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Updated Sep 20
Updated Sep 20

Pick Size & get 4lb kids OR 7 womens clothes items


US$16 US$1,111


Not for sale

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Women's mystery box 7 pieces, no junk: Most items gently used: NO stains/excessive wear/holes/etc. 2 more kids left (7/8/md girls or MIX) Brands and seasons vary -Women's pick size XS SM or Med or a mix --7/8-Med girl
  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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cocodunno I need 4t girls tights ??
Dec 13Reply
faithpie333 @cocodunno I only have smaller tights, I'm sorry
Dec 27Reply
ljk2778 do you have boys 14/16?
Jan 03Reply
faithpie333 @ljk2778 yes, I have some jeans (Levi and Hawk) a handful of tops, and more. All are either xl (14/16) or 14s or 16s. All are gently used (in great shape)
Jan 04Reply
ljk2778 @faithpie333 can i go ahead and purchase with the boys 14/16, xl. and if you need to fill anything in lg would be ok as well. Thank you in advance.
Jan 04Reply
marily1850 Hi Thank you for posting such a good deal. I’m interested in girls clothing for my daughter. She currently wears 4T and I can use dresses tops and leggings. However, I will take sizes 5 and 6 in all types of clothing. Please let me know if this is possible?
Jan 09Reply
faithpie333 @marily1850 Hi, I do have several items in 4T but it won't add up to 5lbs, so I can get all I can and then supplement in 5s or 6s, does that sound good?
Jan 09Reply
faithpie333 @marily1850 I have some nice 'dressy' pants (non jeans), would you want any of those or will she only do leggings?
Jan 09Reply
marily1850 @faithpie333 Sure, that sounds great! I will let you surprise me! 😬👍🙏
Jan 09Reply
faithpie333 @jennvieira41 @rehferr Hi :) What size(s) are you looking for and what are your type preferences? thanks!
Jan 11Reply
missy4211 Any 12 and 18 month girls
Feb 19Reply
faithpie333 @missy4211 Yes, would you like a mix?
Feb 19Reply
faithpie333 @missy4211 you can let me know ur season preference too, ie no 12month winter items and I'll search to accomodate. Most are multiseasonal though (shirts pants)
Feb 20Reply
faithpie333 @missy4211 I've got the price down to 29 for a couple of days, if youre still interested in 12 and 18mon girls
Feb 21Reply
faithpie333 @rebeccapearl___ Due to the 5lb shipping limit you'll have to purchase them separately (2 shipping charges) let me know if you have any questions about that .Also let me check and get back to you about both 5 and 6.
Feb 25Reply
faithpie333 @rebeccapearl___ I've not got enough 5s (about 1/2 that from eyeballing it), but yes in 6s. However, I do have some smalls which is normally considered 5/6 or XSmall 4/5, I could add the Smalls to what I do have in size 5?
Feb 25Reply
faithpie333 @rebeccapearl___ you'll just purchase this listing 2 separate times/separate transactions (bundling is just for lightweight stuff since 5lbs is PM's max) I dropped the price from 29 to 25 so that you'll save $8 since you have to buy 2 of the $6 shippings (yes they will be shipped separately too). Please purchase at your earliest convenience so I can pop the price back up to $29 after you order. thanks :)
Feb 26Reply
faithpie333 @rebeccapearl___ Hi, are you still interested in the 2 lots? I'm going to put them back up to 29, but if you 'like' the listing, I can still get you $8 off with an offer :)
Feb 27Reply
faithpie333 @rebeccapearl___ I sent an offer to save almost 5 each, but if it's only letting you save that once instead of 2x I'll set up a new listing just for you, please let me know
Mar 01Reply
faithpie333 @rebeccapearl___ Sent the 2nd; again 5 off :)
Mar 01Reply
faithpie333 @rebeccapearl___ I'm so sorry :( I checked and there's mutliple girls, but if its easier on you, you could order 1 girl and i boy and I'll know you're needing Sm/5/6 girls only if that helps?
Mar 02Reply
faithpie333 @rebeccapearl___ sorry its being weird on you. I'm just going to change the price on the whole listing I doubt anyone else will buy it in a day so we'll do that :)
Mar 02Reply
faithpie333 @rebeccapearl___ I'll ship out tomorrow, since you're in a warm climate I have very few items for chilly days like light sweaters (and nothing for cold weather), but most are year-round. Mostly used but some NWT too (including the 2 NWT gift items).
Mar 03Reply
faithpie333 I still have a lot of girl sizes left especially up to 3T and sz 7+. I have some boys, but not a full 5lb of many sizes, but feel free to ask me what I can do in your size(s)
Mar 03Reply
faithpie333 @missy4211 I still have 12 and 18mo and most are all season items (shirts pants )
Mar 03Reply
bjcox Do you have 3t girls clothes and boys 4t
Mar 04Reply
faithpie333 @06webber Hi, I have 3t pants and some long sleeves but not 5lbs worth. Anything else you'd like in 3t or maybe 4t to make it to 5? Im certain I have 5lbs in boys 6 and 7s. If you get both a girl and boy 5lb package I'm happy to give you a discount on price ($4 off each) but you still need to purchase them separately so I have get 2 mail labels from PM (5lb is their max per label).
Mar 04Reply
faithpie333 @bjcox I do have 3t girls (although someone else is also asking for those so FCFS). As for 4t boys, I'm not positive but I'll check, If I dont have a full 5lb would you be interested in maybe some sm/4/5 or 5T too? If you get 2 5lb packages, I'm happy to give you a discount on price ($4 off each).
Mar 04Reply
faithpie333 @06webber Great :) First: please '"like"' this listing now so i can send you a reduced offer. Then after that, I'll drop the price in general and you can buy the 'normal' temp reduced price offer for the second 5lbs (so I can get 2 labels). this should be able to save you 8.80 between the 2 listings :)
Mar 04Reply
faithpie333 @06webber I have someone else asking about 3t girl so I just want to warn FCFS. Also i think I have a 3t spring jacket/windbreaker, would you like that included or not?
Mar 04Reply
faithpie333 @06webber thanks, I sent an offer to you with a total of 5.80 off. Then I changed the listing to another $3 off, so you'll want to buy 1 through my offer and 1 regularly (sorry for any inconvience but I don't offer these discounts to people only buying one, so I do it this way, thanks!
Mar 04Reply
faithpie333 @06webber Sorry for the inconvience it won't let me do another offer on the same item. So I dropped the price down for everyone (but can't dropp shipping this way). So you should just purchase it regularly and I'll modify price back up to normal for others not purchasing more than 1. doing this, you're still saving $8.80 compared to folks that only buy one. Let me know if I didn't explain well, that happens sometimes
Mar 04Reply
kelster77 Size 8/10 H boys?
Mar 04Reply
faithpie333 @bjcox I only have 5lbs of sz4 if you're interested in a coat and snowpants included with others. but winter's over so I'm guessing no?. would you like all the 4t I have (minus coat/pants) and anything marked XS or 4/5, 5t etc to bring it up to 5lbs?
Mar 04Reply
faithpie333 @kelster77 Hi, just to double check, it sounds like by 8/10 you wouldn't want any Med/7/8 or 10/12? if you let me know what's acceptable I'll weight it tup for you :)
Mar 04Reply
faithpie333 @06webber thanks for your patience :) Will you only want 6 6/7 or 7s. I know I'll have some Med/ 7/8s too, but is that too big?
Mar 04Reply
licii55 Do you have size 24 months in boys?
Mar 04Reply
hangingtrends Hi do you have girls size 7/8 summer clothes?
Mar 05Reply
faithpie333 @hangingtrends Hi, I do have some summer 7/8s in girls, but not nearly 5lbs, would you be interested in the year round ones too (basic pants and tops) and have me just exclude winter items (sweaters heavy stuff)?
Mar 05Reply
faithpie333 @licii55 I'm not sure if I have 5lbs in boys 24mo, I'll check in the meantime if I don't would you be willing to have another size included like 2t or 3t to make 5pounds?
Mar 05Reply
hangingtrends I have 3 girls, i was kinda hoping for more Sunmer clothes but I will take leggings and shirt sleeved tops too. The are 7.8and 9 so they basically take 7 8 and 9, whatever you can do summer wise for those 3 sizes would be awesome;)
Mar 05Reply
faithpie333 @kelster77 I do have enough for 5lbs, but most are 8 rather than 10 is that ok? I have one NEW and one Ralph Lauren, but again majority are 8s, just let me know if that works :)
Mar 05Reply
faithpie333 @licii55 I have almost enough 24months, do you mind if I add some either 18m or 2t to bring it to 5lbs?
Mar 05Reply
faithpie333 @missy4211 I can get you those 5 lbs 12 & 18mon clothes, I have year-round stuff (pants, Tshirt) and can exclude winter (or summer) items if you'd like :)
Mar 05Reply
faithpie333 @bjcox I do have 5lbs of general 4t boy now since you probably dont want them, Im not including coat or snow pants. I have some 3t girl but very little, would you be interested in Shoes? If so, what sizes (girl or boy), so that would be 5lb 4t and 5lb mix of anything I mentioned above. I'm giving $8.80 total off if you buy 2 listings. If u only want 1, boys 4t, that's fine too :)
Mar 05Reply
faithpie333 @licii55 I spaced some 24mon I found, so I have 5lbs of that in boys now :)
Mar 05Reply
bjcox @faithpie333 I’m sorry but I’m gonna have to pass thank you so much
Mar 05Reply
faithpie333 @hangingtrends I'm finding summer items in those sizes and while not at 5lbs yet, its still a good amount since these are lightweight items (leggings, tshirts for ex.), Would it be acceptable to be under the 5lb mark? Again you'll get just as many pieces as average
Mar 05Reply
faithpie333 @kelster77 seeing the H now, does that mean only Husky? If so I don't have enough of that in 8 or 10s apologies. But I can stick to elastic waist pants?
Mar 05Reply
hangingtrends @faithpie333 what’s the average amount of pieces
Mar 05Reply
faithpie333 @hangingtrends around 15 but again its also on whats involved so that's why I can't promise x amount. Im still looking, alrdady have almost 15
Mar 05Reply
licii55 @faithpie333 great! Can you send me a offer
Mar 07Reply
faithpie333 @licii55 Did you just want 1 24month lot? Or did you want a 2t as well? I wasn't doing offers unless people were getting at least 10lbs. Its about 9 off for 2 orders. sorry if it wasn't clear, If you're only interested in the 1 though, i just dropped the price so you can save at least something on 1 5lb :)
Mar 07Reply
faithpie333 Licii: actually I found enuf 24mon that the 2nd 5lbs pounds can be almost half 24mon and the rest 2t if you would like
Mar 07Reply
faithpie333 @hangingtrends I had $34 originally but you should be able to use the make offer feature, how about $29?
Mar 08Reply
faithpie333 @licii55 Totally understnad if you only want 1 5lb of 24mon (I can usually get nearly 24 pieces/2 dozen for that small of clothes). You should be able to use the'make offer' feature, how about $29?
Mar 08Reply
kayla_shilling I need size 14/16 spring/summer !
Mar 23Reply
karrie_irvin Do you have Girls 2T spring & summer?
Mar 29Reply
summerrcarlinoo Do you have any 4t boy ?
Mar 29Reply
yochohan Do you have girls size 10-12 and boys size 6-8?
Mar 30Reply
faithpie333 @yochohan I have grl 10-12 for sure, I can check on boys 6-8, not sure if I have 5 lbs of that though. Ill check. If I don't have a full 5# of the boys, you could also get a mix . 5# girls 10-12, and 2nd package as much 6-8 as I have and fill the rest with 10-12girls? I can do also do a discount if you buy 2+ lots, PM does as a percentage, it usually comes out to ~$10 off total.
Mar 30Reply
faithpie333 @bkristen82 Girls or boys? for sure boys, I have 3t but not a lot of 4t girls AND apologies I dont always seem to get emailed when there's a comment
Mar 30Reply
faithpie333 @kayla_shilling I should in both genders if you mean year round (tshirt pants) and summer (shorts tanks). if you mean only summer, I don't think I do. Items can be new but most are gently used:, no stained/torn/missing buttons etc AND apologies I dont always seem to get emailed when there's a comment
Mar 30Reply
faithpie333 @summerrcarlinoo i have some, Ill need to check, might not be a full 5# but I can add some 5s to make it up to 5lbs. if I only say, have 3# 4t and can put bigger sizes in does that work?
Mar 30Reply
faithpie333 @karrie_irvin yes if you mean year round (tshirt pants) and summer (shorts tanks). if you mean ONLY summer, I don't think I do
Mar 30Reply
faithpie333 @bkristen82 Summer only, I don't have 5# of girls 3-4t , I'm sorry
Mar 30Reply
ccrarntzen1991 Hii :) I'm in need of girls 3t bottoms (preferably no jeans) 4t tops, && girls 8/10 was wondering if you have enough to make 5pounds combined?
Mar 31Reply
faithpie333 @ccrarntzen1991 I do have 3t bottoms and 8/10 but I know I'm low on 4t girls, would you be interested in 3t and 8/10 girls?
Mar 31Reply
cristieedwards Could you tell me if you are able to fill an order with size 6 girls mostly skinny jeans and shirts?
Mar 31Reply
faithpie333 @cristieedwards Apologies I don't have inventory big enough to fill that specifically, but thanks for asking
Mar 31Reply
angiec1159 Are you filling summer clothes (shorts, tank tops, etc.) or colder weather (jeans, long sleeve shirts, etc.)?
Mar 31Reply
dianakayee Can you do a mix of girls size 3t 4t & 5t?
Apr 01Reply
faithpie333 @angiec1159 most items are year round (pants, tshirts etc). If you don't want any summer (shorts tanks) or winter (heavy items like sweaters), just double check b4 purchase that I can fulfill with whta i currently have.
Apr 01Reply
faithpie333 @dianakayee I have a good amount of 3t, but low 4t and 5t, so if you're ok with mostly 3t, let me know.
Apr 01Reply
vickiforcier Could you do 5pounds of 4T boys items? I
Apr 01Reply
kayleamschauer Do you have enough 24minth for boys
Apr 02Reply
cwhitty22 Hello do you have 18-24 month summer type clothes?
Apr 02Reply
jenny51094 Hi do you have 2t Shorts for boys like jean shorts and cargo shorts and basketball/ active shorts Also size 3t tanks with graphics on them or even basic basic plain color tanks also button short sleeve tops ? Also looking for 4t Girls Shorts / skirts And 5t tanks and blouses ?
Apr 02Reply
cvmrn2 Do you have 3T girls?
Apr 03Reply
c_sweigart Do you have 5T-6 girls?
Apr 03Reply
melinda_shirley Do you have girls 3t 4t and if you need to fill I could add boys 4t
Apr 03Reply
melinda_shirley Hello I would be interested in girls size 3t summer and fall clothing. I could use girls size 4t anything as well to make the 5lb thank you!
Apr 03Reply
randiizbrand Do you have any 12m to 18m clothing for boys?
Apr 03Reply
ambergilbert Girls sizes 6-8 Boys sizes 9-10
Apr 03Reply
ambergilbert Girl sizes 6-8 Boy sizes 9-10
Apr 03Reply
nurselaura78 Boys 2T still available?
Apr 03Reply
leslierella Do you have 5-6t summer girls clothes available?
Apr 04Reply
obiwankenoshi Do you have boys 24 months still?
Apr 04Reply
meyggo Do you have any infant boys? Like 0-3 and 3-6 Or five girls?
Apr 04Reply
k0ta07 Do you have boys 4T?
Apr 04Reply
faithpie333 @vickiforcier I dont have a full 5# but I do have this at 29
Apr 04Reply
faithpie333 @k0ta07 I dont have a full 5# but I do have this at 29
Apr 04Reply
faithpie333 @meyggo I have infant boys but since those are so lightweight, would you mind up to at least 9months too to get to 5#?
Apr 04Reply
faithpie333 @kayleamschauer I dont have a full 5# but I do have this
Apr 04Reply
faithpie333 @cwhitty22 For boys or girls? I def don't have enough summer only, but I could probably do summer and year round (t shirt jeans etc)
Apr 04Reply
faithpie333 @jenny51094 I'm low on all of those, I'm sorry
Apr 04Reply
faithpie333 @cvmrn2 Yes, but I'm not sure a full 5# since those are lightweight
Apr 04Reply
faithpie333 @c_sweigart litterally just a couple of items in those sizes sorry
Apr 04Reply
faithpie333 @melinda_shirley 3t girls, but not much 4t and I could do it if that includes the 4t boys to get it up to 5#
Apr 04Reply
faithpie333 @randiizbrand not a lot in 12mo but between that and 18mo it woud be closer to 5#, again mostly 18?
Apr 04Reply
faithpie333 i@ambergilbert If you don't mind mostly 7/8, I'm low on 6s. Boys 10s, yes. And I do discounts if you do 2 or more lots so I could fill both. let me know and I'll set up $10 off, Id need to adjust listing
Apr 04Reply
faithpie333 @obiwankenoshi i have this for less
Apr 04Reply
faithpie333 @nurselaura78 Not enough 2t for 5#, any other sizes I could add to make a bundle?
Apr 04Reply
faithpie333 @leslierella Apologies, very low on those
Apr 04Reply
nurselaura78 @faithpie333 maybe 3t boys also, or 7 girls?
Apr 04Reply
meyggo @faithpie333 that’s fine. Or you can mix in some five girls if you have any. I’m not picky! Just have two extremely fast growing kids!!
Apr 04Reply
faithpie333 @meyggo , I think between 0-9/12mo boys sizes I can do this listing for you (pretty sure I have something NWOT in those sizes too). If you order today (I need to go to post office already), I'll throw in a NEW baby toy/item too. I'm super low on girls 5 so I can't promise any of those or promise an even split of boys sizes (I have to find them, I don't have electronic inventory or anything).
Apr 04Reply
ckafeeliah Do u have 0-6 months girl
Apr 04Reply
faithpie333 @ckafeeliah Yes, and I' believe I have at least 1 NEW item in those sizes (rest are gently used) I'm not sure a full 5# since those are lightweight, would you be ok with adding a little bit bigger sizes to get up to 5lbs?
Apr 04Reply
lauravician Do you have enough for 2t?
Apr 04Reply
faithpie333 @ckafeeliah That should work (0-9mon) Like I said I usually have more NEW baby stuff than older kids so I'll make sure to have at least one NEW :)
Apr 04Reply
andrade1428 Leggings and summer clothes size 10 and 12? .. maybe a dress or 2 but my girl is not too much of a dress or skirt
Apr 04Reply
faithpie333 @andrade1428 Summer only (shorts tanks) or summer and yr round (pants and tshirts too). If summer only I don't believe I have 5lbs.
Apr 04Reply
meyggo @faithpie333 all baby boy stuff is perfectly fine. Up to twelve months is fine as well.
Apr 04Reply
meyggo @faithpie333 if you wanna do majority bigger that’s fine as well. I have a lot of 0-3 so if it’s easier to go bigger that’s perfectly fine by me!
Apr 04Reply
faithpie333 @meyggo I can do that and get you the New gift in there for you too, go ahead and order when you're ready :)
Apr 04Reply
faithpie333 @lauravician Girl? yes, boy? you'd need to pick a second size as I dont have a full 5lbs.
Apr 04Reply
ashleyarnold313 Girl cloth. Mixed sizes over 9months.
Apr 04Reply
faithpie333 @ashleyarnold313 I can do that :) Anything over 9mo or including 9mo? And do you want me to have a few sizes as possible like 9mo 12mo and 18mo instead of going over 18 months?
Apr 04Reply
lauravician @faithpie333 girl and 2T and 3T (preferably no pants in 3T)
Apr 04Reply
faithpie333 @lauravician I had 2 others ask about 2t, but no one's bought so far, so whoever purchases first. I could accomodate no 3t pants, but you'll get more 2ts than 3ts then.
Apr 04Reply
lauravician @faithpie333 are they summer/spring clothes?
Apr 05Reply
faithpie333 @lauravician summer only? No, I can't do exclusive, but can do no winter though
Apr 05Reply
mariayvettexx3 Girl 3t 4t Boy 6,7,10,12
Apr 05Reply
mommy91 Any chance 2t or up in girls
Apr 05Reply
d_cardona14 Hi!! Can I have 18-24M up for a baby boy ?
Apr 05Reply
faithpie333 @mariayvettexx3 I could do 3t and 6-7/8 5lb mix. In 10s 12s I can do a full 5lb alone (I offer discounts for mutliple packages)
Apr 05Reply
faithpie333 @mommy91 yes, 2t I could do 5lbs I could also mix in a few 3t if you wish
Apr 05Reply
faithpie333 @d_cardona14 Yes, I can do a mix of those 18-24mo :)
Apr 05Reply
d_cardona14 Yes, can you do 18-24 and add a few winter clothes for 2t and. My baby is using 18 now, so just add according to the weather please. I think I will do it! Do you have any specific brands of cloths ?
Apr 05Reply
ashleyarnold313 @faithpie333 9-18month would be great. Also, ive never bought anything off here b4. So idk what in doing! 🙃
Apr 05Reply
mommy91 @faithpie333 that be great I’ll buy it now
Apr 05Reply
mommy91 Okay I’ll skit now if you can girls 2t and some 3t possibly?
Apr 05Reply
tabithadurnell Can i get 18 month to 2T girls? Season doesn't matter
Apr 06Reply
faithpie333 @ashleyarnold313 you'll just purchase the one listing to get this (its just one $6 ship fee too). They give me a shipping label and I send them off after I gather what you need. Poshmark is awesome, I buy too :)
Apr 06Reply
faithpie333 @tabithadurnell For sure I can do a mix of those sizes, feel free to order whenever :)
Apr 06Reply
faithpie333 @mommy91 Yes, I can put in some 3t too, even mix or more 2t?
Apr 06Reply
faithpie333 @d_cardona14 I can exclude winter 18months, but can't do summer only (there would be all years like pants and Tshirts). I have all kinds of brands, including high end Ralph Lauren, Hanna Andersson, Tommy, etc
Apr 06Reply
natascha_myers I’m a foster parent and a need a mix of boys and girl clothing in sizes 2T for the little girl, 3T and size 4-5 for the boys.
Apr 06Reply
bobbie_775 Do you have girls nb -12 months?
Apr 06Reply
emareywilliams Do you have 3t girls available still? If so, what kinds of items?
Apr 07Reply
faithpie333 @natascha_myers I can def do 2t girls, I have some 3t and 4t not sure about 5t but I always add some of those IF found. I can actually do 10lbs total of these sizes. You'll get $15 off total , but you'll need to buy one, then send me an offer (minus the $15) for the 2nd one and I'll accept
Apr 07Reply
faithpie333 @bobbie_775 I have 12mpo and under for sure, but offhand not sure of amount of each. Is there a certain one you're wanting the most of? or just a split b/t them all? Also, if you're interested in shoes I have Nike sneakers for a girl baby I could throw in there?
Apr 07Reply
faithpie333 @emareywilliams mostly year round (pants and shirts) I can't think of anything offhand that's summer (really cute gymboree skirt but its long so idk if that's considered summer).
Apr 07Reply
inpc07 I need girls size 2T-3T summer clothes.
Apr 07Reply
angelah21284 Can I request a specific mix of items that I need?
Apr 07Reply
faithpie333 @inpc07 If by summer you mean ONLY shorts/ tanks, I can't. but if you're ok with anything non-winter (pants, shirts, etc) I can do that :)
Apr 07Reply
faithpie333 @angelah21284 yes, let me know what sizes and gender you're looking for and I'll let you know if I can fill the order or not. I can usually exlcude seasons if we talk (like this) about it ahead of time (no winter/coats/sweaters) but I can't do really specific requests like summer only (just shorts and tanks). A lot of stuff is year round anyhow (pants, shirts, etc) :)
Apr 07Reply
tabithadurnell I can put my order in Thursday for the 18 month to 2T girls clothes! Sorry I couldn't do it sooner. :(
Apr 07Reply
laburry2016 Do you have boys 2T summer clothes?
Apr 07Reply
faithpie333 @laburry2016 I'm sorry, not 5lbs worth thanks for asking
Apr 07Reply
faithpie333 @tabithadurnell No problem, I understand, I'll look for your order then
Apr 07Reply
lysleee3 Hi do you have 9-12 months baby boy summer clothes?? Thank you
Apr 07Reply
faithpie333 I see you ordered one listing, but I didn't put 2 and 2 together that it was the same person wanting baby AND then a 9-18mon (I got overwhelmed by all the comments from moms this wkd). Those do need to be 2 purchases since 5lbs is the weight limit on Poshmark shipping labels. If you still want 2 of the 5lb lots, ***go ahead and make a $20 offer on the listing for the 2nd 5lb lot***
Apr 08Reply
faithpie333 @ashleyarnold313 If you still want 2 of the 5lb lots, go ahead and make a $20 offer on the listing for the 2nd 5lb lot (had been saying 15 off for 2, but since I confused you as 2 different moms I feel silly, so submit the offer for a few more dollars off. *You might have also changed your mind on getting 2 lots, in which case I'll assume you just want the baby lot for what you've purchased?* Thanks and sorry for any confusion
Apr 08Reply
faithpie333 @lysleee3 I don't have enough of 9-12 in summer or year round to make a 5lb lot, apollogies
Apr 08Reply
ashleylenn3 Do you have 12 months girls?
Apr 08Reply
faithpie333 @ashleylenn3 I should have enough for 5lbs, if I'm short would 9/12month or 18month ones be ok to get it up to 5lb?
Apr 08Reply
faithpie333 @ashleylenn3 I have some baby girl Nike shoes too, what size shoe would work?
Apr 08Reply
ashleylenn3 @faithpie333 9/12 months would be fine too.
Apr 08Reply
faithpie333 @ashleylenn3 Great, go ahead and order whenever you're ready :)
Apr 08Reply
brittneykoester I need size 10/12 for girls a summer mix can you do that
Apr 08Reply
bartumas13 I need a size 3t girls how do I order that
Apr 08Reply
faithpie333 @brittneykoester I can do 10/12 summer (tanks etc) and year round (reg. tops pants), excluding anything winter. I'm not able to do just summer though. Does that work?
Apr 08Reply
faithpie333 @bartumas13 yes I have 3t girls clothes and some sz 11 11.5 12 shoes too (if one of those sizes work), so you can just order this listing whenever you're ready (And just reply here if any of those shoe sizes work)
Apr 08Reply
faithpie333 @kayleamschauer I do have enough 24mon boys now if you're still interested
Apr 09Reply
faithpie333 @yochohan I should have enough in 6-8 boys now to make a lot for you (and def have enough 10-12 girls) if you're still interested
Apr 09Reply
faithpie333 @angiec1159 Hi, what sizes were you looking for? And again if you want, winter I can accomodate that with most sizes, but not all so just let me know what ur looking for :)
Apr 09Reply
faithpie333 @kelster77 I do have boys in 8 to 10 if you're still interested
Apr 09Reply
faithpie333 @kayla_shilling I do have enough 14/16 in either gender to make a lot with mostly year round (tops, pants) and I can exclude any winter items (heavy sweaters)
Apr 09Reply
faithpie333 @cwhitty22 I do have enough in boys or girls to make you a lot of summer, and year round (tops, pants) and I can exclude any winter items (ex. sweaters),
Apr 09Reply
faithpie333 @melinda_shirley If you're still interested I can do 5lbs of girls 3t and boys 4t mix?
Apr 09Reply
faithpie333 @randiizbrand If youre still interested, I can do a 12 - 18mon lot and can include a (either new or very gently used) age appropriate toy with the lot
Apr 09Reply
faithpie333 @nurselaura78 it seems I missed your latest comment, my apologies! Yes I can do a 5lb lot of boys 2-3t and girls 7 if youre still interested
Apr 09Reply
faithpie333 @lauravician I could do 2t accomodate no 3t pants and exclude any winter items for you if you're still interested?
Apr 09Reply
faithpie333 @mariayvettexx3 I could do 3t girl and 6-7/8 boys 5lb mix. In 10 12 I can do a full 5lb alone, you can go ahead and purchase a listing, then after that, you can make me an offer for just $20, instead of full amount, for 2nd purchase since I do discounts for 2+ purchases
Apr 09Reply
faithpie333 @d_cardona14 I noticed today that I have a Tommy Hilfiger 2t green & white polo :) I can still do 18month excluding any winter, 24 months and little bit of 2t (if I have other great brands I can add them in too, just not sure all of what I have in each brankd)
Apr 09Reply
faithpie333 @natascha_myers If youre still interested I can do 2t girls, I have some boys 3t and 4s, not sure about 5t/Smalls, but I always add some of those IF found. I can actually do a mix of 5lbs or I can do 10lbs total of these sizes. I have a sale right now for 2 purchases (10lbs total) You'll get $20 off total , but you'll need to buy one, then send me an offer (subtract $20 off of price) for the 2nd one and I'll accept
Apr 09Reply
faithpie333 @bobbie_775 I can also throw in New NWT baby accessories (I know I have headbands, but I think there's other girl age appropriate access. that are New items too!)
Apr 09Reply
natascha_myers Faithpie33 yes, I am still interested; however, I’ve never done anything like this and am unsure of what is an appropriate offer.
Apr 09Reply
natascha_myers Faithpie333 if I made an offer of $65 would that be to low?
Apr 09Reply
faithpie333 @natascha_myers for 10lbs I assume .. yes that's fine.. poshmarks shipping maxes out at 5lbs though, so you do need to make 2 purchases so I can have 2 shipping labels (sorry I know that's inconvenient). I suggest buying one then doing the 'make offer' on 2nd for a discount, but you can do 'make offer' on both and spread the discount between the 2 purchases, whatever you prefer. Also did you want a 5lbs 2t girls and the other 5lb be the 3-4t (5s too if I can find) boys?
Apr 09Reply
faithpie333 @natascha_myers If you don't see the 'make offer' button on the listing or have other troubles, let me know and I'll set up special listings for you :)
Apr 09Reply
sraynes1 Do you have girls sz 18 and 24 months ?
Apr 09Reply
sraynes1 Im looking for jeans and long sleev / tshirts.
Apr 09Reply
faithpie333 @sraynes1 I have lots of 24mo that are year round like pants and tops (I'm assuming your wanting me to not send any summer stuff). I have some 18mo but not nearly as much, if you'd be ok with it, I can give you a mix with mostly 24 (and no summer 24mo). Will that work?
Apr 09Reply
cowgirlziggy I’m looking for summer clothes in girls size 6t and 10-12 As well as boys summer clothes size 8 and 14/16. If you have enough Ide be intreated I two bundles a boy and a girls bundle.
Apr 09Reply
ashleyarnold313 Thats also why i asked how i do this bc i was confused with the way it was listed.
Apr 09Reply
faithpie333 @cowgirlziggy I can do 5lb of10s 12s girls if you can do year round too (no heavy tops or pants, no sweaters etc). If you only want summer as in tanks, shorts,etc only, you'll have to mix it with the boys to make 5lbs . Same for the boys, if you're ok with some year round stuff too... then i could do 5lbs boys and 5lb girl
Apr 09Reply
faithpie333 @cowgirlziggy They both would need to be mostly the bigger sizes, as I'm low on 6s girls and 8 boys, but I'm sure I could get at least 1 of those in. Let me know if you want to just the exclude cold weather stuff, if you get 2 listings/10lbs I'll give you a $15 discount :)
Apr 09Reply
megan10111516 I need size 3 in boys also in girls size 7 size 8 and size 6 and size 24 months
Apr 09Reply
faithpie333 @megan10111516 I have some 3 boys, 7 8 girls, and I'm assuming 24mon was also girls? and yes i have that too, I'm so low on 6 though :( Did you want a 5lb mix of the sizes I do have? Or I could do a 10lb mix and if you get 2 listings/10lbs I'll give you a $15 discount, its up to you :)
Apr 09Reply
sraynes1 @faithpie333 is it possible to see what we r getting before its sent?
Apr 09Reply
faithpie333 @megan10111516 if you just want 5lbs you can order now and I'll fill accordingly. If you're interested in 10lbs I suggest buying one then doing the 'make offer' on 2nd for $15 off discount. or you can do 'make offer' on both and spread the discount between the 2 purchases, that just takes a little longer to approve, whatever you prefer.
Apr 09Reply
faithpie333 @sraynes1 I don't have photos of these, but they will be gently used or sometimes new (most aren't though). 3 of us have sorted through these and already removed any items that have stains/lotta wear/tears/broken elements/etc
Apr 09Reply
jill_pultz Do you have boys 3t
Apr 09Reply
cowgirlziggy @faithpie333 anything besides heavy winter would be fine. Like no jackets, sweaters or sweatpants. Blue jeans, leggings , dresses and such the lighter stuff would be fine.
Apr 10Reply
cowgirlziggy How do I order?
Apr 10Reply
faithpie333 @cowgirlziggy I can do that :) Did you want the 5lb or 10lb then? If just 5lb, go ahead and buy this listing. If you want to buy another 5lbs, then the 2nd time you'll use the 'make an offer' button and offer me $15 less.
Apr 10Reply
jessibilo Interested in 2T and 3T. How many items typically makes 5lbs?
Apr 10Reply
salonne Hello, I have a 5 month old. Is there a pretty good mix of 3-6mo clothes in this?
Apr 10Reply
faithpie333 @jill_pultz I don't think I'd have a full 5lbs, let me see what I do have
Apr 10Reply
faithpie333 @jessibilo Girls or Boys? it's completely dependent on materials, but the smaller the size the more pieces, and 2-3t are small
Apr 10Reply
faithpie333 @salonne Do you have a girl or boy? With baby stuff i do also realize you (for example) might not want any winter items (sweaters and whatnot) but you need to let me know if that's the case so I can see if I have enough to fill the order (same with gender).
Apr 10Reply
gazelle702 I have twin girls 3T got a 5lb package?
Apr 11Reply
bartumas13 @faithpie333 I do not need the shoes just the clothes I will order now for 3t girls thank you
Apr 11Reply
bartumas13 @faithpie333 3t girls no winter please
Apr 11Reply
bartumas13 @faithpie333 I just ordered my name is Elizabeth Pugh thank you so much
Apr 11Reply
khull12404 Hi. I could use summer 24mo- 2T girls clothes.
Apr 11Reply
bartumas13 @faithpie333 actually u can put winter in there too I don’t mind sorry for all the messages
Apr 11Reply
faithpie333 @gazelle702 I should have enough to make 5lbs yes, but have had others ask for that size so just want to let you know I can't hold, whoever is first purchase gets it
Apr 11Reply
faithpie333 @gazelle702 Sorry I just noticed @bartumas13 ordered my listing, so not enough to make a 2nd 3t 5lb, I could possibly do a 3t-4t though, would you be interested in that?
Apr 11Reply
faithpie333 @khull12404 I don't have enough summer only, but I could do summer and year round (t shirt jeans etc) no winter (heavy sweaters etc) if you're interested in that? Actually I could do 10lbs of those total if you'd like and you'd get $15 off for multiples
Apr 11Reply
gazelle702 @faithpie333 3t-4t would be amazing. The twins need clothes.
Apr 11Reply
faithpie333 @bartumas13 I've found a little less than 4lbs for 3t, visually I thought it would hit the 5lb mark, I apologize it didn't. So I'll cancel the transaction and if you still want the pounds I do have, we can pro-rate the price of the listing. To do that you would need to use the 'make offer' button for $28 dollars and I can get you what I do have in 3t <4lbs, does that work for you? Apologies again for underestimating lbs.
Apr 11Reply
bartumas13 @faithpie333 yes that’s perfect I will put the order in now thank you
Apr 11Reply
bartumas13 @faithpie333 just put it in thank you
Apr 11Reply
faithpie333 @gazelle702 Are they newly in 3t or been there for a while? I'm out now except for a Hanna Andersson 90 (2-3.5 is supposed to be equal). BUT if there's any chance you're still interested in 4ts, I have some good stuff. If youre ok with the rest of the 4t I have, you can hit the 'make an offer' button and offer me like $15 off (it won't add up to 5lbs tho), if you need more than the Hanna ""3t" and 4ts though I completely understand if you're not interested in my $23 proposal. thanks.
Apr 11Reply
gazelle702 @faithpie333 they are 2 1/2 but growing fast. I really need 3t I'll try again another time. Thank you. And it's fun learning how this works
Apr 11Reply
mmolloy619 Hi! Anything is 6/7? Thank you!
Apr 12Reply
dianakayee Would it be possible to do a mix of boys 24m/2t and girls 3t? We’re on a tight budget so I can’t afford two orders but both kids need clothes 🙁 Thank you!
Apr 12Reply
tabithadurnell OK I can put the order in now. Could you pretty please make sure I have outfits and not just shirts and pants that don't go together? Dresses and jackets are great too. 18 month to 2T girls clothes? I'll wait for your reply before I put the order in.
Apr 12Reply
tabithadurnell Oh season doesn't matter for me because I have two girls born in opposite seasons!
Apr 12Reply
cwhitty22 I placed an order and I need girls 18 month,12-18 month as well just not just 12 months.can also take some 24 month but mostly want 18 month.Thank you!!
Apr 12Reply
faithpie333 @dianakayee I have the boys but not 3t girls, would you be ok with some 2t or 4t girls OR just all boys?
Apr 12Reply
faithpie333 @mmolloy619 Girls or boys? I'm low on 6s, but have plenty of 7s for both, so either way would it be ok to be very 7 heavy?
Apr 12Reply
faithpie333 @tabithadurnell I can do some outfits i even have a NWT outfit I know of offhand :) but can't guarantee *only* matching sets. Also I'm low on 18mo is mostly the bigger sizes ok?
Apr 12Reply
faithpie333 @cwhitty22 I have 12mo, *some* 18mo, but not a bunch like I do with 24mo. Is that ok for it to be just a lil 18mo?
Apr 12Reply
shonacrapo Do you have any boys 5T-6?
Apr 12Reply
stephanienurse Hi! I need 3t-4t boys summer clothes, shorts and t shirts!
Apr 12Reply
stephanienurse Boys summer clothes? 3-4t?
Apr 12Reply
faithpie333 @stephanienurse I don't have enough if ONLY summer, but if you're also ok with year round pants, then I do
Apr 12Reply
faithpie333 @shonacrapo A little, not 5# worth even together, would 7s or 4ts also added be ok? if so, then I can do a 5# for you, just let me know :)
Apr 12Reply
shonacrapo @faithpie333 he’s not close to 7’s yet and he’s almost completely outgrown his 4T’s. Lol. If you wouldn’t mind putting girls stuff in there I’m also looking for girls 6’s. If you have any that would make it 5#.
Apr 12Reply
shonacrapo Or maybe boys 24 mos if you don’t want to mix girl and boy clothes together.
Apr 12Reply
card3805 I’m looking for boys and girls 7/8 to 8/10 can I get this with the 5 pounds deal ?? New to this site
Apr 12Reply
card3805 Hello would like mix of boy and girl size 7/8 if I like first shipment I’ll buy more can I get just those sizes in your 5 pounds deal ??
Apr 12Reply
faithpie333 @shonacrapo I understand on the 4s and 7s, but I can put in some 24mo too, sorry i have no girls 6s. So 5lb of 24m, 5-6 is fine, order whenever you're ready :)
Apr 12Reply
faithpie333 @card3805 I can do girls and boys 7/8 mix, it will be more girls though as I don't have a ton of 7/8 boys, but I'll try to make it as even a split btween as possible
Apr 12Reply
faithpie333 @pamelabrownell what sizes and gender are you looking for? I hadn't talked to you before your order so I need to know if I can fill it, thanks :)
Apr 12Reply
tabithadurnell Sure you can do just the bigger sizes if you want!
Apr 12Reply
pamelabrownell @faithpie333 Girls 6 months to 4T. Have two granddaughters.
Apr 12Reply
faithpie333 @pamelabrownell I have all of those sizes except 18mo & 3t and have a few 4t but wanted to to you know about 18 and 3 :)
Apr 12Reply
faithpie333 @tabithadurnell great, thanks I'll get sets in (including that NWT) when I can and the other stuff won't be wild patterns/hard to match with :)
Apr 12Reply
faithpie333 @cwhitty22 Im going to look for more 18mo and should at least be able to do even split of all 3 sizes (and if I do find more 18, I'll happily make it mostly 18, sound good?)
Apr 12Reply
khull12404 @faithpie333 hi sorry I'm slow. I have 4 kids and try to stay off my phone, plus posh was sending tons of notifications so I turned them all off. I had to remember to come back. I'll take just the 5lbs summer and year round items will be perfect!
Apr 12Reply
pamelabrownell @faithpie333 that will be fine and 4T will work
Apr 12Reply
bartumas13 @faithpie333 hey I have not been refunded for the 38 dollars yet do u have any news on that
Apr 12Reply
faithpie333 @bartumas13 it's marked in my orders page as cancelled and the 28 one as active, so I'm not sure, I don't get the $ until after buyer receives their order, so you'll need to ask PM support, hope they can resolve it quickly for you.
Apr 12Reply
faithpie333 @khull12404 No problem at all. you can order the listing whenever you'd like I have you down as a 5lb mix of 24 & 2t no winter stuff :)
Apr 12Reply
bartumas13 @faithpie333 ok awesome thank u
Apr 13Reply
donyellp Do you have any 18 to 24 month boy summer clothes and 12 months he is long
Apr 13Reply
angelah21284 @faithpie333 hi there, I would be looking for 4t girls summer clothing. Shirts, shorts, bathing suit, skorts.
Apr 13Reply
faithpie333 @angelah21284 Sorry, I don't have big enough inventory for 4t summer.
Apr 13Reply
faithpie333 @donyellp you're wanting boy 12 18 and 24month summer? Can it be 'no winter' so that includes jeans tops too (or are you exclusively looking for shorts, tanks etc)? If you can do pants and tops too, let me know as I know I dont have enough to make 5lbs in summer only. thanks!
Apr 13Reply
cwhitty22 @faithpie333 yes that will be fine.
Apr 13Reply
lovemydogminnie Do you have boys size 14 spring/summer stuff
Apr 13Reply
faithpie333 @lovemydogminnie I have 14/16//XL and I can exclude anything winter (sweaters sweats etc) but not sure if it will add up to 5lbs. If not would you be interested in a pro-rated/discount for whatever the lbs are?
Apr 13Reply
angelah21284 How about girls size small or 6T summer stuff? T-shirt, shorts, capris
Apr 13Reply
brianna0914 Would you do a mixture of boys clothing from like 3-9 mos ? Also how would we know seasonally what we would get ?
Apr 14Reply
faithpie333 @angelah21284 Sorry, nothing in that size
Apr 14Reply
faithpie333 @brianna0914 It takes a lot to fill 5lb baby, I can do boys 3mo-12mo with some other age appropriate items. As for seasons, I try to do mostly year round (pants top) but if you know like 'no winter 3mon, etc" let me know :)
Apr 14Reply
faithpie333 @card3805 If you want a more even weight split for genders, I can add a couple boys 10s/lg if that's ok? Up to you :)
Apr 14Reply
faithpie333 @khull12404 I can do 24-2t no winter in a 5lb lot for you, order whenever you're ready :)
Apr 14Reply
faithpie333 @obiwankenoshi I could do 24months if you can take at least one other size too, otherwise, I won't have enough to do 5lbs
Apr 14Reply
faithpie333 @mariayvettexx3 I could do some 4t girls and 6-7/8 10s 12s to do a 5lb mix if youre interested?
Apr 14Reply
faithpie333 @bobbie_775 If you're still interested in baby girl 5lbs, make me an offer :)
Apr 14Reply
faithpie333 @yochohan If you're still interested in 10/12 girl 5lbs, make me an offer :)
Apr 14Reply
faithpie333 @lovemydogminnie I only have a few lbs of 14/16/xl, but one is an Under Armour shirt ( ) and there's levis jeans too. So instead of 38, it would be 29 and you get at least 4 items (not just 1)!
Apr 15Reply
candissmaxwell Do you have boys 4t? Need shoes as well size 8/8.5
Apr 16Reply
kpearson0411 I’m looking for boys 4t and/or girls 5/6
Apr 16Reply
faithpie333 @kpearson0411 Yes to 4t but no on the girls. If you'd like to order boys, you can do so at your convenience, but it's FCFS/no holds
Apr 16Reply
faithpie333 @candissmaxwell Yes to clothes, I dont think any boys shoes that size though. If you'd like to order boys, you can do so at your convenience, but it's FCFS/no holds thanks :)
Apr 16Reply
faithpie333 @d_cardona14 if you're still interested in the boys clothes, I have a 4lb lot for only $32
Apr 16Reply
faithpie333 @ashleylenn3 if you're still interested in the girl 9-12mo, I have this 4lb lot for only $32, we can do an extra $5 off if you use 'make an offer'
Apr 16Reply
faithpie333 @megan10111516 if you're still interested in the clothes, I have a 4lb lot for only $32, again if you order a second lot, you can 'make an offer' of $15 off for that one :)
Apr 16Reply
faithpie333 @jill_pultz I should have 3-4lbs of 3t boys, if you want to make sure its 4lbs I can add a few 4ts in too? or just 3ts with a few bucks off?
Apr 16Reply
faithpie333 @salonne I have enough clothes in baby girl, if boys I can also include age other appropriate items too to get it up to 4lb
Apr 16Reply
faithpie333 @mmolloy619 Boys or girls? I have enough for a boys 6-8 mix or a girls 7/8 mix of 4lbs
Apr 16Reply
faithpie333 @shonacrapo 4lb of 24m, 5-6 is fine, I reduced price :)
Apr 16Reply
faithpie333 @donyellp boy 12 18 and 24month: Can it be 'no winter' so that includes jeans tops too (or are you exclusively looking for shorts, tanks etc)? If you can do pants and tops too, let me know I reduced price :)
Apr 16Reply
raeaiello How's your supply of size 7/8 girls?
Apr 16Reply
faithpie333 @raeaiello I have a good amount of 7/8, I can exclude winter (swaeters, sweats) if you'd like?
Apr 16Reply
grace_armour Do you have enough baby girl (0-18 mo) to fill an order? I’d be open to all seasons. I’m due in September and will need a few winter items as well!
Apr 17Reply
stacks23457 Do you have any clothes in boys 3month -6 month with fox, teepee, bear ive been searching for that type of clothing its so hard to find
Apr 17Reply
faithpie333 @grace_armour Yes, I have plenty of 0-12mon, low on 18month but I could put in a couple 18s if you really want? I can also make sure you get some winter, I'd guess that would be for sz 3-6mo and/or 6-9mo since you're due in Sept?
Apr 17Reply
faithpie333 @ambergilbert I didn't tag you right, so I'm sorrry if you didn't see this the 1st time I posted...If you don't mind mostly 7/8, I'm low on 6s in girls. Boys 10s, yes. And I do discounts if you do 2 or more lots
Apr 17Reply
faithpie333 @mariayvettexx3 I wanted to update from my last msg to you... I'm out of 3t girls but have some 4t and boys 6-7/8 10s 12s I can do too
Apr 17Reply
faithpie333 @stacks23457 I don't have fox or teepee, probably bear items, but not enough for 4lbs.
Apr 17Reply
faithpie333 @raeaiello @ambergilbert @mmolloy619 @hangingtrends @card3805 if you're still interested in girls Med/7/8 I have a Youth Med (8) girls pink long sleeved Under Armour top that I can include in the lot. Sorry, no holds, so first purchaser gets pink top + 4lbs clothes. Also I dropped the price recently too :)
Apr 17Reply
grace_armour That would be perfect! If you could throw in just one or two 18 month items it would be great but not 100% necessary. As for winter I’d rather go a bit big and get the 6-9 or a mix between that and 3-6 if you put more in there. I’m not too picky. I just figure a little bigger is probably better than not big enough. I just put my order in.
Apr 18Reply
faithpie333 @raeaiello @ambergilbert @mmolloy619 @hangingtrends @card3805 Also wanted to clarify that the 1st person gets the UA top, but I do have enough 7/8 for multiple 4lb lots so you're still free to order
Apr 18Reply
faithpie333 @grace_armour Great, I'll add some winter in that range, I assume you want year-round in those sizes too (not exclusively winter per se, like pants and tshirts too)?
Apr 18Reply
grace_armour Yes I definitely want the year round items anywhere from 0-18 months or 0-12. Whatever works out best. This seems like an amazing deal!
Apr 18Reply
gradysm8270 My daughter wears 14/16, and she only likes “girly girl” colors and styles. Would you have enough like that to make a pkg?
Apr 18Reply
faithpie333 @gradysm8270 including very girly/feminine only I won't. BUT there are a couple options: 1. I can make a listing for you with the girly tops I do have (I think there were 6 I have to dbl check, I could make the listing for $25, seem ok?). 2. for this listing, I can also add others things like pants or Women's XS or Small girly/feminine if either of those sizes fit her?
Apr 18Reply
faithpie333 @mrsmbartholomew 24mo yes, I could get maybe 1-2 18mo in there with 24, but so low on girls 18m, would that be acceptable?
Apr 18Reply
faithpie333 @mrsmbartholomew it would need to be a mix, those are low weight/small sizes :)
Apr 18Reply
raeaiello @faithpie333 Last question, about how many items would make the bundle? I'm not really sure how many is in 4lbs. I'm fine with an estimate. I would only want summer clothes though.
Apr 18Reply
gradysm8270 @faithpie333 I will take option 2, please. Thank you so much for accommodating my needs! I’ve never ordered on here before, so what do I do next?
Apr 18Reply
faithpie333 @raeaiello I can do summer and yr round (pants tops) and exclude winter, but can't do summer (like tanks and shorts) only. Its hard to estimate, but if I had to put a minimum # on 7/8s I'd say 12?
Apr 18Reply
faithpie333 @gradysm8270 even though there's multiple pieces, you just order 1 listing. There's a 'buy now' button which I think is with a credit card. And a 'button to pay from a bank or debit card. Either way I'll get a mailing label with tracking so you can see thru Poshmark when it being shipped to you :) For clarfication, 'staples' like pants/jeans in 14/16 and either XS or Sm girly is fine as well as the 14/16 I mentioned above?
Apr 18Reply
gradysm8270 @faithpie333 Yes, that is right. Tighter fit items will fit better in 16 or Small, but looser fit will do fine in 14 or x-small, if you have them that way. Thank you!
Apr 18Reply
gradysm8270 @faithpie333 I got the order placed, but couldn’t see a place to put what size I was ordering, so I hope I did it correctly.
Apr 18Reply
faithpie333 @gradysm8270 youre good :)
Apr 18Reply
sarahbaummft Looking for 9 months and up girls clothes.
Apr 19Reply
arisbergeron I'm having a baby in 7 weeks could I get newborn to like 9 months in my 4lbs of clothes. And how much clothes estimate is in a bag?
Apr 19Reply
faithpie333 @arisbergeron Congrats! Girl or boy? Its hard to make a surefire est due to fabrics and whatnot, but I can usually get 20+ of baby
Apr 19Reply
faithpie333 @sarahbaummft Hi, I'm pretty low on 9mo-12mo, is it ok to have 6-9 month size too? or bigger?
Apr 19Reply
sarahbaummft @faithpie333 bigger. She’s in 6 months now
Apr 19Reply
faithpie333 @sarahbaummft I can do 4lbs if you allow up to 24months, sorry I have so little in baby
Apr 19Reply
mama24_7 Hi I am looking for summer clothes for my boy who wears 18months, shorts, shirts, and rompers. And summer clothes for my daughter she wears 3T, dresses, shirts, shorts and leggings. Have anything available?
Apr 19Reply
faithpie333 @mama24_7 I'm sorry I can't get that specific, I'm just a person out of my house, so a small amount of items, thanks for asking
Apr 19Reply
pbrozzetti I need 12 -14!.. can you that
Apr 19Reply
faithpie333 @pbrozzetti girls or boys
Apr 20Reply
faithpie333 @pbrozzetti Hi, if girls yes, I could do 4lb 12/large-14/XL. Let me know if you have any other questions :)
Apr 21Reply
faithpie333 @arisbergeron I can do a listing with a count of items instead of pounds if you prefer?
Apr 21Reply
faithpie333 @raeaiello I can do 7/8 (including a NWT / new!) summer and yr round (pants tops) and exclude winter clothes
Apr 21Reply
foleysean55 How many items weigh 4lbs? I need girls 7/8. Thx
Apr 24Reply
faithpie333 @foleysean55 I can go a lil over 4lb for these bigger sizes, but PM has a 5lb max including shipping materials.It varies based on materials, size, etc. but I'd say I could get you 10+ items :)
Apr 24Reply
maricicat I need 18m-2t boy T-shirts and shorts
Apr 25Reply
maricicat 18m-2t T-shirts no collar and shorts
Apr 25Reply
yutinglin Hi do you have a lot of designer girls clothing >=2T. Brands like Hanna andersson, mini Borden, Ralph Lauren, etc, basically no children’s place or Carter’s.
Apr 25Reply
faithpie333 @maricicat @yutinglin Thanks for your interest, I can't get that specific though, I'm sorry.
Apr 25Reply
faithpie333 @amcl80 I should have enough, I have a pair of NIKES in 1Y, they're the modern lightweight soles though, so if I can't get to 4lb with 7/8 and shoes would it be ok to add large/10 items?
Apr 27Reply
faithpie333 @yutinglin I do have a listing for designers like that but its a mix, not one size
Apr 27Reply
faithpie333 @maricicat I dropped the price, if you're ok with 18m-2 no winter I can do that, but can't do 4lbs of tshirts and shorts/summer only in such small sizes
Apr 27Reply
faithpie333 @foleysean55 I can include NEW NWT Gymboree shorts or maybe CP, def mall brand like that, if you get the 7/8 girls package this weekend :)
Apr 27Reply
faithpie333 @sarahbaummft Firstly I dropped the price, AND I found some more 12-18m girls so I have enough now 9-18m if you're still interested
Apr 27Reply
faithpie333 @mrsmbartholomew Firstly I dropped the price, AND I found more 18months so I have enough now if you're still interested :)
Apr 27Reply
faithpie333 @raeaiello @ambergilbert @mmolloy619 @hangingtrends @card3805 Firstly I dropped the price, AND I can add a NWT NEW summer item in the 7/8 girls size
Apr 27Reply
faithpie333 @bjcox Firstly I dropped the price, and I do have 4 in boys and at least 1 3t girls I saw, so if you're ok with mostly boys
Apr 27Reply
caiden2010 @faithpie333 do y’all have any boys size 10-12
Apr 27Reply
faithpie333 @caiden2010 I have some, but they are lighter weight stuff so not 4lbs I'd say. I could make you a separate posting with a number of items in lg/10/12?
Apr 27Reply
caiden2010 @faithpie333 okay that would be great. He’s in a 8 now but he grows so fast
Apr 27Reply
faithpie333 @caiden2010 good news I do have enough lg/10/12s to almost make 4lbs, to bring it over I I can put in sz 8 urban pipeline jeans. items year-round (pants and shirts (including some long sleeved!) but NO sweaters/sweatshirts), if that's ok purchase this listing when ready :)
Apr 27Reply
caiden2010 @faithpie333 okay I’m ready
Apr 27Reply
caiden2010 @faithpie333 just ordered thanks so much
Apr 27Reply
faithpie333 @amcl80 Just size 1s for shoes, so with 7/8/med I'll be able to fill the order, go ahead and order the 6-8 and I'll know you don't want any 6s at all, these comments always stay posted for my reference :)
Apr 27Reply
missdeb3 Do you have anything for 3 months to 12 months for a boy
Apr 27Reply
faithpie333 @missdeb3 Yes, most items are year round (pants and tops), I can try to work with seasonal exclusions (no shorts in 3mo for ex.), but I can't guarantee anything. Do you have seasonal preferences?
Apr 27Reply
missdeb3 @faithpie333 Spring and summer clothes 3-9 months
Apr 27Reply
faithpie333 @missdeb3 Yes, I can do year round and summer for <=9months mo (and exclude winter, think sweaters lined pants etc) and some 12mo, again most items are year round (like pants and shirts), order when ready and these comments always stay posted for my reference so I won't forget what works for you :)
Apr 27Reply
faithpie333 @amcl80 after checking, I have enough 7/8/md as of now for at least 4 lbs, so no worries about 10s unless you'd really like them? and I assume you want the Nike shoes? They're not NWT but are in great shape.
Apr 27Reply
marykaylady74 So I get four lbs of o-12 month baby boy clothes for $22 ? Plus shipping and tax of course... do you happen to have any size 8 toddler girls shoes?
Apr 27Reply
gaje8061 I need 4t and 5t boys clothes do you have any
Apr 27Reply
faithpie333 @marykaylady74 yes, you can make a $22 offer with the button, only SOME sizes are on sale and baby is currently. I'm thinking no on the 8 girl shoes, but if I see any I can message you and discuss :)
Apr 27Reply
faithpie333 @amcl80 Next step is you'll order this listing & pick 6-8 boys but again I'll know no 6s :)
Apr 27Reply
marykaylady74 @faithpie333 ok bought ... he’s due in September and we are in Texas so probably no winter stuff if possible! And we’ll be back for more in the winter once we see if he’s a big boy or tiny like dad🤣🤣🤣
Apr 27Reply
faithpie333 @gaje8061 I do have 4t and 5t, let me check weight though
Apr 27Reply
bp973197 Hi! I am interested in fall/ winter 2T clothing for a girl. She is in size 6/7 shoe. Do you have anything for these sizes?
Apr 27Reply
faithpie333 @bp973197 Thanks for the msg, I can't get that specific as I'm just out of my home, a combination of 18m-2t girl is the closest I can get
Apr 27Reply
mommamaddog Can I just do 24months-2T? My little guy doesn’t fit in 18 months anymore 😂
Apr 27Reply
faithpie333 @mommamaddog I'll check to see if I have enough 24-2t :)
Apr 27Reply
llnmrsy Hello any 0-3 month boy items?
Apr 27Reply
crystaleric3233 @faithpie333 do you have boys 6 basketball/sweat (not for winter) pants my son refuses to wear jeans
Apr 28Reply
faithpie333 @llnmrsy I'm extremely low on boys baby, sorry
Apr 28Reply
faithpie333 @crystaleric3233 I dont have anythingthat specific, I'm sorry
Apr 28Reply
faithpie333 @gaje8061 I should be able to get 4lb of 4-5t but I see a lot of lightweight items so if I need to add some 5/6 6s would that be ok? Or if he's still in 3s a couple 3s?
Apr 28Reply
faithpie333 @mommamaddog I checked and dont have 4lbs 24-2t, I'm sorry its been a popular size
Apr 28Reply
faithpie333 @randiizbrand I really dropped the price, AND I found more 18months so I have enough now for 4lbs if you're still interested :)
Apr 28Reply
faithpie333 @lovemydogminnie I have this in XL and I have a couple more 14/16/xl boys items you could do a bundle so you get 25% off and just 1 shipping charge?
Apr 28Reply
helendevoe Any 2T girls?
Apr 28Reply
faithpie333 @helendevoe Just a little bit would you be interested in 24months too or too small?
Apr 28Reply
faithpie333 @helendevoe I'm sorry, not nearly enough to get to 4lbs
Apr 29Reply
faithpie333 @helendevoe The best I could do would be 2t-4t but those 3 are the MOST popular sizes, but I could probably get 4lbs that way?
Apr 29Reply
morissanicole Hi! Do you have swimsuits for twin girls size 6-9 months?
Apr 30Reply
faithpie333 @morissanicole I don't have swimsuits in baby, sorry.
Apr 30Reply
helendevoe @faithpie333 I’ll pass but thanks so much for taking your time to talk!
Apr 30Reply
gaje8061 @faithpie333 yes to the 5/6
Apr 30Reply
faithpie333 @helendevoe I understand, thank you :)
May 01Reply
sephrah What do you have for girls size 6/7, 7/8 and 10/12 and boys sizes 5/6 6/7 and 10/12
May 01Reply
faithpie333 @sephrah girl: I have like 1 6x item left, 7/8 have a good amount and even New/NWT gymboree shorts (8s I think). I have 10/12s left too. enough boys 5/6/7 for 4lbs, but not 10/12s unless you'd like to do a 4lb mix with something else.
May 02Reply
faithpie333 @sephrah If you do 3 4lb lots, you'd get $5 off each via offer button. For example I can do 7/8 girls (1 New item for sure) 10/12 girls and a boys mix (if you want to exclude 8s in boys).
May 02Reply
faithpie333 @sephrah oh and I can pop in some extras, it says 4lbs, but I can add that 6 and some others as Posh lets the packages each get up to 5lbs.
May 02Reply
faithpie333 @sephrah Also if youd like I have Under Armour sneakers (those lighter weight soles) for girls what sizes would you need? No boys shoes sorry. And with girls I have enough variety I could exclude winter items (ex. sweaters) and have some great brands for girls (f21, hollister, justice). can't promise exclusively those brands, just wanted to express that they aren't all walmart-eque brands
May 02Reply
sephrah @faithpie333 size 1 for girls shoes and ok I want to just ask my husband if this is ok to get and then I will be right back to you
May 02Reply
faithpie333 @sephrah I dont have shoes in sizes 1 - 2.5 , I'm sorry.
May 02Reply
joawesome 1. Is this from a smoke free and pet free place? If not what kind of pet was there? 2. Also if I get the baby girl clothes is there a chance there are stains on any of the clothes? 3. Are these cleaned or do I have to clean when I receive them? 4. Can I request 3-6 month up to 12 month? My daughter bottom half are too large for 3 month
May 03Reply
faithpie333 @joawesome Smoke free, but one small dog, they're clean but not all recently (I don't wash them right before mailing). Please read the description regarding the rest, thanks :)
May 03Reply
bkannegieser I need girls size 6x shorts shirt dress
May 03Reply
bkannegieser I need girls size 6/7 shorts shirts an dresses
May 03Reply
kell15 Do you have any 0-3 and 3-6 mo baby girl shorts?
May 03Reply
faithpie333 @kell15 @bkannegieser Sorry most items are year-round (tops, pants etc) I can't get summer only specific
May 04Reply
amberleykaye Any way to get 18month boy no winter or mostly summer?
May 07Reply
faithpie333 @amberleykaye I'm sorry, just small time out of my house so I dont have enough pounds to be specific with season.
May 07Reply
faithpie333 @georgiannawyble @kell15 I have 1 lot of the baby girls left & it includes a Hanna Andersson light purple onsie :) you'll also get free NEW baby headbands.
May 07Reply
faithpie333 @bkannegieser Hi, Update :) I have 1 6x Ralph Lauren dress but the rest of the tops and dresses I have are sz 7, would that be ok to only have 1 or 2 6s in the lot?
May 07Reply
amberleykaye @faithpie333 understandable! About how many items make up 4lbs?
May 07Reply
faithpie333 @amberleykaye Are you just looking for 18m? the only thing I have right now with that size includes smaller baby boys clothes too, you'll get a lot but I know your baby might be too big for <18mo?
May 07Reply
amberleykaye @faithpie333 looking for anything 6mo+
May 07Reply
prettynpink2308 Girls size 7
May 08Reply
faithpie333 @amberleykaye yes I can do 6+ then :) even w/in size, its variable b/c of fabric weights, but I can usually get a good mix of 15
May 08Reply
faithpie333 @prettynpink2308 I should have enough 7s, are 7/8s ok and I should just exclude sz 8s alone? if no 8s, thats what I *know* I have new. So you probably wouldn't get new. I do have a youth medium under armour top for girls which is like a 7/8 :)
May 08Reply
prettynpink2308 @faithpie333 hello a 7 is good I think 7/8 will be ok , 8 would be to big she’s petite
May 08Reply
deloris_pittman looking for girl 9month and 12 month
May 08Reply
faithpie333 @prettynpink2308 I made an option with 'no 8s' just for you so purchase when you'd like, thanks :)
May 08Reply
faithpie333 @deloris_pittman If just 9-12 I won't be able to get a full 4lbs I'm so sorry
May 08Reply
sugarcookieet @faithpie333 looking for summer size 5 t girl
May 10Reply
faithpie333 @sugarcookieet I'm small time not enough stuff to get that specific, sorry.
May 10Reply
faithpie333 @penelopep1997 most are gently used, sometimes I have NWT and I know off the top of my head I have NWT for size 8 girls
May 10Reply
jennmay2982 Hi I am Interested in the girls clothes. I’m expecting my first baby in July 🤰😊. Just curious how this works, I pick the age range I want and you send a four pound bag of clothes for the gender and range?
May 12Reply
faithpie333 @jennmay2982 hi, I'm small I don't have a wide variety. Youll get 3m to 12m and I try to match season, most are pants and tops so year round anyways. But if u want no shorts for 9months for example, I usually can exclude those and still get 4lbs worth. Again it's mostly yr round so it shouldn't be a big difference.
May 12Reply
chelsiesmith515 Do you have any Newborn clothes ?
May 13Reply
justjackie88 I am needing baby girls as small as you have up to 12 months. I will be able to purchase them by the 27th. I just want to see if you have these sizes available.
May 13Reply
jrc071313 Looking for girls 6/7 if at all possible. TIA
May 14Reply
faithpie333 @justjackie88 I have very little under 3-6months, I can give everything I have in those sizes, bt toget to 4lbs I'll need to add bigger baby too
May 14Reply
faithpie333 @jrc071313 I have some girls 6 (including a NWT NEW top) and plenty of 7s so if you don't mind mostly 7s I can do that :)
May 14Reply
jrc071313 @faithpie333 perfect! Can you do the offer or do I need to? Thanks again!
May 14Reply
faithpie333 @jrc071313 Just go ahead and order the 7/8/med and I'll know you want the 6s I have. I can do 7 or 7/8 (a lot of tops say it) but I'll exclude any 8s. Normally you get a free 8 with that but like I noted since you don't want 8s, I'll include the NWT shirt in 6 I do have :)
May 14Reply
jrc071313 @faithpie333 thanks again. Order submitted!
May 14Reply
faithpie333 @nurselaura78 I have more 2t now if you're still interested. Not sure it will equal a full 4lbs since they are small items (want me to add some 3t too get it up to 4lbs if needed?)
May 15Reply
nurselaura78 @faithpie333 that would be great!!! He is 2T now but some 3t already fit (especially shirts) he can do either size so feel free to mix as needed!
May 15Reply
rishawishs18 Looking for baby girl newborn to 6 months and baby boy 18 months to 2T
May 17Reply
faithpie333 @rishawishs18 To get up to 4lbs I have to do up to 12months apologies
May 17Reply
faithpie333 @rishawishs18 apologies, up to 12mo girls, I don't have 18-2t sizes in boys sorry for any confusion
May 17Reply
clotheslove22 Hi what type of stuff would come in a women’s small lot? Approximately how many pieces?
May 19Reply
cmedlen76 The baby boy up to 12 months, what season are the clothes? My cousins baby is due in August and I want to be sure he’ll be able to wear the clothes.
May 19Reply
faithpie333 @clotheslove22 i can make sure to exclude anythung heavy like jeans if you'd like to maximize the amount. Id say I could probably get 9or 10 pieces :)
May 19Reply
faithpie333 @clotheslove22 it would be mostly tops but I can put in lighter weight pants in small
May 19Reply
clotheslove22 @faithpie333 do you have any cute summer dresses? I don’t like anything too revealing or too short, I am in between xs and small. Now sure what would fit best, depends on brands. I am about 5’8” and around 110 lbs. also, what do you have for girl baby clothes? I think she is looking for 12 months and older.
May 19Reply
faithpie333 @cmedlen76 most items are year round but theres sometimes a tank or sweater
May 19Reply
faithpie333 @clotheslove22 most items are year round, but i do know this last lot of baby girl does have a winter item 6months i believe.
May 19Reply
faithpie333 @clotheslove22 I know I have some light dresses, not sure of size offhand. You could do either xs or small? So like 0 to 2 or 0 to 4?
May 19Reply
clotheslove22 @faithpie333 4 is usually pushing it unless it runs small
May 19Reply
clotheslove22 @faithpie333 and yes, small or xs. For the baby clothes, she is looking for 9 months and older. The baby is due in July.
May 19Reply
faithpie333 @clotheslove22 i dont have enough 9 & 12 to make 4lbs, so its 3 to 12 sorry
May 19Reply
clotheslove22 @faithpie333 looking for 9 and up so anything bigger than that up to 18 months would be great
May 19Reply
clotheslove22 I think I’ll stick with the women’s lot for now
May 19Reply
clotheslove22 I am a cardigan enthusiast if you have any. Hoping for some summery stuff! Thank you
May 19Reply
danitourvill180 Hello! I am looking for 3T in boys, shorts and summer shirts.
May 23Reply
faithpie333 @danitourvill180 Hi, I only have 1 package of 3t-4 boys left, so it has different seasons. If I'm remembering right, the 4s were the winter items though.
May 23Reply
danitourvill180 That’s ok! What about 4T? Or was that the 3-4t you are talking about?
May 23Reply
faithpie333 @danitourvill180 yeah its a combo of 3t and 4t 4/sm. I know there's winter pants in 4s but I can throw in a pair 90cm Hanna Andersson black shorts if you'd like? HA says 90 is for 2-3.5 year olds on their site.
May 23Reply
danitourvill180 I’ll wait for you to get more things in :) thank you for replying so fast!
May 23Reply
faithpie333 @danitourvill180 thanks, I'm just doing this out of my home, and am nearing the end of my supply so I won't be getting anything else in, apologies, that's when I went down from original$39 since back then I could customize and now I can't.
May 23Reply
danitourvill180 Oh no worries, thanks so much!
May 23Reply
yooadrianne23 Hey there! Do you still have the Girls 12mo -18mo-24 months lot available?
May 25Reply
faithpie333 @yooadrianne23 yes I do there should be a size/option called that if you can't see it just let me know
May 25Reply
yooadrianne23 @faithpie333 Perfect! Order placed. Thanks a lot.
May 25Reply
jrc071313 Loved the lot you put together for my little girl. Looking for a ladies large/10/ you have any of that??
May 28Reply
faithpie333 @jrc071313 I'm happy you liked it :) Yes, I have large and sz10, not sure if I have any 12 offhand though. Would that be acceptable for Large and sz10 only if I can't find anything in 12s? Adult clothes are all gently used, no junk/worn/stained/etc I donated the 'well loved' a long time ago :)
May 28Reply
faithpie333 @jrc071313 I can make sure to exclude jeans since they're heavy so I can fit in as many items as possible
May 30Reply
jrc071313 Missed your offer. Still interested if available. Ladies large/10 Thanks
Jun 01Reply
faithpie333 @jrc071313 i can make you private offer if you add this listing to a 'bundle' (can be by itself)
Jun 01Reply
ndameus @faithpie333 Hello, I just placed an order for boy's size medium 7/8. I was just wondering what kind of clothing will be included? Thank you.
Jun 02Reply
xioida Do you have girls 3t? Pretty much need everything all seasons.
Jun 02Reply
faithpie333 @ndameus Hi, I'm not home right now so I'll need to dbl check but pretty sure most everything in that boys bundle is year-round. I always have a a mix of tops and bottoms and try to never have a bunch of jeans since those are heavy.
Jun 02Reply
faithpie333 @xioida I have a bundle with 3t-4t girls but its mostly lightweight items, so its less than the standard 4-4.5 lbs. I can check when home but pretty sure it was like 3.5 lbs? I also don't remember anything winter at all, so mostly year-round.
Jun 02Reply
aztinmarie Hi, I want to buy the girls 10/12 large. Really any style of clothing. But not heavy winter clothes. Pants, shorts, leggings, shirts. Whatever you have available. I also want to buy the boys 6. Also everything but winter clothes. Do you have them? If so, when can I order to get them? Thank you.
Jun 03Reply
charmin1980 Will you have any 12/18 month girl soon
Jun 03Reply
faithpie333 @charmin1980 Sorry Im out of toddler girl
Jun 03Reply
faithpie333 @aztinmarie Hi, 10/12 girls doesn't have heavy winter and the boys is 5/6/sm, I don't have enough 6s alone to get to 4lbs. I did see sweatshirt in there but nothing too heavy winter. You can make an offer of a couple bucks off for the boys since I dont have a wider variety if that's acceptable :)
Jun 03Reply
charmin1980 @faithpie333 oh no ok thank you do you have any 10/12 girls
Jun 03Reply
aztinmarie @faithpie333 ok I can take the girls 10/12 and the boys if you have 2 lbs maybe 1/2 off? I’ll buy the girls tonight after work. I’m thinking the boys will be a separate shipping charge, correct?
Jun 03Reply
faithpie333 @aztinmarie girls 10/12/lg no winter I can still do, but boys 5/6 just sold a couple hours ago, Im sorry.
Jun 03Reply
selinaje13 Girls 2t?
Jun 03Reply
ndameus @faithpie333 okay great, thank you!
Jun 04Reply
sorayagalaviz1 Do you have any janie and jack for girls in any size?
Jun 04Reply
faithpie333 @sorayagalaviz1 Sorry no J&J girls
Jun 04Reply
faithpie333 @selinaje13 None left, sorry
Jun 04Reply
erinnice Looking for baby girl clothes fall/winter. Sizes 3/6, 6, and 6-9 month sizes
Jun 05Reply
kcraddock18 Do you have any 3-6 month girl shorts?
Jun 05Reply
kristaleigh2 Do you have any baby girl sizes available?
Jun 05Reply
faithpie333 @erinnice @kristaleigh2 yes ladies I have baby girl clothes, 3-9mon, mixture of seasons including year-round stuff/non seasonal. Its the only one I have left which is why I've dropped the price so significantly, sorry I didn't catch you earlier when I could tailor to your needs
Jun 06Reply
hgolab7698 Do you have 10-12 boys or 3-6 month girls
Jun 06Reply
faithpie333 @hgolab7698 I have baby girl clothes, 3-9mon, mixture of seasons including year-round stuff/non seasonal. No boys 10/12 though.
Jun 06Reply
erinnice @faithpie333 what price drop are you offering for the 3-9 month clothes? I definitely need fall and winter 😊
Jun 07Reply
faithpie333 @erinnice The original price of these packages were 39 and are now 20, this is because I don't have much left, so I can't customize seasons like I used to.
Jun 07Reply
jnbrown404 I need girl and boy 6-12 month for fall. Have anything left?
Jun 07Reply
kristaleigh2 @faithpie333 how do I buy the baby girl clothes bag?
Jun 07Reply
faithpie333 @jnbrown404 I have a boy 3-12mo I believe the range is, but its a mix of seasons, its my only one left
Jun 07Reply
faithpie333 @kristaleigh2 when you click to buy listing it will give you size selection option, the only baby girl left is the one that says "baby girl <12 Gap....." thanks :)
Jun 07Reply
faithpie333 @jnbrown404 forgot to note, baby boy's not a full 4lbs like the bigger sizes are, but has some new and top brand items. The baby girls is also a mix of seasons and is my only one left as well. Its just under 4lbs, so bigger than boys lot. if you want to buy both, feel free to make offers on the 2 purchases ($5 off each if you buy both sound good?). Please note I've been asked by a few people this week about the girls so that one could possibly be sold by the time you get this message
Jun 07Reply
jnbrown404 Hi there I tried to give you 2 offers of $15 but it won’t accept the 2nd one
Jun 07Reply
jnbrown404 I’d like to buy both the girls and boys
Jun 07Reply
faithpie333 @jnbrown404 I think that's because the girls just sold, I'm so sorry. As for the boys, I'll still do $15 if you want to make an offer again. All apologies for the inconvenience
Jun 07Reply
pinklvd_bag Do you have girls 12 months and 3T?
Jun 07Reply
faithpie333 @pinklvd_bag no I only have left what's in the description, sorry
Jun 08Reply
hshel85 My daughter is currently in carters 12m clothes. Do you have a bundle for that size, or the next size up?
Jun 08Reply
rayven2244 Do you have any newborn girls
Jun 08Reply
faithpie333 @hshel85 @rayven2244 I'm sorry, I dont, I only have left what's in as options noted at the top of listing
Jun 08Reply
charmin1980 When would you have more 12/18 month girl
Jun 09Reply
faithpie333 @charmin1980 I'm almost out totally so no more in that size, sorry
Jun 09Reply
kittievonpurr Any size of 12 months and 3t? I have 2 boys
Jun 10Reply
faithpie333 @kittievonpurr the 12mon comes with smaller sizes too so I'm guessing that wont work for you? There's also a 3t-4t one for boys, it's not quite 4lbs though, so I wanted to be upfront (description has details). thanks :)
Jun 10Reply
haileypthomas Any baby boy 18m, 24m, or 2t left?
Jun 10Reply
faithpie333 @haileypthomas baby boy 12&under, I'm sorry, I dont have anything 18-2t , I only have left what's in as options noted at the top of listing
Jun 10Reply
smittennikki How many pieces do u think is in four lbs of girls 7/8?
Jun 11Reply
faithpie333 @smittennikki All 7/8/md comes with 1 NEW gymboree item. I could probably get 10+ items in. I can make sure to exclude jeans since they're so heavy if you'd like? just let me know :)
Jun 11Reply
summerlynn587 I’m confused? So do u have 3-6 months baby boy
Jun 11Reply
faithpie333 @summerlynn587 I have a baby boy lot which would include 3-6mo but isn't aLL 3-6
Jun 12Reply
jennaferady Looking for 24 -2t girls clothes.
Jun 12Reply
faithpie333 @jennaferady I'm sorry, I dont, I only have left what's in as options noted at the top of listing/description
Jun 12Reply
carey1978 3t girls?
Jun 17Reply
faithpie333 @carey1978 I'm sorry, I dont, I only have left what's in as options noted at the top of listing/description
Jun 17Reply
amanda1109 Girls 12 to 18 months?
Jun 21Reply
amanda1109 I need girls 12 to 24 months
Jun 23Reply
jenniferfort What do you have in size 8 for boys?
Jun 23Reply
faithpie333 @jenniferfort its a 7/8/med lot, it has a Puffer vest 7/8 NWOT & most of the rest are year-round (non seasonal) clothes
Jun 23Reply
faithpie333 @amanda1109 I'm sorry, I dont, I only have left what's in as options noted at the top of listing/description
Jun 23Reply
tashonpay @faithpie333 hi there, do you still have baby boy 3/6 and 6-9 and if so what items and brand thanks
Jun 23Reply
faithpie333 @tashonpay yes but its not 4lbs (a little under 3 if I remember right). there are 2 NWT items and rest are used....There's a couple high end brands, mall brands, but also box store brands. Tops and bottoms, yr round and summer (maybe winter, but I don't think so off my head).
Jun 23Reply
tashonpay @faithpie333 ok so what do I select and since I a less than 4lbs can I submit an offer
Jun 23Reply
tashonpay I submitted an offer
Jun 23Reply
angie26 Do you still have baby girl available? I am looking for 6-12 month clothes. Thanks
Jun 23Reply
tashonpay Hi there I sent you a message
Jun 24Reply
brittany_yerkes I need girls hudge summer winter fall spring lot. Sizes are 8-12. Shes a girly girl loves sparkle dresses rompers. Disney princess. My son is 4t need hudge boy lot summer winter fall loves scooby doo. Super heros batman. Mickey mouse. Needs bathing suit shorts. Tank tops. Loves anything with sports. Trouble maker is his lego. Message me.
Jun 24Reply
faithpie333 @brittany_yerkes there are only a couple of lots left, it does include girls 7/8/md or 10/l or 10-12/l but I can't customize, not enough items, also no 4t boys lot at all :(
Jun 25Reply
faithpie333 @tashonpay I'm so sorry, I haven't been on PM since Sunday, sorry for missing your messages. if you want to bid 13 again I'll accept that, I feel bad for not getting on yesterday.
Jun 25Reply
faithpie333 @angie26 all out of baby girl, sorry
Jun 25Reply
tashonpay @faithpie333 thanks for responding and accepting
Jun 25Reply
magicceramics Any baby boy stuff between 3 and 12 months?
Jun 28Reply
roberta19 I’m looking for girls size 10/12 summer and possible fall what kind of items would I see in your bundles
Jun 28Reply
kyliekitty Hi! I offered 15 dollars because I'm not sure if my friend will like the clothes (it's a birthday present) and I don't want to spend too much and have her be disappointed. Have a great day and please answer soon😄
Jun 28Reply
faithpie333 @kyliekitty Hi, I accidentally had 10/12/lg listed, the bundle I have is actually 12/lg/ and 1 or 2 sz12/14 . I'm so sorry there's no more 10s :( I'll cancel your request but if it's mostly 12/Lgs she's in, feel free to order the bigger size
Jun 28Reply
faithpie333 @roberta19 I don't have any 10s left, I have 1 more bundle of 12/lg and 1 or 2 sz12/14 included. They are not season specific, I know there are mostly year round but idk about winter and summer. The kiddo liked her mall brands so Justice, Forever 21 I saw in there, but I do sometimes get her box brands too.
Jun 28Reply
eclecticjelly Girls size 3t and boys 4t?
Jul 01Reply
faithpie333 @eclecticjelly no, just the sizes listed are left, sorry
Jul 01Reply
marizer Do you have girls 10/12?
Jul 03Reply
faithpie333 @marizer I have a bundle but it's mostly 12s if that works for you?
Jul 03Reply

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