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Updated Feb 08
Updated Feb 08

MEET YOUR POSHER. A peek at my life ♥️




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Hi. My name is Shelley aka The LIPPIE 💄💄💄 I am disabled due to a condition called CRPS that’s developed after surgery for my back in 2013. My life is my daughter Karley. She is 12 and takes 7 dance classes a week. She likes ADIDAS...RUE 21....UA....NIKE ....and Justice. She actually wears a junior size or woman’s small. ♥️💃🏻♥️ If I can help anyone in any way please reach out to me 😀 I can help you gain followers and anything else you may need. 💕
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eileen1972 She is so cute! You must be a really busy momma to have to take her to 7 dance classes a week....That's awesome!!!
Oct 03Reply
bell1971 @eileen1972 We only live 2 houses down from the Studio. She goes 3 night but it’s 7 classes. Lol. Ty so much 💋🤗♥️
Oct 04Reply
brosa82 Thats very generous of you Shelly to think of others inspite of your condition. You could be “feeling sorry for your self or angry for no reason” yet you choose to live a happy life & supporting your daughters passion as well as giving support to others. SO INSPIRING. 💕 ❤️ you have a blessed little girl who is going to grow up strong & wonderful like her mama 💋💋😆
Oct 04Reply
bell1971 @brosa82 Your so sweet 😀♥️. Well I still have anger and get pretty depressed because of the pain and the limits that it has put on my life. Before my injury I was a workaholic. I usually worked 60 hours s week. I loved to help people. A lot of that was taken away from me. So since I joined posh. I figured I could really help people here. It makes me feel good. Even though I have my own Posh goals. It’s fun to help other posher meet theirs also.♥️
Oct 04Reply
bell1971 @brosa82 And yes. My daughter Karley is the reason I’m still here today. In moments of suffering pain....I had not so good thoughts. My main purpose on this earth is to be her Mama. 💕. Ty so very much for your support 🤗
Oct 04Reply
loved2listed Welcome Shelley! Take a peak at my closet and I’m happy to negotiate 💕❤️💕
Oct 05Reply
bell1971 @lahrens24 Ty so much. This is my second meet the posher page. Lol. I sure will Look at your closet !!!!
Oct 05Reply
bell1971 @becomewinners ♥️♥️TY SO MUCH !!! 😍🤗😍
Oct 05Reply
auctionpricebtq @bell1971 I love this listing it’s so touching nothing stronger than a mother’s love she beautiful like her mom inside and out ❤️😘🎈👍
Oct 07Reply
bell1971 @girltalk123 ♥️♥️ Awwww. Thank you !!! She sure is my “Everything”. 💕 Your so tight. Such a strong bond we share. I want her to know how much I love her and how proud I am 😍😍♥️♥️😍😍
Oct 07Reply
auctionpricebtq @bell1971 I think looking at her smiling ear to ear she knows mommy loves her😘🎈🙏
Oct 07Reply
bell1971 @girltalk123 Yes 😀 I think she knows ♥️♥️♥️😍
Oct 07Reply
fyrenice Thanks for the tags😘Have a blessed sunday❤
Oct 07Reply
bell1971 @fyrenice Your so welcome hon. I try not to do to many at once 🤗♥️💋
Oct 07Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Oct 08Reply
bell1971 @spreadlove Awwww. Ty for stopping by 😀 I love making posh friends also 😍 If there is anything I can Help you with ....Please let me know ♥️♥️♥️
Oct 08Reply
kiss_my_fancy Just stopping by to say hi, Shelley.☺️
Oct 09Reply
onlytopbrands1 Morning S☀️nshine... wishing you a fantastic day.. thank you for EVERYTHING you day!! Xoxox ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Oct 09Reply
bell1971 @sassys_stash You are so SWEET !!!! I’m so thankful to have you as my PFF ♥️. I owe you a bunch of shares of my friend. 🤗🤗🤗♥️♥️♥️💋💋💋
Oct 11Reply
bell1971 @nursetanisha Hey Hey Beautiful !!! Ty so much !! Your so amazing !!!! I try and share your game everyday !!! You are one heck of a Posher and person ♥️🤗♥️🤗♥️💋💋💋💋
Oct 11Reply
bam___ Thank you for the lippie pick!❤️🙏😉
Oct 11Reply
bell1971 @kp213 Your so welcome !!! I hope you had a day full of shares ♥️ Are you gaining followers ? I hope so !! Keep playing. I’ll pick you again 💄💄💋
Oct 13Reply
shopperschoice Love your closet, how do you keep it organized by categories and where did you get your special post? Have a beautiful day.
Oct 13Reply
bell1971 @shopperschoice Hello 😀 Ty so much !!! I use the app TYPORMA. There are several apps !!! When you share your listings you can share them in the order you want them to appear in your closet. Share first want you want at the bottom and work your way up 😀 Please. If I can help in any way. Let me know. Shelley ♥️
Oct 13Reply
carolhazen @bell1971 Good Morning love, Have a brilliant Sunday!! Xoxo Carol how are you my sweet PFF?
Oct 14Reply
kokocollective YOU ARE FEATURED AS A SUPER SHARER TODAY!❤️ 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹love to you beautiful🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Oct 14Reply
bell1971 @carolhazen Ty hon. Struggling some 😞 But pushing on ....😍💖🤗💋
Oct 14Reply
bell1971 @2chicboutique WOW !!!! BIG HUGS 🤗
Oct 14Reply
jnew36 Looks like the comments are full, thank you for featuring me today!
Oct 15Reply
bell1971 @jnew36 Your so welcome. Yes. I just made a new listing ♥️
Oct 15Reply
queenfish Hi Shelley! I havent talked to u in forever, so I hope you've been doing ok. Im getting ready for surgery again, having "trial" procedure next Thurs. and then if works, hopefully before holidays I'll have the surgery. I think about and pray for u daily and try to share ur closet daily, even though i haven't said hi lately. Take care and let me know how ur doing if u have an opportunity,
Oct 17Reply
lovefashionyay Hi hun can u add 3 more tags to ur list ... ty! @amm97o @pre_ma_93 @dunamus2018
Oct 19Reply
dunamus2018 @lovefashionyay how do I add 3 more tags?
Oct 19Reply
bell1971 @queenfish Hi my friend 😀 What surgery are you having ? Boy I’m struggling sweetie. 😞😞😞 With Pain and life !!! I get my Lidocaine infusion every month and they are going to start injecting (AGAIN) in different areas of my backs and hips. Uggggh. My husband is without a job !!! 😞😞😞 Financial stress makes my pain worse. FOR SURE. Right now I’m living for Karley. I feel like I’m drowning. It’s so hard. I think of you all the time ♥️
Oct 19Reply
bell1971 @queenfish Sorry I don’t share more often but I’m overwhelmed 😞😞 BIG HUGS !!! Live ya xxoo
Oct 19Reply
bell1971 @lovefashionyay 🤗🤗 I sure can 🤗🤗💋💋
Oct 19Reply
bell1971 @dunamus2018 She was asking me to add you to my tag list. Do you want me to ? ♥️♥️♥️
Oct 19Reply
flippintickled You are a DOLL! I love your pics, and you just make me want to be the very best I can be for my daughter, too! (Well, and for Hubby, too... but you know what I mean!) HUGE HUGS!! All you can do for me is keep being YOU!!! <3
Oct 19Reply
bell1971 @flippintickled ♥️TY SO MUCH !!! I truly appreciate your words!!! Yes.....daughter before hubby. Ha. Ha. Ha. 🤣🤣🤣👍. We must keep pushing on 💋
Oct 20Reply
joanieonie Your daughter is so cute! I know some dance moms & that's a busy life!
Oct 23Reply
ses54 @bell1971 What s Beautiful Family! I’m sorry to hear about your disability but I can relate. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 12yrs ago & had to leave the workforce myself & posh rly helps. Thanks again for all your help!💜
Oct 24Reply
bell1971 @joanieonie ♥️♥️TY 🤗 It keeps me busy ♥️💋💋💋💋💋💋
Oct 24Reply
bell1971 @ses54 awwww. THANK YOU !!! ♥️♥️♥️ Hope you get that 100K TODAY 🤗🤗💄💄💋💋
Oct 24Reply
ses54 @bell1971 😘😘💋💋
Oct 24Reply
darlascottage Nice to e-meet you & your talented lovely family!
Oct 27Reply
topsyturvycnsyn TO MY PRECIOUS PFF: 1st of all we have the BESTEST 1st name!😍2nd I do not understand treating people ugly in the real world nor our virtual Posh world. You don’t deserve it & something tells me that ‘swimmer’ has treated you unkindly in the past...I have gotten a sense from other situations where not much was said that she has also done this to others.
Oct 28Reply
topsyturvycnsyn This is about HER absolutely not about YOU because your sweet spirit shines through POSHVILLE bringing ove & true encouragement to all! You do you girl! And do not stop BEING YOU! Others cannot make you feel bad about yourself only you can make yourself feel bad so do not give anyone that power! xoxoxoxo Shelley 💜💚❤️💙
Oct 28Reply
bell1971 @pluswear ♥️ Same to you 🤗💋🤗
Oct 28Reply
bell1971 @lovemymini ♥️♥️♥️ Our first name Rocks 👍 Thank you so much !!! I have always been the kind of person that loved to help people. Well I got injured. Tons of surgeries and disabled. That was taken away from me. So when I joined posh and started meeting some amazing people. I thought. What can I do to help them. Especially after I hit my 100K CONT
Oct 28Reply
bell1971 @lovemymini I wanted to help others get to 100K. Joined the super team and started the LIPPIE. Started a huge tag list ect. It truly became about helping others. This community helps me tremendously. I will not tolerate someone being “A bad person” and mistreating people. She did not personally mistreat me. But was terrible to some PFFS. I didn’t even interfere. She don’t like me. (her loss). What she did was intentionally skip me. CONT
Oct 28Reply
bell1971 @lovemymini Trust me I spent 2 hours making sure she didn’t share me !!!! What she did was wrong. I called her out on it. If that makes me a bad person or the bad guy. Then so be it. I will never change the person I am due to the ignorance of others. Big HUGS. LU XXOO 🤗💋🤗
Oct 28Reply
lovefashionyay Here’s the new poshers who would love to be added to u tag list ! I checked their closet looks compliant & they have amazing items ! Ty hun! Some of these names u may already have but air u don’t ty! @ghaines2010 @pre_ma_93 @dunamus2018 @amm97o @_the_rack @ryankinsman @bolonski3 @madisonrace
Oct 28Reply
lovefashionyay @bell1971 i seriously love u for helping & I want to send u a box of items u can sell on posh! I don’t have time for it although I need the $ I know when I give I get back. Bundle an item pay for the shipping I will send u a large box filled w goodies & I’ll send u Pay/pal $ to cover shipping ! I appreciate all u do ♥️
Oct 29Reply
bell1971 @lovefashionyay awwww. Hon. You don’t have to do that !!! If you need the money !!! Then save them for you !!! ♥️♥️♥️ I will add those people to my tag list !! You are amazing !!! 💋💋💋
Oct 29Reply
lovefashionyay @bell1971 I have enough stuff to sell if u need then$ u just let me know I have 550 LulaRoe items left and like 600 of my step moms clothes plus more!! Lol 😆 🤦‍♀️
Oct 30Reply
kenzicate Can I get your advice on something sweetie??
Nov 03Reply
coconut_couture Awww I love this! Your daughter is so beaut just like her mama! I have a 12 year old son and he’s into gaming 😩😅 and my two girls are into dancing 💃🏽 I should see about getting them into a dance class too 😍💕
Nov 04Reply
bell1971 @kenzicate Sure. Sorry. I have been sick 😞
Nov 04Reply
bell1971 @coconut_couture I’m so happy you made your 200K 😀 I’m trying hard but have had a few set backs. Karley has been dancing since she was 4. She takes 7 dance classes a week !! She loves it and she is good. Lol. 👍🤣💝. I just wanted to say......your the BOMB 💣 PFF 💋
Nov 04Reply
coconut_couture @bell1971 you’re so close sister!!! I love it! I don’t know how you manage with posh and mamahood duties and everything else but I applaud you!! You go giiiirl 🙌🏽💕
Nov 04Reply
akmantia ♥♥♥
Nov 04Reply
moongoddess7 Hey love I just wanted to let you know that I have a Participants sign for everyone to use in @dreamteam11 closet plus I just added the 2nd event for this month!! Should be a great one since it ends on Cyber Monday!! xoxo Oh and could u tag the 2 event for me please love
Nov 06Reply
erica_sales Hi. You seem like the expert on poshmark. I have a question that maybe you would know the answer to. If i have 27,000 followers and i make sure I follow all the people in my list, why do I only follow 20,000 poshers? I don’t get it. Am I too slow to see how this makes sense? Thank you for being a great leader for me! 🌿💕🌿 -Erica
Nov 07Reply
bell1971 @bromanowicz Hi. I don’t mind at all holding them for you. I don’t know how to reserve them or make sure no one else does buy them ?? How long would I be holding. ?? Let me know hon 🤗💋🤗💋
Nov 08Reply
bell1971 @erica_sales Hi. Erica. You have to follow TONS of people. Everyone YOU follow does not share back even though you do. Did you look at how many people I have FOLLOWED !! 900,000 plus !!!! I’m still trying to get 200,000 followers. It blows my mind. Lol.
Nov 08Reply
erica_sales That blows my mind too! I hope you get there soon! 🌿💕🌿
Nov 08Reply
modifiedmon Hi precious Great picture doll❤️❤️
Nov 08Reply
juicycouture_05 @bell1971 WELCOME WELCOME WELCOME 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Nov 16Reply
bell1971 @modifiedmon Thank you Doll ♥️😍
Nov 16Reply
bell1971 @juicycouture_05 Ty hon. I’ve been here. This is my second meet the posher post ♥️💋💋🤗
Nov 16Reply
bell1971 @wowtreasures. ♥️♥️♥️ This one. If you need me. Contact me here. Guess I’m popular. Lol. Lol. 👍💄💄💋💋🤣🤣🤣🤣
Nov 16Reply
wowtreasures @bell1971 -- Hey Shelley! Yes, you ARE popular!! Everyone wants to get in touch with you!! Lucky you!! =) Have a great weekend and THANK YOU for ALL you do ! I truly appreciate you more than words can ever express! xoxo, hugs and kisses
Nov 17Reply
bell1971 @wowtreasures You are sooooo sweet 💝 I love having you as a PFF !!! ♥️♥️♥️ I will do anything I can to help you 🤗💄🤗💄🤗💋🤗🤗🤗
Nov 17Reply
nebettyboop @bell1971 I pray all is well my sweet PFF 😍😘😍😘 Wishing you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving 🦃🦃🦃
Nov 19Reply
bell1971 @livingmypurpose ♥️♥️♥️ I’m doing my best 💜 Thank you my dear PFF 💝 Enjoy your Thanksgiving 🦃🦃🦃🦃🦃💋💋💋💋💋
Nov 19Reply
nebettyboop @bell1971 One day at a time is all we can do 😍😍😍
Nov 19Reply
emc_2rd Soooo cute!!❤️❤️
Nov 26Reply
uptowngirl69 I just told Kim what an idiot I am! I thought last night was Saturday so I started going through my moving boxes listing like crazy bc I couldn’t sleep and I figured why not list and get some stuff done! 😜😜
Nov 26Reply
bell1971 @thecoachstore Lol. Lol. You crack me up. I have so much to list. I hope I can get to it 👍💋💋💋💋
Dec 02Reply
bell1971 @missymb 🥰🥰🥰🥰💋💋💋💋💋🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗
Dec 02Reply
littlefire33 Hi Pretty🥰
Dec 03Reply
poshmarklv Hey did you get your package today ?
Dec 05Reply
bell1971 @poshmarklv Oh my YES !!!! It made my DAY !!! I just love Love Love it !!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️ You have no idea !!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart !!! 💄💋💄💋💄💋💄💋 🍷 🍷 🍷 🍷💄💋
Dec 05Reply
poshmarklv Your welcome, I over packed it, didn't want it to break. Did you see the bracelets for your daughter?
Dec 05Reply
bell1971 @poshmarklv Yes !!!! She loves the Bracelets!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️ I’m going to drink some wine out of tonight !!! I have had a terrible few days. A real bad pain flare and then I fell yesterday !!!! 😞😞😞 So it was perfect timing !!! Please. If I can EVER help you in any way. Let me know !!!! God Bless you and my sweet @houndstooth for finding it !!! I’m forever touched !!
Dec 05Reply
poshmarklv @bell1971 that's great, hope your day is better today. Ms. Ellen houndstooth and I live a 1-1/2 hours apart. I am going to go and meet her soon. She is a very sweet lady. Happy Poshing
Dec 05Reply
kykim87 Thank you so much for the tag list!!! Have a wonderful day! 💃💫🌹🎉🎁🎊
Dec 05Reply
bell1971 @poshmarklv Oh. Yes !!! She sure is special ♥️♥️
Dec 06Reply
bell1971 @kykim87 Your welcome ♥️♥️♥️
Dec 06Reply
houndstooth @bell1971 @poshmarklv You two are the sweetest! I feel like I’ve been away from Poshmark forever but trying to start back today, even for just a little while. As Cheryl knows, my precious grandson was hospitalized in ICU last week with severe RSV. I’m so relieved he is finally getting better! ❌⭕️❌⭕️
Dec 06Reply
poshmarklv @houndstooth yes Ms. Ellen was going to check on you today. I saw you have not been here much. Your Grandson is more important. Glad he is doing better. Are you back home ?
Dec 06Reply
bell1971 @houndstooth Awwww. Hon. I didn’t know 😞😞😞 Thank God he is improving!!!! I always notice when your not around. ♥️♥️♥️
Dec 06Reply
houndstooth @bell1971 @poshmarklv Reid is most definitely priority. He is napping and I just managed to share my closet for the first time in 19 days! 😘😘😘
Dec 06Reply
poshmarklv @houndstooth yall just get that baby well. 🙇🏼‍♂️🙇🏼‍♂️🙇🏼‍♂️🙇🏼‍♂️🙇🏼‍♂️❤❤❤❤❤
Dec 07Reply
mama_of_8 I’m sorry to hear about your condition. I bet your daughter keeps you busy! She’s so cute and looks like she’s a lot of fun’! Thank you for sharing items from my closet! I’m fairly new so I’m still learning. I try and share back!
Dec 09Reply
bell1971 @mama_of_8 awwww. Thank you so much !! It’s a challenge everyday. But I push through for her ♥️ If there is anything I can do to help...please let me know. ♥️♥️♥️ Dont worry about sharing back to me. I can’t keep up at times myself. Lol 🥰
Dec 09Reply
gigi11155 Nice to meet ya Shelley!! Happy Poshing and feel free to see if there’s something in my closet that you can’t live without lol!!❤️👍😊
Dec 09Reply
samisweetie Hi there. Sorry to hear about how much pain you are in. My husband got back surgery in 2013 also. He is constantly in pain. He gets rhizotomies every 6 months. Your daughter is beautiful. She has your smile.
Dec 10Reply
samisweetie I am kind of new to Poshmark. I have been shopping it but I originally came on to sell. I have a couple of questions for you. How do you keep your closet so organized? What is a Super Team and a Tag List? Thanks.
Dec 10Reply
bert30 Bless you. I will pray for you.
Dec 12Reply
bell1971 @samisweetie Hi. 😀 The order you share your closet in is the order it will listed. What you want at the bottom of your closet you share first. Keep sharing your items to organize them. The super posher team is a group of poshers that have games in their closet to help poshers can followers. I have a LIPPIE game in my closet that has all the directions. CON
Dec 12Reply
bell1971 @samisweetie A tag list is a group of poshers that other poshers tag in follow games and posher games to help them get more followers. I put a listing in my closet for people to sign up. ♥️♥️♥️ Let me know if this helps you or not 😀
Dec 12Reply
bell1971 @bert30 ♥️♥️♥️ Ty so much 💋
Dec 12Reply
samisweetie @bell1971 Thank you so much. I really appreciate your help. Once I put my closet together I hope to be on the tag list. I am going to check your game out now. Sounds like fun. 😁
Dec 12Reply
hebrewrose1975 Your daughter is gorgeous
Dec 17Reply
bell1971 @samisweetie ♥️♥️ Please let me know if I can help. 💋
Dec 19Reply
bell1971 @hebrewrose1975 ♥️🥰 awwww. Thank you 💋💋
Dec 19Reply
socalstyled Hi beautiful! I have a question for you but first off THANK YOU FOR BEING SO AWESOME IF I HAVEN'T TOLD YOU THAT ALREADY! If I want to request someone to be a daily Lippie, do I tag the person under the current game or ?? My sister just opened her closet and she is a natural at listing but could use some followers and shares I'm certain. Thanks again and let me know if there's a better place to ask questions such as this one. Xoxo
Dec 19Reply
samisweetie @bell1971 thank you. I will. Happy Poshing
Dec 20Reply
janimack7 Shelley, so sorry about your chronic pain...😢 But your wonderful positive spirit shines through! Bless you and yours...,and Happy Holidays!💜💞💜
Dec 20Reply
bell1971 @socalstyle4moms Hi hon 😀 Sure just tag her. Then she will have to like the post !! Then we will get her in. I’ll be more than glad to help you. Maybe she could get on my tag list....I’ll get her some followers !! And Thank you for the compliment. I’m here to help !!! We will grow together ♥️💋♥️🥰
Dec 20Reply
bell1971 @janimack7 awwww. Ty hon. Yeah. It’s a struggle. I have learned a lot in this 6 year battle. It’s toughened me up for sure !!! Lots of Love to you and Merry Christmas 🎄🎁💋
Dec 20Reply
janimack7 @bell1971 I can relate... I, too, struggle with health issues and daily pain... . I admire your strength, as I know what it takes. Love and light, dear PFF.💕✨💕✨💕✨
Dec 20Reply
bell1971 @janimack7 Prayers for you my dear PFF. IT TAKES SI MUCH STRENGTH 🥰
Dec 20Reply
socalstyled @bell1971okay. Thanks for your response! I know how busy you are! I will tag her on the post for the lippies:) xoxo
Dec 20Reply
janimack7 @bell1971 Thank you, Shelley!💞💜💞
Dec 21Reply
tnwalkerbabe @bell1971 Happy Holidays and New Year to you and your family! :)
Dec 21Reply
bell1971 @tnwalkerbabe ♥️💋💄🎄 Same to you 🎄💄💋♥️
Dec 21Reply
greatbargains1 @bell1971 You finally did it 😊🎉💕I tagged you💝 Come play tonight ☃️🎉🎄🎉🎉🎉🎉
Dec 22Reply
vintage_dresser Thanks for sharing my closet! 😀
Dec 23Reply
bell1971 @greatbargains1 Ty !! I would if played. But I had to shop and not feeling very good. Sorry. 💋♥️💋♥️ Merry Christmas PFF 🎁🎄🎁
Dec 23Reply
uptowngirl69 Hey! How are you doing? Having family over for Christmas? I hope you are feeling better!!
Dec 23Reply
uptowngirl69 @bell1971 Hey! How are you? Having family over for Christmas? I hop you’re feeling better!
Dec 23Reply
kelleykhlr Your daughter is too cute! Growing up my daughter took dance lessons and competed some. She loved it. She also taught dance for a while during college. You are super sweet for helping everyone! Thank you for tagging on my game. I have had RA for 21 years and know all to well about a disability. Wishing you many blessings! ❤️😘
Dec 28Reply
bell1971 @ms_penny_posher I would start a follow game. Set your goal for 100K. KEEP YOUR KISSES GAME. 👍. Play my game as often as you can. Follow my Blues daily. I always check lmw0082 ladycrackerjack shopofthemoment I think of some others. I’ll send you a message in a bundle. Always check the new followers. It is a fact the more followers you have the more sales. 🎉🎉🎉Yeah for you !! Cont
Jan 02Reply
bell1971 @ms_penny_posher I’m looking at my year 2019 on Posh and setting some goals. We will help each other. We will get S@@t done ✅. Lol. 🤗🥰🤗💋💋
Jan 02Reply
bell1971 @ms_penny_posher 🔥🔥🔥 Your are doing AWESOME 💣
Jan 02Reply
bell1971 @girl_talk_games Ty ♥️♥️♥️ I’m hanging in. I’m going down through my feed now. I had to help Karley with Math. Yuck 🤢. Lol. Lol. 💋
Jan 03Reply
wowtreasures Hello Shelley, just popping in to wish you a very Happy New Year! May this 2019 be filled with all good things to come your way: success, happiness, peace, love, health, & propsperity & everything you've dream of having. Many Hugs 😁 cheers to a fabulous 2019 my dear PFF, thanks for tagging me always, you're appreciated soo much😘😍🤗🥂🍾
Jan 03Reply
bell1971 @wowtreasures awwww. Ty sweet PFF 🎉🎉🎉 Happy New year and wishing you nothing but the Best and TONS OF SALES ♥️💋♥️
Jan 03Reply
bell1971 @ms_penny_posher I hear ya. 3 Doctor visits today. Ugggh. I’m feeling overwhelmed 💣💣💣. Lots to do. Hoping to list some tonight !!! 🤷‍♀️ ♥️♥️♥️HUGS♥️♥️♥️💄💄💋
Jan 03Reply
essentials2 @bell1971 hello 👋🏽 ☺️ Mrs Shelly , I’m so very touched and sad you are dealing with such a health challenge 😣 i Looked it up on line. I have never heard of that acronym. Please know I’ve said a prayer for you. Embrace you warmly ❤️ I also read you had a doctors visit. Praying it went well honey 🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️❤️❤️
Jan 05Reply
essentials2 @bell1971 i am now going to take a stroll through your shop. And read and browse ❤️😍🦋🥰🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Jan 05Reply
karinlouise Hey you 💕❤️💋thanks for shares 🌪🌪🌪💥
Jan 06Reply
bell1971 @essentials2 ♥️♥️ Ty my sweet PFF. It was a Dr appt to talk about Medical Marijuana. No insurance covers it. So I guess I’ll be saving my money for that. It’s been A very long road. I appreciate your comments. Let me know if I can help out in any way. Much LOVE 💋
Jan 06Reply
bell1971 @karinlouise Hey. You. 😂 It was a pleasure 🤗🥰♥️🤗🥰♥️
Jan 06Reply
bethybd @bell1971 Just dropping by to wish you a 🎩🎩👒Happy New Year Shelley👒🎩🎩!! one way shares for all you do too!😍😘😘💋
Jan 06Reply
bell1971 @bethybd ♥️♥️Awwwww. Ty !! Happy New year to you too my sweet Pff ♥️♥️💋💋🥰🥰
Jan 06Reply
bell1971 @ms_penny_posher Nah. Mine did too. No share events going on right now. It will be okay hon 🤗 I think I’m finally caught up except for some tagging. I’m whooped. Lol. 🤣🤣💕🥰
Jan 07Reply
bell1971 @shyoty58 awww. Thank you so much !! ♥️💋
Jan 08Reply
bell1971 @ms_penny_posher LOOK AT YOU !!! You are on FIRE 🔥🥰💄💄💄💄💄💄
Jan 08Reply
bell1971 @ms_penny_posher I think I signed up. I’ll get back to you ♥️♥️♥️ I have been sick 😞
Jan 11Reply
candybycandy Nice to meet you lovely family. I participated in one of your games awhile ago💗beautiful family.
Jan 14Reply
bell1971 @candybycandy ♥️ Thank you 🥰 Yes. My LIPPIE posher game is FUN and helps you gain tons of followers 💄💄💄💋💄
Jan 14Reply
bell1971 @abrooks5385 Awwww. Thank you for commenting !!! YES !! She absolutely loves Dance 💃🏻♥️ She wanted to sign up for cheerleading. But with kind of Dance schedule there just is no time. You never know what her future will bring. She has so much talent. 🥰 I just know where she goes to college....I’m going along. Lol. Lol. Lol. 🤣🤗🤗
Jan 16Reply
bell1971 @ms_penny_posher Girl you are on FIRE 🔥!!! Love ya xxoo ♥️♥️💋
Jan 16Reply
bell1971 @ms_penny_posher Oh geeze. Where you able to Figure it out ?? Let me now ! My feed is crazy. Plus I had to help Karley with Algebra.
Jan 18Reply
bell1971 @ms_penny_posher I don’t understand ?? Why would they do this ?
Jan 18Reply
divakaaren Hey Girl! Just shared your Closet for the Midnight group and wanted to say hello! Hope you had a joyful holiday season and are off to a great New Year!! 🤗😘
Jan 19Reply
aydadeeb69 @bell1971 Hi there,Thanks so much for all your help and shares, you're very sweet and amazing, really appreciate your help, hope to reach the goal together and push each other to be a united team,and that's the aim of this app,nice to meet you and wish you have a tons of sale and more fun and happiness A lot of posh love from your posh friend Ayda😍
Jan 19Reply
aydadeeb69 @bell1971 Good morning, happy Lippi and happy Monday 💋💋💋💋💄💄💄💄💄💙💎
Jan 21Reply
bell1971 @aydadeeb69 Good morning Ayda 😀 A very frozen LIPPIE 💄🥶 Wind chill factor of -20 here in PA !! I hate the frigid weather 😞😞😞 Hope your gaining followers and having FUN here in posh 💄♥️💋
Jan 21Reply
aydadeeb69 @bell1971 Thanks ,yes I do,you're very sweet and amazing, God bless you and your daughter, hope you're doing well, you're really a strong woman, I read your profile, I passed through health problems too,I know how you're feeling,I'll pray to God to bless you always happy Lippie day 💋💋💋💋💄💄💄💄
Jan 21Reply
bell1971 @aydadeeb69 God Bless you my dear PFF 🙏🏼 I’m Not so sure about Amazing .....I just love to help people. It makes me feel good. When I got injured ..helping people became very hard. I became very lonely and sunk into a deep hole of depression. It’s still a battle. But thanks to my Beautiful daughter Karley. I fight. I love Posh mostly due to the fact it allows me to help others 🥰 Much Love ♥️♥️♥️
Jan 21Reply
aydadeeb69 @bell1971 yes you're amazing lady and strong to give away a lot of your energy and you have the passion to help others, this is the way you raised and the way God created you to be Shelly🤗
Jan 21Reply
aydadeeb69 @bell1971 Hi Shelley, believe me when you're patient and patience ,thanks God for all the blessings you have, God will reward you and be with you always, will give you more happiness and power than any body else🙂
Jan 21Reply
tmontgomery5100 @bell1971 Hi, Shelley! WOW, you are a busy woman with a teen dancer AND Posh 👏🏻. I’ve noticed that when poshers provide their tag list, at the bottom it states Private Do Not Copy. Is that the norm? And why would that statement be added? ~Terri
Jan 24Reply
yvette_jaime Hi there, I have a question. Would a Harry Potter Wand be considered an accessory? would it be PC I Posh message Posh but that can take a while to get an answer. Thanks so much for all of you help and all of the work that you do to help others!!!
Jan 28Reply
bell1971 @yvette_jaime I think it would be non compliant. ♥️ Sorry. 😞
Jan 29Reply
bell1971 @ms_penny_posher Lol. What are you talking about !?? You have more items to post ? Is that what your telling me. I have my closet all organized. By category. I know some poshers dint do that. But I have OCD. I Just didn’t understand what you were telling me except I see you have 94K 🎉🎉🎉🎉💋
Jan 29Reply
yvette_jaime @bell1971 I know it can be confusing. Someone gave it to me and I'm not sure why but I have no use for it :) haha Thanks!
Jan 29Reply
bell1971 @ms_penny_posher I’m doing okay. My treatment made me sick 😞 I have yet figured out a way to organized on this app. But my like it pretty chaotic right now. So that doesn’t help. I find myself thinking I need to be on here 24/7. I hope things calm down for me. So I can figure it out. I’m having a lot on my plate right now. I feel very overwhelmed all the time !!! 😫 I need to figure out a schedule and I have piles of stuff to post soooo IDK 😞😞😞
Jan 30Reply
bell1971 @yvette_jaime 🤗🤗 It’s gets so confusing. But I’m sure the wand would be considered a toy. I have a posh pile and a yard sale pile and a donation pile. Lol. ♥️💋
Jan 30Reply
yvette_jaime @bell1971 I totally get it.!!! I just want my closet to be PC. Some would think a wand is part of a wizards outfit haha. I guess it is kind of like a phone cover is that part of on outfit. Make-up brushes yes hair brushes. I have my goodwill yard sales pile also. Posh is so much fun for me Like I said I just want to be PC. There are numerous other outlets to sell the magical wand. Have a great day and Happy Poshing :)
Jan 30Reply
shill1981 Hey Shelly. I’m having issues with stuff missing that I had posted in my closet. Are you having the same issues. Idk what’s going on but most all of my post are gone 🤦🏼‍♀️🤷‍♀️
Jan 30Reply
bell1971 @yvette_jaime Yeah. That is so hard. I guess I wouldn’t chance it. Someone would call you out on it I’m sure. HUGS 🤗
Jan 30Reply
bell1971 @shill1981 Omg ! No !! What kind of items ? ?? I have no clue !! What is missing hon ? 😫
Jan 30Reply
bell1971 @shill1981 Where they posh compliant items ?? I would contact Poshmark ASAP !!!
Jan 30Reply
bell1971 @ms_penny_posher Yes. I’m in a Facebook group that studies the 30mm. I have not tried it yet. It just seems with the tagging and following I do. It takes up so much time. I’m going to try the 30mm starting tomorrow. My LIPPIE game is going GREAT ♥️ Ty hon 💋🤗💋
Jan 30Reply
shill1981 @bell1971 yes ma’am all of my items are. It was boots, shoes and purses. I can’t see them in my closet but for some reason others can. Very strange
Jan 31Reply
bell1971 @ms_penny_posher Idk. I’m not either 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️💋💋
Feb 02Reply
ninamcdermitt You are amazing!!! You are a super star! Thank you so much for the help. I fixed all your suggestions. Followed Shared 🙏 ☕️😊❤️
Feb 03Reply
bell1971 @ms_penny_posher I know. I need more sales and need to post more items 🥰🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤔
Feb 03Reply
bell1971 @ninamcdermitt Your so welcome ! If you need anything. Let me know ♥️
Feb 03Reply
jakesheart ❤❤ I love your pictures Bell, they're amazing & your daughter looks just like you, so pretty & cute! Makes me think of the song Dance I dedicated when my son was born, they grow up so fast! Happy Superbowl Sunday, New England in the house here!!! Have a gr8 Superbowl Sunday if you are watching :) Wing wine & watching today, lots of love & thank you for always having Blue's for all of us-- newbies, part newbie & even the natives of PM ;) ❤❤❤❤
Feb 03Reply
bell1971 @jakesheart awww. Ty so much for your comment ♥️♥️♥️ I enjoy helping others. I see your getting closer to 200K !! That is awesome !! Let me know if I can help in any way. I have the LIPPIE POSHER game. You should check it out if you haven’t already 😃💄💄💄💄💄 Posh. Posh. Posh. Xxoo shelley
Feb 03Reply
shopretailhq I appreciate all you do my friend. Sherry
Feb 04Reply
bell1971 @girlcalii Ty so much !!! ♥️♥️♥️
Feb 06Reply
eph1354 What an amazing great fun closet...this is fabulous, I just love ur closet!!! So much fun to go thru every item. So happy I found U 💄👄👛👜💋💄. Love ur pict on ur profile....such a happy PoshMark Store 🙆🏻‍♀️. WooHoo 🙌
Feb 06Reply
shopretailhq @bell1971 ❤️❤️❤️
Feb 06Reply
angjason You told @robfine that she should keep her listing compliant.What was the problem
Feb 07Reply
bell1971 @angjason He had a toy for sale. I believe. Someone else caught it.
Feb 07Reply
punkchic_gigi @bell1971 ❤Thank you for helping yesterday's diva, tmay531, break the record for shares! I'm so grateful for everyone's support 🤗❤ It's very important to me that you dont reciprocate these shares. It's not much (I've got a ton of supporters to share! 😄) but please consider it a thank you gift 😘❤ I'm gonna browse and share some of my favorites! XOXOXO❤
Feb 08Reply
bell1971 @punkchic_gigi You are so AWESOME !! I admire you so much !!!! Love ya girl ♥️♥️♥️💋♥️💋💋
Feb 09Reply
bell1971 @ms_penny_posher I’m so far behind right now. I can’t think straight. 😫😫 Sorry xxoo
Feb 09Reply
punkchic_gigi @bell1971 awww FEELINGS! 🤗😍😭😘 Love you right back!! Thank you!
Feb 09Reply
bell1971 @ms_penny_posher 🥰🤗 All this sharing. 😫♥️
Feb 09Reply
camihudkins I enjoyed looking at your closet. Check out my closet, make a bundle of two or more get a free gift and discount!
Feb 11Reply
camihudkins I have a pair of pink athletic leggings size small for sale they were my favorite leggings back when I danced I thought your daughter might be interested , you are very kind hearted and helpful if your interested in buying I’ll offer you a discount💗
Feb 11Reply
bell1971 @camihudkins I’ll check them out. She is kinda picky. Lol. But I really appreciate your comment. Ty ♥️
Feb 12Reply
bell1971 @ms_penny_posher Omg !!! Awesome job 🎉🎉.
Feb 12Reply
bell1971 @ms_penny_posher How close are you ?? I will feature you again !!! 💄♥️💄
Feb 12Reply
bell1971 @ms_penny_posher Just keep going 🤷‍♀️ Next goal 150K. LOL. LOL. 🥰🤗🤣🤣🤣
Feb 14Reply
greyland999 Crps I was reading your bio and saw that you have CRPS. I as well have it along with fibro and IC. I live in MI and we are going through our 4 th storm this month. Today we got 10 inches for the second time. So I am dying right now. I got crps during a knee replacement which sadly left me even more handicapped. I am waiting for a shoulder replacement which will happen in the next 8 weeks. Anyway just wanted to say hello. I am brand new to Posh and trying to occupy my brain.
Feb 14Reply
bell1971 @ms_penny_posher No. You will be there in no time !! Or keep it 125K ♥️♥️♥️ Didn’t you tell me 100K was a long ways to go ??? Lol 😂
Feb 14Reply
bell1971 @greyland999 Awwww. Ty so much. My heart aches for you !! I have Fibromyalgia too. It’s so hard !! I’m so afraid to get anymore surgeries. Every time I do the CRPS spreads to that area. I had a spinal cord stimulator put in 2 years ago. The CRPS spread to my upper back. Everyday is a struggle. Mentally and physically 😞 But we keep going. I’m here anytime for you ♥️ Prayers. Shelley 💋
Feb 14Reply
bell1971 @mmahansen1 Oh yes. I sure will ♥️😀
Feb 14Reply
bell1971 @mmahansen1 Tag me in it ♥️
Feb 14Reply
greyland999 @bell1971 I had the SCS as well & had it replaced three time and it just wouldn’t do what the trail did. I’ve had CRPS since 2004 after a knee replacement that went horribly wrong. I am now unable to bend my knee. I have an Interstim as well that I’ve had for 20 yrs and would die w/o it. Having a shoulder replacement is so scary.
Feb 14Reply
greyland999 @bell1971 I have had it spread to three other areas thus far. I can no longer move my arm up-down or touch my face. I am so sick of saying I can’t, so I did a positive step and started Poshing in Jan. I love so many of the ladies that I’ve met. I wake up now and it’s my first stop. Thx so much for prayers. I will pray for u as well
Feb 14Reply
janon_benson @bell1971 Hello I'm so sorry about the likes on the old Lippie game. I keep unliking it and the next time I get on Poshmark it will have a like on it again. I have no idea why. I have done it probably 10 times!! Hopefully, it will stay this time!!
Feb 16Reply
imagr8tmom Your daughter is adorable! I love these pics! I'm a new Posher, Any tips would be greatly appreciated. :)
Feb 17Reply
aydadeeb69 @bell1971 Hi Shelley how are you doing, I have a question plz if you don't mind, I shipped out the wrong package for the wrong person, because I was in a rusd ,so send two packages for one person instead of send it for two persons,because I accidentally printed the same label instead of two different one,I contacted the posher who has the packages, he said that he had the two,I emailed poshmark 3 times,every time they said, they'll try to reach me and nothing happened
Feb 17Reply
aydadeeb69 @bell1971 Hi ,I want ask you if there's anything I can do to solve the problem, you have more experience than me,I don't want to have bad reviews, I contacted the lady of the missed package and explained her what happened, but this is bothering me, I feel helpless
Feb 17Reply
_theboutique_ 💕💋💕 Thank you so much for the tags, shares, and all that you do!! (Even when you're sick!) You are amazing my PFF!!💋💄💋💪💪😍 Feel better!!
Feb 23Reply
zuzusconsign Dropped u a lil’ share bomb. Hope u feel better soon! No share backs! 💕😘
Feb 23Reply
trendspend Wow..what an inspiring board filled with positive vibes. Thanks so much for the follow! Cosmic hugs to you and your beautiful daughter!
Feb 26Reply
ecomlimitless Hello, I just made my first follow game. I see that your doing a great job. How do I give my follow game a jumpstart? Thank you so much. Have a beautiful day.
Feb 27Reply
bell1971 @ecomlimitless I’ll tag it for you ♥️♥️♥️
Feb 27Reply
ecomlimitless @bell1971 Wow. Thank you so much. Have a beautiful day.
Feb 27Reply
chicanena428 Such beautiful photos PFFS! 🌸❣️
Mar 01Reply
punkchic_gigi @bell1971 how are you feelin today, Diva? Thinkin about you and sending good mojo vibes 🤗❤🤗❤
Mar 03Reply
bell1971 @punkchic_gigi I’m doing okay hon. Wednesday I have to go get some shots in my upper back. I’m dreading it. They hurt really bad. But the end result is good. They only last so long. This is only my second time getting these ones. When I got the Spinal Cord stimulator put in a couples years ago. It caused the CRPS to spread to my upper back. I’ll be okay though ♥️
Mar 03Reply
bell1971 @punkchic_gigi THANK YOU SO MUCH FIR CHECKING IN ME. Love you dearly xxoo 🥰💋
Mar 03Reply
lizzrenova Wow you are a pro posher!! Your numbers are impressive. Give me some pointers just started
Mar 06Reply
bell1971 @lizzrenova Follow and share. Check out my LIPPIE POSHER GAME ♥️ I’ll help you gain followers 💄💄💋🥰
Mar 06Reply
dawnbeaver37 Hi Shelley. I am also disabled due to multiple overlappibg conditions. My daughter was at the Cleveland Clinic integrative medicine 3 week pain clinic (she has AMPS and Chronic Fatigue possibly Wilson's disease also) and there were many children with CRPS. Some of the parents had it also. I learned a lot about it from them. I need help with a poshmark question. How do I make a tag list? You had asked for a list of my PFFs and I don't know how to make it.
Mar 08Reply
skbblackwidow @bell1971 I just adore you 😍, thank you so much, for letting me know all about those wonderful blues, too gain 🆕 followers! I’m now at 31K Followers and working my higher !! Just wanted too stop by and say I appreciate you so much!!! ♥️♥️♥️💄💄💄💋💋💋
Mar 08Reply
bell1971 @dawnbeaver37 Hi hon. Ty for your comments. ♥️♥️ xxoo. I have my tag list in my Notes. On my phone. Then I copy from there and Paste it to the follow games. Do you have notes on something similar on the device you use ?? 😍🥰
Mar 08Reply
bell1971 @skbblackwidow awwwwww. Ty my sweet pff !! It makes me so happy to know I have helped someone !! 😀 🎉🎉🎉 Keep going PFF 🎉🎉🎉🥰😀🥰💄💋
Mar 08Reply
skbblackwidow @bell1971 💕💕💕💕
Mar 08Reply
dawnbeaver37 @bell1971 Yes I have quick notes and that should work. Thank You. I will put together a list now that I have a better understanding of what you asked for. When I have it ready do I just post it to the current LIPPIE follow listing?
Mar 08Reply
klw4670 Hope your share day was Da 💣! Happy Poshing!
Mar 08Reply
believer13 Thanks for sharing your story God bless you 🙏💕🌈
Mar 09Reply
bell1971 @tiffthegift88 I’m here hon. Did you do it in a bundle. Or tag me. I’m trying to get caught up. My daughter had the Flu and it was tough xxoo ♥️
Mar 09Reply
bell1971 @believer13 Thank you so much ♥️ And God Bless you also 😍🥰💋
Mar 09Reply
bell1971 @dawnbeaver37 Sorry. Yes. Or the new one will be up soon 💄💄💄♥️🎉🎉 Ty hon. You can add it to follow games ect. Ect. Just make sure the poshers you have on it don’t mind being on it ♥️♥️♥️💋
Mar 09Reply
bell1971 @klw4670 Omg. Crazy AWESOME. LOL. LOL. ♥️♥️
Mar 09Reply
jdtucker08 Hey Friend! 👋🏻 💜💜 Posh Love 🤝 shared 🦋 15 🦋 Happy Poshing‼️
Mar 09Reply
bell1971 @jdtucker08 Ty hon ♥️ I’m a little behind. But Ill get you back. 💋💋💋
Mar 10Reply
bell1971 @tiffthegift88 What do you need hon ? I wasn’t sure if I missed your tag ♥️♥️♥️
Mar 10Reply
bell1971 @tiffthegift88 No hurry. I’m In the middle of sharing event 💋
Mar 10Reply
karinlouise Thanks for all your shares this weeken💕🎶💕🎶
Mar 11Reply
geminigardens @ms_penny_posher I liked, followed & shared over y’day & this morning.
Mar 13Reply
secondhandwitch Loving your upbeat and helpful attitude! 🙌🏼 Happy Poshing 💋
Mar 13Reply
bell1971 @secondhandwitch ♥️♥️😍😍😘😘
Mar 14Reply
bell1971 @ms_penny_posher Really ? Going on hiatus ? What does that mean !???? 💋
Mar 14Reply
bell1971 @ms_penny_posher Hmmm. Yeah. I play the DYI. I seen the share event. I’m undecided. It’s unlimited. I am having problems with my hand. 😞😞😞
Mar 14Reply
bell1971 @ms_penny_posher I know. Smh. I have been doing share events like crazy on the weekends. All I have is my IPhone7. Ugggh. Darn it. 😭😭😭
Mar 14Reply
bell1971 @sue_sells Very nice closet !! I will look more when I get caught up ♥️
Mar 15Reply
bell1971 @sue_sells Okay. Thank you xxoo
Mar 15Reply
karinlouise #26 sharing your as always fun lippie closet💋❤️💕❤️☘️🍀
Mar 16Reply
longlegit @bell1971 Shelley, did you add new pictures? I love seeing new PFF photos. 😍
Mar 19Reply
bell1971 @longlegit Yes. Some ♥️ But this is my 2nd meet the posher listing. Ha. Ha. Love ya girl xxoo
Mar 19Reply
longlegit @bell1971 I hope I keep my kids active and smiling as you keep Karley whenever I have children. But if you ask my dog, she is fine with being the ONLY CHILD! 🤣🐶
Mar 19Reply
bell1971 @longlegit Awww. Ty. She is always smiling and laughing. I Bet that dog is spoiled. Ha. Ha. I have Karley. 2 dogs and 2 cats. Lol ♥️😂😂
Mar 19Reply
lauraxwhitney hi! i have some nike headbands for sale!😊
Mar 21Reply
aprylsattic Sending Love to you today! 💕💖🥰😘😍 Thank you for finding me on Posh and including me in the Lippie game! At 76k followers...goals is 100k I started when that was your goal...thinking about you and sending you all the Posh love I can💋💋💋💋
Mar 24Reply
aprylsattic @bell1971 see my comment above...still lost in this world of comments! 😂
Mar 24Reply
bell1971 @aprylsattic Hi 😀 Yes !! I try and Check my comments through the day but it doesn’t always work out. Lol. Lol. Thank you for playing the LIPPIE GAME !! You will be at 100K In to time 🎉🎉🎉 I featured you a couple days ago I think. I don’t have my book in front of me. I’ll have to check. Ha. Ha. I’m trying hard for 250K !! It’s hard to find a balance on here. Lol. Glad you stopped by ♥️ HUGS 🤗🤗🤗
Mar 24Reply
aprylsattic @bell1971 yes you featured me! Thank you! I got confused and started going in and sharing everyone that was sharing mine Thank you again. Just sending love to you....thank you for putting the game together and working so hard to bring others together.
Mar 24Reply
kittyscouture Hi Shelley, Thank you so much for your shares on Monday. You have such a beautiful closet. I am so grateful for all the kindness bestowed on Poshmark.
Mar 27Reply
bell1971 @kittyscouture I just shared more for you ♥️ No returns. I’m going to feature you on my LIPPIE GAME SOON 😀
Mar 27Reply
allthingsmilly BEAUTIFUL 💞💞
Mar 27Reply
bell1971 @themomboss Thank you 🥰😘
Mar 27Reply
fineqfinds Hi Shelley! I'm leaving town to take care my mom after a surgery and from March 27 until April 15 I'll close my closet. Thank you very much and I'll play with your Great Team after I come back. Marina
Mar 28Reply
bell1971 @finelabels Awww. Thank you for letting me know. I’ll Send some prayers and love your way ♥️🙏🏼♥️
Mar 28Reply
fineqfinds Thank you! You are a very nice lady.
Mar 29Reply
thyme2create @bell1971 Shelley, Congratulations on the winning jackpot #of the day!🎉 Wishing you much posh ❤ and many sales 😎
Mar 30Reply
jschollard 💜 shared a few of your posts. No share backs needed. Just wanted to say 💜
Apr 05Reply
bell1971 @jschollard Ty so much 💖💖💖💋
Apr 09Reply
bell1971 @lfossa It’s okay Lorie ♥️♥️ You get some rest. We will do it tomorrow. Lol. 🤣♥️♥️💄💄💋
Apr 09Reply
ladyphade Hi Shelley! I can’t imagine what a tough ride it’s been for you.. my mother is handicapped from waist down from epidural from when I was born - life is def not easy - I am glad for this platform to have the opportunity to meet you- let’s help each other out in any way we can 💕🦋✨🌷💗
Apr 10Reply
shenika_w Congratulations 🎉 on 250k😱😍!! Wishing you many more followers to much. Thats GRAND!! I'm challenging myself to do the same and have patience as well as embrace Pffs! Beautiful Family and closet. Wish you the best!
Apr 11Reply
esthetician14 You are awesome ! Love your closet ! Your daughter is so cute, & I also took dance classes growing up ..absolutely love it ! I think you are an inspiration for a lot of women 😉 Have a blessed day !
Apr 17Reply
klw4670 Thanks so much for your tag lists on my follow game. I noticed an immediate, sharp increase in followers after you tagged your PFF’s!!! 😊 I know I will make it to 20k by Sunday! 😘
Apr 19Reply
bell1971 @klw4670 Absolutely ♥️
Apr 19Reply
bell1971 @esthetician14 Tysm !! ♥️💋💖😀🥰
Apr 19Reply
bell1971 @shenika_w Ty. I wish you the BEST ♥️♥️♥️
Apr 19Reply
bell1971 @ladyphade It’s definitely not easy. Every day is a struggle !! I’m glad to meet you and I will help you any way I can 💖💖💖🥰😘
Apr 19Reply
robocar33 Wish you all the best.. life throws a lot of punches and even though we duck must sometimes we get hit .. hang in with your daughter she sounds awesome!
Apr 19Reply
fineqfinds Hi Shelley! I am back!!! LOL
Apr 20Reply
modifiedmon ❤️❤️🤗🤗
Apr 23Reply
ecomlimitless Shared, no need for share backs. Just showing appreciate for the tag on my follow game. Have a beautiful day.
Apr 26Reply
bell1971 @finelabels Sorry. I just seen this. Lol. Ahhhhh. Welcome back 🥰😘😘😘😘🥰💋💋💋
Apr 26Reply
bell1971 @robocar33 Ty So. Kind of you xxoo
Apr 26Reply
bell1971 @ecomlimitless Your so sweet. I added a few more I picked up ♥️♥️♥️💋
Apr 26Reply
sophystakated1 Thank you so much I really appreciate it 😘😘😘
Apr 26Reply
bell1971 @sophystakated1 Absolutely ♥️💋
Apr 26Reply
fineqfinds Thank you!!! I completely understand how busy you are! Thank you for all your hard work!
Apr 27Reply
bell1971 @finelabels Absolutely!! If you need anything. Let me know 😀
Apr 27Reply
bell1971 @ccaligiure Hi 😀 Thank you !! I usually use the App PiZapp. Check that out. If you need help let me know. With anything 💖
May 01Reply
evallier Hi there! Could you please remove me from your tag list? I appreciate all of the help while I was getting started, and I'll see you around the share games! Thanks so much. 💖
May 01Reply
bell1971 @evallier Sure. I won’t tag you in anything new 💖
May 01Reply
suziq7355 @bell1971 Hi! I’m wondering if you would hav the time to help me with something? I just became a Posh Ambassador, Yay, but I feel so silly, because I can’t figure out how to edit my profile to add this!! I would appreciate any help you could give me! Thanks!💕
May 02Reply
bell1971 @suziq7355 I’m sorry hon. Just seeing this !!! Did you figure it out ??? 💖 And CONGRATS ON POSH AMBASSADOR 🎉🎉🎉🎉💄💄💄💄♥️♥️♥️♥️💋
May 02Reply
suziq7355 @bell1971 Yes, I did the best I could! Thank you though, I appreciate it!💕. I am excited!!!
May 02Reply
bell1971 @suziq7355 Looks GREAT ♥️♥️♥️
May 02Reply
suziq7355 @bell1971 Thank you so much!💕
May 02Reply
suziq7355 @bell1971 Hi Shelley! I know you are a busy woman, with all that you do on here & with your beautiful daughter!💕If you have a few minutes at some point, I need your help! I would like to start buying wholesale, but not sure the best way to begin! I will be starting a little slow, another words, kind of small purchases at first, but definitely need to update my closet! I would greatly appreciate any help at all! Thanks!😘
May 02Reply
bell1971 @suziq7355 Hello hon. I don’t sell much wholesale. I just know one thing. You don’t want to buy from posh wholesale !!! I have bought a few things from EBay. And also Some wholesalers on Facebook. Let me tag someone who may be able to help you more or give you some advice 😀♥️ @mlb1006 @lmw0082 Can you help her in any way ??? Or point her in the right direction ??? Thank you !!!
May 03Reply
mlb1006 @suziq7355 Hi Suzi, I haven’t had much luck with Wholesale from Poshmark. I’ve made very little profit. Their prices are very high. Right now I’m just mainly selling from my personal closet with a few New with tag items I purchase for resale. Maybe someone else can guide you about Selling Wholesale.
May 03Reply
bell1971 @mlb1006 Ty !!! Do you know of anyone ??
May 03Reply
suziq7355 @bell1971 I appreciate you letting me know! Thanks again!💕
May 03Reply
mlb1006 @bell1971 I know Aden @littlefire33 sells Boutique items. Maybe she can advice her!
May 03Reply
suziq7355 @mlb1006 Thank you!💕
May 03Reply
bell1971 @suziq7355 I personally think your better and go googling wholesale suppliers ect. That is what I’m going to do. Right now I have plenty to look list. I recently added make up. That is FUN to sell. If I don’t keep all the lipstick 💄😂😂😂😂 Here for you Anytime. I’m sorry if it takes me a while to answer 💖
May 03Reply
bell1971 @suziq7355 Sorry about the typos. I’m trying to use my talk to text. Ugggh. 🙊🙊🙊
May 03Reply
bell1971 @mlb1006 Thank you so much 💖
May 03Reply
suziq7355 @bell1971 I understand, I just appreciate you taking the time!💕
May 03Reply
suziq7355 @bell1971 No problem, lol!💕
May 03Reply
littlefire33 @mlb1006 thank you both for thinking of me. I’ll send @suziq7355 a message✌🏼
May 03Reply
bell1971 @littlefire33 Ty so much ♥️
May 03Reply
juneberrys Love for our babies trumps all. Your Daughter is just gorgeous. Check out my twin grandbabes in my About. Love your Lippie Event. Having tons of Posh fun.
May 03Reply
maidmarian You have the coolest closet coolest posts and best pictures! I’m Marian🌹 and don’t know how I stumbled across your closet! Probably through Gigi @punkchic_gigi Well Tx Gigi🥰
May 04Reply
punkchic_gigi @maidmarian Haha that's awesome! 💃💃💃On top of all the cool stuff you mentioned, Shelley is one of the sweetest people on earth! You can't help but adore her once you get to know her 🤗💕🤗💕🤗💕
May 04Reply
maidmarian @punkchic_gigi Welcome then we must get to know each other 🙌
May 04Reply
bell1971 @juneberrys Ty sweetie !!! ♥️♥️♥️💋💋
May 04Reply
bell1971 @punkchic_gigi @maidmarian ♥️♥️♥️ Pretty much with me what you see is what is you get 😀 I love helping people here on posh. I lost that ability in the thread world when I got hurt in 2013. I had surgery and developed CRPS. Right now it’s kicking the 💩 Out of me. I’m telling you not out of pity. Simply because it’s my story. Anyway. I’m here to help. I have a follow game. A LIPPIE POSHER GAME. CONT.
May 04Reply
bell1971 @maidmarian Which is fun and really helps gain followers. 💄💄 But I adore gigi. She is fabulous!! I’m glad you stopped by and I had the pleasure of meeting you ♥️♥️♥️ My daughter Karkey keeps s me going 😀💖💖💖 Much LOVE 💋
May 04Reply
bell1971 @maidmarian Oh. I’m going to share from your closet !!! It’s STUNNING !!! 💖💖💖
May 04Reply
punkchic_gigi @bell1971 isn't it incredible?! I want to know how she hunts down all of that gorgeous jewelry! 😍 I'm a jewelry junkie and have loads so it takes a lot to impress me now. I adore all of the pieces in @maidmarian closet 💕💕💕
May 04Reply
bell1971 @punkchic_gigi Omg !! Yes !! Love the jewelry!! I have to make some me money to pay for Karleys summer Dance. Or I see some I WANT. LOL ♥️
May 04Reply
fineqfinds Hi Shelley! Thank you for sharing! I would like to learn about finding the Poster pic of the item and dragging it to my page on PM. I'm aware about the style numbers on the labels. Any advice?
May 04Reply
sthomps925 Hi! What a moving self introduction your wrote, you sound like a strong woman who persevers , admirable<3 I'd love join your follow game if it no trouble <3<3<3
May 08Reply
bell1971 @finelabels I’m sorry. I have been behind. I’m a little confused on your question hon ♥️
May 08Reply
bell1971 @sthomps925 The LIPPIE POSHER GAME ? There is a new listing. Read the slides and the directions and let me know if you need help. You will LOVE IT !! And THANK YOU 😊
May 08Reply
bell1971 @lillylife I’m doing okay. I go for more injections in my upper on the 15th. It’s just such a daily struggle 😞😞😞 It’s very hard. I’m so glad to have PFFS like you !!! For sure !!! Sending you love and prayers 🙏🏼♥️🙏🏼♥️
May 10Reply
designerplace Can you please send me a LOVE NOTE, thanks. Sue
May 10Reply
bell1971 @designerplace A love note ? Not sure what your talking about. Lol ??? ♥️♥️♥️
May 10Reply
fineqfinds Hi! Sorry, the last few days have been very busy. Some Poshers in their closets have pictures from catalogs with models wearing a garment instead of pics of the actual item like I have it. I'm wondering how I would find it. Thank you
May 10Reply
frock_n_fashion Sending 💗 and 🙏🏻 on this Mother’s Day.
May 12Reply
bell1971 @frock_n_fashion Ty sweet Pff !! ♥️♥️♥️
May 12Reply
sisterorchids Happy Mother’s Day!
May 12Reply
bartlemaya Your post about your family is adorable. Y'all look like you have fun no matter what! I'll pray for you!😍
May 14Reply
poshmel888 @bell1971 Hiii, Shelly! What a beautiful sweetheart of a lady! Thank you for all you do for our Posh Community in teaching and building us! I appreciate you as I am still learning how all of this works! Any and all advice much appreciated. I send you and your daughter all the wonderful energies in the world ~~~~ <3<3<3 happy belated Momms's day :))
May 16Reply
bell1971 @bartlemaya Thank you !!! ♥️♥️♥️ I appreciate your comment so much !! 🥰💋💋💋💋
May 16Reply
bell1971 @poshmel888 Awwwww. Thank you !! I’m sorry I’m behind today. I had a Doctors appt. I will do anything to help you. Try to play my LIPPIE game as much as possible or any of the Super Posh games. I know they can be time consuming but building your followers is really worth it !! Also. How many times a day do you share your own closet a day ?? And are you on my tag list ?? I really enjoy helping ♥️♥️💋💋
May 16Reply
beescuteclothes Hi Bell!! Just dropping by to say happy Poshing 😍
May 19Reply
bell1971 @beescuteclothes Tysm. !! Happy poshing.....Hapoy sales ♥️♥️♥️
May 19Reply
intuitively4you Happy birthday miss lippie lady🙃⭐️🖤
May 27Reply
esnider1412 Hi PFF! Congrats on your Make a Deal Win! I'd love it if you checked out my closet for your new wardrobe :) Happy Poshing!
May 31Reply
bell1971 @esnider1412 I sure will ♥️♥️♥️
May 31Reply
dustycarrotclub Thank you SHELLEY!!!!!🌹🌹🌹
May 31Reply
bell1971 @so_boi_boutique ♥️♥️ Anytime 💋
Jun 01Reply
saleallday Hi Shelly, Excited for your party!🎉 Take a look at my closet. I’d love for one of my pieces to be pick as Host Pick. I’m still pretty new so I’m just getting the hang of things. Thanks. Have an Amazing Party🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🛍🤗🤗 Donna
Jun 01Reply
tris1957 Lippie im so sorry!
Jun 02Reply
tris1957 I never ment offend u, i can see how much time this costs u, i just cant keep up..i tried to un heart it..that didnt work..gosh im so sorry i never ment to offend u, really really sorry
Jun 02Reply
bell1971 @tris1957 I’m not upset hon. I just don’t know how to help you right now. I’m not sure if your on my tag list or not. If you unliked my LIPPIE Game. The current one. You should not get notifications from that game. ♥️♥️♥️ Hugs 🥰
Jun 02Reply
catpvaughn Your daughter is darling! I’m so sorry you live in pain. I also am disabled by chronic pain and automatic nervous system issues. But what a blessing you are to so many and to your daughter! You’re a warrior. ❤️ many blessings and best wishes to you! ❤️
Jun 02Reply
venturasunshine Thank you for the Posh Love ❤️ Have a great weekend 😁🌴
Jun 02Reply
kimb3rlyr3na3 @bell1971 THANK YOU so much for the 2 host picks today! My 1st hp ever!! ❤️❤️❤️ my feed is on 🔥!! You are the best 😘😘😘😘😘
Jun 02Reply
senorasassy Congrats on hosting an amazing party today! xo
Jun 02Reply
tris1957 Thany you so much
Jun 02Reply
bell1971 @kimb3rlyr3na3 Well deserved. Your welcome ♥️♥️♥️💋
Jun 02Reply
bell1971 @catpvaughn Ty Pff. ♥️♥️💋
Jun 02Reply
bell1971 @senorasassy ♥️ Thank you !! 😀💋
Jun 02Reply
bell1971 @tris1957 💋💋💋
Jun 02Reply
latashavaughn08 Thanks for following me. Shared 10 of your items. Hope you will check out my closet. I have some great deals. I ship same day in most instances. Any likes and shares are much appreciated. Wishing you lots of success 😊
Jun 04Reply
bell1971 @latashavaughn08 Hi. Ty. I shared some back for you too ♥️♥️♥️💋
Jun 04Reply
pray_love_posh @bell1971 hi Shelley! Your closet is so fun! Love everything about it! I love your desire to help others. Sending you hugs from Oklahoma!! ❣️❣️❣️
Jun 07Reply
bell1971 @alrobb1 Awww. Ty so much !!! ♥️♥️♥️💄💋
Jun 07Reply
c_silhouette Hi Shelley! I've heard so many wonderful things about you from @mamathriftgenes! You're daughter is adorable! I'd love to be PFFs and help you as well to share! Have a great evening! ❤ -Christin
Jun 07Reply
bell1971 @c_silhouette Awww. Thank you !!! I’m getting ready to share some of your closet !!! Anything I can do to help. Let me know ♥️♥️♥️♥️🥰🥰🥰💄💄💄💋
Jun 08Reply
bell1971 @mamathriftgenes......THANK YOU !!! ♥️♥️♥️
Jun 08Reply
classy_closet12 Hi! You have a beautiful family. I’m new I just started posting about a week ago. Any good advice I would highly appreciate. I am following and sharing from what I read this is what you need to do.❤️❤️
Jun 12Reply
bell1971 @hcruz12 I’m sorry. I have been struggling. I will help you !! I promise to get back to you ♥️♥️
Jun 13Reply
bell1971 @millerdebra I promise I’ll get back to you ♥️♥️♥️
Jun 13Reply
amywhy Hi! I’m sorry you are struggling right now. When you get back to yourself, maybe you can offer me advice.. I started buying on Posh a few months ago. Now I’m trying to learn to selli Everything I have listed is stuff I bought on Posh that wasn’t for me. All very nice things,I have a bunch of NWT stuff of my own to list. I welcome any advice to get me selling. I hope you are better as you can be soon. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you!
Jun 13Reply
j_mitton I'll be back in a little while to play!❤
Jun 14Reply
bell1971 @j_mitton Okay hon. No hurry ♥️♥️♥️
Jun 14Reply
simplyme_toyou @bell1971 Happiest of birthdays to our favorite PFF Lippie!!! I am hoping you are able to take it easy today and enjoy YOUR day!!! Sending lots of love and birthday wishes to you from TN. xoxo
Jun 17Reply
orangeypink Happy Birthday!!! 🎉💜🎉💜🎉💜
Jun 17Reply
1centwiz 😘
Jun 19Reply
hollydraeger13 Happy happy happy Birthday to you. Glad I saw that it's your special day so I looked through to find this listing & read a bit more. My daughter is 5 & Dance is her Favorite too. Thank you for all you do! 🥳
Jun 20Reply
hollydraeger13 Edit lol. I thought your bday was today, happy belated bday & Happy bday Month!
Jun 20Reply
bell1971 @hollydraeger13 Awww. Your so welcome and Thank you for wishing me a HAPPY BIRTHDAY 💖 My daughter has been Dancing since she was 3-4. It’s so FUN to watch them 🥰 Did you see my new share event I have posted ?? Hugs xxoo.
Jun 20Reply
hollydraeger13 @bell1971 Yeppers Sammi started at 3 with tap & added creative movements this last year. I saw the event now, super excited to be a part of it 🙂
Jun 20Reply
bell1971 @hollydraeger13 Woo Hoo 🎉🎉🎉💄💄♥️😀
Jun 20Reply
dalinn1 Hi Shelley, it’s Debbie. I have someone who is asking me to do expedited shipping by tomorrow. They said they would pay extra. Have you ever done that or is there such a thing? I have not and don’t really know what to tell him.
Jun 21Reply
coolkidzthings Hello I need some help ?
Jun 21Reply
bell1971 @dalinn1 Sorry hon. I just seen this. No such thing on poshmark. Now if you wanted to. You could sell off of Poshmark. Get there address and yes. They pay for shipping. That’s entirely up to you. I would be very cautious. ♥️
Jun 21Reply
bell1971 @coolkidzthings What’s up ???
Jun 21Reply
coolkidzthings @bell1971 will I made a tag listing again but I'm not sure if anyone wants to join also I'm just wondering if I took it from danyell138 her
Jun 21Reply
pretyposhmchne Hey @coolkidzthings I hope your wedding goes well today. I know when I got married I was busy. Not able to really do much, so I commend you on multitasking. As far as you taking my idea or slides-whatever. Your new slide is just like my thank you slide I tagged you on last night from my party in November proving that I made all the same look. But hey more power to you. Just please don’t start anymore with me. Thank you.
Jun 21Reply
coolkidzthings @danyell138 thank you 🥰👍sorry if I copied by mistake if you want I will take it down
Jun 21Reply
dalinn1 @bell1971 Ok thank you! I didn’t think so but wanted to make sure. No I would probably not want to chance going off. I just told him posh gives the label and it’s 2 day priority. Thank so much! I’ve had to stop share events and focus on listing for a while but when I went to your store I saw that you’ve been doing parties! How exciting 👍💝
Jun 21Reply
coolkidzthings @danyell138 oh okay I miss take I will take it down I'm very sorry if I costing you any drama
Jun 21Reply
pretyposhmchne @coolkidzthings do whatever you want aside from taking MY work and telling me to remove it. Put work into your closet and tag team like we have. Whatever it’s finished, Have a good wedding!
Jun 21Reply
coolkidzthings @danyell138 thank you I'm going to remove it because I'm feel like I took it from you and your Idea I'm really sorry if i said to you to take your work down and for costing dama my apologies i hope we can be friends
Jun 21Reply
coolkidzthings @danyell138 I deleted my new tag list sign up for you have a great day
Jun 21Reply
bell1971 @dalinn1 Yes. I just gave you my best advice hon. I know. I have so many things to list. If you want good pictures it takes time. Can you believe I edited 2 years for a party and then I got 4 !!! Lol. Lol. Oh well. I’ll take them. The only Reason I’m doing the new share event in my closet is because it’s NATIONAL LIPSTICK DAY 💄💄🎉🎉💋💋🤣🤣🤣🤣
Jun 22Reply
bell1971 @asdteacher Absolutely. I didn’t want you to take offense to it. I’m so glad you didn’t !! They did add some items that are now posh compliant. But just not toys. Yes CRPS. After back surgery in 2013. What a tough journey. 😔 Please stay in touch !!! Many prayers Also 🥰🥰
Jun 22Reply
mk_rose_bud Hi Shelley 👋 I just wanted to congratulate you for hosting your second posh party❣️ I do not have any kids cloths to share from my own closet but I’ve been able to participate by sharing my PFFs closets. Very proud of you and have a great rest of this weekend. You’re a real Lippie❣️ 😍🐬🌹🐳
Jun 23Reply
bell1971 @mk_rose_bud Awwww. Thank you so much PFF ♥️♥️
Jun 23Reply
mk_rose_bud @bell1971 💖 you are very welcome. Btw: Karley is adorable and just in the almost year that I’ve been involved with posh and a Pff of yours, I feel like I’ve seen her growing up. I’m sure you agree, It happens so quickly. 😍🐳🌹🐬
Jun 23Reply
bell1971 @mk_rose_bud Oh yes !!! Actually I need to Update my pictures again. Lol. Lol. 🤣🤣🤣 she grew 6 inches in 6 months !!! Love ya hon xxoo
Jun 23Reply
liplindy Just stopping by... we have some interests, I am in the lip business
Jul 01Reply
saleallday Hey Shellie, Have a safe and Blessed 4th❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Jul 03Reply
bell1971 @liplindy Ha. Ha. Ty. So am I. The personal lipstick business. Lol. Lol. 💄😜😂😜😂😜💄💄
Jul 03Reply
bell1971 @saleallday Tysm !!! Same to you hon 🇺🇸🇺🇸
Jul 03Reply
liplindy @bell1971 who are you with?
Jul 03Reply
bell1971 @liplindy It was a joke. 😂😂😂 I Have so much Lipstick. Enough to start my own business. Ha. Ha. 😂😜😜💄💄♥️♥️😀😀
Jul 03Reply
liplindy @bell1971 oh... I am with SeneGence aka LipSense. We have other, makeup products too. And our skincare products, are awesome. All of our products are smudge proof, water proof and kiss proof.
Jul 03Reply
bell1971 @liplindy Lol. Yes. I have some. My friend sells it ♥️♥️♥️
Jul 03Reply
mk_rose_bud I wanted to wait till the 3 pm makeup party to share your closet and the other Lippies who had makeup. Since I’m thinking of it now, I’m just going to mention to you that in case you wear clip earrings, I have two nice pairs in my closet. Long story why I bought them some time ago but they are new, listed low to begin with, & if there’s any chance you like them, I’d rather you have them. If not, no worries. 😍🐳🌹🐬
Jul 03Reply
treasurebug Hi!! And thanks for following me... I got caught up in reading your wall here and I LOVE how you seem to be, very nice and dedicated to your daughter.. My daughter is 32 :) Many Blessings to you both <3
Jul 12Reply
suziq7355 @bell1971 Hey! This is Suzi, again in suziq7355. I have been getting the Lippie games anymore! Just wondering why??😞
Jul 12Reply
blondiemom11 Hi Shelley nice to meet you 💖💖💖 My name is Wendy. I’ve been selling on Poshmark since Jan 2019. I love it 🥰 Being selected yesterday helped me gain followers shares and lovely PFF’s like you. Have a fantastic day 💖🌈🦋🌸🍃🦄☀️🌸
Jul 13Reply
bell1971 @suziq7355 There is just a new listing. Do you have the listing liked ?? You have to like the listing to get the notification. ♥️♥️♥️ Let me know 😀
Jul 13Reply
bell1971 @treasurebug Ty love ♥️♥️♥️
Jul 13Reply
bell1971 @mk_rose_bud Thank you sweetie much !! ♥️♥️♥️
Jul 13Reply
bell1971 @blondiemom11 Awwwww. This makes me so happy !!! I hope you keep playing !!! You will gain tons of followers !!!! And it’s FUN !!! ♥️♥️♥️💄💄💄💋♥️♥️♥️💄💄💄💄
Jul 13Reply
suziq7355 @bell1971 Oh ok. I just haven’t been receiving from you like I was, so didn’t know if you had a new listing. Thanks, I appreciate your help!💕
Jul 13Reply
treasurebug @bell1971 You're welcome Darlin <3
Jul 13Reply
bell1971 @suziq7355 Yw. There is a new listing. ♥️♥️♥️
Jul 13Reply
lipsticknjeans PFF do you have magnetic eyelashes?
Jul 15Reply
happydaysahead Find a practitioner who offers PEMF therapy. Pulsative Electromagnetic Field therapy. Dr Oz talks about it. You lie on a pad, and the magnetic field, quells the pain, and relaxes nerve snd muscle.
Jul 16Reply
happydaysahead @brosa82 What a Beautiful Loving Supportive Comment. Many Blessings To You Every Day in Every Way
Jul 16Reply
lindsayrm21 Hi! Congratulations on hosting! I hope you’ll have great success. I’m fairly new to Poshmark (in the past two months) and I’d love to have the opportunity for you to follow my closet or choose one of my Pieces for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering! Good luck tomorrow!
Jul 17Reply
senorasassy Yay! Congratulations on being featured as Eeyore today! I wish you many speedy sales! xo
Jul 19Reply
bell1971 @senorasassy Tysm !!! 💖💖💖😘😘😘
Jul 19Reply
senorasassy @bell1971 You're quite welcome! 💞😚💞😚💞
Jul 19Reply
fashionqueen561 Happy Poshing Doll!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ May all your fashion dreams come true!! ❤️❤️❤️ Shared & Followed!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jul 23Reply
bell1971 @fashionqueen561 Tysm !! ♥️♥️♥️
Jul 24Reply
evescarlton Hey Lippie! Looking forward to seeing more of your closet! Hope to see you around 🥰 you have a beautiful family!
Jul 27Reply
bell1971 @laureneveirl Tysm 🥰 Glad you stopped by ♥️😘
Jul 27Reply
jbochic Shelley I hope you and your husband are feeling better. We want to shower posh love on you today as a mega posher in our Phoenix game. Nothing required on your part except enjoying some very well deserved posh love. All my best Jeanne🌺💕❤️💖💕❤️💖
Jul 29Reply
parisgrl1007 @bell1971 Good Morning Beautiful PFF ~~~ Flitting through your closet today with butterfly kisses & sprinkles of magic glitter for you 🦋 ~~~ Suz @parisgrl1007 National Lipstick Day participant #89 💌
Jul 29Reply
roses_formillie Hello, wow seven dance classes a week that is very impressive! Go ahead and check out my closet.
Aug 01Reply
suziq7355 @bell1971 Hey!! I am just wondering about you & hoping everything is ok with you. I haven’t seen you on PM lately & just want to say you are greatly missed & hope you are back soon! 🌺😘🌺😘🌺😘🌺😘🌺😘🙏🙏🙏😍😍
Aug 06Reply
bell1971 @michjprieto She sure is ♥️♥️♥️🥰
Aug 07Reply
bell1971 @suziq7355 I have been here. Not as much. I had WIFI and modem issues. I just put up a new LIPPIE listing. Thank you for thinking of me. I’m doing okay 😘 Hope you are well too ♥️♥️😍😍🥰🥰😘😘
Aug 07Reply
fineqfinds I'm back!!! Best wishes for you and your family!
Aug 07Reply
luvmee40 I really wish I could learn how to send a person that liked something I've listed and send in a bundle with a price for them to approve. Do you know how to do that?
Aug 10Reply
abigail_cochin Good morning!!! I can't believe it took me this long to find your Meet the Posher. =( Hope you have a good day, girly! You and yours look like such a happy, beautiful (I don't mean that superficially) family!!! <3<3<3 XOXO
Aug 15Reply
bell1971 @motherduckof5 Awwwww. Tysm !!! ♥️♥️♥️😀💄💄🥰🥰😘😘😍😍🥰🥰💋💋
Aug 15Reply
pamperyosev Racing Event 🏎 #11 speeding through to share. Wishing you a successful weekend🏎
Aug 17Reply
lark1962 Hello, I am a new Posher (former e-bayer) and when I read your profile, I knew I needed to reach out to you. I too have CRPS. I also have and Fibromyalgia. I was having injections in my back in 1998 and te blood supply was cut off to my spine. What was meant for relief has sent me on a painful journey. I also live for my family. I try to keep myself busy to keeping mind off the pain. So glad to meet you. Terri
Aug 17Reply
moonlitmansion Happy to share your closet as always Shelley! Congrats on being the chosen Mystery Posher of the day by @mlb1006! 😘💗
Aug 19Reply
savannahsaxe Howdy, I’m Savannah and I joined posh because I just started vet school! I’d be SO grateful if you could look in my closet for an hp tonight!! Thank you for your time and for hosting !!!
Aug 20Reply
piccicu Just read this and so familiar with your condition. When I got it, it was called RSD. BELIEVE ME.... Between that and stage 4 cancer pain, I know we are stronger than we think!! Not at all easy though. You do have a beautiful daughter and if I must say, a handsome husband. Wishing you the best health you can have. .... stephanie🌻
Aug 20Reply
theresas_closet Hi Shelley, I sent you three choices for host picks. Hopefully one of them meet your needs. Thanks, Theresa
Aug 20Reply
swensonkk Congrats on hosting tonight’s party 😃
Aug 21Reply
purplepixiemom Looking for the Lipstick Lounge. I am still fairly new. I see the term "compliant". I still haven't found a definition. Thanks for helping us newbies!!!
Aug 24Reply
bell1971 @piccicu Omg. Tysm !! ♥️♥️♥️♥️
Aug 25Reply
bell1971 @purplepixiemom I tagged you in the lipstick lounge. Then I have me LIPPIE posher Game. I’ll try and find an updated compliant list. ♥️♥️♥️ Anything to help 😀
Aug 25Reply
purplepixiemom @bell1971 Thank you! ❤❤❤
Aug 25Reply
piccicu @bell1971 you’re quite welcome! Keep pushing girlie😍
Aug 25Reply
pinkmakeupchick Your an amazing posher!!! I admire you and am looking up too you!!! I just randomly clicked on ur page and I’m so glad I did!!!! Your doing great! Keep up the fabulous work! Xoxo -pinkmakeupchick 💖💖💖
Aug 31Reply
renewen You are such a gem 💎 in the posh community! I stumbled upon your closet by chance but I’m so glad I did! Your drive to help others shines so bright it can’t be missed! I wish you so much success not just with Poshmark but everything else in your life and your family’s. I’m sharing your wonderful closet in hopes of getting lots of posh love sent your way. 🥰
Sep 03Reply
bell1971 @fabricflock Lol. I’m not new. But TY ♥️♥️♥️
Sep 03Reply
proverbs2323 Hi🌹Lippie🌷❤️ 🎉Congratulations on hosting! 🎉 I’m excited to participate and join in on the celebration! Looking forward to finding some fun, fabulous fashion finds! Happy Poshing and Blessings to you!🌸 ❤️🌸
Sep 04Reply
saleallday Hi Shelly, stopping by to share some Posh love with my PFF🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗❤️
Sep 04Reply
faithoverfear07 @bell1971 Hey! I somehow missed the share event on the 9th. Can you add me or if someone drops out add me please. Thank you 😊
Sep 05Reply
augustbellhome Early Morning Shelley, wanted to peek in and say, THANK 🙏 YOU!!! You were the First Person to WELCOME ME TO POSHLAND. I wanted to say, Thank YOU 🙏 and I read Your Bio. We share a great ❤️ DAUGHTERS WHO DANCE 💃!!! Keep encouraging and nurturing that gift & passion. From much experience & ❤️ can truly payoff. My daughter’s on a dream much like Yours, has travelled the world, worked with renowned choreographers, won competitions & awards even to Broadway 🎭 and more. So KEEP THE ❤️💃 ALIVE!!!
Sep 07Reply
augustbellhome Don’t miss a recital or event. WE DO LIVE FOR OUR BABIES. They’re OURS at any age. YOU, Dear Lady feel well and “KEEP DANCING “!!! 💃 ❤️🙏😊🌈
Sep 07Reply
bell1971 @augustbellhome Ty so much for stoping by. You made my day 🤗 I love to watch my daughter dance. I’m not sure if she has the passion enough in her to make it a career. But she is 13. So we have time. Lol. It was so nice today hear from you ♥️♥️♥️ You made my day 💋😍🤗💋😍🤗
Sep 07Reply
pattegirl Have you any skinn foundation makeup?
Sep 12Reply
bell1971 @pattegirl Not right now. I did have some and sold it. I can let you know if I get some ♥️♥️♥️
Sep 12Reply
theresas_closet Shelley I also am disabled from failed back surgery and CRPS that developed in my right ankle & my right shoulder & bicep both after surgeries in those locations. I need another back surgery that will require them to go in through my abdomen & my back. There’s a high probability that I will get CRPS in both those locations as well if I have it. You are only the second person I have known to have it. It is so debilitating. I will pray for you. ❤️Theresa
Sep 28Reply
brishaj Hey!! Welcome!!
Oct 17Reply
Oct 25Reply
411onglam Hi Shelley, Nice to meet you my Posh sister, I am always looking for a good lipstick as I never can find the darker colors I like...So hopefully soon I will see what I am really looking for and order it. 💖 and Happy Poshing! 💋👢👜👗🕶
Oct 25Reply
levisjewlery Hey can you help me get some follower's
Oct 26Reply
vivavogue Hi Shelley💕 I’m Maria👩‍❤️‍👩 I just read your story and you’re Truly a Hero👑 I was disabled home bound for more than a year after a terrible freak accident.I CoHost the POSHSTAR SHARE GROUP and would be HONORED to FEATURE YOU AS MY POSHSTAR TOMORROW! ⭐️RELAX and ENJOY ALL THE SHARES⭐️🦋⭐️ I LOVE LIPSTICK 💄 TOO! SAY YOU’ll BE MY PoshStar 🙏🏼
Oct 26Reply
cindysfaves828 @bell1971 hello! Thanks for the peek at a wonderful life! I'm enjoying PM and learning new things.✌👋🥂🤸‍♂️💃
Oct 29Reply
demonhunters Hi 👋, I have been extremely sick for three weeks now with the flu and the lupus is not a great combination. The weather has changed and we are in the low forties at night. I can barely sleep at night, but the day seems best. But I hopefully be ready for tomorrow. Good Luck 🍀💕💕💕💕💕
Oct 29Reply
shellysthrift Congrats on being a host!🍁👠💋 Please consider some of my items for tonight’s posh party 🎈
Oct 30Reply
hangingclothes Hi! If you get the chance would you please stop by my closet and consider one of my items as a host pick? Thank you. Happy Poshing!
Oct 31Reply
crtoland Hi Shelley! Congratulations on hosting the Back to Basics Posh Party! I’ve shared a lot of really great staples from my closet! Would you mind taking a look at them and considering them for a host pick? Thank you!! 🤗💋💄
Oct 31Reply
shoppegigi Hey Shelley! Can ask you a question? Do you know what the trendiest makeup is? My daughter loves makeup and wants it for Christmas. No clue what is hot. Thank you!
Oct 31Reply
vivavogue @lightokllc I hope I’m watching the right thing!
Nov 01Reply
bell1971 @shoppegigi Hi. Becca....NARS....too faced ....Jeffery Star .... let me think. Ha. Ha.
Nov 01Reply
bell1971 @lightokllc What is this ??????
Nov 01Reply
bell1971 @vivavogue Why is this on my page ???? Do you know ???
Nov 01Reply
bell1971 @vivavogue What is the video. I can’t click on it.
Nov 01Reply
lark1962 Hi Shelley! I also have Central Pain Syndrome/CRPS and Fibromyalgia. I was having injections from my bsack and the blood supply was cut off to my spine. This was 21 years ago. My heart breaks for anyone with this horrible disease. It is getting really bad now that it is cold out 😩. How are you affected?
Nov 01Reply
vivavogue I have NO IDEA what this Video is??? I didn’t post this.
Nov 01Reply
bell1971 @vivavogue I know you didn’t. I’m reporting it. ♥️
Nov 01Reply
bell1971 @lark1962 Hi. I have it pretty much full body. From a back surgery in 2013. It’s a horrible disease. The cold weather will be very rough. I get lidocaine infusions every 4–6 weeks. They help from the terrible suffering pain that cause thoughts of suicide. But I still have terrible pain. God Bless you xxoo. I’m here if you need me 🥰
Nov 01Reply
lightokllc @bell1971 GM, After looking at the difference comments I noticed you and a few other poshers had some kind of sickness or illness and the video talks about helping your healing. Just wanted to share some helpful suggestions that have help me in my journey. I have 11 children, my full time job, and I posh, one of my part time jobs, LOL! I teach something people about their power and I hope this video by a dr that studies the nervous system helps you and all that watch it in your journey! 🙂❤
Nov 01Reply
shoppegigi @bell1971 Thank you! 🌹💋🍁
Nov 01Reply
lark1962 Thank you for sharing. My pain is pretty much full body too. It has spreas over the 20 years. The worst for me is in the cauda equina area which really is hard because it really hurts to sit down. So I stand most of the time which has caused a whole new set of issues. I wake up and I am standing up sleeping. Cont.
Nov 01Reply
lark1962 The CPS has caused other issues because of being in the central nervous system I have Gastroparesis, Neurogenic Bladder and Complex Sleep Apnea which the testing says I stop breathing 92 times an hour, which I don't even know how this is possible. I get what you are saying about the suicide. It definitely crosses through my mind. I could not do that because of my family, but during the cold of winter it gets so painful. CONT.
Nov 01Reply
lark1962 This is why I sell online. To get my mind so busy I may have a second to focus on something else. I would imagine you have a lot of sleep, better stated, non-sleep issues because of the pain. I have to get so exhausted to be able to sleep. It is a vicious cycle, isn't it. What Dr. do you go to. My Dr.(NP more like it) does nothing but fill my pain pump. I need to get to someone who specializes in CRPS.
Nov 01Reply
lark1962 I live in Indiana but do not mind traveling. My husband is also disabled so keeping up with 6 acres and the house is very difficult, which really gets me down. I hate to keep going on and on, but I know you get it. It is something that only someone else afflicted can understand. I appreciate the ear. We should keep in touch and I promise to be more positive. We need to hold each other up! Take care and gentle hugs! XXX Terri
Nov 01Reply
lightokllc @lark1962 check out bruce lipton and dr joe dispenza on YouTube 🌸🐛🦋
Nov 01Reply
starzelda7 Hi Shelley, Welcome to Poshing! I really admire your positivity and spirit! I can tell you see a wonderous person in your daughter! 💕She sounds extremely talented! 💃 May she continue to be your beacon!🗽I wish you easy sales and happy shopping finds!🛍Come visit soon❣️🤗💖
Nov 04Reply
bamfshades whatup posh fam!
Nov 09Reply
bell1971 @tstaggs1975 Well Thank you but I haven’t gone anywhere. Lol. I’ve been here ♥️🤗♥️🤗💋💋💋
Nov 17Reply
bell1971 @tstaggs1975 Lol. Lol. No harm. It’s okay sweetie. I’m glad your here too ♥️
Nov 17Reply
bamfshades whatup posh fam!
Nov 26Reply
jonathanfbarrow Hi welcome if you see something you like don’t hesitate to let me know
Dec 07Reply
lovefaithgrace Hi Shelley! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving! I thought I’d reach out to you and see if you could help me gain some more followers and whatever else I need to do to become successful here. I too am disabled. Life is a constant struggle for me. I feel your pain darlin. 💔 I would like to participate in more share events too, but I never find out about them until they see full. I play a bunch of the games on here. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you so very much! 💋💋
Dec 08Reply
glitzblitz Just shared 20 of your beautiful items, Happy Holidays! 😀❤️
Dec 08Reply
bamfshades whatup posh fam!
Dec 11Reply
scrapgirl37 @bell1971 Hey Shelley! I came here to ask You a question about the Snowball share and I read Your bio. You got me good, girl!! I’m sorry about ALL You’ve been through, but SO VERY PROUD OF YOU for EVERYTHING You’ve accomplished. I relate to You in many ways. Thank You for sharing and making ppl feel they aren’t alone in their own journey. I am Disabled due to Lupus.
Dec 11Reply
scrapgirl37 @bell1971 I began to Posh abt 2 months ago and it has really helped me. I’m so grateful to all these beautiful women who work together for everyone to be successful. My question is what do we do when ppl are on vacay? I didn’t know what to do for 14. Thanks for Your help! Warrior on!!~Gina
Dec 11Reply
bell1971 @scrapgirl37 Awwww. Sorry to hear about your lupus. My Grandmother also had that. Please know I’m here for you any time you need me 😀 It’s truly a battle everyday. Not only physically but mentally. Very hard. I’m really happy that you participated in my Snowball fight ⛄️ #14 did confirm she was sharing. She didn’t tell me about vacation. So I’m assuming to share her.
Dec 11Reply
bell1971 @scrapgirl37 I hope you enjoyed the event. And hope to do another one soon. Hopefully you will participate ♥️ Remember. I’m here. Personal or Posh ♥️♥️♥️ Ty 😀
Dec 11Reply
scrapgirl37 @bell1971 Ok will do now. Thanks so much! I did enjoy and will participate pretty much always 🥰 I’m here as well!!💙💙
Dec 11Reply
house_of_posh @bell1971 I have to ask to extend my shares a couple more days. I have been in the hospital most of the day trying to get rid of a migraine headache. I have them often but this one hit this morning and knocked me flat. That’s why I only made it through #20. But I will finish my shares as soon as the blurry vision nausea and pain stop.
Dec 12Reply
bell1971 @house_of_posh Awwww. Absolutely!!! Just let me know when you finish hon. Lots of Love and HUGS 🤗♥️🤗
Dec 12Reply
house_of_posh @bell1971 thank you ❤️🥰❤️
Dec 12Reply
bitsys_closetxx Hi Shelley, Thank you for your positivity 🎉the true secret to joy and contentment is finding peace regardless of our circumstances! Without knowing it you were a shining light in my life. Things happen and life changes in that moment... I was in an awful accident and have serious issues as a result. PM has been an amazing place for me because of people like you💕❄️❤️
Dec 13Reply
bell1971 @bitsys_closetxx Aww. Yes. Finding Peace is very important. However I must admit I struggle to stay positive some days. It’s not easy. I’m very sorry to hear about your accident. Your right, life can change in a blink of an eye. The life we had planned is no more. Poshmark has been wonderful for me. So many amazing people like yourself have crossed my path. I’m beyond Thankful 🥰 Always here if you need me xo
Dec 14Reply
bitsys_closetxx 😊 It is challenging to keep positive. I watch/listen to uplifting programs. When I am in a lot of pain I lay on giant ice packs from Amazon,I prop up my laptop and I share/post.My body starts to ease up a little and I feel like I’ve completed something positive. I volunteer a lot at our church in a non-physical capacity that is very rewarding.Maybe these things could help you when you are down!😉😃💕❤️💕
Dec 14Reply
simplysteffy @bell1971 You have the Most Beautiful Green Eyes my Lovely PFF 💖 Mine are Green too, but yours.. wow Gorgeous- xo Steph
Dec 15Reply
house_of_posh @bell1971 I just wanted to stop in and give you a huge thank you for understanding the other day when I needed to extend my shares. I truly love the sisterhood on Poshmark and try my best to be a part of as many events as possible. I do have fibromyalgia with chronic cluster migraines and that’s what hit me that entire week and I just couldn’t function anymore. So I must thank you so much my sweet dear friend❤️🥰
Dec 15Reply
bell1971 @simplysteffy Tysm ♥️♥️♥️ A lot of people tell me that 😀🤗🤗💋💋🤗🤗
Dec 15Reply
bell1971 @house_of_posh No problem at all. Trust me I understand. With having a pain condition myself. I completely understand !!! Your so welcome and Ty for letting me know ♥️♥️♥️💋
Dec 15Reply
gypsybeauty1111 🌟 Happy Holidays, Luv!!! Wishing you a 2020 filled with health, genuine love and peace! 🌟
Dec 21Reply
handmedowndream @bell1971 Omgoodness, what a beautiful young Lady😍 Great job, Momma 🥰 The Lippie post is full and I see this one is comments away from being full as well. You're one popular Lady 😎 I'm all caught up and shared for Dec 29th and 30th. So happy for my Share Besties @sarahbearuhhh and @california_gal for their recent features 💋💄💋💄💋💄💋💄 Smooches XOXO
Dec 31Reply
bitsys_closetxx Hi Shelly, I was sharing and mattdstrib closet is non compliant selling speakers. I wanted to alert you since there is no way to check every item in every winners closet. Make it a great day, Bitsy🌸🌺🌸
Dec 31Reply
bell1971 @bitsys_closetxx Tysm 💖 Yes it is very hard to go through every item. I will send a private message. Thanks 🤦‍♀️💋
Dec 31Reply
bell1971 @handmedowndream Tysm ♥️♥️♥️💋💋💋🥰
Dec 31Reply
fineqfinds Happy New Year and Happy Poshing!!!
Jan 02Reply
bell1971 @finelabels Happy New Year 🎆🎆♥️♥️💄💄💋💋🎉🎉
Jan 02Reply
cocosverobeach Hi Shelley, my name is Ronda and I always like and share items that you tag me in. While promoting a party for lilpumpkin602 I saw a few things and went to purchase but for whatever reason she has me blocked. Maybe you want to let her know so she doesn’t lose a sale?
Jan 03Reply
bell1971 @cocosverobeach I’ll let her know for you ♥️♥️♥️
Jan 03Reply
cocosverobeach @bell1971 thank you 🙏
Jan 03Reply

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