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Updated Nov 12
Updated Nov 12

Meet your Posher, Ashley

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Ashley! I’m a newbie here:) Fashion/shopping has always been so much fun to me!A little about me:After graduating high school I lost 75lbs which gave me an excuse to shop everywhere!I graduated college&a week after graduating social media basically hit me in the face and I do that full time now! If you want to check out my style my IG is: ashley_king17 I’m going to be posting tons of various of size clothing! Very Gently worn!AND a ton of very nice toddler clothes! Let’s be friends❤️
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kimsung Hi Ashley! Welcome to the poshmark family. Thanks for checking out my closet☺
Nov 12Reply
moraljapr Hi Ashley! Welcome to Poshmark! Thank you for stopping by!
Nov 12Reply
bbargains3 Hello and Welcome to Poshmark....Just wanna say best wishes and happy shopping 🛍 .. Hope ( Beautiful Bargains )
Nov 12Reply
taylor3998 Welcome to Poshmark, I'm a newbie too. Hope you get a chance to check out my closet. Happy Poshing!
Nov 12Reply
kjeffries68 Hi, Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you enjoy it here. Let me know if you need any help with anything. KJ 🙂
Nov 12Reply
shopper411411 Welcome to Poshmark! Feel free to visit my closet and ask any questions. Happy Poshing!
Nov 12Reply
bitofanedge Welcome! Lots of helpful folks here 🛍Hope you have a great time Poshing (selling or shopping) I'm a Posh Ambassador & Kind folks shared a few tips when I started: 💫List, Share & Follow often💫Bundling=savings for buyers (setting-> My Seller Tools) 💫Interact & communicate w/ your fellow Poshers 💫Share the PoshLove❤ 💫Be accurate/honest in descriptions 💫Show care in your shipping: buyers appreciate it 💫Lastly, HAVE FUN. Whether cleaning out your closets or building a business, enjoy it!🕊
Nov 12Reply
kjs_silvers Hi👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽😀‼️ Thank you for following me. I have some cute items in my closet. Please, take a 👀 look. Thank you💃🏽😀👍🏾👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽‼️ Happy Poshing💃🏽😀👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽‼️
Nov 12Reply
_jewelsboutique Welcome to Posh! 💥 Happy shopping/selling! 🤗
Nov 12Reply
frankiemom @theashleyk Hello! Welcome to Poshmark! Happy poshing!🐚🌺
Nov 12Reply
sandiegosales Happy Poshing 😊!
Nov 12Reply
sjvjrv Hi, welcome to Poshmark. Come check out my closet. If you have any questions just ask. My name is Julie.
Nov 12Reply
etmantoo12 Hello welcome to your Poshmark Journey I hope you enjoy the ride and it will last for a long time I wish you much success if I can assist at anytime please do not hesitate to ask happy poshing dear 😆
Nov 12Reply
thoughts2travel Hi! Thank you for following me. Please feel free to ask any questions about anything on posh! Also please subscribe to my YouTube channel Nenakaylyn for more on fashion and travel advice! Happy poshing. Wishing you many sales! 💕
Nov 13Reply
tiffsepiphs Hi! Welcome to Poshmark 😃 I hope you have great experiences here ☺️ Happy Poshing! 💗
Nov 13Reply
nkcoppin Love your picture girl! So cute!
Nov 13Reply
missmandi42 Welcome to Poshmark!! Let me know if you have any questions and I hope you enjoy this amazing app!! 😁💖🛍
Nov 14Reply
sheisamazing11 Welcome to Poshmark
Nov 14Reply
jkdesigns My name is Jen & I am a Poshmark Ambassador! I want to welcome you! Please feel free to ask me anything Posh! I am here to help YOU. I have my own closet too, full of what I absolutely love to do. I would like to invite you to visit & browse. I offer “Style Tips.” And I like to fuss on my customers! If you find something that speaks to you in my closet, I will offer you a discount too!
Nov 14Reply
poshwithci Welcome to poshmark! I'd love for you to check out my closet and I'm looking forward to seeing yours!
Nov 14Reply
isuzie Welcome to Poshmark 🌺🌺🌺
Nov 15Reply
ldmtreasures Hey I’m Linda, Buying or Selling..... New to Poshmark or Been here awhile..... Best of Luck to you.....💖 And just a little secret..... 💋Jewelry Makes the Outfit💋 And I have something just for you......
Nov 15Reply
l_payne Hi welcome to posh 😀
Nov 15Reply
isleofrose 👗👜👔❤WELCOME! Posh is a great community coming together to support one another. As a Posh Ambassador I am here to answer any questions you may have. If I don't know the answer I'll find it out for you. 👠💍📿 If you plan on listing anything please keep in mind the Prohibited Items on Poshmark. I'll send you something showing them to you. ❤Dispite what you may have already seen for sale on the site Posmark is for: Fashion (clothing, accessories, shoes), jewelry, and unopened unswatched makeup💖
Nov 15Reply
bohoforever15 Hello 🙋🏻‍♀️ Welcome to Poshmark I’m Louise! I hope your posh’in experience weather buying or selling is awesome! There’s a lot of great people here and great deals. 💁🏻‍♀️ I’m one of many Posh ambassadors here if you have any questions feel free to ask I’d be happy to help 😉🌻✌🏼 Remember to Follow ✅ Share ✅ Follow ✅ Share ✅ Repeat ✅ 😉👍🏼Wishing you great success 🌻✌🏼 ☯️💞☮️
Nov 16Reply
marigeepz Hello 🤗 thank you for stopping by and checking out my closet. Please feel free to make any offer on anything you like. Wish you abundance of success and HAPPY HOLIDAYS 🤗
Nov 16Reply
poshgreatfinds_ So pretty 🥰🥰🥰
Nov 16Reply
lacali818 Hi Ashely, Welcome to Poshmark, happy Poshing ♥️
Nov 16Reply
chrisfinds Welcome 2 poshmark, it's a great community, enjoy selling & buying, feel free to ask for help if not sure about something and share share share
Nov 16Reply
tibird Welcome to the wonderful world of Poshmark! As a Poshmark Ambassador, I always urge new users to read all the great information Poshmark has to offer. Especially regarding what items are Poshmark compliant, regardless if you are a buyer or seller. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out:) Best wishes, Ti✨✨💫 Love your photo!
Nov 16Reply
zardiva1 Hi and welcome! 👋😃
Nov 16Reply
jtmissjules 🌸Welcome to Poshmark! 🌸I hope you love it as much as I do! As a Posh Ambassador I’m here to answer any questions you may just let me know. Also - feel free to check out my closet for great deals when you have a chance!
Nov 16Reply
jkez36m Hi Ashley, my name is Angela Welcome to Poshmark
Nov 16Reply
cocovalli 🌸Hi Ashley, congrats on the 75 lbs ! The same thing happened with our daughter, amazing . Have a beautiful weekend!🌸
Nov 16Reply
witchhunt I love your bio. And look forward to seeing all the clothes you post. Welcome.
Nov 17Reply
thelivabug Welcome to Poshmark! I’m a Posh Ambassador & My name is Brenda. A few tips for success on Posh—-Follow, Follow, Follow and Share,Share,Share! I’ve found going to someone’s closet that has 10k(+) followers & following their followers gets you followers quicker. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Come visit my closet! Wishing you Great Success!
Nov 17Reply
ewrpmom @theashleyk Hi Ashley & Happy Poshing!!! ⭐️💥🎉 NOW YOU SHARE!!! It's especially important since you are selling!!! That's how you grow your closet!!! 😜 I am a Posh Ambassador so ask if you have any questions. 😎
Nov 17Reply
smarketborkid Hi Ashley Welcome to Poshmark, Congratulations You did an awesome job. You looks Stoning, have fun Poshing is very nice place here 👍
Nov 17Reply
castaneda71 Welcome-and congratulation on your new bod and look forward to visit your closet.
Nov 17Reply
covert320 Welcome!!!! I know you will enjoy the wonderful world of Poskmark 😊 Happy Poshing!!! Heather XOXO
Nov 17Reply
covert320 Correction - Poshmark* 🤦‍♀️
Nov 17Reply
designerchic03 Hello welcome to posh mark! I am a posh mark ambassador please let me know if you have any questions :) Thank you for checking out my closet I appreciate it very much :)  Please let me know if there is anything you are interested  always up for offers! Looking forward to taking a look at your closet as well
Nov 18Reply
nursewhite22 Welcome to Poshmark!🤗
Nov 18Reply
lilred528 Hi, welcome to Poshmark
Nov 18Reply
katrn42 Hi Ashley! Welcome to Poshmark! If you have any questions just ask!😍❤️😘
Nov 18Reply
california_gal WELCOME.......🌺 Wishing you lots of sales ! One key element that has worked for me is SHARING your closet and others as often as possible 💰😉💝
Nov 19Reply
cangeles1 Welcome ASHLEY!🤗May u have a Blessed Journey with Poshmark! Please feel free 2 check my closet. Offers r always Welcome. Show ur ❤POSHLOVE❤by SHARING!😇
Nov 19Reply
hdmomto2 Hi Ashley - welcome to Poshmark! I am a Poshmark Ambassador, so if you have any questions please let me know. If I don’t know, I’ll get the answer for you. A great resource is the FAQ you may access from your main closet page. As others have stated, please refrain from posting prohibited items, so your closet remains Poshmark compliant. Share your closet and others and you’ll grow your followers and have more exposure! More exposure = more sales! Have fun and happy poshing! Pam 😊
Nov 19Reply
priceless57 Welcome to Posh 🌹I hope you enjoy this shopping site. It is fun searching for great bargains and deals. Most of all, you will meet great friends. Check out my closet to find great items.
Nov 19Reply
kamikundu Welcome 😘🌺 Everything On Sale 💰 Blow Out Sale Today Only 😮 All Price Are Negotiable ❤️ Make An Offer 🎁
Nov 20Reply
lnwmh Hi! I'm Jael @gumbysworld and welcome to POSHMARK, the ideal Fashionista's Oasis!!  Congrats on joining this amazing platform & great luck to you and your endeavors here! 😉 Whether you are here to shop, or to open your own Posh closet, there is a huge PMA community, including myself, available to help you with whatever questions you may have, so don't hesitate to ask!! Remember share, expand, encourage, WIN and as always Happy Poshing!!
Nov 20Reply
inthewoodz 🙋‍♀️❤🌻🌼🐧❄
Nov 20Reply
emilycrumbo Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! As I am a Posh Ambassador and Suggested Member, feel free ask me any questions you may have and take a look through my closet to get some great deals! Remember to bundle for a discount! Happy Poshing:)
Nov 20Reply
mk_rose_bud Hi Ashely welcome to Poshmark. I’m Donnarose and we’re following each other now. You’ll see I love to share. Thanks for checking out my closet when you get the chance. Meanwhile have a great day. Enjoy Poshing 😍🐬🌹🐳
Nov 20Reply
donnastreasures Hi, my name is Donna. Welcome to Poshmark! If there’s ever anything I can do to help you, please don’t hesitate to ask!😊
Nov 20Reply
hmsimon1 Good evening Ashley. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Nov 20Reply
sinsofcyn 🌲🐂🌲🐾🐾🐾🌲🦃🦃🐾🐾🐾🐾🛍 Happy Thanksgiving Ashley, hope you enjoy family and friends and making memories when you get a chance please take a stroll through my slowly growing closet I am not a techie so this has been terribly hard learning. I'd love to help you out have a great day🛍🌲❄👠🧥👢🐶♥️Cyn
Nov 21Reply
britmyles Welcome to Posh Lady! Can’t wait to see your closet.
Nov 21Reply
ebonnedavis Welcome to the Poshmark Community! I’m also new, 3 weeks in and loving it! The best reselling Community I’ve been part of ever, enjoy, meet, and sell! Have fun and bless someone✨
Nov 22Reply
kimberlyr3333 Good luck Ashley! Congrats in all you do 😀
Nov 23Reply
shan0814 All I want to say is CONGRATULATIONS on your weight loss!!!! Good for you!!! I'm sure you were beautiful before but you look great. Great job
Nov 24Reply
dodger13 Hi, my name is Gina.😊 Welcome to Poshmark. When you get a chance stop by my closet and have a look. ❣ If you have any questions please let me know.🌹 Happy Poshing.😉
Nov 24Reply
tmuller Hi Ashley. I am new to posh too! Great site! Will be checking in soon!
Nov 24Reply
computershoptx Thank you for the follow, and welcome!! Happy Thanksgiving.
Nov 24Reply
rezzydavis Welcome to Poshmark! Enjoy the shopping experience. 🦄💜🦄
Nov 24Reply
danidum Happy Poshing!!!☺️
Nov 25Reply
sapp12 Welcome
Nov 25Reply
jmgd19711989 🌷👖👚👡👜👗👠🌸 Welcome to Poshmark 🌷👖👚👡👜👗🌺
Nov 26Reply
jae1027 Welcome 🧡 I’d love to offer you a discount on anything in my closet!
Nov 27Reply
lemoontea Hi Ashley welcome and thanks for following. 💕
Nov 27Reply
samjam82 Hello Ashley. Welcome to poshmark. Happy Poshing experiences👠👒👢👜
Nov 27Reply
wantbargains Hi, my name is Dorene, and I'd like to welcome you to Poshmark! Thank you for following me! Happy to have you in this fun community! I am a Posh Ambassador so if you have any questions, please let me know! This is a great place to shop, buy, and sell! 🌸👗👠🎒👒👜👟👛🦋💐👢🌹
Nov 27Reply
haute2resale Hi Ashley! Welcome to Poshmark♥️
Nov 27Reply
kolash Welcome to Poshmark
Nov 27Reply
sallyjoyce605 Hi Ashly I’m Sally nice to meet you🌸🎀🌷I’m new to Poshmark 💓 Love the Wonderful people & vibe here...Haven’t figured things out yet but so grateful...Best of Luck🎀🌷🌸 awesome photo!🎀
Nov 29Reply
heatmil Welcome!! Your cover photo is great, very charismatic 😉 HaPpY Poshing!!
Nov 29Reply
faith3524 Welcome to Poshmark. Happy selling and buying 👠👗🎒
Dec 01Reply
twinyy Hi Ashley! I am super excited to welcome you to this amazing network! Here, you can chat, buy & sell! If you decide to revisit my closet, please “like” away, & bundle for more than 1 like. Bundling opens up an opportunity for me to offer you an additional discount, as well as a place for us to chat in private regarding your styling desires. Feel confident in your interactions with me, as I am a Posh Ambassador, Top Rated Seller, Top Seller, Top Sharer & Posh Enthusiast! Blessings! 🍂😍❤️
Dec 03Reply
emilythomason13 Welcome to posh mark I would love for you to check out my closet if you have any questions just let me know I am a ambassador I am moving and trying to sell everything in my closet some of the brands in my closet are pink, American Eagle, Michael Kors, Arie, Calvin Klein, Zara and more I am open to offers I never decline offers I either accept or counter my deal until January 1st is buy two items get one free buy four items get two free and so on and so forth thanks so much-Emily
Dec 05Reply
sgk2925 Thank you for the follow! Feel free to ask me anything at anytime. If I don’t have a size that fits your needs, let me know. I probably have it and haven’t posted it yet. I usually have something for everyone. I will negotiate on anything above $7, and a bundle discount of 2+ for 10%. I hope you like my closet, and I hope to do business with you soon! Happy holidays and happy shopping!❤️
Dec 08Reply
bigfootshoes12 Hi! I am a fellow Posher. I invite you to my FYI page about Poshmark. For newbies and pro poshers! CLICK on my small picture..then CLICK on ‘about’ above my store..then CLICK on ‘meet the posher’ link below the photo...NOW your on my FYI page. It’s full of info. Some info is old and later updated, so read it all. PLEASE do not thank me on that page (go to my closet & use an item)...Hope you find it useful!
Dec 11Reply
eekane Welcome, Happy Poshing 🌹💕🎄
Dec 21Reply
joleencampbell Thanks for following me! I hope you enjoy my closet! You will find I’ve got all sorts of goodies. I’d love to make a deal on; from women’s and me s clothes, maternity, to a huge selection of kids and baby item! Please let me know if you have any questions in general, or if I can assist you in any way! Thanks for taking the time to check out my closet! Happy posting!
Dec 23Reply
greenbaypackers HI Ashley:) Thanks for the follow. Am following you now too. Excited to check out your closet. Love your story & the 75lb. weight loss. That's amazing & wonderful from a shopping perspective as you mentioned, but so much from a health perspective. Great job!!!
Aug 10Reply
greenbaypackers And now from a Posh perspective...If ever interested in anything in my closet, I'm always open to offers & take 20% off bundles of 2 or more items. Hope you have a fantastic rest of your weekend & Happy Poshing!!!
Aug 10Reply
greenbaypackers Ashley your kids clothes are super cute!!!!
Aug 10Reply
kozy_kloset Thanks for following my Closet & Sharing ! 😘💜🛍
Aug 10Reply
darkbeauty720 Hola Adorable LadybuG🌹💐🌺🌸🏵️
Aug 10Reply
sargebill Good morning Ashley, thank you for the follow and congrats on the weight loss too, great job
Aug 13Reply
janfast Hi Ashley! Thanks for following my closet!😊
Aug 14Reply
retroragz22 Cute stuff only if I was younger
Aug 14Reply
ohusoneedthis I saw that u have starting following me so I absolutely follow back. I gave you just a few shares as i’m running want to get the whole effect of your closet too. You are too cute!!!💕☮️💕
Aug 16Reply
grammytata2012 Hello fellow Posher. Nice to meet you. Sending positive vibes. Wishing you the best experience in buying and selling. Happy Poshing! :)
Aug 17Reply
madblk3 💜I appreciate you checking out and/or following my closet😘 I will do the same💐💐🌸share and care💐😇🛍 Happy Poshing☀️😘 💜Be Blessed💜
Aug 18Reply
trosegold Hi Ashley, I'm Tim and I just want to quickly say hi and thank you for following. I'll be sure to check out your closet and share the items that I like 😃. Cheers
Aug 23Reply
djteddytgm Sup ni$$a
Aug 24Reply
amybuck3 Hi there! Love your closet 🥳 you should definitely check out my closet @amybuck3 because I know you will find something you like, maybe even something you L🥰VE! Happy Poshing!
Sep 01Reply
bates12322 Hey Ashley thank you for following me on interested in all the baby things you have I will be buying very soon
Sep 05Reply
dmack410 😍😍😍
Sep 06Reply
mariahgomez16 Thanks for showing our closet some love 💛 My daughter and I appreciate it very much ✨ Happy Poshing😊
Sep 16Reply
bobbett328 Hello🙋‍♀️Thank you so much for stopping by and following my closet 🌺🥰 Happy Poshing 🛍🛍
Sep 18Reply
stuffdiscount 💃🏼💋🥰Hope your day was POSH-ed 🤑🥰
Oct 22Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Nov 26Reply
wapahoe very beautiful lady
Dec 18Reply
muttzjoey yes I'm ready to be friends and take a new step thank you for being patient and understanding M
Dec 26Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Aug 25Reply

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