a problem to wait til you get back! Really sorry about your loss!🙏
Sep 22Reply
jewelsbysara Hi there🌼I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing deals✨if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing!💝
Oct 08Reply
klees306 Thank you so much for all the shares. Ditto.
Feb 09Reply
cutehosiery @tris1957 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Feb 19Reply
tris1957 @cutehosiery aww, ya, I have more to list, but old lady c9v8d (second time), n bad fall Thanksgiving, and m9ved right before that!
Feb 20Reply

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Corpus Christi, TX
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Corpus Christi, TX
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