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Updated Oct 27
Updated Oct 27

Meet your Posher, Lauren (That crazy lady who changes her hair too much😂🤣)😘🙏

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Lauren. Some of my favorite brands are Free People, PINK Victoria's Secret, and kate spade. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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kimkay78 Hello, Welcome to Poshmark! This is a great site and I hope you enjoy it.
Sep 25Reply
california_gal WELCOME.......🌺 Wishing you lots of sales ! One key element that has worked for me is SHARING your closet and others as often as possible 💰😉💝
Sep 26Reply
lasknickknacks @allyandivy thank you! Sorry it took me so long to say hello! I’ve been gathering and cleaning and pricing lol!
Oct 08Reply
lasknickknacks @kimkay78 thank you so much! I hope to have some stuff in my closet today!
Oct 08Reply
lasknickknacks @california_gal thanks for the tip! I’m about to start my closet today 🤪
Oct 08Reply
asialee1989 Hi! 👋🏽 Welcome To Poshmark! 💕 Feel Free To Check Out My Closet to see if there’s anything you like! Offers Are Welcomed!✨
Oct 09Reply
catherine740 Hi Lauren! Best of luck with your closet love!🌼
Oct 09Reply
junebugnewtoyou Welcome to Poshmark!🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻
Oct 11Reply
breeb2023 Welcome to poshmark 🌸💖
Oct 20Reply
lasknickknacks @julessb thank you! It’s so much fun!
Oct 20Reply
lasknickknacks @julessb thank you! Everyone is so nice!
Oct 20Reply
kurtbutton Welcome to Poshmark!🌺🦋🌺
Nov 02Reply
lasknickknacks @kurtbutton thank you! 🙏💕
Nov 02Reply
lasknickknacks @lillylife thank you so much! I love posh💕💕💕🌸🌺😁 I haven’t gotten to the trading stage yet! I’m working on my first boutique items and just trying to downsize🤪 when I get a little bit more success I would love to try trading then 🌺
Nov 10Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! Wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance, stop by and take a look at my closet. I will be moving soon and everything must go! A lot of my clothing has never been worn and still has tags attached. Brands such as Nike, MAC, Under Armour, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more! So take a look around, and if there is something you like but not the price, send me an offer! XoXo, B.
Nov 12Reply
lasknickknacks @beeblakelee thank you so much 😊 could you tell me what I am supposed to do after I have completed everything to become a posh ambassador?
Nov 12Reply
yourmodernbabe @lauren_a_wilder absolutely! After you complete everything and apply you just wait for an email from Poshmark
Nov 12Reply
lasknickknacks @beeblakelee thank you! By the way your closet is amazing! I have to wait till Friday to see if I have extra spending money 😋😉😁
Nov 12Reply
k_esposito Love your closet !!
Nov 16Reply
sandiehaley Just wanted to tell you that you have a fantastic closet!!!
Nov 29Reply
lasknickknacks @sandiehaley thank you so much! I like your closet too! 😀💕🙏🌸☮️🌺🥰
Nov 29Reply
lovefashionyay Hi 👋 WELCOME! I’m Jacquelyn posh ambassador! L❤️VE ur closet!😍! Would L💕VE T💗 have u ❤️N my tag list & join my x-mas $ale/Share event! Exclusive for PFF’s 💜NLY & 50 spots avail! It’s posted up in my closet! I shared ur adorably cute closet! ! Ty! Happy 😃 poshing! 🎅 🛷 🦌 🎄 ⛄️ ❄️ X-MAS $ALE/SHARE EVENT!! December 19-21st! Adding more X-Mas items soon!!! ❄️ Happy Holidays!! 🧥🧤🧣👢☕️ 🎁 💍
Dec 13Reply
lasknickknacks @lovefashionyay yay! I would love to be on your tag list!🥰🥰🤗😘 I’ll go sign up right now 😂 lol
Dec 13Reply
alansmith120451 I like your cool 4x vehicle ! Welcome to Poshmark ! Good luck with your sales !
Jan 02Reply
vivian5278 Welcome to Poshmark! Have fun buying and selling 💞💘💖💓
Jan 02Reply
lasknickknacks @vivian5278 thank you so much! I have so much fun already! I think I’m a Posh addict 😂😂😂 happy new year and have a blessed day! 🥰
Jan 02Reply
salimallah What up lady
Jan 24Reply
lasknickknacks @salimallah lol not a damn thing 😉 shared some posh love! If that’s your kid he is beautiful!! I like your closet 🥰 is there something I can help you with?😀
Jan 24Reply
salimallah Thanks lady just saying heyyyy and thanks for the posh love 🤘🏾🤘🏾😜💯
Jan 24Reply
hbbk2013 Hey Lauren! Right back at you. Have an amazing week🌺💚🥰😍
Apr 28Reply
martinpoole103 Hello how are you doing today
Jun 06Reply
thatssovogue Love your closet! Thank you for the killer follow and sp’s of the day games. Especially WW, the slides are amazing. Thank you Lauren, we 💕 appreciate you 🌺Renée
Jun 18Reply
amadison_3 Thanks for the share😊
Aug 16Reply
shelpen Really have a phenomenal closet. Just the Brands I love, but those sizes are what are used to be! I do wear a size 9 or 9 1/2 shoe but the front of it needs to be a wider shoe. Enjoyed looking through.
Aug 17Reply
designinpink Hi Lauren!!! I just love your closet & im wondering if you are going to be listing anymore Burberry soon? If so I’m definitely interested. Please keep me in mind & lmk so I can buy from you- Happy poshing love👍 Kim :
Aug 26Reply
lasknickknacks @designinpink hi Kim! How are you today? Sorry, for the delayed house is under construction and everything is a little crazy 😜 Do you mind if I ask you what size you are and your price range? I do have some more Burberry around here somewhere 😂 I will definitely keep you in mind and let you know 😁🙏
Aug 27Reply
be_youtifulyou Hey Lauren ; It’s EllenMarie - Just wanted to let you know personally, that I am baaackkkk !!! I took almost 14 days off - have A LOT of immediate family up in Brooklyn, NY . But I’m here & READY BABYGURLLLL !!!!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼😍💣🙏🏼
Sep 19Reply
yjanssen74 Hi there, I bought the beautiful Cartier leather and gold buckle belt from you recently. I love it! I was wondering about your note that you would have a look for the pouch and box that belong to this belt? Have you have any luck finding them yet? Take care.
Oct 10Reply
sgeronzin #8 happy hocus pocus day! happy sharingg!! 🎃🎃
Oct 26Reply
jsaunders85 @lasknickknacks hi welcome to Poshmark! Feel free to check out my closet and let me know if anything catches your eye!
Dec 01Reply
kalinowski1966 thanks for following me
Dec 11Reply
lasknickknacks @kalinowski1966 you are welcome! You look like a fun kinda guy 😂😉Happy Poshing! 😁
Dec 11Reply
kalinowski1966 @lasknickknacks thanks.. i am... and you are very beautiful.. happy poshing!!
Dec 11Reply
jo_lazanis Loved your closet, and your nephew’s clay-doh creatures! He did a great job! I shared them❤️ Merry Christmas🎄
Dec 19Reply
adiel1949 I have been selling constantly for about 7 weeks. I have tried to keep up with following, sharing at least 5-7 items from each one, also follow their followers. Spend to much time doing all these, to find out I get to many likes and multiple bundles with only about 2-3 purchases where I’m making $2-$3-$4-$7 per sale. Is this sharing and sharing helps everybody or just some? With the increase in shipping, some are staying away from purchasing unless you have high end items.
Feb 22Reply
lasknickknacks @adiel1949 good morning! There will be slower times and yes sharing helps but mostly the following...the sharing is to THANK the people who have spent their time hunting down new POTENTIAL customers (BLUES) Because the shipping rates have gone up and the market has been saturated with “thrift-sellers” and the ever growing home market, the idea is to gain as many followers as you can so that your items are seen over a broader audience.
Feb 22Reply
lasknickknacks @adiel1949 also, it is VERY IMPORTANT that you remember to share your own closet during peak hours (6:00A.M.-10:00A.M. & 6:00 PM- 10:00 PM) Try posting something everyday to stay at the top of Poshmark’s algorithm. Always share to parties as well. I hope that helps 😁😘🙏Thanka for asking and Happy Poshing sweetie! ❤️Lauren
Feb 22Reply
adiel1949 @lasknickknacks thank you for your explanation. Learning from you all daily.
Feb 22Reply
adiel1949 @lasknickknacks will do. Thanks.
Feb 22Reply
lasknickknacks @adiel1949 you are more than welcome love ❤️ if you have any other questions please don’t hesitate to ask me 😁
Feb 22Reply
vicki2222 Thank you for your order will ship out tomorrow. Hope you enjoy them. Have a great day🦋
May 10Reply
happybunnie Hi! Thanks so much for the follow ❤️ Let me know if there’s anything I can help you with + I do 10% discount on bundle orders and am always open to offers! 💫
Aug 13Reply
nyfashionstore Can you check out my closet if you have any time 🤍
Jan 21Reply
janehathaway LaLa, thank you for always guiding me and keeping track of me. You make me feel very well cared for! -MB
Apr 14Reply
nyfashionstore Hi!! Can you check out my closet if you have any time💕 I am accepting almost all offers :) thank you, have a great rest of your day!
Aug 08Reply
jeggings31 Love the Kawasaki!
Aug 27Reply
lasknickknacks @jeggings31 lol 😂 thank you😉 So do I😁🙏
Aug 27Reply
jeggings31 @lasknickknacks lol i grew up on a farm and love all that stuff! Make Sure to check out my about me and leave me a comment!
Aug 27Reply
jeggings31 @lasknickknacks I am on the prowl for a size 8 or nine high Waisted jeggings
Aug 28Reply
yobotech Gorgeous 😊👌
Feb 17Reply
squeakypie2017 It’s so much fun to experiment with hair colors👩🏻‍🎤 Personally, I like the dark color on you because it makes your beautiful eyes pop👀 Good to see you well enough to come back👩‍🦰🧑‍🎤👨‍🎤👩🏻‍🎤🍀
Mar 12Reply
zardiva1 Congrats on your PA II ⭐️ status! 🎉🎉🎉
Mar 17Reply
cliffordbbailey THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING In return I SHARED a few items from your closet as well  👔👕👖🧥👗👚🩳🥿👜👠💄💍👟🥾👙👛🛍👟 as a thank you 😊      At Postmark SHARING is caring.   "🥇🥇A Postmark Ambassador🥇🥇 " Thank you so much for being such a wonderful host 💗
Mar 18Reply
lasknickknacks @squeakypie2017 aww 🥰 thanks! I liked it too😉I always go back to my natural color at some point just to give my hair a break, but if you are talking about the almost black, that is just a few shades darker than my natural dark brown lmao😂I guess I just enjoy being able to “play dress up” like I was a kid! Colors and mix match everything ☠️🤣It is super fun and kind of a self-care thing for me😊🙏😘
Mar 18Reply
lasknickknacks @zardiva1 Thank you so much, Meya❣️🙏🍀I hope you had/have a wonderful St Patrick’s Day night😉💚✨🌈😘
Mar 18Reply
lasknickknacks @cliffordbbailey Thank you😊🙏You are such a supportive and wonderful posher/player🥰I really appreciate how kind you are, and how much you have promoted my games and my closet😘It touches my heart to hear that people like my games and that I’m doing a good job❤️
Mar 18Reply
cliffordbbailey @lasknickknacks Welcome Here at Poshmark we want Everyone to Succeed HAPPY POSHING 😊 And I've been with you since I started actually almost thank you for your FOLLOW THE BLUES ❤
Mar 18Reply
zardiva1 @lasknickknacks Awww, you’re welcome! 🤗
Mar 18Reply
lindsklars Love your closet! And thanks for sharing your story with us. How inspirational!! 💕
Apr 04Reply
nylifeaccess Hi Gorgeous, how are you? You got a lovely pic :) Here I would like to say Hi! And It’s my pleasure and most welcome if you would like to visit my closet to check out see if you could find anything you Like. My closet is selling 800+ beautiful Accessories and doing BUNDLE discount and “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” Wish you have a wonderful day :)
Apr 14Reply
ninjaginja13 Thanks for the follow!! Please let me know how I can help you find your next fashion fave for your closet!! ❤️❤️
Apr 27Reply
ninjaginja13 Thanks for the follow!! Please let me know how I can help you find your next fashion fave for your closet!! ❤️❤️
Apr 27Reply
spreadlove Hi! I’m Melissa, just stopping in to say hello! Please check out my closet if you’re in the mood to shop! 💛🌻
Jun 10Reply
nice_matters11 💙🌵🙋🏻‍♀️ 💙Congrats on being Featured 💙Beautiful Closet ALL shared 💙Keep Positive & Healthy💙 💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙❤️🤍💙 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 🌵🪴🌵🪴🌵🪴🌵🪴🌵 🌵❤️🧩Monica in AZ🧩💙🌵 🌵🧡🧩🌵💚🧩🌵💛🧩🌵 Spreading Autism Awareness
Jun 17Reply
paulwthames Hi Lauren, I'm Paul. thank you for following me. since you started 16 hrs ago 24 other ppl have started following me. How is that. Why is that? How did you find me. can you pls explain it to me. and what is the purpose? I don't have that many items in my closet and I haven't sold anything in months. can you pls explain the purpose and meaning so I can understand.
Aug 05Reply
lasknickknacks @paulwthames hi, Paul! Good morning. I found your closet by following another Posher’s followers. I will explain😁By following newcomers and other Poshers, I guess you could say I’m networking…it basically is an invitation to follow me back or check out my closet. More followers translates to more exposure and sales.
Aug 05Reply
lasknickknacks @paulwthames As for why you had an increase in OTHER followers, that is because I am connected to many people in the Poshmark community who follow MY followers. It’s a give and take “game” that allows all of us to grow. I actually run a few follow games but not right now (on a break). I am going to tag you on my “how to play a follow/share game” listing because it explains why and how to grow your followers😉✨Lauren✨
Aug 05Reply
lasknickknacks Ok, actually my listing doesn’t explain WHY…just how. Like I said, the theory (which has proven true for myself and others)is that the more people you follow, the greater your exposure. There are over 100 people who host “games” to facilitate a faster way to find active shoppers and followers. It’s basically follow the leader…except there are many leaders. I am still going to tag you on that listing to show you how❤️
Aug 05Reply
lasknickknacks Hey Paul. Just a heads up…I am featured in one of the games I was talking about, so you are probably going to have quite a few new followers today😉 I hope that the exposure helps you make some sales! Have a wonderful day, and again, if you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to ask❣️✨Lauren✨❤️
Aug 05Reply
mero89 hi babez check out my closet i got the hookup
Aug 05Reply
shortydoucette @lasknickknacks 👋 hi there Lauren old friend! I love 💜💜 all the pics of you in different hair colors!!! My absolute favorite is the 1 of u with the purple hair! I’m too chicken to go through with it cuz I’ve wanted to change my hair to purple for awhile. But if you look at my about the posher pic you’ll see I’m not the type to pull it off! Ur super lucky dear old friend! Much posh love 💜 Melissa aka Made With Love 💜 By: Mel
Aug 15Reply
lilbitt1111 🤗Hello Lauren! So nice to informally meet you💐 Been on here a while, and embarrassing as it is🤦‍♀️ I can't get the hang of the follow games (I'm a HSS, so my anxiety reaches overflow with the simplest things sometimes😬) well, moreso maybe I just can't keep up..I don't know - anyhow, if you could tag me in a "smaller" game for me to start..(lol, is there such?) I would be so thankful. Take care and I wish you all the best🥰
Sep 17Reply
lasknickknacks @lilbitt1111 Hi, A’Lynn❣️What a beautiful name❤️I sincerely feel your struggle with anxiety! No worries, love! I will tag you on my how to play a share/follow game listing & on one of my friend’s games. She only has 2 features a day, which is about the smallest you can get😉If you are interested in a strictly follow game, I will find one that is uncomplicated for you as well! Thank you for reaching out & it is nice to meet you too☺️🙏✨Lauren✨
Sep 17Reply
shopwisteria 🏝🛫♥️Your closet is featured on The BIP! If don’t have one already, please stop by and grab your “I’m featured” slide! Wishing that the POSH love of sharing brings you many sales! Thank You for your ongoing support! Irina ♥️🛫🏝
Sep 28Reply
joeyconte1985 Your very adorable!🥰
Oct 25Reply
lasknickknacks @joeyconte1985 Aww 🥰 thank you! I like to say “I make my own fun”😂🤣
Oct 25Reply
joeyconte1985 That’s awesome I’m 60 and love laughing having fun ! Thankyou for sharing my closet I’ll do the same for you love you my posh friend ♥️♥️
Oct 25Reply
joeyconte1985 Happy thanksgiving to you too hun! May all your blessings come true 🙏🙏
Nov 24Reply
cliffordbbailey No SHARE BACK NEEDED THANK YOU I shared a few items from your closet just because..... YOU'RE A POSHER YEAH...CONGRATS ON YOUR LOVELY CLOSET 😍 💰💰💰💲💲💲 🌟 A Postmark Ambassador II 🌟
Dec 16Reply
lasknickknacks @btj1333 😂🥰🙏I like to have fun😉 Actually going dark red for Christmas😂 Thanks for the smile😊Happy holidays❣️✨Lauren✨❤️
Dec 16Reply
Jan 03Reply
lasknickknacks @cliffordbbailey You are so welcome, Cliff🥰 I am so happy that you play my game and that it has helped! That’s the whole point😉 Wishing you crazy success this year🤗
Jan 03Reply
icegirl152 Thank you for adding me and I wish you lots of sales! 😁
Jan 05Reply
glassprism70 Thank you for your follow. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package 📦. And offers are always welcome, too.
Jan 12Reply
kaleidoscope9 @lasknickknacks thank you for the shares - attitude of gratitude 💕💕💕
Jan 13Reply
lasknickknacks @kaleidoscope9 Amen, sister😂❤️It’s the only way to live🥰Grateful for nice people like you❣️✨Lauren✨🙏
Jan 13Reply
amigregg Thanks for understanding. I’m on prednisone too & normal wake time is 2-4 am. Sadly, I think I should stop the share game. I had a blood infection in my port which was removed 3 weeks ago. I’m getting a new port Mon. but I’m tired b/c I get 2 L of IV fluids daily & they’re my life line. I’m so behind on regular followers. I ❤️ share games to meet new people. Thank you for understanding & if you ever need to vent about medical issues, I’m a good listener. Your pics were gorgeous.
Jan 13Reply
kaleidoscope9 @lasknickknacks nice to meet you & I am trying to figure out a tag list & how to make one. Tagging a couple of amazing Poshing friends here. @coachandtrunk @hautellie
Jan 13Reply
cinderella927 Hey Lauren! I have your closet scheduled to be featured on The RUNWAY tomorrow Thurs. 2/2! Hope that works for you!!
Feb 01Reply
lasknickknacks @cinderella927 hi, Cindy. Unfortunately, I am extremely ill, and am taking a break from games…even my own. It’s too personal and complicated to explain, but thanks for the thought🙂🙏
Feb 01Reply
cinderella927 @lasknickknacks Oh no! So sorry to hear this!! 🙏🙏🙏for recovery!!
Feb 01Reply
maplebetsy Love the red hair!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
May 12Reply
fashiongirl2375 Hi! Thanks for checking out my closet and sharing 💗
May 29Reply
nelio401 Thanks for the share appreciate It
Jul 17Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Jul 24Reply
upstairs_attic 💐 Glad to see you again 💐
Jul 28Reply
upstairs_attic I understand and I hope you have a good recovery 💜
Jul 28Reply
lasknickknacks @upstairs_attic aww 🥰 thank you so much, love🤗🙏Just taking it slow😉 Getting a bit more energy as the days go. Hopefully, I’ll be back in the swing of things soon enough🤞I hope you are doing fantastic❣️✨Lauren✨❤️
Jul 28Reply
vonjour Hi visit my closet for affordable jewelry 💍
Aug 05Reply
pacecar320 So very cool closet💙
Aug 12Reply
lasknickknacks @pacecar320 Thank you☺️🤗🙏❤️
Aug 12Reply
emordeno Hi!please check out my closet for ur sweater/top party. I have a lot of beautiful items for host pics! Thx u
Sep 10Reply
chateaulux ❤️Congratulations on Hosting the Best of Tops and Sweaters Posh Party! I feature dozens of NWT tops, hoodies and sweaters, in a variety of sizes. Please consider a Host Pick from my closet. Thank you for your consideration! PS: I shared 20 + of your items hoping for lots of sales!❤️
Sep 11Reply
littlejotique Happy Sunday! I have been out for a few days due to an unexpected illness. I am very behind on my shares so I am dropping by today with one-way shares for you. Have a great day, Josie🦋
Sep 11Reply
ziznick30 Congrats on hosting Best in Tops! I’m ready to party with you😊🎉👚👕👔🎽
Sep 11Reply
carguia Good morning. Sharing a few items for your party 🥳 🎉 ✨️ 😀
Sep 11Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would u please check out my closet for a host pick? I am also hosting a makeup party on Wednesday. Please bundle your host pick! Thanks!
Sep 11Reply
hibiscusshop 🎉🎉🎉 🎈🎈🎈 Congrats on hosting 🌻🌻🍁🍁🍁BEST N TOPS & SWEATERS POSH PARTY! 🍂🍂🍂Have fun! Please consider one of my listings as a host pick. Thanks! 😊 🌺🌺🌼🌼🛍🛍🎉🎉
Sep 11Reply
acelestialsoul 🥳🥳🥳 Thanks for hosting the Best in Tops & Sweaters party. I hope you have a minute to check out my closet for host picks.🏆🏆🏆 I have Gorgeous, Fresh Listings. I’d really appreciate your help getting more attention on my items. Thank you!🙏🙏🙏Tricia
Sep 11Reply
teeek Hi! Congrats on hosting :) would love if you’d check out my closet for a potential host pick ✨ thank you!
Sep 11Reply
lindseylind88 Congrats 🍾 on hosting! I have lots of great tops (all at the top of my closet), any of which I’d be INCREDIBLY APPRECIATIVE to have chosen as a host pick! Good luck 🍀 and HAVE FUN 🤩!! XOXO, Lindsey
Sep 11Reply
shopwisteria 🥾🌄You are TREKKING THE WORLD in the 🪷🫀School World of Anatomy 🫀🪷TYSM you for your ongoing support! 🌄🥾 ~ Irina @shopwisteria 🕊️
Sep 14Reply
shopper919 Lauren, I’m not sure which color I love best! What a conundrum! I love them all!
Sep 28Reply
kathysingz Congratulations 🎉🎈 for being a featured closet 🎉
Sep 29Reply
shopwisteria 🥾🌄You are TREKKING THE WORLD in 🇦🇿📚✈️Azerbaijan! Thank You so much for your ongoing support! 🌄🥾 ~ Irina @shopwisteria 🕊️
Oct 06Reply
threetabbycats 🎉😽🎈 Congrats on co-hosting the tomorrow’s DESIGNER POH PARTY! If you’re still looking for 🎉Host Picks🎉, I have a large closet full of gorgeous, up-scale and vintages pieces, including the following brands on your party list: A.L.C., ALL SAINTS, JAMES PERSE, MICHAEL KORS, L.A.M.B., MARA HOFFMAN, RAG & BONE, RAILS, SUPREME, THEORY, TORY BURCH, VERA WANG, VINCE, & WILFRED. I’d love it if you’d consider something(s) for Host Pick(s). I’ll share your closet & I'm wishing you much success!
Oct 27Reply
carguia GM. I have several of the brands for your party 🥳 🎉 ✨️ today. From Halston, LAMB and Alexis and Alice & Olivia and a few more. They're all at the top of my closet. Hope you like. Thanks 😉 @carguia
Oct 27Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! Please check out my closet. Thanks so much. Karin
Oct 27Reply
ditooshop @lasknickknacks Congratulations on cohosting today's Designer Posh Party. I hope you can take a moment to check out my posh-compliant closet for a potential host pick. All eligible items are at the top of my closet. Thanks
Oct 27Reply
mariposadecampo CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR PARTY HOSTING!!!!! 🎉✨🎉✨🎉✨🎉✨🎉✨ I appreciate if you consider any of my listings for a Host Pick ;) 💕💕💕💕💕💕
Oct 27Reply
lindseylind88 Congrats 🍾 on hosting! If you have any spots left, I’d be INCREDIBLY GRATEFUL for a host pick! (I could really, realllly use it)! Good luck 🍀 and HAVE FUN 🤩!! XOXO, Lindsey
Oct 27Reply
arizonakelly Oooh girl, you're BLUE now! Love it!
Nov 04Reply
jewelsbysara Hi there🌼I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing DEALS for the holidays ✨if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing & Happy Holidays 🌸
Nov 25Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting! If you have a chance, please check out my closet. Thanks -Karin
Dec 09Reply
emms_corner Congratulations on cohosting!🎉🎊 I would really appreciate it if you could stop by my closet and take a look for maybe a potential host pick. Thank you and have a wonderful party!✨
Dec 09Reply
crp60 🎉🍬Congrats on hosting the upcoming Everything Kids Posh Party. Would love for you to visit my closest to possibly consider an item for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering. Good luck and have fun. Looking forward to the event.♥️🍭
Dec 09Reply
acelestialsoul 🥳🙏💋🎈Thanks for hosting 🎡🎠🎢 Everything Kids🪁🪀🧸 party! 👀 Please check my closet for Host 🏆 Picks. TYSM❣️ See you there! 🥳🙏💋🎈
Dec 10Reply
mary3118 Hi! Thank you for following me and for sharing my items🙌 Wishing you happy poshing and lots of sales!!! 💰
Dec 19Reply
lasknickknacks @mary3118 You are welcome❣️You have some great stuff in your closet😍 Thanks for the kind comment🙏 I sent an offer on the ring you liked, just in case you are interested 😉No pressure😂 Happy Holidays, have a fantastic New Year, and Happy Poshing❣️✨Lauren✨❤️
Dec 20Reply
dalinn1 Congratulations on your milestone Lauren! 500k🔥
Dec 23Reply
krobinsonnyc Congrats on hosting the Best in Jeans party! Wishing you many speedy sales ⭐️
Jan 13Reply
emms_corner Congratulations on cohosting!🎉🎊 I would really appreciate it if you could stop by my closet and take a look for maybe a potential host pick. Thank you and have a wonderful party!✨
Jan 13Reply
ditooshop @lasknickknacks Congratulations on cohosting today's Best in Jeans Posh Party. I hope you can take a moment to check out my posh-compliant closet for a potential host pick. All eligible items are at the top of my closet. Thanks
Jan 13Reply
hibiscusshop T🎉🎉🎉 🎈🎈🎈 Congrats on hosting 🌸🌸🌞🌞 🌻🌻 👖👖👖 BEST IN JEANS POSH PARTY! 🎉🎉🎉 Have fun! Please consider one of my listings as a host pick. Thanks! 😊 🌺🌺🌼🌼🛍🛍🎉🎉
Jan 13Reply
crp60 🎉👖 Congrats on hosting the upcoming Best in Jeans Posh Party. Would love for you to visit my closest to possibly consider an item for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering. Looking forward to the event. ♥️👖
Jan 13Reply
jillianchristia Yay!!! Wanna trade HOST PICKS?? 🥰🥰🥰 Congrats co-hosting this super fun party! Would you mind stopping by my closet for a possible host pick? I’ll be sure to return the love when I host Friday January 19th! Thanks so much and have a great party! 🙏🙏❤️❤️🎉🎉👍👍🥰🥰🍾🍾😍😍🎊🎊🤩🤩
Jan 13Reply
mymoderncloset5 🌿👔🌿👞🌿👖🌿💼🌿CONGRATULATIONS ON 🌿👔🌿👞🌿🌿👖HOSTING A PARTY🌿👔🌿👞🌿🌿👖🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿🌿👔🌿👞🌿🌿👖🌿🌿
Jan 13Reply
lindseylind88 Congrats 🍾 on hosting! My Jeans /Jean Jackets/Overalls are at the top of my closet, any of which I’d be incredibly grateful to have chosen as a MUCH, much needed host pick! Good luck 🍀 and HAVE FUN 🤩!! XOXO, Lindsey
Jan 13Reply
acelestialsoul 🙏🥳🏆👖Thanks for hosting!👖🏆🥳 Please check out my awesome jeans collection for possible host 🏆 picks. ❤️You might love my Paige Premium Denim Jimmy Jimmy Jean Shorts & Levi’s Super Hi Rise Skinny Jeans💋 TYSM See you in the party! 💋🥳
Jan 13Reply
soli_deo_gloria Thank you for the “follow”.
Feb 14Reply
shopwisteria 🥾🌄You are TREKKING THE WORLD in Iceland 🇮🇸🐎🐕🌊⛪️🦌⏰🪺☀️🌳🏞️🗾🎒🌍✈️🚁🌐Thank You so much for your ongoing support!!! 🌄🥾 ~ ♥️Irina
Mar 05Reply
shopwisteria 🤩Hi Lauren, I would like to feature your closet as my 🏆 loyalty pick 🏆 for the week of 3/11-3/15 M-F Please let me know if you are open to it. Thanks! ♥️Irina
Mar 07Reply
lasknickknacks @shopwisteria Aww 🥰 Thanks, Irinia🫶I would definitely be ok with it🤗🙏
Mar 08Reply
shopwisteria 🏆🥾🌄You are TREKKING THE WORLD as a loyalty pick this week! 🚁🛩️🎻🏆🦅🛶🌎🎒Thank You so much for your ongoing support!!!🌄🥾🏆 ~ Irina
Mar 11Reply
amierupprecht Do you ship to Canada?
Mar 25Reply
shopwisteria 🥾🌄You are TREKKING THE WORLD in Lebanon 🇱🇧 🍵🐠☀️🌊⏰🪺☀️🌳🏞️🗾🎒🌍✈️🚁🌐Thank You so much for your ongoing support!!! 🌄🥾 ~ ♥️Irina
Mar 26Reply
my_posh_pourri Hi Lauren, Thanks so much for the warm Welcome and Posh Love! I'm so happy for your follow and truly appreciate the shares from my closet. Much Love to the Poshmark community.
Apr 03Reply
msneverending1 Lauren, I’m really disappointed, I love those jeans that I tried to purchase earlier in the week. I was just checking the status of my order, & I found out my purchase was canceled. Were the jeans missing & you couldn’t find them or what happened. Love & Peace Carol I was really hoping that I would get them in the mail today or tomorrow. Do you just need more time to find them,?
May 04Reply
lasknickknacks @msneverending1 Carol, I am so sorry. I sent an explanation why I cancelled, but I guess you didn’t get it. I was in a major accident😩I was in the hospital for 3 days. Concussion, 2 broken bones, several stitches, extreme road rash. I can’t move around, and can barely see. I am sorry for the inconvenience! I just couldn’t get my orders out or together. I will keep the jeans for you (if you still want them) when I am capable of reposting them. Lotta pain and drugs right now. Will talk more soon😢🙏
May 04Reply
msneverending1 Oh, my goodness, I’m so sorry to hear about your accident. Hopefully, you are feeling better. Yes, I definitely still want those jeans. When you are feeling better, let me know and I will send another offer for those jeans. Thank you Carol
May 05Reply
msneverending1 Lauren, I hope you are doing better this weekend after your accident. I had offered $28 for your California Vintage Jeans Low Cut Bootcut & you accepted my offer. Whenever you start feeling better & have the time to re-list those jeans so I can purchase these jeans. Just send me a message whenever you have time. Thank you. Love & Peace Carol
May 18Reply
msneverending1 I’m so happy that you are feeling a little bit better. I’m sending more thoughts & prayers your way. Just send me a message whenever you re-list your jeans. Thank you, Love & Peace Carol
May 20Reply

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