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Updated Dec 19
Updated Dec 19

HP🎉 Amethyst Crystal Agate Slice Pendant Necklace




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Purple genuine amethyst quartz agate slice pendant necklace with gold plating on 30" chain. These necklaces are magnets for compliments & conversation starters! Stone measures between 2" to 2.5” across; features unique striations & shades of purple. Crystals have been cleansed and charged under this Full Moon in Aquarius! Amethyst is connected to the Crown Chakra. Use for healing, meditation, relaxation, peace and spiritual awareness. HOST PICK 🎉 Best in Boutiques party 7/22
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 3+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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lauradough @tosham27 hey there, I saw you liked my skirt listing as well. I’d be happy to bundle with a necklace for a discount if you’re interested in both items! Let me know if you have any questions. Happy poshing ♥️
Dec 28Reply
jguilbault13 Congratulations on your host pick!! Sharing in hopes of a quick sale!!🧡❤💜💛💙💚
Jul 23Reply
getclosetrehab 🅒🅞🅝🅖🅡🅐🅣🅢 🅞🅝 🅨🅞🅤🅡 🅗🅞🅢🅣 🅟🅘🅒🅚! 🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍 🛍🛍💜💜🛍💜💜🛍🛍 🛍💜💜💜💜💜💜💜🛍 🛍💜💜💜💜💜💜💜🛍 🛍💜💜💜💜💜💜💜🛍 🛍🛍💜💜💜💜💜🛍🛍 🛍🛍🛍💜💜💜🛍🛍🛍 🛍🛍🛍🛍💜🛍🛍🛍🛍 🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍
Jul 23Reply
lauradough @silverspoonsara thank you so much!!! What a wonderful surprise. Congrats on the hosting as well. Happy Poshing! ♥️💜
Jul 23Reply
lauradough @jguilbault13 thank you kindly! Happy Poshing ♥️
Jul 23Reply
lauradough @getclosetrehab thank you so much for the comment ♥️♥️
Jul 23Reply
silverspoonsara @lauradough yw! You have an awesome closet, happy posting!
Jul 23Reply
eileensexton Hello! I'd like a beautyful ;) amethyst necklace but I'd like w a hole in center is that possible for $25 (as shown on other sold) & $4.99 shipping ? If so kindly send offer. God Bless! Have a lovely day dear!
Oct 20Reply
lauradough @eileensexton hi Eileen! Do you mind adding this necklace to a bundle, then I will make you an offer!
Oct 21Reply
lauradough @miriamflshop here’s a listing with more photos!
Sep 04Reply
forever_ellenlp Gorgeous!! Love it!! Please, what is the metal content of chain? TYVM! 😊
Dec 18Reply
forever_ellenlp Hi there. Do you still have the one w/the cavity in the middle? I especially love that one! And also, what is the chain metal content? TYVM IF you can get back to me before your LIKERS DEAL expires I’d appreciate that very much!
Dec 18Reply
lauradough @forever_ellenlp hi there! I believe the chain is gold plated, and I believe I do have the one in the photo still available. In case the deal expires, please feel free to make me an offer and I’ll honor it. I work early tomorrow but will try to check back in the afternoon 😊
Dec 19Reply
forever_ellenlp @lauradough Hi. Just in case you don’t have any with the cavity in the middle, my 2nd choice would be the one that has the whitish in the middle! If you’re not sure just reach out to me…My daddy had this same type necklace made for my momma in 14 K Gold chain & dipped on the entire back. Unfortunately when she passed in ‘02 my s-i-l got it and is now divorced from my brother, but won’t return it to me, their only daughter 😢 Not worth making war over!
Dec 19Reply
forever_ellenlp My absolute fav is the 1 in pic #1….my bf/room mate is a Spiritualist. She LIVES w/stones. She charges everything on a regular basis. She’s on FB & does readings for ppl! It’s a gift & using that gift brings healing to ppl! ♥️
Dec 19Reply
lauradough @forever_ellenlp Ellen I’m going to take a look at the stones I have left and I’m also including one as a gift for you. I doubt these can compare to the quality of the one in your family, but I would love for you to have one as well. It’s so thoughtful of you to get one for your roommate. I’ll do my best to get these shipped out tomorrow ♥️
Dec 19Reply
forever_ellenlp @lauradough 🥲…happy tears!! You are something special! Ppl who understand the things of the earth & spirituality are usually good kind ppl! 🥰 So TYSVM for ur generosity! And do not hurry. I know it’s Christmas week & that’s a lot! Again thank you dear one! 🤩🙏🏻
Dec 20Reply
forever_ellenlp Hi Laura. Did you ship my order. I’m getting kind of strange messages. Just wondering! I know it’s so hard during the biggest Holiday of the year!! I think the Christmas & Hanukah Holidays should be either celebrated as in the whole week of w/paid vacation or change how its celebrated! Is FAR TOO STRESSFUL & EXPENSIVE IF YOU ASK ME!!!
Dec 25Reply
lauradough @forever_ellenlp hi Ellen, I am so sorry your order hasn’t arrived. I received another update today. So, this package was shipped out with another 2 sales. One of them still hasn’t scanned in and the other was just delivered after no shipping/tracking updates for 2 weeks. I am at a loss as to what happened!!! Please let me know that you receive the necklaces ok. Otherwise I’ll contact Poshmark about how to best handle ♥️ hope you’re having a lovely 2022!!
Jan 05Reply
forever_ellenlp @lauradough You are so kind! I’m SO excited for this purchase in particular, but not too worried because I know you got it mailed. I know it has to arrive even if 2 weeks later lol I do not want 2 cancel! U were so generous. Blessings & full kindnesses to you and yours! 😄🥰
Jan 05Reply
forever_ellenlp Hi Laura! Guess what?!!? I FINALLY got my necklaces! OMG! Idk if the P.O. told you what happened. I’d LOVE too send you pix. If u want me to, comment your email address. This is a1st for me since I joined in late ‘17. Or was it’19? N E Hoo…U R my hero. Thx 2 ur wrapping job…it FINALLY made it to me but it’s aMESS LOL It JUST arrived!! Can U believe it? I LOVE THE necklaces, altho the 1 is a little BIG! But oh well! I love them. TYVM! 👍🏼♥️
Jan 13Reply
lauradough @forever_ellenlp I was so happy to see they’d arrived. A package in the same shipment was lost from 12/21 so I’m investigating that with Poshmark as well 😣 I’m so sorry I think I added a sprig of cedar in your package which undoubtedly dried up by now!!!! Won’t do that again - the intent was holiday spirit!!! Please let me know your thoughts on chain.
Jan 14Reply

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